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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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20 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

They all suck at life and sins of the parents manifest its self in future generations or you wouldn’t have a soap opera. Will, Beth, Douglas, and Kelly are still too young, but give it time, TIIC will give this next generation shit ass story lines because there are no Forester or Spencer angels in the City of Angels. 

Ain't that the fucking truth. The twins who played Hope were two of the most charming child actors to ever grace this show, and yeah I'm including lil Douglas in that 😛 it was seeing her be a big part of Nick's development in particular that got me interested in how she'd turn out as an adult, and....welp.

I'm sure that whatever "development" these great-grandkids get will make Steffy and Hope's arc look like Oscar material in comparison. It's coming up ten years since Hope was SORASed and I'm still pissed she shared all of one whole scene with Bridget.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I don't think the show has ever been in a worse state than it is today. There is absolutely no balance, the show tends to fixate on one story at a time and everybody else on canvas talks about that one story. And that one story almost always comes back to the Hope/Liam/Steffy love triangle that should've been put to bed years ago. None of the actors have the ability to carry it off.

Meanwhile, they've all but gutted the entire lineup of legacy children: Phoebe, Ally and Caroline II were killed off; Thomas has become a psycho; Steffy and Hope are unbearable; Rick, Bridget, Zende and RJ have been written off unceremoniously; while Little Eric, Jack and Dino practically don't even exist. 

Why do they briefly hire (and make a big announcement) of supporting actors being put on contract and then do nothing with them before taking them off contract? In the last few years it's happened with bizarre regularity. 

They have so many opportunities to diversify their cast and storylines but every time they seem to back away from it. I remember when a casting call went out for a bisexual guy, but it never materialized, presumably because of the more conservative international markets in which B&B (still?) airs. That's a flimsy excuse but it's better than whatever reason they've cooked up to justify having an almost-entirely white cast in a city as diverse as LA. Right now there's only Zoe who's non-white; I can't remember the last time there was a Latin or Asian-American character. Kristen and Tony could've adopted more kids, no? Or for that matter, Rick and Maya could apply to adopt and wind up with a teenager - instant drama.

B&B won a lot of praise on the rare occasions when it delved into social issue-led storytelling like homelessness and cancer. Why not attempt one of those again? Y&R has just launched a breast cancer storyline, in addition to Alzheimer's disease (which GH is also exploring). Homelessness is still topical, especially in the LA area. Is it that difficult to write a follow-up to the Skid Row stories? Brooke was supposed to be involved in that as part of Stephanie's legacy. It would be a much better story if she were to take a homeless teen, be unable to adopt him/her because of her past (losing custody of her kids) and having Rick and Maya step in. If the kid wound up on the streets due to sexual orientation, there would be so much story to tell there. Hey, this being B&B, it would not even merit an arched eyebrow if it were a boy who falls in love with his (adoptive) uncle, RJ.

Edited by Aymery
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5 hours ago, Aymery said:

don't think the show has ever been in a worse state than it is today. There is absolutely no balance, the show tends to fixate on one story at a time and everybody else on canvas talks about that one story. And that one story almost always comes back to the Hope/Liam/Steffy love triangle that should've been put to bed years ago. None of the actors have the ability to carry it off.

Agreed on all accounts. Even in the days of ToD in the early 2010s, we'd get a side story like that random texting and driving that Marcus was involved in that had nothing to do with those idiots. But that was rare, even then.

This isn't a new problem to B&B...before RM left, the show was still trying to to push the Bridge/Tridge war at any opportunity and far too many characters got sacrificed to prop that over the years. But it was watchable in a love-hate sort of way, with the occasional fashion show and pretty location shoot to break up the stupid.

Now, not only do I hate all the characters, I'm bored and that's even worse. There's nothing new that will ever be done with the ToD or Bridge and I don't even have the glorious cheese this show was known for to distract from that.

5 hours ago, Aymery said:

Right now there's only Zoe who's non-white; I can't remember the last time there was a Latin or Asian-American character. 

2005 and 1996, respectively. That's not a joke, there was Thomas' girlfriend Gabriela and Jessica Forrester's friend Michael (who was a girl and no explanation was given behind this name, unless the Bells were friends with actress Michael Learned, who played Katherine Chancellor for a few months)


Edited by Anna Yolei
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6 hours ago, Aymery said:

 I can't remember the last time there was a Latin or Asian-American character.

The last one I remember was Hector Ramirez, who left at the end of 2006.

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46 minutes ago, ByTor said:

The last one I remember was Hector Ramirez, who left at the end of 2006.

Oh yeah, I forgot about his batshit ass who covered to Taylor killing Darla. I can't even remember how he left the show, tbh.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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9 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Oh yeah, I forgot about his batshit ass who covered to Taylor killing Darla. I can't even remember how he left the show, tbh.

Yeah, but still, you said 2005, so definitely in the ballpark.  I think he left without much explanation like Taylor did...except I don't think he was wearing his pajamas 😂

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But yeah...as TeamGabbi can attest to, there's been a....we'll be kind and say it's a loud and vocal movement amongst many fandoms on Tumblr especially to push for better diversity and representation in media (with the Star Wars Culture War being one of the more notorious examples). I'm black and while I've never exactly tuned in to soaps for their cultural sensitivity, even B&B used to have better diversity. One of Windsor Harmon's first stories in his role as Thorne was protecting a woman named Claudia who worked for FC from deportation as immigration were doing random raids. This story would have ten times more impactful today.

It's just so ridiculous that B&B has regressed so damn much over the years, and there's no clearer example tthan the comparison between the way Caroline's attack story was written--with her arc and character as front and center and her continuing to retain her agency as a human being--versus the way Brooke's story twenty years later was handled:  in which any development was secondary to making Ridge the hero and paving the way for a reunion no one asked for, much like this cancer story for Sharon on Y&R.

And even as horrid as that story was? The family still all took a hard turn on Stephanie when her part in it came to light. She was forgiven like every long term character, sure, but that still took months and she got a cap in the ass for it. Quinn's only punishment for Liam was having no one but Wyatt show up to her wedding to Eric. Steffy was angry and Thomas for exactly two seconds until he could once again be used as a tool to interview between Lope, which is still two seconds longer than the rest of the Forresters combined.

Joy. 🙄

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

But yeah...as TeamGabbi can attest to, there's been a....we'll be kind and say it's a loud and vocal movement amongst many fandoms on Tumblr especially to push for better diversity and representation in media (with the Star Wars Culture War being one of the more notorious examples). I'm black and while I've never exactly tuned in to soaps for their cultural sensitivity, even B&B used to have better diversity. One of Windsor Harmon's first stories in his role as Thorne was protecting a woman named Claudia who worked for FC from deportation as immigration were doing random raids. This story would have ten times more impactful today.

It's just so ridiculous that B&B has regressed so damn much over the years, and there's no clearer example tthan the comparison between the way Caroline's attack story was written--with her arc and character as front and center and her continuing to retain her agency as a human being--versus the way Brooke's story twenty years later was handled:  in which any development was secondary to making Ridge the hero and paving the way for a reunion no one asked for, much like this cancer story for Sharon on Y&R.

And even as horrid as that story was? The family still all took a hard turn on Stephanie when her part in it came to light. She was forgiven like every long term character, sure, but that still took months and she got a cap in the ass for it. Quinn's only punishment for Liam was having no one but Wyatt show up to her wedding to Eric. Steffy was angry and Thomas for exactly two seconds until he could once again be used as a tool to interview between Lope, which is still two seconds longer than the rest of the Forresters combined.

Joy. 🙄

The big push in the Diversity category is likely due to Social Media and everyone having a voice, and the push is valid since our real lives are diverse so why not our television and movies?  It's a topic that comes up frequently among my Media classes, however I will say that I notice that whenever a cast is diverse the writing is shit(not always) and makes you wonder is it even worth it? Perfect example that Anna Yolei mentioned Star Wars had a black male lead in the first movie and when it got backlash what did Disney do? They buckled and sidelined him for the rest of the trilogy (A bit of a broad explanation but that's the gist). Then there is Black Panther which was wildly successful on a global scale. Crazy Rich Asians etc. There is money to be made in diverse casting and not doing so Hollywood is missing out on bags and bags of money. Because People of Color watch T.V/Movies too and Hollywood is slowly catching up to this. 

As for B&B there is Detective Sanchez who they never use I was so hoping they would do something more with him after the Phobeth story came to an end, and possibly could've put an end to the DopeSteamless love triangle once and for all, Carter who's a joke, and Maya who's also never there. I think there needs to be more diverse writers at the helm before they cast people of color onto the screen because without that aspect you get characters like the former mentioned above. Or Lani on DOOL. 

In speaking of DOOL is diverse-ish but their POC are written terribly, I'm black too and I cannot stand Lani. The nicest thing I could say about her is her hair always looks good. And as much as I love Gabi her writing is shitty too but Camila Banus carries it for me. I don't watch soaps for racial sensitivity either but can appreciate when it's (rarely) done right. Lol  

The cancer story for Sharon is being handled well but the fact that it's paving the way for more Sharon/Prick it turned sour for me real quick. I've almost always hated that pairing. 

The fact that Taylor found the nerve to shoot Bill but not Quinn is just further proof that she's crazy.

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I hope Eric kicks Sleazy Shauna’s butt out of the guest house. There is no reason for her to be there except to stalk Ridge. Does that heifer even have a job? Same for Flo. Flo’s ill-gotten gains from the baby stealing conspiracy won’t last forever. 
Sally, don’t waste anymore time on that loser Wyatt!

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Have to wonder whether Brooke would be confronting Eric about Quinn if she didn't feel Shauna was a threat to her marriage. Even though she may be making some valid points about Quinn, her objectivity is shaky and Quinn's history is already well known to Eric.

Plus, Eric already knew Ridge was messing with Shauna. Ridge told him and Eric gave him his half-hearted blessing. IMO Brooke has no true friends in the Forrester mansion except maybe Douglas.

Ew, was Sally planning to do Wyatt all night IN THAT OFFICE? Hope and Thomas work in there too sometimes. I doubt either of them want to be coming in contact with the remains of Wyatt and Sally's intimate bodily fluids--at least not without prior consent. <shudder>

OMG, Flo, stop sucking up to Katie. Wyatt is going to take you back regardless. Katie's approval just lets him feel less guilty about dumping Sally for you again.

What is this continuing Forrester matriarch baloney? Seems to me the role of a matriarch should be determined by the reverence and high regard of others, not merely by marriage. These Forrester men treat it like some kind of door prize. Watch, when Ridge and Shauna get married (yeah, right) he'll be wanting to hang her nail-polish-on-black-velvet portrait over the mantle.

Aw, Sally. This is not the way you want to go out. You can't force a man to stay with you, especially one as flaky as Wyatt. With all you've got going on, you should be fighting the men off; men much better than that tool Wyatt.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Have to wonder whether Brooke would be confronting Eric about Quinn if she didn't feel Shauna was a threat to her marriage

Brooke was almost entirely MIA back when the issue of Quinn's worthiness to become Mrs Eric Forrester #5 was an actual issue, so....no. She didn't have boo diddly dick to say because at the time she and Ridge were barely back together and it didn't affect her.

Like, Quinn is a psycho, but if Eric survived Sheila, he'll survive Quinn. But much like her tantrum at Flo and Katie's bedside, this isn't about Eric. It's about Ridge and it's not a good look. Homegirl is one gunshot away from being the new Taylor.

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Brooke is as delusional as Lurch in thinking she can scheme and conspire in making demands in getting what they want.  Brooke is now Hecate. “Double double boil and bubble; fire burn cauldron bubble”.  Hecate threatens Quinn in front of Eric and he wants Quinn to be the big bigger person?  Eric is still the wimp ass that Stephanie created.

Hecate relating, to Katie, what went on at Eric’s house failing to tell Katie that she slapped Shanna first and that it takes two to tango when it comes to kisses.  Hecate calls Quinn and Shanna sluts from LV but didn’t Stephanie call Hecate the slut from the valley?  I guess Hecate knows one when she sees one.  

Sally has become Alex Forrest of Fatal Attraction. With Alex and Hecate, the LA pet stores are going to run out of bunnies.  

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The writing is so bad on this show, I swear. I’m not sure why they even felt the need to drag Quinn into this feud but it’s not even logical. And the character of Brooke was far from a slut shamer. If this were Days, I would say that she was possessed by the demonic spirit of Stephanie as a final act of revenge. That would actually make more sense than her and Quinn suddenly hating one another, when they have been in each other’s orbits for years without issue other than the brief Quinn/Ridge thing. And even then her anger was more at Ridge than Quinn. 

And this show loves to fuck up a strong young woman. Sally is gorgeous, talented, smart, and funny. She should NOT be pressuring some wishy washy man to stay with her. And soaps wonder why people are tuning out in droves. 

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The manufactured Quinn/Brooke "war" is ridiculous and not what fans intended when they asked for more SLs for some of the older cast members. It might also have been a hastily constructed Hail Mary to cover for when DR goes off to film her movie (if that is actually true) or to honor filming commitments for RHoBH.  If the feud is focused on Brooke and Quinn, then Shauna's ongoing presence isn't really needed.

Brooke, listen to yourself. Shauna or no Shauna, your marriage will not survive until the conflict over Thomas is resolved. 

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Brooke's rarely been this unhinged before.  Asking Eric to leave Quinn?  That's crazy.  I've always thought her relationship with Eric was opportunistic.  She only goes to him when she needs something, e.g., a shoulder to cry on, a man to pose as the father of her baby when she's knocked up by her relative's husband, etc.

But demanding Eric divorce his wife?  That's beyond bananas.  I hope he starts to stand firmer with her instead of letting her rant and rave about Quinn.  And I don't even like Quinn.

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23 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

But demanding Eric divorce his wife?  That's beyond bananas.  I hope he starts to stand firmer with her instead of letting her rant and rave about Quinn.

Pffft. Good luck with that. I can't remember one single instance of Eric ever firmly standing up and protecting his wife at the moment from the beration and bashing of another woman or taking her concerns seriously. He blew off Brooke's concerns about Stephanie meddling; he dismissed Stephanie's concerns about Lauren; he blew off Donna's concerns about Pam's clearly deranged behavior until Pam literally tried to feed her to a bear. The only time Eric's ever put a clear foot down on blatant disrespect was when Liam was mewling about Quinn Bad. But then, Liam is the only man on this show who's an even bigger pushover than Eric.

Brooke is not technically wrong, but I'm getting deja vu of every time Nick pisses about Adam--shes just so damn obviously up her own ass that it negates any point she's trying to make. Quinn and Eric have been married for years now--where was this concern before the wedding, when it might have counted for something?

On 1/21/2020 at 8:12 AM, CharlizeCat said:

Brooke, listen to yourself. Shauna or no Shauna, your marriage will not survive until the conflict over Thomas is resolved. 

Ding, ding, ding!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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While I do think it's ridiculous for Brooke to be trying to boss Eric into kicking out his houseguest or divorcing his wife, she's not wrong re Quinn. Even setting aside all of the crazy that is still very much there, the crazy that incited her to kidnap and rape Liam and this after months earlier, holding him at swordpoint, as well as attempting to kill Deacon by shoving him off a cliff, there's the very real fact that Quinn's vested interest in a Sharidge hook-up goes way beyond supporting her BFF.

It's all about her getting to finally fuck Ridge, albeit vicariously. 

Had Brooke led with that, I think she might have gotten a little more traction. Well, as much traction as can be had with loveable dolt Eric.

Also, as much as the slapfest entertained me - momentarily - this storyline, with middle-aged women doing their best Krystle vs Alexis or even younger Brooke vs Stephanie, isn't working. They are too damn old for this shit and women of any age fighting over a man is tedious.


Elsewhere, we have the beautiful and talented Sally Spectra reduced to begging in lingerie. I hated it when they continued to play that tired trope with Brooke and I won't stand for it with Sally. And then she's going to beg Flo, too.

I am hanging by the tiniest of frayed threads, show. 

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

there's the very real fact that Quinn's vested interest in a Sharidge hook-up goes way beyond supporting her BFF.

It's all about her getting to finally fuck Ridge, albeit vicariously. 

1) Ew

2) does Shauna know about that tryst between them?

3) What's the Vegas odds on how long it'll take Quinn to move in on Ridge after he and Shauna become official? 👀

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4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

2) does Shauna know about that tryst between them?

3) What's the Vegas odds on how long it'll take Quinn to move in on Ridge after he and Shauna become official? 👀

Yes Shauna knows about Quidge. She told her right after their Bikini Bar apartment sleepover. 

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Huh. Currently tuned into B&B, which is a rerun for some reason. It was very obviously a rerun because it was a fashion show and no one has done a fashion show or discussed doing one in over a year 😂

Kinda odd time to have a rerun, but considering the dreary funeral march this show's become, I'm not complaining.

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which is a rerun for some reason.

Not sure if serious. 😉

These preemptions for the congressional stuff are proving how little CBS regards B&B, IMO. At the very least they could put the episodes online on their own site. I wonder if they'll ever show the three missing episodes (Tuesday, Wednesday, and today) or if they'll just skip them like they apparently did with the Christmas show?

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Well...partially serious. I live on the West Coast and it airs at 12:30 in my market, so I assumed the trial would have still been going on at that time. CBS 8 in San Diego still aired a new episode of Y&R afterwards, so...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

These preemptions for the congressional stuff are proving how little CBS regards B&B, IMO.

On one hand, it is stupid and a wasted opportunity to get new subscriptions to All Access. I mean, Star Trek Picard is pretty lit and all, but....

On the other hand, the paper used to print these recycled scripts would be better served as toilet paper, so I'm not sitting shiva over CBS giving the show the Joss Whedon Firefly treatment.

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I'm not sure it would go over well to "force" viewers to subscribe to CBS' streaming service in order to view episodes that CBS decided to preempt.

Whatever, I guess today's episode was online for a while but it got taken down after somebody realized that the Tuesday and Wednesday episodes had neither been broadcast nor put online so they were sort of jumping the gun.

Meanwhile my local CBS station ran a 10 second blurb near the end of the news program this evening saying that some episodes of Y&R and B&B would be broadcast at like 1 a.m. tomorrow morning during what is usually paid program time. Ridiculous. I truly believe CBS wants to kill their soaps and just switch to an extended morning show like ABC and NBC.

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7 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I truly believe CBS wants to kill their soaps and just switch to an extended morning show like ABC and NBC.

It wouldn't surprise me after the way they let GL and ATWT go to seed, but I wish they would just fucking do it instead of pulling this underhanded crap. I mean, they're still riding on the whole OJ Killed Daytime TV whine a full 25 years later, but that was a time when CBS didn't have the technology to put the episodes elsewhere. Are they gonna use this trial as the excuse when they finally axe these shows?

Although speaking of ratings, did B&B manage to hold onto its lead over Y&R? That show was in a really bad spot this past summer with every story being 2009 rehash, but what little I saw today seemed marginally better than that rubbish.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Still no B&B episodes put up on CBS.com since Monday. Guess TPTB at CBS are telling the B&B viewers to go eff themselves. 😒 I really wonder why Brad hasn't moved this show to a streaming platform. It seems to me like CBS couldn't care less.I

Meanwhile, there's this:

Oy, JMW might want to consider wearing jackets that fit. 🤔

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Not sure if today's episode was actually broadcast in any time zones but it is up on CBS.com.

What kind of phones do Steffy and Thomas have with that annoying ring tone? Sounds like a rotary phone from the 1940s.

Oh Sally, no. Your problem isn't Flo, it's Wyatt. That said, Flo is kind of full of herself, IMO. She seems to think she's entitled to Wyatt. Ugh.

Wah, wah, Liam. Hope broke up with you because you still can't pick a lane and stay in it. Now Hope is looking for a sympathetic ear and mistakenly thinking it's attached to Thomas.

Again, Liam has to take the blame for what Steffy and Thomas did, just like Night of Molly. It's like Thomas and Steffy are coated in Teflon. Nothing sticks to them.

Yeah, no, I bet Steffy ain't gonna confess nothing to Liam about that kiss. Something will happen to head her off before she can get it out and then she'll change her mind.

I've just gotten around to watching the latest season of You and it's cracking me up how much Thomas is being written to be a low-rent version of Joe Goldberg. Problem is, a broadcast daytime soap can't get anywhere near the level of adult language, violence, and sex scenes that You has. But I've noticed that they have Thomas making faces similar to the ones Joe Goldberg makes and it cracks me up. Please, Thomas' storyline on B&B isn't You-lite. It's a Bizarro world You where nothing can be worse than PG-13 (or TV-14, I guess; same diff).

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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I've just gotten around to watching the latest season of You and it's cracking me up how much Thomas is being written to be a low-rent version of Joe Goldberg. Problem is, a broadcast daytime soap can't get anywhere near the level of adult language, violence, and sex scenes that You has. But I've noticed that they have Thomas making faces similar to the ones Joe Goldberg makes and it cracks me up. Please, Thomas' storyline on B&B isn't You-lite. It's a Bizarro world You where nothing can be worse than PG-13 (or TV-14, I guess; same diff).

Off-topic, have you read the book? I haven't seen the show yet, either season, but I've read You, & I'm on the second book, Hidden Bodies. OMG, they're so naughty, but so, so good. She's a fantastic writer. Again, I haven't seen the show, but there's no way that the show can share the crazy amount of detail that the book does. If you haven't read either You or Hidden Bodies, RUN to get them. 

On topic: somehow, my DVR picked up yesterday's episode. I didn't get through all of it, but I saw enough to know that we missed nothing in our impeachment sabbatical. Quinn is all in for getting revenge on Brooke, but nice that she took a moment out of her Brooke hate-on to make sure Wyatt knows that Sally's feelings don't matter, & that Flo, the baby-knapping conspirator, lying, childhood sweetheart, is who Mommy wants him to be with. 

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1 hour ago, nkotb said:

Off-topic, have you read the book? I haven't seen the show yet, either season, but I've read You, & I'm on the second book, Hidden Bodies. OMG, they're so naughty, but so, so good. She's a fantastic writer. Again, I haven't seen the show, but there's no way that the show can share the crazy amount of detail that the book does. If you haven't read either You or Hidden Bodies, RUN to get them. 

Yeah, I've read both books and liked them enough to wonder why the author hasn't come out with a third one to complete the trilogy. I've found the TV series a bit amusing because of some stuff they've done to make the Joe character more palatable for general TV audiences. Then B&B with their take has watered things down even more because they can't fully commit to making Thomas a straight up villain. Not for very long anyway. It's a joke, AFAIC.

{Note to anyone planning to read the books, you really need to read them in order.}


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Thanks for letting us know that some of the episodes are online, everyone.  I'd just assumed that B&B wasn't going to be shown for the duration of the trial.  Speaking of that trial, does anyone else agree that if they're going to do this trial, they should start in the morning instead of the afternoon to get it over with sooner?  The way it's being conducted it's going to take forever!

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To confirm, the most recent episode of B&B for Jan. 27 was posted on the CBS website yesterday OR if you can get CBS On Demand through your cable provider. 

So, yeah ... @nkotb was right. We haven't missed much other than Hope's horrible new hairstyle and JMW being dipped like a trophy into a vat of too-dark self-tanner.

Steffy and Liam had taken Kelly for a day at the beach and she was very fussy when they brought her home. Kudos to SC for soothing her and hurrying her off-camera. Steffy was having major guilt pangs over "the kiss" and was struggling with whether or not to tell Liam. Then she noticed Kelly's tiny shoes on the floor next to Liam's and got all misty-eyed. When Liam returned from the nursery, Steffy laid it on thick about how nice the past few days had been to have Liam in the house to help with Kelly and "create memories." (Cue /eyeroll.)

As much as I detest Steffy, JMW looked smokin' hot yesterday in the tiniest sky blue bikini and flimsy flowing cover-up, which looked like it came from the HFTF line. She has lost all of her baby weight plus more, and was tanned from head to toe, but I think the shade was too dark. She had on minimal makeup and maybe it was her natural hair as it wasn't so long and thick and overly styled.

Anyway ... next, a pouty Hope flounced into the communal design office where Thomas was pretending to be toiling away. Her hair looked atrocious. She had demi-bangs and her hair was in one of those popular beachy waves styles, but stuck out all around her face like overgrown vines instead of salt-kissed tresses. She whined to Thomas about Liam and "the kiss" and he just pretended to lend a sympathetic ear, but the beady eyes were working it. She rambled on and on about how unreasonable Liam was about Douglas, blah, blah, blah ... There was another similar scene like that which ended with the two hugging.

Wyatt was visiting Quinn, who was dressed in a "bad Quinn" navy and black snakeskin patterned blouse, which looked all kinds of awesome on RS. Wyatt finally fessed up that he'd tried to dump Sally and go back to Flo. Quinn was so overjoyed, she broke open a bottle of champagne to turn their breakfast OJs into instant mimosas. However, she fell short of taking an actual sip when Wyatt went on to explain how Sally refused to end the engagement. There were a few more scenes with Wyatt and Quinn about how much Wyatt still cares for Sally. Quinn responded that Sally is a "tough girl" and had bounced back before and will this time.

Excuse me while I drop a ton of anvils here ... 

Sally dropped in on Flo. Flo was wearing dust-colored jeans (I know ... ) and this ugly green ribbed lightweight pullover that looked like it was from Walmart, so I was surprised to learn that it came from Nordstrom. Sally looked stylish and like a hot young fashion designer in a light grey dress with cutouts and a cropped dark suede jacket, Honestly, Sally looked and sounded delusional as she tried to argue to Flo that Wally went south because Sally was so consumed with work and her "slip of the tongue." Flo tried to reason that it was Wyatt's decision and asked Sally why she would want to stay with a man who obviously wanted somebody else? Sally's left hand was visibly shaking and at one point during the conversation, she dropped down to the couch. Flo was very concerned and offered Sally assistance. Sally struggled back on her feet and continued to argue her point with Flo. It wasn't a knock-down drag-out. Flo was very calm and reasonable. Sally was the one looking desperate. But I have to say that CH owned that scene, right down to the facial expressions and you could tell that something was very "off" with Sally. (BTW, Wyatt said that very thing to Quinn during their Pro-Flo discussion.)

At the end of the show, Liam and Steffy had finally put on actual clothing and Liam spotted one of Kelly's toys and was a little melancholy when he noted that Beth had the same toy and he and Steffy talked a bit about the "two families" situation Liam is caught in. Then, AGAIN, they discussed "the kiss," with Steffy insisting that it was all her fault.

The show ended with Steffy telling Liam that she has something important to tell him about "that kiss." Stay tuned for another threatening call or text from Thomas just in the nick of time.




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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

Here you go.  It looked much worse when you could see all of her and especially when she was moving around.



Bless her sweet heart. Poor little thing.

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Today's episode is up on CBS.com.

Good grief, Steffy, cough it up! Ugh, maybe she should've sent Liam a text since her mouth was malfunctioning.

What does Shauna do all day? Watch soap operas and eat bonbons? 😼 Why is she still even in LA?

I liked Brooke's blouse.

And of course Thomas shows up at just the wrong time. Why is it up to this m.f.-er to decide where Liam belongs? And again, what about Beth? She doesn't deserve to have a family with her parents?

Wait, WHAT!? Bill wants Liam to get back with Steffy? Yeesh, I'm thinking the topic of Liam's relationship with her should be off limits for Bill after what happened with him and Steffy. Surprised Liam didn't call him out on that.

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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Wait, WHAT!? Bill wants Liam to get back with Steffy? Yeesh, I'm thinking the topic of Liam's relationship with her should be off limits for Bill after what happened with him and Steffy. Surprised Liam didn't call him out on that.

It's been off-topic since the first time Bill conspired with Steffy to ruin Lope with the Aspen wedding, but most especially now.

But if Bill is back on his bullshit about how Steffy is the love of Liam's life, it only proves how completely inept and creatively bankrupt Brad Bell truly is and I'd rather he go back to shipping Wyatt with Flo.

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20 hours ago, A-Lo said:

Thanks for letting us know that some of the episodes are online, everyone.  I'd just assumed that B&B wasn't going to be shown for the duration of the trial.  Speaking of that trial, does anyone else agree that if they're going to do this trial, they should start in the morning instead of the afternoon to get it over with sooner?  The way it's being conducted it's going to take forever!

The “trial” can’t start before 1 pm. The Chief Justice has to do Supreme Court business in the am. 

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As predicted, yesterday's show opened with Steffy about to tell Liam that Thomas instigated "the kiss," when who should just happen to walk in unannounced? (Again, making the case for people on this show to LOCK THEIR DOORS!) Thomas interrupted by saying that he was indeed responsible for the kiss because he'd been encouraging Steffy to express to  Liam how she really felt about him. Of course, the chickenshit didn't step in to correct Thomas. She just stood there with a stupid, stunned expression on her Botoxed face.

In another scene, Shauna was over visiting Quinn and from the way Shauna spoke, it sounded like she had already been asked to leave the guest house ??? Then, Eric came into the room and asked Shauna if he could have a private word with his wife. That was when he told Quinn that she had to ask Shauna to leave the estate. Naturally, Quinn protested, and Eric would have none of that. His argument was the family (i.e., Bridge) came before friends and Quinn needed to get her priorities straight and support the Bridge marriage and not encourage Shauna to pursue Ridge. Quinn correctly pointed out that if Ridge wanted to see/kiss Shauna, he would do so, regardless of where Shauna lived. Eric would have none of that and proceeded to talk about how vulnerable Brooke was and how Eric was terribly worried about her thinking that it might drive Brooke to start drinking again.* Eric kissed a fuming Quinn on the cheek and left.

Meanwhile, Liam was back at work at SP and BILL!!! was behind the desk, lovingly berating Liam for being distracted and not paying attention to the business at hand. Liam started moaning about his split with Hope, and yes, inexplicably, Bill just cut Liam off and stated that Liam needed to be with Steffy. WTF? Bill's argument was that Liam is a rescuer/knight in shining armor, and Hope continued to bring drama and conflict into the relationship, which set off a vicious cycle (can't really disagree with Dollah here).** Bill also pointed out that maybe Hope has hidden feelings for/attraction to Thomas, to which Liam strongly disagreed. Anyway, Bill said that Steffy "grounds" Liam and "makes him a better man."  To me, that was laughable. I guess it's easy for Bill to shake Steffy off now that he's finally sampled the goods, so why not? Liam just looked dumbfounded as usual. 

Brooke, who looked absolutely stunning in a dusty rose blouse, and Hope were at Brooke's house and drowning in tea and tears over their respective failed relationships. They both blamed Thomas for everything, then Brooke steered the conversation to Shauna and Ridge kissing. Then, Brooke turned on a dime and started ranting about how Quinn was behind everything and was manipulating the situation with Ridge and Shauna and pleaded her case of how Eric needed to open his eyes to who the woman he married really was, and diveroce her. I gotta say that KKL was pretty convincing with the simultaneous cray-cray eyes and single trickle of tears. Then Brooke vowed -- mascara-streaked cheeks and all -- to fight Quinn to the bitter end.

The show wrapped up with Quinn and Shauna bitterly ruminating over how unfair, no make that watch at BITCH Brooke was to request that Shauna be exiled from the Forrester estate and how it was none of Brooke's business and that Brooke shouldn't interfere in the Queric marriage.*** Quinn also spilled to Shauna that Stephanie's nickname for Brooke was TSLFV. The show ended with Quinn stating that she was going to "get rid of Brooke once and for all." (paraphrasing) from from the cold crazy blue eyes and determined look on her face, I'd warning Brooke to watch her back would be a total understatement.

*Brooke had a drinking problem, for like what, a week? IMO, Katie was much, much worse off, but she gets to drink because her shrink said so. That was one SL where I felt KKL fell short. The ones who could really play the convincing drunk were Macy and Taylor, Intoxicated Brooke was mildly humorous and that was about it.

**If you follow Bill's logic, then Sally, not Steffy, would be the perfect woman for Liam. I actually believe that Lally could work. Sally could bring the level of "fun" (whatever that is, maybe just without Bob Hope and truffle fries), that Liam seems to crave, but without the cruel streak. And Sally certainly is no slouch in the cha-cha-cha area. Liam could ground Sally and help her along her path without derailing her.

***I love Brooke, but I am on Team Quinn here. Shauna's pursuit of Ridge started and ends with Shauna. Whether Ridge chooses to respond or not is on him. I take Quinn's encouragement as silly school-girl crush talk and at first, she straight up told Shauna that Bridge always found their way back to each other. Brooke also has no right to order Eric to divorce Quinn. This manufactured feud to bring more characters into the Thomas-Hope story is just lazy.

Here was the #1 fashion of the day. Don't worry as you know Brooke will be wearing this for the next month!



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I haven't been watching (as noted above) but heard about this exchange and LOL. 

Bill: "Don't take this the wrong way but I have to wonder if Hope isn't secretly attracted to that jerk."


Liam: "#$%^&*!"


And this:

Bill: "Hope is never happy unless she puts herself in the middle of some kind of unnecessary crisis. Hell, you're the same way."


Liam: "Math equation lady"


But he wasn't quite finished...

Bill: "The ONLY thing complicated is your life with Hope!"


Liam: "Stares at the floor, wishing it would swallow him up."


They really just need to turn this into the "$ Bill Tells It Like It Is" show. 

Although hardest of passes to Bill propping Steamless again. Don't make me have to cancel you, too, Bill. 

I had to LOL at seeing Hauxdi's reaction to Liam. Kind of like us and Liam right now. Heck, kind of like us and the whole shitshow that is B&B right now.


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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Brooke had a drinking problem, for like what, a week? IMO, Katie was much, much worse off, but she gets to drink because her shrink said so. 

Katie had a drinking problem?! I honestly forgot that happened. I thought booze and anto-rejection meds don't mix? 🤔

Brooke's drinking "problem" was so blink and you miss it and hardly worth the effort it took to pen the recycled lines from whichever better story *that* was cribbed from.

And I'll have to sorta take back my last comment re: Bill cuz @CountryGirl 's quotes ain't wrong. This ain't Bill trying to manipulate a situation or berating Hope for having her set of values (however ridiculous and impossible they were). He could state that without cheerleading for Steffy, who comes with her set of drama and is  just as likely to steamroll Liam when they disagree.


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Steffy, who comes with her set of drama and is  just as likely to steamroll Liam when they disagree.

And Steffy comes with Ridge and Thomas, neither of whom Bill has any use for. In fact, he knows Thomas was on board with keeping Beth's kidnapping a secret. I don't see how Bill can be okay with any parts of that. Now I'm wondering if the scene with Bill caping for Steffy to Liam was Bradley's way of letting us know Bill won't be going after Thomas and Liam won't be asking him to. Grrr.

Anyhoo, there was a new episode up on CBS.com earlier today but before I got back around to watching it they took it down. WTF, CBS?

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4 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Now I'm wondering if the scene with Bill caping for Steffy to Liam was Bradley's way of letting us know Bill won't be going after Thomas and Liam won't be asking him to. Grrr.

That would explain that, but gawd, couldn't they have found a less tired way to get that across? No one can pick who they're related to but lusting behind Steffy doesn't require forgiving Thomas of the sins against Beth and Caroline.


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Just got a chance to see B&B on CBS on demand. 

Stuffy in her bikini 😳. It seems she lost all that baby weigh but not her mommy boobs.  Raggedy Ann is no longer Raggedy Ann she is now Little Bo Peep. TIIC have added to making Stuffy and Little Bo Peep polar opposites. Stuffy dark and sexy and Little Bo Peep resurrecting the HFTF virgin.  

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Today's episode is up on CBS.com.

Wow, Quinn looked to me like she was about to hop on her broom and go terrorize the citizens of Oz.

Brooke, it wasn't just Shauna kissing your husband. Your husband was kissing Shauna back. You gonna ask Eric to throw him off the mansion property too?

I thought Sally had been fired from FC? Why is she still working on the designs for Steffy?

Flo looked like she's been shopping. A slighty more sophisticated look for her. Where is she getting the money since she has no job or a rich husband--yet? (And nope, I still don't think she kept the $$ Reese tried to buy her silence with. And even if she had, it should all be gone by now.)

Meanwhile, what was that horrible schmatta Steffy had on? Yikes. 😨

But Quinn, you are dangerous. You threatened Brooke to her face and to Ridge's. If anything happens to Brooke you're good to be the prime suspect.

I hate hearing Wyatt and Flo discuss Sally, especially since they're the cause of a big part of her troubles, at least the emotional part. Now they're almost acting like she's the annoyance who's keeping them apart.

Sally's doctor was kinda cute. Hey, Dr. Feelgood. 🙄

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Sally didn't get fired from FC. In fact, Steffy and Ridge have never mentioned that nor confirmed it when Sally brought it up. As much as it kills me to agree with Steffy, yesterday she seemed genuinely concerned about Sally's condition and told her that's Sally's health was more important than Steffy's collection. And while this has not yet been shared with Sally, Ridge and Steffy decided it was best for everybody involved to postpone the fashion showdown.

Brooke sounds absolutely unhinged and Quinn has every right to defend her marriage, but ... I think that what's going to happen is a play straight from Sheila's book. Brooke has been carrying around a bottle that looks like it has some kind of juice in it. At the end of the show, Quinn's gaze drifted to the stash of booze decanters in the living room. I think she's going to somehow distract Brooke and spike her drink. This has already been hinted at as spumours and Eric has mentioned Brooke's "drinking problem" a number of times recently, when it has be dormant for a couple of years now. Another example of lazy, recycled writing. Sheila spiked Macy's orange juice decades ago, which threw Macy off the wagon and into the downward spiral that eventually led to her "death."

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Sally didn't get fired from FC. In fact, Steffy and have never mentioned that nor confirmed it when Sally brought it up. As much as it kills me to agree with Steffy, yesterday she seemed genuinely concerned about Sally's condition and told her that's Sally's health was more important than Steffy's collection. And while this has not yet been shared with Sally, Ridge and Steffy decided it was best for everybody involved to postpone the fashion showdown.

It seems to me like a sudden veer away from the strong insinuation that Sally was out at FC even if the words were never spoken. Fans have been complaining that Sally was getting triple-dumped, from her job, her relationship, and her good health. Wonder if Bell backed off a bit because of the bad PR? (Sure. 🙄)

Imagine my surprise to see my local CBS station broadcasting a new episode of B&B this afternoon. Guess CBS decided to bail out early on the congressional stuff. Big Game Weekend, baby!

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