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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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They've given HT a few scenes where Katie seems normal for a few minutes and then it's back to deranged. It's probably a good thing because deranged isn't all that far off the way she's been written for the last few years. 

I'm trying to think of what I like about this story and I can only come up with 2 things. TK actually looks awake here and there and Quinn hasn't regressed to her old ways yet. But I kind of miss the old Quinn who was with Deacon. Strong, determined and slightly crazy.  I would have liked to see that Quinn get less crazy and take on new things. Damsel in distress does not suit either the character or the actress. The vulnerability with Eric is one thing but old Quinn would have not taken this crap from Katie or run trembling into Ridge's arms. Blech.

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15 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

All true, but can we maybe like...*not* go from zero to sixty? They did this to Ally, but she was on her way out.  They did this far too many times with Quinn and only by the grace of God and Sofer's talent was the character pulled from edge that was Captive Cabin. And there was Rick...and now Katie.

I miss the Sheila Carters and Emily Stewarts of soapdom...the ones who were just off kilter, but they at least tried to fit in (Sheila) or could own their own shit (Emily, prior to 2005 and becoming dickmatized by Paul Ryan). Tricia Denison on Y&R is another example of going over the top, but there was a HUGE chain of events that led to her trying to bust a cap in Victoria's ass, beginning with Matt Clark's manipulation.

I doubt HT is leaving the show, so what's the deal here? To prop Quinn as the heroine? Because that ship has sailed a long add time ago. Katie pulling a gun doesn't excuse anything she's been doing with Ridge.

It has been a bit since she's gone off the rails so I can see why some might think it's out of left field but Katie's always seemed a bit off to me - or at least since HT took over the role.

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CountryGirl, as usual, your recaps are spot on!

Thanks for mentioning something that had me baffled last night, i.e. the flashback of Quinn and Ridge on the beach, which Katie couldn't have possibly seen.  I vaguely remember her goading Brooke with her usual, "hmmm...I wonder where Quinn and Ridge are?" snark.

I love seeing OB!  I know I'm aging myself here, but I remember him as being in the original Broadway cast of Dreamgirls.  A hell of an actor and dancer.  As I said, I'm not here for the Avants but he is a pleasant surprise in an otherwise sleep-inducing storyline.  I found myself pissed to the highest of pissivity about Julius' manipulations.  Bruh, if you still have an issue with Maya's transition, then fucking say so and stop pitting your children against each other.  The dialogue was all kinds of offensive.  It gives short shrift to adoptions and belittles surrogacy.  But, it also reminds me of why surrogacy contracts are illegal and unenforceable in some jurisdictions.  It also reminds me of why it's not always a good idea to use someone you know as a surrogate.

Now, I realize what's bothering me about that dreadful dead thing on poor Nicole's head.  The color of that thing, along with the dyed-to-match eyebrows totally washes out her skin tone.  So does her makeup.  I find it beyond annoying that in the day of ultra HD and customized foundations and powders that these people still can't get it quite right when it comes to onscreen makeup for women of color.  This actress' skin practically looks ashy and that lifeless entity on her head isn't helping.  I've seen her in publicity stills and she looks totally different.  I remember reading back in the day that Y&R's Victoria Rowell decided she had enough and took the bull by the horns and started doing her own makeup.

Another reason to laugh at Sludge is that he is clearly trying to cover his ass.  If that's the case, he and Quinn need to stop constantly talking about "the secret of us kissing and dry humping" (hereinafter referred to as "TSUKDH").

Edited by MulletorHater
Misspelled words
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3 hours ago, grisgris said:

Did Slouchy tell Coco that they were going to go see U2 and she was just like, "Oh, yeah ... OK, whatever."

If I heard him correctly, I'm pretty sure he said "my favorite band" & never specified.

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It looks like we're getting set up.  Katie's going to either try to hurt Quinn (and maybe Ridge) and when she's caught, she'll tell about Ridge and Quinn.  But Quinn and Ridge will be able to claim that Katie's just saying that because she's fired.  Poor Ivy will probably be dragged into backing them up.  Or else, Katie's going to go to Eric to tell the truth and Quinn and Ridge will tell Eric she's lying because she's angry.  Either way I think it's going to be a summer of Crazy Katie.

As for Nicole, a custody fight is looming.  Nicole is going to be whipped up into a frenzy by Julius and she's going to go to court.

This story line is pissing me off.  Julius is going full-Iago, whispering in Nicole's ear about how she's really Lizzy's mom.  It's as clear as day that Julius has an agenda.  Since he has full access to Lizzie, even going so far as being able to hang out in BROOKE'S house while she's out of town, it has to be about his issues with his transgender daughter.  What makes me angry is that Julius' feelings were never explored.  He was just the bigoted Dad.  Perhaps if they had given Maya's story more than 5 minutes, they could have spent more time on what was going on with Julius.  Not everyone jumps for joy the second they find out that their child is transgendered.  And just because a parent has problems accepting the changes their child is going through, it doesn't make them a bigot.  I can imagine that some parents might feel like they've lost their child and he or she has been replaced by a stranger they don't know or understand.  If B&B was going to truly do a transgender story, instead of a cheap headline grab, they should have spent some time.  It would have been perfectly understandable for Rick to need more than a few minutes to deal with Maya's truth.  And it would have been very interesting to see Maya and her parents come to a new understanding.  It probably would have received even MORE headlines and probably a few awards too.

But now we've got Evil Julius doing his best to hurt his daughter BECAUSE she's transgender.  Not because she's a selfish, manipulative, hateful bitch (which she is).  Suddenly, Maya's a victim.  The whole show is upside down.  In this Lizzie scenario, Nicole IS the victim.  She was pressured into doing something she should never been asked or allowed to do and now is suffering the consequences.  That doesn't mean she has the right to Lizzie, because she doesn't.  Maya is Lizzie's mother.  But a girl who is barely out of her teens shouldn't have been put in Nicole's position. Bad guy or not, Julius was right about being against Nicole having a baby for Maya and Rick.   He's the only one who had Nicole's back and it's a fucking shame.

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What if Katie is deranged because the source of her jealousy & hatred towards Quinn is actually RIDGE, not Eric? I don't think Katie really wants Eric, I think wanting to get rid of dangerous Quinn has transformed into "feelings".  If Quinn goes away, Katie's "feelings" for Eric likely go away as well.  But she's abnormally worked up over Ridge & Quinn.  Brooke and Eric are the actual injured parties here, but Katie acts more put out than Brooke, who was cheated on mere hours before her wedding.

If Katie truly had Eric's best interests at heart she would tell Eric what's going on but Katie is using this situation for her own personal power.  Katie is acting like a scorned lover so I'm wondering if it's really Ridge she's worked up about, not Eric.

Regardless of who Lizzie's mom turns out to be (Nicole is the mother but she's not Lizzie's mom...yet), Rick is the dad & Lizzie's still a Forrester with future access to Forrester money either way.  I need Viv to call out Julius on his agenda.

Edited by drivethroo
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I think Katie is deranged because she's projecting her anger at Brooke and Bill at Quinn.  Every time she berates Quinn, I get the feeling that she's really talking about Brooke.  In my opinion, it would be perfectly understandable if Katie was mad at her sister.  Even on B&B a woman must feel SOME WAY about her sister marrying her ex.  That's just human nature.  But to walk around pretending that she's 'Good Little Sister Katie' instead of being honest about her feelings is obviously eating her up.

I have a feeling that by the time Brooke and Bill return from their honeymoon, Katie will be behind bars.

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Nicole would not have a leg to stand on in court, would she? They would have had contracts drawn up for her to be a surrogate, etc. Why in the world does she herself, not go the surrogate route?? It is a ridiculous storyline. I doubt zende would support her in a lawsuit. And Rick is the biological father, so then what? No one would be happy.

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14 minutes ago, Pickles said:

Nicole would not have a leg to stand on in court, would she? They would have had contracts drawn up for her to be a surrogate, etc. Why in the world does she herself, not go the surrogate route?? It is a ridiculous storyline. I doubt zende would support her in a lawsuit. And Rick is the biological father, so then what? No one would be happy.

Rick IS the father.  That's ONE of things that make no sense in this story.  It seems like Rick is a non-factor in Lizzie's life.  And I think he would have been less than thrilled to hear Maya coo 'you're my entire world' to Lizzie. 

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Opening scene shows FM on a hill but Katie has a direct line of sight with a telescope that isn't much more than a floor decoration.  Did they SORAS Aly into Katie?  When are we going to see Storm's floating head?  

Maya, Maya, Maya what a load of crap. One sentence you say how much you love Lizzy and than the next sentence is how muck she loved being in Paris.  For the first time I have to say to Pappa Avant, STFU.  What was so important that Rick had to go to the office before seeing his little girl?  

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1 hour ago, mightysparrow said:

I think Katie is deranged because she's projecting her anger at Brooke and Bill at Quinn.  Every time she berates Quinn, I get the feeling that she's really talking about Brooke.  In my opinion, it would be perfectly understandable if Katie was mad at her sister.  Even on B&B a woman must feel SOME WAY about her sister marrying her ex.  That's just human nature.  But to walk around pretending that she's 'Good Little Sister Katie' instead of being honest about her feelings is obviously eating her up.

I have a feeling that by the time Brooke and Bill return from their honeymoon, Katie will be behind bars.

I agree and definitely think that Katie's anger is more about Brooke and Bill, but she won't admit it.

Of course Maya loved being in Paris. Who wouldn't? That doesn't mean that she didn't also miss Lizzie. Parents go on business trips all of the time and their children stay at home. So what if Maya is a crap model who has no business in the business. It's still her "job." LOL 

I can't wait to see what Vivienne has to say when she finds out what her husband has been up to while she's at work. When the hell is he going to get a damn job? Are they still living in a cheap motel? MightySparrow is absolutely right about how this shit he's spewing in Nicole's ear has more to do with his unresolved feelings about Myron and how they did not give the whole transgender story justice because nobody accepts that kind of bombshell news overnight. Also, Nicole should never have been allowed to have that baby because she was too damn young and hadn't even ever fucked. This is going to be one big mess.

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@mightysparrow I have some feelings about Julius and Vivien and their children. I feel like Julius always favored Nicole (daddy's girl syndrome) and projected himself on Maya before transition and after. I wish they'd explore that more. I don't think he realizes what he did to that family, how it shaped them and he hasn't completely grown from it. Maya is Maya. Not some extension of Julius. Vivien has always has a soft spot for Maya and regarded her more fairly than Julius. 

Nicole and Zende bore me. The actors are very weak. Their stories are a snooze. After this story ends please write them off. It amazes me on a show that is only 22 minutes with a large cast they still find the time to keep Nicole, Zende, Pam, and Charlie in scenes. The disrespect when so many intriguing characters and plot points are dropped. 

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2 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

I think Katie is deranged because she's projecting her anger at Brooke and Bill at Quinn.  Every time she berates Quinn, I get the feeling that she's really talking about Brooke.  In my opinion, it would be perfectly understandable if Katie was mad at her sister.  Even on B&B a woman must feel SOME WAY about her sister marrying her ex.  That's just human nature.  But to walk around pretending that she's 'Good Little Sister Katie' instead of being honest about her feelings is obviously eating her up.

I have a feeling that by the time Brooke and Bill return from their honeymoon, Katie will be behind bars.

I wholeheartedly agree with this.  I listened to some of the language that Princess Sourpuss uses to describe Quinn and I have no doubt that she has a lot of deep-seated resentments that probably go back decades.  In the first few episodes of B&B, when Brooke announced to her family at breakfast that Dave had proposed, Beth and Storm were ecstatic.  Even though Brooke wasn't sure how she would answer, she and Beth thought it was an honor just to be asked.  Meanwhile, sitting across the table was poor, pitiful Katie with the pockmarked face and low self-esteem.  Stormie had to even prompt her by asking if she was happy for her sister.  All Katie could offer was a lame, "great going Brooke," because all Katie wanted was some guy to ask her for a date, "just a date."  She couldn't even pretend to be happy for Brooke.

Fast forward years later when HTom's version of Katie arrived with her smug, haughty, superior attitude and was hailed as "the good Logan."  Bill claimed she was "the only good Logan in the bunch."  She got off on the fact that Bill "passed" the Brooke test, i.e. he didn't want her but preferred Katie instead.  Now, here we are.  Not only were her worst deep-seated fears realized but she will never accept that Bill's love for Brooke is real.  Not only that, Bill was willing to consider changing some things about himself without Brooke haranguing, nagging, preaching, hiding his booze, shrieking, falling out in the middle of the floor or other grandstanding antics.  That's why Katie has to keep referring to it as an "obsession."  This, while ignoring that at some point Brooke and Bill fought harder for Bill and Katie's marriage than Katie herself did.

I also have a feeling that when Brooke and Bill return from their honeymoon that the recriminations and Brooke's self-flagellation will begin.  With that in mind, on Brooke's behalf, I'll save her some time:

  • "Poor Katie!"
  • "If only I had allowed poor Katie to manipulate me into taking Ridge's sorry ass back, none of this would have happened.  Yes--yes, I know that it wouldn't matter that Bill doesn't want her anymore, but still..."
  • "If only I had gotten my chemistry degree sooner, I could have created ProActiv and it would have been "a thing" back in the day.  Then poor Katie wouldn't have suffered from bad acne and have such low self-esteem."
  • "If only I had intervened--from Milan--and stopped Ridge and Caroline 2.0 from falling in love, Ridge and Katie would be happily married to this day.  Yes...yes, I know he wouldn't put a ring on it or set a wedding date, but anyhow...this is all on me."
  • "If only I had hit her in the head with a brick when I realized that it was her plan for me and Bill to raise Will together."
  • "If only I had raised a fuss and cussed her and Ridge out when they announced that they were together.  That way, Katie would for once feel as if she had the upper hand."
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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

@mightysparrow I have some feelings about Julius and Vivien and their children. I feel like Julius always favored Nicole (daddy's girl syndrome) and projected himself on Maya before transition and after. I wish they'd explore that more. I don't think he realizes what he did to that family, how it shaped them and he hasn't completely grown from it. Maya is Maya. Not some extension of Julius. Vivien has always has a soft spot for Maya and regarded her more fairly than Julius. 

Nicole and Zende bore me. The actors are very weak. Their stories are a snooze. After this story ends please write them off. It amazes me on a show that is only 22 minutes with a large cast they still find the time to keep Nicole, Zende, Pam, and Charlie in scenes. The disrespect when so many intriguing characters and plot points are dropped. 

It's clear that was a VERY dysfunctional family with or without a transgender sibling.  Julius was a very selfish man who hurt his wife and played his children against each other.  The thing that REALLY irks me is that Obba would act the HELL out of a story line with Julius coming to terms with having a transgender child.  It would be amazing to see him realize that his refusal to accept Maya is all about HIM and his image of himself.  What he's doing to Nicole is torture.  She's a naive young woman, who is in a lot of pain and he's using her as a pawn in his own sick game.  And what about Lizzie?  She's his grandchild, yet he would tear that little girl's life apart to get back at Maya for committing the sin of wanting to be who she is.  That's a fucking good story and the actors who play Julius, Vivienne and Maya are good enough to do it justice.  RE is a disaster but if Bell would just get her a decent wig, she could fade into the background where she belongs.

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9 hours ago, MulletorHater said:


I love seeing OB!  I know I'm aging myself here, but I remember him as being in the original Broadway cast of Dreamgirls.

On that tangent, I watched Dear White People on Netflix yesterday and he was there was the college dean on that show. If I had known that, I would ve watched that show ages ago! :p

3 hours ago, mightysparrow said:

It's clear that was a VERY dysfunctional family with or without a transgender sibling.  Julius was a very selfish man who hurt his wife and played his children against each other.  The thing that REALLY irks me is that Obba would act the HELL out of a story line with Julius coming to terms with having a transgender child.  It would be amazing to see him realize that his refusal to accept Maya is all about HIM and his image of himself. 

All of this. I have the feeling that Julius probably lived vicariously through Myron growing up and had Maya not been trans, he would have continued to do so.

My brother has a two year old from infidelity. Somehow, he makes it work by visiting my niece in NorCal where her mother lives and had never treated her like a dirty secret (although I thought showing pictures to my SIL's mother the first thanksgiving after she was born was a bit much!). And God help my other niece and nephew if they ever pulled half the shit Maya and Nicole did on Sasha.

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@Coco Pops 67 there's a small talk thread for this forum! Those are a lot of fun. 

Also there's threads for things show related but not episode specific like the fashion thread, the lust list thread which is about show crushes and hotties, actor specific ones, etc. 

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1 hour ago, Petunia13 said:

@Coco Pops 67 there's a small talk thread for this forum! Those are a lot of fun. 

Also there's threads for things show related but not episode specific like the fashion thread, the lust list thread which is about show crushes and hotties, actor specific ones, etc. 



Where, where? :D

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9 hours ago, Pickles said:

Nicole would not have a leg to stand on in court, would she? They would have had contracts drawn up for her to be a surrogate, etc. Why in the world does she herself, not go the surrogate route?? It is a ridiculous storyline. I doubt zende would support her in a lawsuit. And Rick is the biological father, so then what? No one would be happy.

Previews I read said Carter would find some problems with the paperwork.

What was that with the rifle at the end?

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Recap for Wed. 6/7/17:

We open at the Forrester mansion. It's the next morning and Quinn is enjoying a cup of coffee out on the terrace.


I hate her clunky necklace but the blue dress is a great color for her.

We cut to Katie's house. She's doing what everyone does when they get up in the morning - she looks through her telescope and spies on Quinn, snarling "God, I hate that woman..."


Rick and Maya are on the plane and sitting in coach!!!! I guess they decided to cut the trip short anyway due to Nicole's odd behavior. Maya tells Rick she'll feel better when she's home and holding Lizzie in her arms. 


She frets about Lizzie not remembering her. Trust, she'll remember, Maya.

Rick is very reassuring and he's so much easier to like this way. They think Nicole is just stressed out and overwhelmed taking care of Lizzie, but then Maya recalls Nicole's snippy comment about her not being a responsible parent.

She looks worried as she tells Rick: "Maybe there's something going on with Nicole." 

Over at Brooke's, Zende watches Nicole with Lizzie and remarks on what a great mom she'll be and talks about raising kids with her.

Zende: "You'll be a mom in no time." I'm all about positive thinking but he really needs to stop and think about what he's telling his wife, who's been diagnosed with infertility. These kinds of comments? Not helpful.

The wig is even worse today and I didn't know that was possible. I've worn cheap as hell Halloween wigs that looked more lifelike than her's.

Julius shows up today and seriously, get a fucking job already!, and he's just in time to chime in: "Nicole will be a wonderful mother."

Zende leaves to head to the office and Julius stays behind to give some comfort to his favorite child.

Julius: "You need to have faith. There's no way God will deprive you of having a child, especially after the sacrifice you made." What, exactly, does God have to do with anything? 


Is that RE or a mannequin sitting there? Hard to tell.

Nicole gets a text from Maya, saying she'll be home soon, and she tells her father it will be good for Lizzie to be with her mother again.

Nicole picks up the baby and Julius comments on what a beautiful sight this is and Nicole thinks he's talking about Lizzie and smiles.

Julius: "I wasn't just talking about the baby. I'm talking about the both of you. Mother and daughter."

Nicole: "Dad.."

Julius: "You're Lizzie's mother." No, she is not! He's such a dick and a shit father to keep saying this. "Don't you ever forget that. She knows that you're her mother." 


Maya arrives home shortly thereafter and rushes over to take Lizzie from Nicole. Lizzie's face lights up with an adorable grin the moment Maya walks in and you're right, Julius, she does know her mother. 


Nicole, dead-voiced, "She's happy to see you." Maya is too busy loving up her precious little girl to notice Nicole's tone. 

Julius snarks, "It must be hard...a parent being separated from their child." He pointedly looks at Nicole. Asshole...it's so obvious this is less about Nicole and more about punishing the child who didn't live up to his lofty expectations and allow him to live vicariously.

Nicole watches as Maya plays with Lizzie, who tells the baby she's her whole world. 


Ivy shows up at Quinn's to see how she is doing. It's a nice gesture, but Ivy is clearly wasting her time as Katie is wound UP! 


She sputters on and on about being fired while Ivy just stands there, clearing regretting that she came over.

Katie: "I'm so angry I could scream! I HATE HER!"

She tells Ivy she doesn't buy that nothing's going on between Quinn and Ridge and tells her about the little comforting scene.

Ivy reminds Katie that she pulled a gun on Quinn. She then tries to tell her that the firing was just business (tread carefully here, Ivy). 

Quinn rants about how Quinn is dangerous and needs to be stopped: "Once and for all."

Ivy tries to right the ship and tells her she knows what a huge disappointment is must be to lose a job.


Katie: "It goes way beyond that." 

Ivy suggests another job for her at FC but Katie yells at her to just stop and that the only reason Quinn hired her was to keep her quiet.

She then talks about how everyone lets Quinn get away with everything: "I mean, you have this bizarre loyalty to her after everything she's done to you. And i will never understand it. She treats you like crap...and you lap it up! She gets away with everything! Quinn and Ridge are having an affair - but let's not tell Eric. Well, why not? Why shouldn't we tell him? Good and honest people get hurt over and over and over again. Because of her.  Because she gets away with it! She is a horrible, despicable person. She doesn't deserve to live." And I do have to scratch my head over Ivy's loyalty to Quinn, considering she could have killed her when she pushed her into the Seine. But I think Ivy is thinking of her uncle here and that's why she's keeping the peace.


Ivy: "You don't mean that."

Katie: "You know what? I'm tired of talking to you about this so why don't you leave? Just leave! I mean it! Get out of my house! Go!" I'd run, not walk, away if I were you, Ivy. She makes a hasty exit.

Once alone, Katie goes back to spying, but the terrace is empty now.

That's because Quinn is back inside, refilling her coffee.

Ridge walks in, with the flimsy excuse that he ran out of coffee at the guesthouse. So go to the goddamn grocery store you miserable mooch!


Eric has (conveniently) already left for the office, but Quinn confides that she's scared to go back to work, with a fired, vengeful Katie on the loose.

Ridge: "She's not dangerous."

Quinn: "The hell she isn't." I'm with Quinn here.

Ridge insists she wouldn't hurt her and that she's not going to tell Eric anything.

Quinn: "There's nothing to tell." I beg to differ.

Ridge stupidly tells her she can't blame her for being fired as it was Eric's decision but Quinn (and everyone else on the planet) know better.

Quinn disagrees, telling her Katie blames her for everything and that she thinks she's losing her mind. And aren't they cozy, sitting inches apart on the couch? Can you imagine if Katie's telescope could see into the living room? She's probably ordering one that can do that as we speak.

Quinn: "Katie is watching us, just waiting for for us to make another mistake." Quit calling your conscious bad choices a mistake!

Ridge: "Well, we're not gonna make another mistake. Sooner or later, Katie is going to realize that and give up." 

Quinn: "I hope you're right." 

Ridge: "I'm always right."


Quinn smiles and admits she feels a little bit better. 

Ridge, smiling back, "Good. That's progress."

Quinn: "But I don't think I'm ever gonna be comfortable around Katie." Just like Liam will never be comfortable around you.

Ridge reminds her that she doesn't have to work with her anymore, adding that he learned something about her: "When you opened up to me, I saw that you're a survivor. I didn't know that. You're going to survive this. You and Dad are in a good place and nothing's going to screw that up. Not even Katie." He smiles at her again and squeezes her knee before leaving.

Quinn wanders back out on the terrace, recalling Ridge's words about Katie not being dangerous.

We see that she's back in the cross hairs - of Katie's telescope, presumably.


Then we see a close-up of a gun (looks to be a long-range rifle).

A gloved finger lingers on the trigger. 

We see the barrel of the gun, then a quick cut back to Quinn.

The trigger is pulled..

We hear a shot, then fade to black.

Edited by CountryGirl
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I had a brief thought that Ivy accidentally gets shot walking away from Katie's house.

Did anybody think to alert either of Katie's sisters that Katie is going off the deep end?  They could use an excuse to not bring Brooke on...either "she's on her honeymoon" or "she set Katie off in the 1st place", but what about Donna?

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6 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I had a brief thought that Ivy accidentally gets shot walking away from Katie's house.

Did anybody think to alert either of Katie's sisters that Katie is going off the deep end?  They could use an excuse to not bring Brooke on...either "she's on her honeymoon" or "she set Katie off in the 1st place", but what about Donna?

Well, that would entail having to answer questions about what brought this on...and nobody wants to answer that.

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18 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Well, that would entail having to answer questions about what brought this on...and nobody wants to answer that.

As soon as they figure it out, they'll tell us and by that point no one will care. I believe I will get started early this time. 

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I had a brief thought that Ivy accidentally gets shot walking away from Katie's house.

If it helps kick off a Wyatt helps Ivy learn to walk/design jewelry/want to live again storyline where they fall in love for real and she stops just being a Quinn cheerleader then fire away.

2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Then we see a close-up of a gun (looks to be a long-range rifle).

A gloved finger lingers on the trigger. 

We see the barrel of the gun, then a quick cut back to Quinn.

The trigger is pulled..

We hear a shot, then fade to black.

It really would make my day if the reveal of the actual shooter was akin to this with a crazy ass Liam swapped in for Stewie.


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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I had a brief thought that Ivy accidentally gets shot walking away from Katie's house.

Did anybody think to alert either of Katie's sisters that Katie is going off the deep end?  They could use an excuse to not bring Brooke on...either "she's on her honeymoon" or "she set Katie off in the 1st place", but what about Donna?

Or, at the very least, her daddy, who is in Dallas the last time I heard Brooke and Katie discussing him.

Given the number of workplace shootings in recent years, Quinn has every reason to be concerned.  It's ironic though when you consider that things like boundaries or resorting to violence to get her way didn't bother Quinn in the past.

Ivy is a better woman than me.  Quinn would have been forever on my fecal roster.  Plus, I don't see how she gathered the fortitude to check on Katie.  I couldn't do it.  A woman of Katie's financial means would have taken a spa break to decompress or maybe used that rage for something constructive, such as starting up her own marketing firm since she's supposedly an expert in that area.  Instead, she's haranguing about one particular person--Quinn.  

Ivy, it ain't about the job, boo.    The moment Katie shrieked that someone "doesn't deserve to live," you should have been out of there quick, fast and in a hurry.  You shouldn't have had to wait to be ordered out.  Don't try to reason with or poke the crazy unless you have a needle in your hand.  Hopefully, it's a lesson well learned.


James Evans.jpg

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Katie's lack of awareness is seriously frightening. She keeps telling Quinn, and anyone else who will listen, that Quinn is dangerous. Yet, Katie is the one pulling pistols on folks. And now, Katie gets offended when Quinn questions her about shooting at her? I wonder why Quinn would ever think such a thing? Could it be because Katie has already had a gun on Quinn? Maybe because the shot came from the direction of Katie's house? How about the fact that Katie is spying on Quinn with a telescope? I mean, of course this is all perfectly normal behavior, but that is some mounting circumstantial evidence. Throw in the fact that Katie is completely off the rails, and is going about ranting how Quinn doesn't deserve to live, and it becomes a challenge not to suspect Katie. 


I don't. I think our shooter is Ivy. I keep going back to when Ivy first came back to town and went to Quinn first instead of her uncle. How she has become not only Quinn's biggest cheerleader, but Steffy's as well. How she happened on Ridge and Quinn that night. How she has inserted herself as both Quinn and Katie's sounding board. The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that Ivy has been playing a long, slow con on everyone. I think she hates Quinn for Captive Cabin, and blames her for Liam and Steffy reuniting. I think she wants revenge and payback, and this whole situation with R/Q/E/B/K just dropped in her lap, and she realized her opportunity to meet her ends and have Katie take the fall. She went to Katie's house for no other reason than to assess Katie's mental state; she knows Katie's history of mental instability, and very cleverly worked Katie up to the point Katie asked her to leave. Considering the shot happened very soon afterward gave Ivy plenty of time to "suit up" with her gloves. Now she can plant the gun somewhere on Katie's property. 

Just my theory; I could be entirely off base.

None of it matters though, unless Dt. HotDog uncorks it and gets the fuck serious. Did I really hear him say "I know Katie Logan, and she wouldn't do this or that?" HUH??!!! Any cop worth their salt should know that anyone is capable of anything when they are pushed to their breaking point, particularly the mentally ill, and Katie's instability is well documented. And knowing someone personally doesn't preclude one from doing their sworn duty. And not liking the recipient of the assault doesn't either. That was just some pathetic police work. Cops and detectives shouldn't play favorites. 

How convenient that there is suddenly a problem with the adoption paperwork, that conveniently is discovered months after it happened, and right when the birth mother discovers she may not be able to conceive again. I am so annoyed, irritated, angry, disgusted, furious and insulted with this entire SL. First we have Julius actively working his agenda; trying to drive a wedge between Maya and Nicole. It leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. Using Lizzie to do so leaves a really foul taste in my mouth. I hate people who use kids to achieve their ends. They are right up there real, real close to animal abusers. Julius's actions are fanning the flames of Nicole's confusion, depression and sadness. He is vile. Then we have this antiquated shit going around about mother's shouldn't have careers. Come again? Didn't our Suffragette ForeMothers suffer and sacrifice so women could have lives outside of being wives and mothers? So they could have their own identity, and not only be Mrs. So and So? Also wildly infuriating, is all this talk about "ZenZey wants a family; I have to give him that!" The fuck? OH.MY.GOD....it makes me so pissing mad that I am close to chest pains. Today is my 31st wedding anniversary, and I love Mr. R, would do anything in the world for him, but I would never loose my identity, or sense of self, or the right to my own agency for him. Setting a bad example for young girls Show. Just saying.

Edited by RuntheTable
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35 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I think she hates Quinn for Captive Cabin, and blames her for Liam and Steffy reuniting. I think she wants revenge and payback, and this whole situation with R/Q/E/B/K just dropped in her lap, and she realized her opportunity to meet her ends and have Katie take the fall. She went to Katie's house for no other reason than to assess Katie's mental state; she knows Katie's history of mental instability, and very cleverly worked Katie up to the point Katie asked her to leave. Considering the shot happened very soon afterward gave Ivy plenty of time to "suit up" with her gloves. Now she can plant the gun somewhere on Katie's property. 

Just my theory; I could be entirely off base.

I was thinking the same thing that Ivy may be the culprit.

Expendable character with no real lasting ties to the canvas? Check.

Convoluted pretzel motive AND plan? Check.  (Although it'd be a hoot if Ivy did it because she refuses to get involved with Wyatt with Quinn in his life and wants a little revenge on Quinn for the river shove and captive cabin. I could see her thinking she could kill 2 birds with one stone by taking Quinn out which would make Wyatt vulnerable and need someone to help him through his grief and she's free to move in for the kill....)

The decimation of yet another Forrester woman and great, charismatic actress for the hell of it? Check.

Seems to fit this show's M.O.

It would be just like this show that next week, Ivy and Wyatt finally hook back up and the other shoe drops that Ivy is bonkers and setting up both Quinn and Katie. My only hesitation is Ivy taking advantage of a mentally ill Katie and yet another Forrester woman being torpedoed to solidify another woman on canvas who needs to be taken down a peg.  Quinn is finally getting a taste of her own medicine with a deluded person who has no legit personal grievance with her making her life hell and stalking her and butting into her life and trying to kill her, but she hasn't exhibited one inkling of reflection of this being a near exact version of the hell she put Liam through and no one on canvas is gonna say that because the current company line is that Katie is out of control -which she is - and Quinn is her victim when girlfriend is anything but.

Maybe this will culminate with Ivy kidnapping Katie and Quinn and taking them up to Big Bear where she sets it all up to look like a murder-suicide. Ridge and Wyatt and Eric haul ass to Big Bear to rescue the wimmin. Cousin Crazy Koala ends up going over a cliff and both Katie and Quinn can be saved.

Then again this could all be Deacon just screwing around. 'You tossed me off a cliff, I took shots at you with my rifle. It's all good!'

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

Happy Anniversary @RuntheTable

Thanks CountryGirl.

12 minutes ago, TobinAlbers said:

Then again this could all be Deacon just screwing around.

I thought about Deacon too. Actually, he was the first person that crossed my mind. The only thing holding me back is that he has been MIA for so long now, and he was removed from the opening credits. OTOH, it would at least tie up the loose ends left by Deacon, and those weird visits he was making to Quinn's hotel.

I also thought about Liam, but NAH, just don't see that. He is too involved in happily wedded bliss to worry about Quinn anymore.

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I thought I just saw Deacon in the credits this week?  Maybe it was wishful thinking on my part.  I don't like the idea of it be Ivy, although I have always wondered how she could ever have forgiven Quinn. 

I would much rather it is Deacon.  But if there is another shooter, the real target is Katie, so who would do that to Katie.

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

Katie's lack of awareness is seriously frightening. She keeps telling Quinn, and anyone else who will listen, that Quinn is dangerous. Yet, Katie is the one pulling pistols on folks. And now, Katie gets offended when Quinn questions her about shooting at her? I wonder why Quinn would ever think such a thing? Could it be because Katie has already had a gun on Quinn? Maybe because the shot came from the direction of Katie's house? How about the fact that Katie is spying on Quinn with a telescope? I mean, of course this is all perfectly normal behavior, but that is some mounting circumstantial evidence. Throw in the fact that Katie is completely off the rails, and is going about ranting how Quinn doesn't deserve to live, and it becomes a challenge not to suspect Katie. 


I don't. I think our shooter is Ivy. I keep going back to when Ivy first came back to town and went to Quinn first instead of her uncle. How she has become not only Quinn's biggest cheerleader, but Steffy's as well. How she happened on Ridge and Quinn that night. How she has inserted herself as both Quinn and Katie's sounding board. The more I think about it, the more I become convinced that Ivy has been playing a long, slow con on everyone. I think she hates Quinn for Captive Cabin, and blames her for Liam and Steffy reuniting. I think she wants revenge and payback, and this whole situation with R/Q/E/B/K just dropped in her lap, and she realized her opportunity to meet her ends and have Katie take the fall. She went to Katie's house for no other reason than to assess Katie's mental state; she knows Katie's history of mental instability, and very cleverly worked Katie up to the point Katie asked her to leave. Considering the shot happened very soon afterward gave Ivy plenty of time to "suit up" with her gloves. Now she can plant the gun somewhere on Katie's property. 

Just my theory; I could be entirely off base.

First off, RuntheTable, Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!!

I'm not sure that you are entirely off base that the shooter isn't really Katie.  It's just way too convenient.  I hadn't even thought about Ivy but what you say makes a lot of sense.

My other theory was that it was a set-up by Quinn.  True, the old Quinn would have whooped Katie's ass six ways to Sunday.  Poor Katie would still be looking for all 32 of her teeth on every continent for the next six months.

But, I'm also wondering if Deacon is nearby and that he and Quinn didn't cook up a scheme to eliminate Katie without exactly killing her.  Katie's rantings are a feather in the cap of anyone attempting to discredit her.  Not to mention her history of mental illness.  Ridge heard Katie's threats and witnessed her nonchalant attitude about the gun being unloaded.  Ridge can also verify that Quinn feared for her life.  Of course, the trick is how Ridge goes about verifying Quinn's version of events without outing them.

When it comes to the long game, Quinn knows how to play chess while so many around her, including the wonderful, magical Katie are still playing Old Maid. 

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1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:


I also thought about Liam, but NAH, just don't see that. He is too involved in happily wedded bliss to worry about Quinn anymore.

I still wouldn't rule him out. It's seemed so odd that he's been front and center for pretty much his entire run on this show, and now he's been MIA.

Happy couples are boring and all that jazz, but maybe he has a delay in his mental break? Its not like there are any other women for him to go run off and save, so they gotta do something new with this guy.

I'm also down with Quinn trying a new tactic, because that would mean someone on this show is trying something new.

Wild card being Deacon, but he seemed way too whipped tbh.

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None of it matters though, unless Dt. HotDog uncorks it and gets the fuck serious. Did I really hear him say "I know Katie Logan, and she wouldn't do this or that?" HUH??!!! Any cop worth their salt should know that anyone is capable of anything when they are pushed to their breaking point, particularly the mentally ill, and Katie's instability is well documented. And knowing someone personally doesn't preclude one from doing their sworn duty. And not liking the recipient of the assault doesn't either. That was just some pathetic police work. Cops and detectives shouldn't play favorites. 

How convenient that there is suddenly a problem with the adoption paperwork, that conveniently is discovered months after it happened, and right when the birth mother discovers she may not be able to conceive again. I am so annoyed, irritated, angry, disgusted, furious and insulted with this entire SL. First we have Julius actively working his agenda; trying to drive a wedge between Maya and Nicole. It leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. Using Lizzie to do so leaves a really foul taste in my mouth. I hate people who use kids to achieve their ends. They are right up there real, real close to animal abusers. Julius's actions are fanning the flames of Nicole's confusion, depression and sadness. He is vile. Then we have this antiquated shit going around about mother's shouldn't have careers. Come again? Didn't our Suffragette ForeMothers suffer and sacrifice so women could have lives outside of being wives and mothers? So they could have their own identity, and not only be Mrs. So and So? Also wildly infuriating, is all this talk about "ZenZey wants a family; I have to give him that!" The fuck? OH.MY.GOD....it makes me so pissing mad that I am close to chest pains. Today is my 31st wedding anniversary, and I love Mr. R, would do anything in the world for him, but I would never loose my identity, or sense of self, or the right to my own agency for him. Setting a bad example for young girls Show. Just saying.


Detective Hot Dog was so dumb and so stupid in today's ep.  2 people just told him Katie pointed a gun at one of them.  The idea that he's not going to do anything at all until he gets a warrant is typical B&B legal horsecrap.  He can both question her about pointing the gun at Quinn and he can search the premises if Katie agrees to those things.  And as Senator Angus King said yesterday, "How you feel isn't relevant."  Whatever his opinion of Katie happens to be, it isn't relevant when two people say she pointed a gun at one of them.  What a dopey fucking dope.

I haven't been commenting here much recently because the show was annoying the crap out of me and I wasn't watching every day.  This Maya/Nicole/Lizzie storyline is about to put me on another temporary hiatus.  These storylines wouldn't be so bad if the writers showed any foresight or patience.  Instead, things are conveniently brought up at the last second, previously unseen behavior is brought up as an excuse to fit current storylines, and rational thought is rarely an option.  Examples of these 3 things are these adoption papers, Maya being a disinterested mother, and the fact there's still no legitimate reason for why Nicole had to carry the baby herself in the first place.

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The Maya being disinterested thing is a load of crap. She has a long list of faults, like every one else, but she's been nothing but loving and attentive to that little girl. If she were behaving the way Taylor did with Jack (even before Brooke began pulling her Katie Logan game) that would be one thing, but as spoiled and horrendous as the Avant sisters are, it's disgusting to see Julius driving a wedge like this. And that to say nothing of OB's wasted talent on this show. 

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I really thought we'd get at least another week of passive aggressive Nicole sniping at Maya with Jul -Iago whispering  in her ear before a big blow up with Maya.  The infertility reveal today was so low key, I'm not sure Maya realizes how devastated Nicole is and how angry that she gave away her, possibly, only child.

And ZZZZende was all "Infertile, no big, Not with my swimmers" with Rick that I really begin to think the boy isn't that bright.  At least Rick was saying 'yeah positive thinking is great and all that, but let me talk to my Dad'.  For surrogacy or in vitro funding I assume. But then, not-bright ZZZZende was all, no thank bruh.. I got this with my trusty peen.

Anyone want to bet Nicole refuses to sign the adoption papers?  Me neither -- it's a sure thing

Edited by La di Diva
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@RuntheTable, Happy Anniversary!

I never really thought of Ivy as the shooter but that would certainly be interesting and give AB a long-awaited, well-deserved front-burner SL. OTOH, it would probably ensure her departure from the show. It did seem odd for Ivy to just randomly drop in on Katie out of "concern." Ivy never seemed thrilled with having Katie on the "team" (like she had a choice ... ) and I've never really noticed much of a relationship between the two women. Another thing I found odd and forgot to mention yesterday and didn't end up posting anything, is that I would think that Ivy's immediate reaction would have been to run next door to warn Quinn about Katie's unstable mental state and ranting. Wouldn't she immediately go warn her *cough* friend and mentor?

Here's an idea ... go over next door and fire up the grill on Katie's patio and throw a couple of packages of Nathan's on. That'll get that lazy cynical Lt. Baker off his ass and doing his job -- pronto!

1 minute ago, La di Diva said:


 I really begin to think the boy isn't that bright.

Ya, think? ;0

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2 minutes ago, La di Diva said:

And ZZZZende was was all "Infertile, no big, Not with my swimmers" with Rick that I really begin to think the boy isn't that bright.

And then there's the "we got a second opinion, and we'll get a third and a fourth."  An opinion of what?  Nicole has scarring...fact, not opinion.  Scarring could prevent the implantation of an embryo...fact, not opinion.  What's a third, fourth, fifth, or thousandth doctor going to say that's different?

3 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Sorry folks, something went fluky with that quadruple post!

I just assumed you were really adamant that you thought it could be Deacon :P  Happy anniversary!

I love me some Lt. Baker, but he was an idiot today.

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20 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I just assumed you were really adamant that you thought it could be Deacon :P  Happy anniversary!

There was a brief glitch that caused multiple posts momentarily. 

Can I take a moment to applaud the production values of this soap? ?

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I hate the idea that Ivy took that shot but it could explain a few things... though as mentioned above, it's a sucky waste of a Forrester female.  OTOH, it is slightly intriguing.  If they don't kill her off.  After Aly, I honestly don't want to watch that. 

Actually, Ivy and Quinn facing off might be cool. They are the same (intelligence, looks, talented jewelry designers) in so many ways.  I liked their (odd) friendship though and would be sad to see that disappear. Quinn needs at least one friendly face who isn't her son.  

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I just read a HUGE spoiler on another board - apparently a preview was aired somewhere that revealed



Sounds almost too exciting to believe!

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Ok I'm going off the reservation here, but what if it was Ridge, that shot at Quinn (and missed), but did it to frame Katie.    I have thought of the others too, but Ridge always keeps telling Quinn he'll take care of it.  What if this is his way of getting Katie out of the picture, because he does feel something for Quinn (even if it's just little Ridge) he's got to the the "knight in shining armor" for his latest lady love

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I have zero interest in this baby bullshit. They could have done a million things with the Avants but this? Is not the business. I do not want to see dead-eyed, bad wig wearing, passive aggressive Nicole trying to take a baby that she previously had no interest in. And I am officially over Julius and his antics. Good actor, terrible character.

Oh, Katie, I'm not even a fan and I feel like this behavior is just too much too fast. It's like the writers have no middle ground. And since Quinn is being turned into a quasi-heroine, someone has to take her former title as unstable female. Having said that, there's no way Katie is the shooter. It will probably be one of the other candidates mentioned in some sort of shocking twist. It's not my favorite storyline ever but I'll take anything over another case of baby rabies. 

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