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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Well. I am just pissed off all over again. Way to make this once great show into a generic pile of crap. It's just the saddest damn thing I've seen happen on TV in a long ass time.  And I'm doubly angry because I adore Tom Mison/Ichabod Crane yet I don't want to give my views to the  whatever this  NOT!SleepyHollow shit is going to be.

Fox sucks.

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10 hours ago, Carrie Ann said:

Jarrett is a "he," and he was just reporting from the Television Critics' Association panels where the Fox execs/EPs made these comments.

Yeah, but other than that I got it right!  LOL

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On 8/8/2016 at 3:12 PM, jenrising said:

Some new nonsense.

I saw this, too.  What I loved is that the first 26 replies to the tweet are people re-dragging Fox in general, and Walden in particular, for this continued f*ckery and thinking that people will "come back" for the show without Nicole.  Reply #27 was basically, "Woo hoo! Season 4 is going to be great!"  

I feel that those 27 replies accurately reflect the state of the [mostly former] Sleepy Hollow fandom.  

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On ‎8‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 4:42 AM, cynic said:

More casting news

Oona Yaffee will play "wise beyond her years" ten-year old, Molly.

Jerry MacKinnon will play Jake Wells, a socially isolated research analyst obsessed with unexplained phenomena and fringe theories.

And Rachel Melvin will play Alex Norwood, a brilliant female prodigy who will bring the science! to our hero's team while being beautiful in a non-intimidating, girl next door kind of way. 


Oh wait, no, that's Simmons who sciences stuff on Agents of Shield.


Oops, still wrong, that's Caitlin who sciences stuff on The Flash.


This is her!

You know who else was a brilliant female prodigy who brought the SCIENCE! to our hero's team while being beautiful in a non-intimidating, girl next door kind of way?


....and she lasted through the series.

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This isn't Sleepy Hollow. Now, it's a Sleepy Hollow spinoff built around the character of Ichabod. They would've done well to give it a new name. As long as they keep the original name I'm going to root for it to crash and burn. (Apologies to Tom Mison.)

6 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

You know who else was a brilliant female prodigy who brought the SCIENCE! to our hero's team while being beautiful in a non-intimidating, girl next door kind of way?


....and she lasted through the series.

Astrid was criminally underused on "Fringe." 

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20 minutes ago, marceline said:


This isn't Sleepy Hollow. Now, it's a Sleepy Hollow spinoff built around the character of Ichabod. They would've done well to give it a new name. As long as they keep the original name I'm going to root for it to crash and burn.


I agree.  I doubt I would watch it either way because it sounds a little dull, but I think some of the fans who were upset about the turn that show has taken may have been more accepting if they had gone that route instead of trying to retool the show. 

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9 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

You know who else was a brilliant female prodigy who brought the SCIENCE! to our hero's team while being beautiful in a non-intimidating, girl next door kind of way?


....and she lasted through the series.

Astrid wasn't a prodigy who brought the science. She was a junior FBI agent who basically was assigned to nursemaid Walter. He was the one who brought the science on that show. She did show some tech ability at times and had other talents, but she was mainly there as an audience surrogate so Walter could explain stuff.

2 hours ago, marceline said:


Astrid was criminally underused on "Fringe." 

Yes, she was.

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I hate to post in the media thread with no links, but....Yeah so I saw a pic of  Tom and the new lead on Twitter over the weekend.  He looks so out of it and distracted.  She's hugging him with her eyes closed.  I think it's natural to play up a friendship-buddy buddy relationship, but at least in that pic, Tom's just not there.

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9 minutes ago, Watermelon said:

I hate to post in the media thread with no links, but....Yeah so I saw a pic of  Tom and the new lead on Twitter over the weekend.  He looks so out of it and distracted.  She's hugging him with her eyes closed.  I think it's natural to play up a friendship-buddy buddy relationship, but at least in that pic, Tom's just not there.

You mean this picture? It's from Dragon Con. They are just hamming it up. She is pretending she is an ardent fan and he is being silly with the raised leg. I don't think one can tell anything about his state of mind from that photo.

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21 minutes ago, orza said:

You mean this picture? It's from Dragon Con. They are just hamming it up. She is pretending she is an ardent fan and he is being silly with the raised leg. I don't think one can tell anything about his state of mind from that photo.

Yep. His face has no expression to me. Ive seen Tom do hammy. That aint it for me.

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2 hours ago, orza said:

You mean this picture? It's from Dragon Con. They are just hamming it up. She is pretending she is an ardent fan and he is being silly with the raised leg. I don't think one can tell anything about his state of mind from that photo.

That's kind of adorable. Still couldn't pay me to watch the new season, but I do like Janina.

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I LOVE Janina. I thought she was adorable on the Mysteries of Laura, and she's from my mom's hometown. Nobody is from that place...well...nobody who matters under the age of 50.


I just....She's not Abby Mills and I'll give her a chance, cuz it's not her fault, but it's like giving me sweet & low when I asked for simple syrup.

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17 hours ago, Watermelon said:


I LOVE Janina

I like her too, but this does not seem like something I’m interested in watching, and not because Abby died or Nicole left the show.  Characters I like die on shows all the time, and though I find it disappointing, it isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, but the show has turned into something that is really nothing like the original premise.  The apocalypse, Moloch, the horsemen…now those were some fresh and unexplored ideas.  Most of the original cast is gone, the story well has run dry, and from the sound of things, it seems like the show is just going to be another run-of-the-mill supernatural mystery procedural.  There are plenty of those out there.  Grimm and Supernatural come to mind off the top of my head, but I know there are plenty of others. 

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I know most people don't give a shit about this show anymore (myself included), but when I ran across this incredible piece of spin I knew of only one place it would receive the call out for bullshit it deserves.


A combination of Washington Irving's "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "Rip Van Winkle," this Fox fantasy drama follows the adventures of Colonial soldier Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) and the Headless Horseman revived in modern times. Crane has helped small-town police lieutenant Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) investigate spooky crimes, primarily ones caused by the Headless Horseman and other supernatural monsters. Their partnership lasted until the third season finale, in which Abbie apparently died during an attempt to disarm Pandora's Box.

Read More: http://www.looper.com/16872/surprising-tv-deaths-year/s/abbie-mills-sleepy-hollow/?utm_campaign=clip

Edited by taurusrose
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Hah! I'm glad you're all still here keeping the faith (or lack of). I still can't believe what a dog's breakfast they've turned this into. I'm getting a headache from all the eye rolling I'm doing reading about "the improvements". What an uninspiring mess. I won't be watching. 

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On 9/9/2016 at 4:09 AM, Fable said:

I like her too, but this does not seem like something I’m interested in watching, and not because Abby died or Nicole left the show.  Characters I like die on shows all the time, and though I find it disappointing, it isn’t necessarily a deal breaker, but the show has turned into something that is really nothing like the original premise.  

This.  Even if Nicole was still there, Janina's addition to the cast wouldn't move me one way or the other.    

Walden can miss me with that Twitter nonsense.  They can't ask viewers to take a chance on the series anymore, because they already have.  Several times.  When the show started off poorly in s2, viewers kept watching.  When it continued to suck in s2, viewers kept watching.  When s3 began with new cast members, a new showrunner, and a new crappy timeslot, viewers still watched.  Hell, I basically checked out mid s3, it was the good folks here that kept me informed.  Now they have run out of rope.  Viewers have ditched shows for less offenses, they should consider themselves lucky.

Furthermore, it's amusing that despite all the mess, casting issues, and bad publicity, that this was a series that got renewed during the massive cancellations of shows last spring.  

Tom was up for a role in Outlander.  Not sure if he just didn't get it or if it was too small and not worth taking.  But I'm pretty sure that if he was able to get a decent role elsewhere, he'd drop Sleepy Hollow like a shot.

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Yeah, actors can't just walk away from their contracts. They have to negotiate to be released from it. It happens that actors have better offers or want to make movies or leave for other reasons and the studio/network insists they fulfill their contractual obligations. A supporting actor or someone in an ensemble show who is not so popular with viewers has an easier time getting released than a lead who is expected to carry the show or is a viewer favorite.

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Good points about the contractual obligation; I had my dander up and hadn't considered that.  Since Tom is Ichabod Crane, he's probably locked in an ironclad contract, moreso than any other cast member.  

FWIW, Tom, Nicole, and Lyndie are all listed as current cast members on IMDB.  I know IMDB isn't a bastion of accuracy, but is there any word about Lyndie at all?

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On 9/22/2016 at 6:32 PM, Amethyst said:

Good points about the contractual obligation; I had my dander up and hadn't considered that.  Since Tom is Ichabod Crane, he's probably locked in an ironclad contract, moreso than any other cast member.  

FWIW, Tom, Nicole, and Lyndie are all listed as current cast members on IMDB.  I know IMDB isn't a bastion of accuracy, but is there any word about Lyndie at all?

So far she is, but she'll end up having to scrape by in terms of screentime with the new team/setting/villain most likely taking much of it.

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Went to New York Comic Con Tom was there but I did not go to see him, instead I found my new Friday night show.  It is a genre series called Midnight, Texas it will be on NBC. I saw the pilot it is based on novels by Charliane Harris is part mystery there are witches, ghosts, vampires and all sorts of other beings there is a very diverse cast and I really liked the pilot at least so I'm willing to give it a go.  I will not be giving any more of my time to SH but I want everyone to know about this awesome new show that I hope will find an audience with people who want a little diversity with our genre series.  

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18 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Nice interview. I read the quote below first thinking he was talking about Ichabod and Abbie. I quickly realized that he was talking about Tim and Nicole:

             We’d both worked terribly hard to find this relationship, and we knew we had each other’s backs. When there were tough days, or when there were scripts that were very difficult to read — let alone perform — we’d help each other through it. And so, yes, it was peculiar knowing that would come to an end.

I know Tom has to choose his words carefully since he's still part of the show, but I like that he doesn't gloss over Nicole's leaving the show. He's never said, "Oh, well. People move on, shows change..."

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It's clear to me Tom truly thought season 3 was the last season.  

It's whatever, I'm not wasting any more moments on what should have happened (AKA never fucking up the story so bad Nicole wanted to leave).   I'm just holding out hope someone in the industry is smart enough to get them in a movie or miniseries together.

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You know what??? (still pissed off here.) I could cope without Ichabbie (tho I loved them), the relationship drama etc. but they had such a fantastic show/premise in the beginning (S1): history, mystery, horror, monsters, myth, humor. A show with a bit of perspective, and a fantastically diverse cast and they stuffed it up so completely! 

Old ground, I know, I'm obviously not over it. For a while there Sleepy Hollow was my happy place and I was prepared to forgive it a lot because I thought they'd right the wrongs eventually. But noooo. 

Don't worry. Brief flare up. I'm over it. I just haven't found a replacement yet. It's made me hyper aware of all the gaping inadequacies in what we're offered. I want better. Much, much better.  And when I read of these developments it just annoys me all over again. Call it something else, show destroyers. You ground SH into the mud. 

At least I'm reading more. 

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On ‎10‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 11:28 AM, cynic said:

John Noble is coming back. Yay?

Lyndie was on the NYCC panel, so I guess she's still a regular. Yay?

Nope, still not watching.

John Noble Returning To ‘Sleepy Hollow’ For Season 4 – NY Comic-Con

Good gods,  the return of the Jeremy story, one of the most hated storylines of two seasons.  Maybe they'll bring back Katrina, too!  Won't that be fun?  <<--sarcasm

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On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 8:09 PM, SnarkyTart said:

Good gods,  the return of the Jeremy story, one of the most hated storylines of two seasons.  Maybe they'll bring back Katrina, too!  Won't that be fun?  <<--sarcasm

Actually, THE most hated storyline of the first two seasons.

Maybe Jeremy/Katrina can ruin Ichabod's new partner like they did Abbie, causing the actress to flee at the end of the season and another reboot in 2018!


On ‎10‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 8:33 PM, catrox14 said:

LOL what? Jeremy is back. What a fucking joke. I am just so done with this crap.

Well they all can't be Supernatural!  ;-)

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6 minutes ago, Dobian said:

Well they all can't be Supernatural!  ;-)

HA. I don't care if they resurrect any and everyone as long as they resurrect actual Abbie in Abbie's body as played by Nicole Beharie.  Or bring back the Sin Eater but JEREMY was a horrible terrible awful SL.

I mean there is a part of me that does still hope this is a giant troll Game of Throes Style...but I am pretty sure that's not the case.

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32 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

HA. I don't care if they resurrect any and everyone as long as they resurrect actual Abbie in Abbie's body as played by Nicole Beharie.  Or bring back the Sin Eater but JEREMY was a horrible terrible awful SL.

I mean there is a part of me that does still hope this is a giant troll Game of Throes Style...but I am pretty sure that's not the case.

Clifton Campbell stated outright to the press at NYCC that there have been no talks about/with Nicole returning. When asked the question, (now co-showrunner) Albert Kim just shook his head. It really ain't happening, folks. That show's over.

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On 10/11/2016 at 10:09 PM, SnarkyTart said:

Good gods,  the return of the Jeremy story, one of the most hated storylines of two seasons.  Maybe they'll bring back Katrina, too!  Won't that be fun?  <<--sarcasm


On 10/11/2016 at 10:33 PM, catrox14 said:

LOL what? Jeremy is back. What a fucking joke. I am just so done with this crap.

They got rid of Abbie just to bring back a terrible storyline.

On 10/11/2016 at 8:53 AM, Three said:

No yays from me. I can't find a scrap of enthusiasm. 

And an evil tech billionaire... how original.

It just feels so out of place with the SH universe or what's left of it.

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I was just on youtube watching some videos and Fox just uploaded this. I mean, it's smart to promote the best part of your show (these two... my heart), but why remind old viewers what you ruined, or show the new ones what they'll never get? 

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That is straight up trolling. Ugh. Poor Tom Mison. I love Ichabod but I just can't bring myself to the watching the next iteration when it airs. Not as of yet, anyway.

Edited by catrox14
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Man, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel if they're bringing back Noble.  His character was doomed when he went from clever Sin Eater to whining Ichatrina offspring.  I'm guessing Jeremy will return as a ghost/spirit to help Ichabod, but I don't care.  He could reanimate as a desk lamp and I still wouldn't be interested.  I wonder if they released that old promo with Nicole to sway the odd viewer who doesn't know she's off the show.

It's official; the show will return in January of 2017, airing on Fridays at 9PM. 

Still won't be watching.

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11 hours ago, Amethyst said:

Man, they're really scraping the bottom of the barrel if they're bringing back Noble.

The majority of S4's casting announcements feel as if SH's PTB are driving around in a van on the out of work actor's strip and offering people a hot meal and an acting gig to help turn their careers around.

Edited by MissAlmond
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4 hours ago, MissAlmond said:

The majority of S4's casting announcements feel as if SH's PTB are driving around in a van on the out of work actor's strip and offering people a hot meal and an acting gig to help turn their careers around.

I legit lol'd at this!

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10 hours ago, MissAlmond said:

The majority of S4's casting announcements feel as if SH's PTB are driving around in a van on the out of work actor's strip and offering people a hot meal and an acting gig to help turn their careers around.

Cackling my ass off right now. 

This thread is the only damn redeeming thing about this series that exists. 

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On 11/4/2016 at 8:41 AM, MissAlmond said:

The majority of S4's casting announcements feel as if SH's PTB are driving around in a van on the out of work actor's strip and offering people a hot meal and an acting gig to help turn their careers around.

That and it looks so painfully generic especially their pathetic attempt at trying to get rid of just about everything that made the show what it was to begin with.

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