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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

Discussion of the hosts regarding a specific episode is fine here, but generalized discussion of the hosts go in the The Hosts Thread: Joe and Mika Know Their Value. 

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Morning Joe ratings now over 1 million. They were 300k in 2015. CNN 800k & Foxy Friend2.1m

2 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Joe's making fun of Obama's bowling skills.  "What's his average, 45?  I guess they don't bowl at Harvard." Maybe they don't bowl at Alabama state schools ,either??


1 hour ago, izabella said:

Right, because bowling is more important for a President than understanding the Constitution.

Joe routinely made fun Of Obamas inability to throw a baseball or bowling ball. Obama is a better basketball player.

they never show Joe playing sports.Mika used to show off her running skills. 

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Morning Joe ratings now over 1 million. They were 300k in 2015. CNN 800k & Foxy Friend2.1m

Oakville, is this a texting error or is Fox and Friends viewership over 2 million??!! If so, then:

1.  I see how Trump won the election

2.  Then Fox' female TV personalities ought to be able to afford to add about 8 inches to their sleeveless dress hems.

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Joe's teasing is just part of the GOP narrative to paint the Obamas as elitist nerds. Meanwhile Michelle grew up in a modest house in Chicago and Obama spent his high school years with his solidly Midwestern, middle-class grandparents in an apartment in Honolulu. 

As for the Fox ratings, I was aware of the high ratings (F&F brags about it all the time) but remember, that's the sole crazytown morning news outlet. The major networks, CNN and MSNBC split the non-crazy audience.

Edited by Mumbles
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Wow! According to Halperin, Obama spent months trying to get the Republicans to work with him on health care before he gave up on them.  Joe didn't really comment. He made a noise that sounded like he agreed. This from the panel that says Obama never tried to work with others!

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This is where to get the daily ratings.  Morning Joe had 1,045,000 viewers yesterday. Fox & Friends peaked at 2, 033,000 yesterday.


Friday Recap. Joe is shouting in an Alabama accent about healthcare from his Washiington Bunker. Joe is opposed to ocialism & Quasi Socialist. Joe is a Conservative & loves ,Merica.

Joe is mocking his former constituents.

Mika is on set in NY with a flowery pink scarf.

Donnie Deutsh showed up. He agreed with Joe.

Halperin & Heileman will have a Game Change 2016 Book & HBO series. Beau Bridges will play Willie.

The theme today was Comparmentalizing of the Business Community & Trump supporters. They are happy with the tax reform & reulatory reforms proposed by Trump. They are happy with the stock market at record levels.

They don't care about Trump' tweets & the palace intrigue.

Joe said the GDP could go higher and more jobs created. heileman wants wages raised. Heileman forgot that if the economy grows strongly & there are more jobs, wages should go up.

Joe said ratings are up for his show and other cable news shows. Trump is great for rating & they can all make more money by focusing on trivial matters like Kelly Ann Conway. Mika was excited to be a mean girl again & trsh KAC for not being disciplined.

Mika forgot to mention that Ivanka's online sales tripled after the KAC plug.

Mika said it was OK to plug her own stuff on air because she was a serious woman.

Mika called the Trump presidency a joke. Mika was still careful not to attack Ivanka Trump.

Joe is upet about the healthcare rollout.

Joe like Mitchell saying he will not be a Trump Dupe.

Joe applauded GOP members for not being Trump Dupes.

Mika & Joe were Trump Dupes from June 2015- June 2016. They got mad at Trump when he called Mika neurotic & offered to expose the details of their affair at Mar A Largo.

More Glamor shots of Mika & Joe in NYC. Mika is looking lovely in her green pants.

Halperin is wearing a Mr Rogers Cardigan sweater.

Joe is mad that 15M will lose healthcare on the Ryan plan.

Joe said people should compromise in Washington .

Joe said Obamacare is broken & falling apart.

It's an entertaining show today

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Steve Scaliese is a Lying Liar who Lies.  Can we get that jerk who shouted out "You Lie!" at Obama to shout at this guy? 

Willie: "You are saying that NO ONE who has coverage now will lose their coverage."

LLWL:  "Well.. I suppose if you like the Obamacare law in itself, then you will be a loser when it's gone" (recap) Campbells Word Soup!!!

Indian Dude's wild hair is fabulous. I normally listen in my car but now I'm at work streaming it on my PC so I get to see stuff. (including Scarves of the Religions of the World)

At 7:16 a.m. during my morning commute during a snowstorm I get treated to Joe pointing out that Bill Clinton letting Monica Lewinsky blow him in the White House in the 90s then made the girl students in his kid's Episcopalian private school start blowing guys.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Joe has new highlights. I wish Joe would stop saying, what's going to happen when trump runs in 2020?

Halperin is dressed like Mr. Rodgers today. Only he's not as cool as Mr. Rodgers.

Edited by stormy
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That Congressman Tom Ryan was great. He's absolutely right that Trump coopted the Democratic message in the campaign - fighting against the banks, the elites, unnecessary wars - and the Democratic party let him get away with it. Doesn't look like the rest of the party has learn these lessons though. They should have him on a regular basis instead of fake Democrats like Harold Ford or McCaskill.

I'm actually looking forward to that Halperin/Heilman book. I'm dying to know what it was like at the Javits Center as the highly paid campaign consultants  realized they had lost against a demented Neanderthal. Popping some corn already.

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2 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

At 7:16 a.m. during my morning commute during a snowstorm I get treated to Joe pointing out that Bill Clinton letting Monica Lewinsky blow him in the White House in the 90s then made the girl students in his kid's Episcopalian private school start blowing guys.


They posted that clip on the MJ Facebook page under the heading, "What the president does in the White House changes our kids."

Right before they scrubbed the comments, some witty person wrote, "#sodoesfindingdeadbodiesinyouroffice."

I laughed and laughed.

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I double checked the ratings. Joe is correct that he has more viewers than the CNN show.


However, they have higher ratings in the 18-49 demographic that is used. Y advertisers.

morning Joe is ranked 104 out of 150 top shows on cable tv. He gets 180k out of 1 million in the key demographic. 

Thats not good. 

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On 3/9/2017 at 1:05 PM, Mumbles said:

Joe's teasing is just part of the GOP narrative to paint the Obamas as elitist nerds. Meanwhile Michelle grew up in a modest house in Chicago and Obama spent his high school years with his solidly Midwestern, middle-class grandparents in an apartment in Honolulu. 

As for the Fox ratings, I was aware of the high ratings (F&F brags about it all the time) but remember, that's the sole crazytown morning news outlet. The major networks, CNN and MSNBC split the non-crazy audience.

Good point.  And as much as I hate seeing Dumb and Dumber's ratings rise (just because I can't stand bellowing Joe and simpering Meek-a), I loathe what CNN has become, so if they've fallen to #3 if that time slot, that's not a bad thing.

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15 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

Good point.  And as much as I hate seeing Dumb and Dumber's ratings rise (just because I can't stand bellowing Joe and simpering Meek-a), I loathe what CNN has become, so if they've fallen to #3 if that time slot, that's not a bad thing.

Joe made an interesting point last week. The Washington Beltway crowd love the crazy antics of the Trump Presidency because it gives them so much trivial gossip to discuss. "Palace Intrigue" stories give Joe a chance to discuss his days in Congress. Joe said that his friends in "real America" keep him informed that they like Trump & his policies. They don't like his tweets. Mika is happy making frowny faces at every tweet that Trump makes. It's easier for her to be condescending. She was quick to still be nice to Ivanka while trashing KAC. Mika still wants access to Trump.  I hope Ivanka ignores her .

Joe was bragging that Congressmen get whipped by the leadership to vote a certain way on key bills. Joe said he fought back against Speaker Newt & everyone eventually agreed with him.

In a country of 325 million people, 324 million of them are not watching Morning Joe. They aren't as popular as they think they are.

Edited by oakville
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Joe made an interesting point last week. The Washington Beltway crowd love the crazy antics of the Trump Presidency because it gives them so much trivial gossip to discuss.

...and this is what infuriates me so much about the Washington political industrial complex of consultants and pundits. This is all a game to them. The British columnist Caitlin Moran, who grew up poor, once wrote how for wealthy people, politics is a parlor game, while for the poor, it is a matter of life or death. And that last part is the literal truth the past few days. 

And this is what disgusted me about this show during the campaign. Cackles, Joe, Halperin (Barnicle at first but he seemed to realize the horror show that would result from a Trump administration) would sit around and snicker about the trivial goings-on - because they could afford to. And yes, while Mika early on was a Trump enabler I do think in mid-summer she changed her view and didn't join in on the fun. 

I do think that *real* reporters, who see this government in action, are appalled. That commercial with Andrea Mitchell - and yes they will beat it until it is dead - is chilling. Kasie Hunt, Kristin Walker, Chris Jansing etc have never discussed their reportage without an acknowledgment of how grim it was.

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22 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

...and this is what infuriates me so much about the Washington political industrial complex of consultants and pundits. This is all a game to them. The British columnist Caitlin Moran, who grew up poor, once wrote how for wealthy people, politics is a parlor game, while for the poor, it is a matter of life or death. And that last part is the literal truth the past few days. 

And this is what disgusted me about this show during the campaign. Cackles, Joe, Halperin (Barnicle at first but he seemed to realize the horror show that would result from a Trump administration) would sit around and snicker about the trivial goings-on - because they could afford to. And yes, while Mika early on was a Trump enabler I do think in mid-summer she changed her view and didn't join in on the fun. 

I do think that *real* reporters, who see this government in action, are appalled. That commercial with Andrea Mitchell - and yes they will beat it until it is dead - is chilling. Kasie Hunt, Kristin Walker, Chris Jansing etc have never discussed their reportage without an acknowledgment of how grim it was.

Agreed. It is very sad that Joe & Mika don't bother to bring on experts to discuss Ryan's healthcare plan vs Obamacare. Joe could care less because he is covered by the Congress health care plan or NBC's plan.

The show used to do a better job of covering serious issues. Joe loves the trivial tweets of Trump.

I would have thought that after spending months covering the "horse race, polls,etc" & still getting it wrong about Trump's victory that they would settle down & focus on the real effects of having the GOP control 3 branches of government.

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Morning Joe should make Ananad Guradas a regular panelist. He was right about the Tom Freedman Progress Democrats vs the Bernie Sanders wing.

Joe was shouting in the Washington Bunker after 8:30 am segment. Joe said he respected Trump voters , but they should point out that he is lying on a daily basis.

Joe trashed the Clintons for saying that they weren't that rich because they only had 100-200M , because they hung around with billionaires.

Joe blamed the Democrats for nominating a Wall Street Insider like Hillary Clinton.

Anand said that Trump took the Democrats ideas for the 50% of the population not doing well in the last 15 years.

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Recap of Friday interview with Congressmen Tim Ryan of Ohio. I was very impressed with this guy. He said that 1 million in Ohio will lose health insurance coverage because the companies can charge more now for coverage. The GOP Plan is allowing Healthy people to opt out of health plans. so there are more sick people in the insurance pool. He said Democrats have to get organized and not let Trump co opt their message. Democrat have to be willing to support working class people. He wants coal miners to install Google fiber across America. As a Canadian, I am baffled by the U.S Health Care insurance system. If I understand it correctly, there is a Medicare Tax on Salaries paid by employers & employees.  There is no medicare tax on Capital Gains , Dividend or other interest income. Wouldn't it make sense to tax these forms of income & expand Medicare coverage? As a single payer, the government could force down drug prices & other health care cots etc? Am I missing something?

Tom Price said under Obamacare, people had to pay for coverage they didn't want, so now they can pick & choose what to buy. These seems to make sense.

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20 minutes ago, oakville said:

If I understand it correctly, there is a Medicare Tax on Salaries paid by employers & employees.  There is no medicare tax on Capital Gains , Dividend or other interest income. Wouldn't it make sense to tax these forms of income & expand Medicare coverage? As a single payer, the government could force down drug prices & other health care cots etc? Am I missing something?

- ACA did place an additional tax on very high earners to pay for the ACA and Medicaid expansion.  RyanCare plan removes that tax so there is no way to fund the Medicaid expansion of the ACA.

- Republicans will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever allow any additional tax on capital gains, ever.  It is their biggest entitlement for rich people (though they would never describe it that way). 

- You are starting from the premise that everyone should have health care, and human beings should all have access to health care without bankrupting them.  Republicans do not think that way about human beings or health care or health insurance.  Politicians take large campaign donations from insurance companies, so the only "health care" plans they will ever approve are actually "health insurance company" plans that put more money into the insurance companies pockets in the form of profits and tax breaks.  Health care is not a necessary part of the Republicans insurance plans.  Everyone else in the world understands that universal health coverage and single payer is exactly the right way to go, but Americans have been brainwashed to believe that insurance companies need to play the middleman even though they serve no actual purpose except to make insurance company executives, pharma company executives, and stockholders wealthier, massively so.

Paul Ryan's biggest donors are health insurance companies, and his plan benefits them the most.  All other health and medical organizations and health advocacy organizations (AMA, AHA, AARP, everyone) has come out against RyanCare because it doesn't provide health insurance coverage, and will bankrupt hospitals, doctors, and lead to dead people because they can't get the health care they need.  Oh, yeah, and they want to cut funding for vaccination programs, so you might not make it out of childhood, if you live that long.

Edited by izabella
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1 minute ago, izabella said:

- ACA did place an additional tax on very high earners to pay for the ACA and Medicaid expansion.  RyanCare plan removes that tax so there is no way to fund the Medicaid expansion of the ACA.

- Republicans will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever allow any additional tax on capital gains, ever.  It is their biggest entitlement for rich people (though they would never describe it that way. 

- You are starting from the premise that everyone should have health care, and human beings should all have access to health care without bankrupting them.  Republicans do not think that way.  They take large donations from insurance companies, so the only "health care" plans they will ever approve are actually "health insurance company" plans that put more money into the insurance companies pockets in the form of profits and tax breaks.  Health care is not a necessary part of the Republicans insurance plans.  Everyone else in the world understands that universal health coverage and single payer is exactly the right way to go, but Americans have been brainwashed to believe that insurance companies need to play the middleman even though they serve no actual purpose.

Aha! Thanks for explaining this. It is illogical for a highly developed country to not have basic health coverage for their citizens. How is it logical to have Medicare for people over 65 but allow the rest of society to not have basic coverage.?

There was an ad on Morning Joe about a 40% tax on Cadillac Insurance plans. the ad said to stop Congress. Is this a GOP plan .I think this might be a tax on employer provided health care plans? Would this revenue be used to fund Medicaid & Medicare programs?

Morning Joe should bring back Dr Zeke Emmanuel who was the brother of Joe's agent. He was the health care expert on the show.

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41 minutes ago, oakville said:

There was an ad on Morning Joe about a 40% tax on Cadillac Insurance plans. the ad said to stop Congress. Is this a GOP plan .I think this might be a tax on employer provided health care plans? Would this revenue be used to fund Medicaid & Medicare programs?

Yes, the revenue would be used to fund the ACA and Medicaid expansion, but not Medicare.  Medicare for those 65 and over is funded by people who are working and paying Medicare tax out of their paychecks.  Medicare recipients also contribute monthly for this coverage, as well as for prescription coverage, and they also buy supplemental insurance to cover what basic Medicare and the drug coverage do not.

The Cadillac tax is placed on more expensive insurance plans, ones that cost more than $10,000 annually for individual coverage, and more than $27,500 annually for family coverage (those are 2010 numbers; I suspect health insurance costs have risen so much in the meantime that those numbers mean most health insurance plans will hit those caps. (Those amounts are usually a combination of what the employer pays for the plan and what the employee pays for the insurance plan).  The tax would be paid by employers on the amounts over the $10k or $27.5k, not the full amount.   So, if a plan costs $12k a year, the tax is only on the $2k above the cap.

The goal is to reduce health care costs by incenting employers to find and offer less expensive health insurance plans, and for insurance companies to also try to reduce health care costs and thus offer less expensive plans.  Research has shown the cost of these plans doesn't really mean that they offer more comprehensive health coverage for people - just higher costs to buy insurance (more money for insurance companies, woohooo!)

This was a provision in the ACA and was to hep fund it, but Republicans delayed and delayed it so it is now supposed to kick in in 2018, but obviously won't if Congress has anything to do with it.

Edited by izabella
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5 hours ago, izabella said:

Yes, the revenue would be used to fund the ACA and Medicaid expansion, but not Medicare.  Medicare for those 65 and over is funded by people who are working and paying Medicare tax out of their paychecks.  Medicare recipients also contribute monthly for this coverage, as well as for prescription coverage, and they also buy supplemental insurance to cover what basic Medicare and the drug coverage do not.

The Cadillac tax is placed on more expensive insurance plans, ones that cost more than $10,000 annually for individual coverage, and more than $27,500 annually for family coverage (those are 2010 numbers; I suspect health insurance costs have risen so much in the meantime that those numbers mean most health insurance plans will hit those caps. (Those amounts are usually a combination of what the employer pays for the plan and what the employee pays for the insurance plan).  The tax would be paid by employers on the amounts over the $10k or $27.5k, not the full amount.   So, if a plan costs $12k a year, the tax is only on the $2k above the cap.

The goal is to reduce health care costs by incenting employers to find and offer less expensive health insurance plans, and for insurance companies to also try to reduce health care costs and thus offer less expensive plans.  Research has shown the cost of these plans doesn't really mean that they offer more comprehensive health coverage for people - just higher costs to buy insurance (more money for insurance companies, woohooo!)

This was a provision in the ACA and was to hep fund it, but Republicans delayed and delayed it so it is now supposed to kick in in 2018, but obviously won't if Congress has anything to do with it.

Thanks! IZABELLA. You should be booked as a guest on Morning Joe. I think they should do a more detailed analysis on the show about the different healthcare options. So far, Joe & Mika are focusing on the optics of Speaker Ryan complaining about Obamacare being forced on the people in 2009 whereas now he wants to force through his plan on the people.

Joe did make a good point that it is time for the GOP & Democrats to do a Reagan - Tip Oneill deal to save healthcare.

The ryan plan could get repealed if the Democrats take control of the house in 2018.

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On 3/9/2017 at 1:01 PM, WhineandCheez said:

Oakville, is this a texting error or is Fox and Friends viewership over 2 million??!! If so, then:

1.  I see how Trump won the election

2.  Then Fox' female TV personalities ought to be able to afford to add about 8 inches to their sleeveless dress hems.

No it's not a texting error. I found a link for daily ratings. Fox & Friends usually gets around 2M. Morning Joe is doing very well with ratings above 1M. CNN is in 3rd place , but it beats Joe in the key demographic 18-49.

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On 3/10/2017 at 11:59 AM, Eliot said:

They posted that clip on the MJ Facebook page under the heading, "What the president does in the White House changes our kids."

Right before they scrubbed the comments, some witty person wrote, "#sodoesfindingdeadbodiesinyouroffice."

I laughed and laughed.

I just saw that segment. Joe said that as a parent of boys in an Episcopalian school in Pensacola, he routinely got calls from the Principal about girls in 8th grade imitating Monica Lewinsky. Were Joe's boy caught in a sex scandal?

Joe went on a rant about how Bill Clinton's lies throughout his presidency were supported by Democrats because Clinton won elections. Joe said that it was bad for the country. Clinton's behavior encouraged kids to lie & ask for oral sex according to Joe? Really?


Donnie Deutsch said the President's behavior affected his kids. They don't have other role models. I find that to be ridiculous. Donnie's kids are probably more embarrassed by his behavior than Trump or Obama or Clinton.


Brokaw showed up on the show. He was happy that he has a Gold plated health care plan that paid for his cancer treatments. He felt bad for people who had no healthcare. He admitted that Obamacare is not perfect.

He wants a bi partisan deal on health care.

Joe was mad at people who said that Clinton was a good person who did bad things. Joe said they say the same things about Trump.

Joe is mad at people who are focused on economic issues & tax reform instead of Trump's unpresidential behavior and nasty tweets. Joe is out of the loop.

Mika keps joking about Obma being a felon

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2 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe went on a rant about how Bill Clinton's lies throughout his presidency were supported by Democrats because Clinton won elections. Joe said that it was bad for the country. Clinton's behavior encouraged kids to lie & ask for oral sex according to Joe? Really?

Well, believe it or not, Joe is not talking completely out of his ass on this. I'm not going to link it, but you can Google a Washington Post article from July 1999 discussing how guidance counselors and teachers were alarmed about middle school kids engaging in oral sex, with kids saying it wasn't a big deal because Clinton did it. You may disagree with Joe and the article, but he's not making it out of whole cloth.


2 hours ago, oakville said:

Deutsch said the President's behavior affected his kids. They don't have other role models. I find that to be ridiculous. Donnie's kids are probably more embarrassed by his behavior than Trump or Obama or Clinton.

Must gently disagree with you Oakville. I think presidents and administrations set tones. Reagan set a tone that was both optimistic and selfish. Bush 43 set a tone of fear and paranoia. That's why a vociferous and persistent objection and protest against Trump and his tone is important.

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19 hours ago, oakville said:

I just saw that segment. Joe said that as a parent of boys in an Episcopalian school in Pensacola, he routinely got calls from the Principal about girls in 8th grade imitating Monica Lewinsky. Were Joe's boy caught in a sex scandal?

Joe went on a rant about how Bill Clinton's lies throughout his presidency were supported by Democrats because Clinton won elections. Joe said that it was bad for the country. Clinton's behavior encouraged kids to lie & ask for oral sex according to Joe? Really?


Donnie Deutsch said the President's behavior affected his kids. They don't have other role models. I find that to be ridiculous. Donnie's kids are probably more embarrassed by his behavior than Trump or Obama or Clinton.


Brokaw showed up on the show. He was happy that he has a Gold plated health care plan that paid for his cancer treatments. He felt bad for people who had no healthcare. He admitted that Obamacare is not perfect.

He wants a bi partisan deal on health care.

Joe was mad at people who said that Clinton was a good person who did bad things. Joe said they say the same things about Trump.

Joe is mad at people who are focused on economic issues & tax reform instead of Trump's unpresidential behavior and nasty tweets. Joe is out of the loop.

Mika keps joking about Obma being a felon

Joe is just a blow hard.  The country is going to hell with Trump in the WH, and he still has to bash the Clintons and Obamas.  He has serious problems.  

Mika adds absolutely nothing to the show.  Actually, their show is the least informative, IMO.  Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow make them look like the Mickey Mouse Club.  

Why does Joe not broadcast from the studio?

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On ‎3‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 7:58 AM, oakville said:

Joe could care less because he is covered by the Congress health care plan or NBC's plan.

I very well could be wrong but it seems like everyone who criticizes and downplays a national health care plan ... already has health insurance.

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I very well could be wrong but it seems like everyone who criticizes and downplays a national health care plan ... already has health insurance.

You are completely right and in fact, someone on the show this am - Meacham? Walter Isaacson? - made the correct point that if these GOP health proposals reveal anything, it's that their authors and supporters really do believe that health care is a privilege, and not a right. Their constituents most likely disagree.

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No Joe today.

Jeffery Sachs is there.  He swats down Barnnicle.  That was a good moment.

John Meacham and Walter Isaacson are there.  Without Joe, it's a very good show.  No screaming or ranting or raving.

I never watch this show in full because it's not a reliable news show.  It's entertainment.  I flip back and forth to CNN's New Day with Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota because I do think they cover the news without all the show biz.

Edited by stormy
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8 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

And....it's a KAC bloodbath this AM!  KAC, Obama can also surveil you thru your daughter's photo on the credenza behind you.  

I was watching MediaBuzz on Sunday. Megan McCain( John McCain's daughter)  called Mika hysterical. The panel mocked Mika for ranting about a fake Presidency etc.

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Maybe because I am sick with the crud that everyone has had/or is getting over, but I am actually enjoying Mika (not Meeekaaah..she is only that when Joe is on) sans Joe.  When he is not on in all his alpha-maleness, she seems to find her voice.  The show is actually a group discussion with all voices heard.  So.  Now maybe instead of getting rid of the Gold Dust Twins, we can just lobby to get rid of Joe.  And Barnicle.   And Halperin.  Maybe we could get an all-female show. Now THAT would be groundbreaking.  Wouldn't it?   If Mika reads this forum, it  could get her juices flowing...boost her ego...and she will start plotting.  Too much?

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9 hours ago, cased said:

I think it's hilarious that Mika & Joe got kicked off Trump's twitter account. I remember how smug Mika & Joe were during the transition when someone on the panel mentioned that they were one of the only non family members to be followed by President Trump. Joe bragged that he had insider access to Trump during the transition . Joe bragged that his panelists like Harold Ford Jr & Richard Haas were being considered for cabinet posts in the Trump administration. They even had commercials on MSNBC about Joe being in the know, & Mika breathlessly reporting about Joe's contacts with Trump & Jared. Now a few months later, they are persona non grata with Trump.

Mika & Joe would be taken much more seriously if they stopped trying to be personal friends of everyone they cover in politics. Cover the news straight!

Mika is going over the top in her attacks on KAC. KAC did mention the media's attacks on her yesterday & laughed at so called" feminists" like Mika in the media who didn't condemn the Democratic Congressmen who thought she was in a position to perform  oral sex in the Oval Office when she was on the couch.

Edited by oakville
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5 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Maybe because I am sick with the crud that everyone has had/or is getting over, but I am actually enjoying Mika (not Meeekaaah..she is only that when Joe is on) sans Joe.  When he is not on in all his alpha-maleness, she seems to find her voice.  The show is actually a group discussion with all voices heard.  So.  Now maybe instead of getting rid of the Gold Dust Twins, we can just lobby to get rid of Joe.  And Barnicle.   And Halperin.  Maybe we could get an all-female show. Now THAT would be groundbreaking.  Wouldn't it?   If Mika reads this forum, it  could get her juices flowing...boost her ego...and she will start plotting.  Too much?

Mika did try to have 30 minute women's power segments on the show in 2015. Joe played the producer in the control room. Bianna & Tina Brown & Arianna were on the show as Mika's panelists. They were trying to do an upscale "The View". They would segments on turning off your smart phone for the weekend & teaching your kids about using Facebook. I don't think they were popular & were stopped when the primary election began in summer 2015.

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Still can't figure out how to do a reply/quote to something.  But to Oakville's comments re Mika (no Meeekaaah!) having tried to find her voice.  I remember those segments and thought they kind of fell flat; but at least she tried.  I am thinking of a Morning Joe-type show without guys.  Not a View-type show...just reporters (Girls on the Bus??)..no reporter/celeb types.  Please, no Arianna or Tina Brown, etc.  Joy Reid deserves her own daily show..how about Tamron Hall?  Chris Jansing?No celebs shilling stuff..no cooking segments..no concerts.  Just the same show that is on every day without the testosterone.   And smugness. And smirkiness. And squickiness. And fleece. And bunkers. And Clique-i-ness. And Insider-ness. And chauviness. (no such word?  should be) Who is the squicky-icky guy who runs MSNBC?  Isn't Zucker CNN?  Much squickiness.  The Programming Gods at MSNBC need to seriously think about this.  Joe could go and be king at Fox.  Winning!

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Bianna & Tina Brown & Arianna were on the show as Mika's panelists. They were trying to do an upscale "The View". They would segments on turning off your smart phone for the weekend & teaching your kids about using Facebook. I don't think they were popular & were stopped when the primary election began in summer 2015.

I vaguely remember this and vaguely remember not watching it because I have no interest in anything Arianna Huffington has to say and an annoyed that anyone does. Tina Brown is no prize either but at least started out as a reporter.

But if they did a show involving female reporters (MSNBC really has some great ones) with Mika moderating, that could be great. And yes, NO celebrities. And no news readers or anchors - just the reporters who develop sources, do the research, and wear out the shoe leather. 

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24 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

But if they did a show involving female reporters (MSNBC really has some great ones) with Mika moderating, that could be great. And yes, NO celebrities. And no news readers or anchors - just the reporters who develop sources, do the research, and wear out the shoe leather. 

Great idea!  That would be must-see-TV.

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This may strain the boundaries of what we are supposed to talk about, but I was really not happy that more hasn't been said about the 30% penalty the new bill proposes.

That's 30% more for the first year of a previously uninsured person's new plan.  Also, insurance companies can probably charge whatever they want so that 30% will be huge.

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56 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I vaguely remember this and vaguely remember not watching it because I have no interest in anything Arianna Huffington has to say and an annoyed that anyone does. Tina Brown is no prize either but at least started out as a reporter.

But if they did a show involving female reporters (MSNBC really has some great ones) with Mika moderating, that could be great. And yes, NO celebrities. And no news readers or anchors - just the reporters who develop sources, do the research, and wear out the shoe leather. 

Arianna Huffington & Tina Brown were once "First Block" panelists on Morning Joe. First Block is the 6 am-6 30 am block which gets repeated at 8 am- 830 am segment. This is the best part of the show. Arianna & Tina have been downgraded to rare appearances. I suppose Arianna retired from political analysis after selling the Huffington Post. Tina Brown was a BFF of the Clintons, so now she isn't as useful as providing analysis.

I agree that Kasie, Katy , Kristin Welker would make a great show. However, Mika must remain Queen Bee. She could be the Barbara Walters of the group & provide sage advice to  millenials on raising a family , eating well , dealing with aging parents who stay for dinner, fashion advice, and dealing with a legendary co -host. They could also advise on hair care, bleaching hair, cosmetic surgery, highlights for men's hair.

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3 minutes ago, oakville said:

She could be the Barbara Walters of the group & provide sage advice to  millenials on raising a family , eating well , dealing with aging parents who stay for dinner, fashion advice, and dealing with a legendary co -host.

Also scarf selection and maintenance!

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That photo looks like it's straight out of "Nantucket Life" magazine (if it exists.) Those may even be faded Nantucket reds on Joe. (True preps wear faded ones to show how long they've had them.)

They've been showing those douche-chill glamour shots more leading into commercial breaks. One that particularly makes me gag is where she's walking behind him. Very rude and unchivalrous. Even in this photo posted above he's in front of her. 

Seriously what if GMA did a publicity photo and George was standing in front of his female colleagues? Or Charlie Rose standing in front of Norah and Gayle? 

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1 hour ago, Kemper said:

Still can't figure out how to do a reply/quote to something.  But to Oakville's comments re Mika (no Meeekaaah!) having tried to find her voice.  I remember those segments and thought they kind of fell flat; but at least she tried.  I am thinking of a Morning Joe-type show without guys.  Not a View-type show...just reporters (Girls on the Bus??)..no reporter/celeb types.  Please, no Arianna or Tina Brown, etc.  Joy Reid deserves her own daily show..how about Tamron Hall?  Chris Jansing?No celebs shilling stuff..no cooking segments..no concerts.  Just the same show that is on every day without the testosterone.   And smugness. And smirkiness. And squickiness. And fleece. And bunkers. And Clique-i-ness. And Insider-ness. And chauviness. (no such word?  should be) Who is the squicky-icky guy who runs MSNBC?  Isn't Zucker CNN?  Much squickiness.  The Programming Gods at MSNBC need to seriously think about this.  Joe could go and be king at Fox.  Winning!

Use the " to quote a post.

Mika did try to host a View type show called Homepage for MSNBC in 2000. Mika's co hosts would be Ashleigh"I wear glasses to make me look smart" Banfield & Gina Gaston. Ashleigh would be the Barabara Walters character. It was supposed to be a 12-3pm show. It aired in 2000, but was cancelled in the aftermath of the 2000 election results. NBC spend $25,000 on her wardrobe and bought her short skirts & fancy shoes. This show was discussed in Mika's bestselling book, All Things at Once.

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23 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

That photo looks like it's straight out of "Nantucket Life" magazine (if it exists.) Those may even be faded Nantucket reds on Joe. (True preps wear faded ones to show how long they've had them.)

They've been showing those douche-chill glamour shots more leading into commercial breaks. One that particularly makes me gag is where she's walking behind him. Very rude and unchivalrous. Even in this photo posted above he's in front of her. 

Seriously what if GMA did a publicity photo and George was standing in front of his female colleagues? Or Charlie Rose standing in front of Norah and Gayle? 

Mika & Joe's glamor shots make me laugh. There was one several years ago of Mika dancing on a table in a pub during a World Cup Soccer game in NYC. Mika fell off the table & broke several glasses. This was discussed on Morning Joe. Mika apologized for her behavior and agreed to pay for the damages to the restaurant.

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5 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

What a baby!!

It explains the recent hostility that Mika & Joe have for Trump. Joe is mad at Trump for not firing Bannon & Miller. Joe is upset that Trump won't agree to an "exclusive interview" with no "hard questions". I find it hilarious to watch Mika & Joe battle President Trump. No more Mar A Lago for King Joe & Queen Mika! . Joe "Legendary Congressmen of Pensacola" is upset that Trump won't take his advice.

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31 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

Seriously what if GMA did a publicity photo and George was standing in front of his female colleagues? Or Charlie Rose standing in front of Norah and Gayle? 

I can't imagine any of those women agreeing to pose behind their male counterparts.  Unlike Mika.

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