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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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So Slouchy desperately wants models who are W-A-A-Y too old for him to consider him "hot" and Rumple's response is to "grow a beard."  Please do not take hygiene and grooming advice from your old man, 'kay?

Geez ... those scenes with Zende and Nicole were just horrible.  I can't remember in this history of this show ever having such terrible actors, especially as a couple. I know that Ronn Moss wasn't any master thespian, but at least he was always paired in scenes with other actors/actresses who could help shore him up. But those two ...  I was getting sick of Zende flipping that damned ring box around. It was an ugly ring, too. I thought it looked an awful lot like the one Ridge is dragging around.  I guess now Dimwit figures that he has the green light again to pursue Sasha.  Where are Mom and Dad Avant? Princess Nicole really needs her parents right now, especially Dad, to grouse about how Sasha needs to be banished to hell is and how Zende is really a "good man" who needs to be forgiven, blah, blah, blah. I'm sure they'd (well, Julius) would be singing an entirely different tune if the man in question's last name wasn't Forrester.  I will compliment RE because she can cry very well and ugly cry at that.

Oh, crap. Please don't tell me that Ridge had ordered yet another carving in the sand of either "Ridge and Brooke" or a proposal.  I just want to yank Brooke by her marigold yellow strands and knock some sense into her.  MARRY BILL!!  How difficult is that? Why was she having such a hard time telling Ridge that she was leaving to marry Bill? She was being so timid and tenuous -- like she couldn't make up her mind or something. I so wish that she'd look at Ridge's latest sand castle and shake her head and tell him that "not this time." I don't even think that Ridge even wants her. I think he wants to best Bill and appease Slouchy. Once he marries her (God forbid) he'll jump right back into Ridge vs. Quinn and Brooke will again, be an afterthought.  Slouchy will go back to boarding school (PLEASE!) and she'll right back to being miserable and neglected.

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Bringing RJ on was a mistake. At least when Phoebe was flittering as the only teen, she was given more to do than prop her parents' relationships. He really should've been aged up at the same time Hope was so he could mix it up with the rest of the younger set they were trying to build up. With Phoebe dead, he'd have really been in a good position to play Switzerland in the LiamBowl and maybe get a swing in for treating both his sisters like crap. Bonus point if he came out as gay and fell for newly SORASed Eric III (Amber's son she raised with Rick in the early 2000s).

...sigh :( 

26 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Once he marries her (God forbid) he'll jump right back into Ridge vs. Quinn

More likely Ridge/Quinn.

I didn't think Bell could top himself with the Bridget rubbish but I think if they go there, it could be a photo finish.

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1 hour ago, Gudzilla said:

I had a brief moment of hope when Rick mentioned sending the dullards to Paris, but alas....

His ass can go there with them. Especially if he's going to be yet another Bridge cheerleader. Ridge Jr is one too many, and we don't need another that goes against all previously established continuity (even if I rarely applauded the way Rick went about going up against him).

And Maya can go too. I had no use for her well before this trans bombshell that got a happy ending that on so many levels was unearned. I applaud Karla Mosley for taking part of that story, but Maya Avant can catch terminal end-of-contract cancer any day now.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Mon. 11/28 recap:

We open with one of those normally silly quick cuts, but since it's Brooke and Bill, I don't mind. He dangles parsley over her head and they kiss. 

Bill tells her that he wants to start their own holiday traditions and that she needs to tell Rumple that as of tomorrow, "you'll be a Spencer."

When Brooke asks where they are going, his statement is crystal clear: "The Stella Maris is in St. Barts and fully stocked with everything you could possibly need for a honeymoon. All you have to do is go tell Ridge that you're done. You've resolved any residual feelings you have and there's nothing he can do about it. Brooke, I have been incredibly understanding. I gave you the space you needed to figure things out with ridge and RJ. Get closure with Ridge. No more waiting. We're starting our future together. This is our time."

I think Bill has been more than patient. Again, shit or get off the pot, Brooke, and I can't believe this is even a decision for her. 

Ridge is fitting models at FC with RJ hanging out, oogling the models that are way too old for his slouchey teenage ass. Ridge tells him to grow a beard, which is laughable since (a), the kid doesn't look like he has one hair on his chin or ever will and (b) you are the last person who should be giving out advice on attracting ladies, Rumple.

He calls Brooke, asking her to meet him at the beach for a photo shoot. We all know there is no photo shoot and it's a set up, conveniently located in Malibu, site of their first wedding (well, first ceremony since Taylor woke up from her dirt nap). And someone just pass me the bottle of booze now.

Bill tells her they fly out in five hours and when Brooke protests, he tells her, "You don't need a lot of time. You get there, you say what you have to say, and you leave. Clean break, short and sweet." YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS to all of this.

Brooke: "How can it be that simple?" Really, Brooke?

Bill: "Because we love each other. And that ring on your finger represents exactly that. I'm not blind to the fact that you have history with Forrester. But it's a new day. Our day. Get going. Brooke. I love you. And our new life together starts in five hours."

Bill is on the phone, making the final arrangements, including an ice sculpture of a stallion (hee). Why do I feel like he's being set up for disappointment yet again?

Brooke arrives at the beach and sees nary a hint of models/photo shoot set up. She tells Ridge she doesn't think she can stay. He correctly assumes it's because of Bill. 

Brooke: "I'm engaged, Ridge." Like that means anything to Ridge.

Ridge: "Engaged isn't married." Even married isn't married where you are concerned.

Brooke: "You made me build a life without you. I didn't want to." And now that you do, he wants to crush it like a sand castle beneath his feet.

Ridge: "But you want to marry Spencer? It's what you want? Don't do it." Brooke looks conflicted and OMG! If she screws over Bill - again - and takes this colossal asshole back? I may be forced to write her off for good and as a lifelong Brookie, that will hurt.

Rick and Maya discuss Nicole and Zende's love life and these two? Need to get a life of their own. Maya insists she will never forgive herself. Raise your hand if you believe her. No one? 

They then talk about FC International and Maya mentions that she kind of wishes they could send Sasha to international. Again with the hypocrisy. She had a little mistress penthouse with Rick while he was still very married to Caroline and she dares to cast a stone against Sasha who slept with Zende while he was broken up with Nicole (at least the first time). So fuck you, Maya.

Zende is standing in the photo studio, all sad sack and forlorn. Nicole arrives and wants to know what he wants....cold as ice. 

Zende tells her he wants to undo what he did but since he can't turn back time, he's asking her to move forward instead. He really thinks it will be that easy. Idiot.

Zende: "I love you."

Nicole: "You say that, but-"

Zende: "I know. I know I hurt you."

Nicole: "It wasn't the first time."

Zende: "No, but I thought-"

Nicole: "I know what you thought."

Zende: "You're right. You know what? It doesn't matter what i thought. I wasn't acting like a person who was in love with you and as loyal to only you. But I promise you, I will be from now on if you'll let me. Marry me, Nicole." Is this real life? Or is this just fantasy? Because in the same breath that he tells Nicole he wasn't loyal, he's asking her to marry him? Marry him. She would have to be out of her mind to say "yes."

She looks at the ring, proclaiming it "beautiful" (it's gaudy, IMO) and tells him to put it away.

Zende: "Hear me out, Nicole."

Nicole: "What's really changed?"

Zende: "Me. I've changed." LOFL - sure you have. "All right, look, I'm not saying that I'm making any excuses, but what you saw wasn't exactly what it looked like." He is delusional and clearly angling to be King of Delusion Ridge's heir apparent.

Nicole: "Don't...make me think about that."

Zende: "I'm not saying i wasn't just as much at fault here." Big of you.

Nicole: "Stop. Is your point that Sasha made you do it?" So some acknowledgement that it wasn't big bad Sasha casting a spell on him after all.

Zende: "I don't know why I did. The only thing I could think of is the fact that I thought that I had already lost you." No, you threw her away.

Nicole: "Did you ever once hear me say that I didn't love you anymore?"

Zende: "No."

Nicole: "So you just decided that we were over because I wouldn't do what you wanted."

Zende: "Look, I don't think I'm the only one who made mistakes here. I needed you to hear me out, Nicole." Way to blame-shift Zende. Not that I think what Nicole did was right, but it was her choice to make.

Nicole: "And I did. And it mattered to me. You were the most important person in my life. But what you want does not come before what I think is right. When I changed my mind, i realized that I should have come to you first before Maya." I appreciate her standing up for herself.

Zende tries to deflect, asking her if she's going to have another baby for Raya and Nicole tells him she doesn't think they'd let her (I disagree).

He asks for another chance, promising her they can start over.

Nicole: "How? This isn't a starting point." There's nothing left for them to start over.

Zende: "Did I hurt you so bad that you can't hear me anymore? I mean, come on. I'm not some stranger. You know me." Yes, which makes it all the more worse because I think she is taking a page from the lovely Maya Angelou - when people show you who they are, believe them.

Nicole: "How could you turn to her again? Overnight? There's a lot that I don't know in this world. But I know that I would never do to you what you did to me." 

Zende: "Maybe I'm not who I thought I was. I can't do anything about what I did wrong, but I can change." Rugsweeping at its finest and what about his actions would make Nicole believe he won't cut and run when the next trouble spot hits.

Nicole: "People don't change because somebody else wants them to." So very true. "And I'm not asking that. You have a good heart. You're beautiful inside and out." Um, okay, Nicole. "I don't think anything bad about you as a person. I just don't think you care about me enough." She's right - he doesn't. The only person Zende truly cares about is Zende. 

Zende continues to beg her to marry him, to believe in him.

Nicole tells him that of course, she believes in him, calling him a prince in a fairytale (yeah, no) and that he's "amazing." And he should see the warning signs, that she isn't calling him out as the dogshit he is, that he can think so little of her, of Sasha, of women in general.

Nicole: Sometimes I'm still like a little girl. So many daydreams about this moment. But it doesn't work this way. You don't marry someone to prove yourself. That comes before. And what you have proven is that you will hurt me so bad that i can't eat, that I can't sleep, and I can't get through the day without crying. And then you'll be sorry. And then you'll do it again. Take it." And here she looks like she is going to be physically ill as she holds out the ring to him.

He refuses and she pushes it at him until he has no choice but to take it.

Nicole: " I always thought that I was pretty tough. But I guess not, or I'd be able to handle this. But I won't have the marriage my mother did. To a man that I can't trust. To a man who loves me when things are easy... and turns to somebody else when they're not."

Zende: "Nicole, you know if you were my wife-" All she knows is what you have taught her so far and that's that you can't be trusted.

Nicole: "I want to thank you for so many things." Oh, this line, she is stone cold here. She's "Already Gone" Kelly Clarkson style and Zende just doesn't know it yet.

Zende: "It's too soon. You're right. I should put the ring away." OMFG, dude! Buy a damn clue!

Nicole: "You gave me a confidence that I never had before." The confidence to drop your lying, wayward ass. 

Zende: "Stop. Nicole, look, I can earn your trust back, all right? And when I do, I'll ask you to marry me, and you'll say yes. You'll be my wife."

Nicole: "That... is something I will never be." And she walks away, head held high, only to collapse in tears when she's out of the room.

I have to say RE really brought it in these scenes, the pain, the heartache, the feeling ill just being in his presence, yet maintaining a steely reserve.

I hope Sasha has the sense to turn him down when he comes sniffing around her again because we all know he will. She deserves better and, much as it pains me to say this, Nicole does as well.

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I have one question: who asked for more Zende and Nicole and asked for them to be prominent during November sweeps? I am beyond bored of them. Admittedly, R.E. wasn't completely terrible, and I have to credit the writers because she was speaking some real stuff. Zende and Nicole aren't this super couple who have this sizzling chemistry. I'm not even going to say it's a high school level love. It just doesn't work. Unsurprising because they're really good friends in real life, and I think that's all they should've ever been on the show. I wish they would do off screen chemistry tests, and we could've been spared this bore fest.

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My only guess for this prominence in the human insomnia cocktail is that Scott Clifton needed more time off with his son, so they can't coast on the Steam train. So, we get Lame and Lamer.

In any event, I can never be too upset when a woman is given an I Choose Me moment, as they are all too rare on this show. As another poster pointed out, Nicole and Sasha both deserve better. Hell, even Steffy deserves that.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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On 11/28/2016 at 10:46 AM, CountryGirl said:

Pam to Katie: "Katie... I really admire you. I wish that I'd learned sooner how to be self-sufficient and strong, like you are..." Are you for fucking real with this shit? "Like Stephanie was. You remind me of her... in so many ways." Although here, you have a point, Pam and again with the foreshadowing. Not to mention, as someone pointed out upthread, Katie, Eric, and Quinn...literally seated in a triangle. Subtlety, thy name is not B&B head writer

Which makes me wonder...Steffy hates all things Quinn AND all things Logan.  Who will she side with???  I am waiting in anxious anticipation (not).

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Brooke.  Why?  Why?  Please just slap the smug off of his face and go marry Bill.  

And Ridge with his "you'll walk away from me, from RJ."  No, ass.  She is not walking away from her son by marrying another man.  Shut up! 

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15 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Brooke.  Why?  Why?  Please just slap the smug off of his face and go marry Bill.  

And Ridge with his "you'll walk away from me, from RJ."  No, ass.  She is not walking away from her son by marrying another man.  Shut up! 

Emotional blackmail at its finest...

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16 minutes ago, Blondie said:

My only thought watching Brooke and Ridge at the top of the cliff looking down at the cheesy sand art was  "Where the hell is Quinn when you really need her?"

I was definitely thinking "push him over, Brooke.  Push him!!" 

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22 minutes ago, Blondie said:

My only thought watching Brooke and Ridge at the top of the cliff looking down at the cheesy sand art was  "Where the hell is Quinn when you really need her?"

Given Deacon survived his plummet by Quinn's hand and Ridge survived his flip out of a plane, doubt she could do the job to everyone's satisfaction. Ridge would just reappear weeks later with missing time and wearing some seaweed with another brain injury where he's lost the ability to see and Eric encourages Quinn to help Ridge in his recovery and Quinn then has to be Ridge's eyes and help him see again where ultimately when he regains his sight and sees Quinn in a whole new light (as does Steffy since she's never seen her father so happy before!) and Quinn now has feels for Ridge that she tries to deny....

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What in the fresh hell was Brooke wearing? Why can't they dress her properly? Is there a more BORING couple on television than Nicole and Zzzzzzzende? Or worse actors? Those last two were rhetorical questions, obviously. 

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Julie Chen is "affectionately" known as Chenbot. From now on I'm going to call Nicole Nicbot.  She tries to look pensive but for me, it's her usuall bitch face. Like Maya, she still can't fathom that people have legitimate feelings of their own. Nicbot and Sasha come from the same blue collar neighborhood but once again, like Maya, they think that they are entitled to be upper crust and crap on anyone who tries to achieve a higher life style. If Zende and Sasha can't be trusted than Nicbot can't be trusted either.  Let's see how fast Nicbot returns to Zende once Sasha either lands Wyatt or Thomas. I would love to see Liam go back to Ivy and Nicbot and Steffy can vacation together at the La Brea Tar Pits.

I just have to say that Ridge is making Bill more tolerable. For a second, I thought that Steffy was going to lick the sweat off of Bill's chest. After Liam and Wyatt, Bill must look like The Rock to her. 

Edited by Waldo13
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Brooke is getting on my last nerve.  Bitch make. up. your. fucking. mind.  You're getting as boring as ZZZZende....and that's going some.

Are we sure she isn't Waffles mother?

Missed yesterday due to the OSU attack so thanks for the usual awesome recap CountryGirl!  You are in my head....I'm thinking almost the same things..;-)

Edited by OhioSongbird
...wrong word.....
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I was glad to see a nod to the past today when Bill told Steffy that she'd seen him with his shirt off before. Was that Steffy's natural hair today? It looked good. She should leave it like that.

I was so irked with Brooke. OK. You finally told him. Turn around an WALK AWAY. She acted like she expected him to beg and grovel for her to change her mind and was disappointed that he didn't do so.  What a shameless oration of manipulation by Rumple. Brooke isn't going to be abandoning RJ. She also isn't going to miss holidays with him.  You know, it's not a foreign concept these days for people to visit multiple groups of family and friends on holidays. Sheesh ...

And no. I didn't care for that flowing sheer white vest Brooke's been wearing.  I think it would be really pretty on her, but not over that particular blouse and pants.

I kind of didn't like Sasha kicking Nicole when she was down today -- but only a little bit.  I can see both sides. Neither one of them was responsible for the circumstances surrounding Sasha's childhood, so it's really hitting below the belt for either one of them to go there.  But Zende is like Liam.; he's not worth fighting over.

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1 hour ago, grisgris said:

Brooke isn't going to be abandoning RJ. She also isn't going to miss holidays with him.  You know, it's not a foreign concept these days for people to visit multiple groups of family and friends on holidays. Sheesh ...

Especially considering that the 4 of them were just together for Thanksgiving.

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That whole ruse of Ridge walking away in order to lure Brooke to the cliff was beyond stupid.  "Ridge, I'm marrying another man!  Don't walk away!  This is a life-changing decision!  Aren't you going to try to stop me?!  Well, then, I'm just going to angrily march up to this precipice to give you one last chance to do something about this!  Ooooohhhh, sentimental sand art!"

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Awww Nawww he didn't. But actually he did. More troubling was the way her face lit up. Does Brooke think Rumple was out there for hours digging in the sand for her? Maybe she would be less impressed if she knew he paid someone to do the heavy lifting. In any event, I hate it. I am so beyond perturbed with Brooke. After hemming and hawing about, she finally tells Rumple she is off for her long delayed nuptials with Bill, and then proceeds to look disappointed with his non-reaction. COME ON BROOKE. You have to know it was all an act. He wanted you to follow him up to the top of those rocks so you could see your fucking destiny. But why didn't you just turn around and go to Bill? Why did you look so put out that Rumple was nonplussed. I know why. Because you do want to reconcile with him. But you don't want to make it easy on him. Do you think this little game of cat and mouse is going to make up for thirty years of maltreatment? Making Ridge jealous with a man he hates? Just too stupid for words. I so wish they would let Brooke act like a friggin grown up. And there for awhile she was, but then Rumple returned and waved his magic Dick and stirred up the GC. Fucker. 

Helllllllooooo Sasha! Where have you been? Now, just like my fellow poster grisgris, I don't believe in, or like to see people being kicked when they are down. But in Nicole's case I am willing to make an exception. Nicole is the one who told Zende she was going to say no. Then she fell for the heavy handed no pressure from Rick and Maya and changed her mind and said yes. I think under those circumstances Zende had every right to be pissed. But the girl turned around and changed her mind again, but chose not to relay that to Zende. I don't agree with him just grabbing Sasha and flying off to Hawaii, and I am really angry that Sasha jumped in bed with him, but at the time, they both thought they were single. Besides that, Nicole is just so full of herself, and comes off like she thinks she is better than Sasha. I was getting more and more upset as I watched Sasha trying to talk to Nicole, who just stood there with her Bitch face on. And then of course, she makes it out like Zende had nothing to do with any of it, well maybe some of it, but clearly, Nicole is putting the lion's share of blame of Sasha. I was seething as I watched Sasha groveling for anything from Nicole.  I knew they were gearing Sasha up to be the next Brooke. I suppose she will be called that "Slut from the Midwest", by all the Avant's, and will be seen as a hateful, man stealing, whore. Please let her run into Wyatt at the office. Give this girl something worthwhile to do. Let the kiddos play, while Sasha moves on to an adult romance. 

I had to go get stitches to close up the hole left by that Steffy and Bill anvil. So let's see; Brooke reunites with Rumple, because she cannot turn her back on her fambly, and cannot spend holidays away from RJ even though she hadn't seen the kid in years before he came home. This leaves Bill to his own devices, and he is hurt, and angry, and is really in disbelief that Brooke would walk away from him. Meanwhile, Ivy and Liam run into each other, and she is all apologies for what happened, and says she feels responsible for Captive Cabin. Liam tries to reassure Ivy that it wasn't her fault, and starts recreating the whole episode and suddenly remembers seeing Wyatt and Steffy in bed. What is this? It must be an illusion. His precious, and most perfect snow angel wouldn't do that to him. After confronting Steffy and learning that she did indeed "sleep" with Wyatt, Liam turns to Ivy for consolation. Steffy runs back to Wyatt for support, but he is done with her because he has now found a woman of real substance in Sasha. Desperate for someone to hold her hand and kiss her boo boo's, Steffy turns to Bill, who is in a "helping" state of mind and shows Steffy his hidden love nest............

Edited by RuntheTable
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I will be happily squirming in smug glee if Brooke dumps Bill for Ridge. I can't imagine a more deserved helping of poetic justice for either of them after what they did to Katie.  Even if you hate Katie, that was plain shitty of Brooke and then Bill so fuck them they deserve to eat shit. I hate those cheaters.  Brooke deserves to have Ridge make her miserable and Bill deserves to be dumped on his ass. Just the prospect of this happening may make me watch again.  B&B, oh how I try to quit you...

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Yeah, this whole situation is a big ass clusterfuck. I hate Brill, I hate Bridge, I hate Katie and her smug superiority as though Nick Marone and the ill fated pregnancy that forced them to come clean didn't happen. Much like SullyGate on Y&R, there's no one to root for.

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Recap for Tues. 11/29:

Puffy drops by SP to see Bill, who is working out in his office. 

Puffy and my reaction?


I totally agree that Puffy looked as if she wanted to lick the sweat off his very fine chest. Me first, bitch.

Bill remarks that she's seen him without a shirt before. Yeah, like that time the two of you were rolling around on your twin bed before you were Taylor-blocked.

He tells her that Rumple isn't going to keep him from Brooke and that the wedding is in a few hours. Steffy doesn't really seem to have a dog in this fight, but as always, her butter face makes it hard to get a good read. Her hair did look better today so that's something.

Bill asks Steffy why she stopped by and she admits she really came by to see Liam. Bill jokes about Liam helping little old ladies across the street. 


They move on from that eye-rolling topic to discuss Quinn. Steffy says her opinion of Quinn hasn't changed and that she's accepting her for now because of her grandfather. How noble of you, dear. Bill reminds her, in case Rumple has bugged her or something, that he is never, ever, ever (like ever) letting Ridge ruin his happiness again. Famous last words, methinks.

Nicole is in one of the offices at FC, trying her best pouty or pensive look, but she just comes off as constipated to me today, which is not a good look, especially in the lacy romper she's wearing. Just because you can wear something doesn't mean you should. And while RE is clearly heads-and-tails above RF, she is no match for just about anyone else on this show. Particularly the spitfire FC, who enters the room to finally face her sister.

Here's the short version of how things went down:


And I'm sure I don't have to tell you who's who here. 

Here's the long version:

Sasha tells Nicole she wanted to give her some space - so that's why she wasn't around for Thanksgiving. As if those tight-asses would have invited her in the first place.

She says that she's not making excuses for what happened but that it would not have happened but for Nicole (by all appearances, hospital gown and all) agreeing to be Raya's surrogate again. Well, it wouldn't have happened if Zende gave two shits about Nicole or Sasha and Sasha had more self-respect but I digress. Nicole own's the lion's share of the blame IMO. She actually advocates on Zende's behalf, telling Nicole how much he loves her (no, he loves himself) and that she hopes they work things out.

Nicole says she can't ever trust Sasha again and she knows Sasha isn't telling the truth about wanting them back together. I'm sure Sasha probably would like another shot with Zende (God knows why). Despite his looks/body, he looks like someone who would just lay there and let you do all the work, if you know what I mean, and I know you do. And outside the bedroom, he's clearly as much fun as a bag of worms, given his party pooper performance in Hawaii.

Sasha attempts to reassure Nicole that while she does care about Zende, she will respect them getting back together. Nicole, never satisfied, grouses that she can't accept Zende ping ponging between them. As if Sasha is to blame for his poor choices. 

Sasha tells Nicole (and I'm sure this hurt) that Zende is even more in love with her than ever and can't she forgive him?

Now, I don't blame Nicole at all for not taking Zende back this time but the way I saw both scenarios, they were ON A BREAAAAAAAAAK. But if she wants to not take him back because everytime they break up, he takes all of 5 seconds to hook up with Sasha, then that's fine. Nicole tells Sasha she can't trust Zende anymore either, so there!

So she seems to be putting an equal share of blame on Zende until she just can't resist telling Sasha that poor innocent little Zende was hurting and eeeevil woman Sasha took advantage of him. Oh, you can fuck right off with that noise, Nicole. "What kind of sister does that?" 


Oh hell to the no, you whiny little bitch baby. She's treated Sasha decidedly unsisterlike ever since she learned the truth. If she ever got her head out of her perfectly perfumed ass, she'd realize that much of why Sasha chases after the bones Zende throws her is because she's looking for love in all the wrong places and maybe, just maybe, if her family showed her a little bit of love, she wouldn't be so thirsty for his.

And then the twit has the gall to tell Sasha: "You took my future." No, princess, you did that when you chose to be Raya's easy-baby-oven all over again and didn't give two shits about his feelings until he took off with Sasha.

And again, if Zende were one iota the prince charming she thinks he is, he wouldn't have immediately taken up with someone else, let alone Sasha.

Then she throws out some weird crap about how the only reason Sasha knows Zende is because of her. Which, what? And also, who cares?

Sasha tells Nicole that she has always been coddled (true statement) and there is no such thing as prince charming out there (amen, sister!) so if she tosses Zende to the curb, it's all on her.

Of course, Nicole can't abide a truth mirror being shown to reflect that the halo she thinks she wears exists only in her imagination and tells Sasha to go and that she better not so much as even look in her direction again. Sasha deserves a halo for not cold-cocking this pampered little twat.

I mean, just look at the entitled smug on her face.


She also has to get in another dig about their father and to stop blaming him for everything. Oh no, she doesn't get to go there. Sasha was treated like gutter trash while Nicole lived the good life as Daddy's little girl. And Julius is still treating her like garbage and Nicole and Maya aren't much better. So she doesn't get to pretend that all is easily mended and wash her hands of that because it's more convenient for HER.

Sasha tells Nicole that she does have feelings for Zende (and dammit it all to hell that they screwed up what could have been with her and Thomas) and that Nicole better speak up or risk losing him forever.

While I would love to end the recap with this because I've certainly reached my crap quota for the day, I'll press on.


Rumple tells Brooke to take off that joke of a ring and tell Bill the engagement and wedding are off. First of all, Rumple, Bill's ring may be ugly as fuck but it's still a million times better than the rape instigator's ring. Second, who are you to order her to do anything?

She tells him that the only reason she showed up was to tell him she was leaving in a few hours to marry Bill. And seriously, she couldn't have told him that on the phone? Or, I don't know, TEXTED him that? A fitting end, don't you think?

Ridge asks her if she's suuuure that's what she wants and talks about her "walking away from RJ and me." What the actual fuck, Ridge? What does her marrying Bill have to do with RJ? 

That's right, it doesn't. But he learned the fine art of emotional blackmail at his mother's knee and he is working every angle.

But she is letting him because she is still there!

Brooke says she's always wanted to be a Forrester and seriously, honey? You were, several times over and where did it get you? Oh, that's right, an alone and lonely, sobbing mess on the floor.

She says she'll always love Ridge but that he and RJ have to accept that marrying Bill is what she wants. Okay now, Brooke, it's time to walk away now...

And that fucker Ridge is the one who walks away, playing her like the puppet she turns into in his presence. 

He pretends to not be listening anymore and plays with his phone as he marches up towards the cliff. 

And like the Pavlov's dog she is, she continues to stand there and, just as his script predicted, whines "Ridge!" and all about how can he walk away when she's talking to him and guys, this is just so pathetically bad. I'm embarrassed for her.

And I'm also mad as hell.

And right on cue, she charges up the hill, demanding he talk to her and he has her look down to see nary a hint of a photo shoot but this vomit-inducing image (you called it RuntheTable):


And that image in the sand, which we all know good and well he didn't make because he's lazy and can't spell, is all it takes for her to make googly-eyes at him. 

He tells her she is never going to leave him and as much as it pains me to type this, I believe him. Because she is literally so fucking dumb and Ridge Forrester-Syndromed that she is going to throw away the best thing to have ever happened to her for this piece of trash. 

I mean, watching this is like watching the Titanic. We all know how it's going to end.

I wish Quinn were there to push both their asses off the cliff.

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Man, they are really dragging this shit out, aren't they?  How many episodes in a row are going to close on Brooke's conflicted, indecisive face?  

But, even with that being said, Nicole was even more all over the place.  "I love Zende too much to lose him....And I can't be with someone who treats me like that."  Umm...??  And, I mean, at least in Brooke's case, I actually care how that shit ends.  But Nicole/Zende?  Stay together, stay apart, I don't care.  Just shut up.

And, what?  Now Steffy wants her father with Brooke?  When did that happen?  Is it because she's so gloriously in love with her Waffle that she wants to see everyone else happy?  Or does she know that her father is eventually going to shit all over Brooke, and she wants to get a chance to giggle at that shit?  

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I hate Nicole almost as much as Puffy. She's so self-righteous, smug, and entitled. Sasha should've told her to go back to Illinois--since she seemingly has no purpose around Forrester other than sulking, pouting, and perfecting her resting bitch face. She's what 19-21, and she's so bloody miserable. Nothing makes her happy. I agree that she hasn't treated Sasha anything like a sister. (BTW, I hate Nicole's romper on her. Hard to believe that thing is $500. Her posture and lack of gravitas could not have possibly pulled it off. I've seen it on somebody IRL, and they didn't look like a little girl wearing their older sister's clothes.)


Bell already revealed via TVInsider that Bridge is going to be engaged. Why, why, why?! I could throw something.

I just can't even with this dull triangle of Brooke, Ridge, and Bill. And wtf was up with Steffy/Bill's matching colour coordinated outfits/accessories? Seriously, wardrobe put both of them in navy and silver? Dropping another anvil are we? She looked like she wanted to sop him up like a biscuit and some gravy. D.D. has a nice body. I can't even front. Why would Brooke want Mr. Man Boobs and sloppy himself? He doesn't even want to shave or take a shower!

What was the point of bringing Ivy back in August if we've only seen her a handful of times? What a waste of Ash Brewer.

Honestly, this November sweeps fell flat because Zende and Nicole's boring rubbish has been on screen since the end of October. Judging by here and other boards, nobody is shipping those two in the slightest bit! Be together. Stay apart. Who cares? As long as she continues to be a self-entitled, smug person who puts her sister first and can only assign blame to others, she'll continue to be a bitter bitty.

Edited by AussieBabe
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4 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Now Steffy wants her father with Brooke?  When did that happen?

About the same time Rick became a Bridge cheerleader, apparently.

Why can nothing be developed properly on this show? Why are two of the consistently anti-Bridge people on board with this with no explanation? The show has just switched directions faster than Liam changes between women. TIIC did this when they suddenly wanted Stephanie in Nick's orbit, ignoring all the bad blood that rightfully existed between time, or how Caroline and Maya both became spoiled entitlement bitches overnight. 

If they do this, can they have Brooke wake out out of love with Ridge for February sweeps?

35 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

And that image in the sand, which we all know good and well he didn't make because he's lazy and can't spell, is all it takes for her to make googly-eyes at him.

Still more effort than anything the rest of the idiot boys on this show can muster.

Hey, 'member the fancy dinners? 'Mmber when Eric bought Brooke a restaurant? 'Member when Ridge chased Taylor to St. Thomas? Yeah, I 'member that!



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7 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

Or does she know that her father is eventually going to shit all over Brooke, and she wants to get a chance to giggle at that shit?  

That would've been a GREAT scene. Kind of like how Bridget and Rick were joking how Brooke is who she is and Eric scolded them for 'disrepectin' their mother.

Can you imagine Steffy and Brooke talking about both Bill and Ridge and gettin' real?  Steffy could play the 'You bitched ME out when I was with Bill but you betrayed your sister twice by going after Bill' while Brooke can go 'Yeah, I did. Bet that stings that he couldn't give me up but could drop you like a hot potato, huh?' Steffy then counters with 'Go ahead and marry my dad, you'll just be left alone crying your single tear when he leaves you.'

Bill really should've mildly taken Steffy to task 'Look, I know it's easy to jerk my sons around because they're weak, but can you stop dicking around with them, already? And don't' even think of pulling this crap with Will when he's of age. Because Katie will cut a bitch, okay?'

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5 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

I hate Nicole almost as much as Puffy. She's so self-righteous, smug, and entitled. Sasha should've told her to go back to Illinois--since she seemingly has no purpose around Forrester other than sulking, pouting, and perfecting her resting bitch face. She's what 19-21, and she's so bloody miserable. Nothing makes her happy. I agree that she hasn't treated Sasha anything like a sister. (BTW, I hate Nicole's romper on her. Hard to believe that thing is $500. Her posture and lack of gravitas pulled it off. I've seen it on somebody IRL, and they didn't look like a little girl wearing their older sister's clothes.)

  Reveal hidden contents

Bell already revealed via TVInsider that Bridge is going to be engaged. Why, why, why?! I could throw something.

I just can't even with this dull triangle of Brooke, Ridge, and Bill. And wtf was up with Steffy/Bill's matching colour coordinated outfits/accessories? Seriously, wardrobe put both of them in navy and silver? Dropping another anvil are we? She looked like she wanted to sop him up like a biscuit and some gravy. D.D. has a nice body. I can't even front. Why would Brooke want Mr. Man Boobs and sloppy himself? He doesn't even want to shave or take a shower!

What was the point of bringing Ivy back in August if we've only seen her a handful of times? What a waste of Ash Brewer.

Honestly, this November sweeps fell flat because Zende and Nicole's boring rubbish has been on screen since the end of October. Judging by here and other boards, nobody is shipping those two in the slightest bit! Be together. Stay apart. Who cares? As long as she continues to be a self-entitled, smug person who puts her sister first and can only assign blame to others, she'll continue to be a bitter bitty.


I mean how is this any contest?

200.gif#2           vs      jpi_episode6825_0001227886.jpg

Edited by CountryGirl
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5 minutes ago, AussieBabe said:

Honestly, this November sweeps fell flat because Zende and Nicole's boring rubbish has been on screen since the end of October. Judging by here and other boards, nobody is shipping those two in the slightest bit! Be together. Stay apart. Who cares?

OMG, this. They are easily the most boring pairing on any show I've ever watched.

13 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

Dayum! D.D. is fine!

I've seen video of him in his Y&R days. Apart from being clean shaven (seven years in, and I still haven't accept it :p), Diamont is way hotter now than he was as the Fenmores' (Abbotts' ?) poolboy 30 years ago.

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I'm someone who will always find TK attractive, so in a contest between him and DD, I find them both attractive in different ways (and TK would probably be more my "type," that voice works for me).  But in show, when you factor their personalities in, and, specifically as a mate for Brooke, when you factor in how each has treated her?  There is no fucking contest.  How does the show think we are buying this shit?  And, from last I saw one of those SID polls, Bill/Brooke were the #1 fan favorite couple, and I don't think Bridge were even on there.  So what in the blue hell is show doing here?  Why?  Ridge looks even wafflier than Waffles.  He loves Brooke.  He can't deal with Brooke because she fell for Bill. He loves Katie. Oh, wait, he never really loved Katie, but he does really love Caroline now.  Oh, Caroline got pregnant with his son's baby when his son raped her?  She should be with his son.  Now he'll just brood about Caroline for a while and focus on the company.  Oh, wait, he needs Bill's shares of FC, so Brooke can marry him to get them.  But, wait!  He wants Brooke again.  And, as soon as he gets her, he'll, I'm sure, develop a forbidden attraction" to his stepmother.  How does he even remember each morning when he wakes up who it is that he's into now?  

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Ridge is the original Waffles as exemplified by KerleyQ's post. Going further back, remember how he gave Taylor the showstopper wedding dress and engagement ring meant for Brooke? 

Granted, it wasn't still warm from Brooke's fingers as was Hope's when Liam gave it to Steffy, but still.

I think one of two things will happen to make Rumple waffle again - his hate for Quinn turns to love/lust (since love and hate are two sides of the same coin) or little Dougie is his after all. 

Which leaves Brooke on the outside, looking in, and I won't even muster up one tear to cry for her. 

Just now, Gudzilla said:

I don't understand, $Bill calls off the wedding because it was"tainted" by the hobo showing up and speaking to Brooke. So $Bill sets up a new wedding and then sends Brooke off to speak to the hobo.... wtf ?

I think it was a test - one she failed spectacularly.

If she couldn't say it was over, for good, to his crusty face and walk away, then it was never going to be over.

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Forgot to mention before - that sand carving.  That was a thing they had for one of their weddings, right?  I could swear I remember seeing it in one of the soap mags back then.  So they just green screened in that old shot now (because the editing job there was beyond bad)?  Which makes literally everything about this Bridge reunion as lazy as humanly possible.  It's like someone just flipped a switch in the writers' room one day, and they decided this is how it is now, with no build up and no real fucks to give towards making it good.  

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I thought that heart in the sand was for a ceremony in 2009? One where they decided to marry each other without all the drama of their family (which this time included Rick in his yet-to-be-exposed relationship with Steffy).

The first Malibu wedding had Brooke showing up on horseback with a dress that was frigging huge and that poor KKL faceplanted in as she dismounted, per that recent The Talk interview.

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Maya Maya Maya, you went after a married man and you have no right to say shit. Pot/Kettle.  Maya and Nicbot are a complete waist of time. I would rather watch canned shots of LA, to fill time, instead of them. 

Bill = Lucifer and Ridge = Satin. A rose by any other name is still a rose.  If I was Brooke, I would lean towards Bill. I get the impression that Ridge only wants Brooke when he can't have her. 

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Oh Brooke. SMH If you go back to stupid Ridge then you will deserve all of the misery that is coming your way. 

Sasha is just gross. Does she even have an ounce of self-respect? She reminds me of Steffy chasing after Liam when he was so into Hope. Just happy to be someone's second best. 

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52 minutes ago, Dream Boy said:

Oh Brooke. SMH If you go back to stupid Ridge then you will deserve all of the misery that is coming your way. 

Sasha is just gross. Does she even have an ounce of self-respect? She reminds me of Steffy chasing after Liam when he was so into Hope. Just happy to be someone's second best. 

Puffy, Chickenhead and Sasha are suffering from the side effects of the drought in Cali...extreme thirst.

Edited by tricknasty
Too much wine
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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:


Bill = Lucifer and Ridge = Satin. A rose by any other name is still a rose.  If I was Brooke, I would lean towards Bill. I get the impression that Ridge only wants Brooke when he can't have her. 

Yep. I dunno how long you've been watching, but that mentality of Ridge's goes back literally to day one, when he proposes to Caroline I after Bill Sr. says he's not right for his daughter.

But off the top of my head I can remember Ridge dumping Brooke shortly after her first miscarriage to pursue Caroline; sleeping with a married Brooke ( his then stepmother) while still kinda involved with Taylor; using those feelings to try to manipulate Belief from her...and that was just within the first five seasons in their hacylon days!

On the upside, when Bridge implode this time, neither of them can pin this on Stephanie or their now supportive children or a misunderstanding or any other crap but themselves.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Yep. I dunno how long you've been watching, but that mentality of Ridge's goes back literally to day one, when he proposes to Caroline I after Bill Sr. says he's not right for his daughter.

But off the top of my head I can remember Ridge dumping Brooke shortly after her first miscarriage to pursue Caroline; sleeping with a married Brooke ( his then stepmother) while still kinda involved with Taylor; using those feelings to try to manipulate Belief from her...and that was just within the first five seasons in their hacylon days!

On the upside, when Bridge implode this time, neither of them can pin this on Stephanie or their now supportive children or a misunderstanding or any other crap but themselves.

I've only been watching 5 years but you don't need years and years, of history, to figure out Ridge's personality.  As I said once before, I've met quite a few men like Ridge in both my personal and business lives. I find most of these fictional soap opera  characters based somewhere in reality.  

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You know, I'm always very vocally critical on here about actors dictating the SLs or slacking off/being obstinate when they don't care for their on-screen partner, direction for their character, etc. However, in this case, if I were KKL, I'd put my foot down.  I'd march in to Brad Bell, script in hand, and announce, "Enough of this shit!" (I mean, she was able to put the kibosh on Brick V. 3 or 4 ...) She has been around long enough that BB should listen to her and respect her wishes.

I'm sorry, but Brooke/KKL isn't convincing me in the slightest that she wants to be with Ridge. Brooke is coming across as yes, a puppet. She just seems to be swinging in the wind right now. Her demeanor seems more of being beaten down and disgusted, as opposed to being torn between two men. She could barely muster up any inklings of nostalgia over the stupid sand castle and at best, rendered a wan smile.  Also, Brooke needs to listen carefully to each man's argument. While Ridge is playing the family card hard, he is also not shy about tearing down Bill at every opportunity. While Bill doesn't sing "the dressmaker" and praises, he is clearly pointing out how Ridge is emotionally manipulating Brooke. He knew every play out of the book, right down to R.J.

It's pretty clear as to what's going to happen and I'm disappointed especially since it makes Brooke look like a complete fool and doormat.  When she admitted yesterday that all she ever wanted out of life was to be a Forrester, I nearly cried and threw something at the TV. Really? With everything she has going to her, that's all she aspires to be in life?  I knew at that point, Bill could set sail alone. What a waste and it completely unraveled any growth and development of Brooke (which really wasn't much) over the past years. It also makes me really angry for Katie. (While I do agree that Bill and Katie have run their course, I think of all of the angst Bill and Brooke helped perpetuate.)

Speaking of retrograde character growth ... Sasha. She was doing so well when she got untangled from Zzzende and Nicole and was trying to patch up things with her family, as well as starting her modeling career. I was so happy when she was with Thomas. It's like none of that happened and now she's back to chasing after that tool Zende.  Disappointing.

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Lookie here Maya, you just need to shut it. How do you know that Sasha targeted Zende? You weren't there, so you know nothing except you and your sister want to paint Sasha as the villain. I will give Nicole some credit for at least trying to see Zende's side, but it is clearly going to be a witch hunt where Sasha is concerned. So they can both shut up about shit. Zende got drunk, he saw Sasha having a good time with some other girls and went and grabbed her, not the other way around. No, Sasha didn't have to go with him to Hawaii or anywhere else for that matter, but it appears that we have yet another man who just cannot be resisted. I am not upset with Zende for being pissed at Nicole, but I am upset that he dragged Sasha into this mess. He knew how she felt about him, and he knew that she would hang with him, and he knew that he didn't want her, but he still wanted her to want him. Now, we have two young women who are in the prime of their lives, both with bright futures, lamenting the loss of a guy who cannot be trusted to do the right thing. I shouldn't be aggravated about it; this is standard operating procedure for the B&B, but I am all the same. 

So, the world will stop spinning if Brooke and Ridge don't reunite for RJ? Did it stop spinning for Rick and Bridget? Will? Hope? Do the writers think that today's viewers are still holding on to the principles of the 1950's? How about growing and changing with the times. But what really gets me is how they act like RJ will implode without his happy family, when Brooke and Ridge have steadfastly ignored their son for most of his life. So, as a teenager, he needs them more than ever? I admit I am perplexed. I am also furious. And disappointed. I have no doubt whatsoever that Brooke is going to call it off with Bill. And I don't think Bill's pride will allow her any more chances. They have ruined Brooke. They have dumbed her down to a level that doesn't even register. All she does is stand there and let her men go on, while she squints and smiles and makes weak arguments. Doesn't she understand that it shouldn't be this hard? Relationships are supposed to be about happiness and support and trust and friendship; things she has never gotten from Ridge without begging for them. I wish someone would pull her aside and remind her of the bad times. I know Bill has tried, but he wasn't there and didn't live it. Rick could do it, but Brooke would just see it as his usual sour grapes and his lifelong hatred of Ridge. I wish she would remember "Ridge's Decision Part 1". I wish she would remember Ridge, Eric and Taylor's ambush in Italy. I wish she would remember how Thomas was more important than her and her kids and their marriage; not once, but twice. I wish she would remember Ridge turning on her, and voting against her, causing her to lose control of FC's. Ridge has done so many hateful, unforgivable things to Brooke, but she still pants and pines after him like a teenage girl. Maybe I am the one who is wrong. Maybe these two do share a destiny. For some reason though, I feel it is a destiny I don't care to watch. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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