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S03: Talk

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I'm up to episode five. Has there ever been more collective stupidity among teams in TAR history than when multiple teams filled their diesel trucks with gasoline on a two hundred mile drive? They didn't even make it a mile.

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I just saw that episode in the last two days or so and it boggled my mind how they could miss that but I can see how the little "diesel" label was missed in some instances.


 I can't think offhand of any other big blunders like that that affected multiple teams but I am betting there's been a few more.

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It was awesome to see Ian get under the truck and drain the fuel line while Teri of course was yelling at him "Geddout from under there! It isn't worth it!!" But draining the gas was all it needed to get it going again. Ian and Teri remind me of every trip I went on with my parents. 


Ugh, Zach and Flo in the next to last leg with the last two teams. So hard to watch. Flo who once yelled she was "in this to win this!" now doesn't want get on a train or do anything. "I want out! OUT!" Every time she gets a close up I hear video game sounds. I can see why TAR fans mention her regularly. She does get some props for not giving up and deciding to do that jump in Kauai. Never give up in TAR! 


I like that they made them go to Kerry Park, then to Lincoln Park, then back to almost where they were before at Gas Works Park!  

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Light hearted? This season was hard to watch at times. Teri and Ian screaming at each other non-stop (worse than Logan and Chris) and Flo crying and saying she was giving up and wanted to go home then almost successfully sabotaged a task. It did show that anyone can win in the end. The team that was nearly throwing in the towel won it. 

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This gem was the first true light-hearted season, no? Like, the Twelfth Night to Classic's Richard III and 2's Romeo and Juliet?

I've only seen the first 7 seasons in mixed order, so I can't say for sure. But I recently re-watched it and seriously, how could you not love a season with Ken & Gerard? It also had a great route and great tasks. Teri & Ian are much more tolerable in light of other more recent, much more hateable teams. Just mute it every time Flo is on and don't watch the finale.

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which task did she almost successfully sabotage? (so I can watch for it lol)


When they need to cross a river to an island in wicker boats. Flo absolutely gives up. Just stops. "I want OUT!" While Flo sat and pouted Zach found a solution that worked so well, I'm surprised it didn't break a rule. He won them the million dollars at this point.


I've only seen the first 7 seasons in mixed order, so I can't say for sure. But I recently re-watched it and seriously, how could you not love a season with Ken & Gerard? It also had a great route and great tasks. Teri & Ian are much more tolerable in light of other more recent, much more hateable teams. Just mute it every time Flo is on and don't watch the finale.


The bald brothers were pure comedy, non-stop! Those guys dropped at least one killer line in every episode. So awful that they didn't win. 

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I've only seen the first 7 seasons in mixed order, so I can't say for sure. But I recently re-watched it and seriously, how could you not love a season with Ken & Gerard? It also had a great route and great tasks. Teri & Ian are much more tolerable in light of other more recent, much more hateable teams. Just mute it every time Flo is on and don't watch the finale.

Eh, perhaps she suffers in comparison to the Duphiney brothers and the Pollack spouses, though Pesenti arguably shows more redeemable qualities than the more genuinely mean-spirited finalists from the two seasons flanking hers (except perhaps Jon & Kelly in an "ironic appeal" sense).

Edited by Supay
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Yeah I am really liking the brothers- awesome brothers who pick at each other but still manage to work well together lol.


Teri and Ian yikes is all I can say. But Teri gives it right back to Ian in many cases.


As for the wicker boats- no haven't gotten there yet- maybe tonight since there is nothing on TV now that TAR is finished boohoo.


adding on since I don't want to double post.  Just finished Season 3 and... wow. Glad I don't have to hear Flo's voice (one of the few times I wish I was totally deaf- justin being the other) anymore.   I am however a bit surprised that Flo and Zach didn't get slapped with a penalty for having those two guys help them with the basket boats.  I had thought you were not allowed to have other people 'do' the entire detour FOR them (ie paddling the basket boat) but knew they could ask for assistance like the basket bikes.


ugh.  Even though I knew the ending I still wanted Gerard and Ken to win lol.

Edited by Ducky
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 I am however a bit surprised that Flo and Zach didn't get slapped with a penalty for having those two guys help them with the basket boats.  I had thought you were not allowed to have other people 'do' the entire detour FOR them (ie paddling the basket boat) but knew they could ask for assistance like the basket bikes.


Yeah, that didn't seem fair, and then they won it to boot, but like you saw Gerard and Ken also paid kids to help them hold the basket bikes steady. Everyone was cheating in that leg.


I had heard that Flo was a whiner. I actually felt sorry for her early in the race when she started the repelling then suddenly screamed and begged to be pulled up. She was clearly having an uncontrollable panic attack. However it was hard to watch her during the train trip when she declared that she was going to quit and go home. This isn't a vacation trip!

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Thanks SnideAsides. 


Was definitely interesting to watch.  I just finished season 4 lol (ironically enough where all the teams who did the heavy and fast detour- pushing a taxi to the garage had quite a few people helping to push the car- happily it seems lol).

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I haven't seen this season lately, but the memories are still vivid. I think Flo & Zach's win was the first bummer ending in the show's history. Sure, Zach was cool, but how much Flo could the average viewer take? She quit so much in the last few legs.


While I know John Vito & Jill weren't the best Racers, I'm still a fan. I interviewed them after they were eliminated. I think they were the best male/female team in the game, because they didn't fight or show signs of breaking apart. I can't believe Teri & Ian outlasted them. Twice.

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watching this right now and remembering TWOP and talking about Ian chewing the shit out of his gum. Remembering how much i hated Flo. And the Bald Bros and them calling Jill and John Vito Rock and Ramboette. Funny shit. Glad in later season they made each member do more of the tasks, because in the early season like this one, some of the guys did almost all of them.

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I just started another re-watch. I am up to episode four.

I love seeing the airport drama. And self driving/navigation tasks. Heather and Eve stupidly taking a taxi to the pit stop. "It says walk. So does that mean we can't run into the pit stop?" Hoping it was killer fatigue that made them make that fatal mistake because if not? Yikes. Up next? DieselGate.



Glad in later season they made each member do more of the tasks, because in the early season like this one, some of the guys did almost all of them

This is actually unofficially called the Bowling Moms rule. In season five, the make members of the top three finishers did most of the roadblocks.

  1. Chip-10 and Kim-1
  2. Colin-9 and Christie-1
  3. Brandon-10 and Nicki-1

I am just sorry they never invited the Bowling Moms back. (Well maybe they did but got turned down).

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I was rooting for the wonder twins to fail, just because I was so tired of seeing young straight white alpha male teams winning every season. Maybe it seems catty and juvenile, but I wanted the alliance against them to have prevailed, but it instead fell apart.

Teri and Ian were impressive, but Ian was annoyingly rude to a lot of the locals.

I was fine with Flo and Zach winning, it made for good TV because it was unexpected and serves as an example of why you shouldn't give up.

Edited by Roccos Brother
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I'm sorry to say that Flo really does cast a pall over the whole season for me, even though there were other winners to come that I dislike as much this one is really hard.

This was the first season that I watched as it aired. I remember calling my daughter and telling her about the crazy people running around, the moms that could barely even navigate out of the airport, jumping out of planes, riding with donkeys. I've never missed a season since. I caught up on 1 & 2 when the Travel Channel! aired them once.

One of the first things Zach says to the camera is how he's not sure if Flo is going to be able to cut it and how high maintenance she is! I almost felt that there should be a rule that if a player says they want to quit 5 times or something they were out. Sort of like manifesting Beetlejuice by saying his name 3 times. Say 'I want to quit' 5 times and you're out!

Heather had a wonderful voice, I loved it.

I never get tired of watching diesel gate, especially Teri asking if it takes diesel several times with Ian telling her no each time.

While I remember not liking Teri and Ian the first time around, this time, perhaps because I'm older, I noticed that Teri basically ignored him most of the time and yelled at him the other times. I think she knew him well after all those years and knew when to push back and when to just do what she wanted. And I really like Ian's transformation in Viet Nam, he seemed to be so apprehensive about going there and then when he was actually there and saw the people just going about their lives it seemed to calm something in him a bit.

ETA: I was surprised to see that when presented with a bungee jump every team except the twins, bailed and went for the goats.

Edited by dgpolo
to add to instead of another post.
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58 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

One of the first things Zach says to the camera is how he's not sure if Flo is going to be able to cut it and how high maintenance she is! I almost felt that there should be a rule that if a player says they want to quit 5 times or something they were out. Sort of like manifesting Beetlejuice by saying his name 3 times. Say 'I want to quit' 5 times and you're out!

This came up on TWoP during Season 8 (the Family Season). We called it the Gaghan Rule because the Gaghans had been eliminated and wanted so much to race while the Weavers were threatening to quit every week. The threshold for being eliminated was ONE time (in most of the posters’ minds; of course, that reflected the relative popularity of the Gaghans and Weavers).

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I started watching this season with my daughter because I'd heard so much about Flo, but I have to say I'm surprised at how not-bad she is through the first six episodes. I'm sure she gets worse as time goes on, but I expected much worse. I LOVE the bald brothers - they're hilarious and I'm sorry they don't win. But I can't stand allliances on this show so I hold their partnership with the Doublemint Twins (meh) against them. I couldn't stand Ian on the all-stars show and I can't believe how much worse he is here! If I hear hoo-wah one more time.... I don't know how Teri stands him. And that damn hat! I was surprised by how much I like Jon Vito and Jill. She's a bad-ass. Now I have to go back and watch Flo and Zach win....

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6 minutes ago, mookster said:

I started watching this season with my daughter because I'd heard so much about Flo, but I have to say I'm surprised at how not-bad she is through the first six episodes. I'm sure she gets worse as time goes on, but I expected much worse. I LOVE the bald brothers - they're hilarious and I'm sorry they don't win. But I can't stand allliances on this show so I hold their partnership with the Doublemint Twins (meh) against them. I couldn't stand Ian on the all-stars show and I can't believe how much worse he is here! If I hear hoo-wah one more time.... I don't know how Teri stands him. And that damn hat! I was surprised by how much I like Jon Vito and Jill. She's a bad-ass. Now I have to go back and watch Flo and Zach win....

I would love to see Flo race with Brooke from Season 29, I don't think anything would get done.

I think Teri, after so many years of marriage, has learned to tune Ian out. I don't believe she even hears anymore most of what he says. It's like a filter in the mind that a lot of people use on talkative people or even their children who go on and on. You just filter the words through your mind w/o really hearing it until certain words filter through and you know you have to respond.

Also, it was a pretty ugly hat but as someone who gets migraines when the sun is beating on my head I would certainly have to wear a hat and his also protected his neck. And probably from the rain too.

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The Amazing Rewatch, Season 3 Episodes 1-7: Duck Season, Rabbit Season, Twin Season!

Am I going to make it?  I have four more episodes (incl. 2 doubles ) left of Flo and Ian.  I can't I just truly can't.  Ok I'm not going to quit but all of Flo's talk of how good of a team she and Zach are is just grating.  You mean the part where HE DRAGS you and carries your pack everywhere?

I did enjoy the early runs.  Tramel/Talicia and Dennis/Andrew were sad boots.  There seemed to be quite the airport scramble from Mexico to London but how did D/A end up a FULL day behind.  Luck of the seats 😞

Diesel gate: it truly came down to who handled it the best.  Although the resolution of this whole act of complete stupidity brings me to my main gripe of these episodes...

Mid-leg bunching: And I am not talking time staggered busses or boats; I mean when teams have already knocked out a task or two like the Detour, which usually serves to spread out the pack only to knock everyone back to zero because of an ill timed train or boat.  

Case in point: Portugal.  Teams arrive by various planes in Porto and complete the Old School/New School Detour, leads are established.  Now everyone must take a train to Lisbon where only ONE more task awaits.  I am fully aware bunching must exist and that's fine when it's near the beginning of the leg and the Detour and roadblock have yet to happen but when everyone is forced one task before the pit stop to be bunched again, it just seems like bad leg design.

this also happens with the Glacier Cafe in Marrakech when everyone (save A/A who are too far behind) has to wait hours even though 2/3 of the leg has already gone by.

I mention this regarding Diesel gate because the 4 teams who filled their cars correctly only landed an hour behind unleaded idiots Flo/Zach and Teri/Ian because of boat bunching.  Then there was staggered bus bunching which put JVJ back with the unleaded dorks which was some big bull.  I mean there would have been an airport bunch eventually but save for Michael/Kathy and Aaron/Arianne's failure to recover, the whole Diesel affair was almost rendered moot.

At least 3/4 of the stupid ass Twin Hunt alliance was eliminated one after the other.  This was the season of me yelling RUN YOUR OWN DAMN RACE ad nauseum.

I'll end on a happy note because this is the season of the lovely John Vito and kick ass Jill and the incomparable Bald Snark.  When I struggle to watch I'll just pretend there's a dozen glazed donuts for me at the end.

Next time, Season 3 part 2: Can She Get Any Worse?  Spoiler Alert, She Gets Worse!

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On 10/8/2019 at 4:37 PM, kittykat said:

At least 3/4 of the stupid ass Twin Hunt alliance was eliminated one after the other. 

When I did a rewatch of this season recently, I came to the conclusion that the Twin Hunt was really born from Unresolved Sexual Tension towards the Twins from Aaron and Arianne.  Both of them.

Flo is not a great Racer, but she did have some skills that she used more in the earlier legs before KF set in.  She appeared to be the linguist of the two, knowing some French and maybe a little of some other languages.  And she does try to use these skills even in the later legs when KF had practically broken her physically.  She did do what little she could while Zach carried her the rest of the way.

And at least she had a good sense of humor about her portrayal, since she showed up on TWoP to face her critics and came to not only that season's TARCon, but several later ones.  It's because of that I am able to separate Florinka, the person, from Flo, the shrieking harpy hell-beast that was on TV.

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As I recall, Flo was fluent in Italian and one of them (maybe Zach?) was fluent in Spanish as well, so they probably could have guessed at French, especially anything written. I remember reading this article ages ago, where Zach highlighted some of the ways in which Flo was helpful that the show didn't air, (and admits that he was pretty cheap about food, which probably didn't help things).


Flo and I didn't get along -- she was constantly threatening to quit. And I wouldn't let us spend more than a few dollars on food, which I somehow deemed unnecessary. In fact, the tension between us eventually became one of the main subplots of the show that season. Yet interpersonal dynamics, I have come to believe, are overrated. Our friction-filled dynamic was perfect because it led us to victory. We excelled because our roles were defined. I was the driver and navigator and eternally optimistic one; Flo was in charge of creating instant relationships with strangers and getting crucial bits of information along the way, as well as doing much of the legwork at airports.

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Season three is one of my favorites.  It's got the flavor of the early seasons and a super interesting group of contestants.  Navigation and juggling flights was still super important.

Flo gets a bad rap.  She absolutely had a breakdown/meltdown in Vietnam but Zach wasn't perfect either.  Honestly, that's probably how I would act after being hungry and sleep deprived and frustrated.  Which is why I'd never do the race.  She was destroyed by the editors (rightly) in the last episodes, but you can see how she helped in the beginning of the race.

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On 7/9/2019 at 12:06 PM, dgpolo said:


This was the first season that I watched as it aired. I remember calling my daughter and telling her about the crazy people running around, the moms that could barely even navigate out of the airport, jumping out of planes, riding with donkeys. I've never missed a season since. I caught up on 1 & 2 when the Travel Channel! aired them once.



Me too, though I missed the first couple of episodes.  I was channel surfing and landed on the episode at the Scottish castle (Dunnottar).  Coincidentally, I had visited there a couple of weeks previously, so stopped surfing!

I'm currently rewatching from the beginning on Amazon - I can't believe how much better the early seasons were. 

Seattle airport is very small and does not serve international flights. The airport that serves Seattle is quite far south of the city and is known as SeaTac (Seattle/Tacoma).

Edited by Brookside
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On 4/7/2020 at 10:03 PM, Teacherkl said:

Do you think Flo watched her season and felt embarrassed by her behavior?

She did, and she did.

Back when the season was originally airing, she joined us on TWoP.  Mainly around the end, when the Twins were eliminated.  And she posted a..."spirited" defense of them that would have got most users banned from the site.  She also attended that year's TARCon...knowing full well that most of the attendees did not care for her behavior in the end.  But she was gracious and good-humored about things, which allowed most people to see the difference between Flo the Racer and Florinka the actual person.

Plus, in every post-TAR interview, she also gave huge credit to Zach for putting up with her.  So she knew she was a pill.

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On 1/26/2020 at 8:23 PM, meatball77 said:

Season three is one of my favorites.  It's got the flavor of the early seasons and a super interesting group of contestants.  Navigation and juggling flights was still super important.

Flo gets a bad rap.  She absolutely had a breakdown/meltdown in Vietnam but Zach wasn't perfect either.  Honestly, that's probably how I would act after being hungry and sleep deprived and frustrated.  Which is why I'd never do the race.  She was destroyed by the editors (rightly) in the last episodes, but you can see how she helped in the beginning of the race.

I have really been enjoying re-watching classic TAR during quarantine. Some of my opinions have changed, I forgot so much—especially on this and season 2. First, Flo really wasn't as bad as I remember. She had her moments, for sure—her biggest failure as a partner was when Zach did something that wasn't smart she just DIDN'T EVER SHUT UP ABOUT IT. She couldn't let shit go, ever, and couldn't even remotely handle not getting her own way, ever. That said, watching now, it just isn't as bad as I remember (her freak out on the cliff was much shorter than I remember, for instance), and Zach wasn't quite the angel I remember. 

I thought on re-watch that Aaron and Arianne would be less annoying but that was not the case, lol. I feel MORE annoyed. They were horrible just to be horrible. I'm one of those folks who watches and can't stand it when ANYONE is having a hard time or doing something way wrong on this show, and I usually don't watch the eliminations because I feel awful for even the people I don't like—not these assholes. I really enjoyed their karma on the side of that road and their elimination. I was so mad when the Heather and Eve effed up and caused us another leg of A&A, when we could have been watching Heather possibly face plant in other fun ways. A&A were just mean for no reason. They made me feel sorry for the insanely handsome twins who I still can't believe wore coordinated outfits the entire time. 

Speaking of...I realize the movie hadn't been out long, but NOBODY made a Zoolander joke? NOBODY? They weren't team Zoolander? How was that not their name? And I swear, my memory of this season was calling them Team Zoolander. That obviously was in my head because they just got the Doublemint Twins. I liked the twins, then and now. They were good enough guys. 

I also remember the Oh, Brother team getting on my wires back then, but this time around they were my favorites. And I forgot John Vito and Jill existed and that's a shame, because they were just lovely. 

Also, Terry and Ian weren't as bad as I remember, but maybe it's because, in retrospect, they were way better racers than what I had remembered. Diesel gate truly was classic TAR, and Ian was the one who handled it well. 

To me, Season 2 will always be the best — the cast was just perfect — but I don't have a lot of hate for season 3 and Flo's inexplicable win. I mean, we had Terry's disposable undies, one of the brothers handling the bike of baskets like a pro, donkeys making lawyers fall hilariously... 

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I have never gotten the twin dislike - they seemed to be cordial and pretty decent to everyone and not entitled or intrusive.

SO why the 3 ugly teams decided to hate on them is an enduring mystery to me.

Love the twins and the brothers, but I miss Cha, Cha, Cha.....

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1 hour ago, kaygeeret said:

I have never gotten the twin dislike - they seemed to be cordial and pretty decent to everyone and not entitled or intrusive.

Maybe the male/female teams didn't want another alpha guy team winning?

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On 7/28/2020 at 10:57 PM, Lantern7 said:
On 7/28/2020 at 8:56 PM, kaygeeret said:

I have never gotten the twin dislike - they seemed to be cordial and pretty decent to everyone and not entitled or intrusive.

Maybe the male/female teams didn't want another alpha guy team winning?

I think it's pretty common on competitive reality shows for people to resent the frontrunner—and aside from a bad first leg, the twins were very strong racers.

Edited by Hera
Fixing a typo.
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Finished the last 4 epis and just absolutely nutty with it all.

Could I hate Ian any more? Except for the fact that every now and then Teri stood up to him, he struck me as the classic verbally abusive spouse.

Perhaps I am just overreacting.  So damn happy they didn't win.

And Flo gets props for understanding herself when she get tired, but can we talk about an over the top personality.  Zach clearly deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his restraint and calm and some truly brilliant out of the box thinking to accommodate her.  I have similar behavior to Flo's when I am exhausted and demands are being imposed that I believe I can't handle - - HOWEVER.. never have I actually threatened to quit a task under those conditions and have always managed to carry on after a minute of reality being imposed.

SO one question....did Flo ever do any task by herself or did Zack do literally everything?  I couldn't bear to rewatch so I could figure that out myself.

Am hoping Zach has done well in his post AR life.

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I'll still never forgive TPTB for putting two non-eliminations in a row, causing John Vito and Jill to waste their fast forward and sparing Flo and Zach from going home.

All these years later, John Vito is still the hottest racer ever.

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I started watching TAR  with season 4 so this is my first time watching season 3.  Poor Andre and Damon.  Dumped in the middle of nowhere, nearly arrested, needed their freedom negotiated and then they ended up so far behind.  They had been following people too much but that was awful.

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Just rewatched this season, had to mute and fast forward Flo towards the end.  God bless, Zach, he had the patience of a saint.  I can’t believe Drew dated her for 7 years …did he break a mirror on the race? Loved Ken and Gerard, as well as, Vito & Jill not so much Ian and Terry (though they were equally ugly towards each other.) I’ve taken a break and watching Race across the World before I rewatch more early TAR. 

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On 4/30/2017 at 2:20 AM, ratherbereading said:

Heather and Eve stupidly taking a taxi to the pit stop. "It says walk. So does that mean we can't run into the pit stop?" Hoping it was killer fatigue that made them make that fatal mistake because if not? Yikes.

As an attorney who went to a state school, I kind of loved that Harvard Law couldn't follow clear directions.  And the mistake was amplified by Phil's reference to the Amazing Rules that they apparently were supposed to read before the start of the race.  

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Just finished watching this season. The first few episodes I was wondering what all the fuss was about Flo but, wow, did that change! However, when she was in the cab thinking that they were 2nd and Ken and Gerard had won, I saw that there was a kind person in there. She was ok with losing because they were good guys. 

I was ok with the brother alliance as they were both being outcasts at that time. As the season progressed, it was fascinated how the alliances changed from leg to leg. 

On to season 4!

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On 6/9/2020 at 4:27 PM, Stiggs said:

Diesel gate truly was classic TAR, and Ian was the one who handled it well. 

We have been watching season 3, it is the last season I have never seen a single episode. We watched that episode last night, and even my kids were super annoyed that Teri and Ian didn't receive some kind of penalty for dumping the fuel from their truck (not sure if it was all the fuel in the tank or just what they couldn't siphon because they had a siphon hose). I wonder if the show got in any kind of trouble from the government of Spain for that or even had to report it. Either way super annoying how they seemed to get away with that kind of pollution.

Edited by Kel Varnsen
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I was in high school when I watched season 3. I remember the moment that Terri fell her pants down even Ian said, "Your pants are falling down". This was the first TAR season aired on local TV channel. Flo was an almost loser who had struggled to row a boat, even carrying a basket and more. Eventually she and Zach won the race.

Also, I remember when teams went to Singapore from Malaysia at the now-closed Tanjong Pagar Railway Station, Zach wondered to go to YMCA as he was a member there, Flo insisted to find a cheaper place and ended up sharing with Derek & Drew.

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Ian was an ass but I started rooting for them (actually, mostly for Teri: she was such a hard worker) because of the way the other teams treated them. It was so condescending and arrogant. 

Flo had the combination of being a subpar player and treating her partner so badly that it made impossible for me to like the outcome. The Guidos were ruthless but at least the were good. I would've been fine if they won because there was a lot of effort to win; I

I thought it was  kinda of weird that Zach (but I noted that in other teams too) hardly mentioned the cash prize to encourage her. It's 1.000000 dollars. I would've used that incentive all the time. lol Don't want to this task? You're in the finale competing to win 1 FREAKING MILLION DOLLARS. C'mon. 

Edited by braziliangirl
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