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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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4 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

Hee!!!  Best idea yet.

I think why I'm not satisfied with Ridge and Brooke confronting the despicable idiots is because after all the boredom and stupidity in this SL, I wanted Brooke to beat the baby thieves to death with a shovel, for Ridge and Bill to get rid of the bodies, and for them to get away with it.  And I despise Ridge and Brooke, but I would have given them a pass on this one.

Which brings me to the another problem with this SL (and there are so many).  People like Bill Spencer should have been heavily involved, and weren't.  There was way to much screen time given to characters like Zoe, Flo, and Xander who I don't give a damn about.  I think they only had Flo be related to Hope to try to up the angst factor, but it fell flat.  The desperation to tie the character to the canvas and other characters via Hope and Wyatt didn't work.

Also, with the way Flo, Zoe, and Shana were talking, I got the impression if Flo and Zoe hadn't realized it was Hope's baby that was stolen, they wouldn't have given the crime another thought.  If it was some nameless person, they never saw again, they would have been okay with that.  Their main concern about it being Hope's baby was they might be found out.

Quoted in full because all of this is correct.

These stories work not because it pulls at people's heartstrings to lose babies (which it does) but because we care about or have a vested interest in with the characters involved....both the parents affected AND the person or people helping to cover the secret.

To pull from ATWT yet again (because it was the last good story not related to Luke and Noah they ever did): Craig switches his biobaby with the one he and his wife Rosanna just adopted from a teenage mother. Rosanna finds out and somehow the fight leads to her being in a coma and said baby ends up with Rosanna's sister and he leaves town. 

The rest of the story then fell on Paul (ex-husband of Rosanna and Jen's brother) who covered it up "for her own protection (*pfffffftt* okay), his girlfriend Emily who is ride-or-die--quite literally--and Meg Synder, whocovered the secret also for her own selfish needs but had an IQ in the mid upper digits and found a way to reunite Jen with her child and avoid implicating herself in it (until Dusty uncovered her plane tickets at one pivotal turning point and dumped her ass).

But even though I hated every one of those jackwagons where I couldn't tell you which of the three pissed me off most, I can't say I was ever bored or that I didn't understand their motives. Meanwhile, the only motivator for everuone besides Thomas was "stay out of jail. Booooring.

My God, Zoe came 7000 miles from Britain to stalk Xander and she let him go *Brooke snap* just like that because she valued her own ass more than this supposedly amazing guy. Are we supposed to feel sorry for her or Flo and her Logan-esque lone tear?! I don't! Good! Go directly to jail! Do not pass go or collect 200 dollars! 🤷‍♀️ Zoe's character was DOA for me anyway after that shit she pulled on Hope, then forcing her way onto a fashion show. And Flo I care even less for.

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15 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

But even though I hated every one of those jackwagons where I couldn't tell you which of the three pissed me off most, I can't say I was ever bored or that I didn't understand their motives. Meanwhile, the only motivator for everuone besides Thomas was "stay out of jail. Booooring.

This is where B&B’s size/makeup really does it a disservice, I think. Flo, Shawna, Zoe and Xander couldn’t really have more motivation because they’re newbies. They barely know Hope and Steffy, and they have zero history, so it’s not like they could keep the secret out of hatred or revenge or whatever. And even if show came up with something, they’re newbies, so would anyone care? At least involving Thomas added some amount of history/stakes to the reveal.

But you also can’t make the perpetrators of the lie too close to the victims because then you run into an All My Children situation where the man who raised a stepson from birth and has thought of him as his own son is keeping secret the fact that the stepson’s baby is alive for... reasons? ATWT was able to pull off that right mix of investment, but Emily and Meg weren’t so close to Jen that it destroyed their characters the way the baby switch on AMC did to so many.

And B&B really only has newbies with no ties or someone who is literally family. The only options who could potentially do something like this to Liam and/or Hope that we would give a crap about (aside from Thomas) would be Taylor (I assume as a result of a nervous breakdown to get Steffy her baby), Ridge (though, much as I dislike him, I’d still call character destruction if he knew from the beginning, on account of Brooke... he’d have to find out after Steffy already had Phoebe) or Quinn (for... reasons?) Anyone else would tell Lope straightaway or be the victim of extreme character assassination. 

What they definitely should have done is actually shown us Flo bonding with her family. Spend the 4th barbecuing with Katie and Bill while Katie told her about her best holidays with Storm. Have lunch with Brooke or drinks with Donna. Do something to show us there actually is some great Logan bond that Flo is terrified of losing. 

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39 minutes ago, Zoe116 said:

ATWT was able to pull off that right mix of investment, but Emily and Meg weren’t so close to Jen that it destroyed their characters the way the baby switch on AMC did to so many

True, those two got many, many other chances to FUBAR their characters between Emily's stint as a prostitute and Meg's martyrdom before she left Oakdale in a straight jacket 😛

But you're right though, and come to think of it, B&B did get around that limitation with Amber and Becky by having only Amber and her grifter mom Tawny in the know. She was just new enough to the cast that she could have been written out if the story flopped but just long enough to get her motivations (and also she'd helped get rid of Sheila a season earlier so she had a little goodwill to milk, screeching voice and all). 

If Bell wanted an umbrella story, , there were other ways to go about it. Hell, the first Triangle of Dumb might as well have been one for all that  everyone put their two cents in and manipulated those three for their own personal gain. I know.the spies have read our suggestions over the years especially where Brooke and Liam (who hasn't work at ALL this year) are concerned.

Speaking of fan reaction, did anyone else's CBS affiliate run a segment about this story being over today? 😂 I live in San Diego which is a pretty big news market and it's not even the soap I hear anyone discuss on the rare occasion anyone my age talks about soaps at all. It was mostly footage of a recent interview given by SC and AN ....I'm guessing this story was chipping into CBS 8’s ratings and they were letting people know the coast is clear 😂😂😂😂

39 minutes ago, Zoe116 said:


Edited by Anna Yolei
The board somehow double posted and I'm never able to clear quote boxes
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4 hours ago, Zoe116 said:

At least involving Thomas added some amount of history/stakes to the reveal.

They could have brought Thomas into this SL without completely ruining the character.  When Thomas returned, Steffy could have been with a new guy, Liam living at Wyatt's trying to convince Hope to work on their marriage, and Thomas could have decided to use Hope to make Sally jealous (not nice, but better than being a rapist and a murderer).  Wyatt dumps Sally for some lame reason.  Thomas still overhears the morons discussion about Beth being alive.  Thomas goes to Hope's place, but she's at Steffy's.  Thomas goes to Steffy's and Liam and Hope are both there.  At first, no one believes what Thomas is saying.  Liam calls the hospital about the birth certificate, etc.  Finally, they all believe Thomas, and four people in the past who have had conflicts with each other, are united in going after Dr. Reese, Flo, Zoe, Xander, etc.

As it is, the legacy children on this show are MIA, dead, despicable, or stuck in storyline hell with a never ending triangle.

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It's too bad they went the creepy route with nuThomas. When Pierson played him he was a romantic hero (with a little edge) and, he and Sally were on fire. When a character is recast they sometimes hook them up because they have better chemistry but it appears that Brad Bell was going to write nuThomas like this right off the bat. Then you add in the actor having the creepy part down it was all down hill from there. LOL!!! I guess they can redeem him but I suspect Hope will become pregnant with Thomas's baby and the story will never end. Free Douglass!!

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7 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

They could have brought Thomas into this SL without completely ruining the character. 

7 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

As it is, the legacy children on this show are MIA, dead, despicable, or stuck in storyline hell with a never ending triangle.

B&B is overdue for a despicable, love to hate them character, and why not one of the legacy kids? Stephanie Forrester was despicable...why shouldn't her grandson also be despicable? The show insists on portraying Steffy as some sort of heroine, they killed off Stephanie's granddaughters Phoebe and Aly, no one cares about Zende or RJ and Felicia's child is probably too young to get into the mix. The Thomas character has been creepy/rapey before, so why not turn him into the next show villain?

Thomas isn't completely irredeemable because (other than running Emma off the road, which really can't be proven) he didn't do anything that half the cast didn't do in relation to Phoebeth.  Yes, Thomas knew.  So did Flo (who helped steal Beth), Xander, Zoe and Shauna.  Thomas manipulated Hope.  So did Flo. So why is Thomas more to blame than Flo?*  I can see a scenario where Ridge tries to excuse Thomas' actions by claiming he's still in grief over Caroline, while Brooke isn't having it and it tears them apart (enter sexy Vincent Irizarry).

And speaking of Caroline, I'd like a storyline where Karen & Danielle suspect Thomas of having done something to Caroline but they can't prove it.  If you're going to make Thomas a villain, take it all the way there.  Why not? He gets it honestly from his grandmother.

*Yes, Thomas kept the truth from Hope and manipulated her into ending her marriage to Liam and marrying him.  That was wrong; he took advantage. And yes, he threatened Xander, Zoe, Flo etc. But I can see a scenario where Thomas will be seen as the Bigg Evul while Flo & Co. get seen as victims of Thomas. Even if Flo couldn't tell Hope, she could've told Wyatt, who would've told Liam & Hope.  But Thomas is going to be seen as worse than Wayne Shady and Flo, who stole the baby in the first place.

Edited by drivethroo
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48 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

B&B is overdue for a despicable, love to hate them character, and why not one of the legacy kids?

Because the legacy kids are almost non-existent on the show.  Flo, Zoe, and Xander are a waste of time, but Flo and Zoe will probably get a free pass while Thomas gets thrown under the bus for them.

Also, Thomas won't be allowed to be a character like JR Ewing, Adam Chandler, Asa Buchanan, Richard Channing, etc.  He will be put in the position of always losing to Liam.  Boring.

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17 hours ago, JustDucky said:

I hope we cut to Thomas, sad and lonely in the hotel room, drinking booze from the room service cart...

Wearing the lingerie that he bought Hope.

Because as satisfying as it was to see the LiHoBe reunion and the beginning of Flo's ass being removed so it can be handed to her, I could use a bit of comedy.  

(Of course, have somebody check on him before long so he has to put on a robe, because yikes.)

Apparently, Thomas has gone off the grid and taken to the woods and is busy building fires.

Sorry, no lingerie, just your typical flannel over t-shirt garb.

But he IS growing facial hair and we all know what that means.


Edited by CountryGirl
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16 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

And later he'll swing by FC to try on some of his new designs for HFTF:


Put a warning tag on that! My eyes! My eyes!

Offtopic, the actor apparently improvised that entire scene...and all these years later, I'm still having this reaction:


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Thomas is not more culpable WRT to the actual mechanics of the baby switch/human trafficking than Flo or Dr. Fuckingham. He's on par with Zoe and Xander there in terms of keeping his mouth shut long after the fact. 

But he's upped the ante by killing Emma (murder 1) and utilizing his own innocent child in order to manipulate then-emotionally unstable Hope and some of his actions, the ghost, the threats, and even grabbing him, that's at minimum, emotional abuse. 

So while Flo and Dr. F should take the lion's share and the prison sentences their crimes involve, Thomas is right up there in his own right because of his actions after he learned the truth.

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10 hours ago, drivethroo said:

B&B is overdue for a despicable, love to hate them character, and why not one of the legacy kids? 

I wouldn't mind this, actually, except that the show never sets up anything subtly or builds up to it. Like, Rick for all his teen years seemed fairly well-adjusted all things considered, then Kyle Lauder is cast and suddenly he's the new Thorne blaming Ridge for all the problems in his life. Thomas was well hated by a good number of fans before Sally and they took the time to really redeem this character from the entitled brat he'd always been. Why do that if they're just gonna trash it at first chance? Why couldn't the entitled shit stirring brat be RJ? He's still a blank slate.

Knowing these idiots, a Bridget return would probably reveal that she's been slutting it up behind dumpsters Phyllis Summers style and she'd probably be yet another woman to want a ride on the Maple Express. No thanks.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Yesterday's show had Brooke and Ridge (but mostly Brooke) putting the smackdown on Flo and Zoe for their deplorable actions while Liam shared the full story with a shocked and horrified Hope.

Over at FC, Brooke is still reeling from the reveal that Beth, her granddaughter, is very much alive and Flo obviously lied her ass off.

Brooke: "Beth is alive? My daughter's baby is alive?"


Flo: "Yes."


And just save your single fucking tear. First, because you suck and not one person is gonna feel sorry for your sorry ass except your stupid mama. Second, because Brooke is the queen of the one tear and don't you forget it!

Brooke: "You told everybody that you're Phoebe's birth mother!"

Flo: "I lied."

Brooke: "Because Phoebe doesn't exist!"

Shauna interrupts: "Wait a minute."

She is seriously working on my last nerve and I wish Brooke would spit this at her:


Brooke is having none of it: "Oh, stop it, Shauna! It's too late! There's no protecting her anymore."


Ridge: "What are you saying, Flo? Look at me." She looks at him, hoping her cow eyes penetrate. "Steffy's raising... Phoebe is Beth?"

Flo: "I am so sorry."

Ridge: "How could you do this? How could you do this to a family?"

Flo: "I didn't know the baby was Beth until it was too late." And I'm gonna just stop things RIGHT HERE. What the fuck difference does it make WHO the baby was??? WRONG IS WRONG IS WRONG. So if it had been some other woman, some stranger, that didn't know her baby was stolen, everything would be just fine and dandy?

Flo truly is the worst piece of trash this show has ever seen and that's saying something considering the screechy scrunchy-faced nightmare that was Ambrosia Moore.

Brooke is stunned as she tallies up the implications: "I can't believe this. I can't believe that Beth is alive. My granddaughter's alive, Ridge. Hope is gonna-" 


Ridge: "I'm asking you how you did this. Explain it to me."

Flo: "It was all Dr. Buckingham."

No, ma'am. No, it was NOT. She is still fucking lying! She can stand there and try to twist things to say that if it wasn't her, Dr. F would have found someone else to pose as the fake birth mom, but he didn't have to because she was all too eager to do that and smooch him (and probably fuck him later) and pocket $50k.

Ridge: "Zoe's father?"

And on that note, who should come into the office but Zoe herself.


Who immediately reads the room and attempts to back right out again. 


Zoe: "Uh, sorry, I'll -- I'll just come back later."

Brooke immediately stops her cold: "Uh, no. No, we need to speak to you."

Ridge: "Yeah, we're just talking about your dad."

Brooke: "We just found out the truth about Beth."

Zoe has the gall to try to lie (some more): "I don't -- I... I don't know what you're talking about, I-"


Oh, save it, honey. They already know and even if they didn't, the truth is written all over your face.

Ridge: "You knew about this all along, didn't you?"

Brooke: "How was your father involved? I want the truth and I want it NOW. No more messing with my daughter's life." Get 'em, Brooke. 

When we come back from commercial, it seems as if the whole sordid story was told based on the conversation that follows.

Brooke: "It's sick, what your father did."

Ridge: "Used it for gambling debt?"

When Ridge is disgusted, you know it's serious.

Zoe: "I told you, my life was in danger."

Brooke has no fucks to give: "There is NO excuse. And there's no excuse for the two of you keeping that secret. How long have you known?"

Flo, looking increasingly uncomfortable, mumbles: "I didn't know who the birth mother was. All he told me is that her name was Hope. And I didn't even know who Hope and Beth were until after the adoption. I know that I should have come forward and told her the truth when I found out everything, and I tried to. I tried to many times."

As Yoda would say, "do or do not. There is no try." And she most definitely did NOT and would have kept on doing NOT if she hadn't been busted by a 5 year old.

Shauna: "She -- she did."



Brooke: "But protecting yourself was more important than giving hope's baby back! What about you, Zoe? What about you, Shauna? Wasn't anybody going to tell my daughter the truth?"

That would be a big fat NO, Brooke.

Flo: "I am so sorry, Brooke. I wanted to tell her, and so did she. We both did. I-it's just that things started to get out of hand." She is going to continue to hang her hat on one excuse after another when there is simply NO excuse. For her very clear actions of participating in kidnapping and human trafficking. Nor the cover-up afterwards. She wanted to keep her cushy life with her well-to-do newfound family and her boyfriend and his beach house while she, to quote Wyatt, "smiled in all of their faces."

Flo: "But it's over now. Hope is finally gonna know the truth, and she's gonna have her baby back." Oh, so that makes everything okay?

Ridge: "How is it over? What about Steffy? It's gonna break her heart." Sorry, no fucks to give on that account. 

Brooke: "Taylor was involved in this adoption. Did she really know what was going on?" Know Beth was Phoebe? No. Know something shadier than a cloudy day was going on with the speed and the antsiness of Dr. F? Yes.

Flo: "No, no, no, no. She -- she didn't know any of this. She believed that I was the birth mother."

Brooke: "Yeah, but how could she not know? That baby came out of nowhere." I love that Brooke is scrutinizing the adoption and Taylor, a supposed renowned psychiatrist, not picking up on any of the red flags in her haste to give her daughter another baby when her own baby was barely crawling.

Flo: "She trusted Reese. (Whom she barely knew. I guess him flicking her bick made him insta-100% trustworthy). Just like I did. He's a well-respected doctor. No one would have thought he'd do something like this."

Zoe: "He and taylor knew each other through some medical connections, and she mentioned (READ talked all the livelong day) that Steffy was looking to adopt a sister for Kelly."

Brooke scoffs, disgusted beyond measure: "So he sold my granddaughter." Yep.

Ridge: "That's why Taylor had a bag of cash. So your daddy can protect you and throw our daughters under the bus." I noticed the use of plural there, Ridge, and OMG, he finally throws a bone to Hope. We'll see how long that lasts.

Brooke: "One thing just doesn't add up. They were in the clinic, and Reese (I love that she doesn't give him the undeserved courtesy of calling him "doctor" here) gave Liam and Hope a dead baby. My daughter was holding that baby in her arms. So whose baby was that? What did your father do? How did he convince them that their baby was dead?" You can see how, even in her again, her mind is racing and her heart breaking with the thought that Hope and Liam held a dead infant in their arms. Beth being alive doesn't erase those horrible memories. 

Brooke shakes her head: "Dr. Buckingham put a dead baby in my daughters arms and told her that it was Beth?"

Flo: "Yes."

Brooke: "Do you know how traumatizing that was? She thought it was the last time she was ever going to hold her child."


Zoe: "I'm -- I'm so sorry. I am mortified by what my father did. And so is he. He hated himself for it." OMG, heifer!


Ridge dismisses her lame apology and attempts to minimize Dr F's actions: "The only thing your dad was concerned about was making sure that everyone believed that Beth was gone."

Brooke: "And what about you, Flo? I can't believe that you actually did this just as a favor." Brooke is a lot of things, but she's not stupid. Well, except maybe a little bit about Ridge.

Shauna: "Just be honest, honey. There's no turning back." 

Flo: "Reese gave me a little bit of the money that taylor gave him." Finally. But notice how she says a "little bit" like he spotted her a $20 or something.

Ridge: "What?"

Flo: "But it felt like blood money, and I didn't want it. I literally threw it back at him. I know that doesn't matter. I'm not trying to make excuses or anything." It was blood money and as far as giving it back, I'm pretty sure we never heard or saw it again after she put it in her purse. But even if she did, again, who cares? The damage was done.

Brooke snaps at this: "Oh, my God! You two must be disgusted with yourselves."


Apparently not, since they both continued to lie for all these months while they saw Hope and Liam suffering.

Ridge: "You let Steffy raise Hope and Liam's baby, and you're gonna pay for that, I promise you that."


Ridge, I'm okay with you going full throttle on them. I can always go back to hating your rancid ass tomorrow.

Brooke unleashes on them, starting with Flo: "My daughter has been there for you. She loves you. She accepted you into our family. You -- you're her cousin! And, you, you're her friend! Her heart broke into a million pieces that night. And her marriage split apart. And there were times I was so worried about her, I wasn't sure she was gonna make it because of her grief. And you two just sat back and let it happen? You shamefully and willfully participated in this vicious crime against my daughter." Yep!

Ohhhhh! Ridge is on the phone and it's with the po-po!


Ridge: "Yes, Buckingham. Dr. Reese Buckingham. Find him and arrest him. Yes, he's in London. Thank you." Is Lieutenant Hot Dog gonna be on the case? Also, why didn't he share, at minimum, that Felonious Florence Fulton needs to be arrested as well?

Zoe: "Please have mercy on my father. I am begging you."


Brooke could not care less nor should she: "The same way he showed mercy for my daughter and her innocent baby?"

Zoe: "He was desperate, okay? He had to pay those guys off or they would have killed me!" Too bad, so sad. The world wouldn't exactly miss your crazy, lying ass.

Ridge: "He kidnapped a baby, an innocent little child, and you helped him do it!"

Shauna: "I'm thinking we should call a lawyer." 

Flo: "No, Mom, I'm not thinking about that right now."

Ridge: "Well, you should be!"

Shauna: "Wait! Please. Flo has been racked with guilt, and she has wanted to tell Hope for months, but I begged her not to. I couldn't watch her go to jail, and I still can't. I mean, she's my baby. If you're gonna lock anybody up, please, please let it be me."

Brooke turns her eagle-eyed gaze on Shauna, saying coolly: "Don't worry, Shauna. You're all gonna suffer the consequences for what you've done. But, right now, all I can think about is my granddaughter and the fact that she's alive. We have to tell Hope."


While it's not the physical beatdown these two deserved (and ITA about the shovel, @TigerLynx), Brooke, with an assist from Ridge, gave them what I assume will be the first of many tongue-lashings before the jail bars are slammed shut in their faces. (Although I'm guessing Flo is going to get off scot-free as I'm sure KB is sticking around and Zoe will probably leave town/the show). 

They both got read for filth, which is the bare minimum of what they deserve, but it's a start.

Over at the cliffhouse, the family reunion continues as Hope says: "Our baby. This is our baby. I can't believe it."

Liam: "This is her. This is our Beth."

Hope, looking over her precious little girl: "Oh, my gosh, she's so beautiful."

Liam smiles: "Yeah."

Hope: "All those times I held her before..."

Liam: "She was yours. You just didn't know it."

Hope: "I feel like I'm meeting her for the first time."

Liam: "Well, in a way, you're being with her for the first time as her mother."

The baby fusses a little and Hope laughs.

Liam laughs, too, saying: "Exactly!"

Hope: "This is really her. This is really -- this is our Beth. This is -- this is the baby we thought we lost, and she -- and she's here in my arms right now." It's mind-boggling. 

Liam: "It's hard to believe, isn't it?"

Hope laughs and goodness, it's wonderful to see Hope smiling again. I'm sure Annika is thrilled not to be dousing her eyes with Visine. "Oh, my gosh. Our daughter." She smiles but then her expression turns serious as you can see the full reality hitting her. "But, Liam... how? I mean, how -- how did this happen? I need to know. I need you to tell me everything."

Liam: "She's ours, Hope. This is not a dream. This is our little girl."

Hope: "I know, and I'm so thankful, but -- but I still don't understand."

Liam: "I'm gonna tell you everything, I promise. But maybe, right now, we just -- we just wait. We just enjoy this, let it sink in." I can understand Liam wanting to soak in all the amazing goodness of these moments but given that what happened with Beth and all the lies and the gaslighting that occurred totally wrecked their lives, I can see why Hope wants to know everything, now. Once you know you've been gaslit, the world kind of stops until you get to all of the truth and can feel on solid footing again.

Hope, gently but firmly: "But... no, I need to know. Because I don't understand how it happened. I was in the hospital. I held her, she wasn't breathing. The doctor told me that she didn't make it. He told me that there was nothing else that he could do."

Liam: "Dr. Buckingham lied. He's responsible for all of this."

Hope takes a moment to snuggle Beth close: "I can't believe I get to do this. Last time I held her, I thought I was saying goodbye,  I was never gonna see her again."

Liam: "Well, that's because Dr. Buckingham told both of us she was gone. And we had no reason not to believe him. How would we know?"

Hope eyes are firm with him here: "I need you to tell me, Liam. I need you to tell me what he did."

Liam, very serious now, tries to prepare her: "It's a long, awful story, honestly, but... Flo told me everything."


Hope: "Flo." So much meaning in that word and Hope has to be thinking about how she befriended Flo and poured her heart out to her. And she was lying to her face the entire time.

Liam: "I knew something was wrong when I overheard Flo and Thomas arguing. After your wedding, they were talking about a secret that you couldn't find out about, and so I went to Wyatt and I asked him to talk to Flo, see if he could, like, open her up a little bit, and she slipped up. She said that she never had a baby. So I called the hospital named on the birth certificate. The doctor had never even heard of Flo Fulton. She was never a patient at any time."

Hope: "So she was in on this."

Liam: "Yes, she was in on it, but it was Dr. Buckingham who put it all in motion. He knew Flo from Vegas, and he needed someone to pose as the mother of a newborn baby." Hope absorbs this and you see the almost physical pain she is in as she process this detail.

Hope: "I don't understand. I held a child that night in the clinic." And the memory of that will stay with her and Liam until the day they die.

Liam: "You passed out during labor. That's when Dr. Buckingham did it. That's when he... made the switch."

Hope: "Dr. Buckingham stole our baby?" It's not so much a question as it is how could someone do this?


Liam: "I know, it's hard to even imagine."

Hope: "Why would he even do that?"

Liam sighs: "Money. He owed money to these guys in Vegas, and they were threatening to hurt Zoe, and so he thought taking Beth, he could pay down his debt." His own words: "they sold her like a piece of furniture" have to be echoing in their heads right now.

Hope: "But, wait, how -- how did she end up here with Steffy?"

Liam: "Because it turns out that Taylor knew Dr. Buckingham beforehand, and -- and I guess she was talking to him about how Steffy wants to adopt, and... that's when he got Flo to pass off Beth as her own, so that he could collect his "finder's fee" from Taylor."

Hope: "So he tricked them, too."

Liam: "Yeah, but -- Steffy and Taylor had no idea that Phoebe was Beth." No, but they ignored the blazing red flags waving all over the place.

Hope: "But, Liam, that night in the clinic, I -- I remember that moment so clearly. I held her, she was wrapped in a blanket. She was already gone." The memory is still so very vivid and raw and that doesn't go away just because she has Beth back in her arms.

Liam: "Well, that's the sickest part about this whole thing, is that -- that night, there was another woman who came into the clinic before you did, and... she lost her baby. It was stillborn."

Hope adds it up: "So Dr. Buckingham switched the babies?"

Liam: "He looked you in the eye and he handed you that baby and he -- and he told you it was Beth."

Hope's anger makes its full force shown here as she spits: "He kept our beautiful, healthy baby away from us, all for money? So who else knows about this besides Dr. Buckingham and Flo? Is there anyone?"


Liam: "Zoe knew. She found out after the fact. I'm assuming that she didn't say anything because she wanted to keep her father out of prison."

Hope: "Okay, so Zoe knew."

Liam: "And Xander. And Emma." You can see Hope's mind racing here even though AN doesn't say a single word. "She heard them arguing the night that she died. She was on her way to tell you the truth when her car went off the cliff.

Hope immediately knows what happened and is filled with sorrow for her friend: "Oh, my god..." 

Liam: "There's something else you should know, too. Thomas was there. He was chasing her in his car. And, apparently, Thomas has known since around the time we annulled our marriage."

Hope: "He knew for that long, and he didn't say anything to me?" Of course he didn't.

Liam: "Because he knew if he did, you'd leave him."

Hope: "We exchanged vows. He promised to cherish me and to honor me, and he knew that Beth was alive?" Yep and that you weren't in your right mind.

Liam: "Do you see? Do you see what a sick bastard he is? This is why I was going after him the way that I was." 

Hope looks at him, filled with sadness and so many regrets: "I'm sorry he hit you. Are you okay?"

Liam shrugs it off: "I'm fine, I just wanted to get to you in time to tell you the truth."

Hope: "I'm so grateful that you did, Liam. You saved me. You saved us. We have a daughter. We have our Beth." And all because he wouldn't, couldn't let her go, and rightfully so.

Hope: "Liam, you've figured all this out. You put it all together. You gave her back her parents."

Liam: "I don't deserve all the credit. A certain someone gave me a clue."

Hope smiles wistfully: "Douglas." The superhero in all of this.

Liam: "He was right all along."

Hope: "Gosh, I remember when he tried to tell me that Beth was alive, but... I thought he was confused. I didn't realize he was telling me the truth." Again, a child shall lead them. Beth fusses some more. "Yeah, he was telling the truth this entire time. I mean, he went against his father for us, for Beth..." He's an amazing little boy.

Liam: "Yeah. He was really brave. And I owe him a thank-you."

Hope exhales, taking all of this in: "Wow, this is so surreal. I mean, my mind, I just-"

Liam: "I know, I know. I'm right there with you. It's crazy."

Hope: "Yeah. But, wait, this is all starting to make sense. You remember when Flo found out that she was a Logan, and her mother Shauna came to town, and she didn't even know that she was pregnant?"

Liam nods: "Oh, yeah, as close as they are. Like, mother and daughter living in the same city together, there is no way that she wouldn't have known Flo was pregnant."

Hope: "I was wondering the same thing, too, but Flo had some excuse, so I just let her go. I let it go."

Liam: "Well, and do you remember when we ran into her at Wyatt's house? I mean, because that was the first time that I met Flo, and Wyatt had no idea that she was Phoebe's birth mom. I mean, you'd think that would come up in conversation, right?"

Hope: "Yes, I had completely forgotten about that." All the pieces, finally in place.

Liam: "But then, on the other hand, you and I both assumed that Blo just wanted to put the adoption behind her and move on with her life, and we had no reason to be suspicious at that point."

Hope: "I'm just remembering all the times that she came to me and was so upset and so sad about losing our daughter, about our annulment. She even insisted that we try to have another child together." The anger is back and good! That's absolutely necessary and healthy for Hope and Liam right now.

Liam: "She felt guilty." As well she should have.

Hope: "I even walked in on her and Zoe talking about Beth. They saw how devastated I was and they said nothing! They let me suffer!" Yep, to save their own asses!

Beth, sensing her mother's distress, starts to cry.

Hope soothes her: "No, no, no, no, no, no. It's okay. It's okay. Hey. We're not gonna think about that now, okay?"

Liam laughs.

Hope: "No. No, we will deal with them later."

Liam: "We both will." They are reunited and united.

Hope: "Now I just want to focus on our little miracle. I want to focus on our Beth. This whole time, she was right under our noses, and we knew. Remember at the wedding when she crawled up to me and she called me "mama?"

Liam: "She knew." Yeah, she did. 

Hope, looking guilty, says: "Liam, I ended our marriage because I thought... I thought she was gone." Beth fusses. "You're all right, baby."

Liam reaches out to touch Beth, who quiets for a moment as she looks up at her daddy.


Liam adds: "And it didn't help that Thomas was manipulating you."

Hope: "None of this should have ever happened. None of this should have ever happened. But look at us now. I have never been grateful to anyone more than I am to you. Look at us, the three of us. All of our dreams. It's all our dreams. They're still ours. We can still rebuild. I love you so much, Liam." Her one constant.

Liam: "I love you, too." And his.

They just stare at each other and then he moves to kiss her and I am here for it.



Liam, to Beth, laughing: "You've never seen us do that, have you?"


Hope laughs as Beth continues to put up a fuss.

Hope: "It's okay. It's okay. Say hi to your mommy and daddy. Welcome to the family. Welcome to our family."


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4 hours ago, NinjaPenguins said:

Hope and Thomas never had sex, so her getting pregnant would be quite a shocking twist!

Although if anyone could pull it off, it would be Saint Hope, I guess...

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Steffy is in denial.  Those scenes with Steffy/Liam/Hope would have been better if neither Liam nor Douglas had said anything to Steffy about Beth.  This should have been the first time Steffy ever heard about this.

It took about two seconds for Shana to say blame Zoe, and then two seconds later Flo and Zoe were all blame Thomas, he knows everything.  Newsflash you brain dead morons, Thomas being a bastard does not change the fact that you are lying, self-centered, baby stealing criminals.

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On 8/5/2019 at 9:46 PM, Joimiaroxeu said:

Even though Flo deserves it, Wyatt can stop dragging her any time now AFAIC. His laundry ain't entirely clean either. Always stashing a woman in his back pocket for when he dumps the current one. Ugh.

Human trafficking vs bed hopping...sometimes ya gotta pick your battles :) 

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56 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Human trafficking vs bed hopping...sometimes ya gotta pick your battles :) 

Except Wyatt has never been shown to be a bed hopper. Admittedly, this is also the first time he's been between two women who weren't hung up behind Liam, so maybe he let it go to both his heads 😉

Still, he can shut it. He turned a blind eye to his own mother when Liam was missing and he had suspicions she was involved until he had that ring tattooed into Steffy's finger, so he ain't above shadiness to get what he wants. He's just pissed that he burned Sally for this trick, but Flo didn't do shit on that.

1 hour ago, TigerLynx said:

It took about two seconds for Shana to say blame Zoe, and then two seconds later Flo and Zoe were all blame Thomas, he knows everything. 

Of course they did.

Thomas had the biggest moral obligation to speak up but he didn't start this. He didn't take $50k to pose as a birth parent and the worst threat he made was that he'd blackball them from the fashion industry. Hardly in the category of "sleeping with the fishes" there. Just....fucking leave. 

3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Flo truly is the worst piece of trash this show has ever seen and that's saying something considering the screechy scrunchy-faced nightmare that was Ambrosia Moore.

Facts 👏👏👏

Amber had brains enough not to spill all her business to everyone because someone yelled loudly.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Wait, did they swap out wee Beth? She didn't look to me like the same baby today. Her head was noticeably smaller. And is Beth played by little boys? It's interesting to me how Kelly has those long, curly locks and Beth has always been pretty close to bald. But now both of Liam's kids have those big, piercing blue eyes.

Steffy: Hope, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be off somewhere getting your brains boinked out by my brother?
Liam: As if.
Hope: Yeah, about that. It's probably not going to work out. I don't like having to get drunk or mollyed to have sex.

Oh thank goodness, Douglas is safe somewhere else.

Actually, Steffy, Hope was there with her husband, just not the one you think. And you might want to forget about using Carter's legal services ever again because his failure to do due diligence on those adoption documents is part of the reason you're in this mess.

Brooke: So Thomas married my daughter knowing that Beth was alive? And the bastid didn't tell her?
Ridge: Hey, that's my pure, innocent son you're talking about there. Careful, Brooke.
Brooke: Fcuk your son, Ridge. Yeah, I said it. Been waiting months to say it. How ya like me now?

Is it me or was Steffy a little slow on the uptake? I know it was a lot to absorb and the story is totally bonkers but she already knew what Douglas had said about Phoebe. Two plus two always equals four, Steffy. Don't overthink it.

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Steffy knew what Liam and Hope were telling her. She just couldn’t wrap her mind around all of the lying, deception, machinations and downright shitty dealings that have happened since Beth was born. And also to start to realize that she was losing PhoeBeth. I never thought I’d say this but I feel sorry for Steffy right now. Tomorrow, maybe not but for today, she’s suffering a huge loss too.

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As much as Steffy, Liam, and Hope can work my last nerve, in this instance, they have all been wronged.  I just wish they were going to stomp Flo, Zoe, and Thomas into the ground, but I have a bad feeling it's going to be back to Steffy vs. Hope.  I want to see that about as much as I want to see the damn triangle reignited.

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8 hours ago, drivethroo said:

So why is Thomas more to blame than Flo?*  

He’s not more to blame for the switch, but he also owes Hope and Steffy more. Just like Flo’s betrayal will hurt Hope more than Zoe’s, Thomas is Steffy’s big brother and has known Hope his entire life. His betrayal will hurt the most. Do I think he should be held accountable for others’ crimes? No. But he should be held accountable for his own, and if Stope treat him worse than the others, I’d understand. Zoe is basically no one to them, but Thomas was someone they were supposed to be able to depend on and trust. That wound cuts a lot deeper. 


 Carter's legal services ever again because his failure to do due diligence on those adoption documents is part of the reason you're in this mess.

Tbf, his specialty is really annulments. It’s a very specific skill set to be sure, but it usually depends on the absence of kids, so adoption was really out of his wheelhouse. 

I admit it, I laughed a bit when Zoe and Flo kept side eyeing each other and then in unison were just like, “uh no Ridge, Thomas does suck that much. For serious.” They both still suck too, but I’m for anyone wiping the smug off his face about his precious children. Also, Flo, when Ridge is like, “I’ll believe that when Thomas tells me,” then that is the time to say, “ok, just take a look at my texts, bro.”

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First, thank you, @CountryGirl, for the latest recaps. They are very much appreciated and were missed.

Two different babies play Beth. Their first names are Madeline and River. They have different last names (which I am too lazy to look up), so they apparently aren't sisters. I know in the past, that twins were used to play infants/toddlers on the soaps. I thought it was some kind of law. Maybe that is no longer the case these days.

A couple of thoughts over the past several days.  I know Wyatt was shocked and incredulous, but let's make it all about him. "Why didn't you tell ME ME ME!!!??" I realize that he would have told Liam, but it really sounded like he was kind of pouting that Flo didn't bother to confide a secret -- any secret -- in him.  But ... he dumped her sorry ass ... so who cares how he arrived at point B.

I thought that Ridge, and especially Brooke, were way too lenient on Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest. And from today's show, I got the idea that the Forresters weren't going to call the police. WTF not?  A crime has been committed. Also, can any rando person in the U.S. just call up, sorry, ring up, top U.K. authorities and insist that they go track down a doctor for some unsubstantiated crime? I would figure they'd have to go through the LAPD, then Lt. Hotdog and Det. Sanchez before taking it overseas. Don't get me wrong. I want to see deserving punishment for the crime, just the process seems a little more complicated than Sludge just barking orders over the phone to a U.K. precinct.

How does Sludge have the authority to confiscate driver's licenses and passports?  

Anyway, back to not calling the police because of "publicity," how is everybody going to explain how Hope and Liam are suddenly reunited and have a baby?

I really don't feel sorry for Steffy at all. This is the long-awaited karma that she so richly deserves. The icing on the cake will be when/if it turns out that Bill is really Kelly's father.  JMW's inability to emote at all, kind of took me out of those final scenes. She just sat there with that blank frozen/Botoxed expression on her face. 

Looking forward to tomorrow. Hope it's another cliff-hanger!

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4 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

nyway, back to not calling the police because of "publicity," how is everybody going to explain how Hope and Liam are suddenly reunited and have a baby?

I assume Brooke just meant let’s not call yet. She knew Steffy hadn’t been told yet, and the last thing she would’ve wanted would be for Steffy to get a news alert notification on her phone about Flo stealing Hope’s baby before Lope Had a chance tell her. I assume she wanted Steffy to be told, the three to process it a bit and have a chance to figure out the best way to handle returning Beth, and the rest of the family to be told before the arrest alerted the press. Then Forrester could put out one of their press releases in tandem with the arrests. 

Also, if Flo were arrested and the press notified, that’s 100% how Bill would find out about his granddaughter, which is super shitty. 

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I thought that Ridge, and especially Brooke, were way too lenient on Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest.

Me too. This version of that scene wasn't shown for some reason and in it Brooke and Ridge were a lot harsher, IMO:


How does Sludge have the authority to confiscate driver's licenses and passports?  

He doesn't. If they have their birth certificates and SSN cards they can probably get replacement licenses easily. Guess Warden Ridge will have to lock them in the FC basement indefinitely. 😒

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31 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Me too. This version of that scene wasn't shown for some reason and in it Brooke and Ridge were a lot harsher, IMO:

He doesn't. If they have their birth certificates and SSN cards they can probably get replacement licenses easily. Guess Warden Ridge will have to lock them in the FC basement indefinitely. 😒

As they should be.  That scene just makes me detest the three stooges even more.

I would be perfectly okay with this.

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45 minutes ago, CharlizeCat said:

. I know in the past, that twins were used to play infants/toddlers on the soaps. I thought it was some kind of law. Maybe that is no longer the case these days.

It's more that twins are preferred because of the law. Children below a certain age can't work more than a certain number of hours. It's why the Olsen twins both played Michelle but the producers just decided to keep both of them on for the entire run of the show.

As for Ridge, I dunno where he gets this idea that his son is some innocent angel. It wasn't that long ago that he was chewing the little bastard out about Caroline and claiming to pass Douglas off as his "for the child's sake" or whatever bullshit he was pulling. 

I hope to God Thomas doesn't try to use his entitled upbringing as an excuse the way Ridge did about the Quridge affair because Ridge won't get it anyway and I'll be pissed that Taylor wasn't getting her ass chewed along with him.

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24 minutes ago, Zoe116 said:

Also, if Flo were arrested and the press notified, that’s 100% how Bill would find out about his granddaughter, which is super shitty. 

When Liam got the story from Flo and then hightailed it over to FC to intercept Hope and Thomas, he should’ve called Bill on the way and said ‘ I need you to do something for me. I need you to go to Wyatt’s house and keep an eye on Flo for me. I don’t have time to explain but I need you to do this now. I’ll explain later’ and Bill haul his ass to Wyatt’s and Wyatt be forced to explain the situation. Bill realizes that Liam is trusting him to make sure Flo doesn’t escape but Bill also is going to make damn sure that Brooke learns the truth about her granddaughter and hauls Flo over to Brooke’s house (Wyatt comes along because he’s still stunned and processing all of this) where Bill stands guard as Flo sniffles out the truth. While Brooke and Ridge tear into Flo, Bill has called Justin and tells him to come to Brooke’s with Detective Hot Dog ASAP.  It’s when Justin and Det. hot Dog arrive that Flo really gets into Thomas’ part in all of this which then has Ridge in denial, Justin livid that Emma died because of this, and Bill anxious about locating Liam and Brooke anxious about locating Hope. Det. Hot Dog having heard enough arrests Flo and puts out an APB for Thomas (due to his threats and possibly killing Emma) and also requests they contact authorities in London to locate and detain Dr. Buckingham. Flo and Wyatt then remember to mention that Liam was heading to FC as that’s where they think Thomas was with Hope . Bill, Brooke and Ridge book over to FC in time to witness the end of the epic rooftop fight with Thomas getting away in the FC helicopter when he realizes the jig is up. Brooke and Bill are relieved their kids are safe and overjoyed that Beth is alive. Ridge, however, locks eyes with his son as he flies away in shock that his son is this monster and knowing his daughter is about to have her heart broken...

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1 hour ago, CharlizeCat said:

I really don't feel sorry for Steffy at all. This is the long-awaited karma that she so richly deserves.

I don't feel sorry for her either.  I still think she knew something was fishy but chose to ignore it.

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There are two things that are really annoying me about the trio of twits:

1.  They act like they are teenagers who got caught ditching school, or stayed out past curfew, and there response to getting caught is, "Oh, it's not that big a deal.  We didn't mean it to happen.  Besides Thomas did worse.  He knew what we were doing, he didn't tell the truth, and he went to a nightclub we're not allowed into."

2.  When Shana said, "See it's not that easy.  It's a difficult situation."  OMFG, you bitch.  Yes, it is a difficult situation, and it's one you all created.  You stole a baby.  You are criminals.  You are not the victims.  You are the bad guys.  Granted you are fucking stupid bad guys, but you are still the bad guys in this scenario.

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Question: if Zoe’s excuse for lying and withholding the baby all this time was her life was threatened by rage filled men. What is her excuse for siccing an angry sociopath on Emma (and Xander)? I guess the difference was Emma actually died. Also she didn’t seem to give a damn Thomas was rapey and casually violent and around this mentally ill vulnerable woman. So her reasons are permed from a debate stand point. 

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6 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Me too. This version of that scene wasn't shown for some reason and in it Brooke and Ridge were a lot harsher, IMO:

He doesn't. If they have their birth certificates and SSN cards they can probably get replacement licenses easily. Guess Warden Ridge will have to lock them in the FC basement indefinitely. 😒

Darn, cannot see this in Canada.  Anyone willing to recap?  Thank you.

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I started to have a bad feeling that telling Steffy that Phoebe is Beth might take almost as long as the nightmare we have just been through.  🙃

Steffy already knew about the "Phoebe is Beth" storyline, but Liam and Hope really dragged it all out for her to finally realize the truth.

I guess it was better than Liam or Hope running up to her as she returned home to say:  Phoebe is Beth!!!

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5 hours ago, bannana said:

I guess it was better than Liam or Hope running up to her as she returned home to say:  Phoebe is Beth!!!

Yeah, people were already upset that Hope and Liam were I Steffy’s house alone with Beth all this time being ‘disrespectful’. They were with the child they had thought was dead and rejoicing she was alive and reveling having her in their arms. If they had up and left with Beth to go back to the cottage and left a note/message for Steffy to drop by when she had a chance so they could talk, at this moment in time Steffy could technically charge them with kidnapping. Hope and Liam respected Steffy the best they could under the circumstances and waited there to tell her together what the situation was. They really needed Flo there to drive it home but as pointed out Steffy was given a heads up by Liam before he left, Steffy should’ve followed up on the birth certificate and with Flo herself rather than sit back to see what would happen. Girlfriend, was in denial.

So Steffy dumped Douglas off on a friend’s mother rather than Ridge taking him or dropping him off with family? Wonder if Thomas arranged for that friend to get Douglas so he could grab him while he’s on the run.

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Darn, cannot see this in Canada.  Anyone willing to recap?  Thank you.

I tried transcribing it but the effort was getting to be too much. And unfortunately this video didn't have captioning.

Basically Brooke and Ridge were way harder on Flo and Zoe than what was shown on the broadcast. No PG-13 profanity but it was still pretty rough. I guess someone bts decided to tone the scene down a bit so Ridge and Brooke didn't come across as cruel. They're not supposed to be the villains in this mess. Not yet anyway. (Looking at you, Ridge.)

It was interesting to me how Steffy's quick reaction was to get her lawyer on phone in case they needed to file an injunction or something, while Ridge wanted to call police to make sure someone (aka, Hope) didn't take "Steffy's" baby. They both seem to know already that they're on this losing side of this mess. Get ready for the custody battle!

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Yesterday's show had continued verbal flogging (sadly, nothing physical) of the three idiot women and Hauxdi getting schooled that Kelly's plaything, whom she named for the sister she's barely mentioned in the past decade, isn't Phoebe but Beth.

We'll start with the aforementioned idiots.

Flo blathers on in her attempts to explain away the adoption to a not-buying-your-BS Brooke and Ridge.

Flo even says: "Steffy and Taylor seemed like such nice people." Oh, I'm sure most black market baby buyers come off as such paragons of goodness and light. Or maybe it's their suitcases of cash?

Brooke blasts them: ""And it didn't matter to you that the baby you were selling them was stolen?" Nope.

Flo: "Of course it did." Seriously, stop. You knew the truth for the better part of 7 months and said and did NOTHING. Clearly it didn't matter to you.

Shauna "helpfully" adds: "You know what. Blame me. Actually, blame Zoe." But I love how they are all turning on each other. The only thing missing is the hair pulling. She adds: "Flo always wanted to tell the truth, but they were all too scared."

Brooke: "Well, the consequences you tried so hard to avoid will be so much worse now." Well, that remains to be seen. Given it's rare that anyone on this show ever serves prison time unless their name is Sheila, I'm not holding my breath.

Shauna then dramatically and hilariously steps in front of the office doors.

Ridge: "Step away from the doors."

Shauna: "I'm not leaving without my daughter." Oh, quit acting like you're Betty Mahmoody, Shauna.

Ridge fires back: "I find that ironic."

She tries to call Hope's cell and they all look up as they hear another phone ringing. 

Zoe dramatically announces that's what she had to tell them (that she has Hope's phone and it was "left" in a hotel room.) I love how Brooke immediately snatches it away from her, saying icily: "I'll take that." And you know she's totally thinking this:


Brooke then calls Liam's phone. He answers, confirming that Hope is with him and knows everything.

Hope wants to talk to her mom, who is over the moon with happiness for her daughter, but she keeps the call brief as Steffy just returned with Kelly. Brooke quickly deduces that Steffy doesn't know yet. More on that later.

Brooke shares with Ridge the latest, including the fact that Steffy just got home and is about to hear the news.

Ridge is whipping out his phone to call the LAPD (so I guess he was calling the UK authorities earlier re Reese?) but Brooke is concerned about the press getting wind of this before they all have a chance to process.

Ridge orders Shauna, Zoe, and Flo to hand over their driver's licenses, telling them that way, they can't rent a car or get on a plane.


Um, if they have the other necessary documentation, they can easily replace their drivers licenses, Ridge.  

Zoe tries to call her father but Ridge grabs her phone and barks: "You and Flo aren't going anywhere."


Zoe actually has the nerve to snark at him: "Do I get a phone call?" Girllllll.

Ridge asks about Carter and his role in all of this.

Flo immediately proclaims his innocence and I'll give her that he didn't know the baby was Beth, but he also missed the red flags. He best to be sticking to annulments and officiating weddings.

Ridge muses that Steffy will be devastated. Brooke suggests that they give Liam and Hope a little time with Steffy.

Ridge: "Thomas just got married. What about him and Hope? Now that Liam's coming back, are they gonna get back together?" 


Zoe: "I wouldn't worry about Thomas."

Ridge barks: "No one is talking to YOU!"

Damn, Ridge. I like you right now. A LOT. But don't get used to it. 

Zoe and Flo decide the best approach to take at this point is to deflect and almost gleefully announce that "Thomas knows everything. He's known for months."

Brooke gasps but you can almost see her thinking "I fucking knew it!" She shakes her head in disgust while Ridge just stands there slack-jawed as usual.

Brooke: "Thomas knew Beth was alive and he didn’t tell Hope?"

Zoe and Flo reply, simultaneously,“Yes.”


Sensing they have a very interested audience in Brooke, they go on to share how Xander learned the truth and rushed over to stop Lope from signing the annulment papers but Thomas showed up and threatened him to keep him from telling the truth. They keep emphasizing how he threatened them all, but, conveniently, leave out the part that it was a good two months before Thomas came back to town. More than enough time for them to have told the truth. 

Ridge, predictably, doesn't believe his precious firstborn could be capable of what they are saying but Brooke interjects that Thomas has a "dark side." You don't know the half of it, lady.

Brooke says that at least Hope and Liam's nightmare is finally over, but Ridge starts whining about his poor widdle daughter and that her nightmare is just beginning.  

Please...it's a drop in the proverbial bucket compared to what Lope has been through. 

At the cliff house, Hope is holding Beth (who is a very different baby altogether) wonders if Beth looks like her or Liam. No offense to this little cutie(s), but I miss regular Beth(s). Because she (they) ROCK(S).

Liam teases: "I think she looks like herself."

Hope: "We look like the family I thought we'd never be." She looks at Liam, sadness and regret in her eyes as she tells him, "I'm sorry."

Liam gently scolds: "Stop that."

Hope states that Beth has always been familiar, even when they'd called her Phoebe. She adds: "And she already had a mother."

The happy reunion is interrupted as Steffy arrives home with Kelly, who got a clean bill of health from the pediatrician, but I still say there's smoke (and fire) there.


She stops short when she sees Hope, holding Beth on her lap, and fakes enthusiasm as she says: "Look, Kelly. We have company." 

It's at that exact moment when Brooke calls and we'll move on from that since it's already been 'capped, except to add that Steffy immediately offers to take Beth while Hope is on the phone. Um, I think she can do both, Steffy. 

Steffy says she wants to put both girls down for a nap, but Liam asks if Phoebe (and he almost winces here but covers) can stay up for a while longer since she just woke up from a nap when they got there.

Steffy is very hesitant, sensing something is amiss, but ultimately agrees and leaves to put Kelly down for yet another Rip Van Winkle nap.

When she's out of the room, Liam looks at Hope, saying "I didn't realize until I saw Steffy how difficult this would be."

Hope, in the understatement of the year, replies: "It won't be as difficult as what we've already lived through." 


Hope has it.

In spades.

Steffy comes back into the living room and immediately asks Hope why she isn't on her honeymoon. She's basically saying, "Why aren't you with my psycho brother and get out of my house and the family I've done my best to shove down Liam's throat."

Hope dryly comments: "I'm sure Thomas will explain everything." I just love her here.

Steffy snarks: "He's not even answering his phone."

Hope: "I hope Douglas is okay. Tiffany (the babysitter) said that his friend's mother had picked him up."

So to the haters saying Hope no longer gives a shit about Douglas now that she has Beth back:


Steffy: "He's fine but he was acting weird before he left." She snipes that Douglas and Hope had both behaved oddly and darts an annoyed look at Liam, "So did you."

She then curls her lips and says this: "And could you please put my daughter down? It's not good for her to be constantly carried."

Oh no she did not!

That's just flat-out rude, not to mention she is always carrying Beth or Kelly around. When we see them, that is.

Liam and Hope exchange looks and Liam assures Steffy the baby is fine. 

Steffy snots: "Then why are my maternal instincts screaming that something is wrong. There's something different about the way Hope is holding her."

Hope, not wanting things to escalate more than they are about to, says she understands and puts Beth in the playpen. And again, class-act, especially in the face of Steffy's incredible rude and tasteless "maternal" instincts comments. 

Steffy: "I know you feel close to Phoebe but-"

Hope: "Nothing about this is normal."

Steffy reiterates that Hope is supposed to be on her honeymoon and just stop. It's desperate and pathetic. She also adds that Liam had torn out of there to find Flo and wants to know what he said, assuming, of course, it was much ado about nothing.

Steffy: "What did Flo say?"

Liam: "There wasn't much she could say after I confronted her with all the facts about the doctor and the hospital." He pauses, then adds: "Flo admitted that she wasn't the birth mother. It was all an act."

Steffy, anger in her eyes: "This doesn't make any sense."

Hope, calmly: "No...but it's what she did."

Steffy scurries to grab her phone, saying she's going to call Flo herself (like that'll turn back time and rewrite history). Then she changes course, deciding she needs to call Carter instead, saying they might have to take legal action and oh honey. You really are in denial.

Liam gently interjects: "I don't think you want to make any calls just yet."

Steffy: "Why?"

Liam: "I'm not making excuses but I'm inclined to believe Flo when she said she hadn't known." Um, what, Liam? I'm not following you here, so please start making sense again. Because it kinda sorta does sound like he's giving her a small pass here.

Steffy snaps at this and I can't blame her: "Flo didn't know she was lying?"

Liam explains that she didn't understand the full scale of things. I guess that much is true but I just don't care for the giving her any sort of out, excuse, mitigation, etc.

He goes on to say she was trying to help a doctor friend of hers place a motherless child.

Steffy asks where the child came from.

Liam says that the doctor got to plead confidentiality so Flo didn't know that information at the time. She thought she was doing a good thing by helping what she presumed to be an abandoned child find a home. 

Steffy deduces: "You didn't name the child but you know the child's name."

Hope: "We do." I love how they are a united front here, telling the story. You can sense that, as much as anything, has Steffy rattled.

Steffy hurriedly grabs the adoption papers and confirms what she already knows - that Liam spoke to Dr. Cortez, who never heard of Flo, much less delivered her and that she most definitely did not give birth - ever - at the Las Vegas hospital where Beth (I refuse to call her Phoebe ever again unless it's quoting dialogue) was born.

She then asks Liam to call the attorney listed as Flo's but, of course, the number has been disconnected so she knows that it's yet another fake document. 

Steffy, looking ever more worried: "I wonder if the medical exam they gave Phoebe was also fake." The exam given by Dr. Fuckingham.

Hope asks to look at the papers, asking if Steffy's pediatrician had reviewed it. Steffy confirms she did get the records and didn't find any discrepancies.

Hope: "It's not signed. I guess the medical exam was his only truthful contribution."

Liam, who is in agony as is Hope finally decides to cut to the chase because it's clear Steffy can't or won't pick up what they're putting down, asking: "Steffy, don't you wonder who the child's mother is?"

Steffy: "Her name is Phoebe. I never wondered about it because I am her mother." No, you're not. You never were. And you never could be.

She says she's heard enough of the crazy theories and is "done with it." Bitch, you do not get to be "done" with anything. It is not up to you.

Hope, very gently here, says: "I'm very sorry to say it, but your adopted daughter was stolen."

Steffy: "What???"

Hope makes it crystal clear: "Kidnapped. Taken from her mother." 

Steffy: "You don't know that. It could have been a different patient."

Hope: "Oh, there was another patient, but-"

Steffy interrupts, shaking her head, repeating "the baby was stolen. Did Flo say that?"

Liam nods and Steffy sits down on the couch and sighs.

Steffy: "I can't believe a doctor just took a baby from a patient."

Liam recites the litany of the doctor and his gambling debts.

Steffy looks horrified here, saying "A mother went through delivery and was told-"

Hope, tears in her eyes, finishes for her: "That she died."

And Steffy still DOES.NOT.GET.IT.


Steffy shudders, saying "I just can't imagine that. If anyone took my girls from me..."

Hope and Liam look at each other.

Steffy then asks "Why didn't the mother say anything? Why didn't she demand to see her baby?" And she's sounding an awful lot like she's somehow putting some of the blame on the poor woman who just.gave.birth. Yikes...

Hope, coolly, but with more grace than I would have shown, says: "She did."

Liam fills Steffy in on the fact that a second patient had had a stillborn baby that night.

Hope: "And it was that baby that the doctor placed in the other mother's arms." I think Hope talking about it as if it had happened to someone else is the only way she's getting through this right now. She's in tears (which should telegraph the truth to Steffy more than anything) but holding it together.

Steffy does look genuinely disgusted here, remarking that she feels like she's going to be sick. She takes a deep breath and then says, "Then you know who the birth mother was."

And you know it, too. How could she not???

Hope looks at her and there is pity in her eyes but also determination. She's had seven months of wasted, stolen time. She says, simply, "Steffy..." So much meaning in that one word.

But Steffy ignores her and the million signs pointing to that baby in the playpen being Beth just like she ignored the million red flags when she was hellbent on acquiring a new plaything for Kelly when the ink wasn't even dry on "Beth's" fake death certificate

Instead, she wants to call Carter and talking taking action.

Liam surmises that's already underway.

Steffy, as always, thinking of herself, is suddenly worried about a lawsuit from the birth mother.

Hope: "That won't happen."

Steffy snarks: "Easy for you to say."

Liam asks if they can just talk for a while and leave the phone calls for now. 

Steffy doesn't argue and then realizes that her mother's colleague had to have dealt with the doctor who passed off the baby as abandoned.

Hope: "The colleague and the doctor were the same person."

Steffy is instantly offended: "My mother would NEVER have participated in something like that." Well, she's not exactly innocent either.

Hope: "No one thinks that."

Steffy: "Did Flo tell you who the doctor was?" She didn't have to. 

I love that Liam takes a moment to pick up a babbling Beth and set her in Hope's lap.

Steffy sort of flinches at this but by this point, JMW just came off as having just woken up or coming down from a good buzz. I don't know, it was just very flat. It doesn't help that she's easily outmatched by SC and AN all day, every day, in the acting department (that BA Emmy notwithstanding).

Hope: "It was Dr. Buckingham." And again, how many more bread crumbs do they need to put on the ground before she figures it out?

I mean, it's like this right now:


Apparently at least several hundred more loaves' worth as Steffy starts talking about how he and Taylor hadn't gotten past the "flirting stage." Taylor didn't even get some sexual healing out of the deal, but I'm guessing she's better off?

Liam snarks: "Unless you count business transactions,"

Steffy: "I don't care about the money." Which, why would she when it was Mommy's money? "I'm sure Mom won't either as long as Phoebe is here."

Guys, I'm just at a loss here.


How in the vicinity of sane and rational does she actually think that she is going to keep this baby? A baby that was the product of kidnapping and human trafficking? The adoption was completely ILLEGAL. What in the world makes this bitch think she is just going to go on like it was yesterday?

As much angst as she mustered up for the birth mother (and it is beyond belief that she still doesn't get that she's sitting across from her), that's long gone now and she's gone full Veruca Salt here. Even if she doesn't know (and how can she NOT?) that Hope is the birth mother, she knows, at minimum, that the baby was NOT abandoned and that the birth mother believes her child to be dead by virtue of her live baby being switched for a dead one and the dead one being placed in her arms and that this child was very much wanted.

And yet this chucklefuck heifer thinks she's going to still be her mommy?


Hope, who has already suffered what no mother should ever suffer, along with Liam, can't take it anymore but tries to soften the blow first: "You've been a wonderful adoptive mother."

Steffy: "I AM the mother. The papers may have been fabricated, but not the relationship." I can't even give her a nod re the relationship because that is genuine, but I just cannot with the stupid here. 

Hope, almost as if she's conducting a surgical cross-examination here because Steffy has clearly made this NECESSARY, asks: "Did you remember that I was also Dr. Buckingham's patient?" She doesn't let Steffy interrupt, but continues: "It was the night of the big storm and Liam wasn't able to get to Catalina." She doesn't add that it was because he was with HER and dealing with your typical, run-of-the-mill fever that babies get at the drop of a hot and not his very pregnant wife, showing remarkable restraint.

It's almost as if Steffy realizes she needs to STFU and just listen as Hope paints the clearest of pictures and relive the horrific memories as a result: "I thought the clinic was deserted, but in reality, another patient had been there. I tried so hard and was pushing in delivery and then, I passed out. I awoke to see Liam sitting next to me and he told me that Beth didn't make it. He didn't know. He never saw the other mother, the one whose dead child Dr. Buckingham put in my arms."

Liam adds: "Flo verified all of it. Zoe knew for a while, too." He gives Steffy a long look. "And so did your brother."

And I think it's that moment, the mention of Thomas, that Steffy, whispering her brother's name, finally lets it sink in.

Hope: "The darkness of that night consumed everything until we met that little girl, and finally, we know why." She's referring to the baby everyone thought was Phoebe and Steffy knows it. And Hope and Liam know she knows it.

Hope, so much grace and class in her next words (and can you imagine if the shoe were on the other foot how bull in a china shop thoughtlessness Steffy would display?), telling Steffy: "I know that this is a shock, but you can help care for the baby. And maybe in a few days, when you feel up for it, because -- because at this point, you know my daughter better than I do." That just broke my heart, but again, it's a testament to Hope and her character that she would acknowledge this fact.

Hope tears up as she states, unequivocally, "Steffy, this is Beth."

Steffy just stares back at her, looking like a lifeless lump on the couch. 

Liam and Hope showed so much grace and compassion for Steffy here and again, I stand by my thinking that if the roles were reversed, she'd be yanking the baby away so fast and screaming for her daddy and mommy to "do something."

But some are criticising Lope, including being pissed that Liam told Hope, you know the woman who has suffered all these months, including having to hold a dead baby, first instead of Steffy. How dare he have told her first instead of the real victim, Steffy? How dare they have reunited with their baby after seven months of time lost that they will never, ever get back? Hope had EVERY right to know the truth BEFORE Steffy. She is Beth's MOTHER. And they deserved to be reunited with their daughter before all else. My goodness, Steffy was told within, what, an hour, of their reunion? That's more than soon enough and they have been nothing but gentle and compassionate with her and they do not owe her anything more than that. 

Yes, she is losing the child she thought was her's, but if she had any kind of heart or soul, she should realize (1) her pain is NOTHING but a DROP of rain in an OCEAN compared to Lope's suffering, (2) Beth is still very much alive and as Kelly's sister will always be in her life and (3) she should be happy for them and her Kelly that Beth is alive. 

So any sympathy I might have had for her has dried up in the face of her ignoring a million red flags with the "adoption" (including knowing from meeting with a legit agency that it would take months, if not years, and that there would be a home study and dozens of other details AHEAD of ever meeting Flo and Beth) and anticipating that she's going to make it all about Steffy, Steffy, Steffy. 

Her not giving two shits about the poor birth mother (even if she thought as suggested upthread that 2 + 2 suddenly didn't = 4) having her child stolen from her - Hope or some stranger - told me all I need to know about who Stephanie Forrester II is.

But I'm gonna shake that off and just focus on the goodness and rightness of Lope being reunited with their daughter, Beth, and no matter how much Steffy, Ridge, and Taylor huff and puff, nothing will change that fact.

Edited by CountryGirl
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20 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Steffy's dramatic "crying" is pretty bad.

Oh yeah, JMW's performance is the only bad thing so far.  She alternates between looking like she is slightly stoned to OTT blubbering facial contortions.  

Hope is perfect today!  I can even allow for Steffy being in denial, but Ridge enabling that and suggesting that Beth not be returned to her parents?  Hahahaha!!!  Good luck ever getting laid again Ridge.  Brooke will ice him out after that, or at least she should.  Wait till they start the real fighting about Thomas' role.

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Still processing today’s episode but SC and AK better be winning ALL the Emmys! Not sure how they’ll end up choosing for their Emmy reels but, my goodness, today was some good acting. JMW gets a crumb too since I could actually sympathize with Steffy for once. Having said that, she was bat-ish crazy for suggesting Hope could be “a kind of mother” to Beth.

I can’t wait for your kickass re-cap, @CountryGirl, as it usually tends to put into words what I just can’t because STILL PROCESSING.

On a lighter note, YAY SPUNKY SALLY! Still side eying her acting as if Wyatt was blameless for the break-up but was cheering when she very bluntly and with a lil bit of an edge called out Wyatt on potentially “crawling back to” her.

Very telling, though, that when all hell broke loose, Wyatt instinctively needed the fiery red-head to lean on. Wyatt’s romanticizing the first love and the outcome were so very true to life. It’s not until we’ve matured enough that we realize that a relationship built on being tried and tested (and surviving) along with genuine friendship and mutual respect are what make it long-lasting. I’m sure that, if Sally ends up taking Wyatt back (still not sure she should) the writers will mess it up when Flo gets white washed and she gets back into Wyatt’s good graces (and probably his bed). But in the meantime, DB and CH lit up the ep today. There is not just spark there but, genuine seemingly deep-rooted appreciation that reminds me of another Bell production pairing, Y&R’s Micheal Baldwin and Lauren. 

Edited by smijca
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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Her not giving two shits about the poor birth mother (even if she thought as suggested upthread that 2 + 2 suddenly didn't = 4) having her child stolen from her - Hope or some stranger - told me all I need to know about who Stephanie Forrester II is.


Goddamn it, I really wanted to think Steffy had some kind of a soul, but fuck me for being an optimist. If Brooke was never given brains after 3 decades I shouldn't expect the Wizard to give her a heart.

No matter, though. This is the one time that her money, influence and brass cooter won't let her win against Hope.

8 minutes ago, bannana said:

Ridge enabling that and suggesting that Beth not be returned to her parents? 

*Pretends to be shocked*

Damn, we all called that one, didn't we! Not even a week into the reveal! Like enabler mother, like enabler son. 🙄

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36 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Steffy's dramatic "crying" is pretty bad.

JMW continues to be such a lousy actress. I laughed when that big black tear ran down her face. Hope was really Brooke’s daughter the way she told Steffy that she was not leaving without her daughter. 👏

Sally needs to tell Wyatt that he can kiss her posterior.

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Hi, friends! I don't post here often since I think I'm the only one here who likes Steffy (and TK), but I have a question for those of you who think she's being selfish/heartless right now: Where you expecting her to just automatically accept and understand everything and help Hope and Liam pack up Beth's stuff to take to the cabin? She adopted this baby and has loved her for almost a year, why shouldn't she be in shock? Even though we have known the truth forever, she only just found out now. How is having the reaction "Don't take my baby!" wrong? Obviously Beth needs to be with Hope, but it's literally the same day that everyone first found out! A stolen baby/baby switch is not something normal. It takes time for this stuff to sink in. When crazy things happen, people make all sorts of generalizations, etc., no matter how objectively wrong. I will, however, agree that JMW's acting wasn't that strong, but I don't think she's a bad actress for what a soap opera demands. I wasn't a fan of AN's acting in some scenes today, either, but I thought SC was good. I also understand Hope's attitude and the limit to her compassion for Steffy. All of that makes sense. I'm just not understanding why some people aren't seeing things from Steffy's POV. Neither Hope nor Steffy is the villain in this situation imo. That's all for now! *ducks head and prepares to be pelted w/tomatoes*

Edited by MajesticMariposa
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I love Sally's hair color.  I hate that Sally is still hung up on Wyatt.

If Brad Bell and the writers had any brains, they would get rid of the unnecessary characters (Flo, Zoe, Shana, Pam, Charlie, etc.), and make Sally, Steffy, and Hope the lead actresses.  I know not everyone likes them, but enough people like just one of them, that if they were getting screen time, viewers would tune in to watch.

Hell froze over again today, I actually agreed with some of the things Ridge said.  Yes, they are lying liars who lie, and they don't seem to realize that stealing Hope's baby and letting Steffy adopt her were WRONG and ILLEGAL.

Steffy, "Say something Liam, FOR ONCE."  If only this would lead to Steffy finally being over Liam, but it won't happen.  To bad.  Steffy should have also said I'm not letting Kelly lose Phoebe the way I did.  Then Steffy has a breakdown, has to examine her mistakes and choices, and move forward with her life.  It won't happen because if Brooke is still with Ridge and Taylor is still stupid enough to want Ridge, then Steffy and Hope will never get to move on from Liam.  Dumb and boring.

Once again, you brain dead morons.  Get a DNA test.  Show to the court the adoption is invalid.  Call the fucking police.

If Hope walks out of Steffy's house with Phoebe, without getting a court order, she is guilty of kidnapping in the eyes of the law.

It looks like Ridge and Brooke will break up again which is just pointless because they will simply get back together, and anyone they've gotten involved with in the process will be trashed in order to prop this pathetic couple.

The three boring twits are even dumber than I thought.  Ridge and Brooke leave with their driver's licenses, and they just stand there looking at each other.  These fools don't even have the common sense to try to get out of town.

Edited by TigerLynx
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Due to poor writing I never much cared for most of the characters on this show especially Brooke. She lived up to my expectations by her immediate reactions to both Hope and Steffy. She should have greeted Hope and Beth with a hug but kept her mouth shut for a few minutes at least. What a shrew!  

Given Douglas' comments it was unrealistic that Steffy took so long to understand. Otherwise, JMW did fine showing shock and being confused.  Her character appeared to be coming around until she was screamed at by Brooke. 

Liam has reason not to trust Hope. What happens the next time their lives go off the rails. However, since Hope said she was sorry all is forgiven and the subject will not be mentioned again.  

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8 minutes ago, madfortv said:

Due to poor writing I never much cared for most of the characters on this show especially Brooke. She lived up to my expectations by her immediate reactions to both Hope and Steffy. She should have greeted Hope and Beth with a hug but kept her mouth shut for a few minutes at least. What a shrew!  

Given Douglas' comments it was unrealistic that Steffy took so long to understand. Otherwise, JMW did fine showing shock and being confused.  Her character appeared to be coming around until she was screamed at by Brooke. 

Liam has reason not to trust Hope. What happens the next time their lives go off the rails. However, since Hope said she was sorry all is forgiven and the subject will not be mentioned again.  

I guess I'm not alone after all lol I agree with everything you said. It just sucks that we we've spent nearly a year with this stupid story, just to end up right back where we were at the beginning. The only way this would have been better is (as some suggested) if they'd had Thomas and Hope actually fall in love and Steffy actually move on with someone else. Then we would be over this stupid triangle and actually at a new position with the characters and if they wanted to reintroduce the triangle, it could have been Liam trying to convince Hope to leave Thomas because their "family" is back. They still could have had Thomas find out the secret, but instead of being a psycho, he could have just stayed quiet because he was afraid of losing his new wife and Douglass' new mom, like he lost Caroline (they should have written them as actually being together before she died). It makes me frustrated that all this potential was wasted. We've been running on one singular story line for a while now, and it's beyond ridiculous. There's no reason other things can't progress simultaneously. Sigh.

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Yup, this was definitely the week to start watching again. The actress playing Hope was great, even Liam did a good job showing his guilty waffle face. The actress playing Steffy should never have tried to play the crying, grieving mother after Hope has been doing such a good job for sooo long.

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Two weeks on Vacation and there is no need to catch up. It’s like nothing really happened except the Beth reveal. Ridge is still the King of Ass Holes.  Poor poor Thomas.  Poor poor Stuffy.  How about Raggedy and Liam?  Ridge is trying to be happy for Raggedy.  Yeah right!  

Now it’s Stuffy’s turn to cry and quite frankly Stuffy is a much uglier crier than Raggedy.  Beth is what 6 months old?  I’ll buy you a beer if you can remember anything that happened to you prior to being 3 years old.  Stuffy has her own baby but she acts like she loves PhoBeth more than Kelly.  PhoBeth gets a lot more mentions and airtime than Kelly. 

Back to Sally for Wyatt, what a surprise.  Wyatt actually thinks he’s Liam but he’s only plays second fiddle to waffle boy. 

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2 hours ago, smijca said:

Having said that, she was bat-ish crazy for suggesting Hope could be “a kind of mother” to Beth.

Listen, I almost smacked her through my television for uttering that nonsense. The sadness and confusion is one thing but to go right to that suggestion? Even through her shock Steffy is slime. 

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