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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Is there a reason why Steffy and Taylor are hiding her motive for shooting Bill to Katie which actually should be obvious? Katie already knew about the affair so...ya'll don't want to cop that Taylor shot Bill because she thought he raped her daughter after RIDGE told/implied it?  This show is so dumb sometimes.

And Katie was PUSHING on understanding the why and Taylor glossed over it by saying she thought he did something unforgivable. You thought he raped your daughter. Just say it. Sheesh.

At least Katie now knows most of the deal. But that's only because Steffy and Taylor need help from Katie to crowbar Sheila out of Bill's life. I do appreciate the show leaning into actual history - can they do it for other stories as well?

Hope needing a designer would've been a great time to bring back the triumphant return of Sally Spectra. Save from her initial romance with Adam she's being misused over there; Sally is a brash, sassy, strong, talented woman who is a DESIGNER and not some CEO/COO of a media company or interior designer. Allowing Thomas the Fox back in the hen house -even virtually - is only gonna lead to trouble.

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I had to laugh when Deacon was talking about his signature pizza. He said that he’s even going to import the water used in the crust. I guess that’s a dis on LA water but how is importing water go along with locally sourced ingredients?  You can get 100 people and you can get 100 different preferences for a signature pizza.  NYC has a pizza parlor just about on every corner and people could walk two city blocks to eat the pizza they like the best. No dis on Hope and Brooke, but, here, in NY, we fold the pizza slice to eat it. 


Edited by Waldo13
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Hope, Steffy, Taylor, Brooke, Katie, Finn, Liam, et al.: "I just can't believe that Sheila's out there roaming free. She belongs behind bars. (On a loop)

Steffy, Brooke, Taylor, Liam: "Bill (Dad), you've got to see that Sheila's just using you. Dump here ASAP! She belongs behind bars. Yadda, yadda, yadda."

There is nothing the writers of this show love more than to repeat dialogue endlessly. How long did we hear Brooke blathering on about why she drank on New Year's Eve? How many times did we hear about Eric's little soldier problem?


Deacon imports the water for his pizza crust? What the hell?!!

I remember reading something about people getting New York tap water to make pizza dough. I'd google it but I really don't care. Where did Deacon suddenly find money to buy a restaurant? Wasn't he living in the cleaning closet for a time (not that there's anything wrong with that)? Why would an investor give money to an ex convict conman who has never run a restaurant? Why do I bother asking?

I also don't understand this whole thing with Steffy flipping our about Taylor going to the police. First of all there's no guarantee anyone would believe her. Second, there's no proof even if she confessed and it's been 5 years! Third, Steffy has seen these cops in action ... she believes anything would happen to Taylor over this?!? As if. Just let Taylor go to the cops to get this blackmail off the table. It doesn't solve everything of course because Bill paid that stupid judge but at least Taylor's crime would be addressed.

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23 hours ago, KnightStorm said:

So in 5 years...no one questioned who actually shot Bill after Ridge was exonerated? No one (who didn't know that Taylor was the shooter)wanted the attempted murderer found? Or wondered why Bill didn't want revenge?🙄

IIRC, Katie was pushing for the investigation to continue, but Bill made a big deal about being over it and just wanting to forget about it and move on with his life. She kept asking him if he was sure and then eventually just followed his lead. When anyone asked she told them that it was Bill’s wish to move on and everyone who didn’t know bought that. 

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41 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

IIRC, Katie was pushing for the investigation to continue, but Bill made a big deal about being over it and just wanting to forget about it and move on with his life. She kept asking him if he was sure and then eventually just followed his lead. When anyone asked she told them that it was Bill’s wish to move on and everyone who didn’t know bought that. 

That right there should've told Katie something was up. When has Bill ever just let something go...especially being shot and left for dead? The Bill we know would've hired someone to track down the shooter...and bring them to him so he could personally finish them off.

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I think today proved that Taylor is going to have to clear this up with the police because she can’t have Sheila forever hanging this over her head. Sheila is going to continue to demand more time with Finn and Hayes and God knows what else as long as she has this leverage. 
Also, Forrester Creations needs better security if they can’t keep out the one person they don’t want there. I’m surprised they don’t already have a strict system given that corporate espionage is a thing in that world. 

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I think today proved that Taylor is going to have to clear this up with the police because she can’t have Sheila forever hanging this over her head. Sheila is going to continue to demand more time with Finn and Hayes and God knows what else as long as she has this leverage. 

Completely agree. Sheila is never going to be happy with just not going to prison. Or with having Bill at her beck and call. Nope. She is incapable of accepting what she has as being enough. If the blackmail doesn't give her that time with Finn and Hayes she will inevitably do something insane and dangerous. That's the entire history of this character.


None of these people ever heard of a restraining order?  All of them have cause. 

Well since Sheila is holding the whole Taylor shot Bill thing over everyone's head, I kinda doubt a restraining order would carry much weight.


The episode ending with Taylor being comforted by Brooke, including being snuggled up against Brooke’s bosom was not on my bingo card. 

I suppose not! Still they have better chemistry together than either of them have with TK and honestly, I much prefer BFF mode to them fighting ... esp over that greasy waffle Ridge.

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Are we building up to Sheila killing Katie? Because I've noticed that, other than angst for Taylor (to bring her closer to Brooke?) the focal point of this storyline seems to be moving solidly to Katie. And Katie has clearly shown Sheila that she is a threat to her relationshit with Bill. We know what Sheila does when she thinks someone is in her way. 

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B&S are also threatening to expose Li, but Li would probably say "Fuck it, go to the cops and tell them what I did."

At the end of yesterday's episode, Sheila was once again touching the necklace and smirking.  That has to be it, but it's still driving me nuts trying to put all the pieces together.  I think it's about time they clued the audience in to what's going on.

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12 hours ago, Snaporaz said:

I think it's about time they clued the audience in to what's going on.

Even if they don't want to give the whole thing away yet, they've got to give us a little bit more than the complete blank slate we've got now. 

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12 minutes ago, TVForever said:

Why are all of Brooke and Taylor's scenes lately ending with their faces inches away from each other? I swear I thought they were about to make out yesterday!

Is Show punking us?

If Braylor were to become more than besties, the look on Ridge's face alone would be reason enough to embrace them.

KKL and KA also have chemistry for days and I am really loving KA in the role now. She's owned it in the last few weeks. 

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They are for sure going to kiss at some point.  (Well, maybe just my speculation.  But still.)

What would be really interesting would be to see a full-fledged romantic relationship between them, as opposed to a one-night stand or fling.  Give a showcase for a same-sex relationship and give everyone an opportunity to have their reactions, e.g., initial head explosions that these two enemies are not only friends but lovers, with the emphasis placed on their adversarial past and not the same-sex aspect.

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11 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

The only part I semi enjoyed was Carter coming in to “save” Katie. I do think the mama bear in her could whoop Shelias ass. 

Yeah, watching the two of them today, I was yelling, "Take that bitch down Katie!"

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Brooke excuses Taylor for shooting Bill because she thought that he violated her daughter.  Does Brooke or Taylor even know that Steffy actually rode the Stallion?  


Taylor found out only after she'd shot the guy.

Brooke I think did learn about it at some point.

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10 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Taylor found out only after she'd shot the guy.

Brooke I think did learn about it at some point.

If Taylor didn’t know that Bill did the deed with Steffy, then why did she shoot him? I figured since Ridge kept screaming all day long that Bill “took advantage of her!!!!” That she knew what had happened between the two of them. Blech.

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If Taylor didn’t know that Bill did the deed with Steffy, then why did she shoot him?

I think Anna Yolei meant Taylor didn't find out Steffy willingly and happily rode the stallion until after she shot him. Before that she believed the greasy waffle version of events.


Yeah, watching the two of them today, I was yelling, "Take that bitch down Katie!"

Me too for sure. My, the security at Forrester is fantastic! Sheila just wanders in with no issues. Though honestly I'm sick to death of her going all over town like a glowering, threatening black cloud. Simply over whatever this storyline is supposed to be.

Except for Taylor and Brooke. I am enjoying the hell out of their friendship. This is the most I have liked Brooke since back when she was with Thorne!

Edited by hypnotoad
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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

If Taylor didn’t know that Bill did the deed with Steffy, then why did she shoot him? I figured since Ridge kept screaming all day long that Bill “took advantage of her!!!!” That she knew what had happened between the two of them. Blech.

To quote Brooke, “ You THOUGHT Bill violated your daughter”. To quote Taylor, “I was wrong”.  Does that mean even though Steffy was complicit, Bill took advantage of Steffy?  

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Since the HFTF’s bad review was a recent plot point, I thought I’d look up when Los Angeles fashion week would be. Their next date is March 24-26 and the last show would have been in October. As a point of reference, New York’s Fashion Week is next week. So it would be weird if a new collection had been released for HFTF much less that any reviews would be in print for it. Just another Bell creation that has nothing to do with the real world. 

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It’s a short month but it felt like years with this ridiculously inept storyline. I know it’s currently painful but think about the final year of Guiding Light… blurry handheld camerawork… oh my 🫣! I know everyone on B&B looked like they are just checking out at this point and I don’t blame them for feeling this way. 

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In the real world that would be grounds for termination for ole Charlie. 

Sheila tells Katie she is arrogant and at the same time she makes statements like "I am trying to be patient with you Katie" and how them being on the same page is important for Will. Oh my, does Sheila actually see herself as some sort of step-mommy to Will? If that loon got within 50 miles of Will, Katie would open up a can of whoop ass on her so fast she wouldn't know what hit her. Bill is one thing, your child is another, and Katie would not have a single fuck to give about any blackmail. 

Why did Carter or Katie not call the police? Maybe Sheila can't be held accountable for her past crimes, but she entered a secure building without permission. Isn't that criminal trespass? 

They just need to go ahead and make Brooke and Taylor a thing. Watching Brooke mother Taylor is something from another stratosphere, but it is scintillating and entertaining at the same time. 

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:


Sheila tells Katie she is arrogant and at the same time she makes statements like "I am trying to be patient with you Katie" and how them being on the same page is important for Will. Oh my, does Sheila actually see herself as some sort of step-mommy to Will? If that loon got within 50 miles of Will, Katie would open up a can of whoop ass on her so fast she wouldn't know what hit her. Bill is one thing, your child is another, and Katie would not have a single fuck to give about any blackmail. 


Nah. Sheila just realizes that the prospect of losing Will is probably the only thing that might break the bizarre hold she's got over Bill, so she's making moves to try to keep him from having to make that choice. Too bad for her, Katie's not allowing any part of it.

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What if everybody tried a reverse tactic? Pretend to welcome and accept Sheila and see what happens. Once Sheila has let her guard down enough, then swoop in for the kill and have her arrested, as she will eventually do something to shoot herself in the foot (pun intended!) like threatening, kidnapping, or injuring somebody -- you know, more "accidents" or "misunderstandings." Also, "embracing" Sheila would throw Bill off balance. Maybe somebody would secretly record him promising to drop the blackmail against Taylor. 

I don't know. We need something to try to explain this idiotic SL. 

If I were a brand-new viewer to the show, I would just assume that Braylor was a real couple. They, especially Brooke, are really laying it on. I like those two together, especially with Ridge out of the picture.

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

What if everybody tried a reverse tactic? Pretend to welcome and accept Sheila and see what happens. Once Sheila has let her guard down enough, then swoop in for the kill and have her arrested, as she will eventually do something to shoot herself in the foot (pun intended!) like threatening, kidnapping, or injuring somebody -- you know, more "accidents" or "misunderstandings." Also, "embracing" Sheila would throw Bill off balance. Maybe somebody would secretly record him promising to drop the blackmail against Taylor. 

I don't know. We need something to try to explain this idiotic SL. 

If I were a brand-new viewer to the show, I would just assume that Braylor was a real couple. They, especially Brooke, are really laying it on. I like those two together, especially with Ridge out of the picture.

My initial reaction to this was that Sheila knows they all hate her, so she would be suspicious. But, giving it more than a few seconds, I remember that Sheila is the master of magical thinking. She truly believes that she is owed everyone loving her and giving her what she wants. And she is still convinced that, despite shooting Finn and Steffy and leaving them for dead, she's going to have a close relationship with Finn and Hayes. So, yeah, if everyone started doing a 180 and saying things like "oh, we were wrong, we see how good you are for Bill, and how happy he is. We're so sorry we've misunderstood you in the past. We want to welcome you to the family," she'd just tell herself "they finally get it!"  

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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

What if everybody tried a reverse tactic? Pretend to welcome and accept Sheila and see what happens. Once Sheila has let her guard down enough, then swoop in for the kill and have her arrested, as she will eventually do something to shoot herself in the foot (pun intended!) like threatening, kidnapping, or injuring somebody -- you know, more "accidents" or "misunderstandings." Also, "embracing" Sheila would throw Bill off balance. Maybe somebody would secretly record him promising to drop the blackmail against Taylor. 

Speaking of foot...maybe I missed it, but did Sheila ever explain to the authorities where the foot came from? Or is this a dropped plot point B&B doesn't care to address, and hopes the viewers don't remember?

1 hour ago, KerleyQ said:

My initial reaction to this was that Sheila knows they all hate her, so she would be suspicious. But, giving it more than a few seconds, I remember that Sheila is the master of magical thinking. She truly believes that she is owed everyone loving her and giving her what she wants. And she is still convinced that, despite shooting Finn and Steffy and leaving them for dead, she's going to have a close relationship with Finn and Hayes. So, yeah, if everyone started doing a 180 and saying things like "oh, we were wrong, we see how good you are for Bill, and how happy he is. We're so sorry we've misunderstood you in the past. We want to welcome you to the family," she'd just tell herself "they finally get it!"  

Could there be a happy medium?  I think everyone immediately embracing Sheila would be suspicious, but maybe they could all have told Sheila that although they have reservations about her relationship with Bill, they are willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and reserve judgement while they see how the Shill (is there a portmanteau for this disgusting pairing?) relationship develops?

That way, Sheila wouldn't be suspicious of everyone doing a 180 towards her, but still plays into Sheila's delusions that of course! she's deserving of an open (and somewhat welcome) attitude from folks.

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While I'm not sure how much of a difference it will make, I wish Taylor would just go to the damn police and confess that she shot Bill because I'm tired of her simpering and whining about it.

Edited by Crashcourse
Taylor, not Sheila
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Pizza pizza pizza. Pizza is becoming its own character. I don’t know anything about pizza in LA but it looks to be a plain cheese pizza.  There are so many varieties of pizza, why would a plain cheese pizza be a signature pizza?  In Connecticut, there is a pizza parlor that serves a pizza with clams that there is usually a line, out the door, to get one.  

Edited to add:  People also love PaPa John’s, Domino, Pizza Hut, and Little Caesars. 

Edited by Waldo13
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18 hours ago, DeafAngelboy23 said:

It’s a short month but it felt like years with this ridiculously inept storyline. I know it’s currently painful but think about the final year of Guiding Light… blurry handheld camerawork… oh my 🫣! I know everyone on B&B looked like they are just checking out at this point and I don’t blame them for feeling this way. 

I just wanted to clarify that Guiding Light cast members are absolutely delightful people. They worked hard and always try to treat each other well. It’s very rare for them to say bad things about their fellow cast member or two… ha that’s really cool to know they loved each other like family. If you’re one of cast members reading … know this… We absolutely love you guys. All good & bad parts too! 

I don’t know how long daytime soap thing is going to last but I’m not going anywhere until they tell me it’s Netflix password ban 😂… just kidding but I’m going all the way with all remaining daytime soaps. 

We are too blunt to the fault … true but we absolutely love our soaps right? I’m 37 but older soap fans taught me a lot about the history of their favorite soaps. You can’t make up that kind of loyalty anywhere at all. 

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21 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Speaking of foot...maybe I missed it, but did Sheila ever explain to the authorities where the foot came from? Or is this a dropped plot point B&B doesn't care to address, and hopes the viewers don't remember?

What foot are you talking about???

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The LAPD won't arrest Sheila for two counts of attempted murder, but they'll arrest her for cutting off her toe? 

If I recall correctly, Sheila has all of her toes - so obviously she got the toe elsewhere which is probably an issue. I'm not sure anyone can just take body parts from others but perhaps in Bell-A it's ok.

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32 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

If I recall correctly, Sheila has all of her toes - so obviously she got the toe elsewhere which is probably an issue. I'm not sure anyone can just take body parts from others but perhaps in Bell-A it's ok.

Sheila's toe is missing, unless they retcon it. That's how Steffy identified her in disguise, the criminal mastermind was on the run in open-toed shoes. 

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Sheila's toe is missing, unless they retcon it. That's how Steffy identified her in disguise the criminal mastermind was on the run in open-toed shoes.

Ah that makes B&B sense I guess. Honestly, I ignore a lot of the stuff involving Sheila - she wears me out and it's been going on waaaay too long now. Is it a crime to fake your death in order to avoid prison time?

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15 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

Is it a crime to fake your death in order to avoid prison time?

But she didn't fake her death, the Bell-APD found her toe in the woods and thought she must be dead because the middle toe is essential to human life, like the brain or heart.  What's worse, all the Forresters and Spencers went with it!  This show is riddled with plot contrivances like this.

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But she didn't fake her death,

Ok I have a question. Did she deliberately remove the toe so the dumb Bell-A PD would think she was dead or did she accidentally lose the toe and the dumb BELL-A PD thought she was dead as a result?

I guess the only doctor in Bell-A (Bridget) was too busy or not in the area to explain to the Bell-A PD and to the Forrester's, Spencer's  and Logan's that a toe is not the same as the heart.

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