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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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When the legacy female with  potential story (Oliver/Spectra) and organic friendships was sacrificed to prop a predictable handwaved sociopath lead and her blah pairing? 

Yes if the show depicts it correctly why replace Zende or Oliver since the crux of fashion empires are designers and models. And everyone in the family at some point naturally has an interest in designing and/or modeling.  

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1 hour ago, Gudzilla said:

I guess they might as well have Sasha marry Thorne, Deacon can perform the ceremony.

Who's taking photos for FC now ? Did Oliver sneak back in ?

At least Sasha isn't dead.  Off-screen is fine. I don't want Sasha back until Zende is safely settled in at Forrester International.  

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6 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

UNLESS.....it involves Sasha in any way.

They'll probably harass Sasha into being Nicole's surrogate, supposedly using Nicole's eggs and Zende's sperm, but somehow Sasha uses HER eggs instead.  Hijinks ensue.

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I'm torn between who is behaving more childishly.  There is Nicole with the pouty lip and passive-aggressive behavior or crybaby Katie. "I'm gonna run tattle to Daddy (Eric) if I don't get my way!!" I was surprised that Katie didn't throw herself down on the floor and pull a full-blown tantrum after Quinn critiqued her jewelry designs.

Katie is more than a bit full of herself to think that after a few months of hanging out in the design office that she is capable of producing FC quality pieces. Then ... stalking Eric to the restaurant. Did she make a stop on her way out of the office to look in Pam's desk book to see who was supposed to meet Eric for lunch then call and say it was Eric who was cancelling?

Here is what should happen. Eric should give Lemonheads a sympathetic ear (not that she is owed one) then state that QUINN is the lead jewelry designer and what she says goes. With a fashion show to salvage Eric doesn't (and shouldn't) waste his time on unproven "talent" (same with ZZZzzende) that could cause buyers and prospective customers to pull back with a "Huh? Wait a minute ..." reaction to pieces that don't quite work with the rest of the collection. It is not the time and place to placate and entertain egos and passing fancies. Also, I thought Katie was pulled into the jewelry sector to help Quinn with administrative stuff like PR, marketing, procurement, etc. as Quinn and Ivy need to put all of their focus on creating new jewelry.

Yeah. The Saul obsession with Sally is getting old. Even Saul 1.0 didn't moon over Sally 1.0 like this. The only thing that would make sense at this point is if his unrequited feelings for Sally and jealousy of Thomas push him into some sort of unhinged behavior. If that is the case, then may we introduce him to Katie?

It was such a delight today to see real actors today! 

Edited by grisgris
Uh ... I meant Nicole. NOT Sasha with the one-note pouty face.
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1 hour ago, drivethroo said:

They'll probably harass Sasha into being Nicole's surrogate, supposedly using Nicole's eggs and Zende's sperm, but somehow Sasha uses HER eggs instead.  Hijinks ensue.

Which is exactly where this story should've gone! 

The only other angle would've been to have Sasha find out she was pregnant after the Zencole marriage but keep it from Zencole because she truly wants them to be happy and doesn't want to ruin her very tenuous relationship with Nicole, Wyatt fresh off being dumped by Steffy befriends Sasha and agrees to play her baby daddy and THEN Nicole finds out she can't have kids which makes her stabby that Sasha got pregnant and makes Sasha feel guilty for keeping Zende's child from him even as she also hurts for Nicole and as she's falling for Wyatt- who is also falling for her in spite of himself.

A crisis with the fetus leads Sasha to reveal Zende is the daddy so they can correct the issue. Nicole is devestated and worried she'll lose Zende to his baby and thus Sasha so she then pushes him to seek sole custody as Sasha 'would never be a good mother'. Zende initially resists but then gets stabby as he sees Wyatt trying to play dad to his baby. Sasha realizes Nicole and Zende are out for blood, Wyatt promised to do everything in his Spencer power to help and protect Sasha including marrying her and the battle rages on.

Eric then has to pick sides between his grandson and step/near adopted son which gives him friction with Quinn, Zende is caught between wanting a family with Nicole but having to get ruthless, and Sasha gets to see that her bestie Nicole is not all sweetness and light, and Sasha's mother finally hits town.

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Katie's psycho and more delusional than Quinn. Her pathetic  blackmailing and holding things over Quinn's head is old. Bring on the envelope opener and stab her, Quinn!

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Imma gonna be hella pissed if Eric gives Quinn a smack down about being honest with Katie about her “designs.” I am about sick to death of this cat and mouse game Katie is playing. I can’t believe Eric hasn’t figured this thing out yet. He knows that whatever went down happened in Australia. He knows it involves his son, and that Brooke broke off her engagement to him. Knowing it involves Ridge has led Eric to the logical conclusion that he was stepping out on Brooke. So, really? When you consider the selection pool, and the way everyone has been acting? Eric knows it wasn’t Steffy or Ivy or Katie. So who does that leave? Eric knows how upset Brooke was; so it wasn’t about Ridge macking on some little Australian hottie. I am just so tired of the innuendo and the game playing. Now, Katie is going to threaten Quinn because Quinn gave Katie an honest assessment of her work? Katie seems to be the Wunderkind of LA; she became an accomplished CEO after taking SP’s from Bill and now she is a talented jewelry designer. Never fucking mind that she was only supposed to be doing the PR stuff and assisting. If she cares so much about Eric why would she want to be haranguing him about this shit when he has much more to deal with? He and Ridge are trying to get a new collection together after losing Thomas, and Quinn has her hands full coming up with new pieces as well. And here we have little Katiedid, unhappy and resentful that she isn’t front and center. I would so like to smack the taste out of her snarky, sanctimonious mouth.

Looks like they are going to the full court press with Coco staying loyal to RJ and Forrester. I don’t see why she can’t do that and still forgive her sister. I like Coco, and don’t want to see her turned into some harsh, judgmental harpy. Next thing we know she will be Nicole’s surrogate.

I don’t mind Saul’s devotion to Sally. It does make me kind of sad though because Saul’s very bland face can telegraph more emotion than JMW or RE can manage with full on contortions. I really don’t want to see them change him into something dark either. It just won’t work for me. Let him meet a nice available girl…….maybe someone like Ivy, and move on with a real relationship.

That’s right Ridge, you go fix your problems with your son just like you did with your ex-fiance.

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I think they should've had Zende say he had grown up sketching with his dad, or that his dad had been teaching him/mentoring him in design, etc.  That way this insta-interest in design would've seemed more realistic.

But then again, we live in a world where any starlet, socialite & Z-list celebrity can claim they're a designer by licensing out their name to a collection of clothing.

Quinn should've had Eric or Ivy veto Katie's designs.

Does Tony still design? What do Tony & Kristen do?

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Recap for Tues. 5/30/2017:

Thankfully we were sparred from any sightings of the Ambien couple today.

We open at FC where Katie and Ivy walk in on Quinn and Eric, who are kissing in the design office and Katie looks like she swallowed a bug for a moment. She quickly covers, gushing to Eric about how happy she is to be working at  FC.

Eric doesn't stick around too long and Katie's clearly angling for something, telling Quinn how much she's enjoying being part of a team and how excited she is to see her designs in the next collection.

Is Katie serious with this?

She's been trying her hand at jewelry designs for what? A few weeks?

The entitlement is as strong as ever with this one.

I love Ivy's RBF expression.


Ivy remarks about Quinn taking her under her wing because she had so much to learn, which is clearly lost on Katie who thinks she's ready to be a designer all on her own.

Katie sucks up to Ivy by complimenting her designs and then stands there, clearly waiting for Ivy and Quinn to praise her designs, likely drawn in crayon.

Quinn, steeling herself: "You know, Katie, while your designs have promise, you're still really new at this, so I think maybe we just shouldn't get ahead of ourselves."

Quinn is remarkably restrained and gives pretty fair, constructive feedback as does Ivy, but Katie is behaving like her typical five-year-old self and is clearly butt hurt, wondering what Eric would say about all but a pair of earrings she designed being excluded from the show.

Essentially, Quinn tells her her designs are boring (and apparently old lady-esque, hee!) and Ivy backs her up here. We aren't shown the designs but I'm sure they're as stuffy as they sound.

When faced with the harsh reality that she's not ready yet, Katie, predictably, resorts to that by-now-wrinkled old playing card - blackmail - as she tells Quinn: "I was under the impression that we were going to work together as a team, but 80% of the collection is yours. And you throw a few bones to Ivy to keep her happy, and I get nothing. And that doesn't work for me. I feel like I'm being stonewalled, like I have to do everything your way or else. Listen, I get it. I'm new. I don't have the experience that you do. But I know what I'm doing. Do you know what you're doing crossing me like this?"

In the boardroom, Eric admires Ridge's latest sketch. Ridge thanks his father and wonders if they'll be able to pull things off (turning out a new collection in record time).

They discuss Zende helping out as Ridge expresses the hope that Thomas will return and I seriously doubt that's happening any time soon. Eric doesn't seem to care that Thomas has left or the reasons behind it. Is he that happy with Quinn? That focused on the new collection? It's odd that he's not really weighing in on all this drama when he was a dog with a bone about Ridge and Brooke not getting married. 

Ridge insists he'll make things right with Thomas but I don't think that bell can be so easily unrung. 

Eric comments on how Katie and Quinn seem to be getting along and there's a tiny hint that something may be off about that, but he quickly dismisses his own thoughts, telling Ridge that he has a business lunch at (where else) Il Giardino and needs to get going. Ridge indicates that he'll head out with him as he left some sketches in the guest house.

Eric smiles: "I'm enjoying this -- having you live on the property again, practically under the same roof as Quinn and me." Well, isn't that nice and cozy and convenient?

Over at the guest house, Ridge is glancing at his sketches when Quinn walks in. See what I mean? Convenient.

Ridge: "What are you doing here?"

Quinn: "I needed to talk to you and Pam said you were on your way home. I-"

Ridge is annoyed (a sure sign they are headed for temptation's path once more): "And whatever it is couldn't wait till I got back to the office?"

Quinn: "If it was about anyone other than Katie, yes."

Ridge: "Katie. Well, dad said the two of you are getting on."

Quinn: "Yeah, we were, until she started freaking out."

Ridge: "Freaking out about what?"

Quinn: "About her pieces for the collection. She thinks they're better than they are, and when I gave her my honest opinion, that's when her claws came out."

Ridge: "How so?"

Quinn: "She started with the veiled threats...'you know, maybe we should involve Eric in this.' I'm telling you...she's blackmailing me. If I don't feature her work, she's gonna go back on her promise to Brooke and she's gonna tell Eric about you and me."

Ridge: "All right. Take it easy. Don't let it get to you like that."

Quinn: "Ridge, she's a live wire. There's no telling what she's gonna say to Eric next time she sees him." So for the 99th time, take away her power and tell Eric the truth!

Later, Katie just happens to run into Eric at the restaurant and quickly joins him as his colleague stood him up.

I swear her ass is in the chair across from him for less than 60 seconds before she's whining to him about Quinn not letting her design: "It's just that I've been a part of the jewelry line for a couple of months now, and I feel like I know Forrester. I know our clientele. I mean, given my history, that's pretty certain. I mean, I was there a long time before Quinn ever showed up, and I appreciate her designs, but..." Okay, it's been a few weeks, tops, but even if it were a few months, if you were 1/4 the business woman you claim to be, you'd know, you don't become a jewelry designer - a designer of ANY kind - overnight.

Eric: "But what?"

Katie: "I feel like I'm being stonewalled." 


Eric is confused so she explains (aka whines): "Well, Quinn is only going to use one of my designs in the new collection. And she's kind of unwilling to give me any kind of real critique, and I don't think it's fair." Life's not fair, LemonHeads.

Eric, defending his wife, "Well, I'm sure she has her reasons."

Katie, sensing she's losing her audience, "Yeah, I'm sure she does. I'm just not so sure it has anything to do with my designs, and that's...frustrating."

Eric's antennae are tingling: "It seems like something more is going on. Tell me." 

Katie lets out a long-suffering sigh of woe. 

Eric: "This isn't just about the collection, Katie. Tell me. I really want to know."

Katie: "Okay. You really want to know? I'll tell you exactly what's going on with your wife." And she plays back moments of her spying on Ridge and Quinn - the little twirl around the living room, their holding hands on the plane...but wait a minute, the kissing on the beach, she did not see that. I guess she fantasized it into being a memory. Weirdo. 

Of course, we all know, this little mini-cliff hanger isn't going to amount to a thing because I don't see the truth coming out any other way than the dramatic Eric catches them in an embrace, clutches his chest and collapses to the floor scenario.

As always, I'm saving the best for last...my beloved Tally.

Over at SF, Thomas is all excited about his partnership with Sally and predicts they will be THE premiere fashion house. I like that he's confident but he shouldn't get too far ahead of himself. SF has a long way to go to undo past baggage and be seen as as legit contenders. I love Sally's upswept hair.


Sally lets him have his excitement, smiling at his enthusiasm: "God, I love the way you think."

Thomas: "Well, buckle up. It's gonna be a hell of a ride."

Sally: "Well, I can't wait." Her face falls for a moment. "I just wish...Coco could be a part of it."

Thomas asks if she wanted Coco to work at SF and she agrees she did but that she knows how happy her sister is to be back at FC. 

Thomas: "You two are gonna patch things up."

Sally: "I don't know. I mean, sure, yeah, she was happy for the family when you saved us from Bill Spencer, but she's still angry with me. For good reason. I betrayed her. She can't trust me. I just really wish she knew how sorry I was." As happy as she is to still be in business and not in prison, you can see the rift with her little sister is weighing heavily on her.

Thomas: "Come here." He takes her into his arms for the hug she so badly needs.

He reminds her that it wasn't her idea to put the cameras on Coco - that came from Grams and Saul.

Sally disagrees because she went along with it, knowing it was wrong, that she was risking her relationship with Coco, and doing it anyway. 

Thomas confirms that Coco is going to be stopping by later and offers to talk to her.

Sally's face here - like a little girl on Christmas morning: "Really? You would do that?"

Thomas: "I would kind of do anything for you." So much AWWWWW.

Sally, just overwhelmed by him, how much he cares, "Thomas, that... thank you. Thank you. That would mean so much to me. And I'm sure that she would listen to you, you know, being a Forrester and everything. She looks up to all of you guys with such respect. I want that. I want her to look up to me again."

Later, Sally chats with Saul, who is not happy to hear she's turning down his offer of a partnership since she already has something going with Thomas.

Saul snots, "So, it's Thomas to the rescue again." Would it kill him to muster up a little gratitude?

Sally: "This really is a huge break for us, Saul. Thomas is a proven talent, and just the buzz alone that he's now with Spectra. Plus, he feels that we can really compete with Forrester, but this time on the up and up. No more stealing designs, because we're gonna have kick-ass ones of our own. Doesn't that sound fantastic?"

Saul: "Well, obviously this means a lot to you."

Sally:" It's gonna mean a lot to all of us. Thomas is totally committed to Spectra."

Saul: "Yeah, to protecting his investment."

Sally: "Okay, look, I know you don't know him as well as I do, but Thomas has a really big heart."

Saul scoffs at that, "Oh!" Saul, you are cute and adorable and I could put you in my pocket but you're working my last nerve right now. Thomas or no Thomas, Sally is never, ever, ever going to feel that way about you. 

Sally: "He even told me that he was gonna try and fix things between Coco and me."

Saul: "How?"

Sally: "By speaking to her on my behalf. In fact, he's probably doing it right now, telling her how terrible I feel for all of the things that I did to her and how much I really want my little sister back."

Coco has arrived by then and is startled to see Thomas waiting for her.

Thomas: "Stay for a minute."

Coco: "No, I don't want to stick around. I might run in to my sister."

Thomas: "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I spoke with your sister. She hates what she did to you. And I'm going to try and convince you to forgive her." 

Coco tries to beg off, saying she needs to get back to ass-kissing the Forresters (okay, so I paraphrased that one).

Thomas: "Everyone deserves them, don't you think?"

Coco: "What?"

Thomas: "Second chances. Look, we've all messed up. I know I have. And Sally has, too. But one thing is for sure, and that is that Sally deeply regrets what she did to you, what she did to both of us."

Coco is incredulous: "You've really forgiven her?"

Thomas: "It didn't happen overnight. But after I figured out what happened to her, why she was doing what she was doing, all the pressure that she was under, not only did I forgive her, but I have moved past it. Coco, I invested Spectra. Not only did I invest, but now I'm a lead designer here and I am your sister's partner."

Coco is floored: "How could you do that after what Sally put you and your family through?" Coco has every right to be angry with her sister but she sounds more upset about what happened to her poor precious RJ and his harpy sister and hobo father than anything else. Sally royally screwed up, but she is owning that and trying to make things right. The fact that she turned herself in so Coco could be spared from testifying against her speaks volumes.

From everything we know, absent one really bad decision that at its heart was about helping her family, not destroying it, Sally has been the one to take care of and protect her little sister. For Coco to be all "pffft" because of Slouchey, a boy she barely knows, is ridiculous and annoying because I really like Coco. I'd like to keep it that way.

Coco: "Sally stole from you and your family, and now you're working here?" So if he can forgive her, why can't she?

Thomas: "Coco, I believe in second chances. More than that, I love your sister."

Coco: "Well, I love her, too, despite everything. But I can't trust her. She rigged me with cameras, Thomas, and she took advantage of my decency and my honesty." 

Thomas can't deny that. "Okay, okay, okay, okay. She deeply regrets that. Coco, I realize that you have always looked up to your sister, that she has been more than just a sister to you. And that's why it hurts so much. That's why you felt so betrayed. Coco, it hurt ME. But she is your sister. She cares about you more than anything in the world. You guys have something special. Don't lose that."

Coco looks like she is taking in what he has to say and they both look up then as Sally, her eyes pleading with her sister, walks into the room.

Sally: "I know it's a lot to ask. It may be too much to ask. But I want my little sister back. I want to earn your faith and trust in me again. Say it's still possible, Coco....Please."


Could you say no to this face?

Edited by CountryGirl
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14 hours ago, grisgris said:

I'm torn between who is behaving more childishly.  There is Nicole with the pouty lip and passive-aggressive behavior or crybaby Katie. "I'm gonna run tattle to Daddy (Eric) if I don't get my way!!" I was surprised that Katie didn't throw herself down on the floor and pull a full-blown tantrum after Quinn critiqued her jewelry designs.

Katie is more than a bit full of herself to think that after a few months of hanging out in the design office that she is capable of producing FC quality pieces. Then ... stalking Eric to the restaurant. Did she make a stop on her way out of the office to look in Pam's desk book to see who was supposed to meet Eric for lunch then call and say it was Eric who was cancelling?

Here is what should happen. Eric should give Lemonheads a sympathetic ear (not that she is owed one) then state that QUINN is the lead jewelry designer and what she says goes. With a fashion show to salvage Eric doesn't (and shouldn't) waste his time on unproven "talent" (same with ZZZzzende) that could cause buyers and prospective customers to pull back with a "Huh? Wait a minute ..." reaction to pieces that don't quite work with the rest of the collection. It is not the time and place to placate and entertain egos and passing fancies. Also, I thought Katie was pulled into the jewelry sector to help Quinn with administrative stuff like PR, marketing, procurement, etc. as Quinn and Ivy need to put all of their focus on creating new jewelry.

Yeah. The Saul obsession with Sally is getting old. Even Saul 1.0 didn't moon over Sally 1.0 like this. The only thing that would make sense at this point is if his unrequited feelings for Sally and jealousy of Thomas push him into some sort of unhinged behavior. If that is the case, then may we introduce him to Katie?

It was such a delight today to see real actors today! 

I agree with everything you've said. The fact that Katie "designed" a ring, earrings and necklace thing alone was a big flashing signal that her designs were not modern or edgy. That trio is some 80s shit. She should thank God she got the one piece in. So my vote goes with Katie for being the brat because Nicole actually is just out of her teens and has received a shock that would jolt a woman of any age. Plus HT's acting is so good that it makes us hate Katie even more.

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32 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

When faced with the harsh reality that she's not ready yet, Katie, predictably, resorts to that by-now-wrinkled old playing card - blackmail - as she tells Quinn: "I was under the impression that we were going to work together as a team, but 80% of the collection is yours. And you throw a few bones to Ivy to keep her happy, and I get nothing. And that doesn't work for me. I feel like I'm being stonewalled, like I have to do everything your way or else. Listen, I get it. I'm new. I don't have the experience that you do. But I know what I'm doing. Do you know what you're doing crossing me like this?"

Katie pissed me off with this little monologue.  While Eric should be told about Ridge & Quinn (by Brooke), Katie needs a smackdown.  Katie is just as selfish as Ridge & Quinn. She intentionally disrespected Quinn in her own home by continuing to visit Eric after Quinn asked her not to when she's not there.  Instead of telling Eric the truth about Ridge & Quinn, she blackmails them into getting a job at Forrester.  Brooke has already made her life decisions so blackmailing Ridge & Quinn to stay on the up and up at this point has nothing to do with protecting Brooke.  Ridge & Quinn need to be exposed (again, by Brooke) to Eric, but Katie needs to be exposed to Eric as well.


Eric is confused so she explains (aka whines): "Well, Quinn is only going to use one of my designs in the new collection. And she's kind of unwilling to give me any kind of real critique, and I don't think it's fair." Life's not fair, LemonHeads.

See, Katie is lying here.  Both Ivy & Quinn gave her constructive criticism.  Quinn told her that Forrester is going youthful in the new collection so the jewelry designs would also be youthful and Katie's designs skewed towards an older demographic.  Katie is not an honest broker and she, along with Ridge & Quinn, needs to be exposed.

Edited by drivethroo
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22 hours ago, politichick said:

What's her face is a really good actress, because Katie's venomous personality and demeanor are showing in her face.

I know there are a lot of wack-jobs out there who confuse an actor with his/her role, but in HT's case, I can't help but think that her acting sucks & the venomous demeanor really is her, especially since this is pretty much exactly how she acted as Victoria Newman, all lemonheady & snotty.

24 minutes ago, drivethroo said:

Katie needs to be exposed to Eric as well

I hope at the very least she gets a "You mean you knew all this time & instead of telling me you resorted to blackmail" from Eric when he finds out she knew...because no, I don't think Katie's telling Eric at lunch like we were led to believe yesterday.

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HT is insanely sweet in rl and down to earth and does a lot of philanthropy. She's much more athletic and fashionable than Katie. I think HT is a character actor like William H Macy or Steve Bushemi that is nice and kinda a simple person, but plays gritty or nasty people and makes quirky facial expressions. 

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Sally can lose the "Bucko" anytime now.  It was dated and stupid when O.G. Sally said it almost thirty years ago and it's 10x as bad coming from a 20-something in 2017.  We get it.  Great Aunt Sally is your idol but that doesn't mean you have to ape everything about her down to the ridiculous nicknames she gave people.  To me, it's just as bad as "Cha cha cha".

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Now Katie is just going to bide her time now that she knows Ridge is living in the guest house. Does anyone else see cameras and listening devices in Quinn and Ridges future?  There aren't many men like you she says coyly. She couldn't be more obvious if she grabbed his crotch under the table. 

Coco, I like you but not with the Foresters and when you become as disingenuous as they are. Didn't you come to LA to be with your sister and learn the fashion business from her?  It was only upon learning Spectra was going out of business she tried to get the internship at FC.  Now that Coco forgave Sally, she should go back to Spectra.  I hope Coco is not that shallow to better deal her sister. 

Even though I'm not all that crazy about seeing Maya, Rick, Nicole, and Zende, I hope that there is a custody battle for Lizzy. Everyone else gets their relationships screwed with, than why not that group?  

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3 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Sally can lose the "Bucko" anytime now.  It was dated and stupid when O.G. Sally said it almost thirty years ago and it's 10x as bad coming from a 20-something in 2017.  We get it.  Great Aunt Sally is your idol but that doesn't mean you have to ape everything about her down to the ridiculous nicknames she gave people.  To me, it's just as bad as "Cha cha cha".

Totally agree.

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I guess seeing Katie scheme and be a manipulative bitch for the sake of it is marginally more tolerable than hearing her whine and piss about being the ugly duckling of the Logan sisters (which didn't work that well, even in the early days of this recast when she got to sleep with Nick and TIIC were chem testing her and Ronn Moss). But only marginally so.

Eric is stupid to not have figured this out, but I've come to expect nothing less from him at this point. But Quinn is the biggest disappointment. She could just tell Eric what happened or just disappear Katie like she very likely did with Sotomayor or whatshisface who left the Hope diamond to Wyatt. Either option would be preferable to this repetitive, go-nowhere dialogue--i mean, wtf.

Middle schoolers don't even obsess over their first kisses the way these two middle aged people who have been around the block multiple times have discussed this event AT LENGHT. Hope and Liam could've had at least three more non-weddings in the time that this story has dragged on and dragged on. I'm almost as bored with it as I am with the Ambien Twins. 

Edited by Anna Yolei
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1 hour ago, Anna Yolei said:

I guess seeing Katie scheme and be a manipulative bitch for the sake of it is marginally more tolerable than hearing her whine and piss about being the ugly duckling of the Logan sisters (which didn't work that well, even in the early days of this recast when she got to sleep with Nick and TIIC were chem testing her and Ronn Moss). But only marginally so.

It really is sad and baffling that this is the best the show can do for Katie and HT. Her role in this storyline to solely be a Quinn antagonist and 'protecting' Eric is just not well written. But this show pulls this weird swerve of a character to service a story and give them a place on the show. Remember Ivy going from Lovong Liam to hating him, hooking up with Wyatt, finally getting her snark on and telling Steffy where to go, wanting to be a model, supporting Wyatt in pushing for their own fashion line annnnnnd it all falling apart after Steffy nearly fried her and she realized she was acting out over how much Liam hurt her? It was some head whipping storytelling that basically only served for Liam to suffer a brain injury for Statt and Captive Cabin to take place.

I'll say it- This show was too chicken to go for a Katie and Wyatt hook-up that would put the two single, spares together in a story with ripplewave possibilities. Quinn/Katie would be at odds as Katie isn't a girl Quinn can manipulate, Wyatt would be listening to a woman other than his mother, and while Bill may initially play like he isn't bothered by it, he would be confronted with some icky feelings about his son and ex-wife hooking up to which Katie can laugh 'You had no problem with Steffy completing the Spencer trifecta!'  Add in that Wyatt would be a step-father/brother figure to lil Will (which could allow Bill the great line 'We're not the Forresters. We don't play the convoluted twisted family tree game!') The bonus is Katie pines for no one else on canvas - Bill is doooooone with her- and she sees Liam more like a son so Wyatt would have a real shot at keeping Katie!

Edited to add: maybe we'll still get that. Quinn could beg Wyatt to help get Katie off her back, Wyatt agrees to be her jewelry mentor, he lays the seduction hands on her like Ridge did Caroline, their bitter lonely horny selves give in to each other and Kyatt is launched. Queridge think their having an illicit affair clueless to Katie and Wyatt getting it on.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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I really expected a Katie & Liam hookup - the whole charitable foundation/divorce settlement seemed primed to go there.  Wyatt/Katie don't seem to have any chemistry in my opinion but mileage does vary... 

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1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

Remember Ivy going from Lovong Liam to hating him, hooking up with Wyatt, finally getting her snark on and telling Steffy where to go, wanting to be a model, supporting Wyatt in pushing for their own fashion line annnnnnd it all falling apart after Steffy nearly fried her and she realized she was acting out over how much Liam hurt her?

I REALLY wish the show would have gone there.  And now that there's Spectra we'd actually have THREE fashion houses competing with one another.  As a bonus, it would kinda be a triangle, and we all know the writers love those!

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44 minutes ago, ByTor said:

I REALLY wish the show would have gone there.  And now that there's Spectra we'd actually have THREE fashion houses competing with one another.  As a bonus, it would kinda be a triangle, and we all know the writers love those!

If Wyatt's Spencer Fashions were a thing, it'd then make sense why Bill would want to sabotage Spectra at least. 

And it'd definitely set up the Forrester vs Spectra vs Spencer triangle with Thomas/Sally/Wyatt as the pillars with Ivy and Thomas noticing Wyatt's and Sally's  gamesmanship slipping into flirtatious banter and becoming worried about their relationships.

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OMG we just had my girl Katie blasting Quinn in her living room.  She was great at playing the bitch. Full points to Heather Tom on that scene she just did it so well.


I never expected Katie of all people to be so vocal. Also she wants Eric. So here we go again on the merry go round. These people keep swapping out for the same small group of partners there's just no genetic diversity haha...... 

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54 minutes ago, Coco Pops 67 said:

I never expected Katie of all people to be so vocal. Also she wants Eric. So here we go again on the merry go round. These people keep swapping out for the same small group of partners there's just no genetic diversity haha...... 

This I don't get. Now I think JMcC is amazing but he's a dozen years older than I am and um... no. So why does Katie want Eric? She doesn't need the money. I'm not sure why she'd want an old(er) man who was into her mom (yuck) and actually married BOTH of her older sisters. Good Lord... I can take back from the dead, unknown kids (whose timelines don't work), babies despite vasectomies and even aliens, weather machines and cities underground (ABC soap history there, sorry) but this just makes me wish I didn't watch soaps.  

I do kind of feel like a hypocrite because I was totally hooked on the CaRidge story.  And maybe if Katie really fell for Eric I might be able to overlook the incestuous aspect and the age difference but that isn't what we have here.  Is Katie really that f*cked up? 

ETA: is this all because of Ridge/Quinn?  When I started watching, Ridge and Katie were just about done for so I'm not sure why Katie would care but that's the only thing that makes any sense. Except none of this story makes any sense. 

Edited by tessaray
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Oh, boo-hoo! Poor widdle Katie. All the big bad evil men dump her for Brooke. So what's a girl to do? Go for the top rung! Eric is truly a doddering fool is he can't see through her act by now. HOW many times did she drop the hint that "all the good men like Eric were taken?" Instead of basking in the thinly veiled flattery, Eric's radar should have been pinging on high alert. What does he do instead? INVITES KATIE TO A FAMILY DINNER!!  I just dropped my head in my hands over that one. Katie was just salivating over the guest list. Now, OTOH, that is a dinner party from hell that I can't wait to (hopefully) see!

Katie also has a short memory. Eric is no saint when it comes to loyalty and fidelity. He and Satanie were separated and/or divorced so many times that it is difficult to keep track. However, I do remember that Eric cheated on Stephanie with Lauren Fenmore shortly before he was ready to say "I do" again.

And who can forget this? When he was very blatantly cheating on Stephanie with Katie's other sister, Donna?


Also, Katie more or less wove the web of romance to lure Bill and Brooke into. I realize that she had severe PPD at the time so she probably wasn't counting on it to actually, you know ... work? And didn't she strategically take up with Ridge just as a "fu" to Bill and Brooke? So, STFU Lemonheads?

I have seen enough of insecure Sally seeking reassurance from Thomas. I think that now she should be 100% convinced of his intentions and loyalties. So I am ready for them to settle down and get busy kicking some FC ass off the runway!

That actress who plays Coco is good! Why are the writers wasting her on Slouchy?SMH.

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Recap for Wed. 5/31/2017:

It's another day without Ambien so that's already a positive sign for today's episode.

We open at the restaurant and Eric is pressing Katie about what's going on with her and Quinn.

Just as I predicted with the Tues. 5/30 recap, Katie hedges: "I think she and I just have really different world views. I mean, I do my best to play by the rules, and she doesn't." Play by the rules my ass. Is cheating with your niece's husband and getting knocked up by him playing by the rules? Is faking a heart attack at your sister's wedding to Ridge because you wanted him for yourself (or at least as payback for Brill 1.0) playing by the rules? Is coming over to Eric's to fawn over him with every trumped up excuse in the book playing by the rules? Quinn is no saint but own your own shit, Katie.

Eric, admiringly, "She's an unconventional person."

Katie pulls a face: "Yeah, that's one way of putting it. And I know she's your wife, and you want to think the best of her."

Eric: "Yes, and I do. But if something's not working between the two of you, we have to deal with that. It's not just work, is it, Katie? Look, you said you wanted to tell me. So tell me. I want to know."

Katie is silent and Eric encourages her to speak out, saying they've always been candid with one another (well, up until now, I suppose).

Katie skirts around it, calling Quinn a delicate subject and how much she's tried to move on from the tension in their past. I snort-laughed, listening to that since it is so far from the truth.


And I don't know if it's the lighting or the makeup or what, but damn, HT looks HARSH.

Eric talks about how Quinn is trying to bring the family closer: "I see her trying to get everyone to come together. Katie, I understand. Your designs aren't being used, they're not being featured in the collection as much as you would like. It's frustrating. I get that. This is just the beginning for you. Something wonderful is happening here, Katie, and you're a part of it. The family is coming together, we're all getting along. It was just a few months ago that ridge was doing everything he could to get Quinn out of the company, and now we're practically living under the same roof together. He's in the guest house."

Katie's reaction:


Katie remarks on how convenient that is. Indeed.

She then changes course, telling Eric: "Listen, I don't want whatever's going on between Quinn and me to misrepresent how I feel about being a part of the company. I am so grateful to have been brought on. I mean, being at Forrester's exactly what I need right now, to be in the middle of things, taking things in." And shutting up and listening and learning.

Eric is glad to hear that but then, Katie just had to trot out her sad tale of being awww awone.

She talks about how she's not dating, being unlucky in love, and then dangles the carrot of wanting a "good one." She smiles at him as she surmises there just aren't that many men like him.

It's so painfully obvious that there is no there there as far as Eric's concerned. 

Katie shares the list of attributes she's looking for - someone who will stand up for her, someone stable and thoughtful and reliable. 

Eric: "That doesn't seem like such a tall order."

Katie: "Yeah, well, you'd be surprised."

Eric: "You haven't met anybody like that?"

Katie: "Well, at the risk of sounding repetitive, there are not that many men in Los Angeles like you." Eric, are you really that clueless?

Eric agrees with her on the importance of loyalty and how he has that with Quinn. Ouch. He also appreciates that he and Katie can be "so open and honest with each other." Double ouch.

Seeking for her to mend fences with Quinn, he invites her over to dinner at the mansion with him, Quinn, Ridge, and, this is an odd choice, Wyatt. Please no to a Katie/Wyatt pairing. Wyatt deserves better than LemonHeads.

Katie, having no life, quickly agrees. I can't wait to see this go down.

We cut to SF, where Sally is pleading with her sister.

Coco's body language is very closed off at the moment and she looks ready to bolt at a moment's notice.

Thomas: "Coco, listen to your sister. She's hurting."

Sally: "You need to hear this from me. What I did to you was beyond wrong, and I know that I probably don't have a right to ask, but... if you could find it in your heart to give me another chance... I have already been given way more forgiveness than I deserve. But all I want now is a chance to make it up to you."

Thomas thanks Coco for hearing him out but leaves so that they can work things out on their own.

Coco asks if he's really working at SF.

Sally: "Head designer. He wants to be my partner. Can't believe it, either. You know, there's only been one person that's ever had as much faith in me as he does. That's my little sister. I hate myself for the way I betrayed you."

Elsewhere, Thomas runs into Saul.


Saul is decidedly pissy today: "Oh, good. You're leaving."

Thomas: "I am giving Sally and Coco some space. They need a little privacy."

Saul: "I don't know what things were like over at Forrester, but here at spectra, we have an open-door policy. Anyone can just walk on into that office, so excuse me." He moves to walk toward the office but Thomas stops him with a look.

Thomas: "Not a good time, Saul. Sally's in there trying to patch things up with her little sister. You want that, don't you?"

Saul: "Yeah, of course I do. How can you ask me that?"

Thomas: "Because you are the one who used Coco as a spy at Forrester." Just try and deny it, Saulie.

Saul: "No. No! Shirley and I, we were trying to save the company."

Thomas: "Spectra is not that kind of business anymore. If we're gonna be working together, that's never going to happen again. I know that times were tough. You did what you had to do. But from here on out, I need your support and your best judgment."

Saul: "Tell you what, I'll do whatever Sally needs me to do."

Thomas: "You're extremely loyal to her. I appreciate that. But, Saul, you made a mistake. A big one. You used that little girl in there to spy on Forrester. You forced a wedge between those sisters. You better hope they can fix that." Saul does not appear to like having his ass handed to him but it's been a long time coming in my estimation.

Back inside Sally's office, Coco confesses that she's relieved that Sally didn't go to prison and that Thomas saved SF, but neither of those things fixes what's happened between them.

Sally doesn't even try to argue: "I know."

Coco: "Why do you think it hurts so much? You're my sister, Sally. And I love you. But you used me." She's not wrong here.


Sally: "Yes, okay? I should have stopped it, stepped up, and protected you. I let you down."

Coco: "My whole life, you were the one that I could trust, that I could count on. Mom and Dad were gone, but I never felt alone. I never felt scared because I always knew that my big sister would be there for me. But I don't feel that anymore."

Sally: "I know I made a mistake. But it won't happen again, I swear."

Coco: "Your turned me into a criminal. You jeopardized my future and my friendship and everything that I thought you wanted for me! I would never do that to you, Sally. Never. So how could I ever trust you again?"

Sally, sadly remarks: "I miss my little sister. I hate the distance between us."

Coco: "I do, too, but I have to protect myself."

Sally: "Not from me."

Coco: "You could have ruined any chance I had in the fashion industry. You could have gotten me fired, Sally. Or blackballed. Or worse!"

Sally: "Yes, and I am grateful that that didn't happen. You still have your internship and your relationship with R.J."

Coco: "Yeah, but you didn't care about any of that when you let grams hook me up to that camera. You sent me into Forrester to be your spy."

Sally: "I panicked, Coco, okay? This company was going under, and I felt like I had to do something drastic. Horrible, thoughtless, but not completely unforgivable. It can't be. Come on, Coco. I confessed. That has to count for something. I was willing to go to jail for what I did. I took full responsibility. I even made sure that everybody knew that you had nothing to do with it, especially the Forresters. You say that I don't care, but I do. So much. All I want is a chance to prove that, and I know that it's gonna take some time and a lot of work, but I am not going to stop trying. Just please don't give up on me."

Coco is wary but there's a tiny chink in her protective armor now: "You don't know what you're asking."

Sally gently corrects: "Begging, Coco. I'm begging."

Coco: "Sally, you were my rock." Tears are in her eyes now.

Sally is equally teary-eyed: "I took something precious, yes, and I destroyed it -- the trust we had, your faith in me... I'm your big sister! That always came first, okay? Growing up, I had one job. To look after you, to make sure that you were safe and happy. So I can't imagine that moment when you looked out and saw the Forrester designs on that runway, on our runway, finding out that we made you a part of it, that I let it happen... I betrayed you. Once. But never again."

Coco: "You say that..."

Sally: "I mean it."

Coco: "But how can I be sure?" She wants so badly to believe her.

Sally takes Coco's hands and forces her to look at her: "Look at me. Think about everything that we have been through. It has always been us against the world. On the playground, at school, at home... what did I always say to you?"

Coco is crying now and she's picturing, just as I'm picturing, these two little girls, alone in the world but for each other: "You'd say, 'don't worry. Just hold on to me. Everything will be all right.'"

Sally: is crying, too, as she pleads: "So don't let go. Please, don't let this tear us apart. You are way too important to me. I need you."

Coco: "I need you, too, and I don't like feeling like this."

Sally: "Then let's just put this behind us. Come on, can we do that? Can we just find a way to move on? I want that more than anything. Please. Please, Coco. Just tell me that you will forgive me."


The tears keep coming as Coco looks at her, then nods and agrees.

Sally, pulls her sister into her arms and holds her tight, sobbing in relief, "I will never let you down again. You can count on me. Always." Pass the Kleenex, please. It's not "I love you, Pumpkin," but it's pretty dang close.


Over at the Forrester guesthouse, Quinn is still ranting and raving about Katie making threats.

Ridge tries to shrug it off, encouraging her to throw Katie a bone - her own signature line. That's a lot more than a bone, Ridge. Quinn is having none of it.

Ridge: "You're not listening to me. Eric is my dad. I'm his son. He can't find out about this. Ever."

Quinn blames herself, not for her cheating with Ridge, of course, but for bringing Katie back to FC. 

Quinn: "She's taking advantage."

Ridge: "And you gave her that power." Ding, ding, ding!

Quinn: "You're the one who told her what happened in Sydney." Not an unfair point.

Ridge, exasperated: "Quinn, just use her jewelry."

Quinn: "No, I can't. I won't do it. It isn't good enough and I'm not gonna be blackmailed. How did this happen? How did we let it come to this?" Again, you could easily remove Katie's power by telling Eric the truth.

Ridge: "Give Katie what she wants. If that's the price we have to pay for what we did, so be it." It's no skin off his nose since it's not his collection.

Quinn: "It won't be! You know it won't be! What were we thinking? Why? Why did we do this to ourselves?"

Ridge: "Do what to ourselves? We kissed! It didn't mean anything."

Quinn: "If it didn't mean anything, why didn't we stop?"

Ridge: "We did stop." And start...and stop...and start...and...

Quinn: "No, we didn't. It happened over and over. At the house, on the beach in Sydney, and we risked everything! My marriage, your relationship with your father... you lost Brooke, and for what? For some twisted desire for danger?"

Ridge: "It doesn't matter why. It's over. I don't think about it. Do you?" Who is he trying to kid? They both clearly think about it...a lot.

Quinn: "You need to talk to Katie."

Ridge: "I don't need to talk to her at all. We're gonna give her what she wants."

Quinn: "Why, because of a few meaningless kisses?"

Ridge: "No, because it was wrong! That's why."

Quinn: "But so is she!"

Ridge: "I don't even-" He's so frustrated (but I don't think it's because of Katie) that he he can't even finish his sentence. 

Quinn: "What?! I am not going to let her control me, and I'm not gonna let her make me feel guilty! I feel bad enough! I do! With whatever this is between us, and if I could go back, I would take it all back!" Liar.

Ridge: "So would I." Liar.

Quinn: "I would never go up to San Francisco." What are you doing, Quinn? He has moved to stand right before her, his eyes boring into her's.


Ridge: "It'd just be me, right? At a symposium by myself? No tequila. Perfect."

Quinn: "No, no tequila, because the tequila is what made me open up to you in the first place."

Ridge: "Oh, that's what it was?"

Quinn: "Yes!"

Ridge: "I don't even like you. And I've never liked you." Then he proceeds to show her exactly how much he doesn't like her by pulling her into his arms and kissing her.


They fall onto the bed, still kissing as we fade to black. So Ridge has moved into the guest house for exactly what, a day, and already they're rolling around on his bed. 


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Ummm... why exactly did they break up Wyatt and Ivy?  A Triangle of (viewer's) Doom between the Spencer Bros. and Stuffy?  Whatever the payoff was for that seemed extremely short-lived and completely unsatisfying.  They were good together and it makes no sense that they should be single now.  At least let Ivy get a break from listening to Katie's whining, hypocrisy, fake altruism, B.S., etc.

The only woman TK has any chemistry with is RS.  To be fair, RS could create chemistry with a water fountain.

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Ivy and Wyatt were magic together and a million times more exciting to watch than (Running Out of) Steam.

I mean, just look at them:


Until they retconned that Ivy was still in wuv with Waffles.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Coco, you're as cute as a speckled pup but please, pull those shoulders back and stand up straight. Slouchy is not a good look on anyone even your teenage boyfriend.

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4 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Quinn blames herself, not for her cheating with Ridge, of course, but for bringing Katie back to FC. 

I mean....that was a pretty stupid move, too, though. I guess she figured that since she bribed Steffy into acceptance that she could do it with Katie, too. But then, Steffy is pretty simple; she wanted power and even before she became the petty bitch we all hate, her interest in FC was apparent.

Katie OTOH is a nosy, sour Lemonhead. Nothing makes her happy that I can think of. She reminds me of this one chick I used to work with in the Navy who always put everyone's fucking business out and thrived on the gossip...then was so shocked when she found herself the well-deserved butt of many jokes when her affair with a would-be Chief came out in the most hilarious way possible (PROTIP: Don't videotape yourself banging someone at your command. Especially when your husband has the password and you live in base housing where any reports of cops visiting your house will get sent up to your CO the next morning).

She didn't learn a damn thing from the experience and neither will Katie. If Quinn was half the danger she's been made out to be, Katie wouldn't have had the cajones to keep getting in her face at every opportunity.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Ivy and Wyatt were magic together and a million times more exciting to watch than (Running Out of) Steam.

I mean, just look at them:


Until they retconned that Ivy was still in wuv with Waffles.

I dunno, I remember thinking initially that the timing was too quick, even by B&B standards. I liked the idea of this pairing, but between most of their relationship revolving around the fallout from Ally's death and that bullshit with Thomas, the execution left a lot to be desired. It was pretty obvious from her blackmailing Steffy that she wasn't over Waffles' sorry ass.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Is Katie the Walrus, a harbinger of death or is she Charon, the ferryman who take people across the River of Styx?  Maybe she is just an outright witch that has no regard for anyone else's feelings but her own.  A person that has to control every situation to make herself feel superior. Katie is actually the most controlling character from pushing Brooke and Bill together, Bill's drinking, fainting at Bill's and Brooke's attempted wedding, even with her so called alcoholism, etc.  Katie is a legion in her own mind. Is this revisionist history where Katie feels more protected by Eric than her own father?  My take is that Katie will be more hurting Eric than helping him. This will only help Katie clear her hypocritical conscience.  Here is where TBTB got Katie's character down pat. They must know my sister. 

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18 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Is this revisionist history where Katie feels more protected by Eric than her own father?

Weeeeeeeeell...Stephen Logan was a shitheel who bailed on his entire family because of his own insecurities. Katie was still fairly young when that happened.

But this ish here with Eric? When did they ever interact before this? They barely spoke during his marriages with both her sisters. I guess he could "protect" her more than het father, but so could a newborn chihuahua. 

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Amazing...simply amazing!  Isn't it simply amazing how Ridge-Pen always bounces back after losing Brooke?  He's like a Slinky.  No matter how much the child pulls and contorts that marvelous, wonderful toy, it always returns to its original form.  It was only a matter of time before these two tools betrayed Eric yet again.  For all of Ridge-Pen's "angst" about being a piece of shit who bounces from woman to woman, he has to know on some level that he'll never change.  There's a sense of freedom in that, as well as not having to work to "put [his] family back together for RJ's sake"--as if they were always a cohesive unit.  This would have been a good time for Slouchy to come walking in and seeing with his own eyes exactly why his mother is now Mrs. Spencer.

Given how expressive Quinn's face is, it will be hilarious watching her trying to pretend when Eric plays "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" with Katie.  And, you just know that heifer will be sitting there watching "Quidge" just like a spider with her smirks and smug remarks.

I know it would be heartbreaking for Brooke to lose yet another family member.  But, at this point, I'm all for Quinn doing what she does best.  Forget that fantasy about conking Miss Run 'N Tell Dat over the head with a candlestick.  Too messy.  Quinn should be a little more creative than that.  She should create a beautiful choker necklace and bestow it as a gift on Katie.  Quinn could even pretend it's a thank-you gift from her and Eric in appreciation for all of Katie's "hard work."  Except, that necklace comes laced with a slow-acting poison that seeps through the skin and cuts off Katie's air supply over time.  I've had more than my fill of Miss Run 'N Tell Dat's haughtiness, unwarranted conceit and hypocrisy.

Edited by MulletorHater
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23 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

person that has to control every situation to make herself feel superior. Katie is actually the most controlling character from pushing Brooke and Bill together, Bill's drinking, fainting at Bill's and Brooke's attempted wedding, even with her so called alcoholism, etc.  

Forgot to comment, but don't forget that she encouraged Bridget to forgive Nick and take his sorry ass back.

Girl has more issues than Nation Geographic for sure.

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26 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Is Katie the Walrus, a harbinger of death or is she Charon, the ferryman who take people across the River of Styx?  Maybe she is just an outright witch that has no regard for anyone else's feelings but her own.  A person that has to control every situation to make herself feel superior. Katie is actually the most controlling character from pushing Brooke and Bill together, Bill's drinking, fainting at Bill's and Brooke's attempted wedding, even with her so called alcoholism, etc.  Katie is a legion in her own mind. Is this revisionist history where Katie feels more protected by Eric than her own father?  My take is that Katie will be more hurting Eric than helping him. This will only help Katie clear her hypocritical conscience.  Here is where TBTB got Katie's character down pat. They must know my sister. 


1 minute ago, Anna Yolei said:

Forgot to comment, but don't forget that she encouraged Bridget to forgive Nick and take his sorry ass back.

Girl has more issues than Nation Geographic for sure.

If I'm not mistaken, Miss Thing also manipulated Brooke into reconciling with Ridge "for RJ's sake," after which she made a play for Nick herself.  Of course, Cap'n Save-a-Ho was ripe for the picking.

She also arrogantly threw her hat into the ring to be young Jack's mother.  Her revengemance with Ridge was another form of manipulation, particularly when she tried to insert him into the middle of her custody/visitation dispute with Bill.

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2 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I mean....that was a pretty stupid move, too, though. I guess she figured that since she bribed Steffy into acceptance that she could do it with Katie, too. But then, Steffy is pretty simple; she wanted power and even before she became the petty bitch we all hate, her interest in FC was apparent.

Katie OTOH is a nosy, sour Lemonhead. Nothing makes her happy that I can think of. She reminds me of this one chick I used to work with in the Navy who always put everyone's fucking business out and thrived on the gossip...then was so shocked when she found herself the well-deserved butt of many jokes when her affair with a would-be Chief came out in the most hilarious way possible (PROTIP: Don't videotape yourself banging someone at your command. Especially when your husband has the password and you live in base housing where any reports of cops visiting your house will get sent up to your CO the next morning).

She didn't learn a damn thing from the experience and neither will Katie. If Quinn was half the danger she's been made out to be, Katie wouldn't have had the cajones to keep getting in her face at every opportunity.

But Quinn didn't want her to work there. Katie pulled a fast one in front of Eric to force Quinn to hire her. She is seriously turning into a crazy, hateful bitch and may force the return of an even crazier Quinn. 

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I have to give props to HT for her portrayal of the despicable Katie. The tears this afternoon when she was talking about her loyalty to Eric and how could she betray him by not telling him that she saw Quinn and Ridge kissing was brilliant and so over the top that I could see her losing control of reality. Ivy was trying to be the voice of reason with her but she's going over the edge. So who kills her? Ridge, Quinn, Ivy, a stranger who breaks into her house? It's about time we had a good murder mystery on a soap. Seems like we used to have one about once a year which certainly generated a lot of interest. Boy, do these shows need to generate some interest now!

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Katie being so OTT this afternoon makes me think she'll have a similar, only more so, meltdown, tell Eric and he won't believe her because she's overwrought.

The more he tries to calm her down and reasonably say things like "Katie are you sure?"  "Are you sure you didn't misunderstand?" "Katie I'm your friend, just calm down so we can talk about this" the more hyped up she'll get.

Eric will ask if she actually saw Quridge kissing and she'll say "No, but I always knew they were up to something."  Eric will take this as proof Katie has imagined the whole thing. He'll think she's having a mini breakdown, probably because Brill got married; she's alone; she's had a tough year with the divorce and drinking.

Brooke will not tell Eric the truth, probably even if Katie insists to Eric that Brooke told her about "The Kiss in Australia".  Quridge certainly won't admit anything. Ivy --- I'm not so sure -- but I think she'll keep quiet. 

In the short term I think "the secret" is safe.  Long term of course we know Eric will find out.  I really wish Show would have Eric find out and do -- nothing.

Be angry, be sad, but not break up his marriage.  Be wise enough to know that Ridge and Quinn are both self-destructive people and know that Quinn doesn't believe she deserves love and that Ridge feels this pathological need to seduce every woman he meets, have them dying for love/lust of him, and then drop them once he done it. (I will always believe he went after Caroline to get back at Rick).

I want Eric to forgive Quinn because he knows how damaged she is and knows that if he leaves her he proves to her what she believes about herself.  I really believe that Quinn loves Eric (and he loves her), it's just that her dark twisted side is drawn to Ridge's dark side.  Besides Eric ultimately forgave Stephanie for all her affairs (and everything else she did) so I think he can muster the same for Quinn.

And seriously Ridge, if you say you don't like Quinn and never have, then stop going after her (yeah I know she responds, but really...)  Not that I think Show is this clever, but Ridge is acting like he's still out to seduce Quinn and show Eric what a disloyal slut she is. It would be interesting if all this time Ridge has been playing the long con and really did mean he's do anything (even lose Brooke) to get Quinn out of their lives.

And if none of the above is the scenario, I'm all for someone killing Katie as long as the murderer isn't Quinn.

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Eric and Ridge are as damaged as Quinn is and that's what makes the soaps interesting. Or used to make them interesting. Katie is having a mental breakdown and I hope the other characters realize this and get her some help. She doesn't have the right to destroy the lives of other people. Perhaps Will can go to live with Bill and Brooke so that they can start over raising a 3 year old. How fun would that be?! 

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I was confused by Katie's weird display of emotion today. So maybe she's channeling all of her pain and disappointment over Brill and projecting them onto Quinn and Ridge. Why is she just focusing her threats on Quinn? Ridge is part of the ongoing great deception, too.

Wouldn't it be an interesting twist if Ivy, after mulling over Katie's words, is the one who goes to Eric with the truth? That would certainly defuse Katie.

Ivy look absolutely stunning in that lilac dress.  Happy to hear she had a date!

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Enough already!  Ridge and Quinn need to fuck and get it over with. I'm bored with this storyline.  Ridge saying 'I don't even like you' and then going in for the make out was old when soap operas began. The show needs to decide what it wants.  Either Ridge and Quinn are 'meant for each other' but don't want to admit it or they're both sociopaths who can't help but act out sexually.  I think it's the second.

I am beyond over Katie but I have to admit that she had a point.  Eric DOES need to know what's going on.  Everyone who is keeping the secret is doing it for their own selfish reasons, no matter how much they CLAIM to love Eric.  He's going to be devastated and humiliated when he finds out how long this was going on behind his back and how many people knew and didn't tell him.

If keeping the secret is calling Katie so much agony, then she needs to just spill and move out of the way.  Brooke is on her honeymoon.  She doesn't owe Ridge or Quinn a fucking thing.  If Eric was such an important 'father figure' and means so much, she should tell him.  The fly in the ointment is that she wants to fuck her so-called father figure.

I'm also over Coco.  She's an INTERN, for Christ's sake.  It's been made clear that she was used without her knowledge or consent so her 'career' is safe.  And since the person who showed her the top secret Forrester designs in the first place, good ol' Slouchy, hasn't even had a stern talking to, I don't think she should stress too much.  Everything is hearts and roses at Forrester now and she's back to work.  And since her 'job' leaves her ample time for babysitting....

If anyone knows what an evil witch her grandmother is, it's Coco.  Or maybe Sally has kept Grandma's toxicity away from her.  Either way, she knows her family and knows the games they play.  She has to know the kind of pressure Sally was under to even consider stealing designs.  'Good-guy' Saul and Darlita (who I'm convinced is developmentally impaired) were in on the scheme too.  Meanwhile, Coco was swanning around at Forrester.  Sally didn't have anyone on her side.

Thanks @grisgris for the reminder of what a sleazeball Eric used to be.  Ridge is more like the old man than any of the 'true blood' Forrester sons.

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