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S04.E08: Unguarded Moments

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Best moment: JJ as Avery, singing Will's song in the Bluebird. Beautiful yet sad. 


Worst: Maddie talking to Daphne like she's a boyfriend getting dumped because Maddie no longer cares/has no use for her. I wanted to smack Maddie over the head for being such an entitled, unloving brat.  UGH.


Also: Colt is much smarter than Luke gives him credit for.

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Because it cannot be said enough, Shut.Up.Maddie. Do the writers have a hatred of teenagers?

Kind of liked Marcus this week. The world might be ending. I'm sure he'll mess that up soon.

Does anyone else want The Beverly to burst into flames?

Avery continues to rule my world, loved his scenes with Will. And why hasn't anyone told the man that his wife is in rehab?

Edited by dbell1
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Poor Maddie.  Gee a choice between being signed by as a solo artist by Sony - a global conglomerate - or as part of a crappy duo with her younger sister at crappy Highway 65, run by her mom.  I'm glad the show didn't she that liked that at all.


Speaking of other things I liked:  Marcus's song, Colt's refusal to accept his father's spineless behavior.


Things I didn't like (a very partial list):  Caleb constantly apologizing.  Sorry, I do think a doctor's work is more important than a singer's.  Gunnar and Erin.  Deacon and "the Beverly."

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Oh, no!  I was relieved to take a break from the Juliette craziness, but this stuff with Maddie is not a good replacement at all.  Even though I understand her anger towards Rayna (even though I see where Rayna is coming from too), the way she is treating Daphne is awful.  Maddie really seems to think she is above her now, and not only is stealing her phone, but acting like Daphne's the brat when she comes for it.  And, of course, she's pissed over being assigned to Highway 65 and being paired, because she clearly thinks she's the next Juliette (to be fair, I do think Rayna was way too obvious about what she really wants here.)  Which means I really hope they do spilt-up, but somehow Daphne becomes the next big thing.  Team Daphne!


Avery being stuck with jingles currently is both hilarious and sad.  His stuff with Will was great.  I'm already enjoying this pairing and hope we get more of it.  And I guess the stuff with him remembering Juliette was a nice way to keep her on screen, while Hayden was currently dealing with her own real-life issues.


Kind of surprised Gunnar actually did rightfully chew Erin out for the screw up.  Of course, it ends with them back together again, but that's progress for him.  Meanwhile, we get another fucking scene where Caleb gets all snippy with Scarlett, and has to apologize for it.  This relationship is dead.  They just don't know it yet.  It's like a zombie or something.  Just give it a head shot and call it a day, guys.


Only thing stupider about this whole "The Beverly" thing is Deacon seeing Markus's text and I guess assuming the worse.  You really think something is going on there, Deacon?  Even if Markus really wants more, whatever issues I have with Rayna, I don't see her cheating on you after everything that has gone down between the two of y'all.


Rayna briefly mentioning her dad again amused me, since Powers Boothe is back on ABC in Agents of Shield now.  Nashville wasn't big enough for Lamar: he's all about dominating the world now!

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Can we please just have the Avery & Will show and forget all the other characters.


I think someone had mentioned in an earlier thread that Will could become part of a group....him, Avery, Scarlett & Gunnar.  They could forget the Ex's and get a new name.  Will would blend into the group and his orientation wouldn't be as big a deal to the country music world.  Either that, or he could become the top songwriter in Nashville.  But I think the group thing is a better idea because he wants to be onstage.


Isn't Nashville up for cancellation after this season is over?  I think it's at least on the bubble. That would be sad, but if so, I hope we get a conclusion to these story lines before it ends.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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Maddie, I thought you wanted to record music.  Here's your chance to do that.  Oh?  You want to be famous all by yourself, like Juliette?  A recording contract handed to you on a silver platter by your mother is not good enough because she'd have control over you?  Life is so hard, y'all!


Loved Avery and Will in this episode.  And I liked Scarlett and Gunnar's song. 

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Damn. Connie's hair was in gorgeous, shimmering form tonight.

Maddie is awful, and I'm tired of her crap. It's boring and she's a cliche. She's become such a fame whore. Too bad she can't go live with Luke. Maybe he and Rayna can swap kids. Also, it's hair, Rayna. Good lord. It did make me laugh when Maddie said Rayna was trying to keep her from doing the things she loves, though. I immediately thought of Colt.

Rayna and Deacon were great and smoking hot, and the fact that he didn't assume he should follow her into the shower was like...swoon-worthy. But this Markus nonsense is so stupid. Rayna spent what...fourteen years not having an affair with Deacon. Why the hell would anyone think she'd turn cheater now? Oh, right, because this show is ridiculous.

Also, Markus is gross. At least Liam and his sexy scarves were, you know, sexy.

Also, I kind of like Erin.

Love Will and Avery.

Edited by madam magpie
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So agree. Markus is a boy; Deacon is a man.


Why the show is even hinting that Rayna or would be interested or there would be some sort of temptation is a joke. And agree-- Markus isn't remotely sexy- is he supposed to be for the show and there is this Rayna/Markus connection or is the show trying to tell us that he is an immature ass and they know it? Maybe reading more into it, but thought the scene where Rayna was listening to him was telling. Was not at all convinced she thought he was that great- or maybe she was just distracted? THought Connie Britton's portrayal was interesting there.


Loved Avery and Will but then love all things Avery (especially) and Will. Please show- give us more of them and less of Luke and bratty Maddie and the alleged Scarlett/Gunnar/Caleb/Erin "quadrangle:".


Avery's song was one of the better ones this year. Beautifully sung and acted.





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I mean, I guess, to be fair, she's the one who pulled her hand away and said she needed to go home, and I think the idea is that Deacon has been bailing on her emotionally since the surgery. But still!! There's just no way that even Deacon should be actually worried about her and Markus, and she better shoot Markus down something fierce next week. I hope it's not some wimpy woman bullshit where Rayna just doesn't know what to do.

Edited by madam magpie
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Maddie, I thought you wanted to record music.  Here's your chance to do that.

Not really though, I actually think she's a brat 97% of the time but this episode Rayna and Deacon came off clueless. Deacon's having family meetings saying how they have to deal with things together minutes after telling Rayna he doesn't know why Maddie's angry at him? Does he have no memories of how he behaved with Maddie post-Beverly death? Or has he white washed that away like he has with how awful Beverly actually was? Maddie saw real Deacon and not the fantasy she had of him.


Rayna's also going to force her 16 year old daughter to be apart of a duo with a child all just to throw Maddie a bone when clearly Maddie doesn't want to be part of a country child sister duo?  Taylor Swift released her debut album at 16. She had an RCA deal at 14 and left that deal for another one. I think Maddie at 16 having to beg to record is silly. Wanting to sign and make an album at her age isn't outlandish.


Markus seems like a Liam redo. I have no interest in seeing another triangle around her.

Edited by Artsda
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Dammit Avery, you made me cry.  Will and Avery 4-EVA! 


Shut up, Maddie.  I hate The Beverly.  And I want Luke to dump that woman and concentrate on being a dad. 


Markus/Rayna?  That'll be a no....no for me.   

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This show was so boring without Juliette... I just love Hayden as an actress, and without her, there was a lot missing.


I do love Avery though.. I think Jonathan and Hayden are the best actors on the show. 


I'm pretty sure I fast forwarded through 45% of the show tonight. With focus on all these b characters (Luke's love interest who's name I can't even remember), and the horrible, unimaginative writing that's going on, cancellation seems like a foregone conclusion. I even missed Layla this episode. Layla! I don't even like Layla. I just can't understand how the writers can create such contrived, boring, cliche stories.... UNLESS their hands are tied and the stories are being dictated by focus groups and the production team.


Anyway... hated Gunnar's hair. Hate with a thousand suns the name "The Beverly." Why do they keep trying to make that happen? It makes me cringe.


Maddie is pretty much a caricature. I'm worried about poor Daphne. Markus (wow, I can't believe I remembered his name) is so boring and predictable. Can't wait until he decides to go back to California.

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Maddie, please go away. I hope your record becomes a big success & you go on tour & we never hear from you again. If I want to watch a show about teenagers, I'll turn on MTV.

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I don’t care about their damn lame storyline because Jesus Christ are Clare and Sam amazing together. For some reason cutting her hair gave them a different vibe on-stage as well and she looked even better than last episode. It honestly feels like they’re getting along better too - again, discounting the dumb storyline. They just seem way more relaxed and that song was stellar.


But I mean… for heaven’s sake… can’t we please get a single performance from them without a jealous significant other watching offstage? It’s getting so old it’s starting to drive me nuts. Imagine how great those performances would be without that cringe-inducing crap?


Also, halleluia! An entire episode without Layla!

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Caleb needs to STFU and have a seat. Oh boo hoo, it's so hard to find a time to talk to your girlfriend. Guess what, buddy? You're not the first person who's had a long distance relationship so quit whining about how your girlfriend can't make time to talk to you when you call her but you don't want to make the time to talk to her when she calls you. Why is it so hard to say, "Hey, let's find a time when were both available to talk, preferably when we aren't both in the middle of work"? Right after college, one of my friends lived in a different time zone and worked third shift so our schedules were almost completely incompatible. We had to schedule times to call each other but it wasn't a huge deal. I would call him on his lunch hour or sometimes I would take my lunch early so that I could call him before he left for work. If you really want to talk to someone, you make it work. It's not rocket science.


Awwwww, I love Avery and Will's friendship. They are so supportive of each other.


I love that despite Scarlett and Gunnar being at a rocky point in their relationship, they still look like they're having a great time performing together. What I loved about Gunnar yelling at his girlfriend was that it wasn't just "You screwed up!" He used to work the sound board so he knew what she did wrong. After the way he told Scarlett to lay off Erin earlier, I thought he was going to ignore what happened at the show so it's nice to know that he put his professional relationship with her first and reprimanded her for making a pretty big mistake.


I totally understand Rayna being protective of Maddie and not wanting her to sign a record contract at such a young age because she's seen what the industry can do to people. But I am firmly on Maddie's side about her hair. She's allowed to do whatever she wants with her hair, whether that's dyeing it purple or shaving it off.


Deacon can shut it with his pity party and his "I can't do anything right these days." No, you shouldn't be taking a sledgehammer to a wall if you don't know enough to recognize when you're whacking at a cross beam.


I know he is still getting used to being her full time dad (which is different from fun dad who lives somewhere else and gives her guitar lessons), but I was annoyed when he said he couldn't help Rayna with the "Maddie was offered a record contract at Sony" problem because Maddie won't talk to him these days. That's what happens when you aren't the fun weekend dad anymore. Sometimes your kids get mad at you and act snotty and won't talk to you. That doesn't mean you get to retreat and wait for them to come to you. You still have to act like a parent, even if it means knowing that your kid isn't all smiles and hugs. He was so busy obsessing about the new bar that he was foisting the decision making onto Rayna which was turning her into the bad guy with Maddie.


I thought it was hliarious that in the first scene, Colt barely looked up from his phone when Luke was trying to talk to him but in a later scene, Colt was polite enough to mute the sound on the hockey game when Luke came in to talk to him. On a related note, I haaaaaaate Luke's interactions with Gabrielle. He is way too pushy with her. She is right to want to keep things professional with him.


Yay for a return to the Bluebird set! I don't what excuses they make up for the various characters to perform there (open mic night, birthday party, scheduled performance, etc) so we can hear some songs.

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Honest to God I don't understand the complaining in all the threads about Sam's hair. He's got a bloody rockabilly haircut. That's all. Shocker, an actor willing to look the part. It suits the character.

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"He was so busy obsessing about the new bar that he was foisting the decision making onto Rayna which was turning her into the bad guy with Maddie."

I think Frankie was right here. He's not obsessing over the bar, he's using it as an escape. Rayna's not at home, the girls clearly don't want him there, he missed Maddie changing her hair, I'm sure he's frustrated. He was taking that frustration out on the wall and trying to get away from home for a while.

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While I get WHY Rayna included Daphne, I don't think she should've.

As much as it hurts Daphne (especially since she is feeling like such an outsider) I agree with Maddie that they're just completely different with different wants/needs right now. They really are in different places and that's not really shocking given one being 11/12 and the other being 16.

I don't think tethering Maddie to Daphne musically so they can continue to sing cute kid songs with xylophones and accordions is the way to go.

That said, I do completely agree with Rayna's decision to sign Maddie to her own label instead of passing her onto another one. She can control the environment and maybe, possibly, Maddie won't end up in rehab or shaving her head and smashing windshields with an umbrella later on because she was leeched on by a completely sick environment. Yes, there's Taylor Swift to compare her to, but there's also Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears. And, of course, Juliette Barnes.

I think the Markus stuff is completely stupid and obviously being planted to cause friction but I'm not worried in the slightest that anything real comes from it, whether it is Rayna cheating or any sort of long term problems. It's just some dumb nonsense.

I wasn't expecting the post-sexy times eye rolling and gasping and bicep pillow talk, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was slightly reminiscent of the hot chemistry of s1 and less like the cheesy elevator music, fire burning on a rug lovemaking we've been fed in later seasons.

I even enjoyed Scarlett and Gunnar.

Call me the odd man out, but this was my favorite episode of the season.

ETA: I also agree Deacon isn't so much obsessing over the bar so much as he's just trying to stay away from home, and with Rayna staying at the studio until dawn and the girls treating him like utter garbage when he does try to reach out, I can't say I blame him.

As far as him "accepting responsibility" for how he acted towards Maddie when Beverly died, I don't think he did anything out of character. He knew he was going to snap. He knew he couldn't handle it so he left and he has no idea Maddie saw him.

If she would tell someone instead of just treating everyone like trash, I'm certain he would handle it to the best of his ability and make it right and perhaps even try to make changes in himself.

But she won't. She'd rather just be a brat.

Edited by airwair
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The thing that saved this for me was honestly the S/G interaction and the absence of Layla, and it's not just because I've been a huge S/G shipper since the show premiered.


It's because, well, Juliette and Avery are totally destroyed. Layla and Jeff were a mess and now they'll canonize him. Luke's affair with Danielle is the most boring crap ever, Colt is a sleeping pill and Maddie acts like a total idiot. Deacon and Rayna have been the only glimmer of hope for a long time.


But Scarlett and Gunnar have been ruined for such a long time and they are so good performers with so much charisma between them it's such a waste of talent. The excuses they've employed in order to keep them apart have entered into the realm of the surreal with both of them repeatedly going out of character and/or making the most boneheaded decisions possible, and it came to the point where it hurt me to watch them interact apart from their occasional songs.


Now, they're getting rid of that, and finally we see how awesome they can be together and how well they work. This isn't little insecure Scarlett from season one anymore. Clare sells her role with a lot more confidence and, well, they're finally looking like mature people. I like that. I don't care that this change comes out of nowhere because I'm not going to make impossible demands on the screenwriters. We all know they're monkeys with a typewriter. But this is the endgame and they are finally resigned to do what the show should have done long ago. They're eliminating the toxicity. They have both people acting relatively sane. They are actually working out as friends, which hasn't been the case at any time in the show's history. It will be possible to build a relationship on this.


It's just such a relief.

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Markus seems like a Liam redo. I have no interest in seeing another triangle around her.

Marcass is so not in Liam League (with his Scarf of Sexy).


I'm finding it completely unbelievable that Rayna and Deacon have been working together all these years and Marcass is who Deacon thinks has a shot with Rayna?  Just Connie's Cheveux par Excellence would be reason enough to fall in love with her.


I'm ancient so girls were generally not allowed to dye or perm their hair until they graduated from high school.  But Maddie's new do seemed to be closer to Mommy's hair - at least when she had it down and a bit curled.  Not exactly the way to step away from dear old Mum.


Geez...Scarlett was thisclose to having more on-stage convulsions. 


I half expected to see Layla behind Will's closed bedroom door.

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I think the Markus stuff is completely stupid and obviously being planted to cause friction but I'm not worried in the slightest that anything real comes from it, whether it is Rayna cheating or any sort of long term problems. It's just some dumb nonsense.

It better last about five minutes and be a symptom of something else real...like Deacon feels they should get married now or he's got residual resentment about Luke and Teddy or he's feeling sad because he wants to be the one writing and producing songs with her. And I really hope Rayna's initial reaction is to laugh out loud because it's just crazy. Who cares if Markus is into her? Who cares if he wants to sleep with her? My guess is that lots of people would like to sleep with Rayna. (Hell, I'm a straight girl, and when her hair tumbles and shines like that, I'd sort of like to sleep with Rayna.) The only thing that should matter to Deacon is that she doesn't want to sleep with Markus. With that obvious fact established, he needs to shut up so she can do her job. Rayna can make her own decisions.

I also hope she acknowledges that Markus is a spoiled tool. I don't like thinking that she may actually like him as a person. Rayna should be more savvy than that.

Edited by madam magpie
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What did the text from Marcus say?  I was not close enough to the TV to read it.

Markus wrote:  "Hope our talk tonight helped"  I thought it was Deacon's phone at first!


I half expected to see Layla behind Will's closed bedroom door.

I completely thought Layla was in the room, not for sex, but to hide out, and that would be a big reveal at the end of the episode. 

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It better last about five minutes and be a symptom of something else real...like Deacon feels they should get married now or he's got residual resentment about Luke and Teddy or he's feeling sad because he wants to be the one writing and producing songs with her. And I really hope Rayna's initial reaction is to laugh out loud because it's just crazy. Who cares if Markus is into her? Who cares if he wants to sleep with her? My guess is that lots of people would like to sleep with Rayna. (Hell, I'm a straight girl, and when her hair tumbles and shines like that, I'd sort of like to sleep with Rayna.) The only thing that should matter to Deacon is that she doesn't want to sleep with Markus. With that obvious fact established, he needs to shut up so she can do her job. Rayna can make her own decisions.

I also hope she acknowledges that Markus is a spoiled tool. I don't like thinking that she may actually like him as a person. Rayna should be more savvy than that.

I vaguely remember an episode of FNL where Glen kissed Tami and she told Eric about it.

Obviously Glen was harmless and Tami wasn't going to fall madly in love with him and run away, but Eric was still pissed to the best of my recollection and they still went on to be one of the most revered and successful TV couples.

It's how guys operate. They're jealous and territorial and I don't necessarily agree that he needs to "shut up and let her do her job."

Is she going to even entertain the thought of Markus? Absolutely not. But as a woman in control and in charge of his project she should have the gall to say "you're being unprofessional, let's just work" if he starts to act all frisky, which I anticipate he will. He's too cocky not to.

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I vaguely remember an episode of FNL where Glen kissed Tami and she told Eric about it.


She forgot to tell Eric about Glen kissing her. Instead, he found out when Glen said something like, "Thanks for being such a stand-up guy. Sorry I kissed your wife." And Eric was not mad at Tami about it, not even in the slightest. He teased her about it and they laughed it off because duh! Obviously she had no interest in Glen, even though OF COURSE Glen was crushing on her. Eric got upset another time when Tami and Glen were laughing together over cheeseburgers in her office, and then it came out that really he was feeling sad because he missed her and wanted to be the one to have fun with her. That's how normal people behave when there's absolutely no outside threat to their relationship. Crazy jealous man who doesn't trust his wife/girlfriend is a TV cliche. Many men are actually capable, in real life, of recognizing that the women have a say in whether or not the affair happens.


I can see Deacon being jealous that Rayna is spending all this time making an album with Markus. They did that together for so long and it laid the foundation for their relationship and they haven't worked together in ages. I'd imagine that would feel very strange and would be tough to take/watch, especially since the implication has always been that many of those songwriting sessions ended up with them naked somewhere. But will this show give us such healthy self-awareness? Sure, they did OK last night, but I'm not going to hold my breath.

Edited by madam magpie
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My head would explode if Kyle Chandler showed up in Nashville and the Decon-Rayna-Eric Taylor triangle ensued.


Will's from Texas - Kyle Chandler could be his never before mentioned Uncle Eric.


That would be awesome, and I think I'd be Team Coach. (Sorry, Deacon.)


I feel like, besides thinking "lawdy, my hair is fit for a glowing goddess," Connie Britton must spend a lot of time thinking, "Holy shit. We did this storyline so much better on Friday Night Lights."

Edited by madam magpie
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I liked Will/Avery song, but could have done without the "beverlyizing" of Juliette. Of course Avery remembers Juliette holding the baby that one time and the wedding, but not the horrible mother and raging drunk bitch she became.

Speaking of horrible, Maddie. 'nuff said.

Add Luke's whatever she is. Every time she says the word "brand" I want to punch her in the mouth.


OK, the good stuff. Will and Avery's friendship - and dare we hope, musical duo?

Gunnar and Scarlet on stage. Awesome. Gunnar yelling at his girlfriend- priceless.

Deacon and Rayna all lovey. I don't think Deacon got an affair vibe from the text, just that he knew he screwed up by blowing Rayna off all day when she wanted to talk, and realized she got advice from someone else because he was being a tool all day.

Edited by Julie23
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Whoa. When did Scarlett go from being a timid girl in frumpy dresses who freaked out when she had to sing live ,to a flirty performer in skimpy clothing?  Did I miss the episode where she had a personality transplant?

Yeah, uhm, Scarlett has always had that in her. You can go back and watch her performing with Avery's band, or performing "One works better" with Gunnar, or performing on her solo tour before going psychotic. She's always been pendling between super-flirty and "le sweet et innocent" on-stage. It's nothing new at all.

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RE: Scarlett's outfits

She's typically worn something very mildly provocative paired with something more bohemian (or baglike since CB is quite petite and easily overwhelmed by too much material).  Plus, she had that long hair covering up a fair amount of her.

Last night she had on that top with its strange cutaways/straps plus a shorty spangly skirt.  Granted with the pixie, she no longer has hair flopping over her tops.



I feel like, besides thinking "lawdy, my hair is fit for a glowing goddess," Connie Britton must spend a lot of time thinking, "Holy shit. We did this storyline so much better on Friday Night Lights."

True to both.  I wouldn't be able to pull myself away from a mirror if I had Connie's hair.

Edited by DeLurker
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RE: Scarlett's outfits

She's typically worn something very mildly provocative paired with something more bohemian (or baglike since CB is quite petite and easily overwhelmed by too much material).  Plus, she had that long hair covering up a fair amount of her.

Last night she had on that top with its strange cutaways/straps plus a shorty spangly skirt.  Granted with the pixie, she no longer has hair flopping over her tops.

Yeah, the haircut really brought out the sexy in her as opposed to the cute. I kinda like it.


And she's absurdly shortstack. She's 5'2". She's wearing long heels and still she barely reaches Sam's chin, hah.

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Somehow Will became the most consistent and well-written character on the entire show.  I'm riveted by his journey and rooting for him to win even more than Juliette.  Chris Carmack (from my hometown!!!) has been terrific at showing Will's pain and self-loathing, but also his yearning for love and connection and acceptance.  Um, wow?  Who knew Luke from "The O.C." had it in him.


Sidenote: it also took me three tries to write the above paragraph because with Will Chase, Will Lexington, Luke Wheeler, and Luke from "The O.C.," I have a lot of trouble sorting out who's who.


Luke Wheeler is a horrible father and Gabrielle's an embarrassment for telling him he's a good man.  Colt doesn't need therapy because he saw Jeff die - he needs a third party to mediate his very valid issues with his dad.  It's not even just about trust, but about human decency - a man died and Luke is willing to let it be ruled a suicide to protect his "brand".  It's more than a legal issue - it's about character too.


I feel like, besides thinking "lawdy, my hair is fit for a glowing goddess," Connie Britton must spend a lot of time thinking, "Holy shit. We did this storyline so much better on Friday Night Lights."


I know this comment is in response to the potential Deacon/Rayna/Markus triangle, but it also applies soooooo well to Maddie.  Does Connie Britton have a clause in her contracts that she must always parent painfully accurate, rage inducing teenage daughters?  At least Julie had Tami's fire to temper her somewhat - Rayna's somnolent approach to parenting isn't doing Maddie any favors.  


However, Rayna's very TamiTayloresque response to Deacon being all, "I don't know what to do about Maddie!!!" was awesome.  Parenting is hard, Deacon, and there aren't always easy or obvious answers, but you don't get to ignore it.  Go Rayna for standing her ground.


I'm hoping that rather than a love triangle, Rayna's friendship with Markus makes Deacon get his head out of his ass, stop projecting his guilt into canonizing Beverly, and becomes an active part of their relationship again.  I don't see her being even tempted to stray from Deacon, but glom onto anyone willing to provide emotional support. 


And finally, the less said about "The Beverly," the better.  

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So much in this episode!  First, Markus had a personality transplant since last week.  He went from being the spoiled schizo-rocker to being the talented, hard working, sensitive and supportive BFF.  Ba-baam!  Maddie went blonde, but who really cares?  Colt went withdrawn so hard he needed four therapists (or maybe just a dad who valued him more than his "brand").  UGH.  Luke thinks honesty about his "relaaaaationship" should be enough to fix the problem.  Clueless.  Avery's a hardworking single dad with a broken heart who can sing the shit out of a tender song.  Will's a talented songwriter with a broken heart who wrote said tender song.  Gunnar and Scarlett should go unplugged way more often and leave their personal lives out of their careers.  All. Of. The. Time.  Deacon needs to learn that no bar will assuage his sister-guilt, no matter what he names it and Rayna needs to learn that saddling a 16-year old with her baby sister just ain't gonna fix the problem.  But tune in in two weeks to see more of Dysfunction:  Nashville Edition!

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Well, Luke still sucks, but I give him snaps for at least trying to get someone on this show into therapy.  They all need it, especially Deacon, but they're all, "no, no, I don't need therapy, no just fine, I'm just fine."  Until they try to step off a roof or bring down the roof of some bar, of course.

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Rayna should have turned to this 'sign the girls up to my own label' idea way back when we all first thought of it, because of COURSE now Maddie is too 'mature' to continue on in their adorable duo.


Connie's hair did look even more fabulous than usual. I was seriously getting distracted as I was watching.


I enjoyed all of the songs this episode. I always enjoy the show more when we get a bunch of new material - more time spent on songs and less on boring Caleb and boring Brand Lady. And way less time on Maddie being horrible beeyotch to her little sister.

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I know this comment is in response to the potential Deacon/Rayna/Markus triangle, but it also applies soooooo well to Maddie. Does Connie Britton have a clause in her contracts that she must always parent painfully accurate, rage inducing teenage daughters? At least Julie had Tami's fire to temper her somewhat - Rayna's somnolent approach to parenting isn't doing Maddie any favors.

Oh most definitely. Bratty Julie Taylor was insufferable a lot of the time, but she wasn't a one-note asshole, and even though I found it hard to believe that people as awesome as Coach and Tami would raise such a spoiled jerk, I did mostly believe her behavior. Everyone can get a dud, right? But Maddie is just nasty and mean, and she doesn't seem to care at all anymore who gets in her way. Mom, Dad, other Dad, little sis...whatever. God forbid Colt (in a moment of truth telling) or Juliette ever calls her out.

I mostly agree with Rayna's parenting style, but I think Maddie is being so mean right now that she deserves a much firmer hand. Plus, Rayna could take lessons from Tami and actually talk to her kid. Why tell only Markus about her experience?? Maddie is the one who needs to hear that. It's no wonder the girl lacks compassion. Her own mother doesn't seem to expect it of her.

Edited by madam magpie
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Plus, Rayna could take lessons from Tami and actually talk to her kid. Why tell only Markus about her experience?? Maddie is the one who needs to hear that. It's no wonder the girl lacks compassion. Her own mother doesn't seem to expect it of her.


I think Rayna is trying to protect Maddie from even knowing about all the bad things that can happen and those that she experienced, but she really should spell it out for her in detail.  And then she should point to Juliette and her drug and alcohol fueled escapades and multiple failed marriages, as well as to Scarlett and her nervous breakdown, and then to Layla and her suicide attempt.  Tell the girl what you're trying to protect her from, for Pete's sake.  She's old enough to understand, or at least try to.

Edited by izabella
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