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Morning Joe: All Episodes Talk

Message added by dubbel zout

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Joe is bashing Ossoff's campaign on twitter for not being culturally in tune with the Georgia district. I thought Ossoff grew up in the district. What is Joe talking about? Could Joe be switching sides again? Joe had assured viewers that Trump 's unpopularity would guarantee a Democratic victory in GA.

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6 hours ago, potatoradio said:

If Peters comes to the wedding, it will be an all-out pompadour war between those two gents. Mika may ditch Joe at the altar if the hair is right - that's how much I've seen her nearly pass out at the sight of male tresses. Everyone's true worth is revealed in their wavy locks. 

I would so love to see Mika with Russell Brand again. With Joe there.

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Wednesday Recap. Joe is back in the Bunker. His hair is puffier than usual. Mika is wearing a new librarian outfit. Harold Ford Jr & Barnicle are on set. Joe went on a tirade against Jon Ossof for not being a cultural fit for the district. Jon never taught Sunday School or had a family . Joe bashed Jon for not being Southern & not coaching baseball. Joe said he had no family.

It was ridiculous. Someone must have told Joe that Ossof was Jewish, so then Joe bashed Ossof for not attending the local synagogue or being pro Israel!.

Joe warned Democrats to stop being so anti -Trump. Ha!. Mika said Democrats should stop wasting time in women's marches and staying in a democratic bubble.

Joe wants democrats to focus on knocking doors & making phone calls & being more culturally conservative.

Joe said everyone knew Handel & liked her.

Mika took a shot at Keith Ellison  for saying everything is OK.

Ford, said Democrats have to focus on issues & stop playig identity politics.

Halperin said it was an unmitigated disaster for Democrats. They can't win back the house with everything in their favour,

Joe said the Democrats should have spent more in South Carolina. The candidate was a Good Ole Boy who was pro life.

Joe said he wasn't a pajama boy like that wimp Ossof. Ossof could win in San Francisco, or Seattle but not in Atlanta,

Joe said he spoke to friends and family in Atlanta & they told him that Ossof would lose.

Joe will perform at a new club with his band despite laryngitis.

Joe said Republicans don't listen to him.

Joe must be constipated today. He is full of sh....t

Joe wants Bob Graham types to run for Congress.

Joe is completely oblivious that Ossof grew up in the district & had a fiance. Harold Ford said he was too good looking to be from the district. what?

Mika started moaning about how unpopular Trump was.

The panel was more excited to talk about Jeff Sessions getting a lawyer.

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Robert Costa mocked Ossof for focusing on climate change & women's rights at his events.

Joe applauded Kasie Hunt for calling Ossof him a nerd & having no hobbies. He was a Star Wars Fan.

Joe said he was very popular when he ran for Congress. Joe said he a popular Southern Baptists & with veterans.

Costa said that Ossof couldn't decide if was pro Nancy Pelosi enough. Would he be a lap dog to the evil Pelosi?

Costa said his lack of residency in the district hurt him.

He refused to campaign against Trump & focused on local issues.

Pelosi  is hated more by Republicans than Trump.

Will Pelosi step down to appease Joe?

Joe won't shut up about Ossof not coaching baseball & not attending the local synagogue.

Joe said Ossof should be like Jimmy Stewart in It's a wonderful life.

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I don't know how Joe can conclude from the Ossof result that the Dems can't run candidates from "the left." Ossof ran on an oh-so-leftie platform of deficit reduction, making the district a new Silicon Valley (that paradigm of income equality) and vehemently opposed Medicare for all. Even dumb Harold Ford said the Dems have to run on an economic platform, something Clinton and Ossof failed to do.

It is astounding when they showed Ossof only gained .001 from his primary result. And that he actually lost more than Hillary Clinton lost by in November. That really suggests he was not a good campaigner. The hype didn't match the reality.


Costa said his lack of residency in the district hurt him.

When then I guess it's a good thing he never bothered to gain it. Heaven forbid his girlfriend have to drive a few extra miles to med school.

I have no idea what Joe means by Ossof looking like he just left the set of the movie "Reds."

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I think at their age (and under their circumstances) a small, elegant affair is in much better taste.

You know, a person's age really shouldn't prevent one from having the wedding of one's dreams. Granted, it's a second one for these two but many individuals spend years and untold amounts of money celebrating other people's milestones so if they find love at long last, let 'em rent the freakin' Hollywood Bowl, so say I.

Sorry. You landed on a pet peeve of mine.

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I think Joe is upset that Ossof is Jewish. Isnt Reds a movie about Russian Jews during the communist revolution

On Monday Joe said this Ossoff/Reds comment for the first time and I asked everyone here if that was a (stupid) code word for "Jewish," but no one else heard Joe's comment but me. 

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22 minutes ago, cased said:

He didn't debut the song at this show (as the article said), he's been playing it at all his shows, but I think this was the first time he admitted it was about Mika. 

I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but despite his very limited singing ability and limited guitar playing ability, some of Joe's songs are not bad. And his band is quite good. 

Edited by cased
Fixed grammar
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Well interestingly he said, Ossof isn't in the community, he doesn't coach baseball, he doesn't attend church....and then he caught himself and said, he doesn't go to the local synagogue. Which means to me that while Ossof's religion *was* on his mind, he didn't want to come off as anti-Semitic, by emphasizing Ossof's lack on local ties rather than not going to church. So on one hand, he's thinking about his religion. On the other he doesn't want to look anti-Semitic. I have no clue. All I know is Ossof is as far from a revolutionary Bolshevik as you can get, politics-wise. 

I wish someone had asked but they all seemed uncomfortable about it.

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Joe was pissed that his predictions didn't come true, so instead of admitting he was wrong, he had to, as usual blame everyone else. And if voters didn't vote for Ossoff because he's Jewish, well that's just bullshit.  I think Handel just had been entrenched in local politics so long down there, no matter how god awful she is, she's got name recognition. 

I think Costa or someone brought up that Ossoff grew up in that district. He'd lived there his entire life until adulthood.  ]TBS, Ossoff should have rented an apt in the district.   Why give Handel any extra ammunition?  

The MSNBC reporter at Ossoff's campaign last night said that voters weren't really excited about either candidate.   And for the GOP to bitch about outside donations. Give me a break.  Koch Brothers much? 

I thought Ossoff was really hitting health care, and issues important to locals. He wasn't talking about Trump. What he could have brought up is the reason that fuckwad McConnell isn't releasing the Senate healthcare bill til tomorrow.  This race.  He knew if he dropped it before yesterday and voters saw what a piece of shit it is, Handel would most likely lose. 

Edited by teddysmom
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1 hour ago, Qoass said:

You know, a person's age really shouldn't prevent one from having the wedding of one's dreams. Granted, it's a second one for these two but many individuals spend years and untold amounts of money celebrating other people's milestones so if they find love at long last, let 'em rent the freakin' Hollywood Bowl, so say I.

Sorry. You landed on a pet peeve of mine.

I would have thought they would opt for a smaller wedding, given that even since announcing their engagement, they have been fairly quiet about their relationship in public, and I thought that would carry over to the wedding. But if they want a big wedding, I say go for it. 

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57 minutes ago, WhineandCheez said:

On Monday Joe said this Ossoff/Reds comment for the first time and I asked everyone here if that was a (stupid) code word for "Jewish," but no one else heard Joe's comment but me. 

Yes, I remember that now. Does Joe really believe that Jews should not run for political office in the South ?  

Joe was 30 when he was elected to Congress. Why is he blaming Ossof's age as a reason for his defeat?

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Joe was pissed that his predictions didn't come true, so instead of admitting he was wrong, he had to, as usual blame everyone else. And if voters didn't vote for Ossoff because he's Jewish, well that's just bullshit.  I think Handel just had been entrenched in local politics so long down there, no matter how god awful she is, she's got name recognition. 

What was Joe wrong about? He's been saying all along that if you're going to run for Congress you have to be well known and part of the community you're seeking to represent.

It pains me mightily to admit this, but I agree. I don't know whether Ossoff's moving two miles down the road into the district would have swung the vote his way - in fact, I doubt it would have. But congressional elections are local elections, and people vote for people they know and are comfortable with.

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My favorite comment this morning came from Barnicle. At the end of the show, when everyone was asked for a last comment on the Georgia race, Mike sighed and said "It's Georgia, Jake." Then, probably for Mika's benefit, he added something about the line being from Chinatown.

I had high hopes for this election, but I guess I have to agree with Barnicle, It IS Georgia, Jake.

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7 hours ago, Eliot said:

What was Joe wrong about? He's been saying all along that if you're going to run for Congress you have to be well known and part of the community you're seeking to represent.

It pains me mightily to admit this, but I agree. I don't know whether Ossoff's moving two miles down the road into the district would have swung the vote his way - in fact, I doubt it would have. But congressional elections are local elections, and people vote for people they know and are comfortable with.

Joe is wrong because for months he has been harping that Georgia 6 is a referendum on Trump. If that was the case, the GOP would have got 35-40% Joe bellowed that this was a perfect district for Democrats. Trump only won  the district by 1.5 points etc. Costa warned Joe yesterday that local issues were important & no one was talking about Russia & the Trump scandals. 

Joe is right that it helps if the candidate lives in the district. Ossof had a good excuse for refusing to live in the district but some people get annoyed by that.

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10 hours ago, Qoass said:

a person's age really shouldn't prevent one from having the wedding of one's dreams

I thought I might hit a few nerves with that one.  I'm 55-years-old myself, and I've done the whole long white dress and veil thing, so my ideal wedding is a few close friends on some faraway beach. It is my nature to project my preferences onto others. :-) No offence intended. Hell, I'll even offer my services as organist if they want me.


Pelosi  is hated more by Republicans than Trump.

Um...of course she is.

11 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe went on a tirade against Jon Ossof for not being a cultural fit for the district.

If I didn't know better, I'd think Joe was a little envious of the man's youth. He kept making these repeated reference to "50-year-old businessmen"...blah, blah, blah...


Joe said Ossof should be like Jimmy Stewart in It's a wonderful life.

Joe was just full of movie references today, wasn't he?


Joe won't shut up about Ossof not coaching baseball & not attending the local synagogue.

I'm sure a young lefty like Ossof plays lacrosse; that bastard!

Edited by jazzpno
It deleated half my damn post!
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48 minutes ago, oakville said:

Joe is wrong because for months he has been harping that Georgia 6 is a referendum on Trump. If that was the case, the GOP would have got 35-40% Joe bellowed that this was a perfect district for Democrats. Trump only won  the district by 1.5 points etc. Costa warned Joe yesterday that local issues were important & no one was talking about Russia & the Trump scandals. 

The two notions are not incompatible. Handel won by a far narrower margin that Price did when it was his seat, which shows that Trump is having enough of an effect to sway moderates and independents into the D column. It might not be enough to flip the district YET, but it's notable that Handel didn't align herself with 45 until she made her acceptance speech. 

He has been in office for 6 months and the trend is not favorable.

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10 hours ago, Qoass said:

You know, a person's age really shouldn't prevent one from having the wedding of one's dreams. Granted, it's a second one for these two but many individuals spend years and untold amounts of money celebrating other people's milestones so if they find love at long last, let 'em rent the freakin' Hollywood Bowl, so say I.

Sorry. You landed on a pet peeve of mine.

It will be a second wedding for Mika but a third one for Joe. He had such a boner for Mika that he hired her in a hallway at MSNBC. He had his eye on her for many years during her overnight broadcasts, while he was married. Her motive in accepting the job may have been aboveboard but his motive in offering it was not.  I agree that love is quite often not easy to find in this world so more power to those who do find it, but in this case it comes across as sleazy.  There is no way in hell that these two waited until their marriages ended to jump each other. It seems like Mika perceives it that way as well because she flipped out when she heard whoever at FOX was planning to reveal the scoop.

Sorry. Two of my pet peeves are infidelity and ulterior motives.

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10 minutes ago, suomi said:

He had such a boner for Mika that he hired her in a hallway at MSNBC. He had his eye on her for many years during her overnight broadcasts, while he was married. Her motive in accepting the job may have been aboveboard but his motive in offering it was not. 

Can I ask how we know this ?

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She describes the hiring in her book All Things At Once.  At that point she was assigned to varied time slots, mostly during overnight hours, and working weekends and none of it added up to full time or fulfillment. They had a passing acquaintance and she ran into Joe in a hallway and he offered her regular weekday hours with weekends off. This was after he had been all "My show this" and "My show that" and she had said "I wouldn't know, I don't watch it." Sink that hook, Mika! He has mentioned watching her and admiring her segues and hand-offs, in his bed, while he was married to #2. Although he did not specify that, it is revealed when you look at the timeline of her career assignments and his marriage.

Edited by suomi
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2 hours ago, oakville said:

Joe is wrong because for months he has been harping that Georgia 6 is a referendum on Trump. If that was the case, the GOP would have got 35-40% Joe bellowed that this was a perfect district for Democrats. Trump only won  the district by 1.5 points etc. Costa warned Joe yesterday that local issues were important & no one was talking about Russia & the Trump scandals. 

Joe is right that it helps if the candidate lives in the district. Ossof had a good excuse for refusing to live in the district but some people get annoyed by that.

I read one analysis that Ossof was going to have to get a big minority turnout to have a chance.  In fact, the black turnout was poor both a few months ago and in this runoff election.

Blacks are suppose to be like 30% of the district but in both elections, they were 17% of the vote or approximately half of them turned out.  If say 3% more turned out, there wouldn't have even been a runoff.

But he must not have appealed to them.

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Thursday Recap. Joe is off rehearsing for his band. Mika is alone in the studio with the panel. Mika has an outfit from  "American Librarian Outfitters". Elise Jordan is wearing a sleeveless navy blue dress. It looks like it is from Mika. Elise looks awesome today!

Mika was very upset at the Trump rally & said it was full of lies. They had the Family Feud red boxed X buzzer whenever they thought Trump lied.

The panel is upset about Trump lying.

The panel is upset that Trump has big rallies instead of giving interviews.

Kasie! is upset that no one will give her the details of the health care plan.

Mika is making faces at the camera over Trump's speech.

Barnicle is whining about the health care bill. They won't cover Red Sox Fans.

Elise said Obama had big lies about his healthcare plan , so the audience doesn't trust politician in Washington.

Mika will have some friends of the show on today like Claire Macaskill.

10 hours ago, suomi said:

She describes the hiring in her book All Things At Once.  At that point she was assigned to varied time slots, mostly during overnight hours, and working weekends and none of it added up to full time or fulfillment. They had a passing acquaintance and she ran into Joe in a hallway and he offered her regular weekday hours with weekends off. This was after he had been all "My show this" and "My show that" and she had said "I wouldn't know, I don't watch it." Sink that hook, Mika! He has mentioned watching her and admiring her segues and hand-offs, in his bed, while he was married to #2. Although he did not specify that, it is revealed when you look at the timeline of her career assignments and his marriage.

Excellent recap ! Joe offered Mika part of his bonus after a year or 2. She wanted to return it to Joe, but Dr Z said keep it.

I doubt Joe would have kept Mika as a co host if he wasn't romantically attracted to her. O 'Donell who is the original Cackles left MSNBC for CBS & joined Chris Lict. She is a better broadcaster tha Mika.

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Kasie ! played in the women's softball game yesterday but the evil Democratic Senator Kornhowser from Minnesota trash talked her. Boo!. Kasie! is America's reporter.

Mika's reactions to the Trump speech are hilarious!. Trump wants to add more heart & money to the plan.

The panel is excited about the CBO Score on Trumpcare. The panel is skeptical of Trumpcare. Sherman defended Obamacare. His weekends were ruined by all the details from Obamacare. He is a policy Nerd.

Edited by oakville
Don't trash talk Kasie!
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I only saw a few minutes today.  I love Rep Kathleen Rice.  If she says I love you Nancy but it's time to move one, I'm with her.

Everyone has an opinion with what's wrong with the democratic party.  No one has any real solutions.

Thanks for update on fat asses trip to Iowa to gin up his beloved base.

Edited by stormy
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I live in the 6th district and voted for Ossoff and was very upset, but not surprised, that he lost.  I think it should have been an insignificant issue that he did not live in the district, but I think it did cause some voters to vote against him, not a smart way to decide to vote, but not everyone in this district is smart.  There were a number of issues that Ossoff's campaign should have used in their commercials, like Handel saying she would have voted for Trumpcare and she doesn't support a living wage.  All the stupid ads about her wanting to waste $15K on office chairs sure did not help him.

I think Joe's memory of his political service is not compatible with the reality of what he did/did not accomplish.  His ego is not as big as the orange tyrant, but he's pretty self-impressed.  Poor Mika.

So they have McCaskill on and are asking good questions and then that old guy with the glasses changes the subject to baseball?  What a waste of time.  Glad I usually watch CNN instead of this.

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1 hour ago, WhineandCheez said:

IS this a statement or an extrapolation based on Barnicle's  stated favorite team?

Ha!. It was a joke. I think Red Sox fans do deserve medical treatment for all the whining they do when the umpires don't rule in their favour. I am a Blue Jays fan.

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39 minutes ago, cinsays said:

I live in the 6th district and voted for Ossoff and was very upset, but not surprised, that he lost.  I think it should have been an insignificant issue that he did not live in the district, but I think it did cause some voters to vote against him, not a smart way to decide to vote, but not everyone in this district is smart.  There were a number of issues that Ossoff's campaign should have used in their commercials, like Handel saying she would have voted for Trumpcare and she doesn't support a living wage.  All the stupid ads about her wanting to waste $15K on office chairs sure did not help him.

I think Joe's memory of his political service is not compatible with the reality of what he did/did not accomplish.  His ego is not as big as the orange tyrant, but he's pretty self-impressed.  Poor Mika.

So they have McCaskill on and are asking good questions and then that old guy with the glasses changes the subject to baseball?  What a waste of time.  Glad I usually watch CNN instead of this.

I am curious if voters in your district were as upset as Joe was because Ossof was Jewish & did not coach baseball or teach at a synagogue. Ossof's rationale for not living in the district made sense, but it's an easy cheap shot against him.

It's Politics 101 in Canada that you should try to live in the district that you are representing.

Did Karen Handel make a big deal about Ossof's religion & lack of baseball knowledge?

That seems so weird.

Joe seems to be out of touch with the demographics of Georgia 6. It does not appear to be similar to Pensacola Florida

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McCaskill epitomizes the soulless dumb hack. Elise asked her why she supported the (terrible) arms sale to Saudi Arabia. Answer- I supported this terrible idea when the president of my party supported it so I have to, now.


 they have McCaskill on and are asking good questions and then that old guy with the glasses changes the subject to baseball?  What a waste of time. 

Yep. Happens every time when Barnicle and her are on. They both are fans of baseball teams whose wealth allow them to be contenders every year and thus the rest of us have to endure this dumb chit chat.

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2 hours ago, oakville said:

I am curious if voters in your district were as upset as Joe was because Ossof was Jewish & did not coach baseball or teach at a synagogue. Ossof's rationale for not living in the district made sense, but it's an easy cheap shot against him.

It's Politics 101 in Canada that you should try to live in the district that you are representing.

Did Karen Handel make a big deal about Ossof's religion & lack of baseball knowledge?

That seems so weird.

Joe seems to be out of touch with the demographics of Georgia 6. It does not appear to be similar to Pensacola Florida

I don't think anyone I know has thought it was a liability that Jon is Jewish, never even heard that he was.  What difference would that make in what he would do for the country???  Does Karen Handel coach baseball? Why would that matter either.  Does Trump coach baseball? 

Handel did not make issue of Ossoff's religion or sports participation that I ever saw.  She did have a commercial talking about how he didn't support "our values", he wasn't "one of us", which I was unsure of what she was implying.  Maybe it was about religion.  In which case, shame on her.

Joe thinks he is an authority on everything, but I think he falls short in most areas.

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6 minutes ago, cinsays said:

I don't think anyone I know has thought it was a liability that Jon is Jewish, never even heard that he was.  What difference would that make in what he would do for the country???  Does Karen Handel coach baseball? Why would that matter either.  Does Trump coach baseball? 

Handel did not make issue of Ossoff's religion or sports participation that I ever saw.  She did have a commercial talking about how he didn't support "our values", he wasn't "one of us", which I was unsure of what she was implying.  Maybe it was about religion.  In which case, shame on her.

Joe thinks he is an authority on everything, but I think he falls short in most areas.

Thanks for the info. Joe went on a long tirade yesterday about Jon Ossof's lack of "cultural fit" for the district. He criticized Ossof for refusing to teach teach Sunday School or at a  Synagogue or volunteer to coach baseball. It was so ridiculous.

Based on Joe's analysis, I thought that the district was filled with baseball loving religious people who quoted scripture to each other between innings. Joe did say he knew many people in the district & everyone told him Ossof would lose .


It's funny how Joe's friends didn't tell him anything until after the results were known.

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7 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

I didn't even watch the show, but I think when Joe talks about teaching at a synagogue or coaching baseball it's really about being a productive member of the congressional district.

I agree that it is a good idea to be a productive member of the community, but my impression was that Joe was outraged that the Democrats would run a Jewish candidate who didn't like or play sports in Atlanta.

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but my impression was that Joe was outraged that the Democrats would run a Jewish candidate who didn't like or play sports in Atlanta.

I think this is a little strong. Ossoff hadn't lived in the district since he left for college and hell, didn't even live in the district when he ran. I think a candidate of *any* religion with such minimal ties would have had a hard time. (Even Kennedy's are finding it hard to waltz into offices these days.)  And the South has elected Jewish candidates (currently there are two Jewish congressmen from Tennessee, but admittedly I could not find any recent Jewish elected officials from Georgia). 

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33 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I think this is a little strong. Ossoff hadn't lived in the district since he left for college and hell, didn't even live in the district when he ran. I think a candidate of *any* religion with such minimal ties would have had a hard time. (Even Kennedy's are finding it hard to waltz into offices these days.)  And the South has elected Jewish candidates (currently there are two Jewish congressmen from Tennessee, but admittedly I could not find any recent Jewish elected officials from Georgia). 

I felt was he was saying was that overall, they should have gone with a blue dog democrat that looked familiar to them and had the same type of background the majority of the people in that distinct have including religion and community ties/business interests. Like a Georgian LBJ or something.  Having said that, Joe S. himself seems to have a very stereotypical and limited understanding of these Southern communities in my opinion.

Edited by Jeann
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6 hours ago, Mumbles said:

I think this is a little strong. Ossoff hadn't lived in the district since he left for college and hell, didn't even live in the district when he ran. I think a candidate of *any* religion with such minimal ties would have had a hard time. (Even Kennedy's are finding it hard to waltz into offices these days.)  And the South has elected Jewish candidates (currently there are two Jewish congressmen from Tennessee, but admittedly I could not find any recent Jewish elected officials from Georgia). 

I think Eric Cantor is Jewish & he was a top GOP Congressmen from Virginia. Joe never attacked him for not being a cultural fit for Virginia.

Joe started his rant yesterday specifically about Ossof not teaching Sunday school, which is ludicrous , since Joe must have known that Ossof was Jewish. Joe later changed the rant to include Osoff not teaching at a synagogue.

I think Joe realized that directly attacking Ossoff for being Jewish would not be popular with viewers, so he made it sound like Ossoff not being religious was the problem.

Joe could have easily focused on Ossof not living in the district or having any ties to the community.

Joe should apologize to Jewish viewers & his fellow Jewish panelists & reiterate that Jews should be allowed to run for political office throughout the country.

Mika & Joe have a history of making insensitive remarks to African Americans after Black Lives Matters protests. They usually bring on the Reverend Al Sharpton to seek forgiveness.

4 hours ago, cased said:

Thanks. I'm someone who usually has no interest in celebrity gossip, but for some weird reason, I'm hooked on Morning Joe gossip. 

I have to check my recaps to see when Mika & Joe were fighting on air in 2016. This has happened a few times.

I didn't realize that Joe wrote 400 songs.

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Sean Hannity has a segment tonight devoted to mocking "Liberal Joe" & Mika. He is playing clips of all their meltdowns against Trump since he was elected. It's quite funny. He is mocking their behavior & thinks they are related to the stress  over wedding plans. Hannity is offering to pay for Trump therapy for Mika & Joe. Ann Coulter showed up to call out Mika & Joe bitchy attacks on America's favourite couple.

We don't have this much diversity of opinions on Canadian cable news.

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36 minutes ago, oakville said:

Sean Hannity has a segment tonight devoted to mocking "Liberal Joe" & Mika. He is playing clips of all their meltdowns against Trump since he was elected. It's quite funny. He is mocking their behavior & thinks they are related to the stress  over wedding plans. Hannity is offering to pay for Trump therapy for Mika & Joe. Ann Coulter showed up to call out Mika & Joe bitchy attacks on America's favourite couple.

We don't have this much diversity of opinions on Canadian cable news.

No matter how much Morning Joe can and does suck for various reasons, nothing compares to that black hole that is Hannity and Fox News.

Sean Hannity is a despicable human being, he is the guy who is "Yas Queen " to all the proposed atrocious Trump policies and all the atrocious things Trump has ever said without question, the first one to blame the victims of police brutality, blatantly racist, Deep State conspiracy theorist and the ultimate resident hypocrite in chief at Fox News.

Also to be honest, it's beyond freaky that Hannity is obsessing over them so much, I've seen it on twitter plenty of times this year. I also don't think this is the first time he had such a segment. He's not the Daily Show, it's weird.

Edited by Jeann
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The idea that Hannity is referring to Joe as "liberal Joe" just shows what an extremist Hannity and his Fox overlords are.


Joe should apologize to Jewish viewers & his fellow Jewish panelists & reiterate that Jews should be allowed to run for political office throughout the country.

In this day and age of online petitions and Twitter outrage and Facebook rants, I have heard no outrage about Joe's comments. Why should he apologize if nobody seems to be upset? I really think your comments are blowing this out of proportion. Joe certainly wasn't advocating for anti-Semitism.

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1 hour ago, Jeann said:

No matter how much Morning Joe can and does suck for various reasons, nothing compares to that black hole that is Hannity and Fox News.

Sean Hannity is a despicable human being, he is the guy who is "Yas Queen " to all the proposed atrocious Trump policies and all the atrocious things Trump has ever said without question, the first one to blame the victims of police brutality, blatantly racist, Deep State conspiracy theorist and the ultimate resident hypocrite in chief at Fox News.

Also to be honest, it's beyond freaky that Hannity is obsessing over them so much, I've seen it on twitter plenty of times this year. I also don't think this is the first time he had such a segment. He's not the Daily Show, it's weird.

I agree with this 1000%. 

1 hour ago, oakville said:

Sean Hannity has a segment tonight devoted to mocking "Liberal Joe" & Mika. He is playing clips of all their meltdowns against Trump since he was elected. It's quite funny. He is mocking their behavior & thinks they are related to the stress  over wedding plans. Hannity is offering to pay for Trump therapy for Mika & Joe. Ann Coulter showed up to call out Mika & Joe bitchy attacks on America's favourite couple.

We don't have this much diversity of opinions on Canadian cable news.

I watched a some of Joe's music show this evening, and Joe and Mika did not seem stressed out at all. They seemed to be having fun, getting away from politics. Maybe Hannity is the one who needs therapy, with his bizarre obsession with Joe and Mika. 

Edited by cased
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