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Sleepy Hollow in the Media

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Oh horrors! Sleepy Hollow may turn into a BLACK show! Someone get her a fainting couch!

In all seriousness, this Sandra person sounds like a loon. There's being passionate about a show, and then there's being disturbingly obsessed. Gosh, I wonder would happen if she tweeted to Orlando?


Man, in my "ignorance", I totally didn't realize that I was watching the show completely wrong. In the opening credits, I was to always have a pen and piece of paper in front of me, with a line drawn down the middle to divide into columns. Left side column should be labelled "Black", right side labelled "White". Then as the credits rolled and the show began, I was to make tick marks the the two columns, noting the skin colour of every character that appears on screen, to make sure that the "right" percentage of light skin is tallyed for each and episode. Totally have been watching this show completely wrong...Stupid me.


^^ Yes, the above comment is dripping in thinly veiled disgust and a heavy dose of sarcasm and eye rolling.


What I truly hate, in addition to these terrible comments, is that these people never get "punlished" for this. Like, why can't her employer find out about this and fire her racist ass just because. But no. Alas no. Life unfortunately never punishes these types of people the way it should. I mean, these are public comments - why isn't she somehow held accountable...I don't care how, just somehow...



There is a story in USA Today about fanfiction.  Sleepy Hollow was one of the mentioned shows:  http://www.usatoday....files/25764897/


Yeah, I saw that - awesome.

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Man, in my "ignorance", I totally didn't realize that I was watching the show completely wrong. In the opening credits, I was to always have a pen and piece of paper in front of me, with a line drawn down the middle to divide into columns. Left side column should be labelled "Black", right side labelled "White". Then as the credits rolled and the show began, I was to make tick marks the the two columns, noting the skin colour of every character that appears on screen, to make sure that the "right" percentage of light skin is tallyed for each and episode. Totally have been watching this show completely wrong...Stupid me.


This is just so wrong and out of date.  Whenever "I" watch a television program, I keep a printed copy of the census form in front of me to make sure all ethnicities are properly checked.  I've contacted the census bureau repeatedly to include sexual orientation on their forms to complete my viewing lists, but to no avail.  Luckily, the Internet has made searching gossip sites for such information much easier.   


The above comment also reflects dripping sarcasm.

Edited by MissAlmond
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Still thinking about the 'unique access/ownership' remark.


I suspect this guy introduced a term she'll be spoutin' in the future.




Man, in my "ignorance", I totally didn't realize that I was watching the show completely wrong. In the opening credits, I was to always have a pen and piece of paper in front of me, with a line drawn down the middle to divide into columns. Left side column should be labelled "Black", right side labelled "White".


I think you made a typo - it should be "Right".  (I'll see your Sarcasm and raise you Scorn)


ETA:  I need to shower after reading Sandra tripe.  Ick.

Edited by DeLurker
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Still thinking about the 'unique access/ownership' remark. Do any of you Ichabbie/Nicole Beharie/Sleepy Hollow non-shipper fans know anybody in the TPTB at FOX? IMHO, I thought Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Email were social media accessible to anybody and not the least bit unique.

Re the ownership part-does this mean that because I am one of the 'thugs', I own part of FOX? Whoa-let me call my stockbroker! He'll be thrilled!

This person is a few ants short of a picnic. She's from Pinellas County, (probably St Petersburg) in my home state of Florida. Unfortunately, we have a few lunatics running free around here.


Former Floridian here and I have to say she does not meet the Florida bar* for lunancy.  She's just an old fashioned, run of the mill racist/bigot.


*Granted, Florida does set a very high bar for lunacy.  I suspect they have some of the most elevated requirements in the US.  Evidence:  Florida Man.

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I'm going to have to check that out when I get home.  (I've seen her scenes in Shame -- AWESOME!!!! [and not just the nudity])


Apparently we won't be seeing jhlipton for a few days.... ;')


I think you made a typo - it should be "Right".  (I'll see your Sarcasm and raise you Scorn)


ETA:  I need to shower after reading Sandra tripe.  Ick.


I actually deliberately put the Black on the left side, because you know how left-handed people were/are considered a bad thing, evil, is devilry etc. Should have had the title be Right/White on the right side.


The sad thing is that while we can mock this, make fun of the tweets and opinions, the cold hard reality is that these people truly think like this/believe the things they are tweeting, saying, in a public forum. It's not simply ignorant trolling. It's an ignorant troll who will spread their hate all over.


Yet another reason why I am sad for humanity.

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I'm seeing some brilliant promotion for NB. Many, many photos, one of 5 chosen for 2015 ALLURE nudes and, as per a Sleepy Hollower post, an upcoming (pun totally unintentional) photo shoot for PLAYBOY. By the S3 premier, every male on the planet will know who she is. That coveted 18-49 white male demographic will be watching Sleepy for NICOLE! Mark Goffman, you idiot, you had solid gold right in front of you but you were too stupid to see it.


Oh, and Sandra........you lose.


DeLurker, I look forward to your highly entertaining posts. To steal a hashtag from TheOrlandoJones, #MadeDJLaugh.

Edited by DJG1122
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Allure nudes? Playboy? I guess it's something, but I'd really like to see a different kind of promotion for Nicole. And any viewers that come (oh puns) to the show because of Allure or Playboy are going to be massively disappointed by the fact that Abbie is not really showing much skin.

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Allure nudes? Playboy? I guess it's something, but I'd really like to see a different kind of promotion for Nicole. And any viewers that come (oh puns) to the show because of Allure or Playboy are going to be massively disappointed by the fact that Abbie is not really showing much skin.


If it's done right, they'll come for the skin and stay for the words.

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FYI........Sandra posted on her Twitter account that her post to CC about NB wanting no more white folks and less TM has been quoted almost 1000 times. SHE LIKES THIS! She likes the attention!!!!!


She lives in Pinellas Park, FL and isn't very hard to find on 411.com or the internet.

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Regarding media exposure, I'd love to see the cast on a popular morning show like Scandal has done numerous times. Any of the crew on SNL would be great too. Any one or all the foursome on a late night show works for me. How much fun would OJ and Jimmy Fallon be together?

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Allure nudes? Playboy? I guess it's something, but I'd really like to see a different kind of promotion for Nicole. And any viewers that come (oh puns) to the show because of Allure or Playboy are going to be massively disappointed by the fact that Abbie is not really showing much skin.

I actually hope they'll let Abbie be a bit more sexy this season. It's kinda rare to see a black female lead as a sex symbol on network TV. Maybe we can see her dress up for a night on the town, or in a little black dress while on a date. Maybe she can take Crane to a pool to teach him to swim, and scandalize him by wearing a bikini ;)

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I actually hope they'll let Abbie be a bit more sexy this season. It's kinda rare to see a black female lead as a sex symbol on network TV.

This is what I was thinking. Everything I've seen so far is classy and artistic.

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I actually hope they'll let Abbie be a bit more sexy this season. It's kinda rare to see a black female lead as a sex symbol on network TV. Maybe we can see her dress up for a night on the town, or in a little black dress while on a date. Maybe she can take Crane to a pool to teach him to swim, and scandalize him by wearing a bikini ;)


So, LeeLeePanda, you've read this?? Or been writing it!! *grin*


I would take Crane in swimtrunks, but I highly doubt either scenario will happen. At least this season. Crane is a character who wears a long coat and tall boots in the middle of summer - I don't see him stripping down to his trunks anytime soon or doffing his top in public, just as I don't see Abbie dragging him to a pool or beach to laze about in her bikini. It's too out of character for both right not. I just don't. Seeing another person in swimwear may be explored though (Atlanta's being stinking hot may be part of it).


However, I DO see the LBD scenario, with Abbie on a date with another guy. That for sure I see and should definitely happen. And the date needs to be a romantic one and a good one for her.

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Regarding media exposure, I'd love to see the cast on a popular morning show like Scandal has done numerous times. Any of the crew on SNL would be great too. Any one or all the foursome on a late night show works for me. How much fun would OJ and Jimmy Fallon be together?


This is yet another thing to lay at the feet of Season 2.  After all the great word of mouth for S1, they were poised for really big things.  They were getting good ratings, they were critical darlings. Tom & Nicole got the cover of Emmy Mag and had a couple of other industry mag covers.  They got Palyfest and were special guests at the Fox upfronts (something reserved for network darlings).  But S2 cooled them off rapidly.  Ratings fell, critics & fans became discontented etc.  If they had continued the momentum of S1 into S2 then they could be getting more exposure.


S1 of Scandal was relatively unknown.  It had modest 1.7 - 1.9  ratings and was largely watched by AA women and made itself a  Twitter event.  ABC didn't even promote Scandal in S1.  Scandal's brand steadily grew and grew mainly through fan word of mouth and a stellar season 2.  And suddenyl ABC started promoting them. 


The thing with Scandal is their momentum grew and catapulted their show.  But SH's momentum waned.   If S3 can manage to woo back fans & critics, then I can see SH being hailed as the comeback kid and we'll likely see more publicity & promotion by Fox.

Edited by DearEvette
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I like the idea of seeing a glam and softer Abbie. After all, she was supposed to play wing woman to Jenny. It's her turn, right? Even if the date is interrupted or if her date lands feet first into one of their adventures(without actually being the MOTW)...or even if she is glamming up to go undercover. I just "knew" they would do that during Kali Yuga for the party, but...naw, bruh.

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HalcyonDays, we got half of our request!  TM without his shirt on Sleepy Hollowers. I had to keep refreshing the page because the site was so busy.


I know *sigh* That was a nice scene, as was the shower scene before that part, but you know, could use some more.


To quote Mison, "If I don't get a shower scene soon, I'm kicking off." (he said this at the first comic con they went to, when the SH pilot had aired, but not episode two but that episode had obviously already been filmed. Love this guy. And I ask for so little...


On another note, I need to keep track of all of the tweets and retweets that Clifton Campbell is making. He's retweeting certain things and I believe is being very selective about what he retweets, and it makes me think he's maybe dropping hints on what might happen, or if not, what he/the writers are hashing out, thinking about including.


Clifton Campbell retweeted

Sleepy Hollow Addict @SleepyAddicts  ·  Apr 18

#SleepyRewatchParty Dying to know how & why Abbie was chosen as a witness & why Ichabod @sleepywriters @CCInnuendo #PromoteSleepyHollow


Yes, this should have been told to us in season 2, but you know what - I'm glad it wasn't. Because if it were addressed in season 2, all of the reasons/answers would have revolved around Katrina, and I don't want to ever see her on my screen again. So if the reasons for Crane focus on anything but the wife, I am happy.


I feel Iike I want to keep a record of this, and see if any of it comes to fruition.

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I am excite the Sleepy Hollow Writers are tweeting up a storm tonight, about getting started on S3, and it looks like they have quite few new writers including a woman of color Shernold Edwards who wrote for Haven. 

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From what I could glean, it looks like there are at least three new-to-the-show writers. Two of whom are AA.  So Diversity, yay!  In addition to the black female writer, there is also a black male writer (twitter handle is @LDJackson).  Peeping his TL, he seems socially aware and his pic is a pic of him and George RR Martin, so he may actually be a true genre geek. 

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...there is also a black male writer (twitter handle is @LDJackson).  Peeping his TL, he seems socially aware and his pic is a pic of him and George RR Martin, so he may actually be a true genre geek. 


Looks like he wrote for Alcatraz too... I loved the arc plotting of that show, even though it didn't last long.  

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Yeah, this show is so going to get screwed over, I'm not even bothering to go back after this news.


Congrats that idiot managed to kill the show anyway (and yes I know I'm prejudging) but shake ups like this don't normally bode well for shows.

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I just saw the news about Orlando.  I'm so depressed!  No Frank Irving and no Orlando tweeting through episodes making even the worst of them worth watching?  I hope it was his choice but he was such a champion and cheerleader of the show, he'll really be missed in so many ways. 

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This makes me so sad.  The dynamic of the show will not be the same.  Have to wonder if they'll recast or just write off the character. A lot of Irving's story was left unresolved.

Edited by FierceAfroChick
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Tweets are indicating that:


Orlando Jones just confirmed he is leaving #SleepyHollow at Machinima NewFront
Roberto Orci is producing a new #Machinima series starring Orlando Jones called #HighSchool51


Not sure if this is legit or not so far. It's interesting too, because just last weekend, Tom Mison was at Las Vegas Wizard World comic con and saying how Crane would have to deal with his "new family" in season 3. He probably already knew that OJ was leaving, but still...


How bad was the drama behind the scenes with this show. Truly. Also, when they said reboot, they meant reboot. Wow.

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That's too bad.  I do hope it was his decision.  Even if they are overhauling the show for the third season, I guess I can't fully blame him if his heart just isn't into sticking around, and he'd rather try his luck elsewhere.  But I'll miss his presence and especially his tweets.


But I guess I can just add it to the list of things to blame Season 2 for: pushing Orlando Jones away.

Edited by thuganomics85
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So, LeeLeePanda, you've read this?? Or been writing it!! *grin*


I am, so going to have to read this when I get home!


As to OJ, I haven't seen anything but support for the "new SH", and it does look like he's got a lot of irons in the fire.  For all we know, he may only signed on for 2 seasons -- a lot of actors and actresses don't like to be tied down to just one series.  (It's looking like Scott Caan should have done this...)

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I am, so going to have to read this when I get home!


As to OJ, I haven't seen anything but support for the "new SH", and it does look like he's got a lot of irons in the fire.  For all we know, he may only signed on for 2 seasons -- a lot of actors and actresses don't like to be tied down to just one series.  (It's looking like Scott Caan should have done this...)

Apparently he's the lead in a new show by Roberto Orci-----Congrats and best wishes.....You will be missed.

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I had a feeling OJ wouldn't be back, when he bought a house in North Carolina after rumours of SH going to Atlanta. At the time, I thought it was because he was going to be killed off though. Also, I think the fact that the show did wrong by him/his character, I don't blame him at all.


Honestly, I think he's just going to be too busy with his other projects to do SH. But he just linked to his project with Kurtzman/Orci productions. I totally wish him best of luck but the fandom is going to miss his engagement A LOT.


Orlando Jones, Jay Williams Launch Digital Shingle with Machinima Series ‘High School 51′

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I feel empty. I really held out hope that Sleepy Hollow could survive and heal from the massacre that was Season 2, but now I'm not so sure. I want the Core Four plus the Horsemen. The show SUFFERED last season without Irving, and Orlando was extremely effective at promoting the show and getting fans invested.


This is so demoralizing, haven't we suffered enough?

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I know a lot of people are thinking that he was kicked out but I don't think so. He left for bigger and better things on his terms. The article I posted above is an announcement that he's starting up a digital entertainment company in conjunction with Kurtzman/Orci. The show the company are releasing, Orlando is going to star in it AND produce it. And something like this is in the works for months. He's been working on this for a while, but the announcement itself was made today, like with Clifton Campbell.


The decision for him is kind of obvious.


So instead of being a supporting character on one show, he's going to star in another, produce AND run a company. Pretty impressive and an excellent opportunity for him, dontcha think?

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Yup, not happy at all about the news. (I'm happy for Orlando if he feels it's a good move for him - but not happy for me or SH). Really, OJ was the voice of humor and snark that kept us (well me) from jumping off the figurative bridge. The core 4 were cohesive and interesting. Boooooooo

OT - I'm of an age group where seeing OJ written is a little jarring. My first thought is not Orlando but of a certain football player.

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OT - I'm of an age group where seeing OJ written is a little jarring. My first thought is not Orlando but of a certain football player.


I'm of that same age, pcta. I know - I'm terrible for that, but I'm lazy and don't want to write out his full name. I should stop that.

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I'm disappointed and sad he left the show, but he' moving on to bigger and better things (hopefully) and I wish him the very best.

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What a shame. I had so completely given up on this show that I didn't find out about the reboot until the stories came out about the new showrunner, and I was looking forward to Team Witness getting the band back together. Hopefully, since the new showrunner seems to be a fan, Irving can recur occasionally next season.

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