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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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This shooting scene played out for me like a scene from original recipe Dallas.  JR (hah!) catching Sue Ellen and whomever, and shooting shots over their head.  And laughing it off.  


Of course that was the 80s.  But even recent recipe Dallas, I think that scene could happen.


Real world?  No.  But as we well know, not real world.

Edited by bannana
  • Love 3
Then Caroline, who I literally cannot stand, was waaaay over the top in trying to stop Ridge from calling the police. Wasn't she just giving Rick all sorts of attitude? Didn't Rick just put 3 shots over her head? Now, she's back to the "I hurt him really badly" shit? WTF??!!?!? None of it made the slightest amount of sense.
. This is how silly bitches get themselves killed by their off the rails exes.
What was up with that shifty over the shoulder look from Liam during his and Ivy's post-coital embrace? Was it not the unicorns and rainbows that he thought it would be?

I can't wait for Brooke to actually SAY something. I loved her little tweedish gray jacket. Edited by smartyshorts

LMAO, runthetable, at squinty-eyed Brooke.


ITA that she should have gotten a haircut like the one I posted earlier in her Throoke days or at least cut off some of those stringy ends. She could also use some dimension in the color. I had heard her former husband liked her to sport the long hair but he's long gone so change it up, sister.


I did not know what to make of the shooting scene - all it needed was for Rick and Ridge to have cowboy hats and Caroline in a ruffly prairie dress and you would have had the makings of a bad spaghetti western.

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 3
LMAO, runthetable, at squinty-eyed Brooke.



Ah yes, the ole squinty eye; it has become one of KKL's trademark tics.


all it needed was for Rick and Ridge to have cowboy hats and Caroline in a ruffly prairie dress and you would have had the makings of a bad spaghetti western.




Oh for Pete's sake, now I have visions of Blazing Saddles in my head, with Carter in the Cleavon Little role, Ridge as Gene Wilder, Rick as Harvey Korman, and Caroline as Madeline Kahn. 

  • Love 5

*sigh* This show is getting on my nerves. I have always treated B&B like something to do in between watching all of the other soaps and I realize its only 19 minutes long, but in a 19 minute span today they have managed to make me turn against everyone in this storyline and wish that it would end. Sorry this is long, but today was a deal breaker for me. 


Maya: I just need her to walk away. Seriously, walk away with her baby (that I am sure she will be pregnant with shortly) and try to get a piece of the Forrestor pie. I loved the acting today from the actress today when she had a reaction to Rick shouting about his wife! I thought it would rock her, but it didn't. I think she loves Rick, but what I also believe is that the more everyone talks down to her and tells her she is just a model (and for some reason that means--she doesn't belong with Rick...whatever) she digs her heels in deeper. I think Maya is basically saying 'Why not ME'. The fact that she was already WITH Rick before and not some model that came out of the blue, seems like it is lost to everyone. I am over this Rick and Maya relationship at the moment. Oh and the whole dismissiveness of Brooke today rubbed me the wrong way...B&B, you don't have a good reputation--you can only go so far with me and that ish. BTW...where's her sister? Where is she living? In a box? 


Rick: He is plum crazy. PLUM CRAZY and may even be bi-polar. My biggest issue is with the writing...soo basically, Caroline cheats and lies with his brother/step father, cries crocodile tears, has a fan club and basically becomes the strong blond by finally walking away--but she was able to be justified because Rick turned into this crazy, psycho, abuser. Well...well...I have to give it to the writers, never have I seen a victim change into the villain in 3 episodes (oh wait...I have...AJ Quartermaine, maybe Sean Kanan is giving JY tips). Now? The job that he coveted, he will lose because he had to be turned into this psycho to have Ridge (and Caroline) come out on top? The story couldn't be him actually being a competent CEO, but noooooooo...it had to be this? I'm done. 


Caroline: The true victim...my heart weeps. I can't say too much because I'm so disgusted by the narrative that they gave her as the victim of all the circumstances, I can't even talk. She was just a victim of Ridge's manipulations...then she turned into a victim of Maya's, because Maya was all about destroying her marriage and NOW she's a victim of Rick. Whatever. 


Ridge: Same stuff, different floozie. 


Brooke: Honestly, too early to tell with her. I did appreciate her concern for Rick today though, but that was almost canceled out by her lecturing Maya on Rick being married and all that jazz. Whatever Brooke. 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 9

Brooke's squinty eye is matched by Rick's. I guess Hope didn't get this trait because of her father.

I felt sorry for Maya today. Yeah, for about a tenth of a second. Maya was smart though to play to Brooke's vanity and the love for her son. Of course Brooke calls Ridge to find out that he is ok but mostly to blame him for her son shooting at them. I really don't think she will blame Rick but she is aware that he is once again becoming unbalanced. I'm glad she put Maya on notice because I still think she is more in love with the life style than Rick.

I'm proud of Caroline for signing the devorce papers and not wanting anything from Rick especially after hearing her explanation. I'm also glad that she is not leaving and talked Ridge out of it. It's going to be fun to watch them fight for CF at the expense of Rick and Maya.

  • Love 5

Taking the snow day to catch up on a few weeks' viewing and wow. The writing team was on fire!

In that convo with Rick a few weeks back Ridge took a lot of crap from Rick to keep telling him to stop being a dick and take Caroline back. Gotta give the man props he's giving him fair warning and time to get his crap together and Rick continues to be petulant. But Rick was right about one thing- Ridge is fighting this hard because he's giving Rick fair warning he's gonna go for Caroline and when he does he ain't gonna stop and if he gets her he ain't letting her go.

Although Ridge if you want Rick to act like a man, stop calling him Ricky even if he deserves it.

Maya scored points in her convo with Caroline about where she succeeds where Caroline failed but she IS being delusional about her being a rebound. For all her keeping it realness she's really embracing the happily ever after/love conquers all fantasy if she thinks after the dust settles that she and Rick will be happy together and everyone rooting for them.

Rick's panicking 'I love you' when Maya was about to up and leave said everything about them. Baby needing his bottle and will lie to get it. Girl with some common sense ignoring the red flags because she wants to win. And then to answer Caroline's call during sex? Plain ole nasty! Even worse? It's the same bed you crawled into when you were little with your mom and dad. Dude, no.

Does Rick see that he's treating Caroline and even Maya worse than Ridge ever did Brooke and Taylor? Ridge never hurt them out of malice but truly being torn and indecision. His feelings were never in doubt but he never callously abused them. Rick is so much worse because this is all about his pride and hurt ego and wanting revenge and soothe his ego. Someone needs to point out to him that he's twisting both Maya and Caroline in the wind the same way Ridge did with Brooke and Taylor.

I do love Rick's relationships with Aly and Pam. They come at him differently but from a place of love and respect and toughness. Also love Liam and Caroline acting like cousins and having good talks.

Ridge: (Re Maya becoming the matriarch) Oh that's not gonna happen.

Ridge: (Re Maya's portrait) That picture is hung up with one nail.

Caroline: Tell me what to do, Ridge!

::Scorching kiss ensues::

Ridge: Say what you want, say it!

Gah, the seducing each other scene...too cute. 'You can't stop in the middle!'

Caroline's ' I won't run' seems like foreshadowing. Less that she'll run from Ridge but more like he'll lose her to fate. Perhaps their love will be tested by Caroline 2.0 suffering a health crisis like Caroline 1.0? Could he go through that again? Would he run away from her for Rick to man up and care for her through sickness back into health?

Ridge and Caroline actually talking through what's going on, what's next, let's not define this or rush this and both looking so happy and beaming at this point is so great. It can only go down from here knowing this show.

  • Love 6

I can see where Maya and Brooke are coming from.  There is a marked difference in the way Rick acts around Maya (ie, a lot calmer) than when she's not around.  And all of this stuff where he's been going nuts has happened when she's not around.  But, to Brooke's point, the relationship he has with Maya isn't really helping to heal the hurt (like Maya thinks it is) if a thought that he totally feels is rational to act upon is shooting up the office.


However, when Brooke hung up the phone with Ridge and saw Rick smiling at Maya, holding hands and putting his other hand on top of hers?  They looked just like Zack and Lisa in an episode Saved by the Bell.  The one where Zack and Lisa got together and were talking about their feelings at The Max.  And I don't think I can resist that kind of callback (check out my avatar).  My mind has now bonded those two images together.

  • Love 6

No, I'm sorry venusnv80.  It's an old wound that I must continue to rip open, much like Caroline did with Rick's.  It's the Saved by the Bell that should have been.  I even wrote (terrible) fan fiction about it when I was in the 8th grade.

LOL...I was so happy with that episode. I was like FINALLY, we get the couple that should have happened all along. Then the knife came when not ONLY did it last for one episode, but when Tori showed up and it seemed like Lisa still held a torch, they put Tori with Zach. Despicable. 


LOL...at your Caroline and Rick reference. Caroline made a MISTAKE! 

  • Love 2

venusnv80, so much word to your post. I, too, am getting pretty darn fed up with Rick being sacrificed at the altar of CaRidge. 


In the space of about a day, he went from being a loving, loyal husband and strong, confident, capable leader of FC to a unrecognizable psycho.


Caroline gets to play little miss victim and Ridge, the proverbial turd in the punchbowl for me, comes up smelling like a rose.


Where is the balance in this storyline? This is as heavy-handed and telegraphed as a Sweet Valley High book.

  • Love 5

Still catching up:

Even if Ridge isn't Eric's bio son, he is Stephanie's and she was as big a builder of Forrester as Eric so Ridge has as big a claim as an heir a Rick. So he can shut his yap.

I love that Eric left Stephanie's gun in its place. Shocked that Taylor hadn't cleared that side out when she had moved in.

Why is Maya answering the door at Eric's house? The staff quit in protest?

Yeah, Nicole seems like the cynical more adult college kid who will catch Oliver's eye in spite of himself. Although I could also see her with Carter.

Aww Katie why DO you have to hate on Alison? She's pretty cool. But do love her step-mom relationship with Liam. They have a great vibe.

Pam shaming Rick with Stephanie's portrait was great.

Soooo Bill getting mad at Rick for playing his ex wife to get control of his company.....hypocrite, much? Love seeing the show mix up the characters and have him confront Maya. But he really shouldn't have deigned to even bother since he should be above such trifles but then again he found Hope a foe worth entangling.

Maya having family is nice, actually. And Nicole pointing out Maya's facial lines. Priceless.

Pooping on lil Aly's shoe design dreams, Rick? Really?

Are they dressing Liam in darker clothes as he morphs into mini-Bill?

Yeah, Rick is cracked with that maniacal laughing and big gulping scotch while fondling a gun. In his scenes with Liam, Liam actually held back. Bill would've decked him. Liam merely reeled Rick back off his cousin. And seriously in those scenes? Liam really read Rick for filth and became a legit enemy that I feel could take him. And that look on Liam's face when he told Rick that yeah he is his father's son? Interesting. I don't think we need another Bill type on the show since Bill is alive and well and willing to scheme. Not sure why Liam is being sent in this direction but so far Scott Clifton is making it work. Liam was able to shift back to his cuddly emo self when he was alone with Caroline and Ivy so he's not full on dark side by any means.

Quinn and Maya should be friends. They're both stubborn to the point of delusion women who need a buddy.

Brooke is back! And I loved how she went from civil to eye narrowing bitch face at Quinn in an instant. And her finding Maya in Eric's house was great. Funny thing is once upon a time Brooke would've been in the Maya role with Stephanie the one at the door.

  • Love 7
I think she loves Rick, but what I also believe is that the more everyone talks down to her and tells her she is just a model (and for some reason that means--she doesn't belong with Rick...whatever) she digs her heels in deeper. I think Maya is basically saying 'Why not ME'. The fact that she was already WITH Rick before and not some model that came out of the blue, seems like it is lost to everyone. I am over this Rick and Maya relationship at the momen



Disclaimer, I haven't seen today yet, so I'm only speaking about past episodes...  I think that the "just a model" stuff isn't so much that she's not good enough to be in a relationship with Rick on its own, necessarily, but more about her (and Rick's) insistence that she's going to be running FC with him and her delusions that she's becoming the new "matriarch" of the family.  I'm not saying any of his family is jumping for joy that he's involved with Maya, but it's not about her being a model but more about the current circumstances and her participation in and enabling of Rick's revenge schemes.

  • Love 4

Disclaimer, I haven't seen today yet, so I'm only speaking about past episodes...  I think that the "just a model" stuff isn't so much that she's not good enough to be in a relationship with Rick on its own, necessarily, but more about her (and Rick's) insistence that she's going to be running FC with him and her delusions that she's becoming the new "matriarch" of the family.  I'm not saying any of his family is jumping for joy that he's involved with Maya, but it's not about her being a model but more about the current circumstances and her participation in and enabling of Rick's revenge schemes.

It seems as though that has been the attitude overall and the way the show has portrayed Maya and Rick being together period. With the Myrna talk to Caroline's entire attitude about her (pre affair). In addition, it does seem like it's about her not being good enough to be in a relationship with Rick. That's my POV and has been for a long time. Also, Maya and Rick had a relationship BEFORE he married Caroline, I'm sick of people (characters on the show) acting as if they didn't. 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 5

Not Brooke & Stephanie in the sense of Maya going after Brooke's man after Rick marries someone else.

Just the rivalry. The true triangle of the show has/had always been Brooke/Ridge/Stephanie.

I don't need or want Brooke doing half the stuff Stephanie did. But Stephanie did those things because she didn't think Brooke was good enough or the right person to be Ridge's wife.

Brooke kinda has the same sentiment towards Maya with this "you're just a model" talk. Well Stephanie thought the same of her with the "you're just from the Valley" and "you're just the caterer's daughter" talk.

It would just be interesting to me to see Brooke have the same "you're wrong for my son" feelings towards Maya, that Stephanie had for her.

  • Love 4

It seems as though that has been the attitude overall and the way the show has portrayed Maya and Rick being together period. With the Myrna talk to Caroline's entire attitude about her (pre affair). In addition, it does seem like it's about her not being good enough to be in a relationship with Rick. That's my POV and has been for a long time. Also, Maya and Rick had a relationship BEFORE he married Caroline, I'm sick of people (characters on the show) acting as if they didn't. 

I agree. And if everyone keeps acting like Maya's a piece of garbage Rick dragged in from the curb, I'm going to have to root for them and I don't want to do that because I see where this is going. 


Honestly, today broke my last bit of excitement about this storyline. So much for fun drama. I'm not interested in watching Caroline's a Perfect Angel, Everyone Bow Down. No thanks.


Also: Brook. Nope. First of all, you never ever get to get snooty with ANYONE about being with a married man. And your son just shot up an office. Maya's the one you're keeping an eye on? Fantastic. 


Poor Maya. If she knew Brook better she could have just said Rick was her destiny and Brook would've been ordering flowers and getting Eric to design a dress for the wedding. 

  • Love 8

But didn't Brooke sleep with and get impregnated by Stephanie's husband? Maya hasn't done that.

Eric and Stephanie had had problems literally since day one of this show. By the time Brooke and Eric got together, they were legally separated with some major event that had nothing to do with Brooke.

I'd wondered how and why the two ended up together; thankfully, it seems a Youtuber by the name of Dee Bap has been uploading the show from the beginning, so perhaps she'll have those up in due time.

In a nutshell, Brooke has wrecked homes, but her marriage to Eric was not one of those times.

As for the comparison of Maya to 1990s Brooke and that rivalry....didn't TIIC do that with Amber fifteen years ago? It made more sense because she definitely went outta her way to manipulate her way into the Forresters. Maya only let Rick be aware of something he wouldn't have known otherwise, a situation she had no hand in creating and yet she gets shat upon more so than I ever remember Amber ever getting.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 5

I can see where Maya and Brooke are coming from. There is a marked difference in the way Rick acts around Maya (ie, a lot calmer) than when she's not around. And all of this stuff where he's been going nuts has happened when she's not around. But, to Brooke's point, the relationship he has with Maya isn't really helping to heal the hurt (like Maya thinks it is) if a thought that he totally feels is rational to act upon is shooting up the office.

However, when Brooke hung up the phone with Ridge and saw Rick smiling at Maya, holding hands and putting his other hand on top of hers? They looked just like Zack and Lisa in an episode Saved by the Bell. The one where Zack and Lisa got together and were talking about their feelings at The Max. And I don't think I can resist that kind of callback (check out my avatar). My mind has now bonded those two images together.

Actually with that sentiment you've bonded them in my mind to Chloe and Davis. "For some reason I calm the beast inside him." It is true that he stays very calm collected and controlled when Maya's around but when she isn't he goes all the way out of his damn mind. In the real world relationship wise that'd be exciting for a minute before it became terrifying or AKA Johnny Depp syndrome. But in the soap world that's pretty damn fascinating and frankly a lot of power, she's the only thing standing between him and Belle Reve. (Wow, I must really miss Smallville) Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

After watching today, I do wonder if they're going with some kind of mental break for Rick.  The way he said "I had to get him off my wife" to Brooke was so weird and not at all the same kind of tone and attitude he's been carrying on with lately.  


And Maya's look when Rick said it?  That was some cheesy soap spoof face acting there.  I rewound to watch it twice.  


Caroline, honey, I admire the whole wanting to just end the marriage and be done, but you need a lawyer to look over those papers before you sign them.  Don't assume "Rick wants nothing from me."  

  • Love 5


In the space of about a day, he went from being a loving, loyal husband and strong, confident, capable leader of FC to a unrecognizable psycho.


This really doesn't bother me. Frankly, I'm used to this type thing on soaps. After watching Carly Manning on Days (one of my favorite soap characters ever) get sacrificed to the alter of Bo and Hope and then made into a drug addict overnight, well nothing surprises me. Of course, the Bo and Hope fans probably thought Carly got what she deserved. It's all about perspective and what side of the storyline you happen to land.


I don't see the current writing as a big change for Rick. I've always thought he was a whiny man child. He has always had anger issues. Him being a capable leader seems more of a stretch.


I've never been a huge KKL fan, but I enjoyed her reactions to Rick talking about shooting the gun. KM on the other hand? Sigh.



That was some cheesy soap spoof face acting there


Yeah, that was some Joey from Friends soap acting there.



Don't assume "Rick wants nothing from me."


Speaking of being written out of character! Would Caroline really trust Rick about anything after the whole plot to get Forrester from his dad thing? Geez.



Unless ass kissing is a super power, I'm not seeing what Maya's doing that's powerful.


I think the poster was speaking more to Maya being able to calm Rick down some. When he's with her he seems on track. That could be a powerful tool for her. Although, she sure can't be attached to his hip constantly. Though she'll probably try.

  • Love 6

I think the poster was speaking more to Maya being able to calm Rick down some. When he's with her he seems on track. That could be a powerful tool for her. Although, she sure can't be attached to his hip constantly. Though she'll probably try.



 I know, the ass kissing she does is what calms him. IMO.

  • Love 3


This really doesn't bother me. Frankly, I'm used to this type thing on soaps. After watching Carly Manning on Days (one of my favorite soap characters ever) get sacrificed to the alter of Bo and Hope and then made into a drug addict overnight, well nothing surprises me. Of course, the Bo and Hope fans probably thought Carly got what she deserved. It's all about perspective and what side of the storyline you happen to land.


Oh :( Carly. That was one of the saddest things DOOL has ever done to me. I adore Crystal Chappell. I was horrified at her treatment, just horrified.



I think the poster was speaking more to Maya being able to calm Rick down some. When he's with her he seems on track. That could be a powerful tool for her. Although, she sure can't be attached to his hip constantly.


This is precisely what I meant.

  • Love 4

One sided writing will always bother me. General Hospital used up all my patience with their years of doing it.


Oh my god. Carly is braveandstrongandloveswithherwholeheart gaaaaaaah! All the gaaaaaaahs! I can't stand one-sided writing either, I usually end up siding with the "villain" of the piece but when the so-called "villain" is written to be a moustache twirling psycho like Rick is right now just to prop Bell's love of blondes it really gets my goat. I don't even fully understand that expression because it's not like I even have a goat but there it is. Damn you B&B!

  • Love 4

I agree. And if everyone keeps acting like Maya's a piece of garbage Rick dragged in from the curb, I'm going to have to root for them and I don't want to do that because I see where this is going.

Honestly, today broke my last bit of excitement about this storyline. So much for fun drama. I'm not interested in watching Caroline's a Perfect Angel, Everyone Bow Down. No thanks.

Also: Brook. Nope. First of all, you never ever get to get snooty with ANYONE about being with a married man. And your son just shot up an office. Maya's the one you're keeping an eye on? Fantastic.

Poor Maya. If she knew Brook better she could have just said Rick was her destiny and Brook would've been ordering flowers and getting Eric to design a dress for the wedding.

Everything about this post is genius but the bolded parts are pure poetry. ICAM, how about some psychiatric treatment for your son, Brooke?

Also the Stephanie-lite act is pure vomit considering what that monster put her through. Yes I know they made up before she croaked, the same way Luke made up with his father after he threatened his sister and cut off his hand.

If anyone should understand Maya it should be Brooke and the way she "dismissed" her? Nobody's fooled by the rocks that you got, you're still Logan from the block, honey. She needs to have a seat and somebody needs to put ticky-tack on her chair so she doesn't get up again.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7

I am so impressed with Jacob Young, an actor who I have always been able to give or take. He is just nailing everything, and is not missing a beat in going from mad psycho gun shooter, to clueless and confused. And the stuff they are giving him to work with is gold, so unintentionally funny, but with Jacob’s delivery it is sad and hilarious all at the same time:


“another bang up day at the office”
“there was an incident today”
“oh, it was no big deal, no one was hurt, the bullets went into the door jam”
“I had to get him off of my wife”


Said in all seriousness, but with that big, silly smile on his face. Loving this guy right now.


And I think Brooke’s reactions were pretty spot on; she had the “WTF” look in full swing. I also don’t have a problem with her being upset about Ridge and Caroline. I would be more concerned if she didn’t have a reaction simply because it involves her son, her handpicked daughter-in-law, and the love of her life. What I need further clarification on is if Brooke’s reaction was because Ridge has caused her son pain, and has disrupted his life, or if it is jealousy over Ridge being with Caroline. For me, those are two distinctly different things.


And I am finding Brooke and Maya very interesting. The thought of Brooke and Maya bonding was completely off putting at first, but now, after seeing the two of them interact, I am not so sure. I like the idea of this forcing Brooke to put on her HoganView glasses and look at her own life, and how Stephanie saw and interpreted Brooke’s actions. For Stephanie, Brooke was the “gold digging little slut from the Valley”, but for Brooke, it was always about Destiny and love. Maya says she loves Rick; will Brooke believe her, and be able to commiserate on how it feels to be the outsider? Or, they could take the path of Brooke feeling about Maya the exact same way Stephanie felt about Brooke. She could interpret Maya’s calming effect on Rick as some sort of spell, or brainwashing. Stephanie always thought Brooke’s effect on men stemmed from the power of the Golden Couter, but Brooke’s men have maintained otherwise. I kind of like the first scenario best, because I see this offering opportunity for character growth; something Brooke has needed for a long time. I have to admit that I got some chills in those final scenes with B/M; I felt like I was watching Brooke and Stephanie back in the beginning, all the way down to Brooke’s “you can go now”, to Maya’s “yes Mrs. Forrester”.


Caroline should have had the divorce papers looked over. I don’t really know much about what can go into a divorce decree, but since there are no children involved, and each party is independently wealthy, with high paying jobs, I can’t see what could be stipulated that could have impact on Caroline going forward. Can you have something about taking a percentage of future earnings? How about the divorced party can never marry again? Then again, in Bell LA, I am sure anything would go. And I do think Caroline was right about not leaving FC’s. Why should they walk away from something that is successful largely based on them? Certainly Rick, before he became insane, was contributing too, but Maya? Sorry, putting your face on the HFTF line, and walking down the runway one time don’t really qualify as great contributing factors. At the same time, I don’t see FC’s being large enough to contain Rick and Ridge. If it was bursting at the seams before, it has split all of its stitches now.

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 8

Even though I'm no huge fan of Bambi Doe Eyes, I do hope that Brooke doesn't go the route of Stephanie and hate on her just because she grew up on the wrong side of the tracks. Hate BDE for other reasons, Brooke, but not that one.

Well y'all know me I'm team Bambi Doe Eyes (cute nickname) but I agree. Of all the things to hate Maya for that is NOT one of them.

  • Love 1


I have to admit that I got some chills in those final scenes with B/M; I felt like I was watching Brooke and Stephanie back in the beginning, all the way down to Brooke’s “you can go now”, to Maya’s “yes Mrs. Forrester”.

And when Maya was glaring at Brooke who was swilling her glass of liquor while looking up at that portrait in disgust? It really was like 'Game on!'


Although I agree, seeing Brooke actually bond with her in realizing how much alike they are would be interesting. Amber seemed more like the daughter-in-law pain in the ass for Brooke. I think Brooke's wrath is being saved for Ridge and Caroline.


I think Rick's alternately claiming Caroline as his wife and then dismissing her is right in line with his losing his mind which is where this is going. Rick's anger and rage at Ridge has been intensely pathological before (Phoebe/Steffy situation) so it happening again over a woman he really loved and it being more extreme makes sense.


He's also lashed out with violence before by shooting Grant so it seems we're seeing Rick slipping into a real recurring mental health situation. He's drinking, verbally attacking people and shooting at them. The fact he admitted to the shooting to Maya and Brooke and waved it off as no big deal? He's rationalizing dangerous behavior which means he's prone to doing anything because he can't see how bad it is.


This is very much in a replay of Thorne shooting Ridge in the head back in day over Caroline. And I want to say it was the same situation; he saw Ridge and Caroline 1.0 together and completely lost it. Which is why Thorne really should be in this story a bit or at least make a visit to find out why Aly was thrown out of grandpa's house and he ends up having a good talk with both Rick (I've been where you are and you'll just make yourself crazy trying to best Ridge) and Ridge (you're my brother, I love you, but I also hate you, ya know?). Heck bring on Taylor so she can do her one scene psychiatric diagnosis of Rick and then have voice of doom scenes with Brooke  and scolding scenes with Ridge (You were made at me for banging Rick and you're banging his wife? C'mon!)


And while the catalyst of this is Ridge being favored whatever Rick's issues really are, they're his own.


Not calling the cops is right in line with the Forrester way of covering crap up. I even get why Caroline didn't want Ridge to call the cops because she blames herself and thinks it's all her fault. But what was also interesting is that while Ridge was on his phone yapping to Eric (seriously I love Ridge, but calling Dad to complain about little brother's violent tantrum? Handle your own business) Caroline was replaying that scene in her head and the woman looked very traumatized and shaken; that was a side of Rick she had never seen nor expected out of him so I can understand her wanting to be free and clear of him with the divorce.


And yet instead of washing her hands of it and running away from it all, she wants to stay and fight for control of Forrester with Ridge. That's not so noble and more provoking given she just saw the man fire a gun at them. I think her more opportunistic Spencer genes are showing. Up until now, you could hate Rick for his actions because they seemed to come from a place of calculated malice but now that we're getting hints that he may not be mentally well, the sympathy shifts away from Caroline as Rick's victim a bit towards Rick. The Spencers seem to be collectively aligning to battle Rick who didn't start this war alone - Ridge, Caroline, and Maya all played their roles- but who escalated this war to such bloody levels that it's soon going to take on a life of its own. Problem is because of his own issues now overtaking him, Rick is unable to fight it and will need Brooke and Maya to fight it for him.

Edited by TobinAlbers
  • Love 11

The characters also seem to forget that Rick was in a relationship with Caroline before he was in one with Maya.


No character is mentioning either relationship prior to Rick and Caroline's marriage.  Except Othello, maybe.  Which includes the fact that Rick and Caroline had issues (dumb, made up issues to Mary Sue Maya in, but issues nonetheless) which is why he left Caroline on his own accord without any kind of machinations.  Also not mentioned is the fact that Caroline was with Thomas first and waffling between whether she wanted to be with him or Rick.  I will always contend that Rick wanted Caroline not so much because of her, but because he wanted to beat Thomas.

Edited by kia112
  • Love 8

I can't understand Caroline wanting to stay and fight for control of FC, especially after Rick's most recent actions.


When even Ridge is wanting to pull up stakes, you know it makes zero sense for her to want to stay. She's not a Forrester (not anymore), she's a designer, not even the head designer at that, and, the huge elephant in the room is that she cheated on the current CEO (who cheated back and then some) and took up with the head designer. 


But I think she is still caught up on the whole fantasy of running FC with Ridge at her side, which is as delusional as BDE being the next Forrester matriarch.

I think Rick's alternately claiming Caroline as his wife and then dismissing her is right in line with his losing his mind which is where this is going. Rick's anger and rage at Ridge has been intensely pathological before (Phoebe/Steffy situation) so it happening again over a woman he really loved and it being more extreme makes sense.

All of this.

Although, the thing with Phoebe actually was written as Rick being in love with her, but Ridge ran interference because of their huge age difference and the fact that he was once married...and yes, Ridge of all people pointed out the biggest elephant in the room of them being practically related a whole three years after the Ridget fiasco. But Rick never used her. The Steffy mess came on the heels of Taylor waking up in love with Ridge IIRC, but I think TIIC were gonna go with a real love story before fan reception sank harder than the Titanic.

Overall, Rick's had mental issues where Brooke's love life is concerned going back to preteen Rick shooting Grant Chambers for fucking up his family. JT!Rick was about the only period I can remember the character being a beacon of sanity; but then, he was playing most his scenes with Amber Moore and Deacon.

No character is mentioning either relationship prior to Rick and Caroline's marriage. Except Othello, maybe. Which includes the fact that Rick and Caroline had issues (dumb, made up issues to Mary Sue Maya in, but issues nonetheless) which is why he left Caroline on his own accord without any kind of machinations. Also not mentioned is the fact that Caroline was with Thomas first and waffling between whether she wanted to be with him or Rick. I will always contend that Rick wanted Caroline not so much because of her, but because he wanted to beat Thomas.

A sentiment that is, quite literally, classic Ridge.

This is why I've never cheered on Rick. Not in this instance, and not in Gorrilick mode years ago when he used Steffy and his parents as pawns.

ETA: I also agree with the poster that said Thorne should be involved in this SL as well. Obviously because Aly is involved, but the two are both his brothers. He's been dealing with Ridge's shit well before Rick was born and as mentioned, he's been on the edge before.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 4

I agree that I felt Rick was truly in love with Phoebe and I really liked that relationship until TPTB ruined it.


But my oh my, the hypocrisy of Ridge continues to astound.


He's cavorting with a woman young enough to be his daughter and yet took issue with Rick and Phoebe dating...and ugh to his cries of "they're practically related!!!" Take a seat, Smidge - you didn't let the fact that you once thought Budge was your daughter (including changing her diapers!!!), then sister, then the love of your life's daughter stop you from putting your tongue down her throat. It's quite the trend with these young enough to be his daughter and the daughter/close relative of a former lover thing he has going on here. 


But it's Smidge - Mr. Do As I Say, Not As I Do.

  • Love 3

Oh, I agree that Eric should be told and on his way home ASAP it was just the way Ridge was talking to Eric whiffed a little of whining rather than taking action to handle the situation. Eric could challenge the contract to unseat Rick but since we know he's a softie on that score, as does Ridge, calling him to do something he wasn't going to do or to do something Ridge could do (call the cops) just came off more as tattling to dad. Although I now realize that Ridge didn't know Brooke was back at that moment and probably wanted to avoid pulling her into the situation.


Sad that apparently only one of Rick's parents can be onscreen at a time; they ushered Eric off just as Brooke was coming back on so she gets the spotlight now and Eric gets to go fishing and inspire college kids, LOL.

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