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S08.E08: Peggy & Ed and Connie

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Even though Peggy was "acting" remorseful at the end, I still hate her.  She seems to have always been an awful person.  I see she has not followed up with after care, no surprise. I spent a career as a social worker and came across some really awful people and Peggy is really up there on the awful scale. 


I hope that family does better but not sure that mom can keep it up.  Maybe with the aftercare she can get better.   

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Peggy is a serial animal killer. Twenty five dead animals!! I hate her just for that. Did you notice how she swiped at that little dog in her daughter's house? They didn't address why she had told her daughter that she hated her.

As for Connie, everything was about her, wasn't it? Her junk was still more important than her family. I bet she junks the house up again. I felt so sorry about those two kids (Hunter and Fisher!).

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What the hell is going on with this episode? Peggy is a horrible person - the episode is just 20 minutes in here on the west coast, and I had to go to the Hoarders Facebook page to see if people are as outraged as I am. And apparently they've scrubbed anything referring to the Peggy story? Did she starve those poor animals to death? Wtf? Why weren't authorities called? I'm stunned at this.

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I don't know how long the Statute of Limitations might be on animal abuse in Peggy's state, but you can be sure that someone who sees this will press charges, if they can.   What a mean, horrible woman.  And, what did she do?  Pee and poop all over her house to get the rugs so nasty?  I've probably watched every episode of Hoarders, and this is the first one that made me gag, literally.   How Dorothy didn't haul off and slug her I don't know. 

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So I'm a die hard Hoarders fan and I have a HUGE crush on Matt.  I also DVR every episode even if I am watching it  live, just so I can rewatch it multiple times when I need a self esteem pick-me-up.  But last night when I heard the words "dead dogs" the recording was stopped and the little portion that was recorded was erased.  I'm not even reading any of the comments or the usually hillarous Previously TV write up.  See you on the Dick and Karen thread.  Peace out!

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I had to avert my eyes from the Peggy scenes. She's clearly a pathologically horrible person. It's a wonder her children are as sane as they are. Her daughter was very compassionate, although I doubt she'll ever get what she wants from her mother. Peggy is damaged beyond repair, I think, as was her house. I can't imagine the cost to make that even borderline habitable again.


I thought Connie was a good example of how disordered the thinking of hoarders is. You could see her total lack of comprehension when asked to get rid of stuff. All she could feel was her anxiety, no empathy for her family members. I think it will take an enormous effort on her part to change her behavior, even if she wants to. That's a tough situation for her sons, especially since their dad's judgement seems to be compromised as well.

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Peggy is a serial animal killer. Twenty five dead animals!! I hate her just for that. Did you notice how she swiped at that little dog in her daughter's house? They didn't address why she had told her daughter that she hated her.


Peggy was just a seething ball of rage. I did notice the swipe at that poor little dog--which made her crocodile tears at the end when she was "grieving" for her "pets" (victims, more like) all the more outrageous. She put on a good show but I don't buy it for a second. Her daughter is a saint. No way would I allow that poisonous old bitch into my home. Ruth is a better person than I could ever hope to be. But the whole family was just so sad.

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Any reason Hunter couldn't have cleaned up? It always irks me when the menfolk whine about the mess but don't do anything to keep the house clean.


If he was the son, he and his brother said their mother would not allow them to clean their own room because they still needed the stuff in them.  I can't imagine what she's like to live with when the cameras aren't there.

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It wasn't even 25 animals, it was 25 CAGES. Several of the cages had multiple skeletons in them. One of them you could clearly see 2 or 3 puppy skulls and there were at least 3 turtle carapaces in that one tub. And her "breakthrough" is that she apologized for not having buried them properly? That is some HIGH level disconnect right there. This is NOT a woman that will ever change. I feel so, so badly for her daughter Ruth who obviously just wants her mother to love her. And the look on Paul's face when Peggy was taking such delight in the stupid crap in her boxes. Hopefully the "senior efficiency" is code for nursing home.

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Confession: I’m not a hoarder (far from it), but many of the behaviors the hoarders display are me, and I feel ashamed. I was also able to identify something I do to myself I’ve struggled with all my life (ruminating and obsessive thoughts) and then was able to find ways to cope.

I saw a glimpse of myself in Connie (the one with the two teenage sons?) and Karen (the one who didn’t feel worthy to look at herself in the mirror?).

This show is helping ME, a non-hoarder to see and identify the things I don’t like about myself and give me vocabulary so I can research and find tools to cope.

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Peggy hesitated when that woman asked her if she would have let her children's bodies lying in the hoard if they had died there! That is so effed up!

The only way that toxic dump would be habitable is if it were razed and rebuilt.

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How oh HOW did the carpets wind up so wet and gross? Is there not a point where the crews come in and look around that they could say...NOPE. I always feel bad when the crews work their tails off and the house winds up being structurally damaged to the point of needing to be torn down. 


The dead animal lady needs some real help. Her hoard - between the animals and the poop and the soggy carpets - is the first time I've had to watch on fast forward so as not to gag. YUCK.


I hope Ed's medical condition stabilizes so that he can have more years with his boys.

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Birds and turtles don't get rabies shots. The way Peggy looked at her daughter's cat had me worried and then when she threatened her little dog I was ready to call the animal cops.

WHY? Why buy birds and dogs just to put them in cages and let them die? This one was just too much. No more. From now on I just want people with doll collections

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I'm no animal lover.  I really could care about the cute dog in the neighborhood that does tricks.  I don't want to see the Super Bowl outfit you dressed your FiFi in.  Pets just don't move me like that.


BUT, thinking about the slow and painful deaths those animals must have suffered had me ready to spit nails.  Did she starve them?  Did they die because of the noxious combination of shit and piss in the house?  Did she know they were dying? Could she just not be bothered?


That is what I cannot stomach.  That at some point in their suffering, she could have helped them.

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If he was the son, he and his brother said their mother would not allow them to clean their own room because they still needed the stuff in them.  I can't imagine what she's like to live with when the cameras aren't there.

The adult child I know that lives with his hoarder parents tries to use this as an excuse too, "Oh, my mom will yell at me if I clean stuff so I don't clean." Problem is, he does things all the time that he knows will cause his mom to yell at him because they are things he wants to do and he suffers the consequences willingly. He is simply too lazy to clean and uses his moms complaining as an excuse not to do it.

Those two kids were old enough to clean their own room and deal with their mom's issues about it later, they just didn't want to bad enough.

I have heard every hoarder excuse in the book and absolutely do not have the patience for any of them. At all.

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My eyes are closed when any animals are involved. Sometimes the volume gets muted too.

I wanted to kick that woman when she swatted at the little dog.  I would of called authorities on her too.   


That other mother was so self absorbed.  I have very little compassion when kids are being affected.  Another useless husband again too.

 I guess I am in a violent mood, because with her I wanted to take her stupid grabber and pull her by the nose with it.

Pick up your damn stuff and get rid of it.

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That other mother was so self absorbed. I have very little compassion when kids are being affected. Another useless husband again too.

A couple of times she said that the men ganged up on her because she was "the only girl." I wanted to tell her that being "the girl," is the reason she's been allowed to get away with her selfish, slovenly behavior all these years. If she had been one of the sons in a clean house, none of that would have been tolerated.

This show is helping ME, a non-hoarder to see and identify the things I don’t like about myself and give me vocabulary so I can research and find tools to cope.

Now that you say that, Mojeaux, I realize it's true for me, too. Before this show, I had never heard the concept of "just sit with the anxiety," and though my coping mechanisms are different, I've been trying to just sit with it more often these days.

Now if only Dr. Tolin would come sit with me and hold my hand...

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They were saying that Peggy was getting sick (kidneys) from the state of the house and the mold, etc. Did anyone point out that maybe the house cause the Dad's kidney failure and I missed it? And here she was telling her daughter that the daughter killed the Dad.

I hope the daughter keeps her away from her dog and cat. That woman is evil. Tough to find someone more horrible than an animal abuser. Can you imagine how badly all those rotting bodies would smell? We had a mouse rot in our dining room wall and it was practically nuclear and that's tiny.

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Wasn't there another hoarder who told her kids that she's have aborted them except, Jesus. However horrible she was, she's lapped going away by Peggy. How long must it have taken for those poor animals to skeletonize like that? Years? Right there next to her? It seems she is punishing herself pretty severely. (Of course, that doesn't mean I don't think the animal protection authorities shouldn't be knocking on Ruth's door like yesterday.) Hoarding is a pretty minor issue when you contemplate the full picture. Peggy needed Dr. Melva - Mark is a quality dude but...not as likely to drop the hammer in the same way. Those poor kids! It's funny how many of them retain tremendous amounts of compassion for a parent who CLEARLY in no way was ever that to them.

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Wasn't there another hoarder who told her kids that she's have aborted them except, Jesus. However horrible she was, she's lapped going away by Peggy.

That was Peggy, too, with the daughter Ruth who was letting her bunk on her couch. Peggy slapped at Ruth's dog (she wasn't close at all) (and I hate dogs but that made me wince and then the carcasses OMG). I don't really understand what Ruth's motivation was. She didn't SEEM like she had Stockholm syndrome or was a pleaser. She really seemed like a caring, forgiving person. But I am also quite certain she wanted her house and couch back.

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What a wretched, horrible person Peggy was. To tell her daughter she didn't want her, and that she was responsible for her father's death, to watch those poor animals die, one by one by one by one by one, in their cages -- even the dogs (some of whom seems to barely fit In their cages) and do nothing about it. It's all too much to comprehend. What kind of monster does that?

I think Peggy's daughter was completely broken. She trembled almost constantly. And she was so desperate for even one kind word from her despicable waste of a mother.

Has anyone else noticed that the organizers seem to be conducting more therapy sessions than the therapists lately?

In a completely random and unrelated note, was anyone else a bit startled by how well-modulated Hunter (the oldest son of the couple) and Peggy's son's voices were? Both of them could have done radio or voice-over work.

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I don't believe for one hot second that Peggy's TWENTY-FIVE dead animals died as a result of getting shots at the vet.  They were clearly neglected and died slow, agonizing deaths.  One of my closest friends was (she passed away a couple of years ago) a class-A hoarder, right down to the liberally scattered animal feces and non-functional kitchen, so it's easier than I care to admit for me to make excuses for these folks just out of pure compassion and sympathy.  I have to draw the line, however, at animal mistreatment and allowing the toilets to become crusted with nine solid inches of shit that sits there for a decade or more.  Seeing the bird carcasses in all of those cages was bad enough, but the close-ups of the dog skulls (also in cages!) almost had me changing the channel.  Those poor animals didn't deserve such a terrible fate and I loathe Peggy for allowing it to happen.

Edited by SuzyLee
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Oh, this animal killer even beats the lady that got upset because one of the Hoarder show people made her "feel bad" because she pointed out that spider nests were in her house and that was a hazard to her daughter. Up to this point, she was on the top of my list of despicable people.

Why did this woman have all of these different animals if she didn't like them enough to even feed them???? Puppies? For God's sake. If she were my mother I would let her sit in a homeless shelter all by herself. She deserves it. No humanity there. Just a shell of a horrible person. Watch out little dog at the daughter's house. You're next.

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Simply horrifying. A monster that tortures helpless creatures deserves a special kind of hell. I don't care how mentally ill you are, a taste of your own medicine is in order. Better not cross my path.

Edited by Fran
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What the hell is going on with this episode? Peggy is a horrible person - the episode is just 20 minutes in here on the west coast, and I had to go to the Hoarders Facebook page to see if people are as outraged as I am. And apparently they've scrubbed anything referring to the Peggy story? Did she starve those poor animals to death? Wtf? Why weren't authorities called? I'm stunned at this.

I missed the first recording of the episode and I couldn't find it On-demand or any repeats of it on A&E! I had to find it online. Strange.

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I wonder if Peggy acquired all those animals and then, one day, felt overwhelmed with the amount of work their care had become, and just shut the door and turned the TV up loud and went into deep denial that she even had any pets.

It's my guess that they all died at once like that. As dark and terrible as it is to think about, so long as she's never allowed to have another animal -- or get close to her daughter's animals -- I wouldn't want her prosecuted, but put in a care facility. She definitely has the ability to be horrifically cruel, to people as well as animals, but there does seem to be a lot of mental illness there, too. I think her daughter, who was probably the one who called the show, would feel guilty if she was responsible for her mother going to jail.

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I wouldn't want her prosecuted, but put in a care facility. She definitely has the ability to be horrifically cruel, to people as well as animals, but there does seem to be a lot of mental illness there, too. I think her daughter, who was probably the one who called the show, would feel guilty if she was responsible for her mother going to jail.

In previous seasons, they’ve had city people and vets out to look at the hoarded animals and take them away. In my neck of the woods, that would have been a crime. There should (would?) have been officials involved in Peggy’s situation, too, so my assumption was that it was handled off-camera and nothing was said at somebody’s request (or demand). I don’t think it would’ve been appropriate or effective to jail her.

Edited by Mojeaux
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Sorry, but I want her to pay, and jail would be effective as punishment.

With her in her daughter's house, that dog will never be safe.
Yes, she's mentally ill probably, but so are a lot of murderers and abusers.

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Excellent, I'm thrilled that she was arrested.  The article says that police were bombarded with calls from the public after the show aired.  Shows like this make me wonder why anyone would agree to air their (literal) dirty laundry on national television, especially when over two dozen animals suffered horrible deaths at her hands.  How could she not think that people would be up in arms about it?  I'm a bit conflicted about the code enforcement officer most likely losing his job over this, but he really should have reported her, if only to ensure that she's never allowed to own an animal of any description ever again.

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She definitely has the ability to be horrifically cruel, to people as well as animals, but there does seem to be a lot of mental illness there, too.



As I grow older and hopefully wiser, I usually find myself being better at allowing myself the understanding that mentally ill people sometimes do awful things, and that I should try hard to have sympathy for them instead of anger or hatred.  But in the case of this woman, I am completely incapable of sympathy.  She is a monster, and I feel so badly for her children.  If I found out my parent had knowingly, slowly murdered more than 2 dozen animals, I would likely have to do some time in heavy therapy to work through my feelings of secondary guilt, or guilt by association, or whatever it's called when you are crippled by shame from something a family member has done.  I should not have watched this episode.  Seeing the dog skeletons still perfectly curled into the sleeping shapes they were in when they finally, mercifully died means I am guaranteed nightmares for the next several nights.  That was some unspeakable horror, and a lot more than I am able to handle.


Connie also sucked, but she benefits by being paired with Peggy, because I have exhausted all my ire and don't have enough strength left to rant about the many reasons and ways that she sucked. 

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I should not have watched this episode.  Seeing the dog skeletons still perfectly curled into the sleeping shapes they were in when they finally, mercifully died means I am guaranteed nightmares for the next several nights.  That was some unspeakable horror, and a lot more than I am able to handle.


You hit the nail on the head.  It took me several days to get this episode out of my mind and I regret watching it.  Let's file 75% of Intervention episodes in that category as well, shall we?

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On 2/1/2016 at 1:08 AM, Toaster Strudel said:

Those birds... and animals... starving and dying of thirst in cages...  I have nothing else to say!

What seemed really fucked up to me, was how long were those dead animals sitting in those cages for, considering that when the cameras showed up almost all of them were just skeletons.

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