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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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You know I am Team Thomas all day but I am annoyed with him.   Hope has given him so many chances over the years when he has done some seriously fucked up s**t.  She has stood by him all this time through their NSA --> situationship--> relationship/dating when everyone and their damn DAWG have been telling her to leave him, that he is dangerous, that he will hurt her, that he will revert, she is rebelling, she's too good for him yada yada yada ...  She stood by him when he admitted to what happened the night of Emma's accident. 

She has gotten hit heavy from all sides (Finn/Lame-o/Brooke/Steffy) in regards to her relationship with Thomas.  Honestly for her it's been an uphill battle

She has stood up to Steffy, Brooke and Lame-o defending their right to be together. 

Yet when she is FINALLY in a place where she is happy, loved and feels secure (even Brooke was backing off) he proposes AGAIN when she has asked repeatedly for more time and runs away because he just can't understand she's not ready. I mean he waited 13 years for the ILY - whats another yr or two for a commitment.

Methinks, Thomas owes Hope a bit of grace - she isn't ready, she isn't even divorced a year yet...

Honestly Thomas - you shoud've just sat there and ate your food ..

Rant aside my #Thope heart is breaking....😢😭

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For the love of God, Luna, just buy yourself a 23andMe kit already.  And I hope that, if Poppy does turn around and tell Bill, "well, actually, it was you," that he is smart enough to get a DNA test instead of letting his paternal infatuation with Luna override his common sense. 

How Steffy and Liam can sit there with straight faces, knowing how easily Hope forgave them for banging and WTD, The Sequel, and act like Hope kissing Thomas was the worst most unforgiveable, marriage killing thing to have ever happened to the Lope marriage... Fucking sanctimonious hypocrites. 

Oh, look, Thomas stormed out in anger when he didn't get his way. And his talk with Steffy was borderline incel, a la, "I put in the time and work, she owes me what I want." Dude, Hope told you, over and over and over, not to pressure her on the engagement issue, and that she would let you know when she was ready. Your disappointment is all on you, because you decided that she has to be ready now, and she didn't go along with that plan. You still don't see and value her as her own independent woman, you see her as an object you want to possess, and since you've gone x days without a psycho episode, she should just fall in line with the plan. She took a big step by telling him she loves him, and instead of realizing that she was taking a step forward with him, he just focused on how mad he is that it wasn't the big leap he's demanding. 

And, Steffy?  If you want your psycho brother to be in a good mental space, maybe don't keep harping on how you think Hope has done him wrong. Maybe instead, you should see how upset he is over being denied and suggest he speak with his therapist (and, dear God, not your mother). 

Hope is a fool if she puts that ring back around her neck. Clearly he is getting the wrong message from that, so she needs to tell him to take it back completely. 

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13 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

You still don't see and value her as her own independent woman, you see her as an object you want to possess, and since you've gone x days without a psycho episode, she should just fall in line with the plan. She took a big step by telling him she loves him, and instead of realizing that she was taking a step forward with him, he just focused on how mad he is that it wasn't the big leap he's demanding. 

All of this. @bluvelvet hit all the correct points that this has not being an easy thing for Hope to do and anyone else would see the big picture. Hell, in any other quarter-way competent soap opera, she'd be facing a custody battle and/or having fights with Beth, as she's about the same age or older than Aly was when she made her thoughts on the Thaylor nuptials abundantly clear. Hope didn't reject him--she rejected marriage for entirely understandable reasons, not all of which had to even do with their history.

13 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And, Steffy?  If you want your psycho brother to be in a good mental space, maybe don't keep harping on how you think Hope has done him wrong.

Hey, speaking of long term secrets being kept, I guess short of Courtney Hope returning to B&B and/or Caroline returning from the dead, I guess no one will ever let let Thomas know how Steffy ruined his relationship with Sally?

She could've sat back and ate her food and none of us would be here if she had.

13 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

How Steffy and Liam can sit there with straight faces, knowing how easily Hope forgave them for banging and WTD, The Sequel, and act like Hope kissing Thomas was the worst most unforgiveable, marriage killing thing to have ever happened to the Lope marriage... Fucking sanctimonious hypocrites. 

It can never be said often enough how Hope should've been done with him at so many points in their relationship, of which the WTD thing being the most recent of those waypoints.

I feel like enough time has passed to bring Oliver back and let them have a true shot with one another.

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12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I feel like enough time has passed to bring Oliver back and let them have a true shot with one another.

I always felt the actor that played Oliver had such potential.  He had great chemistry with Whip.

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21 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

In hindsight, the Oliver actor seems wooden and stiff, but eh, he's young  and was no better or worse than Ronn Moss himself was at that age.

No wonder Brooke was so confused. 

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Which decade are these writers stuck in? Why is Thomas so hell-bent on getting married? He is delusional, obsessive, and controlling. Why can't he listen to Hope and respect her need to not immediately jump into another marriage? Do we even know if Lope is officially divorced yet? 

What makes it even worse is that so-called "modern, liberated, strong" woman Steffy is pushing for pretty much the same thing. 100% commitment from Hope or nothing. No wonder Thomas is so deranged and confused.

I give Ridge a slight pass on his attitude just because he's such a stupid, arrogant a**. But really, he is too young to have that type of reaction, pushing for Thomas and Hope to seal the deal. (Meaning that he is younger than the generations that were on the "let's get married" bandwagon.)

Edited by CharlizeCat
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*ack* *ack*..

That’s the sound of me choking on my lunch with Steffy telling Thomas that he is in a toxic relationship **cough**.  **cough**
How many YEARS - re STEAM 

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It's refreshing to have a character not jump straight into marriage on B&B, and Hope isn't being unreasonable here. That award goes to Thomas.

DUDE. What century do you exist in? Why do you have to get ~married~ so bad like it's the cure to some cancer? Girl told you she loved you but wasn't ready to get married yet. Hold your unicorns, Thomas! Hope's been so busy riding you she's been willing, maybe for the first time in her life, to exist in the now. Let her.

Also, what's worse for US, viewers, is that your actions resulted in us getting ANOTHER EPISODE OF HOPE CRYING dear lord WHY. Thanks, Thomas! Thanks a lot.

When is this show going to learn viewers don't build sympathy to a crying Hope? I don't dislike Hope—she's one of those characters particularly easy to not have deep feelings for—but this episode gave me war flashbacks to the years the show tried selling us on how ~*~good~*~ she was an how, whenever she was ~hurt~, she'd cry. And cry. Hope, you're totally allowed an emotional reaction but please go back to the more mature version of you that's easier to stomach.

This has to be the first time ever Brooke was sympathetic with someone who didn't want to get married where one party wasn't someone she banged.

So now they have Liam and Carter sharing a scene because they want Liam around and be present and voice genuine concern for Steffy and Hope BUT he's running out of scene partners LOL please give him plot pronto.

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I have to give Kudos to AN, she’s really a strong actress. I felt those tears today and I felt for her today.  She sold me on Hope’s distraught over the situation.  She’s good … really really good. 

I agree, this is probably one of the most realistic portrayals of someone post divorce not wanting to leap into another marriage too quickly. 

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I can't help but think that Hope's very emotional reaction also means she knows Thomas is now very likely to do something harmful. And it will probably involve her children because Thomas knows they are a solid bargaining chip.


I haven't posted in a while because this show has become infuriating. You all have hit all the reasons why. Maybe we could get Eric and Donna travelling the world, soaking up new fashion ideas or adopting older shelter pets or something.  Maybe Wyatt can summon his brother to go visit him. Can Luna have a cool bestie in San Fran that can come visit and catch Zende's eye? Just some positive fun side story that does NOT INVOLVE CHARLIE.

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37 minutes ago, smartyshorts said:

I can't help but think that Hope's very emotional reaction also means she knows Thomas is now very likely to do something harmful.

He tried to kidnap/ force her into marriage once.  Hope has to remember. that. He gaslighted and threatened Douglas to make a marriage happen. Hope has to remember that.

He was going to drug her to make the marriage happen (she doesn't know that). He was obsessed and angry -- just like he is now. Hope knows that.

I think the odds are very very good Lurch is going to kidnap/ try to force her into marriage -- all disguised as whisking her off to a fantasy surprise wedding.

Question is who will figure it out and rescue her this time -- Liam or Finn?

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Mr Hyde is still the delusional obsessed POS he’s has always been. 

Stuffy you are absolute wrong. Hope never let Mr Hyde down all the times she played hide the salami with him. Hope never led Mr Hyde on for the same reason.  If Hope was leading Mr Hyde on she would only allow him to sniff the goods and not allow him to eat at the Y.  In addition, Hope was honest with Mr Hyde from the get go and it was Mr Hyde’s obsession making it more than what Hope wanted. So in essence he was leading himself on.  Hope, please don’t be coerced into accepting Mr Hyde’s proposal. And Stuffy, STFU. You are sounding like Li in telling other people what to do. 

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1 hour ago, La di Diva said:

Question is who will figure it out and rescue her this time -- Liam or Finn?

I'm assuming Finn. That has to be the reason for the scenes of him being so concerned about her safety around Thomas. 

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Thomas is right you should have given her more time. What's with this show needing people to propose after dating a week?

Steffy tough love was horrible way to support your upset brother. Thomas needs Ridge today. 

Steffy saying anything about pride, dignity and toxic relationship is such a joke. Lol 

Hope seems really really upset if she doesn't want a future with him or love him.  

Where did the photo in the frame of Thomas and Hope come from in the office. 

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That's some revisionist history by Thomas there. "She could have rejected me outright and not taken the ring, but she's been wearing it around her neck."  Um, yeah, because you pushed that on her. You insisted she wear it around her neck until she was ready. 

And I was just cracking up at Steffy going on and on to Thomas about how awful Hope has been to him. Yeah, let's rewind the tape on that one, shall we?  Yeah, sure, Thomas took the driver's seat on the lie that Hope's daughter was dead. Sure, he abused and manipulated their son on more than one occasion. Sure, he was going to drug her to rape her. Sure, he was going to kidnap her when he realized that the truth about Beth was coming out. Sure, he framed her mother for a CPS call about their son and then tried to force their son to support that lie. But what is all of that (and more I'm leaving out) in the face of Hope being direct, honest, and consistent about the fact that she is not ready to commit to a new marriage five minutes after divorcing Liam?  What a fucking monster she is. 

You all know I've never been into Thope, but seriously, Hope, look at him acting like a petulant child whose parents told him they aren't going to McDonalds today, but maybe later in the week. The very first time something in this relationship didn't go his way, he stormed out angry and sat there and listened to his sister reading you for filth. We all know Thomas isn't going to take Steffy's advice and fully end things, but Hope should absolutely tell him that they need to take a break because he has shown zero respect for her clearly stated boundaries and for the way he immediately went with anger over her telling him the same thing she's been telling him over and over - that she needs some time before she's ready to consider getting engaged. 

If Thomas wants to be mad at someone, he can either look in the mirror, or he can look to his father who gave him the advice to go big that led to him thinking he should propose again. 

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Funny how Steffy is always demanding unconditional compassion and support when she needs it, yet her brutal diatribe against Thomas was anything but. I understand that when dealing with somebody like Thomas you have to be firm and in-your-face, but that was too much.

Of course, somebody who accepted an engagement still warm from another woman's finger wouldn't understand the need to take some time before jumping into another commitment. 

I wish that Hope had slapped her. 

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At least Steffy and Hope aren't fighting OVER the same guy this time around?

I don't think it's fair to compare Hope talking to Finn about Steffy/Finn and Steffy talking about Hope/Thomas. The only way the comparison works would have been if Finn was Hope's brother. Which, yeuch. Hope has no relational stake in Steffy and Finn's being together; Steffy has in Thomas and Hope being together since Thomas is her brother.

Not saying Steffy acted wisely here, just pointing out that a comparison between Hope giving Steffy relationship advice and Steffy giving her brother/Hope advice isn't fair.

I enjoy a good soap argment where you can see where both women are coming from.

Steffy's a tour-de-force when she acts on behalf of those she loves and cares about. Is that a good thing here though? Not necessarily. Problem is that no one's going to change Steffy's mind here. Not even Thomas.

BUT it gives us some entertainment and since we're not getting Hope and Steffy getting along, which is how I enjoy them best, instead I'm sitting here popcorn in hand waiting for them to start taking real digs at each other -- because even after Steffy coming on stronger than a freight train neither woman actually said anything to the other that drove the story or plot forward.

We have Liam and Carter reminding us of the potential consequences of Hope rejecting Thomas (proposal), while also reminding viewers that Liam's torch for Steffy's still burning bright.

Hey, at least no RJ!

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I'm actually hoping that Thomas gets some clarity and finally realizes that Hope just loves the fact that he's hopelessly in love with her--and also, that she just loves playing ride the stallion.  Hope needs to realize that, too.  I'd love for them to break up without Thomas going crazy, he gets over his obsession with her and he meets someone else later.

Liam needs to STFU and if there's anyone about to go off the rails, I'd say it would be him. 

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4 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I'm actually hoping that Thomas gets some clarity and finally realizes that Hope just loves the fact that he's hopelessly in love with her--and also, that she just loves playing ride the stallion.  Hope needs to realize that, too.  I'd love for them to break up without Thomas going crazy, he gets over his obsession with her and he meets someone else later.

Liam needs to STFU and if there's anyone about to go off the rails, I'd say it would be him. 

I think what we’re seeing now is that Hope just doesn’t love the fact that Thomas loves her. She said he was her best friend which makes sense since I think she communicates with much better with him than she ever did with Liam. She’s also her most truthful with him imo. Methinks we’re going to see Thomas stepping back while Hope steps up to prove her love.  I think Thomas stepping back is good for them. 

I see Brooke didn’t lie to Thomas but she implied 😊- old skool Star Trek reference for us Trekkie’s. 

Full Logan - sorry Steffy, which family is Hope destroying..does Thomas have a secret wife and kids that we don’t know about? Hope is throwing herself at Thomas huh?? Please - I think she’s projecting from her childhood with Brooke  

next weeks preview looks 🔥 


ETA: Steffy and Liam really don't know what they are talking about. They are both operating on pre-formed assumptions. Liam feels that Thomas will go off the deep end if Hope refuses him.  Truth is, Thomas let Hope go last year to try and rekindle her relationship w/Liam and he didn't go cray-cray.  She has refused his proposal 2-3x and he hasn't gone off the deep end.  He doesn't seem like he's going off the deep end now, instead he is questioning whether or not he's delusional. 

Liam is so smarmy but SC is just so good - I like smarmy jerk Liam.  I also got the sense that Liam would be tickled pink if Thomas goes off the deep end just so he can be proven right.

Liam pick a struggle - are you worrying about Hope or lusting after Steffy - that line about how Steffy controls a room beautifully gave me a bit of the heebie jeebies.

Steffy is wrong too - Thomas isn't some long suffering hero, the way she talks is like Thomas has been suffering being with Hope.  He is the happiest he has ever been, NOW he is upset because of a 3rd/4th/5th rejection -

I love Ridge/Thomas - good father/son chemistry although Ridge seeing Thope leading FC bothers me when Steffy has been right there running the company.

I may start calling Hope full Logan lol.."I WILL NOT ALLOW IT"..

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Calling Stuffy hypocritical is like saying a Tiger has stripes. Stuffy is the queen of playing with someone’s emotions. Liam, Wyatt, and even Bill comes to mind.  


Mr Hyde are you that thick headed?  No need to answer that question. Of course he is?  He thought Hope was ready but did she ever tell you that she wanted to be married. You just assumed it and what does assume actually mean?  It means it makes an ass out of u and me. 


Stuffy, Hope is giving him all the sex he wants any time he wants but he doesn’t have to put a ring on it to continue playing hide the salami.  

Hope just kick Stuffy in her balls. You can’t miss because they are huge.  

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I do not know why Hope is just standing there indulging Steffy for this long. Just tell her it's between you and Thomas and walk out of the room, Hope. Instead, we were treated to the two of them basically repeating the same lines over and over again. 

And, Steffy, if you're worried that Hope not being ready to marry your psycho brother five minutes after she divorced someone else is going to wreck him, then you, deep down, know that he isn't "a different man now," no matter how much you and your parents insist he is. If he wasn't still an obsessive psycho about Hope, he wouldn't be in danger of going off the rails over this. 

Even if all the shit Thomas has done in the not remotely distant past wasn't an issue, if Hope was one of my friends, I'd be concerned about her and talking to her about the red flags in their relationship. There's the love bombing. There's the "nobody will love you like I do." There's him ignoring her boundaries. There's him proposing like 10 minutes after they started hooking up. There's him repeatedly pushing the engagement despite agreeing to give her time. There's the angry way he reacted to not getting what he wanted. If Brad Bell was trying to write an abusive relationship, he couldn't have hit the warning signs any more clearly. 

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Well.....shit.....I'm a little embarrassed to say that this week, Steffy is almost made me a Thope shipper out of sheer, unadulterated spite. If Thomas weren't acting like an aggy, impatient, borderline abusive jerk I would've already boarded the ship in the most petty way possible already. She was not being supportive to her brother, and said more to push him over the edge than Hope ever has. Rushing into marriage has pretty much never worked for Hope, and only an asshole would find fault in her trying something different for the first time in her adult life. 

In fact, seeing 2 rich women raised in L.A. put so much stock in marriage was always weird because I know southern, god-fearing christian women that approach marriage with more caution, or even straight up disdain believe it or not(with varying degrees of experience ofc). But at least Hope made sense considering she had the dark cloud of her mother's sins over her head, so her emotional maturity was stunted. Steffy OTOH has no excuse for this June Cleaver-esque nonsense, other than she just wants to be contrarian to Hope. Which is fine, but she should be getting dragged for that by everyone including Thomas.

So yeah, I'm never buying that Steffy has such faith in the institution of marriage considering her own is a wreck now, she spent the 2010's marrying/remarrying Lame ass(with Bill tipping the scales in her favor). Now here she is shaming Hope for not marrying Thomas not even a year after her divorce? Fuck off. 

Hope knows karate so why she's only trying to slowly smack Steffy and not full on beat her ass in the previews is beyond me. I guess Bradley still wants to peddle Steffy as the baddest bitch to ever bad since NeNe Leakes. So she's too good/tough to take a few deserved licks for running her mouth. Awesome. 😒

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54 minutes ago, Skarzero said:

Rushing into marriage has pretty much never worked for Hope, and only an asshole would find fault in her trying something different for the first time in her adult life. 

As you said, it's never made a lick of sense that either of these Southern California natives--Angelinos at that-- have ever been this hung up on marriage. In fact, I seem to recall a huge part of the popularity Steam had in the early years was largely due to Steffy speaking for the audience to point out (albeit for self serving reasons) that there was zero reason to rush into marriage at their age. 

Obviously, B&B will forget about that rather major story beat here, but you would think even aside from Liam's brand of BS that after the marry-go-rounds they witnessed between their parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles that Hope and Steffy would just nope outta marriage at all.

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I think Thomas is acting hurt and we got his POV in regards to the ring and why the repeat proposal.  I’m still pissed that he walked out like a big baby. I don’t think he’s abusive or controlling as Hope has had all the power in that relationship. He may have pushed but she is clearly quite comfortable saying no multiple times over and setting boundaries that she herself has stood by. She could also have walked away and chose not to. 

I do think his response is immature. Hope has never lied to him and has been completely honest. I do think she has sent mixed messages from time to time but overall she’s been honest. None of this is on her no matter how many times Steffy bleats that Hope is to blame. I also don’t want to hear Thomas putting any of this on Hope. He did this to himself. 

Thomas is grown and walked in eyes wide open. If he’s hurt then that’s on him for not LISTENING when Hope said she’s not ready for marriage #3. 

The inevitable breakup is a good thing and needs to happen.  

As for Steffy, this has nothing to do with caring for her brother and everything to do with hating all things Logan.  However if she convinces Thomas to walk away I’ll give her credit for that one good thing. Otherwise she’s a harpy who is about as comforting as a grasping a thorny rosebush. 

ETA: on another note AN got performer of the week. Very well deserved I say. 

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What a gyp that we got only three episodes this week. (The food was terrible and the portions were so small.) The promos for next week make it look like we're about to have a full week of the world's most boring argument. I'm about ready to tune in to Y&R. And what was up with $Bill shedding a tear over some girl he barely knows wanting to know who her father is? I still think her father is MIA Jack.

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How could I forget this little gem. When Liam came by to see Steffy at the office (after she hung up the phone on him no less 😂) he commented that he could’ve made up an excuse about returning something of Kelly’s lol. I can’t recall where I read a joke that Liam was purposefully hiding Kelly’s toys/books/papers/clothes just to have an excuse to go to see Steffy. 

And here we thought Kelly was a most forgetful child 😆 

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I find it very interesting that the only one not worried about Thomas backsliding is Hope.   She seems to have more faith in him than his entire family combined.

Steffy again - as comforting as grabbing a thorny rosebush #Sheesh!! She knows nothing..(Jon Snow reference) - however she is the voice of a certain subset of the audience so there is that..

Thomas - Hope did not blindside you - take you head out your ass..you’re about to give up a monogamous relationship with Hope  

Hope - talk to Thomas about your doubts and why they exist.

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I don't blame Steffy for encouraging Thomas to move on from Hope and clear his head.  I don't blame Hope for rejecting his proposals, but Steffy is right that Hope just loves how much Thomas worships her.  The man has been turned down twice.  Time to walk away.  

Edited by Crashcourse
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Are we supposed to think the person not wanting to rush into a marriage is the wrong one? This writing is stupid.

Steffy needs to stay out of it. So she wants him to not only leave the country but take their child that Hope has custody of?  

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Hope isn't wrong for not wanting to rush into marriage, but Thomas isn't wrong for being frustrated and tired of waiting to see when she's ready.  Both of them need to breathe and move on. 

I didn't hear the part about Thomas taking Douglas with him, but he and Hope should be able to work out an arrangement.  I don't think he'll "steal" Douglas to Paris or wherever he goes. 

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Steffy suggesting he even take Douglas and goes shows more her manipulation of trying to use the old Douglas is a Forrester and not yours when it comes to Hope.  She only cares about breaking up that family and she drags Douglas in it when it's not her place. 

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Stuffy being hypocritical again is like saying she’s breathing. If anyone is an attention whore it’s Stuffy.  

Mr Hyde, Hope never blindsided you. You blindsided yourself.  Right now Mr Hyde basically has all he wants without being married but for  his self gratification he needs Hope to marry him.  

Ridge being a fucking idiot is also like saying he’s breathing.  Mr Hyde went home devastated to cry in his pillow but Hope, according to Ridge and Stuffy is not allowed to be devastated. 

Mr Hyde thought Hope was ready but it turned out Mr Hyde to be very unfortunate because he thought he farted but he actually shit in his pants. 

Why try to argue with Stuffy or Ridge. The results are always the same. They listen with their mouth and not their ears.  

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Also, it depends on how Douglas feels about his dad, considering what his dad put him through.  If Douglas is ok with him now, then I think Thomas has a right to spend time with him.  Forget about this never-ending Logan/Forrester nonsense. 

Edited by Crashcourse
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Ridge, Thomas, and Steffy have to be some of the most entitled people in the world. It doesn't matter at all what Hope wants or how Hope feels?  The relationship has to move exactly according to Thomas's timetable and wishes, or else she's leading him on?  That's not how relationships work. And, again, they've been together about 5 minutes, and he's only been (allegedly) non-psycho for about 10 minutes. Also, is Hope's divorce even final yet?  

And what is Steffy even talking about with Hope pushing Thomas away repeatedly?  She tried to end things one time, and then reconsidered it. Ever since then, she's been very consistent.  Just because Thomas hasn't wanted to hear what Hope has been saying, doesn't mean she hasn't been saying it. 

I could almost, almost, cut Steffy some slack if, when she was talking about him being Hope's rebound, she would have related it to her own experience as Liam's rebound, and talked about how now that she's found Finn and understands what it is to be her husband's first and only choice, she had the strength to turn down Liam's repeated attempts to make her his rebound again. And then say that she wants that for Thomas, too, for both of them to be happily out of Liam and Hope's mess. 

Could you imagine if when Finn and Steffy's marriage starts becoming more troubled, Hope advised Finn to take Hayes and get out of town for a while?  Steffy would kill her. 

Speaking of Finn, Steffy, don't you have your own relationship to tend to? Your brother having a sad because his girlfriend has maintained her stance on waiting a while before discussing marriage seems like a lesser issue than your husband having visions of you stabbing his birth mother every time you guys try to get intimate. 

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Nothing like 30-something adults having mommy and daddy fight their romantic battles for them. Ridge has already gone in on Hope and you know that a major showdown between Brooke and Steffy is coming.

I'm afraid that Hope crying to Ridge about how badly Steffy treats her is going to fall on deaf ears. Ridge will do anything to protect his precious spoiled princess.

After today, I would love nothing more than to have Finn implode and Finn and Hope get together. Steffy can stew in the loser's corner with Liam and she is just pathetic enough to take him back. Those two belong together. 

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On 3/23/2024 at 9:41 AM, bluvelvet said:

The inevitable breakup is a good thing and needs to happen.

After watching today, I agree but the way it happens just leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Which is surprising since, I don't even like this couple 😭 I guess underestimated the fact that I dislike Steffy much more or just dislike the idea that she gets away with being such a bullish, instigating, pain the ass much more. Either way, if Thope breaking up makes her happy or happens because of her yapping, then that's just about reason enough for me to spitefully begrudgingly "cheer" them on. Lol 

1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

It doesn't matter at all what Hope wants or how Hope feels?  The relationship has to move exactly according to Thomas's timetable and wishes, or else she's leading him on?

Well bucko, she's a woman. Women aren't people they're objects. They don't have wants unless men say so and men people decide what those wants are. It only matters what men and Steffy want. What show are you watching? 🤡

44 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I could almost, almost, cut Steffy some slack if, when she was talking about him being Hope's rebound, she would have related it to her own experience as Liam's rebound, and talked about how now that she's found Finn and understands what it is to be her husband's first and only choice, she had the strength to turn down Liam's repeated attempts to make her his rebound again. And then say that she wants that for Thomas, too, for both of them to be happily out of Liam and Hope's mess. 

Yeah that's about where I'm at. Rebound from Lame angle, that's understandable, because Hope has done that before with Wyatt. But Thomas foolishly, haphazardly proposing twice after being told she didn't want to get married, and promptly gets rejected. That's not a Hope malfunction. But if he wants to walk away over that on his own then fine. But in trying to blame Hope, Steffy and Ridge make everything worse. Then Steffy encourages Thomas to take their son out of town (likely without telling Hope) the same son they share custody of because she doesn't cave to his proposal. Notice how Thomas pushing her to wear the necklace(saw that being brought up elsewhere) wasn't a deal-breaker but Hope saying "I love you, but no marriage right now." somehow is a deal-breaker...🙃

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Well, bring on Stuffy Maroon, and the rest of the Maroon family. I appreciate Hope telling Ridge what's what as far as Stuffy's behavior is concerned, that she takes every opportunity to put her down. Stuffy is as evil as her namesake was in her prime. I want someone to read her up, down, and sideways. Actually, I would like it to be RJ. Wouldn't that just be the best to have the half-sibling choose Hope's side? It would certainly make RJ more likeable. Better yet, have Hope read Stuffy's bio to her. Let's see...adulteress (multiple times), killer (twice), manipulator, WTD centerpiece (both kids)...quite the resume, and it needs to be served to her face!

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As much as I’m disliking Princess Stuffy right now I wouldn’t wish Lame-O on her lol however I look forward to the day when someone gets to lay into her good and proper!

I assume this Thomas leaves town with Douglas is just for storyline purposes and MA isn’t leaving the show ? 

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11 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

Didn't Steffy just kill Sheila about three days ago on show time?  She sure got over her trauma from that pretty quickly.

I guess it takes one to kill one. (Assuming the real Sheila is actually dead.)(Please note that I used the word "assume".)

3 hours ago, bluvelvet said:

I assume this Thomas leaves town with Douglas is just for storyline purposes and MA isn’t leaving the show ? 

Vacation? He has been on pretty regularly. I just don't want to see Douglas leave the show, and in fact I would actually like to see him again, even if it's just to return some of Kelly's belongings. Hey, it gets Liam screen time.


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Hope shouldn't have accepted the ring around her neck shit in the first place.  (That was so 50's high school, Thomas!)  She should have explained to him that she wasn't ready to accept the ring--no matter if it was around her neck or on her finger.  Instead, it just gave him hope and it strung him along.    

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This episode was repetitive and boring as [insert curse word of your choice here].

Has Bell completely tuned out of his own show?

He’s on record saying the worst thing that you can do to viewers is bore them. Well, Bell, a lot of us are VERY bored. And no, our commenting isn’t a sign of how much we care about what’s going on—it’s a sign of how much potential this show has, with several characters that can be interesting, several pairings that actually have good chemistry onscreen and… you’re not attentive at all to that right now?

B&B used to have tighter writing that made viewers want to tune in. What it’s doing now is making viewers tune out. Never a good thing.

Time to make some changes, Bell et al.


Edited by EleanorD
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If anyone is going to push Thomas over the edge into mentally unstable, bad Thomas territory, it's not going to be Hope, It'll be Steffy!

Can't she see with her constantly haranguing him and putting all of this negativity and hate into her brother's mind and heart. she's pushing him into that dark place that she's been so proud to tell everyone that he's come out of?? Sheesh!

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If Thomas goes back to that dark place Steffy will jump for joy and go "SEE I TOLD YOU"..

Ridge is being a hypocritical - when Thope were on good terms he's all like "They're adults, let them sort it out, we should stay out of it"..NOW he's like " We can't stay out of it, that's MY BOY"... Pick a lane Ridge..Brooke was making the most sense.

Thomas's walls are WAY up - he is leaving town and nothing Hope says will sway him..At this point I don't think he even believes the ILY..

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2 hours ago, aussieinsydney said:

Can't she see with her constantly haranguing him and putting all of this negativity and hate into her brother's mind and heart. she's pushing him into that dark place that she's been so proud to tell everyone that he's come out of?? Sheesh!

I was thinking the same thing during yesterday's show, when she kept telling him how angry he was and how he should go work that anger out. 

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