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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I can't work up the energy to get that excited about Wallace.  She's a proven two-faced "pundit" so when I see her trying to be sneaky I just write it off as being her true nature.  She joined the Whoopi gang of bullies during her tenure on The View.  That said, there  can be the somewhat charming and funny Wallace that shows up on Maddow's show or Real Time this past week.


When I think of McCain mouth pieces that actually bother me and insult my intelligence I think of Nancy Pfotenhauer, what cliff did she fall off?  I haven't seen her since McCain's 2008 campaign or the equally hateful Carly Fiorina, unfortunately, we are stuck with her as a candidate in this campaign.


The irony then being that Fiorina was rumored to jump on the campaign in parts for a possible cabinet position since she had done some initial ground testing to find voters loathed her even back then (well not really even as she was even closer to her corporate debacle) and elected office was not deemed a possible route for more position and power.    And it was purported she wanted the Treasury.  Other than that?  I kid you not.  Labor. 


On a lighter note, who was the female comic who did a bit on the Republican candidates and told her (Fiorina) to put her vagina away, because that was not the only thing Hillary had going for her (i.e. garnering female votes).  I'm saw some blip about it and figured that would get some form of outrage martyrdom on this show and on Fox.  Did Palin's determination to have her picture next to the word 'batshit' in the next edition of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary drown that out?

Joe is kissing Trump's ass so hard these days, if Trump had the leader of ISIS on a stage touting how great he'd be as President, Joe wouldn't say a fucking word.  I really think he & Mika are trying to hitch their wagons to a GOP Presidential nominee, either as campaign consultants or something.  Joe wants to work in the WH so bad he can't stand it. I really think he thinks Trump would choose him as Chief of Staff or Special Counsel to POTUS.  


Remember how they were dry humping Christie til Bridgegate?  Now it's Trump.  They haven't said one bad thing about him. 


I'm so sick of Joe gloating at the pundits who predicted Trump would fade. It's like every single show now where he brings it up and sarcastically asks when Trump's poll numbers are going to drop. We get it, you're Kreskin. It's gotten so that I pretty much only listen because he and Rachel Maddow are the only MSNBC shows with podcasts.


The Morning Joe drinking game would have to include Joe bringing in anecdotes about his own now-irrelevant campaigns, mentioning his brother voting for Trump (bonus if Nicolle mentions her father voting for Trump), Mika trying to bring the show back on track and being ignored, and Joe speaking. very. slowly. to. make. his. point. There's more but I can't think of any right now.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 6

Sorry.  i should have been more clear on Wallace.  What I found interesting in how quiet they all were immediately following was in regards to how they have been all Trump all the time and how great he is and how so many Democrats secretly will vote for him etc.  Wallace as been a big part of that.  Suddenly Trump lets that attention leech of incompetence attach herself to him and this was the time when Wallace should have been able to be pulled out and address it


Cackles has no credibility. She should have pounced on the decision by Trump to let her become a campaign surrogate. Cackles was anti Trump when he announced he was running for President & called him a fool . Cackles is now hiding behind her dad's support for Trump. I would have had more respect for Cackles if she had resigned from the McCain campaign when she realized that Palin was unfit for office.


Joe & Harold Ford Jr got into another fight today over Hillary's emails. I am surprised he is still on the show.

  • Love 5
... I'm not that old and I can well remember when the election process started in the year of the election.  While I do love a clown car pileup that is the joke of every Republican yahoo trying to brand themselves in every way shape and form; from a delusional hope the White House is an actual goal to simply wanting to line their pockets via Fox contributor and putting out the next non-fiction book sold at Sam's Club and gunshows across the nation.  I don't think it serves the democratic process that has even a Presidential election take on such expanse that delivers nothing more of substance.  If not considerably less ...


Ain't that the truth? 1960 is the first election I remember (I was 10) because my parents and their friends were political fiends, and my mom campaigned for JFK. He announced his candidacy on January 2 and Nixon announced his on January 9. Of 1960. There were many other candidates of course and the announcements continued through the spring, with Rockefeller saying in late May that he would accept a draft. So, yes, it is entirely possible to get elected with a short campaign cycle. There oughta be a law. I'm also tired of hearing them called by their previous honorific. Once a senator, always a senator. Or governor, or whatever. Especially, especially, Caribou Barbie being addressed and introduced as Governor when she didn't even complete her first term. That's another law that oughta be.

  • Love 7

Here's the transcript of yesterday's fight between Joe & Harold Ford. Joe called Harold a GD Lawyer.!




Today, they are showing Bernie Sanders popular ad with the music Simon & Garfunkle. Joe, Cackles, & Mika said it was a powerful ad.


The panel was upset that the Clinton campaign said there weren't enough African Americans in the ad & that Black Lives matter.


They introduced Ratner a as future Secretary in a Clinton administration!. Wouldn't Harold Ford Jr become a Secretary as well under Clinton?


Polls show Sanders leading in Iowa.

  • Love 2

They also showed Hillary's new ad.  And discussed that it looks like a general election ad, which it does, but there's nothing wrong with that.


Chuck Todd threw water on the Bernie Love Fest by pointing out that Bernie may get Iowa and New Hampshire, but the bigger states, where they really want to get the nominee that can beat the GOP, will most likely go for Hillary. 

Joe continues to harp on Hillary's past without saying much if anything about that of other candidates. I've never been much of a fan of the Clinton's but the bias on this show is glaring.


If Obama could run for a third term, there would be no question about my vote. There were Republicans that I liked in the past but none in today's world. Bernie's goals are too lofty. I don't see how he will achieve them. I could not believe that Hillary used her own email server and when the story broke thought what she did was just stupid.  However the more they carry on about it, the more I soften a little towards her. I watched much of the Benghazi hearings in October and she impressed me. I've had my reservations but the more the Republicans highlight her actions, the more I learn about her and the more comfortable I am in voting for her.

  • Love 7

Morning Joe recap. Mika got stuck in NYC with her husband during the storm. Joe mocked the weather guy Karins for only predicting 5 inches of snow in NYC. It turned out to be 25 inches. Karins defended himself by saying the radiants were small so some areas north of the city only got 5 inches. Cackles said her son was upset that there was no snow in the part of Connecticut they live in. Joe was in an undisclosed studio. Joe said Trump continues to lead in the polls. Joe bragged that even Nate Silver is coming around to predicting Trump has a 55% chance of winning Iowa. Joe called Silver's methodology witchcraft!. LOL. It's called statistics Joe.


Mika was excited that Trump went to church & stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.


They showed an interview from Politico where Obama is leaning to supporting Hillary.


They replayed clips of Hillary's interview with Chuck Todd. Hillary said the banks were happy to pay her $200K for a 45 minute speech & it was a good conversation. Hillary said she would be tough on Wall Street. Joe found out that the reporting by Haberma at the time said that Hillary didn't blame the banks for the crash & that they would get out of the mess together.


The panel discussed Michael Bloomberg's 3rd party bid for President. He would spend $1billion to run.


Joe said Hillary was a hypocrite to be pro banks during her speeches & actions while in Senate while now saying she will be tough on Wall Street.


Joe said the money she gets buys access to her . Mika & Joe made fun of George Stephanopoulos who had to donate 75K to the Clinton foundation to get an interview with Hillary. George used to work on Bill's campaigns.


Joe said Hillary was oblivious to the political consequences of giving paid speeches to Goldman Sachs in 2013 while knowing she would run for President in 2016.


Walter Isaacon applauded Joe for being right about Trump staying strong in the polls.

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Take a drink!. Joe said his late dad would have voted for Trump. Joe said his dad never voted for crazy GOP candidates. Joe said that Trump took on the Bushes, Carson, & Cruz. Joe said Trump took down Hillary & Bill with his instagram post on Bill Clinton's sex scandals & Hillary's defense of them. The GOP wants somebody who can beat Hillary. Even Sam Stein agreed with Joe that the Clintons have not fought back against Trump on Bill's sexual scandals.


The Des Moines Register endorsed Rubio & Clinton.

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Was Chris Christie on today's show? I just watched a Rachel Maddow show clip of him being condescending to a girl who has relatives in NJ and asked him why he wasn't there helping with the relief efforts and being the petty asshole he is, said: "It's already done. What do you want me to do, get a mop?" I'd like to see a clip of him today on MJ, apparently they were critical of him too and he clapped back. The combined blowhardiness of both him and Joe would probably rip a hole in the space time continuum. Honestly not even sure which one I'd root for.


Damn the daily podcast for only letting me listen to the first hour of each show (but not really).

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 3

I only saw the last hour today but did anyone mention the indictments of the 2 anti-abortion activists in Texas who made the infamous "selling baby parts" videos. The grand jury has also cleared Planned Parenthood of any wrongdoing. Joe ranted and raved when the (highly edited) videos first came out. I hope he now spends the same amount of time explaining that Planned Parenthood did nothing wrong and the activists were the ones breaking the law.


I can't wait until people actually start voting. I'm getting so tired of endless poll watching and analyzing.



Was Chris Christie on today's show? I just watched a Rachel Maddow show clip of him being condescending to a girl who has relatives in NJ and asked him why he wasn't there helping with the relief efforts and being the petty asshole he is, said: "It's already done. What do you want me to do, get a mop?" I'd like to see a clip of him today on MJ, apparently they were critical of him too and he clapped back. The combined blowhardiness of both him and Joe would probably rip a hole in the space time continuum. Honestly not even sure which one I'd root for.


This reminded me of a few years ago when Cory Booker was mayor of Newark and a constituent tweeted that her Dad needed help shoveling. Instead of being an ass like Christie, he gathered a few volunteers and went to shovel the man out himself.  Just now, Booker is on Andrea Mitchell. He is actually at the flooded area right now trying to get the affected residents help.

Edited by ShuFace88
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He's so defensive and classless. He's such a fucking hot, headed bully that he couldn't even get out of his own way and just give the young lady the party line. I mean he could have run down a few specifics of things that he left in place, say that he's in constant communications with his officials. He could have said that things continue to improve and should they stop improving, he can make his way back to NJ as quickly as he did before the storm hit. But no, because Mr, Crispy Cream is not there to serve the people. He thinks the citizens exist to feel lucky that he ran for office at all.

Just put he and his close buddy LePeage over in Maine on raft and ship them out to sea already. The damn thing will luckily sink as soon as those two fools get on it.

The poor girl was shaking a bit while asking the question.

Edited by represent
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There are portions of NJ that (so I've been told) feel as if they got short shrift from Christie and from relief efforts after Superstorm Sandy.  I understood that these were either poor neighborhoods or areas without political/economic clout or areas with elected officials who weren't in Christie's camp.  That could have been what spurred her to ask the question, as she may have been worried that once again her relative's area wouldn't get cleaned up quickly.

Perhaps "fuck you" is sometimes appropriate from a US state governor to a girl asking a question, but is bullying always the right tone?

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There are portions of NJ that (so I've been told) feel as if they got short shrift from Christie and from relief efforts after Superstorm Sandy.  I understood that these were either poor neighborhoods or areas without political/economic clout or areas with elected officials who weren't in Christie's camp.

This sounds about right to me.  Most of these politicians have no soul, they really don't. I suspect they started out with one at one point in time but...


For me, even if she were some kind of plant, just there to piss him off, it doesn't matter. He is supposed to be trying to look presidential. She wasn't cursing at him nor yelling out of turn and even then, a president is to keep calm and security can escort her out.


Trump took your spot Christie as the resident Republican loud, mouth bully in this campaign, let it go.

Edited by represent
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For a very discouraging look at politics as usual in NJ read Matt Katz new book on Christie. One aspect of Sandy relief is that he took funds and rewarded his lackeys and punished those who wouldn't fall in line.

The word in NJ is that despite the awful weather and flooding he won't declare any emergency because he would have to stay here and actually do some work.

I think his NH strategy backfired. The more they saw of him the more they disliked him.

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Let's see if Joe will make any mention - at all - of Rachel's special tonight on the Flint water crisis. I learned about it ?weeks?months? ago from Rachel, and yet neither Joe nor Mika give any credit to her for bringing this horrific story to light. Joe has an obvious, palpable jealousy of Rachel, probably because he thought HE was going to be the anointed MSNBC 'star' until Rachel's intelligence and star power surpassed him. He absolutely cannot deal with that; he almost seems to take his frustration out vicariously on dimwit Mika, who is nothing but his verbal punching bag. Anyway, there's still two and a quarter hours left of this morning's show to see if Rachel gets a heads-up, but I'm not holding my breath. ( And Mika, way to go to "show your worth" about standing up to that bully sitting next to you.)

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I cannot believe how Joe is not just carrying water for Donald Trump, he's an actual spokesperson for Trump.  He just said, "for a presidential candidate to go onto a news network that is openly hostile is stupid.  Stupid.  You'd have to be stupid to do that."

Well, Joe, you fucking asshole, no.. you're mischaracterizing the entire situation with the standard straw men and false equivalencies and wild lies-as-truth.  Nobody was openly hostile.  It's all a cynical ploy to develop a narrative that Trump is a victim and media is biased.

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I can't wait until people actually start voting. I'm getting so tired of endless poll watching and analyzing.


Me either, though the poll watching and analysis continues through the whole process until a month after the November election for post analysis navel gazing.


Nate Silver has Hillary as a lock in IA, I can't wait until Monday night.

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Joe, Bob Dole, Trent Lott and the rest have now shown their true colors.  And it's ugly.

They are openly supporting a white racist .  I hope they're happy.

It's sickening.  To even think that someone like that could represent the United States of America is frightening.

I do wish that organizations like Wounded Warriors, that I respect, would not allow him to do a fund raiser for them and make me now think I'll never be able to watch their commercials and feel the same way about them.

Edited by stormy
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Joe's hatred of Rachel is rivaled only by his absolute white hot hatred of Hillary. His rant this morning about her crowds versus Bernie's was just unwatchable. Just what is his problem with strong, accomplished women? I'm just imagining that both his divorces occurred when each wife finally threw the word "No" in his face. No wonder he's riding the Trump train; they're birds of a feather..or water seeks its own level..or whatever metaphor applies to these two bloviating blowhards. They deserve each other. And the height of hypocrisy is simpering Mika ('Meek'-a) calling her pet project aimed at women "know your worth". She allows herself to be disrespected and verbally pummeled on a daily basis, which speaks volumes about her own sense of self-worth. I havent read any of her books, but from what little I've gathered elsewhere, she wasn't/isn't the brightest bulb on her family tree and is probably accustomed to being put down. ~ Why do I continue to watch this hot mess every morning when it infuriates me so???

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In what universe has Megyn Kelly hostile towards Trump in the previous debate?  Seriously.  This woman asked sincere questions about the horrific way he talks about and treats women.  Sorry sir, if you act like an asshole and get called out for it, that isn't someone attacking you.  He's the one who accused her of having her period which must be why she was so ....something.


God, this man makes me so sick to my stomach and to watch people think he has any business anywhere near the government scares the ever living shit out of me. 

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Joe, Bob Dole, Trent Lott and the rest have now shown their true colors.  And it's ugly.

They are openly supporting a white racist .  I hope they're happy.

It's sickening.  To even think that someone like that could represent the United States of America is frightening.

I do wish that organizations like Wounded Warriors, that I respect, would not allow him to do a fund raiser for them and make me now think I'll never be able to watch their commercials and feel the same way about them.


It's appalling how the media has abrogated their responsibilities and aren't reporting on the blatant racism of Trump's campaign. My god, the guy gets endorsed by white supremacist groups and the media says nothing????  David Duke, the former head of the KKK, is a big supporter and says he's thankful someone like Trump is finally in such a prominent position and he of course agrees with everything Trump says but Trump is more blatant about his beliefs than he is! And there is Joe with his head so far up Trump's ass he'll never see daylight again. It's simply unbelievable. And quite scary.

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shok and eyebleach.....I am totally onboard with everything you both said. And just to return to my initial rant this morning, Joe didn't mention Rachel's Flint water special, did he? I switched away for awhile but I doubt it got mentioned then. Every other MSNBC program has been promoting it. Hell, Rachel was just interviewed about it on air by Kate Snow, plus there was a count-down clock to it in the corner of the screen. That's how important every other newsperson is taking this special tonight. And Joe doesn't make a peep about it. And yeah, Mika, way to give credit to another woman's incredibly important work in bringing this story to the public's attention. I'm sure Rachel knows her worth. What a pair of smug, envious, disingenuous asses.

Edited by Ladyrain
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So Joe and Mika were aghast when Hillary refused to make an appearance on their show. How could she consider herself to be a legitimate presidential contender if she refused to bow before the mighty Morning Joe? All of this after months and months of them taking shit about her, her campaign and her damn emails ON A DAILY BASIS!


Now Trump is refusing to appear in a debate held a legitimate news channel (at least for his party), with a panel of a legitimate news people, because he doesn’t think that they treated him fairly, and Joe says that this is not only justified, but a “show of strength” and “taking a stand”.


I don’t see where Megyn Kelly has been “hostile” either. She asked some tough questions in the first debate, but isn’t that the whole idea of a debate? Was Anderson Cooper being hostile to Hillary? Also how is having Michael Moore as a guest on Fox any more egregious than when Pat Buchannan was a regular contributor on Morning Joe? Joe Scarborough sure loves himself some double standards.

Edited by jazzpno
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Excellent point, jazzpno, regarding Hillary vs. Trump and their respective network appearances, and also kudos for pointing out JoeBlow's nauseating double standard.  May I reiterate my opinion about his abject fear of powerful, successful women.  Which explains his complete dismissal of his simpering white-haired sidekick.  No disrespect to my platinum tressed fellow snarkers; my dear departed mother had the most gorgeous, natural white hair.  Mika's, however, is store-bought and incredibly aging.  Just check out some older videos of her with more of a honey blonde look; she was actually attractive with that color.  She must be channeling Marilyn Monroe or something.  How else to explain it?

Edited by Ladyrain
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It's no wonder Joe is carrying water for Trump, they are misogynists in arms. Joe's smug, sneering, condescending comments about Megyn Kelly were totally uncalled for. He said the only reason she is on the cover of Vanity Fair is because of Trump. Gee Joe, maybe it's because she is a successful woman who has worked very hard and risen up to be the face of a network. Kind of like Rachel Maddow who you can't stand either. I'm not a fan of Megyn Kelly but I do respect how she has not backed down to Trump and that Fox seems to have her back. I'm sure there will be a last minute cave by one side and the ratings for the debate will be "yuuuge", but for now I'm enjoying the snarky insults that Fox has been lobbing at Trump.


I also enjoyed the Nebraska congressman pointing out that Joe and MIka never ask Trump any really tough questions. Yesterday they had an old video of Trump saying that he was pro-choice. Then he came on the show and stated that he is pro-life. The correct follow up to that should have been "when did you change your mind about abortion and what led to that change?"  Instead, Joe and MIka just let Trump babble on like an idiot. Great journalism guys!

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In what universe has Megyn Kelly hostile towards Trump in the previous debate?

Dump is seething that he wasn't able to get Kelly fired, that's the bottom line. 


He wanted to swat her like an insect and be able to destroy her career.


He's as nasty as the Canadian, who he loves to call out as nasty.   I don't find him as frightening as I do the Canadian, but he has an equal dose of nasty in him.


When I can't help but side with Kelly from FoxNews, then something is very, very nasty.

Edited by represent
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Hey Joe. You seem to have a problem with Vanity Fair doing a story on Megyn Kelly and her rise up thru the ranks at Fox.


But no problem with your co anchor posing like a stripper in the same publication. 



Edited by teddysmom
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But no problem with your co anchor posing like a stripper in the same publication.


LOL, know your worth, my ass.


Shit, nothing wrong with bringing the sexy, but I object to the sexy being about Joe. She's got all her sexy going on but she's looking back at him sitting in that chair like he's some kind of irresistible "Don." He's not even looking at her or acknowledging her as an equal.


They are not equals and knowing your worth should be about that my dear Mika.

Edited by represent
  • Love 2
Shit, nothing wrong with bringing the sexy, but I object to the sexy being about Joe. She's got all her sexy going on but she's looking back at him sitting in that chair like he's some kind of irresistible "Don." He's not even looking at her or acknowledging her as an equal.


To each his own but IMO there is nothing sexy about this. It's demeaning for someone who is supposed to be a professional cable news anchor to pose like that. It's doing nothing but illustrating that she feels her worth is only in her appearance and ability to attract men.  


And of course he would sit there gloating like the jackass that he is.  

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To each his own but IMO there is nothing sexy about this. It's demeaning for someone who is supposed to be a professional cable news anchor to pose like that. It's doing nothing but illustrating that she feels her worth is only in her appearance and ability to attract men.


Yeah, I never said it was sexy to me personally, eeew.  But I do think Mika thinks she's bringing the sexy.


The key word is "supposed" and that's the problem. These two and this show isn't really a quality news cable program, IMO.  Sometimes Joe looks like he just rolls out of bed to me and does absolutely no work. All I see them doing is reading the newspapers, with them spread all out over the table. 


My overall problem still stands, the picture from my  perception is about Joe, the man, and her looking to him and looking "sexy" for him.


If I respected these two or MSNBC for keeping these two on as a credible journalist, then yeah, this is definitely not professional. 


But bottom line for me is they aren't credible so...They're becoming a reality show IMO.


And for a reality show, this picture is on target and in "good" company.

Edited by represent
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I'm watching Don Lemon on CNN. He's interviewing Hugh Hewitt, who apparently had Joe on his radio program today. Hewitt asked Joe if he'd be open to being Trump's running mate. Joe said he'd do whatever was best for the country.

I didn't think this election could get any crazier. It just did.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron".

H.L. Mencken

I think we have just about reached that point.

  • Love 8

I'm watching Don Lemon on CNN. He's interviewing Hugh Hewitt, who apparently had Joe on his radio program today. Hewitt asked Joe if he'd be open to being Trump's running mate. Joe said he'd do whatever was best for the country.


I didn't think this election could get any crazier. It just did.


Joe's levels of delusion are astounding. He needs to be locked in room with Rachel Maddow and Zbigniew Brzezinski to bring him back down to earth. Like Trump would pick his irrelevant ass.


Now that I think of it, he's not even relevant enough to be on those pre- and post-election debate panels, Maggiemae is right. They usually trot out Steve Schmidt as the pet conservative for that, or at least they did in 2012. Schmidt is MIA this current cycle.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 4

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron".

H.L. Mencken

I think we have just about reached that point.

Actually, several morons have held the office. George W. Bush, anyone?

  • Love 8

I seriously doubt that Joe would give up the cash or the ability to wax, er, um, bloviate every day about the state of affairs to be Veep.


Joe used to be on MTP a lot during the David Gregory era and then right when Todd started, but I think his appearances have been fewer and farther between.  I might be making this up - but I think he and Rachel almost came to fist to cuffs there once as well - I could just be thinking of the time she literally got out of her seat on Real Time to make the incipient Steve Moore shut the fuck up with his nonsensical blather.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 2

shok and eyebleach.....I am totally onboard with everything you both said. And just to return to my initial rant this morning, Joe didn't mention Rachel's Flint water special, did he? I switched away for awhile but I doubt it got mentioned then. Every other MSNBC program has been promoting it. Hell, Rachel was just interviewed about it on air by Kate Snow, plus there was a count-down clock to it in the corner of the screen. That's how important every other newsperson is taking this special tonight. And Joe doesn't make a peep about it. And yeah, Mika, way to give credit to another woman's incredibly important work in bringing this story to the public's attention. I'm sure Rachel knows her worth. What a pair of smug, envious, disingenuous asses.


They didn't mention it, and that countdown clock was on every other show since Monday morning.  I'm sure Joe didn't allow it.

  • Love 1

He didn't mention Rachel's special today either, did he? I could only tolerate so much of Dumb and Dumber this morning, but I'd bet money that it was not brought up. This three hour block of programming could be so much more than it is, but Joe is incapable of civilized dialogue and Mika has been conditioned to be his punching bag. I am truly embarrassed that she represents herself as a champion of women's rights. And unfortunately there is nothing else to choose from in the way of morning news. I've read that CBS's program is good, but whenever I've checked it out, it didn't seem any better than the rest. I love Norah O'Donnell but Oprah's sidekick really cancels out all the positive.

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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