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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Every time I see Steffy being so snotty, so smirky, so superior, so entitled and sure of herself and her mommy, I want to slap her into next Tuesday. I truly cannot WAIT until she and Thomass get their comeuppance. That will wipe that smirk right off of her face. 

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10 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I don’t mind a Katie/Carter possibility. If they are on the dull side it’s still okay with me if we get a break from Taylor and Steffy.

When you put it like that, go Katie/Carter!

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3 hours ago, Angeleyes said:

Today’s special guest has been Hope’s Backbone. You’ve been missing for a while.

Dec 2014, to be precise.

Its always funny to me as someone who had a countdown till Kim Matula's departure who think Hope has always been as spineless as her husband and she most definitely has not lol.

On 10/18/2022 at 11:12 AM, Crashcourse said:

Katie and Carter are so lame, I think they'd make a perfect pair.

I'll take anything that blocks another round of Batie. Bridge has been able to (just barely) coast on their history. Batie had exactly three good weeks before Bill came back from their honeymoon to sniff behind Steffy and nearly left Katie over that tartlet. That was well before Brooke was ever a problem and I was surprised she took him back then.

10 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I hope and pray that Liam can remain supportive of Brooke with nothing further happening.

Me too but the writing on the wall is in size 72 font and Bell has yanked the football away from us way too many too times. NO one thought they'd got there with her or Bill either or that they'd revisit Brick after Bridget got with Nick, and yet....

10 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Li could go toe to toe with the annoying Taylor. What? Steffys mother in law has the nerve not to love love love her precious mommy? 

I would definitely be here for it.

25 minutes ago, SweePea59 said:

When you put it like that, go Katie/Carter!

Also, it staves off any more Carter/Paris nonsense too!

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I’m surprised Bill hasn’t peed all over Brookes house. I forgot how obnoxious the man can be. 
Speaking of obnoxious, who holds a meeting to announce their parents are sleeping together AGAIN? Especially when dad is still very married. 
Thomas keep playing your recording. Someone’s bound to overhear since you enjoy playing it at home and at work where plenty of people could walk in at any moment.

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Bill, I thought you wanted Katie back but now you have given up and planted your flag in Brooke’s ass. 

Stuffy your mother is not a home wrecker but she plays hide the wiener with a married man?  

I’ve been on vacation and missed 5 episodes but today looked like nothing really changed. I did get a look at a episode though where Raggedy Ann kissed Lurch but I didn’t see any follow up. Did Raggedy Ann actually kiss Lurch or was it another Lurch mannequin fantasy?  

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Why didn't Captain Save a Ho just remove that bottle of BEATA 😆 vodka from Brooke's house? And why did she have booze in her house in the first place?

If Ridge is so insensitive that he'd insist on having alcohol around and drinking it in front of Brooke, especially in lieu of what happened on NYE, he's even more of a giant asshole than he already is.

That's just cruel. Not only is it tempting Brooke but it's a huge FU to her sobriety. 

Lame should have grabbed the bottle of vodka and thrown it out then told Hope about it. Keeping this secret simply portends of creating a wedge big enough for Thom-ass to slither through. 

Off to watch today's episode. Can't wait to see Steffy/Hope and Bill/Deacon. 

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7 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Bill, I thought you wanted Katie back but now you have given up and planted your flag in Brooke’s ass. 

Stuffy your mother is not a home wrecker but she plays hide the wiener with a married man?  

I’ve been on vacation and missed 5 episodes but today looked like nothing really changed. I did get a look at a episode though where Raggedy Ann kissed Lurch but I didn’t see any follow up. Did Raggedy Ann actually kiss Lurch or was it another Lurch mannequin fantasy?  

It was a Lurch daydream

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Steffys gloating in a meeting is so pathetic.  Good for Hope for calling out the lack of integrity.  The white washing of Taylor to be a saint has been ridiculous when Taylor has also been with all Ridges relatives, cheated and even shot Bill!

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Why was Paris in that “meeting” today? Why is she even in that building? And why is her hair blue?


Between Paris being at that ridiculous gathering (and yeah why is she in the building) and her hair, I thought I was in some kind of an alternate universe where nothing at all made sense !

Thomas playing that stupid recording and Steffy being snotty (perfect word for her), Deacon sleeping with Sheila and actually being happy about it and then Bill showing up to mark his territory and disappointing me that he won’t be with Li

All in all, a terrible and very mystifying day on this silly, silly show 😓

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"Yes, Carter, we're all sad about your love life, even though I hated that bitch you love and am glad to see the back of her, but can you stop bringing down the room, because I'm trying to hijack everyone's work day to gloat about how I got my mommy and daddy to bang in Aspen. Be sensitive to my joy, will you?" 

I would not have blamed Paris if she'd let out a little giggle at the news about Quinn. 

More Bill/Deacon scenes, please. I don't care what they're about, just give me more. 

Hope shutting down Steffy's "my mommy has integrity" with some reality was great. More of that, please. 

Are we going to get daily scenes of Thomas mentally masturbating over his CPS call? Can we get to the part where Douglas blows the lid off of this stupidity already? 

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Steffy and Thomas calling a staff meeting to update everyone on who Ridge is f÷cking was the height of ridiculous. Is this all the "staff" that can be mustered on a workday? Surprised Charlie and Pam weren't there. 

Instead of going to confront Deacon, Bill should've been on his jet to HIS HOUSE in Aspen to kick out the two f^÷cknuggets having sex on his furniture. He invites Steffy to go there in anticipation of selling it to her. And ends up with his shooter and the Dressmaker greasing up is 2500 threadcount sheets!! Disrespectful. 

Could Hope take her new snarky backbone on tour?  So many of these folks need to be read for filth.

Side note..Deacon saying "Daddy likes" to SHEILA of all people have me vomit chills. Just no to allll of that

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16 hours ago, jqdeco said:

I enjoyed $Bill and Deacon, even though it’s gross that Bill told Katie he wanted her back and the same day made a beeline for Brooke as soon as he heard about Ridge and Dr. Bimbo. 
Stuffy: so sorry Carter that Quinn left you and you are heartbroken but let’s get back to what really matters. Me gloating about my parents getting back together because I have the emotional maturity of a 5 yr old.

I have a 5-year-old that’s far more mature, & he still laughs when someone burps. 

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I'm getting whiplash from all this character dynamic changing for the sake of the plot shit. Is Bradley going for a record in the number of characters he can have do stupid heel turns? 

I'm disappointed in Bill's attitude toward Deacon(and Brooke more on that in a bit). Despite his dollar Bill persona, elitism/classism doesn't suit Bill all that well imo, Certainly not after saving Li's life when he found her in that alley. Yesterday's version of Bill seemed like he would've seen Li ,battered & terrified, in that alley and would keep walking without a second thought. I wanted Bill/Li as much as the next person but part of me knew better than to get my hopes up too high. The Bill/Li paring will now join the ever-growing archive of "This is why we can't have nice things 😞

Unpopular opinion alert: As far as Brooke goes, Bill's character is at his most boring when he's longing for her. Begging for Katie to take him back is pretty much a guaranteed snoozefest but I'd still take that over more Brill crap. KKL & DD have better chemistry as in-laws than as lovers imo. After I got over my anger at Brill 1.0, I just found them kinda meh. Plus Brooke is just gonna dump him(assuming she even gets with Bill this time) for Ridge's ain't shit ass when he comes waffling back after CPSgate is exposed. Bill must be in hyper arrogant mode not to know this. 

Bill asking for Katie to take him back and then running to essentially mark his "territory"(Brooke is a human being get a grip dude pls) to Deacon is tasteless even for the most obnoxious version of Bill. 

I mean Bill's sanctified shooter is walking around free, currently banging a married guy in his old house, and all he can think about is Brooke being available now? Seriously writers? Smh.....😒 

Edited by Skarzero
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The Paternity Test Queen was her usual annoying self...but Hope got in some good shots...like bringing up Steffy's Aspen stunt...and how she and her desperate mommy are repeating the same old tricks. This story has to wrap up soon...because they've already run out of anywhere to go with it.

Edited by KnightStorm
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I’m delighted Hope is standing up to Steffy however, I think Hope should be encouraging Brooke to leave that gruff old flip flopper. Why would anyone want their mom to waste another second on Ridge? She should tell Steffy to tell her mom to enjoy her moms sloppy seconds and ask Steffy if she’s sure Ridge isn’t thinking about Brooke when he’s banging his number two and then say like  mother like daughter. She should also tell Steffy to take it easy on the fillers. 

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Years ago, I was a fan of Brooke’s. She was the one who could drive Stephanie around the bend and I was there for all of it. However, now I just change the channel whenever I see her sighing, crying, texting/calling the greaser, moaning, complaining to Hope or Liam, etc. etc. Get out of the house, go to work, take a drive, run around the block. Do Something! 

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I have rarely had much use for Brooke and, more often than not, I've been Team Forrester, but Brooke's endless, painful whining and crying about Not!Ridge is driving me crazy and seems quite out of character.  I've never held the belief (ha!) that RedSuitBrooke was the true version of the character (as opposed to a one-off relatively brief period in her history) but this sappy, weak, spineless pushover isn't her either and it needs to end.  Please.

As for Team Forrester, do TPTB really expect us to sympathize and cheer for the rude, inconsiderate, bratty Steffy and Thomas as they openly crow over their parents' reunion?  They are, quite simply, relishing in their cruelty to "the Logans".  And it's gross.

Sidenote:  SK is now trimmer and clean-shaven and has never looked better.  Good for him.

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Blah blah blah, pseudo Foresters rule.

Blah blah blah Quinn is bastardized in oblivion.  

Are Carter and Katie becoming an item?  Isn’t Katie about the same age as Quinn?  Can Katie give Carter the children he wants?  

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So, just to be clear, Steffy, when Daddy picks Brooke, it's because Brooke is manipulating him and pulling the strings, but it's insulting for Hope to suggest that Taylor was at all responsible for Daddy picking her, because "he knows his heart"? 

Wait, we didn't see Thomas playing his CPS phone call today. How are we supposed to know what's going on? 

Speaking of the call, come on Brooke, do the freaking math. Ridge was asking you about the CPS call before he left. You told him before it happened that it was something you would do if you felt you needed to. He asked you if you did it. Then, he was gone, and when you went to Aspen, he told you he wanted you to admit to something. How can you sit there with zero idea as to what he thinks you did? We know you didn't do it, but since there isn't anything you can point to that you did do, it only makes sense to think back over your most recent conversations with him and wonder "does he think I made that call?" It's clearly the big issue that was on his mind before he left.  I mean, at least when we had months of daily "I don't know why I took a drink" pondering, there were absolutely no breadcrumbs that led to "Sheila switched the labels on the champagne." But you've got breadcrumbs now. 

I don't expect her to figure out the whole voice app thing, but she should be able to hazard a guess that Ridge doesn't believe she didn't make the call. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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It doesn't really matter to me if Hope comes out the winner in her "debate" with Steffy. What matters to me is the content, and when someone sticks to truisms, and factual history, then they win no matter who scores more points. Steffy has nothing, all she can do is drag Brooke, while propping her mother, as she re-writes history to suit her version of it. Steffy acts like she has been around since the beginning, like she was there when her father ran off to St. Thomas to propose to her mother. If she had been, then she would know Ridge was not on a mission to win Taylor's hand so much as he wanted to keep Brooke with his father. She would also know that the runway proposal was based on a misunderstanding that was started by her grandmother running her big mouth about Brooke and Grant having an affair. For the life of me, I don't know how it is possible to have an affair when one is not married, but that was the SL. Wouldn't she also know that her father remarried her mother to "save" his own mother who had faked a heart attack? Most importantly though, wouldn't she know that Ridge dumped Taylor for good when he found out she had fucked James Warwick and lied about it for decades, as she simultaneously aligned with Stephanie to drag Brooke as the "Slut from the Valley?" It seems she would also know that her mother has done many of the same things she accuses Brooke of doing; including going after married men and sleeping through entire families. But Steffy wasn't there for all of that, so her commentary is just so much babbling and nonsense. Hope sticks to the facts and what she knows as facts, more importantly, she refuses to get in the gutter with Steffy for any type of false, or untrue, mommy bashing. 

Hope sizzled and burned, while Steffy came off as a deflecting, whiny, arrogant, snot nosed elitist brat. 

Shauna? How unexpected was that, but I see what they did there, and it will give Carter the green light to move on with Katie. I am ok with it since they have tanked Bill/Li. It will at least put the brakes on another round of Batie. And Katie is rather cute when she is flirting. And that dress and those shoes she is sporting art smokin hot. 

OMG Bill! Really? That was the most random and weird scene. He actually went to the trouble to print fake money sporting his face?  

I don't think I want to see any Brooke triangles. I know for sure I don't want to see Brooke/Bill/Deacon/Sheila. It is all too much too fast. Anyway, Brooke is still waiting for Ridge to come home, and it makes me sick to my stomach. If Mr. R had been away busily fucking his ex-wife, I don't think I would be sitting at home hoping for his return. No, wait a sec, that isn't exactly true. I would be waiting for his return, but not to tell him how sorry I was that I did something so horrible that it made him go screw another woman; I would instead tell him that he is a worthless piece of shit, as I kick his sorry ass out of my house and tell him I will have his things sent to his mistress's house. 

Watching Brooke cry and mope, as she repeatedly calls Ridge, begging him to come home is sickening. Brooke needs to put on her big girl panties and get the fuck out of that house and start a Ridge free life. Go seek counseling if you can't go it alone. Take up a friggin hobby. Join a gym. Go to the library. Go buy yourself some beautiful clothes. Take a vacation to a sunny island. Go mountain climbing. Take a cruise. But for God's sake do something. 

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Yesterday was so random, but I have to say, even though I hate that Sheila is forcing herself on Deacon, & I really want Deacon to clean himself up, for real, I adore how much KB & SK clearly enjoy working together. The actors seem to truly be enjoying working together, & I can’t recall the last time I felt like I was seeing that. Probably the only comparison is all 3 adult Spencer boys being in the same room, they all seem to light up in those scenes. TK is like anti-coworkers, he always looks like he’s constipated, yet, he’s our leading man. 

Anyone know if those $Bill dollar bills are on eBay? Christmas is coming up, & my stocking could use some pretty. 😉

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I've come to the conclusion that Bell is just making Bold a parody of the soap opera genre. Between Carter ready to get down on one knee for any woman who smiles at him...and the entire Tridge asylum...we can't be expected to take any of this seriously....

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On 10/20/2022 at 10:31 AM, Skarzero said:

I mean Bill's sanctified shooter is walking around free, currently banging a married guy in his old house, and all he can think about is Brooke being available now? Seriously writers? Smh.....😒 

I'm still angry that Bill spent months terrorizing Sally over a building and years shitting on Hope because she wouldn't put out, yet a woman capped him in his ass and his own paid lawyer talked his son outta filing charges against his captor and the latter two things receive crickets from him. Much like Ronn Moss' Ridge, DD's own charisma makes it easy to handwave Bill's worst tendencies.

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22 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I’m delighted Hope is standing up to Steffy however, I think Hope should be encouraging Brooke to leave that gruff old flip flopper. Why would anyone want their mom to waste another second on Ridge?

Far be it from defend Rick's 2000's bullshit in his vendetta against Ridge and dragging everyone else into it, but he was absolutely justified to question why these two should be a couple after everything he grew up with. 

19 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Are Carter and Katie becoming an item?  Isn’t Katie about the same age as Quinn?  Can Katie give Carter the children he wants?  

Katie is probably even less likely to want to have another child. Between nearly dying in childbirth and the months of PPD that followed, Show has been wise not to give her the baby rabies again. Will's existance is miracle enough.

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Why is Justin there?  Carter is a lawyer so why can’t he handle advertising contracts?  

Zombies in front of me, zombies to the left of me, zombies to the right of me, zombies behind me and they are all pseudo Foresters. 

Katie will give Carter a child?  Over Bill’s dead body or Katie’s dead body. High risk pregnancy times 2; age and heart. 

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23 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Wait, we didn't see Thomas playing his CPS phone call today. How are we supposed to know what's going on? 

No, but we got something better, a flashback of Sludge chasing a hat on a stick up a hill.

7 hours ago, KnightStorm said:

I've come to the conclusion that Bell is just making Bold a parody of the soap opera genre.

That's one of the things I like most about this show. Sometimes it's like watching a SNL skit.

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2 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Katie will give Carter a child?  Over Bill’s dead body or Katie’s dead body. High risk pregnancy times 2; age and heart. 

Isn't she also working with just one kidney (Flo's)? Not that I wouldn't be perfectly happy to pretend Flo never existed. 

Brooke, honey, what do you think Ridge has been doing alone in Aspen with Taylor? Chatting? He's been off fucking another woman for a couple days. Even if he does come home and say he realizes he was wrong, your answer should be "yep, you were, now go live in your wrongness with your mistress and get the fuck out of my house." 

Steffy's living room isn't so big that none of the three idiots would have been able to see that was a picture of Brooke Ridge was mooning over while Taylor gushed to the other two idiots about how happy she is. All I could think while I watched those four today was how much I'm looking forward to them turning on each other when Douglas finally drops a dime on his father. Steffy is going to insist that daddy would have gone back to mommy on his own, but now that Thomas made Brooke a victim, he's blown it. Taylor is probably going to want to peace out on all of them. Ridge is going to be pissed at Thomas (although also simultaneously grateful that he has a reason to go running right back to Brooke). 

You know, I'm happy that my parents have had a long 53 years and counting happy marriage and all, but I do not want to sit around and beg them to tell me every detail of their romance, and I doubt they have any desire to sit down and share it with me and my brother. Keep a little something for yourselves, Taylor and Ridge. Although every single time Taylor gushes about how romantic it all is and how this is really how things are meant to be, I have a little evil giggle over how wrong she's going to be proven soon enough. 

Seriously, though, those Brooke and Hope scenes should absolutely have been the two of them packing up Ridge's shit to throw at him when he finally meanders over there to fuck with Brooke's head a little more. (Because we all know he's going to tell her, again, that he'll always love her, so he can ensure she's hanging on that hook.) 

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11 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Isn't she also working with just one kidney (Flo's)? Not that I wouldn't be perfectly happy to pretend Flo never existed. 

Brooke, honey, what do you think Ridge has been doing alone in Aspen with Taylor? Chatting? He's been off fucking another woman for a couple days. Even if he does come home and say he realizes he was wrong, your answer should be "yep, you were, now go live in your wrongness with your mistress and get the fuck out of my house." 

Steffy's living room isn't so big that none of the three idiots would have been able to see that was a picture of Brooke Ridge was mooning over while Taylor gushed to the other two idiots about how happy she is. All I could think while I watched those four today was how much I'm looking forward to them turning on each other when Douglas finally drops a dime on his father. Steffy is going to insist that daddy would have gone back to mommy on his own, but now that Thomas made Brooke a victim, he's blown it. Taylor is probably going to want to peace out on all of them. Ridge is going to be pissed at Thomas (although also simultaneously grateful that he has a reason to go running right back to Brooke). 

You know, I'm happy that my parents have had a long 53 years and counting happy marriage and all, but I do not want to sit around and beg them to tell me every detail of their romance, and I doubt they have any desire to sit down and share it with me and my brother. Keep a little something for yourselves, Taylor and Ridge. Although every single time Taylor gushes about how romantic it all is and how this is really how things are meant to be, I have a little evil giggle over how wrong she's going to be proven soon enough. 

Seriously, though, those Brooke and Hope scenes should absolutely have been the two of them packing up Ridge's shit to throw at him when he finally meanders over there to fuck with Brooke's head a little more. (Because we all know he's going to tell her, again, that he'll always love her, so he can ensure she's hanging on that hook.) 

Wonderful post, I agree 100%

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15 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

Ridge is going to be pissed at Thomas (although also simultaneously grateful that he has a reason to go running right back to Brooke). 

Sludge seems to brush off all of Thomas' offenses and then side with him. I wish he'd really get pissed at him.

Edited by SweePea59
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So, I am watching season 10 on YouTube, and just got through the runway proposal. What has become crystal clear to me is that Taylor was as insufferably stupid then, as she is now. Here she was ready to board a plane to Paris because she knew there was no future with Ridge. Meanwhile, Ridge has designed a wedding dress for Brooke, and was going to surprise her with a proposal at the Spring Showing (OH! the days when we actually had fashion shows!) but saw Brooke giving Grant a goodbye kiss and misinterpreted what he saw. In retaliation, and to punish Brooke, he instead proposed to Taylor. Of course she accepted without hesitation and without question. A few days later Ridge told her what he had seen, and why he decided to propose to her and not Brooke. James tried to tell her to give it some time, and let Ridge come to terms with things, before jumping into a marriage based on anger at another woman. Brooke talked to her too, but Taylor was deaf to all of it. And this is supposed to be one of the best physiological doctors in the country? Anyone, with any common sense, could see what was going on here. But Taylor was so thirsty, she would take Ridge anyway she could get him, and set herself up for heartache as she watched her husband be more involved with Brooke's life than with theirs's. This time will be no different. Ridge only runs to Taylor when he is pissed off at Brooke, or has read the situation wrong, or when his mother interferes and manipulates. There has not been one time that I can think of that wasn't motivated by something involving Brooke. And Taylor wants to blame Brooke? Any doctor worth their salt would recognize their own destructive behavior and would also realize they are ready to settle for crumbs, when another woman gets the whole loaf. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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^^^Given all of that, it's hard to view Tridge as the intended endgame. Admittedly, I came to the show during Taylor's pregnancy with the twins and even with the full picture of their relationship, and the BTS reason why we got that, I still enjoy that relative period of peace. But she never got him except by default and knowing she was warned multiple times by everyone including Stephanie herself makes her more pathetic.

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I wasn't watching then. Reading that, it makes Taylor even dumber for jumping right into taking Ridge back when it's clear he's super pissed off at Brooke about something. How many times are you going to take the exact same ride, girl? 

Also, when Ridge eventually leaves skid marks running back to Brooke, I so very much want Hope to, with a big smile on her face, say to Steffy, "your father knows his heart." 

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I'm going to reference Old School Y&R here with, hopefully, some accuracy.

Whatever happened to getting away with something scot-free?  With no one ever finding out about the nefarious deed?  Seems like that happened in the old days.  I recall when Leanna Love painted Ashley Abbott's office with poison paint, almost killing her.  My memory is she got away with that.  Here, I wouldn't mind seeing Thomas get away with his voice modifying trick.  Sure beats Douglas learning the truth.  And outing his dad.  And so on and so on.  Again.

And there was the time Sean(?) blackmailed happily-married Lauren and Paul to divorce for some reason or another.  And even though they were forced into it, they actually stayed divorced.  Here, I wouldn't mind, if Thomas is found out, for Ridge and Taylor to stay together even though the origins of their reunion were manipulated.  They could reflect on some of the genuine reasons they were drawn to each other, while also questioning whether they'd be together if not for the Thomas' deception.  Brooke could take the opportunity to really reflect on her exhausting cycle with Ridge and "destiny" and realize she wants to move on.  Again, it just beats the wash-rinse-repeat cycle of Ridge finding out he was duped, Brooke forgiving him, Taylor forlorn, kids upset, blah, blah, blah. 

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Well,Ridge is once again too much of an idiot to just tell Brooke what he's so upset about...preferring the old "I'll always love you...but I'm going to Taylor on the rebound for the 30000th time". At least Hope pointed out how Ridge is more trouble than he's worth.

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So Ridge wants an annulment? Normally you’d have to show that some sort of fraud occurred and that the marriage legally should not have taken place. When you get mad at your wife and decide to go live with your ex that requires a divorce. I know, we shouldn’t expect this show to get anything so basic right. 

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Brooke needs to take a page from Steffy's playbook. (Yes, I can't believe I said that.) REFUSE to give Ridge an annulment and insist on a divorce. They have been married for too long and with no legitimate grounds divulged by Ridge, I think it would be pretty difficult to have their marriage annulled. 

I wish that Brooke would drag this out and fight and fight and insist on everything that is rightfully hers. She needs a good lawyer (NOT Justin or Carter) to fight tooth and nail for her and take that slimeball to the cleaners. But, then it would also mean more constant badgering and harassment of Brooke and Hope by Taylor and the Tots. 

Any decent lawyer (again, NOT Justin or Carter) would force Ridge to explain why he wants a divorce and then maybe someone can get to the bottom of the voice app intervention. And I swear ... if once this comes out ... if Taylor, Ridge, and Steffy (and eventually, Hope) just handwave Thomas' disgusting deed off ,,, 

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1 minute ago, KnightStorm said:

Well,Ridge is once again too much of an idiot to just tell Brooke what he's so upset about...preferring the old "I'll always love you...but I'm going to Taylor on the rebound for the 30000th time". At least Hope pointed out how Ridge is more trouble than he's worth.

I'll give Brooke ONE HOUR to grieve this "loss", then I'm going to need her to move on. Because frankly, anyone who could dump me so callously, with no explanation, doesn't deserve me. I want Thomas' deception to be uncovered, but only so Ridge will know how evil his spawn really is. But I don't want Brooke to take him back. Ever. I don't even want her to accept his apology when it comes.

As for the foolishness that's about to start between Bill and Deacon, please don't, Show. We've "been there, done that" WAAAAAY too many times. Seeing Bill suddenly regress to his Caveman behavior from years ago was jarring to say the least. He was just (again, out of the blue) begging Katie for another chance. And now that sh'es said no, he's making another beeline for her sister?!? And Deacon: a marriage proposal, seriously? WHERE did that come from?

Somebody get the writers out of the Old Scripts Room and make them write something new!

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That ring that Deacon was holding had to be a fake. No way that guy could afford that ring! Of course, I’m dearly hoping that was a dream on Deacon’s part. Ridge barely got out of the driveway before old D was there proposing! So ridiculous even for this show!

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3 hours ago, Gam2 said:

That ring that Deacon was holding had to be a fake. No way that guy could afford that ring! Of course, I’m dearly hoping that was a dream on Deacon’s part. Ridge barely got out of the driveway before old D was there proposing! So ridiculous even for this show!

Didn't he try to give that ring to Quinn?

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What the madness, Deacon got an engagement ring how? And proposing, the rate of proposing while married on this show is nuts. And he has Sheila back at his apartment. 

At least Hope has taken off Ridge blinders. Brooke needs to tell him off when all truth is out. 

Annulment? On what grounds there Ridge? Why can't they divorce? 

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Does anyone else think that the Deacon proposal could be a daydream by either Deacon or Hope? Granted, we already had the Thomas fantasy sequence recently, but these writers have proven time and again that they are lazy. 

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So, what exactly is Deacon's plan if Brooke actually accepted? How did he envision that going for him when he got back home to Sheila? 

Speaking of Sheila, I've decided what I want to see happen with her, with regard to her wanting to get back in Finn's life. She can show up with "amnesia," claiming she doesn't remember anything after Finn and Steffy's wedding, or after Christmas Eve when Taylor talked Steffy into letting her come over.  And I want Taylor to buy every single bit of it, become friends with her again, and start pressuring Steffy to let her come around again. (And somehow this gets her out of the charges against her, or a lawyer manages to get her a deal with probation after world renowned psychiatrist Taylor argues on her behalf).  I can just totally see Taylor insisting that she knows there's good in Sheila, because Sheila saved her. And I want Brooke to not have a single fuck to give about Sheila going around Steffy's family. Eventually, of course, it all blows up, and Taylor once again looks like the worst shrink ever. 

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The show might get a good kick in the pants in their ratings if they do dueling rival Brooke boyfriends.  Then I'd like to see Ridge (ugh a million times) keep running over to them telling them to stay away from Brooke because he's a big turtle man body bully. Then he'll run over to Brooke to tell her to not fall for their charms. Then nuTay will wonder why he's never home.

Hungry Food GIF

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What the heck? Deacon just proposed to Brooke? And that ring; looks like someone has been saving their pennies. So, what, did he buy it, and have it hidden in the hopes this day would come? Or maybe on the way over he and Hope stopped at a jewelers and Hope sprung for the rock? How does he plan on handling the Sheila situation? Not that I think Brooke would except or anything, but just asking her is gonna send crazy pants around the bend. 

And talk about speed shifting character traits! I simply do not know what to make of Bill. Just a few months ago we were given a sweet, caring Bill, who rescued Li, saved Finn, and flew him to Monaco. Just a few weeks ago, we had Bill and Li having lunch, interacting and connecting in a believable and very enjoyable way. Then, after leading us to believe we were going to get some type of Bill/Li romance, we instead have another round of Bill begging Katie to come back to him, followed by Bill showing up at Brooke's the minute he heard the news. And that Deacon scene, and his behavior when talking to Liam. I'm dizzy trying to keep up. 

As far as changing character traits goes, I am all about Hope's. It is one thing for Bill or Deacon to tell Brooke that Ridge is a worthless waffler, but for Hope to lay voice to it was everything. I squeed like a banshee when she told Deacon that if Ridge could so callously leave her mother, then maybe they aren't meant to be together. And Brooke's reaction to Hope's feelings, her total shock and disbelief, and the look on her face as she said "how can you say that?" She can say that Brooke because it is 100% true. 

Ridge came home after his fucking interlude, still reeking of Taylor, and you stand there telling him everything is ok, we can work this out? He won't tell you what has happened, but he tells you he is moving forward with Taylor, and that he is only there to get his things. Why would you want to work anything out? The man has betrayed you, your love, your marriage, his wedding vows. He has spent the last couple of days fucking his ex-wife, committing his life to her while still married to you. He is an adulterer. He has already started proceedings to end your marriage. Please tell me; what is there to work out or save? 

Brooke needs to tell Deacon no. Brooke needs to tell Bill no. And when Ridge eventually comes crawling back with his apologies and his explanations, Brooke needs to tell him no. He had his chance to explain his actions, and chose to act like a butt hurt teenager, instead of an adult, who has been married to this person for years. Brooke needs to stand on her own for a while, let go of this destiny nonsense, and find out who she really is underneath it all. She has two loving sisters, a loving daughter, a good relationship with her son-in-law, as well as her grandkids, and Eric. Her support system is strong; she needs to lean on it. 

But we all know what is going to happen. There will be a war for her hand between Bill and Deacon, which will drive Ridge absolutely crazy. He will be running interference at every available opportunity. The hateful Tot's will blame Brooke for Ridge's actions. Taylor will be living her same nightmare, as she continues to believe Ridge chose her organically, as she simultaneously watches him disintegrate over what is going on with Brooke. And in the end, Brooke will forgive, forget, and take that useless hobo back. 

Thay are really trying hard to recreate the wheel. First, we have the hilarious romantic scenes of the lovers running away and to each other on the mountainside. Then, their glorious and giddy lovemaking. And now, the beach house. So, does that mean Wyatt is gone? 

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