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S01.E10: Childish Things


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Agreed. I liked the episode but it left a bad taste in my mouth because there is no place for Winn to go but a bad guy.  I also don't quite understand how Kara can care so much for Will where she was grabbing his hand and pleading with him but then, not enough to even consider a kiss. She wasn't particularly sensitive there.  I also hate James so Will seems like a reasonable option. I don't like them making Max Lord such a lame villain. I think he and Alex have some good chemistry and the show should exploit that. Either Max or Alex should legitimately fall for the other and be torn.   Right now looks like they are keeping it superficial.


I do like Cat but Lucy Lane has her general counsel? Really? What does a former Army lawyer know about the publishing world. I like Lucy but I don't look forward to any story where a woman has a such a douche for a boyfriend.

No place for him to go but being a bad guy? Oh please! Yes he got rejected so he has to go bad SMH. I don't get this notion he has to go bad cause of rejection how bout they remain friends and they can bring someone on for Winn unless they do hook him and Kara like next season(If they get one)

  • Love 2

I don't know what they're doing with Jimmy.  I was very annoyed with Lucy pretty much asking for his permission to come work at Catco and then getting all POed and telling him she didn't need his permission to work at Catco.


I read that scene as more about Lucy wanting his honest opinion about whether he thought it would be a good idea for them to be working together, and getting annoyed when he just kept ducking the question. She wasn't looking for permission, just sincere communication.

  • Love 3

Toyman was interesting. A joke character in a lot of ways, but scary in that he seems like he should he so harmless. Kind of like the Trickster. The problem is, like on the Flash he doesn't make a very reasonable villain for someone who can move at super speed. Barry, and Kara even more so, should be able to handle whatever he is doing and shut him down before he even realizes they are there. Which is true really for any non-powered enemy anyway. They do seem to recognize this to a certain extent and have their plots threaten innocents to keep the hero distracted. I'll admit the quicksand trap was kind of silly but since he doesn't know about kryptonite an attempt to suffocate isn't a bad idea, though Kryptonians can hold their breath a looooong time.

I think we just have to accept at this point that people are too generous with what they think Kara's speed should be--or rather under what conditions she can summon it are--and accept that it IS something she has to at least think about to do. Ergo even if we see her move fast at certain points, it's something she has to think about and plan first. My wank is that she can always move fast, but to CONTROL it she needs to plan and concentrate or it's just super-klutzdom (and dead people).  


And the threat of Toyman IS something I thought was done right in this otherwise eyerolling episode. Something that's always going to put a thorn in a Superman or Supergirl's side is when innocents are threatened. It gives a less powerful villain an in to at least put a big bump in the hero's path, even if they still eventually win. Toyman is willing to kill, which actually is rarer in comic books than you'd think (because a lot of time it's just talk and no action, or superpowerful fights without the little vermin known as normal humans directly being threatened). 

No place for him to go but being a bad guy? Oh please! Yes he got rejected so he has to go bad SMH. I don't get this notion he has to go bad cause of rejection how bout they remain friends and they can bring someone on for Winn unless they do hook him and Kara like next season(If they get one)


I don't see any point to Winn on this show otherwise. Do we really need the love lorn tech guy? Kara has the DEO I am sure they have tech resources. I would love it if the show found someother point to him but I don't they will.

I don't see any point to Winn on this show otherwise. Do we really need the love lorn tech guy? Kara has the DEO I am sure they have tech resources. I would love it if the show found someother point to him but I don't they will.

Winn fills the role of lovable geek.  It seems that all the superhero have this character.  Cisco on Flash, Felicity on Arrow, Fitzsimmons on SHIELD and Nygma on Gotham (before the last few episodes).  Personally I like Winn and I want him to stick around as her friend. 


Someone upthread asked why Kara doesn't give Winn a shot (no pun intended).  I was wondering the same thing.  However at this point, if Kara were to date him it would feel like she were being emotionally blackmailed into it.   

  • Love 2

If he's supposed to be the lovable geek, I think they've made some serious missteps with his character. From episode 1 when he made the assumption that the reason she didn't like him was because she's gay to all the sorry for himself pining to being nasty to Kara for hugging James to his giving Kara the most guilt-inducing feelings confession ever, he comes off as the worst Nice Guy trope.

Now, he's stated that he can't just be friends with her. Which is fine. He has every right to have boundaries and emotionally protect himself. But he either goes back on that, which makes him look weak and the whole drama confession pointless or they make Kara give him a chance, which as you said, would feel like emotional blackmail.

I'd be happy to see him turn dark side or be written off the show. I just don't think he has the charm or humor to be the tech sidekick and I'm tired of seeing his sad clown face.

  • Love 2

Everything DEO is crap. Lucy/James/Supergirl as the romantic triangle fails because James as the apex of the triangle is weak, because it's not clear why Lucy is competition for Supergirl (given James' groupiness for Kryptonians,) or believing James as a Great Love instead of a fling. And now they're playing around with a Nice Guy trope for Winn, even though Nice Guy is just stupid? All that's left is Melissa Benoist and Callista Flockhart. Not enough. Life's too short, I'm finished.

  • Love 1

Winn fills the role of lovable geek.  It seems that all the superhero have this character.  Cisco on Flash, Felicity on Arrow, Fitzsimmons on SHIELD and Nygma on Gotham (before the last few episodes).  Personally I like Winn and I want him to stick around as her friend. 


Someone upthread asked why Kara doesn't give Winn a shot (no pun intended).  I was wondering the same thing.  However at this point, if Kara were to date him it would feel like she were being emotionally blackmailed into it.   

I also would say that Winn has not been loveable. In fact, he has really been pretty nasty with some frequency to Kara and to James. Also, in contrast to characters from those other shows, Kara shouldn't really need a tech geek. Not only should her inherent powers make the need for such a geek less, she has access to Kryptonian technology that should blow the skills of a Winn out of the water.


One of the other troubles with Winn is that the show is telling, not showing, how important Winn is to Kara. All the stuff she was saying about how she couldn't do stuff without him didn't make sense to me. It's been rare that they've been shown to be friends in the way Felicity became a friend to Ollie, Cisco is a friend to Barry, Chloe was a friend to SV Clark, etc.

As to why not give Winn a chance, it seems Kara is relatively inexperienced in romantic relationships. She thinks that there should be a Ka-pow! feeling on first meeting someone. She experienced that with Jimmy. She didn't, apparently, with Winn. The only things I fault her for was not pursuing that Ka-Pow! feeling when Jimmy was free and for idiotically pushing him back with Lucy. 

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 2

No place for him to go but being a bad guy? Oh please! Yes he got rejected so he has to go bad SMH. I don't get this notion he has to go bad cause of rejection how bout they remain friends and they can bring someone on for Winn unless they do hook him and Kara like next season(If they get one)


Besides, it renders meaningless his entire monologue about how the last thing he wants to be is a villain like his dad.  The whole point of his spilling his guts to Kara was that keeping everything bottled up inside was what drove Winslow Schott, Sr. over the edge.  Why would Winn, Jr. suddenly embrace what he's spent his whole life rejecting simply because Kara's made it clear that she's just not that into him?

  • Love 1

No show is perfect but the romantic relationships on this one are its weak point.  They're too rush and too mixed up.  This is one thing Berlanti needs to slow down on.

I read that scene as more about Lucy wanting his honest opinion about whether he thought it would be a good idea for them to be working together, and getting annoyed when he just kept ducking the question. She wasn't looking for permission, just sincere communication.

The impression I got is that Lucy wanted Jimmy to be really excited that she got this great job.  She'd thrown up her old one and moved so that she could be with him and she wanted him to be as committed to the relationship as she was.  James is ambivalent though, she's hurt him in the past and he's reluctant to let himself open up to that again (Mechad Brooks interview) and then there's Kara.  He was just trying to make the decision about Lucy and not about her doing it for him or their relationship.


The conversation they should have had:

Lucy:  What do you think I should do?

James:  What do you want?  That's what you should decide on.

Lucy:  Jimmy, I feel like you're not supporting me here.  Like you're not really in this relationship.

James:  I do support you but I want you to make this decision for yourself, not because you're doing it for me. I'm still trying to learn to trust you again.



I like Lucy best in the scene against Cat.  They're almost equals, they're very similar in terms of being strong women who think they're right and want their own way, and while Cat deliberately mangling Kara's name or putting down Winn annoys me because Kara and Winn don't deserve it, Lucy can give as good as she gets,

On the second, the last time I looked schizophrenia is the only major mental illness with a heritable component. But it's not as heritable as diabetes. Someone with diabetes in the family might want to try very hard to keep the weight down. And someone with mental illness in the family might want to duck dysfunctional relationships with someone who wants you to be their GBF when you aren't G.

There are quite a few mental illnesses with heritable components, including bipolar affective disorder and major depression as well as less disruptive problems like ADHD.


Winn might be right to be afraid because there are few things that we know of right now that you can do to avoid something like schizophrenia although if he's pushing 30, he may have ducked it.


I was amused that Toyman seems to think that if he and his son both wind up in prison, they'd "be together".  Because apparently the same prison that let him have/build toys in his cell might perhaps allow him to have a roomie, right?

That's the crazy talking, and it's quite realistic that someone with those mental problems would think that. It's Czerny's strength that he managed to humanize a crazy person and make him sound sane.


I totally think they have chemistry however even though I probably shouldn't be seeing this I think Alex and J'onn/Hank have crazy chemistry and not in a mentor/mentee father figure way either.

I agree. No matter how often Harewood says in interviews that he sees the Danvers girls like daughters, there is something more on screen.

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 1

Toyman gets the delusional dad of the year award.


"You're a murdering sociopath, dad."


"We're going to be together in prison, isn't it great?"


"I hate you, dad."


"Don't let little details like that get in the way of how much you've missed me!"


Toyman's quicksand is more powerful than Supergirl?  Someone explain that one to me.


Yeah the whole Hank covert ops mission was messed up.  Not thinking about the fact that there are cameras all over the place.  Turning back into Hank and then needlessly memory wiping the guard when he could have simply remained Lord.  Oh well, I guess superheros can be dumbasses too.


Still liking this show even with the logical inconsistencies.  When things are fun, like Supergirl is, I can overlook the stupid stuff.

Edited by Dobian
On the second, the last time I looked schizophrenia is the only major mental illness with a heritable component. But it's not as heritable as diabetes. Someone with diabetes in the family might want to try very hard to keep the weight down. And someone with mental illness in the family might want to duck dysfunctional relationships with someone who wants you to be their GBF when you aren't G.

Virtually all mental illnesses have a heritable component - even personality disorders. Schizophrenia is one of the mental illnesses with the strongest heritability, but by no means the only one. It's probably similar to type 2 diabetes, actually.

Anyways, there's no indication that Toyman is schizophrenic. From what we've seen, he doesn't meet the diagnostic criteria. If anything, he seems more manic with delusions. I'd guess he's bipolar 1.

It also sounds like Toyman was >30 years old when he "lost it".


Too bad Max is smarter than Team Supergirl. One would think they'd try to plant a bug in Room 52.

At first I thought that's what Hank had done, but then it looked like they were just photos.


I have to say, to me Kara has zero chemistry with either of her love interests. At least I find Winn vaguely funny, James is just kinda there for me. You could kill him off, I wouldn't even notice. Have to say, part of this is the actor...Mehcad Brooks does nothing for me and I found him absolutely terrible in True Blood as well and didn't get why everybody was fawning over him either. I wish they had gotten someone like Charles Michael Davis (from The Originals) for this role, someone who can play witty and charming. James is just so blah.


Also this Kara pines for James, Winn pines for Kara dynamic is just boring. Shake it up already, everybody move on from this dumbass triangle.

I agree - I don't see chemistry with Winn or James, and I've never been able to picture Kara with either of them.


One of the things that really bugs me is that this show has an over abundance of bad guys and a real dearth of romantic interests. It is like they keep everyone toggling back and forth as potentials.  Pick one side and develop it.



Had the same thought.  Also when he was going on to Kara about her looking like a cheerleader and he looked like he looked. BTW Peter Facinelli gets some props from me because he did crack me up doing awkward Hank (even if that wasn't realistic)


I am begging the creators to allow Lucy and James to go  back to Metropolis. I see zero sparks with Kara and him and I guess I don't like the idea that he is playing both sides of the coin -- basking in Kara's glory and also trying to keep Lucy. I know there are some terrible rants on here about Winn but I don't find him bad at all. And I think he would be a better fit for Kara (for the moment). I don't exactly see why she isn't in to him because I don't find him ugly.  Someone upthread said that Winn could turn bad and it would be then that Kara would see things clearly. Not that I want to send that bad boy message but I would like for his turning bad to sort allow her to see how much she would miss him if he weren't around.

^I agree with all of this!


I don't understand why Kara has to be with either of them. I thought Winn was more interesting in this episode than he ever has been previously, but his ultimatum really doesn't make me want the character to stick around.

James is totally playing both sides and can't commit, and reminds me of a friend who used to do that repeatedly - have trouble "deciding" between two girls because he'd rather pick the one more likely to stay with him even if it wasn't the one he liked more, and continuously playing both sides and avoiding making any sort of commitment. It irritated me so much.

Yet again, someone needs to remind TV writers that that is NOT how sprinkler systems work.


Nor how freezing, explosions, receiving awards at toy conventions, toy fans running from imminent explosions, etc. etc. etc. work.


Not surprisingly, National City is, apparently, just LA (if that wasn't already established by the ubiquitous palm trees). The exterior for the arcade was the closest arcade to where I lived in high school. It's at the Redondo Pier next to Quality Seafood which is also in the background of a couple of the shots.

  • Love 2

So something just hit me as I watched the last scene again (trying to figure out if Max was just getting video or also audio.  Leaning towards the former).  



The big red light shining in the middle of the camera (serious how does the woman with the supersenses not notice this)... Brother Eye reference anyone?  Brother Eye is not usually associated that closely with Superman/Supergirl, instead it's typically more associated with Batman than anyone else.  Which is why despite the inclusion of Max Lord, I still did not think the AI would be making an appearance in this series...now I'm not so sure?

So something just hit me as I watched the last scene again (trying to figure out if Max was just getting video or also audio.  Leaning towards the former).  



The big red light shining in the middle of the camera (serious how does the woman with the supersenses not notice this)... Brother Eye reference anyone?  Brother Eye is not usually associated that closely with Superman/Supergirl, instead it's typically more associated with Batman than anyone else.  Which is why despite the inclusion of Max Lord, I still did not think the AI would be making an appearance in this series...now I'm not so sure?

Brother Eye has run the gamut in terms of who's wrapped up in it, and though Batman has the biggest share, Max Lord has a connection too. Not one they can directly reference in any story here, because it makes no sense in this context (there's no Checkmate organization in this), but just as a general thing connecting B.I. to Lord in a story is not completely out of the blue. 

  • Love 1

I was under the impression Max's video was just video with no audio, but then how would he know that they are sisters? Without audio, for all he knows, they could be secretly married, and/or Alex could also be an alien, and/or they're just really good friends/roommates.

He commented that they're sisters, which is something that Kara or Alex specifically said out loud in that conversation.

  • Love 2

I was under the impression Max's video was just video with no audio, but then how would he know that they are sisters? Without audio, for all he knows, they could be secretly married, and/or Alex could also be an alien, and/or they're just really good friends/roommates.

He commented that they're sisters, which is something that Kara or Alex specifically said out loud in that conversation.

Why would audio be any harder for him to get via a spy camera than video?  

I never said anything about that.


I was under the impression it was video only because when they showed him watching it, we could see the video with but I didn't think there was sound coming from it.

I think it's just as simple as it being muted at that moment we see him, or perhaps he's reviewing a recording rather than it being live.  Although the practical reason is that we (the audience) have to hear him gloating, and we can't do that if there's ambient audio getting in the way of us hearing him.

Brother Eye has run the gamut in terms of who's wrapped up in it, and though Batman has the biggest share, Max Lord has a connection too. Not one they can directly reference in any story here, because it makes no sense in this context (there's no Checkmate organization in this), but just as a general thing connecting B.I. to Lord in a story is not completely out of the blue. 

There's nothing to stop TPTB from having a version of Checkmate exist that is a private security company, or Max's own personal project, or some such. 

There's nothing to stop TPTB from having a version of Checkmate exist that is a private security company, or Max's own personal project, or some such. 

That would just be using the name and not the purpose of Checkmate. They were a spy agency, and arguably one existing to counter supers. Which while it does fit with this version of Max's philosophy, they were (until Max subverted them) an authorized (by the U.N.) agency.

The difference would be relatively minor -- it would be authorized by Max and/or like-minded people who don't trust the government rather than by the U.N. For storytelling purposes that's fairly irrelevant.


The purpose and method -- a bunch of human agents acting covertly to detect and counter alien and meta-threats -- would be the same. 

Someone upthread asked why Kara doesn't give Winn a shot (no pun intended).  I was wondering the same thing.  However at this point, if Kara were to date him it would feel like she were being emotionally blackmailed into it.
Yeah, I was wondering about that, too, when Kara was giving her speech. I know sometimes feelings and attraction just aren't there, but they seem to have a natural ease together and Winn's very attractive. Given that James is (more or less) with Lucy and she comes across as relatively inexperienced romantically, it seems odd to me that she's not open to at least trying a romantic relationship. I was originally very on board with Kara/James, but as the James/Lucy relationship drags on, I like him less as a romantic interest. The writers need to resolve things because indecision is not a good look for James.  


I don't think the show's only choices are to put Kara/Winn together or to turn Winn into a supervillain. Whether its logical that Kara should need them or not, Winn's tech skills are established as useful to her. Sometimes in real life, putting all the cards on the table enables a person to move on. I can see that happening with Winn. He doesn't have to wonder and there's no hope that Kara's feelings of friendship are indicative of a deepening. It's difficult with them being co-workers, but they could have him move on and simply be the tech geek friend. Heck, given what's established with his father's level of genius, Winn could start using inventions to become a fighter in his own right. I do think the characters have nice chemistry, though, and I wouldn't mind them being put together.


I don't mind Lord's villainy, but I wish the show had delayed the reveal a bit. He and Alex have the best chemistry, and I wish the show could have played with that for a bit with Lord as a shades-of-grey character rather than a serious villain. Also, I feel like he's overshadowing Astra as the season threat. I know Smallville (which I didn't watch) kept Lex as the main antagonist somehow, so maybe Lord doesn't have to be resolved by season's end. But it seems hard to imagine how he'll be an ongoing. He's so effective at being dangerous.

  • Love 1

I can't see them actually making Winn a villain, he knows too much.


Pure speculation on my part, but I think they'll do a story where he quits his job at Catco and goes to work for Max Lord, they'll play it up like he's switching sides, but then they'll pull back and reveal that he's been spying on Max for team Kara.


Total speculation and never invested in the Supergirl comics, so I could be completely off base. I think it'd be interesting if Lord, having researched SG's weaknesses (Kara's human life) were to kidnap Winn and experiment on him, turning him into some villain of sorts. That would change the not triangle dynamic and make Lord a bit more interesting as well.  Someone one here who's more familiar with the Supergirl canon can probably say if this would be doable or not.

Total speculation and never invested in the Supergirl comics, so I could be completely off base. I think it'd be interesting if Lord, having researched SG's weaknesses (Kara's human life) were to kidnap Winn and experiment on him, turning him into some villain of sorts. 

It's not likely to happen IMO, mostly since they're currently going the route of a super-powered enemy Max is creating via experimentation. Going to that well twice, even adding in the twist that it's Winn, would be kind of duplicative. 

So here's a question for comic book geeks like me: Is Max creating Matrix? So we'd have the post-Crisis Supergirl hanging out with the pre-Crisis (or current day) Supergirl. That's what I thought when i saw the blacked out eyes. 


I'm also curious how far they are going with Max Lord. Can he push people here, too? 


One thing though, just as a counterbalance: Having been the guy in Winn's position, sometimes you just have to say it and let the chips fall. Sometimes you don't know how she's going to react; sometimes you know you can't live with the consequences of never knowing. Even when you're pretty sure the other side doesn't feel the same way, you have to put it out there, just to know. it can cost you a pal-ship, but if you want more than being pals (or even best friends) you have to say it. And then you have to get out. 


I understand it's not fair to the other person, and I understand it hurts feelings. But some things you have to do to keep yourself sane, and telling the girl you love that you love her -- even if you know she doesn't love you back -- is one of them. Or at least it has been for me. 

  • Love 4

So here's a question for comic book geeks like me: Is Max creating Matrix? So we'd have the post-Crisis Supergirl hanging out with the pre-Crisis (or current day) Supergirl. That's what I thought when i saw the blacked out eyes. 

Although not "in show", they've already spoiled who the girl is right on Supergirl's CBS website. There's a news item there that says it right in the title. It has a picture of the actress and her character name. 

Yeah, I was wondering about that, too, when Kara was giving her speech. I know sometimes feelings and attraction just aren't there, but they seem to have a natural ease together and Winn's very attractive. Given that James is (more or less) with Lucy and she comes across as relatively inexperienced romantically, it seems odd to me that she's not open to at least trying a romantic relationship. I was originally very on board with Kara/James, but as the James/Lucy relationship drags on, I like him less as a romantic interest. The writers need to resolve things because indecision is not a good look for James. 


Yeah, agreed, it's not like I think Lucy/Jenna automatically kicks Kara/Melissa in the teeth as a viable female love interest but... Lucy is as she is and she's "all in", at least at the moment.  James has her.  It's not like some kind of situation where James is girlfriendless and pining for love.  This also annoys me no end when the sexes are reversed in the equation; like viable sane love interests are so thick on the ground even when you look like Dewan or Brooks, that you can afford to toss one over for some stranger whom you've never had a romantic relationship with.  It strikes me as flighty greed or squandering.


Things I did like:  Lois is coming off rather badly in absentia, which I don't care about qua Lois, but at least it's a funny, fresh, and unusual take on the mythology we think we know.


Speaking-of, when they uncovered Toyman they finally also uncovered a mythological universe trope in which I have interest.  (Shoot me, I like fictive props.)   As for Winn though, I wouldn't be surprised if they did villain him out of the equation considering how polarizing he seems to be as a character.  It may not have been their original intention with regards to the outcome, but he's clearly not popular in great measure, and as others have pointed out there's only so many places for him to go.


Thirdly, clearly they "heard" me about James as art director being a boring job, which I can only rejoice over, heh.

Edited by queenanne

Besides all the nonsense most have detailed here...they keep downplaying Supergirl's abilities.  She came into the warehouse and the Toyman jumped away from her.  Really?  A human being can outmaneuver SG?!??! 


Buffy did a great job of creating bad guys that would challenge Buffy.  Other than the other Kryptonians, all the challengers here are not anything that SG couldn't have disposed of in one minute or less.  Just bad writing.

I definitely agree that Supergirl getting trapped by the Toyman was just stupid - while Superhero physics is always pretty dubious, there was nothing to stop her just flying straight upwards (and I was wondering why she didn't check the voice was really a child with her X ray eyes, too). At least at the end, she couldn't take the "obvious" solution of blocking the bullets because Toyman had rigged the bombs specifically to prevent that. Still don't get why Winn didn't want the FBI catching his dad (yes, they might adopt a shoot as a first option given he's an escaped felon, but it wasn't as if he wanted his dad to remain free).



sjohnson At the same time he's worried about his genes snaring him, so that any fit of temper can suddenly turn into a bombing plot.
Chicago Redshirt The notion of someone as crazy inventive as Toyman not realizing he could simply make a fortune with his inventions rather than turn to murder over them being stolen...bleh.



Though that would seem to fit with comic book origins. The children of Supervillains will probably also be a villains, madmen have mad children and every problem has to be solved by murder, Lots of shows seem to run on that basis.



Cthulhudrew Kat probably had the best scene/line. "That girl should be paying me by the hour."



I always like bosses who go "You're here to work, not make cow eyes at each other!" because too many workplaces in dramas simply seem there for people to hook up at. Cat may be blunt and be incapable of learning her employees names, but she is a pretty fair boss (last week's aberration notwithstanding).



quarks I get that they wanted to play Hank/Martian Manhunter's terrible impersonation of Maxwell Lord for laughs


Except it wasn't funny! Surely better to go "I struck out - I don't want to discuss it!" because that's more believable than going "I suddenly realised what a terrible person I am!" if you want to remain undercover (and he supposedly has years of experience of doing just that). At least we got a reason why "Hank" doesn't use his awesome power set. Did like that Max Lord wasn't fooled by Alex's sudden desire for a date and used it to get what he wanted (well, some of what he wanted - I presume he wanted to sleep with Alex as well).


cynic When we first got to see the Toyman's face, I was like "Tom Brokaw is the Toyman!".


...and I thought "Where's Amanda Clarke when you need her!"

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