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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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8 hours ago, Cindylou said:

Sheila will have a granddaughter , i'm sure she will be thrilled, now she kinda has more of an in  with Finn.

Lunatic is not a direct descendant of Eric Forrester, so she'll probably care as much about her as she does for Lucy in Genoa City.

That said, assuming she does want to know her, there ain't a damn thing Steffy can do to stop her and I'd be here for that dynamic duo tag teaming on her as she truly deserves.

55 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Er, did Hope seem like she was gonna go after LePew?

One can hope because other than maybe Wyatt, she's struck out with all the other men she's been with. Why not go bi at this point? It's make more narrative sense than anything with Thomas.

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19 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

perfume smells different on different woman.  

A real perfume creator would have a group of young women of various ethnicities apply the perfume to the underside of their wrists, which is another pulse point, for a smell test, not one pseudo "femme fatale" dabbing the perfume behind her ears so that anyone who wanted to smell test the perfume had to get ultra close, 

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On 2/3/2025 at 10:49 AM, nkotb said:

but what’s the plan if anyone visits Luna in prison?

Poppy did visit Luna and the administrator she talked with said that Luna wasn't there anymore and that he couldn't go into any more detail than that - if one of my kids was given a prison sentence and I went to that prison and they said, sorry, she's not here and we can't tell you where she is, I'd be on the phone with a lawyer in 10 seconds flat.

20 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Is Luna-tic’s sweater pants a thing now?

Those pants look like the bottom half of a polar bear costume.

On 2/4/2025 at 5:17 PM, bluvelvet said:


Yes, bluevelvet, you wuz right and we wuz wrong.

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3 minutes ago, Js Nana said:

Poppy did visit Luna and the administrator she talked with said that Luna wasn't there anymore and that he couldn't go into any more detail than that - if one of my kids was given a prison sentence and I went to that prison and they said, sorry, she's not here and we can't tell you where she is, I'd be on the phone with a lawyer in 10 seconds flat.

So Poppy should just accept the administrator’s word that Luna is “still incarcerated” but he won’t say where!?  I’d make a huge stink and even go to the media, giving them a story about how the prison “lost” a twice murdering, cold blooded killer. Any media outlet is sure to pounce on such a juicy story. 
But of course, this is B&B, where logic and any tinge of reality don’t exist.

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4 hours ago, Js Nana said:

A real perfume creator would have a group of young women of various ethnicities apply the perfume to the underside of their wrists, which is another pulse point, for a smell test, not one pseudo "femme fatale" dabbing the perfume behind her ears so that anyone who wanted to smell test the perfume had to get ultra close, 

All I could think was how, leaning in to smell scents she has on each side of her neck, you're going to be getting some mixture of both scents, since the sides of her neck are not exactly far apart. 

Hope seems like she totally gets that Pepe LePew is hitting on Carter, but she's not threatened by it. Carter, on the other hand, seems like he's at least semi interested in picking up what Pepe's throwing down. 

Finn and Poppy had basically the exact same conversation they had before he did the DNA test, just that this time, he knew he was the father. But the content of the conversation? Essentially the same up until he snapped on her. Do the writers know their show is only a half hour long? Because they waste so much of that time on repeats of conversations we've already seen. 

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Can I be incarcerated in Bill's house, please?  It looks like a dream!

Did I really see Schnozzle Rose shove her armpit in Carter's face yesterday?  (Sorry, I'm a day behind.). Which combination of deer urine and rubbing alcohol should FC launch first?  Decisions, decisions...

I thought it was hilarious that Finn keeps several paternity tests in his drawer.  He clearly knows who he's married to and needs to keep them on hand whenever she gets knocked up.

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I can’t decide which is worse - Steffy’s hateful smugness paired with the medieval idea that without Hope’s sinful lady parts leading him astray, Carter would still be the family yes man OR whatever the hell Daphne LePew thinks she’s doing. Is there a word that combines douche chills with secondhand embarrassment but also turns both sensations up to 11? I recommend naming that feeling “daphne.” Zende, make yourself useful and fall for the Nose. We’ll see how loyal your cousin is to you when you interfere with her plans.

I get that Finn is experiencing intense emotions, ones that haven’t been pre approved by his keeper. He’s probably forgotten how to handle feelings and thoughts that are strictly his own. Still, I was hella uncomfortable with his last bout of temper and stepping into Poppy’s space. 

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18 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

How did Will get past the gate?  I thought Bill gave instructions not to let anyone in. 

Stuffy and Daphne are switching to Plan B but if Steffy continues to blame Hope as the mastermind, Stuffy is going to need a Plan C, D, and F. 

Their "plan" would certainly rate an "F" if it were being graded.

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So is Steffy having doubts, depending on LePew to help her swipe the company back?  Still not seeing how LePew’s gonna do that, but now she thinks Carter’s gonna get the guilts?  Eh, probably not.

Dishrag & Grubby making out on a couch?  Ew, nauseous-making!  Add Steffy & it’s the same boring convos they’ve had a trillion times — zzzzzz.

Angry, sweaty, screaming Finn still looks like a wuss & a mouse to me.  Yeah, Finn, you go tell Steffy & Li that Luna-tic is your daughter.  I wanna see those heads exploding.  And after dropping that bomb, I can see Finn running away like skeered little rabbit he is.

Hey wait, Finn referred to Luna-tic as a murderer!  So Show actually does still acknowledge this?  Uh, when will that change?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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7 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Angry, sweaty, screaming Finn still looks like a wuss & a mouse to me.  Yeah, Finn, you go tell Steffy & Li that Luna-tic is your daughter.  I wanna see those heads exploding.  And after dropping that bomb, I can see Finn running away like skeered little rabbit he is.

Stuffy is going to LOSE it. Finn is acting like he's absolving Lunatic of TWO WHOLE DANG MURDERS because *he* wasn't there to parent her ... as an 18yo college student. He'd better not continue that delusion in front of Stuffy or she's going to toss him off that cliff in Malibu a la Amber Moore. 

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Look. I get it — it’s a soap & an especially dopey, silly, ridiculous soap.  But I find it repulsive & repugnant to watch a character who has killed 2 people in a purposeful & cold-blooded manner, pay the price for those murders, by wandering around a gigantic mansion, & laying around eating bon-bons all day.  It’s pretty gross.

So $Bill disappeared?  What’s with that?

Oh Brooke, find yourself another guy & move on, will ya?  Welp, there’s always Daphne LePew . . .

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I’m sure Brooke knows a lot about leather. 

Hey Finn, so Poppy lied to you but how many times has Stuffy lied to you?  How many times has Jack lied to you?  Face it Finn, you are surrounded by liars.  

Et tu Brooke?  Ridge Ridge Ridge even when Ridge has rejected you and ran back to that meeskite Taylor.

Come on Carter get a backbone and fire Brooke because her loyalty resides with Ridge and not FC.  

Finn is 100% correct. Luna would have been much better off with knowing that you were her father.  


As an aside, Karla Mosley (Maya) is going to be in another soap opera, “Beyond The Gates”

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Ugh, I did not miss the beige dishrag.  And just sitting around on the couch in his father's living room, making out?  For fuck's sake, get your own place. Steffy is happy to walk in on that, but probably sad that she walked in too early. We all know she'd be fucking giddy if she walked in on them fucking on that couch. 

Then we had to endure those three smug assholes tearing down Hope again. Meanwhile, Brooke is over there mourning her relationship with Ridge, acting like the only thing that went wrong was her taking the CEO job. Never mind the horrid shit he said about her daughter, the one he helped raise as his own, and the horrid shit he sat there and allowed his bitchass daughter to say about both Brooke and Hope. No, Brooke, it's all on you taking the CEO job to try to save the company for his worthless ass. Please stop pining over him. He is not worth a moment of your time. 

They really are going to set up the story that Poppy is at fault for Luna's crime spree, aren't they? Of all the ways they could have played all of this, that's what they decided on?  

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I think I hit a PB today with the ffwding. I managed to watch a grand total of around 3 minutes in total and it consisted exclusively of Poopy and Steffi's husband's 'fight'.

On that, I'm so bummed that when he said her parenting caused Luna to turn into a murderer, that she didn't yell back at him "I'm pretty sure it's because of her genes Finn!!"

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On 2/5/2025 at 2:42 PM, Js Nana said:

The show's a cartoon, it's always been a cartoon.

It's an insult to cartoons, to be honest--long gone are the days of children's media being glorified toy commercials or obnoxious noise to keep the kiddos occupied. Hell, Star Trek fans will tell you the best series to come out in the last 8 years was the one aimed at the 6 to 11 year olds :p

If I were to compare it to any cartoon in the post Avatar: The Last Airbender era, it would be Voltron: Legendary Defender, a show that at its best was more style over substance, and that fell off hard in its later seasons, with a finale on par with the worst of adult TV such as How I Met Your Mother, Roseanna and Game of Thrones. Most of you are lucky enough not to know what a deep insult to B&B this is, but I promise your children and grandchildren who use Tumblr do :p

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I finally figured out why Daphne LaPew is giving me the icks...she reminds me of a middle schooler or young high school girl doing her best to act "grown up" and seductive to seduce a male teacher.  The weird serpentine walking, the upcast eyes, leaning in too close....it smacks of a very immature child trying to act mature.  Or like a grown woman, acting like a child who is trying to be a grown up.  Is anyone picking up what I'm putting down?

As for this Luna nonsense....

WHAT IS THE PLAN, BILL?  Does he plan to keep this young woman in his house for the next 15 years?  Is he working on moving her somewhere else?  Is he getting off on her "true crime" stories that he keeps asking her to repeat? Maybe after getting Sheila to confess he unlocked a new kink for himself.

I for one don't believe Luna grew up the way she is saying.  I think her childhood is exactly what was presented when she and Poppy first came on the show.  But Luna has found an "angle" and she is using the hell out of it!  And she is going to confess/cry her way into an opportunity to escape justice. Truthfully, I hope it works.  Lucky for her (and Bill, I guess) Will enters every room talking every time.  Even when he sneaks in the back way.  

*How'd they get in that balcony.  Isn't that the one Sheila fell/jumped off of to escape?  There aren't any stairs to it...I don't think.

As for this Brooke/Taylor/Scruff McDuck nonsense...I don't think either woman really wants Ridge anymore.  Its all about who can "win" him.  

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14 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

It's an insult to cartoons, to be honest--long gone are the days of children's media being glorified toy commercials or obnoxious noise to keep the kiddos occupied. Hell, Star Trek fans will tell you the best series to come out in the last 8 years was the one aimed at the 6 to 11 year olds :p

If I were to compare it to any cartoon in the post Avatar: The Last Airbender era, it would be Voltron: Legendary Defender, a show that at its best was more style over substance, and that fell off hard in its later seasons, with a finale on par with the worst of adult TV such as How I Met Your Mother, Roseanna and Game of Thrones. Most of you are lucky enough not to know what a deep insult to B&B this is, but I promise your children and grandchildren who use Tumblr do :p

Original Recipe Pepe Le Pew is far more interesting than Daphne.


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17 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

They really are going to set up the story that Poppy is at fault for Luna's crime spree, aren't they? Of all the ways they could have played all of this, that's what they decided on?  

This show hates women, absolutely hates them. To be fair, I’ve started to hate it back. Two of the main characters we’re supposed to view as protagonists, Ridge and Steffy, are as despicable as it gets. We get scene after scene of their insufferable smugness and self-righteousness, with a dose of Steffy’s profoundly unhealthy parent trapping fixation thrown in. Then you have the double murderer swanning about the Spencer estate in sweater pants, playing hide and seek with Bill’s unknowing sons. The writers are going to major mileage out of Luna having near misses with Liam and Will, as if I tune in for a daytime version of Three’s Company.

Most disappointing today was Brooke giving two unwashed fucks about Ridge and worse yet, being so hot to give anything back to Steffy. Have some damn self respect. It’s not particularly entertaining to watch a woman repeatedly go out of her way to be treated like trash by an ogre who is all up in his feels about betraaaayyyal. 

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So from the kinda happy, self-satisfied looks on Luna-tic’s mug, can we pretty much assume her attitude hasn’t changed one bit from when she murdered Tom & her friend & imprisoned The B*tch in a box?

And would that mean everything she was saying in those endless convos with $Bill, repeated 18 billion times, was complete & total bullsh*t?  So if she really is an unrepentant (and we assume convicted) murderer & a generally horrible person, then she’s been playing $Bill for a fool?

Or does $Bill have her at his manse for reasons not yet disclosed?  It’s all very strange & really icky at this point to watch.

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So, did they change Steffy and Finn's anniversary date specifically so they could have the symmetry of him finding out Sheila is his bio mother on their wedding day and finding out Luna is his daughter on their anniversary?  

As always, any combination of Steffy/Ridge/Taylor makes for an obnoxiously smug, self-serving, and dishonest conversation. Today was no exception. 

Brooke. Please. No. He's not remotely worth it. Let the dishrag have him. 

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On 2/4/2025 at 10:29 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

So whose head is gonna explode first — Finn’s or Steffy’s . . . or Li’s?

Well, we know Li will go around stabbing anyone near her with hypo needles.  Great doc, that Li, eh?

And Finn?  He’ll be ranting a zillion times — MY DAUGHTER, MY COUSIN, MY DAUGHTER, MY COUSIN, MY DAUGHTER, MY COUSIN, GAH!

And Steffy?  Idk, I just wanna finally see the a-hole smugness finally wiped off her mug.

Wow, Show is trying sooooo hard to make Daphne LePew look sexy — and it’s failing miserably.  Hate to be vulgar, but all she looks like to me is that she’s trying to squeeze out a dump.  And no, Show, her behavior is NOT sexy.  NOT.  AT.  ALL.



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I can't add to all of the c'est délicieux comments about Daphne Le Pew! On Reddit, someone posted that when she walks, it looks like the bottom half of her body arrives before the rest of them. It looks like she's trying to channel '90s super model Yasmeen Ghauri and failing miserably!

Brooke! That grubby hobo isn't worth it. He is taking no accountability for his role in your breakup and the king of deflection. "I don't want to talk about Taylor," even though he broke land-speed world records to run back to her. 

I also didn't care for Brooke guilt-tripping Carter to hand the company back to Sludge & Co. All they will do when (if) they resume power is to fire Carter, Brooke, and Hope. How's that for gratitude, Logan?

I think it would be delicious if Jack and Brooke got together. Maybe resume our earlier wishes of Li and Bill becoming a power couple. Anyway, my point is ... Brooke needs to throw that red power suit on, become a boss bitch at FC, and work with Carter to take FC to levels they never dreamed of! That would school R.E.S.T. (wasn't that the stupid name Steffy gave to some trust back in the day?)

Brooke looked lovely in that black floral dress, but the limp, messy hair ruined it. 

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On 2/6/2025 at 10:59 PM, smartyshorts said:

As for this Brooke/Taylor/Scruff McDuck nonsense...I don't think either woman really wants Ridge anymore.  Its all about who can "win" him.  

I've felt this has been the case for a good long while because no other explanation makes any sense. I'd rather they just ran with that than pretend either was some love affair for the ages.

But hey, at least they're fighting their own battles rather than using their daughters as proxies, so that's progress.

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On 2/4/2025 at 8:37 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Is Luna-tic’s sweater pants a thing now?  

Yeah. I see people wearing them. Worse yet, I saw a young woman wearing sweater boots. 

On 2/4/2025 at 9:28 PM, Waldo13 said:

They are trying to make Daphne’s perfume the end all be all but in reality, perfume smells different on different woman.

Not the cheap stuff!!! LOL!

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Oh my, didn’t $Blll look quite uncomfy, being reminded by Liam that Luna-tic is a psycho who murdered 2 people & put da bitch in da box?  Luna-tic didn’t look too thrilled either.

Yech, Brooke was begging Grubby to get back with her & Dishrag shows up.  Was expecting Brooke to say to Grubby — you’re really gonna choose this dishrag over me?

Spill it, stop dawdling, and grow a pair, Finn!  Tell Smuggy that Luna-tic is your daughter!

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Happy Anniversary Stuffy, Luna’s my daughter. 

Brooke get a live and stop prostrating your self to a an arrogant self righteous entitled piece of 💩

Ridge talks about the influence Hope has with Carter but doesn’t Taylor hold a lot of influence with him?  The same goes for Stuffy holding a lot of influences with  Ridge. 

Brooke is Ridge’s Logan forever. I guess forever is here 😜. It looks like forever came before tomorrow 🤔




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