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S03.E10: The Director: Conclusion

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An Ocean's 11 style heist -- really ?  Whatever.


And most of the Blacklisters from this season so far were all setups by Reddington to get the charges dropped against Lizzie.   Who writes this crap ?


Found it to be pretty underwhelming for a two-parter.  All this was done -- for Lizzie.   And she gets a slap on the wrist for killing Connolly, pretty much knew that was going to happen all along.


But oh noees, she won't be an agent anymore.  That's her big concern -- seriously ?


Not enough Aram. Not enough Samar. They both seemed to be absent in the back half of the episode.


Why wasn't Lizzie wearing body armor during that prison transfer when she was nearly gunned down ?  That seems like a pretty big oversight by Ressler.


She finally is free -- and no mention of how her dog is doing.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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That was a nice ending to Elizabeth on the run. It has everything I wanted and very little I didn't. I was worried Elizabeth would get off scott-free so I was glad that the show acknowledged that she did kill a couple of people even if she was innocent of the treason stuff and there was a line that even Red couldn't get her back from.

I liked the stuff with The Director. He made a compelling villian but what I like about the show is that it knows when to get rid of one villian and double down on another.

I am looking forward to how they work asset Lizzie Keen into the show.

<~~~edited a few spelling mistakes. I should stop typing on my phone. It has a weird auto correct function.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I was dying after Laurel threw the Director under the bus and then James Spader turned to David Strathairn and said, "Hello, Peter." Moments like those is why I put up with the nonsense.





But oh noees, she won't be an agent anymore.  That's her big concern -- seriously ?


She already felt like an asset since Red was pretty much helping her out this entire time.

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But oh noees, she won't be an agent anymore.  That's her big concern -- seriously ?

Right. She was facing 16 death penalty charges. She was framed and set up for the others, but she outright assassinated the Attorney General in public. As corrupt and evil as he was, she had to held accountable for that. 


Facing 16 death sentences plus countless other charges vs. a couple years probation, take the deal! 


"I don't get to be an agent anymore." Because evidently the FBI's Most Wanted goes right back to work there anyway as soon as she's exonerated? Should have thought of that when you shot the AG and went on the lam. 

Edited by DrScottie
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Damn, that was good. That was actually good. And I'm pretty sure there were only two gunshots in the whole episode.


Red's crew getting it done was awesome. That is what this show should be. The adventures of Red's crew as they turn the eighth floor into the sixth and punk people who really ought to know better. It's an inversion of the usual formula, which is the bad guys always being one step ahead of the FBI. That show was not fun to watch. This one was.


I liked that the Cabal's courthouse lackey was more savvy than he looked. "You'll just spend a couple years in a mental institution," they promise him, as if that is in any way something he'd like to do. He comes back with "Just make sure my kids get the money after I die."


I loved that Samar was the one who had a bunch of weapons on her and Mr. Kaplan was also impressed by that.


The only sour note for me was Ressler complaining that Laurel Hitchens just walks away. Well, if only someone had figured out that she had committed a murder and then gone out to gather some evidence maybe that wouldn't have happened, Donald!

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Kind of surprised that they killed off The Director.  I knew he was on borrowed time, but I figured he would be a season finale death.  But I guess Lauren is going to be the new face of the Cabal for now.  Plus, I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Solomon.  But now Red might actually be getting a "seat at the table"?  He has to be going undercover, right?


Kind of funny that Lizzie's biggest obstacle ended up being Connelly's murder, which was really the only thing she was truly guilty of.  I mean, sure, he was evil as fuck, but she still shot him point blank, and he wasn't armed or anything.  As Jake Peralta on Brooklyn Nine-Nine would say, "Still murder!"  But she's now out of prison thanks to the best deal ever.  Although, I loved the show making her being all sad and conflicted since it meant she would only be an asset instead of an agent.  Really, in this universe, why would you want to be an agent?  Asset all the way.  You get to travel in style, wear awesome hats, and don't have to worry about protocols and shit like that.  Plus, hanging with Red seems way more fun then the humorless FBI.  Embrace it, Lizzie!  This is what you were meant to be! 


Aram and Samar did seem to just disappear after the big Ocean's 11/Leverage style heist thing.  I also wonder if Marvin is going to run off to that island again.  I mean, he is still a criminal, right?


I'm not Lizzie's biggest fan, but no one but Red (and Dembre) greeting her at the end was strangely cold of Harold, Ressler, and the rest.  What's the deal, guys?!

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I put this on the UO thread because at least on PTV it is but the show just wouldn't work without Elizabeth Keen in one function or another. Plus I really like her. I also think the actress has geniunly improved since the pilot.

I liked her scenes with her female lawyer. The lawyer was great and would love to see her again. I also loved the end montage when Lizzie walked out of the police station and thought she was alone and then saw Red there. The look on Lizzie's face did say it all. Which is again why I say Megan Boone has improved that emotional undertone she couldn't have pulled off in the pilot.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I enjoyed it. I assumed that everything would work out one way or the other, so it was just a matter of sitting back and watching all the moving parts work together.


Recreating the doctor's office was hilarious - "Everyone likes apples."


Dembe didn't have a single word this episode. :-(  


No mention or sight of Solomon. Will he come into play again? Will he manage to weasel his way out of whatever mess he's in? Will Laurel throw him under the bus as she did Peter (whose wife will REALLY have a big anxiety attack, now that her husband has been exposed as a traitor and he's dead! Or perhaps not!)? Speaking of Peter, just where did he land, what country was that? That was pretty funny - all the scenes with him on the plane with Red and the Venezuelan guy were quite comical.


Ms Wright's death - will that conveniently be attributed by Laurel to Peter? That stinks, if so - Laurel is getting away with murder. What's Red up to now, meeting with her? Strictly business, I guess, since Red got just about all that he wanted. He's able to move on in a heartbeat.


Will Liz and Tom reconnect? Where's her dog (dead, I assume)? Hope she doesn't go back to living out of a motel.


I enjoyed Samar working with Red - they meshed well. Samar didn't really question him, just went right along for the ride, doing whatever needed to be done. Will she be allowed to go back to work, though? And what of Harold and his marriage? Hope they can work things out.


Well, lots of questions, so I guess I'll have to keep watching to see where things go from here.

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Why wasn't Lizzie wearing body armor during that prison transfer when she was nearly gunned down ?  That seems like a pretty big oversight by Ressler.


Yeah, but if he did that, then the writers wouldn't have been able to include the sweet Matrix slow-mo bullet time, never mind that that trick is about as old as time itself.


But overall it was as good an episode this show has ever had. Everybody got to do something and not just Red.


I'll never tire of Mr. Kaplan's awesomeness, mostly because she seems to be the only person Red seems to be in awe of. Samar was awesome too, with her two guns and a backup knife and smooth coffee-swapping skills. Cooper was great as well. He has been well-used all season (ignoring his wife's cheating drama) and I kinda wish he didn't have to return to his office. He was more awesome out of it - much more than the previous two seasons. Aram didn't have as much to do but after all the heavy-lifting in last week's episode, I didn't really mind. Tom continues to be good and he shares great chemistry with Karakurt. Hope this isn't the last sighting of that character. I also loved the little bit of Tom and Ressler.


Red was as ever in his element coming up with his outlandish plans and making underhanded deals even though the switching-floors wasn't really a original idea. I still have no idea how all the things came together but damned if I care when Spader chews scenery so well. I am hoping he has something dastardly planned for Hitchens. And now the Cabals seems to have invited him to sit at their table? Is that what happened? I wonder how Liz would feel about that.


Ressler redeemed himself (personally I didn't think he was as stupid as other people found him to be, just misguided) and looked particularly hot in this episode and that always makes me a happy camper. Keep being smart Ressler, it's a good look on you. The reporter obviously agreed after the way she twisted his arm into agreeing to a date. He also readily gave up his post as the head of the task force as I always knew he would. For all his faults, he was never ambitious or disloyal enough to stab Cooper in the back. But now he needs a new partner since Liz is now the 'asset', whatever that means. So I'm guessing Samar would be returning to the fold as well. I wonder how  and if their ridiculous one-night-stand will come back  haunt them. 


Is it just me or were there a lot of so called meaningful glances between Ressler and Liz? I'm not sure how I feel if the show is going to set something between them because relationships are not exactly this show's forte. Or are we about to see a Tom-Liz reunion? Personally I want a Tom-Ressler union. But I'll say this - Liz sleeping on Ressler's jacket while he sat awake all night keeping watch over her was sweet.


And how touching was that last scene between Liz and Red? Yep, it's kind of odd that the others weren't there but it was still nice to see the two together and the joy on Liz's face. I know MB isn't much liked around here but she did good work in this episode.

Edited by norask
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Wow!  That was a fun conclusion!  Reddington is a real mastermind in all of this!  He managed to concoct a plan to save Liz and also managed to get himself back into the Cabal again!  Bravo!  That sneaky sonovabitch!  I love it!


When Liz was set free and she got out into the empty dark street and there was no one waiting for her, I thought for a moment that Red had abandoned her.  After all, Red got what he wanted, revenge upon the Director and back into the Cabal.  The least he could do was save Liz and then let her out free and leave her alone to continue her life in peace.  That's what I actually thought for a moment.  And then of course, Red was there waiting by the car, across the street from the Court house.  I thought he looked a little grim, holding his emotions in check.  And there goes Lizzie running across the street to hug Red, totally enthralled to him at that moment.  I thought to myself, shit, that's what Raymond Reddington wants, he wants Elizabeth Keen to be forever in his debt and to love and trust him ever after.  That last scene when he gives her a warm, emotional filled hug, I thought to myself....... Reddington looks like a father hugging his beloved daughter...........!


This was an exciting episode.  I knew Red was going to succeed in his plan and that Ressler would protect Liz and that the Director was going to get punished and lose his life..... but it was so cool the way it was plotted out, for some reason, it still surprised me when it worked out so well.


Raymond Reddington is one freakin' smart dangerous dude!  I can't wait to see what he comes up with next.


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What it must be to be able to get your doctor to schedule an emergency couples therapy appointment that very day. How fortuitous for Red's plans that he wasn't fully booked for the next two to four weeks... 

The magic of television.

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My LOL line of the episode when Red said to The Director:


We've been descending for some time now.

Looks like we'll be able to drop you off in time for dinner

Also the look on his face when he saw Laurel's news conference metaphorically throwing him out of the plane, just before Red literally threw him out...

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Right. She was facing 16 death penalty charges. She was framed and set up for the others, but she outright assassinated the Attorney General in public. As corrupt and evil as he was, she had to held accountable for that. 


Facing 16 death sentences plus countless other charges vs. a couple years probation, take the deal! 


"I don't get to be an agent anymore." Because evidently the FBI's Most Wanted goes right back to work there anyway as soon as she's exonerated? Should have thought of that when you shot the AG and went on the lam. 


Definitely, she shouldn't complain given the circumstances.

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I really enjoyed this episode, mainly because I miss Leverage and this took its place for the night. There were several LOL lines, and Spader rocked like he's never rocked before. I could care less about the absurdity of the plot and all the holes in it. I've been with this show since the beginning, so that tells you I am a forgiving person. I love Mr. Kaplan, Samar, Aram ... the guy who played the lawyer. I want all to come back in future episodes.


But what was up with me tearing up at the end when Lizzie finally sees Red, then they hug? WTH is wrong with me?


Liz sleeping on Ressler's jacket while he sat awake all night keeping watch over her was sweet.


All I could think of was, Donald is going to be all wrinkled in court today. Unless that was some heavy-duty polyester in his suit coat.

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What it must be to be able to get your doctor to schedule an emergency couples therapy appointment that very day. How fortuitous for Red's plans that he wasn't fully booked for the next two to four weeks...

It was the director of the CIA, I'm pretty sure he can get squeezed in.
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What it must be to be able to get your doctor to schedule an emergency couples therapy appointment that very day. How fortuitous for Red's plans that he wasn't fully booked for the next two to four weeks...

It might be an NYC thing, but since doctors here have that quasi concierge doctor thing that includes same day appointments. My doctor offers this.

Finally an episode where Donald follows the script without thinking. He always gets into trouble when he thinks.

They give James Spreader the BEST lines. We laughed almost every time he was on screen.

Edited by Noirprncess
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It might be an NYC thing, but since doctors here have that quasi concierge doctor thing that includes same day appointments. My doctor offers this.

Finally an episode where Donald follows the script without thinking. He always gets into trouble when he thinks.

They give James Spreader the BEST lines. We laughed almost every time he was on screen.

James Spreader - is that his gay porn pseudonym?

Anyone else wonder if the "last straw" that sealed the Director's fate was him telling Red that he knew what the realtionaship between Red and Liz was?


I thought it was more a case of Laurel having had enough of his general fuck-uppery.

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James Spreader - is that his gay porn pseudonym?

ROFL... Blame autocorrect on my iPad. Geez

I forgot to mention that the show trolled us again by having the Director say multiple times that he knows about the relationship btwn Red and Liz. But now he's dead.

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I could have done without the old "bus pulls away to reveal X waiting by the car" bit, but with The Spader doing it, it looks like an homage to 80s rom-com, so I'll allow it. 


Other than that, show was fun. I do wish there'd been more Aram. He bothered me a little bit when they first introduced him because he's a complete tech dork and dammit, there are guys who are into tech that aren't total dorks! I've heard that anyway! But it doesn't matter, because Aram is great, and just so completely earnest about everything. "You went to therapy?!"


I'm actually kind of looking forward to what happens next. Freeing Liz from the FBI might turn out to be the smartest move this show made, at least in terms of plot options. While she was on the task force, she was much more bound by the law, and there was a good bit of hand-wringing over moving beyond those bounds. Now, she's strictly a free agent, and honestly, I thought she was at her best in earlier seasons when she was with Red and taking part in some silly ruse he'd cooked up. 


I'm not surprised that they didn't deal with Solomon at all this week. I bet he's the finale Blacklister. It needs to be him vs. Dembe, guy for whom everything is amusing business vs. guy for whom everything is personal. Solomon messed with Dembe's family, and he still hasn't entirely answered for that. 


Other random thoughts:


"Is...is that The Big Payback?! I love the shit out of this stupid show!"


Does everyone that works for The Director actually call him 'The Director'? Ooookay then. 


"Oh your God can't help you now, Peter," is the line that broke a thousand ClicheBots. 


They really dropped his ass off, didn't they? 

Edited by Risky Librarian
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forgot to mention that the show trolled us again by having the Director say multiple times that he knows about the relationship btwn Red and Liz. But now he's dead.


I know. Last week and this week. And ... truthfully now ... does anyone REALLY care how Red is related to or connected to Lizzie? I would have pushed The Director out of the plane too, for just saying that AGAIN. I did love Red telling him that he couldn't think of one circumstance where that was any of TD's business. You go, Red!

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And how touching was that last scene between Liz and Red? Yep, it's kind of odd that the others weren't there but it was still nice to see the two together and the joy on Liz's face. I know MB isn't much liked around here but she did good work in this episode.

Hey, I like Megan Boone a heck of a lot better this season. Season 3 Liz can stick around for as long as she wants. And the blonde hair works for her.

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I figured they announced Liz was getting out in the morning, then released her in the middle of the night to avoid a police circus. So no one--except OF COURSE Red--knew she getting released.

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I'm kind of surprised so many people liked this episode. I thought it was boring. But it did bring the Lizzie on the run part to a conclusion. Not believable, but ok, that part is over (I hope). Red had some good lines. Love Mr Kaplan. Otherwise, meh.

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I really liked it a lot, I am a sucker for happy endings!! LOL! I'll continue liking it even more if they show us more Aram and Tom!


I loved the Leverage-ness of the caper. Also, Baz taking everyone's weapons and phones. I know who the actor is, but someone refresh my memory on who Baz is, in terms of the story? I can't remember how he fit in, back when we first saw him.

I want to know that too, I cannot keep every one of them straight!

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That was an awful long reset button.

...but hey, props to the writers of The Blacklist. Not too many TV shows have the discipline to flesh out a story like they did- far too often (I'm looking at you, The Mentalist) shows will undo their "game changer" in a single episode. Not TBL. So I'm impressed. Not sure I can say that about the arc- parts of it were rather clunky- but overall it did wind up working and the writers did do a good job tying everything together.

This episode, though...wow. What an effort. That was absolutely brilliant. I think this is my favourite episode of the entire series. Everything was just so wonderfully put together, with everyone having a role (as norask said) and, better yet, no one came across as one dimensional and both sides- good and bad- had to compromise.

It's almost as if everyone in this episode was...human. Imagine that- the show where everyone, especially Red, is so utterly comically narrow can actually have an episode where everyone actually comes across as having level-headed motivations and ambitions and one where no one actually "wins". It's about as close to lifelike as possible, and that is truly impressive.

I suppose if I could fault this episode it's that Matias Solomon was absent and Dembe didn't speak, and Mr. Iverson was kind of weak...but other than that, this episode was pure perfection.

Pretty excited to know where it's going from here. The team is back together, sans Lizzie, who now has to live the life that Red lives (not all that bad, really- in fact, I think I might enjoy it). I'm also wondering what Red is doing with The World Government- is he going undercover to root them out? Is he turning evil (I hope not)? Is he joining so that he can "clean it up" further? I can't wait to see how it'll go.

Overall...A++. Good work.

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But oh noees, she won't be an agent anymore. That's her big concern -- seriously ?

Agents get to wear wigs. Assets don't. It's in the budget.

I could have done without the old "bus pulls away to reveal X waiting by the car" bit, but with The Spader doing it, it looks like an homage to 80s rom-com, so I'll allow it.

I was thinking Jake and Elwood, and "She Caught the KT" on the overdub.

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If only Spader had been leaning on a Porsche in that last scene... (and they had gotten birthday cake right after)

Am I really supposed to care that Lizzie won't be an agent anymore? Because I really don't.

I have realized, with Peter's veiled threat of knowledge, that I really don't care who Lizzie is to Red anymore. That ship sailed. More Red's Super Action Buddy Squad, please!

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That was an awful long reset button.

That's the thing that really bugs me -- it's basically the dead harbormaster plot all over again. And Lizzie basically gets away scot-free ... again.

Only this time it's even worse since she murdered several people, but nope .... no consequences for Lizzie since she is the specialist agent the FBI has ever seen.

So what will they do to top this next season -- have Lizzie blow up a bus full of school children and puppies at the 50 yard line during the Super Bowl with the entire world watching, but it will all be ok because one of the puppies worked for the Cabal.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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This felt a lot more like a series finale than a storyline wrap up.



I could have done without the old "bus pulls away to reveal X waiting by the car" bit, but with The Spader doing it, it looks like an homage to 80s rom-com, so I'll allow it.


He should have been holding a boom box up over his head

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What could possibly have been in Liz's will? She has no parents, no siblings, no children and apparently no assets. No wonder she was able to write it all down on a piece of paper in her lap while being transported to prison.

"To Aram, I leave the rest of this bottle of L'Oreal Bleach Blonde Bimbo hair dye. Because he's worth it."

"To Red, aka Daddy or Daddy Killer or Mommy Killer, I leave a vial of my tears."

"To Cooper, I leave my copy of the book 'How To Tell When You're Being Hornswoggled By Your Spouse'. It's been a big help in my life."

"To Navabi, I leave my everlasting gratitude for not snapping my neck for making women agents appear to be incompetent, teary-eyed, flighty, clueless dopes."

"To Ressler, I leave my desktop zen garden set. Dude, you need to relax before you have a coronary."

"To Tom, I leave you with the thought that you were right. I should have set off with you on that boat when you first asked me to. What can I say? I'm an idiot."

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I was dying after Laurel threw the Director under the bus and then James Spader turned to David Strathairn and said, "Hello, Peter." Moments like those is why I put up with the nonsense.

That, and while they were negotiating with Laurel while lawyer guy was in her office making demands. "Laurel...! Raymond here..." I busted right out laughing.

I loved that Samar was the one who had a bunch of weapons on her and Mr. Kaplan was also impressed by that.


"My kind of girl."

The only sour note for me was Ressler complaining that Laurel Hitchens just walks away. Well, if only someone had figured out that she had committed a murder and then gone out to gather some evidence maybe that wouldn't have happened, Donald!

He did know that she killed Reven (which I kept hear as "Reverend," btw) but IIRC, Laurel had a cleanup crew there immediately. He only knows because of the Tommy Markham thing. I would wager there is not a shred of evidence against the cabal. (Esp since they have the Acting AG and federal judge on their payroll, too!!)

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What could possibly have been in Liz's will? She has no parents, no siblings, no children and apparently no assets. No wonder she was able to write it all down on a piece of paper in her lap while being transported to prison.

"To Aram, I leave the rest of this bottle of L'Oreal Bleach Blonde Bimbo hair dye. Because he's worth it."

"To Red, aka Daddy or Daddy Killer or Mommy Killer, I leave a vial of my tears."

"To Cooper, I leave my copy of the book 'How To Tell When You're Being Hornswoggled By Your Spouse'. It's been a big help in my life."

"To Navabi, I leave my everlasting gratitude for not snapping my neck for making women agents appear to be incompetent, teary-eyed, flighty, clueless dopes."

"To Ressler, I leave my desktop zen garden set. Dude, you need to relax before you have a coronary."

"To Tom, I leave you with the thought that you were right. I should have set off with you on that boat when you first asked me to. What can I say? I'm an idiot."

Good job either Ressler or the driver were able to notarize the will on the way to the courthouse, or there might have been all kinds of problems....

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Lets not forget about the most important aspect of Lizzie's will: who gets the dog?


Seriously though.... is the dog OK?  When is the last time anyone has seen him?


I believe the last sighting of the dog was in Lizzie's motel room -- way back in the middle of Season 2.  The Kenyon Family episode.  Some 20 episodes ago.

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I wonder if Lizzie will get an apology tweet from that 15 year old girl who set the world's top assassins on her via darkweb craigslist...


@blondlizzie sry abt the whole tryin to kill you thing - my bad!!! (whoops emoji)

#soooorrrrryyyyyyy!!!!! #wheresthedog #whosyourdaddy

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I figured they announced Liz was getting out in the morning, then released her in the middle of the night to avoid a police circus. So no one--except OF COURSE Red--knew she getting released.

But Ressler must have known because he was the one in charge of her security. On top of that, he left her will with her things - he must have known when she was getting out.


That's the thing that really bugs me -- it's basically the dead harbormaster plot all over again. And Lizzie basically gets away scot-free ... again.

Only this time it's even worse since she murdered several people, but nope .... no consequences for Lizzie since she is the specialist agent the FBI has ever seen.


Personally I get through this show by accepting the fact that 1)Red will never ever be proven wrong, however ridiculously stupid the writers will have to make everyone else and

2)Liz is the most special person in the whole world. Everyone around her will risk their lives and limb to save her precious life and she will never be held responsible for anything bad she ever does.

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