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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I can't comment on this shit; and the good thing is I don't have to! You guys though! I am sputtering, and gurgling, and snorting, and choking, and snoting. So damn funny! 

Oh Show. You have really gone and done it now......well, I guess I have to lob a few thoughts out there:

$50K plus a weekly salary for how many months? Add in no overhead. Add in, no money now?????

Dear Lord, what has happened to my beautiful Rena? That flat Morticia part, with the auburn shade peeking out, and the reddish eyebrows? 

How could you do that to your mom Hope? Now you have given her Neanderthal husband all the ammo he needs.

I am not sure it matters if Thomas was threatening Hope at that very second, because nothing can erase the past few months.

Liam’s one liners about Thomas are stealing the show and giving me new hope for the character.

Ridge ask’s “How did this happen?” Oh, you dumb fuck. How? Have you been sleep walking the past few weeks? As soon as the bottom fell out of the plan, and the truth came out, your little Tommy Boy ran the fuck away! He went into hiding, and abandoned his young son. Certainly, you remember your repeated, unanswered calls and texts to Thomas? That good boy you raised, that sweet loving son, who values family so much he helped perpetrate months of suffering to not only your step-daughter, but his own sister and son. Yes, that “good kid” that ran an innocent young girl off the road to her death. Who drugged Liam. Who crept over to Cliff House and entered without letting Hope know he was even there. Who actually does that Ridge? But, it is so much easier to blame your wife. The woman you claim to love above all others. The woman you have known for over thirty years; much longer than Thomas. When has Brooke ever shown signs of wanted to physically harm anyone? Yet, how many times has Thomas done just that and much more. And your constant and unceasing snarky ass comments to your wife are simply repulsive. Please Ridge, shut the hell up. You are a brute and an arrogant bastard. Off with his head!

Brooke needs to extricate herself from this moron’s grasp. Oh, but that would only give him more ammo when he presses charges against her for attempted murder.

If Eric piles on the blame Brooke bandwagon…..I AM OUT! Eric is Brooke’s one true friend. He has acted as her confidant on more than one occasion. If he turns on her over that loser grandson of his I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive him.


Liam finally grows weary of hearing Hope defend and feel sorry for Thomas and takes a time out. He moves out of the cabin and bunks with his dad for awhile to get his head straight.

Bill tries to reconnect with Brooke, but she wants to stay with Ridge. He tells her staying with the Dress Maker out of guilt is no kind of life, but Brooke feels like she must pay penance for nearly killing Thomas.

Thomas wakes up with true amnesia, which in B&B fashion, absolves him of all responsibility for his crimes. The police cannot pin Emma’s death on him, so he skates on that too. Ridge insists that Thomas move back in with him and Brooke; it is the least she can do after nearly killing his son.

Wyatt’s lingering feelings and support for Flo ends any chance of rekindling his romance with Sally, who limps back to FC’s to lick her wounds. Bill is actually furious with Wyatt, and goes to see Sally to encourage her to hang in there. Those sparks from that long ago scene where Sally comes to see Bill with a gun reemerge, and they somehow find themselves in each other’s arms.

A distraught Justin comes to Brooke’s to confront Thomas, only to find an equally distraught Brooke. They commiserate and end up going out for lunch. Thus begins some of daytime’s tastiest Chocolate Swirl.

Wyatt finds himself alone as Flo is in jail and Sally is tapping his dad. He pays a visit to his old fuck buddy Katie, who is blubbering and lonely. Wyatt goes to retrieve his pizza man delivery suit.

Eric and Quinn start having marital problems after he finds out Quinn has been funding Flo’s legal needs. Ridge gives his stepmom the comfort he should have been giving his desperate and hurting wife, but all Quinn did was help a criminal who hurt all the people Ridge claims to love; she didn’t try to kill his beloved “really a good kid” son.  Ridge feels sorry for Quinn, and suggests they should start their cathartic kissing again. Eric catches them and kicks them both to the curb. Eric informs Brooke, who is just home from her lunch with Justin. She is done with Ridge. His nasty comments and lack of understanding have hurt her so deeply, and he turns to Quinn? No, Brooke finds herself in need of some tasty chocolate. Quinn goes back to her old digs, and Shauna moves in with her to help her restart her business.

Flo goes to jail, as does that stink ass doctor.

Liam and Hope finally reconnect after Hope realizes that Thomas’s amnesia has disappeared, but he is still acting sick. He slips up about what happened the night Emma died, and Hope goes to the police, who press charges.

Ridge finds himself living with his heaux bag daughter, both alone with no one they “love” in a choke hold or on a leash.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I never thought I'd say this about RS, but Quinn wasn't looking so good yesterday either. I don't like the overly long stringy hair. RS has very strong (but gorgeous) features, but I think she looks better with a little shorter hair and some layers around her face to soften it. 

Anyway, I am thinking that Quinn is going to secretly loan Shauna money to bail Flo out of jail. When Eric finds out, shit's gonna hit the fan. I can see Quinn and Sludge turning to each other during their respective marital crises. 

That could put Donna back in the running for Eric and I'd love to see Brooke with that hunky new doctor. If it must be, then leave boring Batie together for the sake of the children, family, apple pie, Chevrolet, baseball, stock and bonds ... 

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$50K plus a weekly salary for how many months? Add in no overhead. Add in, no money now?????

Flo spent all her money on that fabulous wardrobe she has. The one that almost always looks to me like it's a size too small and came from the thrift shop remainders bin. 😼


Amelia, the WORST nanny on the West Coast

Ugh, I wouldn't give her that much credit. I think she's the worst nanny in the entire US!

Taking bets now, Thomas will call Amelia from the hospital and she'll sneak Douglas into see him. Now I know Douglas is an innocent who loves his daddy but Amelia needs to stop letting her lust for Thomas override her common sense. And I thought she was Steffy's nanny anyway. Why isn't she wherever Steffy and Kelly are?

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Is it possible that while Thomas is in the hospital having all those brain scans that his personality-altering brain tumor will be discovered?  And that Brooke will then be hailed as a hero because if it  hadn't been for his fall the tumor never would've been discovered?  If so, I hope Brooke is so hurt and furious by Ridge's treatment of her that she turns away from him and runs to Bill.

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Flo is still a lowlife lying piece of trash.  Flo, Zoe, and Xander knew the entire truth, and could have told Liam, Hope, etc., BEFORE Thomas ever found out.

Ridge, Quinn, Liam, Brooke, etc., all have some valid points, unfortunately ALL of these people live in glass houses.  Don't forget the lies you have told Ridge and Liam regarding Caroline and Douglas.

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I found it kinda funny that OG Waffles was scolding Waffles, Jr., for never having loved someone like he loves Thomas. He certainly didn't feel that way when Thomas raped & impregnated Ridge's then-almost-wife, Caroline. He certainly didn't feel that way when Douglas was born, & he was determined to raise him as his own & never let Thomas know. Sounds like a bit of waffling, then throwing shade at another waffler for being a waffler. 

I'm glad Quinn shut Shauna down. I have to say, I hardcore covet that green shirt DR was wearing. It was smashing.

Edited by nkotb
Technically, CaRidge were married well-after "misunderstanding night".
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So Ridge burns Liam for waffling and tells him he can’t understand being able to forgive someone who has done something so heinous, yet he continues to treat Brooke like she premeditated throwing Thomas off the cliff. 

For the record, Liam has forgiven Quinn for kidnapping and raping him, Steffy for cheating, and Bill for various offenses. 

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18 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

If the writers are going to kill off a character, the SL needs to be very well written, not simply done for shock value.  Anymore soaps are all about the "shock" while good writing is an after thought.

When AMC killed Laura (Brooke and Tom's daughter), it affected almost all of the characters and had a real impact.  Barbara (the woman Tom was dating) was watching Laura, Laura wanted to go across the street over to her friend's house.  Barbara let Laura go by herself (I think Laura was only four of five at the time).  Laura was hit by a drunk driver walking across the road.  One of Cecily's friends had gotten a promotion at work (something like that), and they were all celebrating at lunch.  He had to much to drink, Cecily took his keys, and was going to call him a cab.  However, he had a spare set of keys on him, he left in his car, and he hit Laura.  So while Barbara and Cecily weren't driving the car, they still felt responsible.  Which is a huge difference with this show because none of these characters ever think they do anything wrong, or are responsible for what they do.

For psycho done right, see Jake on DOOL, Chris K's little brother.  No one expected him to be a serial killer.  For bad guy hiding in plain sight, see Burt Ramsey on GH, who did get actual redemption years later after he paid for what he did.

I still wish Hope, Brooke, and Ridge had followed Thomas over the cliff.

I remember that story line.  The consequences of Laura's death lasted for years, just like in real life.  Brooke and Tom never really got over Laura's death. 

As someone who had a loved one killed by a drunk driver, I thought this story line was handled beautifully.  But this was the work of Agnes Nixon, a genius in the world of soap operas.  Neither Bell, senior or junior, are fit to carry her coffee.

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So I guess part of the Thomas Redemption Quest is to make us hate Ridge more than him. It might be working for me.

Wait, what? Ridge, Liam more than forgave Steffy for taking a ride on his father's joystick. You're just salty your daughter's cooch wasn't enough to rekindle Liam and Steffy's former romance. Not even with an assist from a molly-enhanced cocktail, courtesy if your "inherently good" son.

I feel like now would be a good time for Shauna to point out to Quinn that she knows who Wyatt's real father is. Because cash money laid down it's not Bill and Quinn would likely pay to keep that quiet. 🙄

Why are Hope and Brooke talking to the cops without legal representation? Gah.

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

Sounds like a bit of waffling, then throwing shade at another waffler for being a waffler. 

Original recipe Ridge gave Liam some shit for this early on, but the writers wisely did not make him the biggest anti-Liam voice. It's somewhat of a shame that Crap Wagner left shortly before Steamless's Aspen wedding and all the shit that followed; I don't think he would've hesitated to sock Liam in his then very petulant face and chewed him out. Not that Nick had much more room to talk but he was more a father to Hope than either version of Ridge and Hope had no one in her corner besides Rick for his own opportunistic motives.

2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

As someone who had a loved one killed by a drunk driver, I thought this story line was handled beautifully.  But this was the work of Agnes Nixon, a genius in the world of soap operas.  Neither Bell, senior or junior, are fit to carry her coffee.

I'm so sorry for your loss *hugs*

Funny you say that about Bell Sr, because as I understand it, both he and Nixon both were protegés of Irma Philips, who all but invented the genre in the 1930s, beginning with Guiding Light. I never followed the ABC shows she created but it's interesting how they both went in totally different directs with the stories they told.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Raggedy still seams apoplectic toward Lurch. Liam has Lurch’s number but will Raggedy push back trying to quiet Liam’s disdain for Lurch.  Ridge will do everything in his power to minimize Lurch’s involvement but I see, in his future, Bill and Justin standing in his way.  

I love you Quinn but you have become a Forester hypocrite by injection. You know that you would do anything for Wyatt. That would include attempted murder, more than once, kidnapping, and rape. 

Is Flo setting herself for a lighter sentence by cooperating with the police. Maybe she won’t need Quinn’s money. 

Are the Foresters going to have another cover up by hiding the fact that Brooke is responsible for Lurch taking a nose dive. Can someone say hypocrites.  Just get Brooke a good lawyer, not Carter, a she should just tell it as it was, an accident.

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Thank you, @Anna Yolei, that's very kind of you.

Agnes Nixon's ABC shows were groundbreakers.  She introduced Black characters, gay characters, stories about rape and domestic violence.   So many different topical issues.  All while writing some kickass soaps.

I hope that when Bill rushes to Brooke's side, he brings some security.  Let's not forget that both Thomas' mother AND sister are killers.  Although it appears that neither seem to give a shit that Thomas is fighting for his life.  Where are Steffy and Taylor?  Word is that Bell can't come to an agreement with HT about money?  So recast Taylor!  It's not like HT is such a great actress that she's the ONLY one who could play Taylor.  Hunter Tylo made Ronnnn Moss look like De Niro.  It's time to fish or cut bait when it comes to Taylor.  She should be a part of this story line since she's the one who started it.  If she hadn't been so sick with envy about the Logans, Beth would have never been kidnapped and sold.

And if Taylor can't pack up her vials of botox and return home, what about her daughter?  Hasn't Hauxdi noticed all the police officers walking around her property?  I can understand why she might want to avoid Thomas.  He might remind her about her little conspiracy with Caroline.  Who knows what kind of man Thomas would be now if he had stayed with Sally?

I LOVED what Liam said to Thomas.  I'm beginning to feel a little optimism about Liam and Hope (it's still early days).  I don't think Liam is going to let her forget what a sociopath Thomas is and what he did to their family.

And the REALLY good news is that after hearing what Liam said to Thomas, Ridge might finally be willing to change his mind about shoving Liam into his daughter's bed.    Praise the Lord.

I think Brooke should step up to Det. Sanchez and tell him the truth about what happened.  She has nothing to hide and absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.  IT WAS AN ACCIDENT.  Speaking of Det. Sanchez, I'd really like to see him stick around.  It makes no sense that a show based in LA has NO Hispanic characters.  Det. Sanchez could introduce a whole family of Hispanic characters.  God knows this show could use some fresh, new blood.

There was a moment when I actually liked Flo and it was when she dropped a big old dime on Thomas.  It's bullshit for her to act like Thomas is more guilty than she is but if it puts Thomas in a condo at San Quentin, go ahead Flo.  Avenge Emma!!!

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23 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

And the REALLY good news is that after hearing what Liam said to Thomas, Ridge might finally be willing to change his mind about shoving Liam into his daughter's bed.

🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀 I'm deceased!

I agree about a recast for Taylor. I heard Gina Tognoni is looking for work, no? There's likely some other C-list celebrity that could slum it on this show for a quick paycheck too.

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Has Flo ever admitted that she gained $50,00.00 from Dr. Death? That would go a long way to pay her bail and put a down payment on her attorney fees. Just saying.

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41 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Has Flo been indicted yet? What exactly has she been charged with? And where's Dr. Kensington Palace? Shouldn't he have been extradited back to the US by now? Why ask why?

Extradition can take a while, especially if the person fights it.  See:  Assange, Julian.

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42 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Has Flo been indicted yet? What exactly has she been charged with? And where's Dr. Kensington Palace? Shouldn't he have been extradited back to the US by now? Why ask why?

The last we heard about Dr Shady was when Ridge mentioned he had spoken to the police and they told him that they were having trouble locating the good doctor. So maybe Dr Shady is on the run? If Flo is in jail shouldn’t Zoe be in jail also? We haven’t seen her since Brooke and Ridge yelled at her and Flo at Forrester. 

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Taylor and Steffy haven't put in an appearance because Ridge hasn't called them.  Yeah, Ridge said he wasn't calling them until he knew more about Thomas' condition.  {face palm}  Just have Ridge say Thomas can only have one visitor at a time, and Taylor is with Thomas.  Steffy was there earlier, but needed to get home to Kelly.

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1 hour ago, Angeleyes said:

The last we heard about Dr Shady was when Ridge mentioned he had spoken to the police and they told him that they were having trouble locating the good doctor. So maybe Dr Shady is on the run? If Flo is in jail shouldn’t Zoe be in jail also? We haven’t seen her since Brooke and Ridge yelled at her and Flo at Forrester. 

No we did get an update that they found him. He's in custody in the UK. 

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Work has been crazy and show has been working my last nerve so haven't been to recap for a few days but after seeing yesterday's show and Liam owning Ridge and Thomas, I just had to.

I'm sure you'll be sad to know I'm not typing a single world about Quinn and Shauna except to say, color me surprised that Quinn's not helping her BFF and her felonious daughter. Also, Denise looked better than Rena yesterday. Yep, I said it.


I'm not convinced that's the end of that.

Also, I could not care less about Flo meeting with the detective and trying to blame it all on Thomas, nevermind that it was months before he was even in town, much less knew the truth. Girl, bye.

So (brushing off hands), let me start by saying I absolutely loved Liam yesterday, especially his unabashedly unapologetic attitude towards Thomas. 

He read Thomas for filth and I am always here for that.

Liam to Hope and Brooke (and this after defending Brooke, agreeing Hope WAS in trouble): "We got to stop giving this guy the benefit of the doubt. The fact of the matter is, Thomas was not safe to be around. I mean, is he even unconscious right now? Or is he just doing whatever he can not to face the music?" It's not an unfair question at all.

Hope: "Liam, I think the doctor would be able to tell that."

Liam: "The doctor doesn't know who he's dealing with. We do."

And yeah, Thomas is probably not faking right this second, but give him time.

Later, Liam goes in to see Thomas and am I wrong in saying Thomas looks just as punchable lying on the hospital bed as he normally does? I swear he looks like he is smirking.

Liam: "I wonder how many broken bones you have. I bet radiology is still counting." And while there's definitely a glint of "karma mofo" in Liam's eyes, you can see he takes no pleasure in seeing Thomas' pain because of what it cost him and Hope. 

He scoffs: "Pretty amazing you survived. 'Cause your death...it would be a tragedy for a number of people." He pauses then adds and I'm CHEERING here: "But I'm not one of them."


Liam: "Can you hear me? Thomas? Ah, well. I guess I wouldn't want to wake up, either, if I were you. First, you drive Emma Barber off Mulholland, and then karma pushes you off a cliff of your own. I just -- I just really hope the law is not done with you yet." It better not be.

He is almost tearing up here as everything sweeps over him: "You know, it's a shame that there isn't a law against using a woman's broken heart to fill your bed. Or getting an innocent child to help you do it."

Damn, Liam is BRINGING it!

Ridge, having slipped into the room unseen, has heard this last bit and finally makes his odious presence known: "That's got to make you feel powerful. Trash-talking some guy who can't defend himself."

Ridge, you are an idiot. Thomas couldn't defend himself NO MATTER WHAT. Even if he was standing right in front of Thomas. There is no defending the indefensible.

Liam, thinking "This fucker," responds coolly: "It's kind of the opposite, actually. I know he's not gonna pay for what he did. I'm sure you and all your money will see to that."


That or a convenient brain tumor or 'roid rage excuse.

Ridge: "You shouldn't be here."

Liam shrugs: "Yeah, I know." He looks down at Thomas.

Ridge: "Liam."

Liam, tired already: "Yeah?"

Ridge: "I'm really, really sorry for what he put you through." Are you? I HIGHLY doubt it. "And he will face the consequences." I won't hold my breath. "But you're right. I'm only gonna let him fall so far. But not because he's my son. Because of something that you couldn't possibly understand. You have never loved anyone deeply enough to stand by them, to support them, to forgive them. Not even for something as awful as what my child did to you."

And fuck you with a giant bag of dicks, Ridge. He DID forgive your precious adulterous Hauxdilox. 

And as far as loving someone deeply enough to stand by them and support them???

He has done that and then some with Hope for well over a year now, even when she pushed him away and back towards Hauxdi, even when Hope married Thomas, even when he was drugged into rape by proxy night with Hauxdi. 

He has been a waffle for too many years to count, but not this time. Not for this woman that he loves more than life itself. And that just KILLS Ridge. 

And what a damn hypocrite to say that when he has completely turned his back on his loving wife, who was simply protecting her daughter from very real danger and if the situation were reversed, you know he would do exactly the same and then some. And instead of supporting his wife, he's hitched his wagon to his homicidal rapist gaslighting abusive son. Truly disgusting.

He is treating Brooke like absolute dogshit and I simply won't stand for that.

Brooke was absolutely in the right and how many times does she have to justify her totally justifiable actions. Just using her own words here: "It's just, there's an unstoppable instinct that happens when you feel like your child is being threatened."

I mean, Ridge tried to kill Bill by tossing him over his balcony because he had CONSENSUAL sex with Hauxdi. 

There was also this exchange between Hope and Brooke:

Brooke, referring to Thomas: "He knows. Thomas knows I wouldn't do anything to try to hurt him. And when he wakes up, he's gonna tell Ridge that."

Hope: "Look, my experience is that it is not safe to assume what Thomas will say or do." Once again, I cannot with the stupidity. But somehow she assumes he was trying to apologize to her and not threatening at all.

But Hope does try to walk it back a bit here with Ridge and why the hell she couldn't have led with this instead in the first place?

Hope: "Ridge, um, my mom, she -- she didn't know."

Ridge: "She didn't know because she didn't take the time to find out what was going on." Oh yes, because everyone would totally stop to have a lengthy conversation with the psycho she is already well aware lied to and gaslighted her own daughter and threatened his own son and has one's daughter in his evil clutches right this very minute, right next to a cliff.

Hope: "Do you really think that's fair? When we all know, you included, that Thomas' motives aren't always good? We don't know what would have happened if she didn't show up when she did." Finally. And again, why didn't you say THAT earlier, Hope?

Ridge: "So throwing my son off a cliff makes her a hero now?"

I wish Liam had been there for that because I'm betting he would have shouted "YES!!!" as I did. 


Hope: "I think it's a matter of love gone wrong. She loves me. And she loves you. She would never, ever deliberately harm your son. I mean, you must know that about her." He doesn't know shit and never has.

And he knows NOTHING about love. Not even the meaning of the word.

Brooke has a moment alone with Thomas and it's awful to see her crying over this asshole because you know he, just like his rancid father, doesn't give a flying fig about her.

Brooke: "You thought you could trick Hope into marriage as long as she didn't know that her little girl was alive. Why wouldn't I think that Hope was in danger when she was with you?"

Why, indeed.

She starts to cry as she says: "I didn't want this, Thomas. I didn't want you to end up in some hospital bed. You wouldn't have if you told us the truth about Beth." And just think of that. He could have been the HERO when he heard the truth, by going straight to Hope and Liam and TELLING THE TRUTH.

But he didn't because he is selfish and evil and a beady-eyed psycho.

Detective Sanchez comes by and wants to get details about Thomas' accident.

Det. Sanchez, to Ridge: "Heard about your son's fall. I'm sorry."

Ridge: "Thank you."

Det. Sanchez looks at the four of them (as Brooke has come out of Thomas' room at this point):" You're all witnesses, I take it?"


Liam concedes he isn't.

Hope confirms he wasn't there until afterwards but that Ridge was there when Thomas fell. And he only saw THAT part. He didn't see what LED up to it.

Ridge: "Yeah, I'm a witness." A very partial witness - in more ways than one.

He wants to know what happened and Liam chimes in that he fell. Heh.

Det. Sanchez: "I'm asking how. You weren't there." That much is true.

Hope: "Well, Thomas and I were in the middle of a discussion." A discussion? Really?

Det. Sanchez: "Both you and your mother?"

Hope: "No, just with me."

Det. Sanchez: "I imagine emotions were running high. I'm told that he knew that your daughter was alive and kept it from you."

Hope confirms this and Det. Sanchez turns his attention to Brooke, asking if that made her unhappy.

Brooke refrains from saying "duh!," saying, instead:" Yes. Wouldn't that make you unhappy?"

Det. Sanchez: "So, this discussion that you were having, was it hostile?"

Hope: "Well, I know that I was afraid." At least she is saying this now and, most importantly, to the detective.

Det. Sanchez: "Yet he's the one that fell." Um, they were standing precariously close to the edge of a cliff. So quit reading something into nothing.

Hope: "Look, I didn't know what he wanted."

Ridge: "Until he told you." Shut up, Ridge. You don't get to talk here. You are a very biased witness who saw about 5 whole seconds. The best part. 

Hope: "Yes, he tried to apologize." As if anyone could apologize for that.

Det. Sanchez: "So, what -- too little, too late?"

Liam is pissed: "Okay, I'm sorry, can we stop? You're putting words in her mouth now." See, Ridge, this is how you support and stand by someone you love.


Det. Sanchez: "Yeah, but nobody's saying much here. I mean, I would think in the time of a crisis like this that, you know, you'd have a lot of questions. Like how did survivors of previous accidents like this fare?" Um, weird question.  "You know, was the fence at the Malibu house built to code?" WHAT??? "Would the homeowner be held responsible for this?" Det. Sanchez, have you been in Vinny's stash?

But, answering for myself: "There was only a hedge. And yes Hauxdi, as the homeowner, should be held responsible."

He continues: "I mean, no offense intended, but you guys sound like a bunch of people with a secret. Mr. Forrester, could somebody be angry enough at your son to help him off the cliff?"


Way to give this blowhard an opening. Where's Lt. HotDog when you need him?

If Brooke is arrested and charged for protecting her daughter and accidentally knocking him off a cliff that should have had better safeguards considering up until about a week ago, not just one, but two small children are living steps away, and one of them is still there, while Taylor who shot Bill in cold blood is walking around scot-free, so help me...

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RS was sure having a bad hair day with all the hair on her head including those eyebrows, WOW!  

Hope throws her mother under Ridge’s bus!  Agree where is Beth??  Why are Liam and Hope standing vigil at the hospital when they should be home looking after their newly found daughter?!  

Brooke please don’t let your hair grow again, it drags down your beautiful face...

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

while Taylor who shot Bill in cold blood is walking around scot-free, so help me...

And I will pick up right there:

Brooke hasn't sold Taylor out either. She could have gone to the police a hundred times, she could have gone to them any time Taylor has attacked her for being a Logan. But Brooke has held her silence. Do you think Taylor will consider that when, and if, she comes to town for Thomas? The minute that harridan finds out Brooke pushed Thomas she will squeal like a stuck pig. Frankly, I would love this situation to expose so many unaddressed wrongs done by Taylor and Steffy. But all that is gonna happen is Brooke will acquire yet another mantle to add to all those Stephanie gave her over the years, but this one will be "Attempted Murderess." 

Man, that shit coming out of Ridge's mouth was rich. Talking a little too much smack to Liam exposes who you really are Ridge. Did you love Taylor enough to forgive her for James? Did you love your mom enough to forgive her for faking a heart attack? Do you love Brooke enough to forgive her for misinterpreting your delusional, sociopathic son's intentions, and accidentally pushing him over a cliff? It seems when you want to you can forgive; you forgave Quinn, and even entered into a kissing affair with her. Actually, it seems the only person you can forgive for any and all their transgressions is your loose booty heaux daughter. But then you covet her sugar cookie in a way no father should. Fucker.

I like this Liam, he is very reminiscent of the one who called Bill out, and stuck up for Sally. SC was really good in those scenes. 

Wow, you can color me surprised also, that Quinn didn't cave to Shauna. I also think RS was great in those scenes. It kinda got me a little when she said she is person who doesn't make friends. Given her history that isn't so surprising, but it is still sad. She also got me when she asked Shauna about her motivations, and if she only saw dollar signs. Old Quinn would have took the bait and given in to Shauna. Old Quinn didn't have the ability to parse out right from wrong. I am not saying she is perfect, or that she will never revert, but what I saw in her remarks to Shauna was some character growth. B&B doesn't do that much, or at all. See, Brooke Logan. 

I also miss Lt. Baker. I don't dislike Dt. Sanchez, although he is a bit of a pipsqueak, but you could always claim the victory with Lt. Baker if you had some hot Oscar Mayers.

Deepest condolences to you @mightysparrow

Edited by RuntheTable
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How dumb are these people?  Ridge, Brooke, Hope, and Liam are acting guilty about Thomas' fall off the cliff when it was an accident.

If Thomas has any brains, the first words out of his mouth will be, "Where are Caroline and Douglas?"  Pretend he has no memory of the last several months.

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Wow, Hope is tripling down on throwing her mother under the bus.  She says that Thomas was trying to explain things to her but didn't get the chance.  But he did explain inside the house, and she told him to fuck off, and ran out of the house.  Now she is suddenly turning it into he just wanted to explain things and ask her forgiveness.  He did all of that inside the house! 🙄

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Isn't the normal police practice to separate witnesses and victims before taking their statements? That's like Law & Order 101. The lieutenant is bad at his job. 😑

So is Thomas in the regular ICU or is that a special wing for the rich, famous, and vile? His room is spacious enough to bring in a DJ and throw a dance party.

Was Quinn actually trying to equalize what Sally did to what Flo did? Bish, bye. Meanwhile, Wyatt is as flaky as a buttermilk biscuit AFAIC. Sally, you deserve better!

I was so hoping Thomas would suddenly lurch up and grab Hope. I can't with her and her self-righteous martyr speeches.

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Ridge, having slipped into the room unseen, has heard this last bit and finally makes his odious presence known: "That's got to make you feel powerful. Trash-talking some guy who can't defend himself."

You know, I have the perfect recast for Ridge: Bozo the Clown.


...cuz he sounds like a straight fool right now.

As others have said, the only person Ridge Forrester loves is Ridge Forrester....and occasionally Steffy but he'd throw her ass under the bus to save his greasy ass too.

6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

She starts to cry as she says: "I didn't want this, Thomas. I didn't want you to end up in some hospital bed. You wouldn't have if you told us the truth about Beth." And just think of that. He could have been the HERO when he heard the truth, by going straight to Hope and Liam and TELLING THE TRUTH.

See, of TIIC really had to split Hope and Liam up yet again, they could've done that, put her with Thomas and have HIM find out after they've genuinely grown to care about one another. I liked that Thomas had turned this ship around with Sasha (long forgotten Sasha......sigh 😞 ) and Sally. But because Bell has to take a hacksaw where a scapel is needed, he had to be a moustashio-twirling villain and  downplay the Lope history that a saner person than Hope would've walked away from five years ago at least, after getting dick from Wyatt would feel insecure about.

Back when Aggie revealed her secret to Nick and Bridget found out that he'd talked to Brooke about that before her, she dragged up all the damn dirt.  Even if the pettiness towards Aggie was out of character for her, it made complete sense that she wouldn't give Aggie an inch or have much belief in Nick's sensibility to read obvious cues. 

And this was written by THE SAME DAMN DUMBASS BRATLEY BELL! 

He could do it for Lope. He SHOULD do it for the fans who have rooted for them despite having few reasons to do so, as someone said upthread. But to do so would show Bell values his audience's intelligence, which we been knew he didn't back when he trashed Nick to prop Bridge.

When people show you who they are the first time....believe them.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Did any of you think it was creepy that Ridge grabbed Brooke around the shoulders when LT. Sanchez arrived at the hospital? He had a death grip on her and she looked very uncomfortable. What was up with that?

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Wyatt is moving on the best way he knows how and it’s just like his brother Liam; from relationship to relationship. 

Raggedy looks like she’s growing some sort of resemblance to a backbone but let’s see what happens when he wakes up.  

Lurch is awake for two minutes and Det Sanchez has to ask him questions just as he did with Bill. But with Bill, he actually didn’t know who shot him. When he found out it was Taylor, Bill used this information to leverage Stuffy. Is Lurch going to do the same thing?  Is Lurch going to make Raggedy stay with him in order not to tell Det Sanchez that Brooke pushed him. 

They yelled at Flo that the cover up is worse than the truth and yet they try to cover this up. They don’t learn a thing because they are to smart to learn. 

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MightySparrow, I am so sorry for your loss. {{{HUGS!}}}

You go, Hope! The only sane thing she's done for the past two days was read that murderous psychopath for filth while he was lying right there in his ICU bed. So glad Sludge wasn't lurking in the doorway again. Or maybe it would have been good to have heard it. 

What I'm not getting is why is the LAPD involved in this Thomas situation in the first place? AFAIK, the police don't routinely investigate 911 calls. Why would this incident be on Det. Sanchez's radar as anything other than an unfortunate accident.  He didn't even know about Thomas being involved with the "sale" of Beth until seconds before he got that call. Flo hadn't even told him the whole story, so there was really nothing to connect. 

I wish that Sally would make Wyatt work a little bit harder to win her back. She's making this far too easy. I am sure she will be moved back into his house by the end of next week. 

Please tell me that KKL isn't growing her hair long again. She was doing so well there. And it looks like Quinn has raided Hauxdi's taxidermy stash. 

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@Country girl and @RuntheTable,  and @CharlizeCat you guys are so very kind.  Thank you so much.  It happened a long time ago but certain things can be a trigger.  Seeing Thomas standing over the cliff, watching Emma die, put me back in our car.   Even all these years, people don't take impaired driving or reckless driving seriously enough.  To see people try to blame Emma for her own death makes me sick.  She didn't die because she was on her phone.  She'd  put her phone down.  She died because a psycho drove her off the road.  The son of another psycho who drove drunk and killed a woman. 

@TigerLynx reminded us of a storyline in All My Children that was a true depiction of how much damage careless and impaired driving can cause.  And how the effects can follow a person for the rest of their lives.  I have a scar from that accident and it's a symbol of the scars I carry inside and out. 

I know that this is a silly soap but a lot of people take them seriously.  It really bothers me that serious crimes are committed and NOBODY faces any consequences.  B&B's favourite punching bag Brooke Logan is being made to feel guilty for protecting her daughter from a dangerous criminal.  Meanwhile a woman who shot a man in the back is swanning around the world because she told everybody she's too DELICATE for prison.

It's nice to see Flo in prison garb, but she shouldn't be the only one.  Not by a long shot.  The only decent person, the person who ran to tell Hope the SECOND she heard the truth about Beth is dead and she's an after-thought in this story.

It's disgusting.

Edited by mightysparrow
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I think it's a sad and telling comment on all these people that the only two people who did the right thing when they found out about Phoebe/Beth was 1) a woman who died while on her way to tell the truth and 2) a child. 

These idiots should go to prison for stupidity.  They cover up crimes when they should report them to the police, and they act squirrelly regarding an accident leading the Detective to think it might have been a crime.  Dumb, dumb, dumb.

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

know that this is a silly soap but a lot of people take them seriously.  It really bothers me that serious crimes are committed and NOBODY faces any consequences.  B&B's favourite punching bag Brooke Logan is being made to feel guilty for protecting her daughter from a dangerous criminal.  Meanwhile a woman who shot a man in the back is swanning around the world because she told everybody she's too DELICATE for prison.

As an aside, I can't believe I ever once thought Brooke was Bell's favorite darling who was Teflon. Not that any consequences ever stuck with her for too long and I'm sure shell be back weeping to Katie about "Bill and I just happened" yet again in the near future, but no one ever forgets her sins.

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54 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

As an aside, I can't believe I ever once thought Brooke was Bell's favorite darling who was Teflon. Not that any consequences ever stuck with her for too long and I'm sure shell be back weeping to Katie about "Bill and I just happened" yet again in the near future, but no one ever forgets her sins.

That's the thing.  Brooke is the 'slut from the valley' and she's done some really terrible things in the past.  Fucking her daughter's husband leaps to mind.  Sending a drink to an alcoholic was horrible.  And Brooke is dragged for those things to this VERY DAY.  Yet killer get off scott-free on a regular basis. 

Ridge has treated Brooke like dirt under his shoe since she RIGHTFULLY sent his killer, rapist son over the top.  Has Ridge EVER said a word of sympathy to his brother whose daughter had her head bashed in by Ridge's precious Hauxdilox?  That was deemed self-defence and Hauxdi hasn't lost a second of sleep over it.  In fact, she had no problem attempting to kill ANOTHER cousin, Ivy.  We've all talked about Taylor.  And now it looks like Thomas is going to get away with fraud, manslaughter, child abuse and domestic violence. 

I don't know what excuse they're going to come up with to excuse Thomas' crimes but I wonder if it's going to be retroactive.  Because Thomas had planned to drug and rape Hope on their 'wedding night' which is EXACTLY what he did to Caroline.  Was he suffering from a brain tumour/roid rage back then, or was he just having a bad day?

I have no problem with murder being an acceptable part of the world of B&B.  As long as Justin gets to kill Thomas, SLOWLY and PAINFULLY to avenge his niece.  What's good for the goose is good for the Marone.

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9 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

That's the thing.  Brooke is the 'slut from the valley' and she's done some really terrible things in the past.  Fucking her daughter's husband leaps to mind.  Sending a drink to an alcoholic was horrible.  And Brooke is dragged for those things to this VERY DAY.  Yet killer get off scott-free on a regular basis. 

The drink bit wasn't entirely unprovoked. Macy encouraged Deacon to vote with Eric to oust Brooke as CEO because she was still bitter about Thorne leaving her for Brooke....and this was well into Darla's pregnancy. Even Petty Asshole Katie Logan could admit to Steffy that she wasn't the reason she and Bill had problems. But again, it all came back to Brooke having her past come back to bite her in the ass.

That said, off the top of my head, it's one of the very few instances I can recall Brooke deliberately doing something that awful for the sole purpose of being hurtful.Not a great moment, but nothing in the realm of horrific like being told her father was dying or being set up  by Ridge and Eric to make Thorne doubt her or setting someone up to get raped or honest-to-god actual murder. I don't love her naive stupidity but I'll take it against the hypocrites who drag her.

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Rewatching the last two weeks to fully catch up and I’m struck by a couple of things-

After going their separate ways the night Beth was born and stolen from them, there is no way in Hell, with Thomas lurking out there, that I would have let Hope go *anywhere* alone. That Liam was back focused on work of all things to give the excuse for Hope to be alone for this crap to happen is stupid.

Watching those scenes between Thomas and Douglas, it’s a crying shame that no one will ever actually see the extent of Thomas’ abuse.  No way in the world would he ever get custody of him back and the scales would finally fall from Ridge’s eyes about the issues with his son.

If they really think/want to save Thomas another way to go about it is if whatever drugs Vinnie gave Thomas for his own personal use (uppers/downers as he was a single grieving father and needed ‘daddy’s little helpers’ to get him through it) was tainted somehow and/or Thomas was/still is having a bad reaction to it that was causing temporary psychosis.  That way it’s not entirely on Thomas for his actions but it exacerbated  his issues and it gives him some navigating room to mount a redemption tour.

Edited to add: 

Okay give MA all the awards because his breakdown scenes with Douglas were damn good. I like that they have Douglas be his pivot point and compass (it’s what soaps used to do back in the day with parents and kids) and that the younger and older generations of Forrester men are desperately trying to be there for Thomas even as he’s them away.  And while Thomas’ confrontation with Hope was poor judgement, MA did a good job of showing that there was a wee something different in Thomas’ attitude and desperation towards Hope. Yes, he was saying some of the same old crap but I think he was trying to tell her something new realization/conclusion. He shouldn’t have run after her, but he was like a man who had seen the light and was so desperate to share it that he was overcome and overwhelmed and couldn’t articulate it well and so wasn’t physically jazzed up and Hope’s justified refusal to listen just made him more desperate.  When Hope pushed him away, he should've backed up and cleared the way for her to go to the door. Instead she went out to a dead end egress rather than the same path around the house her mother took (shades of escaping Quinn to fall down a flight of stairs while pregnant). Brooke came in with the mindset of things being terribly dangerously wrong and reacted to protect her daughter but maybe with too much zealousness. It’s really shades of Katie bumbling into the Storm and Ashley scene, intent to believe Storm was dangerous when actually at that moment he had turned a corner and her coming in, not listening to either him or Ashley and trying to grab the gun from him made things so much worse.  In no way is Thomas redeemed,  but I will give the actor and show credit of giving us some real flecks of humanity with his being affected by Douglas rooting for him and supporting him and reminding him that he’s not a bad man and that he loves his triple daddy. For the retconned Thomas with daddy issues showcasing how he’s affected by his relationship with his son is the best way to go with the character. It harkens back to when PF’s Thomas kidnapped Douglas and was so determined to be his father and so incensed that he was kept from him. Sad thing is he’s done enough that he really should not be given custody of Douglas and I can see that being Thomas’s tragedy -that he loses the son he wanted so much.  

Edited by TobinAlbers
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From the way Liam talked, it sounds like he's doing IT work for FC. The reason why he was delayed and couldn't go to the Cliff House with Hope was because he was working on some security issue and it was taking a long time to upload, refresh, something along those lines.

Yeah. And color me surprised, too. 

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Yeah, the only time these people work is when it will keep them from doing something else that is halfway intelligent - like going with the mother of your child to pick up baby things when she is being stalked by a psycho.  Oh, my bad, Thomas is just misunderstood, or made a mistake, or didn't mean to, or it was someone else fault, etc.  {face palm}

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Good for Brooke for fighting back against Ridge who is so delusional in his insistence that Brooke pushed Tom on purpose. What the hell is wrong with him? He KNEW what Tom had done and was rushing to Steffy’s because he knew his son was going there! STFU Ridge!

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Do I believe Lurch’s mea culpa?  Not for an instant. It’s just Lurch’s mania taking a different tact.  Lurch still is using Douglas and Brooke as a weapon for Raggedy to forgive him. 

Ridge, if you forgive Brooke you wouldn’t true to your shit ass self centered fucked up nature.  You and Lurch can move in together and have an incestral  relationship for all I care.

The stupidity of it all is that Ridge wants Brooke to beg for Lurch’s forgiveness when Lurch is the one that only Ridge wants to forgive. Ridge if you feel that strongly about what Brooke did, than go to Det Sanchez.

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WTAF? Sally apologized to Thomas again! False equivalency, Bradley. So freaking false.

When Det. Bad at His Job was questioning Thomas he was putting a spin on the story and prompting Thomas to give a particular answer. He should've just asked Thomas to describe in his own words what happened to him. 😑

So now that Thomas has lied to protect Brooke he'll extract quid pro quo payment from Hope later. Or try to anyway.

FFS, Brooke is a grown-ass woman and can account for herself. Beth was a helpless baby when she was kidnapped. I think given a choice Hope would prefer not having had her baby stolen versus keeping Brooke from being charged with attempted manslaughter. Thomas is quite good at the mindfcukery. At least now Hope sorta sees and acknowledges it.

Guess Thomas wasn't on steroids after all or the hospital would've discovered it, no?

Stay being a jerk, Ridge. And by "jerk" I mean rectal orifice.


You and Lurch can move in together and have an incestral relationship for all I care.

Whoa, that took an unexpected turn! How do I get that image out of my head??!!

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I don’t for one second believe Tom’s apology to Hope and neither did she. “I lied to the police to protect your mother who pushed me over the ledge to show you how much I love you and hope you can forgive me”. Okay, people. Time to hire the best security firm you can to protect all of these folks because when Tom gets out of the hospital, he and his dad will be out for blood. We don’t believe one word you say, Tom, and don’t believe one word you say, Ridge. And what kind of stupid name is that anyway?

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The Bell family had a friend named Ridge from way back in the day and when the Bells were first creating soaps, friend Ridge asked that one of the characters be named after him.

*I read this in one of the B&B anniversary books way back when.

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