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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'm thisclose to cutting this show loose. How many days in a row has it been that Quinn and Shauna have been having the EXACT SAME CONVERSATION? It's horrible!

Aannnnd there's the reason why I still can't tear my eyes away. Hey, Thomas. Looking good over there. 😍😍😍

Finn personally delivering Steffy's pain meds. Hmmm. Kind of an expensive drug dealer.

The lines these people draw in the sand are so ridiculous. You texted your ex-husband? That's it! We're done forever! You kissed your ex? That's it! We're done forever! You were five minutes late to our wedding? That's it! We're done forever! You married the mother of the bimbo who stole my granddaughter? While you were bombed out of your mind? That's it! We're done forever! You slept with my dad? That's it! We're...oh, what the heck, I'll get over it. It's the waffle way.

It makes no sense to me why Quinn is trying so hard manage Ridge's life via Shauna. Unless it really is her trying to fcuk him with Shauna's cooch.

Wah, wah, wah. Steffy can hire a full-time nanny to help with Kelly. She shouldn't be trying to use Kelly as an excuse to get more pain meds.

"I'm the same man you met all those years ago." I don't know how TK said that line with a straight face. His Ridge couldn't be more different from the one Brooke met all those years ago.

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6 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I'm thisclose to cutting this show loose. How many days in a row has it been that Quinn and Shauna have been having the EXACT SAME CONVERSATION? It's horrible!

Aannnnd there's the reason why I still can't tear my eyes away. Hey, Thomas. Looking good over there. 😍😍😍

Finn personally delivering Steffy's pain meds. Hmmm. Kind of an expensive drug dealer.

The lines these people draw in the sand are so ridiculous. You texted your ex-husband? That's it! We're done forever! You kissed your ex? That's it! We're done forever! You were five minutes late to our wedding? That's it! We're done forever! You married the mother of the bimbo who stole my granddaughter? While you were bombed out of your mind? That's it! We're done forever! You slept with my dad? That's it! We're...oh, what the heck, I'll get over it. It's the waffle way.

It makes no sense to me why Quinn is trying so hard manage Ridge's life via Shauna. Unless it really is her trying to fcuk him with Shauna's cooch.

Wah, wah, wah. Steffy can hire a full-time nanny to help with Kelly. She shouldn't be trying to use Kelly as an excuse to get more pain meds.

"I'm the same man you met all those years ago." I don't know how TK said that line with a straight face. His Ridge couldn't be more different from the one Brooke met all those years ago.

I agree about the Quinn and Shauna conversation. It started at the house, then at Forrester and then back at the house in the same clothes for three long days. 

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On 8/18/2020 at 5:06 PM, Waldo13 said:

Brooke only wants Ridge when she can’t have him the same as Bill.  Bill/Brooke, Bill/Katie, Ridge/Katie, Ridge/Brooke. This is like a bad soft porn movie instead of a soap opera. 


You left out the daddy of all of these, Brooke/Nick. All that BS they went through land ruined the best pairing Brooke was ever a part of.

On 8/18/2020 at 12:50 PM, CharlizeCat said:


I don't have kids, but in a way, Steffy trying to play this downtrodden single mother role must be kind of insulting to those in real life. 

My mom was a single mom until my brother was 17. Because she made the decision to leave the Oakland Bay Area (and the unfortunate toxic culture there back in 80s and 90s prior to gentrification), she was mostly by herself and only had my one aunt and uncle to watch us on minimum wage income. And after my aunt died suddenly, my louse of an uncle tried pinning his kids on her for every stupid thing, like vacuuming the house (and by that, I mean "the one (1) master bedroom" 😐

A number of women have had to quit the Navy because the lousy fathers wouldn't take care of the kids.

as I said earlier, Brad Bell lives in a bubble away from the rest of reality. I won't pretend that single parenting is easier for anyone regardless of income, bur Steffy at a minimum has job security and the ability to bring her kid to work. Assuming there are no sitters in all of LA, Kelly has a very involved father and stepmother, two dotting grandfathers, one grandmother and if all other options failed, I'm sure Brooke would do it in a pinch. Steffy has options.

and given that Brad Bell has written for the show since season one, when Beth Logan was a single parent to 4 children and they were shown to have realistic struggles then, it makes this writing all the more bizarre and out of touch.

6 hours ago, norcalgal said:

The producers are really insulting the audience

They really are. In the grand scheme of shitty things Ridge has done to Brooke, this wouldn't break the top ten. I was there to watch Ridge go along with that set up to break up her and Thorne; when he voted to her out of FC; when he married Taylor behind her back, deliberately and entirely sober; when he acted like he couldn't tell she wasn't drugged when he had his own Misunderstanding after Brooke had moved on to Nick. And that was all when the character was moderately tolerable.

Brooke forgave all that, but is crying over this 😐

When someone shows you who they are the first dozen times, believe them.

As was stated above, I'd rather Brooke chew them out and be done, the way Bridget did to Nick and Katie. I don't even want a reunion with Bill because, as was also pointed out, he ain't shit either. He let Brooke go over a building and all the shit he pulled for it was in vain. Even his relationship with Liam, while back on speaking turns, has rightfully never been the same. I'd rather they recast Nick or better yet, let her have a new man entirely.

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On 8/19/2020 at 10:21 PM, Anna Yolei said:

You left out the daddy of all of these, Brooke/Nick. All that BS they went through land ruined the best pairing Brooke was ever a part of.


Jack Wagner (Nick) was the reason I started watching B&B.  I hadn't seen him in a long time since GH, so I tuned in.  I think I started in 2009 and they were pretty much over, but I'm catching up.  I didn't like Bridget (any of them), so that triangle got lost on me.  Every time he called Lesley Anne Down "mother", I giggled. I just saw one episode when Brooke blamed Nick for Hope's hair getting stuck in the pool drain.  The Nick and Taylor thing didn't work for me, nor that test tube NicTayBro embryo story.

Edited by TessHarding2
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JFC Brooke!!!  Stop being so damn melodramatic!  How many times can Ridge say he can't recall why/how he told Carter to file the divorce papers, that he regrets what happened and is trying to make things right? I never thought Ridge carried the one brain cell in that relationship, but here's Ridge with annulment papers and declaring he will always love Brooke, but Brooke's just gotta continue with her "how could you" routine! I've already posted on here before that these characters marry/divorce as often as others change their underwear. Is it really that difficult to think Ridge can't get a quickie annulment and then marry Brooke so she and her "destiny" can be together again?  The producers are really insulting the audience.

I thought Brooke was speaking figuratively more than literally. She understands the mechanics of how Ridge has wound up divorced from her and married to Shauna, but she doesn't understand the why of it. She knows it can be fixed with legalities, but legalities can't fix the emotional damage. To me, Brooke is acting out of character. The Brooke I know would have stood there in her beautiful purple lingerie and told Ridge to get with Carter about an annulment. She would have been all over Ridge, begging him to fix this. Instead she told Ridge to leave, and she has not been seeking him out. I also noticed Brooke spoke in the past tense when she said "I loved you so much Ridge". Maybe I am reading too much into it, but I have wanted an end to Bridge for so long. 

The cyclical conversation that is plucking my last nerve is Shauna and Quinn. It started last week in the Forrester Mansion's living room, it then migrated to FC's offices, and is now back at the Forrester Mansion. These two are some clueless fucks. But I think it will be great for Ridge to hang with Shauna for a bit. For reasons that I can't comprehend I hear Swing Low Sweet Chariot in my head when I think of those two. I guess they will take up residence at the guest house, hasn't everybody? Why break with tradition. And Ridge has shared that house with all his wives, and some of his wanna be wives too. And we can't forget the bucking bronco show we had there a while back. How long will it take Ridge to tire of Shauna's vacant, longing looks? I would love to see RJ return as a snarky young man (different actor please), who thinks his old man is becoming dim witted. 

The writers need to understand there is no drama in this SL, only hilarity. 

I am wondering if our fellow poster called it right when they said it would be better if Dr. LB becomes Steffy's pusher and Vinnie is her savior. That would be so unexpected and so watchable. I can see a love besotted Vinnie coming to her rescue because he recognizes the signs of a drug overdose, and when Steffy wakes up in the hospital and sees a concerned Vinnie looking down on her she imprints on him...............

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I would LOVE it if Dr. LB becomes Steffy's Dr. Feelgood and Vinnie is the white knight for Steffy and goes against type to be there for her.

While I see as much chemistry as you can expect to see in a socially-distanced set between the "maybe-not-so-good" doctor and Steffy, I saw more between Vinnie and Steffy without any dialogue between them at the aborted Thope wedding. And there, he proved he did have lines he wouldn't cross, even for his BFF.

As for the GarBridge, would it be too much to ask for them to stick the biggest fork on the planet into this travesty of a relationship and call it done? For good?

Because a couple that is constantly breaking up over texts, kissing other people, marrying other people, are not what I'd call DESTINY. 


I'd call Bill being compelled to come to the harbor and sensing Brooke's presence as destiny.

Not whatever this shit (waves hands) that is the GarBridge. I mean, really, Badley, stop trying to make Fetch happen, especially not with the imposter playing Ridge. Get Ronn back and then maybe we can talk.

But it's laughable that we're still doing this same merry-go-round with a couple in their fifties and meanwhile, we have hot-as-hell Don just sitting there on the sidelines and his sex-on-a-stick Stallion being saddled with sourpuss Katie. 

I'm hoping that Quinn's scheme to rope Bill in has the desired effect. Not because I want that bitch to keep winning, but because it will put Bill back in Brooke's orbit. Where he needs to stay. 

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Come on Stuffy, Kelly needs your attention?  Kelly sleeps most of the day. 

Correct me if I’m wrong but didn’t the prescription bottle say one refill?  If so, that means Stuffy took 60 pills in weeks instead of months. Hey Doc, that should raise a red flag.  You should have stuck to you oath and prescribed a housekeeper instead of pain pills. 

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See, Finn? That's what happens when you don't maintain appropriate professional distance from your patient. She bats her eyes and uses it to work you. Unless that was part of your plan to have her beholden to you. 🤔

Why does Ridge keep saying he doesn't know how he ended up divorced and then married again, quick like a bunny? He knows exactly how that happened. He fell headfirst into a bottle of vodka.

Shauna conveniently neglected to mention to Flo that the reason Ridge doesn't remember marrying her is because he was blackout drunk. It wasn't like he randomly got amnesia. 😑

Okay, if you're a CEO and a single parent you're entitled to have highly addictive medication? Right, Steffy. You are soooo important the rules don't apply to you. Girl, bye.

Seems to me Ridge just wants to eat his cake and have it too. Marry one woman under questionable circumstances that he won't take responsibility for, and convince another to wait for him instead of running straight to some other man. Always gotta keep one in your back pocket, huh, Ridge? Ugh, such a pig. But Brooke is a fool with her Destiny crap too. They deserve each other, AFAIC. 😒

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Just at a simmer right now......

OH NOOOOoooeeeess!

You tried to trick me Show. I thought Brooke might be done with it all, but alas, now we won't only have her running around mewling about destiny, but Ridge is also pounding the destiny drum. UGH! I don't know if I can take these two "grown ups" preaching destiny for months, while Shauna and Quinn have their sit ins to discuss Shauna and Ridge's "marriage". Because there is no way in hell Shauna is going to sign annulment papers. None. And if Quinn has anything to say about it, she will probably go get that knife she fashioned to off Liam and use it to cut off Shauna's hands. And Shauna's refusal to sign the papers will fire up Brooke's destiny jets, and we will have daily confrontations:

Brooke "Ridge doesn't love you. He doesn't want to be married to you"

Shauna "But Ridge did marry me, and I take my vows seriously. I meant every word of them, and Ridge did too. He was happy that night, he just needs more time to adjust."

Brooke, squinting at Shauna, "You are delusional Shauna; Ridge doesn't even remember that night. He doesn't remember the ceremony, he doesn't remember repeating vows. What he remembers is getting drunk, and then winding up married to you."

Shauna "And that is how he is going to stay. I am going to convince Ridge that I will be a good wife to him."

Brooke "You can never have what me and Ridge share. You have no idea how hard we have worked to get here. I have fought monsters far worse than you Shauna. What you need to accept, is that Ridge loves me, Ridge wants to be with me, because that is our destiny." 

Oh yeah, months and months and months............

And how about that little Flufferette; prancing right into the Forrester Mansion as if she owns it. Perching her nasty little ass right on Eric's ottoman. Since I have been spared anymore of her and Wyatt's "lovemaking", seeing her was quite jarring. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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Brooke, Ridge got drunk and ended up divorced and remarried in the space of a few hours. Do you really trust he"ll be able to handle getting the annulment without some new kind of mishap with Shauna?

Liam got to take Kelly away from Steffy's house again. And he took her to the SP offices. What sorcery is this?

Given the almost immobilizing pain she was in, I sure hope Steffy wasn't planning to drive herself to the drug store. She'd be risking having another accident if she suddenly had a back spasm.

Liam's looking rather buff.

Ugh, Ridge on his "it's all Spencer's fault" b.s. again. In his world women apparently have no personal agency and are helpless to Bill's power and virility. How are Brooke and Steffy not insulted? Yet it's no big deal that he kept going after Shauna while he was still technically married to Brooke. This effin guy. 🤨

Geez, Quinn is a menace. Why is it up to her to decide how everyone should live their life? Why do people even listen to her?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Kelly was out with her father today but alas she went right back to taking a nap. 

Sorry Liam, you can’t pick up Stuffy’s prescription without her Photo ID. TIIC are calling it pain pills but if over the counter pain medication is not working, the pain pill has to contain some type of narcotic.  

Ridge you are a fucking idiot. You get Brooke to forgive you and right away you have to rag on Bill. I hate it when Brooke does her school girl giggle. So fake! 

I could have swore I saw Bill salivating when he was thinking about pouncing on Brooke.  

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Quinn's big plan? Yeah, whatever. 

Well, they pulled out the hot air balloon montage, so it is a given that Bill and Brooke will start some sort of romance again. 

14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Brooke, Ridge got drunk and ended up divorced and remarried in the space of a few hours. Do you really trust he"ll be able to handle getting the annulment without some new kind of mishap with Shauna?

The very fact that this even happened would be enough for me. Actually, having an affair with Shauna while still married to me would have been enough for me. 

14 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ugh, Ridge on his "it's all Spencer's fault" b.s. again. In his world women apparently have no personal agency and are helpless to Bill's power and virility. How are Brooke and Steffy not insulted? Yet it's no big deal that he kept going after Shauna while he was still technically married to Brooke. This effin guy.

They are not doing Ridge any favors by having him talk out of both side of his mouth. First he tells Brooke that, although he hates to admit it, he is glad that Bill was there for her when she was down and hurting. Then, two sentences later, he is castigating Bill. 

More than that, at least for me, is this notion that Ridge just made a mistake, and well, let's just forgive the poor guy. Except no. Ridge is solely responsible for the position he is in. And this is about more than Shauna. It goes back to him moving out over Brooke's refusal to let Thomas move back into her home. He showed total disregard for his wife, his wife's daughter, and his grandson. And then he added heaps of disrespect by not only allowing Shauna to bad mouth his wife, but adding in his own comments. Then there is all the kissing and petting. As a wife, I can say that I might be able to get past some of this, but the fact that my husband turned to the woman who kept a lid on information that could have freed my daughter from months of pain and grief? Who allowed me to think my granddaughter was dead? I just don't know. 

More than any of that, is this notion that it is ok to trash Brooke, and to totally disregard her as a person, as as wife, and as a mother. Supporting Brooke has always been easy for me because she was a solid, decent person when she was introduced. It wasn't until she got tangled up with the Forrester's, namely Stephanie, that she began to change. And what choice did she have? Stephanie instantly hated her for being Beth Henderson's daughter. So Brooke learned how to fight back.

But there has always been this underlying notion that it is acceptable to hurt Brooke. Quinn's dialog to Bill is a perfect example. Going on about how Brooke is a self entitled tramp, and how she has never been faithful to Ridge, knowing full well that she had a months long affair with Ridge while he was engaged to Brooke. But that is ok, because anyone moving in on Brooke's man is all copacetic. And just look at the history here; Stephanie, Lauren, Ashley, Taylor, Katie, Donna, Macy, all at some time or the other were after Brooke's men. There has also been the underlying notion that Brooke's pain is irrelevant, and that her "family" is cut rate. This is best highlighted when Taylor first reanimated, and came back from Morocco. This was the only time I ever liked Bridge. They had a beautiful beach wedding, Ridge bought Brooke her mansion, and they were really happy, and oddly enough, not annoying. But Taylor came back with her hand out, and just expected Brooke to be like "Oh, sure Taylor, you have been MIA for a year, and even though we love each other, and have built a life together, I'll divorce Ridge so you can pick up your life where you left off." Here is the video that perfectly illustrates this:


And of course a few years later Thomas comes along, and it was decided that Ridge should be with his son, so he walks out on Brooke and her family to be with his "real" family. The only family that matters. Yeah, it was easy peasy to support Brooke. 

And just as a footnote; No, Ridge has never had an affair with his daughter-in-law and gotten her pregnant. Frankly, I have absolutely no fucks to give about that, because Ridge has done, or been part of, so many heinous plans and schemes that have hurt Brooke. He has also raped two women, Brooke being one of them, who were in no condition to say yes or no. He has pursued his brothers wives and his father's wives. Ridge might love Brooke, but I don't really believe that. Brooke has always been his passion. His prize. Not his love. Because in the back of his mind he also sees Brooke as second class, because if he saw her as an equal, he wouldn't pull the shit he does, and just expect her to roll over and play dead. I know Brooke detractors will say that Brook is on board with it because of "Destiny", and they would be right. At the same time, I do understand love, I have been married for 34 years, and I love Mr. R just as much today as the day we married. So I can understand that Brooke loves Ridge, and has for all these years. But that doesn't mean it is destiny, or anything other than what it is. Love. 

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That clip -- Damn...... Taylor was so, so stunning. Pre-too much surgery I think she was the most gorgeous woman on daytime TV. 

And rewatching Ronn Moss.....My, my , my .... he sure was pretty.  Hmmmm ... he doesn't seem as wooden as I remember. Not Oscar worthy, but not truly awful. But then I cannot stand Impostor TK-Ridge. Not in this role nor in any of his former ones  I find TK's Ridge to be a blowhard bully. 

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I’ve been a soap watcher for more years than I’ll admit to but the constant, repetitive dialogues in the past few years and especially lately are more than I can bear. How much do these “writers” get paid to write this absolute dreck?!

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On 8/21/2020 at 7:59 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Liam got to take Kelly away from Steffy's house again. And he took her to the SP offices. What sorcery is this?

Given the almost immobilizing pain she was in, I sure hope Steffy wasn't planning to drive herself to the drug store. She'd be risking having another accident if she suddenly had a back spasm.

Ugh, Ridge on his "it's all Spencer's fault" b.s. again. In his world women apparently have no personal agency and are helpless to Bill's power and virility. How are Brooke and Steffy not insulted? Yet it's no big deal that he kept going after Shauna while he was still technically married to Brooke. This effin guy. 🤨

Geez, Quinn is a menace. Why is it up to her to decide how everyone should live their life? Why do people even listen to her?

In my world, too. I am totally helpless when my $Bill is onscreen. 😉

That Steffy crap was so stupid. Liam had to bring Kelly home, so he could stay home with her at home, so Steffy could go to the pharmacy to get meds? He already had her, if Steffy needed him to keep her so she could run an errand, why did he have to bring her home? I get that they can't show Kelly, because of COVID & a child, but there is little logic these days. Having said that, I do think they're doing a great job as much as they can, with the times we're in. Plus, not having to see Flatt has helped tremendously. Let's stick with that. 

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On 8/22/2020 at 9:52 AM, RuntheTable said:

The very fact that this even happened would be enough for me. Actually, having an affair with Shauna while still married to me would have been enough for me. 

Shit, it really should've been over at so many moments, but the crowning moments are a tie between that bedside wedding to Taylor when Stephanie was "dying" and before that when Taylor used Thomas as a means of getting Ridge to commit to her after months of lying about the boy's paternity (and somehow Brooke was the evil bitch for moving the wedding up an hour to keep Taylor from showing up 🤦🙄)

The only time I have ever wanted to kinda-sorta see Bridge together, the writers had to turn Nick Marone into an unrepentant ass and trash his character almost beyond repair to do it, only to have Brooke chase after him the minute he moved on, yet AGAIN. Like, why bothered with Bridge at all when no one bloody asked for it?

22 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I don’t know if anyone has seen the article but Courtney Hope is moving to GC, Wisconsin. Y&R has plucked her from the depths of despair. No word on her character as of now. 

I'm glad CH's talent is being acknowledged but I prey to every deity in existance that she's not wasted on goddamned Billy Abbott and Jason Thompson's "talent". Hopefully she's a love interest for Tessa or Mariah or hell, even Kyle. I forgot which woman he's still with because both Summer and Lola bore me but I won't give a shit if he dumps them for someone new.

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Bridge was soured for me when Ridge dumped Brooke two seconds after she miscarried their first child. 

There were glimmers of moments where I thought maybe, just maybe, I could find myself getting sucked in again - their Malibu beach wedding, Barbados, Portofino, but that would quickly be dashed.

The most I ever liked Ridge, period, let alone Bridge, was after the foundry boink and Ridge finally knowing what it was like to be in Brooke's shoes and him not giving two shits that the baby Brooke was carrying was Nick's (as RJ was believed to be Nick's for most of Brooke's pregnancy, up through RJ's birth). He was firmly at her side and the supportive, loving partner she had always deserved. Go figure. 

I could finally root for them after all these years. And this after I got my hopes up with Bricky the first go-round.

And then it all went to hell within a few years over a TEXT. A TEXT????!!!!


Add in the worst recast in the history of recasts, closely followed by Ridge fucking over Brooke, using his perfectly-willing accomplice, Katie, and their red ribbon of true wuv, Quinn, and Shauna, and nope, I will never, ever line up behind that football ever again.

And I can't let myself kick the Brill football either no matter how much scenes like this one pull at my heartstrings.

Well, all but the last 16 seconds when it's obvious KKL is so over the "destiny" bullshit, but speaking the tired old lines because that's her job.

Because I know how this is going to go. Bill will be the interloper and nothing more, a temporary obstacle, to the reunion of the GarBridge, when it should be Ridge, especially this Ridge, TK's Ridge (who has none of the warmth, charisma, and genuine affection for KKL and for their shared history of RM), who should be on the outside, looking in. For good

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On 8/22/2020 at 9:52 AM, RuntheTable said:

But there has always been this underlying notion that it is acceptable to hurt Brooke. Quinn's dialog to Bill is a perfect example. Going on about how Brooke is a self entitled tramp, and how she has never been faithful to Ridge, knowing full well that she had a months long affair with Ridge while he was engaged to Brooke.

Which to be entirely frank, that is just absolutely a bunch of horseshit. Aside from a few moments in 2006 and the year between RM's departure and  TK's arrival, Ridge has always been her first priority almost from day one. I mean, I watched as she tanked almost 3 years of struggle with Thorne to chase after a married Ridge and when Taylor was presumed dead, she couldn't put distance between her and Deacon fast enough to get on that dick.

And even if that was even remotely true, an attempted murderer* and confirmed rapist and adulter has no room to talk about anything Brooke does.

*Since we don't 100 percent know if she off that Hope Diamond guy, but we could easily wager a guess on that 

59 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

The most I ever liked Ridge, period, let alone Bridge, was after the foundry boink and Ridge finally knowing what it was like to be in Brooke's shoes and him not giving two shits that the baby Brooke was carrying was Nick's (as RJ was believed to be Nick's for most of Brooke's pregnancy, up through RJ's birth). He was firmly at her side and the supportive, loving partner she had always deserved. Go figure. 

God, this. And given everything he'd gone through with Bridget, it would have been understandable if he'd walked, but that was the tightest they'd ever been as a couple. Me being young and naive, I actually did think they'd actually last when they got married after RJ's birth. We know how that turned out.

This is why Old Ridge for his very serious flaws retained some popularity even after the same old tired circular  behavior. He could be vulnerable and human at times, albeit not nearly enough to justify Brooke staying as long as she has. TK's version just puts me in mind of  a cross between Victor Newman and the current manchild version of Billy Abbott. Why they didn't cast the Holden Synder actor in the role instead of the bit part as Steffy's ER doctor after she lost the first Eggo Mini is beyond me.

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I thought Bill wanted to stay with Katie. Aren't they still married? Not that it matters with this bunch.

Ugh, Carter. I mean, it's good for the actor to be back on contract given how tough things are in Hollywood right now but could there be a more gratuitous, token character? Rhetorical question, I'm not looking for answers on that score. And of course (😒) he has to be paired with the only Black female character on the canvas right now. I'll allow for the possibility that it's the actor's preference not to be in interracial pairings but somehow I doubt he really has that kind of clout.

Does Shauna live in the Forrester mansion now? I don't see how she can just hang around while neither Quinn nor Ridge are there.

Why didn't Bill ask Quinn what business it was of hers who he is or isn't involved with? I'm surprised he let her work him so easily. $Bill is a lot of things but he's no simp.

Oh Zoe, no. Being so grateful to Carter is not the way you want to go. Know your worth.

You'd think these people would learn to stop eavesdropping. It always leads to trouble. Always. Unless your name is Douglas, that is. 🙂

Get ready, Shauna. Your groom is about to come home and put a revenge banging on you the likes of which have never been seen. But he'll be thinking of Brooke the whole time. KMN.

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After everything, EVERYTHING Ridge and Brooke have been through, the writers pull this overheard bullshit again?! And Ridge, who’s the worst husband ever in the universe, jumps on board with this bs? Again! Who is writing this absolute crap?!!

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So the dressmaker is going to do -- once again -- what he told Brooke he'd never do again. Get butthurt and mad, go off and get drunk, and this time, sleep with Shauna.  WTH didn't he charge downstairs, let them know what he'd overheard, demand answers and throw Bill out? I still would rather see Brill, but remember, we can't have nice things. 😒

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Poor poor Carter, that beautiful hunk of a man deserves a heck of a lot more than Zoey.  Now Sally is another story. Instead of showing CH the door, TIIC could have given Carter and Sally a chemistry test. 


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I'm confused; I thought the happy reunion was based on great love, and history, and overcoming obstacles. But yesterday it seemed the rhetoric had changed, and Ridge was only concerned with how Brooke felt about Bill. Once Brooke assured Ridge that she did not love Bill, he was all like. good, now I will go give these annulment papers to Shauna. But Bill showed up, and well, little Widgey overheard Brooke say those terrible words "I love you Bill", and so, there you have it. Now Ridge will do exactly what he said five minutes before he would never do again; storm off in anger and do something stupid. Oh yes, Ridge is gonna charge into the Forrester Mansion, approaching Shauna not with annulment papers, but with that golden Forrester phallus fully armed, and ready for battle. I liken it to that night during Ridge and Taylor's first marriage; they were living in the Guest House, Brooke had taken over FC's, and she and Ridge had worked really late. Ridge came home all horned up, wanting sexual healing in the worst way, and nearly broke Taylor's bones going at it. Of course she later found out it was all about Brooke, but that is another story. So Ridge will come into the Forrester Mansion, all full of spit and fire, and will fuck Shauna for all she is worth, then will tell her he wants a future with her. And of course we will be expected to feel bad for Shauna, who is clueless, and completely out of her league. But no, that won't be happening, at least with this viewer. 

And Ridge, let me explain something to you. It is perfectly natural, and acceptable, to have lingering feelings for ex's of any kind. You know, just like how you still love Taylor? You aren't "in love" with her, you don't want a life with her, but you still care about the woman you were married to, and the mother of three of your children. This is why I consider Brooke to be Ridge's prize; his possession. Why is Brooke not allowed to have those type of feelings about her ex's? Because Brooke is his, that's why. Ridge has to be her only concern; her laser focus, and she is not allowed to have feelings for anyone but him. Such a bitch. 

And man, did you hear the depth of emotion, and the investment in this SL, when Ridge and Brooke were talking? Geez, it sounded like they were reading right off of cue cards. Flat, no emotion; "I love you so much Ridge", "I have loved you from the moment I first saw you", "I only want to be married to you". Holy cow, I wrote better dialogue in my first seventh grade attempt at screenwriting. As was said by another poster; I feel sorry for all of them. 

15 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Ugh, Carter. I mean, it's good for the actor to be back on contract given how tough things are in Hollywood right now but could there be a more gratuitous, token character? Rhetorical question, I'm not looking for answers on that score. And of course (😒) he has to be paired with the only Black female character on the canvas right now. I'll allow for the possibility that it's the actor's preference not to be in interracial pairings but somehow I doubt he really has that kind of clout.

I have always been able to tolerate Carter because he is so easy on the eyes, but that gratuitous bare chest scene yesterday had me squirming on my couch. I find it insulting to me and the actor. LSV is not the best actor for sure, but Show has certainly had much worse, it seems they have never known what to do with him exactly. I called for a Brooke/Carter pairing a long time ago; give Brooke a boy toy with the goods, because you sure aren't ever going to let her move on from Ridge, so at least make the interludes interesting. But no, we got that ridiculously embarrassing shit with Maya. And now Zoe? 

I have also always been on board for some Justin and Brooke action; just sayin........

Edited by RuntheTable
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10 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Poor poor Carter, that beautiful hunk of a man deserves a heck of a lot more than Zoey.  Now Sally is another story. Instead of showing CH the door, TIIC could have given Carter and Sally a chemistry test. 

If they were smart, they would've paired up Thomas and Sally as two outcasts bonding over the fact that they're the town losers everybody hates.  However, I think Thomas is still cuckoo for cocoa puffs and plotting revenge. Where's his dry erase board?

Edited by methodwriter85
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I’ve always thought that Rena Sofer was a stunningly beautiful woman. What has happened to her? The hair and the clothing since the show resumed have done her no favors! Such a shame. 

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49 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

I’ve always thought that Rena Sofer was a stunningly beautiful woman. What has happened to her? The hair and the clothing since the show resumed have done her no favors! Such a shame. 

Are they doing their own hair and makeup now?

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1 hour ago, A-Lo said:

Are they doing their own hair and makeup now?

Yes, they are. Her makeup is fine but that bad wig and that blue monstrosity that she’s been wearing lately are inexcusable.

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I hate Ridge. I was really hoping they were doing a takeout and he would actually come into the room while Bill and Brooke were talking and ask what’s up or something. But no! He goes back to Shauna because she is a warm body and not completely averse to his drunk hobo look. Blech. 

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2 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Yes, they are. Her makeup is fine but that bad wig and that blue monstrosity that she’s been wearing lately are inexcusable.

I don't like her with bangs and her foundation is way too light. FWIW, one of our local weatherwomen has that same jumpsuit in a kind of coral-red color. It looks terrible on her, too, and she is very fit and in shape. I think it's just one of those hideous garments that doesn't flatter anybody. Kind of like that awful voluminous satin blouse Brooke has on several weeks ago,

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How much sympathy do I have for Ridge overhearing Brooke say she'll always have some love for Bill? There's not a microscope powerful to see it. 😑 What a spoiled baby he is. He could've pulled up his big boy pants and confronted Brooke and Bill right then and there instead of going all emo and jealous.

Why is Quinn deemed some kind of expert on Ridge, Brooke, and Bill?

Man, if the Beverly Hills community theatre ever tries to do a stage production of Maleficent, I'm thinking Quinn should be a shoo-in for the starring role. She revels in evil.

Good grief, if Quinn and Shauna don't want anyone to know about the stuff they pulled to wreck Brooke and Ridge's potential reunion, maybe they should stop talking about it over and over and over in the middle of Eric's house. Please.

Bill, as far as Brooke is concerned you will always be the interloper. Always the consolation prize. Always the second choice. Have some self-respect and stop effing up her life with your untimely overtures.

Right, Ridge. The wife you don't even remember marrying. You deserve all the suffering you're eventually going to experience when you find out how that happened. 🤨

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On 8/24/2020 at 2:24 PM, CountryGirl said:

Bridge was soured for me when Ridge dumped Brooke two seconds after she miscarried their first child. 

Dang, you talkin pretty far back in the day. That’s a long time to watch this show and be over Bridge and endure the Bridge-go-round.😂

On 8/24/2020 at 7:22 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

I thought Bill wanted to stay with Katie. Aren't they still married? Not that it matters with this bunch.

Bill’s behavior just reinforces that Liam and Wyatt come by their waffling, trifling behavior honestly. I cannot believe this is the same man that read Brooke for filth back in the beginning and swore he would not be trapped be her glittery hooha. How the mighty $Bill has fallen.  The Spencer men all are varying levels of annoying now - Liam surprisingly being the least at the moment. Stay tuned until tomorrow/next week.

4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why is Quinn deemed some kind of expert on Ridge, Brooke, and Bill?

Quinn is being set up for a fall with her machinations. She’s riding way too damn high right now. Cannot wait to see her crash and burn. She might’ve gotten away with screwing Liam over without consequences but Brooke is a whole other deal. She’s survived Sheila and Stephanie, she’ll survive Quinn. 

Edited by TobinAlbers
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15 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I cannot believe this is the same man that read Brooke for filth back in the beginning and swore he would not be trapped be her glittery hooha. How the mighty $Bill has fallen. 

God, seriously! That scene was such good food to see him drag her and the Forresters for their entitlement but he's pretty much turned into what I hear kids today call a "simp".

The show clearly has run outta ideas for $Bill and Don Diamont's job is pretty safe since Mama Lee liked him a whole lot. But geez, can't he leave outta Logan Hell? His score count is even lower than Liam's. I know budgets are thin but certainly they can be creative to find SOME story that lets him be single for a whole, especially since we're not getting a ton of love scenes any time soon.

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I would tune in to watch DD/$Bill read the phone book, & I'm not exaggerating, before I'd make it a point to tune in for Flatt sexy times, or Bridge's destiny ride, or Steffy's wincing (not because of her pain, but because I'm so annoyed that she has no childcare help/assistance, while having unlimited resources herself & unlimited resources on both sides of her child's family, it's ridiculous). 

I missed yesterday's show (Tuesday, 8/25). Should I go back & watch it? Did I miss anything?

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1 hour ago, nkotb said:

I would tune in to watch DD/$Bill read the phone book, & I'm not exaggerating, before I'd make it a point to tune in for Flatt sexy times, or Bridge's destiny ride, or Steffy's wincing (not because of her pain, but because I'm so annoyed that she has no childcare help/assistance, while having unlimited resources herself & unlimited resources on both sides of her child's family, it's ridiculous). 

I missed yesterday's show (Tuesday, 8/25). Should I go back & watch it? Did I miss anything?

Nothing that wasn’t predicted. 😒

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"wedded and bedded" ugh, the dialogue is so bad. 

Is there a purpose to Donna other than being an ass kisser to Brooke and Bridge cheerleader. 

Bill really wants to be the runner up, huh. I bet Brooke will be professing her love to him by next week. 

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This trifling heifer is so pathetic.


Sitting there, all ready and waiting to be Ridge's consolation prize/revenge fuck.

Of course, Brooke is right there, decked out in lingerie, wanting to stake HER claim on Ridge, so all that's missing is some mud and a ringside seat for him.

Which, really TPTB, who in the hell wants to watch two women fight over this greasy buffoon?


Bill sitting in his dark office...now, that's a tree I'd like to climb. 


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As much as I laughed over Ridge cutting off his relationship with Brooke because she texted with Hope’s father years ago, the current story line is so insulting that I can’t even laugh about it.  Brooke? Leave that mansion, drive straight over to Bill’s office and start your new destiny.

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Good grief, how can Shauna "love" Ridge? She barely knows anything about him other than his last name is Forrester and his family is filthy rich. She's like a 16-year old with a crush on the star quarterback who's being scouted by the NFL.

Witch Quinn must have a rocket-powered broom to keep zipping back and forth to Bill's office in the same evening.

Donna needs to stop worrying so much about Brooke's relationships and start concentrating on Eric. He's going to need a soft place to land when Quinn and Shauna's crap finally blows up.

Ridge, you effin whiny baby. You are going to feel so dumb when you find out what hugely wrong conclusion you jumped to because you're so jealous of $Bill. And that the woman you're spilling your guts to is a scheming golddigger. WHOSE DAUGHTER KIDNAPPED YOUR GRANDCHILD! (Well, step-grandchild but still, way to be unsupportive of your ex-wife and her daughter.)

See, that's what happens when you drop in on people unannounced. Learn your lesson, Ridge, Bill, and Brooke. Unless you're trying to catch somebody cheating, it's probably not good idea.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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