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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Katie did give an inch last week after Brooke yet again apologized; an apology Katie did not return. Once Ridge convinces Katie that he remembers Bill/Justin as the culprits in his fall, I have no doubt Katie is going to unleash all her venom on Brooke. And if Brooke is supporting Bill? It would never occur to her to lash out at Ridge for being there in the first place. Katie is wearing blinders where Ridge and Brooke are concerned. This is a long standing pattern with Ridge; has Katie forgotten Grant, Connor, Thorne, James, Nick?


I'm already gripping my seat because I know that Katie will chew the scenery with her perpetual sneer and histrionics.  Of course, the uber hypocritical Katie wouldn't want to remember Nick.  It would be a reminder of her own Adventures in Trifling Land, including  betraying her little niece, the oopsie pregnancy, shacking up with Nick and actually expecting a different result while being insecure about the bond Nick and Brooke shared because of Jack.  And, these were insecurities that were fed by her current partner, who was stewing that Nick would always have a connection to Brooke because of the baby.


Same here, I did get a kick out of Brooke going all mama bear on Ridge after he downplayed Ric and Hope's importance at FC, I just don't want the writers to forget Brooke has a heart (and a body).



Sugarbaker Design, I loved those scenes, which are few and far between and way more interesting than the ongoing Liam/Home/Wyatt saga, the "There's Something About Ridge" foolishness and yet more interrupted weddings.  I say let Brooke and Bill marry and wreak havoc in the boardroom.  I want to see the return of Red Suit Brooke, Forrester Creations' most successful CEO.


And that ring is slowly creeping back up Ridge's neck, because his hair is looking like he uses dry shampoo. Oily and dry all at the same time. And I am not sure who is designing his hairstyle, but they should understand that blow dryers and brushes work loads better than weed wackers.



Poor Katie!  Does she even remember what it's like to make love to someone who at least has a passing acquaintance with good hygiene?  I know some people (like my boss) who find nu-Ridge hot.  I suppose that grungy, funky look is supposed to spell S-E-X-Y.  To me, it spells B-U-M!

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So did some people get today's episode?  We didn't get it here, CBS was on "Special Report" all through that time slot.


You can watch it online at CBS.com.

In case you're like me and don't like watching online, another option is TVGN.  It's on at 6:30 pm eastern time, and I think they rerun the whole week's episodes sometime over the weekend.

Edited by Snaporaz
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TVGN doesn't do the weekend catch-up anymore. :(

The website is hit or miss for me when I try to watch. I tried on three different days to see that Wyatt episode last week. The website just wouldn't give it up. But I was able to watch two or three other days' eisodes.

I also miss the hell out of The Cla'ence Report that they used to have on the cbs site.

Edited by SweePea59

I love TK!. Zack on AMC was sexy as hell.  But I agree he doesn't look as nice here.  Did he look better before the 'accident'?


Oliver and Aly are sweet.  I like medieval stuff.  We go to the Ren Fair here quite a lot.  Hubby loves the abundant boobage....I love the costumes being in the vintage clothing biz for almost 40 years.  Hell, I would watch Downton Abbey just for the clothes.  They nail the period.  If anyone hasn't checked it out....it's a must see.  Just what a soap should be.


What night is Celebrity Wife Swap on?  I like Tyler Christopher (kind of familiar with Ronn but I can take or leave him from what I've seen) so this might be interesting.


Pam and her guy cracked me up.  Who is he and where do I know him from?


I thought that's who she was.  I loved that show.  Winnie (in real life) went on to get a degree in mathematics.  One smart cookie.  Never got into Small Wonder but I did recognize him from somewhere.  Thanks much SweetPea59.


So the blonde Bill was kissing is Brooke (Katie's sister, right?).  If so that is such a tired soap trope.  Siblings vying for the same man/woman.  GH has used that to death....sometimes literally.

Edited by OhioSongbird
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Wouldn't you know it, the ONE DAY when something interesting  finally happens...preempted!  Although today's spisode with Bill talking Ridge down off his crazy ledge was pretty awesome.  I see why he's such a business mogul now, hell I SAW what happened, I didn't fall out of a helicopter (or THROW myself out, which is how it looked to me), and Bill had me questioning what actually happened! 

Myrna can go kick rocks now.

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And so it begins again...

Wyatt orchestrates a press conference, where Liam is forced to watch Wyatt make a public display of affection for Hope.

An irate Liam bolts from the event and finds comfort from Ivy.

Tell me how this is different from Liam getting mad and running off to Steffy???

Not this shit again....

And if we must trot out this old, lame horse to beat to death,

just bring back Steffy and save the new girl for another interesting new SL

So, this isn't even Hope playing both sides like she's been doing, but all Wyatt, and Liam takes off THAT quickly? How can anyone root for a couple when the couple themselves give up on each other at the drop of a hat?!

So the blonde Bill was kissing is Brooke (Katie's sister, right?). If so that is such a tired soap trope. Siblings vying for the same man/woman. GH has used that to death....sometimes literally.

On B&B, this is beyond trope. Literally everyone shares at least one ex between one other family member. Hope is a living reminder of Brooke's betrayal of Bridget (her other, now seldom mentioned daughter) with Deacon....a man who originally married Bridget out of spite of the Forresters. There's a clip on youtube of Deacon deflowing young Budge as the whole family listens in and teeth gnashes that is hi-fucking-LARIOUS, btw.

But anyway...yeah, Brooke's been with Ridge, both his half-brothers, including Nick Marone, the guy whom Katie had an affair with while married to.... Bridget! Taylor has not only been through the Forrester men, but the Logans, having had a relationship with Brooke's brother Storm, but a ONS with Stephen (Brooke's dad) and an fling with Rick...one that indirectly resulted in her daughter's death (when a guy dates you, then your mom and then macks on your sister for revenge, you tend to get a bit pissed 'bout that).

And that's to say nothing of the Ridge/Bridget debacle that took place after it was reveled that Ridge was not Eric's bio son (and thus Bridget not his sister.....and three guess who Bridget is named after and why ;)).

  • Love 3

And so it begins again...


Wyatt orchestrates a press conference, where Liam is forced to watch Wyatt make a public display of affection for Hope.

An irate Liam bolts from the event and finds comfort from Ivy.

Tell me how this is different from Liam getting mad and running off to Steffy???

Oh, please tell me that this is a joke. It doesn't even make soap opera sense!

@OhioSongbird, I starting watching B&B a couple months ago, getting ready for Sean Kanan's appearance after I was so pissed about how he was treated at GH.  I found it relatively easy to get up to speed, with the help of this board.  I'm still missing some history, but overall I think the show does a pretty good job of explaining who is who and what's going on over a period of weeks, without being obnoxiously redundant.  And the flashbacks?  Have been absolutely amazing.  Seriously, there was one recently with Brooke on a horse IN A WEDDING DRESS, and even though I had no idea what was going on, it was fantastically amusing.  


When Wyatt showed Deacon the diamond (still don't understand what the diamond is all about...), my first thought was that Deacon was going to work to manipulate Hope in to going back to Wyatt.  I'm hoping he won't go all Quinn on us, and try to kill Liam, but I think he'll try something to get Liam out of the picture and get that diamond in the "family".  Although, I guess he has a lot of work to do to get Hope to consider him family?  

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Really good show yesterday, and we even had a good old fashioned cliff hanger.


I found myself quickly sidestepping to avoid those anvils that were falling as Alison and Justin talked. Now, these two would make one awesome couple. I like Justin, and think he is capable of much more than just being Bill's henchman. And Alison is a character that I love to hate. The fact that she is a real life Princess not withstanding; I love her unabashed joy in supporting Bill no matter how nefarious the scheme, and that she never comes across as evil, just doing her job for a boss she loves. And she wears some serious bulletproof armor. Bill has been so nasty and downright mean to her on some occasions, that I have wondered why she stays on. And, adding one more new couple, in addition to Ally/Oliver, replete with the Creepy Floating Darla Head of Wisdom, Ivy and whoever, with the ongoing SL of Ridge's struggles, Brooke/Bill, Ridge/Katie and the Red Ribbon of Commitment, Carter a free man (I would still like to see him and Donna), Maya on the loose, haunting the halls of FC's, stopping at every cracked door hoping to hear something that will get her back in Rick's good graces, Caroline hopefully becoming the new couture designer because Ridge has lost his "skills", peppered with small doses of Pam/Charlie; all that means so much less air time for Hope/Liam/Wyatt.


I was also picking up some signals from Justin at the end there, as he strolled over to the drinks cart, and was looking around the office, glass in hand, looking out the window as if he were the man in charge. Wouldn't it be something if Justin and Alison teamed up against Bill? If they were to become a couple, and decided thay wanted a bit more out of life, could they not use their knowledge of what really happened in Abu Dhabi to blackmail Bill? Of course, they both have plenty of other ammo, but this is the first time I can remember them directly conspiring without Bill's knowledge. I don't think I would like that SL, but I could see it happening.


Now, the question is, was it real, or only Justin's imagination? Ridge was with Katie, and I don't think she would have given him enough lead to go to SP's by himself, unless he just said he needed some alone time. Nah, I don't see Katie allowing that either. And he got there pretty quickly, but of course this is B&B, the place where people get around LA a lightning speed. There is also the question of how Ridge knew Justin would be there. I can't decide, but I did love that ending!


Don Diamont has become such a presence; when I think back to young Brad Carlton, it's like a foal standing next to a "Stallion". And he was so good yesterday. Katie is in a tough spot, she knows what Bill is saying makes sense, but she wants to support Ridge. My biggest concern though is Brooke. I don't think she is going to be able to look the other way. And Deacon is back in town. She turned to him once before at one of her lowest points, and he is going to be coming around trying to convince Brooke that he is on the up and up where Hope is concerned. It does give me pause to worry.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Don Diamont has become such a presence; when I think back to young Brad Carlton, it's like a foal standing next to a "Stallion".

I know! I love to watch him too. I don't like the idea of Wyatt turning into a ass again. I rather liked the brothers bonding. But NO, the writers want to play that three ringed circus again. Very tiresome and very fast forward worthy. Am also liking Ally and Oliver story.....so far. But they need to give Deacon and Quinn a story if possible.

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I know! I love to watch him too. I don't like the idea of Wyatt turning into a ass again. I rather liked the brothers bonding. But NO, the writers want to play that three ringed circus again. Very tiresome and very fast forward worthy. .

Really! Having them be brothers is so much more interesting than having them at odds once more over that most specialist snowflake eveh Hope.

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Do soap writers know nothing to create conflict in a relationship besides triangles?

This question popped up in the Y&R thread at TWoP after the Micheal/Lauren/Stalker number 854,623 triangle ruined one of the rare pairings that solved problems together, and no one had known of a love triangle that went on for months, much less the years and decades they've continued for here. The only case in real life that I've heard of was second hand and the women involved with that were crazier than shithouse rats and with lower self esteem...the "winner" still got cheated on and eventually left, so he goes to choice #2 to save face...and cheats on her, too!

More importantly, why are romantic relationships the only ones that mean a shit, especially on B&B? The only genuine friendships on this show were via the Spectras and Sheila and Brooke before the former went off the rails. Neither Steffy or Hope have close friends, nor Liam and Wyatt, and they have a shit ton of young men on canvas to bond with--Carter, Oliver, Thomas, Rick...take your pick.

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Do soap writers know nothing to create conflict in a relationship besides triangles?



Even though I'm a much newer B&B viewer than most, I've already often found myself saying to my TV "there are other stories besides triangles!"  I know every soap generally has one going at any given time, but it seems like B&B is solely triangles (or quadrangles).  Right now we have, at various stages in the process - Wyatt/Hope/Liam,  Katie/Ridge/Brooke/Bill/Quinn/Deacon, and we have Maya desperately wanting to be a part of some triangle/quad, ANY triangle/quad, whether it be Carter/Maya/Ric/Caroline, Carter/Maya/Oliver/Aly, or, her dream, I'm sure, Carter, Oliver, and Ric all fighting over here until she chooses Ric.  Every now and then they remember to throw in some bits and pieces of non-triangle story line, like machinations and power grabs at FC, but even those seem to be more in service of one or more of the ongoing triangles.  And the only characters not actively involved in a triangle/quad get very little screen time, most of which involves them interacting with the triangle participants.  It's freaking exhausting. 

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Don Diamont has become such a presence; when I think back to young Brad Carlton, it's like a foal standing next to a "Stallion". And he was so good yesterday. Katie is in a tough spot, she knows what Bill is saying makes sense, but she wants to support Ridge. My biggest concern though is Brooke. I don't think she is going to be able to look the other way. And Deacon is back in town. She turned to him once before at one of her lowest points, and he is going to be coming around trying to convince Brooke that he is on the up and up where Hope is concerned. It does give me pause to worry.



I have to wonder if the latest quadrangle is actually going to be Brill/Queacon.  Last I remembered Quinn was still obsessed with Bill and "winning" over Brooke.  TK's Ridge is such a non-motherfucking factor that Bill has easily eclipsed him in screen presence and chemistry with his leading lady.   


I also share your concerns, RuntheTable, about Deacon being in Brooke's orbit.  I have concerns that Brad Bell still hasn't abandoned his "shock and awe" type of storytelling, where he relies on something shocking for a short-term ratings boost and to get everyone talking.  Yet, he doesn't think about the long-term implications or damage he has done to characters.  I still believe that Breacon and the resulting pregnancy was the most character-damaging storyline ever penned for Brooke.  I read years ago that KKL had serious reservations about doing the storyline to begin with because of how her fans would receive it.  Bradley pooh-poohed her concerns with his usual, "I trust Kelly to make it work."  Years later, he claims to have regretted doing it.  Other characters still bring out the Breacon Express Card as if it is the worst thing that could have ever happened.  Yet, some of these characters are serial adulterers, mommy killers (albeit, accidental ones), drunkards, unpunished felons, and homicidal maniacs.


I agree with Anna Yolei that there are other ways to create conflicts in relationships besides triangles.  There are no real friendships on B&B anymore such as the Darla's friendship with Macy and Sally, and some of the young people who were on canvas during the late Bill Bell's tenure.  I remember Brooke and Thorne's friendship and the friendship that Stephanie and Sally managed to forge after years of acrimony.  Female friendships?  Forget about it--especially once a man is thrown into the mix!  That's why I had to give the side eye to Katie when she shrieked at Brooke that the latter had no female friends.  Well...neither did Katie and truth be told, her little niece tried to be her friend and we saw how that worked out.  The closest Brooke and Taylor came to being friends was just before the Venice fiasco which was ruined by the Trifling Trio (Eric, Ridge and Taylor).  I won't even touch on the comedic mess of a "friendship" between Taylor and Morgan, the basis of which was Morgan made Taylor "feel sexy and alive."  


One possible conflict I saw for Brill was the possibility of Spencer Publications having to drastically cut back and make other financial changes to stay afloat.  The company lost money while Katie played at being CEO and Bill received reports from angry and frustrated customers and partners.  Did the company ever recover its losses when Bill returned to "the chair?"  Bill's whole identity is wrapped up in being the CEO of SP and being a badass.  Brooke got him his job back by any means necessary and he was grateful.  How would he feel, as a man, to have her try to rescue him yet again?  She was willing to liquidate her assets and mortgage her home to buy back Forrester Creations from Bill for Ridge's sake.  It would be the ultimate karma and boomerang moment for Bill.  Not to mention Brooke going through the early stages of perimenopause (which is a bitch!) and it affecting her identity of being a desirable woman in her 50's.  I know they touched on it before, but she wasn't in a relationship at the time.

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The Medieval Times scenes were funny.  It seems to be Pam and Charlie's "thing".  Charlie said that Oliver made it the "best show ever", but really, apart from which knight ends up winning, it's the same show every time.  Everything is choreographed and scripted.  Curious, were they wearing the same outfits as they were during the first time we saw them going to the show?  Or do they happen to have multiple medieval costumes in their closets at home?  I bet Pam and Charlie would have a season pass if Medieval Times sold such a thing.


Why is Steffy's picture still in the credits?  Is the actress simply "on leave"?  They've introduced this new character Ivy.  If I were Jacqueline Wood and I still cared about being on the show, I'd go off leave and get back in.

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I still believe that Breacon and the resulting pregnancy was the most character-damaging storyline ever penned for Brooke.

Even then, though, if TIIC had let Brooke actually learn from it or didn't use Sheila shooting her as a way to manipulate Bridget into forgiving her so quickly, it could've been salvaged. As scandalous as that was, there could've been good conflict between Hope and Brooke and even Hope and Bridget, who understandably had a hard time accepting her as her half sister. Bridget should've been the sister she's been in conflict with the past four years, not bratty entitled Steffy.

I'd have to place her going after Nick above the Breacon mess. Apart from the actions of the characters themselves, the whole story was a top to bottom clusterfuck....Nick and Bridget's age difference, the fact that Brooke all but mourned the fact that RJ was thought to be Nick's during the pregnancy and, oh....how we see Brooke fucking her daughter over AGAIN.

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I got the opportunity to watch the show today (Mon's US) and what a great day to watch. Deacon, 2 delicious flashbacks and Brooke's single tear. All soapy goodness. Loved Deacon interacting with Brooke, Katie and Hope. Am I the only one wanting to see Deacon start conning, I mean having a relationship with, Katie?


Ridge was always an ass, but he used to be a lovable ass. Not anymore. Now he just an annoying ass.

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Yes, I was getting ready to post how much fun it was to see Deacon interacting with Brooke, Katie and Hope; both their individual reactions to him, and how his presence made Katie and Brooke "sister up."  Add that to the fact that he wasn't letting any of that deter him from inserting himself in their business and it was great TV for this viewer.

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Loved Deacon interacting with Brooke, Katie and Hope. Am I the only one wanting to see Deacon start conning, I mean having a relationship with, Katie?



Hush yo' mouth!  LOL!  I'm not sure I wish Katie on even Deacon.  But, now that I've had a chance to think about it, if Deacon and Katie did hook up, Hope will finally have those "perfect" parents she always wanted.

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The problem I have with the whole Deacon storyline is that the only person that I can detect any kind of familiarity/feelings from is Brooke.  Because that relationship is the only one played by the same actors.  Even if they brought Bridget back, it wouldn't be the same.  Bridget was played by Jennifer Finnegan back then.  She was a good actress, albeit a bit overrated I thought, and I still remember the horror she displayed when she overheard her mother and her husband on the baby monitor.  If they brought Ashley Jones back, I'd feel like it was two strangers talking to each other.  This version of Hope has only seemingly known Deacon for a year or two.  And Katie wasn't even on the canvas until they got Heather Tom and made her the show's lead female character.


Deacon and Quinn would be a smarmy, evil team-up.

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Oh, and then there is the 24/7 open house that is Brooke's villa!

Another of my pet peeves with soaps....Deacon heard their conversation from behind a closed door several feet away and just waltzes in...How did he know the door was unlocked?  Or how about being in the same room and not overhearing a conversation yet he heard theirs from outside of the house. Or commenting on a character's expression when they are not facing you?  Sorry for the rant. *SMH*

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Oh, @Turtle, you're in a for a doozy.  I don't wanna do brief.  Here goes:


Way back in the day, Rick got into a relationship with his babysitter.  Her name was Amber and everyone thought of her as desert trash (except for Stephanie).  She got pregnant and they got married, but at the time, she didn't know if the baby was Rick's or this other guy named Raymond's (played by...Usher Raymond).  So she went back to the desert to have her kid, figuring that she would be able to tell who the daddy was once she saw the color of the baby.  Turns out the baby was Rick's.  Also turns out the baby was stillborn.  Wouldn't you know that same night, Amber's cousin had a baby, too.  Amber's mom did some finagling and Amber went back to LA, passing off her cousin's baby as hers and Rick's.  The cousin's baby's father?  Deacon Sharpe!  Deacon tried to create a psuedo family with his son and Amber (I believed fueled by blackmail of some kind) and when that didn't work, he moved on to seduce young Bridget Forrester (daughter or Eric and Brooke, sister of Rick).  They secretly got married and everyone hated him.  Somehow, Brooke got through to him and he agreed to divorce Bridget.  Soon after, he went by Brooke's to confirm his plans of breaking up with Bridget (I think) and he found Brooke distraught over losing some man (I believe) and they ended up sleeping together.  And it was hot.  And it happened multiple times.  I think there was some big to do that Brooke's first on screen orgasm was with Deacon.  So Brooke ended up having an affair with her daughter's husband and she got pregnant.  Of course, she had to keep the baby, but she also had to protect Bridget, so she got some dude (Whip Jones; great character) to marry her to cover it up.  However, Bridget overheard Brooke and Deacon talking about being in love and their baby on a baby monitor after a baby shower that she threw for her mother -- that's how Bridget found out about it.  After blasting her mom about it, she ended up trapped in Big Bear Cabin with Brooke when she went into labor so she had to help deliver her husband's child by her mother -- Hope!


But I don't know that Deacon really "did" anything to Brooke that she didn't allow to happen.  I'm sure I'm missing stuff after Deacon married Macy (was is that whole Forrester shares thing that Deacon voted that got her mad?).

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Spencer Publications has great security, huh? Ridge can not only get into the building after hours but can waltz right into the executive suite. Oh, and then there is the 24/7 open house that is Brooke's villa!


Don't even get me started on the open-door policy that is in place at Brooke's house.  Mind you, this is a woman who ideally lives in a gated community where visitors would have to be announced.  This is also a woman who was brutally raped in her own home because some vindictive old bat told the would-be rapist where he could find the extra key to let himself in, and to ignore Brooke's protestations because, you know, she just loves sex!  It's amazing how Lottie, Dotty and everybody is able to waltz in at will with no boundaries set whatsoever.  How can I even forget the invisible housekeeper who allows visitors upstairs into Brooke's bedroom without any warning whatsoever?  All they have to say is, "I'm her sister" or "I'm her man," and there they are.


As for Ridge having free reign of Spencer Publications after hours?  Don't you know that this is Ridge Forrester--International Man of Mystery?  Remember how he was also able to sail Nick's boat so that Shane's body could be dumped?  Who knew?  Remember how he knows his way around shotguns, which he brandished when Nick threatened to whup his ass after realizing that Ridge sexually assaulted Brooke while she was zonked on drugs?  He can sucker punch other men and get away with it when IRL those men would have stomped that ass.  


Even though he was barely literate and too stupid to walk and chew gum at the same time, he is now Keats reincarnated and can recite "pomes" and sonnets in the park with his lady love with a fluidity that brings tears to the eyes.  Despite having done virtually nothing at FC for over a year, he can waltz in and start firing people left and right and position himself to take over and is genuinely surprised when people squawk.  It's all in a day's work for this guy between leaping tall buildings in a single bound and finding 2 seconds to bathe and shave.  And, if he insists that Brooke is NOT going to marry Spencer, snatches her ring off her finger and tries to give it back to Bill himself?  What's an obsessed man to do--especially when he still gets to go home and shag the "most beautiful woman [he's] ever seen" while Brooke is supposed to remain chaste "just in case" he deigns to look her way again?


Oh, and this momentary memory lapse?  Puh-leeze!  So what, if he can't remember how to draw anything beyond stick figures?  Who cares if there are times when he looks at Katie and wonders "How the hell did I get here?"  No biggie.  Ridge WILL survive--no matter who has to be thrown under the bus to make that happen! 

  • Love 9

@kia112 - Thanks!  So, Deacon wasn't really the "bad guy" in that storyline, so much as the whole story was sort of messed up?  And now I'm off to YouTube just how hot those Brooke/ Deacon scenes were...

Well, back when everyone thought that Deacon and Becky's (Amber's cousin) baby was Amber and Rick's, he received a percentage of the company and when his paternity (and maternity) was discovered, no one got around to correcting that.  At some point, there was a power struggle over Forrester Creations.  Brooke was CEO and Deacon used that percentage to vote against Brooke and reinstate Eric as CEO.  I'm sure that pissed her off.  Also, generally, Deacon is a grifter and an alcoholic, but he wouldn't be tied to that family if it weren't for Rick and Brooke.  Deacon didn't know he was the father of that Little Eric (or Little E, now known as Little Deacon, Little D or just Alphabet Baby), but, to stop Amber from marrying another man, Rick found Deacon and brought him into their lives.

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One thing I like about how KKL is playing her scenes with Deacon is just this exasperated look of being on edge around him. She and her family are pretty refined and Deacon just pops up and back into the fold (I noticed when he came back from the kitchen he had made himself a snack lol). He's so unpredictable and I love how that makes everyone else so nervous. I also like how Hope seems to be the most comfortable and accepting of him since all things aside, he'll always be her blood/father. The little kid in her is always going to want to believe that he's not a bad guy.

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I wonder if Katie removes her dirty red ribbon when she does dishes, washes her hands, moisturizes her skin, does her makeup, goes potty, changes diapers....


Why hasn't Ridge designed a ruby ring that is a red bow to replace it?  That would be sweet.  He's been too busy trying to stop Brooke's wedding or get Bill charged with attempted murder to notice her frayed and bacteria-ridden ribbon.  (Maybe she has a roll from the fabric story and she puts a new one on each day?)

  • Love 8

I wonder if Katie removes her dirty red ribbon when she does dishes, washes her hands, moisturizes her skin, does her makeup, goes potty, changes diapers....


Why hasn't Ridge designed a ruby ring that is a red bow to replace it?  That would be sweet.  He's been too busy trying to stop Brooke's wedding or get Bill charged with attempted murder to notice her frayed and bacteria-ridden ribbon.  (Maybe she has a roll from the fabric story and she puts a new one on each day?)


More like, Ridge has Katie's nose so wide open she isn't taking 2 seconds to ask the most important question of all:  "Why in the bloody hell would you jeopardize OUR future to go halfway around the world to butt into Brooke's love life once again?!"  Any other woman would have made it clear by now that she was sick of this shit.  Maybe Katie is repressing her rage and it will come out when everyone least expects it.  Hopefully, it will be directed at the intended recipient and Brooke doesn't end up the convenient target.


Does Ridge not remember that he has a standing account with Cartier?  But, I keep forgetting that Kringe's love is so ethereal, so other worldly, that they don't need material things like important jewelry to symbolize their commitment to each other.  It must warm Katie's heart to know that Brooke got stuck with the asshole, while she got stuck with an unkempt lout who can't stop obsessing about Brooke.  Sounds like a real win-win to me!

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Whoa there Nelly! Let's try and get some perspective back here. I understand that Ridge needs to remember, I even understand why he needs to make this Bill's fault, but Ridge's confused mind is making this out to be something it wasn't. There was no grand scheme, no well synchronized plan, no big masterminded plot. What there was, were two people trying to get married, when they were ambushed by a jealous ex, who proceeded to punch the groom and kidnap the bride. And this is were my problems begin. Does Ridge not realize that he broke some laws himself? Assault? Kidnapping? Commandeering a private aircraft? How about today? Requesting and combing through someone's private records? I know that was Katie's doing, but Ridge dove right in. Slander? I also have to question what authority the LAPD would have over any criminal acts committed in another country. I really do believe that if Ridge were to go to the authorities with what he has, and told them why he was in Abu Dhabi, that they would laugh him out of the building.


I don't understand why Brooke just doesn't leave her front door propped open, that would save all the folks who randomly walk inside the trouble of turning the doorknob.


Deacon was great today with his two little bowls of ice cream. So was Brooke's face as she struggled to understand what was happening. And now that Deacon is Ridge's knight in shining armor, I suspect he will become Will's full time nanny by next week. I wouldn't be surprised if Katie doesn't start pushing for a Deacon/Brooke reunion either, because there is no way they are going to let Brooke and Bill stay together, and Katie certainly doesn't want Brooke on the loose.


I wonder if Katie removes her dirty red ribbon when she does dishes, washes her hands, moisturizes her skin, does her makeup, goes potty, changes diapers....



My thoughts were very similar today as I saw Katie proudly waving it around. Maybe Ridge just bought a lifetime supply for Katie, that way he doesn't have to be bothered about shopping for the real deal. He has more important things to worry about. And other people's lives to invade. If I were Katie, the ribbon would have been gone the second Ridge boarded a plane for another country to stop my sister's, his ex's, wedding, but didn't have the time or inclination to get me the real thing.


Brooke looked fabulous today.

  • Love 5
But, I keep forgetting that Kringe's love is so ethereal, so other worldly, that they don't need material things like important jewelry to symbolize their commitment to each other.

Yeah, that's what Poetry Boy has managed to make Katie believe. I don't think he has any intention of ever marrying her and is mostly just using her as leverage.

  • Love 3
More like, Ridge has Katie's nose so wide open she isn't taking 2 seconds to ask the most important question of all:  "Why in the bloody hell would you jeopardize OUR future to go halfway around the world to butt into Brooke's love life once again?!"  Any other woman would have made it clear by now that she was sick of this shit.  Maybe Katie is repressing her rage and it will come out when everyone least expects it.  Hopefully, it will be directed at the intended recipient and Brooke doesn't end up the convenient target.



The odds of Katie properly directing her anger at Ridge for obsessing over Brooke's love life instead of her raging at Brooke for being a man stealing/man hoarding slut are lower than my odds of winning the lottery...without buying a ticket.  I assume she'll use her own special brand of logic to determine that Brooke is only with Bill because she knows Ridge won't like it, and she went off to get married away from them because she knew poor widdle Ridge would have no choice (No Choice!!) but to pursue her to the ends of the earth to stop the wedding.  And Brooke totally planned for Ridge to then get in an accident and lose his memory, but, HA!, the Kridge love is so true and written in the stars that all it took to thwart Brooke's evil memory loss plans was for Katie to recite one of their super special poems to bring him back to everyone.  

  • Love 3

What is Deacon's motivation? Is it just revenge against Bill? Since when has he ever given a crap about Ridge? Why was he so proud of himself for wrangling out of Allison that Bill keeps his helicopter on his yacht? Why does he immediately go running to Ridge and Katie? Did he expect them to give him some stock?

And Katie was married to Bill for long enough to be "Katie Logan Spencer" in the credits. Has she never seen his yacht? How could she not know he has his own helicopter?

  • Love 2

More like, Ridge has Katie's nose so wide open she isn't taking 2 seconds to ask the most important question of all:  "Why in the bloody hell would you jeopardize OUR future to go halfway around the world to butt into Brooke's love life once again?!"  Any other woman would have made it clear by now that she was sick of this shit.  

Amen! I would pay to hear Katie say to Hardy Boy Ridge,"F**k this! None of this shit would have happened if you hadn't jetted around the world to stop a grown-ass women you say you no longer have any romantic interest in from marrying the man of her choice, a man who is no saint but isn't a criminal or a pervert. Take this shitty red ribbon and shove it, Poetry boy!"

  • Love 5

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