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S03.E03: Wedding Night

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I think Neil is giving Sam all the rope she needs to hang herself.  It's not up to him to temper her behaviour.    One way to get to know someone is to let them go and do without trying to control it, argue it, or react to it.  He's taking it Aalll in.   I don't think Neil want's a relationship where he has to control someone.  He's no pushover but who wants a relationship where you constantly have to prove it??  


The way someone treats people says alot about their own character and self-respect. more than the other person "demanding respect'.  When the time is right and the attack becomes personal (as we see ahead) he will put up his hand.  He now knows she is crass, rude and immature and .sexually unappealing.    I think he has already checked out for the long term out but is willing to keep his six week commitment.  


Sam seems to think others are responsible for her bad behaviour.  She will find out otherwise in the most humiliating way if I read Neil correctly. 


Edited for typos


.    .  .  

Edited by seasick
  • Love 14

I absolutely agree with this. I don't think Vanessa is upset because she's been hoarding Bride magazines and planning her wedding since she was 8. I think she's upset because she assumed she would be matched and married to a man who wanted to get married. To find out that Tres didn't sign up for the show because he was looking to get married would be devastating. Add that to the stress of just marrying a stranger, leaving for your honeymoon and doing this in front of a camera crew and I'm surprised Vanessa didn't start crying. I think she has every right to be upset.

I wonder what she is crying about while skyping with Dr C. Maybe she tells him she found out Tres was recruited. Dam they can't find any nice men who volunteered

If she is thinking clearly, she will not have sex with Tres until they really get to know one another and she's sure he's committed. Otherwise, if he is a player, he'll be out at the end of six weeks, I think.

p.s. - It's possible that her friends Googled his ass after the ceremony and filled her in the next day. I'd sure want to know.

I absolutely agree with this. I don't think Vanessa is upset because she's been hoarding Bride magazines and planning her wedding since she was 8. I think she's upset because she assumed she would be matched and married to a man who wanted to get married. To find out that Tres didn't sign up for the show because he was looking to get married would be devastating. Add that to the stress of just marrying a stranger, leaving for your honeymoon and doing this in front of a camera crew and I'm surprised Vanessa didn't start crying. I think she has every right to be upset.

I wonder what she is crying about while skyping with Dr C. Maybe she tells him she found out Tres was recruited. Dam they can't find any nice men who volunteered

If she is thinking clearly, she will not have sex with Tres until they really get to know one another and she's sure he's committed. Otherwise, if he is a player, he'll be out at the end of six weeks, I think.

p.s. - It's possible that her friends Googled his ass after the ceremony and filled her in the next day. I'd sure want to know.

I'm getting the impression, especially this season so far, that you're right that these couples are taking an "Oh well, if it doesn't work there's always divorce" attitude, like it's no biggie if that happens.  I'm not sure if that's because they're trying not to freak out at the enormity of it all and are saying that so they feel less pressure to make things work, or because they really aren't ready for a commitment.  Then again we're seeing an unusual situation.  Commitment to a person usually comes before marriage, but this show does the opposite and puts marriage before commitment, at least before the commitment one feels in one's heart towards another person.  Being externally committed by the institution of marriage is different than the commitment one feels in one's heart.  Just because one is committed on paper doesn't mean they should or even can also feel it in their heart.  paper says No matter what the they still need the time to develop true feelings of commitment toward each other, which may or may not happen.  So until then of course they're not going to act like real married couples and will tend to look "not ready" for a commitment - You don't just marry anyone when you're ready for a commitment, you marry one particular person as opposed to a different one.  And if you just marry just anyone, (pretty much like these people have done), you aren't going to look or feel especially committed in the beginning until (hopefully) those feelings grow.  I've always said this show puts the cart before the horse.



That commitment Tres has shown is only worth the ink on the marriage contract at this point and would be easily gotten out of, so so much for that.  Women especially often need time before they're ready to have sex with someone.  Women want to feel right about someone before they have sex if they're looking for a long term relationship with them.  I can understand Vanessa wanting to wait until her reservations about Tres pass.  Men are different, of course, but if Tres really likes Vanessa and thinks he might want a future with her, he'll wait longer than is normally comfortable for him.  If not, then he's just a freaking player and not worth her time anyway.

Yes, and this was the idea about doing a "real marriage"., was to force couples to take time to look past the superficial in the zillions of pictures and profiles in what is now considered 'traditional dating' and to commit --to getting to know someone.  (they may learn alot about themselves in the process too)


The ceremony, the reception --the whole 'illusion' if you will ,  that they have made a serious commitment (and they sure get pretty anxious about the reality of it at the altar)  is designed to make these people slow down, face forward,  and allow for qualities beyond the superficial to emerge.  I love the idea of it.


I don't think just having them live together would be as effective. I know they are aware that there is an  'out,'  but I believe all the ceremonial stuff sets a stronger tone psychologically.  I think they will try harder.  It's a shame that there are huge monetary benefits etc. that cloud the waters.  (I definitely think both Ryans did it for the money 100%. with NO desire to have a wife no matter who she was)  It's a shame that they use a bait and switch approach to recruiting the men.  (Tres said in the matchmaking eps that when he was told about --or invited to--the workshop he thought it was a dating workshop--not MAFS)   That sends a HUGE message ahead that the show is desperate, a little shady, and so it's okay to play along.   


I don't think it's that hard for the experts to get a guy to finally admit he doesn't really want to get married.  I think a good grilling -face to face...not on paper, -- where all the questions seem benign but are filled with ideas of future hopes and plans, future romantic scenerios, the house, the kids, the career, the responsibility, the change in lifestyle ---  all of it--  will eventually get most of the game show contestants to crack and run.  I truly believe Jason, Doug and Vaughn would have not flinched at all thru it.    I don't think David looks too much past his toes but there is something endearing in him so far.  I think Neil was all in but I don't think he's going to stay (i hope not!) even if she wakes up and aplogizes.  What he saw under that dress cannot be unseen. 

  • Love 3

Re : Tres and Vanessa.


I’m hearing "a player needs a real woman to make him change. I know Mr X who was a huge player but found a real woman to tame him."


No no and no. No one should ever get into a relationship expecting the other person to change them. Even Tres said that he probably got matched with Vanessa to help him chill out. Why isn’t he able to practice self control and change on his own terms? Why is it Vanessa’s duty to do so?


I don’t believe a woman can make a man change. And the fact that he said that is a huge freaking red flag.

  • Love 12

My mother watched some of this show, she saw Tres and said, "serious playboy."  She said this because Tres looks like the kind of guy who's been told "you're so fine!" all of his life.  That shit goes to your head.  I knew two guys, when I was a teenager, both looked like Tres; both were serious players.  A bunch of us belonged to the same club, so we hung out together a lot, one of the guys' attitudes was like, "I got women left and right, why should I settle down?"  


What I don't get about Tres is, if he thought it was a dating show, then why didn't he, when they told him he was going to get married, say no? 


If it turns out that Tres didn't want to ever get married in the first place, I wonder if Vanessa could sue the show.   I'm sure Tres was not the only black man in Atlanta who wanted to do this show.  Tres might have been the only one who was "camera ready" but that's not Vanessa's fault.  This sounds like what happened last season, when they claimed they couldn't find any men in NYC who wanted to do this show and had to scrape the  bottom of the barrel.  

  • Love 6

I did not hear Tre say he never wanted to get married. I thought he said he thought he wouldn't get married until years after he'd dated the right one, but he saw the opportunity with this show.

This is very different than, "I never wanted to get married." This is more like, I envisioned it being different but was open to take a chance.

And HE didn't seem like he wanted her to think of him as a player. He hemmed and hawed and said," I dated a lot." He seemed disappointed that he had to say that and that she might judge and change her feelings towards him- and she did.

Edited by announcergirl
  • Love 7

Tres is a handsome young man, so it stands to reason that he had an active social life.  There is nothing wrong with that.  If Vanessa didn't want to risk marrying a "playa", perhaps she should have joined "Christians Mingle.com",  instead of signing a contract to marry a perfect stranger.

Edited by Adeejay
  • Love 5

My mother watched some of this show, she saw Tres and said, "serious playboy."  She said this because Tres looks like the kind of guy who's been told "you're so fine!" all of his life.  That shit goes to your head.  I knew two guys, when I was a teenager, both looked like Tres; both were serious players.  A bunch of us belonged to the same club, so we hung out together a lot, one of the guys' attitudes was like, "I got women left and right, why should I settle down?"  


What I don't get about Tres is, if he thought it was a dating show, then why didn't he, when they told him he was going to get married, say no?


If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and swims like a duck....It's probably a duck, I always say.  I agree that Tres certainly looks and acts like a player.  Why didn't he say no to the show if it meant marriage?  I agree with Seasick on that point, but also I get the feeling they pushed the "if you aren't happy you can always get a divorce" angle really hard with some of these people this season.  I think they had to play down the seriousness of the commitment to get some of them to participate.

  • Love 1

Watching Vanessa made me feel as if I had missed the part where she caught him texting girls while she was in the shower. I liked their wedding. I liked that he said from the jump that he was in it wholeheartedly. I liked that he proposed on one knee. I liked that they genuinely seemed to like each other. I liked that he seemed to be honest with her on the beach. I was surprised that the one conversation we saw seemed to be enough to turn her off and doubt him. He may be the biggest player that ever took a breath of life but from what I saw so far, I really didn't understand her reaction and hope she doesn't spend the rest of the season looking like she lost her pound puppy.

Sam is exhausting. Good luck, Neil.

I didn't think much of David one way or the other initially but I like how he is handling reserved Ashley so far.

I know they LOVE to edit on this show. It will be interesting to see what they're all blowing up about down the road.

Lastly, I thought that the bridal parties chose and paid for the honeymoons. I thought that came up in a prior season and noticed this week that the card they read was signed by the bridal party.

  • Love 3

What is it about Tres that gives off a ladies man vibe? That's not a loaded question, I kind of see it too, but I can't articulate it. Maybe I was primed by that spoiler that was posted a few months ago.


I agree and I think I have figured it out...he's a luxury car salesman. Those folks have a lot in common with ladies' men. Both types ooze with smarm and charm.

  • Love 2

I agree and I think I have figured it out...he's a luxury car salesman. Those folks have a lot in common with ladies' men. Both types ooze with smarm and charm.


LOL, my husband worked for a while as a luxury car salesman - failed miserably at it - but a few of the guys he worked with were remarkably like Tres in so many ways.  Speaking of the "smarm and charm" they were all handsome and had that line of shit down pat - Could sell ice to Eskimos and had huge tremendous egos.  All of them thought they were stallions with women and were quintessential "ladies men".  Some of the stories he used to come home with were priceless....

  • Love 1

I blame Neil for some of her behavior. She started Shyt-testing him almost immediately and he just took it. No come back, no reaction other than passive agreement.

With people like Sam, that's an open invitation to keep escalating. I doubt she'd be acting nearly as bad if Neil had been firm with her in the beginning. And it's not like he wasn't warned.

There's no way I would stay with her - she has no redeeming qualities or looks to offset the attitude - but, if I stayed for the honeymoon, I definitely wouldn't have let her comments pass.

No one is responsible for another adult's behavior. What you've written sounds perilously close to victim blaming. Sam is in control of Sam. Neil shouldn't have to engage in verbal sparring to not be treated like shit by his bride. How exhausting a life that would be!

  • Love 9

No one is responsible for another adult's behavior. What you've written sounds perilously close to victim blaming. Sam is in control of Sam.

It's exactly victim blaming. I blame Neil for tolerating her behavior. Doesn't make her less of a bytch, just saying that there is a way to get people like her under control. And every minute he doesn't do that rewards her and encourages her behavior.

Neil shouldn't have to engage in verbal sparring to not be treated like shit by his bride. How exhausting a life that would be!

It would be exhausting, but some people enjoy the challenge. For some people, taming a shrew would be a badge of honor - to mix literary references.

This line of thinking sounds antiquated, and dangerous (given that you reference a pretty misogynistic play that condones violence against women...). How exactly was Neil supposed to "get [sam] under control"? Be as insulting as she was? Physically intimidate her? The preview commercial that has been running this week shows him calmly talking to her about it.

So, if the roles were reversed and she was the one having to stick up for herself, would she be a misandrist? Of course not.

And yes, I would never let her insults stand without returning some of my own. I wouldn't calmly stand there while she showed no respect or basic decency. If that's enough to be called misogyny these days, then so be it.

And, if his calm talk magically turns her into a respectful, kind human being for longer than a few episodes, I'll take it all back.

It's exactly victim blaming. I blame Neil for tolerating her behavior. Doesn't make her less of a bytch, just saying that there is a way to get people like her under control. And every minute he doesn't do that rewards her and encourages her behavior.

It would be exhausting, but some people enjoy the challenge. For some people, taming a shrew would be a badge of honor - to mix literary references.

I'm curious as to what you think he might have said and done at certain junctures of her behavior. Can you give an example?


Taming of the shrew is good when the bride looks like Liz Taylor and the groom is an eternally drunk and emotionally numb Richard Burton.   Battling personalities is probably good if you don't have any interest in.getting out to enjoy life, or if you're bitter and frustrated and like to argue,  belittle and win.  No thanks.  And since Sam has minus zero sex appeal I can't see anyone fighting for that. 

  • Love 1

I'm curious as to what you think he might have said and done at certain junctures of her behavior. Can you give an example?

The best possible move?

Sam: "I don't find you physically attractive."

Neil: (throws up his hands) "Done!" (walks out).

Alternately, he could have said just about anything. "That's fine, I don't find you attractive either." "I'm curious what the experts think you could bring to a marriage." "I can see why you've had trouble finding a husband." "You're a little old to be so picky." or, more subtly, "You're 30, right? Hmmm."

They all would have led to a massive fight, but the choice is either leave with some dignity intact or be her doormat. Again, if his calm talk works in the long term, I'll eat my words.

Edited by Jack Sampson

The best possible move?

Sam: "I don't find you physically attractive."

Neil: (throws up his hands) "Done!" (walks out).

Alternately, he could have said just about anything. "That's fine, I don't find you attractive either." "I'm curious what the experts think you could bring to a marriage." "I can see why you've had trouble finding a husband." "You're a little old to be so picky." or, more subtly, "You're 30, right? Hmmm."

They all would have led to a massive fight, but the choice is either leave with some dignity intact or be her doormat. Again, if his calm talk works in the long term, I'll eat my words.


That all seems unnecessarily petty. I think Neil came across much better by being calm, collected, and mature in his response. He didn't come across like a doormat at all -- he seemed like a rational, level-headed adult. Let's not forget that they all know they are being televised. Any of your responses would have made him look like a gigantic asshole. By showing restraint, he made an ass of HER and showed that he's not some hot-headed idiot.


Also, his calm response also made him look a lot less offended by her comments -- like he was above it all and her opinion wasn't that important to him. When someone shoots back an insult like "Oh, I don't find you attractive either! Ha!" it actually makes them look like more vulnerable, because it's clear that the other person has hit a nerve and they're now lashing out as a result.


To be honest, I get the impression that Neil is just going to do his thing, be nice and respectful, but that he's not going to try to make the relationship work past the six week commitment. I think Sam will end up liking Neil in the end, but he'll be so put off by their rocky start that he's not going to see her the same way or want to be with her when the experiment ends.

Edited by lavenderpenguin
  • Love 13


Lastly, I thought that the bridal parties chose and paid for the honeymoons. I thought that came up in a prior season and noticed this week that the card they read was signed by the bridal party.


None of the airlines got any "product placement" on the show, it seems like only the resorts, and sometimes restaurants, get the "placements".  Compared to what David's mother is being paid per episode, picking up the airfare is small potatoes, none of those selfies on the planes looked very first class.

Jack Sampson, Neil wasn't an asshole back to her because...he isn't an asshole. There has not been enough evidence to suggest that he is a doormat, but being an asshole back certainly isn't going to convince her that she's wrong. 


I don't think telling her he isn't attracted to her would be "being an asshole back".  I think it's quite appropriate and par for the course under the circumstances.  She needs to learn the impact her words have on other people, and what better way to do that?  Plus why on earth should he be attracted to her at this point after what she told him?  So it's probably the truth anyhow.  And after what she told him I think she deserves to hear it back.  Nothing assholic about it as far as I can see.

  • Love 3

The best possible move?

Sam: "I don't find you physically attractive."

Neil: (throws up his hands) "Done!" (walks out).

Alternately, he could have said just about anything. "That's fine, I don't find you attractive either." "I'm curious what the experts think you could bring to a marriage." "I can see why you've had trouble finding a husband." "You're a little old to be so picky." or, more subtly, "You're 30, right? Hmmm."

They all would have led to a massive fight, but the choice is either leave with some dignity intact or be her doormat. Again, if his calm talk works in the long term, I'll eat my words.


FWIW, Mr. Snarklepuss had a very similar reaction and I kind of get it, although not to quite the extent you've taken it here. Stopping just short of "you're a little old to be so picky" would be better - That seems unnecessary, IMO.  But I get it that he shouldn't have to handle her with kid gloves or get told he's being an asshole back.  Mr. Snarklepuss thinks that's the problem with Sam, that no one's given her her own treatment back in return and she really needs to hear it.  If Neil wants to pursue a future with her I can understand not confronting her this way, although I personally can't see why he would want to pursue anything with her at this point.  Right now I agree that he is looking like somewhat of a doormat and wimp by not letting her have it, but it looks like in a future episode he'll regain his self respect in a different confrontation.  I don't think even he is going to retain the calm exterior we've seen so far.  And good for him, IMHO.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2
And after what she told him I think she deserves to hear it back. Nothing assholic about it as far as I can see.


Sam saying what she did has been described as inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless, selfish or assholic. To me, anyone making a rejoinder in kind would be tarred with the exact same brush.


I like Neil very much so far and admire him for being able to take it in stride/rise above it. No need to stoop to her level.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 8

I don't think telling her he isn't attracted to her would be "being an asshole back".  I think it's quite appropriate and par for the course under the circumstances.  She needs to learn the impact her words have on other people, and what better way to do that?  Plus why on earth should he be attracted to her at this point after what she told him?  So it's probably the truth anyhow.  And after what she told him I think she deserves to hear it back.  Nothing assholic about it as far as I can see.


That wasn't the example that I was referring to. More along the lines of everything else Jack Sampson said, up to and including "aren't you a little old to be so picky?"

  • Love 1

Sam saying what she did has been described as inconsiderate, rude, thoughtless, selfish or assholic. To me, anyone making a rejoinder in kind would be tarred with the exact same brush.


I like Neil very much so far and admire him for being able to take it in stride/rise above it. No need to stoop to her level.

I think Neil can show his backbone and make it clear that he's not her doormat without stooping to her level. We've only seen what the camera has shown us so far, but it seems that he's too classy for that. And it's not like he's been all over her, trying to woo her. I think he's been keeping his distance pretty well, and maybe from him that's one sign that indicates that he's not that into her. (And, of course, when he didn't check on her while they were snorkeling, Sam noticed. Because, even though she'd been an ass to him, she still expects him to hover around her.)


From the preview, it seems that his gloves are coming off, and Sam is going to play the hurt victim role. She says something like, "I've tried so hard" before she walks away from him on the beach, to which his facial expression says, "bullshit." It will be interesting to see what exactly happens after that.

  • Love 4

I think Neil can show his backbone and make it clear that he's not her doormat without stooping to her level. We've only seen what the camera has shown us so far, but it seems that he's too classy for that. And it's not like he's been all over her, trying to woo her. I think he's been keeping his distance pretty well, and maybe from him that's one sign that indicates that he's not that into her. (And, of course, when he didn't check on her while they were snorkeling, Sam noticed. Because, even though she'd been an ass to him, she still expects him to hover around her.)


From the preview, it seems that his gloves are coming off, and Sam is going to play the hurt victim role. She says something like, "I've tried so hard" before she walks away from him on the beach, to which his facial expression says, "bullshit." It will be interesting to see what exactly happens after that.


This is something that I've notice too. A part from right after the wedding ceremony, he hasn't made any comments on Sam's looks. While you have Tres and David not missing an oppurtunity to point out how beautiful their wives are. Me thinks that's he's trying to keep a positive attitude but he's not that physically attraced to Sam and that her personality is not helping things either. 

  • Love 4

I said it before, I'll say it again. Two little words: sugar gliders. The second that Dr Pepper visited Sam's home and was introduced to Thing One and Thing Two, Sam should have been pulled from consideration. When first watching that scene, in fact, I thought Pepper did seem nonplussed and concerned.

Neil was in shock when Sam made her first appearance at the ceremony. And her kookaluks only got progressively worse. What was the poor guy supposed to do? He signed up for an insane project, he was presented with an insane bride, in front of friends, mama, grams, and a sweet younger bro with CP, who had traveled all the way from California, probably at tremendous physical effort?

Neil sucked it up and behaved like a good guy.

But he ain't no pushover moron. Give him a minute; let him take a breath to consider his unique situation. I think we'll get to see Neil asserting himself with equal measures of resolve and aplomb. Don't mistake his kindness for blindness.

  • Love 16

It's funny how someone's personality can make them more or less attractive. For me, the jury is still out on whether Tres and David are sincere in their motivations. They're both just average looking guys. Neil and Vanessa have great personalities that make them look better than they probably do while Sam's makes her look less attractive than she really is. Ashley hasn't really shown any personality so far but she's pretty. 

  • Love 1

I don't find Tres to be super-good-looking.


I get what people are saying about Neil just taking all the crap Sam is dishing... and I would have truly loved to see the scene play out like this -

Sam: "well, uh, I just want to be honest, um, uh.. I just don't find you physically attractive."

Neil: (very calm, collected): "Um, uh, yeah, I'm glad you brought that up....... I think we're on the same page."


And then Neil just looks at her while she tries to figure out what he means.


THAT would have been hilarious.


But I do agree with whomever said he is just giving her enough rope to hang herself.


She really is horrid. I feel terrible for the guy. I can't imagine what was going through everyone's mind at the wedding.

Oh, am I the only one who is distracted by Dr. Cilona's lower jaw moving side to side when he talks? Its been creeping me out a bit.

  • Love 4
I don't find Tres to be super-good-looking.



I hate to open up this can of worms, but I think he gets credit for being better looking then he is because he is tall and light skinned.  I actually find him a bit country and dopey.  I do not automatically think player when I look at him, but I know a bunch of women ( I grew up in Atlanta) who would totally swoon for his "type".




Oh, am I the only one who is distracted by Dr. Cilona's lower jaw moving side to side when he talks? Its been creeping me out a bit.

I noticed it, too. In fact, I notice it every time he speaks.


I think he starting to look like one of those ventriloquist dummies.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 3

I hate to open up this can of worms, but I think he gets credit for being better looking then he is because he is tall and light skinned.  I actually find him a bit country and dopey.  I do not automatically think player when I look at him, but I know a bunch of women ( I grew up in Atlanta) who would totally swoon for his "type".





I think he starting to look like one of those ventriloquist dummies.


ROTFL. So true.


Also, am I the only one appalled with his makeup? He is an over bronzed, over concealed mess in his talking heads.

  • Love 2

Is he though? It seems like everyone here has his number.


Having met players IRL, there are just too many similarities with Tres. And he is the most dangerous kind. The kind that will be nice, make you feel special and then disappear forever. Move on to the next victim. 


I totally feel he downplayed his "partying". I hate that he used "partying" and "dating", when it meant screwing anything with a pulse.

I hate to open up this can of worms, but I think he gets credit for being better looking then he is because he is tall and light skinned.  I actually find him a bit country and dopey.  I do not automatically think player when I look at him, but I know a bunch of women ( I grew up in Atlanta) who would totally swoon for his "type".







Well that was my point about Tres being a player.   He's tall, he's light skinned.  He's probably got women falling over him left and right; he has a lot of options and I'm sure he takes advantage of all of them, IMO he'd be a fool not to.  I don't see women who fall for him as "victims" I give women more credit than that.  We're not all just helpless damsels waiting for our prince.  


Tres is young, good looking, probably has women fall for him, I really don't think there's anything wrong with being young and enjoying life.  I don't get why people feel you HAVE to find your ONE TRUE LOVE from the moment you hit puberty.  


And if that's Tres then what is he doing on this show?  Probably fame and to have more women, because if he gets divorced, he'll probably have double the number of women calling him.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 2

Am I the only person who think Tres is average looking?

He's the best-looking compared to Neil and David...I suppose that's not saying much. Also, I think Vanessa is gorgeous, so she thinking Tres is hot gives him a bump by proxy of her estimation. It's like JayZ is not good looking at all, but he must be somehow if Beyoncé thinks he is. Or Megan Fox marrying the nerdy guy from 90210. Well, even Megan Fox isn't going to make anyone think Brian Austin Green is good looking...that's just one of life's unsolved mysteries right there. But I think it's natural to say ok, out of the choice of these three guys (or girls) whom would I hope to be matched up with? I'd take Tres and be just as disappointed about the other two guys as Ashley and Sam are.

  • Love 1
Neil looks like a giraffe. Like, if they wanted to make a movie about a giraffe for no reason, they could hire Neil and just tell him to run around, make giraffe-esque noises and boom, you got a movie.



Now, I am thinking of Neil as the giraffe in Madagascar (the one voiced by David Schwimmer).  The giraffe was in love with the hippo (voiced by Jada Pinkett Smith).  I hope Neil finds his hippo one day and it is not Sam.


I will let myself out, as I have obviously lost my damn mind over this stupid show.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 8

Also, it seems that every year one couple gets a crap honeymoon. Last season Sean and Davina looked like they were in a Hampton Inn with a room that faced the road.

Say what you will about that Hampton Inn, but its housekeeping staff managed to keep from smothering Sean in his sleep after he wrongly accused them of theft, so there's that.

Cilona's skin looks like rolled fondant. It upsets me.

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I'm thinking the Arizona thing might be because one of them don't have a valid passport to travel internationally. It could also be a production issue, like the show not finding a third resort that wants to be featured on the show or a short notice thing. If I remember correctly, Jason and Whatsherface were in the US too, a cabin in the snow. The show totally shafted them.

I am almost positive it was because Jason's mom was so sick and he didn't want to be too far away in case she died while they were on their honeymoon.

Dear Vanessa,


If you are looking for an attorney in Atlanta when you decide to sue the show, I spend time weekly with a lovely woman named Phaedra Parks who truly "gets it" and would work her butt off for you to win your case. 


Additionally, she can also provide Tres's family with mortuary services if you decide to kill him.



~ crgirl412

Edited by crgirl412
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