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Law & Order: SVU in the Media


Culture Check: How do we recognize and address victim blaming as a community? If you are unsure what victim-blaming is, please read more about it in this article

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Thank you for that. I'm loving it. I read bs bs bs....this is a 

My phone had a spaz attack sorry. I was going to say this is a definite shot across the bow from CBS to NBC and I love it. Can't wait to see it.

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That is hilarious that they are doing an episode about the SVU Trump episode. 

This show is in such chaos now it as become a parody of itself, as proven by the fact that they are now getting parodied in a ripped from the headlines episode about an SVU episode! The showrunners clearly have no idea what they are doing and the show is falling apart.

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On 3/6/2017 at 1:35 PM, LizDC said:


Glad somebody said something about it. This makes more sense as to why it was pulled when it was if it went down as Ice-T said. The women just started to come forward and the tape came to surface days before it was suppose, so okay,


not wanting to show something painting his accusers as a set-up is more understandable than just "NBC backed out to not piss off Trump or because they thought it could impact the election."

However, given NBC's history with Trump and the fact that even though the Access Hollywood stuff wasn't public it was also an NBC show and NBC had to know that maybe some bad stuff from any of their long-time partnership with Trump could end up surfacing and so NBC would have been much better off not wasting money and telling SVU to not do the episode. I find it interesting Ice implied that, the episode wasn't good, I don't think I've heard him say something bad about the show like that til' now, his "whatever I got paid" "the cast is good" is more what I'm used to from him. At this point though nobody is talking about Trumps accusers so airing it now would probably go under the radar especially at the rate they're changing air dates of episodes, the breaks, etc. 


Somehow in all my Law and Order fandom, I never heard about that 3-show Crossover Ice-T also mentioned, and now I wish I didn't read that. It makes absolute sense why that was scrapped, but an SVU/CI/Mothership crossover would have been the shit. I always wanted Goren and Eames to get a crossover with either show (Eames SVU appearances were better than not seeing her at all -except for that one scene with her and Liv at the bar- but it's not the same as if it had been a real crossover) and CI always was for gotten stepchild of the L&Os to me, so something like that early in it's run could have given it a boost.


In other news, I holding the Barba episode really makes me wonder WTF is going on. On one hand I should be happy that probably means that it isn't an exit for Barba, but on the other, if this is really bad, I'd hate for him to turn into a Rollins situation where I have to constantly not think about how he shouldn't have a job in order to like the character, as I've had to do with Rollins (only I like Barba a lot more than Rollins.) If they're not going to make these things have long terms consequences than they shouldn't do them. And if it turns out to be nothing significant, like that episode with Carisi undercover that they were promo-ing like he was in real danger and it wasn't any worse than other episodes, than they really need to get competent promo/PR people. Perhaps it's not suppose to be be Barba exist but now that the season's almost over and maybe they're starting to get feels if there's a season 19, they're holding it in case RE leaves if the show is renewed, so they figure to hold it for the end of the season? Or there's a lot of sucky ones coming down the pipe and they want this "big" one for another sweeps period or something? I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense of this since it doesn't make much as is.

Edited by Gigi43
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2 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

Somehow in all my Law and Order fandom, I never heard about that 3-show Crossover Ice-T also mentioned, and now I wish I didn't read that. It makes absolute sense why that was scrapped, but an SVU/CI/Mothership crossover would have been the shit. I always wanted Goren and Eames to get a crossover with either show (Eames SVU appearances were better than not seeing her at all -except for that one scene with her and Liv at the bar- but it's not the same as if it had been a real crossover) and CI always was for gotten stepchild of the L&Os to me, so something like that early in it's run could have given it a boost.

Agree with this.

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3 hours ago, Gigi43 said:

In other news, I holding the Barba episode really makes me wonder WTF is going on. On one hand I should be happy that probably means that it isn't an exit for Barba, but on the other, if this is really bad, I'd hate for him to turn into a Rollins situation where I have to constantly not think about how he shouldn't have a job in order to like the character, as I've had to do with Rollins (only I like Barba a lot more than Rollins.) If they're not going to make these things have long terms consequences than they shouldn't do them.

I doubt they'd go down that road. One of things that has improved the last few years in the writing is realizing that constant giant screw ups are not the same as dramatic character moments. There are still moments where characters should be fired (I mean seriously another hostage situation?) but they are more blind spots rather than knowing exactly how stupid they are being and expecting us to forgive them because they are main characters. And having just spent all that time pushing the reset button on Rollins I think they are well aware of the dangers of going too far.


And if it turns out to be nothing significant, like that episode with Carisi undercover that they were promo-ing like he was in real danger and it wasn't any worse than other episodes, than they really need to get competent promo/PR people. Perhaps it's not suppose to be be Barba exist but now that the season's almost over and maybe they're starting to get feels if there's a season 19, they're holding it in case RE leaves if the show is renewed, so they figure to hold it for the end of the season? Or there's a lot of sucky ones coming down the pipe and they want this "big" one for another sweeps period or something? I don't know. I'm just trying to make sense of this since it doesn't make much as is.

I've long sense lost faith in the NBC promo monkeys and have always thought it could be overblown. Of course it could be that they are talking this up because it's something different, it's a character we could see being written out, and it's not about Trump? And I would recommend you not spend a lot of time trying to make sense of the scheduling decisions if you want to keep your sanity intact.

Edited by wknt3
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 I had heard about the 3 way crossover, it never came to fruition because of 9/11 and the episode was going to be about terrorism and so when 9/11 happened they scrapped it, it's a shame they never came back to the idea of a 3 way crossover a few years later. 

While I would like to see the Trump episode just because it got scrapped, it doesn't sound very good and I think it was pulled because NBC didn't want to look like it was putting out pro Trump propaganda discrediting his accusers. 

As for the Barba episode, I think it will be nothing, because he isn't going anywhere and it is just a promotional stunt, just like the Carisi episode last year, it will be nothing and the episode will be all about Olivia once again, just like all most every episode. Frequently they will lie or mislead people about what is coming up, and the promos are never trustworthy. 

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People are so gullible, the whole idea of a Meloni return as Stabler is just for the series finale, he will never return as a main character. In the finale maybe they will get all the main characters to come back, such as Stabler, Munch, Cragen, Huang etc. I'm not opposed to Stabler making an appearance in the series finale as long as they don't write it to pander to the small but vocal Stabler-Benson shippers who want them together. Let's face it, Stabler and Benson's relationship became toxic towards the end and they seemed to bring out the worst in each other, the show gained new life without Stabler and putting him and Benson together would just be bad, really bad. Personally I never liked Stabler and I would much rather see appearances from Cragen, Munch and Huang

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2 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

People are so gullible, the whole idea of a Meloni return as Stabler is just for the series finale, he will never return as a main character. In the finale maybe they will get all the main characters to come back, such as Stabler, Munch, Cragen, Huang etc. I'm not opposed to Stabler making an appearance in the series finale as long as they don't write it to pander to the small but vocal Stabler-Benson shippers who want them together. Let's face it, Stabler and Benson's relationship became toxic towards the end and they seemed to bring out the worst in each other, the show gained new life without Stabler and putting him and Benson together would just be bad, really bad. Personally I never liked Stabler and I would much rather see appearances from Cragen, Munch and Huang

I'm with you 100%. For the series finale fine. I really don't think he could fit in with the current squad and I highly doubt he is going to be perfectly accepting of Benson being his boss. You think Amaro and Barba didn't get along very well, replace Amaro with Stabler. If Stabler were to use his old tactics we know Barba would hit the roof. 

Plus the fact Stabler is retired. I don't think you can come out of retirement if you are a cop around Stabler's age (a few years older than Benson). 

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Exactly, Stabler couldn't come out of retirement and he wouldn't accept Benson as his boss. People are just really fucking gullible, the media twists the headlines to get the Stabler fans riled up when we all know that Meloni has just said he is open to returning for the series finale. I would be fine to have him make an appearance in the series finale, as long as they don't pair him with Olivia, that would be beyond stupid after all that had happened and totally out of character for both. I don't think it will happen, I think that these articles manipulate things to get reactions from Stabler fans and they succeed.

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Maybe Liv will get promoted to captain or something in the finale, and all former members will come and celebrate.  It would have to be something that means she would be out of the SVU squad, so a chief, or something that means she has to leave SVU.  And they all come back to give her a send-off.  Or she retires.  Or gets killed and they all come and pay their respects.    That is the only way I see Stabler returning.

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23 hours ago, angel1008 said:

Maybe Liv will get promoted to captain or something in the finale, and all former members will come and celebrate.  It would have to be something that means she would be out of the SVU squad, so a chief, or something that means she has to leave SVU.  And they all come back to give her a send-off.  Or she retires.  Or gets killed and they all come and pay their respects.    That is the only way I see Stabler returning.

IF they get a planned final season they will probably bring back characters throughout instead of all at once. They will all tell Liv how she is the greatest ever and she doesn't need them anymore. "Liv you are the greatest CO ever. You understand victims in a way I never could. Plus you have better hair." "I miss working here with the greatest cops ever, but you learned all I had to teach you. I may have a PhD, but you really understand." "Liv you are the most special detective ever. I miss you, but I just couldn't keep going forever like you. I'm still with the DA's office but your cases don't ever require further investigation so it's a shame we don't get to see each other much. Oh Fin, you're still here? That's cool I guess." The only one I see being saved for a series finale would be Stabler, And they won't have her leaving SVU in any way. Dick Wolf always likes to keep his options open and will be pitching TV movies, another season on streaming, etc. for a couple years and insisting the series isn't totally dead. And Mariska will probably push as well to show Benson going on fighting the good fight, not giving up despite adversity, struggling on despite the sacrifices, etc. etc..

Edited by wknt3
fixed phrasing
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Whoa, I didn't realize the potential of Stabler's return was such a hot button issue. I don't see it as an impossibility. They wrote their way into this mess and they could write their way out of it. But Mariska (who I used to love) has apparently got the writers by the throat.

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I like Chris Meloni and, yes, I liked Stabler, rage issues and all. That said, I really don't care if he does or does not return since I stopped watching eons ago. However, nothing is impossible in TV Land in terms of how/why a character returns. Alex Cabot looked like she was pushing up daisies years ago and was in Witness Protection, instead.

Stabler merely left the force. So I think he can easily return to see friends or maybe someone on the force asks for his help in saving someone, etc.

But I feel safe in saying while many don't get/like Stabler, there is still a large chunk of audience that does, so if/when he does return, I can see a short-term ratings boost. We'll see.

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Stabler could easily return for a guest appearance, like Cragen and Munch have done, and yeah it would get a ratings boost, but he couldn't and wouldn't return as a main character, and no one is even saying he would return as a full time character, the articles are just given misleading headlines in an attempt to rile fans.

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Chris Meloni apparently is open to a return to the show. I don't see anything misleading about that. What's questionable is the degree of return. Why all the fuss over something that might not ever happen and if it did, how it would happen?

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Because everyone knows that Stabler is not returning full time, it's just frustrating how the fake media manipulates stuff to try to rile the fanbase over something we know is not going to happen. This has been talked about numerous times since Meloni's departure, Meloni has said he would return for the finale, but we all know the days of Stabler as a regular are over. 

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10 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Because everyone knows that Stabler is not returning full time, it's just frustrating how the fake media manipulates stuff to try to rile the fanbase over something we know is not going to happen. This has been talked about numerous times since Meloni's departure, Meloni has said he would return for the finale, but we all know the days of Stabler as a regular are over. 

It's not exactly fake media, he has expressed interest in coming back for a guest spot.  The way the articles are written even specifically state this.  It is the fans that read more into it.  They see the headline and think the best/worst without reading the article.  Would love to see him as a guest and go toe-to-toe with Barba!

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Well I think if some fans chose to read more into the headline, that's on them. Ultimately it's between Meloni and the producers (and Queen Mariska) whether it would happen and how it would happen. I don't see it as a "fake media" situation because Meloni actually said what he said in response to a question posed to him. Maybe he's the one actually stirring stuff up, with some help from the media...

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Regarding Stabler's possible return to the show. I don't really care one way or another, but to those saying he wouldn't accept Benson as his boss (I agree 100% btw), why should anyone accept her as their boss? She's a terrible leader. 

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8 minutes ago, Trini said:

They had their chance, it's probably never going to air; but I wonder if they'll put it on the DVDs?

Maybe the foreign set, but domestic? Probably not. That is how it was handled for CI in S8 for its Olympic-themed episode (which I think did air once but has largely been basically absent from syndication). All episodes minus "The Glory That Was" were included in that set, with a brief "This episode is not available" for that episode summary. The European S8 had the episode.

Maybe the same here? Although since it didn't air even once as above, maybe both will skip it and it'll be erased from existence.

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I know this episode is probably terrible and maybe even counter-productive, but if anyone believes that this is a quality control issue, they're deluded.

I've lived in countries like the UK which supposedly abhorred censorship but where episodes or entire TV series would be edited, delayed, or simply cancelled for various political reasons. 

Welcome to the rest of the world, I guess. Don't be surprised when this keeps on happening regularly from now on.

Edited by Lebanna
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On 3/12/2017 at 5:11 PM, Xeliou66 said:

 I had heard about the 3 way crossover, it never came to fruition because of 9/11 and the episode was going to be about terrorism and so when 9/11 happened they scrapped it, it's a shame they never came back to the idea of a 3 way crossover a few years later. 


That 3 way crossover was scheduled  to start shooting in early October 2001. According to a friend of mine who was a crew member on the Mother Ship it was in active pre-production, L&O vet Constantine "Gus" Makris was to direct and it was partially cast. Natasha Richardson was to play a wealthy South African woman enraged by the US government going back on their pledge to provide money and medical assistance for AIDS sufferers in her country. She manages to fund and coordinate a chemical attack on the NYC subway system and Ed Green (Jesse L. Martin)'s father was to be one of the victims. The potential double whammy of an actors as well as writers strike that summer had caused a lot of shows to bank extra episodes in May/June and delay starting production on their seasons until October so none of the L&Os were actually in production on 9/11. There was definitely a chance that if it had been a normal production cycle that one of them, probably the Mother Ship, could have been working down on Centre or Chamber Streets the morning of the attacks. 

Edited by TimWil
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Wow, thanks for the info, @TimWil! I completely understand - considering the plot - why this 3-way crossover never happened. But I wish it could have been reformatted or something and still could have happened. I know SVU and the Mothership have crossed in stories, but aside from some characters from the Mothership early on, as was said, CI seemed to be its own island, so it would have been nice to see all 3 shows intertwined.

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Chris Meloni briefly talks about SVU on Build (he was there promoting his new movie):

On the After Show, he said he doesn't regret leaving SVU and he knew it was time to go when negotiations broke down:

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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12 minutes ago, sockii said:

Rick Eid is out! And moving to Chicago PD...

I just saw that and was coming back to post it!  Ask and ye shall receive.  I don't watch any of the Chicago shows, so this is great news for me.

Let's see if this board has become magic.  I hope I win the next Powerball jackpot...

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That is wonderful news that Eid is out, he's never been a great writer for any of the shows, and he will be much better qualified over at PD, which is a mass market, dumbed down cop show that has always been more about soapy relationship drama than the cases, and isn't half as original, realistic or good as the L&O franchise.

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7 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

That is wonderful news that Eid is out, he's never been a great writer for any of the shows, and he will be much better qualified over at PD, which is a mass market, dumbed down cop show that has always been more about soapy relationship drama than the cases, and isn't half as original, realistic or good as the L&O franchise.

I don't know; I liked "The Last Street In Manhattan" from CI S10, which Rick Eid wrote! :-)

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Hmm, didn't know he wrote that one, CI season 10 was pretty good, but Eid was also involved in the terrible season 17 of L&O and season 18 of SVU was crap. He is much better suited to a generic, mass market show like CPD. Overall SVU season 18 has really lacked in quality and had sloppy writing. 

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9 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

Hmm, didn't know he wrote that one, CI season 10 was pretty good, but Eid was also involved in the terrible season 17 of L&O and season 18 of SVU was crap. He is much better suited to a generic, mass market show like CPD. Overall SVU season 18 has really lacked in quality and had sloppy writing. 

Maybe the CI episode was the fluke then. Either way, seems like Dick Wolf is loyal to "his people" or whatever.

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