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The Pioneer Woman - Ree Drummond

Like This Page · 4 hrs · Edited ·

I’m cooking for two of my favorite fellas on my Food Network show tomorrow, and the menu is 😋! Mostly it’s just nice to get these moments with Chuck, whether on camera or off. He always has stories about the good old days, and he always appreciates food. (He gave the cowboy creme brûlée the big thumbs up!) Chuck has had a bit of a rough year, but things are getting better. We love him a lot!! See you on the teevee Saturday morning.❤️ 

My note: I tried to upload the photo for this text but could not. Chuck is bald, and looks like Yoda. Is his rough year only because Nan died? Does he have cancer too? He is totally bald, and looks old. "But things are getting better."  What does that mean?

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4 hours ago, Dineen said:

My note: I tried to upload the photo for this text but could not. Chuck is bald, and looks like Yoda. Is his rough year only because Nan died? Does he have cancer too? He is totally bald, and looks old. "But things are getting better."  What does that mean?

I managed to download and crop the photo (gave me a chance to play with the photo editing facility on my new-to-me laptop).

I agree, Dineen, Chuck doesn't look awfully well.  Perhaps it's just a combination of the years catching up with him and also missing Nan, rather than some awful illness.  

I have a bit of a soft spot for him: of all the cast (bit part players) who people PW's "frontier", he seems the most natural and comfortable in front of the camera, as if knowing that the stage managed set pieces are a bit of a joke but, what the heck, just go along with it.  Missy, on the other hand, looks like a frightened deer in headlights and I get always get the feeling she would like to be anywhere other than appearing on her sister-in-law's show and having to suffer s-in-l's sometimes gushingly patronising remarks..."great salad, Missy" about a bowl of lettuce and a few other bits while Ree has produced all sorts of dishes for the same family get-together.

chuck july 2019 (2).jpg

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Chuck talks with his mouth full, and chews with his mouth open...……..GROSS!! While eating his "cowboy crème brulee." Ladd mumbles and you can barely understand what he says. At least they didn't show his ass. At least Ree didn't put on a fake drooling show salivating over his (supposedly) manly arms and butt. Chuck looks so old and sad now. I agree that Missy looks like a deer in the headlights, I wonder why? Her husband seems kind of arrogant. Missy is prettier than Ree, and probably better psychologically balanced too. Maybe Ree is so ambitious and fame hungry because deep down she is unhappy? I can't know what is wrong with her, but that might be it. 

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I saw today's show because I was curious about what might be going on with Chuck.

Ree's ass-kissing was on full display and more. In fact, if you took a drink every time she said, "Chuck," or "Pappy," you would be in the hospital with alcohol poisoning. (BTW, Where did that nickname come from? Is he the godfather of the Pawhuska mob or something?)

If Ree's plan is to kill off Chuck for his money, the plan was well underway today to certain cardiac arrest with the cheese- and fat-laden fare bountifully laced with plenty of jalapenos.

Oh, did you know that Ree and Pappy have the same flavor profile? We must have heard that 1,000 times AND both of them start thinking about their next meal as soon as they've finished their present one. Seriously? Ree was shamelessly trying w-a-a-y too hard.  And it wasn't like she was trying to be extra thoughtful to him for any particular reason, it was just the usual, laid on too thick brown-nosing, something I have failed to understand.

There was no mention of anything adverse going on with Chuck, other than that he's lonely and bored and if Ladd doesn't keep Chuck busy with little chores or projects, Chuck tends to seek out and take on more than he can handle.  Sad. What was kind of melancholy was after Ladd and Chuck were finished with whatever they were doing, Ladd drove Chuck around the property and they did some sightseeing of some of the prettier areas. Not sure what the trips down memory lane were about ... 

Chuck was much quieter than usual and if anything, he seems like a man who is still deeply grieving the loss of his wife (it's only been a year, if that long) and no doubt could be depressed. I think this episode annoyed me even more than the "digging Nan's grave" episode last year. Let the poor old man grieve in peace. I'm glad that they are keeping a closer eye on him, but trotting him out again on national TV to eat greasy quesadillas and "cowboy creme brulee'" with a topping of some mushy berries, is just in poor taste. IMO.

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Am I imagining things, or does every one of the Ladd Drummond family have their teeth crowned?  No wonder with all the sweets they devour. 

Thinking to myself ... If Ree owns or co-owns the Mercantile, the Boarding House, the Sweet Shop, the pizza parlor, and has the biggest Fourth of July shindig and fireworks, how long can it be before the town elders name the main drag Drummond Avenue?

  • Love 3
23 minutes ago, Lura said:

Am I imagining things, or does every one of the Ladd Drummond family have their teeth crowned?  No wonder with all the sweets they devour. 

Thinking to myself ... If Ree owns or co-owns the Mercantile, the Boarding House, the Sweet Shop, the pizza parlor, and has the biggest Fourth of July shindig and fireworks, how long can it be before the town elders name the main drag Drummond Avenue?

Ladd Lane? Brycee Boulevard? Rue Ste. Ree? 

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7 hours ago, Dineen said:

She is Phi Beta Phi. Sorority girl, funny, she never mentions it on her website.

She talked about it somewhere because I know she talked about her older girl pledging a sorority and it wasn't hers.  Just curious but is not talking about being in a sorority a point in her favour or yet another point against her?

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Lura said:

Am I imagining things, or does every one of the Ladd Drummond family have their teeth crowned?  No wonder with all the sweets they devour. 

Thinking to myself ... If Ree owns or co-owns the Mercantile, the Boarding House, the Sweet Shop, the pizza parlor, and has the biggest Fourth of July shindig and fireworks, how long can it be before the town elders name the main drag Drummond Avenue?

AND there's the PW Steak House and Bar to come.  (I found this article from the UK's Daily Mail, which appeared in June last year - I knew I'd read something somewhere about the latest part of the PW Vision, and was forced (not quite true!!) to do nocturnal online searching.)


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After I posted, I finally saw the Ree episode with her, Ladd and Chuck.   I was astounded by how much weight Chuck appears to have lost.  He has to be 25 pounds less than he was when Nan died.  I was astounded.  He looked  positively gaunt.  Adding to that, he had so little to say that it seemed clear to me that he has really been suffering.  I am very surprised that Ree would turn the cameras on that poor man.  I'm glad that she is trying to feed him and to cheer him up, but shoving cameras in his face seemed cruel.  It was one more reminder that Ree has very poor judgment and that she continues to put herself first.  Couldn't she cook a meal for Chuck without filming her "good deed"?  Go ahead and film your trips around town dispersing cookies and other sweets, Ree, but leave Chuck out of camera range!!!

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7 hours ago, Lura said:

I am very surprised that Ree would turn the cameras on that poor man.

I'm not.  As you say, it's all about Ree.  Truly good people don't need to run around proclaiming how good they are.  They do their good deeds quietly and ask for no publicity.  With Ree, it's all about her face in the limelight.  What a bitch.

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So I've never watched this show, but I've read the forums for years. Turned on the TV, and there she is, so I am sitting and watching. After watching her put chipotle and pretzels on things, my daughter looked at me and said, "Why are you watching this, and who is this lady?". I told her that she was a famous food blogger with a big following, and she couldn't figure it out. A few minutes later she asked why she had a show, since she couldn't cook good food, and has no personality to have a TV show. Ree said something about how good her blue cheese dip was, and my daughter just looked at the TV, and said "You keep believing that, lady.".

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Ree has been kissing Chuck's ass big time for years, way before his wife got cancer and eventually passed away. The fawning has been so OTT with fixing him his favorite meals and gushing over him to the point of second-hand embarrassment. 

I was simply wondering out loud -- WHY? It seems like Ree is working hard to make sure that she and Ladd nudge Missy and Tim out to be "top son and DIL." For starters, I doubt that Chuck is the type to play favorites, but in Ree's mind, why not plant the seed anyway? I find if very disingenuous. I see nothing wrong with fixing a special treat for a loved one now and then and also showing some extra TLC during tough times, but Ree has been consistently been overdoing it with the Chuck love ever since the show started.

So why not combine the two? Smother Chuck with fattening unhealthy food and unwanted attention, while at the same time, calling the lion's share of attention to herself.  Deflect by playing on Chuck's obvious grief and advancing age, but making yourself the heroine at the same time. Actually, that's kind of a stroke of marketing genius, but in the most distasteful way possible. 

Meanwhile, her interactions with her own father are awkward at best. Maybe she sees Chuck as the type of father figure she is yearning for. Again, who knows? 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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5 hours ago, Homily said:

I think the only thing most people agree on who post here is that they hate Ree Drummond, the whys of the hate differ. 

My take is that she's a pretentious hack appealing to uneducated women.  She's perfected her "aw' shucks" BS and paired it with some of the worst recipes ever designed.  Not only are her flavor profiles ridiculous they are patently unhealthy 99.9% of the time.   Yet  her sheeple dote on her and buy her hype without ever seeing how much of a sham it is.

I get disgusted with women who who blindly follow well-marketed celebrities as if they are gods and I hate rich, entitled people who prey on their naivete using their influence and money.  

To actually film at her MIL's funeral was the final straw.  Unconscionable for someone who proclaims to adore her FIL.  She loves herself and only herself - she allowed cameras at what should have been a private family moment entirely for the media coverage.  Disgusted me.

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I get the reasons why people dislike her and I don't mind the snark I do have a problem with the personal attacks targeting people who do happen to like her.  That's the kind of thing that makes for a very lopsided forum and gives a false (IMO) impression.  It will take a very strong person to come in and say anything positive about Drummond or her show if they're being told they're uneducated sheeple!

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I think Chuck is a lovely man - and has/is been in grief. But Ree insists he is on the show and he is accommodating. A real gentleman. But being taken advantage of nevertheless. He does not have the same zip now. 

Aww - poor Chuck and wasn't the funeral of his wife a great episode.

IMO you embrace your loved ones - notice Chuck is not hanging with Ladd anymore - just Ree.  She is using him for a plot -  just like his wife. And the family says great!

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I can speak only for myself, but I would not be offended by anyone speaking up for Ree.  I feel that forums should be open to all opinions.  That's essentially what a forum is.  That said, I could never be persuaded to like Ree nor many of the things that Ree does.  I have watched her since her show began, read many of her "Confessions," and not to sound superior to Ree in  any way, I find that our values in life are very different.  I find Ree to be opportunistic, self-centered, and extremely set in a superior attitude.  Nevertheless, someone may feel differently, and as far as I'm concerned, is more than welcome to say so.  My hope would be that we could prevent conflict.   We have such a happy forum here that I would hate to see hard feelings ruin what we have.  The posters here are not only people who enjoy venting like I do, but they are also my friends.  We can always block posts written by people we find to be irritating.

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I suspect that Ree is following me.  More and more, and still more of her shows keep adding themselves to my playlist.  Today, I watched one.  Ree was making a pizza.  She had prepared only one squash, a zucchini.  When she began piling the veggies onto the crust, she said, "Now I'll add the zucchini and the squash."  Huh?  The zucchini IS a squash, Ree.  Maybe she thought that zucchini was a grown up cucumber?

On her next show she made a taco pizza.  As Ree is fond of saying, "You heard me.  A taco pizza."  She put all of the taco fixin's atop the crust, including the taco itself, which she cut into strips and fried "to add crunch."  Is this one included on the menu at the pizza parlor?  She assured her audience, as she usually does, that her family would love it.  *cough*  

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On 6/28/2019 at 5:42 PM, Lisin said:

Guys, please stop making fun of the Facebook fans. It's against the site's policy to make fun of fandoms. You can make fun of Ree and the rest of her family etc. and the show all you want but don't bring the fans into it. Thanks. 

Moving this forward since it appears it was lost in the conversation. Stop talking about Ree's fans. State your opinion about Ree etc. all you want but we aren't here to judge anyone who may like her/the show etc. 

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Still thinking. I already had some round mirrored glasses and full arm tattoo sleeves.  I need to look at more photos of him to see how he typically dresses. I will probably wear a Black Sabbath shirt in case there are some people who honestly wouldn't know who I was.  It was by the grace of a group of "Grey Gardens" fans who happened to be at last year's Halloween party to know who Little Edie was.

Ozzy is infamous for biting the head off a dove. Not sure if I will go quite that far as most of the attendees are devout animal rights people (as am I.) 

At this time, it's kind of up in the air about the annual Halloween party. Some in-fighting between some of the hosts and attendees. That's why I'm not going to get too crazy and start buying costume stuff too early, but I do have a wig and other items on my Amazon list ready to go!

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8 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

And they are probably made in China like her hideous kitschy tableware.  I avoid anything made in China like the plague.  I support deployed Military Working Dog teams and any dog foold not made in the US is absolutely forbidden

China is notorious for poisonous toxic food and medicines. There is a lot of industrial pollution from their factories which spill out everywhere into their farmland.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Still thinking. I already had some round mirrored glasses and full arm tattoo sleeves.  I need to look at more photos of him to see how he typically dresses. I will probably wear a Black Sabbath shirt in case there are some people who honestly wouldn't know who I was.  It was by the grace of a group of "Grey Gardens" fans who happened to be at last year's Halloween party to know who Little Edie was.

Ozzy is infamous for biting the head off a dove. Not sure if I will go quite that far as most of the attendees are devout animal rights people (as am I.) 

At this time, it's kind of up in the air about the annual Halloween party. Some in-fighting between some of the hosts and attendees. That's why I'm not going to get too crazy and start buying costume stuff too early, but I do have a wig and other items on my Amazon list ready to go!

If you want to be really scary, you could go as Ree.

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I saw that episode. I have noticed the new hair and I have to honesty wonder if it's a wig. The part is very crooked (as Lura has pointed out) but I don't see how you could consistently mis-part it exactly the same way from episode to episode. What is making Ree look better is that she has a side part and it looks like some long bangs. Those cut the roundness of her face. Also, her hair in the front barely moves at all, which makes me think it's either a wig or topper or her own hair sprayed within an inch of its life.

She still needs to do something to add some color to her complexion. That awful flame orange hair color desperately needs some kind of segue between the pasty white skin and raccoon eyes.

But ... that blue top was a pretty color and flattering.

I also wonder if somebody has called out Ree about food safety or something because this is the second week in a row that she made a point about using separate brushes and bowls of marinade for her raw meat. Next thing, she will be washing her hands a thousand times per episode. I am all for promoting caution in the kitchen, but explaining it once is enough.

The food looked very pedestrian. I think the combination of pesto and mayo leaves a lot to be desired. People were going to have a mess on their hands (literally) by trying to each those zucchini sliders that were overdosed with the gloppy spread. 

Hawaiian chicken skewers were predictable with chicken, red pepper, pineapple and teriyaki marinade. 

Ree is not the first person to use marbleized colored icing on cookies. Hate to break it to her. She probably got the idea from the Christmas cookie competition she judges every year.

Some of the people at the class were from Arizona, Illinois and Arkansas ...

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52 minutes ago, Dineen said:

One interesting comment was that she smiles so much but there is no happiness, no warmth behind her eyes.

Yep, I have said the same thing before.  That rictus grin is plastered on 24/7 but there is no smile in her eyes. 

Calculating her next move and what other recipes she can steal and turn into abominations with her cache of unrelated ingredients is what is going on in that brain.

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On 7/19/2019 at 1:21 PM, peacheslatour said:


I remember this quote from the Rocky Horror movie. 

Do y’all make food for the Halloween party? 

I don’t mind watching Ree occasionally, but it seems too many days are saturated with her episodes. Rerun after rerun. Once is enough. 

I thought her menu for the painting party was uninspired and a bit bland. Also it reeked of Betty Crocker from the late 60’s. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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12 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

Marathons of Ree on FN and Fixer Upper (a show no longer in production) on HGTV - why? Both channels have to have more interesting shows.

Probably for the same reason a bunch of channels are showing Christmas themed marathons of shows and movies.  They know they aren't going to get tons of viewers in July.  Everyone's on vacation or outside!  Of course they probably did those schedules before the heat wave kicked in.  Ain't leaving the AC anytime soon and I doubt I'm the only one!

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1 minute ago, Homily said:

Probably for the same reason a bunch of channels are showing Christmas themed marathons of shows and movies.  They know they aren't going to get tons of viewers in July.  Everyone's on vacation or outside!  Of course they probably did those schedules before the heat wave kicked in.  Ain't leaving the AC anytime soon and I doubt I'm the only one!

But they do it all the time! Doesn’t matter month - it’s all year.

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On 7/11/2019 at 7:11 AM, Mandolia said:

I think I need counselling after witnessing a PW "creation" (I used the word in its loosest sense) on one of her shows yesterday.  Macaroni cheese stuffed peppers (I think poblano???) (if that's the correct spelling!) DIPPED IN BEER BATTER and deep fried.  I can (more or less) get my head around mac cheese stuffed peppers but it's the batter/deep fried element which left me feeling rather sick and also speechless.  I think she said it was an experiment.  Not something I'll be making any time soon!  

Stuffed bell peppers are a favourite of mine, tho not stuffed with mac cheese!, so there's no reason to think stuffed poblano peppers wouldn't be nice.  Having said that, I'm not sure that they're readily available in the UK.   I might have to do some research!

Stuffed poblano or Anaheim peppers that are then battered and deep-fried is a Tex-Mex classic called chiles rellenos. However, they’re usually stuffed with cheese, meat, beans, and/or rice. Not freaking macaroni & cheese.

Edited by Automne
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Her daughter Paige was arrested for public intoxication and possession of alcohol by a minor. Ree and Ladd must have thrown some big bucks for a good lawyer because the charges are being expunged and the fine will only be $404.50.  

This isn’t Rees first rodeo with a teen going rebellious in college. Her sister Alex was also had an arrest warrant for failure to appear in court for a traffic violation (proof of insurance). Then photos surfaced of her chugging beers at Texas A&M. 

Paige is now taking a month to work at a Christian camp in Missouri. She sounds like a Duggar with all of her Jesus speak. 

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Mac and cheese stuffed into thin slices of ham sound good to me, but not into hot peppers.  Didn't Ree say something to the effect of "Any excuse for a jalapeno," or was that in another show?  

I was a bit surprised when Ree let out with a whoop at the end of the painting class.  She didn't know anyone there, so I took her whoop as one more attempt to draw attention to herself.  She was probably hoping that someone would throw her a dirty look so that she could retort with "I own the building!  I can do whatever I want!!!"

Purina, Purina, what are you thinking???  Homemade dog treats ... and the money just keeps rolling in.

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What is it with these cooks slapping their names on dog food?  Money grubbing?  Rachel Ray and now Ree have their dog food.  I just read an article that names Rachel's dog food as being dangerous for dogs (the list had quite a few listed as dangerous) because the food doesn't contain any grains.  My vet has been very vocal that the dog foods that are fully meat products are very dangerous for animals because they all need some grains in their diets.  If they don't have that, the dog is more prone to heart disease and heart attacks.  

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1 hour ago, KLovestoShop said:

What is it with these cooks slapping their names on dog food?  Money grubbing?  Rachel Ray and now Ree have their dog food.  I just read an article that names Rachel's dog food as being dangerous for dogs (the list had quite a few listed as dangerous) because the food doesn't contain any grains.  My vet has been very vocal that the dog foods that are fully meat products are very dangerous for animals because they all need some grains in their diets.  If they don't have that, the dog is more prone to heart disease and heart attacks.  

Well, yeah. Dogs are omnivores like humans. They need a balanced diet. Cats are obligate carnivores and can live well without grains.

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