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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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4 hours ago, ByTor said:

Katie looked awfully good in her little getup yesterday, but all I could think is WHY is she wasting it on Wyatt???

The show isn't budgeted to bring on a new guy unless they kill off a few more characters to free up more money.


4 hours ago, MulletorHater said:

Mark this date on your calendars: August 21, 2017 was the day that Stella, um, Katherine Elizabeth Logan Spencer got her groove back. After her laughable first bedroom scene with nu-Ridge--complete with dark silhouettes--who knew that Katie could be so spontaneous with a young tenderoni like Wyatt?  Girl, go on and get you some!  Although I'm not behind this pairing, I have to give credit where it is due. DB definitely brought it and the smile on HTom's face spoke volumes. My advice to Katie. Have fun with him, girl--but don't fall head over heels fall in love. Now, go and invite your sister-friends to that "Waiting to Exhale" party, have some sparkling cider, shake your rumps to the funk and have a good time.

You had me a tenderoni, LOL.

But yeah, I still can't see the longterm stakes for this couple, but short term they're a hoot. And Katie is gettin' some and Wyatt is getting some that hasn't been Liam-ized.  Let Watie have their fun.

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6 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Bill did not need to find Wyatt's binder on the desk to know that he was the man Katie was hiding in the bedroom.  Wyatt's car was in the driveway, that would be a really big clue that it is your son up there with your ex wife. 

I think (and admittedly I could be imagining something that didn't happen) when Wyatt arrived he mentioned in passing something about taking a taxi or ride share or something to her place. If it actually happened it was a bit of a throwaway line at the time but now makes sense re: the car not being there. 

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45 minutes ago, Rapscallion said:
7 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

Bill did not need to find Wyatt's binder on the desk to know that he was the man Katie was hiding in the bedroom.  Wyatt's car was in the driveway, that would be a really big clue that it is your son up there with your ex wife. 

I think (and admittedly I could be imagining something that didn't happen) when Wyatt arrived he mentioned in passing something about taking a taxi or ride share or something to her place. If it actually happened it was a bit of a throwaway line at the time but now makes sense re: the car not being there.

I did not hear anything about a taxi because I tend to FF thru a lot of this show.  This scenario tapped into a pet peeve of mine.  A character shows up at the door of another character for a visit and is shocked to see they have another visitor or the other visitor is hidden away from the surprise visitor.  If the person being visited lives in a house, the invited visitor's car parked right outside the house.  How could our surprise visitors keep failing to see these cars.  Upon hearing the surprise knock at the door, the homeowner never asks visitor #1 "Where did you park your car?"  It is stupid nitpicky thing for me to be obsessed with but it annoys me. :)    

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8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Has Wyatt ever had a woman his brother, and now his father, hasn't been in already?

He briefly dated Nicole but he was really only using her to get info on Maya. Other than that...eh...I got nothing. 

As dumb as this Sheila storyline is, I have to admit that I'm enjoying some of the elements like Sheila's creepy theme and us hearing her thoughts as she plotted in her head. Those are classic soap right there. The rest relies too much on us suspending our belief to buy it as legit though. I mean, Eric has been dumb but never this dumb. 

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On 8/20/2017 at 10:23 AM, grisgris said:

Let me make sure that I understand this correctly. The guy who plays Zende (who can't act his way out of a paper bag) was tapped by both Oprah (I'll give this a small pass ...) AND Tyler Perry for a project???? WTF??? Did one of them just happen to be channel surfing one day and landed on the ONLY, I mean ONLY good scene Zende had with Julius? What is it? A movie, cable series?  Geez ... talk about landing on your feet.  SMH. Doesn't Oprah like to take on people and mentor them, kind of like she tried with Rachael Ray? Well, they have their work cut out for them.

Has anybody watched TP's The Haves and The Have Nots?  The cast makes the cast of B&B look like The Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.  TH&THN's bring bad acting and cheap production to an all-time low.

Unpopular opinion:  I am loving the scenes with Sheila, James and Brooke.  On a show with such low energy and bad acting, it is a joy to watch these 3 in a scene.

Unpopular opinion #2:  I love Wyatt and Katie together, I love it when two characters who have been constantly dumped find each other, I like the actors and their playful attitudes.  I did some research, HT is 13 years younger than DD, and 8 years older than DB, so I don't get the squick factor that others do.  Then again I remember Rick Forrester dating Phoebe and Steffie, two young women who a few years earlier were Rick's first cousins.

Edited by sugarbaker design
HT is 8 years older than DB, not 12 years!
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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I have been watching bits and pieces and after seeing Eric thinking back fondly on recent moments with Sheila on yesterday's show, I think I'm out...until she is, anyway.

I went from enjoying the show, to being kinda "meh", to watching in the background while doing other things, to not watching at all.  I gave Sheila a shot but knew she would end up sucking all the life out of B&B.  I can't wait until she's gone...and please, interns who lurk here, tell your bosses not to insult our intelligence again by "killing" her, we all know it won't take.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I have been watching bits and pieces and after seeing Eric thinking back fondly on recent moments with Sheila on yesterday's show, I think I'm out...until she is, anyway.

That's what's so fucking infuriating.  Of all the things that Eric could possibly remember about his disastrous tenure as this Gorgon's husband and never-ending obsession, I can't believe that this recent fuckery is all he can think about.  

But, in a way, I can believe it.  After all, this is the same show that had Deacon returning a few short years ago and whining about wanting "his" family "back" with Brooke.  He also complained that he "deserved" a shot with her so that they could be a nuclear family with Hope.  And, then to hammer that ridiculous point home, we were treated to some hot Breacon moments in flashbacks.  Somehow, viewers were supposed to forget that Deacon was actually married to Bridget when he and Brooke engaged in their affair.  He never had a hand in raising Hope, and Brooke treated him as if he was one of the worst mistakes of her life.  Not to mention Deacon's crime spree in Genoa City, which included having the hots for Amber and sleeping with several women there (including sex in an ally with Phyllis near a trash dumpster!) and ultimately landing in jail.  IIRC he reappeared on B&B just in time for Bill to bribe a warden to get him out of jail so he could go to Italy and delay yet another one of Lope's weddings.  In all that time, when did we see Deacon yearning to be with Brooke?  

Don't even get me started on the way Brooke's tortured history with Ridge pre-TK very seldom, if ever, makes it into their more recent remembrances.  It usually starts with Brooke seeing rose petals outside her house and all but ignores that he dumped her over a text message on their honeymoon and stayed gone for nearly 2 years.    

I'll try to watch All About Sheila (formerly known as B&B) later this evening.

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I was puzzled, too, yesterday, when Eric was gazing at Quinn's portrait yet thinking about Sheila touching his hand during their hotel hideaway room service dinner. Huh? I didn't understand the point of his conversation with Brooke. It was almost as if she was trying to plant seeds of doubt in Eric's head about whether he made the right decision in reconciling with Quinn. She was kind of talking out of both sides of her mouth. Don't trust Sheila but ... are you sure you can trust Quinn? I'm still trying to figure out why Brooke has suddenly become Eric's guard dog. I had fully envisioned a similar scenario, only with Ridge and Quinn. As it is stands, it's pretty boring stuff. I guess it's not a total loss. James definitely got even more handsome and distinguished looking with age.

Today's show was further evidence that TIIC read this board. How convenient that the crappy old Spectra building has electrical problems. Ya think? When Sally kept lamenting that she couldn't afford an electrician, I kept thinking, "C.J. is your landlord. This is his problem, not yours." (I guess if he's broke, too, she's SOL ...)

SOOOoooo ... wanna bet that the Spectra building burns down and Bill will get blamed for arson? In the meantime, Liam will probably get injured somehow rescuing Sally or Ditzy Darla (blindness after fire is common), Brooke will be so dismayed and upset that she'll leave Bill. Bill will keep proclaiming his innocence but it will fall on deaf ears. Finally, somebody will have the sense to investigate the fire and determine it was accidental.  Alone in the world and broken, he ends up at Il Gardino nursing a scotch at the bar and who would happen to be on the next bar stool sipping a martini? (And eavesdropping as Bill mutters into his glass.) Hence ... we have Shill!!! (LOL! j/k.) Perfect name for them though and I think those two together would generate even more evil and negative karma than Still. No. Bill and Sheila would just be too intense to even tolerate.

Brooke and Bill are beginning to bore me.  Maybe it was just me but today Brooke seemed kind of detached, borderline bored, and like she was growing irritated/annoyed with Bill's obsession with the skyscraper.  I was also annoyed that she didn't shut his ranting and raving and threats against Spectra down more firmly than with the tepid, "Tsk ... Tsk ... be patient." Patience and $Bill Spencer don't co-exist. Brooke really needs to start taking this seriously and paying attention. Eric got himself into this mess with Sheila.  Let him figure it out for himself.

I also liked Brooke's outfit today and her hair looked good pulled back like that. Sally was DA BOMB though! I wish she's stayed in that drop-dead gorgeous red blouse and black skirt instead of changing into that ugly romper or whatever it was she hastily threw on for the fashion preview.  Her hair looked awesome in that style. So was her makeup. Thomas, eat your heart out!! 

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Yesterday seemed like a A Tale of Two Outfits.  Two gorgeous women, and yet whoever dresses them for the show scored a direct hit with KKL and a sad miss for the lovely actress who portrays Sally.

Brooke was rocking that stunning blouse, paired with a pair of muted pink/coral slacks.  The chignon with tendrils hanging really set it off, along with the clutch purse which matched her slacks.  The best accessory of all?  That gorgeous smile and hazel, golden-flecked eyes.  I'm still at a loss to explain what Sally was wearing.  Even Liam couldn't hide it.  Beautiful red hair, great makeup with a perfect red lip and she's wearing that...thing.  Whoever in wardrobe selected that outfit for her should be fired forthwith.  Why couldn't Sally keep on that red blouse with the black skirt for the preview?

For a business that is struggling financially to the point where they can't even immediately address a dangerous electrical problem, I would think that the Spectra gang could find a better use for their money than spending it on champagne (which Darlita guzzled from the bottle--what a fucking lady!).  I might as well just go on and call it now.  I agree wholeheartedly with GrisGris above.  There will be a fire and everyone near and dear to Bill will remember how hard up he was to get that skyscraper built.  They will recall all the mustache twirling and the vows that "Spectra must be destroyed!"  Of course, he will be blamed and everyone will read him for filth.  But for once, he will be innocent.  Unfortunately, he has been lying the way most people change their underwear (hopefully everyday?).

This leads me to the next thing I noticed.  Brooke is slowly being brought into this storyline--way too slowly in my estimation.  It was great seeing Brill yesterday.  However, I do have a quibble.  Shouldn't Brooke have grown bored by now with humoring Bill about that skyscraper, which doesn't even have a building permit yet?  There should have been a discernible frown on her face and a roll of her hazel orbs when Bill set up the scenario for a romantic evening only to mention a wrecking ball.  It's rather surprising that Brooke has been noticeably absent from all the scheming and that all these conversations about Carowhine supposedly dying are whirling around her.  Evidently, Lottie, Dotty and every-damn-body knows about these lies and schemes.  Or, maybe this is the embodiment of that old cliche about the wife always being the last to know?  I love that Bill solicits Brooke's opinion but what good is it if he will ultimately disregard what she lovingly conveyed to him when he doesn't get his way?  On a shallow note, KKL and DD are two of the best onscreen kissers I've ever seen.

And, yes, Bill is "teh evul!"  Thanks for verifying that yet again Lame.  Lame reminds me of the televangelist who preaches about casting out demons but goes home and sleeps with one every night.  While Jarrett was a little more circumspect in his praise, Lame was a little more effusive.  While a couple of the outfits from the preview were cute, I saw very little polish with the exception of the flirty black tea-length dress one of the models wore.

Another prediction:  Given the way the writers have to shoehorn Sheila into everything, it wouldn't surprise me if she was plopped into this storyline as well. Her reasoning? Brooke should have minded her own business.  To Sheila's way of thinking, Brooke done went and pissed her off to the highest level of pissivity and now she "MUST PAY!!"  Why?  Because Sheila's "picture WILL be over that fireplace and [she] WILL be Mrs. Eric Forrester again!"  And, yes, GrisGris, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the writers tried it with "Shill."  Lawd, help us...

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10 hours ago, grisgris said:

Alone in the world and broken, he ends up at Il Gardino nursing a scotch at the bar and who would happen to be on the next bar stool sipping a martini? (And eavesdropping as Bill mutters into his glass.) Hence ... we have Shill!!! (LOL! j/k.) Perfect name for them though and I think those two together would generate even more evil and negative karma than Still. No. Bill and Sheila would just be too intense to even tolerate.

Did DD and KB have scenes on Y&R? I can't recall when/if they crossed as Brad and Sheila. I wouldn't mind her doing a double take when she meets him and says 'Were you ever a pool boy?' or something to that effect.

Sheila would toy with Bill. Maybe use his Stallion to get her rocks off but nothing beyond that. I do see her blackmailing him for money and power. If she knows he had anything to do with a fire/disaster at Spectra and criminal action is in play and/or he hurt someone as a result (Sally, Darlita, Liam) or dies (Jarrett I'm looking at you) she will use it to make Bill dance to her tune as needed. It's actually a good way to show Sheila's power and ruthless manipulation. She did afterall stalk and terrorize Quinn and Katie so Bill knows what crazy she's capable of.

You don't introduce Chekhov's gun (electrical fire) unless you're going to use it so yeah, Bill is going to flirt with thug behavior and initially appear guilty when it really will be an issue with the building. And someone will get hurt. And EVERYONE has been telling him to back off about this so he's going to have a lot of people accusing him once it's all out in the open. That he had his niece pretend she's dying to distract Thomas shows he's not above some pretty low behavior.  But that doesn't absolve him from his initial intent.  Dude's being a whole new level of ass for him with his obsession with this building.

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I agree with everyone about KKL looking lovely in the latest episode.  It just emphasizes how much $Bill doesn't deserve a woman like Brooke.  He DOES deserve a harpy like Fauxdiloks though.

SC really comes alive in Liam's scenes with Sally.  He's clearly bored with Liam/Fauxdi and must have requested a new story line.

Bradley needs to take a bit of his profits and send his costume designer to fashion school.  Or maybe buy them a copy of Vogue.  Anything to give them a clue about what 'high fashion' or 'fashion forward' means.  The costume department always seems to go a bridge too far with Sally/Spectra.  I couldn't take my eyes off those 'bubble' on her straps.  And that muppet fur on an otherwise really nice dress was ridiculous.

Brooke had a very special moment when she told $Bill that she wanted to be 'adored'.  That's the key to Brooke's character right there.

Any day without Sheila is a GOOD day!

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As I alluded to in an earlier post, I'm going to be a little stingy with my recaps and recap the shows I actually enjoy (or parts of them) but any and all things Sheila will be strictly FF material, which is a shame because I used to enjoy KB (and it's not her fault TPTB have gone so terribly wrong with the summer stunt casting) and it's a shame to miss out on the lovely JB, but I'm boycotting Sheila so that means boycotting recapping her scenes.

Since yesterday's show was blissfully Sheila-free, on with the recap:

Recap for Wed. 8/23/17:

We open at SP where Bill is asking Brooke how she feels about living on the top floor of Sky. I love Brooke's high-necked blouse, peach slacks and swept up hair. 


I'm with Brooke, it is way, way, WAY too high in the sky for me. 

Brooke: "And what about our garden and our pool and everything we have at home? No, thank you." Good for her. 

Bill says he just wants to offer her the best of everything first. 

Brooke humors him for a moment: "Oh. That's very sweet of you." She turns serious then. "You know that old saying. Don't count your chickens. Spectra is still standing." My sense is Brooke is fine with SF and is kind of over Bill and his stupid skyscraper.

Bill wants to see Jarrett before he heads over to SF for the "low-couture preview."

Brooke eyes him closely: "What are you plotting? Besides world domination." She's teasing here and I wish she would quit with the teasing and find out what he's up to. I know she tolerated a lot of Bill's interference with Lope back in the day but they weren't even a couple for most of that. They're married now and his shenanigans need to stop. I have to hope that Brooke would draw the line at lying about someone dying. Then again, it's Brooke.

Bill lies through his teeth: "Nothing."

Jarrett joins them as does Justin and I am always down to recap when Justin's on.

There is some banter about what constitutes libel vs slander within the context of Jarrett's upcoming review with Bill handwaving the outcome as an untouchable opinion. 

Liam interrupts to ask Jarrett if he's ready and shares, to Bill's annoyance, that he'll be joining him for the SF preview.

Bill: "And what part of 'exclusive' do you not understand?"

Liam: "I don't think Sally's gonna kick me out." I'd take that bet as I think Sally senses Liam is an ally.

Bill scoffs: "You buy your clothes at graysuit.com. You don't know anything about fashion. Jarrett's our fashion expert."


Liam: "Yes, I have learned a lot being his editor."

Jarrett: "He's been marvelous."

Bill: "You know what? You really make a beautiful couple, but I would just like a moment alone with my son." But Liam isn't about to let that happen and makes a beeline for the door, with Jarrett right on his heels.

Liam: "Ooh, sorry. No can do, Dad. You know how traffic is at this hour."

Jarrett smirks: "Time's a-wasting." 

Liam turns to look over his shoulder at a fuming, bested Bill: "That's right. But, uh, Jarrett and I will keep each other honest, and Sally Spectra will succeed or fail on her own merits. Okayloveyoubye!" and he and Jarrett are gone. I just loved SC here.


Bill: "Are you kidding me?!"


Brooke has a small smile to herself, then tells Bill that Liam means well. 

Bill grouses: "That's the problem."

There's a dumb, pointless faux-argument between them about "Sky" but it ends with them kissing and while the shine has worn off these newlyweds, I still enjoy seeing Brill together. I just wish Bill weren't being such a damn horse's ass.

Later, Bill is antsy: "Why isn't Jarrett texting me?" Has he even had time to get there yet?

Brooke: "Don't you think he's probably watching the preview?"

Bill: "How about Liam, then?"

Brooke: "What will be will be." She's exactly right. Try as he might, Bill cannot control everything.

Bill: "Oh, I love you to death, but I hate that philosophy."

Brooke, humoring him: "Yes, dear." Bill watches her as she starts to head for the door.

Bill: "What are you doing?"

Brooke: "I do have a job of my own."

Bill: "In my hour of need?"

Brooke laughs and utters the line of the day, if not the year, "I hate to break it to you, but every hour is your hour of need." Truer words have not been spoken.

Bill pulls a face. She has him dead to rights. He admits, "All right, well, wait a second now. I thought women loved being needed."

Brooke: "Honestly, I could take it or leave it. But I do love being adored."

Bill: "Adored?"

He senses an opening and moves to kiss her and delay her departure, with her telling him she guesses she can stick around for another 15 minutes. 


Bill talks about setting up a date night and Brooke says, with wicked eyes, "Isn't that what we do every single night?"


They're in the middle of those discussions and some more kissing when Justin comes back in. 

Brooke laughs at Bill's expression.

Bill: "You know, he's nice looking, but it's not exactly the same thing." Even Bill acknowledges the yumminess of Justin.

Brooke assures Justin she was already on her way out and heads out.

Over at SF, Sally, looking gorgeous in a red blouse, black skirt, her flame-colored hair artfully arranged, tells a disappointed Shirley that Thomas won't be making a surprise appearance to help out.


Sally's nervousness shows when she frets over an issue with one of the gowns but Shirley gives her a pep talk as does Darlita. 

Shirley: "Oh, now you stop it right this minute. This is the best work you have ever done! You are about to be a fashion force in this town." Tell her, Grams!

Sally: "Barring another sucker punch from Spencer." She goes behind a screen and changes for some reason and I far preferred her other outfit to the white silk with suspenders and weird asymmetrical pencil skirt she changes to. 


Jarrett and Liam arrive a few moments later.

Darlita is all smiles, "Welcome. We're so happy to see you."


Sally: "Well, if it isn't the spawn of Sat-"

Liam grins: "Satan? Yeah, that's cool. People often mistake my father for the Prince of Darkness." Him included. He turns serious: "So, I mean, is it cool that I'm here, or...."

Shirley: "It depends."


Liam: "On?" I think it's obvious, Liam.

Shirley: "Your intentions." Shirley eyes him closely while Sally tries to defuse any tension by having Darlita pour some champagne.

She pulls Liam aside, who admires her outfit (I think he's being polite here) and then notices Darlita and Jarrett getting on. 


Sally: "Darlita likes everybody. Actually, to be honest with you, I think she falls in love with everybody. So just please be nice. You know what?"

Liam: "Hmm?"

Sally: "I'm thinking you're a really good guy."

Liam is surprised at this: "Intermittently."

Sally: "You're here as a witness."

Liam: "Is foul play about to ensue?"

Sally: "Well, that's what you're here to prevent, because you can stick up to your dad, but Jarrett can't."

Liam: "Well, I do believe we owe you a fairer shake than you got last time."

She offers him some champagne, which he declines (lame), and he notices the bottle of kombucha on Thomas' drafting table. Sally reveals it's Thomas's and isn't sure whether to stock up again or not.

Liam swallows the lump of guilt in his throat, asking if she misses him. Um, duh.

Sally deflects, saying she needs to check on her models, then readies to start the show, advising Jarrett and Liam that it's just a preview, not the full enchilada. She also clarifies that all of the designs they're about to see are her's.

Darlita starts the music and the first model comes out and Jarrett seems to like what he sees as Liam glances askance at him.


I like the fashions as well and the models are absolutely gorgeous. It's too bad FC's Sasha couldn't be one of them.




Some sparks fly out from the wall where the boombox is plugged in but no one notices.

Jarrett, to Liam, on the black and floral gown: "This I LOVE!" Liam looks very impressed. 

The preview ends with both of them applauding and Sally looks genuinely touched.

Sally: "Thank you guys so much for being a great audience. We hope you enjoyed what you saw."

Liam: "Yeah, I think-- Can I say this?" He turns to Jarrett, who smiles in agreement: "You got something here."

Sally: "And by something, you mean..."

Liam: "I mean, I don't know if the Forrester clientele would go for it, but a lot of women would." This woman would.

Jarrett: "I concur. And not just because he is the boss's son."

Sally: "I am so grateful you guys can see past Spectra's old reputation of being a low-rent, run-down, shabby operation." And also see that she has the chops to do this on her own.

Just then, the sparks from the outlet take flame.


Liam literally goes into Captain Save-a-Ho and asks Sally for the extinguisher and works to quickly put out the flames.


She thanks him and it's interesting how unruffled she is. Fauxdi would have run screeching from the building, holding her precious extensions.

Sally says she'll get with the electrician whenever she can afford one and I agree that CJ is the landlord and needs to step it up.

Shirley asks if they approved, notwithstanding the impromptu fireworks. 

Jarrett is coy: "Hard to judge from a preview when obviously you're putting your best foot forward."

Shirley counters: "Honey, we haven't even begun to put our best foot forward."

Sally: "It's true. It's true. This was just a tease. We decided to put our best stuff out for the actual fashion show."

Liam steps away to give Bill an update.


Bill: "Finally. What's the word?"

Liam: "Uh, well, the preview just ended. You're not gonna like it."

Bill is steamed: "Put Jarrett on."

Liam refuses, telling his father he's chumming it up with Shirley, then, he really lowers the boom: "Listen, the work was good, Dad. It had polish and guts and wit."

Bill is incensed: "Dimwit! You can't sell wit, Liam!"

Liam: "I'm trying to break it gently to you. Spectra fashions is not going anywhere. They're staying in business." Bill hangs up then as Sally walks up, having caught the tail end of the conversation.

Sally, guarded: "Do I really not have to worry about your father writing another review?"

Liam tries to put her at ease: "I think at this point he knows he would only embarrass himself."

Sally: "Well, and me."

Liam: "Uh, yeah. He's... he's not a bad guy." At Sally's AYFKM look: "He just -- okay, he's a bad guy, but he's... he's my dad, you know?"

Sally, nods, perhaps thinking of her own parents, "I get that." And then she says this looking utterly guileless and adorable: "Do you ever just love people? You know, you're in a room with people that drive you crazy all the time, and life is life, and that's all you have, and the sky is beautiful and the building is not burning down and you just love them?" And how amazing it is to see such joy and such hope and such happiness when she's had to claw and scratch her way into finding a little piece of something for herself. To have been handed shit sandwich after shit sandwich and still find a reason to smile. She should be so very jaded but she's not. She wants to see the good in life, the good in people, no matter what. 


And contrast that with Fauxdi, who's had the world on a string since the day she was born and what a bitter bitch she is, particularly when things don't go her way. 

Liam is in awe, watching her, seeing her in a new light, and smiles, confiding: "Yeah, I, uh... yeah, I think I do know what that's like."


Watching them in this briefest of moments, oh my, I could easily be caught up in Lally and you all know I'm not typically fickle when it comes to my 'ships (look how long I held onto hope for Brill?) I still love Tally like I haven't loved a couple since Brill but there is most definitely something happening there...just under the surface and who could have imagined? I like what I'm seeing even if that does create waves for Tally as Thomas will no doubt learn the truth and return, but I'm enjoying it - whether it's Lally the friendship or Lally the 'ship 'ship. And how natural and unforced and organic vs the hamfisted Watie (which is mostly HT). 

They laugh and share a smile.

At SP, Justin shares that their demolition guy has an opening the week after next.

Bill: "First, I need something to demolish."

Justin: "You were pretty sure that that wouldn't be a problem." I think even he, Bill's ride or die, is over him at this point.


Bill: "It won't. Of course it won't." Oh, I bet it will be but what lengths will you go to, Bill? I shudder to think.


He insists he'll wipe Spectra off the face of the earth and seriously? SF could set up shop elsewhere. I think someone needs to check for a screw loose in $ Bill's head. Or put the needle on the record because I am beyond bored with the skyscraper.

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Thanks for the recap, @CountryGirl; it was great as usual!  I like that you highlighted that special moment between Liam and Sally; it was really lovely and definitely 'something'.  I don't know if it's going to lead to a romance but I think Sally is reminding Liam of the person he used to be before Fauxdi sunk her claws in him.  Maybe he was even remembering Hope and how high on life they both were once upon a time. 

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42 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Sally, nods, perhaps thinking of her own parents, "I get that." And then she says this looking utterly guileless and adorable: "Do you ever just love people? You know, you're in a room with people that drive you crazy all the time, and life is life, and that's all you have, and the sky is beautiful and the building is not burning down and you just love them?"

...and here's our not so subtle foreshadowing.

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56 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Bill: "What are you doing?"

Brooke: "I do have a job of my own."

Bill: "In my hour of need?"

Brooke laughs and utters the line of the day, if not the year, "I hate to break it to you, but every hour is your hour of need." Truer words have not been spoken.

Bill pulls a face. She has him dead to rights. He admits, "All right, well, wait a second now. I thought women loved being needed."

Brooke: "Honestly, I could take it or leave it. But I do love being adored."

Bill: "Adored?"

He senses an opening and moves to kiss her and delay her departure, with her telling him she guesses she can stick around for another 15 minutes. 



CountryGirl, your awesome recaps have been sorely missed!  

I have to admit that the above dialogue between Brooke and Bill had me laughing because it totally gets both of them.  I didn't realize how needy and time-consuming being married to Bill could be.   I also have to wonder at some point if Brooke will remember how her own life had been continuously upended by fake medical crises and Crypt Mistresses returning from the dead.  I certainly hope so when the inevitable shit hits the fan.

Does the board of directors of SP have something resembling the 25th Amendment?  The company has a CEO who has lost his ever-loving mind and he should be thoroughly tested and sidelined.  Since Bill always touted Brooke's acumen when she took over Forrester Creations, I would love it if his words came back to bite him on the butt and she took over the company and ran it herself while Bill seethes about losing "Sky."

Admittedly, I enjoy Sally and Lame together, but would prefer that they be friends and confidantes, which should set Stuffy's weave on fire.

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Holy Craptacular Chem Testing Batman! I think Bradley Bell is attempting to tip the balance of the universe with his evil little pen!

Is the bottom getting ready to fall from under Bill’s world?

Could this be the end of Bill’s villainous villainy?

Will he and the Dark Princess ride off into eternal hell?

Or will they consummate their turgid darkness by cluster fucking SKY?

Yes, as many of you have speculated, I see chem testing going on, although none was really needed with the Evil Twins, but Sally and Liam? I am shocked to find I like them together. As much as I love Sally/Thomas, their connection feels entirely different. Of course I can’t discount my glee at the thought of Puffy’s face cracking, like all over, if Liam left her sorry ass for that “Trash from the Valley”.

Fuck Sheila. Tell her to go away.

So, Wyatt finally got to deliver some meat. And again, I am shocked to say, I liked it. All of it. Watching Katie with Ridge nearly made me barf, watching her with Bill just made me mad, but watching her with Wyatt was hot. And sexy. Although at one point there I thought Wyatt’s Spencer Sword was going to impale Katie in the throat.

Fuck Sheila. Tell her to go away.  

As much as I hate this Sheila SL, I must admit it was all kinds of awesome having her, Brooke and James in the same room again. And I detected some of Brooke’s old fierceness; God, how I miss her, my vibrant, feisty Slut from the Valley.

Fuck Sheila. Tell her to go away.

Steffy is a horrible, hollow person. She is also a liar. I hate her. So Much. I hope Liam realizes what she really is and dumps her rotten ass for Sally.

Fuck Sheila. Tell her to go away.

Bill is fixin to lose everything he cares about. He has put Liam at a crossroads, and has made the mistake of trying to tamp down his hero tendencies. That is sort of like trying to plug a volcano; all that pent up lava is going to come spewing out, and I suspect there will be a lot of venom in it for dear ole dad. Wyatt is busy cutting ties with dad by giving Katie some of his own Spencer meat, and I don’t think Billy Bad is gonna cotton to that too much. Then there is Brooke. Oh my goodness. I don’t think it will be any one thing, just a culmination of everything. Lies, deceit, treachery. And last but not least Sky. I don’t see Bill getting to build his Phallic Tower because there is no way Spectra is going to fail with Liam on the case.

Check. Check. Check. Check. Bill is going down. Good. About time and long overdue.

Fuck Sheila. Tell her to go away.

Eric, Eric, Eric. The stupidity is raining down man. You bring in James? You know that Sheila can manipulate him, just like she is manipulating you. Too weak to get out of bed? Huh. She sure can run to her phone for a few rounds of Candy Crush whenever Eric leaves the room. James needs to give her some “pills” and not the kind that cures all ills. I say kill the bitch.

Fuck Sheila. Tell her to go away.

OMG! OMG! OMG! Sally and Brooke have been looking smashing this past week. Sally was rocking that polka dot affair and black gauzy number last week, and yesterday the red? And her hair! Loving it. And Brooke was an absolute vision with Bill yesterday.

Steffy looked more plastic than ever with Bill. Has she had something else done? Her face looked so round and hard.

Justin, and on consecutive days! I say let him and Brooke have at it once Brill implodes. Talk about some beautiful swirl.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I actually like most of Sally's wardrobe.  It's supposed to be quirky, kooky & not quite making sense, like Sally (Her wardrobe is probably one of the most expensive on the show).   Sally's main problem is she pairs 2 kooky items together instead of having 1 kooky item with one classic item.  If she hadn't worn the bubble strap shirt with the ruffly skirt it would've looked ok.  For example, I loved the gingham dress she had on the other day but not with the necklace she paired with it.

I also like Ivy, Quinn & Brooke's wardrobes too.

Edited by drivethroo
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20 hours ago, RuntheTable said:


So, Wyatt finally got to deliver some meat. And again, I am shocked to say, I liked it. All of it. Watching Katie with Ridge nearly made me barf, watching her with Bill just made me mad, but watching her with Wyatt was hot. And sexy. Although at one point there I thought Wyatt’s Spencer Sword was going to impale Katie in the throat.


If I can't get the wine stain out of my rug, I'm sending you a bill for a new rug, RuntheTable!  But, this is what happens when one is sipping wine, reading a review again and seeing that gem above.  It took me a moment to get what you were saying.  But, that's what I get for having my mind in the gutter!

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Recap for Thurs. 8/24/17:

Another Sheila-free day...

We open at FC, where Brooke, Fauxdi, and do my eyes deceive me - it is - Ivy, are sitting at a conference table in the CEO office.

Brooke reviews that Jarrett and Liam liked Sally's preview, but Bill, not so much.

Steffy snots: "I don't care what sally sends down the runway, as long as it's not our designs."


Brooke tells them she created the collection all by herself, which gets Ivy's attention.

Brooke tells her he's still in New York with Caroline. 

Ivy: "And he's not coming back for the Spectra showing?"

Steffy: "Mm, I doubt it. He's focused on his family right now." Because he's been emotionally blackmailed and lied to.

Brooke: "No one can fault him for that."

Ivy: "I know. It's just it's weird timing, that's all. Things are finally getting off the ground for spectra, and he seemed really excited about it, so...what? Did something happen?" If anyone can smell a rat, it's Ivy.

Later, Steffy checks to see if the review is up - it isn't. She reasons that Liam will make sure that whatever Jarrett posts, it's the truth.

They discuss whether she would go to the show with Liam, if Sally invites him.

Steffy, sarcastic: "Oh, yeah. Totally go. I'm sure Sally would just love that. She'd probably put me, like, front row." Actually, I think Sally would welcome the chance to prove Steffy wrong.

Ivy: "We'll take that as a 'no.'"

Steffy: "No, I'm not gonna slam Sally for wanting to have a successful business. And if she can do it on her own without resorting to criminal behavior, then... I'll be impressed. We're always gonna have issues. I'm not gonna forget what she's done to Forrester Creations. But, you know, she's had a lot of obstacles thrown her way." Big of her...and how easy for her to be magnanimous when she knows good and well why Thomas left SF in the lurch and had a hand (and continues to have a hand) in it.

Brooke: "And she created those herself." Stealing FC designs, sure, but Brooke is conveniently forgetting what drove Sally to that. Wrong is wrong, but Bill set the theft in motion with his fake review.

Steffy: "Yeah, for sure. But, uh, not all of them. She's definitely fighting an uphill battle. You can't ignore her tenacity. And no matter what happens, Sally Spectra doesn't give up." And doesn't your hubby just admire that about her?

Over at SF, Shirley tells Sally to quit tinkering with the designs for the show because Saul will lose her mind if she changes one more thing.

Sally: "I'm not gonna do that, grams. Jarrett liked these designs just the way they are."

Shirley: "He did. I am so proud of you."

Sally: "Thanks. Well, I didn't do it all myself."

Shirley: "Hey. Mr. Muscles had nothing to do with this collection. You did."

Sally: "Well, we still have a long way to go, but I'm starting to think that we can actually do this." Yes, you can, Sally. I guess the silver lining to the Carowhine lie is that Sally realized she could do this all on her own.

Sally is a realist and knows they need a lot more than one good review to get SF where it needs to be.

Sally: "Well, it is not happening like I thought it was going to. But we're doing it right. No tricks, no stunts. And maybe Steffy and her father-in-law can finally see that I am committed to making Spectra a successful fashion house. A legit one." Who cares what they think?

Ralph Mouth, I mean, Pete the handyman, shows up to take a look at the outlet where flames broke out earlier. He quickly announces that the entire building needs rewiring and that's not going to happen until after the show and the orders come in. Darlita expresses concern that nothing's fixed.


Sally: "No. No, but we can't worry about that, okay? We have to focus on the showing. That is how we're gonna fix this building and rebuild Spectra's reputation. Thomas is not here to help us, okay, but he at least put us on the right course. Our hard work is finally paying off. Liam said it. We have something. Once the world sees that, then we're gonna be able to take this building, update it, rewire it, and outfit it with the latest technology. We have a future in this business. Spectra Fashions is here to stay."

Not if Bill has anything to say about it.

Speaking of, over at SP, Bill is fired up about Jarrett's view that Sally's line is going to be a hit, even more so when he sees that Liam is clearly in agreement.

Bill: "Then we'll do something about that."

Liam: "No. You've done enough. Give Sally a chance to make her mark." Liam should know his father doesn't give anyone anything ever.

Bill: "Obviously I haven't done enough. Spectra Fashions is still in business."

Liam: "If the collection's as good as the preview, they're gonna be in business a long time." He's almost gleeful and he's needs to tread carefully here.

Justin scoffs: "Sally designed them herself. How good could it be?"

Jarrett: "Well, it was alluring, innovative. Dare I say..." He shares a grin with Liam. "...electrifying." Liam laughs. "Literally."

Bill is not amused: "What the hell is that? A little inside joke between you two lovebirds? Is there anything about my demeanor that indicates that I'm in a laughing mood, Jarrett?"

Jarrett: "There was an electrical fire during the preview." Why he feels the need to share this, I don't know.

Liam: "Yeah, Dad. There was a short in the socket."

Jarrett: "But your quick-thinking son grabbed an extinguisher. Put it right out."

Bill shakes his head: "So once again Spectra Fashions avoids disaster."

Jarrett exits a few moments later, presumably to write a glowing review.

Bill snarkily asks Liam if he wants to help him write said review but Liam, confident, says Jarrett is just fine by himself.

Bill warns: "I don't have to print it."

Liam counters: "No, I know. But you will."

Bill looks at Justin: "Does your son talk to you like that, Justin?" Mushmouth? Hardly.

Liam: "I hope he doesn't have to. It's a pain in the ass being your conscience. All the lying and scheming. By the way, do you know what he told Thomas about Caroline?" C'mon, Liam, you know Bill's ride or die totally knows.

Bill: "That subject is off-limits. You want to talk about the preview, fine."

Liam: "No! I want to tell Thomas the truth, that Caroline is NOT dying. She's not even sick. And if that's the reason he's in New York, it shouldn't-"

Bill: "If that were the only reason, then you'd be right. It would've been a mistake sending him. But if that time has given Caroline and Thomas an opportunity to reconnect, if he's being a better father to Douglas, then I have nothing to feel bad about, and neither do you." He will justify anything.

Liam calls him out: "You didn't do this for Caroline and Douglas."

Justin even agrees: "He's got you there, Bill."

Bill scoffs at this: "He's got nothing. I killed two birds with one stone. Everything I've accomplished is because I go after what I want. And you get to enjoy the spoils of it. So I have absolutely nothing to apologize for." I wish Liam would tell Bill to take his $$$ and fuck off as he did just fine before when he was still Liam Cooper.

Liam: "Dad, I am telling you, this line is not gonna tank. The company really can take off." Don't waste your breath, Liam.

Bill: "Then if that happens, I will have done what I could. I'm a big boy. I've been doing this a long time. And not every investment pays off."

That should have Liam's Spencey senses tingling. Wyatt's would be. Don't fall for this crap. 

Bill: "I'm saying that if caroline suddenly gets better, Thomas can do whatever he wants to do. Make up his own mind."

Liam: "And if Sally's collection is a success?"

Bill: "Should that happen, and Thomas finds his way back to her, I will wish them well."

Liam: "You will?" Why the charade? We all know he's lying through his pearly whites.

Bill: "What can I do, Liam? One negative post from Jarrett and that would've canceled sally's show. But you stopped that from happening. You gave Sally another chance. My hands are tied." The only way $ Bill's hands will ever be tied if if Brooke is the one doing the tying...in their bedroom.

Liam: "I mean, no matter what happens?"

Bill: "I'll deal with it."

Liam exhales slowly: "I really want to believe you, dad. I really do." Believing in $ Bill to do the right thing is like believing Fauxdi's hair is real.

Bill: "Believe it. Now, I think I pay you to do something around here, so how about you get to work?"

Liam leaves and what was the whole point of that conversation? For Bill to go on record with Liam that he's lying his ass off? Particularly when all signs point to sabotage from Bill or so folks will think when the inevitable fire breaks out. 

Justin turns his laser eyes on Bill, his trademark eyebrow raise in full force: "If Sally's a success, you'll wish her well. You meant that?"

Bill: "Hell no." Finally, honesty.


Justin attempts to get Bill to consider another property to build his precious Sky.

Bill: "No. Just because I haven't come up with a solution doesn't mean that one doesn't exist. So come on! Get thinking, Justin. Give me ideas. I don't care how crazy they are. Just give me something. Anything to create a spark." 

Justin: "A spark... a spark is dangerous, bill. Just ask Liam. He put out the fire at the Spectra building today." Oh, you are so witty and sly, show...[insert eyeroll here].

Bill lights up: "I could kiss you right now. Electrical issues. Now that's something I hadn't thought of." 

We have a quick scene of Fauxdi and Liam canoodling right in the open doorway of her office. Real professional, folks.

She's skeptical when he tells her that Bill isn't going to interfere. Clearly, she knows Bill a lot better. One might say, intimately.

Liam remarks how Sally is doing this all on her own.

Steffy: "As she should. I don't have a problem with competition. And I don't have a problem with Sally. As long as she's not stealing our designs or using my brother to prop up her company. I just can't forget about all the things she's done to us." Besides stealing the designs, what else has she done, really? And I'd counter that lying to her key business partner and co-lead designer to get him to leave town is pretty darn close to some sort of corporate sabotage. Apples to sour apples, I guess.


Liam: "Yeah, that wasn't cool." But you can tell he's thinking less about Sally's past and more about her future. Much to Steffy's chagrin, he adds: "Still kind of rooting for her, though. Is that weird?"

Steffy has this weird annoying wittle voice as she says: "That's what you do. You're rooting for the little guy." Oh stop with the Rich Bitch of the Manor act.

Back at SP, Bill is admiring Sky. Again. He calls Spectra "a dump."

Justin: "Jarrett liked them. Thinks Sally has talent."

Bill: "Nobody's ever gonna see it. That fashion show isn't going to happen. I've put off my dream for long enough. I'm going to build a structure, an iconic structure, that will grace the LA skyline, and change it forever. It'll be a place of business that will employ thousands and generate billions in revenue. Spectra Fashions is gonna stand in the way of that? Are you kidding me? That building is practically falling down on its own. Hell, it was vacant until Sally and her band of bozos moved in."

Justin: "Yeah, it definitely has its issues."

Bill: "And I've waited long enough. By this time next week, I'm gonna be standing in that empty lot with a photographer and a gold-plated shovel. You know what needs to be done, Justin."

Justin: "Oh. I know, $ Bill." Justin disappoints me and I'd still like to know the backstory here. Did Bill save his life or something?

I just can't fathom his willingness to commit arson, at the least, and possibly attempted murder or worse...

This storyline grows worse by the day. The only saving grace? Sheila's not in it.

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Thanks for the awesome recap, CountryGirl!

Don't even get me started on the enablers of, and cowardly collaborators, in Bill's outrageous behavior.  As much as Bill should be dragged and read for filth, so should those who knowingly aided, abetted, enabled and concealed his lies about Carowhine and this latest scheme to help him build his monument to himself.

Yesterday's show was a reminder of how people can easily talk themselves into believing anything when they instinctively know better.  I believe yesterday was the first time I heard Bill make the argument that the new skyscraper would create jobs for many people, as well as billions in profits.  If that was the real goal, why are we just hearing about it now?  Or, maybe I missed it in previous episodes.  The question was asked yesterday by several viewers if Justin would kill his own mother or engage in a certain self-gratifying sexual act that I can't mention here if Bill told him to.  I get it.  Bill is Justin's oldest friend but why should he once again put his bar license and personal freedom on the line?  Justin should have been exasperated that Bill ignored his sound advice to cut his losses and look elsewhere to build that damn skyscraper.  One of the hallmarks of a good lawyer--and friend--is the ability to tell the client and friend the truth especially when he has crossed several lines already.  A good friend should also be willing to put his neck out there and tell his friend, "NO!  You will NOT do that, and if you do, I'm out!"  Maybe Justin will surprise us all and actually call the building inspector to have the building shut down, but still...I agree he's a disappointment.

Then there's Lame, the Dudley Do Right wannabe.  The hand-wringing about Carowhine dying has gotten old.  He knows how his father operates.  Why in the name of all that is unholy would he take Bill's word for it that he will leave Spectra alone if Sally can have a successful showing?  If Lame was really serious, he would have told Carowhine the truth himself and willingly suffered whatever consequences came, including the loss of a job, the willingness to move out of the beach house he lives in rent free, among other financial rewards.  Then, we have that slattern that Lame is married to, who wants to put on a benevolent show.  She doesn't mind competition?  Since when?  Bitch minds it so much that she willingly accepted help from and conspired with her father-in-law (whom she wanted to bed) to get and hold onto Lame.  And, she's not above doing some manipulating on her own where Thomas is concerned.  Like Bill, she doesn't give a rat's patootey about Thomas and his little "fambly" with Carowhine.  It's all about winning over the "scrappy" gal from the wrong side of the tracks.  And, if it wasn't for her huzzzzbend's Cap'n Save-a-Ho tendencies, she would be with her twin sister.

I have to wonder if there is some videotape out there that JMW is holding over Brad Bell's head of him having sex with a goat or engaging in some other abhorrent behavior.  Otherwise, I will never understand why we hardly ever see AB onscreen and why the positively vile Stuffy is held up as something that every female should aspire to be.  

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Bill's obsession with this building really needs some context.  What better irrational motivation could there be than trying to best his (absentee, never-spoken-of) late father?  If his father had tried and failed to erect a monument to his own greatness, this would be an area where Bill could accomplish what his father didn't.  The fact that Bill was the forgotten child, only grudgingly accepted by his father (at some point, right?  Otherwise, how would he have inherited any interest in SP?) would provide all the fierce, irrational motivation for Bill to erect "Sky", his proof positive that he's a better businessman than his father.  This would explain a single-minded tunnel-vision that's so extreme it caused Bill to consider disowning Liam if he got in his way.  It would also help the audience sympathize with him.  A little.


As it is, Bill, apparently, is just a dick. 

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By the looks of it, the fire started because they used the faulty socket.  So does that mean Bill didn't start the fire?  If so, the investigation would prove that it was not arson.

Are they really going down this road so that Brooke will dump Bill and run back to Ridge?  Or better yet, Eric?

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I think the fire we saw at the end was $Bill's imagination.  It caught and spread too quickly to be a mere shorted socket.  The way it spread looked like some sort of accelerant,  Hence the reason I think Bill was imagining the scene.  I definitely think Show is going the Bill commits arson route,  Anyone catch what he and Justin were talking about with CJ let something lapse?  Possibly insurance?  

Is PF shooting movie that requires an unkempt beard and raggedy hair?  Because Thomas look like a homeless man today

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Justin did some investigation and determined that CJ let the insurance lapse on the Spectra building.  I think that Justin is soulless -- just like Bill. "Birds of a feather ... " and all that. Justin had no qualms about dragging the then Liam Cooper into his terrible scheme to make Steffy look like she was trashing Brooke in a video tribute that revealed Maskgate. He also didn't bat an eye at dumping Sludge out of a helicopter (to which I applauded.) I'm sure finding an arsonist in L.A. was just another day at the office for Justin.

I think that the fire started accidentally and whomever Justin unearthed to torch the place got bested by faulty wiring.  I know it looked like the fire spread to rapidly from just the shorted socket but I attribute that to just soap drama. The fires always burn fast and hot like that. It was too much of a coincidence that Sally and the crew had left temporarily for dinner.

I noticed that Sally mentioned emailing the designs to Thomas. Hopefully she sent him the entire collection. That means they have a back-up and Spectra will indeed, rise from the ashes!

I am noticing a pattern with $Bill. He likes to torment women half his age.  As they say, "Go pick on someone your own size."

Good grief! Did JMW have even more work done on her face? She looked particularly plastic today. That center part in her wig wasn't the least bit flattering, and the *hair* looked greasy. I didn't like her outfit either. The overall look was unkempt and pulled painful looking.

Poor Sally ...

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9 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I just can't fathom his willingness to commit arson, at the least, and possibly attempted murder or worse...

This storyline grows worse by the day. The only saving grace? Sheila's not in it.

Amen. Although if Bill does go through with thug behavior, I can see them roping Sheila in somehow so she can blackmail him over evidence of his crime and get money from him once Eric kicks her out.

At least Bill and Liam have a storyline that's business related, family dynamic related, and correctly uses their differing POVs in the story. Bill didn't get to where he is by having a conscience so it's a bit refreshing to see him get ruthless. Eric is like a nice old horny grandpa over at FC and isn't cut like the old school industrial business man shady characters of old. Bill is and it's nice he's showing those colors again.  It fits that he and Liam are bumping heads because Liam wants everyone to be happy and play fair and also wants his dad to simply BE better. To be someone he can admire, respect, AND love. He's always tried to play a kind of Jiminy Cricket on Bill's shoulder when Katie wasn't doing it and since Katie is no longer in the picture and Brooke is so far unconcerned about Bill's building obsession, it makes sense Liam is all up in this mess.

I really do think either Sally or Liam or both will be hurt as a result of whatever he and Justin cook up. You'd think Justin would learn from the last time of rolling Ridge out of the helicopter and nearly killing him that he'd nix anything remotely criminal that Bill wanted to do. I agree, we really need ot get Justin and Bill's backstory because Justin is really ride or die for him and Bill on many occasions talks about how Justin is family to him.

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1 hour ago, La di Diva said:

For the life of me, I cannot remember the backstory of $Bill and Bill Sr,  Would someone fill me in?

It was all off screen, but basically, Bill Jr was introduced as Bill Sr's bastard son from an illicit affair who came to chew bubble gum and kick Forrester add per his father's dying wish (and he was all out of gum :p).

I'm 90 percent sure the character was created because Don Diamont was unceremoniously fired from Y&R several months earlier but next to Nick Payne Marone, he's been one of the best additions to this show. The chemistry between him and HT makes me sad that they didn't do Brad/Victoria three years sooner.

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Took a break but now I'm back. Sally's wardrobe this week was fabulous. She and Liam have great chemistry. Chickenhead and Katie not so much. Puffy's face is puffy as usual. Gorgeous Ivy still has no story line as usual. Guess I didn't miss much.

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13 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I didn't see the episode, but I read a recap which said Bill got a text saying "It's done." 

He did get the text that it was done, but then we see the fire actually start from the faulty socket.  So the building beat the arsonist to the punch!  But Bill will assume it was on his direction.

Unless that was just a Bill fantasy scene.

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3 hours ago, bannana said:

He did get the text that it was done, but then we see the fire actually start from the faulty socket.  So the building beat the arsonist to the punch!  But Bill will assume it was on his direction.

Unless that was just a Bill fantasy scene.

Maybe the handyman was bribed to do something to the socket to make it blow again.

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I had the same thought. There was something definitely sinister about that handyman. Where did he come from? Craig's list? Spectra obviously wouldn't have a maintenance person on staff.

I wondered something the other day when Sally was lamenting about being unable to afford an electrician. Since we are supposed to believe that Sally 1.0 is alive and well and is on a perpetual cruise, wouldn't she have money to help Sally out?  How can she afford to be living a life on luxury yachts and island hopping anyway? Before poor DC passed away, Sally was relegated to working as FC's receptionist (pre-Pam/Donna desk divided days) because she was destitute. Of course, none of us are supposed to be smart enough to question -- not to mention-- even remember, those pesky little details.  How did CJ end up owning that building anyway? Also, didn't he own the building that housed Dayzee's cafe'?

When Bill asked Justin about his son the other day, I'd completely forgotten about Mushmouth. (Not that I needed to be reminded.)

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