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S08.E03: Party In A Sweatbox

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Not feeling that new friend of...she was just doing the most at the hair are launch and looks like she continues next week on the boat.

I am liking Kim and her hubby, but.....I give him slight side eye for being the only male at the event. It just looked odd with all the girls and him gossiping on the couch. I get they were on a date night but I feel like he could have stepped to the side while they filmed.

I think the a/c issue was probably exacerbated by the styling salon they set up. I was waiting for all those blow driers to blow a fuse. Karma is a bitch Kenya and so are you. Was her date the millionaire matchmaker guy she later claimed was a fraud.

I'm digging porsha this season. She just having fun and being delusional and giving fun snark in her talking heads. It's a shame she has to ruin it next week with her scuffle with Cyn.

  • Love 3

Why was the potential tutor wearing a t-shirt to his interview?

I will always be a fan of Sheree. If loving Sheree is wrong, I don't want to be right. I'm so glad she and Kenya kinda sorta made up, because I think they belong on the same side. Even if there is no evil Nene to rally against.

I'm here foremost for Cynthia, and I feel like Kenya, Claudia (hi Claudia! For the one second we saw you!), Sheree, and Marlo should all join together and be friends with Cynthia. Those are the gals I like.

Kandi I am ambivalent about. She's definitely not in my top tier anymore. The bloom is off the rose for the Kandi-Todd relationship. Physically, I just find him to be too small for her or something. Not that she's big--Todd is just a very small man. I don't condone anything Mama Joyce has said or done, but I am starting to agree with her that there's a little something off with Todd. I loathe when he uses his super-soft, indoor voice with Kandi. It's like he's trying to come off sounding earnest, but he really just sounds kinda girly.

Porsha and everyone in her entourage and Phaedra can get lost. Knowing Porsha, she probably will literally get lost. I know I'm in the minority, but I hate Phedra's weave this year. It's straight, straight, straight, and suddenly these frizzy curls come out of nowhere. I'm not in love with the color either. Last year she looked so good. She had slimmed down and had straight black hair. I liked that look, even if I didn't necessarily like her.

Kim? Kim who? I'm not hating, but I'm a little too young to know who she is, and she hasn't had enough presence on the show for me to judge her. I hope we're not in for a whole season of her as the babe-in-the-woods SAHM, acting like socializing is a foreign concept. I'm all for more traditional housewives being cast across this franchise, but I hope she gets into the fray sooner rather than later. It doesn't have to be negative, but I want Kim to become more familiar with the rest of the cast. That'll probably happen with time.

  • Love 7

WTH with Phaedra's comment that Kenya is two shades darker than she should be and therefore needs a colonic.  That was foul on so many levels.  She is the worst.  Her colorist ass must be still seethng about her convict husband being the reject of a darker woman.


Phaedra's comment wasn't literally about Kenya's complexion.  She was saying Kenya was so full of shit, her complexion should be the color of shit.  It was a play on words kind of like someone being green with envy.  Their complexion isn't really green, it's just a play on words.  Besides, Phaedra isn't too far off from being the same complexion as Kenya so in my opinion she's far from being a colorist.


Speaking of Kenya, she is such a lying liar who lies.  She's always claiming that she doesn't wear weave but if you look at her hair tonight, it was nowhere near as thick as it usually looks on the show.  Her real hair may be long, but she definitely adds hair to thicken it up. Thick hair, even if it's flat ironed doesn't get as thin as her hair looked tonight.  Fess up Kenya.  I believe Porsha when she says Kenya secretly orders weave from her.

  • Love 8

Phaedra's comment wasn't literally about Kenya's complexion.  She was saying Kenya was so full of shit, her complexion should be the color of shit.  It was a play on words kind of like someone being green with envy.  Their complexion isn't really green, it's just a play on words.  Besides, Phaedra isn't too far off from being the same complexion as Kenya so in my opinion she's far from being a colorist.


Speaking of Kenya, she is such a lying liar who lies.  She's always claiming that she doesn't wear weave but if you look at her hair tonight, it was nowhere near as thick as it usually looks on the show.  Her real hair may be long, but she definitely adds hair to thicken it up. Thick hair, even if it's flat ironed doesn't get as thin as her hair looked tonight.  Fess up Kenya.  I believe Porsha when she says Kenya secretly orders weave from her.

I believe Kenya has admitted to wearing hair pieces and extensions.  She did so on one of the reunions when Andy asked her about it.

  • Love 3

I think equating dark skin with shit is colorism at its worst.


I don't think Phaedra's comment had anything to do with Kenya's complexion, nor was she comparing dark skin with shit.  She could have made the same remark about a white person.  She said she was so full of shit her complexion should CHANGE to be two shades darker, ie, the color of shit. 


I believe Kenya has admitted to wearing hair pieces and extensions.  She did so on one of the reunions when Andy asked her about it.



There have been more than a few occasions when Kenya was asked if all of the thick, long hair was hers and she said it was "all mine".  The only time I remember her actually copping to wearing extra hair was at the last reunion with the ponytail.

Edited by swankie
  • Love 5

Phaedra looked like an extra from a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western in that ugly get-up she wore to Kenya's launch party. Odd that both Phae & Cynthia chose to wear hats at a party celebrating hair products.  And Kenya's lilac dress in her talking heads is weirdly ill-fitting & uncomfortable looking in/under the boob area. Have we ever heard Cynthia's daughter sing?  Can't recall it, if so.  The tutor was cute - but is that likely his real hair??  So many footballers with dreads hanging down their backs lately has really got me wondering...

  • Love 2

Phaedra considers herself a wordsmith. So I'm going to believe her, and believe she meant exactly what she said - not that she SHOULD CHANGE to be two shades darker, but that she was two shades darker than she needed to be. It struck the ear because it was such an off comment to make, like, really though?


Marlo, Marlo. Telling the ladies they lost their etiquette. You are truly the personification of Kim aka Regine aka Regina's motto "I am everything I pretend to be." Girl, don't ever change. I see why Nene stayed stealing your style. Girl slays.


Cynthia. Looking gorgeous again and taking no quarter from Peter's fake tears and accusations. No backing down and holding her ground. Welcome back, girl. And how is it it took me until tonight to realize Peter is a dick ... literally?


Best part of tonight: "Daddy's here." Why yes. Yes you are. And what a delightful surprise that was, rousing me from a sick* bed to hit the rewind a couple of times for it. Special mention to the tutor. ROWR. I'll cougar up for that. Oh yes. #devar



  • Love 17

I really think the story this year is going to be Cynthia eventually filing for divorce.


I really believe this also.  The telltale for me was when Peter asked, "When did you stop loving me?" and Cynthia answered, "I don't know."  Now, one would have expected her to say, "I haven't stopped loving you honey, but this, that and the other blah blah blah..."  Instead, she acknowledged that she stopped loving him.  Last week she revealed that she's no longer attracted to him sexually.  I think Peter's tear was real because for the first time he realized that he is about to lose his meal ticket and his only chance to continue to be on TV.  He is such a douchebag and it slays me that he doesn't see the err of his ways and still blames Cynthia for their relationship problems.


And Kenya's lilac dress in her talking heads is weirdly ill-fitting & uncomfortable looking in/under the boob area.



I agree.  It looked so damned uncomfortable.  Kenya also looked a hot mess in her Launch Party dress.  You could see visible back fat, which is unusual for someone who works out as much as she claims to, and the skirt part of the dress made her butt look unattractively wide.  That event was a fail/fail for her all around. 


Was her date the millionaire matchmaker guy she later claimed was a fraud.



I don't think so.  The millionaire matchmaker guy was good looking. 



The guy at her launch party was homely if you ask me.  Also, he seems to be a convicted criminal.  Hmmm!  Wasn't Kenya guilty of throwing shade at Phaedra for marrying a criminal?   http://okmagazine.com/photos/kenya-moore-defends-boyfriend-eugene-casciaro-criticism-rhoa-fans/photo/1001315755/

Edited by swankie
  • Love 5

I was happy seeing Cynthia displaying her long lost backbone with Peter...but then she agreed to give their marriage one more chance. C'mon Cynthia, how many chances does this crook need? Notice how he whipped out the tears? Then when he got one more chance to keep his bank, I mean wife, he looked pretty relieved/smug. Tears gone.

I hope she keeps the backbone.

  • Love 10
The guy at her launch party was homely if you ask me.  Also, he seems to be a convicted criminal.  Hmmm!  Wasn't Kenya guilty of throwing shade at Phaedra for marrying a criminal?   http://okmagazine.com/photos/kenya-moore-defends-boyfriend-eugene-casciaro-criticism-rhoa-fans/photo/1001315755/

He is a convicted criminal.  It was revealed during the summer when she was instagramming he was her new beau.  She tried to hush it up but it spread like wildfire across the internet.  She has since stopped talking about him and I believe she is no longer with him

I didn't think Phaedra's comment about Kenya being full of shit, but it sounded likd a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

She was indeed talking about Kenya being full of shit.  It was only an analogy and not a colorist remark.

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 4

My take on this weeks episode....


Loved Kim and her husband.  It is so refreshing to see a married couple acting normally.  That is what I miss about Nene and what used to be what fueled most of the housewives is that normalcy in between the drama.  It is what made them relatable to me.  The fact that they were happy to be on a "kidless" date night was endearing.


The colonic treatment was just creepy to me but not all that unexpected with Southern girls so it was another "normal" moment (that I could do without, actually."


Kenya's promo party was a complete dud.  I also didn't like her left-side apology to Sheree who also didn't buy the bullcrap.  Kenya just don't know when to just STFU.

I felt bad for everyone who came to the promo party with nothing to promote but water.  It was bad even if they had air conditioning.  Karma, baby!


Cynthia does have a great relationship with her ex and I wish they would just give it another chance.  As for Peachter, he is a gold plated dick!  He quickly turned that mess around and blamed Cynthia for not giving the marriage a chance.  This from the man who literally told Cynthia he would go somewhere and cheat on her because she couldn't give him sex when she was suffering from fibroids.  He even made snide remarks about her weight during that time.  However both her ex and even Porsha said she should give him one more chance to redeem himself and it it didn't work, cut him loose.  I feel she has already given him way too many chances and should drop him like hot lava.


Todd is showing his douchiness this episode.  Did he really expect Kandi to demand that Phaedra just give her a check for him?  He should have handled this himself a long time ago.  Porsha mentioned on WWHL that Phaedra did pay him off as she promised Kandi she would so that should be it.  However, i would never go to him again because his business sense is lacking.

  • Love 8



The guy at her launch party was homely if you ask me.  Also, he seems to be a convicted criminal.  Hmmm!  Wasn't Kenya guilty of throwing shade at Phaedra for marrying a criminal?   http://okmagazine.com/photos/kenya-moore-defends-boyfriend-eugene-casciaro-criticism-rhoa-fans/photo/1001315755/

To my mind, there is a world of difference between going on a date or even dating a guy with a record, and marrying, and making babies with a dude you know is a convicted felon.

  • Love 15

To my mind, there is a world of difference between going on a date or even dating a guy with a record, and marrying, and making babies with a dude you know is a convicted felon.

I was going to say the same thing. Big difference. I also believe in giving a person a second chance if they have learned from their mistake and are trying to lead a responsible, honest life. Apollo doesn't fall into that category.

  • Love 12

To my mind, there is a world of difference between going on a date or even dating a guy with a record, and marrying, and making babies with a dude you know is a convicted felon.


My point is, why even date a guy with a criminal background if you think its so reprehensible to marry him.  What if you fall hard for the guy and end up marrying him like Phaedra did?  Even if you're just dating him for sex, you're still a hypocrite as far as I'm concerned.  It's all moot anyway since the guy claimed on his facebook page that they were only friends.  Kenya tried to pass him off as her boyfriend the same way she did Walter.  The girl has some serious relationship problems, namely, she can't seem to get one.

  • Love 9

I confess that I would definitely hang out with Porscha; she's not the brightest bulb in the pack, but she definitely fun to be around. I enjoyed her at the Celebrity track and field event--(especially since it's one of my favorite sports).


Peter can save the crocodile tears; I'm glad Cynthia didn't fall for it either. She's sacrificed her career--and finances to support his failed business dealings, and she get treated like garbage in return...and they go 10 days without speaking? That's legal separation/divorce potential. I cannot with him. I am surprised that Leon encourage her to work things out with Peter.   That being said, Leon is gorgeous, his smile is everything. I wish he and Cynthia would hook up again; they are a match made in and heaven, plus they have such a close relationship.


On a shallow note; Kenya's date was straight up FUGLY, but I liked how he called her on avoiding her guest at the party...which was a disaster, btw. I don't do heat well, so I would've bounced early too. I had to  chuckle at Claudia's "blink and miss" appearance.


I am glad Kenya and Sheree squashed their beef...for now. I have a feeling that this isn't the last of their feud.


Enjoying Kim and her husband so far; I didn't have an issue with her husband sitting with the girls. She mentioned that she's not into social events and somewhat of an introvert, and since it was their first time out in while, I give him a pass...just as long as it is not a regular occurrence.


Did they air the scene where Kim and her husband viewed Kenya's pilot? I wanted to see their reaction. I dozed off on some of the scenes.

  • Love 6




There have been more than a few occasions when Kenya was asked if all of the thick, long hair was hers and she said it was "all mine".  The only time I remember her actually copping to wearing extra hair was at the last reunion with the ponytail.


Well, technically, if Kenya said the hair was "all hers", she wasn't lying...unless, of course, she borrowed any extensions she may have worn.  After all, anything that she bought and paid for is "all hers".     ;-)

  • Love 2
I'm enjoying Kim's husband.


They're so cute together! I found it very relatable to see parents who were just tickled to death over a child free night. I haven't had one in so long, I'd be running victory laps as well!


Once I realized the AC wasn't working, I would have had to leave Kenya's party. Nothing personal, I just can't stand being hot like that.


I found it interesting that she mentioned wanting it freezing cold in there half a dozen times, and then got the exact opposite. Is someone out to sabotage Ms. Kenya?


I think Peter's tear was real because for the first time he realized that he is about to lose his meal ticket and his only chance to continue to be on TV.


Nailed it! 


Peter can lose me with his fake, "I'm still so in love with you and you're breaking my heart" bullshit. Cynthia has bankrolled his entire lifestyle and he's afraid of losing that. Nothing more. 

  • Love 4

Laughed so very hard seeing the big chunk of ass sweat on the new "friend of" when standing around the seated group. So thirsty she actually drank out of the product bottle. Girl, bye.


I'm thinking, by what we saw last night and in the previews for next week, whoever that girl is (friend of Porsha's-?) is looking to get a peach.  


I was kind of shocked and giggled when she took a swig from that "shampoo" bottle, LOL!!!  One of the other ladies, I think, asked the bartender for a glass of water, and he said that they didn't have any {yet}, and all I thought was they must have used all the water to fill up all those product bottles!    LOL

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 1

Having been to parties like this before, the items you see out on display are just that.... display items. Kenya mentioned that people should be trying the product at the hair bar, or whatever she called it. That's where you go to get samples and try it on your own hair. I think Porsha's friend was out of her element. In other words, she must not get out much to product launch parties.

  • Love 3

Having been to parties like this before, the items you see out on display are just that.... display items. Kenya mentioned that people should be trying the product at the hair bar, or whatever she called it. That's where you go to get samples and try it on your own hair. I think Porsha's friend was out of her element. In other words, she must not get out much to product launch parties.


I was wondering if Kenya was concerned that any "product" displayed around the room would have been lifted and put in someone's purse or pocket on their way out the door, so that's why she had faux displays.  (I've never been to a product launch party, so have no frame of reference.)


I also was wondering about this hair care line.  Kenya said she has been working on this for four years, and even though we saw some flashback scenes, I don't recall ever hearing her mention this before.  I could be completely wrong, as I do tend to tune Kenya out most of the time when she is talking about her never-ending lists of her entreprenurial endeavors.  

I think the a/c issue was probably exacerbated by the styling salon they set up. I was waiting for all those blow driers to blow a fuse. Karma is a bitch Kenya and so are you. Was her date the millionaire matchmaker guy she later claimed was a fraud.

Thank you for the mind bump. Phaedra said something like: how nice for Kenya that she met somebody in her dermatologist's office. These women and their delivery though? That's what the hell keeps me from switching from team to team. Shots fired, yes ma'am, bring mother all the shade. Lol!

That house belongs to Cynthia, right? In that she owned it before single-tear Peter came in the picture? If my husband left town, refused to answer my calls, and chose not to speak with me for 10 days, and on top of that, I paid for everything, those locks would have been changed with the quickness. We would have had that conversation on the front stoop. There is no way in hell he would have been up in MY house blaming me, and telling me I don't know how to juggle business and a relationship, when he's out living it up in another city while copping feels on random chicks, because he forgot he had a wife. Get the fuck outta here with that shit!

Girl. Were you on the 7:06am path outta Newark Penn this mornin? I said this exact sentence to my girlfriend in the Monday morning highlight review convo. Except, my number was 3. The beginning, middle and end of the weekend came and went and you haven't checked on your wife and teen aged stepdaughter? And, waymen, AND-uh, when I call, your phone isn't off, but you clean send my ass to voicemail? {{bey stroll}} .....must not know bout me.. must not know bout me....call up that chick and see if she's home.

Kim's husband seems funny and likable. They're a cute couple.

There is no one on this planet that I love enough to sit with them, chatting casually while they get a colonic.

I love their normalcy too. When he praised Him for no babies this evening and did the Walls of Jericho run around the staircase, I giggled, they're cute.

Porsha don't have the sense God gave a billygoat. The track and field event. She notices a child um admiring her. The appropriate thing to have done would've been to wave or go over and say hello, but not our girl. This fool encourages him to enjoy the rumblings of a customized assquake. Even jokingly, responding to kids with sexualization is just not okay. Also, maintaining audio while you have a colonic is also doing more than you might need to to keep your peach.

Marlo, Marlo. Telling the ladies they lost their etiquette. You are truly the personification of Kim aka Regine aka Regina's motto "I am everything I pretend to be." Girl, don't ever change. I see why Nene stayed stealing your style. Girl slays.

Cynthia. Looking gorgeous again and taking no quarter from Peter's fake tears and accusations. No backing down and holding her ground. Welcome back, girl. And how is it it took me until tonight to realize Peter is a dick ... literally?

The juxtaposition of Marlo being basically a proud and paid escort but also an Emily Post advisee? I couldn't do anything but laugh my whole gut off for that. *applause* I could actually see her saying well yes I'm a ho, but I'm quite well behaved.

That lonely pear shaped Denzel-Glory tear? Lol, she looked at him like Chloe about Disneyland

Peter is the worst. Just the literal, actual worst. The way he was manipulating Cynthia and blaming her for the problems in their marriage after he took off for 10 days after showing up drunk to her event because he was feeling uncomfortable with people seeing the video of him being inappropriate with another woman was just disgusting. I had to laugh when he blamed his bad behavior at the glasses event on being so overcome by seeing Cynthia on a spiral staircase. If anyone buys that I've got a bottle of hair care water I want to sell you.

The literal, actual, worst. Peter has no humility, no remorse, no apology in his spirit!! lawd somebody get my tambourine, that right there, dead wrong and na'an ounce of contrition? Nopenopenopenopenopefugginope. HE should be the one begging on bended knee to give her ALL the chances she can muster up while he works on becoming a decent fucking human being and then maybe a 1/2 way decent man and 3/14 decent husband.

Kenya has admitted to wearing weave even before she was on the reunion. Each time she's on WWHL somebody will call in about it and she has said she protects her hair by adding pieces. But judging by the look of her own hair, I'd buy her stuff. Excluding Nene and Kim, I'd say that about all of em.

Edited by cooksdelight
  • Love 18
"I haven't talked to this man in 10 days." Where they do that at? TEN DAYS without speaking to your spouse, and they're not returning your calls? No God, honey. AND he's blaming her for the fact that they're not spending time together when he decided to open a bar in Charlotte? What? He's a terrible husband. You can't get married and carry on as though you're still single. He hasn't made any sacrifices since he and Cynthia got together, and he doesn't seem to appreciate the ones she's made - and she hasn't required him to appreciate her either.

I really like Cynthia and Leon's relationship. They are great co-parents and friends. I also like Kim's relationship with her husband. His little victory lap to celebrate a kid-free night was really funny.



I have never been able to understand why Cynthia married Peter in the first place.  The man isn't good looking, has no money and a bunch of kids by different women.  What could he have to offer Cynthia?


I wish someone would explain to me why Cynthia married that clown.  At least Apollo was attractive and I could see Phaedra thinking, "we could have some good looking kids."  But Peter...ick.


Look I've never been married, but I've had a lot of boyfriends and I NEVER went 10 days without talking to one, except one time when a guy I was seeing was in Cuba on a humanitarian mission, but that was in the 1990's before cell phones.  No excuse today.  His shit would be in the front yard,the locks would be changed and if he started some shit, the cops would be called.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 15

I was wondering if Kenya was concerned that any "product" displayed around the room would have been lifted and put in someone's purse or pocket on their way out the door, so that's why she had faux displays.  (I've never been to a product launch party, so have no frame of reference.)


I also was wondering about this hair care line.  Kenya said she has been working on this for four years, and even though we saw some flashback scenes, I don't recall ever hearing her mention this before.  I could be completely wrong, as I do tend to tune Kenya out most of the time when she is talking about her never-ending lists of her entreprenurial endeavors.  

I hadn't thought about Kenya not wanting people to walk off with her product, but that is exactly what someone tried to do.


I don't recall Kenya talking about working on a hair care line either and couldn't help but wonder if Kenya were copying Porsha, a la that bootie workout video she made soon after Phaedra's.

  • Love 1

Cynthia is 100% over Peter. I just wish she wouldn't waste her time giving the marriage one last chance. She has given several last chances for that marriage already. Surprised it lasted 5 yrs. She's looking like she's back to her gorgeous self this season. I don't know what the heck was going on with her last year, maybe Peter was putting her through more than she wanted to share or admit.


Kenya needs to get over herself. Her party sucked and she was not a gracious hostess, showing up late and then staying outside. Even her date told her she needed to get back inside and mingle. I want to see how far she gets with her new broke down house. That is going to be interesting.  And why can't this attractive woman find a good man? She must really be a nutjob in real life. 


Love Kim Fields husband and the banter between those two. Telling her she has no friends and her laughing about it was funny.


Praise God, no mama Joyce. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 6
Look I've never been married, but I've had a lot of boyfriends and I NEVER went 10 days without talking to one, except one time when a guy I was seeing was in Cuba on a humanitarian mission, but that was in the 1990's before cell phones.  No excuse today.  His shit would be in the front yard,the locks would be changed and if he started some shit, the cops would be called.


I still can't get over the fact that HE was the one out of touch for over a week, and HE'S the one on tape getting all up in another woman's personal space - yet he's accusing Cynthia of checking out. Puh-lease! The only time I went 10 days without speaking to my husband was when he was in Afghanistan and communication was down at his base. What was Peter doing all this time??? He refuses to be accountable for anything. I definitely would have used that time to put his ass out as well. 

  • Love 10

Hot as hell and no water to serve guests? The party guests must have been seeing mirages. I'm calling producer storyline drama with the hotness at the event. The one main voiced fear of Kenya is having an overly hot room. What happens? All her guests are drenched in sweat because of lack of a/c. I see you Andy. 


Porsha's THs this episode were kinda life giving. LOL! Her saying she would support all Kenya's illusions/delusions? LOL!



I disliked Cynthia last season. I am doing a turn around with her this season. She looks wonderful, has a voice that seems real about real problems versus last season's trepidation and phony drama. 


Where the hell has this Cynthia been?!!? I love it but at the same time I am finding it hard to wrap my head around. Cynthia was a shuffling, cow-towing, mealy mouthed mousy mess with Nene up until she found her strength at the very end. You know, the Nene that was the cause of her marital problems. LOL! So it is a bit of a surprise to see her acting so tough and no nonsense with Peter. I love it but at the same time I'm giving it all side eye too. 


I don't even see how you would even begin to give your marriage another go when you have already admitted that you don't love him anymore AND you aren't sexually attracted to him either. If there is no love and you aren't getting your rocks off either WTF is the point? What else is there? Companionship? His ass is in a city miles away, you haven't spoken for 10 days and he has floated the idea of getting an apartment there! Girl, peace this old fool out and pay no attention to those tears of a clown. He just came to the realization that his line of credit is about to be cancelled. Get out why you are still hot and not completely dried up. 


If I was Cynthia is serious about possibly leaving Peter she better get her shit in order. Peter strikes me as THAT BITCH! If he knows the end is neigh he will empty out all bank accounts and act like it was all his money. She better get to changing pin numbers, moving her accounts elsewhere and making sure her good jewelry is in a secure place that Peter ain't got no key to. Trust and believe! 


Phaedra's comment wasn't literally about Kenya's complexion.  She was saying Kenya was so full of shit, her complexion should be the color of shit.  It was a play on words kind of like someone being green with envy.  Their complexion isn't really green, it's just a play on words.  Besides, Phaedra isn't too far off from being the same complexion as Kenya so in my opinion she's far from being a colorist.



I was taken aback by Phaedra's comment. The gist of it seems to be that Kenya is so full of shit that she is 2 shades darker than she ought to be. Maybe she didn't mean it to be colorist and it was just a joke, but I am just not here for it. 



Phaedra's comment wasn't literally about Kenya's complexion.  She was saying Kenya was so full of shit, her complexion should be the color of shit.  It was a play on words kind of like someone being green with envy.  Their complexion isn't really green, it's just a play on words.  Besides, Phaedra isn't too far off from being the same complexion as Kenya so in my opinion she's far from being a colorist.


Yeah but there are no green people. There are black and brown people though. 

I don't think Phaedra's comment had anything to do with Kenya's complexion, nor was she comparing dark skin with shit.  She could have made the same remark about a white person.  She said she was so full of shit her complexion should CHANGE to be two shades darker, ie, the color of shit. 


Yeah, but who ever does? I have never seen nor heard a white person's skin equated with the color of excrement whereas, there is history with black people being seen as dirty or the color of human waste because of skin color. Shitskin is a racial slur which is not used often but it is used enough to be in the urban dictionary. Don't mean to make this all heavy or take it there but what Phaedra said was just ugly to me. 


Flat ironing does Kenya's hair no favors. Not only can it be damaging, it just makes it look limp and thin. It looks so much better with a bit of body and curl in it. Count me in as thinking her pin straight hair doesn't seem like = to her curled hair which seems way, way more thicker.


Kenya's hair is due to genetics. No matter how much I follow her routine, use her products, hell follow her exact same diet I will never had hair like that. I also wonder if she even relaxes her hair. 

  • Love 12

Girl. Were you on the 7:06am path outta Newark Penn this mornin?  I said this exact sentence to my girlfriend in the Monday morning highlight review convo.  Except, my number was 3.  The beginning, middle and end of the weekend came and went and you haven't checked on your wife and teen aged stepdaughter? And, waymen, AND-uh, when I call, your phone isn't off, but you clean send my ass to voicemail?  {{bey stroll}} .....must not know bout me.. must not know bout me....call up that chick and see if she's home.  

Great minds, girl!  Because I had actually said to myself while watching that scene that I would have called the locksmith on day 3 to make an appointment for the end of the day on day 4, just in case that fool came to his senses.  But 10 whole days of nada and then I walk in to see him sitting on my couch, in my house, all smug and shit.  Naw, son!


I hadn't thought about Kenya not wanting people to walk off with her product, but that is exactly what someone tried to do.


I don't recall Kenya talking about working on a hair care line either and couldn't help but wonder if Kenya were copying Porsha, a la that bootie workout video she made soon after Phaedra's.

Kenya never specifically mentioned the hair care line on the show, but had mentioned it in various interviews over the past few years, especially when people asked her about her hair routine.  

  • Love 3

I still can't get over the fact that HE was the one out of touch for over a week, and HE'S the one on tape getting all up in another woman's personal space - yet he's accusing Cynthia of checking out. Puh-lease! The only time I went 10 days without speaking to my husband was when he was in Afghanistan and communication was down at his base. What was Peter doing all this time??? He refuses to be accountable for anything. I definitely would have used that time to put his ass out as well. 


I should have made it clear, that I never went ten days without the BOYFRIEND calling me or us seeing each other, except for the time the guy was in Cuba, in the days before cell phones.  

Edited by Neurochick

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