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S31.E12: Tiny Little Shanks To The Heart

Tara Ariano

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The men have been talked about as well, Fishbach, Savage, Vytas, Varner, Spencer and Woo have been talked about negatively so it's not all about the women being talked about negatively. Kimmi was being a big hypocrite because she didn't want to do the female alliance when it was first offered but now is all gung ho for it. Kelley's words were bitchy and Abi was just being a straight up bitch. They were more offense this episode than the men were. They're not making comments about someone's looks, they basically talk about gameplay.

Exactly. It kills me that when Monica floated the idea of an all-women's alliance before, Kimmi took that as her excuse to get Monica voted out because how dare she ruin "Bayon strong", but now she's all for it?

  • Love 18

I bet Jeremy wishes he had that 2nd idol he squandered on the cry baby. I suspect Jeremy might whip out the remaining idol at TC next week to try to foil the girls alliance.


Absolutely agree, Jeremy may need to use that idol right away, I can see the 'girl's alliance' targeting him as the next threat, even though Spencer may be a more dangerous player.

  • Love 5

I am sad that Joe is gone.  I hate that he had to lose immunity that way.  I absolutely hated the way the girls cheered when he went down in the IC before they realized he was hurt.  And Abi?  I hate you.  You're the clown...an evil clown.


I still wonder just why Spencer and Jeremy would vote another guy when they learned there was a girls' alliance.  It's like voting out someone in your alliance and we know what ends up happening then.  Now it's 4-3.


I always cry at the loved ones visit.  And Spencer saying I love you?  I felt so bad for the 3 of them for not being picked.  I hate that aspect of Survivor..but they've always done it that way so who am I to complain?

  • Love 19

I think it's telling that Kimmi is "nasty", Kelley is a "mean girl" and "Abi" is a "shrew". The guys are lauded for taking out those not in their alliance and focusing on their game while women get put down for doing pretty much the same. Nevermind that some of these players have been ostracized during the game and let known just how far on the bottom they are. It's crazy to me just how far guys can get away with and how easy it seems to be to put women down. These double standards never seem to go away. I want to see people playing hard, it doesn't matter to me if my favorites win or lose as long as they play. I won't think anyone's evil for voting them out or for applauding their loss. At the end of the day this is a game that they're basically starving to try to win.


It has basically been like this for a long time now. Nothing new.

  • Love 6

I can live with a Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha F3. I don't mind any of them objectionable, and I feel that Jeremy and Spencer have the best "stories" to go with a win. And maybe Kelley.


Anybody else wonder if Wes was Keith's second option? Nice to see Val and Dale again . . . kinda forgot that Dale played the game. Weren't he and Kelley the only pair not to make it to the merge in their season?


The IC was a disaster waiting to happen. I know helmets would be out of place, but it might have saved someone's life . . . including Probst's. I was thinking (not rooting, just so you know) that a statue would conk him in the head. "KEITH! WINS IMM- OH FUC-*!!" Instead, it was Joe hitting the wall. No way does he not get a third chance. I don't think it would be favoritism, but rather trying to make up for The Million Dollar Collapse.


ETA: Anybody else expect Probst to break out a checkbook and ask Keith what the highest number be can think of besides 1,000,000? Seriously . . . voting Tasha? Thanks for playing, man. Yeesh.


ETA2: Boo another endurance challenge. Enough is enough, show.

  • Love 5

I wonder if Jeremy and Kelley had any sort of  friendship going into this show. They barley show them interacting which is weird because they were both part of the same alliance on a previous season. Plus the fact Kelley spent time with Val during the pre jury trip. If they did have a friendship good for them for being able to separate friendship/game. If you would have told me a year ago I would see 4 former members of Coyopa on my TV a year later I wouldn't have believed you. I'm glad they showed Val telling Jeremy the gender of their baby because I remember fans criticizing Val for revealing it on twitter before Jeremyy came home.

  • Love 1

I was surprised that they didn't give Joe something with calories and carbohydrates right away- or perhaps they did, but didn't show it.  I kept expecting them to give him something to get his blood sugar up but you only saw him getting a sip of water.


Although I've always been the first to call Joe the 40 year old woman with pecs and say his look was not appealing to me, I did feel bad when Abi said "get a haircut, you look like a clown!"  I have to say, the guy has grown on me the past couple episodes, and I did feel a tiny bit sad to see him go.  


It was very sweet to see Spencer and his girlfriend.  I have a strong suspicion there will be a proposal on the reunion show, or they'll be engaged and an entire segment will be devoted to discussing it.


So Keith was apparently totally left out on the voting machinations, or he just wants to totally go his own way?!  


Funny that Kimmi voted out Monica for suggesting a women's alliance, and how she's the first to suggest it this time around! 

  • Love 4

I can live with a Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha F3. I don't mind any of them objectionable, and I feel that Jeremy and Spencer have the best "stories" to go with a win. And maybe Kelley.


Anybody else wonder if Wes was Keith's second option? Nice to see Val and Dale again . . . kinda forgot that Dale played the game. Weren't he and Kelley the only pair not to make it to the merge in their season?


The IC was a disaster waiting to happen. I know helmets would be out of place, but it might have saved someone's life . . . including Probst's. I was thinking (not rooting, just so you now) that a statue would conk him in the head. "KEITH! WINS IMM- OH FUC-*!!" Instead, it was Joe hitting the wall. No way does he not get a third chance. I don't think it would be favoritism, but rather trying to make up for The Million Dollar Collapse.


You weren't the only one thinking that (though the way he was rambling on about the sun, the heat, how this was do or die, I was hoping he'd at least have a close call and maybe that would entice him to zip it).  Kelley/Dale were the only duo not to make the merge; Julie quit as the first merge boot because she wanted to go be with her Johnny Boy.  In seeing how well Jeremy and Kelley have done, I hope the next second chance they give more SJDS contestants a chance to play without their loved ones.  Would also love to see John Cody and Hayden from the original BvsW.

  • Love 1

Editing was very messy with this episode. Smiles and laughs being inserted when they didn't really happen at the time. That's all I gotta say.


Yeah I am going to have to watch the episode because it seemed pretty obvious to me what they were creating their own story.  A neat old editing trick that they love to do

  • Love 4

I was surprised that they didn't give Joe something with calories and carbohydrates right away- or perhaps they did, but didn't show it. I kept expecting them to give him something to get his blood sugar up but you only saw him getting a sip of water.

Although I've always been the first to call Joe the 40 year old woman with pecs and say his look was not appealing to me, I did feel bad when Abi said "get a haircut, you look like a clown!" I have to say, the guy has grown on me the past couple episodes, and I did feel a tiny bit sad to see him go.

It was very sweet to see Spencer and his girlfriend. I have a strong suspicion there will be a proposal on the reunion show, or they'll be engaged and an entire segment will be devoted to discussing it.

So Keith was apparently totally left out on the voting machinations, or he just wants to totally go his own way?!

Funny that Kimmi voted out Monica for suggesting a women's alliance, and how she's the first to suggest it this time around!

I may be heartless but I didn't really feel anything with the whole Spencer-girlfriend thing. DH was all "nice job, Spencer", but come on,Spencer is a good looking guy, why would it be surprising that he had a good looking girlfriend.

And yes, they really should have given Joe a glucose tablet for his tongue or sugar water. I really hope they did.

  • Love 6

A few words on the family visitors.

Tasha got the better of the DNA in her family.

I had to chuckle how excited Kelly was about Dale...it seems back in her season she was always blaming him for her defeat in the game. I guess we are suppose to forget all that ever happened.

I wonder if Dale and Val had good time sharing memories on the plane.

Interesting that initially when Spencer declared his love....Marcella didn't automatically return the same.

I thought for sure Dale's dimwitt chicken wing lovin' son was going to be brought out.

Kimmie's dad either got caught in a rainstorm or his entire shirt was soaked in sweat.

Joe's passing out....that was intense and Tasha especially seemed concerned. Nice the drama included seeing camera men on screen....very rare.

Anyway it was his time to go...at least he knows his pop loves him now. God bless Abi and her cold dead heart as she throws shade on Joe even as she is voting him out.

I would agree with anyone else puzzled by Keith's random vote for Tasha.

Tasha has been my favorite but her game play tonight was very questionable. I don't think she should have revealed the potential girls alliance. Too risky...people kill the messanger all the time...or vote them out as you can't trust them.

Editing fooled me for once...when Kimmie whose confessionals this season you can count on one hand had one at the top of the episode I was sure she was going.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 4

You mean Keith?  I thought for sure he would be there, too, just because the other SJDS duos were.  Not that he might have been Keith's first choice, but production might have insisted (which brings me to that question, if someone wants a certain loved but TPTB think there's a better story by bringing another loved one, can they override the first decision?)

Family visits rarely make me cry (I usually just wish they'd skip those), but this time it was rather touching.  Spencer found out he's a real boy



LMAO...best line ever. 


I may be heartless but I didn't really feel anything with the whole Spencer-girlfriend thing. DH was all "nice job, Spencer", but come on,Spencer is a good looking guy, why would it be surprising that he had a good looking girlfriend.



Because the show has edited Spencer as a slightly awkward nerd who cannot connect with and relate to people on an emotional level. Now having seen Spencer on his original season I don't buy that but in fairness, he has described himself as an awkward nerd on the show. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 2

I'm wondering why didn't Kimmie, Abi and Kelly didn't try to get Joe in their alliance instead of Tasha and target Spencer or Jeremy. I don't get why they would trust Tasha given that she seems tight with Jeremy and Spencer.

I was a little skeeved out by how kissy Joe and his dad were. The tickle scene didn't help.

I felt bad that Kelly didn't pick Jeremy. I think a pregnant wife trumps a parent. Does anyone know if this is their first child?

  • Love 3

I'm wondering why didn't Kimmie, Abi and Kelly didn't try to get Joe in their alliance instead of Tasha and target Spencer or Jeremy. I don't get why they would trust Tasha given that she seems tight with Jeremy and Spencer.

I was a little skeeved out by how kissy Joe and his dad were. The tickle scene didn't help.

I felt bad that Kelly didn't pick Jeremy. I think a pregnant wife trumps a parent. Does anyone know if this is their first child?


Jeremy made it clear that Val's pregnancy was a secret.  Val and Jeremy have two daughters.

Edited by LanceM
  • Love 5

LMAO...best line ever.

Because the show has edited Spencer as an slightly awkward nerd who cannot connect with and relate to people on an emotional level. Now having seen Spencer on his original season I don't buy that but in fairness, he has described himself as an awkward nerd on the show.

I saw his original season as well and though he was on the Brains tribe, I always thought he could have easily been on the Beauty tribe (honestly, more than one of them could have been, but that's for another topic), however, even if someone has difficulty relating emotionally, I am still not surprised that he has an attractive girlfriend, nor am I surprised that he said "I love you"'- as that is a natural consequence to his story this season. I guess that's another reason it didn't touch me overly much - that particular storyline was not one of the more interesting ones for me. Edited by Sarahsmile416
  • Love 1

I think it's telling that Kimmi is "nasty", Kelley is a "mean girl" and "Abi" is a "shrew". The guys are lauded for taking out those not in their alliance and focusing on their game while women get put down for doing pretty much the same. 

Oh please.  If this was a week where the guys were eye-rolling and saying nasty things and generally being shown being asses, I guarantee you they'd be the ones roasted here.  Stephen was Asshole of the Week last week.  

Kelley's already taking some heat on twitter for not picking Jeremy but she confirmed she did not know Val was pregnant. She said she would have picked him otherwise.0

Did the loved ones spend the night on their visit...because if so, I will tell you, being 20 some weeks pregnant and sleeping in Survivor quarters, not something I would want to do. I was a little surprised she made the trip, honestly. Though, kudos to her, it was nice to see her again.

  • Love 2

Oh please.  If this was a week where the guys were eye-rolling and saying nasty things and generally being shown being asses, I guarantee you they'd be the ones roasted here.  Stephen was Asshole of the Week last week.  


Oh please the only one who could be described as being an ass this week was Abi. I am seriously at a loss at what Kelley or Kimmi did that was so offensive.

  • Love 11

I can live with a Jeremy/Spencer/Tasha F3. I don't mind any of them objectionable, and I feel that Jeremy and Spencer have the best "stories" to go with a win. And maybe Kelley.


Anybody else wonder if Wes was Keith's second option? Nice to see Val and Dale again . . . kinda forgot that Dale played the game. Weren't he and Kelley the only pair not to make it to the merge in their season?


The IC was a disaster waiting to happen. I know helmets would be out of place, but it might have saved someone's life . . . including Probst's. I was thinking (not rooting, just so you know) that a statue would conk him in the head. "KEITH! WINS IMM- OH FUC-*!!" Instead, it was Joe hitting the wall. No way does he not get a third chance. I don't think it would be favoritism, but rather trying to make up for The Million Dollar Collapse.


ETA: Anybody else expect Probst to break out a checkbook and ask Keith what the highest number be can think of besides 1,000,000? Seriously . . . voting Tasha? Thanks for playing, man. Yeesh.


ETA2: Boo another endurance challenge. Enough is enough, show.

I haven't watched yet - won't get to until tomorrow and its killing me.  Did Joe collapse or did one of those thingies fall on his head? 


Joe doesn't seem to have endeared himself to anyone in the game other than Wigglesworth.  And there were moments of snideness toward him from others - esp. Wentworth and Abby.  They did the eyeroll/mocking face thing a coulple of times.  Did he offend people or are they just sore losers?


I'm not the greatest Joe fan, but I would be down with him getting another shot.


Who aligned with who tonight?

  • Love 2


I was surprised Probst didn't blow him up, "what did Val just say?"

Probst said on RHAP that if a contestant wants something to stay a secret he respects that. I remember it was when Philippines was airing because he said he felt bad that he called Jeff Kent "Kent" during a challenge by accident and he was worried he blew up his game. Production told him no one was talking about it at camp.

  • Love 5

I hate the family shows.  These people have been away for a month.  Try going to Afghanistan for multiple deployments.  (Not saying I have.  I was stationed in Germany for 3 and 1/2 years, though.)


Keith went to college?


Joe's dad has a man bun, too.  Heh.


So, Probst, you were hoping to have a group of people who would kill themselves?  Because ... entertainment!


How does Spencer stay so pale?


Oh, screw you, Abi.


And screw Kelley and Stephen.  It will be interesting to see how hypocritical Stephen is at Ponderosa.


So even Spencer and Jeremy voted for Joe.  That was pretty much shooting themselves in the foot if they wanted to stave off the all girl alliance.

Edited by Rick Kitchen
  • Love 9

I haven't watched yet - won't get to until tomorrow and its killing me. Did Joe collapse or did one of those thingies fall on his head?

Joe doesn't seem to have endeared himself to anyone in the game other than Wigglesworth. And there were moments of snideness toward him from others - esp. Wentworth and Abby. They did the eyeroll/mocking face thing a coulple of times. Did he offend people or are they just sore losers?

I'm not the greatest Joe fan, but I would be down with him getting another shot.

Who aligned with who tonight?

I don't think he offended anyone, other than Abi. It's pretty clear from SM that he has a good relationship with most of them, even Stephen. I think it was just the whole "I'm tired of him winning" BS. As if he is winning just to inconvenience them

  • Love 11

Joe passed out from low blood sugar.  He said his legs went numb, he saw stars, and then he collapsed.


Spencer aligned with Jeremy (re-aligned) then they re-aligned with Tasha.  Everyone wanted to vote out Joe -- the side of Abi and Wentworth, and Kimmie who suddenly wants a Quote Girls' Alliance, and S-J-T.  Keith voted for Tasha.  Joe voted for Abi.  At Tribal, Joe tried to sway people to vote for Abi because Quote Everybody Wants to take Abi to the End.


If Joe's done anything offensive, the editors haven't shown it.  Aside from kissing his father multiple times near the mouth.  LOL!  I say sore losers.  


Spencer isn't pale.  He's very badly sunburnt as shown at Tribal.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 9

Oh please the only one who could be described as being an ass this week was Abi. I am seriously at a loss at what Kelley or Kimmi did that was so offensive.

Abi's always an ass, of course - why am I mentioning it, because that's a given.  IMO Kelley was smug and eye-rolley this ep, but I don't blame her because she was feeling good about how she had gone from the basement to a player in a few eps, so good for her.  Kimmi continues to be a nonentity.


Goodbye Joe!  I am still so happy for you that you got to do the family visit that you wanted!  I thought that this family visit (the intro) in particular was edited to make us all verklempt.  Surprised as well that Wes wasn't Keith's "loved one".


ETA:  I am still on track for this season - I was rooting for Joe to make it to the family visit and Spencer to win.  Go Spencer!!

Edited by princelina
  • Love 7

I will never, ever get over how huggy and kissy everyone is at the family visit. Every time someone came out and hugged a Survivor, my whole family went, "Gross! They haven't showered or brushed their teeth in a MONTH!" I have already told my children that if they go on Survivor and make the family visit, I will come out and…shake their hands (and then immediately pull out the sanitizer I have stashed in my pocket). 


I give them a pass on how emotional they are over seeing family. It seems sappy, and I know they're not fighting a war or anything, but they are out there, some near starving and most moderately to severely sleep deprived. I know how I felt in college after pulling a single all-nighter. I was pretty loopy the whole next day. I can imagine, after four weeks of not enough sleep or food, I'd cry at watching a caterpillar crawl across the sand.


For a while there, Abi was a "love to hate" kind of person. Bitchy, but entertaining. Tonight, I thought she was positively awful. Yes, editing may have shown people smiling and laughing at the "wrong" times, but editing didn't make her say the nasty things she said.


Editing to add: I was also yelling for them to give Joe a candy bar or something. I have to imagine they gave him sugar in some form. I hope.

Edited by pricklypear
  • Love 11

I haven't watched yet - won't get to until tomorrow and its killing me.  Did Joe collapse or did one of those thingies fall on his head? 


Joe doesn't seem to have endeared himself to anyone in the game other than Wigglesworth.  And there were moments of snideness toward him from others - esp. Wentworth and Abby.  They did the eyeroll/mocking face thing a coulple of times.  Did he offend people or are they just sore losers?



We don't know. He hasn't been shown to do anything too offensive to anyone but then again the editors have been known to shield some of their favorites from negativity. I also suspect they randomly inserted Kelley's eyerolls at TC in places where they saw fit which they have been known to do quite often on this show. We will probably know more s Joe and others left in the game start doing interviews.

  • Love 2

I will miss Joe...not only an athlete, but a truly nice guy. And one gorgeous hunk of man. Loved seeing him with his dad...very cool.


The IC challenge was interesting for a number of reasons, not least watching Jeremy bag it again. The assumption has been that he is a challenge threat who hid behind Joe...but where is the evidence? He's never won an immunity challenge, he doesn't demonstrate endurance or balance, and he sucks at puzzles. He is a player, and good at strategizing, but as a physical threat...he comes up empty.

Abi is just a cold, heartless piece of work. Her smirking while Joe was unconscious was just vile. And Wentworth, with her eye-rolling and glee at Joe's injury...I can only hope that karma bites you in the ass. 

Kimmi with her girl's alliance...yeah, that will happen. Tasha is a man's woman...she will stick with Jeremy and Spencer. And Abi...sat there at TC while Joe correctly described the fact that everyone wants to take her to FTC, since no one will vote for her...didn't seem to register on the clueless bitch.

Keith for the win...at least he gives his all in the challenges, doesn't back down, and voting for Tasha...I give him points for that. He can smell duplicity.

  • Love 16

I will miss Joe...not only an athlete, but a truly nice guy. And one gorgeous hunk of man. Loved seeing him with his dad...very cool.


The IC challenge was interesting for a number of reasons, not least watching Jeremy bag it again. The assumption has been that he is a challenge threat who hid behind Joe...but where is the evidence? He's never won an immunity challenge, he doesn't demonstrate endurance or balance, and he sucks at puzzles. He is a player, and good at strategizing, but as a physical threat...he comes up empty.

Abi is just a cold, heartless piece of work. Her smirking while Joe was unconscious was just vile. And Wentworth, with her eye-rolling and glee at Joe's injury...I can only hope that karma bites you in the ass. 

Kimmi with her girl's alliance...yeah, that will happen. Tasha is a man's woman...she will stick with Jeremy and Spencer. And Abi...sat there at TC while Joe correctly described the fact that everyone wants to take her to FTC, since no one will vote for her...didn't seem to register on the clueless bitch.

Keith for the win...at least he gives his all in the challenges, doesn't back down, and voting for Tasha...I give him points for that. He can smell duplicity.


She did not show any glee whatsoever at Joe's injury. She was one of the ones rushing over to see if he was ok.

  • Love 15

Jeremy and Kelley are two of my faves left In the game and they were the first two to rush over to Joe. Jeremy, as a firefighter, was right in top of him until medical came, I think that other than Abi the rest of the group was able to separate concern for Joe from the game itself.

I agree with you...especially about Jeremy. To me, he was easily the most concerned and empathetic after Joe's collapse. He was the first one over...Kelley too...but then she lost me with the whole "he will pass out to win" - I understand that it was probably just a faux pas and she probably didn't mean it the way it sounded, but it definitely rubbed me the wrong way.

  • Love 5

The women were clutching each other like their own lives were at stake if Joe won immunity.  Kelley was the worst, and she had immunity.  Wasn't she scheming with Joe like six days ago?   All that hand holding and dramatics seemed a little over the top for that challenge.  It's always tough to see a group all openly root against someone in immunity challenges.  At least Spencer, Keith and Jeremy didn't act like they'd just won the Superbowl like the girls did.  I'm referring to before they realized Joe had passed out.  

All of the scenes as Joe fell down were shown out of sequence. Everyone there was concerned about him. I hate when production manipulates stuff like this to their own agenda. No one was happy to see him ill, not at all. It's a TV game show.

I don't doubt that.  But Abi's comments in the voting booth were pretty childish and unflattering to her.  Why jab at another players' appearance?  Especially one who gets more positive attention for his appearance than she does.  


I was curious why didn't Pete go to Cambodia if the break-up was just a lie to the media.  I would've liked to have seen him because I have zero recollection of him. 

The IC challenge was interesting for a number of reasons, not least watching Jeremy bag it again. The assumption has been that he is a challenge threat who hid behind Joe...but where is the evidence?


Speaking for myself, I've never seen (or remembered?) evidence of Jeremy being a challenge threat.  However I do strongly believe that Jeremy is worried OTHERS will think he is a huge physical threat, which is why I do think for the first half of the game he wanted Joe as a shield and kind of threw some immunity challenges.  However, I also feel that the 'challenge throwing' stopped very suddenly -- I can't remember when.  Maybe around when Savage was voted out?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 1

I agree with you...especially about Jeremy. To me, he was easily the most concerned and empathetic after Joe's collapse. He was the first one over...Kelley too...but then she lost me with the whole "he will pass out to win" - I understand that it was probably just a faux pas and she probably didn't mean it the way it sounded, but it definitely rubbed me the wrong way.


Are you referring to what she said at TC?  I took that more of a compliment than anything in that Joe is such a competitor who will give his absolute all to win this game and that is why when the chance arises you need to vote him out.

  • Love 17

At least Savage will have one of his people at Ponderosa.  Wonder if Stephen will gloat.


I don't imagine he will.  It looks like Stephen was a good sport about being blindsided.  I'm not sure why people are assuming Stephen was gloating over the site of Joe without a necklace.  Unlike Dan's obvious reaction to Mike wearing a necklace, Stephen seemed to be smiling, in general, at the remaining survivors.  Night and day difference from Dan, IMO.


I used to be a Wentworth fan. No more. Her eye-rolling and general condescension are gross. The editors have been really showing it, so I have to hope there's a comeuppance at some point.


I've never been a Wentworth fan.  Not when she was being lauded as a genius whose game was ruined by her father in her first season, and not now.  I was actually shocked to see her visitor was Dale, and double shocked that she greeted him warmly.  Weren't they estranged for some time prior to her first season?  Isn't this the man she accused her entire season (and all the time since) of blowing her game?  She's not nearly as smart as she thinks she is.  And she was certainly one of the worst offenders loudly rooting against Joe.


As a woman, I have never rooted against ALL the women in the game, but that changed tonight.  I can't stand Joe, he gets on my nerves like crazy.  But I've always hated when a group roots loudly against one person during an immunity challenge.  Kimmi/Tasha/Kelley/Abi held hands, loudly rooted for Keith, and squealed like pigs every time it looked like Joe was going to lose.  What a bunch of bitches.  That's all.


Ugh, ugh, ugh.  So much hate for Abi right now.  Please tell me I wasn't the only person rolling my eyes when her mother said, "She's my angel."  Well, at least she's an angel to someone, because to everyone else...  I'm amazed she didn't say something similar to what she said to Savage when he was voted out.  (Although I found that hilarious...yes, I will admit to my own hypocrisy there.)


What popped into my head?  "You've gotta be fucking kidding me".  What I actually said, since my mother was present?  "Yeah, right".  Perhaps Mother Abi actually thinks angel means bitch, or even karma, in English. 


But when Abi's mom starting barking out, "Focus!", and "don't look at the others.  Get the job done!", it all made sense.  Her mother kind of frightened me.


I really think that the F3 alliance of Jeremy, Spencer, and Tasha will go to the end.


I would love that.  I would love for Wentworth's decision to bite her in the ass.  As she sashayed back to camp with her loved one, knowing she was going to eat, and the three outsiders branch off to starve, her talking head's all, "It was a beautiful thing.  It was so cool".  Ugh.  What I think is so cool?  If Kelly loses (again) and can't pin the blame on her father.  And if Spencer/Jeremy/Tasha somehow sealed a final three (and go to the end) while the rest are stuffing their faces and rejoicing, well it doesn't get much better than that.


Keith, you did not vote for Joe, you're my boy.


Keith probably didn't vote for Joe because he didn't have a fucking clue what was going on.  Otherwise, I bet he would've stuck to the plan.

  • Love 11

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