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MSNBC: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Vaulted)

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Darn.  I missed LOD last night.  Wasn't most of his show taken up by the Trump speech (which I didn't watch because I can't stand to listen to his lies).  Maybe Lawrence will have a different opinion tonight.  I sure hope so.

I taped the later Rachel show and watched it today.  Wow!  This might have been her best show ever.  The falling apart of a political party.

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Dear Lawrence,

Trump hasn't shelved his plan to deport 11 million people. Please stop bashing liberals for thinking he is still preaching deportation, wall, etc.  (Also, fyi, it's okay to be wrong about what you said last night. He didn't recant anything and it wasn't a trick for liberals. It's a trick to win votes. There's a difference)

What Trump demonstrated last night wasn't, as you insisted then and now, a "softening" of his deportation plan. What he demonstrated was a lot of double talk and double speak that, when you get right down to it, shows that he still has NO coherent immigration plan at all.  He says conflicting things so that people like you --and people like those in his crowd-- can hear whatever you want.  Don't fall for it and pretend he's given this serious thought after 14 months. He hasn't.  What he's giving serious thought to -- with help from Bannon and Conway -- is how to get elected in 68 days.

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3 minutes ago, Padma said:

Dear Lawrence,

Trump hasn't shelved his plan to deport 11 million people. Please stop bashing liberals for thinking he is still preaching deportation, wall, etc.  (Also, fyi, it's okay to be wrong about what you said last night. He didn't recant anything and it wasn't a trick for liberals. It's a trick to win votes. There's a difference)

What Trump demonstrated last night wasn't, as you insisted then and now, a "softening" of his deportation plan. What he demonstrated was a lot of double talk and double speak that, when you get right down to it, shows that he still has NO coherent immigration plan at all.  He says conflicting things so that people like you --and people like those in his crowd-- can hear whatever you want.  Don't fall for it and pretend he's given this serious thought after 14 months. He hasn't.  What he's giving serious thought to -- with help from Bannon and Conway -- is how to get elected in 68 days.


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I'm a bit of a tax nerd (it's what I do for a living) so hearing Lawrence and his guest talk about depreciation as if it's a scam for real estate moguls really irritated me. Even jerks like Trump pay actual money for their buildings (mostly in the form of mortgage payments), so I've got no problem with them getting a tax deduction- spread out over 39 years, I might add. There are plenty of real issues to slam Trump on, no need to get huffy about a perfectly legitimate business expense.

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11 minutes ago, Grommet said:

I'm a bit of a tax nerd (it's what I do for a living) so hearing Lawrence and his guest talk about depreciation as if it's a scam for real estate moguls really irritated me. Even jerks like Trump pay actual money for their buildings (mostly in the form of mortgage payments), so I've got no problem with them getting a tax deduction- spread out over 39 years, I might add. There are plenty of real issues to slam Trump on, no need to get huffy about a perfectly legitimate business expense.

I thought that was really interesting, but admit taxes and finances in general aren't really my thing. Do you feel that way when Trump gets his partner to put up the money for a building?  And the city gives him a 20 year tax abatement (as they did for Trump Tower)?  I know he often values his property in the hundreds of millions for bragging rights but then ridiculously low balls the same property (I'm thinking of that golf course upstate) so he pays minimal property tax (so minimal benefit to the community).  The idea of off-setting one business that produces income against a separate real estate business where the property is greatly increasing in value but depreciation allows him to say the opposite--all adding up to millions in income plus millions in assets that all zeros out tax-wise while people like us (well, at least, me) pay income AND property tax--much more of it, actually, at a minimal kind of income rate than someone who says he's worth $10 billion.

I'm sure it's legal, but I feel sort of huffy about it, too.  (That 20 year tax abatement on Trump Tower really rankles).

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Oh, I agree that he's trying to do what lots of people do - look good on paper while not paying any tax. What he says the properties are worth has nothing to do with income tax returns (which use the actual cost of things) or property tax assessments (value given by the local taxing authorities). And I have plenty of clients who - on a much smaller scale - use losses from one business to offset gains from another. It's perfectly legit, and he is legitimately a real estate professional so he does get some special treatment from the IRS.

The property tax abatement stuff is just bullshit, but that's not uncommon even here in upstate. Again, I'd rather people like Lawrence hammered him on the things that are more unique to Trump - the phony university, the overseas manufacturing of his clothing line, his unwillingness to release his tax returns (which I think would show decent income but almost no charity). That all has the added bonus of not being boring as hell!

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Just a reminder/warning for all before the weekend, Brian Williams starts his show on Tuesday night at 11. So instead of interesting and exciting coverage we'll get inane nonsense. It was a mistake to test that hour with good anchors and then switch to him. Also, "11th Hour With Brian Williams" as the name of the show is almost as dumb as its host. 

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7 hours ago, Grommet said:

The property tax abatement stuff is just bullshit, but that's not uncommon even here in upstate. Again, I'd rather people like Lawrence hammered him on the things that are more unique to Trump - the phony university, the overseas manufacturing of his clothing line, his unwillingness to release his tax returns (which I think would show decent income but almost no charity). That all has the added bonus of not being boring as hell!

Can't disagree with that!  Plus, they're all ignoring that he was recently fined by the IRS for making an illegal $25000 contribution to Florida AG Pam Bondi's foundation while she was considering whether to prosecute Trump U for fraud in Florida! (Surprise! She decided not to!)   Trump U is both really interesting and really damaging. I can't understand why in the primaries and now, no one really is going after him enough about it. Esp. with the idea that it's a scam that is working much like running for president. (I can't help being suspicious about the millions that he's sitting on while running few ads and hiring no ground staff.  Will leftover dough--lots of it!!--wind up in Trump's phony foundation?  He can't pocket it, but he can give it to "charity".  I find it very strange he's not spending more now that he has it.)

As for "11th Hour"--yep, that's dumb. Esp as I've been enjoying the weird but informative 'live shows" coming late these past two weeks. I have zero interest in watching Williams. I've been so glad not to have seen him for weeks. Maybe the idea of having other hosts filling that spot was to show that he -doesn't- get the ratings that the regular MSNBC hosts do.  I hope that's it, and that people turn OFF at 11, just in case he's thinking it's a test run to justify a prime time comeback.

On other news, I'm glad to see Lester Holt got tapped to host the first debate. (No, Brian. No one misses you. Holt has succeeded very nicely with the evening news and this is a real compliment to his skills as well.)

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How much hubris can one man have?

I have to believe that most disgraced prime-time newscasters would say, Thanks but no thanks!, to the Eleventh Hour.

Joy's taco-truck item has legs! Love it and her.

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2 hours ago, jenrising said:

Also, "11th Hour With Brian Williams" as the name of the show is almost as dumb as its host. 

Yes, I said that above, as soon as the title was announced.  I live in part of the 80% of the geography where it WILL NOT BE the "11th Hour".  Also, how analog of MSNBC. 

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I was very happy to see Lester is hosting one of the debates.

I'm very disappointed they have Lauer hosting the Commander in Chief event next week.  I'd rather have seen Lester or Chuck Todd and Rachel do it.  

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19 minutes ago, car54 said:

I was very happy to see Lester is hosting one of the debates.

I'm very disappointed they have Lauer hosting the Commander in Chief event next week.  I'd rather have seen Lester or Chuck Todd and Rachel do it.  

Yes, Rachel has earned this.  Possibly Chuck Todd has, also (I don't watch his shows).  But Lauer definitely  has not.  Dear NBC: This will NOT make me watch the Today Show.  They are using it to puff their network rather than dig into the politics.  Gah. 

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Rachel and Chuck co-moderated one of the primary debates and I thought they were exceptionally well prepared.

I can't imagine Trump would allow Rachel, but he probably would let Chuck do it--he's done MTP a number of times.

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2 hours ago, car54 said:

Rachel and Chuck co-moderated one of the primary debates and I thought they were exceptionally well prepared.

I can't imagine Trump would allow Rachel, but he probably would let Chuck do it--he's done MTP a number of times.

They worked very well together in that primary debate. I was impressed how they had shared and co-ordinated questions and really didn't want to upstage each other or grandstand. And went for substance. (Of course, it was a Democratic debate. I would have loved to have seen them handle the Republicans, but that would never have happened.)

Trump probably would feel Rachel was too biased and he has written several mean tweets about Chuck so he'd never approve them. Too bad, as more and more, I'm appreciating Chuck's hosting and questioning of people on MTP and MTP Daily. I know there's a lot of disagreement, but to me, he's far and away better than not only David Gregory (a low bar) but Russert as well.  I'd get rid of some of his round table guests (Hewitt for one), but even there, he keeps the conversations moving along and everyone polite and even good humored. What a difference from the awful David Gregory (whom I now see from time to time at CNN.)

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Remember screechy Rev Burns who went off on Kristin Welker last week?    I saw him interviewed on CNN early this morning and Victor took his resume apart piece by piece--and left him babbling that his website where his resume is posted must have been hacked.

I hope Kristen saw it!


It was great.   

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14 hours ago, car54 said:

I was very happy to see Lester is hosting one of the debates.

I'm very disappointed they have Lauer hosting the Commander in Chief event next week.  I'd rather have seen Lester or Chuck Todd and Rachel do it.  

I am shocked that they would allow Matt Lauer to host that event. Why can't Savannah or Chuck Todd host? Matt should only interview Hollywood Celebrities.

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2 hours ago, car54 said:

Remember screechy Rev Burns who went off on Kristin Welker last week?    I saw him interviewed on CNN early this morning and Victor took his resume apart piece by piece--and left him babbling that his website where his resume is posted must have been hacked.

I hope Kristen saw it!


It was great.   

Huminahuminahumina ..... LOL.

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RWer used the insulting "Democrat Party" on Joy's show this morning.  Joy stopped him immediately, saying words to the effect of we use "Democratic" here.  I wish every host would call all of the RW a**holes out who use that term to demean Democrats.  

Approx 18:00.  

Edited by 33kaitykaity
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35 minutes ago, pivot said:

I have to admit I never got while that was a big deal. I am a Democrat and have no problem with the party being called the Democrat Party. 

It is intended to be disrespectful and insulting.  (Just ask Limbaugh, its creator.)  That is why I was so happy that Joy reacted the way she did.  Joy gets it.  I hope she spreads the word to her fellow hosts.


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I don't catch her that often, but I think the most interesting commentator (outside of Eugene) is Nicole Wallace. She's more of an insider and institution Republican than the average party member, but she represents a demographic Trump has to dominate in order to win, white, college educated women.

Throughout the campaign, you can tell she's really struggling to deal with the idea of Trump as the nominee. It's been like watching someone go through the seven stages of grief. Right now I think she is in the working through it stage, but if Trump can't get women like her to the acceptance stage he is toast.

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22 hours ago, xaxat said:

I don't catch her that often, but I think the most interesting commentator (outside of Eugene) is Nicole Wallace. She's more of an insider and institution Republican than the average party member, but she represents a demographic Trump has to dominate in order to win, white, college educated women.

Throughout the campaign, you can tell she's really struggling to deal with the idea of Trump as the nominee. It's been like watching someone go through the seven stages of grief. Right now I think she is in the working through it stage, but if Trump can't get women like her to the acceptance stage he is toast.

Nicole"cackles" Wallace is on Morning Joe on a regular basis. She frequently called Trump a clown but Joe Scarborough got upset with her. Trump would call in on the Morning Joe on a regular basis, so Nicole would tell Trump that her parents were big Trump supporters. Trump liked that & didn't insult her. She has frequently complained that if Trump became President, jobs for people like her as "communications directors" would be scarce. She said that Trump never follows standard talking points. Cackles is best known as Palin's chief aide during the 2008 campaign with disastrous results.

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Gotta say, I love the irony of discussing the real Nicolle Wallace when one of the Law & Order spinoffs (Criminal Intent) had a recurring preying mantis of a killer named Nicole Wallace, played by Olivia D'Abo.

Don't know why it amuses me, but there it is.

Back to your regularly-scheduled politics/news talk.

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On 9/4/2016 at 7:47 AM, stormy said:

Joy's one tough cookie.  She handled Mr. Taco Truck better than anyone on MSNBC (or  other network) would have.

She was jolted by an unexpectedly self-hating Hispanic.  

Joy's been ubiquitous lately.  I wish she'd take over the 7 pm slot and boot that asshole Matthews.

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32 minutes ago, cattykit said:

Joy's been ubiquitous lately.  I wish she'd take over the 7 pm slot and boot that asshole Matthews.

Oh, if only!  I caught some of her on this afternoon and she was so good I didn't even mind the 4 partisan Rep/Dem guests. I think its because she asks such good followup questions--and also doesn't interrupt and shout over people all the time (Matthews)  It's time.

On a different note, I felt so bad for Hillary. There she was starting her speech today with one of those won't-go'away'dry throat coughing fits.  She tried water, coughing it out, more water, speaking, still coughing. Kaine, behind her stood up and sat down. It went on and on until she kind of began croaking out her speech, still coughing a bit. I had to turn it off but all I could think of was how the Trump-Hannity-Giuliani-alt right group that has the ridiculous "Hillary's bad health!" narrative is going to play this very normal moment over and over.

Not sure what she could have done differently (noticed it before she went on and had Kaine talk longer? Stopped, had him talk while she went to "find" water until it cleared up?) Whatever she should have done, coughing  (and mostly into the mike) was a really bad optic.

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Taco trucks: As American as lo mein and pizza pie

56 minutes ago, Padma said:

On a different note, I felt so bad for Hillary. There she was starting her speech today with one of those won't-go'away'dry throat coughing fits.  She tried water, coughing it out, more water, speaking, still coughing. Kaine, behind her stood up and sat down. It went on and on until she kind of began croaking out her speech, still coughing a bit. I had to turn it off but all I could think of was how the Trump-Hannity-Giuliani-alt right group that has the ridiculous "Hillary's bad health!" narrative is going to play this very normal moment over and over.

Had the same thought here.  And the commentators on MSNBC were saying she's had these choking spells before. 

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One of the things Hillary should do is talk in a lower voice register like she did during most of her convention speech. I think when she gets excited and shouts parts of her speech it affects her via coughing fits.

That's a non-medical take on it but I did feel bad for her again today. I wish they could find a way to help her so it will stop because you know Donnie takes swipes at her on twitter every time it happens.

I too wish Joy could knock Matthews out of his 7pm time slot. He's really lost it since his wife lost her primary race.

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 I had to turn it off but all I could think of was how the Trump-Hannity-Giuliani-alt right group that has the ridiculous "Hillary's bad health!" narrative is going to play this very normal moment over and over.

It's already started with "Hacking Hillary."  Good lord, if she trips/falls...


One of the things Hillary should do is talk in a lower voice register like she did during most of her convention speech. I think when she gets excited and shouts parts of her speech it affects her via coughing fits.

Exactly, there is no reason why she can't just talk in the same conversational tone in which she speaks during her small group settings.

She has the mike and if they don't already do so, they can put two large speakers at the left and right at the foot of the podium to further project her voice.  There is no reason why her campaign staff, Mook and Finney, I'm looking at you, should be doing all they can to keep her from straining her voice.  I think it's just a habit/feeling that in a large crowd she feels she needs to project her voice or they won't be able to hear her, even though she knows she's got a mike in her hand. 

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2 hours ago, 3pwood said:

So have I -- same age as Hillary, & my doctors say it's nothing but a reaction to dry air indoors or pollen outdoors.  

Good point. Didn't Hillary get a new plane today that can hold journalists? maybe the plane's air pressure needs to be adjusted?

The cough seemed to go on for a few minutes. Why couldn't she leave the stage & recover quietly?

If she has a coughing fit during the debates, will they stop the debate & go to a commercial to allow her time to recover ?

During the 1997 Canadian election,  leader's debate was stopped when the moderator fainted. They redid the debate another night.

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1 hour ago, oakville said:

Good point. Didn't Hillary get a new plane today that can hold journalists? maybe the plane's air pressure needs to be adjusted?

The cough seemed to go on for a few minutes. Why couldn't she leave the stage & recover quietly?

If she has a coughing fit during the debates, will they stop the debate & go to a commercial to allow her time to recover ?

During the 1997 Canadian election,  leader's debate was stopped when the moderator fainted. They redid the debate another night.

I think you're right, that it had to do with the air in the new plane--either the dryness or something irritating in the air conditioning. I get the same thing.

I don't want to criticize her BUT... it's unbelievable with all the advisors that she isn't prepared for normal problems like this.  She had Kaine there... she should have immediately realized the optics and that she should STOP. It looks better to go get some water and let him talk than to cough (for minutes and  into the MIC no less!!!) How are they not prepared for these kinds of things???

Also, again hate to criticize, but isn't there ONE advisor who can work with her on volume and pitch, especially when she has a microphone?  It's important.   And this isn't her "first rodeo".  I'd be having everyone ruthlessly criticize the flaws in my speaking style (the "ums", in my case  would have to go, just for one. We all have our little tics, but most of us don't have the resources to notice and fix them. She really has no excuse on that, unless she really doesn't invite criticism.)

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38 minutes ago, Padma said:

Also, again hate to criticize, but isn't there ONE advisor who can work with her on volume and pitch, especially when she has a microphone?  It's important.   And this isn't her "first rodeo". 

Bill Clinton also talked from his throat too much, and was very raspy at the end of his first campaign -- I think he was basically without a voice in the final days.  I work with speakers who address large audiences and have done speech writing (not my ultimate profession!), and when I am coaching speakers I get them to use their abdominal muscles for breathing and speaking, and it takes a lot of pressure off the throat.  I thought she had gotten past the "talk from the throat" on the evening she won enough votes for the nomination -- she spoke into the microphone in a huge venue in a regular speaking voice, and it was great.  So, she knows how to do that, and it baffles me that (a) she is not doing that now and (b) her advisors are not on this, either with advice or getting professional voice coaches in the mix.  There are a LOT of weeks to go, and she needs to solve this (again). 

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13 hours ago, Padma said:

I don't want to criticize her BUT... it's unbelievable with all the advisors that she isn't prepared for normal problems like this.  She had Kaine there... she should have immediately realized the optics and that she should STOP. It looks better to go get some water and let him talk than to cough (for minutes and  into the MIC no less!!!) How are they not prepared for these kinds of things???

I know. Almost made me think, "Maybe she doesn't really want to be president."

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So Hillary is finally talking to reporters, on her plane, answering questions, and in mid-sentence MSNBC cuts away to talking heads.  WTF?  Why can't we just listen to the whole thing, and decide for ourselves whether she can handle live questions from the press pool?  Do their commentators get paid by the word?  That's the reason I ended up watching the convention on blessed C-Span.  That, and every single thing someone says is now captioned as Breaking News. 

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29 minutes ago, Milburn Stone said:

I don't want to criticize her BUT... it's unbelievable with all the advisors that she isn't prepared for normal problems like this.  She had Kaine there... she should have immediately realized the optics and that she should STOP. It looks better to go get some water and let him talk than to cough (for minutes and  into the MIC no less!!!) How are they not prepared for these kinds of things???

Robby Mook is running this campaign and I swear he comes off as a lightweight when he's on camera. I just want to swipe that damn grin off his face all the time. If he's not grinning, he's stuttering through his answers.  Brian Fallon is always grinning too, but at least he has answers and they are never able to trip him up.  Every time  I see Mook I'm like, why are you smiling like a clown? I'm not saying he has to look angry, but look and sound more firm/strong and yes, defiant. 

No matter what the topic, he's smiling like a kid in a free candy shop. It just bugs me. It's like his face isn't matching the seriousness of the topic being discussed half the time. 

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When Hillary was preparing to do her big acceptance speech at the convention, MSNBC had Rob Reiner on--who is a big supporter--and they were talking about her speech--and I wanted to yell at him "Go to wherever she's waiting out the convention and coach her on the performance aspect--you're a director!!"

I just looked at my channel guide and it looks like they are doing BriWi then a 1/2 hr version of Hardball after then back to their normal repeat schedule overnight.

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So Hillary is finally talking to reporters, on her plane, answering questions, and in mid-sentence MSNBC cuts away to talking heads.  WTF?


Why wouldn't the cut away?

If they don't, then they won't have any proof to support their bitching that she's missing in action and hiding from the press. Wait for it, I'm sure that story will keep on keeping on.

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It's interesting to hear/read about media impressions of Clinton's speaking style compared to Trump's. For some reason, Hilary's style is consistently part of the news cycle. But for some reason, Trump








when he has to stick to the script in a prepared speech escapes that kind of scrutiny. Had Hilary delivered a speech that differed as much from her normal cadence as Trump's did in Mexico the press would have started speculation as to whether she was drunk or was suffering from a stroke.

This afternoon Andrea interviewed the head of the Department of Homeland Security, an Obama appointee working for President Obama. And her first question was how the DHS could enforce the Trump policy of deportation forces. So now the Democrats are responsible for developing the details of Trump's "policies"?

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1 hour ago, cattykit said:

So Hillary is finally talking to reporters, on her plane, answering questions, and in mid-sentence MSNBC cuts away to talking heads.  WTF?  Why can't we just listen to the whole thing, and decide for ourselves whether she can handle live questions from the press pool?  Do their commentators get paid by the word?  That's the reason I ended up watching the convention on blessed C-Span.  That, and every single thing someone says is now captioned as Breaking News. 

No! We can't miss one precious word of commentators (half of them speaking for Trump) arguing about her awful email problem! That ongoing discussion is too important to miss! 

Other things we can miss other than Hillary talking directly to the press (and flying with them, something Trump will never do. Halperin's flown with him, but the idea of 30 journalists sitting on his upholstery and peeing in his toilets will never do.  He wouldn't even let high rollers in AC use his private jet. Why would he let the traveling press corps join him?  (I don't know if he realizes he could charge them, but since he's already billing the RNC campaign fund warchest half a million dollars a month for flying around in it, he probably couldn't double dip anyway.)

Other things we don't need to hear about (compared with Hillary's email)?  The genuinely illegal  donation from his "foundation" that Trump made to the AG of Florida when she was considering whether to charge him with fraud. (Surprise! She didn't!)  Of course, if it were Clinton traveling on her private plane, refusing to let the press go too while Trump had them with him now, and she was paying herself out of the campaign funds so much every month (at incredibly inflated prices for the plane...for events held at his properties....for the campaign space in Trump Tower... it would be a constant refrain on the MSM about her noblesse oblige, the shady implications of the way she was bilking donors to enrich herself, the questions about a candidate turning a campaign into a personal slush fund.)

Imagine if it were Hillary who'd paid the Florida AG's foundation (illegally, from her own charity) $25000 and then the AG dropped all fraud charges!  The election would be over. "Crooked Hillary" would lose and Trump would win.

But, no. It's Trump. Maybe we'll hear about it, here or there, for a day or two and it will be gone so we can get back to ...."email!!!" "The Clinton's charitable foundation!!!! (from which they take $0 salary).  This morning, I think Morning Joe discussed the email and the FBI notes about it for the full two hours.

Do they never look in the NYTimes, Washington Post or Huffington Post?  They could read headlines and see how they could fill at least ONE of those hours with some devastating Trump news, but.... no.  It's "horrible Hillary" (and J"no press conference for 278 days", even when she's at least standing there answering questions--and often actually talking about policy unlike the other candidate.)

Eh, Trump understands policy discussions makes for boring television and low ratings. Let's talk about her "stamina" and "failing health" without evidence instead.  And how crooked that charitable foundation looks.  It's a reliable sound bite that will get played over and over and will keep them from discussing his tax policy, foreign policy, deregulation promises, and his crazy belief that global climate change is a "hoax" started by the Chinese, etc.....for another 64 days.

ETA: Yes, they're willing to talk about his "confusing" immigration policy. But the cable news overall is not hitting hard enough (at all) on the general critique of how Trump has NO IDEA what he's promising after campaigning on that single issue, mainly, for a year and a half.  For supporters, the way they argue the pros and cons just looks like press confusion, not a completely inept leader.

Edited by Padma
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Well I hope to god Kasie Hunt got to ask her a question--she has been whining about "no access" every single day.  It sounded like Andrea jumped right in and got some access right away from what I saw.

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Jaysus, goddamn Matthews, you got freaking Tom Hanks on your show where you can ask him anything, and all you can do is babble about how much you watched movies as a kid and rattle off the guy's filmography.  Somehow, somewhere, there needs to be a competency exam on how to conduct an actual interview before they let you have an interview show.

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Okay, so Brian said "it might not be the eleventh hour where you are [helLO], but it's the eleventh hour in the campaign."  Okay then.  Lots of CGI waving Stars and Stripes in the background.  Still not watching past the first minute, so you all let us know if we should watch later. 

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