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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'm conflicted on this Flo-is-$Bill's-daughter story... 

The good...I think Bill is still hurting from losing Caroline, who was like a daughter, so it would be nice for him to have a daughter. Unlike anyone who marries his sons, he can't sleep with this one.

The bad...it totally grosses me out that Flo & Wyatt may be siblings, especially since she smooched him today, in a non-brother/sister way.

The worst...the other option is de-Spencering Wyatt, & I'm totally against that. Wyatt works as a Spencer with Bill, but mostly, Wyatt works as Liam's brother. It's probably the best relationship on the show, now that they're not fighting over women. I'd be distraught if they ruined that. 

In this entire story, the most WTF thing, is why someone like Shauna wouldn't have gone to Billionaire Bill & said "hey, I have your kid, pay up!" I'm basing most of my judgment of Shauna from Denise Richards, who kinda comes across as trashy. No way would she raise a child as a single mom, when her daughter's billionaire father was alive. Quinn is a total control-freak, so I could totally see how she'd want to keep Bill away from Wyatt, money or not. Shauna would've been after child-support at the very least. To be clear, fathers most definitely should pay child support & take care of their kids, but someone like Shauna appears to be, would've gone after monster child support if she had $Bill's child, in real life, from the moment she saw that + sign. 

$Bill charming Pam, I bet DD & AM are buddies in real life, that was a cute scene. 

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I had to laugh when Bill didn’t recognize Shawna. Of course he didn’t, it’s been over 20 years later and hundreds of Botox injections.  The look on Quinn’s and Bill’s faces, priceless. 

Wyatt is very personable and intuitive. I would like a guy like him for a son in law. 

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What were Flo and Wyatt eating? Whatever it was it was distracting to me.

Heh, Bill taking one of those nasty lemon bars. Such a schmoozer.

Well dang, they went there. So did Wyatt and Flo have sex when they were high school sweethearts? Hard to imagine they didn't. Ew.

DNA tests for everyone! STAT!

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

What were Flo and Wyatt eating? Whatever it was it was distracting to me.

Heh, Bill taking one of those nasty lemon bars. Such a schmoozer.

Well dang, they went there. So did Wyatt and Flo have sex when they were high school sweethearts? Hard to imagine they didn't. Ew.

DNA tests for everyone! STAT!

I think they were eating bowls of fruit. I thought it was kind of odd.

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Well, Denise Richards really likes her Botox and fillers doesn’t she? Yikes! Although, the lead up was funny because Bill didn’t remember and Quinn was all WTF is this about?! LOL!!!! 

DD looks great with the gray in his beard. I’m sure his whole head of hair is totally gray but you gotta start somewhere. LOL!!!!

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Some guys can do the black dye. Stephen Colbert has been getting touch-ups going back to his Colbert Report days, but he still looks good AF. As does Don Diamont, who has declined the shoe polish that Ronnnnnnnnn Moss and JMW were putting in their hair (or Persian cat passing for a wig, as the case may be). Next to red, black is a tricky hair color to get to look natural!

I can't believe they gave Bill another bastard child. Forget the Wyatt part of this, why do I care that he's connected to this n00b? But I'll give the B&B props for getting one over on us and putting out that fake Deacon spoiler. None of us saw this coming.

But as mentioned, I'm more sad about what this will do to Liam and Wyatt if it does come up that he's somehow not Bill's. They work as brothers and for the first time, neither are persuing the same woman or competing for Daddy Warbucks' attention (I don't think Liam and Bill have ever truly patched up the Steffy stallion ride thing) and are the only true non -opportunistic friendship on the show.

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I didn't really know much about Denise Richards other than she is mother to Winning Charlie Sheen's kids.

But she looks really awful. Especially against Quinn.  And she is younger than RS. 

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5 hours ago, bannana said:

I didn't really know much about Denise Richards other than she is mother to Winning Charlie Sheen's kids.

But she looks really awful. Especially against Quinn.  And she is younger than RS. 

It's crazy! She's only 48 years old. I don't know anyone in the real world getting all botoxed up like that. It's such a Hollywood thing. I could understand if you were knocking on 59 or your 60's but in your 40's?!?!? I can't imagine she looked that awful before. I guess she thought she needed it for the Housewives show.

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DR looks really hard-edged and man, her acting so far, sucks. I'm not sure what I expected, but I'm disappointed, especially if she's slated for a key role moving forward. I am cringing for any possible future scenes with her and Taylor and Steffy. 

To balance this out, DR does seem pretty chill and grounded on Real Housewives, but, like I've said earlier, she's not afraid to liberally drop the f-bomb and other profanities into her conversations -- even with her daughters. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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DD looks great with the gray in his beard. I’m sure his whole head of hair is totally gray but you gotta start somewhere. LOL!!!!

The hair on his head used to have touches of gray and then all of a sudden he went with the solid shoe polish look. I don't know why he (or the maybe TPTB) thinks he needs it because he's looking fine to me either way.


DR looks really hard-edged and man, her acting so far, sucks.

Heh, there's a classic expression, "looks rode hard and put up wet." That's what DR reminds me of, sadly. She was a gorgeous woman back in her Starship Trooper days but I guess maybe dealing with Charlie and his drama took a toll. I'm not impressed with her acting either but I don't think she's the worst we've seen on B&B in recent months.

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I think just changing Wyatt's paternity if Flo is a Spencer, will alleviate Wyatt & his first love, Flo, being incestuous. I'm thinking we heard that they were together for years, we've heard from both Steffy & Hope that Wyatt is tops in bed, he probably started young, meaning that he had sexy times with Flo, his maybe-sister. Yesterday, Flo kissed Wyatt on-screen, it's just a little too Flowers in the Attic for me. 

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It seems we don’t have to guess if AN had implants.  AN plays Hope like a adolescent weak minded little girl.  I could never see KM playing Hope this way. Under KM, Hope was forceful and mostly self assured. KM had no problem being a spokes model promoting her line and her moral values.  

Hey Quinn, you’re acting like Bill is a saint and he could possibly screw you and Shawna around the same time.  But I guess it was more of being territorial of Wyatt’s dad and Flo and Wyatt possibly being siblings.

Wyatt has a better facial expression finding out that Flo possibly could be his sister than when Han found out that Luke and Leia were brother and sister.  

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So now Hope believes that Flo (boy, I hate that name for that cute girl) can help her come to terms with her grief. Huh? How exactly is that going to work? I think I’ll have to take a pass on this show until Phobeth is given back to her folks. This sad sack Hope has bored me into leaving her. 

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My mom has gotten the prediction bug and now thinks that if they go with Flo ultimately revealed as Deacon's daughter and Hope's sister, Hope is going to go whole hog in encouraging Flo to take back Phoebe from Steffy since she has the support of her 'new family' now and Flo will front that she can't raise the child because she isn't ready for it but maybe the baby should go to Hope since she's ready to be a mother and will push Hope to adopt her own kid! Hope already is saying she feels connected to Phoebe and Flo will push that the baby will remain in the family afterall.

Ridge, Taylor, and Steffy will be incensed,  Brooke will be cautious but also see Flo/Hope's POV, and Liam will be caught in the middle AGAIN.

I'm almost eager to see the show try to pull this off 😂

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Where has Liam been the past few days? Why isn’t he hanging around constantly hugging his wife and consoling her over the worst loss anyone ever has suffered in any life? Oh. Didn’t Liam also lose his baby at the same time? Has Hope consoled and hugged and held him to help him get through losing his child? Give me a freaking break.

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Why was Donna at work dressed like she going to a cocktail party? Oh yeah, because she's Donna.

Bill, you can buy DNA tests over-the-counter now at your favorite drugstore chain. There's no need for all the accidental incest drama.

It really is kind of ridiculous to me that Flo just happened to give her baby to her high school boyfriend's ex. Why does no one question the implausibility of such a coincidence?

Yeah, it's looking like Flo is going to be related to the Logans instead of the Spencers. Darn. I still think Bill might not be Wyatt's dad though. Odd that Quinn doesn't seem worried. I guess she'll insist that only Flo needs to be tested but Bill would be dumb not to test both her and Wyatt. Or maybe Wyatt will wonder on his own.

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I couldn't stop laughing at the final scene today. The big reveal to Wyatt that he and Flo might be siblings just kind of fell flat. The news was delivered in such a dramatic tone by Quinn and DB just looked at her. No dropped jaw, gasp or anything. It was like the SL took him completely by surprise, so he had no reaction. It was hilarious. Even SC would have pulled together Liam's trademark, gaping mouth, deer-in-the-headlights expression. 

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Why was Donna at work dressed like she going to a cocktail party? Oh yeah, because she's Donna.

She's going to meet Hope later and get double-sided boob tape tips from her. It's like Hope went to Forever 21 and left all of her camisoles in the store by accident. Who TF wears cleavage-down-to-your-navel shirts to the office? 🙄

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16 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

I couldn't stop laughing at the final scene today. The big reveal to Wyatt that he and Flo might be siblings just kind of fell flat

To be fair, this is a well that is drier than the state of California on this show. After all the mental incest pairings we had after Ridge and Bridget, my only reaction is that I'm glad the bulk of their relationship happened off-screen! 😂

This doesn't squick me nearly as much as every other horrid post-paternity pairing I've had to sit through, to be honest.

20 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

AN plays Hope like a adolescent weak minded little girl.  I could never see KM playing Hope this way. Under KM, Hope was forceful and mostly self assured. KM had no problem being a spokes model promoting her line and her moral values

KM!Hope got tripped up when she would barge in and not even consider that there were other people besides herself in the world. Having recently rewatched the episodes from 2012 and part of 2013 until I just Could Not Even(tm), she wasn't nearly the wilting, mopey mess I remembered her to be. I mean, she had to have an honorary pair of brass ones to wreck Bill's windows and have Thomas graffiti the cliff house 🤣

With AN, I wish I could say this was just because of Beth, but the show was just making her out to be way too much of a saint way before that. I feel about this Hope like I felt about  Allison Stewart on ATWT in it's waining days: she grates less than the last version , but needs more than just tragedy. Luckily, I think AN is capable of a wider acting range than the humanized Eeyore plushie who played Alison last and I do miss seeing a Hope with passion.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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18 hours ago, Gam2 said:

Where has Liam been the past few days? Why isn’t he hanging around constantly hugging his wife and consoling her over the worst loss anyone ever has suffered in any life? Oh. Didn’t Liam also lose his baby at the same time? Has Hope consoled and hugged and held him to help him get through losing his child? Give me a freaking break.

Because Liam's feelings are secondary.  Children are the domain of women.  Or so this regressive show would have us believe.  The mindset here is stuck in the '50's.  This is the show where adult children try to "Parent Trap" their parents and whine that they're no longer a nuclear family.  Where the only way a child can thrive is under the same roof with their parents.  Where every mother is innately a better parent than every father.  Even stupid Thomas is taking a backseat to Hope when it comes to Douglas despite having parented this child for years and the fact that Hope has raised no children. 

(The above isn't an attack on Hope but this show lost me when they had Donna, who gave her infant up for adoption at birth, step in to show a new father - can't remember if it was $Bill or Liam - how to hold, quite and comfort a baby.  Ugh.  GTFOH.)

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Quinn had the line of the month. “It’s not a cumulative process”. 

They did everything the could to find out if Flo and Wyatt had sex without actually asking him.  It took a while, but Wyatt confirmed no sex but said nothing about kissing and a little groping. 

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I'm back to thinking that Deacon is the daddy.  Bill seemed so confident that non of his DNA has been shared anywhere.  It would also make more sense story-wise so that Flo would feel even guiltier about Phoebeth and the baby swapping.

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Wyatt, have you met your father? He's been kind of a manho. A better question would've been whether it was possible he didn't sleep with Shauna.

Hope is nucking futz. She should seek professional help instead of imposing upon pretty much a stranger to help her work out her lingering PPD.

This show is conflating DNA tests with those ancestry research services. A DNA test is commonly thought of more of a paternity/maternity test than checking to see what random places in the world you might have/once had relatives or what diseases you're pre-disposed to. They should've used the term "genetic test."

Heh, Zoe is getting the hail outta Dodge. London is not the place to try to escape extradition though if Flo spills the whole beans about Phoebeth.

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A lot of people don’t define injectibles as plastic surgery. Jaclyn Hill swears up and down she never had plastic surgery. When hundreds of people posted side by side pics and kept pestering her about it she admitted she has filler in her lips and nose and cheeks and had Botox. 

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Bradley at his finest with his one day turn around on DNA testing. 

However, I found those scenes campy as hell. Asking Wyatt if he and Flo had hit the home run reminded me of a Seinfeld episode where Jerry and Elaine were trying to figure out if they had scored one and for the full duration of the show never actually said "did we have sex." 

I love how Shauna keeps saying "don't judge me; I was young and having fun!" I was young once too, and I had lots of fun. I was a young adult during the disco/coke era, and while I never made it to Studio 54, I was still out boogieing every weekend. Even so, I can say that I would absolutely know who my kids father was; I mean, if I actually had any kids. It really makes Shauna look even trashier. 

The only benefit I can see if Bill is Flo's daddy, would be that there can be no relationship with Wyatt, and at least for now, he and Sally are safe. Of course, when you consider that as kids they probably made it to third base, and I would suspect were even rounding to home plate; they may be inclined to retcon Wyatt's parentage too, and that would be a big ole downer. 

I can't decide who I want it to be. Deacon would certainly impact Hope, but I still don't see how that would propel the Beth SL along. I don't think Flo has the guts to come clean, particularly now that she has gotten to know Hope. Who knows, maybe they will simultaneously announce Flo's dad's name just as she is spilling to Hope? I really don't care as long as we put an end to this horrible SL and give Hope her child. Fuckers. 

Ah, nah, nah, nah Zoe...you chickenshit beyotch! Listen up girlie; there ain't no ocean big enough to protect you from your just desserts. No, you were not part of what your daddy did, but you are sure keeping quiet about it. And all the while you watch Hope continue to suffer and continue to question herself as a woman. UGH!

Quinn looks absolutely beautiful; Flo too, with her pretty pink dress. And Hope! DAYUM girl. 

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23 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I really don't care as long as we put an end to this horrible SL and give Hope her child. Fuckers.

Me too. I can't remember a baby-switching story ever annoying me this much. Hope is just too sad and I don't want to see that anymore. 😭

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2 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

Me too. I can't remember a baby-switching story ever annoying me this much. Hope is just too sad and I don't want to see that anymore. 😭

I guess it all depends on JMW maternity leave. When she returns? Then another month from that when it airs. It might be a long one.

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On 4/9/2019 at 7:45 PM, Gam2 said:

Oh. Didn’t Liam also lose his baby at the same time? Has Hope consoled and hugged and held him to help him get through losing his child? Give me a freaking break.

Liam's been busy playing daddy to replacement baby Phoebe as well as being daddy to Kelly, soo.....

On 4/9/2019 at 7:57 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

It really is kind of ridiculous to me that Flo just happened to give her baby to her high school boyfriend's ex. Why does no one question the implausibility of such a coincidence?

Flo didn't know any of these people when she "gave the baby up." She didn't even know Wyatt was now in L.A.

Speaking of Wyatt, why didn't he ever look up Flo after leaving town?  If she was so much the love of his life, how come he never tried to reach out after leaving town?  And why did he and Quinn have to leave town so quickly?  That's the story that needs to be explored.

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3 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

Me too. I can't remember a baby-switching story ever annoying me this much. Hope is just too sad and I don't want to see that anymore. 😭

Even with all the Sad Hope stuff, this is still heads and shoulders above the last two baby switch stories Y&R did. Especially the SullyCAN one where the mother didn't even get a proper reunion with her son before she got killed and even more Sharinsane hijinks and the lingering fact that Christian isn't even Nick's. Talk about a contrived mess of a story.

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I think, to honor her hero of a newly-discovered father, Flo should change her name to Stormi. Not kidding.

My Dallas-loving heart is also hoping that Bobby Ewing comes back to meet his newest grandchild. I know he never comes back for any of his daughter's weddings, or to meet any of his other grandchildren, but I love me some Bobby Ewing. 

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Me too! Bobby was the best.   It's just that I get a twinge every time Brooke calls him Dad.  

tenor.gif?itemid=12093414 as

Btw - I saw today's episode about 4 or 5 days ago.  I thought I was watching

that days episode but it was a leaked episode on YT.  I didn't want to say

anything as I wasn't sure what was going on. 

Edited by TessHarding2
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Wow...Storm being Flo's dad really came out of left field!  Usually we viewers are usually so ahead of the writers and storyline that for them to surprise us like this is kind of exciting, especially since it connects Flo with ALL of the Logans,  not just Hope.  

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1 hour ago, TessHarding2 said:

Me too! Bobby was the best.   It's just that I get a twinge every time Brooke calls him Dad.  

tenor.gif?itemid=12093414 as

Btw - I saw today's episode about 4 or 5 days ago.  I thought I was watching

that days episode but it was a leaked episode on YT.  I didn't want to say

anything as I wasn't sure what was going on. 

It wouldn't take much for me to call him "Daddy", or whatever else he wanted. A child of the '80s will always love the hotties of the '80s! Yum. Bobby's looks, & JR's charm, that was a great show.

I've said this before, but I really think that $Bill was modeled after JR. Obviously, DD is smoking hot, which helps, but he's got that "it's good to be bad" persona. He reminds me so much of JR/Larry Hagman. He's fun to watch.

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The Soap Opera staple is the pregnant pause. Just when the truth is to be told, they fade to commercial or more often than not a different scene.  Than there is the piece de resistance, another truth that sends the original truth in a whole hole other direction. 

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Flo didn't know any of th ese people when she "gave the baby up." She didn't even know Wyatt was now in L.A.

Yeah, I also watch the show. All the concerned parties know the connection between Flo and Wyatt and Steffy and Phoebeth now though. IMO it really is an absurd coincidence in a city the size of LA. Someone should be questioning Flo's story. I'm betting Reese did at least know the Wyatt connection, which would've led to Steffy and Taylor and $$$$. Pregnant Hope turning up at the Catalina clinic wasn't something he could've planned on though. He probably would've stolen some other woman's baby at the clinic.

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Yikes!  I got pretty freaked out and worried today when Hope told Flo how she goes up to the rooftop of FC and stares out to Catalina Island. PLEASE get that poor girl some help from a qualified professional. Not Lippy and not well-meaning friends/family or even strangers (like cousin-to-be Flo).

That said, who sees some dramatic rooftop rescue/reveal with a distraught Hope about to jump? A frantic Flo and Wyatt will be trying to talk Hope off the ledge when Steffy rushes up the stairwell to place Phoebeth in Hope's arms.

Edited by CharlizeCat
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Bill Spencer, you are NOT the father!

Wow, I didn't know William deVry was on B&B.

Can you really see Catalina from LA?

Heh, Flo's like "Aw, crap. Cousins? Now I'll never be rid of this nutcase."

Here comes the custody battle! The Logans vs. Steffy & Taylor. Only Flo might not be so down for getting "her" baby back. Yikes.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Bill Spencer, you are NOT the father!

Wow, I didn't know William deVry was on B&B.

Can you really see Catalina from LA?

Heh, Flo's like "Aw, crap. Cousins? Now I'll never be rid of this nutcase."

Here comes the custody battle! The Logans vs. Steffy & Taylor. Only Flo might not be so down for getting "her" baby back. Yikes.

Catalina Island is about 46 miles from LA. The distance is about 12 miles before the curvature of the earth effects the distance you can see.  Even if you add a mile for the height of the FC building, well you do the math.  

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It was my understanding there would be no math. 😉

So either Hope was speaking metaphorically or she's simply a wackadoodle. Seriously though, why won't they get help for her? Flo got an eye- and earful today of how close to the precipice Hope is emotionally. I bet if Hope "accidentally" almost takes a gainer off the FC roof they still won't do anything except yammer a bunch of platitudes.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Oh, so we have a new Logan! I think I am good with this because I love me some Logans. And now the sisters will have another little piece of their brother to hold on to. 

Show, you can stop with the incessant bait and switch anytime now MMKKAY? It is not entertaining. It is not exciting. It does not have me on the edge of my seat. By the time the truth comes out it will be so anti-climatic, and Hope finding out her baby is alive and well should never be that. This is the only downer with Flo being Storm's daughter. How can she possible come clean now? Then again, the longer she waits the harder it will be, particularly once the other Logan ladies find out about this news. @Joimiaroxeu, I would lay wagers that you are correct. Once Brooke, Donna and Katie find out that Steffy bought adopted their great niece? I can just see them telling Flo that she is not on her own any longer, and that they will help her raise her child. I have to say that I can see this turn of events making Taylor's head implode, and I can just see her running to Ridge and screeching about Steffy's life and her unhappiness, but that still will not be enough to make up for Hope's loss. I don't care what spin they decide to put on it; the only spin that will work for me is for Hope to be reunited with her daughter, and for those that have hurt her to face the music. 

14 hours ago, nkotb said:

I've said this before, but I really think that $Bill was modeled after JR.

I have never really connected those dots, but yes, I can absolutely see this. I was always a huge JR fan, but that was because I was a huge Larry Hagman fan; Captain Nelson won my heart when he let a genie out of her bottle. 

And Bill positively slayed it yesterday. DD is looking so FIONE lately. I like him in that style and color shirt too. 

I also thought Hope was going to tell Flo that she went up to the roof to contemplate jumping. How is it that these people don't see how lost this girl is? How she needs help that they simply can not give her. I swear, if they let Hope and Flo bond with this horrible lie between them. then pull the rug out from under Hope again by getting her daughter back, but losing the only friend she has ever had? I just think Hope has been punished enough for her mother's sins and for being Deacon Sharpe's daughter. Let this character alone and let her have some peace for a change. 

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Took this show long enough but we finally have a layered story not centered on the ToD 2.0 but on Wyatt and his past, the Logan sisters, new blood and Storm actually getting a legacy. On one hand this story could've been Thorne's in his getting a saucy love interest in Shauna and a 'new' daughter in Flo but it works that the Logans are going to really want to embrace Flo as a piece of their brother so that when the poop hits the fan it'll really push the bonds of the family.

Katie's no longer is the sole torch bearer of Storm's legacy and can let go of that burden. And man, when they find out about Flo's 'daughter' , the Logans are going to be hellbent on bringing that kid back into the fold so that Storm's 'granddaughter' is raised by family and when they find out it's lil' Phoebe? It's gonna be on.

The ToD 1.0 and 2.0 are being folded into this but it's a bigger umbrella story that's involving the Logan and Forrester families as a whole. For once this isn't about Liam's peen but about a core family and their expanding legacy. Hope and Steffy are fighting about their children (although Hope doesn't know it yet) and Liam is basically an afterthought.

Good job, show. Now please don't mess it up.

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19 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wow, I didn't know William deVry was on B&B.

Yes, he was! And did a great job as Storm! Although there were times that I wished he’d been cast as someone other than Brooke’s brother because she had great chem with him! 😂

53 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Katie's no longer is the sole torch bearer of Storm's legacy and can let go of that burden.

Your whole post was good, but I’m especially here for this. 

54 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Hope and Steffy are fighting about their children (although Hope doesn't know it yet) and Liam is basically an afterthought.

And definitely this!

both Wyatt and Liam have both been long overdue for stories that connect to their pre-Spencer past, but especially poor Wyatt, who always loses the girl (for lack of a better term, which implies he was ever the first choice to begin with) and pulled a natural 1 in the parental lottery between Quinn and Bill. I’m glad someone’s been listening to our posts here! 😛

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59 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Took this show long enough but we finally have a layered story not centered on the ToD 2.0 but on Wyatt and his past, the Logan sisters, new blood and Storm actually getting a legacy. On one hand this story could've been Thorne's in his getting a saucy love interest in Shauna and a 'new' daughter in Flo but it works that the Logans are going to really want to embrace Flo as a piece of their brother so that when the poop hits the fan it'll really push the bonds of the family.

Katie's no longer is the sole torch bearer of Storm's legacy and can let go of that burden. And man, when they find out about Flo's 'daughter' , the Logans are going to be hellbent on bringing that kid back into the fold so that Storm's 'granddaughter' is raised by family and when they find out it's lil' Phoebe? It's gonna be on.

The ToD 1.0 and 2.0 are being folded into this but it's a bigger umbrella story that's involving the Logan and Forrester families as a whole. For once this isn't about Liam's peen but about a core family and their expanding legacy. Hope and Steffy are fighting about their children (although Hope doesn't know it yet) and Liam is basically an afterthought.

Good job, show. Now please don't mess it up.

So well written!

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