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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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You're not standing alone @TobinAlbers; I too, am enjoying Shauna. The weird thing is, of all the new characters, she is the one I dreaded most because I do not like DR. But I am enjoying her in your face, take no prisoners attitude. I am not saying she is right, or has any kind of leg to stand on, but I find the character refreshing. And she is tons better than any of the interns we have suffered through. And I will certainly take it over Flo's martyr act. 

Having said that; I can see what Show is about. Everyone is attacking Flo, and she is not fighting back, well except for Ridge, and is being all demure and apologetic. Then you have folks like Katie showing up, dipping deep into the voodoo on the powers of Stormy's heart. I won't take away Katie's right to rage at Flo, but Storm's heart seems to always lay silent until Katie needs to pull a card. I don't know who will show up next, but this will continue in an effort to gain some sympathy for Flo. I don't think I will have an ounce of that until Bill is finished with her. 

Brooke is slowing caving. Before you know it, Ridge will have Thomas moved back in, and Brooke serving his worthless ass dinner. And here is another reason I am enjoying Shauna. While Quinn would be the perfect foil, I just don't see them doing that to Eric again. But then again, who knows. But Shauna would be a clean slate; a person who hasn't slept with a Forrester, Logan, or Marone. So Ridge could fuck her like the Dormouse on crack, and all it would do is break up Bridge. The extended family would be pissed off of course, but Ridge is a boy, and boy's don't really have to pay for things because...……..well, because they are boys. 

Ah, Colleen Zenk as Taylor would be majorly awesome. I love that woman; she was one of my earliest girl crushes. A talented veteran, who could easily step into Doc's shoes, and most probably would be able to breath new, and fresh life into the character. So of course Show won't do it. 

EWWW! Brooke sitting on his lap, and rubbing her clean, very nice pants all over his that he has been wearing for like four days. And they are so tight; all I could think was poor KKL. 

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If Ridge does bully Brooke into letting that sexual predator/child abuser/KILLER into her house, I want two things to happen.

First, I want Liam to pack his family up and move the fuck over to his father's place.  They'll definitely be safe there.  $Bill wishes Thommy Choo-Choo WOULD try and trespass on his property.

Second, I want Justin to unleash God's wrath on the piece of shit that drove his niece off the road.  Something along these lines:

Shauna can HAVE Ridge.  In fact, Shauna and Ridge DESERVE each other.  The reek of Shauna's Tigress cologne will cover up Ridge's funk.  Free KKL from having TK hanging around her neck like a fucking albatross.  Brooke will be sad for a while,  but I'm sure someone will step up to comfort her, and when I say 'someone' I mean $Bill.  Katie can have HotDoctor because I get the feeling she's going to need some medical attention soon.

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Oh, Lawdy!  I about threw up in my mouth listening to Shauna go on and on about Sludge. Gorgeous? Couldn't stop looking at him? Watching him sleep? Honey, first of all, if a man is that wasted, it's gonna be mighty noisy because he was probably snoring loudly enough to wake the dead. And smell? Gag! Nothing like the aroma of whiskey, sweat and putrid morning breath. 

Listening to her breathy insipid ramblings about a fantasy life as Mrs. Ridge Forrester. Honey, it could be yours for the asking. You can deal with the spoiled Taytots, whiny RJ, who would fight the union tooth and nail, the ghost of Satanie and Brooke wouldn't just disappear. She and Sludge have said whiny brat together and she is integral to FC (although I have no clue to this day what Brooke does for the company.) And don't forget Thanksgiving dinner* with its infamous new tradition. Whoo boy! I say BRING IT! 

Re: Shauna's "profession" back in Vegas. Well, when she first arrived in L.A., I remember her telling Quinn that she worked in "marketing," which these days is a fairly broad term. I also recall her mentioning something about clothing merchandise in some kind of gift shop. So, I tied loosely together that maybe Shauna was a buyer/merchandiser for a in-casino boutique. 

So, do we think that Danny is going to spill the beans to Carter that Sludge didn't spend the night alone? I also noticed his look of disgust at the rumpled sheets. No wonder he just dropped off the fresh linens. He forgot his hazmat suit and respirator he most certainly needed to change those sheets.

*Any bets that Flo and Shauna will grace Eric and Quinn's Thanksgiving dinner table?

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On 9/18/2019 at 3:32 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Shauna said she wasn't going to tell anyone about her slumber party with Ridge but I bet she'll blab to Quinn. Something tells me Quinn won't take the news well.

Knowing how the Hypocrisy Train has been running on full steam lately, she'll be giving a lecture on how ruining marriages is a bad thing.

That, or compare notes. Pretty even odds on either.

On 9/18/2019 at 2:49 PM, mightysparrow said:

  I get the feeling that Denise, with all her bad-mouthing of the Logans, is supposed to mollify the anti-Logan contingent in the audience who might be upset that Brooke didn't get sent to the chair for defending her daughter.

If that's so, she can go away. The last few weeks have been so bizarre as a B&B fan, because I've never seen so many people in Brooke's corner as I have since she shoved ThomAss over the cliff, including a ton of folks who'd normally would have rooter for her to go over with him.

Like, it's taken me forever to be Team Brooke on anything, but...nothing she's done--and I'm including the Breacon boink in that--is as horrible as hiding a child believed to be dead and watching the baby's mother spiral out of control. It just isn't. You aren't going to make me hate the Logans on this one, Show, so stop trying to make fetch happen.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

But if Flo had the $50K why did she take the job bartending at Bikini Bar? Then not long afterward she met Hope and went to work at FC once her Logan status was revealed. It was at that point she started dressing "better." Then she moved in with Wyatt and he definitely wasn't charging her rent. If she still had the money she could've hired an attorney when she got arrested. I don't recall anyone mentioning her bank account had been seized.

Maybe she put it in a 401K? 🤷‍♀️

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Finding Flo's money sounds like a job for Liam, the IT wiz, & Justin, who can get to the bottom of anything. 

I couldn't care less about Katie badgering Flo, bringing up Storm's heart, blah blah blah. If you really want to make her squirm & make her feel bad, bring $Bill with you. He'll take no prisoners, & she'll be begging to get out of LA when he's done with her. The show just doesn't use him nearly enough. 

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7 hours ago, MsTree said:

Maybe she put it in a 401K? 🤷‍♀️

She wouldn't have been making enough money at the bar for that to be possible, assuming Danny even offers that perk to part-time employees.

Reese gave her the money in cash. That amount of money would've have been difficult for her to put into any legal financial plans or institutions without it being reported to the IRS, which would eventually lead to questions of where the money came from. Flo doesn't seem to be bright enough to have gone through some procedure to "clean" the cash and convert it to a non-cash form. I still don't think she has the money but it would be interesting if Bill or Liam used some combination of hacking and forensic accounting to trace where the money might be. Why bother though? In the overall scheme of things it's relatively minor. Dr. Tower of London is the one who got the big bucks.


*Any bets that Flo and Shauna will grace Eric and Quinn's Thanksgiving dinner table?

Of course they will. They'll probably have the seats of honor at the head of the table, especially since, per spoilers out in wild, it sounds like Flo


will be donating a kidney to Katie and saving Katie's life.

I'm betting within a year Shauna will be a Forrester wife and/or Flo will be a Spencer wife.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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11 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Shauna said she wasn't going to tell anyone about her slumber party with Ridge but I bet she'll blab to Quinn. Something tells me Quinn won't take the news well.

Given they don’t have Katie and Wyatt acknowledge they boned for a year and were engaged, Quinn will probably have a non-reaction to Riauna. Although having Quinn try to deter the relationship and Eric question her motives would give them something to play and add to the fallout of the baby death/switch. Watching Quinn’s face crack and Psycho Quinn targeting her beloved BFF and Ridge I can dig.

For Thanksgiving, we’re gonna have Beth’s first Thanksgiving as Beth Spencer with a Flo no doubt front and center getting to hold her to show she’s back in as family. Shauna will be Flo’s +1 and will be making goo goo eyes at Ridge which he’ll pretend to not wants when Brooke is looking.

I admit that I’ve been Team Stephan in the Stephanie vs. The Logan wars, but I do appreciate the united sisters front they’ve forged over the years and that they do have each other’s backs and when they don’t it becomes a big deal. Having said that Katie  (and Hope) have been the buttinski in many situations that they’ve made much worse which was none they bidness- Katie especially- so even when she does a leg to stand on with Flo, I’m not completely there with her on laying the smackdown.

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I can't imagine Quinn is going to be too happy with BFF Shauna rolling around in the sheets with Ridge since that's her territory.

Well, by rolling around in the sheets, I mean, Shauna snuggling up to Ridge and he just lays there like a dead fish.

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Dude... she didn't tell you that your brother's child was still alive while watching Hope lose her mind and their marriage disintegrate.  Just thinking about Flo for a second is enough for Sally to drop-kick his ass.  I've always liked Wyatt, but that's pretty much done.  I don't expect any better from Quinn and Shauna's dumb asses, but Wyatt should know better.

Who's idea was those ridiculous looking fake photos of Wyatt and Flo?

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Soooo has Wyatt explained to Flo that he was married to Hope and they lost a child together? Because revealing that to her and emphasizing that a) he knows the grief his brother experienced firsthand and b) Hope is his ex-wife that he will always care for would show Flo the high hurdle she has to clear with him. 

SC and AN appear to have gotten a well earned vacation. It’s nice to see other characters for a change and actual ripple effect storylines from the Beth reveal. 

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Bill today to his dipshit son, Wyatt, today: "What Flo did to Liam, lying to you, stabbing Katie in the back and the rest of the Logans! No second chances for Flo, Wyatt!"

Also, this: "I'm so pissed the Flo was granted immunity! She helps Buckingham steal my granddaughter and that's it, they let her off!"

$ Bill - the voice of reason.

Elsewhere, Katie's back is hurting, so I'm guessing she's gonna need a kidney transplant and Flo will be a perfect match. 

@nasir jones, those faux photos were so terrible, but yet fitting because Flatt sucks.





And yes, it absolutely grates that Wyatt isn't sharing just how deep his relationship with Hope goes. She was his wife, they were expecting a child together, and for him to even allow Flo to breathe the same air as him after what she did to his ex and his brother, well, honestly, IDGAF about Wyatt anymore. Let him be with the sleazy human trafficker and leave Sally alone.

Because my gal, Red, deserves the very best and Wyatt...ain't it.

Also, Wyatt is officially the new Waffles.


Shauna and Quinn teaming up to meddle in Wyatt's love life.

Stephanie: Hold my beer...

Also, ladies, and I'm being kind here. Your help is not needed. Wyatt will fuck this up on his own and choose his trashy ex over the classy Sally (although I'm still holding out hope Sally will come to her senses and ditch him first).

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Meh, Sally is a grown-a$$ woman and IMO should not be trying to defend herself to her grown-a$$ boyfriend's overprotective mommy. And she certainly shouldn't be badmouthing her competition. Flo's multitude of sins stink well enough on their own. AFAIC, the only person Sally should concern herself with is wishy-washy Wyatt, who mostly thinks with his little head.

Um, Flo, Wyatt has a girlfriend. What are you doing dropping in at his house? Wyatt, you have a girlfriend. Why would you let that kidnapping skank into your house? Oh right, you can't let Sally go until you have Flo firmly secured again--on your junk.

Please explain to me why Wyatt would tell Flo that he wasn't sleeping with Sally? He might as well have told Flo to lead with her cooch. SMH. 😒

Wonder what Quinn will do to get Sally out of the way? I might be scared for Sally. Ugh, Wyatt is so not worth it! Sally could probably get any man in LA not named Forrester or Spencer.

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Sally is wasted on Wyatt.  Well, to be honest, Sally would be wasted on any of these worthless jerks.  I hate that this happens to every single woman on this show.  No matter how she starts out, she ends up being a doormat to some idiot guy.

I despise Brooke and Katie, but Flo and Shana are stank bitches to.  Also, Flo, Xander, and Zoe are just as bad as Thomas.  It's not just that they didn't tell the truth for months when they could have, and that Douglas, a child, did the right thing when they didn't.  After Emma died, they suspected Thomas might have had something to do with her death, and they stood by and did nothing while Hope married Thomas.  Flo showing up drunk at the wedding and not telling Hope means nothing.  Something these morons just don't seem to understand is that the entire "Thomas wouldn't let us" is a pathetic excuse which highlights what selfish lying weaklings they are.  It does not absolve them or make them victims.

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That look that Quinn gave Sally makes me wonder why she’s not Frozen.  Quinn is right. Wyatt loves Flo and he always will. Did you see him hedge against Bill’s demands?  Did you see Wyatt waffle when Flo told him that he was her sole mate?  

I also loved the look on Quinn’s face as she thought about reuniting Flo and Wyatt? 

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I swear this show just keeps getting worse.🙄

Damn, those thirsty blonde Vegas hussies just won't let anything rest. Its been what, 5 minutes since Flo was put in jail, released and she's been to see Waffle Wyatt twice already? Honey, how can he miss you if you don't go away? And those super fake photos...SO SO BAD!!! 😳

I'm so over Quinn giving Sally the stink eye. What'd she ever do to her anyway. And now Shauna & Quinn will "conspire"...so don't care.

So looks like Katie needs a new kidney & no doubt Flo will provide & be instantly forgiven and shazzam! it'll be as if Baby Beth was never dead/alive/stolen/appeared as Kelly's (who now?) instant baby sister Phoebe for months or ever missing from Hope & Liam's arms since birth.

I could care less about Ridge & Shauna...free Brooke!!

I think we need some $Bill & Justin justice on Thomas.

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So much for Quinn's growth spurt. All it took was a shared girlhood remembrance, and viola, those beautiful blue eyes were glittering once more. Sorry Quinn, you don't get to judge. Your rap sheet far exceeds anything Sally has ever even thought about doing. Good. I hope it costs Quinn Eric, and by that time Shauna is already munching on her gorgeous cheesesteak. 

Mistake as defined by Merriam Webster:

  • to blunder in the choice of
  • to misunderstand the meaning of or choice of
  • to identify wrongly

I am struggling to find willingly and knowingly signing fake adoption papers. I think the definition for that might be found under "Fraud." I am also struggling to find willingly and knowingly prolonging an entire family's pain. I think the definition for that might be found under "Bitch." Stop talking about making mistakes. Also stop talking about how you would have come forward sooner if only Thomas......the fact is, you didn't come forward at all. Douglas did. And how rude of you to show up carrying takeout. What if Wyatt and Sally were having something else. Oh, but Wyatt has already been bamboozled, which makes me hate Flo even more. I don't want to see Sally battling Flo for Wyatt. The very fact that Wyatt is even talking to Flo says everything. The fact that he cares that she knows he doesn't hate her says even more. And telling Flo about you and Sally's sex life? I have no doubt that Flo will let Sally know that Wyatt told her that. 

Woman are just doormats on this show. But it usually takes some time to reach that status. Sally was trampled right out of the starting gate, and has been going downhill ever since. 

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I am fed up with Flo and Shauna referring to what Flo did as a 'mistake'.  Human trafficking is a crime that affects people around the world.  Maybe Bell Jr. needs to read a newspaper or step outside the confines of one of his mansions to educate himself.

What's happened to Quinn?  She used to be an interesting character and now she's a hateful, self-righteous bitch.  Is she channeling Stephanie Forrester now that she married to Stephanie's husband.  If anyone should support Sally it should be Quinn because she knows what it's like to be a woman who has to struggle to make it.

If Ridge deserves Shauna, Wyatt deserves Flo.  He didn't deserve Hope and he sure as shit doesn't deserve Sally, never did.  I wish Sally should find some self-esteem and find a man who will stick by her no matter what.  Unfortunately, there isn't a man like that on the show.  Although...Justin's free.  And Bikini Bar Brother seems like he's a standup guy who didn't seem to like the idea of a married Ridge Forrester stanking up his sheets with Shauna.

Why isn't Flo trying to find a job or make something of her life?  Why is her first (and only) priority getting back in Wyatt's bed.  Way too many women get their sense of self worth through their vaginas on this show.

Katie has a back-ache.  Looks like Flo's redemption is on-track.

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Katie talking about Storm’s heart was foreshadowing. Ugh. 

When Shauna gushes how gorgeous and wonderful Ridge is and how much happier she’d make him I’m confused and dubious. She’s acting like he’s Ryan Gosling in his prime A and B if he’s not satisfied with Golden Cooter Brooke who besides being beautiful and beyond patient with this asshole, has a chemistry degree and head for business I’m not buying Shauna would superior. 

Bikini Beach brother and Sally would be legitimately a dazzling couple @mightysparrow 👏🏼 We need more POC characters who aren’t written like bores or one note jerks. Why they ruined and wrote off Sasha, Vivian, and Julius still angers me. 

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12 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

What's happened to Quinn?  She used to be an interesting character and now she's a hateful, self-righteous bitch.  Is she channeling Stephanie Forrester now that she married to Stephanie's husband.  If anyone should support Sally it should be Quinn because she knows what it's like to be a woman who has to struggle to make it.

THIS. I believe that is precisely why Quinn has such a strong negative reaction to Sally. Quinn sees her younger self in Sally. And it's a double-edged sword (no pun intended!) Quinn doesn't like to be reminded of where she came from, so Sally is a constant reminder of that, thus the disdainful attitude. OTOH, when Quinn was Sally's age, she was already saddled with a toddler and no other means of support than what she earned. I'm sure Quinn had to work in jobs she hated and wasn't allowed the creative freedom to pursue her dreams because she had a mouth to feed. While Sally has had more than her share of hard times, as least she is free to do what she loves 24/7/365. And, while both women are extremely talented, Sally apparently is reaping the rewards at a much earlier age than Quinn. It seems that when Fuller Artisan Jewelry appeared in L.A., the company was kind of teetering on the cusp of either greatness or bankruptcy. (And lest Quinn forget it was Hope who convinced FC to sign on with FAJ.) So, I think all of those reasons, plus the fact that no mother feels that any woman (except Flo) is good enough for her precious son, Quinn resents Sally. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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Naw, I just think it's because Quinn is controlling trash, the same as Stephanie was. 

I mean, Brooke didn't like Amber getting knocked up by her underaged son either and certainly never spared any words against her, but I don't remember Brooke ever actively trying to come between them even after the truth about Eric III came out. She definitely had a far better excuse for wanting to be rid of her, moreso than Quinn has had for any woman in Wyatt's life, Steffy included.

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I tend to agree with both @CharlizeCat and @Anna Yolei re Quinn's feelings towards Sally.

I think she is envious of what she sees as Sally's insta-success but I also think she knows she will never, ever be able to control Sally but she has Flo and Flo's mama in her pocket. 

Notice how she changed her tune of pushing Hott and Statt, respectively, when it became crystal-clear that not only could she not control Hope or Steffy, neither of them wanted her around. And Sally has Quinn's number and wants nothing to do with Quinn and rightfully so, which doesn't bode well for Quinn having all access to her precious boy 24/7.

Of course, all of this is soon to be moot, because based on Wyatt's dumbfuckery, it's just a matter of time before Flo is sleazing up his sheets again and, predictably, with the full blessing of the Logans when she saves Katie's life. 

Which is a nice gesture, but is a drop in the bucket where any hint of redemption is concerned.

If I were Katie, I'd say: "Thanks for the kidney, but you're still baby trafficking trash."

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If I were Katie, I'd say: "Thanks for the kidney, but you're still baby trafficking trash."

Heh, the Logans should get this put on T-shirts. 🙂 For sure Flo will ride that "but look what I did for you/your sister/your aunt/your wife!" train to the ends of the earth. They'll never be rid of her. Cash money on the table she's going to get a big wedding that'll make Hope and Steffy's destinations weddings look like elementary school field trips.

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13 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

When Shauna gushes how gorgeous and wonderful Ridge is and how much happier she’d make him I’m confused and dubious. She’s acting like he’s Ryan Gosling in his prime A and B if he’s not satisfied with Golden Cooter Brooke who besides being beautiful and beyond patient with this asshole, has a chemistry degree and head for business I’m not buying Shauna would superior. 

This is yet another problem with the characters on this show.  Getting a guy doesn't make someone superior.  It ain't that hard to do.

As Original Storm, before Bell and the writers ruined him, told Brooke, make something of your life and be a success.  Don't waste time daydreaming about a man you don't even know.

Of course, Storm really was a self-made success.  He helped Beth raise Brooke, Donna, and Katie when Stephen left, he put himself through law school, and he became one of the most successful attorneys in California by hard work.

8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Naw, I just think it's because Quinn is controlling trash, the same as Stephanie was. 

I mean, Brooke didn't like Amber getting knocked up by her underaged son either and certainly never spared any words against her, but I don't remember Brooke ever actively trying to come between them even after the truth about Eric III came out. She definitely had a far better excuse for wanting to be rid of her, moreso than Quinn has had for any woman in Wyatt's life, Steffy included.

Yes, Brooke did try to come between Rick and Amber (with some justification), and Thorne told Brooke she was starting to remind him of Stephanie.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

Yes, Brooke did try to come between Rick and Amber (with some justification), and Thorne told Brooke she was starting to remind him of Stephanie

Oh? 👀 That might have been right before I started watching, because I really don't remember.

At any rate, it's safe to assume she didn't resort to murder threats or lying about Amber's long lost father being sick to be rid of her.

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Eat all the shit, Wyatt. If an ex who trafficked my niece showed up at my door, I’d need to be firmly restrained and not from jumping their bones. You have to have something desperately wrong with you to even consider taking a baby thief back. 

Flo can give Katie all her organs, and it will never give Hope and Liam back the time they missed with Beth. Flo and Thomas and Shauna and Ridge... two perfect couples made up of four assholes who truly don’t get it. Make it happen, show.

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Sally: "Wyatt, I want to take things slow." Meaning, no, I don't want to move back in with you when the stench from Flo's nasty ass is still lingering in the air, not to mention on your sheets. And no, I don't want to fuck you either.

Wyat: "Marry me!"

Sally's very first marriage proposal and it's a fucking joke. 


Damn, Wyatt, you have two perfectly functioning hands. Figure it out.

Elsewhere, Katie hits the floor in the Faint of Doom...


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Show is really pissing me off.  These selfish monsters didn't get a traffic ticket.  They either participated in or helped cover up the theft/kidnapping of a baby.  They should all burn in hell.

I hope Katie dies.  It will free Bill.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Of course Wyatt “wanted” Sally. Flo’s visit made him horny.  If you can’t love the want, than love the one your with. Wyatt and Liam are definitely Bill’s sons. 

I’m pretty sure that Flo would have got immunity if Ridge objected. It just would have taken longer. 

Katie is playing the heart card. It hasn’t been mentioned in months and even we haven’t seen her scar for about the same time. 

Brooke, once again being hypocritical. Who does that?  Brooke would do exactly the same thing for Ragged. 

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19 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

What's happened to Quinn?  She used to be an interesting character and now she's a hateful, self-righteous bitch.  Is she channeling Stephanie Forrester now that she married to Stephanie's husband.  If anyone should support Sally it should be Quinn because she knows what it's like to be a woman who has to struggle to make it.

Captive Cabin, that's what happened to her. They tried to invoke a change in her character via that storyline and she has never came back from that. She instead ended up being a rapist who was stripped of everything that made her interesting. I hate New Quinn. She was fine the way she was, but we can't have a woman be too confident in this show especially in relation to men. Notice how all paired women on this show are submissive to their husband or boyfriend. There will never be a homosexual couple on this show because the writers would actually have to attempt to write an equal relationship. 

Wyatt has bad taste in women, and Quinn and Bill is just going to have to accept that. While child trafficker Flo ain't shit, Sally's no prize either. In hindsight, that's what he deserves. Now, one shouldn't have to settle for the person who commits the lesser crime, but considering that everyone on is show is guilty of at least one crime they all will have to settle or be single. 

I'm still pissed about Emma's death. I was indifferent to the character, but she deserved better. It's not as if Thomas was shocked and frozen, he deliberately did nothing and watched her die. He might as well had run her off the road, it wouldn't had really anything. The writers can't take back what see saw.

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6 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Katie is playing the heart card. It hasn’t been mentioned in months and even we haven’t seen her scar for about the same time. 

There was some wedding a while back where Katie was showing the girls off and the scar was entirely missing. 

6 hours ago, Zevim said:

Wyatt has bad taste in women, and Quinn and Bill is just going to have to accept that. While child trafficker Flo ain't shit, Sally's no prize either.

Respectfully, I gotta disagree on that last part. Her worst sin was stealing some designs, which is a sin everyone on the show has committed. Ridge, Thorne and Rick have all taken turns at destroying their father's company out of spite or grudgewank with at least one other brother.

I admit I wasn't happy with Sally sitting on the fake drawing scheme, but 1) she was quiet about it for maybe one day, tops 2) it wasn't anything Wyatt needed to know about first, especially since he's giving Flo a free pass and 3) IT WASNT BABY NAPPING OF YOUR NIECE, WYATT!

His romantic past includes going after Hope who used him as bait to barely keep Liam in line; going after Ivy two minutes after she broke up with Liam, where she then proceeded to make out with Thomas behind his back; going after Steffy two minutes after Liam disappeared and ignoring all the red flags about that; and dating his former stepmom. He's damn lucky Sally OR Flo is giving him the time of day with that disasterous tract record.

But Sally? As others have said, ain't a man on this show worth her energy. Every other option is either (at long last) happily married, a complete sleeze, or the guy who nearly killed her over a stupid skyscraper. Perhaps she'll end up with Rick if that sprumor about him returning ends up true, but let's be honest, he's crazy too.

Just let her and Steffy have at it. The worst Steffy ever did to her was come between her and Thomas, which all things considered was the best gift anyone has ever given her.

Edited by Anna Yolei
rage misspelling
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Ridge doing actual dress designing. What sorcery is this?

So how long will it be before Flo is sending T&A shots to Wyatt's phone? And Sally sees them?

I can't wait until Brooke finds out Ridge spent the night with Shauna. She'll be squinting at him so hard lasers will shoot out of her eyes.

Sally, run! You don't want a marriage proposal you pretty much had to ask for, especially when there's a problematic ex sniffing around again. Wyatt is only as reliable as his options.

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Wyatt preaches to Sally about honesty, but he hasn't yet disclosed to her that Flo was just there begging for his forgiveness, and that he essentially gave it to her. Wyatt only wants to marry Sally to remove the threat of Flo. He is too weak to resist her, so he will put a ring on Sally's finger and hope that sends Flo running. If she excepts, Sally is going to be pounded, by Quinn, by Bill, by Shauna, and by Flo. I hate this SL.

Another Katie health emergency. Just Show's way of keeping the spotlight off the fact that no one has paid for months of the worst SL in soap history. All the perpetrators are running around free. Some sashaying around like they own the world. Pure unadulterated Deep Fried Tom Fuckery. 

I go to work everyday; I work hard, and often long hours, including evenings and weekends. I have been with the same company for twenty years. I am a senior person there. I have good benefits, generous time off, and good pay. But I still can't laze around all day talking about my daughter's love life. How do Flo, an ex waitress at a beach bar, and Shauna, a "Marketing" person, do it? Do they live on air? How are the bills getting paid. So annoying. 

And just to prove that Show's staff aren't the only ones that suck at photoshopping:










But this wasn't an exercise in software skills; it was an exercise to educate Shauna on what a Hottie Potatie really is, and to show Sally there are lots of other men out there; beautiful, gorgeous, talented, sexy men. 

And because I believe in full disclosure; I dipped into my own personal fantasy pool. 

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Sally has actually always been kind of weak.  She initially came on like a tough, old-school “dame” but it didn’t take too long for her to start worshipping and fangirling every man who entered her life - Liam, Thomas and now Wyatt.  Almost every opportunity she’s enjoyed has come from these same aforementioned men.  Liam sponsored Spectra, Thomas let her off the legal hook and, although, she eventually went to FC, Wyatt basically forced his father to fund a new Spectra.   

Also, CP needs to step away from the lip fillers. 

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@Anna Yolei I wish I could like your post a million times!!!! 💕 

Sally is legitimately gorgeous and has a body that should (a probably has) been on magazine covers. And Katie’s health is Snoresville. We’ve been through this like 5x so it’s tired and we all know she isn’t gonna die. 

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22 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

Sally has actually always been kind of weak.  She initially came on like a tough, old-school “dame” but it didn’t take too long for her to start worshipping and fangirling every man who entered her life - Liam, Thomas and now Wyatt.  Almost every opportunity she’s enjoyed has come from these same aforementioned men.  Liam sponsored Spectra, Thomas let her off the legal hook and, although, she eventually went to FC, Wyatt basically forced his father to fund a new Spectra.  

Sadly, that seems to be every woman on this show. Brooke to her credit actually did earn her stripes at FC, but the rest of 'em? Pfft. 

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20 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Sadly, that seems to be every woman on this show. Brooke to her credit actually did earn her stripes at FC, but the rest of 'em? Pfft. 

Caroline I, Taylor, and Bridget had careers that had nothing to do with FC.  Phoebe worked at FC, but she was also going to college.

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@RuntheTable, your photoshopping skills and taste in potential beaus for Sally are excellent! 100% approve! 😊

It's hard to imagine that in LA Wyatt is the best Sally thinks she can do. His being rich helps I guess and it would seem he's working with something impressive in the male equipment department. But all that is one DNA test away from being turned to dust. (Because I still think it's likely Wyatt isn't actually Bill's kid. Bill just took Quinn's word for it.) Sally should keep her options open.

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21 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

@RuntheTable, your photoshopping skills and taste in potential beaus for Sally are excellent! 100% approve! 😊

Ah, thank you @Joimiaroxeu; they are all tasty, but of them all, Timothy Olyphant just makes me all gooey inside. 

It is strange how when you age, your tastes sort of change to preferring a smorgasbord over the al-carte selections. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

@RuntheTable, your photoshopping skills and taste in potential beaus for Sally are excellent! 100% approve! 😊

Because it can’t be quoted enough. Timothy to Jason - they alllllll fine.

Wyatt is acting like the dick I’ve always said he was, but after dead baby Beth and Steffy/Liam/Hope 3.0, I’ll take Flo/Wyatt/Sally for the change in pace and Brooke/Ridge/Shauna although Brooke really shouldn’t be fighting over Ridge but if she took him back after Quinn then she gets what she deserves. It’s really weird that I hate Ridge but am into Ridge/ Shauna. Go figure.

Cheese stands alone again- Flo possibly giving up a body part to save Katie is a huge damn deal. Yes, she owes the Logans for her baby trafficking but a very risky surgery and recovery that leaves her vulnerable to future complications if that remaining kidney goes kaput ain’t no joke and actually does put limitations on her life including possibly having kids. After the way Katie went out of her way to go poop on Flo, if I were Shauna I’d be mighty salty when the Logans come knocking on my daughter’s door alternately playing the you owe us and what about family card when they excommunicated Flo from the family and tried to banish her from LA. Flo is caught in that she does want to help, is willing to let them treat her like trash because she owes them, but if she showed any rightful  hesitation she would be raked over the coals. I don’t want Flo to get insta redemption this way but frankly if she does give up a kidney IMO Katie can’t say shit to her anymore. Hope and Brooke and Liam can keep on rightfully hating her though because she can’t give back that time or pain she knowingly caused. Let the Logans be split on the Flo issue for a while.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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they are all tasty, but of them all, Timothy Olyphant just makes me all gooey inside. 

That's fine! Enjoy yourself! I'll just be over here making myself a Jason/Joi/Idris sandwich. 😉

Re the possible kidney donation, I don't think Flo will hesitate for minute. She'll relish being able to throw that card down in front of everybody from then on, especially Wyatt. It's Shauna who I think will balk because it will represent a potential peril for Flo to have only one kidney. If Shauna doesn't balk then I wouldn't be surprised if she wants Flo to be paid for the kidney. (Or for her service, that is. Human organ trafficking is also illegal. 😐)

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20 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Caroline I, Taylor, and Bridget had careers that had nothing to do with FC.

Not gonna lie, for all the shrieking Taylor's done in the 2010s, fighting her grown kids' battles and acting like she were owned a part of FC just because she popped out two Satan Spawn and Phoebe for Rigde, I really forgot how confident and smart she used to seem to me when I was a kid. Mind you, my first memories of Taylor came after her arm-twisting marriage to Ridge, so I knew nothing of her bad side until her return.But no matter what a hack she became, she was Doctor before she was ever Mrs. Ridge Forrester.

I did see the whole first season and part of the second until the Dee Bap channel got hit for copyright infringement (which is stupid, because it's not like the majority of soap episodes ever see the light of day after they air), so I remember watching Caroline fight for her independence from a father who even today's helicopter parents would consider to be overbearing. And even after her attack, she refused to move back home or excuse Bill for what he did at her wedding. It was such a refreshing change from the childish, entitled bickering out of Steffy and Hope and the proxy war fought by their mothers.

Bridget, I only think was made a designer because TIIC didn't want to build new hospital sets for her to work out of (this was also around the time the classic Cafe Russe was "closed" and the other sets began shrinking in size).But even then, she disguised herself to get hired at Nick and Jackie's company and even when Ridge offered to hire her one after she and Nick divorced, she was basically "Naw, I'm good, thnxz." I'm glad she's living her best life away from this insanity and I would genuinely be afraid of how she'd be ruined if she ever came back.

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14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bridget, I only think was made a designer because TIIC didn't want to build new hospital sets for her to work out of (this was also around the time the classic Cafe Russe was "closed" and the other sets began shrinking in size).But even then, she disguised herself to get hired at Nick and Jackie's company and even when Ridge offered to hire her one after she and Nick divorced, she was basically "Naw, I'm good, thnxz." I'm glad she's living her best life away from this insanity and I would genuinely be afraid of how she'd be ruined if she ever came back.

This so much.  Ruined or killed.  I miss Bridget, but if she returned, Bell would trash her or kill her off or both.

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