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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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$Bill: Face it, Ridge, your daughter is a garden utensil and I plowed the earth with her.
Ridge: I. Will. Kill. You. As soon as I get up off the floor and circulation returns to my lower extremities.
$Bill: No problem. While we're waiting, how about some old school disco music? It always reminds me of Steffy.
(Link goes to YouTube.)

Emmy sounded to me like she was talking via text-to-speech software. Kinda robotic.

What's going on with Quinn's bushy eyebrows? Is she doing an homage to Frieda Kahlo?

Every time they focused the camera on that ridiculous gun of Bill's I kept hearing Shirley Bassey singing ♫Goldfingah♫ even though The Man with the Golden Gun was a different Bond movie with its own lesser known theme song.

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26 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

$Bill: Face it, Ridge, your daughter is a garden utensil and I plowed the earth with her.
Ridge: I. Will. Kill. You. As soon as I get up off the floor and circulation returns to my lower extremities.
$Bill: No problem. While we're waiting, how about some old school disco music? It always reminds me of Steffy.
(Link goes to YouTube.)

Emmy sounded to me like she was talking via text-to-speech software. Kinda robotic.

What's going on with Quinn's bushy eyebrows? Is she doing an homage to Frieda Kahlo?

Every time they focused the camera on that ridiculous gun of Bill's I kept hearing Shirley Bassey singing ♫Goldfingah♫ even though The Man with the Golden Gun was a different Bond movie with its own lesser known theme song.

 A lesser known theme song but both films had memorable Bond girls. Goldfinger had Honor Blackman (Pussy Galore) and TMWTGG had Britt Eckland (Mary Goodnight). 

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Ya'll notice how red faced Sludge was after $Bill knocked him down?  That little altercation took it right out of him and had Sludge puffing like a freight train. [I could watch $Bill punch Sludge alllllllll day]

I  floved .... floved!!! $Bill giving Sludge the low down (and I mean low) on how Hauxdi wanted it with Bill and always wanted it with Bill and how he was finally able to give her what she wanted.  You know ... consensually ... without any force or coercion, or "taking advantage."

Sludge had to finally listen, really listen, to the truth about his Pretty Princess Hauxdi. And he didn't like it one bit -- because he knew it was the truth. I think that's part of Sludge's anger toward $Bill -- Bill knows that Hauxdi willing haux-ed around on Liam.  While Bill doesn't think that was a bad thing. Sludge doesn't want anyone else to know it was a mutual haux-ing.  That's why he is so desperately telling everyone within earshot that Bill took advantage -- essentially sexually assaulted the Pretty Princess Forrester.  Because heaven forbid the world realize that Hauxdi didn't fall far from the Sludge Man-haux Tree.

Interesting that Charlie is the only one who is concerned Pam is off her meds.

Rick riding off to avenge and protect the honor of the Forrester women is beyond hypocritical given how he treated Ally.

Justin didn't shoot Bill -- he's just waiting for someone else to do it.  

Katie will believe Wyatt did it for her.  Wyatt won't think he did, but was so drunk that night he doesn't know for sure.

Eric will suspect Quinn

Sludge will act and hint like he did it -- "It needed to be done" and "Bill got what he deserved"  Brooke will half-way believe Sludge is the shooter; he'll deflect her questions. Thus more cracks in the Garbridge marriage.

Charlie will find Pam acting manic, with a gun, muttering "enough, enough"

My bet is Jared or Sheila, or someone totally unsuspected -- Carowhine perhaps.  This leaves Thomas a clear field to raise Douglas with Sally in NY. 

Since Bill didn't sign the papers disinheriting Liam and Wyatt one or both of them will have to take over while Bill's in a coma.

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He was shot at the end of the show but no idea who did it. There was a shadowy figure outside who crept in through the unlocked front door. (duh!) Bill was standing near a window and holding a drink and the person shot him in the back -- at a distance. So, I assume he didn't die.

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I'm going to make an uneducated guess (the only kind to make with these asshat writers) that more than one person saw the shooter, but no one rats out said shooter. I know Puffy misses Nicole because with Nicole not around, Puffy is the worst "actress" in the room. I quite like Maya's wig/weave and her dress.

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It was a dark and stormy night indeed ... and no security working of course!

Was I supposed to laugh at the expression on Bill's face when he was shot with that ridiculous gun? Because yeah I so did. It was hilarious.

Every single thing about this storyline is so ridiculously over the top. From Bill raving about how Steffy wanted him (I mean true but still just OTT for me) to everyone threatening to get back at Bill (fair to he has been an absolute ass the last couple of weeks). I am sticking with my brain tumor theory.


Sludge had to finally listen, really listen, to the truth about his Pretty Princess Hauxdi. And he didn't like it one bit -- because he knew it was the truth. I think that's part of Sludge's anger toward $Bill -- Bill knows that Hauxdi willing haux-ed around on Liam. 

Too true. And look, I don't want to defend Ridge, but I suspect most fathers wouldn't really want to know this about their daughter. This is a huge bitter pill for Ridge to swallow and I get that on the whole father/daughter level.

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13 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

but Rick is playing this as if Steffy is some vestal virgin that he never deflowered. Oh, wait...


Rick has nothing to say about Steffy’s sex life, until and onless she’s out targeting one of Hope or RJ’s love interests.

That plot was so unpopular that they dropped them months later, off screen, and the only way we knew they were split up was when Steffy inexplicably started going after happily married Owen, who asks what happened with Rick. Not that I was sad to see Sick end but good God.

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I think it's funny how LA all of the sudden got cold and windy. Everyone is wearing coats and gloves. The only time B&B mentions weather is when they go to Big Bear. It's such a funny plot device but I guess Bill couldn't get shot on a sunny day. Where's the suspencer? LOL!!!

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14 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Justin didn't shoot Bill -- he's just waiting for someone else to do it.  

Katie will believe Wyatt did it for her.  Wyatt won't think he did, but was so drunk that night he doesn't know for sure.

Eric will suspect Quinn

Sludge will act and hint like he did it -- "It needed to be done" and "Bill got what he deserved"  Brooke will half-way believe Sludge is the shooter; he'll deflect her questions. Thus more cracks in the Garbridge marriage.

Charlie will find Pam acting manic, with a gun, muttering "enough, enough"

My bet is Jared or Sheila, or someone totally unsuspected -- Carowhine perhaps.  This leaves Thomas a clear field to raise Douglas with Sally in NY. 

Since Bill didn't sign the papers disinheriting Liam and Wyatt one or both of them will have to take over while Bill's in a coma.

I like where you went with this and spelled it out. I think for a while we'll have everyone suspecting their loved one and possibly covering for them but ultimately it will be a wild card shooter. At this moment I'm going with Thomas. He has history of crazy rage bursts, has motive, and is being brought back for what other reason? I really hope they don't waste Sheila on this. I need more Sheila build up for the OTT things she does. And I don't want to see Jared wasted on this. I like him popping up now and then. Since $Bill has to be in his DWTS coma for awhile I'm wondering about when he regains consciousness, will he be all search and destroy or will he find out who did it or suspect someone and cover it up himself? I can't imagine that Lt Hot Dog will find the shooter and apprehend them (and ultimately wrap it up) without $Bill's interference. I'm thinking Lt Hot Dog will be more apt to suspect Liam and/or Wyatt since $Bill didn't sign those papers. And it won't be either of them. Boy is Justin gonna be pissed.

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Honor Blackman (Pussy Galore)

Not only one of the classic Bond girls but also the probably the best Bond girl name ever. That name would never fly today! Heads would explode.


Justin didn't shoot Bill -- he's just waiting for someone else to do it.

Poor guy was getting all comfortable in the big boss chair and now he'll probably be challenged for the temporary throne by Wyatt, Katie, or Liam.

My money's on Jared as the shooter but Sheila will try to take credit with Ridge.

Any old TWOP posters here? Remember when we could set up polls on the fly? Is that possible on PTV? I'm thinking we could do one on who's the shooter and one on who's most likely to be accused but not be the shooter.

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4 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I think it's funny how LA all of the sudden got cold and windy. Everyone is wearing coats and gloves. The only time B&B mentions weather is when they go to Big Bear. It's such a funny plot device but I guess Bill couldn't get shot on a sunny day. Where's the suspencer? LOL!!!

The funniest part is SoCal (well, San Diego at least) actually HAS been chilly the last two weeks ,?

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It was a dark and stormy night, folks. 

The sound effects crew could not have been more heavy-handed with the ominous whirring of the wind and the impending storm but I kind of dug it. 

We open right where we left off, with Bill staring down at a still-on-the-floor Ridge and Ridge glaring back.


Bill isn't finished disabusing Ridge as to what really went down that night: "Make all the accusations you want. Claim that Steffy was violated, taken advantage of. But it's not true. She wanted me that night. Your daughter wanted me."

Ridge sits there, hating this, hating this man.


Bill stands over him, waiting for the inevitable rebuttal about how Hauxdi is as pure as the driven snow.


Surprisingly, Ridge just sits there, breathing hard as the words sink in and wow, Bill clocked him but good. 


Ridge finally gets to his feet, telling an unworried Bill: "You're sick...all right, here we go." Hilariously, he stumbles and almost falls right back down on his ass. I think TK needs to put down the pork rinds and hit the gym because I don't think that stumble was in the script.

Bill taunts him: "Go for it. Make a move." Knowing he can decimate him so easily.

Ridge scoffs: "Everything you say-"

Bill finishes for him: "Is completely true."

Ridge is still deep in denial: "She didn't want to be with you! I can't believe that!"

This seems appropriate here:


Bill: "She did, and deep down, she still does. And now that she's had me, now that we've finally given into the chemistry that we have carefully ignored all these years, going back to Liam will never feel right. And in the end, she'll be with me."

Ridge: "That's never gonna happen!"

Bill: "I'm the one she's wanted all along. That's why I proposed to her."

Ridge visibly blanches here and looks easily a good ten years older: "You did what?"

Bill, calm, confident: "It was too soon, I know. She turned me down. But next time--and there will be a next time -- I promise you, we'll be together."

Ridge can't believe what he's hearing.

Bill continues: "I wanted that family to stay together, I really did, for the sake of that kid. But it's not happening." Not their kid or their baby...but that kid. Uh huh...that baby is his. 

Ridge: "So you proposed to her?"


Bill: "And I'll do it again. I'm not giving up. I'm not the quitter Liam is."

Ridge: "You're insane. Steffy isn't yours-"

Bill interjects: "Steffy was mine before she ever met Liam. She knew it, I knew it. And we have spent way too much time pretending it wasn't true, but it is. Steffy will become my wife. She won't deny me, Ridge. And more importantly, she won't deny herself."


Ridge's eyes dart over to the golden gun that is still laying out there in the open, gleaming in the flickering lights.

Bill: "Still thinking about it, aren't you? Don't do it, it'll get messy. For you."

Justin calls then and suffice it to say, he wants Bill to sign the papers making him his heir apparent like yesterday

Justin: "And did you sign them? Because as soon as you do..." I'm not saying Justin's the shooter but he either (1) puts someone up to it, knowing he can weasel his way out of it like always or (2) knowing Bill is Public Enemy #1 right now, let someone else do his dirty work.

Bill: "I haven't had a chance. I've been dealing with a pest in my house."

Justin: "Let me guess -- redheaded."

Bill: "Pigheaded. Ridge dropped by. Threatening me in my own home. It's pretty bad taste, wouldn't you say?"

Justin: "Oh, come on, get rid of him. It shouldn't be too hard. And then sign those papers." He's all about the papers, that Justin.

Bill: "As soon as I'm done here, I'll take care of it." The electricity crackles and not just between these two. "Well, I guess that's your cue, Forrester, to get the hell out of my house. Or do I have to call the police and have you arrested for trespassing? They can drag your ass out."

Ridge, puffed up with false bravado: "You know what, Billy Boy, you're probably right. I will get arrested, but it's not gonna be for trespassing."

He finally leaves but not before giving the gun once last, long, meaningful glance.

Over at the beach house, Brooke is still picking her jaw off the floor after learning Bill proposed to Steffy. 

Brooke gasps: "I don't even know what to say."

Steffy: "Oh, I knew exactly what to say. I said 'no.'"

Brooke: "Do you think maybe this could be revenge against Ridge? I'm married to him now, so Bill targets his daughter." OMG - not everything is about the two of you.

Steffy is quick to correct her: "No, this isn't about my father. Bill has genuine feelings from years ago. Feelings he buried."

Sometime later, we see Brooke leave, standing outside Steffy's house, the wind howling, texting Ridge.


At the Forrester mansion, Quinn and her eyebrows are still ranting and raving about Bill and Eric is trying to calm her down. Good luck, buddy.


Quinn: "Vile, despicable man. Finally embraces our son, promises him a place in his company, in his life, and then he just snatches it all away."

Eric: "And wants to snatch Will from Katie."

Quinn: "He can't! He can't do any of it."

Eric: "You sound so sure."

Quinn: "Because I am. Because he will be stopped."


Eric eyes her warily: "Quinn, you need to be careful. You say things like that, others might misinterpret."

Quinn: "Misinterpret? How?"

Eric: "That you'll stop Bill."

Quinn: "Because I will. I have to. My son's life depends on it. Do you know what he said to me? He said that I should have been put away before my craziness rubbed off on Wyatt. He called me twisted and psycho." Which...true. "He's the twisted one! He's the cancer in all of our lives, and I don't care who hears me, I don't care how they interpret it. I will take him down!"

What she needs is to take several seats, considering her own history, most notably with kidnapping and raping Bill's other grown son and pushing Deacon off a cliff.

Eric: "Quinn, I hate him, too. I want him out of our lives just as much as you do, but it doesn't do any good to get all worked up like this, not for either one of us."

Quinn: "My son's future is at stake."

Eric: "So is yours. So is mine. What's gonna happen to me if you do something you can't take back? That kind of rage. But if there's anyone who could drive me to it, it's Bill Spencer." But Quinn isn't listening anymore, she's reaching for her coat and purse.

Eric: "Wait, what are you doing? Where are you going?"

Quinn: "I just -- I need to go out, okay? I just -- I need to get this out of my system." With that, she bolts.

Over at Katie's, a messenger has arrived with a manila envelope and nothing good ever comes from those.


We learn Bill has made good on his threat, having just served Katie with papers indicating he's suing for full custody of Will.


Katie immediately panics, knowing how Bill "plays dirty," but Wyatt insists he won't let Bill take Will away from her...no matter what.


We cut to Rick and Maya at FC and I just cannot with Rick being all up in arms over Steffy. Turns out, this latest news has reminded Rick of how Bill outed Maya as being transgender to the public and apparently, Rick still wants revenge and whatever.


A worked-up Pam tells them and Charlie that Stephanie would make sure Bill never touched Steffy again. 

Stephanie wouldn't have done shit if she knew it was mutual. 


Charlie is concerned about Pam's increasingly irrational behavior but Rick just fans the flames, saying it's time someone stood up to Bill.

Pam rushes out with Rick quickly following, muttering: "He'll never hurt another Forrester again. Because as of tonight, I'm done with Bill Spencer."

Over at SP, a still-furious Jarrett is commiserating with Justin.


TPTB play at making Jarrett a suspect by having him drink Bill's liquor and growling that Bill will regret letting him go.

Justin tries on Bill's chair and likes the feel. 

We have an unnecessary cameo from Sheryl Underwood, who gushes over Justin, calling him "Sir" and admiring how "powerful" he looks.

Later, when he's alone, Justin tells himself: "Justin Barber, finally at the top."

Clearly, he thinks it's payday for the asskissing and lackeying he's been doing all these years.


We finish right back where we started, at Bill's house, where he learns from his security detail that due to the storm, the security cameras are down and they're leaving his front gate open for now so he can leave if he needs to.

We have this great soapy buildup and I loved every cheesy moment of it.

First, a close up of Bill's front doors, the torchères brightly lit. For now. The wind beginning to howl.


We cut inside where dramatic piano music is playing as Bill approaches the fireplace and eyes the photographs of his eldest sons.


Bill, drink in hand, looks at the photos on his mantel, sipping occasionally as he begins flashing back through all the nasty things folks have said to him, which I thought was so well done, especially the hazy, out-of-focus clips. Although I could have done without the intercuts of him boinking Steffy. Completely and utterly unnecessary.

First Liam: "You have no idea what you've done to me... I'll never see Steffy the same way again..." He recalls punching Liam. 


Then Wyatt: "You're despicable. I want a father I can actually be proud of, and I'll never be proud of you. Never."


Liam: "Don't you say her name!"

Wyatt: "Despicable...never... never..."

Then Ridge: "You forced yourself on my daughter! My little girl, Bill... she wasn't herself, and you took advantage of it, like the predator that you are."

The wind picks up as we see a shot of the wide-open gate.


We see a shadowy figure make their way up the driveway.


...and they look to have long hair, so Sally, Sheila, Quinn, Pam, or even Steffy? Or perhaps someone in a hoodie.

Quinn: "You have alienated everyone! Your family, your sons! I will not let you ruin our son's life..."


We hear Bill's vicious words to Katie as she tearfully eyes the custody papers: "You think a judge will look at your sick relationship and think it's in Will's best interest?"


Katie: "Don't you dare threaten me..."

Wyatt is nowhere to be seen but there's a close-up of his photo in Katie's bookcase.

The shadowy figure continues to make their way up the driveway and we see their vantage point as they approach the house.


Bill pours himself another drink as the piano music continues to play, ever so slightly louder.


Ridge: "You betrayed your own son. You had to take everything from him. You had to take his happiness. You had to take his wife! You put your filthy hands all over my child. Stay away from my daughter."


Bill sips again, looking at the papers he has yet to sign for Justin.

The last ghost of $ Bill's Sordid Past is Sally: "Your days are numbered, and when you least expect it, someone is going to put an end to your reign of terror. How did liam ever come from you? I have never hated anyone as much as I hate you."


The wind whistles through the trees and we have this eerie shot of the shooter approaching.


Bill opens the terrace doors, his expression darkening, much like the night sky.


The would-be-assassin draws ever closer...


A quick flash back to Bill, who looks out at the dark sky, then we see the shadow reaching out to open his front door.


The door creaks open but with the wind howling like crazy, Bill, still sipping his drink, doesn't hear it.

We have another close-up of his golden gun.


We see their vantage point again and their eyes are locked squarely on Bill, who's back is turned as he stands by the open terrace door, completely unaware of their presence.


 Bill starts in surprise as the lights crackle and then go out altogether and we can just barely make out the gun pointed squarely at him.

A gunshot rings out and makes contact and Bill quickly falls to the floor as dramatically as only DD can do. 


It's not quite as dramatic since we all know that DD ain't going anywhere but I absolutely loved the good ol' fashioned soapiness of today's episode and the last scenes with DD's $ Bill not saying a word and not needing to, he's just that good as he quietly took stock of his crumbled empire of ashes and the music and storm lending perfect support. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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47 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Good grief. Could Katie have been any more hysterical over a man she hates? 

I haven't seen today's show yet and how crazy is it that I can't wait to get home and watch - but hate him or not, ex-husband or not, he's still Will's father and she's thinking about her son and having to possibly tell him, "Daddy's dead." I'd be a little hysterical, too. 

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Did anyone else notice that when Quinn returned to Eric’s house she was missing that huge pin she’d been wearing on her blouse? It was pinned on up close to her neck and was the first thing I noticed when she was in Bill’s office yelling at him. A clue, perhaps?

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Heather Tom & Katie we’re so OTT. I’m sure it was written and directed that way but it wasn’t the best acting choice. I was like, “STFU! The 911 operator can’t understand you”. I would have preferred that she had been a little stronger. 

Also, this can’t be said enough. Scott Clifton is a horrible actor. Thank you. 

Edited by ByaNose
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Today's episode should have been sponsored by Bass Pro Shops for there were so many Red Herrings.  Finally B&B is getting a little bit interesting. Beside who shot Bill will Liam and Wyatt now have empathy for their father as he's in the hospital. Katie seems that she is going in that direction. 

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Considering that everyone who knows Bill wanted him dead, I can’t imagine that anyone will be sad that he’s on death’s door (although we know he’ll miraculously pull through after his long coma). So far I know it’s not Brooke, Eric, Slutty or Katie. We need to hear the timelines for all of the suspects before we can narrow it down. Good days ahead!

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Considering that everyone who knows Bill wanted him dead, I can’t imagine that anyone will be sad that he’s on death’s door (although we know he’ll miraculously pull through after his long coma). So far I know it’s not Brooke, Eric, Slutty or Katie. We need to hear the timelines for all of the suspects before we can narrow it down. Good days ahead!

It would be a touch of irony if Beatrix Kiddo, in that amazing yellow leather jump suit Killed Bill. Naw, she would have used her Hanzo sword or the five-point-palm-exploding-heart-technique to do so.  Using a gun, to kill, would be like eating soup with a fork. 

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Aw geez, now when Liam is a suspect in Bill's attempted murder Steffy will have to be his alibi. And she'll generously agree to say he was with her the whole night...if he moves back home. For Our Little Girl.

I don't think Quinn did it. She was still too wired when she got home. I think if she'd shot Bill she'd have been more cool and collected in a "the problem has been solved" way.

Not Ridge either. If he'd shot Bill he probably wouldn't have been sitting in a public bar afterward licking his wounds. But it looks he's going to be determined to act like he did.

Holy moly, HT was certainly getting her Emmy reel filled up today.

"Can you think of anyone who'd want to kill your ex-husband?" "Officer, you're gonna need a bigger note pad."

Right now I'm thinking Sheila probably did it. Or Wyatt.

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I'm saying Sheila.  She's disposable.

Does anyone have an opinion as to why the show shut down Bill and Brooke?  Wasn't she his 'ultimate' woman so to speak?  Don't tell me the show wanted to ship Ridge and Brooke.  He's not even Ridge :-)

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I don't think it was Liam and I'm really pissed that he caved and went to see Hauxdi. I so wanted to see her sad and alone, in the dark and watching the candles slowly burn away. 

Actually, Sludge showing up in a public place might not have been such a bad idea.  Unfortunately, for him, his alibi is Sheila of all people.  I can't wait until he's a prime suspect and has to go begging her to stand up for him.

Are anybody else's fingerprints on the gun besides Sally's?

33 minutes ago, TessHarding2 said:


Does anyone have an opinion as to why the show shut down Bill and Brooke?  Wasn't she his 'ultimate' woman so to speak?  Don't tell me the show wanted to ship Ridge and Brooke.  He's not even Ridge :-)

Because Brad Bell doesn't know how to write anything else except Bridge and stubbornly refuses to permanently split them up and let Brooke mature beyond the age of 19 and become the independent successful businesswoman she has proven to be in the past.

Because Brad Bell is trying hard to sell Steffy as the show's leading lady. Since JMW is such a bad actress and can't support a self-standing story, the writers have to resort to tired love triangles with Liam and Hope.

Because Brad Bell thinks that viewers, especially long-time ones are huge Bridge supports. (NOT this one.)

Lastly, I believe there was a fan-base somewhere who was rooting for a Bill-Steffy pairing. For whatever reason, the ONS went from the beginning of a what we were supposed to believe was a smoldering attraction that ignited into a passionate relationship -- to doused embers the next morning. Remember ... a lot of people were begging for a Liam-Quinn hook-up and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

I am sure that many others can add to the list.

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58 minutes ago, TessHarding2 said:

I'm saying Sheila.  She's disposable.

If it's Sheila, it would feel like such a waste. What's the point of the reveal? Everyone knows she's batshit. And besides, from the clips I've seen, I get the sense Sheila (well, the old skool one, anyway) mostly offed people when they've personally angered her or became a liability to whatever scheme she cooked up. Bill falls into neither category and I doubt she'd do it for the off chance that she'd win Eric back.

I suspect someone far more disposable, so it's a three way tie between Pam (no real purpose with Steph gone and being a punchline about lemon bars), Justin (his two closest ties in Marcus and Donna have been gone for ages) or Jared (who has been around forever on this show, but if they gut Darla to pay Crap Wagner's salary as was heavily rumored, I wouldn't put it past Bell to axe him since the SF stuff is being resolved soon.)

Thomas's bouts of lunacy in the past are All in the Past(tm), i.e., another actor, so it doesn't count as far as writing is concerned, so I'll be surprised if it were him. They may want to keep the possibility of having the character around if Jacob Young or Scott Clifton ever leave the show and they need a new leading man. Stranger things have happened.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Today's show was fun. It looks like everybody is guilty! Yay! I loved Wyatt's first scene of the day where he walks in and puts that package down. But I really couldn't understand why Katie was that upset over $Bill who just sent her papers to take their son away from her. Upset, yes, blood, a person unconscious, any good person would be upset, but she reacted like $Bill was the love of her life and a wonderful person. When asked if she knew of anyone who would him dead she should have either said everyone who ever met him or she should have looked like she just thought of Wyatt and mouthed something like his name or oh noes. If they waste Sheila on this then I'm out forever, or until they bring her back again. But I just feel like we have not been shown the shooter yet.

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13 hours ago, grisgris said:

Lastly, I believe there was a fan-base somewhere who was rooting for a Bill-Steffy pairing.

I know I was during the ToD 1.0. Shit writing aside, DD is the only leading man she's ever generated anything resembling heat with.

However, the time to have explored that possibility was in 2011, and not after Bill had spent the last five years pining for Brooke while barely giving Steffy the time of day.

13 hours ago, grisgris said:

Remember ... a lot of people were begging for a Liam-Quinn hook-up and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Yeah, that's cuz TIIC took a great idea, then ran with the absolute worst possible execution of that idea. After the fight over Ivy and/or Wyatt, Liam could've went to a dive bar, got drunk as hell, and woke up next to an equally drunk Quinn who is getting over the inexplicable breakup with Deacon. Imagine Wyatt's reaction. Hell, imagine Bill's! So much wasted potention for a "misunderstanding" that was at least one too many for a single season.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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37 minutes ago, grisgris said:

I don't think it was Liam and I'm really pissed that he caved and went to see Hauxdi. I so wanted to see her sad and alone, in the dark and watching the candles slowly burn away. 

Actually, Sludge showing up in a public place might not have been such a bad idea.  Unfortunately, for him, his alibi is Sheila of all people.  I can't wait until he's a prime suspect and has to go begging her to stand up for him.

Are anybody else's fingerprints on the gun besides Sally's?

Because Brad Bell doesn't know how to write anything else except Bridge and stubbornly refuses to permanently split them up and let Brooke mature beyond the age of 19 and become the independent successful businesswoman she has proven to be in the past.

Because Brad Bell is trying hard to sell Steffy as the show's leading lady. Since JMW is such a bad actress and can't support a self-standing story, the writers have to resort to tired love triangles with Liam and Hope.

Because Brad Bell thinks that viewers, especially long-time ones are huge Bridge supports. (NOT this one.)

Lastly, I believe there was a fan-base somewhere who was rooting for a Bill-Steffy pairing. For whatever reason, the ONS went from the beginning of a what we were supposed to believe was a smoldering attraction that ignited into a passionate relationship -- to doused embers the next morning. Remember ... a lot of people were begging for a Liam-Quinn hook-up and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

I am sure that many others can add to the list.

Liam showing up at Hauxdi's disappointed me too.  It would have been nice to see Hauxdi suffering as much as she's made other people suffer.  It was sick-making to see Hauxdi go into cha-cha-cha mode with her soft voice and fluttering eyelashes.  No matter how desperate Bell is to force-feed JMW as 'leading lady', KKL is the  queen of B&B.  JMW doesn't have the chops to pull it off.

Breaking up Bill and Brooke was one of the biggest mistakes Bell ever made.  Brooke and Bill were a couple for the future; now we're stuck in the past.  I really like Hope but I can't believe they brought the character back for the TOD 2:  Electric Boogaloo.  They should have brought Hope back AFTER things were settled between Hauxdi and Liam.  All the bullshit about Hope being a threat to Hauxdi's marriage is simply to let her off the hook.  Hauxdi killed her marriage the second she fucked her father-in-law; Hope wasn't even in North America at the time.  All this 'poor Steffy' bullshit is too much.  Remember when Brooke slept with Bill and got pregnant?  Nobody had any concern about her pregnancy.  The whole town lined up to take turns reading her for filth, starting with Hauxdi's mother.  The way everyone is going on about Hauxdi's pregnancy, you'd think she was living in the middle of nowhere. In the 19th century.

TK has really let himself go; it breaks my heart to see KKL stuck with such a fucking slob.  Ridge's funk has sucked all the life out of Brooke.  When she walked out in THAT BATHROBE, I couldn't believe my eyes.  When Brooke Logan stops wearing sexy lingerie, you know the end of days has come.

I don't care who shot Bill.  He's an asshole.  I just hope it hurts.

Edited by mightysparrow
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5 hours ago, grisgris said:

Because Brad Bell doesn't know how to write anything else except Bridge and stubbornly refuses to permanently split them up and let Brooke mature beyond the age of 19 and become the independent successful businesswoman she has proven to be in the past.

Because Brad Bell is trying hard to sell Steffy as the show's leading lady. Since JMW is such a bad actress and can't support a self-standing story, the writers have to resort to tired love triangles with Liam and Hope.

Because Brad Bell thinks that viewers, especially long-time ones are huge Bridge supports. (NOT this one.)

Lastly, I believe there was a fan-base somewhere who was rooting for a Bill-Steffy pairing. For whatever reason, the  

I think I've been watching on and off since 2007.  There was a Brooke's kids started a fire with a lighter and Stephanie called the cops and child services on Brooke.  I didn't know a single thing about Brooke but I got hooked on Stephanie and Brooke's dynamic.  They made a leading lady highly sexed and a screw up which made for good watching.  I would not like to see Brooke become Sage Mother Brooke.  The Ridge thing was always secondary for me.  I made it a point to watch the old stuff on YT with Taylor, Brooke. Ridge, Stephanie.  They crackled! 

5 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

TK has really let himself go; it breaks my heart to see KKL stuck with such a fucking slob.  Ridge's funk has sucked all the life out of Brooke.  When she walked out in THAT BATHROBE, I couldn't believe my eyes.  When Brooke Logan stops wearing sexy lingerie, you know the end of days has come.

I don't care who shot Bill.  He's an asshole.  I just hope it hurts.

The Ridge and Brooke of the past were very good, but then old Ridge got Frankensteiny in his acting.  His acting was so completely different from the 90's and early 2000's.

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7 hours ago, grisgris said:

I don't think it was Liam and I'm really pissed that he caved and went to see Hauxdi. I so wanted to see her sad and alone, in the dark and watching the candles slowly burn away. 


Same. And I hate this new tentative quiet nonsense JMW is trying. It's ridiculous. Steffy is a heinous bitch and always has been. And the only time her acting is ever remotely believable is when she's doing that. 

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7 hours ago, grisgris said:

I'm really pissed that he caved and went to see Hauxdi. I so wanted to see her sad and alone, in the dark and watching the candles slowly burn away. 

Yes, I had to express my feelings on this too. I was so disappointed he showed up. He still is a waffle boy and can't remain firm about any decisions.

Right now, the most guilty looking is Wyatt, but I hope it's not him. 

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I don't care that Steffy had sex with Bill.  It's what these people do.  However, Bill threatening Katie with getting custody of Will because of her relationship with Wyatt puts him right up there with self-righteous judgmental hypocrites Ridge and Brooke.  I detest Katie, but Bill can STFU along with several other characters.

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Wow! TK is only 52. I really thought he was older then that. I think he shows older in the face. He's in good shape and has done several sauna shots to prove that. He had so much charisma when he was on AMC. Of course, this is a different character along with different writers but he's so bad as nuRidge.

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When TK is clean-shaven and untanned, he looks years younger.  It's too bad they cast him as Ridge though. I've only seen clips of B&B when RM was Ridge and TK is a much better actor (when he wants to be) but he doesn't seem right for the part. 

It's also too bad that Joe Mascolo never worked with TK.  I could have bought them as father/son.  

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21 minutes ago, tessaray said:

I've only seen clips of B&B when RM was Ridge and TK is a much better actor (when he wants to be) but he doesn't seem right for the part. 

He gets certain aspects of Ridge on the nose, such as his self centeredness and his blowhard bullying tendencies. But he's missing the kind of warmth RM was able to portray.

There's been instances where RM!Ridge was in conflict with his older children but even in when he was supporting Steffy over Hope or telling barely 18 year old Thomas he should go to design school before jumping into the business, I could tell he cared about all the kids he raised (Rick was an obvious exception and there were so many other ways they could've had conflict without turning Rick into Snidely Whiplash that reflected the fatherly/brotherly bond they should have had).

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My take on why Bill and Brooke ended (and I was a fan of the couple) is that last summer, B&B was very concerned about two things:  ratings, which weren't great by the end of the summer of 2017; and the fact that the other soaps seemed to be mixing things up in a way that made B&B look exceptionally stale.  DOOL had a new HW who was breathing new life into the show, Y&R had Mal Young taking over as HW and making big changes to the show, and GH had Steve Burton's return, which got a lot of attention.  Where was B&B, after the celebration for their 30th anniversary was over?  The Summer of Sheila had been a bust.  I think B&B decided to have Steffy/Bill have sex and let the fallout be massive, but I would guess that the intent was to have them survive as a couple, while Liam and Sally explored whatever they were doing.  Instead, I don't think they got the fan response they anticipated after Still slept together, and they've backed off and made Bill, and only Bill, interested in a relationship with Steffy.  Brad Bell pays a lot of lip service to saying he doesn't follow fan reaction, but that's not what I've observed in my 5 years or so of following the show.  He craters when a storyline offends people, like Quinn/Ridge, or when the audience doesn't get it, like Brooke/Thorne, at least for now.  (And BTW, where is Ingo these days?  I think it tells you all you need to know when B&B makes a big deal out of hiring IR, and then writes an umbrella storyline like this Who Dunnit? storyline in which he isn't involved at all.  B&B had no vision for IR other than for Thorne to be a designer and a tougher cookie.  But that's not a storyline, and it's exactly what they did wrong with the Summer of Sheila.) 

Concern for ratings would also explain why he brought Hope back.  There was a whiff of desperation in the move, like Bell was trying to recreate the triangle that generated big ratings when he needed it most.  

So far in 2018, ratings aren't good at all for B&B.  It remains to be seen if people are tuning in this week for the attempted murder mystery.  If not, I would expect some more big moves.  

There was an interview with Brad Bell in SOD last week where he said that he was aware that a lot of fans like Brill, but he wanted to take Bill down the road where he was a full-blown villain and see where that goes.  He also said "never say never" where Brill is concerned, which is I know isn't worth much, but it is pretty funny to me that the guy who literally just wrote the Destiny Wedding of Bridge is now saying that Bridge is together for now, and Brill might happen again.  It keeps things in perspective for me as I watch, or try to watch, B&B on a daily basis.  

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4 minutes ago, SingerIslander said:

Concern for ratings would also explain why he brought Hope back.  There was a whiff of desperation in the move, like Bell was trying to recreate the triangle that generated big ratings when he needed it most.  

Did it, thought? The first go-around for the ToD, I remember not one poster at TWOP rooting for either Dope(s) or Steamless to "win". And while the discourse here is a bit elevated from other soap boards I've poked into, I don't think we we're unique--do a search for either pairing, and the only things you'll find are mountains of music videos. No special scenes. No wedding clips--how can you when most of the weddings were tanked or a marriage of convenience?

I think I've seen Steam's last wedding online but most of that was the hype of the show anniversary, because after the previous six months of Liam mewling about Quinn and lifting not one finger to "win" Steffy, absolutely no one here had any fucks to give about their big day.

If anything, it's taken a big ass wrench into any progress Liam made as a character and takes.the blame off of Steffy for her gross ass behavior. Hope isn't the reason Steffy fucked Bill, but I'm also not here Waffles' indecision, baby or no baby, or Hope acting new to his indecision. I would get that from Sally, but even that would wear thin quickly.

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14 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Did it, thought? The first go-around for the ToD, I remember not one poster at TWOP rooting for either Dope(s) or Steamless to "win". And while the discourse here is a bit elevated from other soap boards I've poked into, I don't think we we're unique--do a search for either pairing, and the only things you'll find are mountains of music videos. No special scenes. No wedding clips--how can you when most of the weddings were tanked or a marriage of convenience?

I think I've seen Steam's last wedding online but most of that was the hype of the show anniversary, because after the previous six months of Liam mewling about Quinn and lifting not one finger to "win" Steffy, absolutely no one here had any fucks to give about their big day.

If anything, it's taken a big ass wrench into any progress Liam made as a character and takes.the blame off of Steffy for her gross ass behavior. Hope isn't the reason Steffy fucked Bill, but I'm also not here Waffles' indecision, baby or no baby, or Hope acting new to his indecision. I would get that from Sally, but even that would wear thin quickly.

It all wears thin.  For me, it got interesting when Steffy and Bill were "thinking" about the other one a few months ago. Then I wanted to tune in to see what they'd do with that.   I keep laughing at Thorne because Ingo is playing it so milquetoast, so bland.  He was never compelling on GH but he had a reason for being there many years ago.

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Bringing Ingo for .02 seconds to ghost him was pretty bizarre. B&B typically doesn't blatantly shit all over its veterans for stunt casting (as this clearly was) so why get rid of the last actor?

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Just to throw a complete wildcard into the who-dunnit mix, and one I honestly can't see being the case, but maybe it was Taylor! No-one would see that coming! Maybe she heard about what happened... surely she has at least heard Steffy's sanitized version of events, and came back to defend her daughters honor.

Just speculating :p

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I can't see Taylor or Brooke shooting anyone, but if they decided to, I wish they would start with Ridge.  I never thought RM was a good actor, but TK as Ridge is horrible.

I don't think Bell knows what to do with Ingo as Thorne, and I don't think he thought beyond the shock value of having Bill and Steffy have sex.  By shock value, I mean none at all because these people have been there and been doing that for decades.  Brooke is a despicable monster, but they aren't going to top that scene of Bridget finding out about Brooke/Deacon over the baby monitor.

I think Bell has been floundering since he killed off Taylor the second time.  He wanted to put Ridge/Brooke together, but didn't seem to know what to do with them once he had (brought first Bridget and then Nick into the mix), and then he brought Taylor back, and still didn't seem to know what to do.  As good as the initial Ridge/Taylor/Brooke triangle once was, it got old years ago, and Steffy/Liam/Hope is no Ridge/Taylor/Brooke.  By the time Bell was finished ruining Taylor, Ridge and Brooke as characters, couples, and a triangle, I didn't like any of them, and I still like them better than I do Steffy/Liam/Hope.  Probably because at least initially Taylor, Ridge and Brooke were something more than a bunch of idiots in a boring triangle.

I give DD most of the credit for Bill having fans.

Edited by TigerLynx
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I just realized that I started watching almost 4 years ago now. In that time, other than recasts, the only new people have been the various Avants and Spectras 2.0 - is that about right?

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17 hours ago, grisgris said:

Lastly, I believe there was a fan-base somewhere who was rooting for a Bill-Steffy pairing. For whatever reason, the ONS went from the beginning of a what we were supposed to believe was a smoldering attraction that ignited into a passionate relationship -- to doused embers the next morning. Remember ... a lot of people were begging for a Liam-Quinn hook-up and look what a disaster that turned out to be.

Still 2.0 could've worked if Steffy hadn't seemed traumatized and robotic during the hump. If she had said something like 'He's not you, Liam's never been you!' and then tore off his clothes as they pushed, pulled and broke the bed THEN I could believe Still was launched. But the morning after was almost the same as Caromas - the woman regretful and near traumatized and the man talking about destiny and happily ever after.

2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Bringing Ingo for .02 seconds to ghost him was pretty bizarre. B&B typically doesn't blatantly shit all over its veterans for stunt casting (as this clearly was) so why get rid of the last actor?

Thorne has no place in the Kill Bill storyline, Ingo's guaranteed number of appearances for this contract period reached its limit, they're rebooting Thorne's story yet again. Take your pick.

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1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

I think Bell has been floundering since he killed off Taylor the second time. 

Yep. He's just been stuck in the narrow box and has refused to leave it or do anything new. It's a shame.

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WHERE THE FUCK IS WILL?  Would someone call child protective services because nobody seems to be taking care of that poor child!

I have a feeling this 'Who Shot Bill?' storyline is going to drag on for a looooooooooooooooong time.  I don't give a fuck now; I can't imagine how many fucks I won't give by the time it's over.

I can buy Liam not wanting $Bill to die; it's his father.  And I can buy that he's going to want to find out who shot his father.  But Liam better not forgive Bill for fucking his wife, because I won't buy that.  Liam can stop hating both Bill and Haudilox.  Hate is a terrible emotion and takes it's toll on the person who feels it.  But I will never believe that Liam can ever be close to his father or his (hopefully) ex-wife again. 

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Is Stuffy that stupid?  I can't believe somebody shot Bill?  Stuffy should have said that she can't believe that he wasn't shot before this.

Accusations abound but the logical suspect would be the one that knew Bill's gun was in his house. Which brings up another question; if Bill's gun wasn't used, who had access to a gun?  

Where is Lt Hotdog?  

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