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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Ivy was totally rockin that lilac dress, and her makeup was spot on. Why oh why are they wasting AB? The character has become nothing but a sounding board for Quinn and Katie. When I think of what I was forced to endure last week; watching each episode with toothpicks holding my eyes open.......Why can't they utilize the real talent they have on this show? I am hoping the mention of having a date was a honking big anvil, but I can't imagine who Ivy could be seeing. 

Katie! Just shut up already. You just continue to blow hot air out of your ass. Eric gave you more comfort and support than your own father? Well I guess he fucking did considering your dear ole dad was MIA for most of your young life. I would imagine you got more support and comfort from the lamppost outside your house than from Stephen Logan. And now you have worked yourself up into a frenzy, and will start with your ultimatums, accusations and sweeping proclamations. Go on and tell Eric. I hope he laughs in your sour little face. It's not that I don't feel bad for Eric, and I do think he should know what is going on, but not from Katie. It is none of her business. She isn't protecting Brooke, who told her to keep her trap shut. No, Katie's "performance" at Il Giardino's left little doubt what she is after. I was shocked and surprised that we didn't witness her crawl across the table and sexually assault Eric. The woman is sick. How could she desire a man old enough to be her grandfather? Not only that, but a man who had a college romance with her mother, and has been married to both of her older sisters and shares two children with one of them? The whole idea gives me a raging case of the sticky-icks. 

I'm glad that Coco was able to set things right with her sister. Sally may be a Spectra, but it appears that she has been on the straight and narrow for most of her life, and simply made a wrong turn out of desperation. Coco is young, and will undoubtedly be faced with hard choices in her future, so just take this as part of the growing up learning curve. 

I absolutely floved that conversation between Thomas and Eric. It actually felt like granddad and grandson. PF has come such a long way since he first hit the scene with the Grand Canyon weighing his shoulder down. I especially like how he now has the ability to look at himself with clear eyes, and acknowledge that he may be too big for his britches, and maybe a little to gung-ho about getting to the top. And Eric really shouldn't talk about Sally in any way but positive, because Eric is responsible for bringing THE witch of all witches into the family; a move that nearly cost them everything. Thomas standing up to him about Sally was sweet and seemed so real. Eric backing down and once again donning his grandfather role was just too precious for words. Eric was young and ambitious and in love once, so he gets it. 

Oh, it is so wrong, so bad, so naughty, but sooooooo fucking HOTTTT! I just cannot help it. I find Ridge and Quinn mesmerizing. As much as I love Eric and Quinn, I still can't help myself. My apologies to my fellow viewers who don't share my feelings, but whatever it is between R/Q simply leaps off my tv screen and slaps me about my head. I can't say it is chemistry, because TK simply doesn't possess that "thing." I mean, this guy didn't have an ounce of romantic chemistry with Kelly Lang, someone who could sell sex with a broomstick. He fell totally flat with HT as well. However, he did have something with LG, and I was really into their SL until it all went haywire. But this thing with Quinn? It is like a car accident; you don't want to look but find you can't stop looking all the same. I am simply mesmerized by their scenes. I really feel that Ridge doesn't understand his feelings for Quinn. She is not like any of his past partners. Quinn is nothing like Caroline, Brooke or Taylor. Caroline loved Ridge, but she was still a somewhat independent woman, with her own career and had principles. Brooke and Taylor laid themselves bare for nearly thirty years, and allowed Ridge to dictate their lives. They were both open books of love and dependency. Quinn is nothing like that. She is complex, and dark, and flawed. She is also needy, but not in the traditional sense. I am beginning to think that Ridge's "hate" is really love. And maybe that explains everything. Could this be Ridge feeling real true love for the first time for someone other than his mother? I don't know where they are going with this but I am intrigued. 

It has been jarring how much better the show is this week than last. 

Edited by RuntheTable
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I hope Katie tells Eric and he suffers another heart attack and everyone blames her instead of Ridge or Quinn (who need to either get it on or call it quits because come on already!)

I HATE Katie right now  she just wants Eric for herself and will justify anything to get him.

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Seems like Katie's obsession with Quinn is because she's projecting her issues with Brooke/Bill onto other peoples lives. Katie should deal with her problems with Brooke instead of helping her get ready to marry Katie's ex that she cheated with. 

Katie treats Brooke and Bill better yet detests Quinn makes Katie look more loony. 

8 hours ago, MsTree said:

I'm all for someone killing Katie as long as the murderer isn't Quinn.

We don't need a murderer, Katie's heart gives out apparently when she's upset. She just needs someone to yell at her. lol

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Recap for Thurs. 6/1/17:

We open with Quinn and Ridge still rolling around and making out on Ridge's bed.


Quinn makes a very feeble effort at pulling away.

Quinn: "What are we doing?" Isn't that obvious?

Ridge: "I wish I knew."

Quinn: "What are we doing, Ridge?" 

They go right back to kissing for several long moments and honestly, I wish they would just fuck already and get it over with. 

Quinn finally pulls away: "'This is insane. What is wrong with us?"

Ridge: "I don't know."

Quinn: "I only came here for a conversation." If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you.

Ridge: "A conversation? You never listen to me. That's the problem."

Quinn: "Are we sick? Is this a sickness?" You are both sick and fucked up, I'll give you that.

Ridge: "Sometimes the way you look at me..."

Quinn: "Oh! I try never to look at you." She is ALWAYS eyeing him...and eye-fucking him.

Ridge: "Well, nothing happened. We're okay." 

Quinn: "Your father's guest house. We were on your bed. We almost had..."

Ridge: "But we didn't."

Quinn: "We can't keep calling these meaningless kisses anymore."

Ridge: "We don't have to call it anything. We stopped." Do you want brownie points for that?

Quinn: "We didn't stop. We were on your bed. That's not 'stopping.' That's 'too late.' I'm gonna go up to the house. I'm gonna shower before dinner and try to wash this off. Never again." A very familiar refrain, never again.

Over at FC, Thomas shows up to visit his grandfather although he admits he initially came to see Ridge.

Thomas: "I hope you don't mind that I waited here for you."

Eric: "No, not at all, Thomas....this unfortunate estrangement between us can't be over soon enough for me. I'm hoping that's why you wanted to see me. Is it?"

Thomas tells him it is and says it's just as well that Ridge isn't there: "We seem to be speaking through a cloud of shattered expectations." Or a cloud of Rumple's dust. Sorry, I couldn't resist that one.

Eric: "That's the language of fathers and sons sometimes. Men compete with one another. There's an evolutionary reason for that, I suppose. Sometimes in fathers and sons, anger and love are hard to tell apart."

Thomas: "I can't say that I'm not angry with dad."

Eric: "And with me?" Unlike Ridge, Eric can handle a little truth.

Thomas: "No. No, I'm not angry. No. I wish you would have stood up for me more."

Eric: "I can see why you would say that."

Thomas: "I'm so tired of being angry. Granddad, it's exhausting. I'm tired of being passed over, waiting for my turn. So while I do appreciate the olive branch that you guys extended, I will not be coming back to Forrester Creations." And there it is...stated firmly, but without anger.

Eric encourages him to take some time, take a trip, and then they can come back and talk, but Thomas holds to his convictions here: "Granddad, I am so sick of myself here.  I'm so tired of being the disappointed one. You know, maybe we're just all out of sync. Maybe I really am this arrogant ass who has an overinflated idea of how talented I really am, but maybe  there is a real effort by certain parties here to keep me in my place. I won't know my true potential until I start over somewhere else." And that's it in a nutshell. He needs to strike out on his own to find his own place in the world, to MAKE his own place, instead of just accepting what comes on the silver platter.

You can see the pride in Eric's eyes as he looks at him and how refreshing to see this type of interaction. 

Eric: "I'm getting the sinking feeling I know where that is. You've invested a lot of money in Spectra."

Thomas: "Well, it only makes sense that I would recoup it, right?"

Eric: "No, no, you know, I think you're going over there to recoup the emotional investment. That's why I think you're doing this." That's part of it, but there's more to it than that.

Thomas: "Well, Sally and I actually make great partners."

Eric reminds him that money complicates things and that the only people who don't care about money are those who don't have to earn it. I don't think that second part is true.

Thomas just wants Eric to be happy for him.

Eric takes a more pragmatic approach, wondering what Sally brings to the table (from a business perspective). 

Thomas takes issue with that, knowing Sally far better: "Granddad, I came here to tell you my decision, not to have you undo it."

Eric backs off: "All right. I will always wish you well."

Thomas remarks that he guesses he'll talk to Ridge another time and Eric tells him he's lot more like his father than he realizes. Thomas isn't so sure.

Talk turns to Steffy and Thomas confirms that she has no idea he's jumped ship, but that he's going to tell her.

Eric: "She's gonna think she's the reason you're leaving." Well, she's part of the reason.

Thomas: "I will make it clear that she is not." As if she'll care about that.

Eric: "Well, I'm disappointed, but I'm not surprised. Every one of my children came to me and said they wanted to do something on their own from time to time -- many times, actually. So I'm not going to banish you from Thanksgiving dinners or command that you never darken my door again. Go with God. Test yourself. Experience the things that you think you're missing. Just know that this is home, and home is the place that will always take you in."

It's a nice grandfatherly speech.

Elsewhere at FC, Katie and Ivy are chatting in the design office.

Ivy learns Katie is having dinner with Eric and Quinn and Ridge. 

Ivy won't be there because she has a date. About damn time.

Ivy, the wheels turning in her head, "So it's just gonna be you, Eric, and Quinn."

Katie: "Oh, and Ridge. You know, now that they're all living under the same roof."

Ivy argues it's not exactly the same roof, but same difference. She thinks it's good for Ridge to be at home again, working closely with Eric. She also points out that there's been no cause for concern regarding Ridge/Quinn lately.

Katie: "I hope it stays that way. Ridge is wounded. He lost Brooke because of what happened with Quinn. Being close with his father? Great. Being close with his father's wife? Not so much."


Ivy: "Katie, I think you're too suspicious."

Katie: "Hmm. Let's just say I've learned from experience. And hey, you know, you expect the worst, you'll never be disappointed." She really is a Debbie Downer.

Ivy: "It's just I think I go with more of a scientific approach to things. I just go with the answer that makes the most sense. So there are a thousand reasons why ridge and Quinn shouldn't be together, and I can't think of a single one why they should."

Katie: "Try this on. They're both incredibly destructive, self-sabotaging people." I can't argue with her there.

Ivy wants to cut the chit-chat and get back to work and even throws her a bone about how hard-working she is.

Katie: "I'm not sure our department head agrees with that. Listen, I know that the only reason why I'm at Forrester is because Quinn wants to shut me up. She's making me pay for it, finding fault with everything I do. I got to tell you, if she's setting me up to fail, I have a real simple way of putting a stop to that." Always with the threats.

Ivy: "Please don't think like that."

Katie: "Why not? Who deserves our loyalty? Eric or Quinn?" Eric, obviously, so why doesn't one of them tell Eric? He is going to be even more hurt when he finds out how many people, his own niece included, kept the truth from him.

Ivy: "Come on, Katie. You are not a spiteful person." I did a spit-take there. Spite is her middle name. Or maybe it's Smug.

Katie: "Why do you assume that spite is my only motivation for telling Eric what's been going on?" Oh, I think we all know it's not her only motivation - she's got her eye on the ultimate prize. Being the next Mrs. Eric Forrester.

Ivy: "Because you know exactly what the consequences would be. Eric would divorce Quinn publicly. He would then banish Ridge and Quinn from the company. I mean, come on. Does that really seem like fair punishment because they shared a kiss or two?" Or twenty...

Katie: "Take it from me. There's all different kinds of ways to have an affair. Their offense is intimacy, sexual or not! Ridge is Eric's son! I mean, it's appalling! And yes, they're important to the company. They're gifted and talented. But at what point is that outweighed by the stink of what's going on here?"

Ivy: "We don't know that anything is going on anymore."

Katie: "We don't know that there isn't. Secrets like this, they poison you from the inside out. I mean, you can feel that your relationship with Eric, it's tainted now, right? You can feel that. And the longer I keep quiet about this, the more my relationship with Eric is going to change. The longer I keep quiet about this, the more complicit I am in this ugliness! I never wanted to be in this position. But I can't forget about what I've seen and what I've learned. I care about Eric. He's my friend. Am I being a good friend to him by keeping him in the dark? Doesn't he deserve to know the truth?" She's not wrong that Eric deserves to know the truth but her motives aren't what anyone would call altruistic here.

She realizes the time and that she needs to go. Ivy extracts a promise that she won't make a scene at the dinner party.

Ivy: "Quinn is not the first woman to have kissed the wrong man. I mean, I know I've done it. You are not angry at Eric. You're angry at Quinn. So please just let it go." 

Katie: "You know, I've looked up to Eric my whole life." And OMG, she is crying now. "I felt more protection and support from him than I did my own father." And when did this occur, exactly? No where that I ever saw.  "And now he needs me. He needs me to support him and to protect him. So what am I supposed to do? You tell me. What am I supposed to do? Just look the other way? Protect him by lying to him? Lying to people for their own good has caused more misery than the cold, hard truth ever has. Ask me how I know that." She is seriously starting to come off as unhinged.

She leaves Ivy to stand in the office alone, thinking about the loyalty question and you can see keeping the secret is weighing on her.

Over at the mansion, Quinn is peeved to see Ridge walk in and wants him to make an excuse to get out of dinner. He's not about to do that, though.

Ridge: "Just calm down for a second. Everything is fine. Everything is exactly the way that it was this morning."

Quinn: "No, no, it's not, because now we know."

Ridge: "Know what?"

Quinn: "We know that I can never be alone in a room with you ever again."

Ridge: "I live here. Is that realistic?" Nope. Not for two dishonorable people.

Quinn: "You lost the love of your life. I don't want that to happen to me." You should have thought about that before.

Ridge: "Well, I don't want that to happen to you, either, or Dad. He raised me as his own. He loves me." So why do you both keep stabbing him in the back?

Quinn: "You know what? I don't care how I used to be. All I want to be now is the best wife I can be for your father."

Eric walks in then and they discuss the conflict with Katie, with Ridge repeating the offer of a signature line for her.

Eric reveals that he invited Katie to dinner, along with Wyatt, and heads upstairs to change while Quinn looks like she's on the verge of a breakdown.

Quinn: "I can't do this."

Ridge: "You can't what? Sit across from Katie at dinner? Why?"

Quinn, paranoia and her own guilty conscience taking over, "She's gonna know."

Ridge: "She's gonna know what?" Don't be deliberately obtuse, Ridge.

Quinn: "What we did this afternoon."

Ridge: "Why? You gonna tell her?"

Quinn: "Maybe I should make an excuse and leave."

Ridge: "That's up to you. You're the one that can't be in the same room with me." He is still fucking flirting with her.

Quinn: "You should stay. You're better at-"

Ridge: "Better at what? Katie management?"

Quinn: "At lying to your father." Buuurrrnnn....

Ridge is peeved: "So you can't do that. You can't fake something for two hours? You can't have dinner?"

Quinn: "I was in your bed this afternoon. Just those words in my brain-"

Ridge: "You were on my bed. ON the bed. Very different." Does he even listen to himself? On or in, WTF difference does that make? What must it be like inside Ridge Forrester's head. 


Katie walks in then and Quinn better pull it together because she is practically shaking right now.

Ridge easily slips on his happy host mask and offers to build a fire.

I can't wait to watch the dinner party from hell and echoing someone upthread, I feel sorry for Wyatt already.

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CaRidge worked for me because it wasn't planned, both of them fought it and because Rick and Maya were the worst. There's no denying that TK/RS have something but it isn't pulling me in. I just see Quinn getting used again by a guy with an agenda and being tormented by Katie instead of her own conscience.  And about to lose the best thing that ever happened to her - and for what?  

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Katie attempting to kill Quinn would be a great twist. There could be a physical altercation. Trying to push Quinn off the FC bridge.  Katie in the office with a letter opener.. Katie trying to run Quinn down in the parking lot. Have Pam/Charlie/Ivy/ anyone but Ridge witness it so there is no question it was deliberate.

Complicate it by Katie having a massive heart attack from the stress, exertion, OTT emotion, whatever during or right after the assault.  The heart attack could be fatal or not. Katie in a coma for a while could be interesting. Will she wake up?  If she wakes up will she remember trying to kill Quinn?  Will she remember "the secret" dun dun dun?

Bonus points if Quinn is hurt and regains consciousness with absolutely no memory of "The Few Meaningless Kisses Affair"  but with her love for Eric completely intact.  SL is who tells Quinn about the Ridge thing and will she ever remember?









Edited by La di Diva
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2 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Katie attempting to kill Quinn would be a great twist. There could be a physical altercation. Trying to push Quinn off the FC bridge.  Katie in the office with a letter opener.. Katie trying to run Quinn down in the parking lot. Have Pam/Charlie/Ivy/ anyone but Ridge witness it so there is no question it was deliberate.

Complicate it by Katie having a massive heart attack from the stress, exertion, OTT emotion, whatever during or right after the assault.  The heart attack could be fatal or not. Katie in a coma for a while could be interesting. Will she wake up?  If she wakes up will she remember trying to kill Quinn?  Will she remember "the secret" dun dun dun?

Bonus points if Quinn is hurt and regains consciousness with absolutely no memory of "The Few Meaningless Kisses Affair"  but with her love for Eric completely intact.  SL is who tells Quinn about the Ridge thing and will she ever remember?









Sounds like a winner!  I had even wondered if Quinn and Sludge would conspire to gaslight Katie, which won't be hard to do given her histrionic personality.  Sludge could even convince poor Katie that he's falling for her again.  This time, he might even get around to putting a real ring on it instead of some red silly string.

It's not as if he hasn't targeted specific women before to get what he wants, i.e. Caroline 2.0, Quinn and on some level, Katie.

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I was waiting with baited breath at the end of the show today, for Quinn to say to post-coitus Eric, "I love you so much, RIDGE!". That didn't happen, but I just kept waiting. Kind of a boring Friday cliffhanger.

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2 hours ago, La di Diva said:

Bonus points if Quinn is hurt and regains consciousness with absolutely no memory of "The Few Meaningless Kisses Affair"  but with her love for Eric completely intact.  SL is who tells Quinn about the Ridge thing and will she ever remember

Seeing we were denied Liam ever remembering what he saw with Steffy and Wyatt, I could settle for this. Hell, they could just go for it anyway and put all this crap to rest.

I have the distinct feeling that TPTB are already aware that no one is clamoring for Eric/Katie or to see Ridge betray his father yet again, but now they've written themselves into a corner and don't know where to go. That may be the biggest reason they've finally addressed the Lizzie thing.

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I'm more interested in who's the lucky guy dating Ivy.

Is It LDG ?

Is it Oliver ?

Is it the ghost of Mr. Montemayor ?

Will she come home with seaweed on her shoulder after a date with Deacon ?

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It would make my day, no it would make my year if Quinn just smacks the smugness off Katie's face.  Katie is definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing. 

Steffy has everything she wants and needs but she is still not satisfied.  Steffy thinks she's all gangster but she is just pathetic.

Speaking of pathetic, yes Coco, that's you in biting on RJ line and than kissing him. ?

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9 hours ago, Carlylefan said:

Katie, I fantasize that you will be found in the dumpster out back behind the loading dock.  

Please let LDG be the one to find her!

4 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

Is It LDG ?

Yes!!!  LDG could use some action :)

4 hours ago, Gudzilla said:

Will she come home with seaweed on her shoulder after a date with Deacon ?

Like Creepshow :)

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On 02/06/2017 at 10:20 AM, La di Diva said:

And if none of the above is the scenario, I'm all for someone killing Katie as long as the murderer isn't Quinn.





No don't kill my Katie :( :(


Why not instead let her have one of her yelling induced heart attacks when people yell at her too much? Then have her be in a soap opera coma for a few episodes?


Make it a 6 year coma haha.

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10 hours ago, Carlylefan said:

Katie, I fantasize that you will be found in the dumpster out back behind the loading dock.  

Katie should be found, in the dumpster, with a banana in her butt covered in corn flakes and milk so Det Hotdog would think her demise was caused by a cerial killer.  

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On 6/1/2017 at 4:57 PM, Anna Yolei said:

Forgot to comment, but don't forget that she encouraged Bridget to forgive Nick and take his sorry ass back.

Girl has more issues than Nation Geographic for sure.

This is why I can never root for Katie. She is a buttinski of the highest order and always pulls the moral card, but never has anyone's best interests at heart. Then when she's alone or has issues she expects everyone to feel empathy. For instance, she tap danced on Bridget's relationships and emotions, then swept that under the rug because "Poor Katie". And after she and Ridge split, and seemingly moved on, she played chess with his relationship with Caroline all under the card of righteousness. Now yet again she's doing that with him and Quinn...and people she supposedly cares about - her sister and Eric. No one appointed her moral adjudicator of this group. She doesn't even care about what's right. It's more about her reinforcing the image of being on a higher ethical ground than the others and frankly it's tired. You have lied too, hunny bunny, and been an usurper of relationships. She keeps throwing that horrible stank face at Quinn and Ridge and flexing her power. They are bogus AF but she's not the victim of this it's Brooke and her choice. Respect her wishes or take a thousand seats. 

Also since has she been into design and jewelry? Since it's been a way to control people and grab attention? She's not bothered that besides it being a way to cleverly get under Quinn's skin and get closer to Eric; it actually can stress out innocent bystander Ivy and impact Forrester business negatively. 

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Just like Waldo13 said; Steffy thinks she is all Gansta and stuff, charging into Sally's office to try and dictate her life. Steffy must have a short memory because she tried those same tactics on Quinn, and well, we all see how that worked out. But, one cannot discount the allure of silver platters bearing token CEO positions. Sally is certainly no Quinn, but she ain't no wall flower either. And, she did give Fauxdilok's a heads up about starting a war with her. Sally tried to warn her that she would fight for what she wanted. At the end of the day this isn't about Thomas and his welfare, it is about Steffy not getting her way, more importantly though, it is about being bested by someone Steffy sees as inferior. Her panties are pinching her tight little pussy in a death grip of elitist snobbery and disbelief that her brother, Thomas Forrester, would choose to hang with the dirty, ditzo, and criminal Spectra Gang. Oh man, how I love it! I hope Sally and Thomas can make this thing work, and slowly become a force to be reckoned with.

What the actually fuck is Katie's game? Now she is all up in Quinn's face playing nice, nice? Someone needs to get this girl some help stat. I am completely disappointed though, that we didn't get to watch the dinner from hell. I so wanted to see some shit playing out over mashed potatoes and roast chicken. The only thing I did like was there seemed to be no anvils about Katie and Wyatt.

MAJOR WORD to your entire post Petunia13; you absolutely nailed Katie.

12 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Katie should be found, in the dumpster, with a banana in her butt covered in corn flakes and milk so Det Hotdog would think her demise was caused by a cerial killer.  

And this is why I love you Waldo13. Mr. R thought I had lost my mind because I was cackling; just cackling like a demented fool.

Edited by RuntheTable
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4 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

So was anyone else annoyed there was a bed in the living room of the guest house. I'm sure there was a separate bedroom in the past. Unless it's a different guest house.

Yes, that bed was never there by the window. 

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5 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

So was anyone else annoyed there was a bed in the living room of the guest house. I'm sure there was a separate bedroom in the past. Unless it's a different guest house.

It was, back when they had a bigger budget for bigger sets.

Some of the older sets, including the most recent appearance of Brooke's house, seem to have shrunk in recent years as well. :(

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14 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Also since has she been into design and jewelry? Since it's been a way to control people and grab attention?

Mostly that.

IIRC, she worked in PR when HT was first cast, then was a figurehead CEO after Bill bought FC.

Say what you will about Brooke, but at least she has her bouts of awareness of her shit behavior. It doesn't stick--it never does for anyone--but it's more than what Katie ever gets for any of her shit...not for helping to ruin Bridget and Nick's already fragile marriage, not for running away and pushing Brill together, not for her prying into Ridge's business about Douglas. None of it.

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Katie is an emotional black hole of need, anxiety and obsessions.  Now, I'm not about to pretend that being married to Bill was a bed of roses, but there came a point where he just got downright exhausted.  He's being told how he is going to behave.  He is being preached to.  He is being duped into "tests" that he had to pass in order for Katie to trust him again.  Not to mention that every time he brought up the fact that Katie abandoned him and Will, he was shut down by the well-meaning Brooke ("She wasn't herself; it was her postpartum depression").  Bill got tired of the anger, the vindictiveness and the manipulations.  I don't know of any man--including my own--who wants to be treated like a child.  And, as bitter as she may be about Brooke and Bill, Katie needs to remember that her own manipulations got that party started, postpartum depression be damned.

The problem, too, is that this was never Katie's secret to tell.  It was Brooke, Rumple and Quinn's secret to tell.  All Katie is trying to do is control a situation to her own benefit yet again.  As Bill pointed out in the aftermath of spy-cam-gate, Katie was on quite a power trip.  She's been on a power trip ever since she caught Rumple and Quinn.  I find it fascinating that she is all haughty about this secret and there is no pretense whatsoever of being the supportive sister to Brooke.  It's all about control because this hot mess of a woman has a need to dictate how others live their lives because she knows every damn thing.  It would be nice if someone knocked her off that pedestal she placed herself on just once and reminded her that poor Storm is enjoying eternal rest at Forest Lawn Cemetery or somewhere else because of Katie and her butting in.

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15 minutes ago, MulletorHater said:

It would be nice if someone knocked her off that pedestal she placed herself on just once and reminded her that poor Storm is enjoying eternal rest at Forest Lawn Cemetery or somewhere else because of Katie and her butting in.

Oh yeah, I forgot that shit.

And as an aside, God what a waste. I liked the last actor who played him.

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Been watching for several months now, thought I'd chime in. 


First of all I have to say I really like a lot of these characters and their morality. Eric is great, such a rock of understanding and fairness. I know he's not perfect, but he seems really selfless and compassionate while still being strong. When he dropped the charges against Spectra, I rejoiced, not because it may or may not have been the right thing to do, but because I think it was the good thing to do. 


I love RJ and Coco! It's refreshing to see a young couple who are both honorable, moral people. Besides Sally and Thomas, they're my favorite soap couple at the moment, even though it's more of an innocent thing. Although, if I'm being honest, I have to wonder how invested Coco is in this relationship. They are young, and I think RJ may be more smitten than his heroine who saved him from the forklift. Suggesting she wouldn't have kids for at least ten years into the future could be construed as a subtle jab at RJ, or maybe I'm reading too much into that.


On Katie and the secret: I hope she tells Eric. It's clear she's having a conflict with her conscience over this issue, and I think the only thing keeping her from not telling is her need to be part of the group with Quinn and Ivy, to feel like she belongs. Katie even told Quinn her secret is safe with her if they could just get along, and Quinn stupidly said that's not going to happen. As Machiavellian as Quinn is, she can't play along? Quinn's disgust at Katie could be her downfall here, and at this point it looks like Katie would have nothing to lose to tell Eric. BTW I like Katie and Eric's chemistry and would love to see them together. I would also love to see Quinn enraged over being exposed. But, since Quinn agreed to include Katie's jewelry in the next collection, and apparently give her her own line, that could be enough right now for Katie to stay silent.


Would love it if Quinn and Ridge slip up again and Charlie sees something new. Those scenes with him and Pam were fun!


Bill and Brooke are wonderful together. Bill has his issues, but he's quite the romantic and Brooke brings out the best in him. I love her sweet giggle when Bill says something funny.


Love Liam as the world's biggest hall monitor (LOL) and how he holds Bill to a higher standard. I also love that Steffy told Thomas the truth about what Bill did. Liam is a good influence on her, I think. I'm still chuckling over Thomas telling Sally that Bill skips leg day. Boom!


Sad about Nicole. I wonder how this will end up? Seems like a dead end, unless a miracle occurs and Nicole is able to conceive, or she'll steal Lizzy and make a go for it. Zende being overly positive about this will eventually take a toll on him. Going to be interesting.


Final thoughts: Darlita's hair looked stunning this past week with her hair down in front over her shoulder and the curls. Sally might have the best legs on TV. Thomas might have the best upper body. And I really need to get one of those sword necklaces!

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20 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

It was, back when they had a bigger budget for bigger sets.

Some of the older sets, including the most recent appearance of Brooke's house, seem to have shrunk in recent years as well. :(

I noticed that too! It's especially obvious with the Spectra set (which I guess was long gone and they had to reconstruct it), with the office somewhat smaller and the hallway by the elevator reduced to half its previous size.

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@APSimpson, welcome aboard. This is a great group, even those weeks (and months) that I delete B&B unwatched from my dvr I always check in here to see what everyone is saying about it. 

Your friends must love that you see the best in people. I will have to respectfully disagree about Katie and Eric though. This is not a couple that should ever happen, imo.  Katie is bored and mean-spirited, despite having everything someone could want. If she broke up Quinn and Eric, she'd destroy that marriage for nothing because she isn't in it for Eric but for spite.  I do love HT and used to like Katie but not this off the rails Katie.    

ETA: if Katie was smart she'd just back off and let Quinn and Ridge do the work for her. She could just pick up the pieces... (still, yuck with Katie/Eric, the man who married both her sisters, was her mother's boyfriend in college and is almost old enough to be her grandfather.)

Edited by tessaray
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I could totally see Katie revealing this to Eric some (slightly innocent way) and Quinn confronting or attacking her. Then Katie having a feigned (or legit) heart episode. This causes Eric to alienate Quinn and draw closer to Katie perhaps even he cares for her in her recovery. I also think she'd date or marry Eric simply for attention and status. 

Also I agree Sally has toned legs and a kick butt physique (I could grate cheese with her abs). She's a fitness model and personal trainer outside of B&B. 

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11 hours ago, APSimpson said:

BTW I like Katie and Eric's chemistry and would love to see them together. I

Welcome to the board :)

But I gotta agree with tessaray. Even apart from Katie's well documented petty streak, I can't move past the fact that he's had relationships with every other female relative of hers. Hell, he dated their mother in college and likely could've been her father had Stephanie not gotten pregnant with Ridge.

HT and JMc are capable actors who will do their best, but....no.

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Welcome @APSimpson!

Recap for Fri. 6/2/17:

Let me start off by saying, are we sure this is Friday? Because today's epi was dullsville.

We open at the Forrester mansion and guess what? Dinner is already OVER. If that isn't a missed opportunity for some veiled comments and looks back and forth across the table, I don't know what is.


Eric is all smiles about everyone gathering together but Quinn is too busy whispering to Ridge that Katie is watching them to notice.

Ridge's ears do perk up when Eric announces that Thomas is going to work for SF and scoffs when he adds: "They're going legit."

Katie eyes a twitchy Quinn closely who is flashing back to rolling around with Ridge on his bed in the guesthouse. 

Eric: "Ridge and Quinn have decided to consider your pieces, Katie, for the jewelry line."

Watching Katie's head swivel is kind of amusing. 

Eric is practically giddy as he comments on how they are all getting along so well under one roof. Fake it 'til you make it.

He then heads upstairs. I guess he's looking to make it an early night and lucky for him, Quinn is already hot and bothered.

Katie: "Quinn, I'd like to talk to you. Alone." Oh boy...they head outside. Seriously, they are in a mansion, why the need to go outside???

Wyatt who has been watching the undercurrents despite the facade of one big happy family asks Ridge WTF is going on with his mother. Okay, so he doesn't say "WTF" but he's thinking it?

Ridge plays dumb (not a stretch) but I don't think Wyatt is fooled.

Katie: "Designing really fulfills me and thank you for the fair shot." Quinn stares her down as Katie goes on to say how she envisions them working closely together.

Quinn: "I don't see that happening." Oh Quinn, you couldn't play along?

Katie inexplicably promises to keep Quinn's secret because she's staying away from Ridge. For this exact moment in time, sure.

Later, Quinn is upstairs with Eric, looking gorgeous in a dark blue slinky satin number. He tells her he's aware of the tension between her and Katie and appreciates how she's warmed up to Katie. 


Quinn, through gritted teeth, "Sure." She pats Eric's hand, clearly humoring him.

Eric: "She's a good person." He changes course then, commenting on how nice it was to have Wyatt there and how amazing their home is now, so full of love. He mentions Ridge coming home and it's too much for Quinn to bear so she interrupts him, asking him, "Can we can focus on us?"

She asks him to hold her and he's all too happy to comply.

He does ask if everything's okay.

She tells him she just needs some reassurance and for him to hold her and never let her go. And honestly, that just pisses me off. She's expecting the man she's cheating on to reassure HER? How does she sleep at night?

She asks him to make love to her and accept her for all her faults. And come on, she is clearly thinking about Ridge right now, which is all kinds of gross.

Quinn: "I just want to be the best wife for you."

Eric senses there's something wrong and questions her.

Quinn: "I just...love you so much...Eric." And I swear I thought she would slip and say "Ridge."

We cut to Ridge at the guest house and again, what's with the bed in the living room? 

He's lit a fire and he fluffs his pillow, then gives a long-suffering sigh and sits on the foot of the bed, drink in hand.


He flashes back to earlier that day, to his make-out session with Quinn. ON his bed.

We cut to Quinn, squirming a little as Eric pulls her closer and we know what she's thinking about. And whom.

We cut back to an antsy Ridge, who has gotten up from the bed to dramatically plop down on the arm of a chair.

He rubs his chest even more dramatically.

Is it to illustrate his equally hot and bothered state?

Is he showing signs of a heart attack?

Is he scratching an itch because it's not shower day yet this week?

Inquiring minds want to know!

We fade out on Quinn lying in bed, thinking of him.


Over at FC, Steffy incorrectly assumes that Thomas wanted to meet, tail tucked between his legs, because he's opted to stay at FC,

Thomas: "I'm partnering with Sally at Spectra Fashions." His face is deadly serious here.


Watching Fauxdilox's face crack is pretty hilarious and she needs to cool it with the cat-eye.

Steffy: "Is this to get back at me?" Not everything is about you, sweet cheeks.

Thomas: "I'm doing this to prove myself...to find legitimacy...and respect."

Steffy, scrunching up her face to try to produce tears, whines about him turning his back on the company and the family: "I'm worried about you." Oh bullshit!

Thomas: "This was MY idea, not Sally's. I've been patient for a long time now...and I'm really doing this."

Steffy, incredulous, asks: "You love Sally that much?" 

Thomas: "I do." So suck it, bitch.

Elsewhere, in the design office, Slouchey is happy to hear that Coco made up with Sally.


RJ: "What made you change your mind?"

Coco: "Actually? Thomas." She fills RJ in on Thomas and Sally's plan to run SF together and, her voice taking on an admiring tone, remarks that Thomas is really stepping up for Sally. RJ doesn't appear one bit ruffled by the news about Thomas jumping ship and when he's more mature than his CEO sister...well, that speaks volumes.

Over at SF, the gang is gathered in Sally's office and they are clearly excited about the new partnership.


Darlita is absolutely stunning here and how Saul doesn't notice her, I'll never know.

Darlita: "We'll get to see Thomas...all day, every day."

Saul just sulks in the corner like a little bitch baby: "What happens if it doesn't work out?"

Sally, who is growing a bit annoyed with him raining on her parade, says: "I'm willing to take a chance on Thomas."

She then reveals that Thomas gave back the one person in the world who means everything to her (Coco), her face all lit up at being reconciled with her sister.


And look who shows up later:


Okay, so she's not on a bicycle but the rest fits.

It's Puffy, all set to have a confrontation.

Sally: "I guess you're not here to open the bubbly?"

If Steffy thinks Sally is going to lay down and take the bullshit she's trying to shovel out, she has another think coming.

Steffy: "You'll never be on Forrester's level and you're robbing Thomas of his future."

Sally: "That's not true. I love your brother...and he loves me." 

She looks Steffy up and down and her scrutiny isn't lost on Steffy.

Sally: "Thomas can call his own shots here...I could accuse YOU of trying to hold him back." Get this heifer, Sally!

She gives a slight shrug here. "I want to be friends..."

But her words fall on tone deaf ears as Steffy, trying desperately to fill her grandmother's worn out nylons, 'cause she ain't never gonna fill out granny's steel-toed stilletos, snots, arms dramatically akimbo: "I'm watching you, Sally. And if you doing anything to betray my brother...hurt him...use him...you'll have to answer to ME."


And that is truly laughable because Sally could wipe the floor with her with insults alone.

So my thought about Katie going full on off the rails and potentially shooting Quinn - looks like I might be right on the money. And LMFAO at her spy telescope. 

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Shockingly, I managed to watch Friday's show so I could figure out why hardly anyone is discussing it.  I also figured it would give me some context into what would lead to "poor Katie's" latest epic meltdown. 

Okay, I really need Sludge to shut his pie hole now.  Let's see, from the episode of day one, Thorne noted to "big brother" with disgust that he (Sludge) was already laying in wait to take over as CEO of Forrester Creations.  Toward that end he has employed every trifling trick imaginable.  That included, but is not limited to, betraying Brooke--the supposed love of his life.  He even targeted Quinn a few short months ago to bring his dream to fruition.  I also remember a ruse that he employed with his sperm donor to trick Sally into selling Spectra Fashions to him.  So, he really needs to shut his nasty mouth.

I have to admit that I actually applaud Thomas for doing what he wants with his money to invest in Spectra.  Strike out, boy, and take your talents elsewhere because they clearly aren't appreciated where you are.  His mistake is that he's also trying to shit where he eats, but that's the way these people roll.  Stuffy can also spare me the crocodile tears (does she even cry real tears anymore?).  And, man does she have Taylor's haughtiness down pat!  The way she spoke to Sally 2.0 left me seething.  Who is she?  It's too bad that Sally 2.0 is going to follow Original Recipe Sally's script and is begging for acceptance and friendship from the likes of Stuffy.  Chile...if you only knew...Stuffy is nothing but trash with money; the only thing separating her from Sally 2.0 are the zeroes in her bank account and her credit rating.  Sally should have laughed in that piece of excrement's botoxed face and reminded her, "You can roll up in here all gangsta and make threats if you want, but, Boo--you ain't about that life!"  Sally will have to answer to her, indeed.  Bitch, please.

I'm also going to need Sludge and Quinn to stop constantly rehashing their "mistakes," which are just as deliberate as my knowingly writing a check that I know full well is going to bounce.  Yes, Quinn, you were on Sludge's bed--as opposed to in it as your would-be lover pointed out.  Which, leads to me shrieking, "Oh, who the fuck cares?!  It's the same difference!"  Or, does Sludge really believe that the Isley Brothers' song, "Between the Sheets" had to be playing in the background to make this betrayal exactly what it is?  This is the same Sludge, who was all up and arms about Brooke and Bill a few short months ago.  

And, will someone please explain to me how a millionaire like Sludge has to slum in the guest house on his father's estate?  What, you can't afford to rub two nickels together and by yourself a newspaper and check out the classified ads for condos to rent or buy?  But, meanwhile, you and your favorite child will fix your mouths to call someone else a rip-off artist, a thief and desperate for credibility.

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On 6/4/2017 at 11:36 AM, tessaray said:

@APSimpson, welcome aboard. This is a great group, even those weeks (and months) that I delete B&B unwatched from my dvr I always check in here to see what everyone is saying about it. 

Your friends must love that you see the best in people. I will have to respectfully disagree about Katie and Eric though. This is not a couple that should ever happen, imo.  Katie is bored and mean-spirited, despite having everything someone could want. If she broke up Quinn and Eric, she'd destroy that marriage for nothing because she isn't in it for Eric but for spite.  I do love HT and used to like Katie but not this off the rails Katie.    

ETA: if Katie was smart she'd just back off and let Quinn and Ridge do the work for her. She could just pick up the pieces... (still, yuck with Katie/Eric, the man who married both her sisters, was her mother's boyfriend in college and is almost old enough to be her grandfather.)

I totally agree. Katie is being a sick, hypocritical bitch, who has probably forgotten about her little romance with Ridge and feigning a heart attack or whatever it was to stop Brooke and Ridge's wedding. She promised her sister that she would drop this and I'm pretty sure that to Brooke that also meant not tormenting Quinn anytime you don't get your own way. I thought she joined Quinn's team to help with marketing and administrative duties but after a few months and a bit of tinkering around she thinks she's fucking Elsa Peretti. Gotta hand it to Heather Tom, though, because Katie is annoying the piss out of me.

Also, it would be totally gross for Eric and Katie to be together. It's bad enough that Eric has been with the mother and two sisters. And didn't the flame with the mother rekindle for a bit when they rediscovered each other when Beth's firm catered something for the Forresters?

Not a fan of Coco and Slouchy. He has no appeal whatsoever, is still in high school, and has no game at all, and also she's a college student, isn't she? Saul might be a better choice for her, although I'm not sure how old he is, either.

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Katie is having a mental breakdown for sure! Who will come in the door to find her pointing the gun at Quinn? Will she get a 5150? We want to know!

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27 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

I hope the closing shot of Ridge with a drink doesn't end in a conjugal interlude with Quinn while Eric sleeps a la Original Ridge and Original Caroline while Thorne made a sandwich downstairs.

I really hope Brad Bell learned his fucking lesson after Misunderstanding Night and Captive Cabin. :/

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39 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

I hope the closing shot of Ridge with a drink doesn't end in a conjugal interlude with Quinn while Eric sleeps a la Original Ridge and Original Caroline while Thorne made a sandwich downstairs.

Lawd have mercy.  I hope you're right!  I suspect that Quinn is still of child-bearing age and I guess I should be relieved that Sludge had his little swimmers put out of commission.  However, I am sobered by that thought because Victor Newman's old ass had a vasectomy decades ago; yet, he was able to impregnate Ashley as well as a child bride, who was young enough to be his daughter.

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I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that waist thing that Katie "designed." Is she still living in the 80s? Although in general, for a soap centered around fashion, the clothes on this show suck rocks.

Eric should have been the one to explain to her that she needs to go because he bloody well knows that the situation between Quinn and Katie is not at all amicable. Now she's gone over the deep end. I'm also wondering if she's having some residual reaction to Brill and that's why she feels so desolute. She was "the good wife" and got cheated on by her sister and her husband.

Why does Katie have to work at Forrester, anyway? Surely they could find a place for her at Spencer.  She also ordered all of those boxes of supplies for her creations, which also was nuts. She was hired to do administrative and marketing type tasks and after a couple of months in the room with Quinn and Ivy she thinks she's bloody Elsa Peretti and ready for a blue box collection.

Charlie needs to be fucking fired. Why is he taking a steam bath during the middle of the workday and leaving his weapon lying around? Schtupping Pam doesn't give him executive privileges. He is a joke and I really wish they would get rid of him. That acting slot could go to finding a proper suitor whose name is not Spencer or Forrester for Katie and others who are unattached. 

Also, WTF, Nicole? I know she's had a big shocking disappointment and setback, but OMG. Maybe she and Katie can share a cell. If I were Maya, I'd send that Forrester jet back to the U.S. to pick up my baby and a nanny because Nicole is clearly losing it.

Edited by politichick
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1 hour ago, politichick said:

Charlie needs to be fucking fired. Why is he taking a steam bath during the middle of the workday and leaving his weapon lying around? S

I figure the gun's empty. I see Charlie needing to pull his one bullet out of his shirt pocket if he needs to shoot anyone.

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While I believe Katie is going to go off the rails, I think Quinn was daydreaming that sequence. If not, how would Katie think she is going to get away with shooting Quinn right there at Forrester!? 

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This is the most stupid idiot crap that Charlie took a steam room break and left his gun on Pam's desk. That crack security guard, that Charlie imagines that he is, should know a hell of a lot better. Pam, as for you you should have know better than to put it on.  Now the gun winds up in the design office. The circus must be in town for two of their clowns escaped.   

Eric you dolt, you hired Katie so you should be the one to fire her.  I never thought that Eric is a wimp. Good job Katie, smug or unhinged Katie can act.  Quinn and Katie in a scene together, pure gold. 

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Eric you dolt, you hired Katie so you should be the one to fire her.  I never thought that Eric is a wimp.

Is this the same Eric Forrester who sang Rick's praises after he shot at Ridge? The one who let Stephanie and Ridge run ramshot over his life?

I'm not surprised that he has this blind spot. He always does.

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