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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

Hauxdi gets compared to Brooke (as if!) but Hauxdi has never paid for her wrongs the way Brooke paid for HERS. 

So true. Even when other characters do the same shit Brooke did, it's somehow still worse. I do remember Taylor dragging up Breacon at least once after Phoebe died.

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Brooke never paid for anything.  For whatever reason, Bridget forgave Brooke.  Brooke has Ridge.  Although why the hell she chased after him for decades, I do not know.  Having Stephanie dislike her wouldn't have mattered if Brooke hadn't wanted Stephanie to like her which again I don't know why Brooke cared.  Both Taylor and Brooke could have had great lives if they would have walked away from Ridge decades ago.  I won't bother to list all the reasons why neither Hope or Steffy should waste time on Liam.  Suffice to say if the guy tells you it's over, then move on.  If the guy marries someone else, move on.  If the pathetic waffling loser guy asks you for another chance, laugh in his face and move on.

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"Paid" may not be the right word but Brooke saw consequences, regardless how fleeting, that Hauxdi never once has seen. And if no one else would wise up to her being an idiot, Stephanie never pulled punches. She still gets reminders about what she did to Bridget, yet no one points out to St. Taylor that her anger over Trick is partially to blame for her death.

None of Brooke's rivals would ever have put themselves out saving her marriages to Ridge, Nick or Thorne the way Hope has been over a baby. Taylor barely made an effort to bond with baby Bridget after she was born and didn't hesitate to tell Ridge she would leave LA with Thomas if he stayed with Brooke. Caroline wasn't nearly so blatant during Brooke's first pregnancy, but she wasn't exactly knitting booties for Baby Bridge either. And as mentioned earlier, Taylor violated another doctor's confidences by snooping on Brooke's files to find out about the Brill baby.

Mind you, I've never been much on Team Brooke and it wasn't till YouTube got big and I saw clips from the way early days that I even understood why she had such a fanbase. But there's a marked difference in the way she gets treated versus how most of her peers get treated. And let's face it, no one faces consequences unless an actor is leaving the show anyway, or else this show would take place across any given number of prisons in California.

41 minutes ago, TigerLynx said:

I won't bother to list all the reasons why neither Hope or Steffy should waste time on Liam.  Suffice to say if the guy tells you it's over, then move on.  If the guy marries someone else, move on.  If the pathetic waffling loser guy asks you for another chance, laugh in his face and move on.

No argument there :)

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I would hold Taylor more responsible for Darla's death than Phoebe's (although you are right that Phoebe's anger about Rick/Taylor played a part in the car accident).  Taylor doesn't have Ridge, again why the hell she ever wanted him I don't know, so Brooke won that decades long battle.  Caroline died young, and while she wasn't perfect, she never sank as low as most of the rest of these characters have.  Bridget, Phoebe, Darla, Ally and the first Caroline were all much better people than Brooke, and except for poor Bridget, they are all dead.  I guess that's one abuse they didn't heap on Bridget.  Although give them time, I'm sure if Bridget visits again, one of her loathsome relatives will do something to ruin her life, do something to get Bridget killed, and then whine about how horrible it is for them that they got Bridget killed.

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Carter? Yeah, no, if I'm about to be charged with attempted murder I'm gonna want a proven criminal defense attorney and not a guy who's mainly used to perform weddings and draw up corporate employment contacts.

OMG, Steffy. "Liam, my dad just got arrested for trying to kill your dad! I need you right now!" Is this broad for real?

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It was disappointing that 90% of today's show was pre-empted by the last-minute Trump press conference.

I watched online. There wasn't much to miss.

Genius deflection and twist by Hope. When Hauxdi was dressing Hope down for telling Liam about the Still proposal and accusing her of wanting Liam for herself, Hope turned the tables and said she did so, "So Liam would realize what his father was capable of." Hope explained that she "didn't think the disclosure through." That shut Hauxdi right up and she sort of gave a half-assed apology by mumbling that she of all people had a thing or two to learn about lapses in judgment. Anyway, Hope managed to get herself out of that tight spot, but barely. Their bitch session was broken up when Brooke ran in to let Haudxi know that Daddy Dearest was arrested.

Ally Mills was great today. She looked like absolute hell and her dazed, depressed, out-of-it state, didn't go unnoticed by Maya and Sheila. Maya and Pam ran into each other at Il Gardino and Sheila overheard them talking about Sludge being arrested. Of course, Sheila had to go butt into their conversation. She conveyed her fake concern, then when away from their table, gave the traditional Sheila-smirk and chuckled.

Brooke barged into Bill's hospital room to demand that he was lying. Bill insisted that Ridge was the one who shot him. Before she showed up, Liam grilled Bill again to make absolute certain that it was Ridge. Bill told both Liam and Brooke that it was dark and he was shot in the back. Liam nodded and Brooke called BS on that claim.

Jared went to Justin to ask for his job back and made some pointed remarks about how much people hated Bill and would love to see him dead. Justin asked him if he was among them.

Haudxi (not one to give up) made a pitiful call to Liam to let him know how alone she felt, blah, blah, blah, no husband, no Daddy to comfort here, whine, whine, belly rubbing, couldn't he give them another chance? Put the past behind them? They have a baby on the way, yadda yadda yadda. And you know what Liam did?  Drum roll ... instead of letting her blather on or offering to rush over to FC, he cut the conversation short and hung up on her. GO LIAM! While he was talking, his eyes kept darting towards the door of his hotel room, which made me wonder if Hope was there with him.

At the end of the show, there were shots of a text news flash about Ridge's arrest popping up on people's phones, then a cut-away to the face of the recipient -- Jared,  Justin and Sheila.  Jared didn't react, but both Sheila and Justin smirked. Meanwhile, Pam picked up a copy of "Eye on Fashion," with Sludge's greasy mug plastered across the cover and threw it in the rubbish bin. Hee!

Also ... we were treated to watching Sludge getting booked by the LAPD and listening him rant and rave about how he didn't do it, disparaging the police officers, detectives, etc.. Finally, thankfully, they dragged him away to a holding cell and put the viewers out of their misery.

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29 minutes ago, grisgris said:

Haudxi (not one to give up) made a pitiful call to Liam to let him know how alone she felt, blah, blah, blah, no husband, no Daddy to comfort here, whine, whine, belly rubbing, couldn't he give them another chance? Put the past behind them? They have a baby on the way, yadda yadda yadda. And you know what Liam did?  Drum roll ... instead of letting her blather on or offering to rush over to FC, he cut the conversation short and hung up on her. GO LIAM!

Hooray! He’s resisting for far longer than I expected. Good on him :)

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The writers never miss an opportunity to repeat a storyline.  Rick shot Grant, Grant knew it was Rick, but blamed Ridge.

This SL would be more interesting if Bill had told the police he didn't know who shot him.  Bill revealed to Liam that Steffy's baby was Bill's not Liam's.  When Steffy called Liam, Liam told Steffy what Bill told Liam, told Steffy it was over, and Hope wasn't waiting in the wings to be there for Liam.  Add some actual mystery and consequences for the characters.  Instead two weeks from now, it will be back to the same old same old.

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Liam finally brought up the burning question of how could see Ridge shoot him if he was shot in the back. Would you think that Det Blabbermouth would ask Bill that question before doing a snoopy dance thinking he's got the right shooter. Det Blabbermouth could have brought Ridge for questioning and get a search warrant with probable cause for the gloves and his clothes. 

I got to handed to Brooke. She's a much better Det than either Blabbermouth or Hotdog. 

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13 hours ago, grisgris said:

he cut the conversation short and hung up on her. GO LIAM!

I know, that was so unlike him. But you know he's probably going over there. I really want to like Liam but he is just so easily manipulated, by everybody.

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4 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

I know, that was so unlike him. But you know he's probably going over there. I really want to like Liam but he is just so easily manipulated, by everybody.

Yep.  Weak, selfish, stupid, despicable, etc.  The writers should play to these characters' strengths instead of trying to pretend they have any redeeming qualities.

Hope shouldn't give Steffy the time of day.  Hope doesn't owe Steffy any loyalty.  If Steffy said anything to Hope about Liam, Hope should have told Steffy it didn't have anything to do with her, Steffy ruined her own marriage by screwing her father-in-law.  No trying to be Steffy's friend or offering Liam support.  Why don't any of these people just honestly dislike someone they have every right to dislike?

Rick shot Grant in the back, but Grant saw Rick's reflection in the mirror.  These idiot writers can't even rip off their own SLs without screwing them up.

Liam should have been the one to shoot Bill.  Bill saw Liam's reflection in the glass, but blamed Ridge because Bill despises Ridge.  Then Bill tells Liam he changed the paternity tests, and Steffy's baby is actually Bill's.  It could be a lie because Bill wants to punish Liam, or it could be the truth and Bill lied originally in order to make himself feel better about screwing his son's wife.  These people are selfish despicable jerks.  The writers need to stop trying to pretend otherwise.

I liked Taylor before she died the first time.  She didn't care what Stephanie, Brooke or anyone else thought.  She didn't want to be their friend, and she stood up to Ridge.  Brooke told Ridge if he would come to Paris with her and Bridget for six months, she would give control of FC back to the Forresters.  Taylor told Ridge if he went, their marriage was over.  I wish Taylor had followed through on divorcing Ridge.  Bonus points if she left Ridge for James.  Instead as would be the case for decades, Ridge ended up being the one with all the power, and the one who got to decide whether he wanted to be with Taylor or Brooke, while Taylor and Brooke stupidly waited around for Ridge to choose.

Edited by TigerLynx
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19 hours ago, TigerLynx said:

The writers never miss an opportunity to repeat a storyline.  Rick shot Grant, Grant knew it was Rick, but blamed Ridge.

This SL would be more interesting if Bill had told the police he didn't know who shot him.  Bill revealed to Liam that Steffy's baby was Bill's not Liam's.  When Steffy called Liam, Liam told Steffy what Bill told Liam, told Steffy it was over, and Hope wasn't waiting in the wings to be there for Liam.  Add some actual mystery and consequences for the characters.  Instead two weeks from now, it will be back to the same old same old.

Oh shoot does that mean RJ is a contender? Stupid, but acceptable payoff if he leaves town as a result ?

I still think Bill set this non-fatal gunshot up to fuck with everyone or it was something idiotic like Saul or Thorne. Bell always sets up dope dramatic stories and ends them with a whimper or record scratch. 

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Any sympathy I had for Steffy is gone. Her attitude towards Hope, as if Hope is under any obligation to support her, has me running. Good luck, Steffy. Liam is looking for the greener pastures and warm fuzzy feelings Hope provides. Have fun with co-parenting.

I still think it was Sheila, but since Ridge vented (albeit somewhat facetiously) and told her to shoot or kill Bill (can't remember the specifics), could he be something of an accessory based on planting the idea in her head to do it (if she did it)?

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5 hours ago, APSimpson said:

I still think it was Sheila, but since Ridge vented (albeit somewhat facetiously) and told her to shoot or kill Bill (can't remember the specifics), could he be something of an accessory based on planting the idea in her head to do it (if she did it)?

Absolutely. Sheila as much as told Sludge so. She was like, you told me to do it. But I do not think she did it. I think she was warning him not to involve her in the mess. I think she thinks he did it. And if it was returned-from-the-dead-twice-already Taylor who shot $Bill, then I almost hope Sheila shoots her again. But as I've stated before - I don't want to see Sheila wasted with a quick out. I need a nice long drawn out Sheila story. And I still think that Sludge and Quinn were together that night so his alibi is a secret that will blow apart his and Quinn's marriages. And then we could have loads more Sheila/Quinn drama. Yay!

Edited by SweePea59
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If they use this to revive Quridge I will shit bricks.

That said, what I won't do is feel one iota of pity for Brooke. She knows what kind of lowlife Ridge has proven himself to be and she still takes him back every time. 

I don't even care who shot Bill.

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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

I don't even care who shot Bill.

This is where I'm at. There are no consequences or reveals or movement or shake ups with Bill being shot.

Steffy could be having her feelings for Bill clarified and she realizes she does love the jerk.

Liam should realize that life is short and realize he wants to give it another shot with Steffy- as she's realizing she wants Bill.

Because Bill didn't sign the document making Justin his proxy, but Wyatt and Liam were disowned, control goes to Will with Katie acting on his behalf. Karen - by the where is Karen?!- approves. Katie brings in Wyatt to run things with her and in his battles with Justin, Katie wonders if Wyatt has more of Bill in him than she'd like and is even more worried by Quinn encouraging this ruthlessness now that Wyatt rules the empire.

Ridge worries about his Aunt Pam - especially when he realizes she may have shot Bill. He sends Pam away for rest and treatment to wherever Taylor is and tries to frame Sheila but she's ready for it and frames him. Quinn is unable to hide her feelings for an in peril Ridge which doesn't go unnoticed by Eric. Ridge being arrested brings Thorne and Rick back in contention to rule Forrester- especially when the stress of Ridge being arrested and her torn feelings are too much for Steffy and she's told to  slow down which means stepping down at Forrester for a bit.

Meanwhile, Bill is in a coma dream and in a bid to show why we should care whether he lives or dies, have Bill go back throughout his life with his mother (played by Jane Elliott) to the pivotal moments that made him the man he is- childhood moments with Bill, Sr. , with his mother (did she die? Abandon him?) meeting Liam's mother, meeting Quinn, how he met Justin and why are they so tight, how he assumed the empire, and what hardened him. Why did he betray his son? Why is Steffy worth losing it all? Does he have any regrets? Would his mother tell him everyone would be better off with him dead? Then as Bill says he'd rather die than change, he gets confronted by a possible future version of his granddaughter (played by any one of the Colleens from when DD was Brad on Y&R) who reads him the riot act for being such a dick and ruining her father and uncle's lives and not being a true family leader and bringing them together and instead destroying everything. Bill in that moment is devestated that Spencer will end with him, his dynasty and legacy obliterated but most of all his granddaughter never knowing him but still hating him. He realizes that not to change is to die and that's when he wakes up from his near death state with the lesson fuzzy, but clear- he's got a lot of work to do to not be the failure that Bill Sr. always thought he'd be and that means not just Spencer Pub flourishing but his children flourishing as well. He has to be the one to lead them, but first he has to heal the rift with his sons, Caroline, and Katie which he knows will take years.

All this is to say, show give me a reason to care instead of just going by the numbers. A week of Jane Elliott (or Erika Sleazak or Susan Lucci as Bill's mother of indeterminate age) lured out of retirement for a week stint and one of the Colleen's appearing as future Phoebe Spencer-Forrester would get some eyeballs- especially if it's in service to resetting Bill and the Spencer family.

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@TobinAlbers, you really should write for the show but TIIC wouldn't know what to do with someone with actual talent.

The only thing I would change is that Phoebe is Bill's daughter and he would know this because he changed the tests.

Elsewhere, I could watch this little clip over and over again - the hobo behind bars.

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

@TobinAlbers, you really should write for the show but TIIC wouldn't know what to do with someone with actual talent.

The only thing I would change is that Phoebe is Bill's daughter and he would know this because he changed the tests.

Elsewhere, I could watch this little clip over and over again - the hobo behind bars.

Meanwhile his cellmate is suing the state of California for cruel and unusual punishment for forcing him to co-habitate with someone THAT stank. 

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Doesn't Karen have 50% stake in Spencer Publications? Even if they couldn't get the actress on screen, the CHARACTER of Karen should be involved in this storyline.  How is Bill able to cede Spencer Publications to Liam, Wyatt or Justin in his absence if KAREN owns 50% of SP (Katie owns the other 1%)?

Justin should be sitting in Bill's chair smug, when a new shark lawyer bum rushes the office with Wyatt & Katie in tow and tells Justin to GTFU out of Bill's chair because Karen & Katie have appointed WYATT as acting CEO in Bill's absence. 

Or Justin & Wyatt are arguing in the office when Allison/Emmy comes in and tells Justin he has a very important call, Justin picks up the line, grows angry and informs Wyatt Karen Spencer just called and she is taking control of Spencer Publications in Bill's absence.

I'm actually #TeamSteffy when it comes to Hope because that wasn't Hope's information to tell.  It wasn't Brooke's information to tell either, so Ridge & Steffy are actually correct to side-eye Hope's motives in telling Liam about Bill's proposal.

Why hasn't Useless Charlie told Eric that Pam is off her meds and isn't doing well?

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3 hours ago, drivethroo said:

I'm actually #TeamSteffy when it comes to Hope because that wasn't Hope's information to tell.  It wasn't Brooke's information to tell either, so Ridge & Steffy are actually correct to side-eye Hope's motives in telling Liam about Bill's proposal.

OTOH, why the hell did Steffy tell gossipy ass Brooke of all people first? That was mistake #1. I can hardly be assed to care about Brooke spilling the beans considering everything that hellspawn has put her through over the years, but geez.

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Well, finally the plot thickens!

Liam did see the proposal as suspected but also suffered a hit to the head so he's got gaps in his memory.

NOW his reactions and being 'off' is making more sense.

Kind of shocked the show went with the logical set-up!

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Fuck Stuffy and the stallion she rode. No tragedy she can't take advantage of.  I do have to giver kudos though for confronting Bill and calling him on a fabrication. 

I guess Thorne doesn't play slot machines since he thinks cherries make a jackpot. 

Hey Det Blabbermouth, why would Bill turn his back to a shooter. Bill would try to get the gun.  

So it was Liam who saw Bill proposing to Stuffy through the window. Every time they replay Stuffy's zip line decent, I think, although not green, of the Wicket Witch of the West.  

Has anyone else noticed that Hope has one eye slightly bigger than the other. 

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Well, finally the plot thickens!

Liam did see the proposal as suspected but also suffered a hit to the head so he's got gaps in his memory.

NOW his reactions and being 'off' is making more sense.

Kind of shocked the show went with the logical set-up!

But wait, he hit his head today, right?  Are we supposed to assume he hit his head proposal night too?

9 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:


Liam is George of the jungle.

That was a heck of a bonk!  It's his house, so you would think he would know of tree hazards.  Or did that limb appear as a result of the storm?

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Steffy, WTF? Like Liam doesn't have enough on his mind without you continuing to try to steamroller him with guilt.

Heh, look at Hope trying to thread that needle. The one where she advises Liam to go have dinner with his estranged wife but she really wants Liam to toss some salad with her. She must be quite a blackjack player.

Whaaaaat? So maybe Liam did shoot Bill but blacked it out? I am on board with this possible development. ?

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

But wait, he hit his head today, right?  Are we supposed to assume he hit his head proposal night too?

That was a heck of a bonk!  It's his house, so you would think he would know of tree hazards.  Or did that limb appear as a result of the storm?

I'm surprised we didn't get a spoiler alert for a new significant character.  The partially open door's mother, the tree limb, has made her first appearance.  Now the warehouse guy wants his cousin, the forklift guy, to get airtime. 

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2 hours ago, Gudzilla said:



Liam is George of the jungle.

??You so wrong for that ? And I'm old for knowing this reference. 

2 hours ago, bannana said:

But wait, he hit his head today, right?  Are we supposed to assume he hit his head proposal night too?

That was a heck of a bonk!  It's his house, so you would think he would know of tree hazards.  Or did that limb appear as a result of the storm?

I'm betting he went into a dissociative fugue state due to the emotional overload of witnessing his father and wife betray him again when both were saying they were so sorry and loved him and would never betray him again. He went on autopilot and wandered/drifted off somewhere and doesn't recall what he did. Maybe he tried to kill Bill or maybe he witnessed the shooting and subconsciously knows who did it but did nothing to stop it or help Bill since he was still in observe but not react mode. Initially Liam may actually believe he did it because he was there and remembers it happening but won't realize that he only saw it, he didn't commit it.  The falling tree limb - along with all the previous concussions- helped him 'recover' the memory. 

They made a point of telling us how crazy bad the wind was during that night so yeah, the limb was probably weakened from that. Still it's easy to overlook limb damage as it can be sneaky hidden right up until you hear the crack/pop of the limb falling.

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Thanks for clearing that up. I was also confused as to when Liam bonked his head on that tree limb. As inept as this show's writers are at addressing any mental states, that's pretty risky for them to go with dissociative state. Expect a lot of flashbacks and filling in the gaps if they go that route. Not criticizing the idea at all, just not trying to have too high of expectations for what could be an awesome reveal.  It needs to be complete with going all the way back to Captive Cabin and catching Steffy in bed with Wyatt. I still want for that to come out.

Did anybody catch the good news (in passing) today that RJ is away somewhere. I assume back at boarding school. Dare we believe this is the last of Slouchy?

That actor playing Thorne (he's on so infrequently that I've forgotten his name) sounded today like he was trying to sound like WH. I noted a touch shsouthern twang today in his talk with Eric. (I know we said old Thorne sounded Texan but actually, WH is originally from Louisiana, which I did not know.) Anyway, This guy  is another opportunist. Trying to convince Eric on the stop to hand the reigns over to him to not only run FC but also assume lead designer role.  I didn't understand Eric's reaction. Ridge can't run FC or design if he's in jail and who knows how long he'll be there. His request for bail got turned down. It was nice to see Carter actually do some legal work other than delivering the dreaded blue documents to the unsuspecting or officiating intra-family weddings. He definitely is sharper on the criminal defense than Justin was.

Hope is either a master chess player or too dimwitted to be alive. I couldn't believe my ears when she encouraged Liam to accept Steffy's dinner invitation. I guess she was gambling on that he still wouldn't go or if he did, it would be an epic fail. That way, when Haudxi comes around hissing, Hope can honestly say that she encouraged Liam to go over and have dinner with her.)

Is Liam really that clueless about women? Of course, if he accepted Hauxdi's dinner invitation, she is going to read into it that he's weakening towards her demands to work things out between them. I guess that looking back, he's never really had to pursue any women as they all chased after him.  My advice would have been, "No. No. NO! Yes. You would be leading them on." He has to know by now that if you give Steffy the slightest opening, she's going to blow the door off the hinges.

Brooke looked great today in that smart black ensemble. Her hair looked really good and like she's let it grow out a bit. Just keep it shoulder length or above.

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18 minutes ago, grisgris said:

It needs to be complete with going all the way back to Captive Cabin and catching Steffy in bed with Wyatt. I still want for that to come out.

Damn, if they went there and had Liam remember the Statt cuddling in his bed?! That'd be amazing.

I have to say that as great as it is that Tally got/us getting their HEA, Sally being Liam's ride or die rock as they try to fry to the bottom of his missing time and did he try to kill Bill would've been a bit more interesting than Hope bring his rock. You have the added benefit of Sally still not knowing Liam and Shirley or Saul playing devil's advocate and Sally having to have faith in that the Liam she is falling for is no killer.

If Quinn were still trying to muck up his life to secure Wyatt's position, her gaslighting fuege state Liam and making him think he did it and trying to frame him would've been a great twist. As it stands she's a 'heroine' now so doubt they'd go there. But ....Sheila might. Liam is nothing to her (except witness to Steffy shooting her) but she knows he left Steffy which Ridge is upset about so she might reason that being enough to make him the stooge. It's a neat bit of revenge that she gives Ridge what he asks for while blowing up his and Taylor's daughter's life - who shot her by the way- by setting up her baby daddy who is the most obvious suspect in Bill's shooting. 

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I'm surprised that Liam didn't have a massive dent in his head after hitting that tree.  I also want him to remember the time that he told the slattern all about herself.  It was one of Liam's finest moments and it's about time that he remembers that Hauxdilox has been a faithless bitch for years. 

I am so sick of Hope putting other people before herself.  NOBODY else on this fucking show does.  If she wants Liam, then she should bloody well take him.  He's NOT a married man; he's served his wife with papers and told her that he hates her.  That says 'this marriage is over' to me.Hope should have told Hauxdilox to step the fuck off.  Hope doesn't owe that bitch a fucking thing.  We all know that Hauxdi would NEVER have told Liam that his father proposed.  She only told Brooke because she wanted to stick the knife in.  Why else would she confide in Brooke Logan, of all people?  It's not like they're GIRLFRIENDS.   

I don't know why the good lieutenant didn't bust a cap in Ridge's ass, the way he was carrying on at the police station.  And when will somebody step up to Ridge and tell him his daughter is the biggest whore in LA and not the untouched fair maiden he seems to think she is.  Ridge's obsession with his daughter's 'purity' is approaching Donald Trump levels.

I'm so over this 'who shot Bill' bullshit.  Whoever, shot him should have spent more time at the shooting range, as far as I'm concerned.

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23 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

This is where I'm at. There are no consequences or reveals or movement or shake ups with Bill being shot.

Steffy could be having her feelings for Bill clarified and she realizes she does love the jerk.

Liam should realize that life is short and realize he wants to give it another shot with Steffy- as she's realizing she wants Bill.

Because Bill didn't sign the document making Justin his proxy, but Wyatt and Liam were disowned, control goes to Will with Katie acting on his behalf. Karen - by the where is Karen?!- approves. Katie brings in Wyatt to run things with her and in his battles with Justin, Katie wonders if Wyatt has more of Bill in him than she'd like and is even more worried by Quinn encouraging this ruthlessness now that Wyatt rules the empire.

Ridge worries about his Aunt Pam - especially when he realizes she may have shot Bill. He sends Pam away for rest and treatment to wherever Taylor is and tries to frame Sheila but she's ready for it and frames him. Quinn is unable to hide her feelings for an in peril Ridge which doesn't go unnoticed by Eric. Ridge being arrested brings Thorne and Rick back in contention to rule Forrester- especially when the stress of Ridge being arrested and her torn feelings are too much for Steffy and she's told to  slow down which means stepping down at Forrester for a bit.

Meanwhile, Bill is in a coma dream and in a bid to show why we should care whether he lives or dies, have Bill go back throughout his life with his mother (played by Jane Elliott) to the pivotal moments that made him the man he is- childhood moments with Bill, Sr. , with his mother (did she die? Abandon him?) meeting Liam's mother, meeting Quinn, how he met Justin and why are they so tight, how he assumed the empire, and what hardened him. Why did he betray his son? Why is Steffy worth losing it all? Does he have any regrets? Would his mother tell him everyone would be better off with him dead? Then as Bill says he'd rather die than change, he gets confronted by a possible future version of his granddaughter (played by any one of the Colleens from when DD was Brad on Y&R) who reads him the riot act for being such a dick and ruining her father and uncle's lives and not being a true family leader and bringing them together and instead destroying everything. Bill in that moment is devestated that Spencer will end with him, his dynasty and legacy obliterated but most of all his granddaughter never knowing him but still hating him. He realizes that not to change is to die and that's when he wakes up from his near death state with the lesson fuzzy, but clear- he's got a lot of work to do to not be the failure that Bill Sr. always thought he'd be and that means not just Spencer Pub flourishing but his children flourishing as well. He has to be the one to lead them, but first he has to heal the rift with his sons, Caroline, and Katie which he knows will take years.

All this is to say, show give me a reason to care instead of just going by the numbers. A week of Jane Elliott (or Erika Sleazak or Susan Lucci as Bill's mother of indeterminate age) lured out of retirement for a week stint and one of the Colleen's appearing as future Phoebe Spencer-Forrester would get some eyeballs- especially if it's in service to resetting Bill and the Spencer family.

Holds up ?

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Liam DID see the proposal!

LOL at George of the Jungle. I totally get the reference, too.

I loved the flashbacks, like trying to tune in an old-school TV antennae. But seriously, I wanted him to finally remember seeing the heifer Hauxdi in bed with Wyatt before Captive Cabin.


But we got confirmation of what I've suspected for a while now, given the angle of the shot.


With the reveal clearly showing Liam there that night.


Not that this seals the deal that Liam = shooter but it does make the shoulda-been-a-slam-dunk rating graps turned snoozer mystery a little more interesting, but as always, SC truly rises to the occasion. His face was so haunted then...and now.

You could visibly see the dazed and confused aka fugue face wiped clean as his memories of that night come flooding back. 


Elsewhere, we had Carter doing his best "I'm a real lawyer" and it was as ham-fisted and wooden as you can imagine.

We also had Ridge acting the caveman and the fool (and a lot of awful over-acting by TK). He was a heartbeat away from beating his chest. But what else is new? His navy blue scrubs (damn, I wanted orange!) are probably the cleanest clothes he's ever worn.

Here are some of his gems:

Ridge, when questioned about the "sheepskin gloves": "I don't own those." Um, we SAW you wearing them the night you got your ass kicked 6 ways to Sunday by Bill.

Ridge: "Tell me something..." And then he dramatically slams his beefy hands on the table, which (1) loved the pipsqueak detective's "you so amuse me right now" look and (2) not exactly a selling point that you aren't, in fact, the shooter.


Ridge, ranting about Bill: "A man who is lusting after my daughter, a poor, young girl who wants to have nothing to do with him." I almost choked on my soda listening to that...no...she's actually a very wealthy adult

He continues to make himself look more and more unhinged and guilty: "I swear, if anything happens to her, I will find a way to take this station down and (points at Hot Dog) that means no promotion for you and you (points at pipsqueak), you can answer phone calls from old ladies who've lost their cats." Fuck you, you delusional nimrod. 

Pipsqueak just looks at him with the same, "whatever, dude, I'm sitting pretty and you're standing there in your prison jumpsuit."


Brooke looked absolutely gorgeous in her black suit and tousled hair. 


I think that shoulder length is her perfect length.

Edited by CountryGirl
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15 hours ago, grisgris said:

Is Liam really that clueless about women? Of course, if he accepted Hauxdi's dinner invitation, she is going to read into it that he's weakening towards her demands to work things out between them. I guess that looking back, he's never really had to pursue any women as they all chased after him. 


The most he's done in persuing a woman was whining to Steffy about Quinn and cheering Ridge on to get rid of her. Homeboy wouldn't know romance if he took a Master Class with Nicholas Sparks.

15 hours ago, grisgris said:

My advice would have been, "No. No. NO! Yes. You would be leading them on." He has to know by now that if you give Steffy the slightest opening, she's going to blow the door off the hinges.

This! You'd think he'd know what leading ppl on looks like since he's been doing that for his entire 8 years on the show.

11 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Ridge, ranting about Bill: "A man who is lusting after my daughter, a poor, young girl who wants to have nothing to do with him." I almost choked on soda listening to that...no...she's actually a very wealthy adult

A young girl.....lawd, save me Jeebus! ????????????

Dear God, Ridge wasn't even this melodramatic ten years ago when Steffy was actually being used by Rick!

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My goodness, but Carter was on point! Why haven't they had him doing this type of lawyering all along? The bland, vanilla Carter actually had some fire and pizzazz and made Droopy and Dripple look like a couple of fools.

Do they give showers and shampoos on intake at the LAPD? Just wondering because Ridge’s hair looked freshly washed, and I found him hella sexy in that dark blue prison garb. I didn’t mind him laying out how stupid Droopy and Dripple are either, because…….well……..they are dumber than fuck. Telling Dripple that he would be taking calls from old ladies about lost cats nearly made me pee my pants. I think Droopy and Dripple were both a bit nonplussed by Carter and Ridge, who were the ones making perfect sense, while they looked like two wannabees. Part of me insists on giving Ridge a pass for his Steffy blindness; Ridge is a parent, and I would expect all parents to rally behind their children and defend them, and only think the best of them. But it is hard, so hard, to support Ridge’s indignation, and refusal to believe that his Little Precious joyfully and gleefully rode the White Stallion like a Boss, because we all know what a true POS Steffy is.

Just to clarify; did Dripple actually say to Ridge that Bill probably saw him “before he turned around”? Seriously? What idiot is going to turn his back on his arch enemy whilst said enemy is brandishing a gun? Did he go on to imply that Ridge may have tried to off Bill a second time? When was that exactly? All I could think of was one of my favorite quotes, from one of my favorite characters, from one of my most favorite movies; Trading Places. Louis Winthorpe the Third (aka Dan Aykroyd) after getting released from jail laments to Penelope “If this place is indicative of the state of correctional institutions in this country they might as well let all the convicts out; it is far worse on the inside.”



I am still on the fence with Hope; part of that is because this recast has cost me CH and the Spectra SL, something I was totally and completely invested in. I feel like Bradley paid me a personal visit to bitch slap me into realizing I should never count on Show to deliver the complex goods. Once it gets too involved, Show’s writers jump ship, and land squarely back in their comfort zone of triangles. And it just sits in my stomach like some sour food that I am unable to digest that characters portrayed by performers who can actually act, and could have been mined for SL for years, are being sacrificed to prop a talentless heathen heifer and a triangle that elicits nothing but doom and boredom. The other part is because I am not sold on this actress. She is odd. And a little off putting. All the same; I give her carte blanch in any and all efforts to destroy Steffy and her make believe world. I could care less that she told Liam about Bill’s proposal. Steffy sure as heck wasn’t going to; all her claims to the contrary notwithstanding. If it was anyone else, I would probably be giving them the serious side eye, but Hope has these small victories coming her way. She has earned them through attrition, and her years of being manipulated at Steffy’s hands. So let Hope get a little hard crustiness of her own, and show that botoxed bimbo that she is not the only one who can get down in the dirt and not play fair.

In his working life Mr. R had numerous head traumas; three serious falls from 14ft, 8ft and 10ft, with the last ending his working life. He also had many head “bumps”, some requiring stitches and some just a few days to recover. I can attest to how these things screw up a person’s life. Memories are forgotten or get fuzzy, and remembering things is next to impossible. This makes me so sad for Liam. He had that terrible injury that was never addressed during Captive Cabin, and now that demon limb that came from nowhere. But if it helps pull all this together, and most importantly, causes Liam to remember seeing Skanky in bed with Wyatt? Oh, I think I can get past it because maybe that will be the deal sealer for Liam. I can see him beginning to waffle about the heaux, so maybe remembering seeing her with Wyatt and seeing Bill down on his knee will be enough to finally convince Liam to walk away. As for being the shooter; I would love it to be Liam, but I fear the writers would run from that as being too complex a SL, and will settle for Liam being a witness and knowing who actually shot Bill.

Bill is playing a very dangerous game deliberately pointing the finger at his most hated enemy and leaving the real perp out there to maybe try a second time? I’ve tried to muster up some sympathy for a recovering Bill, but keep coming up empty. His actions were so distressing and disgusting before the shooting that I kinda feel like “Oh well! It’s all good!” Does that make me a horrible person?

Brooke looked amazing in that black ensemble.

Edited by RuntheTable
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49 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

My goodness, but Carter was on point! Why haven't they had him doing this type of lawyering all along? The bland, vanilla Carter actually had some fire and pizzazz and made Droopy and Dripple look like a couple of fools.

Yes!  I always advocate for more Carter (because, well, Carter), but more of this Carter would be even better!

49 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

His actions were so distressing and disgusting before the shooting that I kinda feel like “Oh well! It’s all good!” Does that make me a horrible person?

Nope :)

49 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Bill is playing a very dangerous game deliberately pointing the finger at his most hated enemy and leaving the real perp out there to maybe try a second time?

Satan must have put on a pair of ice skates because I actually agreed with Steffy when she pointed this out.

Edited by ByTor
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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Bill is playing a very dangerous game deliberately pointing the finger at his most hated enemy and leaving the real perp out there to maybe try a second time?

A) Bill thinks he's invincible. And obviously he's right since he survived this attempt!

B) He's also now on alert that someone wants him dead so he thinks that he'll see it coming.

What he's failing to recognize is that multiple people want him dead. And while he's keeping his eye on any one of them, the culprit can use it as a distraction to sneak up on him to stab him in the back.

Count me in on giving a double thumbs up to Basic Black Brooke and her red clutch. Girlfriend looks like a boss.

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You can tell Bill is back by being his bastard self.  Stuffy is also in fine form deflecting and spinning the truth.  I thought we were going to get revisionist history with the flashback but atlas, Bill is really only surmising.  

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

What he's failing to recognize is that multiple people want him dead. And while he's keeping his eye on any one of them, the culprit can use it as a distraction to sneak up on him to stab him in the back.

Unless he somehow did see that it was Liam.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Unless he somehow did see that it was Liam.

Well, there was the weird way Bill was acting when he was unconscious and only Liam was in the room talking to him. I figured then that he wasn't trying to come out from under because Liam was willing it but because Liam had something to do with Bill's shooting and his survival instinct was kicking in. Did Bill's heart rate also go up or was he just getting agitated and trying to wake up?

In any case, even if we do see Liam remember pulling the trigger, I think there will still be a twist of his memories just being jumbled. He does have reason to keep his mouth shut/fear exposure as he'd lose access to his daughter by either being in prison or given his blackout potential just being considered too unstable. If Bill were truly a bastard, he'd blackmail Liam and basically tell him, if you want to be free to see your child, tow my line. Bill could rationalize being Liam's puppet master him being a good father but the guilt would probably eventually break Liam down until he confessed since he'd ultimately believe that he's no kind of father if he tried to kill his own father.

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Bradley-no-originality-Bell can just fuck off into the sunset with Wafflemaker Liam, Hauxdi Steffy, and Unkempt Ridge-the-Dressmaker.  While he's at it, send the Gelded Stallion out to pasture.  I fucking hate this storyline.  Mostly, I fucking hate Steffy and her never-ending desperation and belly-rubbing.  That is all and pass me the fucking Tylenol. 

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Why does Liam look like he’s going hurl every minute? Maybe, the bump,on the tree? Then again SC always acts like that. I agree with the theory that Bill saw Liam or the possible shooter. Maybe, he saw the reflection of the shooter from the French Door windows. Who knows? I’m sure they’ll be a few red herons from Bell ? before it’s over. Random thought...I’ve never seen DD unshaven and unkept looking. He looks more real then usual. DD is good looking but in a plastic sort of way. He’s never looked real to me. LOL!!!!

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How was Bill able to use a cell phone around all that medical equipment in his room?

I guess there's an argument to be made that Liam is having false memories triggered by what people have told him (and the bump on the noggin). However, he's remembering details that he would have no other way to know unless he was there. I hope the show isn't going to pull a fast one because they were too cheap to shoot alternate stagings of the proposal and the shooting.

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I didn’t mind him laying out how stupid Droopy and Dripple are either, because…….well……..they are dumber than fuck.

Why do all soaps insist on making cops so dumb? I just hate that.

Maybe Bill arranged for someone to shoot him so he could blame Ridge? That seems like a very Bill thing to do and not realizing how many people actually want him dead.

This storyline is just stupid ... as stupid as the cops on this show.

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I’ve been saying for some time that we needed a good murder mystery to generate some interest in this show. The operative words were “good” and “murder”. Neither one of those has occurred in this story line. Even this is boring!! How is that possible?

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The operative words were “good” and “murder”. Neither one of those has occurred in this story line. Even this is boring!! How is that possible?

The issue for me is this storyline is blah. I mean sure Bill is an ass and has been extra assey of late but enough for someone to murder him? I don't know that I buy it. I don't even know if any characters seem like they'd have the balls to shoot him. Sally maybe but anyone else? Plus the whole shooting Bill thing was setup in about 5 seconds flat - like most of the love stories.

Bill rages and froths at the mouth over not much at all ... threatens to get full custody of Will knowing it will never happen and boom he's shot. It just all lacks stakes.  Plus of course we have to have the wrong person arrested. Sigh. Like every other crime story on every soap ever. We know Ridge isn't the shooter because he got arrested first. I mean come on.

Now Liam being the shooter after seeing the proposal might have potential but somehow I doubt its really him.

In the end it will be some inconsequential person who is the shooter.


Edited by hypnotoad
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To B&B's credit, I like that unlike other soaps, they don't have cops on the regular cast. It gets old seeing them pretend to be unbiased, but Paul Williams has his head up Christine's Mary Sue ass or Margo Hughes is still pissed off about Emily sleeping with her husband ages ago as she and Tom have had ten million affairs between them anyway. I wonder how TIIC would've ruined Dave if he'd been kept around.

27 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

n the end it will be some inconsequential person who is the shooter

I'll laugh if it was Lizzy channeling her inner Maggie Simpson. ?

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When is Hauxdilox going to catch on?  Liam isn't interested in her anymore.  You can't cha cha cha your way out of fucking your father in law.  Steffy keeps referring to them as a 'couple' who just need to talk things over.  Not even whacking his head against a tree limb is going to knock the knowledge of what Steffy did out of his head.  If Liam did shoot Bill, Hauxdi might try to pull out her 'stand by your man' routine, but I think that spot's going to be filled by Hope.  Liam trusts Hope and he's going to need someone he can trust to help him get through the near future.

Do people who've been shot in the back get out of bed so quickly?  I know America has issues with it's healthcare system but surely $Bill can afford to stay in his bed a little longer.

Brooke is looking great these days.  Having her nasty husband in prison is like having a spa-day.

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Everybody was looking good today. KKL should wear black more often. (I was beginning to think that JMW had a contract clause that gave her exclusivity to wear black!) Black suits Brooke and in that sleek dress (suit?) she had on, she looked ready to step into the co-CEO position with Thorne.

Even Hauxdi with the shorter wig and toned down makeup looks better and I also liked Hope in the navy blue with the sleek ponytail.

I, too, was disappointed that Sludge didn't have an orange jumpsuit. I was thinking how awful that would clash with his "tan."

I don't quite understand how the shooting schedule worked around DD's absence. He has been on-screen most of the time since the shooting. I assumed they'd have Bill in a lengthy coma or sent off somewhere for recovery.

Who is playing Bill's doctor? She was a better actress than several of the full-contract players!

I am also at the point where I don't care who shot Bill. (Apparently, his "brush with death," didn't make much of an impact on his asshole behavior. At least he had the decency to thank the doctor for pulling him through.)  I am eagerly waiting for Hauxdi to get her long overdue karmic payback.

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