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45 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I think it was filmed. She mentioned that she didn't react to it at the time because she didn't want them to be able to portray her as an 'angry black woman.' She said she took him aside when she knew they weren't being filmed and talked to him about it.

One World had a lot of racist cast members but the show was edited extremely weirdly.  I just rewatched that season and though Sabrina came in second place and people often spoke about how she was well liked, she barely got any screentime.  It was Kim all the time.  I really think she should have got more screentime for how well she did in the game.  

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Tarzan was shown being racist on Survivor.  Bill pointed out that Colton was a racist, which he was, and Tarzan went insane and started yelling that he didn't want anyone to talk about race anymore because Obama was President which meant that racism was over.

I just rewatched this season and the way they handled those two racists was cringeworthy. It was the classic “aww let’s bring out their family and show how lovable this racist is while undermining the black contestant’s experience.” Watch the reunion show. Tarzan was shown as being so amazing because of the way he loves his wife. Bill explained what happened and how it hurt and Colton just keeps making it worse and proving his point. Then Jeffy goes down into the audience  to Colton’s MOTHER and she has to explain what “he meant.” And then Jeffy brushes over it again and makes it seem like Colton is so sweet.


I watched San Juan recently. Also at the reunion.. Jeffy is talking to John Rocker and again tries to paint him in a forgiving light, he’s not that bad. He makes a comment “you even tried to hang out with the black guy (points to Jeremy) and the gay guy (points to Josh.) The look on Jeremy’s face going into the break- he was so pissed. They made Rocker out to be “not that bad.” Well Jeffy did again... “this white person isn’t that bad, seeee.”

It really upset me rewatching again.

On 6/28/2020 at 10:18 AM, peachmangosteen said:

Oh yea, I didn't hear her call Nick racist either. She did point out the fact that he had been targeting all the black players.

Last comment on here, because it is over a week old and I honestly hate talking back and forth about a topic for days on end.  Unless it is Rockstar's daughter's birthday then I will continue to talk about it for many years to come.

You just talked about microaggression (Which nobody will ever be able to convince me that such a thing is real.  Sorry Jamal but I don't believe in microaggressions.) and yet when someone heavily implies that someone is racist based on who they vote for, it is not her calling him a racist? 

As I said up until that point there were three black contestants eliminated and three white contestants.  Out of the six people eliminated at that point four were women and two were men.  Four were International players. Is Nick also a misogynist due to four women being voted out?  Maybe he is also homophobic because Dylan was voted out.  See a trend can be applied to everything, does it mean any of it is true?

Or maybe the people he helped to get voted out were threats.  Missy and Aaron were a duo, should they get a pass because of the color of their skin?  Is that in and of itself racist?  To me breaking up known duos is just smart game play.  Heck, they should have broken him and Harry up far earlier, keeping them together was stupid. 

I have watched her twice (I do not recall her name) once playing the actual game and once as a commentator.  She did not say one peep when all of the white men were eliminated from her game, which she was help driving.  I never once thought, "Oh hey, maybe she's racist for targeting all of the white dudes."  Because I do not think that way.

I just think she is one of those people who go out of their way to look for something.  Now it may or may not be there, but they are thrilled when they can say they found it and the minute there is blow back for her comments she plays the part of the martyr. 


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On 6/27/2020 at 3:45 PM, LadyChatts said:

I think Earl pretty much summed up why his season wasn't highlighted.  It was a pretty unpopular season then, and even now.  I've seen many say it was one of the worst final 3s ever because of Cassandra and Dreamz, and that Earl winning was the only saving grace.  I have a feeling if Dreamz had double crossed Rocky with the car deal viewers wouldn't have cared as much.  But Cassandra got dragged to the end, Dreamz (who I think played a good game) was controversial, and then there was Earl.  That's on top of the other moments that season (Rocky vs Anthony, the bitter jury, Lisi/Stacy with their mean girl attitudes towards Cassandra/Dreamz, the car deal gone wrong, etc).  I re-watched Fiji recently, and I'd probably rank it in the middle somewhere.  It wasn't as bad on re-watch, but it wasn't great, either.  I think it's an example of why casting diversity for the sake of diversity doesn't always work.  

That is sad and surprising that Earl hasn't been invited to any finales, but he's been asked back twice, right?  For Game Changers (which I heard he declined for work reasons), and Winners at War (which he couldn't do because of his new baby).  I have a feeling he would have made it on both of those seasons.    

And as for Jeff-does anyone really care what he thinks?  This is the man that thinks Brad Culpepper is one of the best Survivor players ever.  And as to the rest of the article, I would be surprised if any of what they want to see happen (except for possibly having a more diverse cast and crew) will happen.

ETA: in the People article, was showing the World's Apart cast picture (of all casts) the best they could do?

I was not a fan of Fiji, but there were a ton of people I liked.  Yau-Man, Earl, Michelle (who was robbed), Anthony (who is the one Survivor player I felt was the most like me) were all players I liked.  I honestly do not remember Cassandra all that well.  I do remember not liking Stacy because of her as you said above mean girl attitude towards Cassandra and Dreamz.  I despised Rocky and Lisi, maybe more than any other two players in the history of the game. 

Also, I do not know why people say that was not the worst final three ever. I would take that over...

Chris, Gavin, Julie

Natalie, Jaclyn, Missy

Fabio, Chase, Sash

Tyson, Monica, Gervase

6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Tarzan was shown being racist on Survivor.  Bill pointed out that Colton was a racist, which he was, and Tarzan went insane and started yelling that he didn't want anyone to talk about race anymore because Obama was President which meant that racism was over.


Now the Colton and Bill situation was clear racism and I have no problem with that being called out.

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1 hour ago, BK1978 said:

I was not a fan of Fiji, but there were a ton of people I liked.  Yau-Man, Earl, Michelle (who was robbed), Anthony (who is the one Survivor player I felt was the most like me) were all players I liked.  I honestly do not remember Cassandra all that well.  I do remember not liking Stacy because of her as you said above mean girl attitude towards Cassandra and Dreamz.  I despised Rocky and Lisi, maybe more than any other two players in the history of the game. 

Also, I do not know why people say that was not the worst final three ever. I would take that over...

Chris, Gavin, Julie

Natalie, Jaclyn, Missy

Fabio, Chase, Sash

Tyson, Monica, Gervase

I'll raise you a Chrissy/Ben/Ryan and a Tommy/Noura/Dean.

I thought the Fiji final 3 was more meh.  After re-watch, I feel like Earl won simply because his name wasn't Dreamz or Cassandra.  I had actually forgotten just had mean Stacy and Lisi were to Dreamz and Cassandra.  With Lisi's attitude and sort of quitting the game when the tribe swap happened and she was sent to Exile Island (and then changing her mind), it was laughable that she was such a bitter juror.  Especially to Cassandra.  And I liked Anthony, too.  I would have liked him to get a second chance just based on how he was treated by Rocky, and then the tribe swap.  Without the Have Not twist, assuming the tribes were still divided the same way, I wonder if Ravu would have been as horrible at winning.  I do think that it wasn't so much people were offensive that season (or at least the majority of them weren't), but it was a mix of that plus a mix of people that were forgettable, and then the few that were worth rooting for.  Considering some of the seasons that came after Fiji (Nicaragua, One World, World's Apart, to name a few), it's hardly what I'd call a bad season.     

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

I'll raise you a Chrissy/Ben/Ryan and a Tommy/Noura/Dean.

Yeah both of them were almost on the list but Noura's craziness kept that season off the list, though Tommy was bland as the day was long.  I would have been happier with a Dean or Noura win but whatever.

I liked Ryan and Ben was an okay winner.  I honestly do not remember Chrissy all that much.

20 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I think Survivor has shown a lot of racism over the years, but maybe sometimes it was the kind of racism that the editors themselves don't see or understand.

I think this is it—or at least, true for some of the editors and true for some of the fans. For instance, there are fans of the show who would dispute that we were shown anything that would suggest Tarzan is racist. I remember seeing people on the old TWoP forums argue that Ben from Samoa wasn't racist towards Yasmin in their fight. He was—but his comments were not explicitly about her race, so his defenders were able to ignore the implications of (among other things) a white man telling a black woman, who was speaking standard American English, that he couldn't understand her because of her "bad grammar".

I think the distinction is between dog-whistle racism, which gives people (and their fans) plausible deniability vs. using slurs, which are unambiguous in their racist intent, and which are so radioactive that anyone who defends their use immediately outs themselves as being racist as well. The racism the show airs is of the former type, but what we're finding out now is that latter happens too—and not all that rarely, and is perpetrated by certain fan and producer favorites—but isn't shown.

Edited by Hera
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23 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

I think Kelseynikki's parallel use of "outing" led you to misinterpret their point. If I'm reading their post correctly, their point was not to equate being racist with being trans, or outing a racist with outing a trans person.

I believe they were equating being racist with being the kind of jackass who thinks it's cool to out a trans person. In other words, if they can show Varner being a POS, why not show Joe or Tarzan or whoever doing the same?

Thanks for explaining this, @tracyscott76. This is exactly what I meant. I realize now that the way I worded it could be confusing. My intention was to equate Varner's actions with those of racists using racial slurs. 


23 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It is not accurate that the show "had no problem" airing Varner outing Zeke.  It was a major problem that required Zeke to grant permission.  I also don't think it is sensitive or sensible to put these two completely different things (Varner outing Zeke, people being racist) as equal things in a sentence together.

I probably shouldn't have said they 'had no problem' airing it. However, they did air it with permission from Zeke and worked with him. I wonder if they ever offered that option to the Black contestants who were the targets of racism? From listening to the accounts of the Black contestants, it does not appear that they did. I honestly could not think of another comparable incident on Survivor to compare to. I guess my point in comparing the two was that Varner did something despicable and they aired it, and when contestants are using racial slurs, that is also despicable, yet they have never aired this, unless I am mis-remembering.  I certainly don't think they are the same thing though and I see your point. 

To be clear, I do 100% agree that they have shown racism, though typically in the way of microaggressions. I also agree that she show is racist in how they cast and edit. I don't think I made my point as well as I hoped to, but I really do agree with most of what is being said. I think Survivor could do so much better in terms of casting Black contestants, editing those contestants, and calling out and airing racism on the show. 

I believe it was J'Tia who said in the Tribes and Tribulations panel that racism on the show should be treated like physical violence, meaning you are immediately ejected from the game, because it is an act of violence against Black people. This would be taking a serious stance against racism and I would be impressed with Survivor if they chose to go this route, but I doubt it. Survivor is and has been my favorite show for many years and I would really like to see them take an anti-racist stance and do better. 


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On 6/30/2020 at 5:32 PM, KelseyNikki614 said:

I believe it was J'Tia who said in the Tribes and Tribulations panel that racism on the show should be treated like physical violence, meaning you are immediately ejected from the game, because it is an act of violence against Black people. This would be taking a serious stance against racism and I would be impressed with Survivor if they chose to go this route, but I doubt it. Survivor is and has been my favorite show for many years and I would really like to see them take an anti-racist stance and do better. 

I agree!  It's the same way I felt about Dan touching Kelly without her permission.  The touching, the outing, and the racism = all should be worthy of a producer boot.

The problem with racism, and unfortunately sexual assault, is people don't take victims' accounts seriously.  I would like to think that if a Black contestant complained about a racial slur, it would be taken seriously.  I would like to think that if a woman complained about a man touching her without her permission (actually , the genders don't matter here to me), it would be taken seriously.  Obviously, we've seen on the forums, there are so many arguments about what constitutes "racism" and what constitutes "acceptable touching".  Some people, even a former moderator, argued that Dan touching Kelly was "non-sexual" (whatever that means) so therefore it was okay.  I disagree.  For me it's all about taking people's accounts seriously and if it's on camera then it 100% has to be dealt with like the Dan /Kelly thing, where I don't think they needed to have Kelly's "permission" to deal with Dan.  Sure, get Kelly's permission to air the footage, but not to deal with Dan!!   Just go ahead and deal with Dan by removing him before he assaults a producer or whatever he did!  Same with a racial slur.  If you are a producer and you see a racial slur on camera the person should be removed!  I agree, it is violence!  It should not be murky.  Racial slur = boot.  Somebody touching a contestant after the contestant has already said "I don't like to be touched please do not touch me" = boot.  Why take chances?!?!?  It was kind of gross the way the producers dealt with Dan.  Like, Kelly being touched that's one thing, but somebody who works for our show, well that's something we take seriously!  No wonder they don't take racial slurs/ racial violence seriously if it's true that all the people behind the cameras on this show are white!

I'm so glad Dan was removed for MANY reasons, but one good one is:  Now there is precedent.  IT CAN BE that bad things happen off camera and IT CAN BE that producers decide to remove a contestant (without a tribal council to punctuate it) and put up a black screen with an explanation.  IT CAN BE DONE.  It's not so scary, it's not so out of this world.  That gives contestants more safety.

TOTALLY not on this topic, I liked the Tyson/Gervase/Monica final 3.  LOL.  I liked that season.  Don't get why it's not more liked.

Reading about Sean from Marquesas in the "Past seasons" thread made me think that they should REALLY do an All Black Survivor.  Like actually, on CBS.  Or at the very least, a non-white one.  They're FINALLY having a Black Bachelor after 24 seasons and they already had a Black Bachelorette years ago.  Then they could bring back people like Sean.  I wonder if Osten would ever come back.  LOL probably not.  Dreamz?!  And I've been dreaming of Earl to return forever.  Of course, there should be incentive for the contestants, like hiring more non-white people behind the scenes.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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21 hours ago, fishcakes said:

I think they should do the opposite of what they did in all of the early seasons and cast 14 Black people and two white people.

Someone, I think maybe Earl, suggested this. I would love to see it. Or barring that just 14 non-white people and 2 white people. Maybe even multiple LGBTQA+ people as well! 

That reminded me, Sean has said that he was hoping maybe they could put together panels with players from other marginalized groups, he specifically mentioned Asian-Americans and LGBTQIA+, so that might be on the horizon.

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Island of the Idols I thought did a pretty good job casting a more diverse cast.  I think it was only 7 that were POC/LGBTQ+ but better than we’d seen before.  Since Lynn isn’t in charge of casting anymore, I thought it was interesting that we get a much different looking cast than we had with her.  Too bad the season went south after the merge (and the IOTI twist was stupid.  Jamal was robbed).  But I am curious going forward what the casts will look like without Lynn at the helm.  



I've never enjoyed Palau or Guatemala.  I tried Guatemala again, but ugh.  I also realized, there doesn't seem to be any non-white people in the cast of Guatemala.  Maybe Latino?   (thanks to Reddit for correcting me, there are two Latino players.)  I'm not sure because I've never watched past episode 1.  But I don't see anyone Black or Asian.  Maybe that's why I found it hard to get invested.  Danni had a totally different face back then.

I even Googled it.  It's funny to think of Vanuatu as a non-diverse season with women being so at the forefront and a lot of gay women as well.  But racially, yeah. 

Screen Shot 2020-07-01 at 4.41.34 PM.png

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
3 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Island of the Idols I thought did a pretty good job casting a more diverse cast.  I think it was only 7 that were POC/LGBTQ+ but better than we’d seen before.  Since Lynn isn’t in charge of casting anymore, I thought it was interesting that we get a much different looking cast than we had with her.  Too bad the season went south after the merge (and the IOTI twist was stupid.  Jamal was robbed).  But I am curious going forward what the casts will look like without Lynn at the helm.  


Wasn't David vs. Goliath the last season Lynne did the casting for? That was fairly diverse, again relatively speaking, with Davie, Carl, Natalie, Natalia, Jeremy, Angelina, Lyrsa, Bi, Mike, and I think Gabby.

1 hour ago, tracyscott76 said:

Wasn't David vs. Goliath the last season Lynne did the casting for? That was fairly diverse, again relatively speaking, with Davie, Carl, Natalie, Natalia, Jeremy, Angelina, Lyrsa, Bi, Mike, and I think Gabby.

Oh yeah, I should have made that clear (actually, now that I think about it, I believe it was EOE she last cast for-someone correct me if I’m wrong). 

Ken talked on his twich about some misconduct from Bob involving him inappropriately touching multiple women and how he (Ken) told the producers about it and they just laughed it off.

Has this been rumored before? I have never heard about it and I'm astonished. Bob has always been my most hated winner though so nice to have confirmation that he really does suck lol.

ETA: Apparently it has always been a thing lol. How did I miss that?

7 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Ken talked on his twich about some misconduct from Bob involving him inappropriately touching multiple women and how he (Ken) told the producers about it and they just laughed it off.

Has this been rumored before? I have never heard about it and I'm astonished. Bob has always been my most hated winner though so nice to have confirmation that he really does suck lol.

ETA: Apparently it has always been a thing lol. How did I miss that?

I've never heard it, either.  I always got this weird vibe from Bob, so at least I feel justified.  And I hate that Bob won because of a bitter jury.  I mean, that was a crappy final 3, but he got ridiculously lucky.  And really, Survivor winners get off soooo easy in editing.  On Big Brother, the potential winner has to sit there in the final 2 and be told for the first time that America thinks they are a racist (and therefore will not be celebrating their win, contrary to what they've been thinking all season).  Who cares if the winner gets a bad rap?  I ended up disliking most winners anyway, regardless of the edit.

Edited by LadyChatts
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3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

. I can’t believe there won’t be any Survivor for the fall. What am I going to bitch about now? LOL!!! 

I think you mean there's not likely going to be Survivor in the fall. 

If they actually do start shooting in early September, and do some quick turn-arounds with the editing (meaning they wouldn't be able to set-up a winner's edit in advance), then they could, in theory, start airing a season in late September.

I don't think they will, but they could.

6 hours ago, SVNBob said:

I think you mean there's not likely going to be Survivor in the fall. 

If they actually do start shooting in early September, and do some quick turn-arounds with the editing (meaning they wouldn't be able to set-up a winner's edit in advance), then they could, in theory, start airing a season in late September.

I don't think they will, but they could.

That’s true. Even if they filmed in late September they could air in October or November. 


I've been watching a lot of past seasons and there's been some interesting incidents.

Season 6, Roger was talking about not getting along with Daniel (an Asian player) and told another white player that Daniel "really pissed me off, almost to the point that I was ready to give him the Kung-Fu chop."  That's just explicitly racist.   Roger was a real prize who also believed that gay people were not "okay", also.

And at TC, Dan said that he knows he's different from everyone else on the tribe because he's Asian, before he even opens his mouth.  Rob gets extremely offended at this and says that's QUOTE "BALLS" which is super rude.  It's not even a controversial statement in the least!  AND THEN THEY VOTE OUT DAN THIS VERY TRIBAL COUNCIL!  

Season 22, Steve kept calling Philip "crazy" so Philip brought up race and said that black people are often pointed out as crazy.  The issue pretty much went on for the whole episode.  Philip himself used the "N" word a few times and the issue was discussed throughout Tribal Council.

The show didn't cover up these particular incidents, at least.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I'm reading my latest Entertainment Weekly issue and there's an article about Jim Carrey's new book MEMOIRS AND MISINFORMATION.  His main character in the novel (which is "stream of consciousness autobiography, science fiction, tabloid fodder, and anti capitalist critique") which I guess is named Jim Carrey is "recovering from a romance with a Survivor contestant".  I wonder if he really dated anyone from the show.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay

For the last week or so, Entertainment Weekly has been posting mini-interviews from players on the website - one a day I think (https://ew.com/creative-work/survivor/). And it's great because it isn't like Rob and Rupert, but players I haven't heard from/thought about in a while sharing their memories. They've talked to Ryno and Jenna Lewis and Frosti to name a few.

They also interviewed Clarence from the Africa season who gave this answer. 

Who’s one player from another Survivor season you wish you could have played with or against and why?

Dan Spilo, so I could have beat the living s--- out of him. I don’t know the other males who were on that cast, but if they knew this guy was this big of a misogynistic f----tard, they should have dealt with him. I have three beautiful daughters, so it would have taken the whole crew to get me off this boy. And I don’t wanna hear that guys were worried about getting kicked off because there is NO WAY that Mark and Jeff would ever kick me off Survivor for turning Dan Spilo’s ass into a doggie chew toy.

So that's a fun read.

Edited by Steph Sometimes
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Thanks for the link!  Nice to know that there are sites out there willing to remember Survivors that weren't big names or played recently. 

I thought Clarence was a riot during his season.  I was hoping he would at least make the jury.  And thanks to that stupid vote, because Clarence and T-Bird voted for Lex, it set in motion for Kelly to be voted off next, thanks to Lex and his never-wrong gut instinct.

I'm also going to give him an A for creativity with that answer. 

ETA: I loved this part from Clarence too


I started to watch a season or two ago, but I didn’t, because I heard some douche-hat, Dan Spilo, was sexually harassing people. How crazy is that? And they call me a villain because I took a can of beans? Unreal!!


Edited by LadyChatts
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That sucks. Understandable, but still sucks. At least we'll have Amazing Race so that's something I guess. 

Today's featured EW.com article was with Tracy from Micronesia. She disclosed this gem.


When sleeping, a few were loud sexual partners. Some of the cast members broke into the production camp and got caught.

Ozzy and Amanda?


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3 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

No surprise, but for the first time in 20 years, we aren't getting a fall Survivor season


As with production delays due to coronavirus and Fiji has continued its travel ban, the next Survivor season won't wait till September 2021.

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3 minutes ago, ApprenticeFan said:

As with production delays due to coronavirus and Fiji has continued its travel ban, the next Survivor season won't wait till September 2021.

Yeah, unless they can figure something out for the spring.  However, even within the US the cases are climbing and states are locking back down.  Here in NY we have a travel advisories for certain states that require mandatory quarantines, filling out forms when arriving, or facing fines in the thousands.  So I'd argue a season filmed domestically somehow would be a no go, too.  Unless other countries lift their travel blockades against American travelers and they film somewhere else for the spring, but that probably isn't going to happen, either.    

This has been my Wednesday night ritual for so long.  I guess this is the bright side to CBS shelving Amazing Race seasons for years.  At least there will be some sense of normalcy on my TV this fall.

1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Yeah, unless they can figure something out for the spring.  However, even within the US the cases are climbing and states are locking back down.  Here in NY we have a travel advisories for certain states that require mandatory quarantines, filling out forms when arriving, or facing fines in the thousands.  So I'd argue a season filmed domestically somehow would be a no go, too.  Unless other countries lift their travel blockades against American travelers and they film somewhere else for the spring, but that probably isn't going to happen, either.    

This has been my Wednesday night ritual for so long.  I guess this is the bright side to CBS shelving Amazing Race seasons for years.  At least there will be some sense of normalcy on my TV this fall.

TAR might be possibly their only show that’s new. Of course, BB could come back & fill the schedule 24/7, if needed. I hope not. I haven’t heard of any (nighttime) scripted shows even in production. I can’t believe this is where were at. It’s all dumb given what the world is going through but network TV in September is so gonna suck. I guess Netflix & the streaming channels will be even more in demand.

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19 hours ago, Steph Sometimes said:

That sucks. Understandable, but still sucks. At least we'll have Amazing Race so that's something I guess. 

Today's featured EW.com article was with Tracy from Micronesia. She disclosed this gem.

Ozzy and Amanda?


I loved Tracy.  She's high up on my list of people I want to see return.  I think she had loads of potential to be a great player, but got saddled on a crappy tribe where she had to baby sit Chet and Kathy.  

Ozzy and Amanda were my guess, too.  Parvati/James were the only other ones flirting, but I don't remember it being as serious as the other two.


An odd little media diversion/rabbit hole.

Since it comes up so damn often when talking about Survivor, someone on the Survivor subreddit joked that Erik giving up the necklace should have it's own subreddit.  As with any good joke, someone else ran with it and actually created r/ErikGaveUpImmunity.  (It's actually part of a meme to make meme-based and meme-filled subreddits for Survivor contestants.  Eg: r/WilsonsatWar, about Nick from DvG and WaW, and the joke theme Wilsons at War, which is 20 copies of Nick playing against each other.)

Erik himself is an active Redditor and liked the joke, so he subscribed, and has been posting the occasional video there.  Which is how I became aware* of his YouTube channel.  It's full of a decent array of videos; interviews he's done, interviews he's conducted, animations, speed-runs of some of his comics, a couple of dog videos, and the occasional vlog.

It's one of those vlogs that's pretty interesting and worth taking a look at.  It's all about his medevac from Caramoan.


*Actually, I became aware of the YouTube channel first, as the above video got crossposted back to r/Survivor where I first saw it.  I was not aware of the other subreddit until that crosspost.  I guess, technically, I learned about both the YouTube channel and the subreddit at the same time....


14 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

Is Russell acting like an ass or has he chilled a bit?


He actually seems to be chilling.  I am not sure if that is because he is trying to get back in the good graces of production or what.  He just did a video the other day where he talked about losing to Sandra during H vs. V and he said he was ashamed with how he acted during the reunion show.  Also according to him he was supposed to be on Winners at War before it was Winners at War.  It was originally supposed to be a rivals seasons and he was supposed to have Sandra as his rival.  Who knows if it is true or not.

I posted this in the Big Brother Media thread as well, but I know there are some folks who do not watch Big Brother so I thought I would post it here as well as it has more to do with Survivor than Big Brother.

Russell Hantz from Survivor has a YouTube show and last week he had Boo (who was a contestant on Survivor during Earl's winning season) on as a guest.  Boo told a story about how he was cast to be on Survivor. 

Boo was good friends (might have been dating, I cannot recall what he said) with Krista from season two of Big Brother.  She wanted to go to the original All-Stars season finale but she was blacklisted because she was suing CBS (Over the Justin thing I assume, he did not say why.).  The two of them sneaked into the finale and somehow they ended up with seats directly behind Julie.   All throughout the night a woman sitting directly across from Boo was staring at him.  Later that night Boo and Krista sneaked into the All-Stars after party and the woman who had been staring at Boo all night was part of the casting team for Survivor.  She told Boo that they did not have anyone cast to fit his character type for the upcoming season and so she invited him to go before casting.

He ended up getting on the show and through him, he was able to get his high school friend Russell Hantz onto Survivor.  He was also friends with James Clement who he got on Survivor.  Obviously because of Russell, Willie was cast on Big Brother and  Brandon was cast on Survivor.  Boo also was the reason why Colton, or as he refered to him as "that gay dude", on Survivor.  He also said he got someone named Shannon cast on Survivor as well, though I am not sure who he is talking about.  I think it was the guy who asked Sash if he was gay, but I am not sure.

Because Boo and Krista decided to sneak into the season finale of the original Big Brother All-Stars all of these people ended up on Survivor and in Willie's case Big Brother.  I thought it was an interesting story.  Obviously I just gave the cliff notes here, he went into further detail.

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He ended up getting on the show and through him, he was able to get his high school friend Russell Hantz onto Survivor.  He was also friends with James Clement who he got on Survivor.  Obviously because of Russell, Willie was cast on Big Brother and  Brandon was cast on Survivor.  Boo also was the reason why Colton, or as he refered to him as "that gay dude", on Survivor.  He also said he got someone named Shannon cast on Survivor as well, though I am not sure who he is talking about.  I think it was the guy who asked Sash if he was gay, but I am not sure.

Since Fiji is fresh in my mind, I remember an individual challenge they did, where they first had to answer a questionnaire, using their fellow castaways as answers (who's the hottest, messiest, craziest, etc) and then the second part of the challenge was they had to match the answer based on who the group overwhelming named for that question (whether it was the person they picked or not).  One of the questions was "who would you not want to bring home for dinner."  Boo was picked for that in a landslide.  I didn't really understand what made him so offensive that you wouldn't want him sitting next to gramma at the dinner table.  But if he's associated with all those people, now I get it.  

And IIRC, Fiji was probably the most heavily recruited season ever, with only Gary being an actual applicant.  I'm also amazed when I learn of the connections people have with other contestants, especially from other reality shows.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I don't know if the media thread is the right one for this, but Pluto has added a dedicated Survivor channel, episodes just run 24-7. I know that Hulu has the episodes, but this is a good option for those that don't subscribe to Hulu. The channel is 296. So far today I've seen episodes from season 7, including the finale and sea. 8, which is the 1st All-Stars. The ads don't seem too bad so far.

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34 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

. . . who are they? I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I suck at faces after seasons aired.

Jon and Jaclyn Misch from San Juan Del Sur. She has a condition where I believe she has no uterus, so I am guessing this has to do with their quest to become parents. She discussed this on the show. I think she was runner up to Natalie Anderson.

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27 minutes ago, ozziemom said:

Jon and Jaclyn Misch from San Juan Del Sur. She has a condition where I believe she has no uterus, so I am guessing this has to do with their quest to become parents. She discussed this on the show. I think she was runner up to Natalie Anderson.

Right, right. And Jon was a bit full of himself, especially when it came to wine. Good for them. 👍

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8 hours ago, willco said:

I don't know if the media thread is the right one for this, but Pluto has added a dedicated Survivor channel, episodes just run 24-7. I know that Hulu has the episodes, but this is a good option for those that don't subscribe to Hulu. The channel is 296. So far today I've seen episodes from season 7, including the finale and sea. 8, which is the 1st All-Stars. The ads don't seem too bad so far.

I will have to check this out.  Pluto also just added a 24/7 Dark Shadows channel, showing the original show.  I guess I will be spending more time watching Pluto.

In regards to the Russell Hantz Top 100 Survivors list that I mentioned earlier.   I could have sworn that he said he would not be on the list, but he is and he will be ranked somewhere in the top ten of all-time.  I am not sure where because the episode has not aired yet.  He showed a preview of who was in the top ten and off the top of my head it was...Richard Hatch, Parvati, Sandra, Boston Rob, Russell Hantz, Tony, Sarah Lacina and that is all I can recall.

One that I did not agree with was he ranked Ozzy over Yul.  Which is just mind numbing to me.  How can you have the guy that won the season behind the runner-up.  Sure Ozzy is a challenge god but that's it.  Yul had the better social game and was better at strategy.  Maybe I am bias because Yul was my favorite winner but there is no way Ozzy should ever rank higher.

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7 hours ago, BK1978 said:

I will have to check this out.  Pluto also just added a 24/7 Dark Shadows channel, showing the original show.  I guess I will be spending more time watching Pluto.

What?! Awesome! Do you happen to know what channel it is?


In regards to the Russell Hantz Top 100 Survivors list that I mentioned earlier.   I could have sworn that he said he would not be on the list, but he is and he will be ranked somewhere in the top ten of all-time.  

That's so Russell lol.

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