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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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When your loving spouse thinks you actually tried to kill their kid. Awk. Ward.

Meanwhile, Liam and Hope, where is your baby? I didn't think you'd be letting Beth out if your sight yet. Better not have left her with Amelia. Amelia would probably give Beth back to Steffy if Steffy asked. 😒

AYFKMWTS? They had Katie of all people make excuses for Hope not ever getting treated for PPD? Katie's the very one who should've recognized it and insisted the family get help for Hope.

Is Steffy somewhere where cell phones don't work? What's to stop someone else from telling her about Thomas? Ridge's macho posturing is so ridiculous to me.

FGS, Hope. You had the right to remain silent but lacked the freaking ability. You better pray Thomas doesn't die, you idiot.

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I just don't get that actor.  I won't say who.  He's fat, he has zero emotional range, his voice is monotone ALL THE TIME, he has zero sex appeal and he's grossing me out man with too much screen time.  

Now, that Irizarry guy has something. I can see he's a professional.  Funny, I've never seen him in anything and I see on IMDB he's been on every soap, plus Jackie Collins' "Lucky Chance" tv mini series - the only one I've ever missed! I'm going to find it and watch it.  I wished I watched him on AMC with Finola Hughes.  Anyway, is he signed on or will he go the way of Joe Lando and Robin Givens, both of whom I enjoyed very much?

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Ridge:  'Just another ordinary day'.

Ordinary?  Hey Ridgee-Poo, if I recall correctly, when Thomas went walkies off the cliff, you were racing to the Cliff House because the son you had been desperately trying to reach for days and who was wanted for questioning in the murder of a young woman, had finally surfaced.  That's not an ORDINARY day, even for the Marones.

It looked like Liam was trying to keep from laughing when he broke the news to Wyatt.

I hate watching Brooke grovel to that grimy piece of shit.  Ridge said that Hauxdilox and Kelly didn't need any more stress.  Like the stress one gets when your mother arranges the purchase of a stolen baby?  Or the stress that comes with having a rapist/murderer for a brother?  That kind of stress.

Bill is ONLY person honest enough to tell it like it is.  He's happy that Thomas is hurt.  AND he knows what a piece of shit Ridge is.  Brooke is going to need someone like Bill in her corner, since her own daughter isn't standing up for her.

SHAME ON HOPE.  If Thomas was so apologetic and so desperate for forgiveness, WHY WAS SHE STRUGGLING TO FREE HERSELF?  If everything was so safe and civilized, why did she run out of the house to get away from him?  I can't believe that Hope would betray her mother like that.  Shame on her.

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

Excuse me but what does “ayfkmwts” mean?

It's short for "are you fucking kidding me with this shit?" Which is honestly the only commentary this putrid shitshow deserves. I don't even love to hate this show anymore. Took a whole decade to see Liam as a worthy leading man (or hell, a man period) just for Hope to lose her spine--the same person that boldly bashed in Bill's windows when she found out he'd fucked up her wedding plans! 

God, I can't believe last year I was worried that Liam would be the one who's be unable to speak up for his children's well being! 

I also feel like TIIC are purposely doing to Hope what they did with Nick when trying to put Ridge and Brooke together after the bs deathbed wedding Ridge had with Taylor to completely trash Hope beyond repair to make Steffy look like the palpable option. Which is just peak laziness, but I expect nothing better.

I won't be surprised if Hope is written out in a straight jacket this time and Beth given to Liam and Steffy to raise.

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I don't understand Hope at all.  If she wasn't afraid of Thomas, why didn't she just listen to his lame apology, call him on his crap, and walk out the front door.  Hope could have very easily said, "I don't believe your pathetic excuses or accept your useless apology.  I am done.  Stay away from me or I will get a restraining order.  By the way, the police are looking for you."

Yes, I know that might provoke a psycho, but Hope says she wasn't afraid of Thomas.  Therefore, no reason to run out the door and argue on a cliff.  {face palm}  These people are just so fucking stupid.

The idiocy with Hope and Thomas is actually worse than Hope's, "I'm not going to hand Liam over to you this time Steffy.  Liam you need to go be with Steffy and the girls.  Beth is alive, okay Liam I'm ready to be a family with you again."  {double face palm}

This is how this SL should have gone.  Liam finds out about Steffy screwing Bill, and leaves her.  Steffy isn't upset.  She tells Bill she wanted to work things out with Liam because of the baby, but she will be fine as a single parent.  Bill admits he had the lab results switched, forged, whatever, and he is the baby's father.  Steffy marries Bill, and they are raising Kelly.

Hope returns to town with a new guy.  For whatever lame reason, Hope ends up back with Liam.  Shady doctor steals Liam and Hope's baby.  Hope and Liam try to work things out with Hope sometimes thinking her baby didn't die.  Liam can have actual conversations with Wyatt about what is going on with Hope.

Thomas returns to town wanting Sally back.  He flirts with Hope in an effort to make Sally jealous.  Sally believes Hope, and wants to help her.  Thomas admits what an ass he was being in trying to use Hope to make Sally jealous, and tries to help Sally and Hope.  This is where Thomas' skewed moral compass comes into play.  He's willing to try and access medical records, buildings, whatever in order to find out what really happened.

There was a great scene years ago on AMC of Tad, who was looking into Jesse's murder, because Jesse had been Tad's sister's, Jenny, best friend.  Tad had no authority to do so, he wasn't a police officer, DA, etc.  Dr. Cliff Warner caught Tad in a room of the hospital he wasn't supposed to be in which contained classified medical records.  Tad made up some excuse about waiting for a hot nurse that was supposed to meet him on her break.  Cliff rolls his eyes, says something along the lines of Tad never growing up, and then leaves Tad alone in the room he's not supposed to be in with records he shouldn't have access to.  It was hilarious.

Edited by TigerLynx
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2 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

AYFKMWTS? They had Katie of all people make excuses for Hope not ever getting treated for PPD? Katie's the very one who should've recognized it and insisted the family get help for Hope.

This show actually had Katie and Brooke sitting at the kitchen counter drinking coffee discussing Captive Cabin like it was nothing with Katie uttering that she ‘ always suspected that there was something between Quinn and Liam ‘ to actually try to sell to the audience that Quinn didn’t rape Liam and that it was a consensual relationship. I’ve never forgiven the character for that. Katie was Liam’s step-mother and integral in uniting him with his father. He was family or should’ve been. Instead they had her utter those words. Liam did her better in shaming Bill and Brooke about their affair and giving a mentally battered beach roaming Katie refuge and support when she needed it.

All this is to say, this show doesn’t remember its history or have the characters react in character but always in service to the plot. Every so often they’ll have a character react with an obvious call out but more often they ignore it in favor of the story they want to tell.

Bill may be speaking true, but as long as Quinn is still breathing and in one piece after kidnapping and raping his ‘firstborn beloved son’ I ain’t buying he’ll do poop to Flo. Maybe Buckingham since he’s offscreen. He did more trying to kill Amber and his potentially own unborn grandkid to keep her from trapping Liam than he did to Quinn who held a knife to his son’s throat, kidnapped, and raped him so....whatevs Bill.

I will howl if Dr. Armstrong takes a liking to Brooke and works in tandem with Thomas (who is trying to stay out of prison) to keep Bridge apart by certifying Thomas’ fake amnesia/paralysis whatever they come up with so he can move in on Brooke.

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28 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

I will howl if Dr. Armstrong takes a liking to Brooke and works in tandem with Thomas (who is trying to stay out of prison) to keep Bridge apart by certifying Thomas’ fake amnesia/paralysis whatever they come up with so he can move in on Brooke.

This can be the only positive outcome of this nonsense.  I am glad Bridge will end, but that could have happened even if Hope said Thomas was attacking her.  (But they have to end Lope, sigh...)  But Brooke ending up with Dr. Hayward, that is all good! 😍

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When has Ridge ever done something for Raggedy that went against his wonderful children but he’s quick to judge Brooke for defending her child.  WTF?  Raggedy was shitting a brick. She just wanted to get away from him and he was holding on to her with a scared look on her face. Fuck Raggedy for not defending her mother. Brooke didn’t misread the situation. Lurch gets the benefit of misunderstanding night and now he gets the benefit of a misunderstanding fight.  Fuck Lurch and fuck Ridge.

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He's fat

Heh, yeah I noticed how much he was straining the seams of his pants. Those camera angles were not doing him any favors. 😼 Meanwhile, Bill was over at SP looking like the sleek racehorse he is. 😏


This show actually had Katie and Brooke sitting at the kitchen counter drinking coffee discussing Captive Cabin like it was nothing with Katie uttering that she ‘ always suspected that there was something between Quinn and Liam ‘ to actually try to sell to the audience th at Quinn didn’t rape Liam and that it was a consensual relationship.

Ugh, I guess we can look forward to Katie and Hope sitting around folding diapers (😒) and talking about how Thomas is really such a nice but misunderstood guy. And then one of them will make a crack about how great he looks without a shirt on and they'll giggle like a couple of 12-year olds. KMN.

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

I am glad Bridge will end, but that could have happened

In 1998? Yeah, I'm with you there 👍😂

As someone else pointed out, there were so many ways to end Bridge and this one is just as unsatisfying as when Rick came between them, for most of the same reasons. Just like seeing Liam losing out to another man was a waste, just like Steffy finally being off my screen came at the worst point in the entire series or Wyatt finally getting with women who aren't hung up on his not-so-wafflish-these-days brother

I can't even love to hate anyone here anymore.

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So I waited HOW long again for Hope to get her baby back & have about a hot minute of happiness with her family...she finally grows a spine & ends things with homicidal lying crazy Thomass and now she throws her mother under the smelly bus of Ridge blame?


No, really are you?!!!😱

You are losing me again show. What is wrong with you? I don't need this stupid mess...but then you go and bring me Dr♥️David Hayward Lujack Kiriakis? Bastids.

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I guess I should feel bad for Brooke, but considering what she did to Bridget, Hope is kind of the karma and daughter Brooke deserves.

However, I have no interest in seeing another Bridge or Lope breakup, where other characters and pairings will be trashed just to eventually put these two boring couples back together.

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Bridge ended the second Ridge accused Brooke of trying to kill his son.  What happens now are just the death throes.  The scenes in Bill's office showed how people who REALLY care about Brooke react to the news that Brooke pushed Thomas and he went over the cliff.  None of them believed that Brooke would deliberately do it because THEY KNOW BROOKE.  They know that she would never do anything like that and they have faith in her.

THIS Ridge doesn't love Brooke.  OriginalRecipeRidge did, very much, but TK's Ridge has never cared for Brooke.  The best TK has been able to manage is that he tolerates Brooke.  And that's why I think TK is a crap actor because it's his fucking JOB to sell Brooke/Ridge as the greatest love story EVER.  If he's not up to it, then he should get the fuck out the way and let a better actor take over.  Someone like DD.  Or maybe VI!?!?!

The contempt and hatred in Ridge's eyes makes me sick.  The REAL Ridge Forrester wouldn't act like this.  THIS guy is the neglectful father who ignored his kids and stood by and watched as they became monsters.  THIS guy isn't the father figure who WALKED HOPE DOWN THE AISLE.  THIS guy despises Hope.

I want Bridge over as soon as possible.  I want Bill to go over to Brooke's house and help her pack Ridge's greasy, smelly clothes and toss them into the gutter along with the BRUTE she's wasted way too many years of her life on.

As for Hope, she's going to find out what kind of man Ridge Marone is when he uses her to hurt her own mother.  Shame on her.

8 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

So I waited HOW long again for Hope to get her baby back & have about a hot minute of happiness with her family...she finally grows a spine & ends things with homicidal lying crazy Thomass and now she throws her mother under the smelly bus of Ridge blame?


No, really are you?!!!😱

You are losing me again show. What is wrong with you? I don't need this stupid mess...but then you go and bring me Dr♥️David Hayward Lujack Kiriakis? Bastids.

I REALLY want to know what the fuck Bell is thinking, because this FUCKERY makes no fucking sense AT ALL.  Hope and Liam JUST got their child back.  But they've left her with STRANGERS (does Beth know Maya?) while they keep vigil at the bedside of a man who tried to kidnap Hope and KILL Liam?


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I am still in disbelief at what I watched yesterday. WTF is wrong with Hope? I don't want to hear, "confused, still mentally ill, PPD, whatever other excuses ... " She sure snapped back quickly enough last week to bitch-slap the taste out of Flo's mouth and ream out Thomas.

Sooooo ... we are supposed to believe that she's suddenly developed a soft spot for the man who lied to her for months, tried to kidnap her, would have probably raped her, manipulated his own son, and most likely killed somebody. No. nO. and NO!!! No wonder Liam looked so incredulous. I think that if I were Liam, I would have dumped Hope's treacherous ass at the hospital to let her deal with the wrath of Sludge and gone home to Beth. 


A twist that I'd love to see if that Liam finally gets tired of Hope's martyrdom and does not re-marry her after the annulment is annulled. Instead, put Lally together. I still don't think that Sally should let Wyatt back into her life so quickly. I'd make him really sweat it out and earn her trust back. Wyatt can go back to pining away for Felonious Flo and that would give Flo a chance to appear in another jumpsuit -- a baggy orange one this time.

Sludge's greasy slimy ass needed to go like yesterday. We say this every time, but I hope this is the final death knell for Bridge. Being accused of trying to murder your own stepson HAS to be the last straw.  I felt second-hand embarrassment for Brooke as she stood there looking disheveled with her tear-streaked face and trying to placate that venomous cretin. This piece of trash is what she's wasted more than half of her life on? 

A really good story for KKL would be for Bridge to finally break up and for Brooke to spend time alone and reflect on why she tied her "destiny" to that arrogant, conceited, worthless bastard. And I'm not talking mudbath "therapy" with Dr. James Warwick. I know that KKL could really sell that story, but alas, we will never see the light of that, as women aren't allowed to grow and prosper without a man in their bed. 

I'd like to explore a relationship between Brooke and this yummy new doctor. I am not sure about Brill. I can't see Brooke doing that to Katie again, but yet, as others have said, if Katie is dumb enough to go back to Bill again, this time it's on her. I am kind of getting hints of maybe a Brill redux as Bill was pretty clear that he and Katie weren't talking marriage and seemed content with their happy family co-parenting arrangement. He was also quick to jump to Brooke's defense, so we shall see. 

Edited by CharlizeCat
Hope slapped Flo, not Shauna (although she also deserved it!)
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Well said, @CharlizeCat.

I feel so mad that I've been played like this.  After MONTHS of that baby-switch storyline where so many of us tapped out and the loyal few suffered through and sent dispatches to the exiles, I thought we'd get at least of week of punishment for the evildoers and rebuilding for all the people whose lives were torn apart.  We didn't even get THAT.

Was it because so many of us said that the Phoebeth storyline was the worst in soap history that made Bell think, 'hold my beer'? 

And what the fuck Hope?  You were big and bad enough to banish you COUSIN to hell but you're going to forgive the man who manipulated you, abused his son and YOU because he was APOLOGIZING?!?!?  Flo apologized and you clocked her for it.  You barely raised your voice to Thomas.

I've been in Hope's corner through thick and thin.  I'm trying really hard to keep a 'wait and see' attitude but Show isn't making it easy.  If she even considers staying married to Thomas, I'm done.  If she thinks that Thomas would be a good stepfather for little Beth, I don't think I'll be able to get past that.  I'll never feel the contempt for Hope that I do for Hauxdilox, but I'm so disappointed in her right now.

Edited by mightysparrow
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Hope's characterization of the Thomas "apologizing" scene reminds me of furnace night on Y&R where we all saw Arturo leave Mia alone in the apartment after fending off her seductive moves.  FF to a couple of months later and suddenly Mia is pregnant.  With Arturo's child!  Why do the PTB do this to us???  We have eyes!!!

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Just now, A-Lo said:

Hope's characterization of the Thomas "apologizing" scene reminds me of furnace night on Y&R where we all saw Arturo leave Mia alone in the apartment after fending off her seductive moves.  FF to a couple of months later and suddenly Mia is pregnant.  With Arturo's child!  Why do the PTB do this to us???  We have eyes!!! 

And memory, which they apparently do not have.🤔

Yeah, I  hate this crap of rewriting what we actually saw go down on our screens. Such lazy undisciplined writing. Can't they kind of, you know, plan this story out in advance so they don't  have to twist things all around??? 🙄

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And memory, which they apparently do not have.🤔

I used to think that. Then I thought they figured most viewers wouldn't remember stuff because in their minds the "oldsters" are dying out. They're being replaced by fresh, new, young viewers every week who are mostly not read in on show history. Right. 😑

Now I think they're doing this stuff deliberately because they know they can get away with it. The audience is getting trained to tolerate it. Retconning is no longer a "use sparingly" approach; it's now basic practice. Plus, I don't know if I'd call it retconning if the plot point being revised, ignored, or denied just happened a month ago. IMO, that's just plain disrespect to loyal viewers.

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Hope and Liam JUST got their child back.  But they've left her with STRANGERS (does Beth know Maya?) while they keep vigil at the bedside of a man who tried to kidnap Hope and KILL Liam?

Preach. And to leave the baby with Maya of all damn people was such an odd attempt at lipservice for Maya fans that 'Oh, she's still here and so is Lizzie!'.

Damn it, I wanna see cute little Lizzie Forrester hanging out with Douglas in a new kid set where they're up to hijinks and what not.  Knowing this show we'd have Lizzie sneer at Douglas 'My daddy says you're not a REAL Forrester. I am. You're just a Marrone.'

And the more I think about this, WTH didn't they put Maya with Thomas? Both single parents; he's a Forrester; it'd have pissed off Rick upon his eventual return and you'd then Maya would be back front burner with a reason to be there and her daughter raised onscreen.

Anyhoo, if Hope was to leave her baby with anyone it'd be her Aunts Donna and Katie. Hell, I'd trust Bill over Maya as you know he'd be over her like a damn hawk.

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I honestly think the B&B writers fly by the seat of their pants and literally write day-by-day with no master plan to guide them. I can't think of anything else to explain it.  If anybody was smart and planned ahead, scenes with HTy could have been filmed in advance in anticipation that she might take flight again. Same with Wayne Brady. I have ready that it's unlikely he'll reprise his role at all as I guess he has a comedy show or is doing the stand-up circuit. The bottom line is it sounds like he's too busy for B&B. 

What makes me even angrier with Hope is that Brooke has steadfastly stood by her daughter the entire time throughout the Faux-Beth debacle. She never lost patience with Hope, except towards the very end, when that idiot decided to marry Thom-ass.  Brooke has staunchly defended Hope and her decisions even if she didn't agree with them.

And that's the thanks Brooke gets?  Maybe Hope is another one who Brooke needs to take a step back from. Not saying for Brooke to abandon her daughter, maybe just not be such a helicopter parent. Now that Beth is back, Hope needs to stand on her own two feet and take responsibility for her (mostly poor) decisions. It is too bad that Maya has been written out because I always like KKL and KM together. It could be interesting to see a former MIL/DIL become friends and allies in the fashion world.

In a perfect world, Sludge would come home to find all of his belongings stuffed into garbage bags and awaiting him on the front lawn. A visit from Carter or Justin the next day with divorce papers in hand. Hope would be firmly, but kindly, told that she is on her own WRT untangling herself from Thomas, getting Beth's adoption reversed, her relationship with Liam, working out visitation arrangements with Steffy, and the list goes on and on.

I kind of want old selfish Brooke Logan back. She was more interesting. This watered down version who kow-tows to Sludge and is a bit too overly involved in her kids' lives is getting boring. 

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59 minutes ago, mightysparrow said:

If she even considers staying married to Thomas, I'm done.  If she thinks that Thomas would be a good stepfather for little Beth, I don't think I'll be able to get past that.  

The fastest way to destroy a female character's character? Let her stay with a man that hurt her kids.

See also: Sharon Newman 🙄

I dont believe this destruction of Hope is anything but deliberate at this point and it's beyond stupid. If they want to break up Lope, just fucking do it. We've literally seen them split up over less. But you can do that without trashing her character, presumably to make Steffy look better. I haven't forgotten her stallion ride or her crashing in to break up Liam and Ivy and everything she's done to Hope just because her mother and grandmother hated all things Logan and enabled her to do it.

2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

A twist that I'd love to see if that Liam finally gets tired of Hope's martyrdom and does not re-marry her after the annulment is annulled. Instead, put Lally together.

I was really, really against this pairing two years ago cuz of Liam's covering up the lie for his slattern wife  and scared his waffling would dickmatized her, but fuck it. Assuming his new backbone is going to stick for a minute, it's worth revisiting. And unlike Hope and Steffy and Ivy that he leeched onto during their vulnerable times, Sally did love him and he worked to ruin that. The only woman he deserves is Rosy Palms.

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18 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

I just don't get that actor.  I won't say who.  He's fat, he has zero emotional range, his voice is monotone ALL THE TIME, he has zero sex appeal and he's grossing me out man with too much screen time.  

Now, that Irizarry guy has something. I can see he's a professional.  Funny, I've never seen him in anything and I see on IMDB he's been on every soap, plus Jackie Collins' "Lucky Chance" tv mini series - the only one I've ever missed! I'm going to find it and watch it.  I wished I watched him on AMC with Finola Hughes.  Anyway, is he signed on or will he go the way of Joe Lando and Robin Givens, both of whom I enjoyed very much?

He was perfectly cast as Gino Santangelo even if the old-age makeup back then left something to be desired. You can also see Victor "YouGotTHAT?" Newman, um, Eric Braeden, as Dimitri Stantislopolous. 

Here's the link to it on YT:

Back on topic - VI, like DD, is the proverbial fine wine...he just gets better and better with age.

While I am always gonna want Brill back, I'd be more than fine with Brooke getting some sexual healing from the good doctor. He already looks bathed and groomed which is far more than I can say for Ridge.

TPTB are treading on very thin ice with me once again. And I feel like I was baited with the Beth reveal and reunion with Lope as well as Hope putting the literal smackdown on Flo and now they are trying to switch it with the inevitable Thomas redemption bullshit (at the expense of Brooke) with a side of Hope acting the idiot after seemingly snapping out of her fog the second she locked the CEO office door to keep Thomas out.

I mean, what was she hearing when she had the flashbacks that clearly showed Thomas was deranged and scary and putting his hands on her and physically preventing her from getting away from him? Soothing lullabies? Maybe she hasn't snapped out of it after all and that would be understandable except everything leading up to those moments, including her screaming at him that their marriage was over, doesn't add up to her still being mentally traumatized. At all.

The exchange between Liam and Hope from Monday's episode alone (where she revealed Thomas showed up at the cliff house) is fucked up beyond reason.

Hope: "I was here, alone, when he showed up."

Liam: "What?!"

Hope: "Yeah. And, um, he was upset about the annulment, and he was desperate, even, begging me not to end our marriage, and..."

Liam sighs: "What did you do?"

Hope: "Well, I-I tried to leave. But then he wouldn't let me, so then I went out the back, and -- and then he started following me."

Liam: "Oh, my god. Oh, my god!"

Hope: "I wasn't -- I wasn't sure what he would do. Or -- or the lengths he would go to stop me. So I started backing away. But then -- but then he grabbed ahold of me a-and-"

Liam, instantly furious as he SHOULD be: "Wait, he grabbed you? He actually grab-- where -- is he still on the property?" You can tell Liam wants to insta-kick his ass, which, again, completely understandable.

Hope: "No, Liam, stop. It's not how it sounds. It's not how it sounds." WTAF??????

Liam calls her out: "What do you, what does that mean, it's not how it sounds? What does that mean?" 

Hope: "I-I -- I was -- I was frantic, and -- and I think -- i think he was just trying to get me to listen. And to get through to me. Because he kept saying he was sorry, and he was apologizing, and he just wanted to talk, and that if we could go inside and -- and --"

Liam: "Okay, please tell me you didn't do that."

Hope: "No, no. Of course not. Thomas and I are over. And -- and there's nothing that he could say to me, no apology, no explanation that would erase what he did to me. But..."

Liam, stating the obvious: "Well, he had no right to grab you." EXACTLY.

Hope: "No, I know. I know that. But looking back, I... I-I don't think I was in danger. Although I could see how it would seem that way to my mom."


Is she even listening to herself here? Did her own words like frantic or he wouldn't let me leave or not knowing the lengths Thomas would go to even registering with her?

She felt so unthreatened that she RAN from the house to get away from him. 

Does 👋 Not 👋 Compute 👋

TPTB, I would tell you to stop this shit now but the damage has already been done and what's worse, that greasy, paunchy, hobo passing himself as Ridge Forrester is deeming himself, judge, jury and God where his own wife is concerned., choosing to side with that worthless piece of shit rapist murderer instead and also jumping to the completely erroneous conclusion that it was on purpose.


Here's the clip that proves it and notice how Hope grabbed onto Brooke to ensure she didn't go tumbling after him.

And if Ridge saw $Bill or anyone else grabbing Steffy by the cliff, are you seriously telling me he wouldn't have done the same? Oh wait, he DID throw Bill over the balcony after learning Hauxdi had CONSENSUAL sex with Bill.

Considering his own checkered past, including being a two-time rapist, is it any wonder he's in Thomas's corner?

When even those who can't stand Brooke are saying this is fucked up, it's fucked up.

And to see my gal reduced to this?


Truly despicable.

This pretty much sums up the show at this point:

At this point, I am tuning in solely for the man-candy (Don, Vincent, Aaron at the top of the list) and the fact that it appears very clear that Bill and Liam are most definitely in Brooke's corner.

The one bright spot is I absolutely loved Liam and Bill in the past few episodes:

Liam, after learning Brooke pushing Thomas away from her: ""Good. Then what?"

Bill's gleeful response when Wyatt shares the news about Thomas: "Really??? Is he dead?" 


Bill's response when Katie says regardless of how they feel about Thomas, they should all be wishing him a speedy recovery: "Why???"

Liam: "He better wake up soon. So I can kill him."

Also, his face here:



Finally, I'll leave you with this. 


I love how KL's Rick and Bill have the same leg pose and we have the same wayward shoe. MA needs to step up his fall game.

Edited by CountryGirl
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15 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

When has Ridge ever done something for Raggedy that went against his wonderful children but he’s quick to judge Brooke for defending her child.  WTF?  

Original Recipe Ridge fired Steffy for "Ho to the Future".  It was a childish, embarrassing, unprofessional "prank" and Ridge called her out on it and fired her.

3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

Bridge ended the second Ridge accused Brooke of trying to kill his son . . . The scenes in Bill's office showed how people who REALLY care about Brooke react to the news that Brooke pushed Thomas and he went over the cliff.  None of them believed that Brooke would deliberately do it because THEY KNOW BROOKE.  They know that she would never do anything like that and they have faith in her.

Those people in Bill's office also don't care one whit about Thomas.  Ridge, at least for purposes of this SL, loves his son.  Of course his loyalties are going to be divided.  It would be totally unrealistic for him to immediately comfort his wife who is responsible for his son's accident.

Thanks to that hilarious clip of Rick plunging to the ground, we saw that Rick was a straight animal who completely instigated the fight with Ridge and basically tried to kill him with that chokehold.  I don't have anything close to a clear recollection but I have to wonder how quickly Brooke believed Ridge's side of the story when it was her son unconscious in the ICU.

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Flo to Shauna: We can’t even afford bail, how are we going to afford a high powered attorney? 

Well Flo, you’ve been living rent free with Wyatt and you have your salary from working at Forrester as well as the $50,000 you earned for your participation in this crime. I’m sure that would help. 

I can’t with the twisted logic of Shauna as well as Ridge today. Dr. LuJack was the only good reason to watch today. 

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19 hours ago, TessHarding2 said:

I just don't get that actor.  I won't say who.  He's fat, he has zero emotional range, his voice is monotone ALL THE TIME, he has zero sex appeal and he's grossing me out man with too much screen time.   

If you’re talking about DD/Bill I agree he’s really out of shape. 

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43 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

Original Recipe Ridge fired Steffy for "Ho to the Future".  It was a childish, embarrassing, unprofessional "prank" and Ridge called her out on it and fired her.

Slight nitpick, but she was actually sacked for the Posse boink video a few months after....and the reason Ridge didn't believe she'd been set up was specifically because of that Ho For the Future stunt, which he did demote her for. 

Man, those were the good ol' days when actions had consequences and the show didn't pretend like rainbows and kittens shot out of Steffy's ass.

49 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

  I don't have anything close to a clear recollection but I have to wonder how quickly Brooke believed Ridge's side of the story when it was her son unconscious in the ICU.

From my recollection, Brooke was actually fairly quick to defend Rick, to my absolute chagrin. The years of Rick N. Titled were the only period where I felt a smidge of sympathy for original Ridge who up til '06 was nearly as odious as this current slob.

She did choose to leave Ridge and care for Rick's recovery, which of course he was faking after the first few weeks.

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Can Ridge sit down on a syringe filled with an overdose of morphine that some idiot left there by accident?  Then he and his beloved, innocent, kind, loving, misunderstood saint of a son can be hospital roommates while Dr Stud harvests their innards, minus their brains, which neither of them possess.  

I had dreams of Hope finally growing up and becoming a strong woman, but the assholes-that-be will continue to write her as a bug-eyed, weak imbecile. 

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I guess Ridge also forgot about the time he accidentally pushed Brooke into the pool and she hit her head, knocking her unconscious and she nearly drowned.

Can he just DIAF already? 

Or just die period?

Again, ITA with everyone who said the character should have been killed off (or at least presumed dead to leave the door open for Ronn) when RM left.

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Notice that Thom-ass has his hands grabbing on Brooke's back when she turns quickly and pushes him away.  It seems that she's pushing him away from herself and from Hope.

I  think Hope really does think and mean that, no matter her perceptions (frantic, etc, etc), she wasn't in any physical danger from Thomas -- but Brooke didn't know that and only saw Thom-ass all over Hope.  Also, no matter that Hope thought Thom-ass wasn't a danger to her -- we (the audience) know better.

Put me firmly on Team Thom-aas Fakes Amnesia/ Personality Change when he wakes up.  The annulment will be on hold for a while since Thomas can't sign annulment papers for a marriage he doesn't remember.  While waiting for his memories to come back  I don't believe Hope will go back to him, but she will let down her guard. Thomas, creepy crazy as ever, will swoop in and kidnap her as she's still his "wife" and so they can be a family with Douglas. Thomas might even let Hauxdi in on his plan.

This leaves the field open for Hauxdi to have another go at Liam. Liam won't be interested and will frantically, with Bill and Justin's help, be looking for Hope.  Ridge will believe that his wonderful son is being persecuted.  Brooke will know Hope is in danger and team up with Liam, Bill and Justin.  Bridge at this point are broken.  Please dear Show beyond repair. Forever.

The fearsome three some save the day by rescuing Hope and Douglas.  Thomas you see has taken Douglas with him knowing the Hope won't abandon Douglas if Thom-ass threatens to harm him.

Thomas is either killed by the police (thus fulfilling the hint someone dies), is dragged off to the nut house, or jumps from a cliff and is presumed dead.  None of this happens however, until after Thomas tries to kill Liam, shoots Hope instead when she jumps in front of Liam, terrorizes Douglas, shoots at the cops, and reveals all his insanity and culpability in Emma' death to everyone there -- Bill, Justin, Liam, Det Sanchez, assorted cops, Brooke, Wyatt, and especially Sludge in all his greasy, smug, self-righteous, judgmental glory.  There will be absolute no doubt about Thomas' mental state and his crimes.

Afterwards Sludge will try to apologize to- and make up with Brooke at the hospital while Hope is being treated. Brooke will ignore him completely.  Bonus points if Liam punches him out stating that none of this would have happened if Sludge had just believed Hope and FloZoeXan.   Scene ends with Sludge standing alone, abandoned by everyone.

Edited by La di Diva
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1 hour ago, Angeleyes said:

Dr. LuJack was the only good reason to watch today. 

That, and Liam's continued trashing of Thomas in front of Ridge!

So Thomas fell how many feet and has no broken bones?  That must be some fluffy sand on the beach.

Brooke should be on her cell calling a lawyer, STAT!

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Can he just DIAF already? 

I'm pretty sure Show tried that in South America 15 years back, buy it didn't stick 😂

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I don't want to see Sally with Liam.  At some point, Liam will get back together with Hope.  I would say I want better for Sally, but on B&B there is no better for women.  It's just one pathetic loser guy after another.

Hope is the one who should have pushed Thomas off that cliff in self-defense.  Then when Ridge got in Hope or Brooke's face about it, Hope's response should have been, "If you are going to stay married to THAT ONE, Mom, you should know, him and his son will NEVER be welcome around me or Beth.  I should have listened to you and everyone else about Thomas, and I am done being a victim."

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I'm so disappointed in the disgusting turn this show has taken.  The scene with Hope, Liam and Beth at the cabin with him working and Hope playing with Beth was one of my favourites in a VERY long time.  It was great to see them finally get a chance to be a FAMILY.  I've never felt that Hope and Liam have had a REAL chance to be together.  Something always gets in the way, usually her slatternly step sister.  For a minute it looked like all the obstacles were out of the way and they were going to have a chance at happiness. 

I've been a Hope/Liam fan, even when Show gave me little to no reason for it.  But if Hope lets her 'guilt' (whatever the fuck that means) over Thomas prevent her from moving on with her REAL life, I think Liam should move on alone.  Because Liam's child was stolen too.  His marriage ended even though he fought hard to keep it.  There is no way that Liam should have to live with someone like Thomas in his or his daughter's life.  If Hope chooses Thomas, that's on her.

Hope was suffering from PPD and that's not something that you get over right away.  Clearly, she's not 100% mentally or emotionally if she is spending a second believing that there is an ounce of good in Thomas or that he meant well when he had his hands on her, preventing her from getting away from the man who lied and manipulated her.

I really believe that Bell doesn't like or respect women, which is a bad thing if soap operas are the family business.  He sees women as interchangeable pawns in men's lives.  No woman should be treated the way Ridge is treating Brooke right now.   Thomas' 'redemption' shouldn't have to be paid for with Hope's life.  Wyatt breaks up with Flo (understandable) and runs back to Sally THE SAME DAY.  Sally, who has been treated like shit by just about everyone, doesn't even consider the pain and humiliation she suffered at  Wyatt's hands.  She takes him back without even demanding a REAL apology.  

A lot of people compare Steffy to Brooke and I say 'BULLSHIT'.  Brooke Logan is an educated, hard working woman who EARNED her place in Forrester, unlike Hauxdi who got what she has by birth, spreading her legs or just plain hatefulness.  Hauxdilox has NEVER paid for the pain she's caused.  Brooke, on the other hand has been B&B's punching bag FOR DECADES.  To see Brooke grovel to a man who isn't worth her (or anyone else's) spit is disgusting.

I REALLY need $Bill to show up and support Brooke because it's clear that she can't count on her daughter.  Liam is in Brooke's corner but he's going to have his hands full trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with Hope.

Isn't it ironic that the ONLY person in jail is Flo?  She deserves to be there but what about the MEN who played a big part in the kidnapping and trafficking of Beth?  Why is a woman suffering the most?


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Wow, Hope, you are unbelievable. You not only threw Brooke under the bus, you shifted into reverse and backed over her. And Ridge was practically licking his chops at the thought of Brooke being accused of trying to kill Thomas. Ugh.

Quinn still can't read a room apparently. Or dress herself. 😼

"Inherently good"? Thomas? He probably hasn't been inherently good since shortly after he left Taylor's womb.

Ridge, it had to happen because your son is a psycho who can't take no for an answer. He would've said anything to try to manipulate Hope to her assured detriment.

YOUR BABY GIRL, SHAUNA????!!! What about Hope's baby girl? Get outta here with that nonsense.

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Raggedy you fucking idiot. YOU FOUND HIM THREATENING OR YOU WOULD HAVE RUN OUT THE BACK DOOR. Beside you shouldn’t be berating your mother in front of Ridge nor in public.  Yes Raggedy, make excuses for Lurch.  Ridge is the most insufferable bastard. He yells at Brooke for seeing what she wants to see but Ridge is the one who wears blinders. 

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If my husband spoke to me with that tone of voice and with that look, well I'd give him the stink eye and go have hot sex with the next man who crossed my path.  Dr Armstrong, may I see you for a moment?

I still want Brooke to find that ghost machine under the bed.

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3 minutes ago, TessHarding2 said:

If my husband spoke to me with that tone of voice and with that look, well I'd give him the stink eye and go have hot sex with the next man who crossed my path.  Dr Armstrong, may I see you for a moment?

I still want Brooke to find that ghost machine under the bed.

And she should make Ridge WATCH!

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5 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I've never felt that Hope and Liam have had a REAL chance to be together.  Something always gets in the way, usually her slatternly step sister.

Yep...and then, their own egos once Steffy left. But Noelle's casting allowed for the character of Hope to mature and bring back the glimmer of what made them tick to begin with. I was finally onboard but I feel even more pissed abould this new turn of events than I did when Brooke--after years of fight Stephanie and Macy being "killed"--woke up in love with Ridge out of the blue. Because we at least got an overall good story with the two of them.

Lope really were wobbed this time. Not by Bill or Steffy or even Thomas and the 3 stooges. No, that lies with Bratley Bell, aka the biggest hack in daytime TV in a sea of hacks. Say what you will about the other morons ruining the genre but all of them made it on their own "talents" while Bell got a show pre-packahed that he squandered.

William Bell should've left the reigns to his daughter-in-law. Maria Arena ain't afraid to cut a bitch out the show (see also: Diane Jenkins, Ricky Williams, Brad & Colleen Carlton, Sharon's dignity, any morality Hope Adams imparted to Adam by keeping him from Victor, etc). Thomas would've been dead two weeks ago if she were in charge, previous Taytot death be damned.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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If the writers are going to kill off a character, the SL needs to be very well written, not simply done for shock value.  Anymore soaps are all about the "shock" while good writing is an after thought.

When AMC killed Laura (Brooke and Tom's daughter), it affected almost all of the characters and had a real impact.  Barbara (the woman Tom was dating) was watching Laura, Laura wanted to go across the street over to her friend's house.  Barbara let Laura go by herself (I think Laura was only four of five at the time).  Laura was hit by a drunk driver walking across the road.  One of Cecily's friends had gotten a promotion at work (something like that), and they were all celebrating at lunch.  He had to much to drink, Cecily took his keys, and was going to call him a cab.  However, he had a spare set of keys on him, he left in his car, and he hit Laura.  So while Barbara and Cecily weren't driving the car, they still felt responsible.  Which is a huge difference with this show because none of these characters ever think they do anything wrong, or are responsible for what they do.

For psycho done right, see Jake on DOOL, Chris K's little brother.  No one expected him to be a serial killer.  For bad guy hiding in plain sight, see Burt Ramsey on GH, who did get actual redemption years later after he paid for what he did.

I still wish Hope, Brooke, and Ridge had followed Thomas over the cliff.

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I tuned in today to see what all the fuckery was about....and, looks like I will be taking a nice long break again.  Thanks for the 4 or 5 days of great acting and SOME comeuppance for SOME guilty parties. But I guess that was all the show could muster. We havent even gotten to see Dr WinsorCastle perp walked into jail/court and we are already on the Thomas redemption tour. 

So are Amelia, the WORST nanny on the West Coast, and Douglas still sitting in Vinnie's apartment? Will Vinnie at least come through to explain how crazed and obssessive Tom had been a mere HALF HOUR before he ran to Hope with his Rage Apology? And that Tommy was on some mysterious "stash" ?

I was already pissed at Hope for UNPACKING and sniffing every piece of Phoebe/Beth's clothing that Steffy had painfully and probably tearfully packed. Nothing good ever happens for Hope at that Cliff House. 

So does Shauna not know that Baby Gorl Flo got 50 large for helping to sell a newborn? That she apparently never spent because she felt sooooooo bad about it? Now would be the time to tap into that blood money.

 I will be checking in here ti see when it might be safe to get back in the water. It was a greak...week...wasnt it? (Sigh)

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