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Reel to Real: Backstage, Twitter, & All Media Dram-ugh

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Jessica Collins / Avery's last day. She got a bacon based food truck for a cast party. PB / Jack and Fack is in a pic smiling in a bathrobe, Hunter King / Dummer is posed weird like always.


I don't know why Christian LeBlanc / Michael has been pushing all the daytime nominees to vote as judges for the prime time Emmys on social media multiple x a day. I'm sure he knows all the small group of them left and could just mention it in person or text. Maybe the committee or academy need them to turn it up or they will revoke the daytime nominees/winners votes for the prime time awards?

Edited by Petunia13
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I think she's really nice and interesting in real life. There's a lot about her that's cool: chef, actress, into comedy. Plus she has a golden doodle that's CUTE. Avery was actually a character that started with promise and was quirky, career focused, dynamic, and bit fun. They took the character a totally different direction. I'd love to see JC hosting or part of a talk show or cooking show.

My other bit of gossip is PB speaks French. Oooooh la la. I usually don't think that language sounds sexy or compelling (had a French bf in university and I speak German) but I haven't heard PB/Jack speak it.

Oh and another funny tidbit in soap magazine it asked celebrity crushes and AH/Vicki's look nothing like her hubbie or ex they were Lieb Scheieber and Colin Farrel I think and Liam Neeson. AC/Leslie's I was like "yes! Oh and me first Angell" Micheal Fassbender and someone else smoking hot Alexander Scarsgard I think.

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I agree about Jessica Collins.  The Avery character went down hill when paired with Donkey Kong.  Her website is fab and I would love to see her on a cooking show. 


PB and French - I would love to hear that!

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I love Jessica and remember her way back when she was part of a teen story with Amelia and Laura Wright (now carly on GH) and I forget her real name but she is Quinn on B&B---they all had potential and yeah---loved her at first but the revolving door of writers ruined Avery and now I will not miss her---hated her with Dillwood---I still have a shortcut to her food blog on my desktop and love to check in there---hope she lands somewhere that appreciates her and clearly that is not here---she can be good but here---not so much---sigh---once again the dweebs outlast the really good actors---

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Anyone else on twitter? Eileen Davidson commented on the Charleston tragedy and then Victoria Rowell tweeted her back that she never fought for the rights of the blacks in the cast or something. I don't even know but now ED is on twitter all "WTF? VR blocked me and accused me of blah blah!" So messy. Crazy!

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Anyone else on twitter? Eileen Davidson commented on the Charleston tragedy and then Victoria Rowell tweeted her back that she never fought for the rights of the blacks in the cast or something. I don't even know but now ED is on twitter all "WTF? VR blocked me and accused me of blah blah!" So messy. Crazy!

Did you see that Michele Van Jean (African American soap opera writer) tweeted back to ED "Seriously. Do not enter the vortex." lol.


VR is nuts. It's apparent people in the industry are aware of this.

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I suspect VR's deft (if annoying) use of social media is the main reason TPTB not only haven't recast Dru but haven't been able to come up with a suitable mate for Neil and new matriarch for the Winters family. If they brought in new actress to reprise Dru or to be a clear age-appropriate alternative, VR would probably initiate a shitstorm on social media the likes of which has never been seen. There's probably no known actress who wants to take on that nightmare.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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seriously, I like VR as an actress, but she's proving more and more that she's missing a few marbles. How do you take a statement of sympathy/outrage over a tragic, senseless killing and turn it into a comment on 'racial equality' for soaps?

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Don't judge me, you guys, but a few weeks ago I read the lawsuit VR has filed. Holy crap, it's something. The most astonishing part (for me) is she claims MTS came on set one day, dancing wildly and wearing an Afro wig in an effort to humiliate and make fun of VR.


I can't get that image out of my head. lol. I WANT TO SEE A VIDEO CLIP! Or someone needs to make Soapdish Part II. 


All the legalese and "Ms Rowell this and that" they use does not hide the fact that VR is afflicted with some kind of bizarro persecution complex. Or maybe she's using this I am a CHAMPION OF DIVERSITY (except when I attack other actors of colour for not being "black enough") to mask her bad behaviour?


I don't know but if this show and it's cast and crew and executives are as OPENLY racist as she claims, why's she been fighting so hard FOR YEARS to go back? (After she quit!)


Why not just expose their behaviour and wash her hands of them?


Yup. She's nuts.

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IIRC, she tried to and that's when PB called her "crazy".


She tried what? To expose the racism? Fine. But still doesn't explain why she wants back. PB's comments came after she had left by the way. So I'm still not getting why she wanted to go back.


She is crazy. I've seen it in her comments on Twitter and in interviews. She makes no sense. I do work in race relations and media and she's a problem, not a help. Lately, she is defending Rachel Dolezal and suggesting that maybe her parents are LYING and she is actually black. sigh.


Then she launches an attack on ED for expressing sadness about a tragedy. ED is an "interloper" VR is now saying. "Don't trust these wolves" she tells her followers today.



Edited by miamama
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PB is doing a Facebook chat on the 24th.

I'm kinda upset by VR comments and personal attacks. Someone expressed grief at a senseless tragedy and she is not the adjudicator of how to properly feel or if they are allowed to feel that way. Further what the fuck does her situation have to do with it, it seems almost marginalizing what the victims, their families, and the community suffered. Not everything is about you VR! Seriously that's not cool. It's turning the topic from something she should care about that's super tragic to something that happened to her years ago and not a huge deal in comparison.

I am seriously confused how ED not speaking out to save VR's job or promote diversity at Y&R (how much control did this one actress have over this? And how does VR know she didn't speak highly of her or encourage diversity?) diminishes ED's opinion and negates her emotions about a racially motivated massacre. This is why maybe some call her crazy, she makes these extremely offensive accusations that are hurtful and seem based on assumptions and comes across mean in the process. JMHO!!!! !!!!

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VR has lost all credibility and she needs to find whatever dignity she has left and go on somewhere.

Damn. Why did she have to be all crazy about everything, I liked her so much! I'm not saying that she didn't have a legitimate beef. Perhaps there was a lot of racism on the set, I don't know, but she could have handled all of this much differently with better results.

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If I'm remembering this right, I think PB called her "crazy" for wanting to return after all her rants against Y&R.

Edited by ByTor
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If I'm remembering this right, I think PB called her "crazy" for wanting to return after all her rants against Y&R.

After months of VR going off the rails with her rants and blaming CBS, Sony, the EP, the writers, cast and crew of Y&R for blocking her being re-hired as Drusilla, PB said this:

“I look at her with compassion and concern. I don’t think she’s playing with a full deck.”

Which is a lot nicer, classier and rational than what VR had been spewing.

I actually feel bad for her. She is/was a talented actress but she has just gone completely overboard with her desire to get her old job back. A job she voluntarily quit. I have never understood why she is so desperate to go back to a place that she claims is toxic and full of racists and backstabbers. It makes zero sense to me. I really think she needs to get over it and let it go because the only thing she is accomplishing is to make herself look like a fool.

Edited by Desperately Random
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I don't know about KSJ -- though I'm highly doubtful he was "severely punished" for speaking out about diversity. I don't think anyone disagrees that African Americans (and all people of colour) are under-represented at CBS -- and many, many other places in North America. In fact, there has been an initiative recently at CBS daytime to bring in more diverse writers.


What offends me about VR is that she says and does hateful, hurtful, downright unbalanced stuff and then screams that she's being attacked because she's speaking out for diversity. Which to my mind is breathtakingly unfair to people who are actually interested in helping promote diversity. If Debbi Morgan made a comment, in her professional, respectful way about issues of diversity in the soap world, are we to believe she would be labelled as crazy for doing so? Of course not. Michele Van Jean, an AA soap writer, suggests VR is nuts. So it's not like VR is pulling together a team to promote diversity. She just pisses people off. That's why she's a pariah. Not because she's black.


VR undermines herself by her behaviour. This latest lunacy attacking ED just proves that she's not someone who is serious about wanting to improve conditions for anyone in the workplace. Who in god's name would want to work with this woman? All ED did was express horror and sadness at the Charleston shootings. And VR not only used this to attack ED for not pushing for diversity at Y&R, but she also threw in a personal dig (no doubt in reference to the Real Housewives thing) by calling her a "ratings seeker." WTF? 


Can you imagine what she was like BTS? Yikes.



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ED's father in law Dick Van Patten has died.

I agree with everything miamama said. I meant what I said - VR is just really offending me by her comments and attacks. I can't articulate why she makes me uncomfortable...maybe because she comes across lacking empathy herself or sincerity. I don't know.

I wanted to post on this looooong ago but RA/Noah's RL fiancé a lead actress on b&b LG/Caroline has been back on set with her walker which they incorporated into the storyline. And it's been so great seeing her back and her positive attitude talking about being run over in interviews is so inspiring. This young woman such a powerhouse surviving cancer and working tirelessly for a cure, juggling front burner status on a soap and raising an infant, physical for severe leg injuries, being a close friend and team player to all her cast and crew

: ) so I wanted to post an update she's on the mend.

Edited by Petunia13
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I love Jessica and remember her way back when she was part of a teen story with Amelia and Laura Wright (now carly on GH) and I forget her real name but she is Quinn on B&B---they all had potential and yeah---loved her at first but the revolving door of writers ruined Avery and now I will not miss her---hated her with Dillwood---I still have a shortcut to her food blog on my desktop and love to check in there---hope she lands somewhere that appreciates her and clearly that is not here---she can be good but here---not so much---sigh---once again the dweebs outlast the really good actors---

Avery lost purpose for me after her father died. After her rivalry with Phyllis was dropped she veered from one pointless story to another. It's another case of Y&R wasting a great actress on a lousy role imo.

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Petunia, how did they write LG's injuries into the storyline?

Speaking of Debbi Morgan, I saw her on an old episode of Good Times last night! She played JJ's date - I don't think she actually said anything, just giggled at JJ :D

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Petunia, how did they write LG's injuries into the storyline?

Speaking of Debbi Morgan, I saw her on an old episode of Good Times last night! She played JJ's date - I don't think she actually said anything, just giggled at JJ :D

Where you watching Good Times?
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Petunia, how did they write LG's injuries into the storyline?

Speaking of Debbi Morgan, I saw her on an old episode of Good Times last night! She played JJ's date - I don't think she actually said anything, just giggled at JJ :D

Supposedly Caroline had a car accident while she was in Paris which delayed her return. The scene where Ridge gets her up on her feet with the walker for the first time was so well done! Watching "Caroline" talk about how hard it all was not being able to do things for herself, how helpless and frustrated she felt was amazing. LG really is a fabulous young woman!

Edited by PatsyandEddie
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Where you watching Good Times?

On an over-the-air channel from Buffalo (we don't have cable). It's a subcarrier of WGRZ channel 2, called Antenna TV. They show Good Times from 8-9 pm, All in the Family from 9-10 pm, and I think the Jeffersons from 10-11 pm! I didn't watch Good Times when it was first run, so I'm enjoying watching it now.

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On an over-the-air channel from Buffalo (we don't have cable). It's a subcarrier of WGRZ channel 2, called Antenna TV. They show Good Times from 8-9 pm, All in the Family from 9-10 pm, and I think the Jeffersons from 10-11 pm! I didn't watch Good Times when it was first run, so I'm enjoying watching it now.

ah those 70's shows. Subes was a young girl when they first aired. Good Times indeed. The Jeffersons, All in the Family. All still entertaining and surprisingly relevant. Not to mention funny, well written,well acted, thought provoking, heartwarming, and tear jerking.....sigh Edited by Suby
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You can put a shack in LA and it would be over a million, the property value is insane. I saw an old, run down, earthquake damaged 700 sq ft house on HGTV the other day sell for $400,000. Just because it was in Burbank. My parents bought a 5000 sq ft house for that out East. 


JM's house has nice decor. 

Edited by Artsda
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Wow. Dude has a charmed life. Can you imagine being a mediocre actor who has only worked on one show your entire life and you live like that? sigh. Feeling the weight of my debt these days. Totally. Jealous. ;)


Nice house but $6-million does seem steep. But location is everything, isn't it?

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Feeling the debt with you, there, MM.


Location is for sure everything--1M doesn't buy anybody much in TO at this point, so the price doesn't seem so high to me, either,


Wow. Dude has a charmed life. Can you imagine being a mediocre actor who has only worked on one show your entire life and you live like that? sigh. Feeling the weight of my debt these days. Totally. Jealous. ;)


Nice house but $6-million does seem steep. But location is everything, isn't it?

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ah those 70's shows. Subes was a young girl when they first aired. Good Times indeed. The Jeffersons, All in the Family. All still entertaining and surprisingly relevant. Not to mention funny, well written,well acted, thought provoking, heartwarming, and tear jerking.....sigh

Capricasix was also a wee young thing ;D One of last night's Good Times ep was about the FBI keeping tabs on the Evanses because Michael was doing a school project on Cuba and had written to the Cuban government...who would have thought that almost 40 years later, the NSA would still be doing the same thing!

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Did anybody else see the Twitter exchange yesterday between a Y&R viewer and Eric Braeden. Unbelievable!  The viewer made some sort of comment about Nikki giving up Turd to Paul, which led to EB responding (not verbatim, but close) "If my wife in real life had betrayed and backstabbed me like Nikki has Victor, it'd be 'Bye bye, Felicia'."


This idiot has BECOME The Great Turd Victor Newman.

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that's too funny TMS, I was wondering how long before he would put his 2  cents in on that.


lawdy he's a jackhole.


LOLOL  I just went to his twitter page and commented after he wondered how vic is supposed to stay with nikki when she continually berates him and I said the same way nikki keeps taking him back when he continually berates and talks down to her..

Edited by valleycliffe
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