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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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When Hope went into the bedroom to put Beth down, WHY didn't she pick up her phone, dial 911 and ask the police to come and pick up the grifter trash that's trespassing on her mother's property.

All of these criminals wandering around LA, EXPLAINING themselves.  Bullshit!  If the Logan women have anything to say to Shauna and Flo, they can do it during the victim impact segment at the trial.

But I'm getting the feeling that none of this scum is ever going to see the inside of a courtroom.  Reese and Thomas are going to be the scapegoats in this scenario. Flo claims that Reese was pressuring her.  Wasn't Reese out of the country for MOST of this storyline?  And Thomas didn't even know what was happening for two-thirds of this story.  I think Reese and Thomas deserve to go to jail FOR A LONG TIME.  Last time I checked, kidnapping is a federal crime, punishable by the death penalty (see:  Baby, Lindberg).  Reese and Flo should be facing hard time if not a lethal injection.  The rest are accessories after the fact but being an accessory to kidnapping probably has severe penalties attached.  What NONE of these people should be doing is harassing their victims. 

If Bell thinks that he can redeem these characters, he's DEAD WRONG.  This storyline has gone on for ages and drove away many long-time, loyal viewers.  Viewers like me.  I tuned back in to see Hope and Liam be reunited with their baby.  But I don't know how long we're going to stick around if kidnappers, traffickers and killers are allowed to walk free.  That happens way too often on B&B.

I was a long-time GH viewer until I finally got fed-up with the glorification of violence and the 'mob', thanks to Maurice Bernard's Michael Corleone fixation.  As if, Mo.  The show became unwatchable for me and I haven't seen an episode in at least 5 years.  I have no plans to go back.

Bell needs to reward the loyal viewers that stuck with him through this horrible story line, as well as give the returnees a reason to stay.

Edited by mightysparrow
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Look at Shauna and Flo trepassing on Brooke and Hope's property. Gee Flo, are you trying harder to get arrested? Stop listening to Shauna!

Meanwhile, Brooke is pretty lax about security on her estate. Looks like anyone could walk into that cabin. Especially someone wanting to kidnap little Beth.

I get her anger but maybe Hope should examine her inability to maintain appropriate boundaries with virtual strangers. The betrayal wouldn't be any less but maybe her expectations wouldn't have been so prematurely high. She glommed onto Flo like glue.

Flo! TOO SOON! FFS, stop being led by your selfish desires at the expense of people who owe you nothing.

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Hopefully, Brooke or one of her sisters will call the police before they head down to the cabin to confront Flo. 

I also kind of questioned the insta-bonding with Flo. My take was that Hope was feeling so lost and empty and desperate during that horrible time, that maybe finding a new cousin added a bright spot to her dreary existence? Otherwise, no clue ...  Of course, if Hope had kept Flo at arm's length, then the betrayal wouldn't have had the impact it did.

My thoughts are that making Flo a Logan was unnecessary. Having Thomas (as a family member) in on the plot was enough and even that was a stretch. At least given his history, it made a bit more sense that he would get involved -- family ties be damned. 

Again, as others have pointed out, Brad Bell must have been pretty desperate to string the story along while JMW was on maternity leave -- thus all of the idiotic "plot twists." Thus further justification of the argument for running multiple storylines simultaneously. 

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On 8/15/2019 at 1:37 PM, CountryGirl said:

I thought Donna looked pretty and JG is 49 and fabulous.

I think she always looks pretty and good for her age. That wasn’t my point. She always seems to be exposing her boobs in every venue- the office, Brooke’s house, Katie’s house. Cover up, Donna. 

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There is an old saying about quitting while you are ahead...…...here's looking at you Flo and Shauna. 

I detest self righteous criminals. I really detest smug self righteous criminals. I missed Stephanie today. She would have dealt with Shauna in the proper manner. Stephanie was many things, but I contend she was the best slapper ever. And when she needed to, she could put a bitch in her place. Having said that....

Katie. You rocked it today girl! Heather simply stole the entire thing going on up at the main house. She was given some good stuff to work with, but she nailed the inflection and tone, and her expressions of disbelief and exasperation were spot on. 

And then there is Flo. After having the unbelievable temerity to waltz into Hope's home, unannounced and unwelcome, she has the audacity to actually ask Hope to forgive her? You said what? Can you come again? Hope should have called 911. She should have made Flo leave. Then again maybe not. I agree with Donna. Let Hope vent. If anyone is entitled to blast that blonde bimbo, it is Hope. Now, this girl typing out these words would have jumped that shit in a New York minute, and I am sorry to say, I would have been pounding her head for all I am worth. Oh, and assault charges can just be fucking damned. This person has hurt everyone I love and care about. She cost me my marriage. She cost me my self esteem. She made me doubt myself as a woman. She allowed my child to bond with another woman, causing her pain. And after doing all those things, and many more, she broke into my home, and no, I don't care if the door was unlocked, that is not an invitation to come in. She broke into my home and ambushed me. She was trying to make me feel sorry for her. She said she loved me after she has been stabbing me in the back for the past six months. She ask me to forgive her

I don't know what will happen on Monday, but AN owns Hope now. She was so, so good today. She portrayed just the right amount of fear, distaste, anger, rage, and disbelief. I don't know, if I was Flo I would be walking backwards towards that unlocked door. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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5 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

Poor Xander and Zoe they kept the "American Accent" bet going all the way to the end.

I'm sad that we probably will never find out who wins the bet.

In the words of one Grumpy Cat meme, I hope they both lose 🙃

4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

 Shauna: "Oh honey, don't be silly. The door was unlocked." Which, again, WTAF, Hope and Liam? "You heard the gardener. Hope and Beth went up to the main house. They shouldn't be long. In the meantime, I really want you to practice what you're gonna say to Hope."

Practice??? And say what? "I'm sorry I helped steal your child and lied to you for months?"

Shauna really does live in her own little world

This little exchange definitely answered the question as to what kind of person would consider Quinn Fuller among their best friends.

I know TIIC are trying to do what they pulled with Amber's only marginally more trashy mother Tawny, who existed to talk her daughter into stupid things....but we'd seen Amber take on the biggest bad B&B had to that point so we knew there was potential for goodness and courage. Flo couldn't even be a Meg Synder in this story to get Hope her baby back while covering her own ass. So far, spoilers indicate she'll get what's coming to her.

4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Katie: "I'm sure they would love that, but we should wait. As happy as we all are, we still have Steffy to think about."

And just let that sink in for a moment. Katie, the woman Steffy wrong with her first affair with Bill, having the class and the compassion to advise against having a celebration for Beth's homecoming. AND AND AND contrast their reserve and tact with Taylor buying a baby for an eager beaver Steffy to adopt and throwing a party when faux Beth's ashes were barely cold.

I had to rewind the video when I heard that. From shrill ass Katie of all people? I know she buried the hatchet back when Steffy got knocked up with Failed Steam Reunion Device #1 Kelly but wow. That's a helluva sea change from her reaction when Steffy lost her Eggo Mini and she was pushing Hope to go after him.

At any case, it's an echo of the caring, decent family that the Logans were written to be in the 80s. It's why Caroline I with all the resources in the world stayed with Brooke and her family after her rape. 

It's amazing that the one person on the show who truly hated Steffy (even more that Hope arguably)is showing more consideration and concern for her than her own family. Her mother fucked off, her brother lied to her so he could potentially fuck her rival and Ridge just wants to fuck her, period. On paper, that's damn depressing until I remember  she slept with her twin's ex barely a week after she died fighting for her honor and called up Carowhine to come between him and Sally (so I guess they're even on that.......? 👀)

5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Hope's eyes burn in a hole in her and please tell me the slap heard round the world is coming on Monday.

Even for all the rank shit Steffy has pulled on her, I can't remember Hope ever once raising a hand to her, so you know it's bad. 

I haven't been this happy since I found out one of my old shitty bosses got fired when the Acura service bay unionized behind his back. It was like Christmas had come in July, but this is like all that, Chinese New Years, Boxing Day, 4th of July, Canada Day, Valentine's AND Cassie Newman's birthday all rolled into one. Flo deserves a slap. I only wish Susan Flannery were still around to box her ears like she did Liam that one time. 😂

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

I detest self righteous criminals. I really detest smug self righteous criminals. I missed Stephanie today. She would have dealt with Shauna in the proper manner. Stephanie was many things, but I contend she was the best slapper ever. And when she needed to she could put a bitch in her place. 

God, this! Remember when Brooke was trying to paint herself as Just A Girl in Love with that Deacon affair? Stephanie was having none of that. This scene is iconic as fuck and for me Stephanie Forrester's character peaked with that story. 

She was also more than willing to drag her own children when she thought they needed it, Ridge included. I can't imagine Stephanie letting Flo finish her first sentence before slapping her into next Tuesday--if she were that lucky. Stephanie gave Brooke a gun to off herself with over far less! 🤣😝

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Yes, for all Stephanie's faults, and she had a lot of them, she could bring the wrath down when she needed to.

Sadly, I'm not sure Hope will be allowed to.  The fall out from this entire SL has been so lame.  The closest the writers got to anywhere near enough venom for these lying thieving whiney criminals, was Liam calling Flo out about watching everything he and Hope were going through, doing nothing, and never telling the truth.

It's simply not enough.  If I didn't already despise Flo, Zoe, Shana, and Xander, their "it's not really our faults, we're victims to" attitude makes me want to rip their insides out.

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Well, today’s episode was a huge letdown. I was expecting a good ol’ soapy slap in the face for Flo. Come to think of it, Shauna deserved one too, although Denis Richard’s campy “well, ok I told her to do the wrong thing...” got a chuckle out of me. I for sure expected Hope to reach into her soul to draw from that Logan spiciness to ream Flo out more than she did. Yet, nothing. 

Also, I’m getting really tired of the writers not having someone make any mention of the fact that Flo took 50k (whether or not she kept it or not) in exchange for posing as PhoeBeth’s birth mother. I’d like someone to remind TIIC that we don’t have amnesia and we’re not stupid. 🙄

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9 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

The three Logan witches standing around their cauldron singing double double toil and trouble.  They just don’t want to hear any explanation and of course nothing about Thomas’ involvement.  We will see soon that the Logan woman will rue the day that they didn’t heed Shanna’s warning about Psyco Thomas. 

Wait, what?  I thought the Logan sisters were awesome!  And when did they ignore warnings about Thomas?  What they didn't buy was Shauna's lame-assed excuse.  She didn't even buy it!  They said she should have done something, and she admitted she did something, but the wrong thing.

1 hour ago, smijca said:

Also, I’m getting really tired of the writers not having someone make any mention of the fact that Flo took 50k (whether or not she kept it or not) in exchange for posing as PhoeBeth’s birth mother.

I feel confident she took it because otherwise how could she have so many jumpsuits?

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

God, this! Remember when Brooke was trying to paint herself as Just A Girl in Love with that Deacon affair? Stephanie was having none of that. This scene is iconic as fuck and for me Stephanie Forrester's character peaked with that story. 

She was also more than willing to drag her own children when she thought they needed it, Ridge included. I can't imagine Stephanie letting Flo finish her first sentence before slapping her into next Tuesday--if she were that lucky. Stephanie gave Brooke a gun to off herself with over far less! 🤣😝

Always love these flashback scenes that you add, @Anna Yolei!  Yes, we need some Stephanie-powered outrage right now.

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16 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

When Hope went into the bedroom to put Beth down, WHY didn't she pick up her phone, dial 911 and ask the police to come and pick up the grifter trash that's trespassing on her mother's property.

Maybe she did!  Maybe the showdown is her chance to tell Flo what a heinous <redacted redacted> she is before she's brought to justice.  Insult to injury.  (Or the other way around...  Remember Hope, a fist does more damage than a palm!)

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18 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Um, Brooke has Thomas' number and then some. She hasn't deviated one iota from that since the story broke.

They don't need to hear Shauna yammering on about him because they already know most of what he's done (they don't know the full story of how he used Thomas or about molly night yet, which only Thomas knows about the former and he/Vinny about the latter) and Shauna "helpfully" telling them information they already have is just self-serving for her and her daughter. 

I beg to differ.  Although it can be construed as self serving, the Logan witches don’t comprehend how much danger Raggedy is in with Lurch’s obsession with her.  The are dismissing Lurch’s involvement in Shanna’s death, the death threats made against Flo and Xander, the arm twisting of Douglas, and Raggedy having to hide from Lurch when the truth was exposed.  None are so blind  than those who do not see  

I call them witches because they are closer to that description than being Charlie’s Angels.  They are right about Flo and the rest but they do live in glass houses. 

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12 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Thursday, Bill said Liam was his firstborn. I thought Wyatt was the eldest.

They've mentioned that before, once. I think most people assume it's Wyatt because Quinn said she was a teenager when she had Wyatt, but teen can still be of legal age. Knowing Quinn, she could've lied about her age when she first met him too.

45 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Although it can be construed as self serving, the Logan witches don’t comprehend how much danger Raggedy is in with Lurch’s obsession with her.  

Even from what they know of ThomAss's past behavior, though, I think they're aware that he's more than a bit unhinged. I mean, he did try to kill Rick once.

The one whose denial continues to be baffling is Ridge. 

If they won't allow Hope to chew up Thomas, I hope they let Steffy do it. Maybe they'll get into a fight that Ridge breaks up and all three of them fall over. A home run!

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I don't think they are in denial about Thomas.  I think they weren't buying Shana's BS that Thomas prevented them from telling the truth.  Thomas did not come into this SL until the end.  Flo and Zoe had MONTHS to tell the truth BEFORE Xander, Thomas, and Emma found out anything.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

I don't think they are in denial about Thomas.  I think they weren't buying Shana's BS that Thomas prevented them from telling the truth.  

Nor should they. What Flo did was inexcusible, even before she knew the woman she'd robbed from was her own cousin. The only reason she has any guilt at all is because of her tentative closeness to the Logans would've been a much bigger payout than the $50 grand Fuckingham gave her.

Emma didn't even blink about what needed to be done and Thomas have her the same "you'll never work in this town again!" schpeal that he gave the other three stooges. I wouldn't put up with it if I were them, either.

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The only person who seems to be in actual denial about Thomas is his father, and Ridge should know better considering what Thomas did to Caroline. The Logan sisters appear to be well aware of what a loon Thomas is; they just won’t let Flo and Shauna use him to justify their cowardice. Flo was 50k richer well before Psycho ever found out. 

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8 minutes ago, NinjaPenguins said:

The only person who seems to be in actual denial about Thomas is his father, and Ridge should know better considering what Thomas did to Caroline. The Logan sisters appear to be well aware of what a loon Thomas is; they just won’t let Flo and Shauna use him to justify their cowardice. Flo was 50k richer well before Psycho ever found out. 

And one of Flo, Zoe, and Shana's pathetic excuses was, "We didn't know it was Hope's baby until later."  So if it had been some other poor woman whose baby was stolen, they never would have told the truth.  Flo and Zoe wouldn't have had a million arguments about telling Hope the truth which lead to everyone and their dog over hearing those arguments, which lead finally to Douglas telling the truth (NOT Flo, Zoe, Shana, or Xander), and the lying thieving baby stealers only copped to the truth once Liam confronted them with it.

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51 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

The only reason she has any guilt at all is because of her tentative closeness to the Logans would've been a much bigger payout than the $50 grand Fuckingham gave her.

And Flo admitted as much to Hope when as her excuse for not saying anything, she said she became a Logan, had Wyatt, and a great job at Forrester.  Her life was to perfect to blow up.

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They've mentioned that before, once. I think most people assume it's Wyatt because Quinn said she was a teenager when she had Wyatt, but teen can still be of legal age. Knowing Quinn, she could've lied about her age when she first met him too.

Knowing Quinn she could've lied altogether about Bill being Wyatt's father. There's never been a DNA test, right? I've never understood why Bill just took her word for it. So maybe it'll turn out that Liam actually is Bill's firstborn because Wyatt is some other guy's son.

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16 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

And one of Flo, Zoe, and Shana's pathetic excuses was, "We didn't know it was Hope's baby until later."  So if it had been some other poor woman whose baby was stolen, they never would have told the truth.  Flo and Zoe wouldn't have had a million arguments about telling Hope the truth which lead to everyone and their dog over hearing those arguments, which lead finally to Douglas telling the truth (NOT Flo, Zoe, Shana, or Xander), and the lying thieving baby stealers only copped to the truth once Liam confronted them with it.

That cannot be stated enough. 

And that poor woman would never be reunited with her daughter.

Just disgusting.

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On 8/17/2019 at 3:30 PM, TigerLynx said:

I don't think they are in denial about Thomas.  I think they weren't buying Shana's BS that Thomas prevented them from telling the truth.  Thomas did not come into this SL until the end.  Flo and Zoe had MONTHS to tell the truth BEFORE Xander, Thomas, and Emma found out anything.

I co-sign this entire statement. Brooke has tried to get Ridge to realize that Thomas had some heavy involvement in what has transpired. But just like Katie said, no one had a gun to anyone's head. If Thomas stopped, or interrupted, or intercepted someone on their way to tell Hope, that would only explain that one time. What about all the other days, and weeks, and months. No, the way I see it, it was first Zoe, then Shauna, leading the charge to stay silent, and both for their own selfish reasons. 

Having said that, I still believe Thomas should be given a heavier hand than anyone other than the good doctor and Flo. He stole a baby and sold it. She willingly lied and signed fraudulent adoption papers for money. The others didn't participate in the crime, but they should still be held accountable for keeping silent. Thomas OTOH, came into this mess much later and got involved for much darker reasons. His silence was not about self preservation. He wanted Hope, and he used his little boy's pain and Hope's pain to achieve that end. He drugged someone. He killed someone. He also threatened the other's. And he never cared one iota about little Beth, or Hope, or even his own sister's happiness and well being. 

I would like to see Steffy be the one to deal with Thomas. Her own brother helped broker her pain, so she should be the one allowed to own his ass. Just as Hope should be the one allowed to own Flo's.

Edited by RuntheTable
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On 8/17/2019 at 8:22 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Knowing Quinn she could've lied altogether about Bill being Wyatt's father. There's never been a DNA test, right? I've never understood why Bill just took her word for it. So maybe it'll turn out that Liam actually is Bill's firstborn because Wyatt is some other guy's son.

One of my biggest pet peeves is how soaps will have supposedly smart ruthless people act dumb. No way in the world Bill didn’t have a paternity test done on Wyatt. And I get the show feels like the audience should know that he did that, but the audience wants Bill to, ya know, actually state it.

Definitely think a story about Wyatt’s paternity or heck his parentage could be riveting. I could totally see a mentally unbalanced Quinn steal/kidnap a baby because she did actually have the abortion (or miscarried) but had a breakdown and wanted her baby ‘back’. So she stole one and rationalized she would love him better than his own parents and so it would all be okay. If the show wants to give Quinn a meaty story again, trying to explain how she kidnapped/took/saved Wyatt from another family would be it. And it’d allow the ushering in of his biological family and some fresh blood on the show. It’s too bad he slept with Steffy because making Wyatt a Marone (Nick’s son) would keep him relevant.

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30 minutes ago, AngelKitty said:

Oh, for god's sake! Are they ever going to let him wear a shirt again?

If there is a trial, I want him to show up everyday shirtless. 😂 I bet they'll go for irony and have him buttoned up if he's ever sent to prison. (I know, I know, Thomas won't go to the klink).

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On 8/17/2019 at 7:22 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Knowing Quinn she could've lied altogether about Bill being Wyatt's father. There's never been a DNA test, right? I've never understood why Bill just took her word for it. So maybe it'll turn out that Liam actually is Bill's firstborn because Wyatt is some other guy's son.

DNA be damned, Wyatt & Liam are the best relationship on this show, Beth & Douglas not withstanding. I don't care about biology, but those 2 need to stay brothers, no matter if they share DNA or not. 

On another note, I was raging this morning, at Bell. How in the hell did he give Hunter Tylo/Taylor such a HUGE part of this story-that-ate-the-show, & NOT lock her into a clause to return?? Her being absent is hugely glaring. Even if he had to shoot scenes while she was there for the adoption, to make sure that we saw her reaction, her being gone is ridiculous, & even more ridiculous that she's flakey AF, & Bell gave her such a huge part of this, with no requirement to follow up. Grrrr!

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Not to rag on HT, but she's had a long history of this shit. Brad Bell is better off cutting his losses and finding a new actress to step in. It's not like Taylor resembles the character fans fell for in the 90s anyway--that Taylor died when Sheila shot her when she stepped in to save Brooke. You think post revival Taylor would step in like that? Unhindged as she is, she'd probably fight Sheila for the gun so she could finish Brooke off personally.

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While I cheered for 99% of what Hope said to Flo, and I am not sure how she stopped at one slap, Hope calling Flo a bastard seemed off considering Hope's own conception/birth. I know it was meant to cut Flo, but I don't see how that word wouldn't hurt Hope also.

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48 minutes ago, MoTV said:

While I cheered for 99% of what Hope said to Flo, and I am not sure how she stopped at one slap, Hope calling Flo a bastard seemed off considering Hope's own conception/birth. I know it was meant to cut Flo, but I don't see how that word wouldn't hurt Hope also.

That does seem like a low blow, yeah. The only two people I've ever seen Hope not pull a punch like that with are Steffy and Bill, and I don't blame her there. 

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To all those demanding satisfaction vis a vis retribution for Flo (among others) in the wake of the Beth is alive reveal/reunion, today is YOUR day.

We open at the cabin with Beth and Flo facing off and, as a reminder, that heifer had just asked if Hope could ever forgive her.


Hope: "I'm not sure what you expect me to say."

Flo is the Queen of Delusional today, replying: "That you can give me a second chance." To what? Sell her next baby to the highest bidder?

Flo adds: "To start over. To be the cousin I really want to be." It's way too late for that.

Hope's eyes narrow: "You think you deserve that, after what you did?"

Flo shakes her head: "No." Then WTF are you asking for this?

Hope, through gritted teeth, snaps: "I was told...my baby DIED."

Flo: "I know." But the way she says it and almost shrugs shows she does not know, will never, ever know the harm she caused. What's more, she doesn't care what she did. She just cares that she got caught. Busted and outed by a five-year-old little boy.

Hope continues: "You knew. You did know...that Beth was alive. You knew what that meant and still you said nothing."

Flo snots: "If I could go back and change it, I would but I can't." And how dare she get angry with Hope. You brought this all on yourself, honey. "All I can do now is try to make it right with you."

There is no getting back to right or good or anything resembling anything positive. Damn, she is dumb or entitled. I'm guessing both.

Hope has an almost amused look on her face, as if to say, are you really that fucking stupid?

Hope: "What? All those months I lost with my daughter, you think you can make that right?"

Flo: "I know I can't. I know I can't make that right." So again, WTAF is the point of you being here? It's just rubbing salt into Hope's still very open wounds. "But what I do know is...I don't want to lose you?"

Does she not realize she lost Hope before she ever even had her? From the moment she knew the truth, she threw any chance at a relationship with Hope and the rest of the Logan clan away.

Flo continues: "That I care about you so much." And it's disgusting that she's trying to use Hope's goodness and capacity to forgive to her own advantage because you can see how much this betrayal has hurt Hope and doubly so because she's all that's left of Storm. Flo adds: "And I will do whatever it takes to prove that to you. To prove that you can trust me again." 

Does she really think that whining and crying and saying "I'm sorry" is going to fix this?

Hope stares at her in disbelief as Flo begs: "Please, Hope."

We cut to Brooke's and Shauna is STILL there. Good God, Brooke, kick her ass out!

Shauna, all smug: "Well, say what you want, but I really think that Flo is gonna get through to Hope." Dream on, bitch!

The Logan sisters all scoff at that with Donna laughing, saying: "I don't think so."

Shauna: "Weren't you the ones who told me how close you Logans are and how loving and supportive-" And you were banking on Flo being a Logan as her get-out-of-jail-free card.

Katie cuts her off: "Yeah, not when it comes to stolen babies." 

Ridge comes in then: "Hey - what's going on?"

Brooke comes over to him: "Ridge, hi."

He immediately spots Shauna: "What is she doing here?"

Brooke, rolling his eyes, says: "Shauna's here, trying to convince us that Flo did nothing wrong."

Shauna snits: "That's not what I'm saying." And she rolls her own eyes here and you do not get to do that to Brooke in her own house. "Of course, Flo did something wrong. I did something wrong." But forgive us anyway is the implication. And yep, here it comes: "I'm just trying to ask for a little forgiveness." 

Ridge almost laughs here as he stares at her and TK is kind of funny here: "Oh, wait...you're serious?"

Shauna: "Flo never intended to-"

Ridge sidesteps Brooke to step right in front of Shauna: "We don't care about intentions. We care about actions. Actions that will land her in prison." He stares her down and for once, she doesn't have a snappy comeback.

YASSSSSSSSSSSSS. It's exactly what she and her felonious daughter deserve.

Over at Wyatt's, the brothers Spencer are hanging out and as always, I love seeing Scott and Darin together.

Wyatt: "Congrats."

Liam laughs: "Thank you."

Wyatt asks: "Is that weird to say? I mean, it's not exactly a "congrats" situation. More like your nightmare is over and I'm incredibly happy for you." Mostly it's over but Thomas is still out there, lurking like an undetected STD.

Liam: "Well, it's true. I mean, for the first time, it doesn't feel like a dream anymore. Beth is BACK. She's back." He stops and looks at Wyatt, who has his arms out. "What are you-what are you doing?"

Wyatt is adorable here as he stretches out his arms further, saying: "I feel like my brother is pretending to not cry, so I'm gonna give him a hug to make us not feel uncomfortable." He pulls him into his arms.

Liam: "I'm not crying, you're crying." They both are, a little bit, and I love seeing them bonding even further as brothers.

They pull out of the hug, laughing, as Liam exclaims again over the wonder of it all: "She's alive! She's alive! It's like my brain is struggling to process, but-"

Wyatt: "It does kinda feel like a "congrats" situation."

Liam smiles, nodding: "Yeah...I think it does." He looks down at his phone and tells Wyatt their dad and Justin are en route. "Hope you don't mind I told them I was coming over here."

Wyatt shrugs it off, saying "the more the merrier." He looks nervous as he asks about Justin coming over, too. Uh huh...

Liam says Bill has questions. Legal questions. I'll bet.

Before they can discuss further, Bill walks in, with Justin right behind him and seeing such handsome men is reason enough to watch today's episode.


Bill teases: "Just you two?"

Liam and Wyatt give each other and Bill injured looks.

Bill: "What? I thought Hope was gonna be here with my granddaughter." She already has him wrapped around her pinky.

Liam: "You just saw Beth earlier today."

Bill is aghast: "I gotta lot of time to make up for, Liam."

Liam is more serious as he says: "Yeah...don't we all." He looks at Justin. "Hey, Justin, how's your family since Emma-" He trails off for the obvious reasons.

Justin: "We're still trying to make sense of it. But thank you. I appreciate that. Heard about your news." He smiles here. "I'm very happy for you."

Liam: "It's insane, isn't it?"

Justin: "He was filling me in on the way over. So Steffy had the baby the whole time?"

Liam: "Not that she knew."

Bill: "No. It was just as shocking for her." Okay, Bill, you don't need to defend her. I hate that he has (and probably always will) a soft spot for her.

Liam comments that he saw Steffy earlier and checked on her and Kelly. So much for him not caring about his other (for now) daughter and ex.

Justin: "I can't believe that the doctor was able to pull this whole thing off."

Liam: "Yeah, well, he had help." He darts a glance at an increasingly uncomfortable Wyatt. 

Wyatt: "Yep. He certainly did."

Back at the cabin, Flo is still trying to plead her case and seriously, any decent person would (1) not have shown up in the first place to add more stress to Hope and (2) not done what Felony did in the first place. 

Flo: "I didn't plan any of this." Does she not get that that doesn't matter? So she wasn't involved from Day 1 - she was involved within a handful of days and was up until she got busted. Hope shakes her head and turns away. "I didn't know what Reese had done. I didn't know what he was involved in, how much trouble he was in. If I had known, Hope, I-" You would have what, exactly? She knew enough to know something was off and yet she went right along with her sometime boyfriend's scheme to kidnap and sell/traffic Beth. "I never would have gotten involved in any of this."


Hope turns to face her, seeing if she's following Flo correctly: "So I'm supposed to forgive you because this wasn't your idea."

Flo shakes her head, saying "no" as she looks down at the floor.

Hope: "Because you just had to help a friend? Because you had no idea what was actually going on?" 

Flo looks up: "Thomas knew. Did you know that?" Unbelievable! Except...not. What part of what does Thomas have to do with YOUR role in all of this? She did what she did and she kept it a secret MONTHS before Thomas came back to town and MONTHS before he KNEW.

Trust, I am not defending Thomas for his part in all of this, but he is not to blame for her lies before he even knew anything.

Hope lowers her chin and you can see in her eyes how disgusted she is by Flo attempting to throw all the blame onto Thomas and lets her continue to give herself more and more inches of rope.

Flo: "Thomas knew about Beth. He knew everything and he didn't want me saying anything. And he threatened my life. He didn't want anything getting in the way of being with you."

And AGAIN, for the cheap seats, you could have TOLD THE TRUTH a million times over BEFORE Thomas even set foot back in LA, let alone knew your dirty little secret. 

Flo says it's not an excuse and she should have still come to you and Hope cuts her off here and her voice is deadly as she says: "I know. I know about all that. But what about before then?"


Hope continues: "Before Thomas? You had PLENTY of times-"

Flo cuts her off and do NOT interrupt Hope, you bitch: "I know. You're absolutely right." So is she now going to blame Zoe and being afraid of her, too?

Flo starts up the waterworks: "Please, Hope. Can you please just-"

It's Hope turn to cut her off, asking, sarcasm evident: "Forgive you?" She stares at Hope, disgust in her voice and eyes as she says, simply: "No." And then the fury comes out as she punctuates that: "HELL...NO!" The anger is palpable and Annika just continues to wow me as you can see the rage radiating off of her as she adds: "Not now. Not EVER."

Back at Wyatt's, Justin asks: "What kind of doctor, what kind of person, switches babies?"

Liam: takes himself to task here "I didn't question it. I should have questioned it...everything."

Wyatt is quick to defend him: "Oh come on. How could you know that someone could do something so awful?" But I sense he's talking about himself as well, where Flo is his concerned.

Bill, seething: "Well, my guys didn't get their hands on him." Too bad. "But at least he's been arrested."

Liam says, "apparently." He's not sure when or how he gets extradited or what will happen next.

Bill is on his feet: "Oh, I'll tell you what happens next, Liam. What happens next is his little helper Flo? She gets arrested." I love out-for-vengeance Bill. He adds: "And the two of them ROT in their cells." Yes, please.

Back at Brooke, Shauna is blathering on about not knowing Hope well, but knowing enough to know she has a really big heart.

Flo: "I think once she hears Flo's side of the story-"

Katie interjects: "How does Flo's side of the story add up to anything but I sold your baby and then I lied about it for months." Two episodes in a row and I'm still loving Katie. 

Shauna once again blames it all on Reese and that Flo was just helping him and by the time she realized it was too late. No, it wasn't too late for her to tell the truth. Not to mention her posing as a birth mother, no questions asked, in the first place.

Brooke calls her out (clearly in my head today): "Really? Because I would have known it was wrong the minute I said the baby was mine." Quite right.

Donna adds: "I would have known the moment I signed false papers."

Ridge: "Shauna...she put a stolen baby into my daughter's arms and told her to raise it as her own."

Brooke: "Maybe she didn't plan it but she went along and that makes her just as guilty."

Shauna is still trying to pin it all on Reese, saying he's the one who took the baby. But he couldn't have carried out his plan without Flo's help. She actually says they should be putting all of the blame on him.

Ridge barks: "There's plenty of blame to go around, even with Buckingham in custody."

Shauna is thrown by this because she has to know if he's in jail, Flo is next, but she asks anyway: "He was arrested?" The haughty demeanor finally got wiped from her face.

Ridge is practically grinning as he confirms it: "Earlier today." He turns to look at Brooke, then back at Shauna: "I've been meaning to ask you. You're from Vegas, right? So what are the odds that your daughter is getting arrested today?" He is bringing the snark and I love it. 

Shauna starts pleading and groveling: "I am begging you. She's your niece!" And how dare she try to play that card. Also, what part of it's not up to anyone but the authorities to press charges? Crimes were committed and even if Hope or Liam or anyone else in the family went crazy and decided not to press charges, the authorities still would. So she is just fucking ridiculous here as is her daughter, who is angling for the same thing and causing more pain, and it doesn't matter.

Brooke steps over to Shauna who, hearing this, shows her true colors as her temporary contriteness vanishes and the slithering snake she is reappears as Brooke reads her daughter for filth: "She stole my granddaughter. She stole Hope's daughter and sold her and then lied to us about it. She's not my niece. She's a thief, like Ridge said. And that's ALL she'll EVER be to me." 

Back at the cabin, Hope continues to put Flo on blast: "Did you honestly think you could convince me to forgive you?"

Flo shrugs, "I guess not." And yet knowing that, she still chose to come and ambush Hope anyway.

Hope: "What you did was VILE. It was DESPICABLE."

Flo holds her hand up and says, "I understand-"

Hope, charging toward her: "NO, you don't! Or you wouldn't have shown your face here today if you even remotely understood what you put me through!" It's as if TPTB are writing the dialogue I've been envisioning since the truth came out and I am here for it.

Flo does her sad little (and fake as hell) head nod and Hope snaps: "Don't do that!" She sneers at Flo, saying: "Like you're all torn up inside, like you're some kind of-"

And Hope stops and gasps here, realization dawning as she looks Flo up and down, seething as she spits: "You think you're some kind of victim, don't you?" Oh, Hope has her number and then some. 

Flo tries to deny but Hope holds up a fierce "don't fuck with me" finger and says, "Don't! Don't you DARE!"


She is shouting now as she glares at Flo: "LIAM AND I WERE THE ONES VICTIMIZED! And Steffy, too - did you ever think about HER?" Her voice is almost a growl here and once again shows her character as she is so, so angry on Steffy's behalf and there's not a snowball's chance in hell of Steffy feeling a tenth of that if the situations were reversed. But this is who Hope is, has always been, moments of immaturity and youth notwithstanding. And I'm so, so happy to have AN in this role as she is owning and has since Beth's birth. 

Hope continues: "Her heartbreak? What it would feel like to adopt a little girl and fall in love with her, only to have her RIPPED AWAY?"

I do hope that we get to see Steffy tear into Flo, but even if we never get those scenes, Hope is absolutely showing she has her stepsister's back and truly feels for her and is calling it out and laying all of that trash Flo's shit bare.

Flo jumps in here and no, you do not get to challenge Hope: "Of course, I thought about her. I thought about her every single day!" And does she not see how, if true (which I doubt), that makes it even worse. That she did think about her and Hope and Liam and still said and did nothing. 

Hope isn't finished, not by a country mile, "What about Kelly? What about how confused she's going to be when her little sister isn't there in the morning? A STOLEN BABY!" She stares at Flo, asking: "What's wrong with you?"

Flo shakes her head: "I don't know." 

Hope, gasping now, her voice breaking: "When I think about month after month, and lie after lie, and you pretending to to have this bond with me-"

Flo: "I wasn't pretending." Because lying to her face day after day for the better part of seven months is different than that?

Hope, the full scope of the betrayal hitting her: "You made me TRUST you. You made me CARE about you. You were DECEIVING ME THE ENTIRE TIME!"

Flo: "I was NOT! I never lied about our friendship!" AYFKM? It was all a lie from the very beginning. She knew who Hope was and the whole situation before they even exchanged their first "hellos." That is straight up classic gaslighting and the fact that did this to a grieving, mentally fragile woman who also turned out to be her cousin is, in some ways, even worse than what Reese did. 

Flo isn't done ranting: "I never lied about being happy that you were my cousin." Because the Logan name opened doors the Fulton name did not. "Yes, I kept the truth from you, but the rest of it, it wasn't a lie." Oh, well, okay then.

Hope laughs brittly: "Oh well, so much for FAMILY then, right? Even that didn't make you do the right thing." She then adds this: "I cannot believe I ever told you that Uncle Storm would be proud to know you."


That hits the mark as Flo tears up.

Flo: "Look, finding out that we were family only made it that much harder." Oh, you poor thing. "I struggled every single-"


Hope should be knocking her teeth down her throat at the audacity of her to mention "struggled."

But my gal surpasses my every expectation here and is full-on screaming as she shouts the rooftops down here and damn, I actually jumped back on my couch here: "I DON'T WANNA HEAR ABOUT YOUR STRUGGLES!"




Flo gives her an "eh" look then looks down again. It's disappointing that Katrina isn't bringing even 1/4 of what Annika is, but I'm enjoying Annika so much that I don't care.

Hope, her voice a deadly whisper here, a disgusted sneer on her face, says: "You...chose...SILENCE. And for what? For some loser who sits at your blackjack table so he can repay his debt." Dammmmnnnnn.


And here the rage comes back even more forceful than ever as her voice rises: "I had to wallow in agony for some JACKASS' gambling problem! HE PUT A DEAD BABY IN MY ARMS AND TOLD ME IT WAS MINE!!!"


Flo doesn't even flinch, hearing this. Bad acting or Flo is soulless. You tell me.

Hope: "THAT is who you aligned yourself with!" She punctuates her words with a finger punching the air, stopping just short of hitting Flo bodily. "THAT is who you were loyal to!"


She punches the air again, ever so slightly closer. "And THAT-" SHE SLAPS THAT BITCH ACROSS THE FACE SO HARD HER HEAD PRACTICALLY DOES A 180!!! "THAT...IS WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!"





Flo just stands there, holdly her already-red face.


Hope, her hand balled up in a fist stares her down, literally shaking with anger.


Annika is gonna have one hell of a time picking her Emmy reel scenes.

BTW, Annika/Katrina confirmed that the slap? Was real.

Please hang on while I rewind and watch that about 10 more times (for starters). I am in tears, guys. Tears of sorrow that Hope is going through even more heartbreak and torture at the hands of Flo but also tears of joy that she has the agency and backbone to give her miserable excuse for cousin the comeuppance she deserves.

Back at Wyatt's, Bill vows that Flo will serve time for her actions. 

Justin rises to his feet: "Well, that's a pretty safe bet."

Liam gets to his feet as well: "I want to put this behind me. I'll testify. I know Hope will."

Justin: "You might want to plan for that, especially if she pleads not guilty."

Wyatt insists she won't and she won't fight it. 

Liam: "You think so?" I wouldn't be so sure. Bill and Justin are starting at Wyatt like have you lost your ever-loving mind?

Wyatt sighs: "I mean, I'm not sure about her at all. Or the type of person she is now. But I do no this, she's not faking remorse." Excuse me while I laugh myself silly over that. Also, Wyatt? You don't know shit. "It seems like she's ready to face the consequences." No, she's not. That's why she ambushed Hope and her mother the Logan sisters. If she had an ounce of remorse, she wouldn't have done that on top of everything else.

Bill snaps: "Oh, she's gonna face the consequences, whether she's ready or not, Wyatt!"

Liam, to Wyatt: "Just so you know, I hate Flo for what she did." And rightfully so. "But I know that you care for her and I know your feelings about this are not gonna be as clear-cut as mine." It's a nice moment to them as brothers as Liam genuinely feels for his collassly stupid brother (perhaps because he has screwed up royally in the past himself?)

Bill rolls his eyes and sighs. 

Wyatt counters: "They're clear. I value trust and I value honesty. (And if so, then why did you lie to and cheat on Sally, hmm?) And Flo knew that. I loved her, you know, and I maybe always will." Oh gag! "But there's no room in my life for that now. Not after what she's done." And ugh to him sounding all wistful and it absolutely sickens me that Sally has, apparently, already taken him back. If only she could be a fly on the wall.

Back at the cabin, Flo is still holding her cheek and there's a flash of anger in her eyes and voices as she challenges: "Do you want to do it again?" Wow, she has some balls.

If I were Hope, I'd answer by slapping her teeth out of her lying, trash mouth.

Hope whispers: "No."

Flo: "I won't stop you." As if you could.

Hope then stuns her with her next words and they find their mark: "I don't need to hurt you. You've already hurt yourself. But I do want you to leave."

Flo: "Okay..." And then she says this: "I can give you more time." You could give her from now until the Apocalypse and she ain't changing her mind.

Hope cuts her to the quick: "No, not as in 'now." No as in I want you to leave my life forever." Hopefully, the authorities can help out with that.

Flo still tries to plead her case even though it's clear Hope, her back now turned, is done with her, saying how she wishes she could go back to the day they met. How she could have told everything right then and there. 

But you didn't.

Hope whirls around and says: "You know what moment I'd like to go back to? The moment where your good friend handed me a dead baby. Yeah, I would love nothing more than to tell him to go to hell. To spit in his face. To kick and scream. I would have done ANYTHING to have my daughter from DAY ONE! To raise her with my husband. Do you UNDERSTAND what you TOOK from us? DO YOU?"

Of course she doesn't and they both know it, even though Flo feebly nods.

Hope: "Every lullaby, every cry, her first smile, her first laugh, you took her and you gave her to ANOTHER WOMAN to raise. Steffy got all those firsts that should have been MINE! I can NEVER get them BACK!" And I am so, so glad they are acknowledging this theft, this loss on top of the loss of Beth, herself. 

Hope: "So yes, as much as I would love to go back and make it so I always had my baby and I never, ever had to meet you...I can't. I have to go the rest of my life, knowing what you did. My...uncle's...bastard."


Holy shit, guys. And this said by Deacon Sharpe's bastard. 

But totally deserved. 

But still...wow.


Hope shakes her head: "Not a cousin. Not...family."

Flo is dead to her now.

Before another word can be spoken, Brooke is at the door. Honestly, I could have watched these confrontation scenes for a good week. She enters the cabin with Donna, Katie, Ridge, and a reluctant Shauna at her heels.

Brooke wants to know what Flo said.


 Hope says, "About what you'd expect. Regrets, tears...not like it matters." 

Brooke blasts Flo: "To think that we were happy when we found out that you were part of our family, that you were our brother's daughter...that maybe Stormy could live on through you." We cut to Donna, Katie, and Ridge, who are full of disgust as they look at her. "But you have proven us wrong." Brooke, in tears, continues: "Stormy was a good man. He sacrificed his life for his family. But you are NOTHING like that. You are cruel and you are mean. And he was selfless. How could you have possibly have come from him?"

I'm not sure what direction Katrina was given here, but her defensive, self-righteous glare back at Brooke isn't working for me. Or maybe it is because this is who Flo is. I don't know.

Brooke, angry tears and sorrow for her dead brother, says: "But now all I see is his shame."

Even Shauna is silent here as Flo just stands there, staring at the floor, crying pity-party tears.

Back at Wyatt's Bill is telling Justin that as soon as they find out what judge is assigned to the case, he wants every detail about him.

Justin tells him to wait a minute, chiding him about learning his lesson from that, recalling the custody case with Katie.

Bill scoffs: "That was Ridge."

A wary Liam asks: "Dad, how exactly are you planning to get involved?"

Bill makes a wounded gesture, "I just wanna help, Liam. Nothing illegal." The brothers share a perfectly timed look and a frown. "I just want to do everything we can to make sure those two are put away for as long as possible."

Liam agrees they need to pay and Bill wants to know what they are waiting for. Liam shares that he's been in touch with Ridge and Flo isn't going to be walking free for much longer.

Yeah, I'm giving her about three more minutes.

Flo: "You probably won't believe this but no one feels more shame than I do."

Brooke scoffs: "Now that you got caught."

Katie also blasts her: "Where was your shame when you were signing documents giving Hope's baby to Steffy?"

Shauna interrupts to say, once again, how horrible Flo feels and nobody is buying what you're selling, heifer.


Flo whines to her mommy that she's tried to tell Hope so many times and boo fucking hoo.

Donna: "How hard is it to say 'your baby's alive'?"

As usual, Flo talks about how every time she had the courage (yes, she actually said that), someone would come along and stop her. She says she shouldn't have let them (and remember, she knew Hope was the mother before Zoe even knew so who, exactly, was bullying her to keep quiet?) Reese, far away in the UK? Come on! 

Katie: "So when Liam and Hope's marriage was breaking up, you didn't think even then you could say something so you could fix it?" Wow, Katie is as pissed as I've ever seen her and that is saying something. I'm talking veins are popping out in HT's neck and everything. 

Flo: "Yeah, but I can't go back." She looks at Hope: "I am so sorry, Hope. I failed you. I failed all of you and I'm so sorry."

They all look up at a loud rat-a-tat-tat on the door.

Guess who?

Ridge opens the door and ushers in Detective Sanchez and a police officer.


He indicates he got Ridge's call and adds, looking at Flo, it's "quite the story."

Shauna demands to know what's going on and are you that dumb?

A snarky Ridge explains: "Well, there's a criminal on the property, so I called the police. Safety first." I love it! 

Shauna, just save your "Oh my God" for your boys in Vegas. No one here wants to hear it.

Flo insists "it's fine." Oh, you're so brave, Flo.

Shauna tells her to zip it until they call an attorney.

Det. Sanchez: "You're welcome to call one from the station."

Shauna sputters: "The station? What are you talking about?" Wake up and smell the communal jail toilet.

Det. Sanchez coolly ignores her, announcing: "Flo Fulton, you're under arrest" as the others look on.


Shauna screeches: "You're arresting her?" What did she honestly think they were here for?

Hope glares at Flo who has the nerve to try and turn puppy dog eyes on Hope.


Again, even if Hope said she didn't want to file charges - IT'S NOT UP TO HER. But her eyes clearly say, even if she had the power to stop this, she wouldn't lift a finger. In fact, I don't think she would piss on Flo if she was on fire.


Shauna wants to know what they're charging her with and stop with this, Shauna. You're embarrassing yourself. I'm guessing that's not an uncommon occurrence for her.

Det. Sanchez, obviously used to the crazies, says "Kidnapping for one." The cop steps behind Flo and we hear the distinctive sound of handcuffs. Music to my ears.


Shauna wails that she's innocent.

Det. Sanchez: "Miss Fulton participated in the falsifying of government documents. She also represented herself as the birth mother of a child she knew was stolen, which means we'll be charging her with fraud." YES!

Shauna blubbers on about Flo being the Logan sisters' niece and making a "mistake" by trusting the wrong man and you can wail til the cows come home because AGAIN, it doesn't matter. 

And don't get me started on this being a "mistake." A mistake is forgetting to pick up milk at the grocery store.

Ridge: "She made a mistake and now she's gonna pay for it." 

Det. Sanchez says "Let's go" and reads Flo her rights as the cop leads her out.

I'm not recapping anymore of Shauna's wailing because it's lather, rinse, repeat. I love how Ridge grabs Shauna's arm so she can't try and stop them.


Hope eyes Flo until she's gone from her sight, which, blissfully, is seconds later. 


As good as the reveal and reunion scenes were, this was even better. I'm not a smoker, never have been, but I'm thinking I could use a pack or two, now. From start to finish, one of the epic episodes of this show and Annika taught a master class in acting today. Absolutely phenomenal. 

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Hope needed to slap Flo several more times.  I don't care what Hope calls Flo.  Zoe, Flo, Shana, and Xander are vile.  They can try to blame Thomas and Dr. Reese all they want.  It doesn't change the fact that they could have ended this crime months ago, and chose not to.

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Today was a work of art.  If JMW got an Emmy for all that howling, AN should get a Congressional Medal of Honour.  AND an Emmy.

@Country girl, as usual, your recap was wonderful!

It was so satisfying to see Flo get her just desserts (and that means the slap around the chops Hope dished out) but I'm waiting for Thomas to get his moment in the spotlight.  It's nice to see Ridge getting snarky with Shauna and Flo, but I want him to do a little self-examination and take some responsibility for the monster he spawned.

Thomas is most definitely Ridge Forrester/Marone and Taylor Hayes' son.  Taylor is a sociopath (and probably won't be seen for a while) and has never taken responsibility for ANYTHING, including killing and attempted murder.  So Ridge is going to have to step up.

The usual refrain is that it's ALL BROOKE'S FAULT because she's responsible for everything INCLUDING global warming.  But Thomas is his father's son.

My introduction to B&B was the scene where Ridge Forrester climbs into his brother's bed and has sex with his drunken sister-in-law, who thinks it's her husband.  That's called sexual assault.  She's not the only woman Ridge has forced himself on.  Even though I liked Ronnnnnnnnnnnn Moss, I've NEVER liked Ridge.  TK doesn't have Ronnnnnnnn's charm and easy-going manner, so it's harder to ignore what a piece of shit Ridge really is.

I can't be the only one who's noticed that Ridge has no relationship with ANY of the men in his family.  His brothers HATE him, mostly because Ridge makes it a point to prey on their women.  It's the same with his father.  Ridge and his father used to compete for models.  We saw how Eric REALLY felt about Ridge when he found out about Ridge and Quinn.  The hatred and contempt that Eric spewed at his son wasn't something new.  I'll bet Eric has always felt that way about Ridge.

Brooke is ALWAYS condemned for 'sleeping her way through a family' but most of Ridge's women have been with one of his family members before he pounced on them.  Caroline is one of the more glaring examples.  He moved in on her when she was married to his brother and then lost her to his own son.  And isn't it interesting that Thomas crawled into Caroline's bed when she was high on pills.   Like father, like son.

Caroline wasn't the first of Ridge's women that Thomas had tried to seduce.  He went after Brooke, the woman that raised him and lied about a sexual encounter.  Of course, that was blamed on Brooke.  Everything is.

BOTH Ridge and Taylor's children use sex to punish and to gain power over people.  I think Marcus is the only man that Hauxdilox has ever been with that wasn't with her step-sister FIRST.  Hauxdi is supposed to be this hip, happening, STRONG woman but she's never been able to find a man of her own.  She's spent more than a decade chasing after a man that she fell in 'love' with AFTER hitting her head.  Going after Liam was Hauxdi's antidote to losing married man $Bill.  The fact that Liam was engaged to her step-sister was just icing on the cake.  Not only did she get an attached man to make up for the OTHER attached man that rejected her, she also got to hurt her younger step-sister who had NEVER done anything to hurt her.

It would be nice if Ridge took a moment to take a good look at his children and realize what horrible people they are and his responsibility for that. 

Nah.  That's never going to happen.

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Well, I guess we can count on little Beth to need some bone marrow in the foreseeable future and Flo will be the only match. Hope and the Logan crew will of course have to unbanish "Stormie's bastard" from the family. 🤐

Shut up, Wyatt. Shut all the  way up. You do not have the moral high road just because you didn't steal someone's baby. I amost hope Flo ends up pregnant so you have to deal with her for the rest of your ever so honest life.

Flo, in the wise words of George Costanza, you can stuff your sorries in a sack, missy. Nobody cares! Nobody except your mommy who finally offered some good advice when she told you to say nothing until you have an attorney.


Her being absent is hugely glaring.

No kidding. That's why I was wondering a while back why they didn't just recast the role. There are plenty of out-of-work soap actresses who could step right into it. Plus they'd likely be cheaper than whatever HTy wants.


If there is a trial, I want him to show up everyday shirtless. 

And for his defense attorney to stack the jury with women. (Or men who'd find Tom's body attractive but B&B seems to like pretending gay men don't exist.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Just wow and ... WOW!  AN was phenomenal today. I had to rewind and replay her scenes multiple times.  She is truly very talented and deserves an Emmy next year.  I also thought KB was fine. I really didn't expect her to do much more than to offer fake contrition and act "meek."  Everybody brought their "A" game, which just emphasized how terrible DR is. I laughed at her trying to out-squint Brooke with her Botoxed forehead. 

So now ... it looks like round up and deal with Thomas ... then maybe we can move on to a different story. PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE??? 

Applause all around and a standing ovation for AN.

Moving on to Hunter Tylo. I also don't understand why Bell puts up with her antics, especially with her track record on the show. I consider Ridge is a much more core character than Taylor, and there was no problem replacing RM with TK. So, why not? Yeah. I know there are a lot of good actresses from other soaps who could easily step into the role and most likely, improve it. 

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1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

can't be the only one who's noticed that Ridge has no relationship with ANY of the men in his family.  His brothers HATE him, mostly because Ridge makes it a point to prey on their women.  

Well that, plus Rick hates him for the shit he put Brooke through over the years, too. I hated that Kyle Lauder!Rick used that as an excuse to be an entitled ass himself and pull Steffy into his pissing match with Ridge, but having to watch his daughter get used by a bastard that only wanted to "own her ass" was great karma for his own checkered history.

And Nick's foundry boink after he and Brooke thought Ridge had died was definitely in bad taste but that's not even close to the same category as going along with your mother's plan to let him take the rap for murder.

I'm guessing Ridge probably killed off the male cousins like Steffy has, which is why we don't hear about them.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Flo: "Okay..." And then she says this: "I can give you more time."

And I shouted "HIT HER AGAIN, HOPE!  THE FIRST ONE OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T TAKE!"  Lordhavemercy, she's like the Mister Collins of wanting to be forgiven.  

(Anybody else hoping there's a trial offscreen?  The sooner we have the felons off our screens with their "it was just a mistake" and "there were good reasons behind my bad behavior", the better.)

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

I know there are a lot of good actresses from other soaps who could easily step into the role and most likely, improve it.

I could see that actress who played Emily Stewart last on ATWT easily stepping up to play Taylor. She could kill it with the high strung melodramatics and self delusion but still pull it together to occasionally feel sympathy for her.

Of course, a recast is moot if Bratley Bell is never going to let Taylor move on from Ridge and just continue to have her whining about Brooke screwing her over.

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If I remember correctly, Thomas hid Hope's phone in the hotel room's nightstand along with the pills he bought from his buddy.  Someone at Forrester (Zoe?) brought an envelope from the hotel that contained Hope's phone.  My question is, since the pills were in the nightstand with the phone, were the pills included in the envelope?  Has anyone opened the envelope yet?  

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On 8/17/2019 at 12:44 AM, LittleIggy said:

Thursday, Bill said Liam was his firstborn. I thought Wyatt was the eldest.

They go back and forth on this, as Wyatt referred to himself as the oldest before. At this point, I don't think the writers know who's actually the older of the two.

I don't like Shawna, but what is it with Ridge always intimidating and grabbing women. His own wife isn't even an exception as he is constantly trying to intimidate her to the point he comes off as abusive.

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As much as I have grown to despise Ridge, Brooke, and Taylor, I can't blame everything their children do on them.  At a certain point, as an adult, you have to accept responsibility for your actions.  The example Ridge, Taylor, and Brooke set for their children was horrible, but I point to Bridget and Phoebe as two people who didn't become selfish sociopaths who don't care about anyone else, and walk all over other people to get what they want.  They weren't perfect, but they were nice and caring.

As far as Brad Bell and his hiring goes, this is the guy who brought IR on as Thorne, when IR was supposed to be a different character, and when he could have brought WH back as Thorne, completely wasted IR and the character of Thorne, and then wrote him out.  It's not the first time he has done this either.

ETA:  So now we get both Thomas and Vinny shirtless.  Gee Thomas if you feel like an idiot maybe it's because you are one, and that is the least of your problems.  Ridge NEVER left Taylor for Brooke.  It didn't happen.

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I could almost feel bad for Shauna; no parent wants their child to go to prison. The thing is though, Shauna is not quite right in her statements about Flo “getting caught up in something.” Yes, Flo did get caught up in something, but it wasn’t baby stealing or baby selling. No, what Flo got caught up in was being a Logan, and living in the Forrester mansion, and working at Forrester, and living the Forrester lifestyle, and reconnecting with Wyatt. If none of that had happened, and Flo had just been a participant in the original crime, then maybe Hope would be able to find it in her to forgive Flo. But Flo and Shauna are too dense to understand this. It isn’t about what Reese did, and how Flo helped him. It was perpetuating the lie. It was bonding with Hope and her family. It was taking of their goodness and generosity, and their delight at learning they had a niece and a cousin. Flo can deny it all she wants, but once she cemented herself as a Logan, and got her cushy job, and upscale digs, and got back into Wyatt’s bed, all her attempts to tell Hope became less pressing, and the urgency completely diminished once Thomas got involved and Flo saw her scapegoat.

I agree with others that Taylor should be recast. I think things will be heating up for the Marone gang, and I DO NOT want to watch HT bobbling around like a chicken with her head cut off. No, I would rather see a competent actress handle what could be some meaty material. Particularly if they allow Steffy a go at Flo, but especially if they allow her a go at her crazy brother. Who would Mommy support?


And if Brooke does turn out to be the one injured by Thomas how will Taylor and Ridge handle that?

So, Annika donned her best bitch face and brought the fucking heat to Flo. You know, the slap really wasn’t necessary; don’t get me wrong, it did have just the right ring to it, but Annika was slaying that shit with a purpose, and the scene would have played out well without the slap. You could just see the rage and disbelief emanating off of her. She was positively vibrating with it. And the dialog! Wow, I don’t even know which line I liked best because they were all so good, and so well written. But AN took that awesome stuff and leveled it up. The curled lip, the jabbing finger, the eyes that seared a hole right through Flo’s shit. Yes, to Hope calling Flo out on acting like a victim. Yes, to Hope telling her she was not family. Yes, to Hope telling Flo to park the sad face. But I think my favorite was about choosing silence for some loser and his gambling debts. A simple statement that said so much.

Flo thought she knew Hope. But you never really know a person until you cross them. And Flo didn’t only cross Hope. She crossed everyone Hope loves and cares about. Good heart or not; there are limits to what a person can forgive.

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59 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Good heart or not; there are limits to what a person can forgive.

Damn right.  

I guess Thomas' fan base must like seeing him shirtless but I hate looking at him.  The actor's chest and shoulders are too wide in proportion to his lower half and he just looks gross to me. 

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4 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

As much as I have grown to despise Ridge, Brooke, and Taylor, I can't blame everything their children do on them.  At a certain point, as an adult, you have to accept responsibility for your actions.  The example Ridge, Taylor, and Brooke set for their children was horrible, but I point to Bridget and Phoebe as two people who didn't become selfish sociopaths who don't care about anyone else, and walk all over other people to get what they want.  They weren't perfect, but they were nice and caring

Perfect example was how Bridget acted like a complete raging bitch towards Aggie after finding out that Nick kept the secret about Aggie's attack. I think had it been anyone else other than Nick she confided with that Bridget would've been for understanding but given her history of snakes in her family I could understand why she didn't give Aggie an inch. But I did appreciate that Bridget was big enough to apologize to Aggie for her behavior and gave her only the minimal amount of stink eye when Nick and Aggie got together. Best of all, she didn't lean on her history with Nick's cheating as an excuse for her behavior (the "you owe me" line notwithstanding, which I think was more for fans than befitting her character).

Edit: also, every time Jackie tried to tell Bridget not to tell Nick because the pregnancy might not stick, Bridget was like O__o for the obvious reason but also because it was a shitty thing to do. Not like Steffy who was never going to tell Liam about her stallion ride.

I wish soaps in general had more characters and less white hats that are either complete drips like Lola Morales or hypocrites that skate all the time like Taylor.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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