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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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13 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

He gives her a look that says, "So fucking what?" and yanks the phone back. He walks a few steps away, his back toward her, while she stares, probably wondering how in the hell she ever found him attractive.

To be fair, it wasn't attraction that got Katie's attention for what was the second worst pairing ever conceived for Ridge.

Im taking the piss here, but I can't argue with a word of what she said. Especially the way he continues to use RJ as a weapon for his own ends, which is the one post Moss change to the show I really have not cared for. Between this, his attitude towards Steffy and their CEO position and taking upon himself to hide Douglas's paternity, Ridge is a horrendously shitty father but he didn't use to be this inept. Damn, remember the time Ridge encouraged Hope to let first-time newlywed Steam stay for thanksgiving in 2011 and we thought that was rubbish? Man, can this Ridge get on that level?

Can this be Heather Tom's Emmy submission for next year? I mean, we know she'll get nominated anyway, but this was a tour de force.

13 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Thomas: "No, no, no - that's enough for today." He reaches for her hand. "Sally Spectra...you're one of a kind. I hope that Sydney was just the beginning for us." Sally's heart skips a beat. They share smiles

Once again to TPTB who are reading this, can I say thank you for giving us viewers an actual, honest-to-god attempt at a true romance? 

Eric/Quinn worked because of the actors, but their very beginnings felt like a complete and total asspull, a last ditch effort to Adam Newman the bejesus outta Quinn after Captive Cabin and Adam, so we didn't get to see the build up...thy were just there one day. Even before the Caroline stuff, Thomas floated in limbo, which was odd for the first born child of the show's main romantic lead. And we've all written volumes about the vacuous black hole that was Steffy/Liam/Hope and the big ball of nothing that's been (and continues to be, but nowhere near where it was in 2012 where poor KM had to have been on Show every day for weeks on end), which is Shakespeare compared to Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzende and Princess Elsa (SERIOUSLY. GET OFF MY LAWN SHOW YOU ANNOYING BRATS).

So yeah, an actual love story with build up and genuine happiness we can see without needing to pontificate about, everyone who was at Steam's wedding, all two of you *cough*, is welcomed.

I'm still not on the Brill wagon but I'm glad for Brooke that she realized she'd made a huge mistake leaving him for Ridge's sorry ass. I hope they will finally, finally be allowed to be a real couple now.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Holy fuckity fuck! I'm just watching the 3-27 episode - and the credits!!!!!!!!! They brought back the "real" credits with new cast photos and a slightly jazzy version of the theme. I love it! I hope they keep this version. I hated - fucking hated with the heat of a thousand suns - that hideous giant head in the sunglasses in the previous credits. I hope I never have to see that monster head again. I would always try to avert my eyes lest I'd have my viewing experience marred by the sight of that monstrosity.

I have to admit that now that Y&R is good again I started watching it again. So what precious time I have on the weekends to watch has been consumed with Y&R. I've been averaging 2 eps of B&B a week. And honestly, I had no desire whatsoever to see Puffy & Waffles get married again. Now that they've done it in Australia, I hope their next wedding is on the moon. Complete with an MTV flag. That one I'd tune in for.

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WOW! That last scene yesterday. Bill's face was just priceless. The closed eyes and then looking to the heavens. I had to rewind and watch three times. Brooke's face -- OMG and the way she contentedly closed her eyes* as she rested her head on Bill's shoulder. Everything was so spell-binding. LOVED! LOVED! LOVED!

Yes. Reading Ridge for filth should be HT's Emmy reel submissions. I had to re-watch that one, too. My downstairs neighbor probably thought I was crazy to hear me clapping and cheering.

Yes. There were many shades of hypocrisy all around but Ridge had it coming from both ladies' barrels.  Afterwards, I applied Katie's smackdown in a broader sense -- going all the way back to Caroline 1.0.

*KKL's eye makeup was just gorgeous in those peachy golden shades that are so popular this spring. I would have loved to have seen tighter closeups indoors to seen how her green eyes surely popped.

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15 hours ago, Ryan Chamberlain said:

How old is Coco (LOL. Her name reminds me of Conan O'Brien) supposed to be anyways?

The same age as Nicole, meaning the writers don't know yet so we have to wait til they figure it out.

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

*KKL's eye makeup was just gorgeous in those peachy golden shades that are so popular this spring. I would have loved to have seen tighter closeups indoors to seen how her green eyes surely popped.

I meant to post something about how luminous KKL looked.  Bright sunlight isn't usually very kind to fair-skinned people of a certain age (something I know all too well).  

The scene with Brooke and Bill was the most romantic thing I've seen onscreen in ages.

Edited by tessaray
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@CountryGirl, I can't thank you enough for your recaps.  This last one was EPIC.  Your recap was so exciting that even though I'd seen the episode, my heart was racing!

I'm not a Katie fan.  Never liked how the character refused to stand up to her husband, even when he tortured her niece and help ruin her life.  Katie never defended Brooke when Bill said some truly vile things about her.  I always had a feeling that one of the reasons that $Bill was so ugly about Brooke was because he was attracted to her and didn't want to admit it.  Katie probably felt the same way.  But I do have to say that I liked Katie on Friday.  She truly read Ridge for filth and it was a glorious thing.  However, we can't forget that Katie has a horse in this race.  She hates Quinn and wants Eric for herself.  So she's not completely innocent when she tries to convince Ridge that confession is good for the soul.

The scene between Katie and Ridge illustrated what a huge mistake tptb made when they hired TK to play Ridge Forrester.  As I've said before, Ronn Moss isn't a good actor but he has charm and he made it easy to forgive most of the vile things Ridge did.  That's probably why he and KKL worked so well together.  They WERE 'the bold and the beautiful'.  Gorgeous, selfish, self-obsessed, without a shred of introspection between the two of them.  They never MEANT to hurt anybody and were always surprised when they did.  TK's Ridge is vile.  TK is a better, smarter actor than Ronn Moss so it's hard to believe that he didn't know what he was doing.  TK doesn't have Moss' charm or his 'California-boy' looks.  In TK's hands, Ridge Forrester is a sociopath and it's very unpleasant to watch.

I am so angry that they put Ridge and Quinn together because I really liked Quinn and Eric.  It was nice to watch Quinn see Eric as more than just a 'good catch'.  Quinn was more vulnerable with Eric than she's ever been and you could tell she was happier than she'd ever been.  Even though Brooke has promised to keep what she saw a secret, we all know it's only a matter of time before Eric finds out.  Too many people know.  And when it happens, Quinn is the one who'll be destroyed.  She'll be the 'psycho' gold digger who tricked Eric into marrying her and then seduced his son.  It won't matter that she really loves Eric.  It won't matter that Ridge stalked her like she was prey.  Rick will get away with just a slap on the wrist and the woman will be destroyed.  As always.

The ending of Friday's episode is the reason people watch soap-operas.  It was simply magnificent.  I'm hoping those crazy kids get a chance at SOME happiness.  Maybe they should stay in Australia.  It's not like RJ needs taking care of; he's running Forrester Creations practically on his own.

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I find it laughable that of all the crimes Quinn has done its cheating on Eric with Ridge that has everyone in show up in arms. Really? 

Was Katie really staking out FC waiting to confront Ridge? And in the floor model room no less? And while she really read him for filth and had legit reason to since Brooke is her sister, she really did come across as a nosy nelly crossing over the line of protective sister to now you're being a judgemental busybody. And I'm all about being judgy (it can be a flaw, LOL) but Ridge did have the right -after she forced the reveal of lil Dougie and aired her grievances- to tell her to butt out and leave him the hell alone. 

Bill's thirstiness paid off. He didn't take any active move to break them up, just waited in the wings and 'fate' happened. The one good thing about the scene was that no words were needed. He knew what happened, she was sorry for picking Ridge over him, he took her in his arms and they were reunited. Well done.

Poor KKL had to walk through high winds in stacked heels with her hair and blouse whipping around her but walk she did! 

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2 hours ago, tricknasty said:

The same age as Nicole, meaning the writers don't know yet so we have to wait til they figure it out.

If it's any help, Coco said in a bonus scene that she though RJ was about her age. But that was just her estimate of course, and we don't know his age anyway...

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Wow, what a great week of B&B. Go Brooke! Such soapy goodness. I am so rooting for Brooke & $Bill. And I hope Eric never finds out, and that Quinn and Ridge cut it out.

Eric's haircut really flattered him. On the other hand Sally the 2nd had the stupidest hairstyle ever.

It's like it was 2 different shows this week, the show that Brooke was in and the show that Sally the 2nd was in. 

I'd love to see a side by side slideshow of the photos in the old credits and the photos in their places now in the new credits.

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So I see I am not the only one who was thrilled with this episode.

Katie & Ridge

This was by far the best scenes HT and TK have ever shared. Katie in her tight, gold studded, sleeveless white sweater, looking sexy as heck. The half lighting was perfect, adding an element of darkness and creepiness. And then there was the dialog. As many have already said; I usually want to stuff something in Katie's mouth, but not here. Her even keel delivery, cutting, but truthful remarks, and general air of disgust were perfectly played. I'm glad that she pulled in Ridge's entire history with Brooke, and wasn't basing her statements simply on this situation with Quinn. Katie was clearly the aggressor, and I think intimidated the hell out of Ridge, particularly when she grabbed his phone away and barked "well, your not gonna be able to put that off for much longer!" TK seems to be in his element when he needs to display anger and annoyance; the way he screws his face up, and that rough voice which goes up several octaves. He displayed this perfectly when Katie yelled "well, something had to happen!" and Ridge slapped his hands together and yelled "I kissed her. That's it!" And there you have it. The bottom line of what is so very, very wrong with this entire mess. It isn't so much that Ridge and Quinn have kissed, and been eyefucking for weeks; it is that Ridge doesn't see anything wrong with it. In his mind it is perfectly natural, and nothing out of the ordinary, for a man to kiss his stepmom, whether he is engaged himself or not. According to Ridge this whole thing is just no big deal, everyone needs to come back down to earth and carry on as normal. And here is a place I see big differences with TK's Ridge and RM's Ridge. Thorsten's version resonates with entitlement, and airs, and gentrified snobbery, but there is also an element of sleaze, and craftiness, and emotional disregard for anyone who gets in his way. Ronn's version resonated with an air of class, charm, and dignified entitlement, and never set out to hurt anyone. Just like Brooke followed her heart and didn't really mean to do it, Ridge followed Muther, and did it because she told him to, and usually had the grace to care that he had hurt someone. This Ridge is soooooo much easier to dislike.

Thomas & Sally

I just love them. I agree with others that it is high time the show's romantic lead's first born son has a decent storyline. The fact that it involves something from the shows roots makes it all the better. And clearly, Pierson is loving it and so it Courtney.


I have few words for Shirley; four to be exact: SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP.  What happened to that sweet, mild mannered, Southern ex-baker lady, who was allowing Sally to steer the ship? When did you morph into this wild eyed, flashy dressing bully? You not only want to turn your granddaughters into criminals, but you want them to feel worthless! You want them to feel like second class citizens. What kind of person are you? Now it appears the SL is going to be divide and conquer amongst the ranks of Spectra, with Saul teaming up with Shirley to sabotage Thomas and Sally. I am so not liking it. Another thing I am not liking is the revisionist writing about  Sally 1.0. Everyone seems to have forgotten that Sally and the Forrester's put it all aside and became fast friends in the end. Shirley's comment about how Sally fought for the Forrester's acceptance and never got it royally pissed me off. Even Eric is acting like Sally never worked at Forrester, and like he and Stephanie never called her when Stephanie was dying. It doesn't have to be this way. I appreciate Show throwing us the Spectra bone so much, but they didn't have to match and mirror every detail of the original SL. Draw on it's history for sure, but they had so many other ways to go with this that would have been fresher, and far more entertaining. I must admit that my full head of Spectra steam is about depleted.

Brooke & Bill 

What can you say about a group of scenes that didn't require a single word? KKL and DD were just fabulous, clearly telegraphing their feelings through looks and touches and VIBES. I had a case of the feels that had me giddy. It seemed so right; they just light each other up. I have only enjoyed a few of Brooke's romances; Connor (probably my favorite), Thorne (second favorite), Nick (third favorite), but this thing Brooke has with Bill is so different than any of them. Bill loves and appreciates Brooke in an entirely different way. He isn't threatened by her sexuality, or the way a room spins around when she enters. He isn't threatened by her past, or her successes or her failures. Bill loves her whole being, and he does so unconditionally. Although I was tired of hearing Bill's heartache over losing Brooke, and was tired of seeing him chase her, and pleading his case, it wasn't because they had changed him, or cut his balls off. It was because I felt so sorry for him. I think it is very telling when a man like Bill is willing to put his massive ego aside for a woman. His willingness to wait in the wings shows what he feels for Brooke is genuine and timeless. And I think Brooke is finally free to understand and accept that, and is discovering how real true love is supposed to feel. Brooke said goodbye to more than Ridge, said goodbye to more than Destiny, she said goodbye to what has guided her, what has shaped her life, and her every waking thought for nearly thirty years. Replaying everything back through her head, all the way back to the conversation she overheard about San Francisco, and how they explained it away to matching jewelry to her wedding gown. Then the party at Eric's, and then Katie's pleas, coupled with Ridge's laissez faire attitude about his actions, has shown her how easily Ridge has lied to her, and how he doesn't see that as any big deal. She understands now, that Ridge doesn't get that it isn't so much about what he did, but how he feels about how his actions hurt Brooke and made her feel. He is essentially saying he doesn't have any fucks to give about Brooke's thoughts on the matter. He kissed his father's wife, not once, but many times, and he has very mixed feelings about her, but Brooke is not to worry. He has it all under control now, and he won't kiss her or anybody else ever again. Even though he has lied to her face repeatedly, Brooke knows he won't do it anymore. But the most important thing Brooke, is that you cannot tell Eric. You don't want to hurt him that way. Right? Now, just stop with this nonsense, and we will get married tomorrow anywhere you like. We have to put our family back together; it is so important to RJ, and I know you don't want to let him down again. Right?

I am not sure if hate is even the proper descriptor for my feelings about Ridge. And to think this Asshat believes he is going to fix this?

Looks like Katie might have a thing or two or three to say about that:


Please Show, let Bill and Brooke have their love story now.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Adding my prayers to your's, @RuntheTable, that Bill and Brooke have a proper love story without Rumple Interruptus or anyone else (I'm looking at your, Slouchey) interfering.

Because what I saw on Friday proves how these two are so absolutely right for one another.

As I said in my recap, I was, at first, tired of Bill mooning over Brooke because the $ Bill I knew and loved wouldn't grovel like that. He'd had some dignity, some self-respect, but I was so wrong about that and him. Because he truly, deeply, selflessly loves Brooke, in a way no other man ever has, he gave his feelings more than just lip service, by looking at the definition of true love - putting aside your own ego for someone else's happiness. That's exactly what he did and in doing so, he showed her what real love looks like, what being with a real man looks like. 

Because a real man would stay and Bill stayed, even though the chips were down and he thought the die had been cast, her remarriage to the dressmaker a foregone conclusion. He told her that he would always, always be there, come what may. 

And I think somewhere, way deep down inside, he knew his sixth sense with Ridge was right, that he would do something to royally fuck things up, but it wasn't so much about this specific time as it was this was the straw that broke the camel's back for Brooke. The realization that he was never going to change. The realization that Brooke was loved the man she pretended him to be, the one she met at that party all those years ago where he was a girlish fantasy. Before she got to know the real him. 

Her finding him with Quinn made her finally believe what she didn't want to believe about him - that this who he really is. And for her to finally ask herself the question - was being the "good girl" and "doing the right thing?" worth sacrificing Bill and her very self in the process?

In a word. No. Not this time. Not any more. Not now (and borrowing from Kelly Clarkson's "Piece by Piece) when she no longer has to wonder her worth and has someone who will always put her first. 

To be sure, it should never have taken Brooke 30 years to realize this, but if anything, her actions show me it's never too late, for any of us. For her or for Bill. 

And that they can come out the other side, together, and all the stronger for it.

Also, as much as I want a Brill wedding yesterday, I am fine with them just enjoying being reunited and not racing to the altar. Because that's what would be expected and Ridge can assure himself she's not thinking clearly when nothing could be further than the truth. I am happy to watch them just BE and married or not, Ridge cannot touch what they have.

And because it makes me so happy to see this, here's the final clip from Friday's show:

This will never get old.



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14 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Also, as much as I want a Brill wedding yesterday, I am fine with them just enjoying being reunited and not racing to the altar. Because that's what would be expected and Ridge can assure himself she's not thinking clearly when nothing could be further than the truth. I am happy to watch them just BE and married or not, Ridge cannot touch what they have.

I would love to see them stay in Australia, spend some time alone, with no interference or interruptions. If they got married I wouldn't mind, because it would be private and romantic and sweet with just the two of them. For some reason, I don't want them to return to LA single. It scares me. What I imagine is Brooke and Bill reconnecting and spending quality time together, while all hell breaks loose back at home. Then, they can return married and happy, and untouched by the ugliness that is going on with R/Q/E/K. In any event. from the previews it looks like Katie might be leading that charge. 

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7 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I would love to see them stay in Australia, spend some time alone, with no interference or interruptions. If they got married I wouldn't mind, because it would be private and romantic and sweet with just the two of them. For some reason, I don't want them to return to LA single. It scares me. What I imagine is Brooke and Bill reconnecting and spending quality time together, while all hell breaks loose back at home. Then, they can return married and happy, and untouched by the ugliness that is going on with R/Q/E/K. In any event. from the previews it looks like Katie might be leading that charge. 

I would be fine with them getting married privately in Australia as well. I can't argue that the thought of Ridge trying to Stockholm Syndrome Brooke doesn't scare the hell out of me either.

It would be a great scene in a week or so, to have Rumple, realizing Brooke is back and working at FC,  ask to speak with her alone, thinking he can convince her to give him yet another chance. She's as happy and glowy as he's ever seen her and she tells him she doesn't really have time to chat. She's off to lunch...

There's a knock at the door and Bill enters.

"Ready to go, Mrs. Spencer?"

"Ready, Mr. Spencer."

She sashays past Ridge, eyes only for Bill, and it's only then that he sees she's wearing her sword engagement ring with a pave eternity band as well as a diamond-accented version of Bill's sword necklace.

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2 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

"Ready to go, Mrs. Spencer?"

"Ready, Mr. Spencer."

She sashays past Ridge, eyes only for Bill, and it's only then that he sees she's wearing her sword engagement ring with a pave eternity band as well as a diamond-accented version of Bill's sword necklace.


Love the Avatar too!

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I'm fine with Brooke and Bill not getting married immediately. They may have more history than Hope/Wyatt or Steffy/Liam in Aspen, but I don't want another "lets get married here when I was about to marry someone else" deal. That she's finally kicked Ridge to the curb for good (I hope! ) is gift enough for me, even if she didn't run to Bill. And if weaksauce Zende and Nicole got to have a full wedding with  friends...oh wait no one has those on this show family, complete with matriach photo, Brill deserves that, too.

There was an interview I saw on FB from Brad Bell where he mentioned a shoot in South Africa coming up this year. I'm gonna assume any Brill nuptials will be taking place in Johannesburg.

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1 minute ago, CountryGirl said:

A South African Brill wedding sounds fabulous to me. 

Can't believe I'm typing this, but Brill finally getting their wedding and marital bliss is something I'm looking forward to.

And damn, what's with the influx of cash for the B&B international production budget? Australia and now South Africa?

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Brooke and Bill getting married in SA sounds really awesome; but can they get there? I think Brooke will remain strong while she is away from Ridge, and safely encircled in Bill's arms and his love. But once they return to LA, to the house that Ridge bought her, that she shared with him, the house with so many memories. Then there will be RJ, and his questions and you just know he is going to be putting it on pretty strong to get mom to forgive dad for whatever he did. And we can't forget FC's, and Eric and Liam and Steffy with their questions, cause we all know Ridge isn't going to be forthcoming about his actions. I can only base my feelings on what I have seen, and what I have seen for nearly thirty years is Brooke caving to Ridge time and time again. It scares the heck out of me to see her come this far only to be pulled back into his web of lies and deceit. 

Something else I think would be pretty awesome, is now that Bill has Brooke back, we know he won't want her working at FCs. Maybe he could reconsider his stance with Sally, and encourage Brooke to help them rebuild? Maybe only as a sideline player or a consultant or just a backer? That would solve Sally's problem and help Brooke move on to something new that is still something she loves? 

Edited by RuntheTable
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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Can't believe I'm typing this, but Brill finally getting their wedding and marital bliss is something I'm looking forward to.

And damn, what's with the influx of cash for the B&B international production budget? Australia and now South Africa?

The show is insanely popular overseas, so most of these countries are happy to help them out. It would cost B&B a whole lot less to do these than, say, Y&R (whose last overseas on-location shoot in Paris took place at least nine years ago, IIRC).

That said, it seems like they've had more location shoots in the last few years than they did at the height of Show's popularity!

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Guys when you reply to a person's long post PLEASE don't quote their entire post in your replies. Try to thank people with the @ feature instead of feeling like you need to make sure to put their whole post in your reply.


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I found it bizarre that Eric was cornering Brooke for an explanation as to why she would not marry Ridge. Ridge and Quinn are also present for this interrogation. Since when does someone (anyone!) have to explain to a room full of people their exact reasons for deciding not to marry? It felt like bullying. And I will say it again. Katie needs to mind her own business!

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1 hour ago, Pickles said:

I found it bizarre that Eric was cornering Brooke for an explanation as to why she would not marry Ridge. Ridge and Quinn are also present for this interrogation. Since when does someone (anyone!) have to explain to a room full of people their exact reasons for deciding not to marry? It felt like bullying. And I will say it again. Katie needs to mind her own business!

Total word. I've only read a recap because the damn baseball opening day preempted the recording but I was completely offended on Brooke's behalf.

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11 hours ago, CountryGirl said:


Adding my prayers to your's, @RuntheTable, that Bill and Brooke have a proper love story without Rumple Interruptus or anyone else (I'm looking at your, Slouchey) interfering.

How does a man who's main pursuit is acquisition and possession love anyone?

I expect once $Bill and Brooke marry (because that's what $Bill has said is going to happen numerous times), that RJ will be the one to break them apart.

RJ wants no part of $Bill, and $Bill is totally dismissive of all of Brooke's children; he doesn't care about them, except when they thwart his carefully crafted arraignments, and then he goes about eliminating their influence or sidelining them. When Brooke's children get in the way of $Bill's plans, he makes them pay for it; see Hope, and Rick on being played and thrown under the bus by $Bill. RJ will be no different, except Brooke will be forced to look at the openly calculated and malicious side of $Bill and the damage done to her idiot son.

$Bill wants Brooke exclusively -- None of her children, Forrester family/business around to distract her from focusing all her energy and attention on him and his insatiable emotional poverty. RJ will be an obvious demand on Brooke's attention. $Bill will resent and eventually attack RJ for it. Brooke will be appalled and upset. $Bill will spin the incident expertly. Brooke will waver, but won't be able to ignore what she has seen no matter the excuses/promises/lies he tells her. A male get's between Brooke and her focus on $Bill, and $Bill must crush his perceived male competition utterly.

Brooke has chosen many times to disregard her children's well being while chasing her emotional and sexual fulfilment, but to be involved with a man who dismissed her as a pathetic slapper until he got a taste, who tormented and kept Hope from marrying Liam, who publically humiliated Rick and Eric in business and attempted to kill Ridge by dumping him out of a helicopter, is to be astonishingly blinkered and obtuse.

I'm not a fan of Ridge and Brooke. I have no illusions about them. TK has made clear in his acting choices that he's never been invested in KKL/Brooke, and TIIC are writing TK Ridge as an impotent putz with his lame concerns about putting their relationship back together.  

Speculation: After being question by Eric why she and Ridge did not marry in Sydney, I wouldn't be surprised if Brooke tells Eric that she's still in love with $Bill and couldn't marry Ridge. This is to avoid breaking her promise and to throw that last shovelful of truth in Ridge's face. 

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Same shit difference situation when Katie is involved. Puffing out her chest in moral turpitude first with Ridge having to tell Thomas that he has a son and now with Brooke having to tell Eric about Quinn and Ridge. In actually, Katie doesn't give a shit because it really doesn't effect her life. Well maybe in a play for Eric. When it comes to Katie, she can tell all the lies she wants and gets indignant when she is called out on them. Katie is one to talk about Brooke forgiving Ridge. How many times has Bill forgiven Katie?  

I don't see why Quinn just doesn't tell Eric that it was just a harmless flirtation. Kissing can be interpreted as cheating but what Brooke did to Eric was far worse and she was forgiven. Well maybe this is now and then is then and an older Eric won't forgive Quinn. I'm guessing Eric will not forgive Quinn because Katie will be in his ear and trying to get into his pants. I can see Katie just happening to find another soccer ball that she just has to bring over but this time wearing her fur coat with nothing underneath.  

I get a kick out of Maya and Rick acting all like they can give a shit about anything but themselves. 

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19 hours ago, radishcake said:

Guys when you reply to a person's long post PLEASE don't quote their entire post in your replies. Try to thank people with the @ feature instead of feeling like you need to make sure to put their whole post in your reply.


So how do you isolate a partial quote when replying?

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Recap for Mon. 4/3/17:

After Friday's epic Brill reunion and Ridge smackdown, expectations were high and the episode was just okay for me.

At FC, Quinn and Ridge are having a decidedly unnecessary, unprofessional, not related to business whatsoever conversation. So much for maintaining boundaries from here on out. The kimono-esque dress Quinn is wearing brings out her eyes but it does nothing for her figure. It's drowning her. Ridge apparently had too many shrimp on the barbie because there's no way that jacket is getting buttoned anytime soon.


Quinn whines to Ridge about whether Brooke will or won't tell Eric and Ridge is quick to reassure her.

That's when he reveals that Brooke isn't who they need to worry about. At Quinn's confused look, he drops the bomb that Katie is the real problem.

Ridge: "She knows."

Quinn, horrified, "How did she find out?"

Ridge does a lot of throat clearing here as Quinn's blue eyes pierce him like lasers, then finally admits, "I told her."

Quinn goes into full-on panic mode: "Katie HATES me and she'll go to Eric with this!" That's a pretty safe bet.

Maya, Rick, and Eric are in the studio, with Eric examining a purple gown on a mannequin. They are excited to have Eric back and want details on the weddings in Australia.

Eric dodges the plural aspect and raves about Liam and Steffy's wedding, showing them photos, including a really nice shot of him and Quinn.

Rick: "You look happy...I was wrong about Quinn." No, you weren't and trust, that hurts to defend Rick.

Maya throws Quinn an honest-to-goodness bone, saying that she can relate to Quinn feeling like an "outcast."

Eric: "I'm just amazed that I found a woman I can love and trust like Quinn." Ouch...

Rick and Maya are still awaiting details about Ridge and Brooke and their Aussie wedding.

Eric reveals that they did not get married after all and remarks on how upset they were. Clearly, Eric still doesn't know the details behind the nixed nuptials.

Rick remarks that they flew back to LA separately, then shows concern that a still-in-the-dark RJ will freak out. 

Eric: "I'm going to get to the bottom of it." He leaves - apparently to do exactly that. 

Alone in the studio, Rick and Maya discuss Quinn's new status in the family and he thinks his mother and Ridge could learn a lesson from Quinn. I think Brooke will pass on that.

Katie finds Brooke in the FC design office. She reveals that Ridge came clean about what happened. I love Brooke's navy and white suit and I like Katie's dressed-down look as well. Brooke's eye makeup is perfection.

Katie, cutting right to the chase, "I presume you intend to tell Eric."

Brooke admits, "The whole thing sickens me....but I promised not to tell Eric...as long as Ridge and Quinn stay away from each other."

Katie is floored. 


Brooke sighs, agonizing to Katie what the news will do to Eric and the family.

Katie is visibly pissed at this change of events and threatens Brooke, "If you don't tell him, I will."

Brooke, having gone through the emotional wringer in the past few days, is in no mood for threats and the sisters begin arguing.

Brooke: "You need to RESPECT my decision."

Katie: "Why are you protecting them?" And while I don't think Katie, whose motives aren't altruistic here, should be the one to tell Eric, she's not wrong that he deserves to know the truth. Ideally, from his wife or if not her, then Brooke. "Eric would be furious at us for keeping them from him." She's not wrong here either.

The wheels turning, she looks at Brooke closely, then tells Brooke that she assumes she's keeping their secret because she plans to forgive Ridge. I certainly hope not.

Katie reminds Brooke, who doesn't need any reminding, she was there, that it wasn't just a kiss on the cheek (oh she would know from that) and had been going on for some time.

Their argument is interrupted when Brooke receives a text from Eric, wanting to see her in the CEO office.

Katie still insists on telling him.

Brooke, using her most stern big sister voice, "NOT ONE WORD."

In the CEO office, Ridge and Quinn have received the same text and are wondering why Eric wants to meet with them. Brooke enters a moment later and both of them try the same "it was nothing" song and dance and Brooke, her face saying "bitch, please," is having none of it and shuts them down cold.

Eric arrives then and demands to know why Brooke and Ridge aren't getting married. And seriously, who calls a meeting like this? It's not at all appropriate for the workplace, even if it is a family business. He says that Brooke came to his hotel room, clearly upset and he wants to know why. 


Ridge is avoiding eye contact like crazy.

Eric talks about how they acted like newlyweds at Steffy's wedding and reception (well, not all of the reception). Brooke is silent. Ridge turns to look at her as if to say "help me out here."

Her expression? Eat dirt.


Eric turns his eagle eye on Quinn, "Have you noticed anything wrong?" Before a flustered Quinn can think up a lie and think it up quick, Ridge reminds them, dickishly, that he's right here and can hear him and presumably can speak for himself. 

Ridge: "This is not something for the family to discuss." He gestures towards Brooke. "It's just between the two of us."

Eric: "Well, that's not entirely true, is it?" And no, not since he stuck his tongue down your wife's throat, a time or four. But Eric is talking about RJ.

Ridge insists RJ will be fine (and yes, he will be. He'll be too busy macking on Coco to notice...much.)

Brooke gives him a withering look, "RJ will be devastated." Again, RJ will be okay. Ridge looks at Brooke, pissed, as if he were the injured party. 

Eric, clearly disappointed as well, "I can't believe you're giving up on this so easily." He becomes visibly frustrated then and tells them how much he wants to help and it's difficult to watch him, so loving and caring, when all along, the other three people in the room are lying to him. You can see how much it's getting to Brooke and she begins to cry. Eric instantly is at her side and he tells Brooke he wants to know the truth. He tells her how they've always been so close and able to be open and honest with each other and oh, the guilt is eating away at her.

Eric: "I'm convinced that's why you came to talk to me." Ridge tries to interrupt and Eric brushes him away. He knows Brooke just as well and can see that she's just as upset now as she was when she came to his room. Brooke tries - and fails - to keep the tears from coming. 

Eric, softer now, which is almost Brooke's undoing, "I know you're the one who called it off. I'm sure of it now. I want to know why." 

Eric, pissed that Brooke is so upset, then throws down the gauntlet, “We are not leaving this room until I know why you’re not going to marry my son!”

Brooke looks devastated. Ridge just looks like, bitch, you better keep quiet. Quinn looks scared and desperate.

Damn Quinn and Ridge for doing this to Eric (and Brooke) and putting Brooke in the middle. Not so hot and sexy now, are they?

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2 hours ago, Nancypants said:

So how do you isolate a partial quote when replying?

If you highlight a sentence, a little "quote this" appears is a box...click that and only the sentence you selected will be quoted.  Or, you can take the entire quote and delete what you don't want.

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On 4/3/2017 at 10:53 AM, Anna Yolei said:

There was an interview I saw on FB from Brad Bell where he mentioned a shoot in South Africa coming up this year.

I really hate to say this, but isn't that where Zende is from?  Maybe there will be a big story with him :(

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I really hate to say this, but isn't that where Zende is from?  Maybe there will be a big story with him :(

Wow, the possibilities of this!  Maybe Zende will find some long lost biological relatives, become re-connected, fall in love with the country, and then Zende and Nicole can start their own modeling school!  The Forrester-Avant Supermodel Academy!

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10 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Katie is one to talk about Brooke forgiving Ridge. How many times has Bill forgiven Katie?  

I'm no fan of Katie's, but skipping town in a bout of PPD and nagging about having half a beer at night hardly seems isnt in the same category as the emotional affairs Bill has had with both Brooke and Steffy or the many times he's hurt her niece and nephew.

3 hours ago, ByTor said:

really hate to say this, but isn't that where Zende is from?  Maybe there will be a big story with him :(

In a perfect world, Zende would realize how much he wants to give back to his birth country and he and Nicole would stay there. ☺

IIRC, both his parents are dead, but did he have any other living relatives?

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3 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

In a perfect world, Zende would realize how much he wants to give back to his birth country and he and Nicole would stay there.

We can be optimistic!

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Katie makes me sick and she needs to get a fucking life. If I were Quinn, I would bitch-slap the bitch and then hand her the phone to call Eric. And I hope Brooke is not planning to reunite with Ridge. How many times does he have to break your heart, you silly cow? Brooke also has had her share of moments with Bill. They didn't kiss, but she brought him a birthday gift, she accepted that sword. He's been in and out of her house. I hope this doesn't go on forever.

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Does anybody work at FC?  Shouldn't Pam be receipting for the CEO and Charlie be guarding something other than Pam's body?  

Katie maybe talking to Quinn but, in essence, she's talking about herself.  I'm the rubber and your the glue and whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you. I rather tell Eric and take my chances with Eric's forgiveness than ever in a million years let that condescending miserable self righteous woman blackmail me. Once again I have to say that if Eric can forgive Brooke, than it would completely stupid to not allow Eric to forgive Quinn.  I might be a little prejudice, but I rather see Quinn prevail than Katie.  

You can't fire family, just turn your back on them, but if Charlie says one word to Eric, I would fire his ass in a second. 

Brooke, if you didn't have Bill to fall back on, I would imagine that you would have had more of a indignation to forgive Ridge. As Katie pontificated, a Leopard does not change its spots and no matter what you say Brooke, YOU need a man to lust over your golden cooter.  Katie's spots haven't changed either. It's her way or the highway. 

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Maybe when Quinn returns with Katie's "mint tea," we'll be treated to a replay of "Psycho Quinn in the foyer with a candlestick," only this time it won't be a fantasy.

OK. Now that the afterglow of last Friday's episode has worn off; that and the rather lackluster episodes of these past two days, have left me with mixed feelings.

1.  Katie is back to being Lemonheads Nosy Parker.  I was 100% down the her giving Sludge the epic brow-beating the other day but Brooke told Katie to "heel," and Katie needs to respect that. There was absolutely no reason for her to go lay in wait for Quinn in Quinn's own home. WTF was that all about anyway? Who let her in? I'd think that Quinn would have firmly instructed the staff that La Logan was to not be admitted under any circumstance if she hadn't been invited by the Lady of the Manor herself. Honestly, after today's display, I believe Katie deserves whatever wrath Quinn chooses to serve up and it's not going to be pretty.

2. "You had an affair with your husband's SON?" Pot meet kettle. Hypocrite, thy name is Brooke Logan. I truly feel sorry for Brooke but not because Ridge was cheating on her with Quinn. I feel bad for her because of her stubbornly blind stupidity. As the saying goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Well, how about fool you one hundred gazillion times? If nobody could believe that Quinn had changed, which was finally proven to be correct, then why believe that Ridge had changed? I know that Brooke was young and star-struck/infatuated with Ridge and she was only 20-something but I believe that she actually slept with Ridge while she was still married to Eric. I have no doubt that Quinn and Ridge would have slept together -- sooner than later -- if they hadn't gotten caught. (I am firmly convinced that this is still going to happen) but cheating is cheating. Brooke shouldn't act so aghast, blindsided and sanctimonious about and of this.

I seriously don't think that Brooke is going to accept Ridge's re-proposal. She should respond with a swift kick to his throat with her pointed-toe shoe while he's crouched down on the floor.  (That could kill him!) His psycho-babble of instantaneous self-awareness rang completely hollow and was about three decades too late.

3.  Telling Eric. Absolutely! He needs to know and he needs to hear it from his "trustworthy loyal" wife. If not Quinn, then next in line should be Ridge, then Brooke. Katie needs to stay out of it. But, this is where I do agree with Katie. Eric needs to know NOW before the situation escalates -- just not from her blabbermouth. She is 100% correct in her rationalization that Eric is going to be angry and even more devastated to learn that so many others knew what was going on under his nose and didn't tell him. 

OTOH, Eric needs to STFU about the cancellation of the Bridge nuptials. He was practically torturing Brooke with his relentless questioning and it was certainly uncalled for to convene and emergency family meeting at the office to press the issue.  If I were Quinn, I'd be a bit concerned as to why my husband was taking such a passionate interest in why his ex-wife called off her marriage. Huh?  (I mean we all know why and Eric has good instincts and concern but he's being a bit overzealous about this.)

4. Disappointed Slouchy. Who GAF? I absolutely agree with whoever said that Slouch has turned his attention away from reuniting Mom and Dad to playing kissy face with Coco. I can just see this:

Sludge: "Son, your mother and I ... we didn't end up get married."

Slouchy: (Barely glances up from his phone and shrugs.):  "Oh. That's too bad. Well, you tried. Maybe next time." Then he scurries off to the backstage area to show an eager Coco more secret designs.

5.  Bill.  Did he suddenly just disappear off the face of the earth? Was Friday's episode just a fantasy sequence after all? There has been no mention of him at all. I LOVED the scenario of Brooke's explanation being that she was still in love with Bill and that's why she called off the wedding. That would have shut Eric up and been the encore for the Read Rumple for Filth Tour 2017!

Last, has anybody else noticed that CBS isn't putting up the next day spoilers on YT? I haven't seen any this week.  It's driving me crazy!

OK. Rant over. See y'all tomorrow!

Edited by grisgris
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I agree with every word grisgris said. It's hard to have sympathy for anyone: not for Brookes continual stupid mode, not for Lemonheads who couldn't care less about Brooke when it suits her, not for Quinn and Ridge obviously, and to some extent not for Eric pushing for answers to questions that are none of his business. Didn't he pull this same stuff with Douglas, forcing Ridge to give up a position because....reasons? 

49 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Disappointed Slouchy. Who GAF? I absolutely agree with whoever said that Slouch has turned his attention away from reuniting Mom and Dad to playing kissy face with Coco. I can just see this:

Sludge: "Son, your mother and I ... we didn't end up get married."

Slouchy: (Barely glances up from his phone and shrugs.):  "Oh. That's too bad. Well, you tried. Maybe next time." Then he scurries off to the backstage area to show an eager Coco more secret designs.

God, I sure hope so. I hate how every brat on this show is so involved with their parents' love lives. It's one thing for Rick to harbor angst about the yo-yo of Bridge (even though it wore thin ten years ago) and the Taytots whose mother WUZ WOBBED...i mean, was kept from Ridge, but I'm hard pressed to think of any period in his life after Taylor returned where he was raised under the same roof at those he idiots.

And if Hope and Rick can put aside the hate that Bill has more than earned from both of them, RJ can go shove it too.

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Show's steam may have cooled a bit this week, but KKL is still bringing the performances. Those looks she was sending Ridge and Quinn yesterday? Absolutely scorching! And the way she completely dissolved into tears when Ridge went down on his knee. But, this was my fear; Brooke would come home to all the familiar surroundings, with everyone wanting answers and Ridge pressuring her to not give up on them. I haven't liked some of the things I've heard, and some of Brooke's looks indicate that she might not exactly be done with Ridge. Although I did notice she had removed the engagement ring; something she still wore in those scenes with Bill last week. Wouldn't it just be something if Brooke shocked Ridge, and all of us by saying "Sorry Ridge, I can't marry you because I am already married." 

Wow, Katie is really gonna run with this. If I were Quinn I would call her bluff; facing Eric and dealing with this mess now would be far better than playing Katie's game. There is only so many ways they can go with Quinn; she could become so stressed out over Katie's blackmail that she goes back into the darkness, or she could play along for awhile and then just tell Katie to go suck some more lemons and let the chips fall. Katie really has no business being in the middle of this. I know she wants to believe that she has had this incredible relationship with Eric; except NOT. She called on her sister's ex-husband to help her out with schooling for her son, then proceeded to insert herself into Quinn and Eric's relationship. She has steadfastly ignored anything Quinn has asked her to do or not to do, clearly playing with Quinn's mind. Just as Stephanie was never down for long; I don't see Quinn allowing Katie to get away with her pettiness for too long either. I also question why all her wrath is being heaped on Quinn. Yeah, she had her say with Ridge the other day, but she could just as easily have her say with Quinn and be done. Why does she want to toy with Quinn but not Ridge? Because Ridge is "family", this is what Ridge does, so after giving him a smackdown, it is back to business as usual. But Quinn must be tortured. No. Not right and not fair. Quinn and Ridge are both equally guilty and equally complicit in their actions and Katie singling Quinn out says there is much more at play here than tying to vindicate Eric. 

I love that Eric is concerned for Brooke. I love that he wants to call on their deep bonds and friendship, but not like this. That seemed more like an inquisition. He should have asked Brooke to come over so he could speak to her privately. 

KKL has just been looking so smashing lately. 

Thorsten's hair looks the best it ever has; nicely cut and styled back. 

I don't understand what Quinn was wearing, but it was very similar to that getup Nicole was wearing the other day. They both looked like bathrobes to me. 

I love pastels, but Rick is way overduing it with his pink shirt, baby blue checked tie and blue handkerchief. He sort of looks like an Easter Egg.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Recap for Tues. 4/4/2017:

While there were still some fireworks in today's episode, courtesy of Brooke and Katie/Quinn, the high from Friday's romantic Brill reunion is quickly fading. Where the hell is $ Bill? 

Downstairs, in the studio at FC, Rick and Maya are speculating as to why Brooke called off the wedding to Ridge when a kissy-face Charlie and Pam enter.

Rick is very, ahem, festive but at least he dresses like an executive should suit and tie wise. I'm not loving Maya's dress - the fit is wrong, although it's a nice color for her. I'm still loving her hair. I like Pam in her white sweater and gold skirt. Not much to say about Charlie's security uniform.


Pam is very surprised to learn that the remarriage didn't happen. Rick thinks it's weird as well but he's certain his father will get to the bottom of it.

Charlie: "Rick, you didn't see any clues, something you may missed, or ignored?"

Rick: "No. If my mom would have had reservations, she would have told me about it. Something happened in Sydney. But what? I just want to make sure my mom's okay."

They leave to go check on Brooke, who is presumably still in the CEO office with Pam telling them to hang in there as they depart, that it could all be a "giant misunderstanding."

Charlie, absolutely right, "There was no misunderstanding."

Charlie tells Pam that he was right about the nasty napkin and tells her the reason Brooke didn't marry Ridge is because Ridge and Quinn are involved. Pam tries to shush him, but he insists he's been right all along.

Upstairs in the CEO office, Eric continues to press Brooke for an explanation as to what happened so that he can help.

Eric: "Brooke, I don't want to be interrogating you here, but something's wrong. Something's wrong, and I don't know how to help you if I don't know what it is. I'm truly concerned about you and about Ridge. And so is Quinn." He is totally interrogating her and I don't really care for it. I know Eric loves and cares for her, as her former wife and the mother of two of his children, but this is going a bit too far. I had to smirk at him saying Quinn is concerned because the only concern Quinn has is that her dirty little deeds with Ridge will come to light.

Ridge assures Eric that they are working through some things and let's Eric assume that the wedding has just been postponed. Um, no, it has not. Jerk.

Eric: "I'm sorry, Ridge, but I have to ask... is there another woman?" Curious how no one answers that question. He then warns them that they need to talk to RJ before the news gets out. As I've said before, Slouchey will shrug then go back to making goo-goo eyes at Coco.

Ridge, smug: "Brooke and I will do what's best for our son."

Brooke just glares at him, then sadly tells Eric. "He wanted his parents to be married, and that's not going to happen."

Eric, his eyes searching Brooke's face. "Why won't you tell us? Why don't you get this out in the open? Tell us what's going on! Isn't that why you came to the hotel?"

Brooke, her resolve wavering, her eyes teary. "Nobody else deserves to be hurt by this, Eric."

Eric, softening, "I'm sorry, Brooke. I'm sorry if if I'm hurting you by asking you all this." And this is almost more than she can bear.

Brooke: "No, it's not you. You are a good man. You're very kind. I just can't..." She starts to dissolve into tears again and Eric finally relents.

Eric: "All right. If you two need to work it out between the two of you, then I'll back off. I just want you to know that the two of us are here for you, all right?" Brooke stares down Ridge. His cell phone chimes. "I've got a meeting, I have to go. I'll go to this meeting if you're gonna be all right."

Brooke, nods, her voice small and sad but firm. "Yeah."

Eric tells Brooke she's too strong to let this derail her and she nods again, watching him go.

She then turns to leave when Quinn, chasing after her, calls out, "Brooke! Wait! Thank you for not saying anything." Brooke narrows her eyes and gives Ridge a "WTF" look as Quinn continues. "You could have told Eric everything." Should have told him or you should have, Quinn.

Brooke, echoing her previous warning, "As long as nothing happens between you, I won't."

Ridge: "Unfortunately, you're not the only one who knows about this. Katie came to see me when she got back, and she knows what happened."

Brooke, businesslike now, "I told her to keep quiet. It's over. Eric doesn't need to know."

Quinn thanks her again and Brooke just glares at her. "I'm not doing this for YOU."

Quinn: "I know. You're doing it for Eric. And for that, I'm grateful. This would break his heart. It would destroy his relationship with Ridge. It would throw the family and the company into chaos, and if there are consequences to pay, then I will pay them." How easily she says that and a pissed-off Brooke calls her on her shit but good.

Brooke: "This is doing nothing to your life." She eyes Quinn, then Ridge, closely. "I'm not gonna say anything. I already told you that. As long as there's not one hint of betrayal between the two of you, and if there is, I'm going straight to Eric."

Quinn promises that it won't happen. She swears on it. I don't believe her. I don't believe she believes it herself.

Brooke, having had enough of this, "I think you should go." Quinn does exactly that, leaving Brooke and Ridge alone.

Ridge says they have to deal with what's happened. 

Brooke, mentally telling herself, fine, but the gloves are coming off again: "Ridge. I will never understand what you did on the eve of our wedding. With Quinn! Eric's wife! How could you?" She doesn't wait for him to answer that. "I came back to you, and I reunited this family because you said 'this was it.' So I make promises to our son and I got on that plane because you told me I was the only woman for you." And made the supreme sacrifice of giving up the true love of her life, Bill, and so help me, if she fucks Bill over again...

Ridge: "You are." That is truly laughable and sad all at the same time.

Brooke: "But you betrayed me. And you betrayed Eric!"

Ridge: "I can't justify that. I love you. I never stopped loving you." Love means being loving to your intended not locking lips with your stepmother.

Brooke: "Then why would you hurt me? Why would you hurt your father? Was this some twisted act of revenge, seducing Quinn?"

Ridge, dodging the why as usual: "Let's forget about Quinn, forget about my dad. This is about us now. We have to talk about us."

Brooke isn't budging from that and too fucking bad if talk of Eric and Quinn makes him uncomfortable: "Eric has always been so good to you. He's respected you, even when you were at odds. And he even accepted you, as Massimo Marone's son. He raised you, Ridge. He loved you and he supported you and he treated you like gold! So did I! And then you do this? With Quinn? How could you do that? Eric loves her. He trusts her. He wants to see the good in her and the good in you! And then this is what you do. You seduce his wife."

Ridge: "I know you want to pick up the phone and call him, but you can't do that. You can't." Can't she? 

Brooke: "No, you know what, I know I can't because it would kill him. It would destroy this family and it would take away all sense of self for Eric and his love for you! But you know what, I am so tempted..."

Ridge: "Logan. What we-" And don't you fucking call her "Logan" ever again.

Brooke is quick to cut him off here: "No, don't. Don't call me Logan. That's my pet name. And you don't have any rights anymore. You threw those away the minute you put your arms around Quinn. So, was it worth it? Was Quinn worth it?"

How to answer that? It's clear Ridge thought she was worth, ends, means, and all that. Not to mention, he's gotten away with having his cake and eating it, too, for years. Brooke has never before closed the bakery on him. In his mind, she never will.

We cut to the Forrester mansion where Quinn has arrived home to find Katie waiting for her, having made herself quite at home as she lounges on one of the sofas, a plate of cookies nearby.

Quinn: "Katie, what are you doing here?"

Katie, sarcasm dripping with every word: "I was hungry. So I decided to pop over and see what you guys had in the kitchen, and your housekeeper was super accommodating. She set me up with these shortbread cookies, but, gosh, it's clear Pam didn't make these because they're super dry! Do you know what would go really well with these? I'm thinking tea." As in the tea she's getting ready to spill? Very subtle, writers.

Quinn, false bravado in her voice: "You know, I think I made myself really clear with you that I don't want you setting foot in my home unless you're invited."

Katie just laughs, which infuriates Quinn, who wants to know why she's laughing.

Katie: "You have no idea what you've done." Oh she knows. She just didn't care.

Quinn: "Get out of my house. Now!" Oh, she's not going to go so easily, Quinn. LemonHeads has a new crusade and you're her main target.

Katie: "Getting involved with your husband's son? Wow. You really messed up this time, didn't you? Some mistakes are so bad that they can't be undone. But you don't know anything about that because you always get away with everything! Until now."

Quinn hisses, "Would you just keep your voice down?"

Katie:"What are you worried about?" She turns her voice up a good 10 decibels. "Eric's not home! Not yet."

Quinn, pulling out what she thinks is her trump card: "You know what, Brooke told you to leave this alone!" That's not for Brooke to decide.

Katie, dismissing this, "Brooke is in shock. She had no idea what was going on between you and Ridge. I had an inkling. I suspected something. I even talked to her before we ever went to Australia, but she said I was crazy. She couldn't fathom that Ridge would be involved with you. I mean, I couldn't believe it either, but what I found even more unbelievable is that you would be involved with him. Because you're many, many things, but you're not stupid. I never dreamed that you could be so foolish, and let's be honest, so ungrateful! I mean, you have the best man in the world! You are a prominent part of his home, of his family!" She gestures to the portrait. "You have redemption! Who gets that? And why do you have it? Why? Because of Eric! Because of his unshakable faith in you! But you have no idea what that word means, do you? Faith. His love was not enough for you. His compassion, his generosity was not enough for you! He transformed you because he thought he saw goodness in you! He believed in your loyalty! People don't change, do they?  I have to keep learning this over and over again. Leopards really don't change their spots." Quinn deserves to be read for filth like this. I only wish it had been Brooke who was doing the reading as Katie is starting to grate here. Again, if she didn't have designs on Eric, I'd be much more comfortable with her calling Quinn out but it's a little of the pot calling the kettle back for me.

Quinn: "There is nothing going on between me and Ridge." This is Katie you're talking to, so stop lying.

Katie: "Really? Because that's not what I hear."

Quinn: "You could spin it any way you want! You can color it with your jealousy and your animosity." There's nothing to spin - you had an affair with Ridge and no amount of putting this on Katie and her hatred and jealousy is going to change what you did. Katie may be a hypocritical bitch but she's 100% right about them.

Katie just laughs at this.

Quinn: "You want to blackmail me? You want to go and take this to Eric? Then maybe you should know the truth, okay? Because there was nothing more than just a few kisses! That was all!" First, why doesn't Quinn take away Katie's power and be woman enough to tell her husband the truth. Second, stop diminishing the affair you had with Ridge. Kissing is one of the most intimate acts between a couple. To call it "nothing" is incredibly short-sighted and self-serving.

Katie: "A few kisses with your husband's son! Do you really think that he's just gonna be cool with that and accept it? Not in a million years. He's gonna kick you and your portrait to the curb. One word from me, and your whole life, this whole life, is done." She grabs a cookie and waves it in Quinn's face and here she comes off as slightly unhinged or drunk with power. Take your pick. "It's really too bad that these are so dry. Chamomile or mint? I'm thinking mint. Why don't you make a whole pot? Just in case Eric wants some when he gets home. Mint tea, Quinn." She takes a bite of cookie. "Now." Quinn departs, apparently to make the tea. Katie looks up at the portrait and smugly smiles. If I were here, I'd sleep with one eye open from now on.

We cut back to the CEO office where Ridge takes their wedding bands and dramatically lays them on the table. Brooke's single tear has finally fallen as she looks at the rings and what they represent. Or could have if Ridge hadn't been such a selfish bastard.

Ridge takes the tact of berating himself vs defending or hand-waving his actions.

Ridge: "I am such an idiot. Self-involved, self-destructive, arrogant idiot... who's, once again, fighting for the one thing that makes him happy. You. Us. I don't know how to make this right." Yes to all of this. How to make this right? Be faithful and loyal and trust-worthy, for starters. 

Brooke, her voice brittle here: "You told me what we had we could never have with anybody else."

Ridge: "We can't have that with anyone. We tried." Well, Brooke could absolutely have an amazing life with Bill. As for you, who cares?

Brooke just sighs and swipes at her tears.


Ridge, sounding tired and defeated, "We always end up here. You said you deserve something better. And I agree with you. But maybe something better doesn't have to mean something else. Maybe we can find the better part of me, you know? If we put our heads together, I think we can do it. I can't eat, I can't do anything. All I think about is that stupid mistake, my last greatest mistake. I don't even know why. Temptation, maybe? It was senseless. I don't even like the woman. I want you to know something. There wasn't a plan. I wasn't planning to wake up one morning and betray this great man that raised me or betray the woman that I loved practically all my life." Yes, there was a plan.  Your plan. To take down Quinn. By any means necessary. The consequences be damned. And all his explanations? Worthless because they don't get to why he did this and continues to do this. 

Brooke, her voice a whisper, the tears still coming: "But you did."

Ridge: "I made a mistake. And we all make mistakes, right?"

Brooke: "Yeah."

Ridge: "But you know what, Brooke, when I make mistakes, I go deep. I make sure everyone involved is just... is gonna be as disappointed and as hurt as possible. It's who I am. Ridge Forrester. It's always about me. Never about you." And that is exactly why she would run, not walk, away from this man. For good. "But the truth is, it should be about you. Because if there is a possibility of us sitting on the beach, looking at the sunset 30 years from now, just thinking about what our life was... you smack me in the back of the head because you bring up this moment when we almost lost everything. That's gonna be about you, because you found it in there somewhere to forgive me one more time." She would be the biggest fool alive if she forgives him. "I meant what I said when I proposed to you. We're destined to be together."

He takes her wedding band in his hands, he swipes at his eyes and there are honest-to-goodness tears looming for once.

Ridge: "Marry me. I don't care where. We'll go to Vegas. We'll go to the courthouse. We'll go to the beach. Whatever you want. You, me, R.J. If we're together, we can face anything. I can't do this alone." He actually stoops and gets down on one knee here. "I love you. I always have."

Brooke is full-on sobbing now, staring at the ring he's holding up, and I hope to God she's not actually considering accepting. I hope her tears and her sobs are because how can he ask this of her, how can he put her through the emotional wringer again after all he's just put her through. How dare he put her through more?

If she accepts...well, I just won't think about that right now.

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Word to everything you guys have said the past few days. If she accepts the re-proposal, I might throw a shoe at the screen. I also don't want her to run back to Bill. Try being alone. We have enough soggy waffles who can't decide who they want to be with and ping pong between people.

As much as I want to hate Katie's self-righteous, self-indignant ass, it warmed my heart to see Quinn squirming. Eric is going to be so hurt when he finds out that Ivy, Brooke, Pam, Charlie, Katie, etc. all knew and didn't tell him. Quinn needs to be honest and tell him. I'm looking forward to JMc's scenes. I only hope it doesn't cause Eric to end up hospitalised again.

I still remember how she was salivating at the police station when Quinn's attorney told Liam he would have to recount the assault in open court and all that. I really wish he had pursued charges, and I really wish Bell would've went into a bit more depth. It would've given Scott Clifton some really deep material to get into other than, "We were robbed." Katie, girl, if you have any sense you wouldn't drink anything from Quinn.

I really despise Sally and Coco's grandmother. The character just rubs me wrong. Probably because I have worked in a design field, and I know how much work I have put into projects. Nobody sees the blood, sweat, tears, late nights, million mock-ups, revisions, and blank slates it takes to get the final product. I wouldn't be down with somebody stealing my shit Those are fighting words. Sally should have more of a spine because I'm pretty sure whatever she has developing with Thomas is going to come to a screeching halt when he finds out that she has stolen his father's designs and/or his designs. And the grandmother also annoys me because she is emotionally blackmailing Sally. Like dude, it's bad enough that you don't believe in her ability to be a reputable designer on her own, but you're encouraging her and her barely legal sister to commit criminal acts. I'm mad Bell sacrificed the likes of Sasha to bring on the tacky Spectras and this tired, dried up storyline. There were so many ways this storyline could've went, and this is the most sucktastic one of them all.

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I like the Spectras but I agree about the way they're going about it. They can still be Spectras and not crib every single plot (and most names) from the 1990s. If PTV is anything to go by, a good portion of the viewers watching now didn't even sit through the old SF stories, so it wouldn't make a lick of difference.

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This is where I'm interested in knowing more about Sally & Coco's mother.  Because she sounds no good but with a mother like Shirley, it's no wonder.  I also wonder if this "Live up to Aunt Sally" is more of Shirley's thought process being pushed on Sally than Sally 2.0's thought process own her own.

Maybe the storyline will be the Spectras steal the Forresters' designs but at the last minute, Sally scraps the whole thing out of guilt & wanting to do the right thing (and love for Thomas).

Sally 1.0 would NEVER have used Macy or CJ in her schemes and she worked hard to protect them.

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Yesterday was such a let-down.  Katie and Quinn, that was not fun to watch. They need to decide who Quinn is because I refuse to believe that she would allow herself to be blackmailed so meekly by the likes of Katie.  And seriously, WTF was that with Brooke and Ridge? While I'm okay with Ridge groveling for a long, long time, Brooke should be rolling her eyes, not sobbing. Ugh.  

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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

Sally 1.0 would NEVER have used Macy or CJ in her schemes and she worked hard to protect them.

The very first episode I remember watching was one where CJ sabotaged one of the Spectra-FC fashion showdowns by changing FC's music and lighting and such. And I remember Sally being non-plussed about that. But that was his own idea entirely and she never pushed him into it.

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3 hours ago, drivethroo said:

This is where I'm interested in knowing more about Sally & Coco's mother.  Because she sounds no good but with a mother like Shirley, it's no wonder.  I also wonder if this "Live up to Aunt Sally" is more of Shirley's thought process being pushed on Sally than Sally 2.0's thought process own her own.

Maybe the storyline will be the Spectras steal the Forresters' designs but at the last minute, Sally scraps the whole thing out of guilt & wanting to do the right thing (and love for Thomas).

Sally 1.0 would NEVER have used Macy or CJ in her schemes and she worked hard to protect them.

The "Live up to Aunt Sally's legacy by stealing" is definitely all Shirley. Sally 2.0 isn't comfortable with it. Original Sally never suggested it - in fact, when she instructed Sally 2.0 to reopen Spectra, she told her "your designs are good", meaning Original Sally clearly intended Spectra to be a legitimate design house and not a knockoff company. Also, it showed that Original Sally had faith in her great-niece's talent, which Shirley obviously doesn't.

I see a huge difference between Shirley and her sister. Original Sally supported her children and their happiness was always her number one priority. And she worked VERY hard to keep Macy and CJ out of her schemes (especially Macy, who was old enough to be suspicious and the one who was most strongly opposed to Sally's scheming).

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9 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I love pastels, but Rick is way overduing it with his pink shirt, baby blue checked tie and blue handkerchief. He sort of looks like an Easter Egg.

Maybe that's the point :)

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Quinn asking Katie to think about what is best for her is like asking a cocaine addict if they want to snort another line.  Quinn is getting ready to show Katie the stairway to the pool.  Quinn had the perfect opportunity to tell Eric after he professed all that love he had for her.  But no, they still have to squeeze out a few more weeks of this dribble so Katie can have some more Emmy worthy scenes. 

Zende/Nicole standing together arm in arm in judgment of Coco is reprehensible.  I would rather watch paint dry than them being all judgmental like all the usual suspects.  Zende seems concerned about RJ and Coco getting too close than why won't he tell her that he's only 16 because RJ and boarding school didn't resonate with Coco. 

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