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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, JNavarro said:

The good side of things is that from what I've seen, they're really giving Hope a good rationale for why she's handling it the way she is.  It makes you look back on all the insecurity and unease that marriage rested on, from both Liam's waffling and Hope's childhood with Brooke that she's talked about. At least on THIS point, it's actual good writing here. 

It's also worth pointing out that at the time they first started dating, it was shortly after Brooke and Oliver's accidental wall sex was made public and given Hope had only just learned about her true conception months earlier, her mind was an absolute mess as it was. Vegas odds all expected Hope to get wild like the children on As the World Turns usually did for far less, but her way of coping was to double down on her "values." And there was a good amount of time where Steffy wasn't as issue but they still had things that should've given her pause like that wild party Bill threw for Liam to get him laid (??? It's been a while) that led to him thinking he was Amber's baby daddy.

Lope is often compared to Bridge, but I see them more akin to Sharon and Nick--two young kids who got together when they had more passion than sense and keep trying to stay together when they've long grown apart. But damn, even Sharon, as much as she's been shit upon by the writers, has gotten to have a fulfilling sex life separate from Nick.

1 hour ago, JNavarro said:

The only time I ever bought that the character had legit non obsessive feelings towards someone was PF's version with Sally at the beginning (and that might have been Courtney Hope working her magic more than anything). 

CH definitely helped, but it helped a LOT more that Thomas himself acknowledged a lot of this shitty behavior and had made a clean break from pursuing Caroline well before Sally was ever in the picture. There were no gimmicks, no lingering anything and that never changed, not even after she and Ridge split and they were both free.

I will never not be mad at how they gave him one of the best redemption stories in all of B&B history and that he was acknowledging his own privilege and TIIC just Thanos snapped that out of existence to force a romance that no one ever wanted, needed, or asked for.

I am glad for Matthew Atkinson's sake that he got cast because he was so bland as Summer's husband that I don't even know the character's last name or anything besides the fact that he cheated with Abby and it came out at his funeral. He's got range, and much like Scott Clifton, it'll all be squandered eventually.

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I couldn’t help but notice that Liam’s letting Steffy think the divorce was entirely Hope’s idea, like it’s Hope who’s jumping the gun, and the giant waffle didn’t correct her.  And then we get the excellent Hope/Wyatt scene where she specifically mentions that Liam  didn’t even pause for a breath before asking for a divorce.  Wyatt’s face said it all—Liam’s a complete dumbass.

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So, they made Liam an asshole to sell Thope, and now they're making Finn a dumbass to sell Steam? 

Liam can't even be honest with himself when the only two parties in the conversation know exactly what really happened. He doesn't have any romantic interest in Steffy? The two of them are just going to pretend he didn't break land speed records running to try to get in Steffy's pants as soon as he had an excuse?  And he respects Finn? That's not how you treat someone you respect, Lameass. 

I loved the Wyatt/Hope scenes. I like that he went to her not as "Liam's brother," but as her friend, too, who he has history with. And he listened to her and didn't blow off her feelings the way his brother keeps doing. I'm really hoping the show decides to go there with these two. Not right away, but let them be friends who hang out a lot, and just let it develop. 

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Oh, Finn, Finn, Finn, when Sheila hugs you it makes you feel like you have been missing something? 

Did it make you feel like you were missing something when she put a bullet in you? 

Stupid boy, shooting you and Steffy, running Li off the road, and kidnapping you are just postscripts in this psycho's lifelong crime spree. All you have ever heard is that she shot Taylor, and most recently about Dr. Garvin and killing young Lance with bees. But her true list of crimes would create a novel longer than War and Peace. 

Maybe you did feel the tug of your birth mother there for a minute, but you know this woman is a master manipulator, and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. 

And besides all that, your managing director has already told you to stay away, so you have disobeyed those orders and have now compounded that by softening up with Sheila. 

Will it be the kiss or the hug? One or both is going to stick a big fork in the Steffy/Finn marriage. 

Wyatt and Hope? Now that was unexpected. I have noticed that we have been seeing a lot more of Darin and I have been ok with that since there has been no mention of Flo. Maybe they are gearing us up for a redux of these two? I think they have loads more chemistry and play off each other much better than Darin and Kim, and if they must throw Hope into an immediate relationship I would rather it not be with Thomas. 

Liam might discover there is another man he could never get past. 

I wanted to punch Steffy and Liam. Self righteous fucks. 

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I was so hoping that after her chat with Wyatt, Hope decided to go visit Deacon at Il Giardino. Bonus points if Wyatt did an impromptu tagalong to grab a late (friendly) lunch with her. 

And ... poor Lame. I felt so sorry for him wistfully gazing at all the happy couples around him who were enjoying lunch and drinks. NOT!

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As if Thope wasn't bad enough but our suffering through that will be rewarded with steamless too? Seriously is there any pairing more dead than steam? (not counting Ridge & Bridget which should be dead for obvious reasons)

Not only is Bradley propping a dead pairing, he's propping Lame and Steffy as individuals too which is far worse. They both suck as people and pretty much always have. Steffy was only mildly tolerable after she married Finn and even that was still compromised by her selective memory, anti-Logan, parent trapping crap.

I'm thinking this weird & gross switcheroo is happening so fast now instead of after mannequingate is because Liam and Steffy have to look like victims, and they were objectively not victims at that point in time. So Hope & now Finn are having their characters fed into a meat grinder to get these 2 jackasses back together. At least Hope got the W of reading Lame for filth but what good is it when her pov isn't taken as seriously as Lame's or Steffy's? I fully expect Lame to get away with lying about running to Steffy and asking Hope for a divorce as will Steffy get away with hiding the kisses from Finn. I fully expect to take a hiatus from this garbage too. 

Edited by Skarzero
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The past two days have continued to bring it.

Wednesday's episode brought the demise of Lope (thank goodness!) 

Liam: "I’m sorry. I– forgive me. How did we– how did we get from you kissing Thomas to an argument about Steffy?"

He is still trying to deflect that his very checkered history, in large part, led them to where they are standing now. Hope has to own her kissing Thomas and Liam's actions didn't give her free rein to cheat but that kiss didn't happen in a vacuum.

Hope: "Because you love her. Right? You’ll always love her. And I– I know that because I’ve lived through this, Liam. I’ve– I’ve grown up with Ridge and his divided feelings between my mom and Taylor and I don’t want any part of it."


Liam: "I don’t get the analogy. What, you’re not gonna make the same mistake as Brooke by running off with the bad boy?"

Hope challenges this, “What makes Thomas so bad, right now, today? Is it because he loves me? Is it because he’s dedicated to me? Is it because he’s loyal? Is it because when I look into his eyes I see 100% commitment to me, and I can’t say the same for you?” 

Liam pulls a face and rolls his eyes as one does when they don't like the truth thrown in their face.

Liam: "Hope, I– I have been totally committed to you." "Have been" instead of "am." 

Hope nails him here: "Was that past tense?"

He can't understand how she is turning this around on him when she's had feelings for Thomas for "God knows how long." Really, Liam? You've still carried a torch for your ex for a decade (and for Hope when with that ex) and you can't understand it.

Hope isn't budging with this renewed tact to deflect: "Can I ask you a question?"

Liam snits: "Fine. What?"

Hope: "Given how easy it was for you to ask for a divorce from me over a kiss, was it because of Steffy? Let me guess. You told her that, um, walking away from her was the biggest mistake of your life? Hm? What’s so sad about that is that I know that’s probably how you feel."

There is less anger in her voice now and more sadness and quiet resignation. 


Liam: "Yeah, hope, absolutely. I’m re-evaluating some choices now. I’ve always cared about Steffy, but this is a whole other–"

Hope: "Do you hear yourself, Liam? That’s part of the problem."

Liam: "What is the problem? That I have a history with Steffy? That I gave all of that up for you?"


I literally yelled at the TV as Hope winces, her jaw visibly clenching.

He tries to recover, saying: "Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that."

Hope shrugs it off: "No. No. You meant it. You feel like it was a mistake giving up your life up with Steffy."

I'd say it's pretty loud and clear on that front.

Liam: "Do you feel like I’ve forced you to give up something with Thomas?"

And I want to scream it from the rooftops that it's not even about Thomas at this point because really, he could have been anyone. Yes, Hope kissed him and banged him like a screendoor in a hurricane but I have never heard her say that she's in love with him. It's lust and in love with him being in love with her but the real thing it ain't. 

Hope: "I am sorry that I have caused so much pain and heartache. Liam, I promise you you that was never my intention. But maybe, this… was always going to be impossible. Maybe, it’s been… too much back and forth. Too many betrayals, just– maybe, it was just too much to overcome."

Yes, because after all they endured with Beth and Thomas' shenanigans to take advantage of a grieving mother, Liam was the one to break their vows on Mannequin night. And what was that over? A kiss that never happened. Well, not with the real Hope anyway.

Liam: "Okay. Okay, so… so, what– what are you saying?" Isn't it obvious?

Hope: "I love you. I will always love you. And I believe that standing here, at heart, we are both good people. But maybe, the situation is just untenable. I know that you’ve always felt pulled in two different directions and you’ve always wanted more time over at Steffy’s, and well, um… yeah, now’s– now’s your chance."



A moment later, she pulls out the divorce papers she had her attorney draw up and places them on the table, looking him in the eye the whole time.

You wanted a divorce, Waffles, you're getting one. 

Liam is clearly stunned that she called his bluff: "Wow. You had the papers drawn up."

Hoper reminds him, not unkindly: "You’re the one who asked for a divorce, Liam. Liam, I love you. And I know you will continue to be an amazing father to our baby girl. But…" She falters, thinking of Beth, and how all she ever wanted was to raise her as a family, her voice catching as she adds "You wanted a divorce, so I took you at your word."

Liam looks like he's been gutted and you brought this on yourself. You expecting Hope to insta-forgive you after you cheated with Steffy and were in the running in the Hayes paternity sweepstakes and she does yet you wouldn't show her the same courtesy over a kiss? GTFOH. 

Liam, clearly bargaining a bit, trying to pull at her heartstrings, wishing now, I think, that he could take his hasty ultimatum back: "You ready for this? You– you’re ready to walk away?"

Hope gaze meets his as her eyes fill: "I did not want this, no. I did not want the heartache and… the pain and– and I did not want to raise our daughter in a broken family." Her heart is shattering into a million pieces and her raw voice reflects this. "But here we are. So no, Liam. I wanted none of this."

Liam just can't help himself. His wife is standing there, tears in her eyes, telling her that she loves him and she didn't want this for them or their child, and he just had to get one more jab in by saying: "Except maybe "Thomas."


Hope reminds him: "You will be free to live your life… and I will be free to live mine."

She sits at the table, pulling the papers toward her and signing her name, then pushing them back across the table, towards him. He slowly takes a seat, then signs his name and did we know Liam is a leftie? 

He takes off his wedding band and puts it next to the pen.

They reach across the table, taking each other's hands just as they did on their wedding day and many, many times since then, but those aren't happy tears they're shedding. 


As much as I'm glad to see Hope finally ridding herself of Waffles and his...waffling...this is very sad to watch as it's so painfully realistic.

He stands, touching Hope's shoulder for just a moment as she sits there, the tears running unchecked. He walks out in a full-on sob and Scott really brought it here. I was shaking my head, saying, "what a fool, don't let her go!" but the fact that he would easily sign those papers, that he would threaten divorce, and walk away and run to Steffy shows me Hope did the right thing.


Hope sits alone, the cabin so quiet.


She takes Liam's wedding band, still warm from his hand, and places it on her hand as she sobs and the close up of her hand is a gorgeous, tragic image.


It was the right thing to do but it hurts like hell.



Bravo to Annika, Scott, and the writers for showing divorce in all its raw, gut-wrenching emotion.


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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

And ... poor Lame. I felt so sorry for him wistfully gazing at all the happy couples around him who were enjoying lunch and drinks. NOT!

Actual live footage of me, watching Liam at the empty table, surrounded by happy couples.


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These are such quick swerves of Finn. 

1. Finn & Liam were working out at the Forester gym, together, & Finn is the one who talked Liam into going to Rome to find Hope. Now, he’s all of a sudden persona non grata in Finnworld? We know Waffle waffled, but Finn doesn’t. 
2. Finn hasn’t so much as mentioned Sheila, & now, all of a sudden, her hug is what’s been missing from his life? 

Another mention of the nanny leaving. Sheila’s turn as Mrs. Doubtfire , in 3…2…1…

TN/Finn is pretty good in non-love scenes. He is not as good on the romance, but in Sheila scenes, & Liam scenes, he’s much better. Focus on that.

Damn, Brooke, read a room. Deacon was about to sob, & she’s dancing on Sheila’s grave so much she didn’t notice. 

Remind me again, what did Ridge do to capture Sheila?? I know he watched the video, & paid the ultimate sacrifice by not getting a haircut, but $Bill did all of the work! $Bill has to feel like I do on Christmas morning, I put in the work & money, & that jolly man in the red suit gets all of the credit! 

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Thursday's show was not the emotional rollercoaster Wednesday's was but still very good.

I've already made fun of poor, pitiful Liam, all alone at his table for one. 

Good! It's what his waffling, ultimatum-making ass deserve.

Of course, it's mere minutes before Steffy arrives and like a shark sensing blood in the water, she immediately goes over to his table and plops down.

She's concerned about him and Hope and worry about your own marriage.

She's stunned to reveal that Hope had divorce papers drawn up. Yep, she's found her backbone after all. 


She then learns that Hope is blaming their past for the demise of their marriage and Steffy scoffs that she's just trying to blame someone else for her own behavior.

That's rich, considering she let Bill take the heat (and didn't really protest hard against the rape claims by Ridge and Taylor) for Stallion Night and Finn completely let her off the hook for Mannequin Night and Hope might as well have.

Liam: I– yeah, I mean, i kinda agree. I don’t– I don’t fault her for not wanting to repeat the mistakes her mom made with your dad."

Steffy: "That doesn’t justify the harsh decision. Like, filing for divorce?" Does she know Liam played that card first? 

Liam: "Yeah, I– I think it’s a pretext. Uh, listen, she’s not– she’s not wrong that I care about you and I’ll always care about you, but come on. I’m not– I’m not harboring any romantic delusions that you and I are gonna have a future together." I beg to differ. "I– I’m respecting your marriage to Finn, and between you and me, I’m not– I’m not gonna make that mistake ever again. I’m not gonna cross any lines with you, I promise>"

He already has - twice over - and them talking about his relationship with Hope and their previous one, not exactly respecting boundaries.

Liam: "I just want you to know that I know kissing you was wrong. You’re– you’re a married woman and the last thing I want–" If you knew it was wrong, then why kiss her in the first place? And a second time?

Steffy: "Hey, hey. We’ve known each other long enough, you do not have to explain. You were at a breaking point." I think Finn would have a real problem with this. They are keeping secrets. She is lying to her husband and the more I think about it, Lope fan that I used to be, maybe Steamless is the correct pairing. They are two of a kind after all - slippery boundaries, difficulties with the truth, cheating over kisses, real or imagined. A match made in hell.

Liam: "Yeah."

Steffy: "You were in pain, so let’s just forget about it." Oh, so that makes it okay?

Liam: "Okay, but I still want to be clear that I– I have nothing respect for– for Finn." Such a load of BS. You do not respect a man when you are kissing his wife multiple times and crying on her shoulder.

Steffy: "I know."

Liam: "Especially given who he is and what he’s had to transcend, right? I mean, not everybody has a psychopath for a mother, much less one that tried to kill you, so..."

Steffy: "Look, I– I– I don’t wanna talk about that, okay? That was a really dark chapter in our lives, but thankfully, we have moved on. We don’t have to worry about Sheila anymore. She’s locked up and she’s gonna stay there for the rest of her life." About Finn: "It hurts him to live with the fact that Sheila is his mom. It’s not easy, but he’s accepted it. He knows exactly who she is, and after what she did to us, he will never set eyes on her again."


I wouldn't be too sure of that, Steffy.

Elsewhere, we finally have some Hott scenes, which I don't think we've had since the first week or two after Annika debuted.

In her office, a downcast Hope, thinking about the divorce,  looks up to find Wyatt in the doorway.



Just what the doctor ordered.

Hope: "Wow." She laughs, "Now, I don't recall getting an email about an exclusive from Eye On Fashion."


Wyatt smiles: "Well, it’s nice to see you too, Hope." There's already a spark between them.


He sobers then, telling her: "I am not here on business. I am here as a concerned brother and concerned brother-in-law, and to be honest with you, I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on between you and Liam."

It's kind of none of his business but it's Wyatt, whom I've almost always loved (and preferred) except for that Flo fever dream but since it looks like she's gonezo, I'm moving on.

Hope gives him a look that's almost saucy: "All right, did you come here to read me the riot act?"


Wyatt laughs, the twinkle back in his eye and it's so easy between them.


He scoffs, "Come on, you know me better than that."


Hope smiles, but then is wistful, realizing: "So, you haven't talked to your brother?"


Wyatt: "No. I– I know what happened in Rome. I promise, I– I’m just here to talk, okay? I– I want to see where your head’s at." He sighs at the look on her face.


Hope: "Okay."

Wyatt: "What are you doing?"

Hope: "Uh, yes. I did kiss Thomas in Rome and I will tell you exactly what I told liam and that’s that I honestly don’t know what I was thinking."

Wyatt: "Okay." Perhaps remembering the impulsive Hope who took that leap with him in Monte Carlo.

Hope: "But, the more that I have thought about it, the more I think I have come to understand that maybe this needed to happen."

Wyatt, genuinely curious: "Why?"

Hope: "Steffy."

Wyatt: "Steffy?"

Hope: "Yes."

Wyatt: "What does Steffy have to do with this?"

Hope: "Well, Wyatt, you know your brother has feelings for her. You’ve seen the endless cycle for yourself and frankly, Wyatt, after how many years, I’m tired and I have tried to move past it, but when lLam didn’t afford me that same grace, when he hasn’t been fully committed to the marriage himself, that just…"

Wyatt: "Where– where are you getting all this though, hmm? Because you know Liam and Steffy have been over for a long time now." He's a more loyal brother than I would be.

Hope counters: "Like that ever really stopped someone? You know, sometimes feelings, they don’t go away. I mean, look at my life, for example. My mother and Ridge and Taylor and that endless merry-go-round and the back and forth and Wyatt, I vowed that I never wanted to do that to my family. So, I won’t."

Wyatt: "We’re close, right? I mean, we’ve been through a lot over the years and I understand you not wanting to live your life like your mother and you don’t wanna go on that whole rollercoaster ride." He knows and understands her far better than Liam ever could or would. 


Hope: "Hmm. I have worked very hard not to repeat those mistakes."


Wyatt: "Right, but you and Liam are not the same as your mom and Ridge. In fact, you’re far from it." They are both supreme wafflers and Wyatt should know better.

Hope: "Hmm. And yet, some patterns are hard to break, so."

Wyatt: "I mean, but you did it. You did it with Liam. You built a foundation together. Like, you have a family. There’s a lot to fight for." He chose to throw it all away with his demanding a divorce.

Hope is sad but resolute: "Wyatt, I’m not the one that stopped fighting. That was Liam. Liam was the one who walked out on our marriage so easily and so… I’m getting off the ride. Wyatt, um… we signed the divorce papers." She moves away before she can see his face.


Wyatt is stunned: "Wait, so you, so you guys are getting a divorce? That’s it? End of the line? You guys have already signed the papers?"


Hope: "Yes."


Wyatt: "Wow. I mean, I– I can’t even– I can’t even believe this." I'm sure he can't, given he never wanted to divorce Hope. She left him. That his brother would toss her aside so cavalierly is beyond his comprehension.


Hope, visibly hurting: "Look, I– I take responsibility for what happened with Thomas in Rome, but Wyatt, I mean… if we’re being honest here, this is about so much more. I mean, this is about Liam not fighting for us. " The way that Wyatt did. "This is about years, years of betrayal. This is about Steffy’s place in your brother’s heart." And speaking of Steffy and divided hearts and loyalties, Wyatt was singularly focused on Hope and none other. So Thomas has some decided competition in that regard and I say bring it.


Annika and Darrin have chemistry in spades and I have wanted to see them reunite since she took over the role. Make it happen, TPTB. 

Finn and Sheila...I know this may not be popular but I actually really loved their scenes, particularly Tanner's performance. He's so ho-hum in his scenes with Jacquie, but with Kimberlin, he really shines.


He's trying to keep things strictly professional, but Sheila does what she does best and plays on his sympathies, milking his saving her in the hospital even though it's his job.

She talks about how much she loves him and Hayes, more than her own life.


Sheila: "You know, when I look back on my life, I’m not proud of what I see, the choices that I’ve made. The people that I’ve hurt. But, one thing that I am very proud of is that I gave birth to you, Finn."

Finn swallows hard: "And I will always be grateful to you for that. And I hope you do find a positive purpose in your life, even if– even if it’s in here. You’re healthy enough to stand trial." He gets flustered here, gathering up his things. "Um… Steffy and I will be at the hearing."

Sheila lights up at this: "So, I’ll, uh… I’ll get to see you one last time."

He turns to go, saying, "Goodbye, Sheila."

Sheila: "Wait, Finn." He turns to look back at her and oh, Finn don't get sucked in. Li is your mother, the one who saved you and fought for you and helped to rescue you from Sheila. Not this psychopath.

But it's as if she is the pied piper, playing a tune only he can here as she continues to speak softly, gently, telling him: "It doesn’t matter how long we’ve been apart, the love is still there. I loved you from the second you came into this world. I’ve never stopped loving you, my beautiful baby boy."

He won't look at her. He's afraid to.

Sheila: "You know, I could just– I could just hold you in my arms and stare at you for hours. It was and still is the proudest moment of my life. And I thank God that you – you chose me as your mother." Um, he didn't choose you but okay.

Finn is visibly moved but also terribly confused as emotions he didn't expect to have upon hearing her words wash over him.

He turns to go but Sheila, sensing the change in the air like a snake with prey nearby pulls him to her and embraces him.



He drops the doctor's bag in his hand to tentatively put one arm around her, the first time he has ever done so.

Tanner is so good here, his expressions equal parts pain and wistfulness, loathing and longing.

His other arm comes around to embrace her fully.


She pulls back to look at his tortured, tortured face. 

Finn, his words coming slow, his face a little boy's for a moment, tears in his eyes, in his voice: "When you– when you hold me like that, it feels...when you hold me like that, it feels like something I have been missing my whole life."

It's almost like someone else who isn't him is saying the words. Sheila actually looks stunned.


She moves to touch his cheek and embrace him again.

Somewhere, Li's heart is breaking and I should hate this, but I can't because Tanner's Finn is so compelling here, a fully-fleshed character instead of a husband prop for Steffy to play with. 

I have always wondered how all of those days where he was her captive affected him. It's clear they have and it's left him in a place where the darkness is sounding its siren call and he has no choice but to answer.

It gave me Norman Bates/Psycho vibes and I love it. I can't help myself.


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So, the FBI was involved in that whole plan, and they didn't make sure they went about it appropriately? And why can't the shooting of Finn and Steffy be revisited? This would certainly not be the first time that previously uncooperative witnesses said "never mind, I want to cooperate now." Sheila wasn't tried for those charges, so there's no double jeopardy. This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. And, even if we accept that this was actually legally sound, then Carter's very first question to the judge should have been "how do we obtain restraining orders for all of my clients against Ms. Carter?" 

I agree with everyone who suspects that all the nanny mentions mean we're going to get a Mrs. Doubtfire Sheila storyline. I fear that Finn will figure it out quickly (or even that Sheila will reveal herself to him quickly), and he will keep it from Steffy so that he can spend time getting to know Sheila. Of course, once Steffy finds out, that clears the path for the shitty pairing that is Steam. I feel bad for TN that he's probably going to end up written out not too long after that, because what else is there for him to do? Sit around and be Sheila's son? Become an outcast family of three with Sheila and Deacon? 

Speaking of Deacon, how soon until he blows up all of his other relationships in town to be with newly freed Sheila and keep her likely Mrs. Doubtfire scheme a secret? I was cracking up at the Brooke/Eric/Deacon scenes today, with the two of them going on, totally unaware of his feelings for her. I was half expecting Eric to go there with something about how Bill even had to fuck the crazy to keep up the ruse, and who would want to do that. (Not that Eric himself hasn't already fucked that crazy.) 

So, is Liam going to become an even bigger asshole and start threatening Finn with telling Steffy what he saw, or just running right back into that hearing to scream out to everyone "Finn is hugging Sheila! Right now! Out in the hallway!" 

I guess the show has decided against the expense of having a courtroom set, when they can just cram half the cast into a judge's chambers instead. All of the Sheila legal scenes have been in chambers, and so was the Douglas custody hearing. They should have really gone for it and just made it a Zoom hearing, with everyone gathered around a laptop in the FC CEO's office. 

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48 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

So, the FBI was involved in that whole plan, and they didn't make sure they went about it appropriately? And why can't the shooting of Finn and Steffy be revisited? This would certainly not be the first time that previously uncooperative witnesses said "never mind, I want to cooperate now." Sheila wasn't tried for those charges, so there's no double jeopardy. This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. And, even if we accept that this was actually legally sound, then Carter's very first question to the judge should have been "how do we obtain restraining orders for all of my clients against Ms. Carter?" 

What the hell was this BULLSHIT?! All the stuff about illegal tapping, blah , blah should have come out at the preliminary hearing. Assuming there was one?

Anyway, what had me 😆😆😆😒😒🙄🙄😆😆 was Carter telling the judge he was going to file an appeal. You can’t appeal a Dismissed Charge ruling, you dumb ass. Or a Not Guilty verdict. I’m also assuming Judge meant “with prejudice” since he didn’t say they could refile and try Sheila with other evidence.

I thought GH’s way of how law and order works was STOOPID…

And I was also 😆😆😆 at Deacon’s expressions as Brooke and Eric (Hey Eric! Imagine, I was just asking about you and there you are!😅) were playing Exposition Fairies, and totally tone deaf to what Deacon was saying!

And helloooooo BRAD 😍🥰😍Don Diamont😍🥰😍

I be like:

orange caramel disney GIF


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Okay, it's been about 30 years more or less, but does anyone know if that judge was David Kimball, probably my most favoritest soap villain ever?  Unfortunately, I never knew the actor's name.

So basically, Bill and Ridge effed up everything with their master plan of blackmailing Steffy and Finn into refusing to testify in Sheila's original hearing.

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36 minutes ago, Snaporaz said:

So basically, Bill and Ridge effed up everything with their master plan of blackmailing Steffy and Finn into refusing to testify in Sheila's original hearing.

And, apparently, the FBI agents they were working with just shrugged and went along with it, instead of saying "oh, hey, guys, the way you're going about this is likely to lead to it all getting tossed." 

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Finn says he will be unavailable so if there is a problem, call Dr Casey. That can’t be Dr Ben Casey. He’s dead. 

Shiela is free on a technicality!  Why am I not surprised.  Let the games begin!  

🐂💩🐂💩🐂💩,  the case against shooting Stuffy and Finn can be reopened. Shiela is not in double jeopardy because she was never convicted of that crime. Plus the reason for the judge dropping the charges were pure 🐂💩 also. Surveillance is used all the time to convict criminals.  

If the monkeys with a keyboard are using ChatGPT to write dialog, I would imagine that somewhere in ChatGPT’s programming an error message would come up that ChatGPT can’t believe he’s writing this 🐂💩.  There is no sign of life here in LA. “Beam me up Scotty”. 

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12 hours ago, Skarzero said:

Seriously is there any pairing more dead than steam

Bill and Katie. I honestly do still hate the thought of them more than any other pairing because they've only ever had one top of conversation since the day he  hooked up with Brooke. But Seamless is a a close 2nd by 1/1000th of a second that never goes away, like fucking herpes.

12 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam: "What is the problem? That I have a history with Steffy? That I gave all of that up for you?"



I'm sorry, did I miss the part about Hope playing ANNNNNY part in his leaving Steffy over sleeping with Bill? Which BTW would've never have happened if he hasn't decided the most appropriate thing to do in what he thought were his final moments was to kiss the only other woman with him?!

I didn't see him making much of an effort to get with her after Kelly was born when he found out Bill had set Steffy up. I do remember him hooking up w Hope after a showing, Steffy seeing this and deciding to put herself and her newborn daughter and walk off the Marry-Go-Round, tossing her ring to Hope on the way out with Liam standing their quietly as per usual.

Nor did he move on to Steffy when for the first time they were both free and clear after Hope's grief-driven divorce. I can't hold him to actions while unknowingly drugged but I will say I don't blame Thomas for assuming they'd get back together the minute they smashed.

I have never felt more sorry for any actor on this show as I do for Scott Clifton, and that includes KKL who's put up with more character assassination than I can shake a stick at and Sharon Case on Y&R who spent all the 2010s getting dumped on. But at least those two ever given a code identity to assassinate to begin with. Liam has been less a character and more of a carnival prize to be fought over. I can't fault an actor to sticking it out with a long running show because Los Angeles ain't cheap but I've been on  deployments at sea that were less monotonous than that his job has to be.

As for the rest of the recap, word to all of it.  Annika Noelle has been on fire with her best performance since the "death" of Beth. And while I intellectually know Lope will never be done so long as SC has a contract with B&B, it does read a whole lot differently from their many other breakups. There's no screaming or crying, nothing. It was not unlike the night Hope herself was born and her based older sister gave Deacon his walking papers, but even that had more (well earned, TBH!) theatrics than this. 

It's so over. Or would be for good on any other soap but honestly, I've waited years for this so I'll take it if only because it justifies me paying P+ for another month. Annika better get a fucking Emmy out of this.

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A murder trial in chambers? 

A dismissal of charges on trumped up technicalities? 

This viewer is not the least bit surprised. They have decided that Sheila is going to be a part of Show's future, so they had to come up with something. 

And so begins the ruination of all Deacon has fought for. 

Mr. R had a terrible childhood, the son of a mother who did not want him, who did not love him, and made no bones about him knowing that. He also had no idea who his father was until he was 16 years old, and that turned out to be a total bust too. After giving Mr. R hope that he would become part of his father's family, and letting that thought sink into Mr. R's head for weeks, he suddenly shows up and crushes Mr. R by saying there had been a change in plans, and he was not going to be able to take him in. Outside of that, he was given up for adoption, was deserted at his aunts, was left behind when his mother divorced his adoptive father and has been shunned during our entire marriage. And this is only the first chapter in my husband's horrible life. But he stills loves her. And he still wants a relationship with her. He will call her, and I can hear the young boy in his voice, absolutely begging for love and acknowledgement. And it kills me as I realize he is doing all the talking because a bitch can't be bothered. No, his mother has never killed or kidnapped or poisoned anyone. Her crimes instead have directly targeted her son, so she may not be a criminal, but she is one sorry ass excuse for a human being. So, on some level, I get what Finn is going through. My childhood was fabulous, and full, and complete, and I can't imagine growing up like Mr. R, but I am a compassionate person, unfortunately for Finn, his wife is not. I know she has laid lip service to how it must be hard for him, having Sheila as his birth mother, but that is all based on her hatred, and doesn't really address Finn's feelings. 

I think we can all see the writing on the wall here. Liam is going to be Steffy's champion, come to her rescue after Sheila infiltrates her family as the new nanny. Finn knowing and not telling would add some serious nitrous to the fire, but wouldn't necessarily add to Liam's heroism, as much as it would cement the demise of Sinn. 

And I think I am down for it. They busted up Hope and Liam in an unexpected way, and having Sinn implode over Sheila would be a nice twist, much better than Liam and Steffy fucking each other again. 

For me, show has taken a nice detour down the road of what soaps should be. Where shit happens, and we do not have the entire cast having the same conversation every damn day. 

Movement. Action. I am on board. 

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Okay, I'm out. First, it was seeing Hope decide to turn to Thomas of all people, the man whose obsession with her has caused so much havoc. Now watching Finn turning super weird on a dime and seeing Show set us up for another round of Sheila foolishness is enough for me. I'll probably drop back in in a few months, or maybe not. We'll see.

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Mr. R had a terrible childhood, the son of a mother who did not want him, who did not love him, and made no bones about him knowing that. He also had no idea who his father was until he was 16 years old, and that turned out to be a total bust too. After giving Mr. R hope that he would become part of his father's family, and letting that thought sink into Mr. R's head for weeks, he suddenly shows up and crushes Mr. R by saying there had been a change in plans, and he was not going to be able to take him in. Outside of that, he was given up for adoption, was deserted at his aunts, was left behind when his mother divorced his adoptive father and has been shunned during our entire marriage. And this is only the first chapter in my husband's horrible life. But he stills loves her. And he still wants a relationship with her. He will call her, and I can hear the young boy in his voice, absolutely begging for love and acknowledgement. And it kills me as I realize he is doing all the talking because a bitch can't be bothered. No, his mother has never killed or kidnapped or poisoned anyone. Her crimes instead have directly targeted her son, so she may not be a criminal, but she is one sorry ass excuse for a human being. So, on some level, I get what Finn is going through. My childhood was fabulous, and full, and complete, and I can't imagine growing up like Mr. R, but I am a compassionate person, unfortunately for Finn, his wife is not. I know she has laid lip service to how it must be hard for him, having Sheila as his birth mother, but that is all based on her hatred, and doesn't really address Finn's feelings. 

I am very sorry for the horrible childhood Mr. R endured and hope he finally comes to peace with all the crap he went through.  Peace and healing to Mr. R.

However, from all we know about Finn’s childhood, it was a very happy, emotionally healthy one with loving, supportive parents. So Finn feeling like “something was missing his whole life” or whatever, is such garbage.  But garbage is just par for the course with this show/writing team.

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I loved Finn warning Liam off and wanted him to smack Liam’s amused and confused expression off his face. 
I’m not at all surprised Shelia got off. What a waste that whole Bill being with her was. I enjoyed seeing the judge. 
I kind of hope Finn becomes a bit pyscho like his bio mom. 

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37 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

I kind of hope Finn becomes a bit pyscho like his bio mom. 

TN is so good at antagonistic scenes instead of the bland, schmoopy good guy stuff he's normally stuck with. He could definitely use at least being a little more of a gray character than he is now. 

I've been wanting to see Li on screen, but now I'm kind of hoping they don't bring her on just for her to see her son embracing his bio mother who damn near killed both of them, like he had some gaping mom sized hole in his childhood. 

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I have to chime in and agree that that "trial" was the lamest of excuses to save on throwing together an extra courtroom set. Even with the p***-poor excuse the judge gave for convening in chambers.

I take back everything nice I said about the writers the past few days. That was the lowest blow to our intelligence ever. Even those of us with "criminal justice degrees" from CSI or Line of Duty know better. What about victim impact statements? Steffy, Liam, and Li all should have been present and spoken.

And ... if the FBI was the mastermind behind that ignorant scheme, they would have known that what they did to Sheila would have resulted in inadmissible evidence.  SMH. What a colossal waste of months and brain cells watching that go down. 

Liam really had no business there. Steffy -- and Finn -- could have easily told him about the outcome of the hearing. So what is Liam going to do now? Sue Steffy for primary custody of Kelly? He doesn't even have a home right now. 

I guess Sheila in her new disguise needs to make damned sure that she doesn't wear open-toed shoes to her upcoming nanny interviews with Steffy and Finn! 😁


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4 hours ago, TVForever said:

Okay, I'm out. First, it was seeing Hope decide to turn to Thomas of all people, the man whose obsession with her has caused so much havoc. Now watching Finn turning super weird on a dime and seeing Show set us up for another round of Sheila foolishness is enough for me. I'll probably drop back in in a few months, or maybe not. We'll see.

Yeah, I won't be watching this shit.

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I'm going along for the ride, whatever it is. But I do believe Sheila has hugged Finn before, hasn't she? How about when she introduced herself to him at his wedding, did they hug? I'm not sure.

2 hours ago, norcalgal said:

However, from all we know about Finn’s childhood, it was a very happy, emotionally healthy one with loving, supportive parents. So Finn feeling like “something was missing his whole life” or whatever, is such garbage.

Also consider that his adoptive dad was in actuality his bio-dad. So he has had hugs from a bio-parent his entire life. If in fact adopted children do get a physical feeling from hugging a bio-parent, who is basically a stranger, that trumps the bond they have with their adoptive parents.

Hey, what am I talking about? Finn is finally having an awakening of his very own inner crazy. His dark genes are sequencing.

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On 7/22/2023 at 9:11 AM, norcalgal said:

However, from all we know about Finn’s childhood, it was a very happy, emotionally healthy one with loving, supportive parents. So Finn feeling like “something was missing his whole life” or whatever, is such garbage.  But garbage is just par for the course with this show/writing team.

I've long hated the trend of soaps glorifying bio family over everything else in general, but this case in particular is especially egregious. If this was coming from those reconned twins of hers on Y&R who grew up believing she had died and didn't have the greatest upbringing with her sister, I could get it. Hell, I could understand Mary Warwick having complicated feeling considering  Sheila changed her name and groomed her to go after Eric's son to live out her fantasy by proxy.

But Jack's lying notwithstanding, there's been none of that here. And this is one of the rare instances where I'm on Steffy's side of things: whatever relationship he wanna have with Sheila is on him but she has a right not to want Hayes anywhere that, or Kelly by extension.

All that said, I suspect this is less about Finn and Sheila and more about the reunion of Seamless and...*sigh* I'm so fucking tired. Finn's gonna go against Steffy's demands or Sheila does a Mrs Doubtfire, Liam gets to swoop in to play hero and BAM! Steam. It's as predictable as a clock at this point.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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32 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

If this was coming from those reconned twins of hers on Y&R who grew up believing she had died and didn't have the greatest upbringing with her sister, I could get it. Hell, I could understand Mary Warwick having complicated feeling considering  Sheila chained her name and groomed her to go after Eric's son to live out her fantasy by proxy.

Does Sheila even remember those kids exists? Because she is sure acting like Finn is the only child she's ever had. 

Instead of another ridiculous Sheila in disguise story, it would be more plausible if she convinced one of those kids to come to town and get the nanny job. (Obviously not Mary, since someone in town would likely recognize her). After Steffy has already encountered Sheila in disguise, you'd think that, if someone shows up who is the right build, Steffy would include "OK, and now I'm just going to need you to take off your shoes and socks for me" in the nanny interviews. 

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14 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Does Sheila even remember those kids exists? Because she is sure acting like Finn is the only child she's ever had. 

Don't forget Diana, her child with Masimo, who was born in 2003. She would actually be 20 now. Diana would be Sludge's half-sister so would that make her Stuffy's aunt? Of course they want us to forget that Sludge, Stuffy and Thom-ass aren't blood relations to Eric, so I doubt we'll ever see or hear about Diana again.

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16 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

If this was coming from those reconned twins of hers on Y&R who grew up believing she had died and didn't have the greatest upbringing with her sister, I could get it. Hell, I could understand Mary Warwick having complicated feeling considering  Sheila chained her name and groomed her to go after Eric's son to live out her fantasy by proxy.

Does Finn know he has siblings? I honestly can't remember if it was ever brought up; before aligning with Sheila, he should go have a heart to heart with them. 

16 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

All that said, I suspect this is less about Finn and Sheila and more about the reunion of Seamless and...*sigh* I'm so fucking tired. Finn's gonna go against Steffy's demands or Sheila does a Mrs Doubtfire, Liam gets to swoop in to play hero and BAM! Steam.

Certainly a lot of upheaval to reunite this tired pairing. But it does make it so crystal clear why they made Liam such a judgmental asshole over the Rome kiss. Their plan was to redeem him by saving Steffy, or one or both of the kids, or maybe all three from Sheila's clutches. 

The only good thing to come out of it is Hope's coming of age. 


Instead of another ridiculous Sheila in disguise story, it would be more plausible if she convinced one of those kids to come to town and get the nanny job. (Obviously not Mary, since someone in town would likely recognize her). After Steffy has already encountered Sheila in disguise, you'd think that, if someone shows up who is the right build, Steffy would include "OK, and now I'm just going to need you to take off your shoes and socks for me" in the nanny interviews. 

Now that right there is top notch thinking! Because the whole Sheila in disguise thing? If they are stupid enough to fall for it twice, then they deserve whatever happens. Maybe Sheila will hire someone to get the job so she can keep a handle on things? But one of her other kids would be so much better. And Steffy would be an idiot not to have every applicant take off their shoes and socks. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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57 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Certainly a lot of upheaval to reunite this tired pairing. But it does make it so crystal clear why they made Liam such a judgmental asshole over the Rome kiss. Their plan was to redeem him by saving Steffy, or one or both of the kids, or maybe all three from Sheila's clutches. 

All this work to build up a pairing that literally nobody wants. 

And, I swear, if I hear one single "cha cha cha"... 

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42 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Does Finn know he has siblings? I honestly can't remember if it was ever brought up; before aligning with Sheila, he should go have a heart to heart with them. 

I am sure there has been no mention of any of Sheila's other children since the Finn reveal. I did the math and Finn would have been born in 1989 or 1990, just before Sheila's first appearance on Y&R. She then miscarried her son with Scott. After she came to B&B, she had Mary/Erica with James Warwick in 1997.  Then she had Diana with Masimo Marone in 2003. Back on Y&R they retconned that she had Daisy and Ryder with Terrible Tom Fisher in 2006. And that Y&R mess was so awful that they don't even acknowledge any of the bizarre shenanigans from that time period here in the B&B universe. Thank goodness. I'm fine with never hearing about Daisy and Ryder again. But we saw Mary/Erica and Diana here on B&B. I don't think they'll mention either of them to Finn since in Mary/Erica's case she had one of the most outrageous cases of SORASing ever, and while she would be 26 now based on her birth date, and younger than Finn, she would be about 40 if they followed along with her SORASed age and brought back the same actress, which is all just too messed up age-wise to involve Finn. And in Diana's case, besides the fact that we have to pretend that Sludge isn't the son of Mas, and that Thom-ass and RJ inherited Eric's design genes, Joseph Mascolo passed away, and had left the show long before that. So I don't think we'll ever hear about Diana again. We don't even hear about Deacon's son or any of Eric's off-screen grandchildren. And let's face it, Sheila is basically here to antagonize Stuffy. There's no room for either of Sheila's daughters in that. They couldn't be love interests for Finn.

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3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Does Finn know he has siblings?

Hope had a discussion with Liam at the Sinn wedding about Sheila and her other kids and I know she and Finn were having discussions around the complicated issue of their estranged parents so I'm assuming he has to know by now.

As was laid out in the above post, TPTB won't go there because the timeline with all the kids is jacked up (especially Mary) and Daisy and Ryder were unique awful in their own right that I genuinely do not remember what happened to either of them. I'm pretty sure one of them is legit dead, not that death means anything to a Carter anyhow. And if they didn't bring up Diana apart from her one brief mention as a baby when the alleged father was on the canvas, they certainly won't now.

2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

All this work to build up a pairing that literally nobody wants. 

And, I swear, if I hear one single "cha cha cha"... 

Lord knows Finn is the Ken to Steffy's Barbie with even less autonomy to exist separately from her,  but as bland as he is, I don't fault Steffy fans for clinging to the character like a life raft if it stops Steam from ever happening again. My God, their whole thing started because she was angry about Bill dumping her and Hope coming by to rub her nose in it. Would be cool to have her acknowledge that most of their relationship was not ever about them but her beating Hope in their mother's rivalry, fighting  a grudge that started long before she was born like she's Jotaro Kujo slaying DIO in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

I've always said that she deserves better than what Taylor was willing to put up with. Personally, I would've liked her to have a man not unlike Nick who can call her on her shit, see and acknowledge the flaws without handwaving them off like Finn, and still love her anyway.

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Personally, I would've liked her to have a man not unlike Nick who can call her on her shit, see and acknowledge the flaws without handwaving them off like Finn, and still love her anyway.

Since TN is so much better when he gets a chance to play Finn with more fire, it's a shame they haven't had him be more of this kind of guy. 

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On 7/22/2023 at 9:01 AM, RuntheTable said:

A murder trial in chambers? 

It sure is sad to see a once mighty CBS soap that can't afford a courtroom set, and has to have a trial in judge's chambers.  And to have that judge be iconic Y&R villain David Kimball is a hoot.  I checked his forehead, it didn't say 'Killer' on it.

Most of the time Scott Clifton's overacting is unintentionally funny, but here in the 'courtroom', while LA justice is being delivered it was downright hilarious. I was expecting Liam to place an order with Acme for some bombs.  Between him and Finn discovering his dark side, I was enthralled.  This plot twist was worth to see Ridge and Steffi, two characters I loathe, all torn up in knots.  I haven't watched in weeks, I find the current storyline with Hope and Thomas unwatchable, offensive and disgusting.  Now that Sheila is back on the streets I'll be tuning in, but I'll keep my remote handy to fast forward anything with Ridge, Steffi, Thomas or Taylor.  I'm definitely anti-Morone.

I'll be sending in my nanny resume to the Finnegans!

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I am actually fine with Finn embracing his dark side. 

I'm neither here nor there about Steamless reuniting. If it keeps Liam far from Hope other than the occasional co-parenting moment, that's fine by me. Considering Steffy has aided and abetted the demise of the Lope coupling for over a decade, not just the latest marriage, but their entire relationship, Liam is the booby prize bitch deserves.

Although I wouldn't count Sinn out just yet, they have history, not as much obviously as Steamless, but he literally saved her life and they, too, share a child, and went through her thinking he was dead. 

What would be amazing is to have Finn with a dark edge to him and, considering the current canvas, resurrect Aly or Phoebe and have a Beauty and the Beast vibe. Or, with the existing canvas have a triangle (I know) with Finn, Wyatt, and Hope). Thomas has served his purpose so he can be backburned anytime now.

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24 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Imma hold out for a Finn/Taylor thang. 

I'd be fine with this, too. I foresee therapy in Finn's future and we all know how world-renowned psychiatrist Taylor is in that department. 

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

I'd be fine with this, too. I foresee therapy in Finn's future and we all know how world-renowned psychiatrist Taylor is in that department. 

Truly, I'm trying to think of literally any patient of hers that Taylor hasn't banged but I'm coming up blank. If Finn ends up on Taylor's shrink couch, it may as well be considered foreplay.

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5 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Although I wouldn't count Sinn out just yet, they have history, not as much obviously as Steamless, but he literally saved her life and they, too, share a child, and went through her thinking he was dead. 

At this point, from Steffy's point of view, the only point Liam should have in his favor over Finn is that he doesn't come with any ties to Sheila. Other than that, Finn has been better for her in every way. 

1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

Truly, I'm trying to think of literally any patient of hers that Taylor hasn't banged but I'm coming up blank. If Finn ends up on Taylor's shrink couch, it may as well be considered foreplay.

Sheila would probably prefer this pairing. She knows Taylor is way easier to reel in than Steffy is. 

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The judge is full of shit. As long as the case of Shiela shooting Finn and Stuffy was dismissed “without prejudice”, the case can be reopened with Stuffy and Finn changing their statements. 

Liam once again has come to save the day. It’s good that he’s not too muscle bound to slap himself on the back. 

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Finn hugging Sheila and then Steffy was gross.  Him acting so fake.

Restraining orders, wow good job Carter. Why they didn't all have those before us mind boggling.  I guess thank you to strike writers. 

Where was Taylor in these scenes or Thomas? Instead we get Brooke and RJ. 

Finn has the best security? Didn't Sheila get it more than once. 

Liam put Kelly last in the list of his job to protect now? It's not his job to protect Steffy or Hayes. 



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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:


The judge is full of shit. As long as the case of Shiela shooting Finn and Stuffy was dismissed “without prejudice”, the case can be reopened with Stuffy and Finn changing their statements. 


It’s not even a question of “without prejudice” based on what I saw today. The judge said state charges were dropped because Steffy and Finn refused to testify. So if no trial, no prejudice. The state CAN refile.

But Plot has to plot.

Could Liam be more of a turd? And the way his eyes kept tracking left to right at the end? Looked like him thinking how to use that recording against Finn. So much for his “promising” to stay away. Right?

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5 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

At this point, from Steffy's point of view, the only point Liam should have in his favor over Finn is that he doesn't come with any ties to Sheila. Other than that, Finn has been better for her in every way. 

And honestly, with Lame's track record, even that shouldn't be enough to put him over the top because damn, what else can even be said about him at this point? The minute he gets Steffy and Hope snaps out of her dick love spell w Tom-Ass, he'll be going back to her anyway.

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Yes. Liam's beady eyes daring back and forth ... ugh. JMW's OTT facial reactions always crack me up! They take me out of every scene. I don't even remember what she was discussing with Finn.

Also, I have never seen stone-cold b**** Steffy so wound up and hysterical. Instead, I would have expected her to be calmly cleaning her Ruger and checking that it was loaded. 

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