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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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17 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Rick is still bitching to Eric (dude, the train has left the station) and keeps on with the insults to Wyatt: "And sluggo, the amazing mama's boy, has no business making executive decisions. What are you doing, dad? What are you doing to the company?"

This from the guy whose wife and mother constantly fight his battles and who once faked an injury to get the Presidency!* That's rich! I never thought I'd say this after all he shit N the mid 2000s, but I miss Gorilick. He was still a buttbiscut (not a Billy Abbot level, but could sure keep pace) but the actor brought an edge to the role that JY just does not have. He was okay as pre-Justin Tolkensen Rick but going on five years into this adult recast, he still doesn't work.

*Wouldve been co-President, but Ridge found working with him to be unbareable and insulting and step down in true Ridge N. Titled fashion. Except strangely, I didn't entirely hate Ridge for that then.

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Why is Eric standing around arguing with Liam. Just throw the little shit out by his ear.  

Why is Katie's house decorated so masculine?  Katie, and you are all that "right in the head"?  The lingering kiss on the cheek has turned into a peck on the cheek like rape night turned into mutual convent. Brooke seemed to be excited about Katie having a crush on Eric and probably would condone Katie going for it.  Good for Katie that she's just in time to lurk and take a video. Of course, like most videos, these days, they don't tell the whole truth.  Katie once again will be the catalyst, as with Ridge, to stick her nose in where it doesn't belong.  I find it funny that the partially opened door has morphed into the fully open door and the lurker is on the same side of the door.  

Eric finally calling a spade a spade or should I say a waffle a waffle.  Liam has nobody to blame but himself.  Liam has been causing drama long before Quinn came on the scene and Eric called him out in it.

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49 minutes ago, Ladybugnine said:

Oh, my damn, y'all! Did you witness the glorious, amazing way Eric opened up the entire NY Public Library on Liam?!? Said he waffled between Hope, Steffy, and Ivy? It was beautiful! Someone has been lurking on PTV, no?

Oh, maaaaaaan! I might actually watch that live (I've got forty minutes before it airs in San Diego and the TV in the dealership lounge is always on CBS)!

But yeah, it does seem like the writers have given Liam's halo a few dings in recent months between this and the way Bill shut down his mewling over Styatt a few months ago right before SC went on paternity leave. And it's very much welcomed. We don't need a Ridge/Rick love child with their worst traits in one guy and we've now got Prince Valium Zende in the waffle iron space that Liam once occupied.

I agree with Waldo that Eric should've cleaned his damn clock for barging into his house. Recovering or not, I bet Eric would win handedly.

Speaking of Eric, it looks like JMc has lost some weight recently. I noticed that yesterday in his scenes with Quinn. Or maybe it's just his clothing which isn't the usual suits he wears.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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I was able to watch live today and oh my stars Eric's smack down of Waffle was a thing of beauty.  I'm going to watch is again on POP to savor the flavor. Liam seemed positively insulted by Eric's truth telling regarding his failed relationships. I guess no one has ever called him out about it   From the look on Liam's face as he and Eric finished talking I think he knows Steffy will move into the mansion if Eric asks her and that their days are numbered.  Eric made it perfectly clear to Liam he wants him out of Steffy's life. 

OK Show, what devilment do you have Nosey Parker Lemonheads planning with taping Quinn and Liam's conversation?  Are you going to have her play it to Eric and say that Quinn is threatening to get rid of Liam by saying his days with Steffy are numbered? Whatever the plan is, stop it right now.

Still smiling over Eric calling out Liam's waffling.  

Question -- is Steffy's real name just Steffy or is she really named Stephanie? Because I think Stephanie Forrester CEO sounds so much better.

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Recap for Thurs. 12/15

This episode is must-see, if only for the long-overdue dressing down Eric gives Waffles.

Wyatt is still holding Steffy's hand, remarking again that her wedding ring tattoo is fading, but not gone.

They banter a bit about jewelry in the future and it's a nice moment, so of course, it has to be interrupted by Waffles.

He surmises the meeting is over and Steffy concurs, indicating her work day is almost over, too. It's clear she doesn't want to get into anything but as we all know, Waffles couldn't read a room with a live interpreter whispering in his ear.

He snarks about Wyatt's clearly unwelcome presence. "Heard you were here for it, too." And that's any business of your's how, exactly? 

Wyatt makes a hasty exit, not up for a battle of wits that he'd easily win against his useless brother.

Liam asks, "So, how'd it go?"

Steffy wastes no time in sharing her good news.  "Welcome to my new office."

Liam: "You said 'yes.'" How Steffy can tolerate this deliberately obtuse man-child is beyond me.

Eric and Quinn ensure the tattoo removal doctor is sufficiently shooed away and Quinn looks like a little kid on Christmas morning, gleeful with Eric being on her side where the better man for Steffy is concerned. 

Nicole and Rick are chatting about the recent turn of events and do I really have to recap these two?

Okay, but I won't like it.

Although, it could be worse - it could be Nicole and Zende.

Nicole: "So, it's a done deal?"

Rick: "For today. Who knows? Maybe next, my dad will turn this building into a Quinn museum. We'll have Quinn jewelry, we'll have Quinn clothing, yummy Quinn recipes, maybe even little Quinn baby pictures." What a douchecanoe crybaby. He thanks Nicole for letting him blow off some steam, recognizing there's no use stirring up Hurricane Maya. But are we going to see more of Nicole being his confidante, shoulder to cry on? Not that I care all that much. 

Nicole points out all that he still does have and that's unexpectedly mature of her. He teases her when she asks if she still has to get him his coffee and what's this? A little flirting? I would honestly love it because Maya would lose her shit like she has never lost it before.

Rick, in a mature moment for him (rare, I know) rationalizes that he can't blame Steffy: "She's smart, she's tough, and unlike her father, she actually listens to people. So what she lacks in experience, she'll make up for asking the right questions. What she doesn't see is that Quinn is using her."

Wyatt enters then, taking some pictures of Nicole, telling her he's now head of PR and she'll be helping him more.

Rick: "Yeah, because of your mother." And there goes his maturity.

Wyatt: "Um, and your father." Bu-urn.

Quinn and Eric decide it's been a long day and head out for home.

Back in the CEO office, you can tell Steffy is already annoyed. "So you're not gonna congratulate me?" He just stands there, slack-jawed and blinking. She sighs: "Liam, I couldn't turn it down. It was that simple."

Why she is wasting her time with this fool is beyond me. 

Liam: "And Wyatt was at the meeting, too. Can you tell me why that is?" OMG, who or who wasn't there is NONE of your business, Waffles.

Nicole, Wyatt, and Rick discuss the new hierarchy. According to Rick, it's all courtesy of Quinn. Wrong.

Eric and Quinn arrive home and she teases him about the little surprises he unveiled at the meeting. I love his rationale: "It was just seeing how outraged Rick and Ridge were when i promoted my granddaughter over them, I just thought it would be good for them to be outraged a little bit more."

Quinn and I both laugh at that.

Eric: I love my sons, but humility is not their strong suit. (The understatement of the year). Look, you don't even have to go in, really. It's not like they need supervision. It's just that, when you do, i want you have some authority. And I want to hear right away if there's any disrespect there at all."

Quinn: "No, I've given up expecting respect a long time ago. I just hope Steffy will work with me." I think she's a lot closer to doing that than anyone, Steffy included, realizes.

Eric says he hasn't given her much choice in the matter.

Steffy defends Wyatt's presence (ahhh!), telling him Eric thinks of him as a son. Something he never saw Liam as.

Liam wants to know why Eric doesn't feel just as betrayed by Steffy as by Rick and Ridge. Because she, at least, expressed real remorse (well, Rick did, too) and with a lot less whining. 

Steffy: "He does and he doesn't. I mean, I've been relentless about wanting Quinn out of his life, but I've never been underhanded about it. He knows I have good reason." True.

Liam is still whining about the marriage Quinn tricked her into, their future she tried to steal. So why aren't you married again, already? This idiot actually has the audacity to ask why he wasn't invited to the CEO annointing and is he SERIOUS with this? 

Steffy informs him there were changes with the executive team, among them Wyatt being named head of PR, which Liam just laughs and laughs about, only it's not funny to Steffy.  He is smart enough to realize what this means - Eric is fully in support of Wyvvy.

Steffy insists that they can want whatever, "but where I lay my head down at night -- that's not part of the job description."

Liam: "Well, maybe the message being sent is intended for me." Not that he'll listen.

Wyatt tells Nicole and Rick he'll be starting a new social media campaign for Steffy and is open to suggestions. He tries to pitch for his mother being a good interim CEO but Rick won't hear of it. 

Wyatt: "When have you seen Eric happier than he is right now?" Never - except perhaps in the early days with Brooke.

Rick: "Before any of us ever laid eyes on the two of you. Just have to say." Oh piss off, Rick!

Steffy tells Liam not to make this about the two of them (right....). She gets a wee bit melodramatic: "Can you just stop and think for a minute what this means to me personally? Every male member of my family would have to die before I would ever get a chance to run Forrester Creations," which is enough to finally force an apology from him. 

He asks questions he should have asked long ago, you know, to show he's actually interested, about Rick and Ridge's reactions. Steffy tells him they got to keep their jobs (which was generous of Eric, considering) and Liam immediately wants to know who is president.

Steffy tells him "Quinn" and I sit back and wait for his head to explode or at least his beady-eyes to pop out of his furry little face.

Steffy can see him wind up to start in on her all over again and she shuts him down, asking to please save this for when they're at home. He takes the hint and leaves shortly thereafter (thank God!)

Steffy sits on the couch, admiring her office and then recalls a time when she was a little girl, playing hide and seek with her grandfather.

Wyatt comes in then, teasing her as to whether she's given out orders and she laughs (which I wouldn't be amused), relaying how Pam snottily answered the phone to her new CEO with "I'm busy, What do you want?" Classy.

He flirts a little bit with her and she seems to enjoy it  - for a moment - asking if he can striptease for her.

She then changes course when he asks about the CEO announcement, insisting on the announcement making her appear the epitome of professional and grown up. 

Eric and Quinn are still discussing his sending away of the tattoo removal doctor and he has a moment of concern that he did the wrong thing. 

Eric: "You know, your son and my granddaughter blame our marriage for the failure of theirs." Quinn surmises that Wyatt is long past thinking that and Eric thinks Steffy might be thinking differently, too, remarking that "as time goes by, I think she's gonna realize that nobody forced her to marry Wyatt, or to leave him, either. And, in time, she's gonna remember why she married him. You know, every marriage is not meant to last, but I think it should be a little more difficult than a simple cosmetic surgery to end it." I would wholeheartedly agree.

Quinn goes off to the kitchen to see about dinner when Eric hears a rat-a-tat-tat on the door and this is THE scene we've all been waiting for.

He answers it to find Liam on the other side, as puffed up as soggy Waffles can get.

Eric: "Liam. Hello." Very neutral.

Liam: "It's good to see you looking well." Emphasis from him on "looking." Since we clearly know he doesn't trust Eric's in his right mind because he's a MD and psychic all rolled into one.

Eric, kindly, tells him now isn't a good time but Liam completely ignores him and has the nerve to slam and hold the door open. For those saying, "Oh no, he did NOT!" Yes, yes, this fool did.

Eric figures he might as well get this over with and hear what the little weasel has to say, lets him in. "What is it, Liam? Did Steffy tell you about her new position at Forrester?" We know that Eric totally knows that Liam knows...and Liam knows that Eric knows Liam knows but it's delicious all the same as he baits him.

Liam: "She did. Your old position. Yes. She did."

Eric: "Well, I trust that you were proud and happy for her." And again, I just love Eric, setting the trap.

Liam: "I wish I could be. More than anything, I wish i could be. And I thought that you and i had -- I don't know -- a mutual respect." Respect? Well, I wouldn't call barging into someone's house when they've politely told you to leave respect of any kind.

Eric: "I believe we do." He is so very tolerant.

Liam: "And yet, you seem to be playing matchmaker between Steffy and Wyatt. Quinn's idea, obviously, but, Eric, your doing." Oooh, I bet he felt all big in his britches, saying that.

Eric: "My granddaughter and i make up our own minds about everything. And her love life is hers alone." You are treading on thin ice, Liam.

Liam: "Okay, is it, though? Because you just dangled the one thing that you knew Steffy couldn't refuse, the one dream she thought would never come true in exchange for, what, for her tolerating Quinn?" Oh no, you did not just go there, Liam.

Eric, angry now, has had enough. "All right, listen. I want you to --" get the fuck out of my house is what I would say, but Eric is much cultured than me.

Quinn, hearing the commotion, races into the living room and wants to know what's going on.

Liam: "What did you do to him? I hope you're checking your medications against photos of what they're supposed to look like. Have you been acting like yourself lately?" The balls of this dude. 

Eric: "That's enough!"

Liam: "Nobody else thinks so!" Oh but if he was kissing your candy ass, even if he had a brain tumor, you'd think he was A-okay, Liam.

Quinn: "I think you should go now."

Liam: "Or maybe it's just the brainwashing technique. I mean, has she told you about her traumatic childhood yet? Has she done that? Has she offered to whisk you away to a cabin in the woods? That one's gonna be good." I don't mind the dig about the kidnapping but don't you dare talk about her childhood (which I wish TPTB would dig into more than that half-assed little flashback). And how is it he remembers that little detail but not Steffy and Wyatt sharing a bed the night he came back from Aussie land?

Eric: "You need to stop this." A warning...which Liam refuses to take.

Liam: "I know you. I see you. I know what you are. You're a predator, and you've got your teeth so deep in him, he's hardly there." How Eric doesn't lunge at him for this I will never know. And for someone so noble and caring, you can tell Liam doesn't give two shits about 
Eric or his health - if he drives him to a heart attack or another stroke, so be it, so long as he proves his point.

Eric: "This is my house! You do not come in here and talk about my wife this way!" He is absolutely furious and instead of backing off, Liam just double-downs.

Liam: "Your wife. Who was my wife first. Isn't that right, Eve? Eric, I have been where you are. And there is a way back out from it, but you have to remember your real life, and you have to want it back." You stupid arrogant ignorant fool. I hope Eric wipes the floor with you and then he does, hitting him squarely between the eyes with the sad, pathetic truth of Liam "Waffles 2.0" Spencer.

Eric, calm now and confident: "I have what I want. I'm just sorry you're a man incapable of happiness for himself. And, really, why would I want that for my granddaughter?" I think I rewound that last line about 10 times. Because what the hell is Liam going to say in response?

Nothing. That's right. 

Just an amazing, masterful scene of Eric, older, wiser, and knowing his granddaughter a million times more than Liam ever will, reading him for utter filth.

Edited by CountryGirl
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1 hour ago, La di Diva said:

Question -- is Steffy's real name just Steffy or is she really named Stephanie? Because I think Stephanie Forrester CEO sounds so much better.

Steffy is legally Stephanie Forrester. I suspect they don't call her that to distinguish between her and the original queen bitch, which made sense when Flannery was still on the show.

52 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam: "And Wyatt was at the meeting, too. Can you tell me why that is?"

Ummm, because this new thing called "he works there," and also "none of your beeswax." :/

The old AOL dial up tone is less annoying to listen to than him.

52 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Liam: "Well, maybe the message being sent is intended for me." Not that he'll listen.

That's the most conceited line ever written for any character on this show, including 1980s Ridge.

But as Eric laid out today, why the hell would ANY ONE want this guy in their family, and with their daughter? Brooke and Taylor never addressed this because they were too busy one-upping each other and using their daughters to do it. Actually, Taylor did once tell Steffy on the way home from Italy that she deserved better than to repeat her, Taylor's, mistakes with Ridge...only to do a spin so fast that even Tony Hawk would get vertigo when Lope's Italy marriage was invalid.

But anyway, I wished someone had dressed him down before now. Ridge seemed like an obvious choice given Hope and Steffy are both his daughters. I think Jack Wagner was gone before the Aspen rubbish happened, but given how close he was to Hope, I would have loved a scene of him telling her she doesn't deserve this and one where he put Liam on notice when he came sniffing back. God, I wish Stephanie could have done it when he came bouncing back to Steffy.

But oh well. Better late than never.

52 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

Can you just stop and think for a minute what this means to me personally? Every male member of my family would have to die before I would ever get a chance to run Forrester Creations

...because she can kill one cousin and electrocuted the other and Rick got rid of Phoebe! Bazinga!

..sorry, I had to say it :p

But in all seriousness, she's right. Regardless of how she got the position, it's a great opportunity. One thing that's been consistent is her interest and investment in the company's future...with mixed results, I'll grant, but someone with the history they supposedly have would understand and be supportive of her happiness.

This isn't Hope jumping ahead making decisions about their relationship as a selling point. Steffy talked to him as an adult before hand. He should get behind her or GTFO.

17 minutes ago, Gudzilla said:

While I agree with Eric, I will continue to withhold my judgement on Wyatt's loyalty until a time comes when he's pursued by 2 women at once. I suspect another waffler shall be born on that day. 

I prefer the term "Bell Boy," as coined by John McCook in a recent interview. ;)

But yeah. I'm not looking forward to that day. :(

Edited by Anna Yolei
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For all you Liam/Katie-shipers, today was your day.

After Eric had dressed Liam down, he told Liam he was going to invite Steffy to live at the Forrester Mansion to get ahead of the potential bad publicity of the new CEO of Forrester Creations living with the brother of her present husband. This confirmed Liam's suspicions that Eric was actively working against the divorce and Steffy moving on with him.

Liam has voiced his fears of The Real Quinn, but he's also very uncertain about his romantic hold and influence with Steffy -- because she's a faithless slag and will do what feeds her ego in the end. Last time Liam lost her to Wyatt, the situation was similar -- Steffy was stifled by Liam's discouraging words about flying off the handle and assaulting another cousin, and she pursued Wyatt's encouraging words and company. Liamnesiac returned from Australia, broke his engagement with Steffy and ended up with Eve at the Magic Cabin in the Woods. With Liam's texts by Quinn, Steffy lost faith while being romanced by Wyatt, and chose to marry him. The marriage didn't stop Steffy from thinking about Liam no matter how many times she road Wyatt's disco stick. Though Wyatt had rescued Liam from the Magic Cabin, Liam worked tirelessly for weeks to convince Steffy to leave her marriage to Wyatt, and Liam has been frantic and defensive of both Quinn and Wyatt ever since. Liam wants them both gone; fine with Ridge and Steffy's underhanded behavior in disenfranchising Eric of Forrester Creations, if it sent Quinn packing.

Liam bellowing about the strings attached to Steffy's promotion and yelling at Eric about Quinn, in Eric's home, will earn him no points with Steffy. Eric might look like his old self, but he's still recovering from a stroke precipitated by an argument with his family for marrying Quinn.

As Anna pointed out:

4 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

But as Eric laid out today, why the hell would ANY ONE want this guy in their family, and with their daughter? Brooke and Taylor never addressed this because they were too busy one-upping each other and using their daughters to do it. Actually, Taylor did once tell Steffy on the way home from Italy that she deserved better than to repeat her, Taylor's, mistakes with Ridge...only to do a spin so fast that even Tony Hawk would get vertigo when Lope's Italy marriage was invalid.

But anyway, I wished someone had dressed him down before now. Ridge seems like an obvious choice given Hope and Steffy are both their daughters. I think Jack Wagner was gone before the Aspen rubbish happened, but given how close he was to Hope, I would have loved a scene of him telling her she doesn't deserve this and one where he put Liam on notice when he came sniffing back. God, I wish Stephanie could have done it.

But oh well. Better late than never.

Amen to that!

Quinn escorts Liam to the door, while spurred by Brooke encouraging Katie to tell Eric about her misgivings about The New Quinn, Katie ambles over the "handle Eric" and tell him what she thinks is really going in Quinn's mind. Katie lurks in the shrubs, listening to Quinn tell Liam to enjoy the time he has, because "these days are going to be your last", presumably with Steffy. Both Liam and Katie -- unhappy with their outsider-status, two put-upon myopic dilettantes, annoyed and not a little paranoid -- were alarmed by what they heard. Which is all the excuse Katie will need to join up with Liam to plot against Quinn. Liam will push Steffy to do what he wants and she will balk, angry that he isn't being supportive of her success. Much bickering and repeated dialog will be yelped. Just kill it already!

And where there is uncertainty and fear, Katie and Liam tend to cling to whomever they are with. Neither of them will have very good reasons or excuses for schtupping the other. Any chance Liam had for getting back Steffy will be lost in her squalling about dicking his father's ex-wife. $Bill should be insulting and entertaining. Katie will play the wounded party, like when she had Dying Wish Sex with Nick, in spite of him being engaged to her niece -- Upshot, Katie walks away unsullied because in her world it merely happened to her. Katie was a recipient, not an active participant. <snore>

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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On 12/15/2016 at 10:24 AM, Anna Yolei said:

Poor Maya, having to raise two babies at once.

At least Lizzie will grow up ten years from now.

You really think it's going to be 10 whole years before she's SORASed into the president of FC?

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27 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

These fucking hacks! Why would anyone find that conversation worth recording? Makes no fucking sense.

I thought it was pretty obvious what Quinn said was no threat...it was "enjoy your time with Steffy now because she'll be going back to her husband."  Besides, I think Katie will have lots of splainin' to do as to why she was creeping around recording other people's conversations.

On another note...ok, fess up, which one of you Preverts is the Bell plant??  Was the use of "waffle" a coinky-dink?  I think not!!! :)

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

I thought it was pretty obvious what Quinn said was no threat...it was "enjoy your time with Steffy now because she'll be going back to her husband."  Besides, I think Katie will have lots of splainin' to do as to why she was creeping around recording other people's conversations.

On another note...ok, fess up, which one of you Preverts is the Bell plant??  Was the use of "waffle" a coinky-dink?  I think not!!! :)

They're trolling us...HARD

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2 hours ago, tricknasty said:

These fucking hacks! Why would anyone find that conversation worth recording? Makes no fucking sense.

As I said in a recent Y&R post, everything is a scandal here. You may have seen that "Thanks, Obama!" meme floating around of people blaming him for dumb shit like tripping over an untied shoelace or spilling coffee? That's basically the Forresters' attitude towards Quinn.

And of course they will eat it all up like the gullible idiots they all are.

One thing I forgot to mention yesterday: Nicole's Victoria Newman impression: copy her resting bitch face all day, but do NOT start with the rat's nest hair. Brushes are your friend.

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:


On another note...ok, fess up, which one of you Preverts is the Bell plant??  Was the use of "waffle" a coinky-dink?  I think not!!! :)

That's what I thought. The dialogue was practically verbatim of some of the discussions we've had here. Kudos for JM for delivering them so astutely.  I loved watching Liam's eyes slowly blink in disbelief/delayed reaction.

Regardless of what transpired in the end, it was  W-A-A-Y too early for Katie to go running directly to Eric. I think she needed a lot more time to collect more "evidence" against Quinn, so she'd at least have a more compelling case.

Anyway, I had to play Eric's "Waffle" speech over and over and laughed harder each time!

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Actually, the only buzzkill to an episode that has knocked Bill's Dare dressing down off the podium of best reading for hypocritical filth was Quinn going on about about Liam's love supposedly changing her. What love? She took advantage of him, and Liam's insecurities aside , there was no way he'd have ever looked at her were he in his right mind. I'm glad they aren't entirely revising that like Caroline/Thomas, but this is where the whole blitzing through all of that falls apart.

That out the way, how was that going to prove anything to Eric? This is nothing new to him...he knew what she'd done and Eric still cared about her. That is what love is. But Captive Cabin or no, our resident South Park Canadian cosplayer has never seemed to grasp this concept. I'll say this for Ridge: the writers actually made effort to show he was torn...in the most insulting ways for sure (like the Batchelor-esque announcements as to who he was choosing), but can anyone here see Ridge tearing up annulment papers to Brooke and neglecting to tell Taylor about this until they're all standing at the alter and BROOKE has to spill the beans? Ridge did leave Brooke for Taylor because of Thomas, but he didn't make that decision the same day he found out like Liam did at that wedding Brooke set up for Lope. 

But like everyone else here, I applauded whichever writer and/or actor that has been reading this board who push for this conversation. Especially the use of the term "waffle." ??

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OH! This just keeps getting better and better.


Steffy said yes, to no one's surprise, except maybe her dad and her uncle. I have to give it to Jacob Young, he can play petulance like no other. As pointed out earlier by ByTor, Rick's "But Daaaaaaaaddd!! was spot on and hilarious. His whiney, non stop drivel, as Eric was trying to speak, and his attack on Wyatt, labeling him "Sluggo", and going on to talk about him being a mamma's boy, were just so good. Rick knows better than that shit anyway; all the men on the B&B are mama's boys. Maya may now own Rick's balls, but Rick will always be a breast feeder, and will be forever attached to Brooke's teet. It was nice to see Wyatt take the reigns, and remind everyone that Steffy is her own person, and makes her own decisions. I don't like Steffy, but if I were her, I would be about up to here with all this talk from the men in my life about how fucking easily I am manipulated. And about how I was tricked into marrying someone. And about how I need to be protected, and have all the big, strong, much smarter men guide me and my life. That is all the men but Wyatt. Nuff said.

As for whiney baby one and two, and them being passed over for back stabbing Eric when Steffy was right in there with them? I think Eric is considering a lot more than that. I think he is looking back at the history of both his sons, and their missteps when he has put them in charge. Both of them have been in the CEO chair numerous times. So what does that say? If they were good at what they were doing then shouldn't they have kept the seat? So clearly, they have both managed to fuck it up, not once, but many times. Throw in the other times they have conspired against Eric, and done things not in FC's best interest, and the fact that they cannot get along, and them being in charge is always fraught with fighting and arguing. I guess Eric said enough is enough, let's see what Steffy can do. I will be right over there watching if it looks like the ship is starting to sink.

I would love to see them resurrect Brooke's old office for Steffy. The main office, or Eric's office, or whatever it is supposed to be, is so dark and austere, and will never feel like Steffy's to me. Brooke's old office was much more feminine, was brighter, and has the added bonus of being Stephanie's original office before Brooke took over and kicked her to the basement.


How many times have we seen Nicole being Rick's shoulder to cry on? One would think Rick would be running to Maya with all this, she is his wife after all, and it does directly effect her. But why bother when you have sweet, young, Savior Nicole to lean on. I don't know how they are gonna do it, but my bets are Rick/Nicole as endgame.


What the hell are you about Katie? You downplay your actions with Eric to Brooke, making it all seem so innocent, when you knew you went there against Quinn's wishes. Did you tell Brooke about that part? About how Quinn had ask you to not just show up unannounced to spend time with Eric? But how you did it anyway, and brought him a gift, and kissed him just a little too close to the lips to be considered appropriate? Maybe that would have explained why Quinn was angry and confrontational, and why she was looking at you like that. If you think about it hard enough, you might remember a certain night when you invited Brooke over for a "patch it up" dinner, and you, her and Bill where eating and you started seeing them flirting with each other when all they were doing was talking? Oh, but listen to me; I need to shut my stupid mouth, we all know you get a pass because of Stormy's heart and all............

And taping Quinn and Liam? Or should I say, taping only the part that makes Quinn look bad? Wretched little trouble monger.


I think the problem is that Liam has never acknowledged the legitimacy of Wyatt and Steffy's union. Regardless of any manipulation, Steffy still chose of her own will to marry Wyatt. She still spoke vows with him, and pledged her future to him in front of witnesses, Chaz Bono and God. That is the only explanation I can come up with. That, or Liam is just dense. Why would anyone be so perplexed about a mother and grandfather wanting their married son/granddaughter reunited? Even under normal circumstances, when said granddaughter hadn't already been engaged or married a number of times equal her age, it would be understandable. And if, as you have said, you and Steffy share this "Cosmic Love", then why should it matter if Quinn is trying to maneuver Steffy back into Wyatt's orbit? If you and Steffy are good, and as solid as you let on, why are you going on like this? Drinking Scotch in the middle of the day with Bill? That womanizing, philandering, adulterer? Pacing around like a mad man waiting for a stay of execution. Did anyone call you or text you about your presence being needed or desired at FC's? That didn't stop you from going over there and hammering in those nails a little deeper. I think Steffy would be willing to see your points if you could be happy for her. But Liam is determined to cut off his nose to spite his face, and clearly can't see that Steffy is past understanding, and is now getting a little offended.


Wyatt possesses a certain charm, but it really comes from DB's delivery, coupled with his eye's, his facial expressions and his timing. He takes banal dialog and gives it a lift, and a whole different inflection and meaning. I have always been on the fence about Wyatt, but I have always liked DB, and now more so than ever. I just love the way he is shouldering up, all John Wayne like; not being afraid to stand up to Ridge's and Rick's nastiness. The fact that his smack down wasn't about taking up for Quinn, or about him not being this or that, but was about Steffy, and what she deserved, said a lot. Steffy was an idiot to walk away from Wyatt. Just like his dad brought Brooke back to life by letting her be in charge of her life, Wyatt makes Steffy tolerable; the character is so much more likable when she is smiling and laughing, instead of moping and bellyaching about being robbed or manipulated. I also think DB broadens and strengthens JMW's game, because she has to stretch instead of doing the same mournful, lost love routine. I would love to see them get back together; particularly with Steffy being the new leader, and looking to be on screen a lot.


Not once did I ever consider Eric as the one to tell Liam about himself. I don't think I have ever seen this incarnation of Eric; maybe with Brooke, but I really, really like him. His playfulness. His naughtiness. His confidence. My goodness, the way he masterfully handled a very distraught Liam. I will admit that I did feel sorry for Liam when he was trying to make Eric understand the way he knows Quinn. I must give props to Scott Clifton, because I think he was very good in those scenes with Eric. The look on his face as he was trying to get Eric to understand about Captive Cabin, was the look of a desperate man. And here is where I felt bad for him; Liam was violated, and I don't care whether I like you or not, I am never on board for that. Quinn should have paid some sort of price for her actions, but Show didn't go there, so this is what we have. Liam should have been put into counseling or something to help him cope. Doing nothing has him looking positively unhinged as he races around LA shouting about and pointing his finger at Quinn. I also thought his reactions to Eric's words were great; I clearly saw confusion and disbelief and anger and pain. But one has nothing to do with the other. Liam's waffling history predates what happened to him with Quinn. His actions with Hope and Steffy were going on long before the Fuller's hit the scene. So Liam's argument is that he doesn't have one. Those were his choices and his choices alone. So why should Eric want that for Steffy anymore, when she has a husband that adores her and puts her needs and wants first?

Really good stuff by both these guys; I re-watched about five times.


Liam, Ridge, Rick; in that order, because those little devil horns........

Edited by RuntheTable
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The look on his face as he was trying to get Eric to understand about Captive Cabin, was the look of a desperate man.

Really, I can understand how frustrated he is because quazy Quinn is crazy and that craziness will eventually come out and bite Eric in the butt.

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On Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 8:04 AM, RuntheTable said:

Liam's waffling history predates what happened to him with Quinn. His actions with Hope and Steffy were going on long before the Fuller's hit the scene. So Liam's argument is that he doesn't have one. Those were his choices and his choices alone. So why should Eric want that for Steffy anymore, when she has a husband that adores her and puts her needs and wants first?

Bazinga. As you said, those issues, as major as Captive Cabin was, are two things entirely. And frankly it has faint echoes of Brooke manipulating her attack when Ridge was with Ashley. I didn't like it then, and I don't like it now.

On Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 8:04 AM, RuntheTable said:

How many times have we seen Nicole being Rick's shoulder to cry on? One would think Rick would be running to Maya with all this, she is his wife after all, and it does directly effect her. But why bother when you have sweet, young, Savior Nicole to lean on. I don't know how they are gonna do it, but my bets are Rick/Nicole as endgame.

Under normal circumstances, I'd be posting that Captain Picard facepalm pic at the thought of this.

But...God, am I bored of Zende/Nicole. And whatever momentum Mick had was dead before her past was thought up. And hey, it's frigging 2016. Maya can fight her sister for her widdle manchild man like any regular cis woman on the show ;)

On Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 8:04 AM, RuntheTable said:

for whiney baby one and two, and them being passed over for back stabbing Eric when Steffy was right in there with them? I think Eric is considering a lot more than that. I think he is looking back at the history of both his sons, and their missteps when he has put them in charge. Both of them have been in the CEO chair numerous times. So what does that say? If they were good at what they were doing then shouldn't they have kept the seat? So clearly, they have both managed to fuck it up, not once, but many times.

I know, right? Ridge especially has a long, long history of steamrolling everyone, usually with Stephanie's blessing. And Rick....suffice it to say it's a good thing medicinal cannabis is legal in California, and a bowl might do him some good.

But the whole fighting crap would piss anyone off, and neither Ridge nor Rick has any boundaries or any remorse about the collateral damage in their schemes. Seriously, fuck them both.

Where is Thomas in all of this? Is there another recast in the works? And where's Caroline, too?

Edited by Anna Yolei
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The guy who plays Thomas is off making a movie.  Since women on the show can't function without a man, they leaves Caroline off the canvas until he comes back. Wouldn't you think that with such huge changes going on at FC that at least part of the design team needed to be present? /eyeroll

None of this would be an issue for Liam if he'd gone ahead and pressed charges against Quinn.  I still partially blame $Bill for that decision. With all of his billions of dollars, he could have hired the best attorney for Liam. Instead, he foists Justin, who is a corporate attorney at best and has demonstrated his shady side in the past, onto Liam to argue his case.  Indeed, Liam needs counseling and maybe Rick should "pass the bowl" Liam's way. ;-) It might help calm him down.

I am not looking forward to another boring "Liam and Katie as Victims" saga. First of all, Quinn really hasn't done anything to Katie except attempt to set some boundaries as "neighbors." Katie is the one who is doing the poking.  Ever since Liam didn't press charges against Quinn, she has done nothing to him.  Any mother is going to want for her son's marriage to sustain, unless he's married to an absolute shrew (which I still believe is the case, but anyway ...), it's natural that Quinn is going to root for Wyatt and Steffy to stay together. She just has more powerful weapons now at her disposal than the average MIL.

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It seems that these characters (and those on Y&R) repeat the same things over and over and over for weeks on end. Yeah, we heard it the first time and the 50th time. Move it along, please!! Boooorrrriiinnnggg.

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14 hours ago, AngelKitty said:

I really wish they would bring Hope back and then we'd see just how much Liam loves Steffy.

I'm kind of hoping that Eric decides to bring her back for a short visit, not to get her permanently hooked back up with the Waffle, but just to prove his point.  Also, I'd love Hope to find out that Waffles went hardcore after Steffy, blathering on about her being his soulmate, and then kick his waffling ass to the curb when the tries to get her back since Steffy is with Wyatt.  I'd love to see her and Steffy both completely shed their blinders when it comes to him.  

Eric reading him for filth was everything.  So fucking amazing.  And John McCook killed that delivery.  

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2 hours ago, Evanscody said:

Enjoying everyone's comments as the owner of CBS pulled programming in our area. They suck... And thank you for the updates.

Are you in San Diego, by chance? I've heard something about that was going on with our CBS affiliate here.

but I honestly enjoy the recaps more :p

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16 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Are you in San Diego, by chance? I've heard something about that was going on with our CBS affiliate here.

but I honestly enjoy the recaps more :p

Yes @Anna Yolei! Nice to know we're neighbors in So.Cal!!  The owners of CBS were asking the cable company to pay more than double fees to keep them in the local programming lineup.  They ended up settling and we have CBS back, but man the networks are greedier than all get out.

And yes, recaps here are the best!



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20 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I'm kind of hoping that Eric decides to bring her back for a short visit, not to get her permanently hooked back up with the Waffle, but just to prove his point.  Also, I'd love Hope to find out that Waffles went hardcore after Steffy, blathering on about her being his soulmate, and then kick his waffling ass to the curb when the tries to get her back since Steffy is with Wyatt.  I'd love to see her and Steffy both completely shed their blinders when it comes to him.  

Eric reading him for filth was everything.  So fucking amazing.  And John McCook killed that delivery.  

Eh, he needn't bother this time when Liam is showing his ass all on his own, with no manipulation or robbing from outside forces this time. :p Besides, they've got Ivy waiting in the wings once Steffy and Wyatt get back together. Which makes me sad, but we didn't get three years nonstop of Ivy being the the season 6 Rory Gilmore of B&B and given the actual relatively drama free relationship they had before Steffy, it makes a bit more sense for her to be holding a torch.

Like you, I'd much rather see the both of them move on from that waste of skin. Steffy andHope are both horrible in different ways, but the women on this show, with Bridget being the sole exception, are never allowed to move on from their waffle. And now after this time, I'd like to think Hope has some worldliness about to realize how not worth it he is. Maybe once she brings back her French fiancé she'll have enough self esteem to share with Steffy (esteem, not fiancé) and they can have a true relationship again.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Scott Clifton has an awful acting tic....among many. I can't count how many times he would his hand in the form of a fist and put in the air to show anger. Oh! I'm the one who noticed that? Never mind. LOL!! It was great to see Eric read him the the riot act but I thought it was funny coming from Eric who has chased every woman 30 years younger then him while married to Stephanie. I'm surprised he didn't burst in to flames. Too funny! I guess Katie & Liam are going to join forces to bring Quinn down. I don't mid this because Heather Tom has always had great chemistry with SC & DB. Not in a romantic way but the stepmother/friend way. It.will.drive.Quinn.up.a.wall. I can hardly wait. 

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Where is Ivy? Where is Thomas (not that I care about seeing that rapist again)? Where is Caroline (not that I care to see her act like a giddy 12 year old again)? Where is their cute but sadly unfortunate child? Why doesn't anyone in their family even mention them? 

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20 minutes ago, Gam2 said:

Where is Ivy? Where is Thomas (not that I care about seeing that rapist again)? Where is Caroline (not that I care to see her act like a giddy 12 year old again)? Where is their cute but sadly unfortunate child? Why doesn't anyone in their family even mention them? 

I think someone said that Pierson Fode is making a move but I don't know why Linsey isn't allowed to work. It must suck to probably airtime & possibly money on account of another actor. Also, where are Maya's parents? I guess once the Myron story was played out there wasn't any story for them. It's only a half hour show so I guess Brad Bell can't write for everyone.......except Scott Clifton & Darin Brooks. Those two are alway working.

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After seeing Katie taping Quinn & Liam. I'm convinced that she and Waffle are going to team up to get rid of Quinn. Probably by making  it look as if she kid napped or in some way harmed Liam -  using that taped conversation as proof of Quinn's threat. **Everyone** will believe that Quinn has gone cray cray again and has done something horrible.  Even Eric will have his doubts, so Katie will use that as her opening to slither into Eric's life. And, of, course, this will throw a wrench into the Wyffy reunion, just as Liam intended.

Wyatt, however, won't believe it and will be working triple time to prove it's all a frame.  I'd love it if somehow Deacon were involved. Either he's the person Liam got to help with the frame, but Deacon eventually comes clean.  Or, and I like this better, Wyatt and Deacon team up to prove Quinn's innocence.   Deacon confesses he still cares about Quinn even though she's moved on and with all his shady connections he's able to find who helped Liam and Katie pull this off.

There's a big dramatic reveal. Liam goes all unhinged and then maybe we get to see him in therapy working out his waffling.  Katie unfortunately skates on her part in all this because she always does. But Eric, at least, is wise to her manipulations and puts her on blast.  Steffy apologizes a million times to Wyatt, and at least once or twice to Quinn and we see the beginning of a friendship  between them.  Steffy tells Liam off, reads him for filth, tells him there is no way they can ever be together and in front of Liam and the rest of her family verbally recommits to Wyatt and their marriage -- with vow renewal to come. 

Show could make this SL go for 6 months

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I'm kind of wondering if TPTB heard the pro-Queric love and backlash re: the anvils they were dropping with Quinn and Ridge.  It seems like the Bridge reunion was slapped together out of nowhere, just in time to put Ridge in a triangle with someone prior to Caroline's return maybe?  Because Quinn doesn't fit with any Brooke and Ridge plot that I can see. (Which would also fit with that odd Brooke comment wondering if/when Ridge would leave her for someone younger or prettier.)

Edited by tessaray
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La di Diva,  that seems like a great possible storyline...which of course means TIIC would fuck it all up somehow. And given Scott Clifton's comment on the Talk about hoping to do an evil twin story, this may be a set up to that end. As much as I prefer the Liam Spencer of olde who spent weeks at a time staring off into space as he was getting lectured by however (MUCH preferred), I imagine the poor bloke has to be bored with his material given.

Tessaray, I sure hope  they aren't fucking up with Queric. If I must be subject to another Bridge breakup, I'd rather they split up that bullshit Thomas/Caroline and retcon that poor kid's paternity (did anyone ever do a blood test officially?).

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Recap for Fri. 12/16

Oh what a glorious episode!

We open with Wyatt, shooting Steffy behind her desk, urging her to get her "sexy on!" She is clearly enjoying herself and thanks him for being so happy for her. 

Wyatt: "How could I not be? Right. My brother. On a scale of 1 to 10, how unhappy is he?" And just see how the mere mention of Lame sucks all the life out of the room?

Liam is still trying his best banty rooster to intimidate Eric, who is having none of this.

He claims that Quinn's words are coming out of his mouth. Once again, claiming Eric can't think or speak on his own behalf. This should end well.

Eric warns him, "Don't do this."

Liam asks if Eric is telling him he'd support Steffy leaving him for Wyatt.

Eric, pulling no punches, "Yes. He's my stepson. He's family.  He's loyal." All the things you are not, Waffles.

Liam claims Wyatt is loyal to his mother (um, he's loyal to a heck of a lot more people than that, Liam) and that he's loyal to Steffy.

Quinn, quietly, zings him: "Until Hope walks in the room. Or Ivy." 

Liam doesn't even try to deny it - he just skirts around it and goes back to the Captive Cabin well. But newslflash, Liam, Eric knows about EVERYTHING and has NO fucks to give. I'm with those who don't like how things went down with that storyline anymore than Rape Night, but it's the direction TPTB have chosen. Not to mention, Liam's waffling ways LONG pre-date Quinn arriving on the map. What was his excuse for his awful, trifling behavior then? 

Katie has just finished giving Brooke a tour of her new digs and Brooke admires how perfect it is for Katie and Will. Katie talks about how much she loves her new house and it feels like her vs her old home with Bill.

Brooke wants to know if she's talked to Bill and why would you care, Brooke? You threw him away like so much garbage. Brooke takes a moment to let Katie get in some pot shots over her ruining her marriage (well, I would argue Batie 2.0 was on life support from the moment Katie donned that leather-trimmed wedding dress, but I digress). Katie is oh-so-sweet and simpering as she tells her, "And then you went back to Ridge, just like everyone knew you would." I seriously can't stand Katie and her hypocritical ways.

Pam and Nicole arrive to unveil Steffy's new nameplate. I agree that it would have been a nice touch to have it be Stephanie Forrester vs Steffy Forrester CEO.

Brooke asks Katie if she hates her and Katie assures her that she doesn't.

Katie: "You made the best decision for yourself, right?"

Brooke: "Yes." Wrong.

Katie: "Well, then, good. I'm glad for you. I'm doing the same thing. I'm moving on."  To meddling in Eric's life. And then she talks about how she'll be there for Brooke, but she really don't want to be in the middle of her and Bill and Ridge. R-r-right. She then dangles the bait about Quinn.

Eric tells Liam his opinion of Quinn can't be trusted as it's biased. Well, with good reason.

Eric insists people can change, that there is good in everyone, and that everyone makes mistakes. Liam counters that mistake implies regret and Quinn isn't the least bit ashamed of the things she's done. 

Eric has long since grown weary of the attacks and tells him that if he can't be respectful, he wants him to get out. Liam just stands there and does his best goldfish impression.

Katie and Brooke are having tea and dishing the tea, too, namely the kiss that Katie hand-waves as "nothing" and "a peck" and "totally innocent." Again, that's now how I saw it and much to my chagrin, Brooke can see why Quinn would be jealous. Don't encourage her, Brooke.

Katie just sits there with this stupid grin on her face and then confesses that's she's been "wondering."

Brooke: "Wondering what? If she's right? Do you have feelings for Eric?" And Katie ha-ha-has and hee-hee-hees and all but blushes and stammers and this schoolgirl act? Not a good look for her.

Katie insists she doesn't have a crush on him, that it's all out of concern for him and his not-right-in-the-head wife. Well, Katie, given your mental history, who are you to be throwing stones and playing arm-chair psychiatrist?

Liam, trying desperately to regain some ground, "Eric, I'm not trying to be disrespectful to you. I'm looking out for Steffy."

Eric: "So am I. Liam, I like you well enough, (HA!) but I try to differentiate between my friends whom I like and my FAMILY whom I LOVE. There's nothing I wouldn't do for my family. Quinn is my wife. And Wyatt is her son." And Liam's face as he hears this is just hilarious. 


Liam wants to know exactly where Eric stands and asks him outright if he's part of Quinn's plan to manipulate Steffy into reuniting with Wyatt and I take issue with that because NO ONE can manipulate someone else. 

Eric simply responds that "Like I said, there's nothing I wouldn't do."

Liam sighs, "Even stepping down as CEO and giving the title to Steffy-"

Eric: "She deserves that position."

Liam: "I know." 

Eric: "She's well-qualified. I don't have to explain my decisions to you. I don't have to!" No, you do not, Eric. 

Then Liam decides to pull on a bigger pair of panties and tell Eric that "You know what? When the whole point is to destroy my relationship, yeah, you kind of do." 


Eric just stares at him for a moment and you can tell he's thinking, okay, you little piss-ant, it's ON and he unloads. Both barrels.

Eric: "All right, well, then maybe we should try this. Let's try this on for size. Could it possibly be that you have such a dismal history when it comes to relationships?"

Liam was clearly not expecting this.

I think I must have rewound these next lines about twenty times. 

Eric: "Do you deny it? WAFFLING back and forth between these two young ladies that I care so much about? You know, the only time you have any kind of a commitment to Steffy is when hope is out of town, and vice versa, let alone stringing ivy along just for fun. It's appalling, really. No commitment there. No commitment from you at all. Now, Wyatt, he doesn't waver. He sticks to his commitments. You know, if it were your granddaughter, which one would you prefer?

Take us to church, Silver Fox, and preach all the livelong day.

And glory hallelujah, "waffling." I am going to consider this an early Christmas present from Badley and his minions who so very clearly read this forum. 

Pam personally hangs Steffy's new nameplate and she, Wyatt, Nicole, and Steffy admire it in all its new shinyness.

Steffy is kind of cute when she remarks that she probably shouldn't be so happy about a little sign and Wyatt, unabashed in his pride and love, says "What are you talking about? You should be proud of this! I'm proud of this!" It's written all over him and you can tell that she's thinking, why can't Liam be this way? Because Liam is a douchecanoe.

Then Steffy talks about how "weird" this feels and that, wonder of wonders, "I should be thanking your mom." Huge step forward.

Wyatt tells her he knows it's hard to believe but he thinks Quinn does want the best for Steffy and the family and that she doesn't have to be problem for her OR them anymore. You can see Steffy is taking his words to heart.

Back at Katie's, Brooke (who is apparently reading Eric's mind) muses that people can change and "grow into better versions of themselves."

Katie, aghast, "Even Quinn?" Even Quinn, heifer. She tries to fan the flames, remarking on seeing signs of the old Quinn and Brooke squashes that right quick, telling her 'I'm not sure you can count how she reacts to you kissing her husband." Clearly, Katie wasn't expecting that reaction from Brooke. 

She protests - again - that it was on the cheek and Brooke tells her that it would be "threatening to any woman." And you know if this lipstick were on the other cheek and that cheek belong to Katie's man? She would be bustin' out the Vaseline.

But Katie is on a roll, having found some new drama to insert herself into (so much for her claims of wanting to be drama-free), and tells Brooke she fears Quinn is ready to strike. 

Brooke doesn't like the sound of that and Katie, sensing red meat, asks why can she do about it. Brooke advises her to tell Eric what she's observed about his wife and you can see the wheels turning in Katie's pin head.

Steffy and Wyatt are still chatting about Quinn and the fact they are still married. Wyatt reminds her they still have time.

Eric is still telling it like it is to Liam. "Liam, I understand your intentions here. I really do. I think that you probably see yourself as the hero in all of these relationships. (He TOTALLY does!) But I think you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Like what's going with Steffy right now, for instance. She's a married woman." 

Liam snots "She's getting a divorce."

Eric will not be silenced with that. "She's a married woman, and she's living with you. I'm not sure that's an appropriate situation for the CEO of a high-profile company. She has many fans, she has many followers on social media. I'm thinking that there might be a better, more suitable living arrangement for her." Oh Eric is playing hardball because he knows Steffy will find it hard to turn down an offer of her moving into the mansion where conveniently, Wyatt is also living. It's genius and I love it. Plus, no matter what machinations anyone does, if Steffy wants to reunite with Wyatt, she will. If she wants to stay with Liam, she will. Her terms. Full stop.

Liam: "Eric, Eric, Eric. Listen to me. Listen to me. Damn it, I have been where you are. I've been exactly where you are. I have swallowed every word she said. I've been immersed in the fairy tale, and I am telling you she is not who she says she is. And the fact that she's got you convinced Wyatt is some kind of golden boy-" He can think what he likes about Quinn but fuck all if I'm going to listen to him bust Wyatt's chops. 

Eric: "Quinn and Wyatt are good people. Steffy used to know this about Wyatt. She was happy with him. He made her happy. He made her laugh. He made her feel secure. Unlike you, where it was one crisis after another. I have chosen Steffy to take this company into the future. And that future is without you." I could just kiss Eric right now.

Katie decides that now, at night, is the PERFECT time to skedaddle over to Eric's to tell him some truths...or more like innuendos. Brooke can't go with her on her Charlie's Angels wanna-be mission because of some crisis with RJ. 

Wyatt is still putting in a plug for their marriage and Steffy sidesteps, somewhat, and is distracted by her latest followers. She's up to 10 million and Wyatt laughs that Ridge probably has maybe 10-20. Ha!

Steffy realizes that she has Wyatt - and his mother - to thank for so much of her success. Wyatt just basks in her praise and tells her "to new beginnings."

Liam, who has been in actual tears now (tears over not being the golden boy he thought he was in Eric's eyes and being read for filth, more than anything else) actually has the balls to tell Eric that he'll apologize for the things he's said to him someday. And he calls Quinn delusional? 

Liam: "But I know the truth. I know who she is. I have had her dagger to my throat. I have seen her in ways that I hope -- I hope you never have to. But you will."

Eric, who has the patience of Job, simply says, "Good night, Liam" and leaves the boss he is after Quinn tells him she'll make sure this ruffian gets off the property.

Liam, looking every inch the chastised little boy being led off to his room, is still sniping at Quinn, talking about how he should have locked her up when he had the chance, insisting Steffy and he would be together. Again, I don't believe it - they were broken up before Captive Cabin and they broke up how many times before that? Before Quinn was on the scene? Far too many to count and all because of Liam's waffling ways and his women's penchant for syrup.

Katie is lurking in the bushes and it's so ridiculous and embarrassing.

Quinn gives him a speech about how it was he that showed her how she could change and that she finally has a healthy relationship with a man. She tells him that now that she has the best (in Eric), she wants the same for her son (and what mother wouldn't?). She tells him that Wyatt and Steffy will reunite and there is nothing he can do to stop it (not if that's what they want). She asks if he really wants to go up against her and that he could have succeeded in the past when she was alone, but now, she has Wyatt AND Eric.

Liam: "You know I'm not listening to any of this, right?" Sure, Waffles. Sure.

Quinn tells him (as Katie, the drama-llama, records away on her phone) to enjoy his time with Steffy because "these days are gonna be your last."

Which of course he and Katie take to mean "Oh noes! Cwayzee Quinn is gonna kill Liam!!!"

When anyone with half a brain cell knows she means his days as Steffy's significant other are winding down.

But let Katie and Liam team up to bring Quinn down - I have a good feeling it's going to backfire - spectacularly, with the end result of Queric - intact, Wyatt - reunited, and Latie as the new couple du jour.

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After seeing today's show I have 2 comments

1.  Ridge you are a disgusting pig and if you meant to embarrass or intimidate Quinn you failed big time.

2.  Brooke and Katie, you clucking, gossiping bishes. Stop it. Just stop it. Stop it now! You know very well Quinn didn't threaten Liam.  All you want to do create trouble where there is none.

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I sure hope that Brooke and Katie don't use the outdoor shower because they would melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.  As we saw, Quinn didn't melt.  Even naked, Quinn has more class than Steffy and the Logans.  Yes Ridge, Quinn was flirting with you and the sky is falling.  How could I be so wrong. I thought, for years, that Carly Simon wrote "You're So Vain" about Warren Beatty but it was actually about Ridge Forrester.    

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Well, I've only read a recap, but it appears that it's a crime for Katie, who has known Eric since she was a young girl and had him as a brother-in-law twice and almost step-father eons ago, to stop in and chat or to say thanks or ask him to help Will get into school, but it's perfectly okay for Quinn to flaunt her tits at Ridge?

I was okay with Eric and Quinn but I am starting to feel like he's succumbed far too much to her "charms" and becoming a bit sanctimonious. He knows damn well why Liam--who IS being tiresome and needs to let it go, she's taken the job already--would be concerned and if it weren't for him agreeing to not press charges, things would be very different. I don't think he'd be thrilled to know she was flashing her boobs in front of Ridge.

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13 minutes ago, politichick said:

Well, I've only read a recap, but it appears that it's a crime for Katie, who has known Eric since she was a young girl and had him as a brother-in-law twice and almost step-father eons ago, to stop in and chat or to say thanks or ask him to help Will get into school, but it's perfectly okay for Quinn to flaunt her tits at Ridge?

I was okay with Eric and Quinn but I am starting to feel like he's succumbed far too much to her "charms" and becoming a bit sanctimonious. He knows damn well why Liam--who IS being tiresome and needs to let it go, she's taken the job already--would be concerned and if it weren't for him agreeing to not press charges, things would be very different. I don't think he'd be thrilled to know she was flashing her boobs in front of Ridge.

To be fair, Quinn didn't seek this out.  Ridge barged in on her, in her own home, in the process of setting up a surprise for her husband.  And he was the one who had the poor manners to remain there, staring at her, not handing her a towel when she requested one.  At that point, she decided to regain the upper hand by confidently flaunting it instead of doing what he, no doubt, hoped she'd do - cower and break down in embarrassment. 

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2 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

To be fair, Quinn didn't seek this out.  Ridge barged in on her, in her own home, in the process of setting up a surprise for her husband.  And he was the one who had the poor manners to remain there, staring at her, not handing her a towel when she requested one.  At that point, she decided to regain the upper hand by confidently flaunting it instead of doing what he, no doubt, hoped she'd do - cower and break down in embarrassment. 

I haven't seen today's show (trust, I will recap) but this sounds like typical Ridge-pen behavior and if Quinn turned it around on him and made HIM feel uncomfortable for ogling her, then good for Quinn.

As for Katie and her constant need to drop in on Eric, I don't give a damn how long she's known him. So because Katie has known Eric longer, that gives her license to constantly show up, unannounced, thanking him and giving him gifts and pecks on the cheeks and more than a peck on the cheek? If that were my husband, you better believe I would be shutting that shit down. Katie is deliberately going out of her way to stir up trouble and all but admitted she has feelings or hero-worship or something going on with Eric.

The two situations - apples and oranges.

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3 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

She protests - again - that it was on the cheek and Brooke tells her that it would be "threatening to any woman." And you know if this lipstick were on the other cheek and that cheek belong to Katie's man? She would be bustin' out the Vaseline

Damn straight. She sure had that axe to grind with Steffy for ages and in spite of what she says, she hasn't moved on from Brill either. Homegirl may want to get on the horn with her realtor and find another house that is made from sturdier material than glass.

That said, WTF with with this flashing Ridge nonsense? Besides the idea of anyone being attracted to this guy..WTF? Eric is the love of your life (for now) and yummy think this is okay? I am disappoint. :(

Edit: disregard the last part, I didn't see those posts. Phew!

Edited by Anna Yolei
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"Quinn should have run away." No, Sludge, you should have left when you were playing Peeping Tom. I don't recall Quinn forcing you to walk up to her and stand there ogling her.

Brooke should be more sensitive about using the word "nuts" around her mentally ill sister. 

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