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Pretty Little Liars in the Media

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Wonder if they moved it to April so it could serve as lead in to Marlene's new show. Not sure why they think PLL would be good promotion, it's more like a warning of the horrors that lie ahead. 

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Dammit, I don't WANT to still be dealing with this show for a whole nother year! One last season means one year total, tops. Not "well, you know, we'll get to it..." UGH.

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7 hours ago, SadieT said:

Wonder if they moved it to April so it could serve as lead in to Marlene's new show. Not sure why they think PLL would be good promotion, it's more like a warning of the horrors that lie ahead. 

I thought she learned her lesson with Ravenswood.  Seriously, what a disaster.

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Multiple weddings? I hope one of those is a red wedding where everybody dies because honestly all of them are too stupid to live and might as well go out with a bang.

A new character who is a high school mean girl? Whatever for? Everyone is behaving as if they are high school anyway.

Edited by Jack Shaftoe
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3 hours ago, Artsda said:

* Alison’s pregnancy will affect all of the Liars, “especially Emily.” As for the nature of the pregnancy, King reminds us that “nothing is average on PLL. Everything is spectacular.”

So looks like Alison was definitely impregnated with Emily's eggs. Gross. Who in the writers room thought this was a good idea? And how exactly will the other girls be affected by Ali's pregnancy, other than being horrified by it? 

And so Alison is most likely carrying a baby that has no genetic connection to her. She'd still be legally the mother if she carries it to term, right? Thank God the show is ending in 10 episodes so we won't be subjected to a lengthy court battle where A.D. tries to sue for custody anonymously or some bullshit like that. 

I hope one of these multiple weddings is Ezra and the newly-un-dead Nicole so Aria will finally be free. But it's probably a future Ezria/Haleb double wedding where Emison's spawn will serve as flower girl/ring bearer. 

Edited by SadieT
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1 minute ago, SadieT said:

And so Alison is most likely carrying a baby that has no genetic connection to her. She'd still be legally the mother if she carries it to term, right? Thank God the show is ending in 10 episodes so we won't be subjected to a lengthy court battle where A.D. tries to sue for custody anonymously or some bullshit like that.

I wouldn't say that, if they used Emily's eggs there's got to be a decent chance that Jason froze some sperm before he went to do CHARITY WORK ...

And she wouldn't legally be the mother in that situation, Emily and whoever the bio father is would be. Of course if she didn't know or didn't tell anyone that they used Emily's eggs her name would go on the birth certificate and she would be the mother for legal purposes until someone challenged it.

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Just now, Perfect Xero said:

I wouldn't say that, if they used Emily's eggs there's got to be a decent chance that Jason froze some sperm before he went to do CHARITY WORK ...

And she wouldn't legally be the mother in that situation, Emily and whoever the bio father is would be. Of course if she didn't know or didn't tell anyone that they used Emily's eggs her name would go on the birth certificate and she would be the mother for legal purposes until someone challenged it.

I saw someone theorize that the sperm could have come from Charlotte if she decided to freeze her sperm before she transitioned because why not make the situation even grosser. 

But would Emily have any legal rights over eggs she donated? Don't donors surrender their parental rights? And Alison isn't just a surrogate because she didn't consent to being a surrogate so she didn't give up her rights upon having the eggs implanted. I know it's pointless to try to make sense of anything on this show, especially this convoluted baby plot, but I'm just curious. It actually seems like the father would have the biggest stake over the kid. 

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You're right about Emily since she signed off on donating the eggs, so, yeah, lacking any paperwork trickery from A/Rollins/whoever, Ali would probably be the legal parent along with the bio father, unless he also donated sperm.

Edited by Perfect Xero
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So looks like Alison was definitely impregnated with Emily's eggs. Gross. Who in the writers room thought this was a good idea? And how exactly will the other girls be affected by Ali's pregnancy, other than being horrified by it? 

Obviously the other girls will want to become pregnant too when they see how awesome it is. #MostRomanticSeasonEver

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1 hour ago, SadieT said:

I hope one of these multiple weddings is Ezra and the newly-un-dead Nicole so Aria will finally be free.

Ezra marries both Nichole and Aria, either as sister-wives (I assume bigamy is legal in Rosewood), or sequentially since Aria will undoubtedly murder Nichole at some point.

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6 hours ago, SadieT said:

So looks like Alison was definitely impregnated with Emily's eggs. Gross. Who in the writers room thought this was a good idea? And how exactly will the other girls be affected by Ali's pregnancy, other than being horrified by it? 


I have no idea. Maybe it's Caleb and Ezra's sperms and Ali will have twins, so one will be Emily/Caleb's and one will be Emily/Ezra. 

And if Toby dies, Spencer will go back to being sad about Caleb so there, that's how it affects all of them? 

Or Ezra/Aria decide to adopt the baby themselves? 

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Alison carrying Emily's eggs is the worst thing this show has ever done . I mean that. At this point they are pandering to shippers and in a gross way. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given all of Marlene's take backs of stories that could have been awesome but the shippers flipped out (Toby is A, EzrA). 

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7 hours ago, joelene said:

Why the hell wouldn't Alison get an abortion? 

I'm giving them way too much credit here, but they have established that Alison has been regularly attending church services, so it could be religious reasons.

The real answer, of course, being that it's a source of cheap drama and fits with the show's thematic emulation of classic Noir films.

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How is it possible for Alison to be impregnated with Emily's eggs? Wouldn't she have noticed someone implanting eggs in her uterus? I've never done it myself, but it seems to me that that would be the kind of thing a girl would notice. A pregnancy doesn't seem like it's a good thing to start when you've only got 10 episodes, unless Alison & Emily raising the baby together is a new spin off show. Yuck.


* “We will find out who Charlotte’s father is, and we will find out how Spencer came to be,” King confirms. She says this particularly storyline originated from Sara Shepard’s books in which Spencer is adopted.

So Spencer has been adopted all this time, & they wait until the final 10 episodes of the series to tell us? 

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17 minutes ago, GaT said:

How is it possible for Alison to be impregnated with Emily's eggs? Wouldn't she have noticed someone implanting eggs in her uterus? I've never done it myself, but it seems to me that that would be the kind of thing a girl would notice.

I think the theory is that it happened while Alison was being kept drugged up at not!Radley modern health center.

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Yeah if Alison had Emily's eggs implanted in her, it happened when she was in Welby. At the end of 7x02 she's wheeled out of her regular room while heavily drugged up and through the halls. So she wouldn't know because she would have been unconscious during the procedure which is why this is such a gross storyline because it means her body was physically violated while she was unconscious. 

As for why she would keep it and not get an abortion, could be because of her religious views. Or maybe AD is going to blackmail and threaten her into carrying it to term. But it's also been established since the start of the time jump that Alison is desperate for a family. That's why she was so eager to believe Charlotte had gotten better, why she jumped into marriage with a psychopath con-artist, was willing to give Mary a chance despite knowing that she had dressed up like her dead mother's rotting corpse in an attempt to drive her insane, and also probably why she keeps crying about missing her mother even though her mother was awful....so I could see Alison deciding to keep the baby because she'll finally have the family she's always wanted. 

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But Alison has a family. She is practically the world champion in the number of secret close relatives category. What more does she want?!? Greedy, much?


Why the hell wouldn't Alison get an abortion? 

I bet even the option of abortion won't be mentioned, let alone seriously contemplated.


So Spencer has been adopted all this time, & they wait until the final 10 episodes of the series to tell us? 

That's probably because they decided to include this twist 10 minutes before writing this episode.

You know, if they decide to really go with the insane "implanted eggs" storyline, I hope someone informs Paige just to see her "you gotta be kidding me" reaction. She will get on her bike and ride out of Rosewood so fast that even Lance Armstrong won't be able to catch her. Or rather, she should do that, but in the hands of these writers she will probably start plotting how to impregnate Emily in turn or make Alison fall down some stairs.

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Yeah, I don't think they even thought Spencer being Mary's kid until they were like writing this episode. It's how I think they do this whole show now. Nothing adds up. We are so going to be retconning this whole entire series in the last 10 episodes. Remember Cece/Charlotte/Charlie, none of that made any sense but, these people don't care about that. IT WAS SHOCKING AND UNEXPECTED! 

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2 hours ago, Cranberry said:


...I've watched 150 episodes of this nonsense? Oh well, can't stop now.

Are they all becoming bankers in a new version of the Monopoly because I'm a little confused by all this the PL Lend Game talk ?   Who are they lending to ? </sarcasm>

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7 hours ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

I bet even the option of abortion won't be mentioned, let alone seriously contemplated.

Yeah, the only time I have seen a pregnancy story line end in an abortion was on Shameless, and that show pushes all kinds of boundaries for both dramatic and comedic reasons.  Pretty Little Lairs on the other hand tries to throw out "shocking" twists, while in reality being as safe as possible.

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3 hours ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Yeah, I don't think they even thought Spencer being Mary's kid until they were like writing this episode. It's how I think they do this whole show now. Nothing adds up. We are so going to be retconning this whole entire series in the last 10 episodes. Remember Cece/Charlotte/Charlie, none of that made any sense but, these people don't care about that. IT WAS SHOCKING AND UNEXPECTED! 

They were dropping huge Spencer IS Mary's kid anvils during their first meeting and a recent episode ended with Spencer looking through a family photo album for absolutely no reason. They probably had this planned out before they started this season, but not a moment before.

This could retroactively explain the deep level of hate that Jessica always seemed to have for Spencer compared to the other Liars.

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On September 1, 2016 at 0:17 PM, jjjmoss said:

I read somewhere that in the books she's not adopted but rather was born through a surrogate.

Yes, Spencer's biological parents in the books are Veronica and Peter Hastings.  After Melissa was born, Veronica was told another pregnancy would be dangerous so they used a surrogate named Olivia who ended up being a crazy money hungry bitch who threatened to run off to Canada with the baby if they didn't pay her more money. Spencer thought she was adopted because when her grandmother died, her will stated that only her "natural born grandchildren" would receive inheritances. 

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I was really hoping the 'eggs' storyline wouldn't happen. It's like some kind of disgusting gender-based violation akin to rape perpetuated on two of the main characters.  How low can they go? Ezra the paedo is our romantic hero and then there's Charles/Charlotte the transgender retcon who was torturing the girls without any concrete motive other than 'crazy'.  I wasn't impressed with Hanna being brutally tortured in her underwear either.

It really leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I prefer their horror-movie type torture, which is far more creative.

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8 hours ago, joelene said:

Why the hell wouldn't Alison get an abortion? 

Emily did say something about "you don't have to decide what you're going to do immediately" or words to that effect.  I think that was alluding to abortion being an option.

44 minutes ago, Perfect Xero said:

I'm giving them way too much credit here, but they have established that Alison has been regularly attending church services, so it could be religious reasons.

The real answer, of course, being that it's a source of cheap drama and fits with the show's thematic emulation of classic Noir films.

Speculation:  Ali angsts about getting an abortion but ultimately Pastor Ted convinces her to have the baby and give it up for adoption.  The baby grows up and becomes an A seeking revenge on his birth-mother for reasons as a backdoor pilot for PLL-The Next Generation.  The flash-forward we saw at the end of 6.10 is actually from 20 years in the future.

27 minutes ago, jjjmoss said:

I read somewhere that in the books she's not adopted but rather was born through a surrogate.

Is that what they're doing here?  Spencer is Veronica and Peter's child but Mary was the surrogate?  That sounds rational.  Peter:  "Due to complications with Melissa's birth, your mother became unable to carry a child to term.  So we decided to use the twin sister of the woman I fathered a bastard with a few years earlier who was incarcerated in Radley Sanitarium for being certifiably insane as a surrogate for you, Spencer.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.  What?  It was the 90's; we were all coked out of our minds 80% of the time."

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4 hours ago, mac123x said:

Speculation:  Ali angsts about getting an abortion but ultimately Pastor Ted convinces her to have the baby and give it up for adoption.  The baby grows up and becomes an A seeking revenge on his birth-mother for reasons as a backdoor pilot for PLL-The Next Generation.  The flash-forward we saw at the end of 6.10 is actually from 20 years in the future.

I wouldn't put it past this show. Or the baby is a time jumper and is Uber A from the future, hell bent on ruining his mother, egg donor and all the crazy friend who got them to the point where one would donate eggs and another would be impregnated with them. lol

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On 8/31/2016 at 11:12 PM, WhosThatGirl said:

Alison carrying Emily's eggs is the worst thing this show has ever done . I mean that. At this point they are pandering to shippers and in a gross way. 

The interesting thing is that Emison shippers may not comprise that large a percentage of fans, even though they are undoubtedly the loudest. I'm not sure if this is the proper thread topic for this, but I found this eye-opening: https://www.buzzfeed.com/allysonh12/who-do-you-ship-pretty-little-liars-edition-2jsra

Obviously, it's an unscientific poll, and we can assume power voting took place, but presumably the effects of power voting were largely canceled out by the fact that all fan bases would have been doing it. Haleb (82% of the vote, 99.1K votes) Spoby (71%, 86.6K) and Ezria (64%, 82.1K) won landslides.

However, when asked who they shipped with Alison, respondents barely chose Emily (37%, 46.5K) over Lorenzo(!) (35%, 43.1K). Moreover, when asked who they shipped with Emily, Alison finished SECOND (27%, 36.1K) behind Maya (34%, 44.3K) and in front of Paige (21%, 27.4K). According to this poll anyway, it seems people may not be buying into either Emison or Paily.

Other takeaways: respondents did not back Spaleb at all. Among Spencer's would-be suitors, Caleb finished FOURTH (5%, 5,948 votes) behind Toby, Wren (14%, 17.1K) and Alex(?!) (5%, 6,379 votes).

However, I wouldn't automatically conclude that Haleb is PLL's most popular couple. Toby and Ezra faced much more serious competition in Wren and Jason (19%, 24K). Caleb's biggest rival for Hanna was Jordan (5%, 5,802 votes).

Edited by Entropy
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Caleb's biggest rival for Hanna was Jordan (5%, 5,802 votes).

I bet Mona would have been a far more serious rival to Caleb had she been among the options in this poll.

Apart from Emily the options for Alison are so shitty (well, there is Ian but he has been dead for so long). Still, hilarious to see Lorenzo getting so many votes. Then again even Ben, the guy who once tried to rape Emily, has a few thousand votes, so I would imagine there has been quite a bit of troll voting. And, not surprisingly, Shower Harvey has even fewer votes than Ben.


Is that what they're doing here?  Spencer is Veronica and Peter's child but Mary was the surrogate?  That sounds rational.  Peter:  "Due to complications with Melissa's birth, your mother became unable to carry a child to term.  So we decided to use the twin sister of the woman I fathered a bastard with a few years earlier who was incarcerated in Radley Sanitarium for being certifiably insane as a surrogate for you, Spencer.  Seemed like a good idea at the time.  What?  It was the 90's; we were all coked out of our minds 80% of the time."

The whole Spencer is adopted thing makes no sense. Even if Peter happens to be the father, I don't see why Veronica would have agreed with a shady adoption/surrogacy. The Hastings are rich, they could have adopted any number of kids in a completely legal fashion.

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13 minutes ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

The whole Spencer is adopted thing makes no sense. Even if Peter happens to be the father, I don't see why Veronica would have agreed with a shady adoption/surrogacy. The Hastings are rich, they could have adopted any number of kids in a completely legal fashion.

The only reason I could see Veronica agreeing to it is if Peter is the father.  Even then, it's hard to believe that they'd still be married after his obvious serial infidelity.


I guess another option is that Peter and Veronica don't know that Mary is Spencer's mother, or didn't know at the time of the adoption.  Their good friend Judge Khan (a friendship that has yet to be established) helped arrange the adoption but misled them as to where the baby came from for reasons.


Third option is that Mary is off her rocker and Spencer isn't her child.  Spencer:  "You never told me I was adopted!"  Veronica:  "Because you're not.  Want to see the VHS tape your father made while I was being wheeled into the delivery room?"

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10 minutes ago, mac123x said:

I guess another option is that Peter and Veronica don't know that Mary is Spencer's mother, or didn't know at the time of the adoption.

I can see it play out that Veronica didn't know who Spencer's birth mother was, while Peter did, and made it seem like a legitimate adoption. 

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18 hours ago, Jack Shaftoe said:

I bet Mona would have been a far more serious rival to Caleb had she been among the options in this poll.

Apart from Emily the options for Alison are so shitty (well, there is Ian but he has been dead for so long). Still, hilarious to see Lorenzo getting so many votes. Then again even Ben, the guy who once tried to rape Emily, has a few thousand votes, so I would imagine there has been quite a bit of troll voting. And, not surprisingly, Shower Harvey has even fewer votes than Ben.

Ha, yeah, Mona probably would have won. The shipper stuff intrigues me on a sociological level, but what I'm more interested in is its impact on storyline. I do believe that notwithstanding the American Idol-type voting system, the sample size is large enough that it's a roughly accurate reflection of the collective fan base. So you can see right here why the three, known endgame ships are unsinkable, thus no A.D. involvement or deaths for the significant others . (A cautionary tale is The O.C. after it killed Marissa. If I recall correctly, it lost almost half its audience (and was cancelled after 16 episodes)).

But, with respect to Emison, does the show or network have its own data that also indicates that the ship's support is deeper than it is wide, and if so are they willing to bear the wrath of the screaming fangirls on Twitter enough to do something interesting like make Alison A.D.? Probably not. #Emison4eva.

The other observation I made about that poll is that I don't even remember some of those characters, and I'm sure I'm not alone. And that fact is emblematic of one of PLL's larger problems. Forget about getting answers. Who even remembers the questions? 

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10 hours ago, kariyaki said:

I can see it play out that Veronica didn't know who Spencer's birth mother was, while Peter did, and made it seem like a legitimate adoption. 

That sounds like the main storyline of The Lying Game. Which reminds me, they should cast Adrian Pasdar as Judge Khan. Or have we seen Judge Khan before? I can't remember, but if he's not been on the show before they should have Adrian Pasdar arrange another shady adaption and maybe Spencer can also have a secret twin to make it even more like The Lying Game.

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Pretty Little Liars ladies get matching tattoos 


It’s perhaps the most famous “Shhh” in TV history, and now it’s permanently on the fingers of the six ladies who made it that way. To celebrate the final day of shooting on the series finale of Pretty Little Liars, the Liars themselves — Lucy Hale, Shay Mitchell, Troian Bellisario, Ashley Benson, Janel Parrish, and Sasha Pieterse — each got matching tattoos on their index fingers with their respective characters’ first initials.

“We got the Shhhhhhh immortalized. #pllforever,” Parrish wrote alongside a shot of the six women lined up with their index fingers to their lips.


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So the two-hour final episode will be followed by a one-hour "tell-all special"

In other words, where Marlene answers all the questions that weren't actually done in the show proper!  And it'll take an hour to do this.

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1 hour ago, dwmckim said:

So the two-hour final episode will be followed by a one-hour "tell-all special"

In other words, where Marlene answers all the questions that weren't actually done in the show proper!  And it'll take an hour to do this.

And we probably still won't find out what happened to Pepe the corpse-sniffing dog.

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In other words, where Marlene answers all the questions that weren't actually done in the show proper!  And it'll take an hour to do this.

I suspect that she will talk for 25 minutes how awesome the show is, how amazing the fans are, how great the actors are, and then spend 10 minutes answering shipper questions like how Aria and Ezra are going to name their kids and 5 minutes answering mystery related questions in a way that will anger people who still care about the mystery (the whole 3 of them). You know, more of "Ian killed himself because reasons".  Though, Marlene answering a question after question which should have been answered in the show itself, would be a fitting end to a show that tries to sell itself as part mystery, yet was never any good as a mystery even in its best days.

Edited by Jack Shaftoe
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Troian got married.

Patrick J. Adams and Troian Bellisario Get Married in Bohemian California Wedding


Patrick J. Adams and Troian Bellisario are married, PEOPLE can confirm.

The couple, who got engaged in February 2014 after three years of dating, tied the knot on Saturday in southern California, the couple said in a statement.

In lieu of gifts Patrick and Troian encouraged their 200 guests to donate to the David Suzuki Foundation and SickKids Hospital.

Guests spent the wedding weekend in glamorous camping tents that were set up at the wedding venue. The couple drove up to the venue with a group of family and friends in a chic converted school bus with the words “Almost Married” written on the back.

The wedding ceremony was set in an intimate area surrounded by trees. Candles marked the path for guests, who sat on vintage wooden theater chairs. The couple exchanged their vows in front of two old oak trees.

Bellisario wore a white Cortana gown with sheer sleeves, a headpiece by Amaroq and a veil, according to Hello. Adams wore a navy blue three-piece Ralph Lauren suit.

Guests included Suits star Sarah Rafferty, Pretty Little Liars showrunner I. Marlene King, Bellisario’s costars Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, Sasha Pieterse, Keegan Allen and Adams’ friend Chris Pine. Adams actually drove his guests to the wedding venue “because he’s Patrick,” one guest wrote.

However, it appeared that the drive didn’t go 100% smoothly as a guest shared a shot of people trying to push the bus forward on a dirt patch.

After the ceremony, the couple took photos on the beach against a stunning sunset.

Meanwhile, guest noshed on snacks during a cocktail hour overlooking the beach.

On Saturday, ahead of the actual wedding date, the couple greeted guests with a “camp orientation,” according to one guest. Bellisario wore a white dress featuring a large back cutout and a black hat while Adams kept it casual in jeans, a plaid shirt and a vest.

The couple  also entertained their guests with an outdoor bonfire, where Adams’ friend Brendan Patrick Hines performed Bright Eyes’ “First Day of My Life” on an acoustic guitar.

Adams also performed, serenading his bride-to-be (and the crowd) on a guitar.

Bellisario joined her groom-to-be onstage as well to sing and give him a big kiss.

Leading up to the wedding, the pair were often separated due to their busy schedules — Bellisario filming Pretty Little Liars in Los Angles and Adams shooting Suits in Toronto.

“It’s constant coordinating,” Bellisario, 31, told PEOPLE in 2014. “It’s really hard to be away from the person you love, especially when they’re your rock and support system.”

“It’s a challenge but it’s kind of perfect because we’re such analytic, hyper intelligent people that sometimes just to be in each other’s faces all the time might have been too much for us,” she added. “We’re really growing!”

The actors, who kept fans guessing of when the big day was going to be, were adamant about keeping the wedding details on the down-low.

“We’re going to make sure that everyone finds out about that long after it happens,” the Suits actor, previously told Entertainment Tonight of the nuptials. “That’s kind of our game plan … but obviously we’re both incredibly excited.”

He added: “Once it does, we’ll make sure that the world knows.”


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