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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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On 10/11/2016 at 2:22 PM, TobinAlbers said:

 I wanted to bleach my brain and break my fingers as I was typing it. But I can totally see Ridge going all in thinking that to get Quinn out of Eric's life, he'll sacrifice his place in the family and seduce her so Eric will 'see her as she is' and of course fall in love with her. Eric has repeatedly said that Ridge 'Stealing' Brooke was a betrayal he never got over. Classic soap.

I just started watching again after three years so I haven't ever seen this salty and scruffy Ridge in bed with a woman. If I EVER see him in bed with someone it means that I couldn't find the remote control fast enough.  There wouldn't be enough brain bleach left in Malibu. 

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6 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

That's unthinkable! Caroline cannot be alone. Who would cater to her every mewling enquiries or flirtatious batting eyelashes, without a man to fawn all over her fabulosity and commit themselves to a 7 month relationship encounter and/or marriage? 

Sorry, no. Thomas' whitewashing and reformation is not complete until everyone is reciting that Misunderstanding Doug is a Misunderstood product of Misunderstanding Night where Thomas Misunderstands Caroline's immobile Misunderstanding intoxicated body as a Misunderstood come-hither for Misunderstanding sexxxytimes.


That was a stunning convo today, and unfortunately overshadowed by all of the other idiocy.  I was honestly stunned by Show's tone deafness. Perhaps the writers have not been following the news lately?  How many cases of rape have we just recently seen treated like NOTHING because either the rapist or victim were under the influence?  Although this is not a recent thing at all.  Show would have been better to just shut up and let everyone pretend it didn't happen the way we saw it happen.  I am just disgusted, frankly, at this latest attempt of having Sasha exonerate idiot and pig Thomas.

It was only like a minute of the show but seriously pissed me off.  

Edited by bannana
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No, No, No, No, NO!!! That is not how it was supposed to happen! I was so proud of Wyatt for finding his balls, then wielding them like a mighty set of clacker's over Ridge's oily head. But I wanted him to take the next step and find his self esteem too. I wanted him to go back to the Beach House and clack those clacker's but good. Then, after reading that Bratz doll for filth, I wanted him to set her aside. That's right; I wanted him to be done with her. I wanted him to then wrap her in a bright red ribbon, take her over to Cliff House, plop her botoxed ass on Liam's doorstep after ringing the bell. I wanted so, so, badly, for Wyatt to gift that trifling bitch to his brother. And I wanted Wyatt to be wearing a big, happy victory smile. But, I will have to take what I can get I suppose. Wyatt did manage to crack a face and rid himself of that albatross at the same time. I think there was still hope for their marriage until Wyatt did the unthinkable and called Steffy on her shit. I was beyond delighted when he told her that their marriage was about them, not his mother, or her granddad, or FC's, or anything else. The best though, was when he pointed out that Eric had a brain hemorrhage, something that happens organically, and can't be caused by swords, or words, or potions, and that his mother wasn't even in the room, but the sainted fam-uh-leeh was. How dare Wyatt! Where on God's green earth did he ever get the chutzpah to counter Steffy? Out of all of it, the things that pissed me off the most was Puffy's declaration that "Quinn defied me!" and her statement that "We Forresters have never had to deal with anything like this." We Forresters? I thought Wyatt was your husband, so wouldn't that sorta, kinda, make him one of those too? Then that rotten heifer had the temerity to fake tears and to tell Wyatt she loves him while she was still reeking of Liam, who she spent the entire afternoon with. 

My love for Sasha grew by leaps and bounds today. I am not happy she ended her budding relationship with Thomas, but I do like them having her be mature, and looking at the big picture. In B&B land, no child can be raised without both parents unless they are Brooke's, so I have little doubt that Thomas and Caroline will be happily cohabitating at the loft in record time. 

I refuse to say anything more about Misunderstanding night. 

Salad and surrogacy seems to be the theme of the day. I don't know which was worse, listening to Maya's passive/aggressive approach "Oh, sweetie, you gave us the greatest gift", "Oh, there is no pressure! We just thought it would be so nice for Lizzie to have a playmate. A sister or brother to be besties with, you know, like we are? And that way we know that Lizzie will never be alone." "So we just wanted to know how you feel?" Or watching her and Rick wax on about how joyous it would be to have another child, while Nicole sat there with total bitch face on. And Zende looked like he was about to bust with wanting to shout "Don't do it!" Either way, Nicole is toast. If she agrees, it will probably cost her Zende again, and if she doesn't, her life will be made a living hell of constant innuendo about how sisters are supposed to be there for each other. 

So, given today's turn of events here are a few predictions:

Thomas and Caroline will move in together and play happy fambly. Then it is discovered that Ridge is actually Douglass's bio dad, and he wants to reconcile with Caroline who has fallen for Thomas. 

Sasha and Wyatt run into each other and start to talk about their dual broken hearts, which leads to a connection, and they start dating. 


Sasha once again becomes the foil in the lauded Nicole/Zeeeende relationship. Please let it be option number one. But I have a bad feeling that the timing of Sasha breaking it off with Thomas, and Maya and Rick's request is just to predictable. 

We will have round 658,987,485 of the Waffle being sandwiched between two panting women; Steffy and Ivy. However, Steffy's increasing unhappiness with Wyatt and Sasha, coupled with Quinn's non-actions towards her and her fam-uh-lee, are taking on a toll on Liam's nerves, and he ends up putting the bitch out too and turns his full waffling attention to Ivy. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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So I thought I'd try something a little different and do a dialogue breakdown (and get my snark on in the process).


Wyatt: You know I love you.

Steffy: Of course. It's never been about that. So what IS it about, Puffy? Oh, that's right. You. 

Wyatt: [ Sighs ] I had to tell her, Steffy. Yasss, you did, son, and don't you ever apologize for that.

Steffy: Even if it cost you and me everything? Bitch, please, you couldn't be less interested in your marriage to Wyatt if you tried. If anything, you should be thanking Quinn for giving you the convenient excuse of bailing.

Wyatt: Hey, I will fight till my last breath for us, for our marriage. The question is, will you? Or will you walk away? She's not worth one of your breaths, Wyatt, let alone your last one. And please, please let the trifling heifer gallump away.


Thomas/Caroline - solid foods/Uncle Bill blah blah blah cakes.

Caroline: Actually, Will gets to see his dad all the time. But, of course, it's not the same as having both parents living together as a family. Don't you agree? Bats fake eyelashes about 50 million times while raising her Sharpie eyebrows in an expression she hopes he finds irresistible. Thomas can cue up Queen Bey's "Irresistable" any time now. Poor Sasha, listening at the door. 

Thomas: Every situation's different, I guess. How anyone, Caroline included, could misunderstand (horrible pun intended) that Thomas is just not that into Caroline, is beyond me.

Caroline: That's true. But if a child could have both parents --

Thomas: That's something douglas is never gonna have to worry about. We're always gonna be there for him.

Caroline: Of course. But if we could be there for him and be living together as a family, that's even better, right?

Thomas: I think your mommy's trying to make a point. So make it and STFU already, Caroline.

Caroline: I said some things the other day that I think might have thrown you. But now that you've had a chance to think about them... I mean, is it really so difficult to imagine what wasn't possible before? And not just imagine it but -- but make it happen. I really want you and me to be a family with Douglas. But I need to hear you say you want it, too. Girl does not know how to read a room.


Steffy: I've tried! We've both tried! What, exactly, have you tried, Puffy? His brother on for size?

Wyatt: So, what? Are you done trying now? Is that it? Well, I'm not! I won't stop trying until you tell me that it's pointless! Doesn't that mean anything to you? Newsflash, Wyatt, it doesn't and even if it did, how could you tell by the blank expression on her face.


Sasha: Oh. I'm interrupting. I'll -- I'll come back. Awww....

Thomas: No, no, no, it's okay. Dougie boy and I, we're just catching up. Weren't we, big guy? Notice he didn't mention anything about catching up with Carowhine.

Caroline: Yeah, you know what? Um, we should probably get going anyway. I'm sure you and Sasha have work to talk about. And it is almost Douglas' nap time. Claws in, bitch, with your assumption that all that's going on between them is "work." 

Caroline: Oh, yes. Think about, um, what I said. Enough with the anvils.

Thomas: [ Clears throat ] Yeah. He sounds like a man about to head towards the gallows.

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Break down continued...

Steffy: She's not -- she's not different. She says that she's changed, but my grandfather almost died because that woman's in his life. Um, that's not what I saw.

Wyatt: God, it was a brain hemorrhage, steffy! It was a medical condition! She wasn't even in the room when he collapsed! You and your family were! Oh my God, yes! Give it to her! If anyone is remotely responsible, it's his pack of brats and grandbrats.

Steffy: [ Voice breaking ] Because I finally completely believed that your mom was out of my life, out of my family's life! Quinn is Wyatt's mother - how in the world would she ever be out of his life? 

Wyatt: Yeah, well, that's not gonna happen, so... where do we stand? This where you want to be? You want us to be with our -- our home, our life? Thank you, Wyatt, for standing your ground. I'm thinking your balls grew three sizes today.

Thomas/Sasha rehash Rape Night...and I'm not going there because I want my blood pressure to stay within normal limits.

I've also avoided most of the Raya/Zicole lunch because I want my eyes to stay in my head and they can't if they're rolling as hard as they were yesterday, but I'll dip my toe in those messy waters - for a moment.

Rick: One day Lizzy's gonna know what a loving thing her auntie did for her. Yes it was so just say thank you again and move on with eating lunch.

Maya: You gave us the greatest gift imaginable, honey. We feel so blessed. To ask you for anything else feels... but we just want to know if it's an option, you know, now -- now that Rick and Lizzy and I are a family. Lizzy doesn't even have teeth yet and you're already asking what I think you're asking???

Nicole: What option? Oh honey...

Maya: To give Lizzy a little brother or sister. This greedy bitch...

Rick: We know it sounds crazy. Crazy, selfish, ridiculous.

Maya: And we probably don't even have the right to ask. No, you really don't but clearly, that's never stopped either of you before.

Rick: But you've brought so much joy to our lives.

Maya: Would you consider doing it again? Facepalm after facepalm after facepalm. And yet another example - in the very same episode - of people who couldn't read a room if their life depending on it. It was as if the waiter had set down a giant bowl of turds in front of them. 



Sasha: Um...yeah. You know, I mean, it's not like there's much to end. Oh Sasha...you know there was something there. Thomas knows there was something there. Carolines knows it, which is why she all but peed on Thomas' legs before she sashayed out of there with the ultimate hook, line, and sinker.

Sasha: But, you know, even if we were, I could never get in the way of a father and his child, especially when I know what it's like to grow up without a dad. Yeah, so, um, that's it. You'll -- you'll get back together with Caroline and you'll sort everything out and things will be the way they were meant to be. Excuse me while I dry my eyes. 

Thomas: Hey. What about you? Thomas, why aren't you telling her not to go???

Sasha: I'll -- I'll be fine! Yeah, I'll -- I'll bounce back. I'll be okay. Like I said, we were just, you know, hanging out. We weren't anything. I mean, yeah, I'd be lying if i said I didn't think we could have been something special, but... your son needs you. And you need him. So go. Go be a father to your son. Make a family for him. Of course, she'll be fine, she's survived worse than this. My goodness, how unselfish is she? It will piss me off to no end if that opportunistic Carowhine gets her way.


Rick: Yeah, we've been thinking about having another child for a while, giving lizzy a little brother or sister. I'm sure...since the moment Nicole gave birth. 

Maya: Not that we want you to feel pressure in any way, but you know the joy of having a sibling, someone to play with. Riiiight, no pressure...sure. 

Maya: Lizzy's a miracle, and it's a miracle that we wouldn't have had if it weren't for you, Nicole. So if there's any way that you would be willing to give lizzy a little brother or sister... just think about it? That's all we're asking. Oh please, that isn't all you're asking and you damn well know it. Seriously, the minute they started talking and saw Zende and Nicole's faces? Was their cue to shut up. 

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The home stretch:

Steffy: We've had so many incredible experiences. And I'm always gonna cherish that. But we need to be real. We need -- we need... God, we need to be honest with ourselves. I mean, I don't know if we would have been married if it weren't for your mom and her manipulations. Apparently, your experiences just can't compete with parachutes and truffle fries and cha cha cha. And don't talk to me about honesty, ever, Puffy...you wouldn't know the meaning of the word if it walked up to you and slapped you and bounced off your fake as hell face.

Wyatt: Yeah, okay. Yes. It was a manipulation. She manipulated us into getting to the altar, but at the end of the day, it was our feelings for each other that got us through it. You even said yourself. You wouldn't have said those vows if you didn't love me. Sure, she would...because Lord knows this bitch can't be alone for a day. 

Steffy: Of course I love you! I am always, always gonna love you. And maybe we might have wound up together, but we're never gonna know because of Quinn. There's so many things -- so many things we're never gonna know because of Quinn, and I want to believe things are gonna be different, but I know her and I know she's not gonna change. And I know you. And if you're honest with yourself, you know she's not gonna change, too. We have held on for so long, and I have honored you and you've honored me. We've honored our marriage. I don't see any other way. I'm sorry.

Love? I don't think Puffy's capable of loving anyone but Puff. But if she truly did love Wyatt, then Quinn would be absolutely irrelevant. But she doesn't and never did. And honoring her marriage? WTAF? So apparently kissing and hugging Liam not to mention all the many, many private, shoulder to cry on conversations??? And she is most certainly not sorry.

Wyatt: Steffy, don't. Don't walk out on me. S-steff-- Have some self-respect, Wyatt...make like Elsa and let it goooooo. The moment she walked out the door, all I could think of was this:



Savor the freedom, baby. You've earned it.

Edited by CountryGirl
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HAHAHA, CountryGirl, that was great!

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Sasha and Wyatt run into each other and start to talk about their dual broken hearts, which leads to a connection, and they start dating. 

I'd honestly prefer this over ThomAss. Wyatt deserves to have a girl that isn't up Liam's ass and to learn something about self respect.

i wish I could say I can't believe they'd tank Tasha for another round of the most boring, milquetoast triangle ever produced on this show. But after the many times Ridge's scions have been paired with Brooke's kids post paternity retcon after the Ridget fiasco, nothing shocks me.

Wyatt got his balls back, so that's something to enjoy.

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2 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

I'd honestly prefer this over ThomAss. Wyatt deserves to have a girl that isn't up Liam's ass and to learn something about self respect.

i wish I could say I can't believe they'd tank Tasha for another round of the most boring, milquetoast triangle ever produced on this show. But after the many times Ridge's scions have been paired with Brooke's kids post paternity retcon after the Ridget fiasco, nothing shocks me.

Yes! I am afraid we are going to get another round of Ivy/Liam/Steffy and Nicole/Zende/Sasha. UCK! to both. I am so sick of watching girls fawn over Liam. I would rather see Ivy and Steffy getting their groove on than another Liam triangle. 

And I might be forced to blow my own brains out if Nicole says yes and Zeeeennde runs right back to Sasha, who will be very vulnerable. Of course Zeeennde won't care because he will want his needs addressed and he can't fuck his pregnant by his uncle girlfriend. And once again, when Nicole delivers her second miracle to her hateful sister, Zeeeennde will run right back to her, and will kick Sasha to the curb. Oh yes, and all the Avants will be giving Sasha the stink eye again because she dared tread on Nicole's hallowed ground. 

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I could stomach Ivy/Waffles/Puffy more than another round of Zendon't/Nyquil/Sasha. I would hope Ivy would decide Liam isn't worth it and kick him to the curb in favor of someone new on the canvas.

I am sick of Sasha being chewed up and spit out for merely existing. I would hope she wouldn't give Zende a second glance after the way he used her, then threw her away once Nicole gave birth. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

I could stomach Ivy/Waffles/Puffy more than another round of Zendon't/Nyquil/Sasha. I would hope Ivy would decide Liam isn't worth it and kick him to the curb in favor of someone new on the canvas.

I am sick of Sasha being chewed up and spit out for merely existing. I would hope she wouldn't give Zende a second glance after the way he used her, then threw her away once Nicole gave birth. 

I've hope the same thing for every woman not named Sally since I've started following this show. We had Taylor moping get over Ridge right up to Ronn Moss's last day on the show despite him being the direct reason she became an alcoholic. Macy comes back from the dead and is still throwing shade at Brooke while her adopted sister is carrying Thorne's child. And Brooke's various exploits behind Ridge could be their own 7 part book series. And of course the headache including bullshit that surrounds every woman Liam comes in contact with. He'll be sniffing around Ivy the minute Wyatt divorces Puffy, and would forget about whichever one he's with if Hope showed up in LA tomorrow.

At least B&B gave me the satisfaction of Nick getting cuck'd by Owen and Bridget having the latter's child.

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Maybe it's just me but Thomas doesn't look thrilled to be getting a chance with Sharpie Eyebrows. It's like too little too late. I was feeling him and Sasha. I loved how they were building them up. I pray Sasha doesn't end up carrying the next Forrester spawn to be passed off to Rick and Maya's insufferable arses. Like how do you even fix your mouth to ask for a new baby when the one you have might be 5-6 months old? Harvest some eggs, hire a professional surrogate, and have her pop out as many as you want. And the fact that Nicole's weak arse is considering it? Gosh, get her simple minded behind off my screen. Thank God Zende sees the pressure-not pressure antic for what it is: garbage!

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STFU, Wyatt, you dumbass. You wouldn't even be married to that harpy if it weren't for your mother. Quit placing the blame for your break-up at Quinn's feet. It belongs at Puffy's. Go over to Liam's and you'll find her just where she wanted to be all along.

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One of the reasons why I go on such long breaks from watching soaps is the writers don't seem capable of melding drama and logic.  The idea that they would have Rick and Maya asking Nicole for another baby ALREADY is so completely asinine and transparent in it's attempts to try and create some drama in the world's most boring couple that it can't be taken seriously.  In addition, why are they still hung up on the idea that Nicole must birth the child herself?  It didn't make any sense the last time and it's even dumber now.  If you need other characters to act like morons just to create a storyline for Zzzende & Nicole, maybe you should just have the two of them on a Charlie schedule.

Wyatt being an intelligent character could only last so long.  Is he seriously blaming his mother for Steffy leaving him AGAIN?  When will this idiot realize Steffy never wanted him and used the excuse of Quinn to do what she wanted all along?  There have been plenty of reasons to be down on Steffy, but her unwillingness to be completely honest with Wyatt is chief among them (well, that and killing a family member).  She didn't even wait 24 hours before she was on Liam's doorstep... is that Quinn's fault too?  

The actress who plays Sasha looked damn good in yesterday's ep.  I would've been like "Caroline who?" 

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At this stage of the game I wish the writers would put all the single characters' names in a hat and pick out 3 and 4 at a time to make up new triangles.

Back in the day the producers used to have all the characters' pictures on a wall and would literally move them around to different pairings just to see how they looked together and if the they liked it, they'd try writing and testing them in the show. Sometimes they'd pair random characters just to see if they could come up with an interesting story pitch and if they did they'd try that in show as well.

Wish they'd try doing that now.

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Hey Nyquil! Remember when you reunited with Nicole because you came to your senses and realized what a selfless and beautiful act she did when she birthed the first spawn? Why you hating now? She now has another chance to perform that same selfless act. You should be turned on. Morons (writers and Nyquil)

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2 hours ago, tessaray said:

Great recap, CountryGirl.   Count me in if you ever decide to do it daily.    

I will try to do it daily. If nothing else, it gives me an opportunity to snark on the show and that's entertaining in and of itself.

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51 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

Hey Nyquil! Remember when you reunited with Nicole because you came to your senses and realized what a selfless and beautiful act she did when she birthed the first spawn? Why you hating now? She now has another chance to perform that same selfless act. You should be turned on. Morons (writers and Nyquil)

As John McCook's said in an interview a few weeks back. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzende is a classic Bell Boy(tm). This waffling was once unique to Ridge, but now this plagues every  one. Wyatt's so far the only one immune to this, but the true test will be if and when Hope is brought back.

Nicole can kick rocks. What a complete dud of a character, who apparently only exists to be the Royal Incubator. I hope she ends up already pregnant with Zende's  kid.

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I thought I would never say this but bring Hope back!  I would love to see what Liam would do if the real love of his life returns. I hope it would crack Steffy's face and two gallons of Botox would ooze out.  Steffy couldn't get to Liam fast enough so she took her bike so she could weave in and out of traffic. I'm guessing if anything happens to Steffy, Wyatt would be blamed for buying it for her. 

St Nicole has to at least contemplate their request or she would loose her wings. I'm sure she would do it because that's her sole purpose for her existence. 

What was that lame scene with Sheryl  Underwood today putting the moves on Bill. Sorry, Sheryl, your act is getting quite old since you do this, on "The View", practically everyday.

Wyatt, I would worry, Steffy would come running back as soon as she does something that Liam doesn't approve of.  

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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

At this stage of the game I wish the writers would put all the single characters' names in a hat and pick out 3 and 4 at a time to make up new triangles.

Back in the day the producers used to have all the characters' pictures on a wall and would literally move them around to different pairings just to see how they looked together and if the they liked it, they'd try writing and testing them in the show. Sometimes they'd pair random characters just to see if they could come up with an interesting story pitch and if they did they'd try that in show as well.

Wish they'd try doing that now.

Totally agree with this. As much as triangles in general are boring, at least different ones are a bit better than the constant rehashing. 

They also seem allergic to actually drawing out an interesting storyline. The battle for FC has started and stopped like 10 times already this year. 

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3 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

At this stage of the game I wish the writers would put all the single characters' names in a hat and pick out 3 and 4 at a time to make up new triangles.

Back in the day the producers used to have all the characters' pictures on a wall and would literally move them around to different pairings just to see how they looked together and if the they liked it, they'd try writing and testing them in the show. Sometimes they'd pair random characters just to see if they could come up with an interesting story pitch and if they did they'd try that in show as well.

Wish they'd try doing that now.

Would that even be possible today? Everyone is either a Forrester or Spencer or Avant. For whatever reason, Deacon is pining away for Quinn and Carter is the deal facto lawyer since they stupidly killed off Storm. 

My dream story? Anything new that isn't directly related to banging.

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

I thought I would never say this but bring Hope back!  I would love to see what Liam would do if the real love of his life returns. I hope it would crack Steffy's face and two gallons of Botox would ooze out.  Steffy couldn't get to Liam fast enough so she took her bike so she could weave in and out of traffic. I'm guessing if anything happens to Steffy, Wyatt would be blamed for buying it for her.  

Still to soon for me. Unless Hope is going to be significantly more mature and not cut bait the minute she doesn't get her way or jump to (however understandable) conclusions any time Waffles and Puffy or Ivy are in the same room, count me out on a Lope reunion. Besides, Nicole has the bitchy, entitled princess market cornered.

I just remembered RJ exists. Where did he go so quickly, AGAIN?

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4 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

STFU, Wyatt, you dumbass. You wouldn't even be married to that harpy if it weren't for your mother. Quit placing the blame for your break-up at Quinn's feet. It belongs at Puffy's. Go over to Liam's and you'll find her just where she wanted to be all along.

Wyatt needs to shut up. If he had half a brain, he would realise that without his mum, he wouldn't have EVER had a chance with Steffy. Since they unnecessarily blew up the potential that Sasha/Thomas could've been, I vote for Sasha and Wyatt to lick their wounds and become friends at the very least. I would say try Ivy again, but she's too busy trying to become Steffy 2.0 and pining behind a man who doesn't want her and has made it beyond clear.

I just need Liam to have a trigger and remember why he kicked her trifling ass to the curb the first go round. I hope that moment is epic and worth the fact that Bell and his minions have completely skipped it all these months. Nothing would give me greater joy than for Puffles to end up alone and/or rejected by Liam. Come on Liam. Unlock that memory of walking in to see your then-fiancee and brother curled up in your bed in their unmentionables.

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If this is truly the end of Sasha and Thomas and the beginning of Babygate 2: PEZ Popper Returns then I'm O-U-T out. It's all a little too much to take and the world is depressing enough these days TBH.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Would that even be possible today? Everyone is either a Forrester or Spencer or Avant. For whatever reason, Deacon is pining away for Quinn and Carter is the deal facto lawyer since they stupidly killed off Storm. 

My dream story? Anything new that isn't directly related to banging.

Sure! They don't all have to be romances.

 You make four main silos - Logan, Forrester, Avant, Spencer

Then you pick one from each and let your imagination go wild!

For example : Katie, Thomas, Nicole, Liam

Katie hires Thomas and Liam to work at her foundation. Thomas teaches all the young aspiring girls art and fashion and he realizes he has a thing for teaching -And Katie. Liam starts a tech branch of Katie's initiative for coding for women and hires Nicole as a computer programmer/teacher. They realize they work well together and between his seed money and her brains they start Cooper Avant Technologies. Nicole develops a crush on Liam to Zende's annoyance. Liam is determined to stay on the road of older brother/mentor and he and Nicole instead develop a strong friendship. Cooper Avant Tech is then spun out into Spencer Publishing storyline so and Forrester designs as they develop proprietary programs that alternately revolutionize each company but also get hacked when the story warrants it. 

Another example: Brooke, Zende, Vivienne, Wyatt

Zende loses his camera which has incriminating photos of him and Wyatt in a compromising position or two in Brooke's Bedroom lingerie. Brooke (to protect Forrester) and Vivienne (to protect Nicole's innocence) team up to find the camera before the pictures are released to the public. Viv and Brooke expose Loading Dock Guy's culpability and save the day. Realizing they make a good sleuthing team, Viv and Brooke start their own PI firm -V&B Invetigations - out of Brooke's Kitchen discreetly solving crimes of the Beverly Hills set. A reformed Zende is their secretary/assistant who now realizes his calling. Wyatt funds their exploits in exchange for V&B not releasing the photos.

Just mix and match! ;)

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3 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Steffy couldn't get to Liam fast enough so she took her bike so she could weave in and out of traffic. I'm guessing if anything happens to Steffy, Wyatt would be blamed for buying it for her.

It would be spun to be Quinn's fault, because if it weren't for Quinn, Puff the Magic Dragon wouldn't be running away from Wyatt and to Liam.

24 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Zende loses his camera which has incriminating photos of him and Wyatt in a compromising position or two in Brooke's Bedroom lingerie. Brooke (to protect Forrester) and Vivienne (to protect Nicole's innocence) team up to find the camera before the pictures are released to the public. Viv and Brooke expose Loading Dock Guy's culpability and save the day. Realizing they make a good sleuthing team, Viv and Brooke start their own PI firm -V&B Invetigations - out of Brooke's Kitchen discreetly solving crimes of the Beverly Hills set. A reformed Zende is their secretary/assistant who now realizes his calling. Wyatt funds their exploits in exchange for V&B not releasing the photos.

For the win! I love LDG getting a story :)

46 minutes ago, slayer2 said:

If this is truly the end of Sasha and Thomas and the beginning of Babygate 2: PEZ Popper Returns then I'm O-U-T out. It's all a little too much to take and the world is depressing enough these days TBH.

Just my opinion, but I don't think that's happening.  I think the next scene with Thomas will be him telling her not to go.

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

What was that lame scene with Sheryl  Underwood today putting the moves on Bill. Sorry, Sheryl, your act is getting quite old since you do this, on "The View", practically everyday.


Pretty sure that was for the CBS self- promotion week. And Sheryl Underwood is on "The Talk"...hence using the word "talk" so many times in their dialogue. I thought it was cheesy but kinda cute. Surprised DD could keep a straight face actually.

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Just my opinion, but I don't think that's happening.  I think the next scene with Thomas will be him telling her not to go

Oh but I sure hope you are correct! They are honestly the only sparkly thing on the show for me, I foolishly enjoyed Statt until "Adam" became Liam again and it's hard for me to even look at Raya right now with this selfish baby nonsense.

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My head was swiveling listening to Steffy and Ridge-Pen. For starters, it is about time that slob slept in his office and existed on his own coffee and Pam's lemon bars instead of showing up on Brooke's doorstep bright and early every morning for breakfast. For once looking like he slept in his clothes was accurate.

Anyway, Steffy was spouting on about how Wyatt can't say no to Quinn, they're co-dependent, lah de dah. Then she kind of admitted that she made her own decision to say "I do" to Wyatt.  I don't get where she's coming from.  She's being so self-righteous about Quinn being responsible for the end of her marriage, but insists that she's in love with Wyatt.  If that were the case, she wouldn't have let him leave, nor would she have jumped on her bike to race over to Liam's within hours. (They really need to shoot some new footage of JMW on the motorcycle. Whenever they show her heading up Miscarriage Mountaintop, I always think it's the beginning of another Steam montage.) I really would love to know why the writers refuse to have Liam suddenly remember "Undiegate" and why he ended things with Puffy.

I can't believe that moron Nicole is seriously considering carrying another kid for Raya.  I don't think I could take that again.  Surely Sasha wouldn't be dumb enough to get involved with Zzzzende again. Would she? Please writers, give her another chance with Thomas. I don't like him with boring Caroline and Sasha is one of the few people on the show who can actually, you know -- act -- and she's interesting to watch.

Yeah. That city hall woman is annoying as hell with her stupid crush on $Bill. Did anybody catch when she said the "papers were back-dated?" I wonder what that's all about, unless I am embarrassing myself because I misheard what was said. (That wouldn't be the first time, sadly.)

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I will try to do it daily. If nothing else, it gives me an opportunity to snark on the show and that's entertaining in and of itself.

No pressure!  There are some days that would be just downright mean to ask someone to write up.  :-)  

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38 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Yeah. That city hall woman is annoying as hell with her stupid crush on $Bill. Did anybody catch when she said the "papers were back-dated?" I wonder what that's all about, unless I am embarrassing myself because I misheard what was said. (That wouldn't be the first time, sadly.)

Sheryl Underwood's schtick is getting pretty long in the tooth, so I was half-listening to her scene with $Bill.

Perhaps the "back-dated" paperwork she referenced is $Bill falsifying Katie's residency requirement in Las Vegas for the quickie Nevada divorce, so he could marry Brooke immediately.

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4 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Sheryl Underwood's schtick is getting pretty long in the tooth, so I was half-listening to her scene with $Bill.

Agreed. She practically mounts every male guest (on the Talk) as if he's the last man she will ever see. Ugh.

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4 hours ago, Cupid Stunt said:

Sheryl Underwood's schtick is getting pretty long in the tooth, so I was half-listening to her scene with $Bill.


18 minutes ago, MsTree said:

Agreed. She practically mounts every male guest (on the Talk) as if he's the last man she will ever see. Ugh.

I still refuse to watch "The Talk"** on any kind of regular basis so I don't see that much of Sheryl...but I agree. She is entirely too predictable.


** They took ATWT off for this stupid show? I'm still pissed...same with GL. They took iconic soaps off the air & then gave us this boring dreck called The Talk? WTFH?  Who cares?? So they gave us about 5 minutes for each show with one stupid question per actor because CBS is so happy about being #1 for 30 years? Do they not realize that it was ALL the shows that helped make it #1? What a giant slap in the face to fans of the canceled shows. Thanks a whole bunch CBS.

Edited by RedRockRosie
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9 hours ago, tessaray said:

No pressure!  There are some days that would be just downright mean to ask someone to write up.  :-)  

No pressure as in Rick & Maya no pressure? ?

4 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

They took ATWT off for this stupid show? I'm still pissed

Preach!!! I still miss Emma Snyder ?

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9 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

I still refuse to watch "The Talk"** on any kind of regular basis so I don't see that much of Sheryl...but I agree. She is entirely too predictable.


** They took ATWT off for this stupid show? I'm still pissed...same with GL. They took iconic soaps off the air & then gave us this boring dreck called The Talk? WTFH?  Who cares?? So they gave us about 5 minutes for each show with one stupid question per actor because CBS is so happy about being #1 for 30 years? Do they not realize that it was ALL the shows that helped make it #1? What a giant slap in the face to fans of the canceled shows. Thanks a whole bunch CBS.

Yeah, Wednesday's episode was a big ball of nothing, and should've stretched this over two days at least. Good grief, Julie Chen (wife to Les Moonves, who owns Viacom) did not need another vehicle along with Big Brother.

i think CBS learned their lesson since they actually hired previous Y&R head writers--ones groomed by Bell himself, no less--to take over for Jill Phelps and Pratt. The Bells own B&B, so we'll never be in danger of a new EP until Brad retires or any children he has comes of age.

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5 hours ago, ByTor said:

No pressure as in Rick & Maya no pressure? ?


Yikes!  I hope this doesn't mean I'm subconsciously an oblivious, ungrateful narcissist.  :-) 

Honestly though, you all predicted that Rick and Maya would be pressuring Nicole for a sibling but I never thought it would be this soon.  A surrogacy storyline would have been more interesting.  

Edited by tessaray
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A recap for Thurs. 10/13:


Quinn is so happy to see Wyatt but clearly has no clue what transpired the night before. But I do...and it is glorious...


Quinn, trying to be helpful, "I hope she doesn't think I would ever prevent her from seeing her grandfather." 

Wyatt, all sad panda, "I don't know what she thinks, Mom. 'Cause she left me."

And again, I break out like this guy (too appropriate):


We cut to FC where Puffy is in her best hooker/biker attire (but who got you to get back on the bike, huh, bitch?) to find that Daddy Ridge-Pen spent the night on the office couch. Seriously, this raggedy-ass motherfucker can't find a more permanent place to rest his greasy head? But at least he's not mooching off of Brooke.

Ridge: You and wyatt had a fight?

Steffy: I guess you can say we gave up the fight.  No, YOU gave up the fight, Puffy...not that you ever really actually fought or anything. 


Liam/Bill: Some mumbo jumbo about summits and expenditures and Liam stating, with a straight face, that he wrote an algorithm.


Then we have Emmy aka Sheryl Underwood from The Talk sashaying into Bill's office and...no one cares. I have no idea what relevance the "backdated" reference to the marriage license papers will have. Knowing this show, probably none.



Zende is PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED about "the audacity of Maya and Rick, asking you to have another baby for them. I still can't believe it. Maya and Rick want another nine months of your life. Hell, mine, too. How many times have we heard them say, "we didn't know what we were asking for. We're so sorry it was so hard on you both"?

Pigs must be flying by my window right now, because Zende?


Nicole: I don't know. I guess they're just like everybody else. They can't help wanting what they can't have. Girl, please do NOT tell me you are going to give them another child AGAIN when the one they have probably isn't even crawling yet. 

Zende: [ Sighs ] As he wonders why the hell he got back together with Nicole. But he better not go near my Sasha. She is too good for your trifling chocolate waffles ass.

Back to Ridge-Pen and Puffy:

Ridge: I'm so sorry.

Steffy: Yeah, yeah, thanks. I guess there's always a risk with marriage. Marriage to you is 100% guaranteed to fail.

Ridge: That's the title of my memoirs. Ridge, truth telling...that might be a first.


Quinn, realizing Puffy made good on her crybaby threats and left Wyatt. Woman, you should be celebrating. Your baby is free. 

Wyatt: The breaking point of a long list of problems between us, apparently, all stemming from you. Don't you even go there, Wyatt...not when I am loving you again. It is not your mama's fault that your wife is a selfish bitch. She was like that when you found her.


I'm having to say another great big WORD to Zende again. Dammit.

Zende: Nicole, even asking is pressure, okay? They know it. And I think you do, too, right?

I seriously think Nicole is seriously considering doing it again. OMFG!


Bill/Sheryl  talk and talk and talk and we fucking get it ok? Not funny.

But what's this...Puffy taking a teensy bit of ownership?

Ridge: If it wasn't for Quinn, you never would have been together.

Steffy: My feelings for him are real.

Ridge: I think they're real to you. Yeah.

Steffy: Okay. Yeah, I take that in. But it wouldn't have happened without my permission. It's like I just -- I needed a really good reason to believe I was able to give up the life that I wanted. Yes, sweet cheeks...just like you gave yourself permission to hop into bed in your skimpy skivvies with Wyatt when Liam hadn't even been gone for 1 night. 

So apparently, Quinn is NOT to blame. Because...duh.

Quinn, showing more grace than I would and taking blame that isn't hers: "I'm so sorry, Wyatt. I know I'm to blame. I do. But you have to understand, I was just following this incredible love that -- that Eric and I have for each other, and I-I need to be here."

Yes, you do, Quinn, and your acting like a bitch baby son needs to grow up and get over it.

Quinn: "Wyatt, you have always stood by me. You've always defended me, and I will be forever grateful to you for that. I know this is really hard right now. But if Steffy wants to go back to Liam, then you know what? Let her have him. We're never gonna go back to the way we were. We never are. Eric and I are gonna sign the marriage license. I'm a forrester now. That means that there's a whole, new world for us, and you're gonna see the good in that someday. I'm sorry that you lost Steffy. I know how much you loved her. Exxxxxxactly...Quinn has Steffy's number. In spades. So much so that I'm sure that Steffy will be riding her motorcycle straight over to Liam's. In fact, I'll set my watch now.

Wyatt: "I did. I still do. I told you not to do anything to interfere, and then what did you do? You fell in love with Eric. And my whole life is now turned upside down. My marriage is over. Because of you." No, honey, it's over because your wife is a trifling, psycho heifer bitch and you were all too willing to scoop up yet more crumbs that fell off your brother's table. Maybe instead of focusing on your mom, you need to take a good long look in the mirror and figure out why you're so content to stay in your brother's shadow.

Wyatt: "Why -- why do I always end up in the same place? That's what I want to know." Psst, Wyatt, see ^^^^.


Zende, realizing Nicole is probably going to say yes and be a baby factory for Raya.



Quinn offers to take Wyatt out to help get his mind off things but he's having a pity, party of one.

Wyatt: Misery doesn't love company that much, mom. In fact, as crazy as it sounds, I might be able to give Steffy exactly what she wanted after all.

Quinn: What's that?

Wyatt: To walk away from you and not look back.

Seriously, Wyatt? You're going to walk away from the one constant in your life for someone who isn't fit to lick your boots? What is it about Puffy that have men turning themselves inside out to please her? Is it her plastic looks? Her wavering loyalty and devotion? Her cha cha cha? (shudders)

How much I wish I could have shown Wyatt what I predicted would happen...DID because sure enough, there's Puffy hotwheeling it over to Liam's to tell him "we're over" and "that's why I'm here."

And Liam, like the ass-clown he is, laughs...at his brother's heartache. 

I despise these two so much.

Edited by CountryGirl
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As much as I was glad when she left, I would love to see Hope return, but I want new Hope, who has lived overseas for a few years and has some experience... we are talking Brook's & Decon's daughter Hope, she could become the new model for Brook's Bedroom.    I don't want her to want Waffle, but to let Puffy think she does, and flirt with him in subtle ways, that Puffy used to do, like show up to meetings in the "newest lingerie" she will be modeling.   All the Wyatt can be going after her and Puffy can get her face cracked because she's recently pee'd on him and he's hers  too *whiney voice*  Hope gets everything!!!!!!!!!

Shoot even $Bill can do a double take and say wow, why didn't I want my boys with this chick? 

Waffle would not know what to do, or which montage to watch!  OH NO!

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Quinn has meddled with Wyatt's life and done plenty of grossly inappropriate and illegal shit for the sake of loving him, like a certain dead Forrester matriarch. But this? Not even close to being Quinn's fault. Hell, Stephanie actually DID force Ridge's hand with the fake heart attack shit and he still forgave that and the far more heinous shit she did to Brooke. 

Like CountryGirl, I too was surprised to find myself in agreement with Prince Valium. Every single word he said was right, and unlike the last go around 8 (!!) months ago, I don't think it's coming from a place of thirstiness. Even if it were, Rick and Maya would still be the bigger assholes for asking in the first place, after all the upheaval to Nicole's life the first time around--which, seriously? Given how she's barely given the baby a thought because she was too busy running back to the human cure for insomnia, I don't know why she didn't shut their shit down right then and there. 

If they need a child to parent, try reaching out to Little Eric, who should be damn near grown enough to mix it up in the cast and not biologically related to anyone other than Hope. Or God forbid, they consider adoption  since neither one of them is a stranger to raising a child that wasn't biologically theirs.

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Let me get this straight... Steffy is wondering why Wyatt didn't keep his mouth shut after the Forresters treated Quinn like garbage, conspired to deny Quinn of her rights, and Ridge manhandled his mother?  I was hoping a strong gust of wind was going to knock that idiot off of the cliff.  Is it possible she's worse than Ridge?

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15 minutes ago, nasir jones said:

Let me get this straight... Steffy is wondering why Wyatt didn't keep his mouth shut after the Forresters treated Quinn like garbage, conspired to deny Quinn of her rights, and Ridge manhandled his mother?  I was hoping a strong gust of wind was going to knock that idiot off of the cliff.  Is it possible she's worse than Ridge?

I hate her a hell of a lot more than I hate Ridge...and I do hate Ridge VERY much!

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What a snooze fest. Nothing but sanctimonious bull shit with a bunch of horses' asses.  We now have St Liam to mirror St Nicole who are just the best and most kindest people in the world.  NOT!  

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What I really want to know, and forgive me if someone has brought this up already (I'm sure someone has -- it may have even been me), but why don't Raya USE. A. FRIGGIN. SURROGATE?!? If they have to have Avant genes, maybe then they ask Nicole for some eggs. It's still an arduous process, but it ain't 9-10 months. Implant those suckers in a person who does this for a living. This is L.A., ffs! Why is this not even being discussed as an option? Never mind the fact that Lizzie's all of 3 months old. This is beyond stupid.

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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I now believe the actor who plays Zende is better than the one who plays Nicole.  The girl has no life to her - everything is a monotone, her arms are always crossed in front of her....she takes these long pregnant pauses, then talks in a very flat voice.  He at least seems a little more animated.

Why Zende dumped Sasha for her is beyond me.

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I thought it was pretty telling that after the Steffy/Wyatt marriage busted up, because Wyatt told the truth (don't kid yourself, Steffy, you're leaving him because you think you're punishing him for telling the truth, you hypocritical sow), Wyatt went to his mother for comfort, sort of, in a way that only Quinn offers comfort, & Steffy went directly to Liam, to find her comfort from his mouth...so far. 

I was actually thinking the other day, this marriage (Steffy & Wyatt), might be the longest-tenured marriage that either Spencer brother has been involved in (I may be wrong, because Liam & Steffy round 1 seemed like it drug on forever, but they weren't together the whole time, it was just that she wouldn't sign the annulment papers). Also, I don't think Steffy & Wyatt were back together long enough to consummate the slapped-back-together marriage, were they? So maybe there won't be a WTD storyline. Fingers-crossed.

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