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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

It is really very simple:

Flo did a wonderful thing for Katie, and for Will, and for Brooke and Donna. Having surgery is risky. Living with one kidney is risky. But Flo still did it because she cares about Katie and the rest. I do believe that. Everyone should be grateful. The end. 

That whole situation has absolutely nothing to do with the past year, and Flo's role in the Beth napping plot. Everyone can be grateful for Flo giving Katie life, but they certainly don't have to forgive a years worth of pain because of it. 

Co-signing all of this, especially the bolded.

Yes, donating one's kidney is no small thing, but that doesn't erase her actions where Beth's kidnapping and being trafficked aka sold like a piece of furniture. Not in the slightest. If I were Hope and Liam and the rest of the Logans, I would NEVER forgive her. Be grateful that she saved my relative's life, but that's as far as my benevolence would extend.

To use an admittedly extreme example, Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning and others from committing suicide through his work alongside Ann Rule at a crisis center. Does that erase him raping and murdering countless women? Of course not. 

Again, an extreme example, but the principle is much the same. 

When you combine Flo's actions with her intent behind them, it's more than obvious they are not exactly altruistic. Because an equally driving force besides doing the right thing is Flo and her trashy mother's desire to use her donation as a means to sweep her actions under the rug, never to be seen or heard of again, and have her firmly ensconced as a Logan and back in Wyatt's bed.

And that's no bueno for me. 

Her "saving" Katie does not undo the months - and it wasn't just a "few" months but the better part of a YEAR that Hope and Liam were deprived of their child and it cannot be overstated enough that they lost days, weeks, months, and the milestones that come with time that they will NEVER get back. To even try to put a price on that pain or calling it even with one kidney is just...ludicrous, incredibly short-sighted, and completely dismissive of Hope and Liam and their family's pain. 

Even Hope and Liam being reunited with Beth isn't going to erase that. Or the memory of holding a dead baby in their arms.

And the argument that it was mostly Buckingham...I call bullshit. But for Flo, Buckingham could not have carried out his crimes. And I'm not about to entertain thoughts of well, if it wasn't Flo, it would have been someone else because it WAS Flo, who was all too willing to team up with her former flame, thus the makeout sessions we saw, and handwave all her human instincts to help him steal and sell Beth and pocket $50k to boot. And proceed to lie about it for months upon months. 

And she has yet to pay. A few days in a jail and being temporarily booted out of Wyatt's bed (not his life, as we well saw) aren't even a drop in every ocean there is.

Katie and Hope's faces say it all:


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Liam was reasonable and understanding with Wyatt.  That was nice.  Wyatt is a waffling prick, and Sally should never have gotten back together with him.

Shana and Brooke are both idiots.

Thomas is still a creep.

Ridge is still a selfish jackass.

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14 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Brooke needs to give Det. Sanchez a call and tell him that Ridge Forrester had NO authority to negotiate a deal since his family was only peripherally involved.  The REAL victims of Flo and Thomas' crimes were the Logans and the Spencers.  She should also ask him that since he's so concerned about 'bad publicity' maybe he should think about what kind of bad publicity the LAPD would get if word got out that they had let a human trafficker and potential killer WALK.

Brooke should be more concerned about the horrific publicity of having her niece facilitate the kidnapping and black market sale of her granddaughter.  

Which begs the question:  What does the public know about any of this?  "Steffy Forrester Adopts A Baby Girl And Names Her After Her Late Twin Sister!!"  "Hope Logan Spencer Tragically Loses Her Daughter in Childbirth!"  I mean, I imagine these are the headlines since these people are supposed to be celebrities, right?  So how does the current status of Steffy without her new daughter and Hope miraculously reunited with her "deceased" daughter play out in public?

7 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

Brooke herself told Ridge there was always another woman in the picture with them.  Of course, that happens when you go after someone else's fiancée or husband, Brooke.

Is that first part really true, though?  RM's Ridge never cheated on Brooke, or anyone else really, except for that very first time when he was engaged to Caroline I for which he paid a significant price as he lost her for years.  I don't think Ridge has deliberately cheated (Morgan debacle nothwithstanding) on any partner until he was with Quinn while he was engaged to Brooke.  RM's Ridge, especially, was always focused on one woman at a time.  This seems to be another crappy rewriting of history.

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16 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

Is that first part really true, though?  RM's Ridge never cheated on Brooke, or anyone else really, except for that very first time when he was engaged to Caroline I for which he paid a significant price as he lost her for years.  I don't think Ridge has deliberately cheated (Morgan debacle nothwithstanding) on any partner until he was with Quinn while he was engaged to Brooke.  RM's Ridge, especially, was always focused on one woman at a time.  This seems to be another crappy rewriting of history.

Brooke told Ridge that after the awful Ridge/Bridget idiocy.  Ridge was dating Brooke when he had sex with Caroline when she was married to Thorne.  Caroline had mixed cold medication with alcohol and though it was Thorne.  The writers changed it later to Caroline knew it was Ridge, but pretended it was Thorne.  The reason Ridge asked Brooke to move in with him after that was because he was afraid he would try to have sex with Caroline again.  However, I didn't feel sorry for Brooke because Brooke knew Caroline was engaged to Ridge, and only became Caroline's friend in order to get closer to Ridge.

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Ridge rarely cheated on his partner at the time, but he has cheated more than just the shenanigans with Quinn. In fact, he cheated on Brooke pretty early on with Caroline I when she was married to Thorne, who was downstairs making the world's largest sandwich. While not married to Brooke, they were very much a couple when he slipped into bed with Caroline. Worse than the infidelity was the fact that it smacks of rape since Caroline was clearly so inebriated, she thought it was Ridge. Only after the backlash did the show retconn that she knew it was Ridge the entire time.

He also cheated on Taylor with Morgan (I can't eyeroll the email permission hard enough) and cheated on Brooke with Katie.

He also didn't mind being the affair partner, starting with Caroline while she was married to Thorne and with Brooke while she was married to Eric.

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2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Co-signing all of this, especially the bolded.

Yes, donating one's kidney is no small thing, but that doesn't erase her actions where Beth's kidnapping and being trafficked aka sold like a piece of furniture. Not in the slightest. If I were Hope and Liam and the rest of the Logans, I would NEVER forgive her. Be grateful that she saved my relative's life, but that's as far as my benevolence would extend.

To use an admittedly extreme example, Ted Bundy saved a child from drowning and others from committing suicide through his work alongside Ann Rule at a crisis center. Does that erase him raping and murdering countless women? Of course not. 

Again, an extreme example, but the principle is much the same. 

When you combine Flo's actions with her intent behind them, it's more than obvious they are not exactly altruistic. Because an equally driving force besides doing the right thing is Flo and her trashy mother's desire to use her donation as a means to sweep her actions under the rug, never to be seen or heard of again, and have her firmly ensconced as a Logan and back in Wyatt's bed.

And that's no bueno for me. 

Her "saving" Katie does not undo the months - and it wasn't just a "few" months but the better part of a YEAR that Hope and Liam were deprived of their child and it cannot be overstated enough that they lost days, weeks, months, and the milestones that come with time that they will NEVER get back. To even try to put a price on that pain or calling it even with one kidney is just...ludicrous, incredibly short-sighted, and completely dismissive of Hope and Liam and their family's pain. 

Even Hope and Liam being reunited with Beth isn't going to erase that. Or the memory of holding a dead baby in their arms.

And the argument that it was mostly Buckingham...I call bullshit. But for Flo, Buckingham could not have carried out his crimes. And I'm not about to entertain thoughts of well, if it wasn't Flo, it would have been someone else because it WAS Flo, who was all too willing to team up with her former flame, thus the makeout sessions we saw, and handwave all her human instincts to help him steal and sell Beth and pocket $50k to boot. And proceed to lie about it for months upon months. 

And she has yet to pay. A few days in a jail and being temporarily booted out of Wyatt's bed (not his life, as we well saw) aren't even a drop in every ocean there is.

Katie and Hope's faces say it all:


ETA: Their faces mirror mine for this whole debacle, but especially the absolutely disgustingness of a white woman getting accolades, while getting off scot free for crimes, and the only people with any real consequences are Zoe and Xander (losing their jobs) and poor Emma got the ultimate consequence and for what? Doing the right thing. Immediately. Well, she would have if Thomas hadn't interfered. 

Just SMH.

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My thoughts on Flo,  

“A good act does not wash out the bad, nor a bad act the good. Each should have its own reward. You were a hero and a smuggler.”

-  Stannis Baratheon*

What's a Thorne ?

*Book version  

Edited by Gudzilla
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I love how Ridge and Brooke are just downright nasty to each other on a daily basis but keep saying that they will work things out.  I have no idea why Brooke would remain with Ridge after the variety of accusatory and judgmental things he has said to her.  I think Brooke is being harsh re Flo, but that is to be expected.  Anyway, this all makes me happy because if Ridge leaves Brooke and ends up with Shauna, it makes it a lot easier to FF.

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You'd think someone who just gave up a kidney would be wearing looser, darker clothing. All hail Saint Flo! 😐

OMG Shauna, give the Logans a minute a breathe before expecting them all to embrace you again! She and Flo never waste a minute trying to press what they think is their momentary advantage.

I can't get over how delusional Ridge is about Tommy. How exactly is Choo-Choo Boy "making amends"?

Wyatt must've broken speed records getting over to Flo's place. Fella, you could've sent flowers, a card, or a nice fruit basket. But no, why bypass an opportunity to eff over your girlfriend Sally? AGAIN! 😒

I think Brooke is wrong about several things right now but she's on target about Shauna. She's probably going to need to take off her earrings and heels and kick some Fulton butt. Shauna has proven utterly impervious to screamed threats or five across the eyes.

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Flo, by blood, is family but Lurch is not, so Ridge’s argument doesn’t hold water about forgiving Lurch because he’s family. Lurch knew that Beth was alive and was “stolen”, so he is an accessory after the fact which is a crime. 

Where is Bill and Will?  It’s been a couple of soap opera days and I’m awaiting their comments about Flo. 

Wyatt has a long history with Flo and knows her best. Wyatt knows that Flo just got caught in a Catch 22 situation and donating a kidney is more like her true nature.  

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14 hours ago, MsTree said:

Technically, only Reese SOLD Beth. Flo wasn't involved until it happened. The 50K was to keep her mouth shut and pretend to be the baby mama.

And yes, she DID keep the secret, but what about all the others, like Zoe & Zander, who knew and didn't say a word. I'll bet people are still talking to THEM.

Actually those two bumbling fools have been off the screen since Ridge fired them and we're only tangibly connected to the main cast to begin with. If those two were as insistent to be insta-forgiven as the Fultons, I'd have the same reaction.

7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The waters are getting muddied though, because Shauna has become Flo's official spokesperson, and just like her bestie Quinn, feels like everyone should just move on because "that's life!" Flo did not ask for forgiveness; Shauna did. 

If Flo is going to be here long term, she needs a much better publicist, or needs to get serious about cutting her mother's BS. I get it: it's hard to stand up to the best of parents, but especially not the bulldozer Gypsy Rose stage mama Shauna appears to be. But she's gonna be ruined by association until and unless that happens.

7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Also annoying me, is that much of Brooke's venom for Flo is actually for Shauna

Also this 

I can accept her not being in Flo's corner, but much like Taylor's irrationality about her kids' lives stem from her Brooke hate, her anger is all about Shauna. Flo can piss off today for all I care, and that isn't changing anytime soon but this isn't a good look for Brooke. Even for her, this is vindictive and petty.

7 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

The worst part though, is that Brooke doesn't deserve any of this.

Yeah, but what would B&B be like if they weren't always shitting on Brooke to make her The Worst Person Ever, amirite? [/sarcasm]

I really couldn't care less how petty they make Brooke to prop up Shauna like she's the new Jack Wagner of this show. Shauna. Is. Trash. And not because of her background.

9 hours ago, madfortv said:

see that Delia's death is still a focus on Y&R.  Really!

That flash in the pan DID story with Billy was actually the first time Delia has been mentioned or thought of in ages actually, and only thrown in to give Billy conflict with the most current version of Adam.

The kid they never forgot about OTOH? was Cassie. It's been at least a year since the last blow out event memorial for her so Y&R is long overdue for Sharon and/or Nick to use her memory to be a shitheel.

9 hours ago, madfortv said:

Anyway, the Logan sister closeness is one of the stupid themes that I find to be completely ridiculous due to the constant relationship swapping. 

It really doesn't make sense considering Bill and Nick and all that, but when you find clips from the 80s, they really were all close friends who loved one another. It makes me even more mad that all that history was trashed the last few years, no matter how much better of Bill is with Brooke.

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I have figured out what is really annoying me.  There are many things with this show, but currently, it's the fact that Hope's baby being stolen has ended up being about Ridge and Brooke.  If that wasn't bad enough, it's also about poor Flo and mama bear Shana.

The best moment in all of that awful not dead baby switch SL was Liam (finally finding a spine), and telling Flo that for months she didn't just watch Liam and Hope's marriage fall apart, she watched their lives be ruined and did NOTHING.

However, there was no real follow up.  Hope should have been the one to tell Shana and Flo that she appreciates Flo giving Katie her kidney (they did verify it was actually Flo's kidney right), but that doesn't change what Flo did to Hope, Liam, and Beth.  Brooke could have backed Hope up, but that should have been Hope's moment.

Instead this has turned into another boring SL about Brooke and Ridge and their never ending idiotic on-again off-again relationship.

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6 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Ridge rarely cheated on his partner at the time, but he has cheated more than just the shenanigans with Quinn. In fact, he cheated on Brooke pretty early on with Caroline I when she was married to Thorne, who was downstairs making the world's largest sandwich. While not married to Brooke, they were very much a couple when he slipped into bed with Caroline. Worse than the infidelity was the fact that it smacks of rape since Caroline was clearly so inebriated, she thought it was Ridge. Only after the backlash did the show retconn that she knew it was Ridge the entire time.

He also cheated on Taylor with Morgan (I can't eyeroll the email permission hard enough) and cheated on Brooke with Katie.

He also didn't mind being the affair partner, starting with Caroline while she was married to Thorne and with Brooke while she was married to Eric.

I will NEVER forget when Ridge got into his brother's bed and raped his sister-in-law.  They rewrote it to be that Caroline knew it was Ridge all the time, making her the cheater to save Ridge from being labelled a rapist, but that's what it was.  Like father, like son. 

It blows my mind that this story has become about dumping on Brooke.  Bell clearly knows his audience and knows what works.  He knows that there are enough people who will excuse murder, child abuse and just about anything else as long as Brooke Logan gets it in the neck. 

Edited by mightysparrow
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9 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Her "saving" Katie does not undo the months - and it wasn't just a "few" months but the better part of a YEAR that Hope and Liam were deprived of their child and it cannot be overstated enough that they lost days, weeks, months, and the milestones that come with time that they will NEVER get back. To even try to put a price on that pain or calling it even with one kidney is just...ludicrous, incredibly short-sighted, and completely dismissive of Hope and Liam and their family's pain. 

All of this. I can't add anything else to that.

34 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

have figured out what is really annoying me.  There are many things with this show, but currently, it's the fact that Hope's baby being stolen has ended up being about Ridge and Brooke.  If that wasn't bad enough, it's also about poor Flo and mama bear Shana.

This. It's bad enough she wasnt allowed her own agency during the whole eight months this crap dragged oooooooooooon but she and Liam and even presumed pet Steffy have all taken a third-row seat to propping up 2020s Amber and Brooke bashing. Lame.

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14 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Her "saving" Katie does not undo the months - and it wasn't just a "few" months but the better part of a YEAR that Hope and Liam were deprived of their child and it cannot be overstated enough that they lost days, weeks, months, and the milestones that come with time that they will NEVER get back. To even try to put a price on that pain or calling it even with one kidney is just...ludicrous, incredibly short-sighted, and completely dismissive of Hope and Liam and their family's pain.

Ok, I can appreciate that argument, but here's my thought: Flo finds out that she's a match for Katie, but hesitates to donate knowing the Logans will be ungrateful and/or stop her from donating. Does Flo just say 'fuck it' and let Katie die?? Of course not. She did the right thing...and did it anonymously. It's not her fault that the Logans wanted to meet the donor.

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1 hour ago, MsTree said:

Ok, I can appreciate that argument, but here's my thought: Flo finds out that she's a match for Katie, but hesitates to donate knowing the Logans will be ungrateful and/or stop her from donating. Does Flo just say 'fuck it' and let Katie die?? Of course not. She did the right thing...and did it anonymously. It's not her fault that the Logans wanted to meet the donor.

Well, she could have remained anonymous.

Flo did do the right thing.  But we also know from her convos with Shauna that in part it was to redeem herself and, of course, to get Wyatt back.  She hasn't hidden the fact, at least from Shauna, and even from Wyatt, that she wants him back.

So this can be both things.  She wanted to save Katie.  And she is hoping for redemption in order to become a Logan girl, and to get Wyatt back.  Which the latter will for sure happen.

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2 minutes ago, bannana said:

Well, she could have remained anonymous.

Flo did do the right thing.  But we also know from her convos with Shauna that in part it was to redeem herself and, of course, to get Wyatt back.  She hasn't hidden the fact, at least from Shauna, and even from Wyatt, that she wants him back.

So this can be both things.  She wanted to save Katie.  And she is hoping for redemption in order to become a Logan girl, and to get Wyatt back.  Which the latter will for sure happen.

If not for Shauna pushing Flo to at least try getting back into the Logan's good graces, I believe Flo would have gone through with the transplant anyway. Partly out of guilt and partly because deep down she really is a good person. The fact that she admitted to wanting Wyatt back just helped make her decision that much easier. That, and Shauna can be quite convincing.

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5 hours ago, bannana said:

Well, she could have remained anonymous.

Flo did do the right thing.  But we also know from her convos with Shauna that in part it was to redeem herself and, of course, to get Wyatt back.  She hasn't hidden the fact, at least from Shauna, and even from Wyatt, that she wants him back.

So this can be both things.  She wanted to save Katie.  And she is hoping for redemption in order to become a Logan girl, and to get Wyatt back.  Which the latter will for sure happen.

She absolutely could have remained anonymous and told the transplant liaison to tell the recipient that she totally understood they wanted to meet her to thank her but no thanks was necessary - living her best life with her new kidney was thanks enough. See how simple that would have been?

And I'm not taking anything away from Flo doing a good thing here. The right thing. 

But it changes nothing about her past actions. Yes, she did a very selfless and not without the real risk of physical harm to herself, but that doesn't negate everything awful and terrible she did before that. I mean, even a broken clock is right twice a day. 

Do I think she was likely to donate anyway? Probably. But when you add in the fact that what really seemed to sell her on donating was as an avenue to worm her way back into the family she willingly devastated with her destructive, cruel actions and lack of action, as well as score brownie points with Wyatt, well, let's just say she should hold off on getting that halo. It's been barely two months since Liam and Hope were reunited with Beth which is a NANOSECOND in the scheme of things. A kidney does not, cannot, erase that and never will.

I can't agree with Flo being a good person. I just can't. Where I come from, "good" people don't steal babies and lie about it for months simply because they didn't want their happy house of cards to come tumbling down. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

can't agree with Flo being a good person. I just can't. Where I come from, "good" people don't steal babies and lie about it for months simply because they didn't want their happy house of cards to come tumbling down. 

Now in a few years, after she's demonstrated a pattern of better behavior? I'll be willing to say she's reformed and now a better person. But at this moment, she hasn't nearly earned her keep. 

Will Munson on ATWT was an actual child who was mentally poisoned by proxy by his mother's inability to keep out of her older son's life and accidentally killed his brother's fiancé to make her happy. He spent his formative years in psychiatric care, which had ramifications that persisted into adulthood when he and his wife tried to adopt. And that's still more punishment than anyone involved with hiding Beth has gotten, as grown ass adults not raised by Barbara fuckin' Ryan.

Actions have consequences. Or they should...who here wants Flo around? Or Shauna? I admit fifteen years ago I viewed Brooke to be as overhyped and overexposed like Steffy is now, but I'm not *that* desperate to have Brooke "get what's coming" by sitting through scenes with Vegas Con Artist Barbie.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Shauna coos to Ridge that their kiss will be their dirty little secret. Um, she kissed him and he doesn't even remember it. Yet that doesn't stop him from having a shit-eating grin on his face. 

Elsewhere, Wyatt, who darkened Flo's doorstep in less time than it took to type this, says he'll "work on Liam" and then ups the stupidity by apologizing to the Human Trafficker for being engaged to Sally.

There isn't a big enough mug of STFU for these two assclowns.

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Oh please, if Flo "loved" the Logans she wouldn't have kept quiet for months about Beth while watching Hope descend into a pool of misery. Still, Wyatt lapped it up like the wishy-washy tool he is.

Pam was dressed rather conservatively today.

Shauna bragging about kissing Ridge while he was blackout drunk. Eh, I feel like if the genders  were reversed this plot point would be widely regarded as problematic because of consent issues. Plus, Ridge <> Sleeping Beauty. 😼

Shauna is a pro at low-key blackmail. She is cornering Ridge with this kiss secret and he doesn't even realize it. But, he has no proof she actually did it so push comes to shove he could just tell her to go eff herself. Shauna should've taken a selfie, lol.

Of course Ridge didn't confess to the kiss to Brooke. So now he's leaving an opening for it to be used against him. Idiot.

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It takes a child to put things into perspective. Will only can see that his mothers life was saved.  Katie is grateful also but Brooke is at her happiest went she is making other people miserable.  

Flo is not without sin, but can you name any main character that’s without some degree of sin?  

I don’t get it.  Ridge and Stuffy are Co-CEO’s and they are Foresters, so how can Lurch keep insisting that the Logans run the company.

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7 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Actions have consequences. Or they should...who here wants Flo around? Or Shauna? I admit fifteen years ago I viewed Brooke to be as overhyped and overexposed like Steffy is now, but I'm not *that* desperate to have Brooke "get what's coming" by sitting through scenes with Vegas Con Artist Barbie.

I would love for Brooke's life to be destroyed by Bridget.  I don't give a damn about Shana or Flo.  It would be amusing to see karma really come pay Brooke a visit, but it should come in the form of someone Brooke has wronged, and Bridget holds that trump card.  As horrible as Brooke has been to other people, what Brooke did to Bridget was truly vile.

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45 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

I would love for Brooke's life to be destroyed by Bridget.  I don't give a damn about Shana or Flo.  It would be amusing to see karma really come pay Brooke a visit, but it should come in the form of someone Brooke has wronged, and Bridget holds that trump card.  As horrible as Brooke has been to other people, what Brooke did to Bridget was truly vile.

Any worse than a wife fucking her husband's father?  Or a man fucking the woman who killed his wife?

Worse than fucking two men at the same time and passing off another man's bastard as your husband's child?

Worse than shooting a man in the back and then walking away?

Worse than deliberately ruining someone's life JUST BECAUSE?

Brooke did Bridgette a favour.  Deacon didn't love Bridget and she didn't love him.  She married him to punish her parents.  He married her because she was gullible and RICH.

Edited by mightysparrow
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Damn! I was hoping beyond hope today that when Brooke summoned Sludge to her house that she was going to say that she saw no way to move forward and ask him for a divorce.

Seriously ... where do those two go from here?  Neither is going to budge on their respective stances regarding Thom-ass. 

I don't get the resistance to having Hope and Liam raise Douglas. No, they aren't blood relatives, but Douglas is happy and it's a stable, loving environment.  Thomas isn't fit to right now to take care of a goldfish, and Douglas sure as hell wouldn't be better off being raised by BSC Lippy.  If Karen and Dani raise him, them goodbye, Douglas to off-screen. I don't want that as I like the little boy. 

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27 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Any worse than a wife fucking her husband's father?  Or a man fucking the woman who killed his wife?

Worse than fucking two men at the same time and passing off another man's bastard as your husband's child?

Worse than shooting a man in the back and then walking away?

Worse than deliberately ruining someone's life JUST BECAUSE?

Brooke did Bridgette a favour.  Deacon didn't love Bridget and she didn't love him.  She married him to punish her parents.  He married her because she was gullible and RICH.

Brooke fucked Eric's son when she was married to Eric.  Brooke fucked both of Bridget's husbands.  Brooke fucked her sister's husband.  Brooke had to have paternity tests for Bridget and RJ because she was screwing two guys at the same time (Eric/Ridge and Ridge/Nick).

Bridget loved Deacon.  Fortunately, when Bridget realized Deacon was as despicable as Brooke, she dumped his worthless ass.

Bridget has never killed anyone.  Bridget was a good person.  Brooke is trash.

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6 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Brooke fucked Eric's son when she was married to Eric.  Brooke fucked both of Bridget's husbands.  Brooke fucked her sister's husband.  Brooke had to have paternity tests for Bridget and RJ because she was screwing two guys at the same time (Eric/Ridge and Ridge/Nick).

Bridget loved Deacon.  Fortunately, when Bridget realized Deacon was as despicable as Brooke, she dumped his worthless ass.

Bridget has never killed anyone.  Bridget was a good person.  Brooke is trash.

Brooke's never killed anybody either.  But Steffy and Taylor have.

Brooke's never raped anybody.  But Ridge, Thomas and Quinn have.

If Brooke is despicable for the things she's done then Stephanie, Steffy, Taylor are just as despicable.  Even more, because they have the nerve to look down on Brooke when their behaviour is as bad, or worse.  Hypocrisy is pretty bad too.

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Actually Liam is Douglas' blood relative.  Carowhine was Liam's 1st cousin, so that makes Liam and Douglas 1st cousins once removed.  Douglas is 2nd cousin to Beth.

Now are there closer relatives? Yes.

Steffy is Douglas' aunt,.Bill is his Great uncle, Karen and Dani are his grandmothers, and Sludge is his grandfather.  But, I can't see any of them taking Douglas on. Steffy is still chasing Liam using her cooter and Kelly as bait, Karen and Dani are off screen, Bill has Will to raise, and Sludge isn't interested in being a a father to anyone other than Thom-ass -- a good kid who just made a mistake. Besides he's also busy sniffing around Trailer Park Barbie.

So while not close blood relatives, Lope are really the best choice**.  They love and care about Douglas and his well being.  They want to keep him safe from Thom-ass' bullying and emotional manipulation.. Douglas loves them and Beth; he's happy with them.

** I've deliberately left Thom-ass off the list.  He really isn't (as a poster said up thread), fit to raise a goldfish.

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17 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

Brooke's never killed anybody either.  But Steffy and Taylor have.

Brooke's never raped anybody.  But Ridge, Thomas and Quinn have.

If Brooke is despicable for the things she's done then Stephanie, Steffy, Taylor are just as despicable.  Even more, because they have the nerve to look down on Brooke when their behaviour is as bad, or worse.  Hypocrisy is pretty bad too.

What does any of this have to do with Bridget?  Brooke is a horrible mother, a despicable human being, and a waste of time.  Bridget should get to ruin Brooke's life.  Brooke has that payback coming from Bridget.

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28 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

What does any of this have to do with Bridget?  Brooke is a horrible mother, a despicable human being, and a waste of time.  Bridget should get to ruin Brooke's life.  Brooke has that payback coming from Bridget.

So I wasn't a viewer back then, but whenever (the few rare times) Bridget comes to visit, usually for a wedding, she seems totally okay with her mom.  It seems they must have worked it out?

Plus Bridget also had issues with Katie, and they seem to be over that too.

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52 minutes ago, bannana said:

So I wasn't a viewer back then, but whenever (the few rare times) Bridget comes to visit, usually for a wedding, she seems totally okay with her mom.  It seems they must have worked it out?

Plus Bridget also had issues with Katie, and they seem to be over that too.


Bridget doesn't have a beef with her mother.  They went through a very difficult time and then Bridget forgave her mother. 

Bridget is rarely on the show.  The only purpose she serves is to be used as a club to beat Brooke over the head with, even though she doesn't see herself that way.

I wonder how Bridget feels about Ridge.  The man she thought was her father at one point and basically raised her, yet had no problem trying to start a romantic relationship with her.  Ronnnnnnn Moss hated the story line so much he threatened to quit.

Bridget forgave her mother, but she might be staying away from LA because the sight of Ridge makes her sick. Maybe Ridge is due a little PAYBACK too.  Perhaps Bridget should do her best to DESTROY Ridge, the former father-figure who tried to get into her pants. 

Edited by mightysparrow
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16 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Brooke did Bridgette a favour.  Deacon didn't love Bridget and she didn't love him.  She married him to punish her parents.  He married her because she was gullible and RICH.

Not that it was any excuse at all for what Brooke did, but Deacon and Bridget were doomed from the beginning. She was naive and stupid and Deacon was opportunistic and wanting to spite the Forresters for supporting Amber's marriage to Rick. If Brooke hadn't come between and no other cheap floozy turned his head, Bridget would've wised up eventually.

People love to drag Brooke for this, and say nothing about Taylor sneaking around with Rick, but the only difference in those examples is that Bridget's rage over the event didn't get her killed.

14 hours ago, bannana said:

So I wasn't a viewer back then, but whenever (the few rare times) Bridget comes to visit, usually for a wedding, she seems totally okay with her mom.  It seems they must have worked it out?

Plus Bridget also had issues with Katie, and they seem to be over that too.

Bridget is no bullshit the closest thing to a saint the show has ever had, but she's also been allowed to have real emotions and reactions to the shit happening around her without going way over top. Like when Nick told her about boinking Katie in Catalina, there was no surprise in her voice, just a "WTF really dude" and "Ah shit, here we go again"  and tossing her ring after learning Katie was knocked up on top of it. No muss, no fuss and she didn't give them a second thought until TPTB had to split Kick up to get Heather Tom and Don Diamont some screen time together. Such a shame their chemistry was never put to good use on Y&R, but I digress.

Overall, she's a good girl, but a strong one who moves on with her life and in the one instance where she was overly insecure and petty towards a woman (because of Nick keeping secrets, even one that any decent person would have kept and he was in a Kobayashi Maru situation somewhat), she realize she was wrong and apologized. She didn't even use the excuse of her grief to shriek her ONS with Owen or throw up Nick's history (save for one line) as a reason to save their marriage.

You know, I'd rather B&B never bring Bridget back, because history has proven they will fuck it all up again and shit over that history. TIIC had no issue taking a wrecking ball to Ridge's very few redeeming qualities these last few years, so why would Bridget's history be safe?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Thomas's look of accomplishment is amusing because dude don't know shit about Bridge. He honestly thinks Shauna is the one? The woman that will permanently pull Ridge away from Brooke? I think any Bridge breakup is going to be predicated on Tommy Boy's insanity, and Ridge's insistence that Tom is simply a good grown ass man kid that made a mistake. Maybe if Ridge owned that his good son had done more than make a mistake, maybe if he was willing to admit that Thomas had made bad choices, and not just one bad choice but many, well maybe then Brooke would be more receptive. But to blindly promote Thomas as the Marone Wunderkind, who has a heart of gold and who loves his family, is naive, ridiculous, and down right dangerous. Ridge does not care one iota about young Douglas. If he did he would be more concerned with his well being instead of flapping his lips promoting Thomas as parent of the year. 

So, Shauna is not only an opportunist, but a stupid one as well. Shauna, hon, he locked the fucking door. This is the man who terrorized your daughter, who used his young son to obtain his ends, who ran a young woman off the road and watched her die. You know all those things, and still you stand there with the light of camaraderie and the glint of opportunity in your eyes. 

My god Ridge, you act like a sixteen year old who went to his first party and got drunk and played spin the bottle. You were violated buddy, and now you are being manipulated by a master operator. I won't feel sorry for you though because you are being a total douche to your wife. I wish Thomas had videotaped the whole thing, so Brooke would not only learn what Shauna did, but how Ridge was ok with it. And really, Ridge was one head tilt away from kissing Shauna during that conversation. Such a dirt bag. 

However, I will agree with one thing Ridge said to Brooke. He told her that she had made mistakes and had been forgiven for them. And of course Brooke came back with the fact that she had never stolen a baby and kept the truth from the child's mother. And as true as that is, Brooke has still done horrible things that took her loved ones monumental efforts to overcome and forgive. I am not saying she should run to Flo and get on her knees and beg her to come back into the family fold, but I do think she needs to soften her stance just a bit. The problem is that most of her hatred is for Shauna, and it is easier to hang on to what Flo did, and keep pushing that agenda than to own it, and say she is jealous of Flo's mother. As far as Brooke's stance on Thomas? She is absolutely correct and should remain firm. 

Wyatt you fucking dickhead. You certainly didn't let any grass grown under your feet getting over to thank Flo. And I know I didn't hear you back peddling on your engagement. Did you really apologize to Flo? Why does it matter how she found out? That is, unless you wanted to keep your engagement a secret? I wish I could feel more sorry for Sally, but she had to know what was going on. Wyatt's proposal was more about Flo than her. Putting a ring on Sally's finger would keep Wyatt away from Flo and keep his fly firmly zipped. 

12 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Damn! I was hoping beyond hope today that when Brooke summoned Sludge to her house that she was going to say that she saw no way to move forward and ask him for a divorce.

Me too. I was so disappointed when Brooke started groveling in an effort to keep Bridge standing. I just don't understand how she could want to stay with Ridge. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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13 hours ago, bannana said:

So I wasn't a viewer back then, but whenever (the few rare times) Bridget comes to visit, usually for a wedding, she seems totally okay with her mom.  It seems they must have worked it out?

Plus Bridget also had issues with Katie, and they seem to be over that too.

Bridget is a good person.  A better person than Brooke or Katie will ever be.  However, Bridget being a wonderful woman who can also forgive, doesn't give Brooke, Katie, and the rest of these idiots the right to ruin Bridget's life.  My original comment was directed at the fact that I don't care if Brooke's life gets ruined.  She is a horrible person, but Shana and Flo don't have any reason to be mad at Brooke.  Bridget OTOH has a million reasons to wreak havoc on her worthless whore of a mother, but has never been allowed to.

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So not only are the idiot writers doing the boring Ridge/Brooke stuff again, they also decided to double down and do Steffy/Liam/Hope again.  Added to Zoe being back, and Xander will probably put in an appearance to.  {Triple Face Palm}  Damn you Thomas, for not being a proper psychopath and killing these idiots.  Stop whining about the Logans and just kill them.  Also, Brooke, I despise you, but when you accidentally knocked Thomas over the cliff, why didn't you follow up in the hospital, and figure out some way to do him in?  Better yet, why didn't you shove Ridge over the cliff?

Where is Bill?  Bill and Douglas are the only characters worth watching.

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I don't know what Steffy was looking at when she said Liam looks like he's thinking of getting back together with her (paraphrased). What I saw was a genuinely kind person, who feels bad that Steffy is heartbroken at the sudden loss of her daughter, especially since he's the biological father, & Hope is the biological mother. I saw genuine sympathy, & concern, for the mother of one of his kids, God bless SC, but I didn't see longing. 

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So Hauxdi is still the same trifling heifer. Here's my pretending to be surprised face.


Liam brings Beth by today and she's insta-whining about how Hope hasn't really reached out to her in the aftermath of Lope being reunited with their daughter.

Oh, you mean, the way Hauxdi did when Hope and Liam believed they lost their daughter forever?

Oh, wait...she was too busy looking for a baby to buy as a plaything for Kelly to bother giving Hope or Liam one hint of compassion or consolation while they were grieving the loss of a child they were led to believe died. And a baby was bought a few days after Lope had a funeral for their "child." She can also STFU about FauxBe and how the baby's name was changed. No, dummy, her name was ALWAYS Beth. 

She also forgets she left town right after Lope reunited with Beth. So she can GTFOH forever with her revisionist bullshit.

To add to the tomfuckery, she takes his bringing Beth by to mean he wants to get back together with her and tries to play on his sympathies about Beth being ripped from her arms. Which that is not what happened, bitch. Lope took their child home where she belonged from the day she was born.

Liam's face shows he is just so, so tired of this:


As am I...which is why I had little sympathy for her because she is still trying to make her pain bigger than Lope's where Beth is concerned.

I mean, listen to these little gems from her:

Steffy: "Maybe Hope could've moved in here" and "I wish she could've been more sympathetic towards me. "

Huh...like when she wanted Beth to stay with her and Hope could be "sort of" a mother to her.

Like that?

Her pain and Hope's pain - not even in the same galaxy.

But yeah, this is the "strong, independent, I choose me" Steffy Forrester, folks.


Elsewhere, I don't know what to make of Tommy Choo-Choo's dry-erase board:


Where is Douglas in this?

Although I did have to LOL at the "ME" on the "IN" column.

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4 minutes ago, nkotb said:

I don't know what Steffy was looking at when she said Liam looks like he's thinking of getting back together with her (paraphrased). What I saw was a genuinely kind person, who feels bad that Steffy is heartbroken at the sudden loss of her daughter, especially since he's the biological father, & Hope is the biological mother. I saw genuine sympathy, & concern, for the mother of one of his kids, God bless SC, but I didn't see longing. 

I didn't one iota of longing either.

It looked like this to me:


Since the day he left her ugly brown sweater wearing self on the sidewalk, Liam hasn't wavered from wanting to be with Hope. The two seconds he thought about reuniting with her because he was being brow-beaten into returning to the slattern by everyone who wasn't Brooke or Hope for the sake of the fambly don't count in the slightest.

He has been firmly committed to Hope for the better part of a year. Even when she ended their marriage and "married" Thomas, he never gave up on her and no amount of baby buying or ginormous portrait hanging or rape-by-proxy masquerading as sex is ever gonna change that. 

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Now the dialogue turns to condemning Flo on a daily basis. Yes Brooke, we know you hate Flo, but do we have to be constantly reminded. 

Fucking Liam, you definitely should not be going against Raggedy’s wishes right now because you feel bad for Stuffy.  I have no sympathy for Stuffy because it’s all about Stuffy. One baby was not enough. Stuffy didn’t care about Raggedy having none as long as she had two. Raggedy thought Beth was dead but Beth is still in the world but not in Stuffy’s home. Selfish, selfish, selfish!!  Now Stuffy is making a major play for Liam not even giving 💩💩about Raggedy but Raggedy was suppose to give 💩💩about Stuffy’s feelings taking Beth home. 

The Spencer boys are in the same conundrum and hemorrhaging maple syrup.  Wyatt, Sally or Flo and Liam, Raggedy or Stuffy. 

Zoey and Lurch bonding over rejection and having the same delusions. Flo threw you under the bus really?  You were the one who insisted on Flo keeping quiet along with Lurch when she insisted on telling the truth. 

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Of all the apartment buildings in LA, Zoe and Thomas happen to land in the same one. What an amazing coincidence. 😒

Another tragic wig day for Steffy. Yikes.

OMG, Brooke stays up in Hope's sex life. And she's always itching to throw her another quickie wedding.

Steffy wishes Hope had been more SYMPATHETIC towards her?  I. Can't. Even. Girl, let's start with Hope's engagement ring that you put on while it was still warm. It all goes downhill from there to a big pile of no sympathy on your part. FOH.

I don't know how Zoe saw Tommy's scribbled In vs. Out board and didn't back away slowly. The guy is insane!

Ugh, Liam is a two-timing POS, just like his brother. Not Will, the other one. 😐

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God, what was with the multiple pity parties with all the NON-VICTIMS? 

I get that Bell wants to pretend that there's diversity on B&B (especially after the Black girl is the one who paid the ultimate price) but did he have to pick Zoe?  There aren't any other available Black people in LA?  Have the Avants moved?

If Zoe has any fucking sense...wait, I know the answer to that.  Well, the one thing that Zoe SHOULD know about is losers, especially with the father she has.  She's got to smell eau de loser all over Tommy Choo-Choo and his pathetic little list.  Instead of sitting with Choo-Choo whining about how keeping quiet about human trafficking (and watching a young woman die, Tommy) has changed their living arrangements, Zoe needs to hotfoot it to Brooke and let her and Hope know that there's a psychopath out to get them.  Zoe needs to understand that hanging with Tom-Tom is bad for a Black girl.

Damn, Hauxdilox is STILL as thirsty as the Mojave!!!!  She has the nerve to sit there and whine because the mother of the child she BOUGHT LIKE FURNITURE wants to keep HER child with HER.  Hauxdi will never admit that the only reason she and her psycho killer mother went baby shopping is because Kelly wasn't enough to get Liam between Hauxdi's legs and they took the opportunity of Beth's death to up the ante.  Of course, it didn't work.  She had to roofie Liam's ass to get him to fuck her but she still thinks they're the love story of the century.  She IS Taylor's daughter.

Hauxdi needs to understand that she is NOT Beth's mommy.  She never was.  What she is, is Liam's ex-wife and KELLY'S mommy.  That's her relationship with Beth and trying to insinuate herself in Beth's life is sleazy, especially since she's not woman enough to deal with Hope face to face. 

I agree that the look on Liam's face was discomfort and pity.   He WAS being kind.  But the Marrones wouldn't know 'kind' if it came and kicked them in the ass.  Which it should.  Repeatedly.

Edited by mightysparrow
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Drive by comment.

How is it that Reese plead guilty and still got the maximum sentence? I'm guessing the plea means that Flo didn't have to testify. So basically, she was literally given a get out of jail free card.

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