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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I'm late to the party, but CaRidge was my favorite B&B pairing in the last decade, possibly ever, & definitely one of my favorite stories. It wound up being a great umbrella story, especially for this show. The background was that Ridge had interrupted Bill's & Brooke's wedding, then Ridge kinda kidnapped Brooke ("kinda" because she easily could've halted it, but she didn't even put up a fight), & put her on a helicopter. Unbeknownst to Ridge, Justin was the pilot, & at $Bill's behest, Justin dropped Ridge from the air, into the ocean. Ridge showed up a few days later, with no memory, which was funny, because Katie was wearing his red string of commitment, & he had a WTF look for an episode, with no memory of her or their commitment. When he went back to work, he couldn't draw, but he got Caroline to help him. He would put his hand over her hand, & they'd draw together. They honestly just had "it", & they fell for each other. However, Caroline was married to Rick, who was seeing Maya on the sly. Caroline & Ridge would spend time together & I don't think they actually had sex while she was married, but I could be wrong, however, they definitely were falling for each other. Maya saw them in a compromising position, & told Rick, who unceremoniously dumped Caroline for Maya in front of the entire company. In a memorable scene, post-Rick breakup, Caroline & Ridge were going at it on a Forrester couch, & Rick shot a gun at them. After it all came out, Brooke went to Caroline & told her that she could have Ridge back "just *finger-snap* like *finger-snap* that *finger-snap*". She was wrong, & I feel like Ridge told Brooke that he wanted to be with Caroline.

Of course, there was drama. Caroline wanted kids, but Ridge had had a vasectomy. He broke up with her, & she got stupid drunk, & wound up sleeping with a stone-cold sober Thomas, who'd been leering at her for a while. That's where the term "Misunderstanding night" came from, because at the time, it was questionable whether Caroline had the capability to give consent. She couldn't, in my opinion, but I'll drop that. Of course, Caroline got pregnant, & Ridge promised that he'd raise the baby as his own. He told everyone that he'd had his vasectomy reversed, & that he was the father (no one knew about misunderstanding night at the time). CaRidge had a commitment ceremony with just the 2 of them at the home of Ridge's friend, then, they got married at a justice-of-the-peace or something.  It was a departure for Ridge, because it wasn't flashy, it was low-key & really their world revolved around each other; it was a private & intimate life, much more so than I've ever seen for him. They stayed together in a tiny apartment, & had Douglas. Caroline felt guilty about keeping Douglas from Thomas, & eventually convinced Ridge that they needed to come clean.

In my opinion, killing off Caroline was a huge mistake. She was one of the few newbies that they've added that actually worked. She was a good actor, & she had far more chemistry with TK than anyone else they've paired him with. Plus, there was always the thought that they were going to reverse Douglas' reversed paternity. I think this was a grave mistake, but I also really liked Caroline & Linsey Godfrey, so I'm just salty. 

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8 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

What the heck did Caroline want with Ridge?

To be honest, her going for Ridge made a helluva lot more sense to me than all her obsession over Ken Doll Rick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 😂

I snark, but there was some chemistry there. Not enough to balance the squick factor for me, but this is one of the very few times where I wasn't comparing TK with Ronn Moss. I don't think the show would have ever gone there if the latter was still around....yet if they did, we'd have gotten more cheesy growingly emotion when he found out what Thomas did.

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Sally and nuThomas is a no for me, dawg.  nuThomas looks like a Great Value version of Wyatt.  Sally and PF Thomas looked good together.  This guy? Naw.

It's kind of a fitting end for Caroline that she lied about dying and actually ended up dying a year later.  They need to explain why she had a blood clot, though.  Did it develop while she was on a flight? This show will never give us the answers we need, though.

There's now never any point to revealing Steffy's role in the Caroline is Dying lie.  Mainly because now she could say the lie helped Thomas and Caroline form a family with Douglas in her last year of life.

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Ah ... no ... I called Caridge, Caringe, because I thought those two were just gross together.  When LG/Caroline first came on board, and RM Ridge took her to the guest house to show her where he had lived with Caroline 1.0, they had far more chemistry (even though it was still icky). When he gently (and in a non-threatening manner), touched the cancer ribbon tattoo on the back of her neck, it was far sexier than TK's awkward seduction attempts via "portrait painting."

Still, I agree. It was a shame to kill off Caroline. While I didn't think she was the best actress, I liked LG. She's a brave young woman who not only overcame a debilitating injury, but cancer as well.  This is one time where I wished that the cause of death had been more vague and could leave the door open for some type of miracle cure or yeah, abduction/resurrection by Crown Prince Omar 2.0.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

To be honest, her going for Ridge made a helluva lot more sense to me than all her obsession over Ken Doll Rick ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 😂

I snark, but there was some chemistry there. Not enough to balance the squick factor for me, but this is one of the very few times where I wasn't comparing TK with Ronn Moss. I don't think the show would have ever gone there if the latter was still around....yet if they did, we'd have gotten more cheesy growingly emotion when he found out what Thomas did.

Yes at first Caroline and Ridge were good together. There was heat and the age difference wasn't as big a deal bc she was helping him and there was mutual respect. But by the end LG went full babyvoice and kowtowing and it got gross.

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If I was a casual viewer, & I saw today's episode, I'd think that Linsey Godfrey had passed away in real life. They hardly ever give that kind of 2-episodes-of-mourning to anyone, let alone someone who has been off-canvas for a few years now & is actually alive in real life. I love both Caroline & LG, so I loved it, but if I didn't know better, I'd assume that she'd died in real life. I couldn't help but think of Kristoff St. John, & hope that Y&R gives him this lovely of a send-off, since he actually passed away in real life. 

Then, we have Taylor, lurking, trying to connect dots to get Hope with a very much-grieving Thomas, so Steffy can have her happily-ever-after, or most likely, happily-until-Tuesday, with Liam. Damn, lady, thirsty much?? Good thing Caroline died, & Hope is having a sweet conversation with Douglas, maybe you can try to shove Hope off onto Thomas as soon as he comes up for air. 

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4 hours ago, nkotb said:

Then, we have Taylor, lurking, trying to connect dots to get Hope with a very much-grieving Thomas, so Steffy can have her happily-ever-after, or most likely, happily-until-Tuesday, with Liam. Damn, lady, thirsty much?? Good thing Caroline died, & Hope is having a sweet conversation with Douglas, maybe you can try to shove Hope off onto Thomas as soon as he comes up for air. 

The wheels in her head were so blatant even Stevie Wonder would've noticed. Thirsty indeed.

It's funny, cuz Taylor had a whole lot to say about Hope back in the day when Steffy was trapping her in gondolas and all that shit. What happened to that Evil, Entitled Logan's crap now that she sees an opening to come between Lope? Where will it be when the truth about Beth comes out?

Bringing Taylor back from the dead was a mistake.

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Interesting that they've given Douglas dark hair like his daddy instead of blond like his mommy. But then again, on his Spencer side his great-uncle and two cousins also have dark hair.

Ruh roh. By that look on Taylor's face I wonder if she's going to suggest to Thomas that he get a sibling for Douglas so the little fella won't be alone. She has a contact who sells kids! Maybe she can get a repeat customer discount this time, only $150K.

Oh I am sure these rich people in Bel-Air and Beverly Hills eat boxed mac and cheese and keep a supply of it on hand. 😐 Where was Pam, BTW? Don't they count on her to do the cooking when there's a family event?

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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I know most kids think their mommies are the best cooks ever. Mine did even when their grandmothers were much better cooks than I was. It was just that they were used to the way I cooked things. So I loved how much Douglas loved how his mom made Macncheese even tho it came from the Kraft box like we always made for our kids when they were little. That was a small taste of normalcy for this child who thinks his mom is coming back any minute now. Hope was wonderful with that precious boy. This makes me so sad for him and for Hope.

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My take on Lippy is that she's eyeing-up Hope to become Insta-Mom to Douglas. That would kill two birds with one stone. Provide parental support for Thomas and Douglas can "replace" Beth. Thus, freeing up Lame for Steffy. The gall of that woman ... and ... on top of encouraging Steffy to pursue Liam while the man is grieving his dead cousin!   And Taylor has the nerve to call Brooke and Hope OPPORTUNISTIC???  GAH!!!  I really can't imagine that Taylor would want the spawn of Evil Logan to be possibly married to her precious son or stepmom to her grandson.  She'd be the MIL from hell and Brooke's head would explode. 

JUST. NO.  Leave Lope alone.

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Will Douglas ever find out about his dubious conception?  Is Douglas going to find out that his father was manipulated into staying with his mother?  When Douglas grows up he’ll have the so called benefits of being a Forester and a Spencer much like Abby being an Abbott and a Newman.  There is going to be a whole new generation of love triangles. Douglas and Kelly, Douglas and PhoBeth, Douglas and Kelly. Douglas will tie Liam and Wyatt for their number of marriages and divorces.  

In the walk down memory lane, Thomas mentioned the first time he saw Caroline but nothing about Rick winning Caroline’s affection. Also nothing about her loosing Rick to Maya. All this for me to bring up the question if that Caroline knew about Maya’s gender reassignment surging?

I’m pretty sure that Taylor will have something negative to say about Hope bonding with Douglas. 

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55 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

I’m pretty sure that Taylor will have something negative to say about Hope bonding with Douglas. 

No she won't.  She'll use her son's grief. Her grandson's grief. Hope's grief. All to give her monstrous daughter what she (kind of) wants - Liam. She can't just buy him for her like a baby so manipulation will have to do.

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

All this for me to bring up the question if that Caroline knew about Maya’s gender reassignment surging?

Hahahaha! Oh, she knew. She definitely did--that tidbit came out AFTER Maya busted up her marriage to Rick and the two of them took to being even worse entitled brats than the Taytwins. Rick was still beating the honesty and integrity drum pretty loudly when Nicole showed up ready to bust her fantasy wide open. We we're all stunned that Rick took it as well as he did, seeing that he'd fired a gun at the last woman who lied to him barely two months earlier.

I gotta say, my trans friends have changed my mind on the unrealistically accepting the Forrester all were. Initially I was scratching my head and certainly Maya was definitely no innocent lamb in all of that...but one of my friends who specifically tuned in after finding out about the story had nothing but good things to say about the fantasy of having acceptance with no question. Even Tumblr brats that normally hate everything about soaps for their "heteronormalcy" (asomuch as anything on B&B can be described as "normal") were slightly less critical than usual. The world's gotten so much more blatantly ugly for trans women since that story aired, so I'm kinda glad it didn't get as ugly as that story could've gone in hindsight. Too bad Brad Bell fridge her after they got married.

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So I tuned in to see nuThomas and so far, he seems to be holding his own, especially having to come in on day #1 and playing super-tough scenes and having to mourn a character/actress he never had any interaction with.


I almost did a spit-take listening to this revisionist history re CaRidge:


Douglas and Hope were absolutely adorable together and I know this is mean, but I love this kiddo a million times more than that kid who plays Will. 


Taylor, of course, an always be counted on to be the model of grace and decorum.


Her grandson's mommy just DIED and her she is, still scheming to reunite Steamless.

And I saw you, heifer, eyeing your grandson and Hope in the kitchen. We all know she's salivating at the prospect of shoving Hope with Thomas so her pwecious little Hauxdi can get Liam back.

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12 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

 There is going to be a whole new generation of love triangles. Douglas and Kelly, Douglas and PhoBeth, Douglas and Kelly. Douglas will tie Liam and Wyatt for their number of marriages and divorces.  

In the walk down memory lane, Thomas mentioned the first time he saw Caroline but nothing about Rick winning Caroline’s affection. Also nothing about her loosing Rick to Maya. All this for me to bring up the question if that Caroline knew about Maya’s gender reassignment surging?

Douglas & Kelly are blood-related first-cousins. Not that this show wouldn't go there, but unless they change Steffy's or Thomas' paternity, they can't legally be together. Although, if they change Steffy's paternity, she & Ridge can finally be together; 2 birds, 1 test. No one knows yet, but Douglas & PhoeBeth are also some-number blood-related cousins, as Liam & Caroline were first cousins. 

Caroline approached Maya after it came out that she had undergone gender-reassignment surgery. That was one of the scenes that made me love Caroline/LG even more. Maya was a desk in the community office/changing room (by the way, I can't remember why I walk into a room half of the time, but I remember B&B details from years ago), & Caroline approached her. Maya looked up & saw Caroline & kinda halted. Maya & Rick had been truly awful to Caroline, & here, Maya was vulnerable to her mortal enemy, & nervous that her biggest secret had come out & would be used against her by said-enemy. Caroline was really amazing to her & asked why Maya wouldn't have told her, because as someone who grew up with 2 mothers, Caroline is pretty accepting of the LGBTQ community. They were never friends, but that scene definitely thawed things between them. 

I'll say it again, killing Caroline in a definitive way was a huge mistake. It should've been a car accident, or something that could be reversed. I think she could've had more story to tell. 

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California allows the marriage of first cousins.  

Two days of Caroline’s death. I’m sure is just a filler for the short week. It’s just like the aerial scenes, of LA, that TIIC use daily. 

OK, so now we have the theme for Thomas making a play for Sally. Caroline and Thomas were not a couple, just co-parents and TIIC will have Sally buying that crap when Thomas tells her that she was really the love of her life. 

In the scene with Thomas, Taylor, and Ridge, you can’t say that much about Thomas and Taylor when Ridge is the best actor in that group. 

Taylor is plotting once again. I knew she would one way or another. Douglas needs a mother.  In Taylor’s eyes, Hope to Thomas and Stuffy to Liam.

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Lol at Liam trying to look all manly knocking back the brown liquor like his daddy.

Well now, if Thomas wasn't exactly back together with Caroline I guess that'll make it easier for him to jump right in with Hope or Sally. Because of course his grief should supersede their current relationships. 🤔

Taylor is effin nuts. I can't wait until Brooke finds out what Taylor's planning to pull next to try to get Liam free to go back to Steffy. You're gonna get the Squinty Eyes of Death you coo-coo for coconuts bint.

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I am a week behind on the show but apparently Caroline is dead. What excuse did the show give for the absence of Thorne, Brooke and Rick? Why even bother killing her off when we haven't seen her in forever?

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This entire Caro-dead storyline is gag-worthy.  Somehow, the kid playing Douglas is a better actor than half of the adult cast.  Maybe they can let him play Xander too.

Damn, they won't let Wyatt have anything.

Edited by nasir jones
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11 hours ago, tricknasty said:

I am a week behind on the show but apparently Caroline is dead. What excuse did the show give for the absence of Thorne, Brooke and Rick? Why even bother killing her off when we haven't seen her in forever?

Thorne offered his condolences & Eric told Thomas that Thorne wanted Thomas to know that he knows what it's like to lose your spouse/co-parent (said in front of Taylor, FYI). 

Rick may have been mentioned, but if so, I didn't hear it. Maya was there yesterday, & actually referenced the conversation that I mentioned upthread, when Caroline told Maya that she should have told her about her gender-reassignment surgery, as Caroline is very supportive of the LGBTQ community. 

Brooke is away on business, & the weather prevented her from getting a flight out (for several days, yet somehow didn't deter Caroline's New York-based moms from attending the funeral service in CA, off-screen, of course). For some inexplicable reason, Taylor is pissed that Brooke couldn't get a flight out, to be there for the funeral. One would think she'd use this opportunity to her advantage & try to bond with Ridge over their shared grief, since Brooke has stolen Ridge from her, & broken up her otherwise happy family so many times.

My takeaway from yesterday was that Hope & Douglas have far more believable chemistry than Ridge & Taylor, supposedly an amazing love story. When Taylor was going on & on to Ridge about how Douglas needs a Mommy, & Hope needs a child, Ridge looked like he was thinking about when to open the pool for the summer. He was exasperated with the conversation, & looked like she annoyed him. Maybe that's why I liked CaRidge so much, because TK was always present in those scenes, & he looked like a man who was in love with Caroline. I haven't seen that with any of his other pairings. 

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59 minutes ago, nkotb said:

My takeaway from yesterday was that Hope & Douglas have far more believable chemistry than Ridge & Taylor, supposedly an amazing love story. When Taylor was going on & on to Ridge about how Douglas needs a Mommy, & Hope needs a child, Ridge looked like he was thinking about when to open the pool for the summer. He was exasperated with the conversation, & looked like she annoyed him. Maybe that's why I liked CaRidge so much, because TK was always present in those scenes, & he looked like a man who was in love with Caroline. I haven't seen that with any of his other pairings. 

I wasn't a fan of CaRidge but I do agree that TK put more effort into that relationship than he has with any others.  Maybe it's because he was playing opposite an attractive YOUNG woman.  Most of the time, TK looks like he has better things to do but, in my opinion, if he cashes the paycheque, he could pay his employers (and the viewers) the courtesy of showing up for work.

Bell is doing HT a huge disservice.  Making KillerMommy such a repellent character isn't doing HT any favours when she looks like THAT.  It's not only difficult to listen to the crap that comes out of her mouth, it's almost impossible to look at her.  I know there are a lot of Taylor/Ridge fans out there but I don't see them EVER getting together, as long as TK is playing Ridge.  When he looks at her, he doesn't look like a man gazing at one of the great loves of his life and the mother of his children. He looks like he's trying to keep the contents of his stomach down.

I tuned in for 10 minutes yesterday because that's all I can stand these days.  NewThomas looks like a graduate of the Ronnnnnnnnn Moss School of Acting.  I agree with those that think the child who plays Douglas is a better actor than half the cast.  

Taylor is disgusting.  Buying an infant to get Liam back in Hauxdilox' bed didn't work so now she's going to try and use her grieving grandson.  Does she have such little faith in her slatternly daughter's ability to get a man of her own that she's willing to use whatever children are available?  Hauxdilox is as thirsty as the Sahara but even SHE'S taken aback at her mother.  And when you don't measure up to Hauxdilox' standards of appropriate behaviour, you might was well curl up and die.  Which is what I wish KillerMommy would do. 

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So, I am liking NuThomas; he has a fresh, boyish charm. He kinda reminds me of Mario Lopez. I think he did a pretty good job grieving a character he never interacted with, and with a bunch of other characters he has never shared screen time with. I also cannot deny the fact that his complete lack of chemistry with CH is impacting my opinion; not that it will stop TIIC from messing with Wyatt and Sally. Hell, they are already laying the groundwork by changing the dynamics of Thomas and Caroline’s relationship. It wouldn’t matter to me at all that Thomas wasn’t in a romantic relationship with Caroline. In fact, in some ways it would make it much worse, given how he unceremoniously dumped Sally to go back to Caroline, but ended up in something platonic. The young man playing Douglas is adorable.

It seems that AN has an affinity with babies and little kids. She is so natural and easy with them; maybe it comes from her love of animals? But her chemistry with this new little guy is off the charts. And as much as I hate to say it, she had a little something going on with NuThomas too, which makes me sad because I have been really enjoying the way she and Liam are bonding as a couple. Well, there is still Flo to chem test with, and of course Katie has had her porch light on for some time now, and has been open for business at an alarming pace.

I don’t like that they killed Caroline off; I think she still had story left to tell. Still, I think two and half days was a bit of overkill.

Just look at Taylor, frumping around Brooke’s home, and bad mouthing her at the same time. What the fuck if Steffy delayed her trip? That means Steffy canceled a flight. That is a whole different matter than trying to get a flight at a moment’s notice. And how does not being able to get a flight make Brooke bad? Bitch needs something shoved down her pie hole to shut her up. And there again; this depraved harridan is trying to play match maker with her grieving son and a grieving Hope. I swear, I got my day’s worth of exercise from rolling my eyes so frigging hard it nearly set off seismic activity. I wish Brooke would overhear Lippy chirping out this nonsense. Well, at least Steffy isn’t having any of it. Small comfort, but still.

It was so nice to see so much of the cast together. I realized that Show has stepped out of their comfort zone, and has actually let us have four couples that have been together for more than five minutes:

Brooke & Ridge

Eric & Quinn

Sally & Wyatt

Liam & Hope

Bill looked too handsome for his own good. I see we are dispensing with the goatee and are going for the full beard. DD looks great either way. And I positively love the grey.

Liam, drinking whiskey neat?

I loved Pam’s hair.

It is nice to know that Rena Sofer is still with the living.

As Caroline’s ex-husband; Rick should have been present. I mean, no Rick, but we have Maya? Go figure.

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I wanted to smack the taste out of Lippy's mouth when she dared to open her trap about Brooke not being there. 

WTF is she to criticize anybody about anything, ever?

Something tells me if Brooke had been there, she would have found a reason to bitch about that.

Also, this:


I'm gonna bet that Thomas will turn his eyes toward Hope (ITA that I see chemistry between Matthew and Annika and zero between him and Courtney) but Liam will continue to fight for his wife and marriage and that it will be Lippy's worst nightmare.


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I had read about the Ridge/Taylor kiss, but I was actually hoping that it'd be more. I was thinking that maybe Ridge would be reminiscing about Caroline, he's vulnerable, they hug & fall into a kiss. It's happened, & that would be organic. To make Taylor look even more crazy by going in for a kiss & him shutting her down makes her look even more pathetic. Plus, having Brooke catch them in the act of kissing generates far more story than Brooke seeing Ridge shut Taylor down, then getting in her face about "my husband". Not that I'm advocating for another return to the original TOD, but at least it wouldn't revolve around Hope/Liam/Steffy. For all of the issues of how long the funeral is, at least it's free of the TOD II drama (save for batshit crazy Taylor).

I love that it's a well-known secret that the psychologist on-canvas is the craziest of the bunch, crazier than a woman who kidnapped a man & held him captive for months on end, after convincing him that they were true love. Knowing all of that, no one has stopped to wonder where Taylor got the connections to buy a child. Crazy recognizes crazy. Someone should have a lightbulb moment & investigate. I nominate Sally.

Finally, "Baby Shark" has actually made it onto a show that my kids don't watch. I wish I would've thought of the concept, so I could be counting my dough, buying skyscrapers, wearing Forrester Creations' originals, drinking mochachinos at Dayzee's Coffee Shop, lunching at Il Giordino's, & drinking beer at Bikini. Alas, I just have to listen to it on repeat when our kids are awake. 

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17 hours ago, tricknasty said:

I am a week behind on the show but apparently Caroline is dead. What excuse did the show give for the absence of Thorne, Brooke and Rick? Why even bother killing her off when we haven't seen her in forever?

For teh drama!!

I don't think Thorne--either version--had any connection to Caroline II but Brooke certainly did--she was the one who invited her to LA as a way to run interference between Rick and Amber! 

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Two observations about today’s show: 1) The show made a mistake about TayTay. She’s NOT a psychiatrist. She NEEDS one.  2) Brooke was totally over the top with TayTay about her kissing Ridge. She was not believable  in her outrage and her asking Tay “Do you understand what I’m saying?!”  Or whatever it was she said. That was so fakery fake on KKL’s part. 

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I say, what goes on here? I feel like my world has tilted, and is spinning backwards on it's axis. 

Yesterday, Ridge mentions how much he misses his wife. Today, he pulls out one of his better performances. I have often questioned TK's acting choices, and often have the feeling that he is not in the scene at all, but he so clearly displayed his exasperation with Taylor today. Raking his hands through his hair, pacing, and that look of disbelief, or maybe a dawning recognition of how crazy Taylor actually is. I mean, when he said "Let me try to explain this again", I was simply undone. And standing up for Hope? Saying he would not advocate for her to leave Liam, and that she has lost enough? What? Hasn't that always been his take on Steffy? He is also looking put together these past few days. I am appreciating the new haircut; shorter hair definitely works better on him. I have also noticed his clothes no longer look like they were pulled out of a dirty clothes basket.

Yes, Taylor now looks entirely pathetic, and I love how Ridge shut her nonsense down but quick. This person, who has gone through her sordid life judging others, riding her wave of Prima Donna hood, being the Forrester crown jewel, held high, and to a lofty position; has thrown caution to the wind, taken her sheep's clothing off, exposing all the ugly underneath. She has no boundaries, no respect for the sanctity of anyone else's relationship, and is more than willing to throw her own flesh and blood in the ring, if it means scoring one on Brooke. And yes, Brooke has done the same, and much, much, worse in her life. But she has been nothing buy loyal to Ridge during this episode of Bridge. As much as I hate it, they have only shone them growing stronger as a couple, and have allowed them to weather storms that, historically, would have had them divorced lickitysplit. There is definitely a new majority to both characters. I think the fact that Brooke didn't jump Taylor's bones out of the starting gate says something. She had the grace and dignity to express her feelings about Caroline and Thomas and Douglas. And even thanked Taylor for being there for Ridge. I don't think Brooke is the least bit threatened by Taylor, I do, however, think she is at the end of her rope. She has dealt with Taylor's shit for a very long time. And not only regarding Ridge, there was Taylor and the TayTots whole Anti Logan Campaign. I only wish Brooke had walked in a few minutes earlier to really understand the lengths Taylor is going to get Ridge on board to break up Hope and Liam. 

Hey Lippy, if you are so worried about Douglas being motherless, just get on the horn with Dr. Fucking Dark. I am sure he can score Douglas a new Mommy for a cool million or ten. 

Brooke should have slapped the shit outta that wench. Just saying. I can see the smug starting on TayTits face, so I am sure I will be cursing my tv out tomorrow. 

Donna's dress! Good goddamn; I wish I had the curves to where something like that. 

I am enjoying these one off conversations that Wyatt and Sally have been having with Justin, Donna and Liam. For some reason, they bring the whole level of the scene up. Please Show, don't fuck them up. 

I wonder if Katie will sell her house, or if NuBill will sell his and move in with her? 

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Can Taylor just STFU?  I can’t wait for the day that Taylor finds out that Kelly is actually Bill’s child and she was duped out of $250K.  Her face will melt like the SS Officer in “Raiders of The Lost Ark”.

Where is Will and why isn’t he playing with Douglas.  

Brooke reading Tylor the riot act is the best scene of the day.

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Why in the world would the writers pair up Bill and Katie for the third time? How many people live in LA? Katie can’t find an eligible guy in LA? Bill can’t find an eligible woman in LA? Geez Louise, people. Can we introduce a few new DECENT men and women into this show? 

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@RuntheTable, IKR? I was coming here to share the same thoughts. Who kidnapped Sludge and left a quasi-decent guy in his place? Typically, Sludge would have been gleefully rubbing his hands together and co-signing everything Lippy was scheming to break up Liam and Hope. And, I also agree that TK was bringing it today with his visible exasperation with Taylor. Geez ... woman ... has she lost all touch with reality (and sanity?)

Um, first of all you sanctimonious shrew,  Hope isn't the kind of woman who would strategically prey on a grieving man then take advantage of his situation in order to seduce him. Sound familiar? 

Secondly, what's with all the grousing that Thomas "can't be single parent?" Um, that's what your slattern daughter is doing right now and it was her choice to take on two infants less than one year old. Thomas will have the same extended family support system that Steffy has. That's a helluva lot more than most people of any socioeconomic class have on most given days. If that was supposed to be some kind of backhanded slam to Ridge, well, most of the time, he was the single parent while Lippy was off taking dirt naps and living in the lap of luxury with Prince Omar. When "poor Taylor" was a "single mother," after the evil Logan lured Ridge away, the Taytots were grown and away at school. Boo. Hoo.  And when Sludge wisely pointed out that Steffy and Liam are raising Kelly together, Lippy had to whine, "But not under the SAME ROOF!" I don't get this 1950s crap about "traditional" families. That's not the way things roll nowadays. 

Lastly, just because any kind compassionate, normal person (like Hope) extends some kindness and comfort to a confused, grieving child, doesn't mean she wants to become his insta-mom.  FFS. I was absolutely gobsmacked and simultaneously furious at that delusional utter nonsense spewing from Lippy's waxen mouth.  Does she listen to herself? Would she give that type of advice to one of her (shudder) patients? I'm sure glad that Sludge shut that shit down and FAST. 

Yeah. I also wish that Brooke and POD had been a fraction of a second sooner to overheard Taylor's insane rant about Hope/Thomas/Douglas. 

On a different note, can the writers just leave Katie and Bill alone right now? I believe that Bill still needs to a lot more substantive work on himself, with the priority (after Will) to getting  Spectra Spencer Fashions up and running. Also, Katie needs some time to herself after Thorne leaving her. Bill said that himself a few weeks ago.  So, Donna and to a lesser degree, Justin, need to drop the Harlequin Romance fantasy and concentrate on their own lives. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
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The Tom Brady of Go Fish? Uh, y'all are in CA. How about the Joe Montana of Go Fish...

Wayne Brady's in the credits. When did that happen? I thought he was off contract now.

I think the little boy playing Douglas is quite a charmer. I'm finding him a lot less annoyingly precocious than the boy who plays Will. So far, anyway.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wayne Brady's in the credits. When did that happen? I thought he was off contract now.

Not only that, but he is nominated for a Daytime Emmy as "Outstanding Guest ... "  Yeah ... 

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No one knows yet, but Douglas & PhoeBeth are also some-number blood-related cousins, as Liam & Caroline were first cousins. 

Did Karen carry Caroline or did Danielle? I can't see Karen carrying a child so I'm going to say Danielle was Caroline's birth mother.  If that's true, then PhoBeth and Douglas would not be biological first cousins.

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Taylor is too manic for me. She winders herself up to a crazy ranty state and it's bothersome.  Um hello, Ridge, Steffy, Liam   please remember this woman SHOT a man, she has no moral code and she's a bit of a looney!

The only way I say they save this, is Taylor becomes a James Stenbeck level bad guy (although I don't know how HTy could pull it off because her acting is always frantic and ranty) but they are already showing she's batshit crazy, so if they embraces that and go with it I may be able to stand her a bit more, as of right now, I just wish folks would stand in line to smack her and tell her to STFU

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@CharlizeCat, I wish I could like your post about a million times.


The Tom Brady of Go Fish? Uh, y'all are in CA. How about the Joe Montana of Go Fish...

Yeah, I threw up a little in my mouth. Annika is from Boston, so I wonder how much she had to do with that analogy.

I couldn't resist; looks like someone is enjoying mommyhood;

Edited by RuntheTable
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6 hours ago, drivethroo said:

Did Karen carry Caroline or did Danielle? I can't see Karen carrying a child so I'm going to say Danielle was Caroline's birth mother.  If that's true, then PhoBeth and Douglas would not be biological first cousins.

It was Karen Spencer though. 

We should put the twitter posts and Instagram stuff in the media thread not the daily episode thread probably. 

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Not only that, but he is nominated for a Daytime Emmy as "Outstanding Guest ... "  Yeah ...  

He seems to have a lot of clout at CBS all of a sudden. He's got two jobs on CBS Daytime and keeps forcing his no-acting-ability daughter on the viewers too. (I mean, she's a cute girl but acting isn't going to be her forte.) Wonder if he has video of some network executive getting busy with housepets and farm animals?


Um hello, Ridge, Steffy, Liam   please remember this woman SHOT a man, she has no moral code and she's a bit of a looney!

Heh, Taylor isn't a bit of a loony, she's a whole loaf of loony. And I have a feeling Brooke is going to remind Taylor how easily she could rat Taylor out to the police about the shooting if Taylor doesn't back up off Hope and Liam's marriage. Swiftly and forcefully, Tay Tay.

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59 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heh, Taylor isn't a bit of a loony, she's a whole loaf of loony. And I have a feeling Brooke is going to remind Taylor how easily she could rat Taylor out to the police about the shooting if Taylor doesn't back up off Hope and Liam's marriage. Swiftly and forcefully, Tay Tay.

Somehow I had forgotten Brooke had the goods on TayTits! This statement has absolutely made my day, and I can't wait to get home and watch Brooke drag a bitch. 

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So I know I haven't done a full recap in ages but oh lordy, yesterday's show was just too chock-full of Lippy's whackado antics that I can't help but give it the full treatment.

I'll dispense with the cuteness that was Hope and Douglas at the cabin. Annika is such a natural with kiddos and I had to smile at the Baby Shark plug because my young nieces and nephew can't get enough of it and it's so damn catchy.


Clearly, Thomas agrees.


And even though I am loving a solid, stable Lope, I couldn't help but see the sparks between Thomas and Hope.



I mean, I'm not full-on shipping them or anything but they've got chemistry in spades.

I love that you shared Jacquie's Ode to Baby Shark clip @RuntheTable. So adorable! Although I'm hella jealous of JMW's two-week postpartum body. I mean, seriously. 

I also enjoyed the banter of Donna/Justin/Liam/Wyatt/Sally at SP. More of that please.

But I am making like Nancy Reagan and once again just saying a BIG FAT NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to Batie 3.0. No matter how much Katie is pawing Bill these days. A man that fine (loving the beard and the silver) is wasted on a woman who wants to tame him. 



On to the main event:

Ridge (who is looking less hobo-esque these days) is staring bug-eyed at Taylor over at Brooke's place: "Taylor, I'm listening to you. I'm trying to make sense of what you're saying, but I'm -- I..."


When even Ridge is at a loss what to do with her, you know she's gone completely off the rails.

Taylor keeps spouting the same nonsense: "I'm telling you that Douglas has lost his mother. And Hope has lost a child."

Ridge, as if he's talking to a five-year-old: "And that is incredibly tragic, but I'm -- I don't know how much --"

Taylor huffs: "I'm -- I'm trying to help you understand that when I was in the kitchen the other day and I saw them together, and the way Hope was comforting him, the way he responded to her... and the way she responded to him. It's like..." She is off in fucking Fantasyland, folks. 

Ridge visibly blanches and tries, once again, to bring her back to reality": "Okay, listen to me. I know you're worried about Douglas, I get that. He has Thomas, he has you, he has me. He has Karen and Dani. There's a lot of people who care about that little boy. And, yes, Hope is one of those people, but she-"


Taylor interjects, clearly pissed off that he's not buying what she's selling: "But I'm wrong to even bring this up when the reality is our grandson needs a mother. And Hope desperately needs a child."  So you just shove them together with zero disregard of the fact that Hope is very married to Liam, Thomas is grieving the mother of his child (albeit not the love of his life) and, most of all, that Hope is no substitute for Douglas' mother nor is he a substitute for Beth.

Taylor: "Douglas needs a mother, and Hope desperately needs a child. You can't deny that." And you know, Taylor has kind of a point. Hope does need a child. The child that Taylor bought for Steffy. The child that Hope gave birth to. That child.

Ridge: "I am -- I'm not denying that, and you can't deny that Hope actually has a life. She's married. She has a husband -- Liam."

Taylor shrugs that off: "For how long?"

Wow. Just...wow.

Ridge echoes her words, in disbelief: "For how long? I don't -- I don't know how long. They made vows to each other, Taylor."


Clearly that means nothing to this bitch.

Taylor: "Liam and Steffy made vows to each other, and if Bill hadn't interfered..."

For the love of all that's holy, Hauxdi interfered in her OWN marriage by willingly and gleefully riding Bill like it was their last night on earth!!!

Ridge: "Well, he did interfere. And that changed everything." Ridge is right that it changed everything but that's on his slattern daughter.

Taylor, the Big Bear de-virginizer that she is, hand-waves this: "No, it didn't. It did not change everything. Our daughter still loves Liam, and you know that he loves her. And they have a family together. They should be raising their children together."

Ridge: "That's what they're doing, Taylor. They are -- they're raising Kelly together, and they're raising Phoebe together." It's called co-parenting, Lippy. You should look it up sometime.

Taylor explodes: "I'm talking about under the same roof!"

Ridge just stares at her, almost as if he's seeing her for the opportunistic heifer she's always been for the first time.

Taylor continues: "I really believe when Steffy and the girls come back from Europe that Liam is going to go back to them." Based on what, exactly?

Ridge is looking more and more uncomfortable: "You got to stop talking like that, you really do."


Taylor: "I am merely telling you what Hope's wishes are." Hope is grieving the loss of her child and she's still suffering from PPD. You would think a psychiatrist would know that she's not thinking straight. But nope, this bitch is pouncing on Hope's pain and vulnerability, all to prop her doesn't deserve it daughter. The same daughter who has told her mother that isn't what she wants. Because she knows Liam is very committed to his wife and their marriage but she's said it nonetheless. When even Hauxdi is telling Lippy to cease and desist, you know Lippy is completely unhinged at this point.

Ridge: "You think this is her wish, to end her marriage? This is not what she wants."

Who are you and what have you done with Ridge?

Taylor: "It's what Hope said!" Again - she's not thinking clearly right now. 

Ridge: "Maybe she said it because she is upset! How do you not see that?" Ridge is being the voice of reason and supporting Hope. Color me surprised.


Taylor is still on a rant: "Well, the fact that she said, then she must know that some part of it is right..."

Ridge is quick to shut this down: "No! Taylor, I-"

Taylor takes a different tact: "Why aren't you concerned about this? Why can't you step up as Steffy's father?"


While I might question Ridge's parenting as far as overindulging his precious princess, no one can accuse him of not being there for her.

Ridge shakes his head: "Step up? Wow, okay. Uh, I'm sorry, what do you expect me to do?"

Taylor: "If you know how much Steffy loves Liam, then why don't you want them to live together? Don't you want Liam to go back and be there for our daughter and our granddaughters? At least advocate for them! Encourage it! And now we have Thomas, who just lost the mother of his son! Maybe Hope could be there for Douglas and Douglas could be there for Hope." As if it's just that simple.

Ridge, following her twisted logic: "And then Steffy and Liam could be back together. Is that what you're saying?"


Taylor screeches: "Yes! They belong together. How could you not want that?"

Ridge, trying to get her to dial back the crazy "Let me try to explain this again. I'm not gonna promote Hope losing her husband. She's lost enough, I think, don't you? That's my wife's daughter."


Damn it, Ridge. I'm kind of liking you right now.


Taylor: "I'm well aware." Are you?

Ridge: "Okay, so whatever needs to happen has to happen between Hope and Liam." Exactly.

Taylor is having none of this logic: "What I think... Hope and Thomas were in love at one time, okay?"


She really has some revisionist memories, this one.

Taylor: "They have a history together. And Hope is pushing Liam away. And, eventually, we both know that Liam is going to go back to Steffy. And, like I said... when I saw Hope and Douglas in the kitchen, the way she was comforting him and embracing him... this is a little boy who just lost his mother, and Thomas is grieving. What I think is they all need each other. I think they would all be good for each other!"

How convenient, how tidy a little package...and all to benefit Hauxdi. And isn't it all kinds of hysterical, not to mention hypocritical, that Lippy was ranting about how horrible Hope was for interfering with the Steamless marriage that was (NEWFLASH!) ALREADY OVER before Hope came back to town and yet here she is, wanting to shove her into an insta-relationship with her son?

Ridge: "So, after everything we talked about, everything I said to you, everything you said to me, you think that Thomas and Hope should be together? Really?"

He can see by looking at her that's exactly what she thinks and it's sobering as he realizes how delusional his ex is.

Ridge, trying to stop the wheels from spinning any further, takes her by the shoulders: "Look at me. Really look at me. Thomas, Hope, and Douglas -- you got to let that go, all right?"


Taylor is shaking her head, all but putting her hands over her ears: "No, I need you to hear what I'm trying to tell you. Our little grandson just lost his mother. He is never going to feel her arms around him again. He'll never hear her voice. That is devastating to a child."

Ridge, more patiently than I would be, sighs, saying: "I know, of course it is. I know it is."

Taylor: "And Thomas -- how is he going to handle the responsibility of being a single parent? It's too much! It's just too much!" Millions of people do it every day. She's practically foaming at the mouth.

Ridge: "Hey, take a breath. Come here. Take a breath."

Taylor sighs as he takes her into his arms, attempting to calm her.

Ridge: "It's gonna be okay."

Taylor mistakes his comfort for more: "What happened to our family? Nothing's been the same since I lost you. I miss what we had. I've never stopped loving you, Ridge." And before he can react, she's slapping those duck lips on his. He does NOT kiss her back and looks all kinds of embarrassed for her.


Unbeknownst to both of them, Brooke has arrived home and is steps away, listening. 

If that isn't the kiss of death, I don't know what is. Ridge can't push her away fast enough.

Ridge: "I know you're upset. I'm upset, too. What happened to Thomas and Douglas, it's awful. But we got to put this conversation behind us, and we got to put this -- this kiss behind us, too, all right?" He is talking to her as if she's a child and in many ways, she is. 

Taylor, pouting: "Okay."

Ridge: "Okay."

He walks away then and almost gives a little shudder as he exits the living room.

Brooke makes her presence known then: "Taylor. I'm really sorry. About Caroline. It's really tragic. And I can only imagine what Thomas and Douglas are feeling right now. I'm sorry I didn't make it to the memorial. I'm sure it was beautiful."

Taylor is clearly not expecting this: "Thank you."

Brooke comes closer: "Thank you. For being here for Ridge. I know he was really upset by this. I'm sure that you are, too. Tragic times like these, they bring people together. Emotions are raw. I wouldn't even blame you if you were feeling vulnerable."

She pauses and it's then that we see the fury and hurt Brooke has felt for over two decades at this woman's hands come out in full force as she seethes at Taylor: "But to see what I walked in on... you, in my living room, kissing my husband... that is inexcusable. It's unacceptable in so many ways. Taylor, we have been down this road before! We're not gonna do it again. Any inappropriate behavior with my husband -- my husband -- is going to be dealt with swiftly and forcefully. Do you hear me? Tell me! Tell me you understand!"

Um, does this look like the face of someone who's comprehending what's coming out of your mouth, Brooke?


At first, I thought Brooke's reaction was OTT, I mean, she was practically spitting and snarling, but when I think back to her having to put up with this shit for how many decades (and not that Brooke was some little angel and didn't dish out her fair share of crap) and they are now in their 50s FFS and she's still having to deal with this, I can see why she went Tawanda on Lippy's ass.

And when I think about the lengths Lippy has gone to to get what she wants, including buying a black market baby with no questions asked all in the name of reuniting the family her daughter destroyed all on her own by committing adultery with Bill, I wouldn't blame Brooke if she knocked Taylor into next week.

Enough is enough!

And trust, as someone who couldn't stand Lippy from jump, all the way back to when she was sniffing around a not-even-widowed-yet Ridge, the husband of her dying patient, Caroline, there is part of me that is like this:


But another part is fed up with the ridiculousness of two women in their fifties still fighting over a man. And I feel a little bit sorry for HT who has to want better than this. 

The silver lining is that at long last, Ridge is finally standing up for his wife and stepdaughter. As much as it pains me to say this, given how awful Ridge has treated Brooke over the last 30 years and how much I was rooting for Brill, I think I'm starting to believe Bridge is in it for the long haul. 


Edited by CountryGirl
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14 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

The silver lining is that at long last, Ridge is finally standing up for his wife and stepdaughter. As much as it pains me to say this, given how awful Ridge has treated Brooke over the last 30 years and how much I was rooting for Brill, I think I'm starting to believe Bridge is in it for the long haul

I hope do. Not out of any love for the pairing but because it's been long time they were allowed any stability. I would've welcomed this fifteen years ago when RJ was born and with an actor who gave a shit, but I'll take what I can get.

17 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

first, I thought Brooke's reaction was OTT, I mean, she was practically spitting and snarling, but when I think back to her having to put up with this shit for how many decades (and not that Brooke was some little angel and didn't dish out her fair share of crap) and they are now in their 50s FFS and she's still having to deal with this, I can see why she went Tawanda on Lippy's ass.

And not only that, Taylor had Stephanie as a buffer and shield, which she no longer does. Brooke at least did her own dirty work.

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8 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:
8 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

The silver lining is that at long last, Ridge is finally standing up for his wife and stepdaughter. As much as it pains me to say this, given how awful Ridge has treated Brooke over the last 30 years and how much I was rooting for Brill, I think I'm starting to believe Bridge is in it for the long haul

I hope do. Not out of any love for the pairing but because it's been long time they were allowed any stability.

I couldn't agree more if I tried 🙂

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After reading CountryGirl's recap, something struck me.   I know Lippy was spinning her own tale about Hope and Thomas being "in love," but I certainly don't remember that at all. I believe they had a few dates (a childish Christmas Day outing in downtown L.A. comes to mind). Then I remember that Hauxdi and Thomas hatched a plan for Thomas to occupy Hope at a Mexican resort and likewise with Steam, to keep Hope and Liam apart. I recall Thomas getting Hope drunk and he was going to propose or something, but Hope crossed paths with Liam at the nick of time. The result was the great ATV race that ended up with Hauxdi getting pitched headfirst into a sand dune and suffering a "blood clot."

Was there anything more to it? I got the picture that Hope wasn't that in to Thomas. 

Of course, with the state Lippy's in right now, who knows? 

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16 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Was there anything more to it? I got the picture that Hope wasn't that in to Thomas. 

There was Rick nudging them together about six months later when Wedding Attempt #3 fell through (and hey, that freed up Caroline for him, what a coincidence! 🤔), but besides that you're exactly right. And even Thomas showed far, far, far more interest in Brooke six months before that when they got stuck on that island with the Boinkberries 👀

Edited by Anna Yolei
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On 3/20/2019 at 7:55 AM, nasir jones said:

This entire Caro-dead storyline is gag-worthy.  Somehow, the kid playing Douglas is a better actor than half of the adult cast.  Maybe they can let him play Xander too.

Damn, they won't let Wyatt have anything.

These are my sentiments as well.  I may have seen Caroline for one week on screen and didn't like her or the actress.  I stopped watching as I often do when bored and feel it coming on again until the PhoBeth resumes or resolves.  Or give Brooke some major scandal. I had hoped

for Brooke and Taylor to get down but they can't even write that anymore.  Tay is too cray.

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On 3/18/2019 at 8:50 PM, jenrising said:

No she won't.  She'll use her son's grief. Her grandson's grief. Hope's grief. All to give her monstrous daughter what she (kind of) wants - Liam. She can't just buy him for her like a baby so manipulation will have to do.

I just thought of this: why are Stuffy and Dope wrangling over Liam? He's a big loser if there ever was one, yet he's some kind of great baby daddy with tremendous angst.  It's like he's some kind if saint.  Ick. 

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Boy, oh Boy! I cannot wait until Brooke finds out that TayTay bought Hope’s baby for Steffy. I don’t care if Tay knew that it was Beth or not. She knew this was a shitty, set up deal and that she was complicit. I hope Brooke drills her a new one. A big one!

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