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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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I think it's interesting that this false equivalency is being offered re Clinton vs Trump.  A woman's husband cheats on her with a twenty four year old skeezy woman (and she was a woman, regardless of the imbalance of power in the 'relationship'), and is less than effusive about said skeezy young woman. And a man cheats on his wives who divorce him so he can marry the next Mrs Trump and there's nothing wrong with that at all, he's just being a guy after all. And the cheated on wife is now being characterized, not as the innocent party in the cheating, but as an 'enabler' of the cheating husband. Not someone loyal who forgave (after I'm sure using him for target practice in private), but as an 'enabler'. So this is Trump's (and the Republican bandwagon's) tactic on this. The party filled to the brim with little women standing by their cheating Republican husbands and ministers is mad that Hillary stood by her husband.  Eff these people.  

  • Love 13

I think it's interesting that this false equivalency is being offered re Clinton vs Trump. A woman's husband cheats on her with a twenty four year old skeezy woman (and she was a woman, regardless of the imbalance of power in the 'relationship'), and is less than effusive about said skeezy young woman. And a man cheats on his wives who divorce him so he can marry the next Mrs Trump and there's nothing wrong with that at all, he's just being a guy after all. And the cheated on wife is now being characterized, not as the innocent party in the cheating, but as an 'enabler' of the cheating husband. Not someone loyal who forgave (after I'm sure using him for target practice in private), but as an 'enabler'. So this is Trump's (and the Republican bandwagon's) tactic on this. The party filled to the brim with little women standing by their cheating Republican husbands and ministers is mad that Hillary stood by her husband. Eff these people.

As my sainted aunt would say, "I wanna thank you!"

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I watched this morning from 6:30 to 7:00.  Imagine my joy; there was no Trump ass-kissing from Joe or Hillary bashing from Mika, nor was there any talk about the Koch brothers being patriots from Willie.  None of the three major assholes were there!  Sure Cackles was there, but to offset her awfulness was Steve Kornacki, Sam Stein and Eugene Robinson.  I kindasorta enjoyed it.

Edited by sugarbaker design
  • Love 6

Why is Cackles hosting when Chris Jansing is more experienced at co hosting? Cackles had to apologize to the viewers several times this week for mispronouncing the words on the teleprompter. It was a good panel today. I like Kasie Hunt. I was in the Caribbean last week & they didn't have MSNBC or Fox so I watched the CNN morning show. That was OK .

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Mika & Joe are back from holidays. Joe is wearing a new suitjacket. Joe bragged that he was right about Trump's strength. Mika was mad that people sent her nasty messages on social media for not supporting Hillary Clinton. Mika mocked Hillary who said that Trump is being used in ISIS videos. The videos are only appearing a week after the debate. Mika & Joe were very happy that Heileman & Halperin's show will air on MSNBC at 6 pm. Mika said she is happy to work at a cool network. Isn't that an insult to Al Sharpton who had his show in the previous timeslot. Mika & Joe said that Bernie Sanders raised almost as much money as Hillary. He can run ads on par with Hillary. Eugene said that he is shocked that Bernie is doing as well as Hillary in terms of fundraising.


Saudi & Iran broke off diplomatic relations. Joe blamed Obama for supporting Iran & not being an honest broker between Sunnis & Shia. Joe said the Saudis are upset at Obama for not supporting Mubarak in 2011. Moyhadien said that Iran believes that the Saudis are fuelling Sunni extremists.

  • Love 1

Mika & Joe are back from holidays. Joe is wearing a new suitjacket. Joe bragged that he was right about Trump's strength. Mika was mad that people sent her nasty messages on social media for not supporting Hillary Clinton. Mika mocked Hillary who said that Trump is being used in ISIS videos. The videos are only appearing a week after the debate. Mika & Joe were very happy that Heileman & Halperin's show will air on MSNBC at 6 pm. Mika said she is happy to work at a cool network. Isn't that an insult to Al Sharpton who had his show in the previous timeslot. Mika & Joe said that Bernie Sanders raised almost as much money as Hillary. He can run ads on par with Hillary. Eugene said that he is shocked that Bernie is doing as well as Hillary in terms of fundraising.


Saudi & Iran broke off diplomatic relations. Joe blamed Obama for supporting Iran & not being an honest broker between Sunnis & Shia. Joe said the Saudis are upset at Obama for not supporting Mubarak in 2011. Moyhadien said that Iran believes that the Saudis are fuelling Sunni extremists.

Al Sharpton deserves what he gets IMO. He owes a lot of money in back taxes and makes himself available for any photo op he can get to. His show has been an embarrassment to the network for a long time. Anyone else the IRS would have thrown them in jail. But, Sharpton and his rhetoric gets a chance.

The new show isn't on MSNBC, it's on Bloomberg.  All Due Respect.  So no, there's been 'replacing' of Sharpton by the new kids.  


I wish I could deal with listening to Mika but she completely ruins everything for me. She is just intolerable. I'd put up with Joe but Mika is a dealbreaker. She is just too stupid. 


I love the new thematic ad Morning Joe has, all black and red.  There's a huge drawing of Trump glaring at his 'audience' in the new ad and it's all black and red and strong lines and god help me but it looks so Nazi to me. Those were the Nazi colors, red and black.  I honestly wonder if the person who put that together did that on purpose.  It's very evocative.  


I wish I could deal with listening to Mika but she completely ruins everything for me. She is just intolerable. I'd put up with Joe but Mika is a dealbreaker. She is just too stupid.

This is true.  But, and it galls me to say, she looks great in a black turtleneck.

Why did Mika mock Hillary?  Hillary was right, Trump's rhetoric would drive recruitment efforts.

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Mika mocked Hillary who said that Trump is being used in ISIS videos. The videos are only appearing a week after the debate.


Okay, this is the type of thing those two do that is subtle but drives me crazy: Hillary NEVER said "Trump is being used in ISIS videos," although that is how Joe and Mika have characterized it, implying that ISIS has created recruiting videos that feature Trump. That is not what Hillary said. She said ISIS is using videos of Trump (videos that exist and are available to anyone with a computer or cell phone) to recruit. Does anyone really doubt that that is going on?


Oh, and Hypocrisy Alert! Over the weekend, Trump claimed that ISIS was using Bill Clinton and his infidelities to recruit...but I didn't see Joe and Mika jumping on the bandwagon to demand evidence of THOSE videos.

  • Love 9

I only heard about 10 minutes of the show today when Joe was bellowing about Nate Silver and he was so bitter about Nate being the golden boy for correctly analyzing the polls in 2012 while Joe has supposedly known better than anyone else in the world that Trump's poll numbers have been right for months. Of course he didn't mention that he was trying to compare apples to oranges in that primaries are totally different from general elections. Nor that he (Joe) came off looking like a fool in 2012 when he was so petulant about Nate schooling him on poll numbers and what was going to happen. Joe is so stupid but of course no one will call him out on his stupidity.

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Al Sharpton deserves what he gets IMO. He owes a lot of money in back taxes and makes himself available for any photo op he can get to. His show has been an embarrassment to the network for a long time. Anyone else the IRS would have thrown them in jail. But, Sharpton and his rhetoric gets a chance


Isn't Sharpton one of the most powerful broadcasters at NBC? I read somewhere that he was instrumental in getting Comcast's purchase of NBC approved by regulators.


Sharpton was able to get the Mayor of Chicago to come back from his Cuban vacation to deal with problems in Chicago.


Mika & Joe frequently have Sharpton on the show to provide commentary about police shootings of African Americans.


I was shocked that Mika & Joe were so effusive with praise of Heilemann & Halperin's show since Sharpton had the same time slot last year.

Mika could win a truck from Barnicle based on a bet she made with him that Trump will win the nomination.

Joe crowed about the polls showing Trump in the lead for the nomination.


Joe said Trump came from Queens &  fought against the manhattan elites to build skycrapers in NYC. He was a little guy that made it big.


Joe & Trump had the same agent. His agent told Trump not to do the apprentice because it would ruin his reputation. Trump fired him. Joe said his agent was from a powerful agency.


Joe said the Clintons are afraid of Donald Trump. Joe mocked the Clintons for not bringing up Bill's behavior with women in workplace settings.


Joe mocked Bill Clinton for being patted on the head at his foundation speeches. Joe said Bill is stuck with being a senior statesman while Trump likes to fight in the mud.


Kristen Solis  said everyone should read the art of the deal to understand his philosophy.


Mika squealed about Trump's strategy of creating conflict, exaggerating accomplishments etc. It sounds like Joe's strategy.

  • Love 2

Mika was wearing a bright red sweater today with a black & white scarf around her neck. Joe was wearing a suit today. I had to stop counting the number of times Mika made a funny face or scrunched her nose at something she didn't like. Mika got mad at Joe for talking about the movie Signs & the 6th sense. Mika didn't like those movies. Joe was baffled by Mr Bremer saying that the USA should support Iran against Saudi Arabia. The plan is to flood Iran with Iranian American expatriates & set up Starbucks & McDonalds  restaurants to defeat the Ayatollah. Joe said the GOP supports Saudi Arabia. Joe said Obama is pro Iran & didn't support the Iranian  freedom movement in 2009.  Joe said Obama told Mubarak he should step down & was happy that the Muslim Brotherhood took over.

Joe got mad at Barnicle for saying the US should support Iran against Saudi Arabia. Joe said the Iran govt sponsors state terror & wants to destroy Israel.


Joe likes to impersonate Carville. Joe mocked reporters for saying the people that attend Trump rallies won't vote for him at the caucuses & primaries.

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Am I the only one that is chuckling at Joe's naked aggression at Nate Silver hidden by carrying the water, once again for Trump?

No you were not.  I laughed during that segment too.


While Mika introduced people this morning at the start of the show, someone was muttering or talking to others in the background. It was really rude and distracting.


Both Mika and Joe seem so excited about their Trump interview this morning as if this is their first interview with him.

I avoided the interview.  Any highlights?


Did any of those hypocrites call out Christie as he was describing all the additional gun laws, medicinal laws, personal privacy laws, etc... he'd like to initiate and implement that currently do not exist?  Because remember he called President Obama a "petulant child." 

(cheap shot: an obese emotional eater calls the leader of the free world a petulant child for trying to save innocent lives.)

  • Love 5
 GAAHH! Why do I do this every morning? The tongue bath of Trump continues with Mika being the primary bather. Evidently she has no clue as to how stupid she looks.


Well at least she was dressed for it. I kept wondering why she was wearing a bath robe. WTF was that blue thing she had on?


I thought Joe was going to pee his pants talking about how Trump was going to win the GOP nomination.   Dude you realize John McCain and Mitt Romney also got the GOP nomination.  Donald Trump isn't going to be elected President. Not even a repeat of Florida 2000 can make that happen. 

  • Love 7

I missed it on MJ but of course MSNBC replayed it in its entirety a couple hours later. Mika asked hardly any questions at all, the only one I really remember her asking was about the Morocco footage pretending to be Mexico in his new ad.

Trump, among other things, doesn't think that Hillary Clinton has the "strength or the stamina" to "take on our enemies." He stopped short of actually saying that's because she's a woman, though. Shockingly, Joe didn't push other than "What do you mean by that?" They also let him lie again about Hillary "lying" during the debate saying how he's in ISIS videos, when that's not what she said.

He calls Cruz's citizenship issues a "concern" and a "problem for the party" now that Cruz is doing better. And that "not too many evangelicals come out of Cuba" which is why he is leading among evangelicals.

He calls Bush a "low energy" person again.

He also thinks that if the U.S. had given just a little bit of help and support to the protesters in Iran in 2009, we could have overthrown the current regime. It sounds like he thinks we should have/could have remade Iran just like we did with Iraq! Wheeeee! Then later in the interview he says that he was very unhappy with the Bush years and that he went into Iraq.

He sounds totally ready to suck Saudi Arabia's c*ck, so that's presidential.

He calls The Art of the Deal "probably the number one best selling business book of all time," um, Dale Carnegie says no.

His c*ck - sorry, his CROWDS - are the biggest by far, much bigger than Bernie Sanders's or anybody else's.

That's about it.

  • Love 3
Joe mocked the Clintons for not bringing up Bill's behavior with women in workplace settings.



Right.  As opposed to bringing up dead interns found in someone's office, eh, Joe?


Meanwhile, he and that simpering idiot--Ms. "Know Your Worth"--will massage Trump's ego all day long if given the opportunity.  This, despite the fact that he is a serial adulterer who discards wives the way some people discard soiled toilet tissue.  Some of us were alive when Trump's first marriage to Ivana imploded and remember the salacious details of the confrontation between her and Trump mistress, Marla Maples, on the ski slopes.  Some of us also remember the long and protracted divorce litigation, as well as Trump taking his sweet time to wife up his mistress who had to actually get pregnant first.


Bill's problems with his loose zipper are well documented and well known by now.  I find it fascinating that Joe, Mika, etc. can't see pass their animosity for the Clintons.  It's gotten to the point where they blame Hillary ("She couldn't keep him satisfied") for Bill's personal failures as a man and a husband.  Or, is it just this particular woman, Hillary, that has them so riled up?  Nor, do I understand why Hillary is being held to a higher standard when it comes to remarks she made about Bill's side piece(s).  Um, as a wife, what the fuck was she supposed to say?  I don't know too many wives who would be so generous to a mistress, or maybe that's just me?


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Joe so desperately wanted Trump to agree with his (Joe's) narrative that the Clintons are "scared" of Trump and as such have decided not to throw dirt back at him. He asked Trump at least three times if that was the case, and Trump refused to take the bait. Joe seems to need for everyone to validate his theories.


Also, who are all of these people who have been questioning Cruz's citizenship? I didn't know that was a thing. Did Joe hear this from one of his many friends in power or is he the one making it "a thing"?


Is anyone ever going to explain to Mr. Trump that being rich, drawing large crowds, and selling a lot of books doesn't qualify one for elected office?


I really enjoyed the various ads that the Republicans are airing. So Marco Rubio has new boots, and that makes him a weaker candidate? Hmmm...okay.

Edited by jazzpno
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(cheap shot: an obese emotional eater calls the leader of the free world a petulant child for trying to save innocent lives.)




Well said. Also from a executive legislator who loses his emotional cool so publicly at every turn. Petulant child ????




I try not to go there with Christie but this corpulent mofo really gets me going sometimes.  And, you want to talk about petulant?  I won't touch on the petulance that caused his staff to feel as if they had to retaliate against a mayor for refusing to roll over like other Democratic pols in the state and blindly support their boss' bid for reelection.  Even if I had to suspend disbelief and convince myself that Christie had absolutely NOTHING to do with the bridge fiasco, or didn't know about it beforehand and afterwards, it is clear that the rot starts at the head.  After all he put people in place who had every reason to believe that their actions would be acceptable.

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Yup, Hillary will lead the Dems straight up the steps of the Supreme Court to sue Cruz so he can't be president. 

She will send her investigators to Canada to search for Cruz's birth certificate.  You can't believe what they're finding.

This will be the same group that held Nancy Pelosi hostage until she filed impeachment proceedings against Bush and Cheney.


Did anyone see the Hillary interview with Chris Matthews?  It was very good.  Chris has a lot of respect and admiration for Hillary.  She came across smart and charming.

Edited by stormy
  • Love 6

Right.  As opposed to bringing up dead interns found in someone's office, eh, Joe?


Meanwhile, he and that simpering idiot--Ms. "Know Your Worth"--will massage Trump's ego all day long if given the opportunity.  This, despite the fact that he is a serial adulterer who discards wives the way some people discard soiled toilet tissue.  Some of us were alive when Trump's first marriage to Ivana imploded and remember the salacious details of the confrontation between her and Trump mistress, Marla Maples, on the ski slopes.  Some of us also remember the long and protracted divorce litigation, as well as Trump taking his sweet time to wife up his mistress who had to actually get pregnant first.


Bill's problems with his loose zipper are well documented and well known by now.  I find it fascinating that Joe, Mika, etc. can't see pass their animosity for the Clintons.  It's gotten to the point where they blame Hillary ("She couldn't keep him satisfied") for Bill's personal failures as a man and a husband.  Or, is it just this particular woman, Hillary, that has them so riled up?  Nor, do I understand why Hillary is being held to a higher standard when it comes to remarks she made about Bill's side piece(s).  Um, as a wife, what the fuck was she supposed to say?  I don't know too many wives who would be so generous to a mistress, or maybe that's just me?

If Hillary had divorced Bill after the Lewinsky scandal, wouldn't she still have been able to run for Senate in 2000 & President in 2008? I think she would have been able to win a lot of respect from voters by standing up to Bill's issues with women.

Is there any chance that the women that Bill had issues with could come forward during the general election campaign & denounce him again.? I know he settled with Paula Jones, but what about the others?

Joe started ranting about Keith Olbermann calling President Bush a Nazi on his TV show. Joe said that was out of line. Barnicle was upset that people don't agree with Obama's executive orders about gun control.


Is there any chance that the women that Bill had issues with could come forward during the general election campaign & denounce him again.? I know he settled with Paula Jones, but what about the others?


Those were Bill's issues, not Hillary's. She is the one who is running for president, not him. She is not responsible for his actions.

  • Love 8

Those were Bill's issues, not Hillary's. She is the one who is running for president, not him. She is not responsible for his actions.

I know that Bill had the problems but if these women come forward again & blame Hillary for her comments about Bill's accusers then, it would get messy. I think that's what Trump wants to do.

On today's show, Joe mocked Obama for accepting the Nobel Peace prize in 2009. Joe laughed at Obama for saying he would hold Russia & North Korea accountable for their actions. North Korea just exploded another bomb.

Joe made fun of Rubio's boots & his pandering to evangelical Christians. Joe said he was an expert in attracting evangelicals to vote for him in Congress. The key was not to use too many bible verses.

Joe told Gov Scott of Florida that Trump is popular in Florida. Joe blasted Connecticut for high taxes & bad weather compared to Florida.

Gov Scott said Florida is doing well economically.

Carly Fiorina was on the show & she will be getting the crucial endorsement of Kate Scarborough.

Carly said that Mika likes her husband Frank who won an award for the best tow truck driver.

Barnicle got confused & thought that Mika liked Frank because she had a toe fetish like Dick Morris.

The look of horror on Mika's face was priceless.!

The panel went on to discuss car movies. Mika said she didn't like car movies & cut off the conversation.

Cackles is on the panel today as well. She didn't say anything too controversial.

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The panel had fun with Ted Cruz being born in Canada to a US Citizen mom. Rand Paul said he could run for Prime Minister of Canada. That's silly. We don't have a rule like that. You have to be a citizen but you don't have to be born in Canada.

Mika was happy that Elizabeth Warren congratulated Sanders for being tough on Wall Street. Joe mocked her because she was apparently forced to say a few hours later that Hillary would be tough on banks.Mika scrunched her face & sighed.

Joe mocked everyone who said China's economy would never fail. Joe said he told everyone China would slow down. Joe said he was right about Japan in 1989. Joe said he is right about China.

Joe said the Chinese airports are fake & poorly built.

Joe is right about everything! All hail King Joe!.

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Morning Hypocrisy: Joe & Mika used President Obama's town hall about gun control to swipe at Hillary Clinton, saying, "It's too bad other politicians refuse to meet with people who disagree with them."


This, one segment after their breathless coverage of last night's Trump rally in Burlington, VT, where undecideds were turned away at the door and protesters were tossed out into sub-freezing weather without their coats.

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Carly Fiorina was on the show & she will be getting the crucial endorsement of Kate Scarborough.


Who the F is Kate Scarborough?  His daughter?   Didn't he and his latest wife get divorced? 


I think Joe was a little hungover this morning. He couldn't even pull off Casual Friday attire. He looked like he just threw on some Dartmouth sweatshirt and walked into the studio.  And then he's talking about somebody bakes are caked and everyone started laughing at him. 


If they don't shut up about Bill Clinton I will scream.  Comparing Bill to St. Donald, like he didn't cheat on his wives and treat women poorly.  And Joe, no matter how much you scream about it. a young girl was found dead in your office under shady circumstances.  Get off the high horse, ass hole. 

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Joe's eyes are puffier some days vs others.  Perhaps he has allergies or some other auto-immune thing, or, perhaps, he's hungover.  Today he seriously looked like he grabbed something out of a hamper and rushed in to the office.  Strange he doesn't keep a stocked wardrobe in his office.  He makes like $2 million a year?  $3 million?  I guess millions don't go as far when you have two ex-wives and many broken families to fund.  #FamilyValues  #BillClintonHatesWomen

Perhaps his eyes are puffy because he's crying about what steaming mess his show has become, representative of all the very worst aspects involving media and political rhetoric. 

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Joe looked like a mess today. It's embarrassing for a guy who makes 99K a week to dress like that on TV.


Joe seems to enjoy needling Bill Clinton about the alleged sexual harassment cases & brought up the affairs Bill was having with Eleanor Mondale ( daughter of  fmr VP Walter Mondale ?) & Gina Gerson during the 2008 campaign. Joe mentioned the name Jeffrey Epstein several times. Wasn't he a pedophile?


Joe said his show speaks truth to power & they talk about the affairs that Clinton was having etc. Joe said some people won't go on their show. Hillary?


I doubt that Hillary will appear on Morning Joe anytime soon.


Joe brought on Donnie Deutsche who talked about a scene on his show where he tells his girlfriend that he doesn't use Viagra that often. Mika looked like she was going to throw up & tried to change the topic to Donald Trump.


Joe mocked Gun Free Zones. He said criminals don't respect gun free zones.


Mika looked like she wanted to throw up again. Poor Mika.


Joe started telling the story of the Virginia tech shooter. Mika got upset. Joe barked at her that she had to listen to his story. Mika put her head down.


Joe said people have guns at the University of Alabama & they would stop any shooters quickly.


Joe called Hillary a robot & that she is afraid to appear in town halls where people don't agree with her. Joe laughed at Hillary's idea of gun free zones.


Joe applauded Obama for taking tough questions at the town hall on CNN.


Chuck Todd said Obama should do more town halls.



Ratner had charts! Very informative about wage gaps.


Chuck Todd said that Cruz could stop Trump.


Deutshe said he liked the grenades that Trump threwat Hillary.


Joe said that Ratner is wealthier than Clinton. Deutshe said the 1% crowd hates Hillary.


Deutshe said Epstein's close ties to Clinton & his visits to a Caribbean island are a big problem for Hillary. Mika begged Willie to move on from the story.

I was actually listen to the Republican forum being held this weekend in SC. Mika, Joe, Paul Ryan were moderating. I was scanning stations as I drove about taking care of errands and the dial stopped on these jokers. But I listened for a bit and the discussion on poverty did seen substantive. I'm always willing to listen...

But as soon as that jackass Joe starting saying Obama's name in that whining voice of his, I changed the station.

No one else on the panel except maybe Christie at one point, was whining about Obama at least for the span of time that I was listening.

And here goes Joe, just like he does Mon. - Fri on his shit show for three hours ... Obama, Obama, Obama....

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And here goes Joe, just like he does Mon. - Fri on his shit show for three hours ... Obama, Obama, Obama....


Well he'd better get updated on his talking points because it's not 'Obama' anymore.  It's 'Obama-Hillary' now. Whether Hillary had anything to do with the thing being talked about at all. If it happened during Obama's terms, then it's Hillary's fault now. And since they blame Obama for Hurricane Katrina I guess Hillary's responsible for that mess too.  The Right is so predictable. 

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And don't forget they blame President Obama for ISIL.  And Iraq. Entering and leaving.  So as soon as whoever is declared the official Democratic candidate will have that tied to them.


I actually wish the world had existed as Scarborough wants it to as squinted through his beady bestial eyes,  Without those eight years of Dick Cheney calling the shots.


I wonder how much of Scarborough's anger stems still from his childish and petulant incredibly laughable moment of being so hugely wrong in regards to President Obama's re-election?  We have weeks and weeks of him saying things that he tried to parse as being incredibly factual and he got it so wrong. 


But there is also the fact that while it is not provable, the more one declares something the more it is less likely to be true.  Sort of like talking about all the sex one has.  Scarborough talks and talks about how plugged in he is and how everyone comes to him.  He is even on this China economy thing which pretty much everyone was predicting even before the housing bubble collapsed.   I have cousins making huge bank on this who work on Wall Street ('member me this next Christmas, love you lots!).  Yeah people are caught short.  But that was a gamble that many economists were predicting between yawns.  But still I wonder how much of Scarborough's bitterness is how deeply out of touch he is in regards to what is happening.  Sure he claims he knew and predicted it all.  But he also has plenty of video evidence of how wrong he really was or how he never once mentioned something and then claims he was the only one who did when it comes true.   How often in her first year of the show did Rachel Maddow manage to have guests or correspondents like Richard Engel or Chris Hayes when he was that instead of a host himself, tell how things could and likely would play out?  To have them do pretty much that and then Scarborough would pontificate about he was the only one talking about it when it made the headlines. Weeks if not months after Rachel.


Remember how he went after Bill Clinton right after he got MJ?  Hated him.  Then mellowed a bit when Clinton deigned to do this shit in tin can show, I think at least twice.  I can't see that happening when President Obama completes his term.  I think there is going to be some deep hatred.  And I sometimes can't help but remember some things said during Scarborough country that do have me think he resents a Black man gaining the office while he festers in Shoutsville USA no matter how much a camera "on' light tries to fluff his fragile little...ego.

  • Love 1

The Clinton hatred on MJ knows no bounds.  If someone says anything at all, no matter how untrue or ridiciulous, about Hillary they will repeat it forever without ever once pointing out that it is not proven or false. When called on it they simply resort to 'just reporting what people are saying, we're just little ol journalists doing our job'.  


In fact, let me:  In the world of Hillary is Obama in all but name, I will postulate that she is in fact a secret lesbian muslim secretly gay married to Huma Abedin and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood organization and being supported for election by the White House (officially or not) as the successor to continue implementation of the secret Muslim infiltration and takeover of the US.  Let's look at the facts.  Both she and Huma are married to men who are kinda horndogs and cheat on them. Not getting any at home, eh?  And Hillary and Huma have been very close for years and years.  Huma is Muslim, right?  So it makes sense that her SO would convert at some point. I'll bet Hillary even has a secretly coded Muslim wedding ring written in Arabic signalling her secret undying lesbian love for Huma.  It's all right there if you only know where to look!! What more evidence do you need!??


Okay, now that I've written it down anywhere at all online it is by that very fact 'true' according to the Alex Jones / Rush Limbaugh / Donald Trump rules of the universe. It should make its way to MJ in no time, at the very least as 'a lot of people come up to me and tell me that they know for a fact that....' Because that is how this show and Right politics works in this country.  They find the weird from wherever, repeat it endlessly without vetting or questioning even a little bit, and in no time at all it is established 'truth' that must be investigated and told.  Congressional hearings on Hillary's secret gay married Muslim Brotherhood connection by summer!  


You're welcome.  

  • Love 4
Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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