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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Terribly sad RL news for Ally Mills. Her 91-year-old husband, Orson Bean, was struck and killed by a car in L.A. yesterday. 😢

Oh no! That’s awful. Preppie need to be more careful of pedestrians crossing streets!!!!! 

I know she spoke often how crazy in love she was over of him and their caring relationship. 

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I missed Friday's show, & didn't realize it until I jumped on here this morning. We don't know officially what Sally has been diagnosed with, correct? Any guesses?

Ugh, Quinn, Flo is NOT sweet! Maybe she was at one point, & everyone makes mistakes, huge ones, but...

  • aiding & abetting a kidnapper,
  • signing legal documents stating that you birthed a child,
  • keeping your mouth shut for months, when you saw how much the "adoptive" mother was bonding with the child,
  • keeping your mouth shut for months, when you saw how completely devastated the actual birth mother was, after the "loss" of her child,
  • continuing to keep your mouth shut when you found out that the birth mother was your cousin,
  • continuing to keep your mouth shut when you were welcomed into your bio-dad's family with open arms, knowing that their niece/granddaughter/daughter was alive & well,
  • not doing a single thing when you suspected that someone else who was in on the secret was involved in the death of a young girl,
  • not doing a single thing when your cousin, who's child you helped steal, married the monster that you suspected was involved in the death of a young girl, 
  • ONLY coming clean when a child outed all of you lying liars who lied.

No, Quinn, Flo will never be sweet. Maybe, maybe if she found the cure for whatever disease Sally is afflicted with, but even then, I'm calling it a maybe. 

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I can't believe these two worn out old broads crapping on Sally. They literally need to get lives.

Wah, wah, wah, Wyatt. If you don't want to feel bad for hurting somebody repeatedly maybe just stop doing it. There's this guy named Kyle over in WI you should meet. You are two of a kind.

Look at Flo and Shauna just sitting around day drinking like they're members of the idle rich. I'm thinking those two need to find meaningful employment.

Poor Sally. As if her diagnosis isn't bad enough, she'll have Katie climbing up her hiney with so much self-important concern.


Maybe, maybe if she found the cure for whatever disease Sally is afflicted with, but even then, I'm calling it a maybe. 

Sally has a brain tumor, I think. Maybe Flo could donate hers for a transplant. She doesn't seem to use it much.

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Sally is on borrowed time but for some reason TIIC, want to keep us guessing on what is killing her. Cancer is my guess and to be pacific, Pancreatic Cancer.  Most often it’s too late when when you get the diagnosis.  



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Sounds more to me like she has a malignant inoperable brain tumor. Very coy of the show to have us see the doctor giving Sally the results from outside the window to the doctor's office, so we could only see Sally's and Katie's reactions. Well played. That leaves the "window" open for her to make a miraculous recovery or ... come back from the dead in a few years. 

Honestly, as much as I like CH, I'd rather have Sally die off than have CH have to play in a tired triangle with Flo and Wyatt. There really isn't much else for the character unless a new man is brought on for Sally or she decides to resurrect SF and give FC some real competition. The character has become a disappointment (to me) when they turned her into Wyatt's booty call and doormat.

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4 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Sally is on borrowed time but for some reason TIIC, want to keep us guessing on what is killing her. Cancer is my guess and to be pacific, Pancreatic Cancer.  Most often it’s too late when when you get the diagnosis.  

Almost all her systems seem to be nervous system of cognitively related though so that would be random and lack foreshadowing 

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So the writers can’t be arsed to do a bit of research and come up with a diagnosis for Sally? 🙄

Probably but spumors are afloat that they left it unidentified because Sally's going to have a miraculous recovery, likely after Wyatt mercy-marries her expecting her to die soon. Oops!

I've also seen an unverified comment on another soap forum that someone else is going die as the result of getting shot by Quinn. Allegedly the person is a real shocker, emphasis on "allegedly." I don't believe Bradley's going to kill off anybody. He just likes getting the fans riled up for nothing.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I've also seen an unverified comment on another soap forum that someone else is going die as the result of getting shot by Quinn. Allegedly the person is a real shocker, emphasis on "allegedly." I don't believe Bradley's going to kill off anybody. He just likes getting the fans riled up for nothing.

Yeah. I'll believe it when I see it. It's not like there's a large cast and every character on the canvas is a major player except Zoe, and Brat Bell can't possibly be that stupid to off another black woman like disposable trash yet AGAIN.

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Dear Show: Stop trying to make me feel sorry for Zoe. No woman deserves to be used to make another woman jealous, not even her.

Huh? I thought the actor who plays Justin had been given the boot?

One thing's in favor of Thope, I guess. They're both bad dressers. Hope today was in one of her usual boho rags, and today Thomas was wearing some kind of hipster/mafia soldier mishmash with a suit jacket worn over a hoodless hoodie and a dark t-shirt. My poor eyes. 🤤

If they're going to do a close up on someone who's supposed to be crying, but the actor can't bring forth any actual tears, why not just use saline drops? Meanwhile, if Sally only has a month to live you'd think she want to spend it somewhere better than FC. That place is miserable.

OMG, that gown Zoe was modeling was gorgeous on her.

Why in the world was Vinnie trying on shirts in the FC office? Does FC have a menswear line? Whatever, lol at the subtext with him and Thomas flashing their man nips at each other. The slash fiction writes itself. 😉

Vinnie, do the right thing and call CPS on Thomas. He is straight up emotionally abusing Douglas--still. Or at least tell Brooke or Liam.

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I'm beyond disgusted with Hope and Thomas. Frankly, those two deserve each other. Hope may as well go around all day with her fingers stuffed in her ears and chanting, "la, la la ... " Brooke tried yet again today to try to talk sense into Hope and Hope continued to staunchly defend Thomas.

Yes, wardrobe must have been on strike today other than that gorgeous gown Zoe was modeling. That was nicer than most of the awful frocks on the red carpet circuit this year. I noticed something about Carter today in his lame attempts to flirt with Zoe. I don't know if it's a shortcoming on behalf of the actor, but Carter is so awkward with women and has ZERO chemistry with any actress he's ever been paired with, Zoe included. The show shouldn't even bother. Frankly, he, along with Bill, have the best chemistry with Sludge.

Yeah. Hope's peachy colored baby doll dress with the ruffles was just awful and I guess she's wearing clip-in bangs because today she didn't have any. Sorry, Brooke, but satin isn't really flattering on anybody, regardless of what shape they are in. But that baby blue satin was a pretty color and I liked Brooke's longer hair blown out straight.

And, yes ... with Vinnie and Thomas in the FC office trying on shirts. FC does have a men's line, which was another huge success when Brooke was CEO. Maybe trying the boost the ratings of female viewers by having those two in various stage of undress (from the waist up).

I am appalled that Thomas admitted to Vinnie that he's going to use Douglas to win Hope back. Agreed. Vinnie needs to tell somebody, CPS, Brooke, anybody. I feel so sorry for that poor little boy when Thomas springs Zoe on him at Zoe's birthday part tomorrow.

Sally has something that is in "advanced stages" and there is no known cure. What is wrong with her doctors? Have they never heard of Google? (TM) Bridget Forrester, M.D. I am also surprised that she didn't want to get a second opinion. She has one month to live, so I'm betting in that time that somebody will come up with a miracle cure, but only after Wyatt has married her. That's another recycled SL. Remember when CJ married Amber's cousin Becky, all the well knowing that Becky was terminally ill and she was actually the one who had pancreatic cancer. Lazy-ass writers. CH is really "killing" the role though. She looks like absolute hell. 

And yes, loose-lips Katie didn't hesitate to tell Bill about Sally. And as predicted, he offered to fly in the best specialists and help in any way he could. 



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Just like Brooke, Little Bo Peep is completely obsessed and Lurch is the worst off all. 


Sally has one month. She’s in advanced stages with no treatment of an unknown condition.  If it was me, I would go to every major hospital, in LA for second, third, and even a fourth opinion.  


What was the purpose of Lurch and Vinnie keep trying on shirts?  If it was dueling pecks and six packs, Lurch lost big time. 

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If I thought I had a month to live, I would be all “take this job and shove it!” And if I had a friend whose billionaire husband could round up all the best doctors in the world for me, I would damn well take her up on the offer.

Yeah, I kept waiting for Tommy Boy and Vinnie to start making out! Why was Vinnie there trying on shirts? Does he model now?

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20 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

and Brat Bell can't possibly be that stupid to off another black woman like disposable trash yet AGAIN

Its sweet that you'd think that.

Is anything happening on this "show" anymore?  Brooke's drinking moonshine out of jelly jars. The fiery and gorgeous Sally Spectra being reduced to the shakes and spells of 'weakness' is given  some nebulous diagnosis that will keep her in perpetual limbo. (by the way, Wyatt can FOAD any time now for how he is treating Our Sally. )

Liam and Steffy and Hope are having the same conversation they've been having for 12 years, this time with toddlers thrown in but still no resolution.

No surprise guest appearances?  jail break by Dr Windsor Castle?  Caroline washing up on shore to get her poor baby away from his fool of at father?  Does Bill even exist anymore?  Is the site where "Skye" was supposed to go (the old Spectra building) still a pile of rubble in the middle of L.A.?  Can Quinn either kill someone or get killed so we can stop watching her "Suspicious/Revenge face"?

I still haven't come back to show, and it seems like there isn't anything to come back to.


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Bleh, I can't stand watching Hope use that innocent child as an emotional crutch.

Whee, if looks could kill Zoe would be a pile of dead bones now. Douglas does not approve. Thomas is such an a-hole for treating her like a chess piece.

24 hours haven't even passed and Katie's already blabbed Sally's secret to two people. She is the worst confidante. Gee, Katie, just put up a billboard and let the whole city know.

On at least one soap forum they're really shipping Zoe & Carter. Ugh, not me. Carter's a moron AFAIC. I still don't know how he didn't lose his law license over that Phoebe adoption.

Those were easily the ugliest earrings I have ever seen. And who is this Charlotte chick that was acting the life of the birthday party? Have we seen her before?

Vinnie! Do the right thing! You can stop Thomas before he needlessly hurts Douglas and Zoe.

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Just when I think this show can’t get any more sorry/stupid/ridiculous/ unbelievable, the writers prove me wrong. That show today with Zoe’s birthday party was the most pathetic and embarrassing episode I’ve ever seen. Stick a fork in this sad show.

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22 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Thomas is such an a-hole for treating her like a chess piece.

Thomas using this twit who herself has been abusive and stalkery and ultimately willing to throw the object of her obsession under the double-decker bus to save her bloomin' arse is the very least of his crimes. Especially when Zoe has no such excuse like PPD to excuse her complete obliviousness.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy her stupidity or this babe in the woods crap. This woman pulled a con job way before this baby mess to get closer to Xander, but she can pull Tommy Choo-choo's card? I would've been all for it if she was extorting his ass for money to go along with the scheme and then told Hope before fucking off. That, I'd consider tuning in for.

But we can't have nice things, can we? 😞

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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And who is this Charlotte chick that was acting the life of the birthday party? Have we seen her before?

We've seen her several times over the last year or so, but not as much as today. I believe I read somewhere that she's related to Suzanne Somers (niece?).

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So Sally is dying of some mystery disease (which WTAF to that - the dying and the fact that the lazy writers can't even be bothered to give it, I don't know, a NAME), she has a MONTH to live, and she's choosing to spend her final days at FC.


Then, "shockingly," Katie, who is sworn to secrecy about Sally's health, has already blabbed to $ Bill and Wyatt. Of course, telling Katie anything is like telling the town crier.

Neither man has the right to know anything about Katie but you know how she loves to meddle. And use her medical condition as a way to come between couples - Nicket, Still, and Bridge. Well, this time, she can do it vicariously. I have to wonder if she wants Wyatt to be with anyone, even if she seemingly doesn't want him anymore.

I'm calling it now. Sally will be miraculously cured but only after a hospital bed wedding with Wyatt. But she keeps it a secret ala Nikki when she deliciously tortured Victor after learning of his affair with Ashley when she was dying. But then again, I want better for Sally than puffy-faced, gaping goldfish Wyatt.

Thomas and Hope...what can I say that hasn't already been said? Both of them are too stupid to live, Hope especially. And she was the epitome of thirsty watching Thomas make out with Zoe with Douglas clinging to her legs.

I couldn't believe my ears, though, with the revisionist bullshit being spewed from Thomas about how Taylor should have used him as a means to keep Ridge.

Guess he forgot about how Taylor crowed to Stephanie that Thomas would be the "ultimate weapon" in the war with Brooke for Ridge. 

This show truly is the worst. 

Edited by CountryGirl
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Thanks for mentioning that last point, @CountryGirl. When Thomas made that ridiculous statement, I shouted back at the TV, "Like when your mother threatened to move far, far away with you," in order to get Ridge to marry her. 

Why weren't Steffy and Brooke at the birthday party? Day off? That would have been the perfect time for Brooke to call Thomas out (publicly) for using his son to get under Hope's skin. But Vinny was there. He's not even a FC employee. /scratching head

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12 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Thomas using this twit who herself has been abusive and stalkery and ultimately willing to throw the object of her obsession under the double-decker bus to save her bloomin' arse is the very least of his crimes. Especially when Zoe has no such excuse like PPD to excuse her complete obliviousness.

I'm sorry, but I don't buy her stupidity or this babe in the woods crap. This woman pulled a con job way before this baby mess to get closer to Xander, but she can pull Tommy Choo-choo's card? I would've been all for it if she was extorting his ass for money to go along with the scheme and then told Hope before fucking off. That, I'd consider tuning in for.

But we can't have nice things, can we? 😞

We could, if they'd let you write it. 😉

I wouldn't mind cutting half the cast & keeping Vinny. He's not related, he has a good head on his shoulders, maybe he might occasionally sell drugs, but a little shade in the past makes for interesting conversations. 

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Why weren't Steffy and Brooke at the birthday party?

I think Steffy and Brooke still don't like Zoe because of her involvement in the Phoebeth mess. Hope probably only went because she wanted to see how Thomas would act with Zoe at a company event. She got an eyeful. What I really don't understand is why Douglas was there, other than Thomas wanting to use him to provoke Hope. Nobody else brought their kid.


Vinny was there. He's not even a FC employee.

Vinny and Zoe were roommates for a while and they appear to have become friends. What I'm wondering is if he's still paying rent on that apartment that he's pretty much no longer living in. At the very least I think Thomas should've covered it until Zoe got her job back at FC and could afford to pay it herself. Odds are though that freeloader Tom (like his daddy) didn't give Vinny nary a cent while he was hiding out there himself.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

couldn't believe my ears, though, with the revisionist bullshit being spewed from Thomas about how Taylor should have used him as a means to keep Ridge.

Guess he forgot about how Taylor crowed to Stephanie that Thomas would be the "ultimate weapon" in the war with Brooke for Ridge. 

What person SAYS this? Who would WANT to be that child being used as a bargaining chip to keep a man that doesn't want to be there?! It was awkward enough growing up having to make calls to my dad for the child support he owed us.

im just so confused how anyone could write this.


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Yes, Wyatt. It's terminal and it's YOUR FAULT! You killed Sally's health! You're a bad person! 😩

Katie is a whackadoodle. What was the point of telling Wyatt about Sally's dire diagnosis if not for him to go comfort her? Maybe stop being such a busybody, Katie!

Poor Sally. Like it wasn't bad enough to get the worst news from Dr. Peleton, she went back to the miserable FC office and had to deal with RBF Quinn trying to make fake nice.

When Hope saw how upset Douglas was she should've just taken him and left that dumb party. What is wrong with her? It's like she wants to be Thomas' fool.

Hmm, wonder if Wyatt will tell Flo about Sally's health so she can be Flo's "friend" too? Ugh.

Wait, is Hope's position that Thomas should not date, or is it that Thomas should not let Douglas (or her) be aware of it? Guess it doesn't matter since Tom played his ace card today. How does she not see the way he's using Douglas to manipulate her? How?

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Hope is so fucking dense and gullible.

I wish that Sludge would just file the divorce papers and put Brooke out of her misery. If he thinks he and Brooke are exhausted, I'm exhausted watching them have the same stonewall argument every day.


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The baby reveal/Thomas' fall happened in August, no? That was at least six months that Ridge and Brooke have been having this same circular discussion that neither of them will cave on. Like, GEEZ. Put Bridge out of our misery already.

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Wait, is $Bill about to step into the Tommy Choo Choo fray? At least for Douglas' sake? Oh please yes!

Thomas definitely knows better but how long is Hope going to keep considering decisions based on what a 5-year-old wants? No adult should be giving a kid that much power or responsibility. No stable one, anyway.

Why is Shauna even still living in LA? It's clearly not for Flo and she doesn't have a job. So now she's going to lay around Flo's apartment gossiping and entertaining visits from Quinn and Ridge?

Good grief, Katie. You couldn't keep your lips zipped and now half of LA will know about Sally's situation. Such a blabbermouth busybody. Of course Flo will tell Shauna, Shauna will tell Quinn, Quinn will tell Eric, Eric will tell Ridge and Steffy, Steffy will tell Liam, Liam will tell Wyatt, and Wyatt will be like, "Where you been? I knew that last week." 🤔

I think if Liam is going to keep confronting Thomas he should at least record the conversation or have a witness nearby. What a waste of time.

Flo: I think we both know what you have to do.
Wyatt: Wife you right away so I don't have to marry sicko Sally for a few weeks?
Flo: Well, if you insist...🙄

They had Thomas making Joe Goldberg faces today, especially the "challenge accepted" one. Yawn. Cheap imitation is cheap. 😒

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How does Ridge know how surprised Zoey was?  He wasn’t even there.  


I sure hope Vinnie  blows the whistle on Lurch. Vinnie can see that he’s playing both Zoey and Douglas and he’s dead set against it.  


Lurch is scamming and Little Bo Peep sees it but she will do anything for Douglas. Will Little Bo Peep confide in Brooke?  Even if she does, she still will give Lurch the benefit of the doubt. All I can say Beth who?  










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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

All I can say Beth who? 

You know, when this whole mess began, I figured it was a plot to push Steffy and Liam together. Boy, was I wrong.....if only it were just about that.

The baby story did reset a lot for B&B. Not so much for the show that's gone back to shilling the ToD and who ruined Wyatt's one good feature to prop another worthless Bell toy who will be disposed of in another year or two.

No, what changed is with us the audience drawing a much harder line than they did in the past for some truly rank writing that disregard the very history foust upon us for the last ten years. Hope is only slightly more auteristic than Steffy--she wouldn't lie about killing a cousin in self defense--but she's not Bridget. Hell, even Bridget would have put an end to these shenanigans months ago and gotten his grandmothers on the horn long ago.

As much as I'm glad her haters were proven wrong about her forgetting him as soon as Beth was back (as what usually happens on these shows that push biology above everything else), it's gone to the other extreme where Beth might as well not exist.

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The only good point of the show today was Thomas calling Liam out on his waffling between Hope and Steffy, and yes, he used that actual term. When Thomas said that he (Thomas) was a one-woman man, Liam argued back that it was "obsession." You would have had to have seen it to get the nuances, but the way it came across, Liam was acting like his behavior toward  H&S was perfectly normal and acceptable. /eyeroll.  Not that I am supporting Thomas, but Waffle Boy had that one coming.

Again. Hope is too stupid and naive to live. Brooke was literally painting a picture for her today about how Thomas' behavior at Zoe's birthday party (after Hope described) it, was play-acting and manipulation and dumb-bell just stood there. She's officially adopted Liam's gaping-mouth, deer-in-the-headlights expression. She insists that Thomas' feelings for Zoe are sincere.

Speaking of ... I do not feel one drop of sympathy for Zoe when she gets burned in the end. Nope. Not one shred. Call it karma, baby.

I am so glad that Brooke finally went to Bill for help. I think she actually went to SP to track down Liam, but it was a bonus that Bill was there and heard the story and gave his two cents about protecting Douglas. I wish those two would team up and take Thomas out and as a bonus, rekindle the flame. 

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On 2/14/2020 at 8:11 PM, CharlizeCat said:

You would have had to have seen it to get the nuances

Yabbut that means I'd have to watch the show 😛

i hate Thomas still, but Liam has been rationalizing this crap for a decade now. Kinda like I couldn't get mad at Eric reading him for filth (which next to  the Forrest family freakout over Deacon's deflowering of Bridget and the Bill DARE dress down is my 3rd favorite scene of all time on the show!) in spite of his own dismissiveness of his wives, Thomas isn't wrong. I daresay that were Liam to have ever given Hope a real reason to trust and believe in him before Beth's "death," she wouldn't have been so set on pushing him on Steffy before he could leave on his own. Nor would Hope have fallen for that idiot trap Thomas set up...I mean, it worked once before when Rick did the same thing and Thomas was also the benefactor there.


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Well, today's show was as stupid as ever. Did Liam really tell Hope that nothing is going on between him and Steffy? Didn't we just see him initiate a kiss with her the other day? Something along the lines of "showing what's in his heart"? Give me a break. 

How lovely that Wyatt is going to offer himself to Sally in pity for her diagnosis. This show makes me sick.

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Wash rinse repeat repeat repeat. Brooke and Ridge arguing about Lurch. 

Little Bo Peep, why don’t you go back to your little girl outfits instead of showing off the “girls” to Lurch.  

Katie, you got a heart and a kidney to keep you alive. I don’t think any transplant can save Sally but of course we don’t know what Sally has. 

Little Bo Peep you dumb 💩. Lurch is committed to you, via co-parenting and he’s kissing Zoey in front of you and Douglas. Lurch didn’t have to kiss Zoey the way he did when just a peck would do. It was all just for show and only Vinnie realized it. 

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It's ridiculous how willfully obtuse Ridge is determined to be about Thomas.

So Flo wasn't redeemed enough? Now she's gonna give up her man too? At least temporarily. Meanwhile, Wyatt, Sally can be dying the same way you are. She's just doing it way faster than you. Maybe...

Sally continuing to go to work at FC is absurd to me. Who would do that? I bet TPTB just don't want to provide an apartment set for Sally.

I don't understand why people ask Thomas heartfelt questions like they expect him suddenly to start being honest.

Hope: Are you saying I'm naive, or stupid?
Liam: ¿Por qué no los dos?

OMG, Hope. Steffy walked in on you screwing Liam, her husband at the time. Shut up about the stupid kiss!

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

So Flo wasn't redeemed enough? Now she's gonna give up her man too? At least temporarily. Meanwhile, Wyatt, Sally can be dying the same way you are. She's just doing it way faster than you. Maybe...

While I'd love for Sally to make a miraculous recovery just on principle, Courtney Hope deserves so much better than being a third rate character and treated like a fourth rate talent on a show that produced half of soapdom's most notorious hair models, including long standing punchline Ronn Moss.

And what irritates me most is in a year or two, once Brat Bell's moved on to a new fixation, he's gonna do the same shit to Flo to be rid of her, and then what was all this for? A giant waste of time, just like the baby switch was, where nothing's changed except Thomas usurping Liam as the show's romantic lead, because this is bizarro world.

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Hope: Are you saying I'm naive, or stupid?


Interesting retort by Hope that Liam hasn't been "committed" to her.  He stuck by her all during her grief and irrational behavior after Beth "died" and actually fought to keep their marriage together. I guess that was just a rare lapse in reason and normal behavior for him, but his dumbfounded reaction today was OTT. Whenever Hope throws Liams waffling in his face, his weak-sauce argument is that he also "has a family" with Steffy. AND ... if he wants to prove his commitment to Hope, he needs to move the fuck outta Steffy's house! How hard is that? Who cares if he's sleeping in the guest room?

Listening to Bridge have the same tired argument makes me want to stick knitting needles into my ears.  And what was with Brooke's hair today? that weird half updo with the milkmaid braid crown wasn't working. Her hair is too fine for a style like that. It was half Heidi and half Victoria's Secret beach waves. 

Katie's constant harping at Sally reminds me when Brooke kept nagging Stephanie until she finally gave in and went to see a doctor about treating her lung cancer. 


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13 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

OMG, Hope. Steffy walked in on you screwing Liam, her husband at the time. Shut up about the stupid kiss!

ITA about Hope being as dumb as the box of hair Steffy keeps on her dresser, but Steffy did not walk in on Lope screwing. They were making out, nothing more, as can be easily seen here (Liam's pants are clearly upright with belt firmly secured). 

But even if he had been screwing Hope, the Steamless marriage was over the day this happened. All that was left to do was sign the papers. Liam owed that skank bitch nothing.


The two situations aren't remotely comparable IMO.

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12 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Whenever Hope throws Liams waffling in his face, his weak-sauce argument is that he also "has a family" with Steffy. 

So, what was his excuse before 2018? Technically, he "had a family" with Steffy in the clip Countrygirl posted up there, too, as well as the first time he tried to marry this version of Hope. Has he ever true apologized for any of that? He seemed to have some glimmers of self awareness last year when the plot called for it,

This is Billy Buttbiscuit Abbott levels of self absorbed, and spineless wimp that he is, Liam is capable of better.

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Our new drinking game? Taking a shot every time one of the characters says”our little family”.  Also works if another character says “their little family”.  We’ll all be drunk enough to endure watching!

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Liam, give up. That nutbag will never listen to reason. She's likely gonna get with Tom just to try to prove you and Brooke wrong. Beth? Beth who?

Why does Douglas have the run of FC and expect doors to be unlocked for him? That kid is a self-entitled menace! Shouldn't he be in pre-school?

One fcuking kiss! Apparently in Hope's warped mind that's the permission for Thomas to do whatever be wants.

Thomas sending Douglas to do his dirty work. UGH!!!!!! IT'S CHILD ABUSE!

Why does Thomas feel free to confess everything to Vinny? Why is he so sure Vinny won't rat him out? And doesn't Vinny have a job or something? How does he have time to be hanging around FC monitoring Thomas?

Liam, don't waste your time with Zoe either. She thinks she's being redeemed by being with Thomas and will stay with him just to try to prove she's worthy.

A "healthy obsession"? Sure, Jan Tommy.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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