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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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14 minutes ago, oakville said:

I watched part of it last night. He is more Pro Trump than Joe was. It's hilarious to watch him insult Joe. He called him Liberal Joe & Low rated Joe. That is very Trumpian

Right. People always criticize Joe and Mika for having been too pro Trump (and rightfully so), but there are plenty of media people, Hannity included, who are way more pro Trump than Joe and Mika ever were, and these other people don't seem to get criticized the same way. Maybe it's because Joe and Mika are on MSNBC.

Edited by cased
  • Love 4

Stunningly superficial.

BEST Dr Z. smackdown EVER!  Even better done in a Polish accent.

I hope tomorrow they cover Eric Trump's inane constant tweeting during the testimony.  I don't have Twitter, but I hope that his avatar is a dead lion or some other animal he paid to kill. (no I'm not PETA)

Edited by WhineandCheez
  • Love 2

With all their talk about trump's way of doing business in New York as a builder, it makes me wonder just how corrupt is that industry and even more annoyed that there are so many tax breaks for these guys.

I work in real estate development and the industry as a whole is not "that corrupt". We have rules and laws and regulations we have to abide by, and hearings with the local gov't, neighbors, etc.  Trump is an outlier, as he doesn't really "develop" that much anymore, he buys existing buildings and puts his name on them.   

Developers take a great deal of risk.  When a subdivision or shopping center, or office building is built, we put in all the infrastructure, at our cost, and don't recoup that investment for several years.   Every place you go, stores, homes, apartments, hospitals, whatever, a developer had a hand in at some point, at a risk.  That's why we get tax breaks.  

Please don't lump us all with Trump. My company had several builders walk away on subdivisions during the recession. We made every mortgage payment, sold lots for pennies on the dollar, and are just now whole.   We could have filed bankruptcy and walked away, but we didn't. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, izabella said:

Trump can't plead ignorance.  Comey told him in no uncertain terms that he needs to go through the DOJ instead of directly talking with him about the investigation.  Trump kept contacting him to talk about the investigation even after that.  And yes, Trump made the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton conversation campaign-fodder, so the panel can stfu about naivete. 

The claim by the panel that Drumpf didn't know what he was doing is beyond stupid.  The mere fact that he asked other people (potential witnesses) to leave the room while he spoke to Comey illustrates that he knew exactly what he was doing and that it was wrong.

And, no, Halperin--Drumpf wasn't just "inappropriate."  I'll remember that the next time a criminal defense attorney claims his client was "inappropriate" when said client attempts to intimidate potential witnesses and to tamper with the jury pool.  On any given day in recent weeks, the two hosts have dragged Drumpf for filth almost to the point where they embarrass themselves.  Now, everyone wants to act all reticent when it really matters.  And, speaking of which, I need Joe and Meek-a to stop acting all shocked when they openly wonder how Drumpf got elected.  Really?

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, cased said:

Right. People always criticize Joe and Mika for having been too pro Trump (and rightfully so), but there are plenty of media people, Hannity included, who are way more pro Trump than Joe and Mika ever were, and these other people don't seem to get criticized the same way. Maybe it's because Joe and Mika are on MSNBC.

The problem I have with Mika & Joe is that they they get too close personally to people that they cover professionally. They were bragging about how close they were to Trump after the election. They partied with him at New Years Eve & had a private lunch with him 1 week after the inauguration. Now they are going overboard trashing him with personal insults. Calling Trump mentally ill is not a diagnosis that should be done by a TV presenter. I would be furious if one of my friends did that to me on TV.

Mika & Joe got too close personally with GOV Christie,McConnell, Sanford. It was disastrous for them.

I would expect Hannity to be Pro Trump. He's consistent. Mika & Joe are not.

  • Love 5

Catching up with Morning Joe. Once again they didn't do any substantive election analysis in the UK.

Katty Kay said that Theresa may made a mistake by Flip Flopping on Brexit & the Dementia Tax.

May wanted to impose a special tax on sick people that needed long term care. The UK would seize the homes of sick people to pay for the cost of treatment. That's very mean & would affect older voters who tend to vote Tory.

Katty said that Corbyn ran an authentic campaign. He was a Bernie Sanders type candidate.

Katty said that Voters like Potatoes & Vegetables. Corbyn is known for his gardening skills.

Joe bragged that he was a gardener. Mika made a joke about Thatcher called her cabinet members vegetables.

Katty said the polls showed the Conservatives would win a 50-60 majority. The latest exit polls show may to be 12 seats short of a majority. Once again the polls were wrong.

  • Love 2

Their interruptions and bickering are not fun or funny.  They aren't Cary Grant and Kate Hepburn charmingly bickering.  They are two numbskulls who squash the energy of their eminently qualified panel of guests.
When the group came to agree that what's happening today (why Trump can lie without effect and why the Republicans support him casually) has 0 to do with policy, and is merely the whiplash effect of white rage, hysteria against the media, boredeom of status quo, and a general desire to be oppositional... they were about to launch into a truly interesting topic that I really want to be examined.  Why are Trumpers and Bernie Bros voting against their best interests and just arrogantly want to watch establishment burn?  But.. No.  Mika interrupted the funny bald guy not named Heillemann, and she just ranted for 2 minutes about Trump lying.  Ground she covers every 12 minutes or so.  It was cringeworthy and I changed the channel until I thought she finished.

I hate their latent aggression and bickering and snide interruptions.  It's seriously off-putting.  I hate her on this show.

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, Landsnark said:

Their interruptions and bickering are not fun or funny.  They aren't Cary Grant and Kate Hepburn charmingly bickering.  They are two numbskulls who squash the energy of their eminently qualified panel of guests.
When the group came to agree that what's happening today (why Trump can lie without effect and why the Republicans support him casually) has 0 to do with policy, and is merely the whiplash effect of white rage, hysteria against the media, boredeom of status quo, and a general desire to be oppositional... they were about to launch into a truly interesting topic that I really want to be examined.  Why are Trumpers and Bernie Bros voting against their best interests and just arrogantly want to watch establishment burn?  But.. No.  Mika interrupted the funny bald guy not named Heillemann, and she just ranted for 2 minutes about Trump lying.  Ground she covers every 12 minutes or so.  It was cringeworthy and I changed the channel until I thought she finished.

I hate their latent aggression and bickering and snide interruptions.  It's seriously off-putting.  I hate her on this show.

I was just about to write that in my Recap!. Joe picks up all the papers. Joe showed all the papers that mentioned Lies. Mika said Trump can't read past the headlines. Mika cozied up to Joe & tried to sway her chair next to Joe. Poor Glenn Thrush & SNL!.

Thrush said the GOP wants to keep Trump into office.!

Mika's rant about Trump was hilarious & so absurd that I could not stop smiling. Mika wore a special flowery pink scarf  to go with her black dress outfit. She demanded that the GOP dump Trump. He is disloyal, etc. Mika called Trump a child. Mika was shouting over Joe. Joe thanked Mika for her interventions.

Thrush made a good point that there are consequences for removing Trump from power. The Trump base will turn against the GOP & cost them their seats.

Joe wants principled Conservatives to go against Trump. Joe forgets that running a Paul Ryan type Conservative campaign did hot help in 2012.

Joe started the show by saying it was  a bad day for Trump. Joe said the case for obstruction of Justice grows !.

Two minutes later , Joe said yesterdays testimony did not matter. The focus shuld be on Robert Mueller's investigation.

Joe blasted Marco Rubio for having dinner with Trump & becoming Trump's wingman by asking tough questions against Comey.

Joe forgot how supportive he was of Trump after dinners & meetings with Trump.

Joe was furious when Willie said there no evidence of collusion with Russia.

The word of the day is Vindication.

Trump said that he was vindicated by Comey's testimony.

Joe exploded at Halperin who asked whether Comey's memos were carbon dated. He called unorthodox to let his friend at Columbia see his memos and discuss it with the press.

Joe scolded Halperin because everyone in Washington gets info from leakers.

Leaking is OK when it serves Joe's purpose.

Katty Kay came on to discuss the UK election. joe was shocked that 44% was not enough for a landslide. Theresa May lost her majority. Her Demntia tax on sick people flopped.

Young people showed up in droves to vote Labour for the Bernie Sanders candidate.

Katty made the analogy that May was like Hillary Clinton. Corbyn was like Trump. Everyone mocked Trump in the GOP but he won.

Joe said that Trump was thuggish. He wants a GOP revolt against Trump.

Joe acknowledged that the working classs was suffering. They want better healthcare & more jobs.

Robert Costa had to remind Joe about outsider Presidents like Carter, Clinton & Obama had rough first years as President.

Joe had to find the Quinnepac poll at 34% approval for Trump to justify his attack. Joe refused to discuss the Gallup poll released this week that showed Trump & Clinton tied at 37% support in June 1993 & June 2017.

This show is so much better without Mika & Joe. I hope they take a long honeymoon this summer.

  • Love 3

Joe scolded Halperin because everyone in Washington gets info from leakers.

That's true. We wouldn't have had Watergate if it hadn't been for an administration doing stupid shit, and people within the gov't willing to talk.  Again, history repeats itself. 

Comey didn't leak memos while he was Director, he did it after he was fired, and after he was called a liar, a nutjob and the FBI was defamed. He wanted his side of the story out, and he knew the Republicans will protect Trump.  And I think he knows this story goes a LOT deeper than any of us know. Look at what that NSA contractor just leaked. Why is that classified? Other than to protect the gov't from looking like a bunch of dumbasses.  If this country can't figure out how to run national elections in a way in which it's done legitimately, and in a method concurrent with 21st century technology and safeguards, then we might as well run the Russian flag up the flag pole right now. 

Mika needs to take a Valium and calm the fuck down.  Or get that Starbucks decaf. 

Does Joe Manchin seem a little dim to anyone else?  


Robert Costa had to remind Joe about outsider Presidents like Carter, Clinton & Obama had rough first years as President.

There's outsiders, and rough first years, and then there's Trump.  There is so much corruption in this administration it'll take years to untangle and investigate and prosecute this mess. 

  • Love 11

No one mentioned that this AM Joe cut off then practically told Mika to shut it, so much that she pulled back her chin and sat there in silence.  Nice to do to your girlfriend on the day of her Dad's funeral. All in all, I was surprised that they talked about England and other things, instead of just 3 hours of Comey.

  • Love 7

Susan Collins argued with Joe about Comey's classified/unclassified memo. He did it at work on a govt computer. Susan said she & her committee members should have received the memo instead of leaking into to the press through the Columbia Prof.

Mancin is a a friend of the show. He expressed sympathies for Mika & her dad. Mika nearly teared up.

Mancin likes Comey. Comey said some things in the private closed session that cannot be repeated in the open session.

Mika likes Maine. Her family vacationed there every year.

Joe called Pelosi the Speaker in waiting. Pelosi looked uncomfortable on the set.

Pelosi likes the checks & balances. Pelosi pulled a gold band  out of her arm & put it in her pocket.

  • Love 1
17 minutes ago, oakville said:

Susan said she & her committee members should have received the memo instead of leaking into to the press through the Columbia Prof.

Did Comey say the memos were typed on a gov't computer?  I've never heard Comey say that.  If he did then I missed it.   Maybe Comey was trying to avoid another Devon Nunes situation. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 1
23 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Did Comey say the memos were typed on a gov't computer?  I've never heard Comey say that.  If he did then I missed it.   Maybe Comey was trying to avoid another Devon Nunes situation. 

From the Times Columninist

"Comey contended that the material was not classified or protected.

Still, experts debated the legality of Comey's secret back channel. Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, suggested it was at minimum unprofessional and possibly unethical or even illegal.

Turley contended that the memos were written in the style of the standardized forms agents use to summarize interviews, documents known as 302s, and were likely typed on an FBI computer and, therefore, could be considered government property. That would make stealing, selling or conveying it a crime, Turley said.

"This doesn't strike me as a daily diary," Turley said. "You don't keep your diary on an FBI computer and write passages during work hours about a work-related meeting. He knew he was preparing something that was evidentiary in nature."

Pelosi said she wished George W or Romney or Mccain were President. They were able to get things done with Democrats.

Pelosi is worried about Trump's health. he needs more sleep. Joe said Trump wanders around the White House late at night with Bannon complaining about cable tv hosts. Joe said that Trump watches too much cable TV.

  • Love 2

Susan Collins argued with Joe about Comey's classified/unclassified memo. He did it at work on a govt computer. Susan said she & her committee members should have received the memo instead of leaking into to the press through the Columbia Prof.

That stupid old fart made a fool out of herself yesterday.  McCain hadn't mumbled jibberish, people would be talking about how dumb she sounded. And now she's quibbling about this? She embarrasses herself every time she opens her mouth. She was always sketchy but I've had no use for her since she said on this show the Russians may have been behind Black Lives Matter.

32 minutes ago, teddysmom said:

Comey say the memos were typed on a gov't computer?  I've never heard Comey say that.  

He didn't, the stupid cow just jumped to a conclusion. Maybe the dumb bunny was basing this on the general idea that government work needs to be done on government computers under the Archives Act and FOIA (that is what Hillary Clinton was trying to skirt with her improper server), but Comey had genuine concerns that I think in this situation warrants working from home, if that's what he did.


Katty made the analogy that May was like Hillary Clinton. Corbyn was like Trump. Everyone mocked Trump in the GOP but he won.

I get Katy's point that Corbyn was understimated, and survived a vote of no confidence in the Labour Party a year or so ago, but comparing Corbyn to Trump just sounds so wrong on its face. The two men couldn't be more different.

Edited by Mumbles
  • Love 3

He didn't, the stupid cow just jumped to a conclusion. Maybe the dumb bunny was basing this on the general idea that government work needs to be done on government computers under the Archives Act and FOIA (that is what Hillary Clinton was trying to skirt with her improper server), but Comey had genuine concerns that I think in this situation warrants working from home, if that's what he did.

I always thought he used his personal laptop.  But I could be jumping to conclusions. 


12 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

She was always sketchy but I've had no use for her since she said on this show the Russians may have been behind Black Lives Matter.


  • Love 1


Yeah, there's this former UK Tory MP/journalist named Louise Mensch who tweets crazy Russian conspiracy theories. Unfortunately her establishment credentials have led a lot of people to believe her (she was even on Bill Maher a few months ago). One such crazy theory was that Russia was behind BLM and the Ferguson riots. A lot of people stopped listening to her after that (unfortunately not enough) and then sure enough, stupid Collins appears on this show and says it.  She didn't make a federal case of it, it was just like an aside comment, but it was enough for me to never listen to her again.

  • Love 2

During the interview with Joe Turley beginning at 8 52 am, he stated that Comey wrote the memo on a government computer in the format of a Form 302 memo which is what the FBI uses. He said that Comey is damaged goods. Comey should know the rules of the FBI that you can't release memos to your friends at Columbia. The memos were written when he was a government employee.

Mika was terrified of Michael Cometti. His wife gave Carlie Brezezinski a bad grade at Madeira high school. Mika forgot to mention that Ms Commetti is the daughter of Friend of the Show , Bill " I am never make correct predictions" Kristol.

It's a very small world for Washington Insiders.

10 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

I heard Comey say he was in his FBI car when he made the notes, immediately after the Trump meeting. On an IPAD????

Perhaps it was a government Ipad?

43 minutes ago, may flowers said:

Mika has spent the past two days shrieking. If that's the only way she feels she can be heard she needs to talk to her co-host/fiancée and to the producer and fix it. Know your value, Mika. 

It's a rough day for Mika with her dad's funeral after the show. I am shocked that they are on air today. I wouldn't be able to do that on the day of my parents funeral.

  • Love 2
57 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

That stupid old fart made a fool out of herself yesterday.  McCain hadn't mumbled jibberish, people would be talking about how dumb she sounded. And now she's quibbling about this? She embarrasses herself every time she opens her mouth. She was always sketchy but I've had no use for her since she said on this show the Russians may have been behind Black Lives Matter.

He didn't, the stupid cow just jumped to a conclusion. Maybe the dumb bunny was basing this on the general idea that government work needs to be done on government computers under the Archives Act and FOIA (that is what Hillary Clinton was trying to skirt with her improper server), but Comey had genuine concerns that I think in this situation warrants working from home, if that's what he did.

I get Katy's point that Corbyn was understimated, and survived a vote of no confidence in the Labour Party a year or so ago, but comparing Corbyn to Trump just sounds so wrong on its face. The two men couldn't be more different.

Katty's point was that the supposedly well prepared Theresa May who is akward at dealing with voters in life blew an election to a radical left politician like Corbyn. Theresa May is the Tracy Glick of UK politics. Katty was right about May's plan to seize the homes less 100K for anyone who entered long term care facilities turned off the seniors who normally vote Tory. This is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of. The plan would save money because seniors would be afraid to go to costly long term care facilities & stay in their own homes & die without health care treatment to save money. Did May also plan to increase the availability of Euthanisia for anyone over the age of 65? Discounts on Funerals if seniors died quickly before the age of 70. ?

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

No one mentioned that this AM Joe cut off then practically told Mika to shut it, so much that she pulled back her chin and sat there in silence.  Nice to do to your girlfriend on the day of her Dad's funeral. All in all, I was surprised that they talked about England and other things, instead of just 3 hours of Comey.

When things like this happen I imagine the ex wife thinking that Mika wanted him, she can have him, I am free of him.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Mumbles said:

Yeah, there's this former UK Tory MP/journalist named Louise Mensch who tweets crazy Russian conspiracy theories. Unfortunately her establishment credentials have led a lot of people to believe her (she was even on Bill Maher a few months ago). One such crazy theory was that Russia was behind BLM and the Ferguson riots. A lot of people stopped listening to her after that (unfortunately not enough) and then sure enough, stupid Collins appears on this show and says it.  She didn't make a federal case of it, it was just like an aside comment, but it was enough for me to never listen to her again.

Do these people not have anyone on their staffs that can advise them how life is in the 21st Century? 

FFS we need "The Purge: Congress". 

Why are they always having these old people on the show? How about Kirsten Gillibrand,  Kamala Harris, Andre Carson .  

When they have guests from Congress on, I half expect Jimmy McGill to show up and ask if anyone needs their will revised. (Nursing home humor). 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, teddysmom said:

Do these people not have anyone on their staffs that can advise them how life is in the 21st Century? 

FFS we need "The Purge: Congress". 

Why are they always having these old people on the show? How about Kirsten Gillibrand,  Kamala Harris, Andre Carson .  

When they have guests from Congress on, I half expect Jimmy McGill to show up and ask if anyone needs their will revised. (Nursing home humor). 

Pelosi will be speaking at Dr Z's funeral. She was one of the few people in congress who welcomed Dr Z's prescient prediction that the War in Iraq would be a disaster. Dr Z was also one of the first foreign policy analysts to support Obama.


I suspect there might be tape of Joe Scarborough blasting Dr Z on Scarborough Country in 2003. Joe as a young neo con back then.. Joe would likely have supoorted the war back then.

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Landsnark said:

Why are Trumpers and Bernie Bros voting against their best interests and just arrogantly want to watch establishment burn? 

I didn't remember this coming up when I watched it this morning, and just rewatched it and no, there was no mention of the alleged and mythical "Bernie Bro" voting against his interest. This comment struck me strange when I first read it because the Sanders agenda was pro-working and middle class, like his supporters. 

  • Love 1

I have followed politics for many years now, and I am not dense, but can someone do me a favor and explain to me how Comey telling Trump he was not under investigation somehow clears Trump of all suspicion of wrongdoing?  How it supposedly vindicates him?   I just can't do the math.

I keep rethinking it and all I come up with is a big so what?   All it means is Trump wasn't under investigation at the time of their conversations.   How has that become a get out of jail free card?   Or is it one of those things that doesn't make sense but keeps being repeated until it eventually becomes real?

  • Love 4

I always disagree with Jonathon Turley. True, I'm not an attorney, but his explanations of legal matters are bad. Maybe it's because I usually have the opposite viewpoint.


This is all so frustrating for me. Comey has exhibited horrible judgment and poor critical thinking skills, but I don't believe for a second he lied about anything and I totally disagree with Turley.

Edited by Eliot
  • Love 2
59 minutes ago, millennium said:

I have followed politics for many years now, and I am not dense, but can someone do me a favor and explain to me how Comey telling Trump he was not under investigation somehow clears Trump of all suspicion of wrongdoing?  How it supposedly vindicates him?   I just can't do the math.

I keep rethinking it and all I come up with is a big so what?   All it means is Trump wasn't under investigation at the time of their conversations.   How has that become a get out of jail free card?   Or is it one of those things that doesn't make sense but keeps being repeated until it eventually becomes real?

You have it right - it means nothing.  He is being investigated NOW by Mueller, so it means absolutely nothing that he wasn't (yet) being investigated at that time.  It also means nothing because so many people working on HIS campaign, and HIS current, closest advisors, WERE and ARE being investigated, and he can't wiggle away by denying he knew nothing about it.  Buck stops here!   Imagine if everyone on Hillary's campaign was busy chatting with the Russians - especially Russian spy Kislyak that everyone in the administration keeps lying about all their meetings with him - she'd have been tarred and feathered by now.

Republicans and Republican-favoring media and pundits are grasping at straws for talking points to hall-heartedly try to defend him.  If they try any harder, we might start to believe those Congressional Republicans are also involved or complicit and took/are taking campaign donations for their complicity.

It's really too bad Joe and Mika and the panel can never get past theatrics to have a real discussion about any of this because this shit is serious.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, izabella said:


It's really too bad Joe and Mika and the panel can never get past theatrics to have a real discussion about any of this because this shit is serious.

I wonder if it would make any difference.   I am grateful for a show where a historically Republican political figure/pundit takes a stance that puts country ahead of party but ultimately this show is airing on MSNBC.  The folks who need to hear this stuff, who really need to step back from the tribe and listen, aren't watching MSNBC.

It's like Keith Olbermann.   He espouses many strong viewpoints I agree with but to view his "The Resistance" editorials you have to make a special trip over to GQ or youtube.   The only people making that effort are those who are predisposed to share the same opinions.  Olbermann's preaching to the choir.   So is Morning Joe.   If Morning Joe were on FOX, that would be a whole other thing.

The "Comey admitted telling Trump he wasn't under investigation" mantra was starting to make me very anxious.  First, because try as I might I couldn't comprehend its purported significance or relevance.   I felt like one of those people who look at the Magic Eye paintings and can't see the spaceship.   But second, because everyone has been repeating it, not just the pro-Trump forces, but also on CNN where the pundits are nodding gravely and calling it a point scored for Trump.

To me, it just seems to corroborate Comey's testimony.  

Maybe if I keep staring at it ...  

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, teddysmom said:

Do these people not have anyone on their staffs that can advise them how life is in the 21st Century? 

FFS we need "The Purge: Congress". 

Why are they always having these old people on the show? How about Kirsten Gillibrand,  Kamala Harris, Andre Carson .  

When they have guests from Congress on, I half expect Jimmy McGill to show up and ask if anyone needs their will revised. (Nursing home humor). 

And then he can tell them what time Matlock is airing! :)

I'm older than dirt, but I agree that it would be good to see some of the younger members of the Democratic party on MJ. Or, really, just a better mixture.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, millennium said:

I have followed politics for many years now, and I am not dense, but can someone do me a favor and explain to me how Comey telling Trump he was not under investigation somehow clears Trump of all suspicion of wrongdoing?  How it supposedly vindicates him?   I just can't do the math.

I keep rethinking it and all I come up with is a big so what?   All it means is Trump wasn't under investigation at the time of their conversations.   How has that become a get out of jail free card?   Or is it one of those things that doesn't make sense but keeps being repeated until it eventually becomes real?

I believe that many journalists thought that Trump personally has been under investigation since last summer. Comey didn't disclose it. It turns out it may be some of his associates might be under investigation ?.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Kenz said:

I always disagree with Jonathon Turley. True, I'm not an attorney, but his explanations of legal matters are bad. Maybe it's because I usually have the opposite viewpoint.

He has a piece online now entitled "The Case Against James Comey."

More and more I'm finding that if you dig a little, you may find factors that can tend to explain a person's viewpoint.  Alan Dershowitz has been popping up a lot this week on CNN, a voice in the wilderness claiming Trump has done nothing legally wrong.  Today, I read in an article that Dershowitz has been advising the Trump administration on Middle East policy.

I don't know what the deal is with Turley, but he seems to have an axe to grind.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Landsnark said:

Did she ever.  I think Joe/Mika's energy made her incredibly nervous.
But, she was great.

Poor Nancy Pelosi got even more confused after appearing on Morning Joe today. She got mixed up as to who the current President of the USA was. I thought she was going to collapse on Morning Joe today. Taking those jewelry bands off her right arm must have bothered her.


  • Love 1
11 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

No one mentioned that this AM Joe cut off then practically told Mika to shut it, so much that she pulled back her chin and sat there in silence.  Nice to do to your girlfriend on the day of her Dad's funeral. All in all, I was surprised that they talked about England and other things, instead of just 3 hours of Comey.

OMG, yes. He said "Will You Let Me Finish" through gritted teeth, like a parent at the end of summer who is sick of kids and ready for school to start. He's been his usual amount of disparaging and condescending toward her this week but today was the worst. Damn, but they feed off each other.

Beginning with the engagement, Mika has reminded me of four-legged creatures who stand and walk immediately after birth. Instinct tells them to stand up so they try and they're all wobbly and they sorta manage it and they take a few steps but it's too much and then, bam, they're down again. They don't stay down, they keep trying, but it takes awhile until they lose the clumsy. Some days Mika wobbles and some days she shrieks and chirps and, since the engagement, she has seriously lost her footing. She was nearly jumping out of her skin today, which is understandable. Two weeks is a long time to wait for a funeral. Most of us get something like the "closure" of a funeral within a few days, or maybe a week. (I also think she knows the new haircut is too severe again, at least I hope she does.) Anyway, Joe is an ass.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

No one mentioned that this AM Joe cut off then practically told Mika to shut it, so much that she pulled back her chin and sat there in silence.  Nice to do to your girlfriend on the day of her Dad's funeral. All in all, I was surprised that they talked about England and other things, instead of just 3 hours of Comey.

Mika needs to shut it.

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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