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Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne: Let them eat cake

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On 10/16/2022 at 6:48 AM, ZettaK said:

This is a screenshot from an IG reposted video of Brad Gorecki interviewing Erika on BravoCon. He asked about her legal cases. She said "I'm winning", "I'm doing very well". The audience cheered. She obviously still has a lot of fans....


Keep telling yourself that, Erika…

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On 9/29/2022 at 5:10 PM, Carolina Girl said:

I left this piece of shit show after the episode where Vyle showed up at Lisa Vanderpump's home and called her a liar over and over again.  The only thing missing that I would have LIKED to have seen was Ken drop kicking her skanky ass over the swan pond.  Haven't watched an episode since.  And the more I've read her about Lips McGee's and Erikunt's behaviors, I am more and more convinced I made the right decision.  

I checked my DVR - yep, I've deleted all of them.  

I stopped watching after Swan Pond, too. I did watch a couple last year hoping to see Erika's comeuppance, but all I saw was her lying and everyone, including Andy, sucking up to her. That was it. I only come here hoping to read she's been sent to jail or some other satisfying ending.

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4 hours ago, renatae said:

I stopped watching after Swan Pond, too. I did watch a couple last year hoping to see Erika's comeuppance, but all I saw was her lying and everyone, including Andy, sucking up to her. That was it. I only come here hoping to read she's been sent to jail or some other satisfying ending.

The whole situation with Jax combined with Erika and the FF5 got to be too much, and I rage quit all of Bravo sometime mid-season. I refuse to support a network that allows people to treat others so badly. Thus far, not missing any of it. 

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With regard to Erika’s Bravocon performance, the only “joke” is that she’s trying to say she was joking.  She made a huge production out of answering the question of who she thinks is the next Bravo couple headed for Splitsville.  

She did her damnedest to create a memorable mic drop moment when she said PK and Dorit would be the next ones to bite the dust.  It was a total famewhore move, but for all we know, this is just another example of Bravo teeing up a future storyline, or at least trying to hang on to a number of viewers who have had it with their now-crappy  product.  

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9 hours ago, CallmeCray said:

With regard to Erika’s Bravocon performance, the only “joke” is that she’s trying to say she was joking.  She made a huge production out of answering the question of who she thinks is the next Bravo couple headed for Splitsville.  

She did her damnedest to create a memorable mic drop moment when she said PK and Dorit would be the next ones to bite the dust.  It was a total famewhore move, but for all we know, this is just another example of Bravo teeing up a future storyline, or at least trying to hang on to a number of viewers who have had it with their now-crappy  product.  

I am not saying the comments PK made about Erika during pantygate were at all appropriate. They were disrespectful towards both Erika and his wife. But Erika's reaction was beyond, and if Dorit is her friend and she's forgiven PK, why did she say her friend's husband "stared at her pussy all night long" just this season? She doesn't respect other people's feelings or marriages at all. 

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24 minutes ago, Jel said:

I still side with Dorit on that one. You wear a short dress, with no underwear, you cross your legs. Whether PK said anything about it or not, she still flashed a bunch of people. 

Agree. I never got why she didn’t understand Dorit’s point at all. It’s just not normal to flash people like that, intentional or not. 

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Oh, I saw this for the first time today. Now I realize it is old. It was still interesting to me, so I thought I’d leave it anyway.


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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Oh, I saw this for the first time today. Now I realize it is old. It was still interesting to me, so I thought I’d leave it anyway.

This is why I feel uncomfortable watching the show with Erica still part of the cast. She's enabling Tom's crimes and continuing the victimization of all those poor people.
I'm surprised Bravo isn't concerned that legal action could be brought against them for allowing Erica to act as Tom's frontwoman on their network. It appears as if Bravo has also helped to perpetrate a fraud. I wish these attorneys threatening Erica would turn their eyes on Bravo - I would think that would get them to dropkick her out of the zip code.

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10 minutes ago, Melonie77 said:

I'm surprised Bravo isn't concerned that legal action could be brought against them

I have been thinking that for years, and am stunned that it hasn’t. Not just these things, but bullying and harassment in the workplace, threatening co-workers, and various other very concerning HR issues (but again, I think Bravo HR is an intern Harry Robert’s.

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15 minutes ago, Melonie77 said:

It appears as if Bravo has also helped to perpetrate a fraud. I wish these attorneys threatening Erica would turn their eyes on Bravo - I would think that would be get them to dropkick her out of the zip code.

That’s an excellent point!

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Looked at the Buzzfeed article - it's based on the complaint filed last April.  Repeats the falsity about Girardi being the Brockovich attorney (my litmus "test" to know which news outlets will repeat false tropes without fact-checking.)  Pictures were interesting though! And like blame put on Bravo for giving Erika (& earlier Tom) a platform to spin falsities & lies. 

As I wrote in the "RHoBH in the Media" thread, Bravo should kick her off the show - increased viewership can't be worth civil subpoenas, depositions, attorneys crawling all over their tapes, transcripts, notes, legal fees.  (And now, the possible inquiry & demands from the feds since Tom's CFO has been criminally indicted.)  As Bravo learned with NJ's Teresa Guidice & SLC's Jen Shaw, housewife criminals get convicted, sentenced & go to prison.

Edelson paid the Lion Air victims who Girardi stiffed & took an assignment of their claims so HE had standing to pursue Erika & others in CA after the IL complaint was dismissed without prejudice as filed in the wrong jurisdiction. This means the Lion Air heirs, at least, got their settlement money  - & perhaps stand to get a cut of more if Edelson recovers over & above what he paid to the victims.  Other Girardi victims must wait for a bankruptcy payout.

Erika as frontwoman to a conspiracy is a tough sell, but Erika as participant in a scheme to launder stolen client trust money through EJ Global or through purchase of jewelry (earrings) or other items or property, an easier sell.  But too much room for her tantrums & fact spinning to permit her to remain on the show & taint potential jurors.

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On 10/21/2022 at 4:59 PM, RealHousewife said:

Agree. I never got why she didn’t understand Dorit’s point at all. It’s just not normal to flash people like that, intentional or not. 

I have realized why she does such and such and doesn't do such and such... she is extremely stupid.  She doesn't get jokes, and she doesn't understand what people are saying to her.  She is not intelligent at all.  

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11 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

I have realized why she does such and such and doesn't do such and such... she is extremely stupid.  She doesn't get jokes, and she doesn't understand what people are saying to her.  She is not intelligent at all.  


Yup. She is not bright. REALLY not bright.

It also seems that she just tunes others out, unless they are sycophanting her or agreeing with her. You see in her eyes that she’s checked out.

You nailed it with regard to not understanding jokes. Sometimes Mikey will spoon feed her an Erika Jayne joke. But otherwise she doesn’t understand, but tries to pass it off as, she can’t be bothered to “get it.”

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On 11/14/2022 at 2:57 PM, heatherchandler said:

I have realized why she does such and such and doesn't do such and such... she is extremely stupid.  She doesn't get jokes, and she doesn't understand what people are saying to her.  She is not intelligent at all.  

I have been saying since her first season that Erika is the BH version of Kelly Bensimon. Not only does she not get jokes or understand how banter works, she has a tendancy to suck the air out of the room or a conversation when she is not the main topic. 

Perfect example: Dorit and LVP making a joke, Erika not getting it and Dorit saying something about British humor. Instead of playing along with the banter, Erika's response is "you're from Conneticut" as though that had anything to do with what Dorit said. 

Another and better example is panty-gate. The whole thing started with Kyle and LVP joking around about panty lines. And LVP tries to bring Erika in on the banter asking if Kyle can borrow some underwear. Instead of playing along or changing the subject, Erika responds "I'm not wearing any." Boom, end of conversation.

She just doesn't know how to interact with people who aren't fawning all over her. 

Edited by MatildaMoody
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51 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:


Quite the difference in price. Shame they aren’t cubic zirconia…😁

I wonder what they’ll actually bring. Auction’s next month.

Everyone needs to watch this video as soon as possible, before they delete it. It shows every Erika Jayne completely unhinged moment. I didn’t remember Erika erupting on Rinna!

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31 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

Going back to when Erika joined the show, to me it’s always seemed she gave out a “smartest girl in the room” vibe to hide her insecurity. She was always acting like she was above it all because I think she knew she was outclassed.  LVP caught on to that early. The others (Rinna, Eileen, and Kyle) were too star-struck by this woman who seemingly didn’t give a fuck about what others thought (and that I think, unfortunately rubbed off on Rinna over time). She was the “bad girl” they wanted to be but for appearances. Her behavior was another sign of her insecurity.

Remember how Erika would joke that she was really disliked by the other attorneys’ wives? I think that hurt her too, so she turned it into a badge of honor — getting one over on these uptight rich bitches who were “jealous” of her. But deep down she knew that all she really was was an old man’s toy and arm candy. Her “career” was as much for his enjoyment as it was her “profession”. She knew she was still the Jersey dive bar waitress. She could either give in to that humiliation, or assume an air of entitlement that eventually turned hard. She never got the acceptance she wanted, so she began to demand it as a right.

Her hurt is so bottled up it will be like Mt. Vesuvius when it blows. Things started  smoking this season, when she couldn’t bluff her way out of all her bullshit. 

She shouldn’t come back.

You so, so, so nailed this. Very insightful. Fantastic.

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3 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Everyone needs to watch this video as soon as possible, before they delete it. It shows every Erika Jayne completely unhinged moment. I didn’t remember Erika erupting on Rinna!

Geeze, when you see these scenes altogether she really looks like an unbalanced psycho!  I wonder if she has any actual real friends (that she doesn't pay and that aren't on camera).  I'm thinking no. 

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5 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Geeze, when you see these scenes altogether she really looks like an unbalanced psycho!  I wonder if she has any actual real friends (that she doesn't pay and that aren't on camera).  I'm thinking no. 

Right? I think you’re correct.

So I was incorrect above. It includes all her psychotic rants from earlier seasons. Now imagine adding all of the clips from the more recent seasons. 

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16 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Geeze, when you see these scenes altogether she really looks like an unbalanced psycho!  I wonder if she has any actual real friends (that she doesn't pay and that aren't on camera).  I'm thinking no. 

I agree. I don’t understand why any of the women are friends with her. She’s nasty and unhinged a lot of the time. On her best days, she’s full of herself. 

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5 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I agree. I don’t understand why any of the women are friends with her. She’s nasty and unhinged a lot of the time. On her best days, she’s full of herself. 

I've had friends I've had to tiptoe around, and it's the worst. And with people like Erika, they feel entitled to say whatever they want and have meltdowns, but you can't be honest with them without them exploding. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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14 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I agree. I don’t understand why any of the women are friends with her. She’s nasty and unhinged a lot of the time. On her best days, she’s full of herself.

I doubt any of the other RH are real friends with her - probably just tolerate her while filming.  The exception could be Rinna, who does have a husband but not sure about actual real friends. 

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The bit about the earrings is confusing as evidently the earrings that were sold were a replacement for ones that had been stolen - or allegedly stolen

So there might have been insurance fraud and the earrings were not as valuable as claimed

Or the more valuable earrings are hidden away somewhere

Everything EJ does is suspect and shady so either scenario works - or maybe both

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2 hours ago, amarante said:

The bit about the earrings is confusing as evidently the earrings that were sold were a replacement for ones that had been stolen - or allegedly stolen

So there might have been insurance fraud and the earrings were not as valuable as claimed

Or the more valuable earrings are hidden away somewhere

Everything EJ does is suspect and shady so either scenario works - or maybe both

Per Ronald Richards (and his documents) the earrings that are on sale are 1 carat smaller each then what was bought prior.  These are not the right earrings and that makes sense why she is appealing but just for a credit.  These are not the earrings she cares about.

Lord she is a snake.

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2 hours ago, Slakkie said:

Per Ronald Richards (and his documents) the earrings that are on sale are 1 carat smaller each then what was bought prior.  These are not the right earrings and that makes sense why she is appealing but just for a credit.  These are not the earrings she cares about.

Lord she is a snake.

Oh I definitely get that based on the sales description, they are clearly nit the diamonds that were purchased with trust account funds. 

I am confused as to exactly where the subterfuge started and was there insurance fraud or did she keep the larger earrings and turn in the smaller ones. I mean it seems like a ridiculous thing to attempt to do because obviously the diamonds had paperwork describing them explicitly and any auction house is going to have an expert appraise and provide an exact description of the diamond being auctioned. 

Not quite the same but Taylor Armstrong was forced to turn over her Birkin to a creditor and it was a complete fake of no value at all. 

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15 minutes ago, amarante said:

Oh I definitely get that based on the sales description, they are clearly nit the diamonds that were purchased with trust account funds. 

I am confused as to exactly where the subterfuge started and was there insurance fraud or did she keep the larger earrings and turn in the smaller ones. I mean it seems like a ridiculous thing to attempt to do because obviously the diamonds had paperwork describing them explicitly and any auction house is going to have an expert appraise and provide an exact description of the diamond being auctioned. 

Not quite the same but Taylor Armstrong was forced to turn over her Birkin to a creditor and it was a complete fake of no value at all. 

What is more terrifying is that the bankruptcy attorney did not notice that the earrings did not match the sales receipt.  Per RR (if you want to believe him) he is the one who noticed.  I went and listened to Erika in Aspen and she gave the proper carat weight and an updated value so she had to know these were not the same earrings.

You would think that these people would take this more seriously.  It is head shockingly arrogant in so many ways.

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This is a repost of what Ronald Richards posted on IG. He claims that the earrings Erika handed to the trustee are not the same which were described on the sales receipt as a replacement of the stolen ones. So, he is essentially saying that Erika is a fraud.


And the receipt for those earrings from Ronald Richards' IG. 

They are very good quality diamonds per the description.


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On 11/23/2022 at 11:35 PM, hoodooznoodooz said:

Oh, check out the Instagram of byewighellodrama again. They posted eight hours ago. It’s 11:30 pm in New York now.


This is a random person posting on IG. They don't understand "appraisal price", and "auction price". The auction price is almost always a lot lower than the appraisal price (also check prices for houses in foreclosure which are auctioned for a fraction of their market value price for example). Of course this doesn't mean that Erika didn’t hand the wrong pair of earrings- it seems she did. 

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Good point that the auction price, really almost all jewelry resale price, is way less than purchase price.  I don’t expect the bankruptcy attorney to catch that they weren’t the same earrings as the receipt.  I DO expect the auction house to verify the authenticity of the item, that the diamonds match the GIA reports, and am shocked that they didn’t immediately notify the bankruptcy atty about the discrepancy and hold off on the auction until the matter is resolved.

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Just looked at the auction site and they have new GIA reports dated 10/20/22 for the earrings.  So they did authenticate the goods.  But it’s odd they have the GIA reports listing 6ct earrings AND the original receipt listing 7ct earrings in the item description.  Shady.  What is even more strange is that the earring settings are stamped “MM”, the original jeweler.  Settings for 7ct diamonds would not work for 6ct diamonds so it can’t be that just the diamonds were swapped, new settings would have to be made.  None of this makes any sense.


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On 11/26/2022 at 7:00 PM, ZettaK said:

This is a repost of what Ronald Richards posted on IG. He claims that the earrings Erika handed to the trustee are not the same which were described on the sales receipt as a replacement of the stolen ones. So, he is essentially saying that Erika is a fraud.


And the receipt for those earrings from Ronald Richards' IG. 

They are very good quality diamonds per the description.


Am I the only one who finds it odd that the Ship-To on the original receipt was to The Orleans (Hotel) Executive office?

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On 12/1/2022 at 8:23 AM, Booger666 said:

Just looked at the auction site and they have new GIA reports dated 10/20/22 for the earrings.  So they did authenticate the goods.  But it’s odd they have the GIA reports listing 6ct earrings AND the original receipt listing 7ct earrings in the item description.  Shady.  What is even more strange is that the earring settings are stamped “MM”, the original jeweler.  Settings for 7ct diamonds would not work for 6ct diamonds so it can’t be that just the diamonds were swapped, new settings would have to be made.  None of this makes any sense.


I could pawn/sell these and pay off all that's left of my student loan debt (which is a lot) and still have plenty of money left over to invest, whatever. 

No one needs jewelry that expensive. Sorry but that's obnoxious.

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37 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

I could pawn/sell these and pay off all that's left of my student loan debt (which is a lot) and still have plenty of money left over to invest, whatever. 

No one needs jewelry that expensive. Sorry but that's obnoxious.

As much as I love beautiful things and enjoy some of the lifestyle porn on these shows, I have never looked at Erika's lifestyle as aspirational, just obnoxious. 

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18 minutes ago, RealHousewife said:

As much as I love beautiful things and enjoy some of the lifestyle porn on these shows, I have never looked at Erika's lifestyle as aspirational, just obnoxious. 

I think all of us prefer our own lives where we enjoy pizza and popcorn on the couch instead of chewing an almond very, very slowly, and hanging out with our friends and loved ones without wondering if they are fake friends about to leak our secrets to tabloids or grift us into bankruptcy.

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19 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

They posted on Instagram that the producers renewed both Erika’s and Rinna’s contracts?

I saw this on the WWCL & Lovin’ It Facebook page.

Up and Adam said contracts haven’t been signed yet. Erika likely reposted that as a manifestation of what she wanted?  

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On 12/9/2022 at 7:33 AM, RoseAllDay said:

Were the proceeds immediately turned over to the State of California Department of Revenue?

I thought I saw somewhere that they went for $250,000. Still, a far cry from what she was claiming they were worth.

She didn't just claim it. It was an actual GIA (Gemological Institute of America) appraisal of the stones. Items in bankruptcy auctions sell for a fraction of their market price. 

It is also possible she authorized a friend/acquaintance to buy the earrings for her for such a low price, but why bother if she has a second pair (see below).

I wonder that if she gave different earrings than the replacement ones for the bankruptcy auction, the burglary probably never happened, but she and her husband filed an insurance claim which was accepted anyway. Then she actually had two pairs of diamond earrings, and she gave one for the auction. The burglary story was somewhat convaluted, wasn't it?

Edited by ZettaK
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